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File size:
124 396 bytes (121.48K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 252


 ________________  _____|\_____        ___________    
 \______  ______/ _\_   l__  _/_      _\_   _____/  
     /      \    /      __/     \    /      __/___ _  
 .--/        \  /       |        \\//       l       \-- -  - --------- - --.
 | /__________\/________|_________\/_____________w^s_\                     !
 :                                                                         :
 !  rUNNER:                                   #1 +31-7o-32o-5418 28.8 VF.C :
 |  DiABLO^MTH^RDZ^VSG!^HNY^ACC               #2 +31-7o-32o-8453 28.8 VF.C |
 :                                            #3 +31-7o-327-1427 14.4 USR  !
 !  sTAFF:                                    #4 TELnET     |
 :  DELiTE^MYTH^EDGE                                                       :
 :  =ZEN=^rOadhOgz^KiLLERS                             MYTH DiST SiTE      !
 !  sCARFACe^ViSAGE!^hONEY^oFFsPRING               ROADHOGZ COURiER HQ     |
 |  QUiCKSILVER^GaNGLaND                              HONEY EURoPEAN HQ    |
 :                                                   VISAGE DuTCH HQ       !
 !                                                ACCESSION DuTCH HQ       |
 |               /\                                    D C C DiST SiTE     :
 !   _____/\    // \ _______ /\_____  ________    ____________ ____________!
 |  _\______\  //   \\      Y      / _\____ _/_  _\_  _______/_\_  _______/|
 : /       | \_      \\____ l ____/ /     |    \/     ____/  /     ____/   :
 !/     ______/       \ /       \  /      |     \       |   /        |     !
 /________| /          /_________\/______________\______|  /_________|     :
 ! -tsar1- /____________\     T   H   E       P   A   Y   O   F   F        |
 |                                                                         !
 :     tHiS fiLE wAS uPLOADED bY sCARFACe         ^ -*- vSG/oS!/hNY! -     |
 `------------[ pASSED hERE oN 09-19-1995, 01:53:56 aT nODE 01 ]-----------'


   ___       ____      __      ___ __      ___ __      ______    ________
 ./  /____ ./   /___  / _\__   \_ \\/___   \_ \\/___ ./__   /_ ./ ___   /
 l______  \|  _/    \· /    \./  \ \/ _/_./  \ \/ _/_|  /__/  \|  \  __/
     /_____l________  /______l____\  /___l____\  /___l_________l___\_____
                   /________\      \/          \/
                                     - ------------------------------·
    ·honey european headquarter·           node#1: +46-8-6230196
             ·amiga&fun·                   node#2: +46-8-6231366
        ·2 node elite system·        ·------------------------------ -


         (©_©)        InterChange - "It's Always Been There!"
:              ____/_                    _ /___  UPLOADED ON 18-Sep-95    :
: ___ ________/   /______________________ /   /_____ _______ _____ _______:
:{___}\   _  \   ___/_  __/\   __  _\  _//_  / _ _  \\   _  \  __/__   __/:
:/  _\/   \  _\ /  _ // _)_/    /  // /   _\   // \ \\   \  _\ \   _\  _)_:
:    \\   /  ///   // _/    \  /___/_/    /// ·/ __\ ·\  /  // _\  //_/   :
:______\_/  ·/_____/_________\___\________//  /________\/  ·/______/______:
:     _ /___/                           _ /___\ _    _ /___/           gEm:
:                                                                         :
: - mOTION shQ - kINGDOM shQ - mYSTIC shQ - pRO^aRTS shQ - fAIRLIGHT shQ -:
:                                                                         :
:     [-pRIN^pITCH-], hURRICANE/pDX, lOGIC/M!^rBS, UFOk/mST^lSD^pSG,      :
:             bILBO bAGGINS/M!, sLA\/ER^iRONCODE!, pOWER/bLH,             :
:                                                                         :

     ,;;;;;;,  /                                     ¬\
.---¦;' __`_l-/  u all guessed it, they are here TOO.  \-/\-..-------------.
|   |  ( °)°) \  all of 'em! above me!                 / ¯¯ ¦¦ wiLL tHE    ¦
|  C· _ ¯¯,\\  \__ ___________________________________/     || tERROr eVEr |
|   T /____¯/     \/                                        || sTOp?       |
|   l_ '--` \                                           xCz ¦¦       sOS   ¦
     `----'     ¯¯                              ¯¯                     ¯¯

 [sOS!] ]]] ]] ]  ]  l   |   !    ¦    :     .





        ._                               :
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  |    \      |        |        |        |         /    |   /\    |         /
  |_____\  /\_|___/\ __|____ /\_|___ /\__|____/\  /_____|   /\____|____/\  /
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  ___|_________        ::::::::             ::::::::    _____________ |
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       .----.                l---- (o)  \ qUACk?
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\________\\\___ \\\)     / //| __///_|      ///|  \\_\\/_|   |// _ | __//_///
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            xCz \____\                   .
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           l__   l_____l_____l__   l__   l__   l__   l_/l_____l__|  |
              `--'              `--'  `--:  `--'  `--'           `--'
                                         .                  .
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          `----'     `----'     \ 31\--' ·                `----^----' xCz
                                 \___\   :
                ____    ______ .     ¡   .  ______   _______¡
 :                                       :                                 :
 ¦                _____   _____________ 2F_____________                    ¦
___________ ____ _\   (_ _\      _\   (_ _\      _\   (___!__ _ ______________
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                  |   l   |       |   l   |   .   |       |
____________ ____ l___    l_______l___    l___|   l___    |_________ _________
 .                    `---'           `--.'   `---'   `---'                .
 ¦                                       :                                 ¦
 :               _________ _________ ____¦_________ ____ _________         :
 :               \________Y        ¬Y__ ____/     ¬Y   ¬Y________/         :
 :                 \______|   ____  |    T   ____  |    l______/           :
 :                   \____|    \|   |    ¦    l/   |    |____/             :
 :       _  __ ___________l__   \   |    :    T    |    |________ __  _    :
 :       \\ \_\\_____  _____/       |    |    |    |   _l   ____//_/ //    :
 :                 |      T         |    ¦    |    |   \     ¬\            :
 :                 l______!_________!____¦____!____!____\______\ xCz       :
 :                                       :                                 :
 ¦                                       ¦                                 :
 :_______________________________________l____________________.            :
 ¦            ___                   ___                       ¦            :
 ¦        ___/  l___ _ ____________/  l___ _ ________________ +---------+  :
 +- -- ---\_    ____)_______   __     ____)_______   __     |____       ¦  ¦
 :     <---/    |   ¬\     |   ¬\     |   ¬\     ¦   ¬\     |   ¬\--->  +--+
 :    <---/     :     \    ¦     \    :     \    _     \    :     \--->    :
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             ._____        .     .       :  ________ .______
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                       _ __      _ __    ·_ __
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           _ __     |   ¬\ _ ___  ¬\   /____/_  /_ /_\  __\    /___
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                    ¦      /  /      /         /      ¬\_   \/  ¬\_ __
       _ __ ___ ____:    _/___     _/___     _/___     _/___     ___ _ zd!
                    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(
                     \/        \/        \/        \/        \/
      · no stupid, of coz it's called 'total' - not 'total total total' ·
           .                         .·     ·.                        .
                ·  .               °           °               .  ·
                      °  o      o        .        o      o  °
                             O           .           O
                             p   r   e   f   a   c   e
                             -   -   -   -   -   -   -
 respect, what does it mean? respect is  for me like,adore,appriciate & love.
 the names I'm  about to give  to you are choosen  a  bit without  researches
 which could result in that some namnes got  forgotten. So, if you can't find
 yourself, don't be so sure that I won't  do a  doubletwist  with spin when I
 see your collection ul:ed on some bbs.  and about some of the names (no more
 info needed) I must say that I really don't concider your art as THAT  good,
 but it so damn hard to choose  artists to include  when they change style so
 often and suddenly becomes totally inactive etc. etc.  But the names that'll
 follow are  the ones  I've decided  to include.  So remeber  this before you
 concider    yourself     as    one    / .  none    of     the     respected.
 about the title; 'total' choosen  because  I thought it as a heavy  name  to
 call a group, but then  I discovered that Baffle  already had requested this
 name from 2F and there I lost another good name! :) well, if this is a group
 (never heard of it?) I could  only congrat you for an intelligent  name. and
 then I must sent loads of thanx to all them legendary artists who awake just
 for me to do  them 'total' logos.  haha, no way! :) just  'ripped' them from
 old and new collections  at my hd (got more than  7Oo colly's by now)  where
 they were ment for a different purpose. really  great to use them, since the
 title for my collections  ALWAYS are the last part I finish, so I never have
 any time to request  cooly-titles. if you have some intelligent  name for my
 next   production,   I'm   accepting   all   suggestions   with   gratitude.
 and about the  world of  t'day.  sweden has just selected their people to be
 sent to the  european union  to  take  care  of  our intrests.  I've got one
 comment,  nothing  against the  nature, but partys  with  it as their  main-
 thoughts  really don't  care enough about the rest of  politics  there  are.
 I really think that there ain't that much else to do about nature than other
 standard partys could handle. but that's.only unimportant personal opinions.
 let's go on now, respect is the subject, 31  the  number and total the name.
                                         :         / xClUZiWe/sOS/sHt/dS!/eUP
                                 '/      ____   \'
                                _/  _____'.-.    \_
                                \·  __`-°_`-°__  ·/
                                 T   \_______/   T xCz
                                 l___ l_____| ___|
      ·      ______/\    _____/\    _____/\    _____/\    ___/\         ·
  _ __:_____/   .    \__/   .   \__/   .   \__/   .   \__/    /____     :
 _ ___¦___\     |      \_   |     \_   |     \_ __|_    \_   _/    \____¦__ _
      ¦    \____;       /   |      /___;      / \___     /   |      /___¦___ _
      |       |  ______/__________/  |  _____/____|     /___ ·     /___ |
      |      .:__/                  .:__/        .:____/911!\_____///   |
 _ ___¦_________________________________________________________________¦___ _
      :                                  :                              :
      .                                  :                              .
                  . a coolection filled with respect only .
                ___.                ___. .              ___.
              ._\  |___   ________._\  |___   ________._\  |
      ______  |   ____/_._\ __    |   ____/_._\____   |    |  ______
      \    /  |   \     |   \     |   \     |   __    |    |  \    /
       \  /   |    \    |    \    |    \    |    \    |    |   \  /
        \/    |_________|_________|_________|_________|____|pHS!\/
                                         ,   .
                                  ;¦  ___ __ l'
                                   l_____ ___¦
                                   | |o  Xo__)
                                   | `--'¸\  |
                                   |   ___¯  |
                                   l__ ` ¬ __! xCz
                 . ever seen my greet/respect^list before? .
        . now it has got a purpose - to become a respect^coolection .
             . so, for the few - maximum of what you've got, .
           .           .           .     :     .           .        .
           .           .           .     ·     .           .        .
  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·
    .___   ·   ____    ·    ___    ·  ._____   ·   ____    ·   ___  · _____
    |      ·  (___/__  ·   `----,  ·  l-----'  ·  (___/__  ·  (____ ·   l
           ·           ·  ¯¯¯¯¯¯   ·           ·           ·        ·
  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·  ·
           ·           ·           ·     ·     ·           ·        ·
           .           .           .     :     .           .        .

              ¸                          ·
              |                          .
       _    _ | _  _ _ __ ________________________________________ __ _ _    _
              |    hERE iT iS, oNCE aGAiN, sO fOR yOU pROdiGYS
              |    liStEd bELOW, fEEL fREE tO eNjOY tHiS jOiNT
              |    wiTH   1oo%  mAXiMUM rESPECt fROM xClUZiWe!
  __ _ _______l__ ___.----._________ _
 .\_\\\\____ ____Y_ _l_   ¦  ______///...................................
 :     _|     T   \\\__   | -----'   ¯\ __                           ·:::
 :    (_)_____l______T____l____________\\/   r  E  S  P  E  C  t   2   ·:
 :__ _______ __________ ________ _________ __________ ________          :
 /_// _ ____Y_________¬Y_  _____Y_   _____Y____ _____Y ______/__  _     :
 : /  \\\__  ¬|     l/  / ----'  ¬\ ----'  ¬\     T----------- ¬\(_)    :
 : \_____|    |______\  \__________\_________\    |_____________/(__)   :
 ::.     l____|       \  \ _                `-----'                     :
 .--------------------------------------------------. .-----------------:
 | eLv!s,$LAß,-mNt,-TRE,·hJ·,H2o,sYz,dZG,dto,bHm,2F | | p^A,e^D,uC!,dZN ¦
 | zS!,pSS,uMn,czar,nUp,kRm,Mo!,tS,cDr,zO!,-bIS,sTZ | | dG!,aL!,gRT,oS! ¦
 | ©Mt,rLf,skZ,sCf,CRb,s%,sk!n,>vNZ,c0!,SyK,tGø,gZ! | | rYL,hNY,wL!,6c! :
 | t0!,tsar1,sc,g®m,m! and -lots- of others, sorry! | | c!,sE,thats'em! ¦
 `------------. - -- -------------------------------' `-----------------'
                           ::·                             :
                           : ____¡__ __   __  _  __  _   l :
                           :  (  l ((_/_ (__\(__(_/_`--, . :
                           :                         ¯¯    :
 .·····.               .······················:               .···········.
 :.....: eLv!s - eLViS :......................: zO!   - zORRo :...........:
 :.....: $LAß  - sLAB :.......................: -bIS  - biSCROk :.........:
 :.....: -mNt  - mANtA :......................: sTZ   - sTEZOtEHiC :......:
 :.....: -TRE  - tREACh :.....................: ©Mt   - mORtiMEr tWANg :..:
 :.....: ·hJ·  - hiJACk :.....................: rLf   - rELiEf :..........:
 :.....: H2o   - h2o :........................: skZ   - sKiZE :...........:
 :.....: sYz   - sTYLEz :.....................: sCf   - sCARfACe :........:
 :.....: dZG   - dANZiG :.....................: s%    - sTASh :...........:
 :.....: dto   - dESOtO :.....................: CRb   - cHROMbAChEr :.....:
 :.....: bHm   - bEhEMOth :...................: sk!n  - sKiN :............:
 :.....: 2F    - 2fAST :......................: >vNZ  - viNZi :...........:
 :.....: zS!   - zEUS :.......................: c0!   - cOUNt zERo :......:
 :.....: pSS   - pSYCHiC sANtA :..............: SyK   - sY-kLONE :........:
 :.....: uMn   - u-mAN :......................: tGø   - tANGO :...........:
 :.....: czar  - cZAR :.......................: gZ!   - gOZZ :............:
 :.....: nUp   - n.U.P. :.....................: t0!   - tOMMY :...........:
 :.....: kRm   - kARMA :......................: tsar1 - tSAR1 :...........:
 :.....: Mo!   - mOGUe :......................: sc    - sHAPEcHANGEr :....:
 :.....: tS    - tERMiNAL siLENCE :...........: g®m   - gRiMLOCk :........:
 :.....: cDr   - cRUSAdER :...................: m!    - mEPhiStO :........:
 ·.....·                  ·...................:                  ·........·
                                              ·.......  ..................
                                                      : :                :
                                                      : :  oNLY fOURtY!  :
                                                      : :................:
        __l__.              _____.                                ¦
        \_   l____   _______\_   l____   ______ _____             :
        |    ____/_./   _   \_   ____/_._\___  \\_  |_____.       .
        |    |     |    |    |   |     |  __/   |   |     |       .
        |    l     |    l    |   l     |   l    |   l     |-- -  -:  -    -
        l_____     l_________l____     l________l____     |       ¦
          : /______|         CRb/______|e^D -  - --/______|       |
          ¦                                                       ¦
.                 .                 .                 :                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·             ·   ·             · .
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °   .
                                             :                          ·
.__,-----,.____. _____.     ____  .____      .                          :
|       / |    | \    |----.\  /  | __/___   .  eLv!s                   ¦
l______/¯\|    |__\   |    /¯\/¯\-`-----. \  .                          |
| ___/    \  __l   \  |   /      \      |  \ .  eLViS/p^A - gone for    ¦
| l   _____\_\      \ l  /        \ xCz '__/ .              good now?   :
`-----'       `-----'\__/`--------^-----'    .              we're gonna :
                                             .              miss u.     ·
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 $LAß                      .
                           .    ._.----,___.----.__.----.____.----,________.
 sLAB/sOS - coop-cooly     .    | | __/___ |    |  |______   |   /___      ¦
            with you too?  .    |-`-----. \|    |__l     /   |______ \     |
            why not? could .    |       '__/__\      \ / xCz |     ___/____¦
            be fun!        .    `-------'      `-----' `-----^----'        ·
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
             ,---.        .---.              .  -mNt
       .__  / _  |________|   |__ __ _ _     .
______.|  \/ /   |    _  \__  __//_/////____ .  mANtA/wL! - hope to
\_____|| \  /    |    |   |   |   \  /_____/ .              see something
       |  \/ xCz |    |   |   `    \         .              from you soon!
       `--/______|----l___|--------'         .
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 -TRE                      .
                           .    _ __ _ .---.  _ _______ _ .__,-----, __ _  _
 tREACh/c! - please reme-  .    \\\_\\\|   |__\\\_____ \\\|   xCz / /_/// //
             mber to do    .    ._____\__  __/_ .   _/ /_ l______/¯\ ______.
             me that sOS   .    l_____¡|   |   \|   \    \| ___/    \\_____¡
             logo! I kinda .           |   `    \    \    \ l    ____\
             love you! :)  .           `--------^-----\____\----'
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
.---. xCz      ____                          .  ·hJ·
|   l_____.    \  /.       .       .       . .
|  __    ,`---/¯\/¯|T¯¯¯¯¯¯|T¯¯¯¯¯¯|T¯¯¯¯¯¯| .  hiJACk/sE - where is that
|   |    |   /     ||      ||      ||      | .              discussed ansi-
|   |    |_____    ||      ||      ||      | .              wonder? miss it!
`---|_____|   `----'`------¦`------¦`------¦ .              would love sOS/xCz
                                             .              logos from ya!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 H2o                       .    .---.       _____ ._________ _¦_ _
                           .    |   l_______\___ \|    ___    | _______.-._
 H2o/c! - when I unpacked  .    |  __     / ______)__   \/    |¡       `-' ¡
          your bbs-ansi-   .    |   |     \_ `     _/   /     ||           |
          colly I under-   .    |   | xCz |`------:'          ||  _        |
          stood what ansi  .    `---l_____|       `-----------'`-(_)-------'
          was all about!   .
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
                                             .  sYz
 _.____ _ _ ____ __ ____ _ ____.._           .
(_) __///_\\\   \\//   /_\\\__ |l| - ------. .  sTYLEz/c! - nuke proof2.
.-`-----. \._\__ \/   /  .-----'-.         ¦ .              the ultimate?
|       |  \     ____/   |       |         | .              can't wait! :)
|       '__/     |   \___`   xCz | _ ______! .
`-------'  `-----'       `-------'           .
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
                           :        ,----.    ____. .__,----,
 dZG                       .      __\____l____\__ | | .____/_____.__/\__ __
                           .     / ________/.-----'-| |_____     |      \\/.
 dANZiG/aL! - great to     .    /   \|   |  |       |  |         |       \/¡
              know you're  .    \___     !__`       |__|     xCz |_/\__  __|
              back!        .        `----'  `-------'  `---------'     \/
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
    ,----..---.    ._________. _ __________  .  dto
  __\_ _ l|   |__ _|  ___    |__ _  _      ¡ .
 / ____\\\__  __//_/   \/    /_/// //      | .  dESOtO/e^D - thanx alot for
/   \|   ||   |   \|   / xCz |             | .               the asc2/iff's.
\___     !|   `    \_________|             | .               hope to see you
    `----'`--------'          _ __ ________! .               in solna now!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 bHm                       .
                           .    .----,__.---.__________,---._______________
 bEhEMOth/sOS - one of my  .    l___/___|   l____.__  / _  |               ¡
                favorite   .    \______ \  __    |  \/ /   |               |
                saved      .    |    l/  \  |    | \  /    |               |
                souls! :)  .    |       _/  |    |  \/ xCz |               |
                           .    `-------'---l____|--/______|---------------'
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
       ______     ._____,-----,              .  2F
     __\____ \    |          / xCz           .
____/ _______/__ _l_________/__ ___________  .  2fASt/riP! - a decition is
   /   \        Y |   ___/     Y           ¡ .               a decition.
___\____________l_|    |_______l___________! .               see ya in asc2-
                  `----'                     .               heaven! :)
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
                           :                    .______   .___.
 zS!                       .    ......_____.    | ____/__ |   | . ..........
                           .    :   __\___ |-.--`------. \|   |            :
 zEUS/sE - loads of thanx  .    :  / .-----' ¦         |  l___|          .::
           for the logos!  .    :..\_`       | xCz     '__(___).........::::
           please make a   .         `-------^---------'
           sOS/sAVe.. too! .
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
_________  .____      .____                  .  pSS
\______  \_| __/______| __/_____________     .
____l/    |`-----. \.-`-----. \________/.... .  pSYChiC sANtA/sOS - the most
\___ _____|      |  \       |  \_____/     : .                      raving
|    |___|       '__/ xCz   '__/___/     .:: .                      artist! :)
`----'   `-------'  `-------'    :......:::: .
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
                           :                    ,---.
 uMn                       .         .---.___  / _  |_________.
                           .    .----|    \  \/ /   |     _   |---..-------.
 u-mAN/wL! - always fun    .    |    |     \\  /    |     |   |   ||   ·:: |
             calling fI!   .    |    l     / \/     | xCz |   |   ||     · |
             see ya there! .    l_________/--/______|-----l___|---'`-------'
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
  _______     ____.________________          .  czar
 / _____/ ____\__ |_______ \______ \-------. .
/  l/   \/  .-----' ¦    /   |  _/ /_    ° | .  cZAR/pLS - though you've
\        \  |       |___/    |  \    \     | .             done some stupid
 \___ xCz \_`       |  /     |   \    \  o | .             things I do
     `-----'`-------'  `-----'----\____\---' .             find your asc2
                                             .             really good!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
                           :                       _________
 nUp                       .    .________.    .---.\______  \_ _ __ _______
                           .    |    _   |----|    \___l/    |_  _  _      ¡
 nUP/wL! - whale sure is   .    l_   |   |    |     \__ _____(_) )) )      |
           what you need!  .    (_)  |   |    l xCz /   |                  ¦
           more from u     .    `----l___l_________/----^------------------'
           soon?           .
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
.---. ___________         ,---._             .  kRm
|   |/  \_______ \  .__  / _  (_)........... .
|  _/ __/     _/ /_ |  \/ /   |            : .  kARMA/aL! - the artist with
|  \   \____. \    \| \  /    |            : .              the definlty
|  _\       | _\    \  \/ xCz l_           : .              deepest thoughts!
`--\\\______|-\\\____\-/______(_)··········· .              love ya asc2&opi-
                                             .              nions!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 Mo!                       .          ,---._________.___.
                           .    .__  / _  |  ___    |   |------------------.
 mOGUe/c! - back! yes!yes! .    |  \/ /   |   \/    |   |             ·::: |
            yes! really    .    | \  /    |   /     |   | :.            ·: |
            good!          .    |  \/ xCz l_________l___| :::.             |
                           .    `--/______|---------(___)------------------'
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 .---.      .____                            .  tS
_|   |__ __ | __/___ ______ __________ ____  .
\__  __/_ .-`-----. \      Y          Y    ¡ .  tERMiNAL siLENCE/e^D - if some-
 l   |   \|       |  \_    |          |    | .                         one puts
(_)  `    \ xCz   '__(_)   |          |    | .                   down time on a
 `--------^-------^--------^----------^----' .               logo, this is him.
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 cDr                       .      _______ _  ____________ __ _  _
                           .     / _____///__\   \______ \\_\\\ \\- -- ----.
 cRUSAdEr/e^D - this guy   .    /  l/   \/  _______/  _/ /_                ¦
                is really  .    \    xCz \   \|   |   \    \               |
                a prodigy! .     \___  _  \__  _  !_ __\  __\ __ _   _     ¦
                awesome    .         `-\\--' `-\\-^\\\_\\_\_\\\_\\\- \\- --'
                asc2!      .
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
     ____.___________. .___.                 :
  ___\__ |    ___    |-|   |---------------. .  zO!
 / .-----'-.   \/    | |   |               : .
/  |       |   /     | l___|               : .  zORRO/dG! - one of my definite
\__`   xCz |_________!(_____)--------------' .              favorites! mon!
   `-------'                                 .              where could I
                                             .              reach you?!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
                           .          .----,    ____    .____        __
 -bIS                      .          |   /___  \  /    | __/___     \/
                           .    .____.|______ \/¯\/¯\ .-`-----. \ _________.
 biSCROk/p^A - think it    .    l____||    l/  \     \|       |  \\________¦
               over mate!  .          |     ___/      \       '__/   __
               pc aint that.          `----'  `-------'-------'      \/
               fun!! :(    .
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
  .____    .---.        ____.                .  sTZ
  | __/____|   |__ _ ___\__ |                .
.-`-----. \__  __//// .-----'----..--. _     .  sTEZOtEHiC/sE - good luck
|       |  \   |    \ |          ||  |¡ ¡.-. .                  with your
| xCz   '__/   `     \`          ||  |!_!`-' .                  mystic asc2-
`-------'  `---------'-----------'`--'       .                  group!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 ©Mt                       .    .__  .o¾%¾o.  ______ ,---.---. ____________.
                           .    |  .¾'  _¸ `¾. .__  / _ _|   |__ __ _      |
 mORtiMEr tWANg/dS! - this .    |  ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾ |  \/ /  \__  __//_///      |
                      guy  .    |  ½. `¾¾._ .½ | \  /    |   |   \         |
          sure has found   .    |__`¾.  ¯¯ .¾'_|  \/ xCz |   `    \________|
          a new,cool style!.    ·    `¤¾%¾¤'   `--/______|--------'        ·

.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
_______  ._____.   .______,-----,            .  rLf
\_____ \-|     |---|           /-----------. .
.   _/ /_|     |___l__________/            ¦ .  rELiEf/oS! - an advice -
|   \    \   __l   \    ___/               : .               go back to your
|xCz \    \  \      \_   |                 ¦ .               old style! but
`-----\____\--\______/---^-----------------' .               nice activity!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 skZ                       :
                           .      .____   .----. ____    ____.
 sKiZE/wL! - mr.always-    .      | __/___|    |/   / ___\__ |
             ready-to-reply.    .-`-----.-\---_/---/-/-.-----'-.-----------.
             -messages!    .    |       |  \  \   (_/  |       |       xCz |
             love our iTX  .    | xCz   '__/   \    \__`       |           |
             conversations!.    `-------' `----'\_____\`-------^-----------'
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
  .____   __ _______ __ _ _______ __ _       .  sCf
  | __/___\// _____//_///        /_///_____  .
.-`-----. \/  l/   \   ._________/         ¡ .  sCARfACE/oS! - active too?
|       |  \        \  |   ___/            | .                 how come I
| xCz   '__/\___     \_|    |______________! .                 like it? :)
`-------'       `-----'`----'                .
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 CRb                       .      _______ ________ __.----,_  __ _ _ _______
                           .     / ______Y_______ \\_\   ///_/_////_Y____ _/
 cHROMbAChEr/e^D - the most.    /  l/   \  .   _/ /_ |______ \          | |
                   elefant .    \        \ ¦   \    \|    l/  \         | |
                   artist! .     \___ xCz \|    \    \    ____/---------' |
                   like ya!.         `-----^-----\____\---'---------------'
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
  ._____      __ ___                         .  s%
  | ___/____ (__)  /_ __ __________________  .
.-`-------. \  /  /                        ¡ .  stASh/e^D - your style proofs
|         |  \/  /_                        | .              that 'big is bea-
| xCz     '__(__(__)_ __ __________________! .              utiful' is wrong!
`---------'                                  .              nice art from ya!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 sk!n                      .      .____   .---. ___.___. ___________________
                           .      | __/___|   |/   |   |________.        __/
 sKiN/dZN - the legend?    .    .-`-----. \  _/ __/|   |    _   |         |
            just watched   .    |       |  \ \   \_l___|    |   |         |
            your first col-.    | xCz   '__/  \    (___)    |   |         ¦
            -ly, nostalgia!.    `-------' `---'\____|  `----l___|---------'
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
__        .                ____.             .  >vNZ
\ \  _____¦-----,__________\__ |             .
.\ \.\    |    /   _   / .-----'---.. . .... .  viNZi/yDL - back on the track!
:/ /  \   |   /    |  /  |         |       : .              I'm really glad
/_/    \  l  /|    |  \__`     xCz |       : .              for it too! nice!
:.. .. .\___/ `----l___| `---------'. .. ..: .
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 c0!                       .      ________    _______,-,.___.._____ ___ ___
                           .     /  _____/_ _/  ____/ /\|   ¦|    //  //  /.
 cOUNt zERo/wL! - active   .    /   l/     \|     \/ /  |   ||   //  //  //¡
                  now with .    \       xCz \     / /   l___||  //  //  // |
            whale! really  .     \____       \___/ /___/(___)| //  //  //  |
            good! valfisk! .       ¯¯¯`-------'¯`-' ¯¯¯      l//__//__//___!
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
  .____     _____  ___.---. ____             .  SyK
  | __/___  \    \/   l   |/   /.--._______  .
.-`-----. \._\___     /  _/ __/ `--'  ...  ¡ .  sY-kLONE/aL! - another legend
|       |  \     .___/|  \   \_.      :.:  : .                 who has made me
| xCz   '__/     |.--.|   \    |.--._______! .                 happy since he
`-------'  `-----'`--'`---'\___|`--'         .                 came back!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 tGø                       .     .---.   .__,----, ._______/¯/
                           .    _|   |__ | .____/__¦  ____/ /¯¡------------.
 tANGo/wL! - before I made .    \__  __/_| |_____  |    \/ /  |            |
             asc2 active u .     |   |   \  |      |    / /   |_           |
             were my idol! .     |   `    \_| xCz  |___/ /____(_)          |
                           .     `--------' `------'  /_/  `---------------'
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
.__,----,      ____. .___.                   .  gZ!
| .____/__. ___\__ | |   |______________/\_. .
| |_____  |/ .-----'-|   |              ¯¯ ¦ .  gOZZ/hNY - gozz has always
|  |      /  |   xCz l___|                 | .             been someone
|__|      \__`       (___) __              ¦ .             special among
   `---------^-------^-----\/--------------' .             others!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 t0!                       .    _.---.____ _________.___.__________________
                           .    _|   |__  Y  ___    |   |                  ¡
 tOMMY/dS! - newcomer with .    \__ ___/_ |   \/    |   |                  |
             new, fresh    .     |   |   \|   / xCz |   |                  |
             style!        .    _|   `    \_________l___l__________________!
                           .     `--------'         (___)
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 .---. _ ___.___ __ _,----._____ _____   __  .  tsar1
_|   |_\\\_(| __\\_\\_______ \__\\___ \ /  ¡ .
\__  __l_ .-`-----. \|    l/   |   _/ /_¯T | .  tSAR1/w^S - former cola with
 |   |   \|       |  \____/    |   \    \| | .              some delightful
 |   `    \       '__/   / xCz |    \    l_| .              asc2-men!
 `--------'-------'      `-----'-----\____\  .
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 sc                        .     _.____   __ _______  _  _
                           .    (_) __/___\// _____//\\\ \ - --------------.
 sHAPEcHANGEr/dZN - always .    .-`-----. \/  l/   \¯¯                     :
                    here   .    |       |  \    xCz \ _                    ¦
              to take care .    |       '__/\___     (_)-------------------'
              of the asc2! .    `-------' `--'  `-----'
              since the    .
              start!       .
.                 .        .        .                 .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
.______ _________ __ __ _ ,---._ _  _        .  g®m
| .____Y________ \\/.__\// _  (_))) ) -----. .
| l_____  |   _/ /_ ¦  \/ /   |            ¦ .  gRiMLOCk/gRT - ever seen a
|  |      |   \    \| \  /    |            | .                 crazier artist?
|__|      |    \    \  \/ xCz |            ¦ .                 love ya style
   `------'-----\____\-/______|------------' .                 grimmie!
.                 .                 .        .        .                 ·
  ·             ·   ·             ·   ·      .      ·   ·             ·
    ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °       ° o  O  o °
 m!                        .        _ _,--.___.
                           .    .__\// _  |   |-----.-----.----.___
 mEPhiSTo/dG! - my digital .    |  \/ /   |   |     |     |    |   ¡--._
                ganstars   .    | \  /    |   |     |     |    |   |  | ¡.
            are really too .    |  \/ xCz l___|     |     |    |   |  | ||¡.
            good for me!:) .    `--/_____(_____)----^-----^----^---^--^-''





                           bUT tHAT's nOt 'nUFf!  :
                       . . : ; .
                     :`:__: :_:_ |:
                    _:|/__ \/ __\|:_
                   / \|/ o\__/ o\|/ \
                  | | ¬\__/ ¬\__/¬ | |
                  | | |(_/    \_)| | |
                     _\    sc    /_
                     .|..  ..  ..|_
                       /|.\__/ |\
            ___.           .      ___.                  ___.        .
      : ___/¬  |___   /\_________/¬  |______/\_______  /¬  |        :
      | \__    ___/__/    _______    ___/________   ¬\/    |_____   |
  <(--+--/     |    ¬\    |    ¬\    |    ¬\  __|     \    |    ¬\--+--)>
      | /      |      \   |      \   |      \ \__      \   |      \ |
  <(--+-\________     /_____     /_____     /___|      /_____     /-+--)>
      |         \____/     \____/     \____/    l_____/     \____/GDh
      :                    ·                                         :
 I also decided to  do almost the same  thing featuring all the groups  that I
 concider  could  have use .for  them.  so, following  now  are  an  amout  of
 group-logos.              :
 Insperation  collected from the major  groups  I right  now can  remember and
 a big thanx to Vision/ex-Sup from who I also included the 'most drawn groups'
 logos from  their file-id  collection (it  is hard to  remember it all  with-
 out any  help! :) in the  info-text.  Btw, vSN,  here  you are  with loads of
 logos from  me for  your  splendid file-id-collection  and  you've  got logos
 from me in my  previous  work  too  which  contained  twohundred  desc-logos.
     _____________   ______l__   ________  _____ _____________   ________
    /  __________/___\_______¬\_/   ____¬\/     Y  ¬\________¬\_/ ______/__
   /   \_______     ¬Y     l/  /     l/   \     |     \____l/  /__________¬\
 _/         |        |      \  ¯\          \_   l      \_ ____/         l   \_
 \__________|        |_______\   \__________/___________/  |_________________/
            l________|     :  \___\                 l______|
                      ¡____· ___ ¡____    ____  ____      .     ____¡
             (___/\__)l   (l(____l   (   (_____(____X____)l____(____l
 ._____ ____  ____ .       ·____ ____  ___  .____  ____  ___ _____ ____  ___¡ .
 l---  (___/_(___/_l____   |    (___/_`----,l----'(___/_(____  (  (___/_(___l .
                           ¦           T¯¯¯
                           :           |
                           .           l____________________ __  _
                                                        ___//_/ //
                        cONtRA                  - c!     |
                        cLASSiC                 - cLS    |
                        dREAMcHARTS             - dC     |
                        dUAL cREW sHiNiNG       - dCS    |
                        diGiTAL gRAFiTTi        - dG!    |
                        ePSiLON dESiGN          - e^D    |
                        fiX LTd                 - fiX    |
                        fAiRLiGHt               - fLt    |
                        gLObAL oVERdOSE         - gOd    |
                        hELLFiRE                - hF!    |
                        hOOdLUM                 - hLM    |
                        hONEY                   - hNY    |
                        iNhUMANS                - iHS    |
                        iNSANE                  - iNS    |
                        LiMETEd eDiTiON         - LEd    |
                        LOONs                   - LNs    |
                        L.S.D.                  - LSd    |
                        mYStiC                  - mSt    |
                        oUtLAWS                 - oTL    |
                        oVER tHE tOP            - oTT    |
                        pARAdOX                 - pDX    |
                        pROdiGY                 - pGY    |
                        pREStiGE                - pSG    |
                        rOYAL                   - rYL    |
                        sCOOPEx                 - sCX    |
                        sHOOt                   - sHt    |
                        sAVE oUR sOULS          - sOS    |
                        sKiD rOW                - sR     |
                        tRiSTAR rED sECtOR iNC. - tRSi   |
                        wHALE                   - wL!    |
                         ·                               |
                     _ __¦_______________________________!
                     (   _¬\__.  ¬|   _¬\___ ¬| ¬|___.
                     /   |_/ ¬|   |   |_/  _  |  |  ¬|
                     \___| \___   |___| \__|  |___   |
                         ¦    `---'tGø     `--'  `---'
                   ____  ·          ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_ . ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;;c!;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: cONtRA     :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: o1/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |   _______ .___.____________________________.
 -÷-----÷-    |  / _____/ ¦   |                            |
 Mo!,sYz,     | /  |/   \ |   | ......                     |
 TRE,h2o!     | \    xCz \l___| :    : .....               |
______________|  \___     (___) :....: :...: ::: .         |
              ¦      `-----^-------------------------------'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;cLS;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: cLASSiC    :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: o2/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |                   _____ __ ____. ____ _____
 -÷-----÷-    |                  / ___((__))   |(____)) __/___ ____________.
 v-cUT        |                 /  |/   \ |    |___ .-`-----. \           ¬¡
______________|                 \  ` xCz \|  __l   \|       |  \           |
              |                  \___     \__\      \       '__/___________!
              |                      `-----'  `-----'-------'              ·
              :    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;;dC;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: d.cHARtS   :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: o3/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |     ,----. _______
 -÷-----÷-    |   __\__  |/ _____/-------------------------.
 dALAMAR,     |  / ________ |/   \ iSSUE:                  |
 fUZZ,skZ     | /  \|    \    xCz \                        |
______________| \___     |\___      .----------------------'
              |     `----'    `-----'
              :    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;dCS;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: dUALcREWs. :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: o4/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |                     ,----. _______ __.____ _   __ _ _
 -÷-----÷-    |                   __\__  |/_ ____//_/| __///_ /_//// ------.
 tWiSTER      |                  / ________/ l/  \ .-`-----. \             |
______________|                 /   \|   \        \|       |  \            |
              |                 \___     !\___     \  xCz  '__/            |
              |                     `----'    `-----'------'  -------------'
              :    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;dG!;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: d.GRAFiTTi :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: o5/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |      .----..__,-----, ._____.
 -÷-----÷-    |   ___l____l| _ ____/__¦     |--------------.
 m!,zO!       |  / ________////_____  |     |              |
______________| /   \|    ||   |      l_____l              |
              | \_________!|___|  xCz (_____)______________!
              |                `------'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;e^D;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: ePS.dESiGN :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: o6/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |                 .__,-----,         ,----.__________________
 -÷-----÷-    |                 |       /   /\   __\____l__                ¡
 jN!,fTL,     |                 l _____/¯\ //\\ / ________/                |
 cDr,tS,      |                 |  __/    \¯  ¯/  \|    |                  |
 s%,CRb,      |                 |_____     `--'     xCz !__________________!
 HrP,sdn,     |                       `------^----------'
 dto!         ¦
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;fiX;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: fiX LTd    :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: o7/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    | .___,-----,___ _____   ____
 fiXERS       | |         \  /-\    \_/   /----------------.
______________| l________/¯\/¯\ \__ _/ __/                 |
              | |   ___/       \/   \    \                 |
              | |    |     xCz  \___/\    \                |
              | `----^----------------\____\---------------'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;fLT;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: fAiRLiGHt  :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: o8/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |                 ._____,-----,__.    .---.
 -÷-----÷-    |                 |          /__ |..._|   |__ __ _...........
 jBM          |                 l_________//_///___\__  __//_///           :
______________|                 |   ___/  |  __l   \|   |   \              :
              |                 |    |    l__\      \   `    \             :
              |                 `----' xCz    `-----'--------'·············
              :    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;gOd;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: gLOb.o.dOSE:  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: o9/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    | .__,----,_._________.___,----._________ __ _
 -÷-----÷-    | | .____/__¦  ___    | __\___ |
 aLL gODS!    | | |_____  |   \/    |/ ______|
______________| |   |     |   / xCz /   \|   |
              | |___|     |_________\___     !_________ __ _
              |     `-----'             `----'
              ·    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;hF!;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: hELLFiRE   :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 1o/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    |                 .---._________,-----,_______
 hFERS!       |                 |   |____.         /       /---------------.
______________|                 |  __    l________/\  xCz /                |
              |                 |   |    |   __/    \____/                 |
              |                 |   |    |    |     (____)                 |
              |                 `---|____|----^----------------------------'
              ·    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;hLM;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: hOOdLUM    :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 11/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    | .---.    .____.          ,---.
 -÷-----÷-    | |   l____¦    |.....__../ _  |..............
 hLMERS!      | |  __    |    |___ ¦  \/ /   |             :
______________| |   |    |  __l   \| \  /    |             :
              | |   |    |__\      \  \/ xCz |             :
              | `---|____|   `-----'--/______|.............:
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;hNY;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: hONEY      :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 12/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |                 .---.               _____  _____          .
 -÷-----÷-    |                 |   l____._________.\    \/    /------ - -·-
 qEN,gOZZ     |                 |  __    |     _   |_\___     /           :
 diZ'nEE      |                 |   |    |     |   |     .___/            ¦
______________|                 |   |    | xCz |   |     |                ·
              |                 `---|____|-----l___|-----' - -- ----- -- -:-
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;ihS;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: iNhUMANS   :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 13/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    |    ____ .---.      .____ - -- -------------.
 zANOk,rCL    |    \  / |   |____. | __/___                :
 vC,          |   /¯\/¯\|  __    |-`-----. \               :
 kiD cURRY    |  /      \   |    |       |  \              :
______________| /        \  |    | xCz   '__/              :
              ¦ `--------'--|____|-------' - -- -----------'
              :    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;iNS;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: iNSANE     :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 14/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |                    ____  .__ __      .____
 -÷-----÷-    |                 __ \  /  |  \\/ xCz  | __/___ ___________/\_
 mARX,        |                 \//¯\/¯\ |   \-----.-`-----. \             |
 cOOLORADO    |                  /      \| \  \    |       |  \            |
______________|                 /        \  \  \   |       '__/__          |
              |                 `--------^---\_____|-------'---\/----------'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;LEd;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: LiM.eDiTiON:  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 15/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    | .____.    .__,-----,     ,----.
 fUZZ,dALLE   | |    |    |       /    __\___ |.___________.
 skZ          | |    |___ l______/¯\  / ______||           |
______________| |  __|   \|  __/    \/  \|    ||           |
              | l__\      \_____     \___ xCz !|           |
              ¦     `-----'     `-----'  `----'`-----------'
  ¡____       :_____¡_____ ____            _____
  l____)(____/·  l  l    ((___/__ (___/\__X_____\(____/  .  .    .
            / :                                      /
              :            y  O  U    d  O   k  N  O  W   t  H  A  t
              ·            y  O  U  ' r  E    w  A  T  C  h  i  N  g
.___ _ ________     .               ___|_ _ ____________________________  ___.
|      \_   __/_____|_   __________|   |___                             ||___|
|     s_/   |   _   |____\_    _   |   |   \_                           |____
|     c\____|   /   |   __/   _/   |________/                                |
|           |_______|   |/____|____|                                         |
|___.               |___|                                                    |
 __ |                                                                        |
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;LNs;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: LOONs      :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 16/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    |                 .____.    .__         .____
 tHE cAT!     |                 |    |    |  \ xCz    | __/___- -- --------.
______________|                 |    |___ |   \-----.-`-----. \            |
              |                 |  __|   \| \  \    |       |  \           |
              |                 l__\      \  \  \   |       '__/           |
              |                     `-----'---\_____|-------' - -- --------'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;LSd;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: L.S.D.     :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 17/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    | .____.      .____        ,----.____________.
 lSDERS!      | |    |      | __/___  ___\____l__          |
______________| |    |___ .-`-----. \/  ________/          |
              | |  __|   \|       |  \  \|    |            |
              | l__\      \ xCz   '__/___     !____________|
              |     `-----'-------'      `----'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;mST;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: mYStiC     :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 18/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    |                    __ ,---. .____    .---. ________________·
 rEACtOR,     |                 .__\//    | | __/____|   |__ __  _         |
 zS!          |                 |  \/ /   |-`-----. \__  __//_/ //         |
______________|                 | \  /    |       |  \   |   \             |
              |                 |  \/ xCz |       '__/   `    \ ___________|
              |                 `--/______|-------'  `--------'            ·
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;oTL;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: oUtLAWS    :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 19/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    | ._________.---.    .____.
 -÷-----÷-    | |  ___ _ _|   |__ _l    |------------------.
 vEGAS,       | |   \/ \\\__  __//_/    |__ __             |
 biSCROk      | |   / xCz |   |   \|  __|  \\ \ _          |
______________| l_________|   `    \__\_    \\_\\\         |
              |           `--------'   `----^--------------'
              ·    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;oTT;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: o.tHE tOP  :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 2o/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    |                 ._________.---.____.---.___________________
 oTTERS!      |                 |  ___ _ _|   |__ _|   |__ __ _            ¡
______________|                 |   \/ \\\__  __/_\__  __//_///            |
              ¦                 |   / xCz |   |   \|   |   \               |
              :                 l_________|   `    \   `    \______________!
              :                           `--------'--------'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;pDX;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: pARAdOX    :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 21/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    | ________ xCz,---._____   ____
 nERo,        | \______ \___\___ \    \_/   / .-----..--..-.
 viOLAtOR     | ____l/   \ ______|\__ _/ __/..|   . ||  || |
______________| \___ ____/  \|   |/   \    \::| .:: ||.:||.|
              | |    |::\___     !____/\    \:| ··· ||··|| |
              | `----'······`----'······\____\`-----'`--'`-'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;pGY;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: pROdiGY    :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 22/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |                 ___________,-----,  _____  _____
 -÷-----÷-    |                 \______  \ .____/__.\    \/    /____________
 eZCo         |                 _____/    \|_____  |_\___     /            /
______________|                 \___ _____/ |      |     .___/            /
              |                 |    |   |__|      | xCz |_______________//\
              |                 `----'      `------^-----'                ¯¯
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;pSG;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: pREStiGE   :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 23/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    | _________   .____    ._,-----,
 -÷-----÷-    | \______  \_ | __/___ | .____/__.___________.
 fURY,eNZo    | .____/    |-`-----. \| |_____  |           |
______________¦ |_________|       |  \  |      |           |
              : |    | |   xCz    '__/__|      |           |
              : `----' `----------'     `------^-----------'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;rYL;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: rOYAL      :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 24/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    |                 _______   _____  ________.
 c¡TRUZ,      |                 \_____ \--\    \/    /   |-----------------.
 mASk,dEMAx   |                 .   _/ /___\___     /    |___              |
______________|                 |   \    \     .___/|  __l   \             |
              |                 |xCz \    \    |    l__\      \            |
              |                 `-----\____\---^--------`-----^------------'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;sCX;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: sCOOPEx    :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 25/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |   .____    ____________   ____
 -÷-----÷-    |   | __/___/ _____/\    \_/   /_____ __ ___ _
 sCXERS!      | .-`-----. \ l/   \ \__ _/ __/     // //  ///
______________| |       |  \      \/   \    \    // //  ///
              | | xCz   '__/__     \___/\    \___\\_\\__\\\
              | `-------'     `-----'    \____\
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;sHt;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: sHOOt      :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 26/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    |                   .____    .---.    .---.
 eXERON&      |                   | __/___ |   |__ _|   |__ __ _ __________.
 mANiAC,      |                 .-`-----. \|  __ \\\__  __//_///           |
 lo!,sc,      |                 |       |  \   |    |   |   \              |
 m!,zO!,      |                 | xCz   '__/   |    |   `    \             |
 kRYPtON      |                 `-------'  `---|____|--------^-------------'
              :    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;sOS;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: sAV.oUR.sOL:  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 27/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |   .____    ._________. .____ ______________
 -÷-----÷-    |   | __/___ |  ___    | | __/___            ¡
 bHm,pSS,     | .-`-----. \|   \/    |-`-----. \           |
 $LAß,fUZZ    | |       |  \   /     |       |  \          |
______________| | xCz   '__/_________|       '__/          |
              | `-------'            `-------' - -- -------'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;sR:;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: sKiD rOW   :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 28/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |                   .____    _______
 -÷-----÷-    |                   | __/___ \_____ \________________________.
 viper,hRP    |                 .-`-----. \.   _/ /_                       |
______________|                 |       |  \   \    \                      |
              |                 | xCz   '__/    \    \                     |
              ¦                 `-------'--------\____\--------------------'
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;tRSi;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: tRi*r.sEC.i:  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 29/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |
 sPECt tO:    |
 -÷-----÷-    |  .---.  _ ______ _ __.____ _ _ ____  __ _  _
 juan,zOuzOu  | _|   |__\\\____ \\\\_\ __///_\\\  / /_///.//
______________| \__  __/_.   _/ /_ .-`-----. \/¯\/¯\       :
              |  |   |   \   \    \|       |  \     \      :
              |  |   `    \   \    \ xCz   '__/      \     :
              |  `--------'----\____\------'  `------'.....:
              .    ____             ____       ......................_________ _
___ ,;;;;, __ __ _/___/_   ____   _/___/_ __ __:::·                 :      __///
\  ;;wL!;;;  \\//`----. \_/ __ \_/`----. \\//  :· sAYS!: wHALE      :  xCz  T
 \_';;;;;;'___\/      l  /  l/  \      l  \/___:  nUMbA: 3o/3o    .::_______¦_ _
     ''''     /_________/________\_________\   :.................::::       :
              T¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                 .
 1oo% rEE-    |                            .____.    .___.            __    .
 sPECt tO:    |                ,----.  .___|    |----¦   |------------\/--.
 ---------    |                \    |--|   |    |___ |   xCz              |
 uMn,skZ,     |                 \   l  l   |  __|   \l___¡                | .
 c0!,adk,     |                /\\_____    |__\     (____)__              |
______________|                ¯¯      `---'   `-----^----\/--------------'
              |                                                             .
              |                                                             ·
              |                                                             :
              l_____________________________________________________________¦_ _
                               :        :                                   :
                               :        :                                   .
                               :        :
                               :        :                                   .
      .........................:........:..............................     .
     :                                                                 :    °
     .__ ___.__________._ _.__ ___.__________._ _______________________,
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     |  |   |   _   |  |  ¬|  |   |   _   |  |  ¬|   _   | ¬|   |  /   |
     ¦___   |___|   |___   |___   |___|   |___   |___|   |__|   |___   ¦
     .  `---'   `---'  `---'  `---'tGø`---'  `---'   `---'  `---'  `---:
     .                                                                 ·
     :          ·   s   ·   P   ·   Ø   ·   0   ·   k   ·   Y   ·      :
     ¦                                                                 ¦
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               ·        ·
                          wHAtTA hELL wAS vALVA?
                               :        :
                        aSk aNYONe nAMEd jEE'zUZ! :)
                               ·        .
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        ·
                               :        ·
@ANOTHER_FILE_DIZ?             .        .
 ·   ._______ _ __________     ._______   ..
_:___|  ____/___         /___ _|  ____/___:_
\\\_.l______ __/_.   ||   __/_.l______ __///
 :  l________\   l________\   l________\  :
 :                             ...........:
 : x  C  l  U  Z  i  W  e  ' s : ((((((((
 :                             :_|  oO  |__
 : tHiRTYfiRST(31) aSC2-cOOLY! \__ .\/. __/
 :                             : (_`--'_)
 : xCz^1Oo% rESPECT: t O t A L :   \__/g®m
@END_FILE_ID.DIZ               ·        ·
@SEEMS_SO_SUCKA!               ·        :
                               ·        .
                               .        .
                               .        ·
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               ·        ·      __ _       .
                               ·        .        \ \\\_   |
               _____________ ______ ___________ ______|   |
               \           /   :   \_         /       \_  |
                \  ¦   !  /_   ¦   _/ ¦   !  /_   |   _/  |
                 \_|   l_/ |   |   |\_|   l_/ |       |   |___
                   |   |   !   ¦   !  |   |   !   |   !   ¦   !
                   l___|   l_______l  l___|   l___|___l_______|÷tC÷
                               ·        .
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                               :        :
                   ._____._____·_______                           :
                 _ |     :_____Y _____/_                          :
                (_)|     :    ¬¦------. \  H  ¡  S ^ t o r y  ____:__
 _ _________ .-----|     ¦     :      |  \ _______ ___________\   \\/____ _
 \\\_______( |    _l_    |     :      |   Y_ _____Y __ \______¯\_  \/   ///_
     \_____( |    \__    |     ¦      l   |    T    l/   \  l/  /    __/////
       \___( l_____l_____l_____l__________|____l_________/   \  ¯\___T
   .---------÷-----------------------÷-----.           `------\___\ xCz
 .-|  eARLiEr rELEASEd aRt fROm xClUZiWe:  |--÷-----------------------÷--.
 | `--÷---------------------------------÷--'                             |
 |                                                                       |
 1  xCz-wZy!.tXt  - Woozy Coolection               - 93.06.07 - 28000b   |
 2  xCz-LLA!.tXt  - Long Live The AscII Coolection - 93.09.09 - 234000b  |
 3  xCz-iWtD.tXt  - I Want To Draw! Coolection     - 93.11.23 - 20000b   |
 4  xCz-cOOL.tXt  - Message #1 Coolection          - 94.01.19 - 100000b  |
 5  xCz-cOL2.tXt  - Message #2 Coolection          - 94.01.28 - 10000b   |
 6  xCz-FtU!.tXt  - Fatal Unity Coolection         - 94.05.05 - 53393b   |
 7  xCz-pHq!.tXt  - Phq/Fuck Coolection            - 94.12.15 - 114000b  |
 8  dDS-xCz!.tXt  - Dd·Style Coolection            - 94.12.31 - 133000b  |
 9  xCz-bBs!.tXt  - Asc1+¹ Adventure Triology #1   - 95.02.09 - 73000b   |
 0  xCz-aHa!.tXt  - Asc1+¹ Adventure Triology #2   - 95.02.09 - 86000b   |
 1  xCz-rEq!.tXt  - Asc1+¹ Adventure Triology #3   - 95.02.09 - 136000b  |
 2  xCz-rML!.tXt  - Read My Lips! Coolection       - 95.03.12 - 150000b  |
 3  xCz-sELf.tXt  - Selfish Coolection             - 95.03.15 - 63000b   |
 4  xCz->hB<.tXt  - Hard Fuckin' Boiled Coolection - 95.04.11 - 155000b  |
 5  xCz-mEN!.tXt  - Asc1+¹÷Men Pack Coolection     - 95.04.12 - 119000b  |
 6  xCz-pTC!.tXt  - Pathetic!? Coolection          - 95.04.29 - 71000b   |
 7  xCz-mASc.tXt  - Mortal Asc1+¹ Coolection       - 95 06.10 - 150000b  |
 8  xCz-kAA2.tXt  - Kick Ass AscII Coolection      - 95.06.10 - 103000b  |
 9  xCz-oUt!.tXt  - School's Out! Coolection       - 95.06.25 - 130000b  |
 0  xCz-2mEG.tXt  - 2 Fucking Meg's! Coolection    - 95.06.26 - 4607b    |
 1  [d]-uDi!.tXt  - U deserve it! Coolection       - 95.07.19 - 136000b  |
 2  [d]-bTL!.tXt  - Breaking the Law! Coolection   - 95.07.19 - 50000b   |
 3  [d]-sOLo.tXt  - The Solution Coolection        - 95.07.25 - 41000b   |
 4  [d]-bBiZ.tXt  - Big Business Coolection        - 95.08.01 - 80000b   |
 5  sOS-dZAN.tXt  - Dzain Coolection               - 95.08.20 - 138000b  |
 6  sOS-mEN2.tXt  - Asc1+¹÷Men Pack 2 Coolection   - 95.08.27 - 138000b  |
 7  sOS-eQL!.tXt  - Equal Coolection               - 95.08.27 - 100000b  |
 8  sOS-mEN3.tXt  - Asc1+¹÷Men Pack 3 Coolection   - 95.08.28 - 163000b  |
 9  sOS-wD95.tXt  - Windoze 95 Coolection          - 95.09.07 - 120000b  |
 0  sOS-aB2M.tXt  - A Better Tomorrow Coolection   - 95.09.17 - 200000b  |
 1  sOS-tTL!.tXt  - Total Coolection               - 95.09.18 - 120000b  |
 ¦                                                                       ¦
                                                                      : ....
                                                                      : :..:
 _  __ ______                      ...................................:   ....
(( (_((_____/.__   .______ _____ __: _              ...    .....   ...... :..:
      /    ¬\|  \--l__ ___Y __ ¬\\_\ \\             :.:    :...:   :....:
     /       \ \ \   /__/   l/   \______________________________________ __ _
     \_ .   _/  \ \ / !__________/                                  ___//_///
  xCz `-÷---'¯¯¯¯\_/¯¯¯                                              T .....
        :                                                            | :...:
        ¦ n A M e :  .................................. sOS-tTL!.tXt |   ...
        | s i Z e :  .................................. 12OoOo bYtEs |   : :
        | l i N E s : ................................. 243o         |   :.:
        | l O G O s : ................................. 4o+³O=7o     | ...
        | s M A L L E S t  l O G o : .................. aLL diZ'eS = | :.:
        | l A R G E S t  l O G o : .................... 1Oo% X*44!   |
        | r E L E A S E d : ........................... 18/9 - ¹9g5  ¦
        l_________________________________________________________ __:__ _
         t      O       t       A       L      c O O L E C t i O n ! .
                        ___________    :
                      _/           \   :
                      \ yO! mAtiES! \_ ·...........................
                 _____ \_ ___________/                             :
                {~._.~} (/                                         ·....
     /\ __       ( Y )                  ______ __                  _    :
    /  \\/__    ()¯T¯()         _______/   __¬\\/______ _________ //    :
   /  /\\/_¬\   (_)^(_) ______ / _____/_   `/  \/ _____Y_   ____/______ .
  /  /  \/   \ _______ / _____Y`------.¬\  T    \ \____ ¬| ---'¬Y ____/__  __
 /       l____Y  _____Y-----.¬¯\      l  \_|     \   |   |      |------.¬\(__)
/___________|   ----'¬ ¯\   l   \________/ l______\__|   |______!      l  \(_)
            l____________\______/                    `---'   \____________/
   ..: xCz :............................................................:
 zaphod: acctually one of the most cool asc2-works I've seen for a loooong
   ·     time! great to see new AWESOME artists. hope to see more from you!
 dalamar: really nice diz on latest dc issue! :)
 honey-gang: "let's do it with humour!" - sure, guess everyone is laughing
   ·         like hell by now. how could such internal problems happen?
 recall: running man? argh! you're gonna take my sleep away! :)
 mortimer twang: boxing match? argh! you're gonna take my sleep away! :)
 =zen=: the whole asc2-scene got one question for you: artmag! where?
 ezco: think over them hq selections. I know you choose the right ones! :)
 everyone: do not even think about it - just DO go to the remedy (swe)!
   : .
   : ·
 ..: :....... .  .                                                        .
 : ......................................................................
 : :                                                                ·:::: ·
 : :     i M P O R t A N t   m E S S A G e   t O   y O U  !           ·:: .
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :      are you:     ascII-artist, independent, bored of your         : :
 : :                   old group, crazy, really cool, active or         : :
 : :                   only pretty,  ascII-interested, sos-fan,         : :
 : :                   really rich,  pamelas boyfriend,  noones         : :
 : :                   girlfriend, in love, sad, or only one of         : :
 : :                   them many unsaved souls. don't be afraid         : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :                      tO tRY tO gEt sAVEd oNCE fOR aLL!             : :
 : :                                    ¯¯¯¯¯                           : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :      you've now YOUR SPECIAL chance to get one of them saved       : :
 : :      souls within sOS aSC2 mANiACs. gah! your heart just           : :
 : :      made a triple spin! and so it'll continue to do if you        : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :                 cALL sOS^wHQ iNTOXiCAtiON (tHREE nOdES)            : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :                           nD1: +46(8)265322                        : :
 : :                           nD2: +46(8)263536                        : :
 : :                           nD3: +46(8)255321                        : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :      and proves that you're acctually the one we've tried to       : :
 : :      get a grip of for so long, but not until now succeded!        : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :                     dON't tHiNK - jUSt dO iT.                      : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :                                                                    : :
 : :         write message to xClUZiWe for further instructions.        : :
 : ::.                                                                  : :
 : ::::.................................................................: :
 :..  ..  .  .. ... ......................................................:
   :  ·
   :  .
   :  :
   :  ·
   :  .
   :  ·
      ·                         ______________                  .·
      ·                       _/              \               .·
      .                 _____ \ tHANx, mATiES! \_            ·
                       {~._.~} \_ ______________/             ·
      .                 ( Y )   (/                             ·
         ·          ·  ()¯T¯()                                  \
     _ _/________ _/ __(_)^(_)                   __ ·            ·
    (_)/ _________/__\/____ ___·_ _______________\//______________\_ _______ _
 __ __/____________ ¬\/   ¬Y    \______ ¬\_____ ¬\/  _._¬\________ \_______///
 \//            /     \    |     \  l/ __/  l/ __/   \|   \_   l/  /    T
  /            /       \   l      \   T       T       \    /    \  ¯\   |_
 /___________________ _/________ _/___! _ ____!_ _______ _/______\   \__(_)
             /        /          /    :       :          /        \   \ __
            /        ·          ·     .       ·        .·         _\___\\/xCz
 sUPPORTiNg·aSCII bY (iN oRdER oF aPPEARENCe):       .·             \
                            .               .      .·                ·
 bANdiDO ...................:    xClUZiWe   :.....· . .. .............. bNo
 dESOtO ....................:      sOS      :.......................... dto
 nEPtUNE ...................:     sHOOt     :.......................... npt
 mORtiMEr tWANg ............:    eUPhORiA   :.......................... ©Mt
 2fASt .....................:   cOOLECtiON  :........................... 2F
 2fASt .....................:     tOtAL     :........................... 2F
 u-mAN .....................:     tOtAL     :.......................... uMn
 zAPHOd ....................:     aSCII     :.......................... zd!
 911 .......................:     tOtAL     :......................... 911!
 pHASE .....................:     tOtAL     :......................... pHS!
 cHROMbAChER ...............:     tOtAL     :.......................... CRb
 sHAPEcHANGEr ..............:     [fACe]    :........................... sc
 gOdHEAd ...................:     tOtAL     :.......................... GDh
 tANGo .....................:     tOtAL     :.......................... tGø
 sHAPEcHANGEr ..............:     tOtAL     :........................... sc
 tANGo .....................:   vALVALANd   :.......................... tGø
 gRiMLOCk ..................:   sOS [desc]  :.......................... g®m
 tHE cROW/2F ...............:     tOtAL     :......................... ÷tC÷
 miSFiT ....................: aSC1+¹mEN cOL :.......................... -M-
 2fASt .....................:     tOtAL     :........................... 2F
    ______  ______  _______  __     ____¦     ___  ___  ________ __  __
   /   _  \   ___/_       /__  |   |    ¦    /   \/   \        /   \|  \
 _/   ___  \____   \_ |__/  /  | + |    |  _/  \    /  \_     /__   \   \_
 \     |    /  /    / |    /   |   |    |  \    \  /    / /__/  / \  \   /
  \____|___/_______/______/____|   |____|   \____\/____/_______/___\____/
   _______ _____ _____  _____  _______ _¦____ ________ _ ______ ____  __
  /      /__    \     \     /___     /  .   /__      /  \      \    \|  \
_/   |__/  / _   \_ _  \_  /   /    /__ ¦__/  /_ ___/    \_ _   \_   \   \_
\    |    /       /     / /   / /__/  / |    /     \      /      / \  \   /
                                        : loads of asc2-men req's going on
                                        : by now, will probably resume  in
                                        : asc1+¹-men coolection 4  in some
                                        : weeks!    hope    so     anyway!
                I love to see when old Legendary Asc2-Artists
                  Get back on the track with new releases.
                  That proofs the truth of that old saying
           " Real AscII-Artists Never Die - They Just Take A Nap. "
                 _|_ _____|_  __ |      :
                 \__,\__/\__,(__\|--- - ---2F-- -- ---- - --.
                                 |                          |
                 <- ----------------------------- - -- ----+'
                   .o¾%¾o.             _                                   :
                 .¾'  _¸ `¾.          _/   xClUZiWe ^ sAVE oUR sOULS!    _ :
                 ¾' .¾'¯¬ `¾               1995.o9.18 - xCzwRzrLz'g5!   /  :
                 ½. `¾¾._ .½                              ¯  ¯  ¯       ¯  :
                 `¾.  ¯¯ .¾'            .···································
                   `¤¾%¾¤'              ·..........................
                                            Ô) = hAPPY!   [sOS!]  :
                                                          [eOf!]  :
                ______________________________________            :
     ,;;;;;;,  /                                     ¬\  __       :
.---¦;' __`_l-/  u all guessed it, they are here TOO.  \-\/-..----`-÷------.
|   |  ( .).) \  all of 'em! below me!                 /    ¦¦ wiLL tHE    ¦
|  C· _ ¯¯,\\  \__ ___________________________________/     || tERROr eVEr |
|   T /____¯/     \/                                        || sTOp?       |
|   l_ '--` \   __                              __      xCz ¦¦      sOS__  ¦

  ! InterChange - The Party Place, Come and Join us!  (You know where!) !

                                                          [-AquaAdder v0.4-]

  ._ _____.)      |___________ ________ .______._____________ _______.______.
  |     __¦_______|_          \_    _  \|      |   _._      / \      ¦      |
  |      __________/   dLT     /    \\  \      |    ¦/_____/__ \_____|_     |
                   __..____                          ____..__
                <÷>\_||___/     CALL OUR BOARDS:     \___||_/<÷>
         ...                                                        ...
         :   nota bene           [WHQ] +46-8-58166565   [warhammer]   :
         :   the sLammer #1      [EHQ] +46-8-623o196      [distLer]   :
         :   the sLammer #2      [EHQ] +46-8-6231366      [distLer]   :
         :   finaL impact        [SHQ] +46-54-159771        [u-man]   :
         :   maximum anarchy     [SHQ] +46-47-622oo3          [ziz]   :
         :   receiver            [SHQ] +46-21-55745    [bLack Line]   :
         :   bumbLe bee land     [NHQ] +47-66-794789       [baffLe]   :
         :   midnite             [OHQ] +61-7337-97161  [count-zero]   :
         :   raveLand            [GHQ] +49-7128-3511          [h2o]   :
         :   apocaLypse now #1   [GHQ] +49-9723-84o2   [%styLewars]   :
         :   apocaLypse now #2   [GHQ] +49-9723-84o5   [%styLewars]   :
         :   shining chrome      [AHQ] +43-662-453364      [psycho]   :
         :   the payoff #1       [DHQ] +31-7o-32o5418      [diabLo]   :
         :   the payoff #2       [DHQ] +31-7o-32o8453      [diabLo]   :
         :.. the payoff #3       [DHQ] +31-7o-3271427      [diabLo] ..:

     ______ .____        ______
 __./_____/_|   _\_____./__   /_      #1 +31-7o-32o-5418 [28.8 VFC]
 _/:/________   \____  |  /__/  \     #2 +31-7o-32o-8453 [28.8 VFC]
   :____/   l______\  /l_________\    #3 +31-7o-327-1427 [14.4 USR]
- ------------/______/--------------- #4 TELNET --------------

            cREW:  DiABLO/mTH&rDZ&vSG&aCS&hNY!·DELiTE/mTH&eDG·=zEn=/rDZ&kLS·

                  ________    __     ____ ___   ______    _______  _______
 t H E          ./ _____  \  / _\__./  _./__ \./      \ ./_ ____/_/_ ____/__
    p A Y O F F |  \_______\· /    l_______/  |        \| //______ //______/
                l_____\    _ /______\   l_____l_________l____\   l____\
--------------------------/________\--------------------------------------- -

     tHiS fiLE wAS uPLOADED bY sCARFACe         ^ -*- vSG/oS!/hNY! -
             pASSED hERE oN 09-19-1995, 01:53:56 aT nODE 01