File Archive

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File size:
42 000 bytes (41.02K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 216


[                                 ooo1/o845                                   ]


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                           .[follow some new trend].

                                  _ _\Y/_ _

                                   I drink

                                   U drink

                       Everyone drinks once in a while -

                      And quite many of us do ascii aswell.
                       So why not start your collection of
             art with a proper logo showing what you recommend to be
                      consumed together with your fresh art.

                  To this piece of art I recommend lingondricka.

                           (it's strong 'nuff anyway)

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  .[this is the small version · u like it = really cool version will follow].


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                                              .p ......... RIPPS BLÅ .5
                                              .t ............. UBORG .6
                                              .m ............ ARTINI .7
                                              .c .. ALIFORNIAN WHITE .8
                                              .b ............ AILEYS .9
                                              .j ....... ÄGERMEISTER .O
                \                             .b .......... UDWEISER 1.
            /\ /\\/\   /        .             .g ............. RANTS 2.
            \/ \/   \//       °               .t ............ EQUILA 3.
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   who you should hate;       slab - $LAß

   who were stupid nuff to
   employee that sucker;      save our souls - sos ascii
                              ¸                 ¯
   who abused ascii from;     °¹°
                              dhm × many
                              satans firre..
   and stealed bytes from
   ya harddisk;               42.OO.O

   and did ruin this day;     1O.OO.OO oct 1996

   what u want tomorrow;      xcz-wzy!.txt O1 - woozy       - O7/O6'93
                              dzain-ya.txt O2 - comparation - 28/O4'95
                              dzain-2!.txt O3 - second      - O8/O5'95
                              dzain-ym.txt O4 - yummy       - 3O/O5'95
                              sos-gimi.txt O5 - gimmi       - 16/O8'95
                              sos-calm.txt O6 - calm        - O2/11'95
                              sos-tsty.txt O7 - tasty       - 25/12'95
                              sos-6yco.txt O8 - sexy        - 25/O2'96
                              sos-slab.txt O9 - disorder    - 3O/O6'96
                              sos-puke.txt 1O - distract    - 15/O8'96
                              sos-!sos.txt 11 - distinct    - 27/O8'96

   what you lean ya eyes on;  sos-h!8-.txt 12 - hate        - 1O/1O'96

   what you dream of;         sos-hit-.txt 12 - shit        - OO/11'96

   messages; funki: welcome dutch bro! nice to have ya funky talents within
                    the sos label!
             nebraska: good to have another fine old swede in the team! I
                       know you'll like it here!
             irc-idiots: i'll soon be there for all of you!
             any-creep: this is just a small unnecisary piece of crap?
             610: great collection you did there - where could u be contacted?

             ____   __  ____   _______ __  _____  ____   _______ __________
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           txt.sos- |                                       | !sos.txt
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                                      ¸ ,

                      ' du u fieehl thah alcoooohålh? '

                           .         .     ___
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                                    ¸ ¸

                                 .fuck it.

                                .still doin'.
                                 ¯     ¯


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                         ·s.ave o.ur s.ouls - really·
                            ¯     ¯    ¯       ¯

                                                            /        \
                                                            \Bye WANK/
                                                             \_  ___/
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[                                 ooo1/1o7o                                   ]