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46 000 bytes (44.92K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:25:11
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all-time: 515


[lineOOO1]·                                                              ·[sof]
_ ________________________________________________________________________¦__ _

                   .there are NO straight lines in nature.

                   __ _
              \     \/
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                       .welcome to THE great outdoors.

_ ________________________________________________________________________|__ _

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                   _ __ __________ _____ ______ __  _______ ____   __.___ |
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    \     \     \        /        /  /____/    \     /    cDr\_\/\_\m's:
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_ ________________________________________________________________________¦__ _
                            my lousiest one yet? probably. well, this is just
                            a small 'clip' from one of my three REAL projects
                            (two coops+more) just to greet our latest soulz &
                            show that I'm  still alive. I'm  damn  lazy these
                            days - I KNOW! the reason for this is my military
                            service  that is  taking ALL my  time - and on my
                            permis-time I just GOTTO meet my girl (Linda) and
                            hang out  with my  friends. so - no ascii-time at
                            all in other  words. still  I  have managed to do
                            all requested logos for all you sukkas only havnt
                            got the time  to design and put  it all together.
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
                            military life is cool! really (say NUTHIN cDr!`:)
                            think so. it's  basker,horses,friends and K1-lux-
                            uere. some things are  real bitches - but still I
                            love it. btw - maskirovka  is  spetznaz for fake.
_ ________________________________________________________________________¦__ _
                            I'd like to welcome our  new  saved  sukkaz - the
                            awesome talents kArlos  from uk and  hOrizon from
                            finland. nice to have ya  homiez within the group
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
                            the requestz thu' hasn't  dissapeared, so I still
                            have about 15o logos  unreleased (yeah, I  DO the
                            logoz,  just  too  lazy to  put it all  together)
                            which  WILL  be out  in a  near future.  also two
                            other projects from me will soon see the daylight
                            if I just could get myself together  and get some
                            real insperation, however..                   :
                            back with more soon! - xCluziwe of sos,hf,ds!&mo'
_ ________________________________________________________________________¦__ _
                       _______________________ _               .          :
               _|_____o)                     ((_)______________|_         .
                |                                              |
    ____________._   _______         ________    _______      _._________
    \    _  /  _  \__\     /_____   /      _/____\   _  \_____\   /     /___
_ __/    /  \  /__/  /    /     /   \______      /   /   \    /   \    /    \__
   /____/   /_______/\___/\____/          /_____/\_______/________/__________\
    -B-/_____/  .                                              .
               _|___ _ _ . n · e · w . s · o · u · l  z  .  ___| wELCOME bRO's!
_ _____________ |   (_))___________________________________(o _ _____________ _
                :                                                         ¦
                                 . h o r i z o n .                        |
                                  . k a r l o s .                         ·
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
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                      /_____|    \_____|          \\/ -hzn-
                            .______    .______   ________
                       .____|     /____|     /__\\__    /
                _ _____|   __    /.   /|    /.    |/   /._____ _
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            |____)/    |___\(_____|  ________|__________|____)/    |
                 /_____|          \\/                        /_____|
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
      °¹                                               . ... funkiest ... |
      °²                                               . ... horizon .... ¦
_ ________________________________________________________________________:__ _
      °³                                               . ... horizon ....

      °4                                               . ... invasion....
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
      °5                                               . ... karlos ..... |
       ¸                                                                  |
      °°                                               . ... karlos ..... |
_ ________________________________________________________________________!__ _
       _                                                                  `
      °/                                               . ... mo soul .....

      °8                                               . ... splatter king
_ ___________________________________________________________________________ _
      °g                                               . ... writers unite¦
      ¹o                                               . ... xcon ....... |
_ ________________________________________________________________________¦__ _
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                                   ·:::::·       ·:·                      |
            Name: ................................... sOS-bAKk.tXt        |
            Size: .................................... 46OOO Bytes        |
            Lines: ..................................... SixSexSix        |
            Logos: ........................................... Ten        |
            Coolection: ................................ FiftyFour        |
            Software: ............................... CygnusEd 3.O        |
            Hardware: ...................... Amiga 12OO.Pentium12O        ¦.
            E-Mail: ..............................       .::.
            Released: .................................. 14/O3 -97      .::·
            Other: .................... The Rebirth? Lets Hope So! ..  .::¦
                                                          ....      ·:.:· |
_ ________:..___________________________..::::::..____..::::::::.____.::._¦__ _
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_ _::________.::·_______:::::______________________·::::::··_________________ _
   ::.      .::·        ·:::·                        ····                 ¦
   :::  ..::::·                                                           |
   ::::::::::·  Supporting Ascii By (In Order Of Appearance):             |
   ::::::::·                                                              |
   :::::··      Zorro ...............   Xcluziwe    ................. mAF |
   :··          Dew ................: SaveOurSouls  :................ dew |
                Karlos .............:   Hellfire    :............... -kLs |
                Adon ...............:    Stile      :............... AdN! |
                Crusader ...........:  Coolection   :................ cDr |
                Blue ...............:   New Soul    :................ -B- |
                Horizon ............: SaveOurSouls  :.............. -hzn- |
                Karlos .............: [File-Id.Diz] :............... -kLs |
                             ...                                        . |
_ _______________________..::::::__________..::::.._____.::.._________.:__¦__ _
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               ····                                               ··      |
  o1  xCz-wZy!.tXt  - Woozy Coolection               - 93.06.07 - 28000b  |
  o2  xCz-LLA!.tXt  - Long Live The AscII Coolection - 93.09.09 - 234000b |
  o3  xCz-iWtD.tXt  - I Want To Draw Coolection      - 93.11.23 - 20000b  |
  o4  xCz-cOOL.tXt  - Message #1 Coolection          - 94.01.19 - 100000b |
  o5  xCz-cOL2.tXt  - Message #2 Coolection          - 94.01.28 - 10000b  |
  o6  xCz-FtU!.tXt  - Fatal Unity Coolection         - 94.05.05 - 53393b  |
  o7  xCz-pHq!.tXt  - Phq/Fuck Coolection            - 94.12.15 - 114000b |
  o8  dDS-xCz!.tXt  - Dd·Style Coolection            - 94.12.31 - 133000b |
  o9  xCz-bBs!.tXt  - Asc1+¹ Adventure Triology 1    - 95.02.09 - 73000b  |
  1o  xCz-aHa!.tXt  - Asc1+¹ Adventure Triology 2    - 95.02.09 - 86000b  |
  11  xCz-rEq!.tXt  - Asc1+¹ Adventure Triology 3    - 95.02.09 - 136000b |
  12  xCz-rML!.tXt  - Read My Lips Coolection        - 95.03.12 - 150000b |
  13  xCz-sELf.tXt  - Selfish Coolection             - 95.03.15 - 63000b  |
  14  xCz->hB<.tXt  - Hard Fuckin' Boiled Coolection - 95.04.11 - 155000b |
  15  xCz-mEN!.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack Coolection     - 95.04.12 - 119000b |
  16  xCz-pTC!.tXt  - Pathetic!? Coolection          - 95.04.29 - 71000b  |
  17  xCz-mASc.tXt  - Mortal Asc1+¹ Coolection       - 95.06.10 - 150000b |
  18  xCz-kAA2.tXt  - Kick Ass AscII Coolection      - 95.06.10 - 103000b |
  19  xCz-oUt!.tXt  - School's Out Coolection        - 95.06.25 - 130000b |
  2o  xCz-2mEG.tXt  - 2 Fucking Meg's Coolection     - 95.06.26 - 4607b   |
  21  [d]-uDi!.tXt  - U deserve it Coolection        - 95.07.19 - 136000b |
  22  [d]-bTL!.tXt  - Breaking the Law Coolection    - 95.07.19 - 50000b  |
  23  [d]-sOLo.tXt  - The Solution Coolection        - 95.07.25 - 41000b  |
  24  [d]-bBiZ.tXt  - Big Business Coolection        - 95.08.01 - 80000b  |
  25  sOS-dZAN.tXt  - Dzain Coolection               - 95.08.20 - 138000b |
  26  sOS-mEN2.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 2 Coolection   - 95.08.27 - 138000b |
  27  sOS-eQL!.tXt  - Equal Coolection               - 95.08.27 - 100000b |
  28  sOS-mEN3.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 3 Coolection   - 95.08.28 - 163000b |
  29  sOS-wD95.tXt  - Windoze 95 Coolection          - 95.09.07 - 120000b |
  3o  sOS-aB2M.tXt  - A Better Tomorrow Coolection   - 95.09.17 - 200000b |
  31  sOS-tTL!.tXt  - Total Coolection               - 95.09.18 - 120000b |
  32  sOS-rMDY.tXt  - Remedy Party Coop Coolection   - 95.10.07 - 214000b |
  33  sOS-mKSA.tXt  - Moksha Coolection              - 95.10.19 - 119000b |
  34  sOS-oTRE.tXt  - Outhere Coolection             - 95.11.01 - 203000b |
  35  sOS-uPL!.tXt  - Un Poco Loco Coolection        - 95.11.13 - 136000b |
  36  sOS-nADA.tXt  - Nothing Coolection             - 95.11.27 - 126000b |
  37  sOS-mEN4.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 4 Coolection   - 95.12.03 - 260000b |
  38  sOS-hWGA.tXt  - Here We Go Again Coolection    - 95.12.21 - 137000b |
  39  sOS-mEN5.tXt  - A Year Of Ascii / Asc1+¹^Men 5 - 95.12.31 - 112000b |
  4o  sOS-mDIA.tXt  - Media Coolection               - 96.02.15 - 474000b |
  41  sOS-iRC!.tXt  - Ir(c)onic Coolection           - 96.03.22 - 187000b |
  42  sOS-CiAL.tXt  - Djihad Coolection              - 96.04.25 - 134000b |
  43  sOS-tALE.tXt  - The Tale Coolection            - 96.04.27 -  27000b |
  44  sOS-mEN6.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 6 Coolection   - 96.05.11 - 153000b |
  45  sOS-wEEt.tXt  - Harmonic Coolection            - 96.06.04 -  82000b |
  46  sOS-EXY!.tXt  - So Sexy Coolection             - 96.06.25 - 128000b |
  47  sOS-LiM!.tXt  - So Slim Coolection             - 96.06.27 - 128000b |
  48  sOS-aQua.tXt  - Vendetta Coop Coolection       - 96.07.08 - 129000b |
  49  sOS-tiFF.tXt  - Killer Loop Coolection         - 96.08.21 -  66000b |
  5o  sOS-pETZ.tXt  - The Farm Of Pets Coolection    - 96.08.26 -  89000b |
  51  sOS-tAL2.tXt  - The Tale 2 - Fear Coolection   - 96.09.22 - 168000b |
  52  sOS-!pA!.tXt  - Pure Art Coolection            - 96.09.30 - 128000b |
  53  sOS-mEN7.tXt  - Asc1+¹^Men Pack 7 Coolection   - 96.12.10 - 199000b |
  54  sOS-bAKk.tXt  - Maskirovka Coolection          - 97.03.14 -  46000b |
     54 cOOLECTiONS! - FiftyFour Coolections        - 3y.09m.07d 6656000b |
                                                    ..       ..           |
_ __________________________..::.___________.:____.:·:_____.::::.______.__¦__ _
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_ _________________________·:.   :::_______________:.___::________.·_________ _
                             ·::::·                 ·.   :       ·        ¦
                                                         ·                ·
Horizon: Okay! Nice to have some fresh talents within the gang! Hope you'll
         like your stay as a newborn soul!
Booth: If You OR any other member in your group are going to use my art, then
       I'D REALLY APPRICIATE if you would mind remembering to CREDIT me for
       my works. This has happen about FIVE times now in Ult-releases.
Gdm: Bah. You KNOW that Smirnoff is the same as worthless slime, and Absolut
     is our only salvation! :)
Java: 'Dont know shit Gazette'? How the f**k should I know your e-mail addy
      if you dont tell me? Whatta really pathetic comment.
Karlos: Yo uk bro! Many welcomes to you! Hope you'll like it here with ya new-
        born saved soul! Read ya e-mail!
Mark Ryder: Oh wow. Nice to see that you've finally taken your childish sense
            together and quitted your private 'war' against the world. I just
            wondered how long it would take before you realized that what you
            accomplished with  it was NADA. It took  you 15 and a half mounth
            loverboy! Think about all the interesting and fun stuff you COULD
            have spent time on instead.                                   .
Btw. Just  liked to state  that  if  ANY  of the forth-coming Ascii-Magazines,
which-ever, is based, or  even USES any  information  that could be  connected
with the facts that are within the aScii gaZette, I wont be happy. Not at all.
_ ________________________________________________________________________¦__ _
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