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File size:
33 750 bytes (32.96K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:25:16
Download count:
all-time: 571


               - -- ------------[ RElEASE NOtE ]------------ -- -

                       * ViEW thiS PROdUCtiON ON AMiGA! *
               - -- ---------------------------------------- -- -
               o| ...................... With ANY VERSiON Of CEd!
               o2 ............. ChOOSE ONE Of thE fOllOWiNG fONtS
               o3 ................................ NEW tOPAZ fONt
               o3 ............................... POt NOOdlE fONt
               o3 ............................... MiCRONiGht fONt
               o3 ........ bOARd StYlER fONt (fROM MY bbS COllYS)
               o4 ............ ON SCREEN MOdE 64o x 256 (MEd-RES)
               o5 .... MARk thE WhOlE filE & "Strip CR/LF Marked"

                     * ViEW thiS PROdUCtiON ON WiNdOWS PC *
               - -- ---------------------------------------- -- -
               o| ........... With thE iNtERNAl EditOR Of WiNdOWS 
               o2 ..................... ChOOSE thE fOllOWiNG fONt
               o3 .................... tERMiNAl fONt OR tOPAZ NEW
               o4 ....................... fONt SiZE 9/11 StANdARt

                      * ViEW thiS PROdUCtiON ON liNUX PC *
               - -- ---------------------------------------- -- -
               o| .......... StARt GEdit iNtERNAl EditOR Of liNUX 
               o2 ..................... ChOOSE thE fOllOWiNG fONt
               o3 ..................................... MONOSPACE
               o4 ................................... fONt SiZE 9

                                                /  \
       ____/\  _ __.     _ ____/\    __    __  /   \\ _ _______/\ _ __/\
 .____/  _ //____  |______  __  \\ _(__)__.  \/      \ ____     \\  _ //____
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                   |________/ \___  ___/ \/   |_____  __/     ._________ __ _
     ____________/\   _ ______ ___/\     __    _ ___/\    _ __|       _//_/
     \___._____   \\     ____/  _ //____(__)__.  __ //_____   \       |
         |    /     \  ___)_____ \/     \     |_ \ \/      \  \       |
         |__________/___________________/____ '/___________/__|\______|
                                         yop \/

                                   bRiNGS tOdAY

                    * * *   A tRibUtE tO thE bbS SCENE!   * * *

                          A SMAll ASCii COllECtiON bY YOP

                                bbS ASCii LOGOS
                                   ACid SlAM
                                   thE YARd
                                fiRSt diViSiON
                                UPhOld thE lAW
                            CRAZY dEMOlitiON SQUAd

                                  OthER lOGOS
                                   Uk SCENE!
                                 MOOdS PlAtEAU

                  ________  :::::::::  ::::  ________________ _
             _ __\\         :::::::::  ::::
                            :::::::::  :::: ____/\     __    _ ___/\
                            :::::::::  ::::   _ //____(__)__. ___  \\
                            :::::::::..::::    \/     \     |_  /    \ ____ _
      * ACid SlAM bbS *     :::::::::  :::: _____ /\ _/____ '/_______//___//
                            :::::::::  ::::      /  \  yop \/
                            :::::::::  ::::     /   \\
             ____/\  _ __.  :::::::::  :::: _  /      \
       .____/  _ //____  |______`::::  ::::  \/        \
     __|_   \__ \/     \ |      \`:::  ::::  \/         \
  _//___/______________/______ //.:::  ::::__||          \_
                            ..\/.::::  ::::   |___________/
                            :::::::::  ::::
                 _ ____                ::::    ______ __ _
                      //____________   ::::  _\\

                                ____________________ _.      _ ___________
                ..............  \                  /  |________      ____/
               ::::::::  ::::::  \_____      _____/   _        \   ___)_______
               ::::::::  ::::::       |______|  _ ____|        \\_ ________  /
               ::::::::  ::::::                       |__________/     yop \/
        .________ :::::  :::::: ___/\   _ _________/\
 _______|        \ ::::  :::::: __  \\    _ ___     \\
/       |        \\ :::..::::::  /  _/_____   /       \    * thE YARd *
\_____      ______/ :::  :::::: _\         \_ ________/
     |______|  ....::::  ::::::   \_________/
   _ _________________ _ :::::: _ ______________________________________ _

                              ___            ..      ___
    _ ____ __________________\\        ......::        //_______ ___ _
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        \__       _____/__)__. ___  \\`::::.......          /
          |     ___)         |_  /  _/____  :::::::   _____/
          |_____|   _ ______ '/__\        \_::::::: __|
                            \/    \________/:::::::
                    .______         .....   :::::::                 ._________
__________/\ __    _|      \ _     :::::::  ::::::: _    _ ____/\ __|       _/
\__.____   \\ _)__. |     //__)__. :::::::  ::::::: _)__.       \\  \       |
   |   /     \    |_      /      |_:::::::  :::::::     |_ |      \ \       |
   |_________/___ '/_____/_ ____ '/:::::::  ::::::: ___ '/________/_|\______|
             yop \/             \/ :::::::  :::::::    \/
                _ ___ ________     :::::::  :::::::     ______________ ____ _
                             //__  :::::::  :::::::  __\\

                  *   f i R S t   d i V i S i O N   b b S   *

                             :                  :
                          ___|__              __|___
                     _ __\\  ` (_ WElCOME tO _) '  //__ _
          ____|    \ _ _____/\ _.    _ _______/\ __.   _ _______/\
         /    |    \\ __     \\ |______        \\  |______ __    \\
        /            \ '______/ _      \ |       \ |      \ /      \
        \____________/__|  _ ___|      \\_ ______/______ //________/
                                |________/          yop \/           ._____
_________________ _.    _ __________    _______.    _ ______/\  _ __.|     \
\               /  |______      ___/    \_     |______  .__  \\     ||     \\
 \____     ____/   _      \   ___)_____ _|_    |      \ __/    \    /\       \
     |_____|  _ ___|      \\_ ______  //__/_________ //_|       \_ _/\_______/
                   |________/.      \/          .   \/  |________/
                 _ __ ____   :                  :   ____ __ _
                         //__|__  UPhOlD thE  __|__\\
                             ` //__  lAW!  __\\ '

               .        ____/\   _ __/\  _ _____/\   ________  __|     \
               .       /  _ //___ __  \\     .__ \\ _\  _   /__  |     \\
               :  ___ //   \/    \ /  _/___  __/   \  \/ __/   \_   ____/
           _ __|_\\__\\_ /\ _____/_\       \_|      \_ _________/___| .
               :        /  \        \_______/|_______/                ._______
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   |  /    \ __)____ \/       \ |    \ |    \   |_  ___/    |_ |    \ \     |
   |_______/_____  /_||        \_ ___/____ //__ '/__| _ ___ '/______/_|\____|
               . \/   |_  ______/     .___\/   \/          \/         .
               .    ____/\  _ ____/\ _|   \ _____/\ _ ___/\           .
               .___/  _ //___      \\ |   \\  .__ \\ ___  \\          :
              _|_  \_  \/    \ |     \      \ __/   \  /    \ ___     |  
        _ __//__/____________/_.   \_/______/_|      \_ ____//__//____|__ _
                               |____\     yop |_______/               :

                  * CRAZY dEMOlitiON SQUAd - OldSChOOl bbS *

                               * Uk SCENE! *
     .____             _                                   ._________
  ___|    \ __.       //_    ____/\  _ ___/\  _ _______ ___|       _/______
 /   |    \\  |_____ /__/ __/  _ //___  _ //___    ___/    \       |   ___/
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\___________/_|       \_ _ ___________/________/_______  /_|\______|_______  /
       <------|________/-------------------------------\/-------- -- - yop \/

     _    _  _ _ __ ____ __ ____ ____/  \____ ____ __ ____ __ _ _  _    _
                        \\_\\___\\_   oO   _//___//_//
           .________              `   x    '
     ______|       /_  _ ___/\     __   __.     __  _ ________ ._______
     \     |     //__)_.___  \\  _(__)_.  |_____ _)_.        /_|       \
      \\         /     |_ /  _/___     |_ |     \   |_  ____/  |   ____/
       \________/_____ '/_\       \_ _ '/_____ //__ '/__|  _ ______|
                  yop \/   \_______/  \/      \/   \/
                         __ ____ .          . ____ __
    _    _  _ _ __ ____//_//___//  ViRilitY  \\___\\_\\____ __ _ _  _    _
                               /      ..      \
                             _/_______||       \

 00000            00000    - ---------------  S C A R A B  --------------- -
 000    00000000    000
 000  0000    0000  000 ____/\   _ _____/\ _ ___/\   _ ______/\ _ ___/\
 000  000000        000   _ //____  .__  \\ ___  \\      .__  \\ __.  _)____
 000    00000000    000    \/     \ __/    \  /  _/____  __/    \  |        \
 000        000000  000 __________/_|       \_\        \_|       \_ ________/
 000  0000    0000  000         yop |________/ \________/|________/
 000    00000000    000
 00000            00000    - --------------------------------------------- -

                          :       ::
                          :       ::
                          :    ...::.........
                          :    :           ::
                          ::::::           ::
                               :           ::
                               :           ::
                               :           ::
                               :   ........::...................
                               :   :                         :::
                               :::::     * MOOdS PlAtEAU *   :::
                                   :  /\                     :::
                                   : /  \                    :::
                               ___  /   \\ _ ___/\ _ ___/\ _ ___/\ ____/\
                              /   \/      \      \\      \\ ___  \\  _ //___
                         ___ /    \/       \ |     \ |     \  /    \_ \/    \
                   _ __//__//_____||        \_ ____/_______/_______/________/
                                   |_________/              ._____
____________/\ _.    _ ____/\ _ __________ _____ _ ____/\ __|     \
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   |   '______/ |     \ __/   \    _____/  __)_____ __/   \         \ ___ __ _
   |____| _ ________ //_|      \_ _|  _ ________  /_|      \_ ______//__//
                yop \/  |_______/  .            \/  |_______/...
                                   :                         :::
                                   :   bla bla bla bla bla   :::
                                   :   bla bla bla bla bla   :::
                                   :   bla bla bla bla bla   :::
                                   :   bla bla bla bla bla   :::
                                   :   bla bla bla bla bla   :::
                                   :   bla bla bla bla bla   :::
                                   :                         :::

                                                                        /  \
                              * S U P P L E X *                        /   \\
                                                                      /      \
                 ._____                                              /       /
      ____/\  ___|     \ ________/\ _______/\ _.  _ _________ ____  /       /
.____/  _ //____ |     \\ __      \\ _      \\ |______   ___/     \/     __/
|    \__ \/     \        \ '_______/ '_______/ |      \ __)______          \_
|_______________/________/__|  _ _____|  _ _________ //_______  / /\________/
                                                yop \/   /    \/ /
                                                        /       /
   _ _ ______________________________________________   \      /   ______ _
                                                    //__ \\   / __\\
                                                          \  /

                             .                .
                   .         .                .         .
                   .         :                :         .
         .         :  ____   |  * dEViANCE *  |   ____  :         .
         .      ___|__)  /___|                |___\  (__|___      .
       __:_____\\  |         :      dEMO      :         |  //_____:__
  _ __\\ |         :              diViSiON              :         | //__ _
         :             .______                   .________        :
  _________/\ _______ _|      \ _   _ ___/\ _ ___|      _/___/\  _ ______
  \__.____  \\   ___/  |     //__)_.  .__ \\     \      |  _ //___   ___/
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     |________/______  /____/_____ '/_|      \_ _|\_____|_________/______  /
         .           \/       yop \/  |_______/                   .      \/
     _ __|__       .                                    .       __|__ _
         : //______:_ _                              _ _:______\\ :
         .         |                                    |         .
                   |                                    |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |      cut and paste this line!      |
                   |                                    |
                   |                                    |
                   |         .                .         |
               _ __|__     __:_              _:__     __|__ _
                   : //___(  |                |  )___\\
                   .         |                |
                             :                :
                             .                .

                                      \    /         /\
                                      /_  _\    ____/  \____
                                        \/      \        _ /
                                                 \       //
                                                 /        \
                                                /___    ___\
                                                    \  /
           *   D   E   L   I   G   H   T   *         \/    /\
                                                          /  \
                                                  _______/   \\_______
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                                                   \               //
                                    _ __ ___________\              /__ _

   ___________/\  _______ ___.       ___   _ ___/\ _ ___.   _ ______________
   \___._____  \\    ___/    |______(___)_.  __ //____  |_______           /
       |    /    \ ___)______|      \     |_ \ \/     \ _       \    _____/
       |_________/________  /_____ //____ '/__________/_|       \\_ _|
                      yop \/      \/     \/             |_________/
                    _ __ _____________________________        _ _____ __ _
                                                      \       //
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                                                     /___    ___\
                                               __/\__    \  /
                                               \    /     \/
                                               /_  _\

             ...........                                                /  \
            :::::::  ::::                         * P A R A d O X *    /    \
            :::::::  ::::         ...........                         /      \
            ` `::::  ::::        :::::::  ::::                       /      //
_____________/\ :::  :::: ___/\  :::::::  :::: _____/\  _ ___/\ __  /       /
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   |    '______/ ::..::::  /  _/____`:::  ::::   /     \ |      \          \_
   |_____|  ....:::  :::: _\        \_`:  :::: ________/________/ /\________/
            :::::::  ::::   \________/.:..::::       yop /       /
            :::::::  ::::        .....::  ::::          /       /
            :::::::  ::::        :::::::  ::::          \     //
  _ __ _____________ :::: ______ :::::::  :::: _______   \    /   _____ __ _
                     ::::        :::::::  ::::       //__ \  / __\\
                     ::::                 ::::             \/
                     ....                 ::::
                     ::::                 ::::
                     ....                 ....

            _  _ __ ____ ________                _______________ _____ __ _  _
                                /_____      _____\
                                      \    /               * fAiRliGht *
______________ __/\  __   _ ___/\ ___. \  / __   _ ___/\ ____.  _ ____________
\__     _____/.__ \\(__)__.___  \\   |__\/_(__)__. __ //___  |_____          /
  |    __)    __/   \     |_ /  _/___|     \     |_\ \/    \ _     \    ____/
  |____|  ____|      \_ _ '/_\       \_ _ //____ '/________/_|     \\_ _|
              |__ /\ _/  \/   \_______/  \/     \/       yop |_______/
             ____/  \____
_  _ __ _____\          /_____________________________ ____ __ _  _

                                                                        /  \
                    ...........                                        /   \\
                   ::::::   ::::        *  S  C  O  O  P  E  X  *     /      \
                   :'`:::   ::::                                     /       /
      ____/\   _ ___/\ ::   ::::     _ ____________/\ _______ ____  /       /
.____/  _ //____  _ //____  ::::         _ ___      \\   ___/     \/     __/
|    \__ \/     \  \/     \ :::: .........   '_______/ ___)______          \_
|_______________/_________/ :::: :::   :::: __|   _ __________  / /\________/
                   ......   :::: :::   ::::          yop /    \/ /
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       ______________________ ..::::   :::: _________    \\   /    ____
     ._)                      ::::::   ::::         //__  \  /  __\\  (_.
     |                        ::::::   ::::                \/           |
     |                        ::::::   ::::                             |
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 |       \        |  ___/    \    _       \                        //___.
 |_______|\_______|__|        \_ _|       \\_     * NAh-kOlOR *         |
                     |_________/  |___  ____/                           |
     .       ________.     _ _________/\ ___.    _ _________/\ _____/\  :
     .       \_      |______           \\   |_______         \\ ___  \\ .
     .        |      _    _/___ |        \  |       \ |        \  /  _/_____
     :        |______|         \_ _______/________ //__________/__\         \_
     |               |__________/             yop \/               \_________/
     |                                                                  .
     |     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      .
     |     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      :
     |     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx      |
     |__   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    __|
     ` //_____     _________________ ______ __ _  _ _____ ___________\\ '

                       *   M E S S A G E - b O X   *

zaner+dmg: ... sorry that i don't say goodbye at the bp'o6

maZ!: ........ great respect for the Comeback!!!

nEx: ......... nice work for the homepage

Zack: ........ whats going on with the ansi copro?

Streettuff ... ich schulde dir noch'nen bier! -> evoke!prost

Cocoon: ...... Altes Kack-huhn, was los mit da bonzai jungens?

dodge : ...... still drawing your font ;-)

       _____/\  _ _____/\ __|       _/________ ___/\ _ ___/\ _ __________
      /   _ //____      \\  \       |        / .__ \\   _ //____        /
     /     \/     \|  /\  \ \       |   ____/  __/   \   \/     \  ____/
     \____________/_ /  \ /_|\______|___| _ ___|      \_ _______/__|
              ____  /    \  _ ______       yop |_______/
             /    \/     \\     ___/
            /     \/       \  ___)_____ ____ __ __ _  _ 
           /______||        \_ _____  //___//_//
                   |_________/      \/
   WORld WidE WEb ............................. httP://WWW.ShRiMPS-dESiGn.dE
   E-MAil ............................... YOP@GMX.dE / YOP@ShRiMPS-dESiGn.dE
   ShRiMPS dESiGn WhQ ..................... thE REbiRth bbS (tElNEt/OffliNE)
   ShRiMPS dESiGn ShQ ........................... thE RAiNClOUd bbS (tElNEt)
   iN thE bOONdOCkS ..................................... WWW.ASCiiSCENE.ORG
   iCQ ........................................................... 238025834
              OR lEAVE ME A MESSAGE iN SOME OldSChOOl bOARdS!

  _________/\    _ _______ ___/\ _ ________/\ _______ _____/\ _ ___________
  \___.___  \\        ___/  _ //____ __     \\   ___/   __ //____         /
      |  /  _/____  ___)___  \/     \ '______/ ___)_____  \/     \  _____/
      |__\        \_ _______________/__|  _ _________  /_________/__| 
          \________/ yop                             \/
          _ __   G R E A t   A S C i i   A R t i S t ' S   ____ _
             //____ _                               _ ____\\
                 h7  StORM  sCr  barium  Mo!  XCZ  manta  trival  tOMMY!
                 sMa1!  fOlAR  ZM!  grimlock  lo!  Podsi  diPSWitCh  Stylez
                 mAZ  MR.VAiN  hONEY  zAPHOD  sCOT  dtA!  rapid!  Dzign
                 vC!   crusader   .cRb  dMG  Metalbasher  ©Mt   H2o  gOZz
                 czar  skiZe   Danzig  2fast  Skin  StYlEWARS  ZORRO
                 shapechanger   scour   dbrn   abho

                 .                                          .
                 .                            __    __      :
             _ __:____ __ _        _ __ _____\\  /\  //_____|__ _
                 |                              /  \        |
       ____/\  _ __.     _ ____/\    __    __  /   \\ _ _______/\ _ __/\
 .____/  _ //____  |______  __  \\ _(__)__.  \/      \ ____     \\  _ //____
 |    \__ \/     \ _      \  /  _/____    |_ \/       \   '______/__ \/     \
 |_______________/_|      \\_\        \_  '/_||        \_ _|   _ ___________/
                   |________/ \___  ___/ \/   |_____  __/     ._________ __ _
     ____________/\   _ ______ ___/\     __    _ ___/\    _ __|       _//_/
     \___._____   \\     ____/  _ //____(__)__.  __ //_____   \       |
         |    /     \  ___)_____ \/     \     |_ \ \/      \  \       |
         |__________/___________________/____ '/___________/__|\______|
                 .                       yop \/             .
                 |       __                        __       |
             _ __|______\\  shRiMPs dESiGn mEMbERs  //______|__ _
                 |                                          |
                 |                                          |
                 |       da fREAk .... SWAPPiNG / GfX       |
                 |       nEx .............. WEb / GfX       |
                 |       PlAUZE ................. SfX       |
                 |       SUiCidE ............. COdiNG       |
                 |       ViCtiM .............. COdiNG       |
                 |       YOP ........... ORGA / ASCii       |
          _ __   |       ziL ........... COdiNG / WEb       |   __ _
             //__|__                                      __|__\\
                 : //____ _                        _ ____\\ :
                 .                                          .

                    * * *  12 YEARS ASCii SCENE  * * *

                       * OldSChOOl ASCii RElEASES *

      Shd-tbbS.tXt ..... 33.75o bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN 2oo6
      Shd-Md15.tXt ..... 62.2o7 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN 2oo5
      Shd-Md14.tXt ..... 52.258 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN 2oo5
      Shd-bS06.ZiP .... 257.468 bYtES ..... bbS-ANSi - COllY .... iN 2oo5
      Shd-AtOM.txt ..... 84.8|2 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN 2oo5
      Shd-SOPZ.txt ..... 48.845 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN 2oo4
      Shd-FWF.tXt ...... 9|.376 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN 2oo4
      Shd-Md13.txt ..... 39.6|6 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN 2oo4
      Shd-Md12.txt ..... 32.657 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN 2oo3
      Shd-2oo3.txt .... ||5.38o bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN 2oo3
      Shd-ASA!.txt ..... 29.295 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |999
      dCt-Uf.txt ....... |4.956 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |997
      dCt-lAt.txt ...... 24.7|3 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |997
      dct-bS05.lha .... ||5.9|9 bYtES ..... bbS-ANSi - COllY .... iN |996
      dCt-md11.txt ..... 32.|33 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |996
      dCt-md10.txt .... 2o|.687 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |996
      dCt-bS04.lha ..... 98.993 bYtES ..... bbS-ANSi - COllY .... iN |996
      dCt-md09.txt ..... 28.579 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |996
      dCt-bS03.lha ..... 8|.89o bYtES ..... bbS-ANSi - COllY .... iN |996
      dCt-md08.txt ..... 35.666 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |996
      dCt-md07.txt ..... 41.156 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |996
      dCt-md06.txt ..... 35.9o5 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |996
      dCt-md05.txt .... ||3.||o bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |996
      dCt-md04.txt ..... 3|.299 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      dCt-md03.TXT ..... 29.56o bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      dCt-md02.TXT ..... 26.796 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      dCt-BS02.LHA ..... 57.o88 bYtES ..... bbS-ANSi - COllY .... iN |995
      dCt-md01.TXT ..... 46.773 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      SX-LAST.TXT ...... 24.95o bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      SX-ldNU.TXT ...... 28.425 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      SX-bS-01.lha ..... 84.5|8 bYtES ..... bbS-ANSi - COllY .... iN |995
      YOP-kMdd.txt ..... 54.852 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      SHDND-Wk.TXT ..... |5.656 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      NDSHD-PM.tXt ..... | bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      SHDND-WP.TXT ..... bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      SHD-BBS1.LHA ..... 7o.259 bYtES ..... bbS-ANSi - COllY .... iN |995
      SHD_NEWC.LHA ..... 33.|oo bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |995
      Shd-dizc.txt .... |33.386 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |994
      Shd-fid2.tXt ..... 48.739 bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |994
      Shd-fid1.tXt ..... 34.|9| bYtES ..... ASCii COllECtiON .... iN |994

                  _ ___________
             ...              //_______________ ____ __ _
   :::::::   :::  _ _____/\  _ ________ _ _______ _ ________ __/\
   :::::::            __  \\      ____/     ____/          / _ //____
   ::::::: ::::::::::. /  _/___ ___)_____ ___)_____  _____/__ \/     \
   :::::::    ::::::::_\       \_ ____  /_______  /__| _ ____________/
   :::::::    ::::::::  \_______/     \/        \/

   crusader   dbrn   digiman   dipswitch   dmg   elend   Ghandy   Las   cap
   powl   sal-one   sir garbagetruck    sting   vanisher    xenusion    xxx
   yellow water     zaner    vital    zm!    tom    Mogue     paniq    vigo
   trash   benson   streettuff   stingray  dodge   dirtie   ramses   cocoon

                    *   S O M E   l A S t   W O R d S   *

 i do this colly for some friends of mine and i never forget my scene-roots!

            - watching cracktros - doing asciis - calling boards -

     .     __.                .__     .
    _:____\\ ' shRiMPS dESiGn ` //____:_
    \|                                |/
   ___/\ _.  _ ___/\ _  _  /\ _ __/\ ___/\
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| \_ \/  \    \_ / _/__| \/   \_'___/_ \/  \
|________/|____/_\__  /|_||____/_| ________/
                yop \/            ._______
  ______/\  _____ _/\ __  ___/\ __|     _/
  \_.___ \\  ___/_ //_ _). _ //_  \     |
    |  /   \ _)__ \/  \  | \\/  \ \     |
     .                                .
     |  * tRibUtE tO thE bbS SCENE *  |
    _|    A SMAll ASCii COllECtiON    |_
    /|_________              _________|\
     '        //_ 2|.o5.o6 _\\        `