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File size:
60 034 bytes (58.63K)
File date:
2018-05-21 17:05:39
Download count:
all-time: 633


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            3nds Ringdown loaded with AMIGA/ASCII/CONSOLE/C64/MAC

              4040 26mb 9.5gb cd-rom 3/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/TELNET
                     * TRISTAR AND RED SECTOR INC. HQ *
             * CRUX & BAD KARMA HQ * CPU HQ * ABUSE HQ * OMA HQ *
                          THE PROTECTORS ARE:
                         <0>  +45 58ASK4IT  <0>
                         <0>  +FIND ON IRC  <0>

[lineOOO1]·                                                              ·[sof]

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The year is 1992, I called myself  Custo, ¯\_____________/¯      ·::::.
hanged  out  at  Techno  BBS.  I  had got ·                        ··:::.
a special  permission to enter the Elite- ¦.                         ··:::
areas  since I  was  calling with  a  2k4 |.                         ..::·
modem, but talked my way into the desired ||                       .:::·
areas of the system. I looked through the ||                      :::··
listings for  new games  for  my precious ||                     ::·
Amiga 500. As  I scanned week  after week ||                    :·
(there wasn't as much crap released every ||                    ·..
day by then)  I  noticed  several  pieces ||                     ··:..
with  ascii-art,  collected  together  in ||                         ·:.
larger text-files.                        ||                       ..:·
                                          ||                    .::··
After I had downloaded and  checked out 2 ||                   :::
or 3 I started to get  really interested. ||                   ::
                                          ||                   ::
I totally emptied Techno BBS pretty well- ||                    ·:.
filled   ascii-directory  together   with ||                     ··:..
everything named ascii that I  could find ||                         ·::
in the Elite areas.                       ||                        .::·
                                          ||                      .:::·
From now on I always downloaded every new ||                     :::·
and  old  piece  of  ascii  that I got my ||                    ::::
hands on.                                 ||                    :::
                                          ||                    ·:::
I was  about to  become an ascii-pioneer. ||                      ·:.
                                          ||                     .:::
Together with  my  friend  Thomas (a.k.a. ||                  ..:::
Slab)  I  spent a  few  days  during  the ||               .:::·
summer 1993 with  WorkBench  Edit on  his ||                ··::.
Amiga  500. We came  up with what  always ||                   ····::...
in the beginning  has  to be  forgiven as ||                         ···::
part rip,  part  fanatic  pieces inspired ||                           .:·
by the best by then. We part drawed ascii ||                        .::·
and part played Mario 2  on his  Nintendo ||                     .::·
8bit console.  The  days  passed fast, we ||                 ...:··
loved to play  around with  the text-art. ||              ..::··
                                          ||          ..:::··
Today  we  both   work  with  design  and ||        .::··
programming.                              ||     .::··
                                          ||    ::
Ascii was  fairly easy. Even though we by ||    ·::.
then  didn't  even  know   that  CygnusEd ||      ··:..
was the tool to use, the text-art that we ||         ·::::::::::.....
draw  didn't  recuire  any  knowledge  in ||                       ·::
coding   nor   any   advanced   hardware. ||                     .:::·
                                          ||                ...:::··
Ascii is  very  fair. You  use  the  same ||             .:::··
characters,  the  same  keyboards and the ||           ..··
same kind  of   editor   as  EVERY  other ||           ::
artist.  Noone  is  superior in any  way. ||            ·:..
What you've got is  your talent, a way to ||              ··:::.
express  it  together  with feelings  and ||                   ·:
other  written  confessions. The  way  we ||                   .:
publish it  is of cause very limited, but ||               .:::·
this   is  the  whole  challenge.  Unlike ||             .:··
graphics-art  and coding, where you could ||            ::
get much better off if you own the right, ||          .::·
expensive hardware,  ascii can be made by ||           ··:::.
anyone,   anywhere   in   any  condition. ||               .·
                                          ||           ...::..
Ascii art s also  very easily spread. The ||                ····:::::..
files are mostly  very small and are made ||              ..::···
of  so  pure  data  that  they never  get ||          ...···
corrupted. We got off  fine back in  1992 ||      ..:::·
with our  Amiga  500's  and my 2k4 modem. || ..:::··
Comments, state-of-the-art-thinking,  and ||::·
the fast spreading  of  the  art is  what ||                ........
causes idols, war and a collecting mania. ||...   ........:::········:::::::::::·
This is also what have created  the whole ||···:::::                   ...:···
ascii-scene.                              ||                      ...···
                                          ||               ...::···
Now that we were  active and  entering  a ||          ...::::·
whole  new  scene,  we  had  to  come  up ||       .:::::·            ......
with our own  ascii-group  too.  We  were ||       :::::    ..::::::::··  :::.
jealous   of  groups  like   ArtCore  and ||       ·:::::······         .:·
Castle of Illusion and  since we couldn't ||         ··              .:··
contect  them   to   apply   for  member- ||                       .:·
ship we had to  create  something new. We ||                     .:·
found the  name  Woozy  in a  dictionary, ||                   .:·
we choosed it since  it  included both  W ||                 .::
and Z, characters that seemed cool in our ||                ·:.
eyes by then.                             ||                   ·.
                                          ||                     ·.
Slab became more inactive immediately and ||                    .·
most of the art was made by me. I renamed ||                  .·
Woozy after  only one  release to  Dzain. ||                .·
This was the same time as I got access to ||              .·
larger BBS's  and started  spreading  our ||            .·
art to the genral public. I also  changed ||          .·
my  handle   to   the  X, W, Z-influenced ||        .·
xCluziwe.  Since  the  public  liked what ||         ·.
they  saw  and  there  was an neverending ||           ·.
demand for ascii to  all the  tousands of ||             ·.
bulleting  board  systems that  popped up ||               ·.
everywhere the requests came from  every- ||                 :·
where.                                    ||                   ·:
                                          ||                      ·
Today we've come more than  a mounth into ||                       ·
the last year  of the century.  Save  Our ||                        :
Souls, as  the group was renamed  to back ||                       ·
in 1995 has worked itself through  a real ||                      ·
history.                                  ||                    ·
                                          ||                  ·
Today  I  like  to salute the  former and ||                .
actual members.                           ||              .
__________________________________________/¯             ·:·
       ____ __  _ __________________________________________ _  __ ____
    _._\   \\_\\/-)                                        (-\//_//   /_._
     |  \___\                                                    /___/  |
     |          911                  -    911 - Germany                 |
     |          Aqua                 -   aQua - Norway                  |
     |          Bastard              -    b!d - Germany                 |
     |          Behemoth             -    bHm - Sweden                  |
     |          Blue                 -    -B- - United Kingdom          |
     |          Crane                -     cr - Sweden                  |
     |          Crazy                -    -cR - Germany                 |
     |          Czar                 -   czar - Sweden                  |
     |          Funki                -  f@nK! - Netherlands             |
     |          H7                   -     h7 - Finland                 |
     |          Horizon              -  -hzn- - Finland                 |
     |          Javis                -    -j! - Germany                 |
     |          Karlos               -   -kLs - United Kingdom          |
     |          Mila A. Fagnan/Zorro - mAF/2o - Germany                 |
     |          Mjolnir              -    .ml - Sweden                  |
     |          Msw                  -   -mSW - Netherlands             |
     |          Nebraska             -    NeB - Sweden                  |
     |          Nemesis              -    nM$ - United Kingdom          |
     |          Psychic Santa        -    pSS - Sweden                  |
     |          Randy                -  RandY - Sweden                  |
     |          Satans Fire          -    sF! - Netherlands             |
     |          Slab                 -   $LAß - Sweden                  |
     |          SpeedDevil           -   +sD+ - Norway                  |
     |          The Kestrel          -    tK! - Sweden                  |
     |          Tommy                -    t0! - Sweden                  |
     |          Wise-k               -    wk! - New Zeeland             |
     |          Woober               -    wBr - Norway                  |
     |          xCluziwe             -    xCz - Sweden                  |
     |          Zaphod               -    zd! - Germany                 |
     |          Zinko                -  ZiNKo - Denmark                 |
     |          Zod                  -    zod - Germany                 |
     ¯\_        Zoltrix        ·     -   zTx! - United Kingdom        _/¯
      _¡___ _____. ________ ____\ __ _ . _______________ __ _______ __¡_
       !   \\   _|___ ______\_   \ /   l/     X  ._  _ /____\_    //  !
       |   _ )___.    \      ._   \    /         !/__\(     ./     _  |
       |   /___ /!  ___  __  l/  _____/     ____ /    ____  !\  ___\  |
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       |         ¡ S  A  V  E  D   1  9  9  3  -  1  9  9  9 ¡_       |
       `---------|   ._______.________.________.______,.__   |\-------'
                 |_  |_     ¬!  _    ¬!  _    ¬!  _      /  _|
            drn! :/__ /      __ \     __ \     __ \     /___\: /\t
                     /_    _/ /_    _/ /_    _/ /_    _/
                       `--'     `--'     `--'     `--'
 _ __________________________________________________________________________ _

                           · Http:// ·
              · Http:// ·
                        · Ftp:// ·
 _ __________________________________________________________________________ _

 Zinko          -  Sysop - Denmark        - The Northern Palace - Whq
 Zod            -  Sysop - Germany        - Skynet              - Ehq
 Fuzz           -  Sysop - Sweden         - Intoxication        - Shq
 Zoltrix        -  Sysop - United Kingdom - Fine Line           - Ukhq
 Satans Fire    -  Sysop - Netherlands    - Back Fire           - Nlhq
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
                          _ __      __     .  _ __
        ___ _ ___ __________/( _ ___\/__ _ :_ __/( _ _____ ___ _ __ _
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                    /    \_  |     \_  |     \_  /     \_   /    \
                  \/      /  :      /         /         / \/
_ _________   _/___     _/___     _/___     _/___     ________  _
                   \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___(    \ ___( cs!
                    \/        \/        \/        \/        \/
 _ __________________________________________________________________________
                                                        |                    \_
                     ...:::::::::::..                   |· requests '98/'99. ·|
                  ..:···            ·::..               | _ _______________ _ |
                .:··                   ··:.             |                     |
              .:·                         ·:....        |    · animators ·    |
             ::                       .. ::······:.     |    · carnifex ·     |
            ::    ..:::.            .:·           :     |      · crazy ·      |
           .::  ···   ·:          .:·            .:     |   · daddy twang ·   |
       ..::···                    ::        ....:·      |     · damones ·     |
     .:·           ..:·            ·:..   ········.     |     · darkus ·      |
     ::       ..::::              .  ··::.....     ·.   |     · eternal ·     |
     ·:..         ···:.         .:                  :   | five years of ascii |
.:······:::::         ·:       .:                   :   |      · joule ·      |
::                    ::       ::.                .·    | · love daddy twang ·|
::                   .·        ·:::.         ....·      |     · necrite ·     |
::             ....                    ···:::·          |   · sperm whale ·   |
::     ....···::.                      ..:··            |     · stylez ·      |
:::..···       ··::....            ...::·               |     · stylez ·      |
 ··               ···:::........::····                  |       · stz ·       |
                        ········                        |      · tango ·      |
_ ______________________________________________________l____________________/¯
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_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
                          .                             ·
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            ¯\___     ./¯\__\    xCz  \   \.¯\____     ./¯\___/¯
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                          |   \_________\  | /
                          |     l_________/¯/
                          |                /
                          |               /  when u  least suspected it.
                          ¦              /
                          ·             /    old  legend  crazy  returns
                                      /      to the ascii scene together
                                    /        with save  our  souls 1998.
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
                           /             .::::.
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_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _

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              |     \    /   T     __/________    |     | |¯  __/     ____
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              |       \/|____l___   T   l/     \._l___  |_|___ T__  /   /
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              |         | \   \|  _/¯\_/        |  \| _/¯  \|  |     _/
             _|         l_ \______\   /         |   \ \     \  |_    T
             \_         _/_______    /_________/¯\____\\______/¯/____|
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 _ ____________________________ _\__/   /       |__/       |   |         l__ _
                                  /____/        | l________T\__|         |
                                      /________/¯              |         |
                                                               |         |
                                                               |         |
                                                               |         |
                                                               |         |
                                                               |         |
                                                               ¦     xCz ¦
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
            .________ ______ .___ _  .______   ___   ___.________
         _ _l    _  ¯Y__   /_l _///__l___  / .(___) /  ¯l_ __   /___ _
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          ¯ \_____\ l________l_______l__\      ¯\__l____l_________/ ¯
                                         \       \
                                          \       \
                                           \       \ xCz
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _

                        _____   __ _________  _______.________ __  /  \ _.
                        \ __/___\_\\       /_/_     /l____   //  \/    \\|
           __________  __\___   \__|\     /  l/    /Y¯ | /  /  /\  /\   \_
          /         /_/   | /    | l/____/   /____/ |  l/  /_    \/      |
         /         / |    |/     |     |      |     |  \     \   /       |
        /         /--¦    l      |     |      l     |   \     \ /        |
       /         /\  ¯\_________/¯\___/¯\__________/¯\__|\_____X         ¦
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                      |       |      |   l/     |   /    \_/ /____/        /
                      l_______|      ¦   /      |  /      ¦   |           /
                             l______/¯\_/       | /       |   l      xCz /
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
                           .     | _                      /
                      _,___|_    · / ._  ____            /
                      | \  T )   // _T/ _\  |           /
                      ¯\___| \__//  \____\ /¯   _      /
                      _   /|  /  T__\    ¯/_____\     /
                      \  / · /   .  ¯                /
                       \/   /    |                  /
                                 | xCz             / s t y l e z ·
                                 l________________/__ _  _
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
                    .                                            .
                    .                                            .
                    |                                            |
                    |      ______.                               |
                    ¦    ./     ¬|      ______                   |
                 ___:    |       |___  /     /__    ________ ____¦___
               _/ _/_____|       |_ ¬\/ xCz /  /__./__     /_\___`  /__
              _\______ ¬\_       _/        /  /  ¬| l/    /¯¬Y  ___/  ¬\
             /      l/   |       |       _/  /    | /____/   |  \|      \
            /       /    ¦       ¦_      |        ¦  l       |   ¯       \
                    T                                            T
                _°· |                                            |  .
               (_)o | · s t y l e · a s · w e · l i k e · i t ·  | °o_·
                .·  |                                            | ·(_)
                    |             . I S · B A C K .              |    ·
                    |                                            |
                    ·                                            ·
                    .     (featuring same qual' as always)       .
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
                    ___       |        /______
                  _/  /_____._|       /_\__  /_____
        _ ________\______   l\_       _/¯___/      \_________ _
                 _ /  \ |     ¦       |  \ |        \ _
             _ _///    \|     ·       ·   \|         \\\_ _
             \\\//      l    /¯\_____/¯\   \          \\///
              ¯ /           /           \              \ ¯
               /___________/     xCz     \______________\

                   . s · 7  e  z  o  t  e  h  ¡ · C .
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
                     .                                  .
                     |                                  |
        .__________  |                                  |
        |         /  |                                  |
     ___|        /   |                          _______ |
     \_         /_   |_________ ._______________\_  __/_|_____ ________
      |       ___/__ /  __    ¬\|     _          ¬\_\_  ¯    ¬Y     __¬\.
      |        |   ¬Y   l/      \     /            / /        |     \)  |
      ¯\       l    |   /        \_  /            / /         |         |
        \__________/¯\_/          /-/____________/-/          l________/¯
                     |/__________/                /___________|
                     |                                  |
                     |                                  | xCz
                     |                                  |
                     ·                                  ·
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _

                                        ..······:::::::::::··  ·::.
                                      .:·              .:·      ·::.
                                      :  xCz         .::·         ·::.
                                      :             ::·           .::·
                                       ·:           ::         .:::·
                                                     ::     .:::··
                  ..                    ..::::.. .::·  ·::··
                 :··:.               ..::··    ·::·
                 :   ·:.           .:::·         ·.
                 :     ·::.      .:::·            ::
                 :       ··:.   :::·             .:·
                 ::         ·:. ·:.            .:·
                 ·:.          ·::::.         .::·
                   ·   ........ ···:.      .::·
                   ..···   ···:::. ·::. .:::·  ..::.
                  :·           ·:::. ·::::·  .:··  ·:.
                 :·             ::::   ··   .:·      ·:
                 ·.            .:::: .      ::       .:·
                  ··:....   ..::::·  ::.    ::      ··
                     ····::::··      :::::..::...
                        ...   .....      ···::··::::::...
                      .:::· .::::::::.      ::
                     .:::· ::::::::::::.    ::         ..:::····...
                    .:::: ::::::·    ·:::.  ::    ..:::··         ·:.
                   .::::  :::::·      ·:::. ::.  :::::·            ·::
                  ::::::  :::::        ::::. :: ::::::              :::
                .:::::::  ::::::        :::: :: :::::::.         ..:::·
_ _____________.::::::::__:::::::_______::::_::_·::::::::..   ..:::::·_______ _
             .::::::::::.  ::::·       .:::: ·:: :::::::::::::::::::·     ¦
            :::::::::::::.  ··         :::::  ::. ·:::::::::::::::·       |
            ·:::::::::::::.           ::::::  ·::. ··:::::::::::·         |
                ·····:::::·         .::::::·   :::.   ··::::::·           |
                                  .:::::::·     ·::::·                    |
                                   ·:::::·       ·:·                      |
            Name: ................................... Sos-Ane!.Txt        |
            Size: .................................... 57OOO Bytes        |
            Lines: ................................ EightSevenZero        |
            Logos: ............................................ 16        |
            Coolection: ............................... FiftyEight        |
            Software: ............................... CygnusEd 3.O        |
            Hardware: .............................. Amiga.Pentium        |
            Homepage: ...........................        ¦.
            E-Mail: ..............................       .:::.
            Released: .................................. O2/O2 -99      .:::·
            Other: ........................ More To Come Real Soon ..  .::¦
                                                          ....      ·:.:· |
_ ________:..___________________________..::::::..____..::::::::.____.::._¦__ _
          :::::.       .:.          ..::::::····::: .::::::··  ·::. .:· ·:.
          ::::::·    .:::::       .::::::·       ·:.·::::·       :: ::    ·:.
        . :::::·    ·::::::: ::..  ·:::·         .::  ·:        .:· :     .::·
      .:: ·:::·      ·:::::: :::::.  ··         .:·           .:·  ::
     :· :  ·::         ·:::: :::::::.    .    .:· .:::.     .:·    ::   ::::..
   .:·  ·   ·:.         :::: ::   ·:::  .:  .·· .::·   ·.  ·::.    ::    :::::
   ·:..      ·:.       .:::  :·     ·:: ::.·   .:·      ·:.  ·::.   ::   :::::
     ·:::..   ·::.....:::·           :: :::   .:·         ::.  ·::. ·:. .:::::
       ··:::.   ·::::::·  .:        ::· ::::  :·           ·::. ·:::. ·::::::·
          ··::.          .::    ..::·   ::::: :.           .::::  ·:::. ··::·
   .        ·::.     ....::::····       ·:::·  ·.         .:::::    ·:::.
   :         ·::.  ···  ::::                    ·:.      .:::::      ·::::.
   :.         :::       ::::.                    ·::....:::::·        ·::·
_ _::________.::·_______:::::______________________·::::::··_________________ _
   ::.      .::·        ·:::·                        ····                 ¦
   :::  ..::::·                                                           |
   ::::::::::·  Supporting Ascii By (In Order Of Appearance):             |
   ::::::::·                                                              |
   :::::··      Daeron .............:  Saved 1999   :............... drn! |
   :··          Zaphod .............: Save Our Souls:................ zd! |
                Crazy ..............: [File-Id.Diz] :................ -cR |
                Toymaster ..........:   Xcluziwe    :................ sw. |
     .          Zaphod .............:   Xcluziwe    :................ zd! |
    ::                                     .·     .····..  ......         |
_ _:::_____::::::::·____·:::..___________.:·____.·      ·:.__··::::.______¦__ _
.:::::     ::::::· ....... ·:::..       .:·    .:        ::.    ··:::.   .:..
·:::::     :::::·.:::·   ·:. :::::...  .:·     ::.       ::: ...   ·::.   ·:::
 ·::::.    ::::· :::      .: :::::::::::·      :::      .::: :::::.  :::.  ·::
  ·::::... :::·   ·:::...:· .::::::::::::::..  ::::.   .:::: :::::::. ·::.  ::
   ·:::    :::  ::.    ...            ::   ···.·:::::::::::· ::::::::. ·:::.::
    ·::    ::  ::::  .:· :   ..::::.  ::        ::::::::::· :::· ·::::.  ·:::·
 .   ::.   :· .:::: ::.   .:::::::::: ::   :.    ·:::::::· ::·     :::·  .::·
 :   ·::   :  :::::  ·:::::::::::::::  :    ::..   ····· . ·    ..::·  .:::·
 ·:   ·:     .::::::   ····   ·::::::  ::   ::::::..   .::   ..::·   .::::·
  ::   ·:    :::::::         .::::::·  ·:   ·:::::::   :::..:··    .:::::·
  ·::   ·.   ·:::::·        .::::::·    ·.   :::::: .··:::·:.    ·::::::·
   :::.                   .::::::·       ·.  ::::::    :::. ·::...  ·::· xCz
    ·::::...          ..::::::··          ·:.:::::·    ::::. ·:::::::....
_ _____·::::::......::::::·_________________·::::·____________·::::::::·_____ _
          ··::::::::::··                                        ·::::·    ¦
               ····                                               ··      |
  o1  xCz-wZy!.tXt  - Woozy Coolection               - 93.06.07 - 28000b  |
  o2  xCz-LLA!.tXt  - Long Live The AscII Coolection - 93.09.09 - 234000b |
  o3  xCz-iWtD.tXt  - I Want To Draw Coolection      - 93.11.23 - 20000b  |
  o4  xCz-cOOL.tXt  - Message #1 Coolection          - 94.01.19 - 100000b |
  o5  xCz-cOL2.tXt  - Message #2 Coolection          - 94.01.28 - 10000b  |
  o6  xCz-FtU!.tXt  - Fatal Unity Coolection         - 94.05.05 - 53393b  |
  o7  xCz-pHq!.tXt  - Phq/Fuck Coolection            - 94.12.15 - 114000b |
  o8  dDS-xCz!.tXt  - Dd·Style Coolection            - 94.12.31 - 133000b |
  o9  xCz-bBs!.tXt  - Asc1+¹ Adventure Triology 1    - 95.02.09 - 73000b  |
  1o  xCz-aHa!.tXt  - Asc1+² Adventure Triology 2    - 95.02.09 - 86000b  |
  11  xCz-rEq!.tXt  - Asc1+³ Adventure Triology 3    - 95.02.09 - 136000b |
  12  xCz-rML!.tXt  - Read My Lips Coolection        - 95.03.12 - 150000b |
  13  xCz-sELf.tXt  - Selfish Coolection             - 95.03.15 - 63000b  |
  14  xCz->hB<.tXt  - Hard Fuckin' Boiled Coolection - 95.04.11 - 155000b |
  15  xCz-mEN!.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack Coolection     - 95.04.12 - 119000b |
  16  xCz-pTC!.tXt  - Pathetic!? Coolection          - 95.04.29 - 71000b  |
  17  xCz-mASc.tXt  - Mortal Asc1+¹ Coolection       - 95.06.10 - 150000b |
  18  xCz-kAA2.tXt  - Kick Ass AscII Coolection      - 95.06.10 - 103000b |
  19  xCz-oUt!.tXt  - School's Out Coolection        - 95.06.25 - 130000b |
  2o  xCz-2mEG.tXt  - 2 Fucking Meg's Coolection     - 95.06.26 - 4607b   |
  21  [d]-uDi!.tXt  - U deserve it Coolection        - 95.07.19 - 136000b |
  22  [d]-bTL!.tXt  - Breaking the Law Coolection    - 95.07.19 - 50000b  |
  23  [d]-sOLo.tXt  - The Solution Coolection        - 95.07.25 - 41000b  |
  24  [d]-bBiZ.tXt  - Big Business Coolection        - 95.08.01 - 80000b  |
  25  sOS-dZAN.tXt  - Dzain Coolection               - 95.08.20 - 138000b |
  26  sOS-mEN2.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 2 Coolection   - 95.08.27 - 138000b |
  27  sOS-eQL!.tXt  - Equal Coolection               - 95.08.27 - 100000b |
  28  sOS-mEN3.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 3 Coolection   - 95.08.28 - 163000b |
  29  sOS-wD95.tXt  - Windoze 95 Coolection          - 95.09.07 - 120000b |
  3o  sOS-aB2M.tXt  - A Better Tomorrow Coolection   - 95.09.17 - 200000b |
  31  sOS-tTL!.tXt  - Total Coolection               - 95.09.18 - 120000b |
  32  sOS-rMDY.tXt  - Remedy Party Coop Coolection   - 95.10.07 - 214000b |
  33  sOS-mKSA.tXt  - Moksha Coolection              - 95.10.19 - 119000b |
  34  sOS-oTRE.tXt  - Outhere Coolection             - 95.11.01 - 203000b |
  35  sOS-uPL!.tXt  - Un Poco Loco Coolection        - 95.11.13 - 136000b |
  36  sOS-nADA.tXt  - Nothing Coolection             - 95.11.27 - 126000b |
  37  sOS-mEN4.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 4 Coolection   - 95.12.03 - 260000b |
  38  sOS-hWGA.tXt  - Here We Go Again Coolection    - 95.12.21 - 137000b |
  39  sOS-mEN5.tXt  - A Year Of Ascii / Asc1+¹^Men 5 - 95.12.31 - 112000b |
  4o  sOS-mDIA.tXt  - Media Coolection               - 96.02.15 - 474000b |
  41  sOS-iRC!.tXt  - Ir(c)onic Coolection           - 96.03.22 - 187000b |
  42  sOS-CiAL.tXt  - Djihad Coolection              - 96.04.25 - 134000b |
  43  sOS-tALE.tXt  - The Tale Coolection            - 96.04.27 -  27000b |
  44  sOS-mEN6.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 6 Coolection   - 96.05.11 - 153000b |
  45  sOS-wEEt.tXt  - Harmonic Coolection            - 96.06.04 -  82000b |
  46  sOS-EXY!.tXt  - So Sexy Coolection             - 96.06.25 - 128000b |
  47  sOS-LiM!.tXt  - So Slim Coolection             - 96.06.27 - 128000b |
  48  sOS-aQua.tXt  - Vendetta Coop Coolection       - 96.07.08 - 129000b |
  49  sOS-tiFF.tXt  - Killer Loop Coolection         - 96.08.21 -  66000b |
  5o  sOS-pETZ.tXt  - The Farm Of Pets Coolection    - 96.08.26 -  89000b |
  51  sOS-tAL2.tXt  - The Tale 2 - Fear Coolection   - 96.09.22 - 168000b |
  52  sOS-!pA!.tXt  - Pure Art Coolection            - 96.09.30 - 128000b |
  53  sOS-mEN7.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 7 Coolection   - 96.12.10 - 199000b |
  54  sOS-bAKk.tXt  - Maskirovka Coolection          - 97.03.14 -  46000b |
  55  sOS-lTNC.tXt  - Global Communication Coolect.  - 97.09.13 - 110000b |
  56  sOS-cUFF.tXt  - Caffeine Coolection            - 97.11.28 - 320000b |
  57  sOS-aNE!.tXt  - Ancient Coolection             - 98.01.21 - 106000b |
  58  sOS-sEAS.tXt  - Saved Souls Coolection         - 99.02.01 -  57000b |
     58 cOOLECTiONS! - FiftyEight Coolections       - 5y.07m.24d 7249000b |
                             ...                                        . |
_ _______________________..::::::__________..::::.._____.::.._________.:__¦__
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_ ______________________:::::::·_____.:·______·:::.._______·::::.....::::::__ _
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 sYz,czar,$LAß,-tre,hJ,h2o,<e>,dZG,dto,bHm,nM$,ð,sk!n ··:::::::::::.....  |
 zS!,uMn,b!,t^,Mo!,cDr,2o!,bIS,sTZ,aB,b!d,©Mt,÷e÷,vtr    ··:::::::::··    |
 sc,g®m,sCf,cRb,adk!,tGø,vnz,c0!,SyK,kS^,pSh,s%,÷f!÷         ··:::··      |
 t0!,st!,sTw,rN!,mAZ,÷S÷,f@nK!,2F,zd!,-sg,-hzn-,rX,fL                     |
 -mSW,(NN),aQua,drn,9¹¹,bY!,pnk!,Ra!,cr,t!,zoD! & sw.                     |
 - ------------------------------------------------ -                     |
 uC,dZN,jA!,aL,p!,-T!,e^D,aLt,h!,lP,sE,aSL,-aT,tL!,pA                     |
_ _______________________________________________________________________/¯

¸ ¸___________  _____________________-cR/sos
'°'\    _____/_/___  _    \    _____/_____ .
· ./\________     /  /    /\________     / ¦
¦ l______________/_______/l_____________/_ |
¯\ _              _                     ///¯
.((/ ¸ave ur¸ouls · years have passed.  ¯ ).
|¯   '   °  '     ¬ yet the scene remains.¯|
¡ Pres': ·xCz.      our sixth active year. ¡
¦        ·savedsouls.                      ¦
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _

Yah. So, another year, but still the arrogant fucks keeps making noice.
Up for today is our dear friend Mark Ryder. I won't even bother to answer
this little thingie, AS I STATED WAY AGO. Just let ya all take another
look at what this piece of fuck-brains types. I can't stand guys like
this no fucking more. Just quit it and get the hell outta me face tweep.
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _

<xCz>_ __ ________| .A S C I I - C o m p a c t   D i s c. |______ __ _
<xCz>    "the definite collection of #EVERYTHING# from 1991-1999"
<xCz>will be released this year. stay tuned for ordering info etc. you'll
<xCz>notice. also featuring the saved souls gloryful return to the scene with
<xCz>the whole NEW posse. you'll see more in the coming days when xCz goes
<xCz>back to Europe and kicks some live into his old a1200.
<xCz>thats pretty fucking much it.
<xCz>                                     / xCluziwe/soS still here'98/'99.

<mRfuck>"stay tuned for ordering info etc"? i pray to all that is un-holy that
<mRfuck>you're NOT going to try and get PAID for OTHER PEOPLE'S WORK? hm? burn
<mRfuck>a CD with everyone else's work and maybe earn some cash on it? is that
<mRfuck>the plan? i'd love to see that, really. it would give us all something
<mRfuck>to write about...

<xCz>mark ryder cant you just shut the fuck up. please. for the love of god.
<xCz>1995-1999 - no change. still the same annying little child.

<xCz>if you're willing to sponsor postage and cd's to make this a cost-free
<xCz>production go ahead and write me an NON-PUBLIC mail (we dont wanna mess up
<xCz>others mails with our PRIVATE discussions, right?) at ..
<xCz>otherwise just stay the cheap weirdass son-of-a that you are, and obviously
<xCz>always will be.

<mRfuck>oh, did i ruin your plans for selling cd's with other people's work on
<mRfuck>them, with a small profit for yourself? life sucks, doesn't it? i think

<xCz>Woho-ho-ho - I just noticed that SOMEONE is really pissed and feels SOOO bad
<xCz>about not being able to earn some cash from saving all the collys during the
<xCz>years. Well 'tuff luck shitbrains, it's a doggy dogg world out there. Hey! I
<xCz>know some great non-profit organizations you could sign up for and fight the
<xCz>EVIL system of earning hard cash. Meanwhile, fuck off and just STOP USING
<xCz>THIS MAILING LIST. I'd like to hear about some nice releases in here, thats
<xCz>why I signed up.

<xCz>Dont bother to answer to this, I wont comment anything public anymore
<xCz>anyway, neither your eventual private mails any longer, fuck off.
<xCz>You're disturbing me.
<xCz>Btw, welcome to the real world.
<xCz>   / xCz, - it's a saved world out there. soS'99.

<mRfuck>"I just noticed that SOMEONE is really pissed"? haha. I think I notice it
<mRfuck>too. And, another thing: you can't tell me or anyone else inn here to stop
<mRfuck>using this mailing list or whatever
<mRfuck>'cause it's not your mailing list, is it? so - again - go fuck yourself.
<mRfuck>nice releases? "" WHiSPER "" is 99% done! coming very soon.
<mRfuck>owh, what a shame. it seems life gets so much more interesting whenever
<mRfuck>you stick your head out and talk about your latest fucked up idea. it gives
<mRfuck>me something to do.
<mRfuck>it gives me the oportunity to SAY what most others i talk to THINK about
<mRfuck>your ideas: they're pretty much all fucked up. but, hey, guess that's how
<mRfuck>the life of a fuck-up is?
<mRfuck>As it seems, i've been in the real world longer than you have. So i welcome
<mRfuck>YOU to join in on what we call "reality". its a terrible thing reality, but
<mRfuck>you've got to be a part of it sooner or later.
<mRfuck>I am waiting for the next stupid & lame idea you might come up with. give
<mRfuck>us all something to laugh about - please!
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _

Yeah, and then there was something more really amusing.
Why håna when the fucked up victims do it better themselves?
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _

<mRfuck>A lot of us has sold our AMIGA's 'cause the amiga is more or less DEAD.
<mRfuck>We bought us PC's so we would be on a platform that still gets new
<mRfuck>software etc etc. But we are still making ascii's mostly/only for AMIGA
<mRfuck>Maybe we should look at the PC warez/ascii scene a bit? Just a thought.
<mRfuck>- Mark Ryder / Mo'Soul [The Evil Servants]
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       · back on popular demand. as if. 1999. scene alive. barely. ·

                        · ·
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                       tRISTAR aND rED sECTOR INC. HQ
      tRADERS dREAM hQ ÷ sTYLE hQ ÷ lSD hQ ÷  5tH dYNASTY hQ ÷ aBUSE hQ 
       x-TREK  eHQ ÷ oLDSKOOL hQ ÷ rAMjAM  eHQ ÷ tWILIGHT  hQ ÷ oMA hQ
           rOYAL MAC SCHQ ÷ cRUX & bAD kARMA hQ ÷ lIGHTFORCE hQ 
                         cPU hQ ÷ sAVE oUR sOULS hQ 


             3 nODEZ rINGDOWN / tELNET aVAILABLE / aSK 4 nUMBERS!