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    . ..Skills Ascii Art Press - Public Release,, Issue Number Two(2).. .

                         _ ____________ _ ________ _
                     .___\\\                     ///____.
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_l     |/      |_    /       l_     l_    _l     l_    _|     l_    |/      l_
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    . ..Skills Ascii Art Press - Public Release,, Issue Number Two(2).. .

  Hoping my true muthaphuckas know, this be the realest shit I ever wrote.
  Up  in  the  studio getting blowed,  to the truest  shit I  ever  spoke.
   __,,----,___ _____,--,---,_  _,,--,     __,,----,
  //  ____/    |  //____/    |__\__  |____/   ____/'' 'Skills Ascii Press.
==\____   \       /_   \\    |   _/' |   \\____  \\    Issue Number Two(2)
  /   /  //    |   `\   `\   :   |   :    /   /   /    Area - Introduction
  ``-----'-----'----'----''------''-------''--,,-'' === ==== == = === = ==

  Issue two.  Thanks for all the positive feedback I recieved on issue one.
  I would like this,  and all future issues of Skills to be larger,  packed
  tight with more art, and more content.  Feel free to send me articles you
  have written, rumors/facts about the ascii scene you've heard, advertisme
  nts for your Wildcat! BBS that you want placed somehere in the mag, or ev
  en ask to be interviewed. Thank you for obtaining Skills Ascii Press Two.
  To be added to The Skills Mailing List,  mail, and
  state the mailing address that you wish Skills Ascii Mag to be mailed to.

[  This issue's viewer writeup topic  ]

  Permanent guests. What an overall gayass way to get around no-dualing poli
  icies. If you had a permanent guest at your house, you'd have someone that
  lived with you.  Why would a "permanent guest" in an ascii group be consid
  ered anything but a member?   Mail me your thoughts at the Skills DropBox.

        |_      - ---`\-~~~~\\ : '  `\-~~~~\\  \'__`\-~~:~\\   _`\~~\\
    ...  /______------- .\   `\'------      `\-------   '  `\ |___ --`\  ...
 ...:.:  sg!qdp/________-------____:   ,------_____|__------- :______--  :.:. ..
    :. .... .... .. ... . . ...  ..:   .. . . .. .. .... :    :.. . .. ....:

                  Table of Contents  - Issue Two(2)/Skills

[ 1 ]  ASCII Groups      -      Opinions on ASCII groups by their presidents.
[ 2 ]  SK Interview      -      Interviews with members of today's art scene.
[ 3 ]  ASC Tutorial      -      Drawing Lessons, with Megga Hertz the Kingpin
[ 4 ]  Pack Revues.      -      Reviews of the latest ASCII Packs, & Sections
[ 5 ]  Recent Colly      -      An index of upcoming, and recent ascii collys
[ 6 ]  ASC Opinions      -      ANSI Artists opinion's on the comeup in ascii
[ 7 ]  Rum/Oneliner      -      Rumor/One Line news spots about the art scene
[ 8 ]  Writers/BBSs      -      Contributors and official sites for issue Two

   __,,----,___ _____,--,---,_  _,,--,     __,,----,
  //  ____/    |  //____/    |__\__  |____/   ____/'' 'Skills Ascii Press.
==\____   \       /_   \\    |   _/' |   \\____  \\    Issue Number Two(2)
  /   /  //    |   `\   `\   :   |   :    /   /   /    Area ,-, ASC Groups
  ``-----'-----'-,,-'----''------''-------''-----'' === ==== == = === = ==

  I asked ASCII group presidents, or ASCII division leaders of ANSI groups
  what they think of their ASCII division, and where they'll be taking it.

<dkentity> i think cia ascii was respectable before.. and when i became ascii
           head.. the division was dead.. i'm planning on finding new ascii
           artists since all of the good ones are currently in remorse/serial
           and others

   __,,----,___ _____,--,---,_  _,,--,     __,,----,
  //  ____/    |  //____/    |__\__  |____/   ____/'' 'Skills Ascii Press.
==\____   \       /_   \\    |   _/' |   \\____  \\    Issue Number Two(2)
  /   /  //    |   `\   `\   :   |   :    /   /   /    Area ,-, Interviews
  ``-----'-----'-,,-'----''------''-------''-----'' === ==== == = === = ==

 [  Interviews  ]
    Subject Name             Interviewer        Affilation/Medium

    WindRider(Whirr)         Megga Hertz        Quad-P/Newschool ASCII

*** whirr ( joined channel #skills
<[mHz]> Alright then, I'm here with Whirr, the very popular and openly gay
        25 year-old Quad-P ascii artist.  What do you have to say for yourself,
<whirr> i'd like to say that i'm proud to be a lesbian trapped in a man's
<[mHz]> I see.  VERY interesting.  So, I hear you've drawn a bit of that
        crazyass ascii stuff in your day, am I wrong?
<[mHz]> You type slow as hell, christ.
<whirr> you're probably wrong.  many people has said that i seem to bash my
        ass on the keyboard at times.  And they're right.  but there are also
        times in which i deliberately do ascii.
<whirr> but you love me anyway.
<[mHz]> Lemme tell you, NOONE deliberatly does ascii, it just happens, like
        female ejaculation.
<whirr> well that's true enough too.  After all, i did start off as a lit guy.
<[mHz]> Whirr, you're one of the scenes most underrated artists, and rightfully
        so (ahaha).  What do you think of the ascii scene today?  Might we
        topple to ansi scene in the coming days?
<whirr> i don't see us ever reaching what most people see as the place of
        ansi.  We're still often overlooked.  And we've got a different
        perspective on things.
<whirr> and i didn't answer the question.
<[mHz]> You sure didn't, do that while I check if my pants are dry.
<whirr> of course i'm under-rated, i haven't pimped myself to every group out
        there.  i'm in ONE group, quad-p.  I really do think there's a problem
        when people are in 6 or seven groups and give them all the same stuff
        every month.  what's the point to that?  it's moronic.
<[mHz]> It's Pariah you mean. =]
<whirr> hahahahahaha
<whirr> i'm not about to name anyone, but since you brought it up. ;)
<[mHz]> So you're in Quad-P, Run by that weird guy Hiro-P.  Give us a bit of
        an insight to the day-to-day of operations of the Quad-P mafia.
<whirr> hiro's the man of course.  mithrandir and i are the ultra-elite ss of
        the group.  the group consists mostly of 306 and 403 boys, but we've
        got some US and international members too.  Lots of groups these days
        say they're the original laidback group.  that's a lie.  qdp has been
        around since 1989 (as a pirate group back then) and we've always done
        things at our own pace.  I like to think that we give people a chance
        to find out what they like to do and work o
<[mHz]> Sounds good, I'm always down for groups that help out people that the
        big groups turn their backs on.  I think we all best know Quad-P from
        the stock ansis that came with Iniquity BBS Software. AHAH. =]
<[mHz]> I understand you're planning quite the major colly release -- what's
        that gonna be like?
<whirr> well it's going to be my second colly.  i'm planning it to be a one
        year anniversary kind of thing.  I started playing around with ascii
        in late june 96, so i figured i'd like to show how things have
        changed.  i'll throw in a couple logos from the olden days and then
        beat people down with my new skills.  and of course then there's the
        title...a massive 29 words.  and someone's already done a logo for it.
        Thanks go out to o7 for that one.
        beat people down with my new skills.  and of course then there's the
        title...a massive 29 words.  and someone's already done a logo for it.
         Thanks go out to o7 for that one.
<[mHz]> 29 words?  Man ohh Manischewitz.  If I remember correctly (and I do)
        your first colly was simply called "Fuck you Slut" in French.
<whirr> i like typing long answers. ;)
<[mHz]> I like when you type long answers as well, BUDDY.
<whirr> it's all part of the ramble in me.  short answers just won't do.
<[mHz]> Two more questions -- give us your scene history, and then, tell me
        what you think of my nikes.
<whirr> i'll answer the second one first:  i haven't seen your nikes.  But i'm
        cool with them.
<[mHz]> Lemme tell you then, they have blue as blue as necronite's bawlz, and
       gold as gold as my pinky ring, and white as white as sargon.
<whirr> now for the first one...
<whirr> (get ready for a long answer.)
<[mHz]> but of course.
<whirr> I started out doing lit back in 1994, just for myself and some local
        boards.  Hiro ran across me and liked what he saw.  He hooked me up
        with revolt lit in 1995 and i joined quad-p during the middle of that
        year.  revolt came and went and came and went, but i managed to
        release with both qdp and revolt for that year.  And of course i then
        got my internet connect, which changed the audience i was exposed to.
        I started to hit a writing block last june.
<[mHz]> i'm waiting for a big block of text to flood me.
<whirr> so to continue:  my focus went to newschool.  I really enjoyed what i
        was doing and necromancer of all people really helped me out with
        that.  My first (and only, so far) colly came out last november.  I
        don't know how many times i was invited to join aphro!ascii.  recently
        i've made my interest known to join remorse, but so far i've been put
        into an 'official groupie' status and have even been jokingly
        suggested as mascot by a couple people. 
<[mHz]> Mascot?  I for one don't need to see you parading around in a fucking
        birdie suit, so I'm gonna have to vote you down there. =]
<whirr> i'm happy with where i am right now.  i've got a strong sense of group
        loyalty.  whatever happens will happen, i'm not about to go apeshit if
        i never get invited into a group, i like the people i'm tight with
<whirr> ok, that turned into either a rant or a ramble at some point. ;)
<[mHz]> Ok, I lied, one more question.  What do you think of tle Lord God Megga
        Hertz the Kingpin?
<whirr> and if you don't want to see me in a bird suit, why did you keep the
<[mHz]> There's a picture? oh MY.
<whirr> i think that tlgmhztkp has to be one of the most style-ripped people
        in the ascii scene.  I don't understand that.  People should be able
        to do their own thing.  As for the man himself, he's got it going on. ;)
<[mHz]> =] Alright maing, thanks for the interview, please type your name on
        the below line to show that you do not hold myself responsible for the
        manipulation of your answers is skills number 02.
<whirr> ok:  i do hereby and willfully sign away any possible right to not be
        offended in any way shape of form to any creative edit that mhz may do
        to my answers.  Signed here 6/6/97  by WindRider <quad-p>/
<whirr> oh wait, it's 6/7/97.  hahaha
<[mHz]> Ok, your 15 minutes of fame has come to a close.  You may waltz out of
        here the same way you came in.
<whirr> bah.  then i'll just leave, unless you want to do the noble thing and
        kick my ass.
*** whirr has left channel #skills

-----(advertisment, skills, advertisment)--------------------------------------

 ===================== ==== == = = = = = = = = == ==== =======================
        __ ________ ____ _ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ _____ _ ____ ___ ___ __ _
       _ ___\___ \__   |______    \_____ \     |   _\___  \    _____
         ___       |       _ _ |   |      \_   |   |       \____   _
           |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   °   |   |  __   |   |m2
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        _ _ ______| |_____ _ __| _ ______/_____|_____\___|_________ _

  !abraxas/diabolic, ACiD, aWE, bLDE, CiA, dARK, fIRE, fUEL, rMRS, TWi, sKLS.
  Your evil system operators are Megga Hertz the Kingpin and [Felix] of ACiD.
  Located in Los Angeles, California. Thug til we die, no mercy when we ride.

-----(advertisment, skills, advertisment)--------------------------------------

   __,,----,___ _____,--,---,_  _,,--,     __,,----,
  //  ____/    |  //____/    |__\__  |____/   ____/'' 'Skills Ascii Press.
==\____   \       /_   \\    |   _/' |   \\____  \\    Issue Number Two(2)
  /   /  //    |   `\   `\   :   |   :    /   /   /    Area - ASC Tutorial
  ``-----'-----'-,,-'----''------''-------''-----'' === ==== == = === = ==

[  Skills  /  ASCII Tutorial  ]

      I gotta tell you, nothing flatters me more then attempts at "my style";
      it flatters the fuck out of me.  so for all of those of who've asked,
      here's a tutorial that should help get your madstyle oldschool on.

[ Step 1 ]

        The easiest way is to start with a bunch of equal sized blocks,
        in the amount of the font you're going to do.  We'll do a simple
        font, 'acid', to start with.   6 High x 9 Wide usually work.
        Take one of the boxes and use approximately half of it for the 'I'.
        Now, fill in your basic shape, we'll do lowercase.

                ____________________________    ______
                |______   |         |______|    |    |
                |         |    |____|      |____|    |
                |    |    |    |    |      |         |
                |    |    |    |    |      |    |    |
                |    |    |    |    |      |    |    |

[ Step 2 ]

        Use fore / and back \ slashes to give your letters shape, make the
        letter stick out in certain places.
                 ____________________________   _______
              ___\_____   _/        \_______/   |    _/
              \__         |    |____/     _|____|    |
                |    |    |    |   \_     \_         |
                |    |    |    |    |      |    |    |
                |    |   _|    |    |      |    |    |

[ Step 3 ]

        Add double, NOT triple slashes, to shade the font.  Add ` and ' chars
        to "connect" the lines.
                ________      _____________     ______
               `\\     /______\     /     /__   |    /_
              ___\_____   _/       `\_______/'  |    _/
              \__         |_   |____/     _|____|    |
                |    |    _/'  |  \\_     \_         |
                |    |    |    |    |      |    |    |
               _|    |   _|    |    |     _|    |    |_
              `\\       _\       ___|_   `\_      ____/
                \______/  \______|   |_____|______|

[ Step 4 ]

        And now, the part you've ALL been waiting for.  Time for mHzhape,
        (mHz-shape) a.k.a. the ,,-----,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, stuff.
        Careful where you put these, or your letters will look like onions.

                __,-----,     _,-----,---,_     ______
               `\\     /______\     /     /__   |    /_
              ___\_____   _/       `\_______/'  |    _/
              \__         |_   |____/     _|____|    |
                |    |    _/'  |  \\_     \_         |
                |    |    |    |    |      |    |    |
               _|    |   _|    |    |     _|    |    |_
              `\\       _\         _|    `\_        __/
                \__,,---' `---,___/ \___,--'---,___/

[ Step 5 ]

        Replace some of the |'s with :'s and ;'s to make add detail.
        Add __ _ at the end of certain letters.

                __,-------,   _,-----,---,_     ______ __ _
               `\\       /____\     /     /__   |    /_
         _ __ ___\_____   _/       `\_______/'  |    _/
              \__         |_   |____/     _|____|    |
                |    |    _/'  ;  \\_     \_         |
                :    :    |    :    :      |    :    |
               _|    |   _|    |    ;     _|    |    |_
              `\\    `  _\     '   _|    `\_    ;   __/
                \__,,---' `---,___/ \___,--'---,___/

[ Step 6 ]

        If you're lost, just stop, if not, add a simple background, made of
        : and . characters.   Make sure they're square shaped.
        You may want to add some equal = signs to give more depth.

         ........                                .........
        :      .......                           :     ........
        :.....:                                  :.....:
        Bad version.                             Good version.

                __,-------,   _,-----,---,_     ______ __ _
               `\\       /____\     /     /__   |    /_
         _ __ ___\_____   _/       `\_______/'  |    _/
              \__         |_   |____/     _|____|    |
        . . .   |    |    _/'  ;  \\_     \_         |   . . .
  .. . .:   :...:    :    |    :    :      |    :    |...:   :. . ..
               _|    |   _|    |    ;     _|    |    |_
              `\\    `  _\     '   _|    `\_    ;   __/
        = = ====\__,,---' `---,___/ \___,--'---,___/==== = =

[ Step 7 ]

        Next add your hardk0re sig, and possibly some more detail, and you're
                __,----,_    __,-----,---,_     ______ __ _
               `\\      //__\\      /     /__   |    /_
         _ __ ___\_____   _/       `\_______/' :::   _/
              \__         |_   |____/     _|____|   .|mHz
        . . .   |    |    _/'  ;  \\_     \_        :|   . . .
  .. . .:   :...:    :  ,;|    :    :     ;|    :   :|...:   :. . ..
               _|:   |   _|;.  |    ;     _|    |  ,;|_
              `\\    `  _\     '   _|    `\_    ;   __/
        = = ====\__,,---' `---,___/ \___,--'---,,__/==== = =

[ Step 8 ]
        There, the secret's out. =]   Greet if you rip this tutor. =]
        You're pretty much done.  What you have witnessed is just one
        way I use to draw simpler logos.   More tutorials may follow,
        now go draw and add your spin on things..     - mHzDeuceBugsy

   __,,----,___ _____,--,---,_  _,,--,     __,,----,
  //  ____/    |  //____/    |__\__  |____/   ____/'' 'Skills Ascii Press.
==\____   \       /_   \\    |   _/' |   \\____  \\    Issue Number Two(2)
  /   /  //    |   `\   `\   :   |   :    /   /   /    Area - Pack Revues.
  ``-----'-----'-,,-'----''------''-------''-----'' === ==== == = === = ==
  [  Pack Reviewed  ] 

. ..Skills, AWE Review, AWE9706.ZIP, ASCII Section.

      ÛÝ                Ü                      
   °   ß               ÛÝ  tna(awe)          ° 
  °²ÛÜÜ  ßþÜÜ    ° ÜÝ   ß Ü        °ÜÜ   ÜÜÜÛ²°
     ßßÛÜ  ²ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ² ÛÛ   ÛÛÛÛÝ°ÛÛÛÛ   ÛÛÛÛß °  AWE's ascii division was top
  °   ÜÜÜÜÜÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ° °²ÛÛÛ²²ÛÛÛÛÜ ßßß    ²  notch this month, with high-
  ²ÜÛÛÛÛßß ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÛÛ² ÜÛÛÛÛßÛÛÛÛÛ  °²ÛÛÛÜ Û  quality colored newschool.
  ÞÝßÛÛÛÛ²° ßÛÜ °  °°Ü  ßßÜ °      ß   ßßÞÛÛßÞÝ
 Ü ß   ß                    ßÜ        Ü þß  Üß 
ÛÝ AWE Lettering / June 1997 ÞÛ      ÛÝ  ßß    
 ß " Happy b-day to me! ;) " ß        ß

   mh-vos   asc   x   Not ranked, but praised by Fluor of AWE. =]
   ne-elm   asc   7   Good shaping, nice and messy.
   ne-haz   asc   7   This is just badass, Nemo colors like noone else.
   ne-kaoz  asc   7   Skilled large-letter shape.
   ne-unle  asc   6   Good newschool.
   us-lush  asc   8   Discyple shape + Absent Spinsister coloring = HARDK0RE!
   _a-coll3 asc   7   Though often unreadable, as's coloring+shaping is a style
                      that's good, and all his own.
   _a-eve   asc   6   Letters aren't as fat as as usually does. :~(

 Oldschool Highlight : Megga Hertz, by default.
 Newschool Highlight : Very tough to judge.  Nemo due to originality in color.

. ..Skills, Blade Review, BLADE-40.RAR, ASCII Section.

 Û² ÜÛÜÛ   Û² Û±  ßÛÜ     ÛÜÛÜ ²Û         
 Û± Û      Û° Û° ÛÜ ßÛÜ      Û ±Ûgj!BLADE 
 Û° Ûßßßßßßß  ß  ßßÛÜ ßßßßßßßß °ÛßßßßßßßßÛ
 Û  ÛßßÛÛß Ü  Û  ÛßßßÛÜ ßÛÛßßÛ  ÛßßßßÛßßßß   Three asciis, at least one was
 Û° ÛÜÛß ÜÛÛ  Û  ²    ßÛÜ ßÛÜÛ °Ûßßßßß       a colly.  A Note to Mindcrime:
 Û  Ûß ÜÛß Û  ßßßßßÛßÛ  ßÛÜ ß²  Û            kick Exar, in the fucking ass.
 Û   ÜÛß   ßßßßßßßßßßß    ßÛÜ   ÛßßßßßßßßÛ
 ÛÛß   THE 40TH BLADE EPIC!   ßÛÛ         
 ß                              ß          

   ek-0697  asc   7   Badass stuff from Exar, with touches of originality.
   lf-jonas asc   6   Nothing like uncolored ascii w/ansi codes.  Reminds
                      me of stuff I drew long ago.  Lf will go far. =]
   ox-0697  asc   6   Alright newschool, nothing special.

 Oldschool highlight : Exar

            _ ____/\_
        _..___/     /          _ _____  ____/\_                     _
      __\    /     /  __ ___/\___/   /__/_    / _ ___ ___/\___ ____/ \
    //___   ______/__/ ___  /_____    ___/  _/____/ ___    /___ __    \
      /      /      /  \'  _ ____/   /     /     /  \'  _ ____/  /_____\
     /______/      /_____     /___  /_____/     /_____     /__  /
       ..  /____  /  ek/_____//   \/     /___  /    /_____/   \/   ..
     __  ____ _ \/ _ __..____ ___/\_ _____/\_\/__..____ ___/\_ ____  __
      |__|           /   _ __      //_____ _/  /   _ __      /    |__|
       |   kTS   ___/____._ /_____/___________/____._ /_____/ kTS   |
       |_____ _ \\_       /_    \ /_    _ ___       /_    \  _ _____|
                  /     ___/     \/       / /     ___//    \
                 /______/        /_______/ /______/        /
                       /______  /                /______  /
                              \/                        \/

                     KTS  -   KATHARSIS ASCII  -  KTS

 Oldschool highlight : Oxidizer, by default.

. ..Skills, Cia Review, CIAPAK46.ZIP, ASCII Section.

ÛÛÛÛÛÛßßßßßßßßßß ÛÛÛÛ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßÛÛÛÛ
  ÜÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ °Û ÞÛ±Ý ÛÛÛÛÛÛÝ ÜÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ   Some  alright stuff from  Dark
ÞÛÛÛÛÛÛÜ  ß Û ÜÛ²Û ÛÛß ÜÛÛÛÛÛÛ ÞÛÛÛ ÛÛ²²   mainly oldschool.
 °±²ÜÛÛÛ²±° ÛÜÜÛ  cia conspiracy # 46

   de-4oh6  asc   6   Oldschool was odd, newschool reminded me of Acid Jack.
   jp-clly8 asc   7   Some pretty good fonts, backgrounds need variation.
   mm-entr1 asc   6   Pretty good newschool pic, needs detail.
   o7-cia1  asc   6   Why are people so down for Amiga shit? Weirdo. =]
   o7-herow asc   6   Nice looking, some curves needed work.
   sg-crust asc   6   Alright, but lines could've blended better.
   sg-thrpy asc   6   Same line blending, but smaller looks better.
   t1-speed asc   6   Ok pic, more detial needed.
   us-cia   asc   6   Nice newschool.
   us-gloom asc   7   Nice newschool, color helped. 

 Oldschool highlight : Jack Phlash

  )______  ___________________________     ________|   ª __________    ___((
%%%% //  _______|__         ª \__   ý|______\__    ,     \\__    /    ª \__ %%%
 ___/           ª (            ((    ,      ª (    |       ¬(___/        ý(__
  \«_________     /________     /________     /____|___   ___________     __/
%------- ))______/ --- )______// --- )_______/ --- ))______/ --- )______// ---%
: : j a c k  p h l a s h ' s  a s c i i  c o l l y  n u m b e r  e i g h t : :

 Newschool highlight : Mighty Mouse.

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                                                               50 lines of funk
                                                               ( and  17  lines
                                                               of  cia font  :)

. ..Skills, Dark Illustrated Review, DARK0597.ZIP, ASCII Section

 DARK Collection 05/97  --  MIST World Tour
      Ü              Ü   ÝÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÝÝ
      ÞÛßÜÜ        ÜÛÛÞÜ  ÞÞÛÜÜÜÜÜ ÜÜÞ  ÜÛÜ   Dark has a hell of an ascii
      ÞÛÞßÛÛÞÜÜ  ÜÛÛßÜßÛÛÜÞÞÛ  ÜÛÞ ÞÛÞÜÛÛß    krew going for them.   This
     ÜÛßÞ ÞÛÞßÛÛßÛß ßÛß ßÛÛÞßÜÛÛß  ÞÛßÛß      joint pack,  with Mistigris
 ÝÛÛßß ÜÛ ÞÛÞ ÞÛÞÝÜÜÛÜÜÜÜÜÛÜÛÛß ÜÛÛÞÛÞÛÛÛÛÞ   had  some quite  impressive
  ßÛÛÜ ÛÛ ÞÛÞ ÞÛÞÝ  ÞÞÛ  ÝÛÝßÛÛÜ   ÞÛÞ        newschool.
    ßßßßß ßßß ßßßß  ßßß  ßßß  ßßß  ßßß   xm
     DARK + MIST = DIRT in your MASK.

   cm-mist  asc   5   Looks alright, but more detail should have been addded,
                      shading with color isn't the best way.
   disco-04 asc   6   Original looking, also candle-looking. =]
   ds-0597  asc   8   Dead Soul's coloring skills rival those of Msd, kHz,
                      and fractal, these logos are badass, especially the 1st.
   ds-chth3 asc   7   Good logo.
   ds-lfc1  asc   7   "        "
   ds-omlt1 asc   6   Ansi + Ascii rarely works..
   ds-spf1  asc   7   Who IS this guy?  Good pic, nose looked a bit weird, but
                      very good otherwise.
   ge-klf   asc   5   Average, reminds me of old mSd/sOap stuff.
   mu-alien asc   6   More background/detail/alien shading was needed, but it
                      looked alright.
   pzk-smop asc   6   The character is dark and evil, which is good.
   yt-dark  asc   6   Interesting, fairly original font.

 Oldschool highlight : Not Applicable.
 Newschool highlight : Dead Soul.
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     !spf  $yyyyyyyyyyyy    op :  Serial Toon<echo>    yyyyyyyyyyy$  spf!
                             # :  [250]   XXX-xxxx

-- -<kut<------------------------------------------------------------------- --

  for serial toon ONLY, enjoy!

        shouts to :  Krap, Mistigris, Fire, Ice, and all those art groups
                     that are still alive out there!



. ..Skills, Fuel Review, FUEL13.ZIP, ASCII Section.

 ø fuel pack 13 ø june 1997 ø ansi packÿø
°Äù--  ÜÜ  -Ä-- Äù-Ä---ÄùÄùÄ- -ÄùÄ Ä-Äù--
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  °²ß       ÞÛÝ   ÞÛÝ Û²°    ÛÛ Û²°°  Û²°   Fuel's ascii in pack 13 proves
   ÞÛÝ      ßÛÛ    ÜÛÛÛÝ    ÞÛÝ ÞÛÝ   ÞÛÝ   that Fuel is a group to watch.
°   ÛÛÜÜÛ²   ÞÛÝ   ÞßÛÛÜ   ÜÛÝ   ÛÛ  ÜÛÛß
    ÞßÝ    ° °²ÛÜ ÜÛÛßßÛÛßßß     ÞßÛ²ßß
    ß²Û        ßÛÛßß°   ßß۲ݰ   ßß
--ù-ù - houston, we got fuel 13ÿ! -ù-Ä -Ä

. ..Skills, Kwest Review, KWEST-HO.ZIP, Pack Two

   45-lg13  asc   6   Coloring is kinda odd, generic shaping.
   dsp-prdg asc   6   Kinda weird newschool pic + font.
   dsp-sug  asc   7   Good pic, alright font.  Thicker lines woulda ruled.
   jz-lg13  asc   6   Too many characters used for this newschool.
   kh-chair asc   6   He's kh, and with practice, he could rival kHz.
   kh-fuel1 asc   7   Good colored pic, face shape coulda been smoother.
   kh-infes asc   6   I like it.
   kh-lg13  asc   6   Good logos, the first reminds me of Whitesnake coloring.
   m7m-lg13 asc   6   The first font is badass.
   mt-lg13  asc   6   Fairly generic oldschool.
   wh-lg13  asc   7   Good oldschool.

 Oldschool highlight : Warhack

__________ ___\\      -ö  s  a  t  y  r  i  c  o n  ö-       //__ _____________
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      :      a   :        :    y  :         :   i       :   o  +op: celsius  :
   s  %          %    t   %       %    r    %         c %          %     n   %
      :          :        :       :         :           :          :         :
      .          .        .       .         .           .          .         .

 Newschool Highlight : Desperado

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   ,P'                    ,$$$:        .dYP'           .              .
 ,                       .$$$$b.    .düø~              d.   .' `.   ,b'
                         $$$ü'                          `Y,P     b,P'
                         `Y                               Y'     `Y
      Desperado <FUEL>

                         +o Barbq^

 KwestWard, HO!
       °°°°°°°° ^^"ý¼$$b.
 $  $$ $$$$$$$$$b.    À$$,
 ^  ^^ ^^^^$$$$$$;     $$l
       l$$ $$$$$P    ,d$P'
 ÚÄÄÄ d$$$ $$PÙ' _.s$$¼',d ±± ÄÄÄ¿   
 _.,d$$l$$:.,sS$P¼ý`.d$$$ $$    ³   
 $$$PÙ':$$$$$$$$#s,.`ÀY$$$ $$    ³   Kwest's sophomore release proves that
 ~`.,d: $$$^```^"¼Y$$b,`Ù$ $$    ³   kwest is an ascii force to be reckoned
 ³ $$$l l$$: $$S#s, `Y$$,` ``    ³   with. contains some very
 ³ $$$$ :$$l l$$$$$$. `Y$$,      ³   skillful newschool.
 ³ $$$$: $$$ :$$$$$$$,  $$$.     ³
   ^"À$l l$$: $$$$$$$$   $$$     ³
 $$S#s,` :$$l l$$$$$$$.  l$$:    ³
 ``^ýÙ$$b,$$$ :$$$$$$$:  :$$l    ³
 ³     `Y$$$$: $$$$$$$l   $$$ dy ³
 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄ `T$$l $$$$$$$$ Ä $$$ ÄÄÄÙ
           Y$$ °°°°°°°°

 Kwest Ascii -Representation Deuce

   74-kwest asc   6   Interesting looking newschool font.
   ack-kw!  asc   6   Standard badass aCk newschool.
   bm!crack asc   7   Font mixing is always good.
   bm!d2rn  asc   5   Not his fault, bad subject.
   bm!roujn asc   6   Kinda simple, but not bad.
   bm!spkin asc   7   Oh yeah.. .Nice fore and background.
   cn*.*          7   Cain's new style is developing nicely, like a young
                      woman blossoming. =]
   dy-acid  asc   7   Badassed.
   dy-heu3  asc   7   Very high quality.
   dy-kwest asc   7   Small, but not bad.
   dy-lush  asc   8   Discyple's best in the pack.
   h4-emi   ans   7   Haji's coloring is supreme.
   k4-kwest asc   6   Original, if nothing else.
   h4-rad   asc   6   Was this some stuff? =]
   ma-bsc04 asc   8   Mass Murderer's style is VERY good.
   ma-gloom asc   7   "                                 "
   mabj-div asc   9   Whoa, VERY nice pic + font.
   nm-dev   asc   7   Necro's small logos are always his best.
   nm-rmrs  asc   7   Do more detail, dammit.
   prf-ccd  asc   7   Nicely detailed.
   prf-krl2 asc   6   Bah.
   prf-nw   asc   6   3d, but cool-t, unfortunately. =] Not bad.
   prm-kw!  asc   6   Small and good.
   us-kw!   asc   7   Cain's style abounds on this joint with spinsane of rmrs.
   us-spo0f asc   6   An alright pic + font.          

  Oldschool highlight : Necromancer
                   n   e   c   r   o   m   a   n   c   e   r


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     D  E  V  I  A  T  E             __               /_______\nM

  Newschool highlight : Mass Murderer / Black Jack
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                           ° Divine Intervention

Orig. Ascii Pic: Black Jack(Remorse) / Pic Bground & Font: Mass Murderer(Kwest)

   __,,----,___ _____,--,---,_  _,,--,     __,,----,
  //  ____/    |  //____/    |__\__  |____/   ____/'' 'Skills Ascii Press.
==\____   \       /_   \\    |   _/' |   \\____  \\    Issue Number Two(2)
  /   /  //    |   `\   `\   :   |   :    /   /   /    Area - Recent Colly
  ``-----'--,,-'----'----''--,,--''-------''-----'' === ==== == = === = ==
 [  Recent/Coming Collies ] 
    Colly Name           File Name     Artist     Availability     Group
    Activate My Hate!!   r-mhzamh.txt  [mHz]      Coming.          rMRS
    Exodus               r-exodus.txt  nMANCEr    Coming.          rMRS
    The Story            r-story .txt  Nitrogen   Coming.          rMRS
    The uranus mining corporation, in conjunction with the free zimbabwe
    coalition, proudly presents friends and lovers discussing how the wonders
    of poo gas can be used to help defeat the eskimo mafioso. (Fade to Black)
                         wr-fade .txt  Whirr      Coming.          Quad-P
    Satanic Verses 2     r-sv2   .txt  Miasma/Bm  Coming.          rMRS/bSC

-----(advertisment, skills, advertisment)--------------------------------------

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  $$$$$mmmmmmmmmmmmmm sar om o o  o          o  o o mo sar mmmmmmmmmmmmmm$$$$$

                      BLACK SUN .. running iniquity a26
                   -b+o sQuish +v mortify/phonyeye/volatile
                   art/coding/demo/ppe's conferences and more
                           --  ++972-2-583-04-96  --

-----(advertisment, skills, advertisment)--------------------------------------

   __,,----,___ _____,--,---,_  _,,--,     __,,----,
  //  ____/    |  //____/    |__\__  |____/   ____/'' 'Skills Ascii Press.
==\____   \       /_   \\    |   _/' |   \\____  \\    Issue Number Two(2)
  /   /  //    |   `\   `\   :   |   :    /   /   /    Area - ASC Opinions
  ``-----'-----'----'----''--,,--''-------''-----'' === ==== == = === = ==

   I recently asked a few well-known ANSI artists there opinions on ASCII
   as an artform,  and what they thought about it's increased popularity.

  [  RaD Man, Founder of ACiD  ]

Date: Fri, 06 Jun 1997 22:39:09 -0700
From: RaD Man [ACiD Founder] <>
To: Megga Hertz <>
Subject: Re: ASCII

ASCII is a communication tool that will live forever.  ASCII as an art form
is just one of it's faces of communication.

At 11:36 AM 6/8/97 -0700, you wrote:
>what do you think about the current rise in the popularity of ascii art?

  [  Napalm of CiA  ]

Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 17:23:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: Napalm <>
To: Megga Hertz <>
Subject: Re: ascii

mHz>  What do you think of the current rise in popularity of ascii art?

I'm glad that one of the oldest and most challenging forms of computer art
has a new-found recognition and respect in the art scene. For a long time
ascii art was the only choice to express creativity with a computer. Now there
are literally hundreds of different formats, platforms and mediums within the
general genre of computer art. Fortunately people continue to chose ascii
artwork as their primary form of expression. With all of these new formats
and ascii art having remained largely unchanged for years, its popularity
dropped for quite a while. Its recent rise in popularity has brought out new
and talented artists who take ascii artwork above and beyond older work in
terms of complexity, creativity and originality. Ascii art has been and will
continue to be around for a long time.

  [  Xypher Matryx of Dark  ]

*XypherMC* What do you think about the recent popularity of ascii art?
[XypherMC(] "recent"?  I'd hardly call it that.  :)
 Mediums always vary, productivity wise, but I don't see it as any more
 popular than a month ago. :)  And I'd be honoured to be a site.

  [  Deeply Disturbed of Twilight  ]

<[mHz]> dd: What do you think about the recent trend in popularity among ascii
<deeply_d> mhz: Oh, ascii=easy to do, people=lazy.. figure it out :)

  [  Egoteq of Twilight  ]

<[mHz]> Egoteq.. .what do you think of the current uprising in ascii art?
<egoteq> mhz: ascii art is ok
<egoteq> mhz: but only like.. dead soul's ascii
<egoteq> the rest smell =)
<egoteq> mhz: i'll tell you this: ASCii art is good for shell and
<egoteq> but it's quite useless otherwise
<egoteq> ANSi is still good for BBSs
<egoteq> It's an art, i agree
<egoteq> but personally, i don't enjoy viewing it much. it's very recycled
<egoteq> but ASCII is not as AWEing as ansi

  [  Flame of Rile  ]

<[mHz]> flame: What do you think of the current rise in popularity of ascii
<flame_> mhz; well, i'm glad some other medium is finally getting some other
<flame_> mhz; but art is art, and should all be looked at.

  [  Black Viper of iCE  ]

<[mHz]> bv: what do you think about the current rise in popularity of ascii
<BViper> theres a rise in popularity of ascii?
<BViper> i didnt know that.
<BViper> i thought it was actually dying

  [  Mr4Tune of AWE  ]

<mHz> mr4: What do you think about the current rise in popularity of ascii?
<_4o> mhz: what should I say ,, cool and stuff ( I think )
<_4o> whut rise anyway ?

  [  Halaster of FIRE  ]

<mHzDeuce> Halasterisimo: What do you think of ascii?
[_hal(kates@UNIX14.ANDREW.CMU.EDU)] ascii?  i couldn't care less. :)
(-[_hal]-) Doh!
(-[_hal]-) This is for my mag, can't you come up with anything better? =]
[_hal(kates@UNIX14.ANDREW.CMU.EDU)] i'm not very involved right now, so i
 don't know what's currently up.
<mHzDeuce> yeah, great answer, thanks chiefy.  =]

  [  The Night Angel of AWE  ]  Note - Tna is primarily a pay artist. =]

<[mHz]> tna: What do you think of the recent rise in popularity of ascii art?
<tna> mhz: how much do i get for answering that question?
<[mHz]> tna: $10.
<tna> mhz: okay great.. well, see, i think ascii is a simple medium. like,
      easier than ansi. if its well-done though, it looks great.. like dy's
      stuff. but since it is really simple (since you do not need to shade
      it), alot of ppl have started drawing asciis just to be in the scene..
      so i think there are too many "not too good" ascii artists these days.
* tna wants his ten bucks.
<tna> :)

  [  Mindcrime of Blade  ]

Date: Sun, 8 Jun 1997 17:21:57 -0400 (EDT)
From: mindcrime <>
To: Megga Hertz <>
Subject: Re: ascii

mHz>  What do you think of the current rise in popularity of ascii art?

I think ascii is elite. It'll be around for a long while as a legitimate
art form. I dig it like sugar smacks.

   __,,----,___ _____,--,---,_  _,,--,     __,,----,
  //  ____/    |  //____/    |__\__  |____/   ____/'' 'Skills Ascii Press.
==\____   \       /_   \\    |   _/' |   \\____  \\    Issue Number Two(2)
  /   /  //    |   `\   `\   :   |   :    /   /   /    Area - Rum/Oneliner
  ``-----'-----'----'----''--,,--''-------''-----'' === ==== == = === = ==

. ..Cain, leader of Kwest Ascii has been killed by Ice Cube, for copyright
. ..Tupac Amaru Shakur, a.k.a. Makaveli is ALIVE.
. ..Volatile, published of "Fart" ascii magazine was shot 7 times outside
    of Los Angeles' Peterson Auto Museum while sitting in his wackass van
    seated next to Sargon.
. .."The Trial of the Century", Mindcrime's trial for the kidnap of Chromatik
    [] begins next week.
. ..Spinn has left Comic Ascii to pursue the ansi artform.
. ..Blackdawn, formerly known as Forge is founding mORPHINE!aSCII, with 
    Pixel Pusher and others.
. ..Tek a.k.a. tk, of Polyester ascii fame has coined a new ascii style,
    which he calls 'TekSchool'.  It's a mix of non-standard high ascii chars.
. ..Dark Entity, Senior of CiA ASCII is coding a currently unnamed drawing
    program, which promises features that cater to ASCII artists.
. ..mHzhape and mHzchool are almost as frooty as WholeType.

   __,,----,___ _____,--,---,_  _,,--,     __,,----,
  //  ____/    |  //____/    |__\__  |____/   ____/'' 'Skills Ascii Press.
==\____   \       /_   \\    |   _/' |   \\____  \\    Issue Number Two(2)
  /   /  //    |   `\   `\   :   |   :    /   /   /    Area - Writers/BBSs
 ``--,,--'-----'----'----''------''-------''-----'' === ==== == = === = ==
 [  Contributors  ]  /  Issue Two(2).

        Megga Hertz the Kingpin.   Squish.   Cain.   Sagramore.

 [  Skills Sites  ]
          Site Name                Site Admin         Site Num/IP

 [ BBS ]  !abraxas/diabolic.       Megga Hertz        (818),,,/,,,,
          [.vos.]                  [Felix]            (213),,,/,,,,
          The Lethal Aspect        Xypher Matryx      (416)421/1015
          AlderAAn                 Mindcrime          (908)224/8780
          Free Coke                The Night Angel    (504),,,/,,,,
          Piranha                  Captain Hood       telnet://

 [ IRC ]  G0AT                     Necromancer        #ascii / asciirox

 [ FTP ]  ACiD Artpacks Archive    RaD Man  

 [ E-M ]  The Skills Dropbox       Megga Hertz

 _ _____,--,____,,--------------,,___ __ _
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 \\              ` `\ ;            //
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 = The Scene's Number One ASCII Mag =
COMNT SKILLS ASCII PRESS RELEASE NUMBER TWO!                          _ _____,--,____,,--------------,,___ __ _                      mHz\\~          __________,,________/_                            __\____,,____________              \\                          `\~~         ` ``\   :              ;/'' '                     ,,-'               \ ::;             /                           \\              ` `\ ;            //                           ..\                  \;           ,/'                           :..\;                ,'           /...                              \_________,,---------''------''..:                          SAUCE00Skills Ascii Press Release 2       Megga Hertz         Skills              19970612Ö/