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33 370 bytes (32.59K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 365


  ______ _____ _________  __  __
  \  __/_ __  \  ___/ __\/  \/  \        NODE 1:  +31-775-212-93  · USR 21K6
  /  /   | / _/_ _/_  _/ \  \/   \       NODE 2:  +31-775-137-53  · USR 28K8
  \______|_\___/____|_\   \_||    \_     NODE 3:  +31-775-189-30  · USR 16K8
|                                                                            |
|      WORLD OF ELITE!                                                       |
|                                                                            |
| DEATHKNIGHT,JAKE,NOSTROMO    ________________________/¯|__/| ___________   |
| DEVIOUS DOZE, RAJ!,  FURY    \___  \ __   /  __/  __/    / |/ ____/  __/_  |
| AND OFCOURSE ARTIC CAT!!!    |   __/ _/ _/  _| \__  \  \/  /  )  /  _|  /  |
|                              |___|\__\   \________  /___\__\__   \______\  |
`--[ EURO HQ ]--------------------------\___/÷e÷/aL!\/--------/_____\--------'
                                                        ¦_)       (_¦
   ______  _       ___   _________ ____                 |           |
___\  ___|//_______\    /        / \  |____________    a4ooo/o6o/5omhz!
|_______       |     __/      __/¯¯   |           |   cdrom,scsi·fastline!
|     |        |     \         \      |           |      2gb hd!,dat!
|___  |        |______\         \____ !   ________!     |_         _|
   )___________!       \_________/ )________ _          ¦ )_______( ¦
   ____           ____________   ___  _________   ______ _       _____________
___\  |_       ___\ ___       |__\  | |        |__\ ___///    ___\ _         /
|    ___|------|     |        |     |_|        | ____/--------|    /        /
|_    |        |     |    st! |     | |        |    |         |    _       (_¦
|)___ !        |___  !        |_____  !    ____!___ !         |____|         |
!   )__________!  )___________!   )_________ _    )___________!    !_________|
    · [enzo!] · [mandrake/hf] · [fury/psg] · [snake&delboy/psg&cream] ·
       ·  [colonel/hlm] · [-tcb!-/qtx] · camilla/psx·nation]  ·

     · [ hellf¡re ehq! · crux ehq! · corrupt ehq! · ¡nsane schq! ] ·
    [amiga!]                      [pc!]                       [console!]

 .----- -[·4! asskicking nodes are just waiting for you abusement!! ]- -----.
 |                                                                          |
 `--- -syspw!: yes- -------- -nup!: ask!- ---- -+45-738-¡SDN (2N ISDN)- ----'

       sKIP tHE rEST, cALL tHE bEST!   \                     |
                           ._____ _   ..\  c  i  t  y   o f  |   .¾.
                     _ ____| ._____.  :  \      j  o  y .    |   ¾¾¾¾.
        _____________________|     |__:_____ ________        ¦   ¾¾ ¾¾.
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        \     \             ||     _______     _____¾¾¾¾° °¾¾¾¾  ¾¾    .
         \____________.     ||_____|  :  |_____|    ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾  ¾¾ .¾¾¾°
         _____________|___dto/e^d    _:_______ _____¾¾¾¾. .¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾°
      ___\_  _/\_   __/______________)       / \     °¾¾¾¾¾¾¾°.¾¾¾¾°
      \____  __|                            /___\      \    .¾¾¾°¾¾
        )_o\/o_| tHE cITY tHAT nEVER sLEEPS!     _______\   ¾°   ¾¾
     _,_\__`.__|     _|\  \)       / _:__. |_____|           :   ¾°
    (_)___   __|    (_) \_________/ / :  |___ _              :   °
         |__ \________|    _ ______/  ¦                      :
    _ __ |_  _| ________ __ _  _      ¦  sUPPORTiNG AMiGA &  :
        (__)(__)                      |      cONSOLE!     \  :
                nODE#1 +46-ask-elite  |   1.6 GIG oNLiNE   \.:
                nODE#2 +46-ask-elite  |_____________________\

     [- NiCE RATiOS! · FRiENDSHiP RULEZ! · fAST MAJORS! · 0-1 DAYZ! -]

          sTUFF: [B.B.KiNG]^[mADMAX&JUAN!/iNS/tRSI]^[hARPOON!/sR]

- - - - -  -  -    -  - -  - - - -   - -  -  -  -- -   - - - - - - - - - - - 

(^)=======] THE SOFT PARADE HAS NOW BEGUN! - ASYLUM - YOU KNOW IT! [=======(^)

                                 . .¸.¸. .

            ... something tells me this is just the beginning ...


                   .please confirm that the facts were wrong.

                                _ _  _   _   _
                                 \\\ \/ //  /
                                   ¯    ¯

                              ¿ why hesitate ?


                              .calm down.

                               _        .
                              `--..   _.|
                                 ||  ¡_||
                                 ||  | |l_
                         .....¡  ||  | || ¡.....
                     ¦¦¦¦:::::|  ||  | || |:::::¦¦¦¦
                  .||¦¦¦¦:::::l__|l__l ll_|:::::¦¦¦¦||.
                            ¦               ¦
                            :               :
                            .               .

                            .               .

                    .no you won't find anything like it.

                             _  _  _____ __
                             \  \\ \____\\_\

__________ _________\ _   /___._________           ___     .____
\       _/_\___     /\/  /    |     ___/__        (___)(___|\   '
.\      \     _    /    /_    |    _/    / _ ________________________
|________\________/___________|__________\                    _ _ _ /_.
  .                                           _______            \\/  | -sg
  |    ·                  __________ _________\ _   /___._______   __________
  |__ /                   \       _/    _     /\/  /    |      /___\       _/
    //_________________ _ .\      \     /    /    /|    |    _/    |\      \
    /                     |________\________/___________|__________|________\

                               _ __ ___  _
                                \\_\\ / //

                           .before it is too late.





                    ____  _  .___ ___  ____    _  ____  ____
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                    l   \   /l  \ | ,_____)  \___/l    ,___)
   _ __ ________  _
   \\\_\\_______\ \\         .   _    ___      ___
                             . _/ \   \   \__|/__/
                             l \  /   l   l  l\___,

                        /\___ ___/\   ____.   _/\
                    _ _/  __/_\_ , \  |  _|__ \  \ .____ _
              _ __ / \\   \   /  ¬  \ |  \   \| \ \| _ |/ \ __ _
            .o)\\_\\_/|______/___T   \l_______\__\  /__|\_//_//(o.
                                 |_/\_\           \/
                 .____    ___/\  __/\___  .____ ____  ____
                _l_  l__  \_ , \ \. ___/__l_  l_\   \/   /
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          [_] [_]____    |___T  [_]l___[_]|___    |\  [_] [_]
                     \___|   |____\           \___| \ /
        ___/\  ________.  .____   __/\___   /\___ ___Y _________  ____
 .------\_ , \-\  __   |__l___l_--\. ___/__/  ___\\_ \/   _/\   \/   /---.
 |     ./  ¬  \|   |   /  ,____/_ _l_____ \_  _/__/  /\    \.\__    /    |
 |   /\l___T   \___l___\  ¬ _____Y_____ /  /________/  \____l______//\   |
 |   T¯__ _|____\       \____\       /____/                     _ __¯T   |
 `---' \///  .....   __/\___    ____ ____ ___.____.       ..... \\\_\`---'
           .· .-. ·. \. ___/_ _/  , \\   Y   ||  _|__   .· .-. ·.
       ¯ ¯ ·. `-'  _·_`____  \|   ¬  |   ¯   ||  \   \_·_  `-' .· ¯ ¯
        sOS  ·····(((_)l_____/l______|_______|l______(_)))·····  $LAß
                                               _  __  __ __ _
                                             _ \_ /_ | './_ \__ ________ _
                                              \_//__ l //__,___\\_______\\\

               _ _____________               _____________ _
               \\\___________(   say what?   )___________///
        _ _____________                            _____________ ___ __ _
        \\\___________(  - say it again ya fucka.  )___________//__//_///

                            ___________ _________    _____
                            \   _,_    Y    __   \ __\____\___
                      _  _ _ \   ¬/    |     |    Y _,_______/
                     (_)(_X_) \___\    |     |____|  ¬/     \ __ _
                                   \___l_____|    l__________\\_\\
                         _          T
                        ·)EX¥·      ¦
                                    ·______     ____ ____ ___ ___.
                                     \  __/___./  , \\   Y   Y  _|__
                              _ __ ___\_____  |   ¬  Y   ¯   |  \   \

      ,                                                   ,
      )o¸                                                 )O¸
        '                .---------------$LAß-.             '
                      ___|        .  ·        l___
                ____ /   |    _ __¦__¦__ _    |   \ ____
     _   _ ___ /   //    |    \\\__   _///    |    \\   \ ___ _   _
     /  ///__//___//_____|       ¬\ "/        l_____\\___\\__\\\  \
                        ¬|         \/         |¯

          ____ ____ ___.___/\  .___/\__.____     /\_________  ____
 __$LAß ./  , \\   Y   |\_ , \ |__,_  /l_  l__ _/  ___/\_   \/  _/_sOS____
¡      ¡|   ¬  l_  ¯  _|/  ¬  \_/ ¬/ /\_  ___/_\_  __l_/_   /\   \\       ¡
!______!l___  _[_]___[_]___T  [_]_\   [_]__    [_]_____[_]_/·:\___\\______!
         ·::\__\:::::::·:::|____\·:\____\·:\___|·::::::·:::   ·:::
            ·:::::         ·:::::  ·:::::  ·::::

      , ,

                         .---------------$LAß-.           SOs
                      ___|        .  ·        l___
                ____ /   |    _ __¦__¦__ _    |   \ ____
     _   _ ___ /   //    |    \\\__   _///    |    \\   \ ___ _   _
     /  ///__//___//_____|       ¬\ "/        l_____\\___\\__\\\  \
                        ¬|         \/         |¯

                          __ .--.-:-:::-:-.---. __
     .------------------.(__)|                |(__).-----------------.
     |$LAß   _/\        |____| .____   _______|____|_______       sOS|
     |   ____\  \ .____ /  , \ l_  /__ \___ _//  , \\  __  \ ____    |
     |   \___Y \ \| _  Y   ¬  Y__ ___/_¦.    Y   ¬  Y   |   Y___/    |
     |.    \_l__\  /___l_______|___     |____|______|___l___l_/     .|
     |::.        \/     | __ `-----\____|-----' __ |              .::|
     `------------------'(__)                  (__)`-----------------'

                                                               , ,

                      ___|        .  ·        l___
                ____ /   |    _ __¦__¦__ _    |   \ ____
     _   _ ___ /   //    |    \\\__   _///    |    \\   \ ___ _   _
     /  ///__//___//_____|       ¬\ "/        l_____\\___\\__\\\  \
                        ¬|         \/         |¯

 $LAß _____ ____.      .____ __/\___    ._____  ____    _____ ____. sOS
    _/  ,  \|  _|__  __l___l_\_  __/_ __|    /_/  , \_./  ,  \|  _|__
  _ |   ¬   l  \   \/  ,____/__\___  Y  l  _/     ¬   l   ¬   l  \   \ __
 (_)l_________________ ¬ ________________    _________________________\\_\
                     \____\             |_____\

               , ,
                      ___|        .  ·        l___
                ____ /   |    _ __¦__¦__ _    |   \ ____
     _   _ ___ /   //    |    \\\__   _///    |    \\   \ ___ _   _
     /  ///__//___//_____|       ¬\ "/        l_____\\___\\__\\\  \
                        ¬|         \/         |¯

    /\_______/\  ._______.___/\__.___.  ._______ ______   ___.    .____
_ _/  ____/  , \ |______/l____  /|  _|__l______// ____/__/   l____l_  l__ _
\\\   __l    ¬  \/      |  _/  /_|  \   \      Y  \____ /    _   \__ ___///
  |____|_____T   \____.-^--\     \_______\_____|____|   |____/    |___    |
    |        |____\         \     \    T         T  |   |   /_____|   \___|
    | $LAß       T          |\_____\   |         |  l___|    T      sOS T


  sOS                 ___|        .  ·        l___
                ____ /   |    _ __¦__¦__ _    |   \ ____
     _   _ ___ /   //    |    \\\__   _///    |    \\   \ ___ _   _
     /  ///__//___//_____|       ¬\ "/        l_____\\___\\__\\\  \
                        ¬|         \/         |¯

  __sOS                                                            $LAß__
 _\/_  /\___   ____ _______    ____ ____ ___. _/\______/\___  .____   _\/_
 \  /./  __/_./  , \\  __  \ _/  , \\   Y   |/   ____/_. __/__l_  l__ \  /
 _\/_l   \   |   ¬  Y   |   Y    ¬  |   ¯   \_  ___/   |___  \__ ___/__\/_
¡        ____l______|___l___|____  _|_______[_]________l_____/|___        ¡

                                                                     ¸ ¸

  , ,
                      ___|        .  ·        l___
                ____ /   |    _ __¦__¦__ _    |   \ ____
     _   _ ___ /   //    |    \\\__   _///    |    \\   \ ___ _   _
     /  ///__//___//_____|       ¬\ "/        l_____\\___\\__\\\  \
                        ¬|         \/         |¯

                               .töntigt bra.

          .__/\__  ._____.___/\__.___/\__________.____/\_____.
         _l   __/__l __  |____  /l____  /     /  l____  _/   l__
      _ _\    \   /  (/  _/ (/ /__/ (/ /_   _/    / (/__\__ ___/_._ _
· ·::(((_)_______/_______\__\    \__\    \________\___|  |___    (_)))::· ·
          T                  \____\  \____\     TT           \___|
          |  $LAß          .:  TT :.         .: || :.      sOS  T

                                                                     ¸ ¸

  , ,
                      ___|        .  ·        l___
                ____ /   |    _ __¦__¦__ _    |   \ ____
     _   _ ___ /   //    |    \\\__   _///    |    \\   \ ___ _   _
     /  ///__//___//_____|       ¬\ "/        l_____\\___\\__\\\  \
                        ¬|         \/         |¯

                                .              .
                                . sOS          .
 ¸    _   _ __ ___ ____ ________¦____ ___.___/\¦_______ .___.    /\_____
  \    \  \\\_\\__\\___\\  __   \\   Y   |__,_   /____/_l  _|___/   ___/
                        /   |    Y   ¯   |/ ¬/  / \____ |  \   \    __l__
 _  __ _ ______________¸,___l____|_______\__\   ¯\__¦   |_______\_______/
                                ¦            \____\ · __¦
                                : $LAß         ¦
                                .              ·

                                                                     ¸ ¸

  , ,
                      ___|        .  ·        l___
                ____ /   |    _ __¦__¦__ _    |   \ ____
     _   _ ___ /   //    |    \\\__   _///    |    \\   \ ___ _   _
     /  ///__//___//_____|       ¬\ "/        l_____\\___\\__\\\  \
                        ¬|         \/         |¯

  __/\___  .____    ___/\   _____  ./\____     .____________/\  __./\_____
  \. ___/__l_  l__  \_ , \_/____/__|  ___/_____l___l\_ ___/   \/  l  ____/
   `____  \__ ___/_./  ¬  \ \____ /   __l__ /  ,____/     |\      /  __/___
    l_____/|___    |___T   \__|   |_______/ \  ¬  __|_____| \____/________/
      T        \___|T  |____\ l___|T         \_____\         T T         T
      | $LAß      T |            T |           T T           | |     sOS |
      l___________| l____________| l___________| l___________| l_________|

                      ___|        .  ·        l___
                ____ /   |    _ __¦__¦__ _    |   \ ____
     _   _ ___ /   //    |    \\\__   _///    |    \\   \ ___ _   _
     /  ///__//___//_____|       ¬\ "/        l_____\\___\\__\\\  \
                        ¬|         \/         |¯

  ___ .___/\__  ____ ___/\ _____________/\__ ___/\  .___  ___________ _______.
_/ , \|__,_  /_/___/_\_ , \\ __   \___l. __/_\_ , \_l_ l__\_ ___/  , \\ __   |
|  ¬  |/ ¬/ /_\ \___ /  ¬  \  |   |   _`____ /  ¬  \__ __/|        ¬  |  |   |
l_____\__\    \__¦   |__T   \_l___|__[_]l___/___T   \__    |___|      |__l___|
          \____\ · __¦  |____\                  |____\ \___|   l______|
          ____   /\____  ___      _______ _____    __.     .___.
        _/  , \_/  ___/  \  \ .___\_ ___//____/___/  l_____l_  l__
      __|   ¬  \   __l   | \ \| _ |     \ \____ /    _    \__ ___/_.
    _\\/l______|____|    |__\  /__|_____|___¦   |____/    |____    |__
    \/                       \/             · __¦   /_____|    \___|\//_
              __.    ____ ___.________. _____ .___/\__ ____  ____    \/
            _/  l____\   Y   |   __   |/____/_|__,_  / \   \/   /
           _\   _    |   ¯   |    |   \ \____ // ¬/ /_._\__    /_
         o//|___/    |_______|____l___|___¦   \__\    \_______///o
       .° ¯    /_____|                    · __¦   \____\       ¯  °.
                ___/\   __/\___   /\___ ______________
                \_ , \  \. ___/__/  __/_\_ ___/\_ ___/
         _ __ __/  ¬  \ _`____  \   \   /      |     | __  _
       .o)\\_\\____T   [_]l_____/______/|______|_____|l__|l(o.
    sOS ___/\  .___/\__.____   _________/\___  .____   __/\___ $LAß
        \_ , \ |__,_  /l_  l__ \_____/\. ___/__l_  l__ \. ___/_
     _ ./  ¬  \_/ ¬/ /\__ ___/_|     |_`____  \__ ___/._`____  \. _
    (_)l___T   \__\    \___    |_____[_]l______|___   [_]l______l(_)
           |____\  \____\  \___|                   \___|

                                                                     ¸ ¸

                      ___|        .  ·        l___
                ____ /   |    _ __¦__¦__ _    |   \ ____
     _   _ ___ /   //    |    \\\__   _///    |    \\   \ ___ _   _
     /  ///__//___//_____|       ¬\ "/        l_____\\___\\__\\\  \
                        ¬|         \/         |¯

                          .requests - ugly word.

        __.      /\_______/\  .____       __.      /\_______/\    .____
      _/  l_____/  ___/\_ , \_l_  l__   _/  l_____/  ___/\_ , \  _l___l_
   __ \   _    \_  __l_/  ¬  \__ ___/---\   _    \_  __l_/  ¬  \/ ,____/__
 .o)_)|___/    [_]_____/__T   \___  ¯¯¡-|___/    [_]_____/__T   \ ¬ ___(_(o.
         /_____|          |____\  \___|    /_____|          |____\___\
             T :: : .      T                    T     . : :: T
         $LAßl_____________|                    l____________|sOS

          : ...................................... quartex
          ¦ ....................................... motion
          | ..................................... oldskool
          | .................................... fairlight
          | ..................................... conquest
      ¹°  | ...................................... corrupt
          | ....................................... nurgle
          | ................................... stage dive
          | ... organisation of might hungry ascii artists
          ¦ .................................... heat head

                                    ·perhaps you saw some of them passing by?

                            |               ¡
                            |               |     ......................,¸
                            |           ....::::::::::::::::::::::::::·'
                            ¦  ...:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·'
                       .:::::::::::····'                 `···::'
                   ..::::::'              ::::    ·:::::...,.
                .:::::·'       :.         ::::      `::::::::::.
             .:::::'          :::....     `:::         `:::::::::..
           .:::''         ..::::::· .:::.. :::             `:::::::.
         .:::'            `···:::· .:: ::' :::                 `:::::..
        :::'   .::  .::.:::.  :::  ::::·   :::                    `::::.
       :::'    `··  ::::·:::  :::  ::. .:. :::         ...          `:::,
      ::'      :::: :::  :::  :::  `::::'  `··         :::           `:::
     ::'       :::: :::  `::  :::  :..        .::      :::  .:::.,    :::
     ::        `::: :::   ::  `··  ::::..     `··   ,::::: .:: ::'    :::
     ::         ::: `··   `·   ..::::::·,:::: :::  :::'::: ::::·      :::
     ::         `··            `···:::  ::'   ::: .::  ::: ::. .:.    ::·
     ::.                   .   .:: :::  `::.  ::: :::.:::: `::::'   ,::'
      ::.          ,::::. :::  ::: :::    ::: ::: `·:· `::        ,:::'
      `::..        ::' `::::: ,::: :::  .:::' `··              ,:::'
        `::..      ::,  ::`::::::: :::  `:'                 ,::::'
          `:::..   `:::::' `·····  `··                 .,::::::'
            `::::...`···                          ,..::::::'    xCz
               `·::::::.......       ...........::::::::'
                            ¦               ¦
                            |               |

                 .why take the risk? - kill all opponents.

            ._______      ____.          _______.   ________
         ___| _____/____._\ __l______.___\_____ l_._\_____ /______
         \  l________   |   \        |      __/   |     l/       /
          \__       l  _l_          _l_          _l_    /     __/
         g®m(__________) (__________) (__________) (__________)e^D

                     .i never ment to do it, officer.

   who you should hate;       slab - $LAß

   who were stupid nuff to
   employee that sucker;      save our souls - sos ascii
   who abused ascii from;     shock g

   and stealed bytes from
   ya harddisk;               25OOO

   and did ruin this day;     25.OO.OO feb 1996

   what u want tomorrow;      dzain-ya.txt

   what you lean ya eyes on;  sos-6yco.txt

   what you dream of;         sos-slab.txt

                        ¡ you made that on purpose !

    _  ____ _
    \_\   / \_                                                __
  /___\\ //___\                                        _ ___ _\/_ ___ _
                                                         __/ \/\/ \__
       x   C   l   u   z   i   w   e                     \//\_/\_/\\/
                                                      _ _//_/ \/ \_\\_ _
           s   L   a   b                              \\\/\(O_/\O_)/\///
                                                         \ \__/\__/ /
               b   E   h   e   m   o   t   h          /\/\\__ /\ __//\/\
                                                      ¯/\¯  | TT |  ¯/\¯
             __    p   S   s                           ¯T___l_`'_|___T¯
      _ ___ _\/_ ___                                         `--'
      \\\_/_\/\/_\_/   t   H   e   k   E   s   t   r   e   l
        __/ \/\/ \__
        \//\_/\_/\\/       c   Z   a   r
     _ _//_/o\/o\_\\_ _
     \\\/\(__/\__)/\///        w   O   o   b   e   r
        \ \__/\__/ /
     /\/\\__ /\ __//\/\            r   A   n   d   y
     ¯/\¯  | TT |  ¯/\¯                               _  ____ _
  _ __¯T___l_`'_|___T¯__ _                            \_\   / \_
  \\\/--'   `--'   `--\///                          /___\\ //___\

                   ·it's pretty cool that our  group could
                    be sighted  on clothes, medical  bags,
                    movies, written in snow, and much more·


|                                         (.
|                                          |
|                          .               |
|             .and seXy soUl.              |
|                                          |
|                  ·$LAß·                  |
|                                       ¸  |
| , ¸                                  ³`³ |
: )°'__ ___________________________________|



                     .we selibrate the year of good taste.
                            and absolute friendship

                             .all species gather.


                               .u saw it coming.

                                  . .¸.¸. .

                                                          [-AquaAdder v0.4-]

       ,Æ@Ñm                             .------------------------------------.
      Ø"  0Þ  a°¶F`Ø" P~Ø°  ¬Ø" 3°3Ø  _Ø"|    iNSANE SWEDiSH HEADQUARTER!     |
     ¬4   0L  #    # /  #   JF  f Æ# _ÆF |                                    |
    _____ ØÞ  0#   #K  á´   Ø  J  Þ# FØ  | MADMAX·JUAN·SNiPER·HARPOON·FRANTiK |
  æØ@°""¶#Ø ,  Ø   #   #  ¸JF  f Í #FJF  |     MARiO·MAGMA·KOSTEK·DESOTO!     | 
 ØK__    ¶Ø Æ__K _ÆÞ _ÆL_æ ÆL_/ _L K_Ø_  |                                    |
  °¶@#**#M# ~"¯  ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯  "¯  ¯¯  ¯¯   |  ..tHE sOFTPARADE hAS nOW bEGUN!.  |
         J#   "YES·SiR·WE·CAN·BOOGiE!"   `------------------------------------'


===============(n u f f   s a i d)====!====(c o j   r u l e z)================

 _:____          _____:_ /\         ____   _:_____   _:__     ____     /\
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  `------'    `----'  `------'   cNb\/e^D `----'  `------'    \/    `------'
=========(ANATHEMA WHQ)=========(CORRUPT SCHQ)=========(SARDONYX SHQ)=========

==========!=========(s e a r c h i n g   f o r   m o r e)==========!==========
 (NODE #1) +46-ask-elite - (NODE #2) +46-ask-elite - (NODE #3) +46-ask-elite

 .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---.
          27-Feb-96, 13:47:20 this textfile passed Sky Tower #2 
 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -·
 .   _ _                                                                .
 .  ( Y )  Without a guy called something like Bzyk                     .
 :   \|/   this file would never have made it and you wouldn't          :
 |   (º)   be watching it right now...                                  |
 |    ¯                                                                 |
 `-------------------------------------------------> Call Sky Tower! <--'
                     |·                                  ·|
          __________ |        · WORLD OF ELiTE ·          |          ______
   _______\__      __|_________   ________________ ____   | ________|_     |
   \        /     /      _     \ _\____       /       /____\__      _/     |
   /      _/\    /       /      \     /     _/       /       /      |      |
  /________/\____\______________/____/       \______________/\_____________l
                     .               \________/           .
                     |                                    |
          ____________ __________________    PRESTIGE EHQ |    Mo!/aC!
         /      _     \      ___________/       CREAM EHQ |
        /       /      \       ______/                    |
        \______________/\_________|    STAFF: DEATHKNIGHT |
                     .                DEVIOUS DOZE · JAKE |
                     | RAJ! · NOSTROMO · FURY · THE FREAK |
                _________                                 |
   _____________\       /____ __________ _ _________________________
  /      _     /       /     _\________/_        _    /      _     /
 /  __________/______________\          /         \__/  __________/__
/_______________/    .        \________/___________\/_______________/
                     |                                    .

 | NODE1: +31-775-212-93 ]-[ NODE2: +31-775-137-53 ]-[ NODE3: +31-775-189-30 |
 `-------[ 21600 ]-----------------[ 28800 ]-----------------[ 16800 ]-------'
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]