File Archive

File download


File size:
15 791 bytes (15.42K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 238


                             ·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
       [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·]
            [· rUNNiNG oN 7 nICE nODES · iSDN/aNALOGUE/tELNET ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
         [· aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · pPH eHQ · lP! gHQ ·]
                [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ ·]

        ____  ._  ___ ___ ____     ___ ._  _|_   _|_._  _      ____
       _)  /__`--.)_/,)__\)__/_)__\)_/,`--.)__, (__(`--.)__\ __\  (_
       |      )__|           \/        )__|         )__|           |
       |                                                           |
       ]- -- ------------------------------------------------- 2F -[
       |                                                           |
       |            _|_ ___  _|_ _|_/____ ___ ________             |
       |            )__))__\(__( )   /)__\\  ') | /)__\            |
       |                                                           |
       |                   European Headquarter                    |
       |                                                           |
       |                                                           |
       |                   ___ _________|_ ___                     |
       |                   )__,)__()  ()__,)__\                    |
       |                                                           |
       |                   European Headquarter                    |
       |                                                           |
       |                                _                          |
       |          ___ _   _|_ ___ ___ _|________ ___ ___           |
       |          )__,)__|)__))_/,)  ')  )__()  ')__,)_/,          |
       |              .--'                                         |
       |                    German Headquarter                     |
       |                                                           |
       ]- -- ------------------------------------------------- -- -[
       |                                                           |
       |      -] 2fAST/Bad Karma/Contra!/Cream/Cyberforce [-       |
       |                                                           |
       |   -] Sigma Seven/Anthrox & Swat [- · -] Noisy Belch! [-   |
       |              -] Night Assassin/Sneakers! [-               |
       |     -] Tcb & Colonel/Bad Karma/Cyberforce/Hoodlum [-      |
       |                                                           |
       ]- -- ------------------------------------------------- -- -[
       |                                                           |
       |           -] Node 0 · +1-8OO-!private! »LOC« [-           |
       |           -] Node 1 · +1-8OO-USR-33k6! »DST« [-           |
       |           -] Node 2 · +1-8OO-USR-33k6! »DST« [-           |
       |           -] Node 3 · +1-8OO-64k-ISDN! »---« [-           |
       |           -] Node 4 · +1-8OO-64k-ISDN! »---« [-           |
       |                                                           |
       |__     _____________________________________________     __|
          )____\                                           /____(

   __  __  __  __  __  __ \/
|  ¯¯             |      /  \              |
     .o Scoopex FILE_ID.DIZ logos o.
       Put them direcly in Diz-Ed!


 This file was just made in a hurry, since I found out that people for
 some reason get our releases from Internet before they get it  from a
 BBS. FILE_ID.DIZ's are removed when  uploading  to  AMINET. Therefore
 people tend to just write "Scoopex xxx [x/y]" or similar, when infact
 the release should be accompanied by one  of  the  FILE_ID.DIZ below:
 (So use one of these 30!!! diz' --)

@LOGO"Scoopex #1"
 _____        ____    _ ________ _ _
 \   /_______/_ _ \_________   /____\  ____
._\__   / _   / /  \  _ \  /  /_   / \/   /
|   / _/  /__/ /  _/  /  \ __/ /  /. /  _/
|____//_ /   |___//  /  _/_|\_   / |_\_  \_
@LOGO"Scoopex #2"
                           _ _____
     ________________________    /
.--_/ ______/__ _____/____  /  _/___- -----.
|::\______    /  \      /   _      /sCOOPEx|
|:\_____     /____     /____\     /pRESENTs|
@LOGO"Scoopex #3"
   __/\__/\______:_____/\_____/\___/\__ /\__
  /\  ___  .____/. __  . \___ _ \ __/  Y   /
 /  \  \   |_/   |  \  |  \  ___/__/\_ . _/
/_____ /_____\ _____/_____/_ /____  /__!_ \
@LOGO"Scoopex #4"
  __/\___/\___/\____/\____/\____/\__/\ /\
  \  ____ ______ /\ __ /\_ _  \_ __\_ Y /
  /\_ \/  |_/ l_ \/ l_ \/ _/  / __)/  _ \
 /     \  ` \     \     \ \__/  l  \  /  \
 \_____/____/_____/_____/ /  \_____/_/_NeB
@LOGO"Scoopex #5"
 /\____________________________________ __/\
M\   _  / _  / _  |  _  ____ \  ____   |   /
b/\_ \_/  \_/  |  |  |  |  |  \ _/\ \_ _ _/
/  /  \     |  |  |  !  |  ___/ |  \/  |  \_
\______\____|_____|_____|  | \_____/___|___/
@LOGO"Scoopex #6"
_/  ___   ___   _ _/  _ _/  _ _/  ___     /.
\____ \_  | \_  | \_  | \_  __\_  _/\__ _  |
 |  !  |  !  |  !  |  !  |  |  |  !  |  |  |
 l__   l__   l__   l__   l__ _ l__   l__|  |
|                                          |
|                                          |
@LOGO"Scoopex #7"
____________ ___  ___  ________\   |___
\_  ___) .__) . \/ . \/ ._ \ ___)_ | _/----.
||___  \ |  \ |  \ |  \ |__/ _)_/     \    !
!(___  /____/____/____/ |  _____)__|   \   ¡
¡    \/ gENERATIONS   \_|  aHEAD   |____\  |
`----moSHES bACK wITH------------------ 2F '
@LOGO"Scoopex #8"
_________________  ________________________
\   ___/ ______  \/  ______ \  _____/     /
M\__ \/  |_/  |   \  |  \ |  \ _/\ \_   _/
b/ |  \  | \  |   /  |  / ___/ |  \/     \
@LOGO"Scoopex #9"
   /\____    /____ _ /\____ Sk¡n /\____
  /  ___/_____/  / //__ _ /\____/. ___/_____
 _\__ \/ ____/\____/  / //___  // ___/_ / _/
/____ /  /__:::::::\____/ ____/____ /     /_
+---\/____ /-----------/__/-------\/__/___ /
         \/                              \/
@LOGO"Scoopex #10"
_________________ _____ _______________.___
\  ___. .__.__.  Y__.  Y____  /__   /  |  /
.\__  | |  |  |  |  |  |  ___/__/__/._  _/..
|  /  | l  |  l  |  l  |   |    \   :     |:
l_____|____|_____|_____|___|________¦__|  |¦
-- -------- ---------- - -----------çdr|__|'
@LOGO"Scoopex #11"
                   ____           \  _\__
 _____   ______   /  _ \ ____ _____\/   /
 \   /___\ ___/__/   /  \    \\  _ /   /\
 /\__   /  /_/_ _\______/__\  \ __/   /  \_
/______/______/ /  \   | \____/______/\___/
<---- / --- \______/Mo!|___| ------------->
@LOGO"Scoopex #12"
._____._____._____._____._____._____.__ __.
|     |     |     |     |  ._ \_ ___|  l  |
|  `--|  |__|  |  |  |  |  |/  / _/_l_   -|.
|--,  |  l  |  |  |  |  |   __/  l  |  |  ||
l__   l__   l_____l_____l__|2Fl__   l__|  |'
   `--'  `--'                    `--'  `--' 
@LOGO"Scoopex #13"
___________  ____ _____________________
\  ___/ __/__\__ \\___ \____   / ____/ |___¡
|\___ \ \   /  \  \  \  \/ '__/ ___/_  '  /|
\   / /____/\_____/_____/___|/   \  /__.  \|
@LOGO"Scoopex #14"
  _) __/_ ___/_ _ _/  _ _/___ _/ _/_ _/ _/--.
 _\___ _/ (  _/ (  \  (  \  (  \_ _/_    \94|
 \   )  \  \  \  \  \  \  \  ___/ \  \ \  \:|
@LOGO"Scoopex #15"
    ____                     _________
  ./ __/_____    ________    \    ____\_____
 _l______    \  /        \____\    __//___ /
        / gZ! \/   \______\    \        \ /
______________/_________________\___ _   \
-_--------------------------- /  _ _______\-
 \/-- -                      /_________/   .
 |      SCOOPEX PRESENTS:                 _|
 |                                    - --\/
@LOGO"Scoopex #16"
_________________ _____ _______________  __
\__  _\_    \__  \\__  \\__ . \__ __\__\/  \
 /\   \/  \__/ \  \/ \  \/ \___/ __/\/   __/
/  \_  \  /  \  \  \  \  \    \   \/¯\ \   \
\______/ /    \____/_____/     \_____/  \__/
@LOGO"Scoopex #17"
  _________________ ___________________ ___
 (   _  )    (__   Y   ___)     ) ___/ |   )
  \   \/   \__) \  |  /   ) ·  /__/ \  l  /
  /\   \    /\   \ | /   / ___/  \/\/  _  \
 /  \_  \  /  \____l____/  |/    /  \__l___)
@LOGO"Scoopex #18"
  /\____/\________  ___________________|
 // ___//________ \/ _________  \ __ / | _/
/\___  \ \  \  \/ /  \/  \/ ____/___/\ _  \
\ _____/_____\____\______/   //_______\|___
 \/   PresentS TodaY    /__ /-Mo! /----'
@LOGO"Scoopex #19"

   ____/\__________  _____/\________/\_ ____
 _/  ___/  ______  \/  _______  \ ___/ |   /
 \___ \/  / _/  /\  \ /\  \_|/  /_/_\  |  /
_/  |  \  \/ \  \/  / \/  /\___/ \/  | _  \_
\______/_____/\____/\____/  |\_______| |___/
+----[ Released Today ]--|__|-----\____|---+
@LOGO"Scoopex #20"
  ____/\___/\____/\____/\_______/\  /\
 / ____/ ___/ ____/ ____/ __ \__  \/ /
 \__ \/ / _/ / / / / / / /_/ /__/\  /
 __/ /  \//  \/ /  \/ / ____/ \__/  \
/ __/\____\____/\____/ /[R]\______/\ \
\/                   \/           : \/
@LOGO"Scoopex #21"
   __    ___  ___   ___  ______   ___   ____
  /_/_  /__/__\__\__\__\ \__   \_/__/__/   /
 /\__ \/ \   \ _/ \  _/ \/_/   / _/__ /   /
/      \  \  / \   \ \   \\___/ ©ron/ _  /
\______/____/______/_____/__\ \____/  \__\
@LOGO"Scoopex #22"
  ________________|    /mRV
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 \___  \   l__/>     <    S C O O P E X
_/  |   \_ /  \   |___\--------------------.
\________/_____\  |------------------------'
`-----------/     |----- p r e s e n t s - -
@LOGO"Scoopex #23"
 _/~__ //~__ //~¯  \\   \\___ \\  __/~¯/__/\
/¬\__¬\/\  ¬\/\ /  ///  //~¯¬__/ __/~¯  ·/\/
\\ _____/_____/____/____/___/_____/__/__/ /
@LOGO"Scoopex #24"
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\___ ¬\  | ¬| ¬|  | ¬|  |   __/  ___)  _  ¬|
/_____/___  l___  l___  l___| \________|   |
         `--'  `--'  `--'tGø           :   |
@LOGO"Scoopex #25"
   __|____________  ___  ___  ________| ____
   \ :___/  __/   \/   \/   \/  _ \   \/   /
  / \:  /  / /  / /  / /  / /  /__/\  :   /
 /  /: /  / /  / /  / /  / /  /  / /  :   \
 \____/\___/\___/\___/  __/\____/ /___/\___\
     `-=============/  /=========noC=-'
@LOGO"Scoopex #26"
  ________________________|     /
.-\_____  ___/  ______/   |   _/-----------.
: /    /    \   |/   \_   _    \_ SCooPEX! :
: \_________/_________/   |_____/ PRESENTS :
@LOGO"Scoopex #27"
______________________________________  ___
\   ___/ ________ \____ \____  \  __  \/  /
 \__.\/  | _/   /  /  /  /  /  / _/_\_  _/
_/  | \  |/ \  /  /  /  /  ___/  \/ \    \Mb
\_____/_____/____/_____/  /  \______/_/\  \_
@LOGO"Scoopex #28"
______________________________________|    /
\  ____/___  / __ /  __ /____   /_  / |   /|
_\___ \_ _/_/_  / \_  / \_ _/  /_/ /_   _/ |
\  _/  / \   / /   / /   / \__/ \_/ / ¦  \_|
|\____/_____/_____/_____/____|_____/__|__ /|
`-----------( c o n s o l e )-------Rpd!\/-'
@LOGO"Scoopex #29"
    ____ ______ ___   ___   __________   ___
  _/ __/_\_   /_\_ \__\_ \__\_   /___/__/  /
 _\___  /_/__/_  /  /  /  / _/  /__/_  / _/|
|   _/ / \    /_/  / _/  / ____/ \  / _  \_|
@LOGO"Scoopex #30"
   __  __  __  __  __  __ \/
|  ¯¯             |      /  \              |

                                              bAD kARMA eUROPEAN hQ!
                                                cONTRA! eUROPEAN hQ!
   ____. _ __ _____________________________. cYBERfORCE   gERMAN hQ!
 _/  __|__. _______  _______  _______. ____|     _______  ______   _______.
.\_____   |/  __  /./   .   \/   _   |/    /___./  __  /./  ___/_./  _    |
|     /   |  ____/ |   _|    \_  \   |    /|   |  ____/ |_____   |   /____|
|_________|________|___\______/__.   |_________|________|________|______|
                                                              _ __ __
           2fAST/bK/c!/cRE/cF · nIGHT aSSASSIN/sNK · sIGMA sEVEN/aS  |
                 tCB & cOLONEL/bK/cF/hLM and nOISY bELCH!            |
                           cONSOLE aND aSCII oNLY!                   |
                      eUROPES fASTEST iN cONSOLE/aSCII               |
              +1-8OO-WU-TANG-CLAN  (4 Nodes USR33k6/ISDN64kO)        |
       _ __ ___ _____________________________________________________|

                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]

      ._____            ______________________________________________.
      |    |            | · aMiGA · aLL cONSOLES · gRAFFiTi · aSCii · |
      |____|      ._____  · hiPhOP · liNUX · pC/iBM · cLASSiC gAMES · |
                 _|    /________     ____                             |
   ______________\    _        /_ __(  _/_________ ·aSK fOR tHE nUP!· |
   \            //___ /__________\\    )         / -------------------|---·
·--\\_        _/        .   ave'bm/______________\  ·aSK oN iRCnET!·  |___|
|    /________\         |
| 3 diAL-uP sLOTS       |   ____    <<(·THE YARD·))>   _____.
| 4 iSDN tELNET sLOTS ______\_  )__    ____    ________\    |_ lOCATED iN 
|_______ _________    \      _    /____\_  )___\        _    /  gERMANY!
         \_      /---//______/____\\    /     //________\ ___\ ----------·
          /______   /              /____\_______\                    .   |
               /____\ aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · pPH eHQ   __|___|
                lP! gHQ · pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ |__|