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File size:
141 927 bytes (138.60K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:25:06
Download count:
all-time: 433


[wHERE dO yOU gO fROM hERE?......2800 Lines down!]

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 .. where do we go from here?
.________ _   _ __________    _________ _ _________ _ __________ _ __ ____.
| _ ____///_._\\\_._     /   /    __  /_\\\_      /_\\\_._     /___ //    |
| \\\__     |     |/    /_ _/    ._/_/|     _   _/_     |/    /    \/     |
|______     :     _____/ \\\_____|    |_____/_____/__________/_____\/_____|
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|                                                                             |
| I'm going to start this off by saying thanks for viewing my colly.  I hope  |
| you get a few good viewings out of it before you get sick of it.  As you    |
| can probably tell by my group logos "Remorse and Wu-Trank", something has   |
| changed.  Trank, the group I founded and have run since May '95, merged     |
| into Acid!Ascii, creating Remorse.  For more info on that you can just look |
| in the Remorse pack.  This is my longest colly ever, with 100+ logos and    |
| all sorts of different styles and goodies.  At the moment, i'm pretty       |
| fucking burnt out with ascii, but I'm sure that will only last a week or    |
| less.  Anyways, I wanted to make the introduction short and sweet.  I wish  |
| I could put something meaningful and poetic in here, but sometimes nomatter |
|_  what you put, it never lives up to the art that is in your colly. -wH0   _|

                                     __|__ _
                                  _ ___|_///   pART 1: rEQUESTS
                                  \\\__|_ _

     _ __________ wH0/rMRs\                  |      |
  .__\\\__      /   _ ___________ _ ____________   ________________ _
  |    __/    _/___-\\\_        /_\\\_._       /___\      ________///___.
  |    \          /    /       /      |/     _/__   \_ _ ___            |
  |     \        /    /_______/.                /     ///               |
  |______\      /______________|____________. //     ///________________|
  _____ _ \   // _ ______________________ _ |./________ ___ _ _ _____________
._\        \ ./___________ ___ _            |//_______//__///               /_.
|           \//__________//__///                                              |
|                                                                             |
:               Index                                                         |
.              ------------ -   -                                             :
1. Abraxas           Everlast(Remorse) 24. Information                 Tk(Acid)
2. Analogue FILE_ID   Bender(Analogue) 25. Ink                Cyndicide(Noname)
3. Asshole        Necromancer(Remorse) 26. Kow             Burnt Ophidiac(Halo)
4. Asshole Header Necromancer(Remorse) 27. K-r4d                           Synk
5. Bag End                       Pixel 28. Malfeas         Whiteraven(TekLordz)
6. Black Thursday              Skatter 29. Member Listing              Tk(Acid)
7. Chiken                      Illwill 30. Mean Season         Grymmjack(Blade)
8. Codine FILE_ID    Skywalker(Codine) 31. Noname                  Cain(Noname)
9. Crisis                   Temp0(Pow) 32. Nostalgica                      Kain
10. Cryptophid         Unsane(Remorse) 33. Numb                 Blindman(Trank)
11. D. Underground             Cassius 34. Phuck                        Digihax
12. Disc                  ???????????? 35. Polyester                   Hellfire
13. Discordia             Wolfie(Acid) 36. Project X                     xEDGEx
14. Doors                         Neco 37. S. Assasin Hdr      Omicron(Remorse)
15. DTO                     Mogel(DTO) 38. Satanic Verses       Blindman(Trank)
16. Earth/2                    Cygreet 39. Scribe             Cyndicide(Noname)
17. Egod             Despised(Remorse) 40. South Central       Destroyer(Blah!)
18. E. Darkness    DJ Bender(Analogue) 41. TDS!                          Halo-5
19. Goat          Necromancer(Remorse) 42. Terminal Countdown   Rebelord(Blade)
20. Golgotha T.B.     Arogant(Remorse) 43. Trank FILE_ID       Omicron(Remorse)
21. Halloween                   Toasty 44. TOD!                     Theo(Plain)
22. Heatwave                      Wave 45. The Process                     Wizy
23. Hork                  Cytral Skunk 46. Yakko     Phorce Phed(Leper Society)
24. Icebreaker                    Hash                                        .
.                                                                             |
|_                            Requests......  Whod's been a busy man...      _|

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Abraxas                              |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Everlast                    \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

   _    _ ___ __________
    _ _______._____ ___/ _ _______ _ ___________ _____ _ _____________ _
  ._\\\_     | _ _/____._\\\_    /_\\\_    \    Y    /_\\\_    \    _///_.
  |     ._   | \\\_    !tK  ._ _/.    ._   .\_  ._ _/.    ._   .\_       |
  |     |/   |         |    |/   |    |/   |    |/   |    |/   |         |
  |     /    |         |    /    |    /    |    /    |    /    |         |
  |____/     |_________|___/     |___/     |___/     |___/     |_________|
   wH0/______|        ___ /______|  /______|  /______|  /______|
                     /_____________ _____ ___ _    _

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Asshole                              |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Necromancer                 \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

  _ ____________ _________ _  ______     _ ______________________________
._\\\_  \     _///\     _///_|     /   ._\\\_._     /    wH0/      /    /
|        \         \         | _ _/____|     |/    /       /.     /    /
|    __  .\        .\        | \\\__   |     |    /       / | _ _/    /
|     /  | \_      | \_      |     /   |         /|      /__| \\\____/.
|    /   |         |         |    /    |        / |     /   |         |
|___/____|_________|_________|___/_____!tK_____/  |_________|_________|

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Asshole Header                       |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Necromancer                 \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

     _ ______            _______________________  / _______   _____  ________.
    ///     /_ _________/                        /. ___,___,|_  _  / __      |
   ///     /                            .x^^x.  /~| _)  _)  | )(_)/_(_/_     |
    /     /              The Asshole -> `$%%$'                               |
   /     /_ ________                       |    /____________________________|
  /_____/           \_____________________ @ __/wH0!tK

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Bag End                              |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Necromancer                 \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

 ._____.         / \\  wH0/rMRs\
 |     |        /   .\ .________ _  ___________________________________
 |  _ _|_______/      \| _ ____///_.                                  /_.
 |  \\\_      /        \ \\\__     |                                    |
 |___________/__________\__________|        ______                      |
 .                                         /     /                ._____.
 |                                 .______/    //____             |     |
 |_                                |  _ _/    ,/     \____________|_ _  |
  /_______________________________ |  \\\_____/.     \\    \      _///  |

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Black Thursday                       |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Skatter                     \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

     ____.    .__________  / \\ .___________ _           _________ ___________.
.__ /    |    |         / /   \\|   _______///_.______. /        //  wH0/rMRs\|
|  /  _ _|____|_      //_/.    .\   \          |      |/       _/_            |
 _/   \\\_     /     ./   |      \             |      ._       _ /            |
 \____________/___________|       \ ___________|______|/       //             |
.                     /____________\                  /________/  _____       |
|                                                                 \    \      |
._____    ______        ____. _ ________                 ______  /\\    \ _____
|    /___/     / ______/    |_\\\___   /__________ ______\_ _  |/ \\\    Y    /
|   .___/_  __/__\_   /     |     _/ _/_\_    ___/_\     _///  |   .\\_     _/
|   |     \ \._    \________|     \      /___      |\__________|     \/_____\
|__________\_|/     /       |______\    /__________|        /         \
             /_____/                \  /                   /___________\


   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Chiken                               |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Illwill                     \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

                                      _ ______
                    __ _             ______  /__ _        ___.
.______ _ ._____   _\  _______ ____ /     /______________ \__|
| ____///_|_   _)______\______)    Y   __/_ _ _)    /    \________
| \        /   \_    _ /      !tK  _      / \\\____/.    \\    _ /
|_________/_____/    //____   :    /_____/__________|_____\    //wH0
       _  ___  /_____/     \__.___/  ___ _                 \___/
            /__ _             _ ____/          cH1KEN

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Crisis                               |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Temp0                       \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

       .________ _   _ ________________________ _  _______________ _
       |   ____///_._\\\_      (________     _///_(________     _///__
       |   \       |     _   _/.      \.\_        /      \.\_        /
       |______     :     /_____|_______\_________/|_______\_________/

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Cryptophid                           |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Unsane                      \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

                  .________ _   _ ___________ /  _ /_ _______._______.
    ___________ _ |  _____///___\\\_    \    Y   //_\\\_     |       | _____
   /              |  \        /    _  _/.\__   __/.    /_____|    \__| ____/
  /       _ ______|__________/_____/____| /_____\_|_____\  __|_____\         .
 /      ._\\\_._     /_\\\_     |  _ _|______(______)_____(_ _  !tK          |
/____ _ |     |/    /|    /_____|  \\\_      /      \     _///  | _ _________|
        |__________/ |_____\ wH0|_____/_____/________\__________|

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Digital Underground                  |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Cassius                     \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

                                           ._____       /\
        _______.________ __________________|    /__    / \\ .______
_______(_ _    |_______/. _ ______/_______/.    __/__ /   .\|     /__. ______
\      _///    |        | \\\___   /       |    \    \      \    /   |      /_.
.\_____________|________|_________/________|__________\      \_______|        |
|                                                  /__________\               |
|                                                                             |
|                 DIGITAL UNDERGROUND     _____                               |
|     _____                  ______._____/    /_ ________                     |
 _____\    \_________________\_ _  | _ _/   //_\\\__    /_______              |
|     |\    \    ._      /   _///  | \\\____/.    _/  _/__ ____/              |
|___________/____|/     /__________|_________|____\      /                    |
.                /_____/                           \    /                     |
|     .___________ _ ________ _ _________    _____  \  / wH0/rMRs\  ______.   |
|_    | _ _______/_\\\__    /_\\\_._    /____\    \__\/_____________\_ _  |  _|
 /___ | \\\___    /   _/  _/__    |/   /|    |\    \    ._      /   _///  | _\
      |__________/____\      /________/ |__________/____|/     /__________|
                       \    /                           /_____/
                        \  /

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Disc                                 |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: ???                         \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

 žüüüžžžáx.  žüüüüž .x‹žžüžžáx. .xáüžýžžáx. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
 ž  :ž žžžžž üüüüüü `üáááx. ž  :ž ü'  tHOSE dAMN dISC hACKERS    ³
 ž  :ž žžžžž žüüüüž ,xááá ž  :ž ž  :ž .xááá  dID iT aGAIN!  AgGH!       ³
 žxxxžžžü'  žxxxxž `üžžžžxü' `üxžxžžü'                             ³
 .                                                                      ³
 ³ We're back.  Best thing about retiring, you only work when you want! ³
 ³ __                                                                __ ³
 ³  /      "Oh wow, this was tough..." -Official Disc Hax0r           / ³

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Discordia                            |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Wolfie                      \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

                  _____._________________ _ .__________   _ ___________
_________________(_ _  |\______/\    ___///_|   ______/_._\\\_._      /__.
\                _///  |        |\__        |   \       |     |/     //  |
 \_____________________|________|___________|___________|___________/    |
.__                                                                      |
| /                                                                      |
|.               _ __________       _____.________           _ ________. |
|              ._\\\___     /______(_ _  |\______/.__________\\\_      | |_
|              |     ._    /wH0    _///  |        |              _     |  /
|____________. |_____|/     /\___________|________|______________/_____| .

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Doors                                |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Neco                        \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

  /__  o_/_ __) ___ /__  o
 /   )/ /  (__|(__,/   )/  /__  o__ _/_ ___  __  /__
                          /___)/(__)/  (__/_(__,/   ) . , .
        _ _________   _ __________ _ __________ _ __________________ _
       _\\\_._     \__\\\_._     /_\\\_._     /_\\\__      /    ___///_ ___
      /     |/      /     |/    /      |/    /      /  ___/_______    //  /
     /             /           /            /    ._     \  /         //  /
    /_____________/___________/____________/_____|/     / /_________//__/
                                                 /     /wH0/rMRs\
   ____________________________________________ /     /______________________

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: dto                                  |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: mogel                       \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

  .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.
'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `
                                 'x..      ..x'
wH0/rMRs\                 "$$$$"  $$$$$$$$$$$$  ..o8$""$8o.
                          :$$$$  ,'  :$$$$   `, :$$$$ :$$$$
========================= :$$8$ = == :$:8$ ==   :$8$$ :$$$$ ===================
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%^"~  :$8:$ %%%% :$8:$ %%%% :$:8$ :$8:$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ..o8$""$:.$ %%%% :$:.$ %%%% :$::$ :$.8$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% :$:.$ :$. $ %%%% :$. $ %%%% :$. $ :$ :$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
=================== :$  $ :$  $ ==== :$  $ ==== :$ .$ :$. $ ===================
                    ``Yc$xx$$$$x    ,x$tt$x,    ``Yc$xx$cY'
  .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.     .-.
'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `-'     `

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Earth/2                              |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Cygreet                     \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

._____________ _ ___. _ __________ ___.________ ___     _ __________ _____.
|       /    /_\\\_ |_\\\_._     /    !tK     //  /_____\\\___     //     |
|      /    /       |     |/    /     |      //  //   /wH0        /       |
|     /    /        |          /  \   |     //__//   /|          /        |
| _ _/    /         |         /    \__| _ _/___ /   / |         /         |
| \\\____/.    _    |    _  _/.     \ | \\\_   \.  /  |    ____/.         |
|_________|____/____|____/____|______\|____/____| /_  |_________|         |
                                             /   //                       |

*Just fuck'n around with new styles, to show that I don't need to rip styles
 to be a good ascii artist.  Stop saying trank rips styles, because the people
 who are saying it are on the trank bandwagon and never even cared about us
 until now...  we're here to stay mark ryder, so get off our jock*

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Egod                                 |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: The Despised                \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

    ____________ _                 ____________. ___________________
.___\______  __///_. _ __________  \           | wH0!tK            /
| _ _/    /  \___  |_\\\_._     /___\____ _    |                  /_
| \\\____/_        |     |/    /   _____///    |                   /
|_________/________|__________/________________|                  /_

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Eternal Darkness                     |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: DJ Bender                   \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

_____________ ___   .___________ _ _________ ___         _ _________.______
\  _ _)     /   /___|__ _)     /_\\\_      /    \________\\\_       |     /____
.\ \\\_____/.        /\\\_____/.     _   _/.    \\     \      _     |    /    /
| \_________|    \__/__________|_____/_____|_____\      \_____/_____|________/.
|           |_____\                               \____/wH0!tK                |
|                                                                             |
|                                    _____                                    |
|     _____  _ ______. _ __________ /    /__     _________________ _ ______ _ |
_____(_ _ _|_\\\_    |_\\\_    /   Y   _/_  \____\___ _)    /  __///__  __///__
\    _/// \     _    |    _  _/.   _     /  \\     /\\\____/._       /_       /
 \_________\____/____|____/____|___/____/____\    /\________|_______/________/
                                         _ __ \__/
                                             \__ _

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Goat                                 |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Necromancer                 \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

 .________ _   _ __________ _ ______.
 | _ ____///_._\\\_._     /_\\\_    |________.
 | \\\__     |     |/    /    __    |   _    |
 |           |          /      /    |    \\__|
 |           |         /      /     |      \wH0!tK
 |           |        /      /      |       \ __ _

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Golgotha Tenement Blues              |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Arogant                     \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

                                                 ________/____       /
                           ._________.______    /            /      /  /
              __________ _ |     _   |  _ _/______.         /______/
          _ _/   ___  _///_|      \__|  \\\_      | _______/   ______/
          \\\__________    |_______\ |____________|  ________/
                           __  __  / __  __ _/_/__  __,
                          /__)/__)/_/__)/__)/_/   )/__)
                          .__)      .__)     /
                                           _/__   __  _   _ _  _   __ _/_
                                           / /_)_/  )/_)_/ ' )/_)_/  )/
                                          /_    /_               /_
                                           /     /__  /     _   __/_
                                          .     /___)/_/__)/_)__).  '

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Halloween                            |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Toasty                      \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

  .______ _
  |     ///   _ _____._____   _____    _ _________ _
  |   _/___  _\\\_   |    /__|    /__ _\\\_._    ///
  |   \_   \|    _   |   /   |   /   |     |/   /   ___. __________
  |____/____|____/  _|_______|_______|_________/___ \__|          /
             wH0/   \      | _ _/    / _ _/    /   \_____.      _/
          _ __ /    /\     | \\\____/. \\\____/.   \\    !tK    \
         ///_//_____/\_____|_________|_________|____\    |       .

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Heatwave                             |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Wave                        \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

              .______    _____________ _ ________|    /____ _
              | _ ___)___\__ _ _)   _/_\\\_      |        ///
              | \\\__      / \\\____\      _     |    \__/    ._____ __  _   _
              |_____/     /\_________\_____/_____!tK___\      |
              . wH0/     /_____. _ ___________________________ _
  _   _  _____|   /     /     _|_\\\_     \      \   _ _)    ///
              _ _/     /\     \      _     \    _ \  \\\____/.
              \\\______/\      \_____/_____|\   // \_________|
                         \_____|             \  /
                                              \/ ... heatwave

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: hOrk                                 |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Cytral Skunk                \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

                _ __________                 ______ _
.________     ._\\\_._     /_ ________ ____ /     ////________________________
|  _ ___/_____|_    |/    /_\\\__    /     Y    //                           /
|  \\\_        /         /    _    _/.     _   _/.                          /_
|_____/       /_________/_____/______|_____/_____!tK                       . /
  wH0/_______/                                                              /

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Icebreaker                           |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Hash                        \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

                                   ___ _               ___ _     ___ _
                              _ __/  _____        _ __/  _____ _/  _____
 _____ ______ _ .___________________/    /______________/    /____/    /
(_____)   __///_| _ _/    _________     /______________     /____     /
|     \   \     | \\\____/.    ._ /    /wH0        ._ /    / ._ /    /
|     _\   _____|_________|    |//    /            |//    /  |//    /
|     |     /     _ ____________/    /_ ______.____ /    /____/    /_ _______
|_____| _ _/____._\\\     / _ _/    /_\\\     |    Y    / _ _/    /_\\\     /
      | \\\_    |    _  _/. \\\____/.    _    |    _  _/. \\\____/.    _  _/.
      |_________|____/____|_________|____/    :    /____|_________|____/____|

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Information                          |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Tk                          \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

                                                                   _ ____
                                          ____________________________  /
.__________       .________. _ _________ _\                          /_/
|_____)    \______|    ___ |_\\\_._    /_\\\_    /                  //
|     \    \\     |    __/_|     |/   /    _   _/. iNFORMATION     /.
|______\____\     |____\   |_________/     /_____|                /
             \   _ __ ____. _ _______.____/___._____  _ _     _ _/_
        _ __ .\____ //    |_\\\_     |        |_____)_\\\_._    /  \______.
        \_\_ |     \/     |     _    |     \__|     \     |/   /   \\     !tK
         / / |_____\/     :     /____|______\ |______\________/_____\_____|
        . .        /______.____/wH0

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Ink                                  |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Cyndicide                   \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

                                                    _______ _
._______________  __________   ____________ ______ /      /// __wH0/rMRs\____.
|               ._\________/_._\   _ _     |      Y      /                   |
|               |            |      |      |      .    _/.                   |
|               |            |      |      |      |      |                   |
|               |            |      |      |      |      |                   |
|______________ |____________|______|      |______|      | __________________|
                                    |______|      |______|

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Kow                                  |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Burnt Ophidiac              \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

 ____ ______ _ ___________     _______. ______________________________________
|    |     /_\\\_._      /_____\      | wH0/tK!                              /
|    _   _/.     |/     /.     /\     |                                     /
|____/_____|___________/ |_____/\_____| ___________________________________/

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: K-R4D                                |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Synk                        \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

         ________                                                .__________
.______ /       /          ___________     ___________.          |         /
|      Y       /        .__\___      /    /    _      |     .____|_       /
|       ______/__ .___. |    _/     /____/    _/      |___ _|    _/      /___
|     _/        / |___| |    \          /     \          /  |    \          /
|_____\        /        |_____\       //_______\       //___|_____\        /
.      \     //wH0/rMRs\       \     ,/         \     ./           \      / .
|       \   ,/                  \    /           \    /             \   //  |
|        \  /                    \  /             \  /               \ ,/   |
|         \/                      \/               \/                 \/    |
|                           k-r4d                                           |
|_                                                                         _|

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Malfeas                              |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Whiteraven                  \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

        _ ___ _________. ___________________________________________
.__________ //         |                                           /__.
|          \/          |                                        /__   |
|__________\/__________|                                          /   |
  _ ___________________.                                         .    |
._\\\_____             |                                              |
|           _          |                                              |
|___________/__________|                                              |
.____________________                                                 |
|                   /__.                                              |
|                  /   |                                              |
|______________________|                                              |
.______________________.                                              |
|           _______    |                                              |
|           ______/____|                                              |
|____________\                                                        |
._______________________                                              |
|     _ _/             /                                              |
|     \\\_____________/.                                              |
|______________________|                                              |
  _ ___________________                                               |
._\\\_____             |                                              |
|           _          |                                              |
|___________/__________|                                         .    |
____________________ _                                                |
\      ____________///_.                                         __\  |
.\__                   |                                         \  __|
|______________________| ___________________________________________\wH0!tK

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Member Listing                       |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Tk                          \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

 _____ ___ _  .___________  _ ___ ____ _____     .___________ _ _________
|     \\ _____| _ _/     /_____ //    | _ _/_____| _ _/     /_\\\_      /
|      \/     | \\\_____/.     \/     | \\\_     | \\\_____/.     _   _/_
|      \/_____|__________|_____\/     |__________|__________|_____/   _ /
|      /  _____ _______ _ .____/      |_ ____wH0     _______ _   /    //
|     /__|_____)\    _///_|       ._____)    \______| _ ___///__/     /
|    /   |     \.\_       |    \__:     \    \\     | \\\_           /
|________|______\_________|_____\ |______\____\_____!tK_____________/

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Mean Season                          |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Grymmjack                   \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

         ____.     _____             ________.  _  _ _______________
 .____  /    |____/    / _ ______.___\ _     |                     (_.
 |    \/     |  _     /._\\\_    |    \\     |                       |
 |    \/     | \\____/ |   ._    |    \\     |                       |
 |     \_____|     ____|___|/    |     \_____|                       |
 |______\    |____/        /_____|______\                            :
                   _____                                     ________.
 .________ _  ____/    / _ ______.________ _   _ ____________\ _     |
 |    ___///_|  _     /._\\\_    |    ___///_._\\\_._      /  \\     |
_|_____      | \\____/ |   ._   _|_____      |     |/     /   \\     |
\_      _____|     ____|___|/   \_      _____|_____      /     \_____|
 |_____/     |____/        /_____|_____/           \____/_______\

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Noname                               |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Cain                        \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

 ____  \_     _ __________ ____                                          |
|    \______._\\\_._     //___/               ____           _____       |
|    \\     |     |/    /_        ______      \  /____._____/  _ /       |
|_____\_____|__________/  \______|     _\______\//    | _ _/   //        :
.                    |    \\     |      \\     \/     | \\\____/.        .
|_  wH0/rMRs\        |_____\_____|________\____\/_____|_________|
 /_________________________________________________________________ __  _

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Nostalgica                           |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Kain                        \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

|     \_____wH0_____. _ ________________ _ .________. _ ______.______
|     \\            |_\\\_._     \    _///_|        |_\\\_    |     /__.
|______\            :     |/    /.\_       |     \__|    _    |    /   !tK
 _ ___  \___________.__________/ |_________|______\ |____/____|________|
      \____ _      .________ _                   .______ _______ _   _ ______.
                   | _ ____///___________________|______)  _ __///_._\\\_    |
    nOSTALGICA     | \\\__                       :      \  \\\     |    _    |

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Numb                                 |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Blindman                    \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

 _______                    ___________ _______             ________
|       \__________.________\          |       \  _________|    _ _/__________
|       \\         |         \         :        \/         |    \\\_          |
|________\         :         __________.________\/         :        __________|
.         \________.________/                   /__________._______/wH0       .
|                                                                             |
|                            ... nUMB                                         |
!tK                                    _ _                                    |

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Phuck                                |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Digihax                     \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

           .______   _ ___                      _ ______
   _ ______|     /   \\\_/ ____ _______ _  ____///     /wH0
 ._\\\__   |   _/___ .____/    |  ____///_|     Y     /
 |    /____|   \_   \|   /     |  \       |     _   _/.
 |_____\   |____/____|_________!tK________|_____/_____|

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Polyester                            |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Hellfire                    \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

         .........           ____                  .____
  _ _____:__: :  :____ ____ /   /________ ______ _ |   /_  ________ _ ________
._\\\_     /: :  :   /_\   Y   /_\_     / \    ///_|  ._/__\_     /_\\\__    /
|    /____/ : :  :  /   \_   _/   /____/.__\_      |  |   \ /____/.    _/   /__
|______| :..:.:..:______|/___\__________|__________|_______\______|____\      /
.                                                                       \   //
|_  POLYESTER: IT TAKES SKILLS TO PUT IT ON ONE LINE!                    \ ./
 /_____________________________________________________________wH0/rMRs\_ \/

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Project X                            |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: xEDGEx                      \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

               ___ _______    _ _______
               \__\\      \  ///   _  /
                    \      \  /    / /
                     \      \/    . /                 ______         ._____
  _ _______. _ _________ _ __________    ____________/   _ /______ _ |    /___,
._\\\_     |_\\\_      /_\\\_._     /____\_____) _ _/    //  ____///_|        |
|    /_____|    ._   _/_     |/    /     (_    | \\\_____/.  \       |     \__|
|_____\    |____|/     /__________/      ______|__________|__________|______\
                /_____/          /______/                               .
                      /                       ... prOject X ...         |
 wH0/rMRs\           / '    /\      \ ________________                  |
                    / /_   /_ \      \ ___            )_________________|
                   /______///  \______\\__\

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Shogun Assassin Header               |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Omicron                     \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

._____ _ _______________________
| ___  /__ __  ___     ___     /______________________________________________.
,__) '(  /(__)(__/(__/(  /    / title: I fucking suck     for: cocksucker, jr.|
.       /     ,__)      /    / ___  ___  ___  ___  ____ ____ o___             |
!tK___ . _____________ . ___/ (__/,__) '__) '(__/,__) ,__)  /(  /             |
                        wH0/                               /   /              |
                          /______________________________ . _ . ______________|

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Satanic Verses                       |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Blindman                    \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

_______ _   _ ______._______. _ ______.___ _     ._____ ______ _ /       |
\    _///_._\\\_    !tK     |_\\\_    |   \\\____|_____)  _ _///_.       |
.\_       |    _    |    \__|    _    |   \\     |     \  \\\    |       |
|____     :    /____|_____\ |____/____|____\     :    __\________|       |
_____\____.___/__ _ ____________ _  ________\____._ _/                   |
\    _  _ _/    /_\\\_    \   _///_. _ _/    \   _///_.                  |
 \   // \\\____/.    _  _/.\_      | \\\____/.\_      |                  |
  \  /_____     |    /____|________|_________|________|                  |
   \/      \____.___/   _________________________________________________|
              _   _ ___/wH0

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Scribe                               |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Cyndicide                   \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

  __________ _ ._________ _   _ __________________ .______  __________________
_/   ______///_| _ _____///_._\\\_._   _ /\______/_|  _ __))____.             |
\_________     | \\\        |     |/   //          |  \\\       |______________
.  /           |  \\\____   |     _   _/.          |   \\\_     | _ _/        /
| /____________|____________|_____/_____|__________|____________| \\\        /.
|                                                               |  \\\______/ |
|                                                               |_____________|
|_  wH0/rMRs\                                                                 .
 /__________________________________                                          |

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: South Central                        |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Destroyer                   \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

_________ _   _ __________  ______ ________ _____      ______________________.
\     __///_._\\\_._     /__\     |        |  _ _)____ \_                 wH0|
.\_         |     |/    /    \    |     \__|  \\\_    \.                   tK!
|___________|__________/__________|______\ |_____/_____|                     |
 ._______ _  ___________ ___ _     .________. _ _________ _ ________.______  |
 |  ____///_| _ _/     /    \\\____|        |_\\\_      /_\\\_      |     /__.
 |  \       | \\\_____/.    \\     |     \__|     _   _/.     _     |    /   |
 |__________|__________|_____\_____|______\ |_____/_____|_____/_____|________|

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Tds!                                 |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Halo-5                      \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

.______ ___________________________ .___________________ _ ___________________.
|     /___         _________________|_ _             _ ///                    |
|     .__/_________\_ _   \        __///_            //                       |
|     |     \      _///   |\__          /____________/_                       |
|____________\____________|____________/_____________) )_____________wH0/rMRs\|

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Terminal Countdown                   |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Rebelord                    \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

                                             _ _____
._______ __________ _ ________ _  __ ____.____ ___  \__ _  _ _______ ______
|       | _ _/    /_\\\_     /____ //    |____)   \______._\\\_     |     /__.
|    \__| \\\____/.     _  _/.    \/     |    \   \\     |     _    |    /   |
|_____\ |_____    |     /____|____\/_____|_____\___\     :     /____|________|
              \___.____/                            \____.____/              .
.______ _   _ _______  _ _____.____       ._______                           |
| _ __///_._\\\_._   \_\\\    |    \______|       |    Terminal Countdown    |
| \\\     |     |/    /   \   |    \\     |    \__|                          |
|_    ____|_ _ ______/_     __|_____\_____|_____\                            |
 _____\_ _ |_\\\_._    \____\      |    \__|___.                             |
|     _/// |     |/     /   /\     |    \\     |                             |
|__________|___________/____/\_____|_____\     | -----[wH0!tK]---------------+
                                     _ __ \____|
                                         \___ _

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Tod!                                 |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Theo                        \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

 ._______. _ _________ _\     .      /__
 |   _   |_\\\_._    /_\\\_ _ :        /._-----------------------._
 |    \__|     |/   /    _/// !tK_____/  /_                       /_
 |_____\ |         /|_________|_______)   /------------------------/
wH0      |________/  ___ _   _           .                        .
      _      ___  __/

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: The Process                          |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Wizy                        \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

_/_ /_  __                                      __ _
(_ /  )(_/_______ ________  __________ ______ _ \ ________  ____ _    ____ _
       _\__     /_\__    / _\__   wH0/_\ ___///___\_     /_/  _///___/  _///___
.____ /   /____/    /___/_/   /_    /    \      /  /____/.\_       /\_        /
!tK //_____|  /_____,____/_________/___________/_________/________/__________/
|                                                                            :
|                                                                            .
|__ __ __         the process
  /_ /_ /________________________________________________________________ __ _

                 *New Style Alert.. who's ripping now, eh?*

   _ __________ ___________________________________  ____________________ _____
.__\\\___     / WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?         _/_ __  ___,__ ._______/    /
|      _/   _/_                                   (_ /  '(__//  )|     _/   _/_
|______\      /      TITLE: Yakko                                |_____\      /
.       \    /__  _ _  __  __  ___ __  FOR: Phorce Phed                 \    /.
|        \  /(_/_( ' )(__)/  '_)  (_/_                                  _\  / |
|wH0/rMRs\\/ ___________________________________________________________\\\/__|

             ______                 ______      ______
            /     /      .__ _     /     /     /     /
           /_____/       | ///    /_____/     /_____/
          ______         :/      ______      ______         _________
  ______ /   _ /  _______._____ /   _ /____ /   _ / _ _____/____    /
  \     Y    //_\\\_     |     Y    //_    Y    //__\\\_._     /___/
   \__     __/     _     !tK   _      /    _      /     |/    /
    /_______\______/     :     /_____/_____/_____/___________/  ___ _
               wH0/______.____/  ___ _                   _ ____/
                          _ ____/

                                 _  ___|___ _
                             _ ________|__///pART 2: gIFTS & rESPECTS
                             \\\_______._ _

                             .___________        ________ _
      ___________ _          |     ___  /___     \     _///_. wH0/rMRs\
      \      ___///._________|     __/_/   /___  .\__       | ________________.
     __\__   \_    |\_______/._____|  .    .__/__|__________|                 |
.____\        /____|         |        |    |     \                            |
|     \      /     |_________|        '-----------'                           |
|      \    /                                                                 |
|       \  / gIFTS & rESPECTZ iNDECKZ                                         |
|        \/ ----------------------------------------- -----      -            |
|                          14. Fahrenheit/Remorse    28. Remorse              |
| 1. Acid                  15. Forge/Remorse         29. Ruckus/Remorse       |
| 2.              16. Hack Shack            30. Shock G/Jedi Arts    |
| 3. Blah FILE_ID          17. Hades                 31. sOs FILE_ID          |
| 4. BOFH                  18. Immortal Coil FILE_ID 32. Spook                |
| 5. Burnfest              19. Megga Hertz/Remorse   33. Style2Death          |
| 6. Cable/Remorse         20. Mogue/Mo'Soul         34. The Despised/Remorse |
| 7. Cain/Noname           21. MrKite/Acid           35. TinyZ/kTs            |
| 8. Cash/Trank            22. Necromancer/Remorse   36. Virago/Blade         |
| 9. Cash/Trank            23. Nexus                 37. Whodini Signature    |
|10. Cyberkid/Trank        24. A Nig                 38. Whod/Remorse         |
|11  Cyndicide/Remorse     25. Posk-G/kTs            39. Whod/Remorse         |
|12. Done                  26. Remorse               40. Wise-K/sOs           |
|13. Download              27. Remorse               41. xClusiwe/sOs         |
|_                                                                           _|

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Radman           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: ACID                            |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

._______________ _ _________________________________ _ ________  _ ___________.
|                \\\           \    _ /            ///________/_.\\\          |
| wH0/rMRs\     _ __\_______    \   //    ._______/__ _    _ ___|___\_____    |
|               \\\         '    \  /     |       _ ///    \\\ _      .__/    |
|                  \        |     \/      |       //          \\      |/      |
|__________________ \       |_____/\        ______/____________\        ______|
                     \______|       \______/                    \______/

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Radman           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE:                        |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                               ___ _
                           _ __\  ________.
 _ _________._________ _ _______  \       |  _ _______   _ ______________ _
_\\\___     |   _____///_ _____/___\__ _  |._\\\_._   \__\\\_     /_ ___///___
\    __     |   \       /       /   _/// _||_    |/    /    _   _/.\\\_      /
 \__________|__________/_______/_________\  /_________/_____/     |_________/
                                          \/         _  _  /______|
   // wH0/rMRs\                       /___ _

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: remorse          . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: bofh                            |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

      ______. _ ___________ ________._____
._____\_    |_\\\_._      /    ___  |    _)_____. _______________ _
|     _/    |     |/     /     __/__|    \_     | ______________///
|___________|___________/______|    |_____/_____|
                                                 wH0  -  remorse is your erkop

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Fahrenheit       . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Burnfest                        |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

._____.     _______     _ ____________ ______________________________________
|  _ _|_____\_    /_____\\\__     /   \_________                            /_.
|  \\\_      /   /     /   _/  __/_   \\       /wH0/rMRs\                     |
|___________/_________/____\      /____\     //                               |
.                           \   //      \   ./                ._____          |
|                            \ ./________\  /______ _______ _ |    /__.       |
|     BURNFEST               .\/   __   / \/_/    //     _///_|       |       |
|_                           |     _/__/. \\\____/.\__        |    \__|      _|
 /__________________________ |_____\    |_________|___________|_____\ _______\

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Cable            . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Cable                           |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                                   ______   ._______        _____ __ _
       _ __ ________ _   _ _______|_    /   |_   _ /_______/  _ //_///
       \\\_\\______///_._\\\_______/_ _/_____/   //_\_ _ _/   //
     _ ___ _/   \      |     _    | \\\_    |    /   | \\\____/_ ___ _
     \\\__\\______     :     /____|_________|________|_________//__///

                                 .x Mucho respect for Cable - Trank/Remorse x.

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Cain             . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Cain                            |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

            __/\                 _ ___________________________./          \
 ________ _ \  \\ _________ ____ \\\                          / wH0/rMRs\  \
|   .___///_/   .\\_ _____/__   \______.                     /______________\
|   |      /       /        /   \\     |                      |
|_________/________\_______/_____\_____| _____________________|

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Cash             . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Cash                            |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                                _ _____            _______________ _
  _____________ _                  _  /            \  _______________
 /  _____________ _   _ ___________\_/______________ _\             /wH0!tK
/  /   _________///_ _\\\___       \_/    _________///_\        _ _/_________
 _/    \            \_       _      \_____________      \_      \\\_         \_
 \___________________/_______/_______/_________          /_________/          /
                                       _  ____ \________/         /__________/
                                              \___ _

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Cash             . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Cash                            |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

.______ _   _ ______. _____ _                                      .
| ____///_._\\\_    |/  __///_.__________ __ _ ____________________.
| \            |   _/                   // ////               (____|_\
|  \      .    |   \          .        //_///                      .
|   \     :         \         :       /                            |
|    \._  |         |\        |      /                             .
|     |/  |         ._\____   |     /                              |
|     |   |         |     /   | _ _/_____.                         .
|     |   |    ___  |    /    | \\\      |                         |
|     |   |      /  :   /     |    \_    |                     ____.__
|     |   |     /      .      |     /    | ___________________(____| /
|_________|____/____._________|____/_____!tK/wH0                    .

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Cyberkid         . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Cyberkid                        |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

.________ _ _____ __________     .____________ _ _________ _ ___
|   ____///_\    Y    / _ _/_____|  _ _/     /_\\\_      ////__/
|   \       |\__   __/. \\\_     |  \\\_____/._    _   _/.
|___________| /     \ |__________|___________|/    /_____|
             /       \                   _ _ /    /wH0!tK
____________/         \___________. ._____.//    /_____    _ _____.
)____ _                           | |     |/    /______)___\\\_ _ |
   )____ _                        | |     _   _/.      \     _/// |
      )___________________________| |_____/_____|_______\_________|

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Cyndicide        . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Cyndicide                       |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

.______ _             ____                ._\_____/_
| ____///_.          |    \_____.    _____|         |          wH0/rMRs\
| \       |       ___|_ _ \\    |____\_ _ |_________|      _______________
|_________|_____ /    ///__\____|    _/// |               |              /
.          \    Y    /          |_________|               |             /
|           \_     _/_____ _                _____.        |            /
|            /_____\  ___///_.          ____\_ _ |________|_          /
|                  |  \      | _______ |    _/// | _ _/    /_________/
|                  |_________|_\_____/_|_________| \\\____/._________)
|_                           |         |         |_________|
 /_________________________  |_________|  ____________________________ ___  _

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Anyone           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Done                            |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                     _____. _ ___________        ____________ _
._________  _________\_ _ |_\\\_._    /  \______| \\\_      ///
|         \ \        _/// |     |/   /   \\     |    /_____/. .___________.
|            \____________|_________/_____\_____|___________| |           |
|_                                                                        |
 /______________________________                                          |

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Anyone           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE:  Download                       |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                         _____        __
         ____. _ ________\__  \______ \_)  .______  _ ______/\         ____.
 ________\_ _|_\\\_._ /    /   \     \_____|_    /._\\\_._ / \\________\_ _| _.
_\       _///|     |//    /\    \    \\     /   / |     |//   .\       _///|  |
\ \__________|______/_____/\_____\____\   //______|______/      \__________|  |
 \   wH0/rMRs\                         \ ./             /________\            |
  \____________________________________ \/ ___________________________________|

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Anyone           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Fahrenheit                      |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

   _.________. _ ______._____      _ ___________________ \__|
   \_     __ |_\\\_   \_ _ _/___ ._\\\_    / _ _/    /  \_______. _.
    |    __/_|     _   | \\\__  \|     _ _/. \\\____/.  \\      |  .
    |    |wH0|     /   |     /   |     /   |         |   \\     |  |
    |    |   |    /    |    /    |    /    |         |    \\    |  .
    |____!tK |___/____.|___/_____|___/_____|_________|____.\    |  |
         .           \_ _ _/____\_ _ _/    /_____)    _   | \___|  .
         |            | \\\__   \| \\\____/.    _\     \__|        |
         .            |     /    |         |     \\     \          .
         |            |    /     |         |       \     \         |
         ._________ _ |___/______|_________|________\_____\ _ _____.

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Forge            . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Forge                           |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|


              |              .                  .
              |            /_                 /_
  .________wH0| _ __________/_ ________________/_ .___________ _
  |     ____  |_\\\_._     /_\\\_     / _ ____///_| _ _/     ///
  |     .__/__|     |/    /     _   _/. \\\___    | \\\_____/.
  |     |     :_         /      /     |           |          |
  :     |     |/        /      /      |           |          |
  .     :     /________/______/_______|___________|__________!tK
        .             /_     /_       |           |
                       /      /       |          _|_
                      .      .       _|_          :
                                      :           .

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: K-Spiff          . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Hack Shack                      |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                /\                      _____
 _______       /  \____________   ____ /    /________________________________
|     __)_____/   \\   _______/__|    Y____/___                             /_.
|    _\      /     ,\  \         |    _\      /    ... hACK sHACK             |
|____\     //________\___________|____\     //                                |
.     \   ,/                           \   ,/ /\                      _____   |
|      \  /       ___________  _______  \  / /  \____________   ____ /    /   |
|       \/        \      ___/_|     __)__\/_/   \\   _______/__|    Y____/___ |
|_ wH0/rMRs\      .\_         |    _\      /     ,\  \         |    _\      / |
 /_______________ |___________|____\     //________\___________|____\     // _|
                                    \   ,/                           \   ,/
                                     \  /                             \  /
                                      \/                               \/

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Anyone           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Hades                           |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

         ._____.            .______.
         |     |            |      |
    ._______. _|      /\    |___ .______.             ____________ _
    |     __|________/ \\________|__ _  | _ __________\_      ___///_.
.__ |     \_._      /   .\      ___///  |-\\\_         /__           | ___. __
|   |_______|/     /      \_____________|    /________/._____________|    |   |
|           /_____/        \            |______________|         .        |   |
|                /__________\                                    |________|   |
|                                                                             |
|                                                                             |

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Megga Hertz      . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Megga Hertz                     |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

     __ ____.         ._________ _
.____\//    |      ___|_ _ ____///_._________ _    /\ _ ____________________
|    \/     |_____/    / \\\___    |  _ ____///_. / \\                     /__.
|    \/_____| _ _/   //____________|  \\\___    |/   .\                       |
|_____\     | \\\____/.            |____________/      \ _                    |
            |         | wH0/rMRs\              /________\\\                   |
            |      _ _|_______   _____ ________         _ _________           |
            |      \\\_      /__/    /_\_     /       ._\\\__     /           |
            |_________|_____/ _/   //    _  _/._______|        __/.           |
                          | \\\____/.____/____|       |___________|           |
                          |_________|         |    \__|                     __|
_ ___________________________________________ |_____\ ______________________\

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Mogue            . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Mogue                           |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

         _ __ ____. _ _________ _____ _      _ _____._____________ _
 _ ________ //    |_\\\_._    /_ ___///_.___///     | _ _/     __ _
  _ __     \/     |     |/   / \\\__    |    /      | \\\_____/.
     /_____\/     :    _____/_______    :   ____    :    ______|
     _ __  /______.___/wH0!tK _ __  \___.__/ _  \___.___/
        /_____________            \___ _      \__ _

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: MrKite           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: MrKite                          |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

          _ __ ____. _ _______ ___._____ ____ _______.__________ _
      ._____ //    |_\\\_    /    |    /_____)       | _ _/    ///
      |     \/     |    _  _/.    _  _/.     \    \__| \\\____/.
      |_____\/     |    /____|____/    |    __\____\ |_________|
   _  ____  /______.___/ _  ___  /_____.___/wH0!tK
         /__ _                /__ _                 ...mRkITE

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Necromancer      . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Necromancer                     |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                                                       _  ____
 ____        ________________ _   _ ________ _ ________      /
|    \______| _ _/    / _ __///_._\\\_     /_\\\_._    \_   /_
|    \\     | \\\____/. \\\     |    _   _/.     |/     /    /
|_____\     :      ___|_____    :    /_____|___________/    /
       \____._____/         \___.___/                      .      _ ____
    _ __ ____  _ _______.____        ______ _  __________ _ ________   /
._____ //    |_\\\_     |    \______| _ __///_| _ _/    /_\\\_     /  /_
|     \/     |     _    |    \\     | \\\     | \\\____/.    _   _/.   /
|_____\/     :     /____|_____\     :     ____|____     |    /_____|  /
      /______.____/            \____.____/         \____.___/        .

*Hey, good luck with Acid!ascii.  You and I can't bring back how the ascii
 scene was when we started, but at least we can represent it the right way*

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Anyone           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Hey Nigga puhleeze...           |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                `~)oo\ - - /oo(~'
                   ~~~\ _ /~~~
                /    (_____)    \
               /   ___           \
              /     _ o |  .\     \
             /   __|  | |_ |~\ _   \
            /   _)\           /(_   \
          __\   \  \_       _/  /    \
         //  \  / (___________) \    /_
        / \/  \/  |____\_)____|  \  /  \
       / ////|    /__)      (_\   \/|  /
      / /\/\\/   /             \     \/
     / /       _/      (\      _\
     \/        \      /  \_    \
_____________  _\   _/   \_    _\ _________________________
              (   ____)  (____  \
               \_(____)  (____)_/

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Poskgubbe        . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Posk-G                          |

                                           _______ wH0/rMRs\
  _ _________ _ __________ ______ _ ._____/      /  _______________ _
._\\\_      /_\\\_._     //    _///_|   _/     _/_ _\_.   __ _____///___.
|    /_____/.     |/    /.\___      |   \        /____|   \_\\_____     | __.
|______\ .  |__________/ |__________|____\      /     \_________________|   |
.        |                           .____\    /                  .         |
|________|                           |     \  /                   |_________|
                                     |     .\/
      pOSK-G (pOSKgUBBE/kTS)         |_____|

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Remorse          . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Remorse                         |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

            .                                            .
         _ _|_  _                                     _ _|_  _
            |                                            |
            |              .___                          |
 __________ |__________ ___|  /_. _ _________ __________ |______ _ ____________
_\____    / |   ._    / _  | _  |_\\\_._    /_\____    / |   __///_    ._     /
    _/   /__|_ _|/   /  \  ; /  |     |/  //     _/   /__|_ __.    \_ _|/    /
    \        / \____/.   \  /   |        ,/      \        /   |     / \_____/.
_____\     //________|____\/____|________/________\     //_________/_________|
     _\   ,/_                                     _\   ,/_
      \\  //                                       \\  //      wH0/rMRs\
       \\//                                         \\//

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Remorse          . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Remorse                         |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                                                                   ___ _
                     ______   ___ __   _                    _  ___/  ______ _
    _ ______________/   _ /___\         _ ___________ ______________/   _ ///
  ._\\\__     / _ _/    //    \\/_____._\\\_._     /\\\__     / _ _/    //
  |    ._  __/_ \\\_____/.     \/     |     |/    /    ._  __/_ \\\_____/.
  |____|/     /__________|_____\/     |_____     /_____|/     /__________|
       /_____/ _      _  ____  /______|     \___/  __  /_____/wH0/rMRs\
              //            /___ _                  /__ _

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Remorse          . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Remorse '97                     |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

 _ _______________________ _    __        _ _________ _ _______________________
_\\\____     /  _ _/     ///____\/______._\\\_._     _\\\____     /  _ _/     /
\     ._   _/\  \\\_____/.      \/      |     |/     \     ._   _/\  \\\_____/.
 \____|/     |\__________|______\/      |___________/ \____|/     |\__________|
      /______|             _ _  /_______|             _ _  /______|
                             /_                         /__ _
                                // ....... .......
                                   ::: ::: ::: :::
                                   :::.:::    .:::
                                       :::   :::'
                                   :::.:::   :::

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Unsane           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Ruckus                          |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

       _ _________      ___.________ _ ._____ ______      __________ _
     ._\\\_      /_____/   |  _____///_|     Y     /_____/   \    _///_.
     |     __  _/.    /    |  \        |     __  _/.    /    .\_       |
     |      /    |   /     |           |      /    |   /     |         |
     |     /     |         |           |     /     |         |         |
     |    /      |         |           |    /      |         |         |
     |   /       |         |           |   /       |         |         |

here's my tribute to ruckus:
<Whodini> yummy yummy punk rock girls
Sec: #ascii          unzaney hash @Whodini @badspirit @everlast @G0AT
<Whodini> yummy yummy punk rock girls!
<unzaney> whodini; HELP ME
<Whodini> yummy yummy punk rock girls
<Whodini> unsane - um..  dude.. i dunnoh why its doing that.
<Whodini> but sing with me anyways.
<Whodini> come on, don't you like the queers?
<unzaney> i'm going to #ansi
<Whodini> byebye
<unzaney> this is too whack
<Whodini> i got your ascii done.

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Shock G          . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Shock G                         |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

              ._______                                   _______
  _________ _ |      /       _ __________ _____ _  _____|      / ._______ _
  \      _///_|  _ _/_____  _\\\_._     / ____///_|     |     /  | _ ___///_.
  .\_         |  \\\____  \|     |/    /  \       |     ___ _/.  | \\\__    |
  |           |        /   |          /           |       /   |  |          |
  |           |       /    |         /            |      /    |  |          |
  |           |      /     |        /             |     /     |  |          |
  |___________|_____/      |_______/______________|____/______|  |__________|
  ============:====/       |==[wH0!tK]============:===========:==============

                     "He's sooooooooo cooooooooooooool!"

*Werd to shock G, a big influence on my style and shit.  I never got a chance
 to talk to his ass, but he must be a cool guy... .    .

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Spook            . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Spook                           |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                                                             _____ ___________.
  _________ _       _ ________ _ __________ _ __________ ___/    /            |
  \       ///_____._\\\_     /_\\\_._     /_\\\_._     /  _/   _/_            |
  .\_             :    /____/.     |/    /.     |/    /   \      /            |
. |_______________._____\    |__________/ |__________/_____\   //             |
|                                                           \ ./              |
|                                                            \/               |
|                                                                             |
|_                                                                           _|

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Me               . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Style2Death                     |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                        .____         ______
          .__________ _ |   /_______ /     /______ _____________
  _____ _ |      ___///_|  .__/_    Y     /      /_. _ _/      /
 _\       |_________    |  |    \_     __/      /  | \\\______/..........
|             /         |________/_____\___________|_____      |::::  ::::
| wH0/rMRs\  /__________|          _                     \_____|::::  ::::
|                                 ///\ .____           . ...::::::::  ::::
|              _______.____________/  \|   /__________                ::::
|    _ ________\___ _ | _ _/      /   \\  .__/_     __)_______...::::::::'
|    \\\ _        /// | \\\______/.    .\ |    \    \._      /::::::  ....... .
|_      \\    ___///  |_____      |      \______\____|/     /:::::::..::::
 /_____ _\            |     \_____|       \          /_____/
          \___________|       /____________\

         the style2death is still alive, the future is phearsome...

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: The Despised     . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: The Despised                    |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

._______._____     _____________ ___________ _\wH0                           |
|       |  _ _)____\__ _ _/    / \           \                               .
|    \__|  \\\_      / \\\____/.  .           .                              |
|_____\ |_____/_____/\_________|                                             .
.                                          the despised                      |
|     _____________________ _   _ ________ _________ _ ___________     ______
_____(_ _  \ _ _/    /  __///___\\\_     /___)   __///_\ _ _/    /____(__ _  |
\    _///  |\\\\____/._____    /   /____/    \______    \\\\____/.     _///  |
.\_________| \_______|/_______/_____\ tK!_____\/_______/ \_______|\__________|
|_                                                                           .
 /______________________________________                                     .
                                       /_ ___________________________________|

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: TinyZ            . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: TinyZ                           |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                                                                  /wH0   |
  ._____ .________._____ ____ ________ _____ _____ __ _ ________ /       |
  |      |        |_____)    \_________\    Y    /  ._\\\__    /         |
  |      |     \__|     \    \\         \__   __/   |        _/.         |
  |      |______\ |      \____\         |/_____\    |          |         |
  |        ______ |       \ ___\        | __        |          |         |
  |       /       |        \    \       |   \       |          |         |
  |      /        |         \    \      |    \      |          |         |
  !tK___/         |__________\    \_____|     \____ |__________| ________|

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Virago           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Virago                          |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

     _\        /
     \       //____  _ __________   ________.__________   _ __________
._____\     ,/____/._\\\__      /__(___     |    _____/_._\\\_._     /______.
|    /_\    /      |     ._      /   ._    _|______     |     |/   //_\     |
|     | \  /_______|_____|/_____/____|/____\      ______|__________/ |      |
|     .  \/                               \      /                   .      |
|                                          \   //   wH0/rMRs\               |
|_ _                                       \\ ,//                           |
 /_/_______________________________________ \\// _________ _                |

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Me               . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Whodini mail sig                |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

    .    |__   __   __| o .__  o _ ___ _
 (__|__) |  ) (__) (__| | |  ) |  _ __))) finger for PGP key!    (((_______________ _______ __  _

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Me               . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Whod                            |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                             _ _____                      ____ _   _
                   _ ___________   /                      \  ________________.
         _____________/     _ /           _ ________________ _\              |
 ._______\                  //     wH0!tK_\\\____._       _/_\\\_______ _    |
 |        \      _ _/      _/___________/_       |/       _           ///    |
 |        /\     \\\_      \_        _ //        |       /       ____///     |
 |________/\________/_______/        //                 /____________________|
                     _ __  /         .                 /  __ _
                        / /___________________________/  /
                       /__ _                        _ __/

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Me               . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Whod                            |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

    ___________           _________                               _ _________
   /          /___/\___._/        /      _ _____________.________///         |
__/          /_\       |    _ ___/____/\_\\\_____       |     _______        |
\_          /   \      :    \\\__       \_     \/       :     \__ _ /        |
 |__________/\_________._______//        /______________._______////_________|
                             /        /

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: Wise-K           . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: Wise-K                          |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

                                                               /        /!tK
    ___  ____  _____      ________ ____________________ _ ____/    ____/__
   /  / /   / /    / _____\       \ ________)     ____///_   /    /      /
 _/ _/_/  _/_/   _/_/      \       \_       \__________   \_/ _ _/      /_
 \  \ \   \ \    \ \       /\       /        / /           /  \\\______/ /
  \__\ \___\ \____\ \______/\______/________/ /       _ __/        _____/
                                          wH0/     _ ____/    ____/_
                                            /      \\\__            \
                                           /___________/\            \
                                                         \            \

         _ _______ __ __       _ ______ _________ _ where do we go...
 ._ _ ___\\\_    /   \\/_ _ ___\\\__    \   ____///_ _ ______________________
 |  \\\    _/  _/_    \/  \\\     _/  _/_\__       ///                      /_.
 |   \\\___\   _ / ___\/   \\\____\   _ / ________/// FOR: xCz              . |
 | wH0/rMRs\\  //     /______.     \  //                                      |
 |_          \_/                    \_/ TILE: xClusiwe                        |
  /_______________________________________________________________from here?__|

  ___ _
   \  ._______ _                                      _ _____________
______|    _ ///                                      \\\         _ /_
\     |    ////    ._______ _          _ _______         \        ////
_\    .    /_      |    _ ///       ___\\\_    /   _______\       /________
\     |     /___ _ |    //          \     ____/.___\_     _\     /_ _/    /
 \____|____/  _///_|    /__.      ___\_________|____/     \__   / \\\____/.
       wH0/   \    :   /   |_____/   |  _ __  |    \ \ _   / \_/|_________|
         /_________._______|    /    |     /  !tK   \ \\  /
                          ___________|    /__ _      \ \_/
   xCluziwe/sOs           \                   .       \_ ___ _
                           .                  |________//__///

                                       |_________ _
                          _ ___________.________/// pART 3: mUSIC
                         (((___________|___ _

                ______     ______            _________
      _______  /     /__. /     /           .\_______/.wH0/rMRs\
      \      \/     /   |/    _/_________ _ |       . |___________ _
------ \     \/    /          \        _///_|         |    ______///_. --------
%%%%%%x \     \___/___________.\_           |_________|    \         | %%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%x \_____\ xxxxxxxxxxxx |_____________| xxxxxxx |______________| %%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%xxxxxxxx%%%%%%%%%%%%xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%%%%%%%xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx%%%%xx .
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- - |
.                                                                             |
|  Nothing can created without music...                                     __|
|_                                         _________________________________\
 /_________________________________________\                     .. .... .. ...
                                                                 .            :
.. ...     1.  Chemical Brothers                          ...... :            .
.    .      2.  KMFDM                                     :....: :. ...... ...:
:    :        3.  Lush                              .. .... ....... .... . ....
.    :          4.  Marilyn Manson                  .                         :
... ..            5.  Matt Pinfield                 :                         .
. .. .. ... ..      6.  The Queers                  :.... ... ..... .... .....:
.            . ....   7.  Radiohead                           ..... ...... ....
:            : :  .        8.  Red 5                          .               :
... ... ... .. ...:              9.  Republica                :               .
.... .... .... .... ... .            10.  Republica           :               :
.                       :                 11.  The Toasters   .               :
: ..... ... .... .... ...                       12.  Tool     :... ..... .... :
.                                                                             .
|_                                                                           _|

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: Chemlic Bros.   |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

._______ _.____       _________        ____.______            /\
|  ____///|   _)______\_      /_____  /    |_____/._______ _ / \\
|  \      :   \_     / /_____/.     \/     :      :  ____////   .\______
|_________.____/____/_________|     \/_____.______.  \     /______\    /_. ___.
. wH0/rMRs\                   |______\            |_________|   |     /  |    |
|                                                               |________|    |
|                                                                             |
|     _____      _ _______ _ __________                                       |
|    |  _ _)_____\\\_    /_\\\_._     /          cHEMiCAL bROS.               |
|    |  \\\_    /  _/  _/__    |/   _/_______ _                               |
|    |_________/___\      /_________\     __///__                             |
|_                  \    /          .\___       /                            _|
 /__________________ \  / _________ |__________/ .__. _______________________\
                      \/                         |__|

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: KMFDM           |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

     ._____ /     /____ ___ _   .___________.     ______ _____ ___ _
     |     Y    _/_    \\ ______|      ___ _|____(_ _   |     \\ ______.
     |     _      /     \/ _    |      __/_\     _///   |      \/ _    |
     |_____/_____/______\///    |______\  __\___________|______\///    |
                _  ___  /_______|         \____\       _  ___  /_______|
                     /__ _                                  /__ _

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: Lush            |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

              \ \
    _________  \_\  _______._________ _ .________ _
    \       /__.____\      :    ____///_|    _ _///______  _______ ___ _
     \__   /   |     \   __.______      |__  \\\_       / /      //  ///
 . __  /_______|_________\   /__________| /_____/______/ /______//__///
    /  this is for lush.. one of my fav bands!                           .

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: Marilyn Manson  |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

 _\   |____ ______   _________ _____ ______ _____ ________
|     |    |      \__\___    /_____/,     /_\    Y    /   \_________
|      /   |      \\   _/   /__     |    /  .\_     _/.   \\       /
|____\/____|________\__\      /_____|_______| /_____\ |____\     //
                        \   //                              \   ,/
                         \ ,/   mARILYN mANSON               \  /
         ____.            \/                                  \/
        _\   |____ ____________       _________   _ ____________
       |     |    |      \     \______\__    _/_,_\\\_._     /  \_________
       |      /   |      \\    \\       /___    |     |/    /   \\       /
       |____\/____|________\____\     //    ____|__________/_____\     //
                                 \   ,/____/                      \   ,/
                                  \  /                             \  /
                                   \/      wH0/rMRs\                \/

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: Matt Pinfield   |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

                 ______/\_______    ._____ _________________________________.
       _______  /     / \\     /___ |    /___                               |
 ._____\      \/     /   .\   .___/_|   .___/_.                             |
 |      \     \/____/      \  |     |   |     |                             |
 |       \_____\   /________\-------'---------'                             |
 |                                                                          |
 |  wH0/rMRs\                                         _____                 .
 | _ _______.___________      .________________ _____/    /_____       _____
 ._\\\__    |_____/.    \_____|_    ___  /____/. _ _/   //     /______(_ _  |
 |    /_____|      |    \\     /    __/_/      | \\\____/.    /  \    _///  |
 |_____\   |_______|_____\   //_____|  |_______|_________|________\_________|
                          \ ./

*Matt Pinfield is a god...  120 minutes is church, but Mtv still sucks...*

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: The Queers      |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

wH0/rMRs\                  /     /________________________________________
._______._____      ._____/    ///                                       /_.
|       |    _)_____| _ _/    ,/                                           |
|    \__|    \_     | \\\_____/.                                           |
|_____\ |_____/_____|__________|                                           |
.                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                               ______     ______                          |
|                              /     /    /     /                          |
| _ ________ _______    ._____/    //____/    //_ ________________ _       |
._\\\_._    |      /____| _ _/    ,/ _ _/    ,/_\\\___    /    __///_      |
|     |/    |_    /     | \\\_____/. \\\_____/.     _/   /\_____     \\____|
|______      /__________|__________|__________|_____\      /_________/
       \   //                                        \   //
        \ ,/                                          \ ,/
         \/                                            \/

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: Radiohead       |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

         _______ ______ ______ _____ __________    _____  _ _____ ______
        _\_   /\\\_   /_\_ _ /_\____)     _/   )__/_/  / _\\\_  /_\_ _ /
       /_   _//_     /___////_     /_     \_     /_\__/_/_     /___////!tK
     _///   _///   _///   _///   _///   _///   _///   _///   _///    /
     \//    \//    \_     \//    \_     \//    \//    \//    \_     /
   wH0/____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: Red 5           |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

         __________________ _______________.        ____________.
         \ _       ._     /                |        \           |
          \\      _|/    / _______  _______|_________\_ _       |
_________. \.     \__  _/___      \_____)_\        _._///       | __________.
\        |  \      |        \              \       \|           | \_        |
 \           \_____|_________\ _____________\___________________|   .       |
  \                                            ...........                  |
   \        HEY, GET OUT OF MY SPACE!          :   : :   :                  |
    \                                          :   : :...:                  |
     \_                                        :...:.....                   |
      /_____________________________________ _ ..... :   : _________________|
                                               :   : :   :
wH0/rMRs\                                      :...:.:...:

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: Republica       |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

  _ ________  ________ _ ________    ___._____   ._____   _____ _____ _  /\
._\\\_     /__\_     /_\\\_     /__ /   | _ _/___|_   /__(_____) ___///_/ \\
|   _/   _/_   /____/.    /____/   Y    | \\\_    /  /   |     \ \      |  .\
|___\      /_________|______\ /_________|________/_______|______\_______|    \
  ._ \   //                                                          /________\
  |_  \ ./ wH0/rMRs\                                                        .
   /   \/                                                                   |
  /                                                                         |
 /______________________________________                                    |

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: Republica       |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

        _ _________ _________  _ ______ .______      ____
      ._\\\_      /|  _/    /._\\\_    \|     /_____| _ _)______ ____.
     _|    ._   _/_|  \____/_|    ._____|    /     /| \\\_     //    |
     \_____|/     \_________\_____|    \__________/\__________//     |
        wH0/     /_________ ________ _  _ ________                   |
          /     /_.________)  _____///._\\\_      \_  Republica      |
        _/     / _|      _/   \      _|    ._      /                 |
        \________\_______\___________\_____|/     /__________________!tK

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: The Toasters    |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

         _  _
        _/_ /__  __
        (_ /   )(_/________
                           )______ _       _         _____           wH0/rMRs\
._______. _ _________  ____________ _ ._______._____/    /_ _______________ _
|       |_\\\_._    /_(__    \   _///_|       | _ _/    /_\\\__    /\   __///_
|    \__|     |/   /    _    |\_      |    \__| \\\____/.    _/   /__\_       |
|_____\ |_________/_____/____|________|_____\ |_________|____\      /_________|
._                                                            \   //          .
 /                                                             \ ,/           |
/_____                                                          \/            |

                         ._\                         /_.
                         |                             |
                       __ __       ___  o __           | wH0/rMRs\
                  .__((  '  )(__),__) '/_(__'_ _________________.
                  |                     /                       |
                  |                    / TITLE: Tool            |
                  |_ _                .                      _ _|

wH0/rMRs\     \ _                                                        /
     ._____    \/     _ ________________ _ _________________________    /______
     |    /_______  ._\\\_____._       /_\\\_____._       /        /          /
     |   ._______/__|         |/      /|         |/      /.       /____.     .
     |   |          \_               / |                / |      /     |
     |_______________/______________/  |_______________/  |____________|

                                       |_______ _
                              _________________))) pART 4: tHE eND

  _____  \_  _ __/      \_  _ ____   \_ ________  \_ _____      \   /        \
_/        /              /     /      /    /       /    /          /____/     \
\         ___________         /        ___/____     ___/____    __/      _____/
.\        \_      /       ___/        /       /    /       /    /       /    /.
| \______  /     /_____/     \______         /___         /    /_____       / |
|    `-----------'   /        \ `------------' `----------'    \ `----------' |
|                   /_________/    G  r  e  e  t  z     /______/[Mi!]         |
|                                                                             |
| Kaleidas, Necromancer, Megga Hertz, Omicron, Fahrenheit, Enigmatic, Cypher  |
| Hex, Ewheat, Spook, Mr. October, Scotty & Sarah, Kanji Man, Lord Nitrox,    |
| Techno, DJ Bender, Crowbaby, Hack, pHLOMe pHLUId pHILEz & G0AT, Asphixia,   |
| Deep, Cable, Cash, Wise-K, xCz, Nebraska, Cybergod & Cybergoddess, U-Man,   |
| Miasma, Blindman, Cain, Cyndicide, Remorse, Remorse, Trank, Acid!ascii,     |
| ACiD, Rad Man, Catbones, Necronite, Virago, Enigmatic, Hiro Protagonist,    |
| Lord Nitrogen, Mice, Piromaniak, Poskgubbe, Polymorph, Sir Death, Spear     |
| The Despised, Trip, Unsane, Misfit, Omot, Anton the Pimp, sM0KE^sMJ, Wizy   |
| Epidemic, Cidica, Neco, Dieznyik, Ellisdee, Wind Rider, Illwill, Mogel,     |
| Eerie, TinyZ, Argon, aCk, Phorce Phed, Gub, Echo, Cyberkid, Mogue, Shock G, |
| Nivenh, The Mask, Unsane, DCLXVI, and anyone I missed who deserves one!     |
|                                                                             |
| Musical Inspiration: The Prodigy, Kraftwerk, Front 242, Front Line Assembly,|
| Red 5, Republica, Rancid, Lush, Descendents, The Queers, The Carnigans,     |
| Violent Femmes, Ice Cube, Curtis Mayfield, Underworld, Gravity Kills, NIN,  |
| KMFDM, Sex Pistols, Elastica, Radiohead (Thanks for the name, btw), Nas,    |
| Matt Pinfield, Reel Big Fish, The Toasters, Katalina, Blackbox, N-Joi,      |
| Minor Threat, Black Flagg, Dead Milkmen, Blondie, The Clash, Marilyn Manson,|
| Pop Will Eat Itself, Meat Beat Manifesto, Tori Amos, Download, Industrial   |
| Fucking Strength, and any other conf-music or tracking music I've heard. =) |
|_                                                                           _|

                           _     ______.____ _
                           _ __________|___///
                           \\\_________|______  _

...  so.. where do we go from here?

                      Who the fuck cares as long as we're having a good time.

you can get ahold of me at - Thanks to all those who
made this colly possible, with requests, help, logos, support, whatever...
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ@___ .__ ___ __ __ ___   ___.__
\  '|_/_\  ' //__\\  '__\  |_/_ ------------+
.                                           |
|  Whodini (Remorse/Wu-Trank)               |
|         presents an ascii colly called... |
|                                           |
| "Where do we go from here?"               |

. end of colly . end of colly . end of colly . end of colly . end of colly .  .
SAUCE00Where do we go from here?          Whodini             ACiD Productions    199612 1æ)