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37 222 bytes (36.35K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:25:06
Download count:
all-time: 613


   -----------[h0h0h0h0... This is the top of muh colly... Vision]------------

   _________             _________             _________     _________
   \\      |_______._____\_      :_______._____\_      :_____\_      :_______
    \____  |      /:      _____  _      _:      /____  _      _____  _      /
    _____`-|_____/ :_____/_____`-:_____/ :_____/_____`-:_____/_____`-:_____/
    \    `-|------.:------.    `-`------.:------.    `|:------.    `-:------.
     \     |     //:     //\    |      //:     //\    |:     //\    |:     //
      \\   |     /_:     /  \\  "      /_:     /  \\  ""     /  \\  ":     /
       \___     / \     /    \___     / \     /    \___     /    \___:    /
       ____\___/   \___/         \___/   \___/         \___/      Mi!\___/
      _\                                                                 /_
      //  ______.---- --- -- -   -             -   - -- --- ----.______  \\
      ''"""         V       i       s       i       o       n         """''

  ______.. .. . ... .. . ..... .. ... . .. ... .. ..... . .. ... . .. ..______
 [[     :   Failure to view this colly in 80x50 mode will result in    :    ]]
        "              removal of all its elite qualities.             "

 Intro: Hello and welcome to miasma's 3rd colly entitled Vision.  Thank you for
        flying air-remorse. We're proceeding to the runway, so please place all
        baggage beneath the   seat in front of you and place your chairs in the
        upright position.   Please use the pgdwn and pgup keys do view all that
        this colly has to offer.   In case of a water landing (yew find this so
        elite yew   cannot hold in yer jizz)  please find the nearest  exit and
        remove yourself   from the aircraft.  Complementary drinks will  not be
        served on this flight,   for we believe that   alcohol and a   computer
        monitor do not mix.    If you experience dizziness    or nausia, please
        feel free to smash your head into the monitor numerous times.  Although
        this has not been proven to work, unconcious people dont normally puke.
        Thank you and enjoy the ride.

  ______.. .. . ... .. . ..... .. ... . .. ... .. ..... . .. ... . .. ..______
 [[     :                                                              :    ]]
        "                                                              "

      P       r       e       s       s                 T       h       e

                  P       a       g       e       d       w       n

                          K               e               y

                                   Phear The
                             Generic Twirlee Thing
                               "      _|_      "
             .                         /                        .
             :                        /|:                       :
             :                         \                        :
             .                         |/                       .
             .                        :|\                       .
                       ..       .      \     .       ..
             .                        \|                        .
                                 .    :|\    .
                                    .  |/ .
                                     . / .
                                      . .


                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Soul Food              ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Ca1n            ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

                     _____ __ _   _
          ___________\_                                           ___________
 _ __ ___//        _/ //___________________        _____ _ __ ___//        _/
            __     \_    S   o   u   l   //--------'                __     \_
           //_______/             _  _ __/  F   o   o   d          //_______/
   __.----.          _                                   _ __.          \_
   _/     /  Ascii :[  Soul Food   ]    Requested by:      _/     /------/
   \                 ~~ ~   ~        [       Ca1n      ]   \        /
    \_____                                                  \_____ /Mi!
        `------ -- -  ------------------------------------      `--'--- -- -
                                             _   __ ____\

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Stoan Kold Killahz     ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Omi             ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

    .--- -- - _____.--- -- - _____.--- -- - _____.--- -- - _____.--- -- - _____
   /    _____.---./ ________.---./ ________.---./ ________.---./ ________.---./
 _/_____ //     //_    _//     ///    _//     //     _//     //     _//     //
 \      \ \_____//     \_______/ \    \/     //      \_______/       /     //
  \    __\     //      /        \     /      / \     /      / \     /      /
   \___       //     _/ kOLD     \___       /   \___/      /   \___/      /
 _ __ \______/`------`    kILLAHZ   \______/       \______/       \______/Mi!
    / _                                                                 _ \
   (_( (____.-------- ------- --- -- -   - -- --- ------- --------.____) )_)
    __ ______     _____ _______ ___ __ _ __ ___ _______ _____     ______ __
     (_(   _/      \_                                     _/      \_   )_)
           \________/                                     \________/

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ The ABCB Cafe          ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Kyo-            ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

           T       h       e               A       b       c       b
       .-------______    .-------______    .-------______    .-------______
     ______ _  \_    \_______ _  \_    \_______ _  \_    \_______ _  \_    \_
     \         _/     /\         _/     /\                /\         _/     /
      \__     __    _/  \__     _______/  \__    \_______/  \__     _______/
       /      \      \   /      \      \   /      \      \   /      \      \
      /        \     /  /        _     /  /       /      /  /        _     /
    _/         /    / _/        _/    / _/              / _/        _/    /
    \_________/    /  \_________|    /  \_________     /  \_________|    /
            \_____/           \_____/           \_____/        Mi!\_____/
   C  __                   a   ___ __ _ _ __ ___   f                   __  e
    _/ /                                                               \ \_
    \___________ __ _                                     _ __ ___________/
                     '-- -                           - --`

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Login                  ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Mice            ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

                 _ :__  _      _         ___       _     __      _
              _//     "    .                    .
              \__  .  _              :          :         .
                |~   "|    :    _____-------.____----.    :
                |     _____.---_//  "     _//   :    /_____-----.
                |  : _//"      \     .    \    _____///  __     /
                |  : \     .    \    `   \\'----'___      :   _/
  `   "    ~~  ~^     "    :    \\____     ~~~~~~   \_    :    \_"~ ~    '
                |  .  _              :    |:   ______/~~  :     /
                |     :    _____.----:     :----'  _//   |:   //
                "     `-----'        .     .       \______:----'
                _  :       :                        :  Mi!.
              _ |  . _:    .    .                   .
               \\_   ||
                `" :

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Abraxas                ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Mhz             ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

   ______  ___________________________________  ____________  __________  ____
   \     \ \   \_    ____  \_    ____   \     \ \   _ \     \/   __     \ \   \
  _/     / /   /     / /   /     / /   _/     / /   /_/     /    /      / /   /
  \_____/ /   /\____/ /   /\____/ /   /\_____/ /   / \_____/    /\_____/ /   /
   ______/  _/  _____/ __/  _____/  _/  ______/  _/  _____/  __/  ______/  _/
  /    ___  \  /   ___  \  /   ___  \  /    ___  \  /    ___  \  /    ___  \ S
_/     //    \/    //    \/    //    \/     //    \/     /     \/     //    \
\_____//     /____//     /____//     /_____//     /_____/      /_____//     /
 __  /______/  \________/    /______/     /______/     /______/     /______/__
/_/            A       b       r       a       x       a       s         Mi!\_\
\_\____         Don't ask what it means, you dont want to know.         ____/_/
 | _   '-------._______                .                _______.-------'   _ |
 : \___                '-------._______:_______.-------'                ___/ :
 .     '-------._______                                 _______.-------'     .
 .                     '-------._______ _______.-------'                     .

 .                                                                           .

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Fongu                  ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Ewheat          ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

                     ___ __ _ --- -- -    - -- --- _ __ ___
   ___ __ _ --- -- -                                        - -- --- _ __ ___
   '                                                                        '
  ,;;::::;:::::;   ____-----.     ____-----.     ____-----.     ____-----.
  ;;:::::: :::::  /  //     /    /  //     /    /  //     /    /  //     /
  ;:::.::: ::.::_/       _ /___ /       _ /___ /    _____/___ /         /___
  ::::.::: `: ;;\_      //     \_       //    \_      \_     \_        /    \_
  :.::::;;;;     /____ //       /      /       /_______/      /_______/      /
  :.::.:::______________       /______/       /_______       /_______       /
  : :: :::             `-------`      `-------`      `-------`      `-------`
     .  . F            o               n               g               u

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ FonguWarez             ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Ewheat          ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

     .oO"                                                               "Oo.
     .                                                                     .
     :  F               o               n               g               u  :

     .    _   _ __ _____.----------.    _   _ __ _____.----------.         .
     :                             /                         -   /         :
  _________   ______     -       /_______         _____\_______/_______
  \       /  /     /    ___     .        `------. \____.------.        `------.
  /      /__/     /      |      /    _______    /      |      /    _______    /
  `-,  _/   \     \      |      `-,----'       /              `-,----'       /
   /     _         \     |       /      .   ---`-.             /     .-------`-. _/      /         /_____|______/      /         /____________/                / \______/_________/            \______/         /Mi!         \________________/
     :                                 '---------'                         :
  .--'      ___/  "Ewheat'sStyleIzSoDeafYewAintEvenHearingThis"  \___      `--.
  \\_        \_ __ _                                         _ __ _/        _//
    |_________//                                                 \\_________|

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ h20                    ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Forge           ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

    _         _              ________        ________        ________
   /"\     o /"\     .------/"      /.------/"      /.------/"      /   _ o
   \_/  o    \_/     /     /       / /    _/       / /    ""       /   /"\
         _          /    _/      -""/     "      -""/      _     -"    \_/
        /"\        /     _      __________|  _______     _//    __  o
     o  \_/   o   __    \\       /__.------ /"   /__    \\/      /   _     o
     "            "      /"     / "   _____/    / "      /"     /   /"\    _
                _/      /      /_/             /_/      _      /    \_/   /"\
     _       Mi!\______/-------'\______/-------'\______/-------'   o      \_/
   _/"\ _ __   .      .       .                 .       .      ._  _ _ __
 _  _ _ __   .'     .'      .'    ......      .'     .:      .'_ _  _  _ _ __
    .-.    .'     ''      ''......... '......'      :':    .' /"\
   _  _ _.'      ..     .' .                       .''    ...  _   _  _ _ __ "
  "    .'      .'     .' .'     .'        .''.    .       .' _  _ _ __   .-.
 _  _ _ '''''''.......  ''''''''.........'  ''''''.......'            _  _ _ __
      "         h                       2                       0     "
      :'P h e a r n e s s  i n  i t s  n e w  l i q u i d  f o r m . ':
      .                                                               .

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ ModemLand              ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ WindRider/Hiro  ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

        M               o               d               e               m
       _______       _______       _______       _______       _______
 _ __ /  _ __/____  /  _   /____  /  _   /____  /  _ __/____  /  _ __/______ _
     /  _//      /_/  _/       /_/  _/       /_/  _//  _   /_/  _//      /_
 __ //  \___ ___/ \\  \_______/ \\  \_______/ \\  \_______/-\\  \___ ___/ \\__
  _//      \_/      \_    \_\     \_    //      \_   \        \_   \_/      \_
  \________//        /_____        /___          /___          /___//        /
 _        /_________/   /_________/   /_________/   /_________/   /_________/ _
 //                                                                       Mi!\\
    _           L               a               n               d          _
   \\__ ___                                                              __//
    ~~//        "Mommy, where do modem's come from?" "Oh Christ."       \\~~
   _ __ ___.--- -- -                                        - -- ---.___ __ _

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Napalm Death Sig       ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Napalm Death    ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

                                / __.---. /________________________________
          ________.-----.______/ /     / /___ _ _
     ____/ _______.-----._______/     / / As I watch your soul burn in the
     \__/ /     __     /      __     / /    horror that is, Napalm Death
    Mi!/ /    __/     /_______/     / /        (insert address here)
      / /     \______/      \______/ /____ _ _ (insert address here)
    _/ /______/ _Napalm Death_______/______________________________________

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Nitrous Oxide          ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Sulphur         ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

              __________  _______
              \_       /  \_     \_
      _________/      /____/     _/__
       \       \     /              /
        \_     /    /             _/_______             _________  _________
     _   /    /   _/----/      /__\_      /----._____.__\_      /__\_      /
    / \_/    /   _     /      /    /     /          /    /     /          /
  _/      /      /   _/      /          /     /   _/    /     /____  \___/
  \______/      /    \      /_      ___/     /    \    /     /     \    /
       _/      /     /        \__/     \          /___      /____  /    \
   _   \      /`----'----/    //        \--------'   `------'   /        \ _
  _/\\  `-----`      Mi!/____//_________/   O   x   i   d   e  /_________//\_
  \\ """  "   "                                                 "   "  """ //
  // _____________ ___ _ __ _                     _ __ _ ___ _____________ \\
  \\//           _//             'Just Say NýO'            \\_           \\//
                 \__________________ __ __ __________________/

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Offbeat                ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Phobiuh         ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

                O       f       f       b       e       a       t         __
  .------_____ .----____ .----____ .-----_____ .-----_____ .-----_____ .-/  \--
   _     \_   \__   \   \__   \   \__    \_   \__    \_   \__    \_   \__    \_
  /       /    /    ___ _/    ___ _/     _/____/     ______/     _/    /      /
_/      _/    /       \_/       \_/     _/   _/     _/   _/     _    _/     _/
\_____       /_____    /_____    /____       /____       /____  /    /___   /
    `--------'   `-----'   `-----'  `--------'  `--------'  `---'----'  `---'
__/    ________   ___________________________________________   ________    \__
\ ______/      ;-._/      Oh, dont mind me. I'm white.     \_.-;      \______ /
 \/Mi!                                                                      \/

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Omi Sig/Header         ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Omi... bitz.    ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

                                         ___ __ __             __ __ ___
                          ______        _/           Omicron           \_
                   _______\     \_______           `---------'
       ___ ___ _  //            ____   /  P   r   e   s   e   n   t   s  |
      //     ".--/______  ______/-.`----
  .--/  _--.  \        \__/       /---._      __                 __      _
  \     //_/  _\        /        /     |    //  '--- -- - -- ---`  \\    |
   \__________//\______/---------'_____|     _Name of colly go here_     |
     _ ______ _________ _______ ______ _.    |__ _  _       _  _ __|    .
                                        :     /                   \     :-
                                        ----./                  Mi!\.----

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Omi Sig/header         ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Omi             ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

     _ __ _              \\_           _           _//               _ __ _
     //      -                         _                          -      //
      :      .                         |_______          _______  .      :
   __________:_________.-------__.------'     \\__.------'    "|__:__________
   \\____________------._____  /__ _ _   __     \_.------._________________//
        "" __:_ /     _      _/"      \_/      _ / ""         _|Mi!__ ""
      .  :     /      \\     \_________|       ///            ||      :  .
      o _      \_____________/Omicron! |--------\______________|       _ o
      O :    _                         |                          _    : O
    _ :--    : [[                      "                       ]] :    --: _
     \\   _              _    ""       |       ""    _               _   //
       '' //             //            _            \\              \\ ''

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ RemorseVu Interface    ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Rmrs!Ascii Bitz!]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

                  ___ _  - ---    ____   ____    --- -  _ ___
     ___ _  --- -                 \\_/   \_//                 - ---  _ ___
     \                            /_\\   //_\                            /
      \                                                                 /
               R       e       m       o       r       s       e
            ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
            \_      \_  \_      \_  \_      \_  \_      \_  \_      \_
        .----        /---|       /---       _/  -|       /  -|       /
   ____ ___   -   __/___ |______/    :      |___ |______/___ |______/    ____
   \\_/ \     _    /\   `--.___ \    :______\   :______ \   :______      \_//
   /_\\  \_   |    \ \_    |   \ \_  |     \ \_       "\ \_       "\Mi!  //_\
         _/   |     \_/   _|    \_/  |      \_/         \_/         \
         \____|      \____       \____       \____       \____       \
             `-------'   `-------'   `-------'   `-------'   `-------'
            ___________            ___ | ___            ___________
    |     --\                _    _ _/-"-\_ _    _                /--     |
   _|          ___                                           ___          |_
  /           \\          _  _ ____         ____ _  _          //           \
_/             \_                                             _/             \_
\___ __ _ __ ___/  _____ ___ __ _ __ _____ __ _ __ ___ _____  \___ __ _ __ ___/
        |  Filename  |            Description            |   Author   |
        |Mi!-Rmrs.ami|Remorse Ascii Interface for Remorse|Miasma      |
         Mi!-Rmrs.ami|Remorse Ascii Interface for Remorse|Miasma
        |            |                                   |            |

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Scribe                 ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Cyndicide       ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

          _____ __ _     _
  _/__ //            S       c       r       i       b       e
  \\ /________________________________________________________________________
   \//     _.     _/    _      _/    ____   _/     /   ____   _/     _ _    _/
   ________\   _ _______\   _ _______\   _ ______ _____\   _ ________\   _ /
 _/     _ /~   _/     _     _/    _ /~   _/     /          _/     _ /~   //
 \      //     \      /     \     //     \     /    ___/   \      //     /
  \______     / \_____     / \____/     / \___/_____      / \_____/     / /\
      \______/      \_____/     \______/Mi!       \______/      \______/ // \
                                                  _     _ __ ______/

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Stone Palace           ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Ummm, forgot.   ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

   /\                                                                      /\
  //\\ .------.______------.______------.______------.______------.______ //\\
 (_  _)|     //     |     //    :|     //    :|     //     |     //     |(_  _)
  |"-| "-    |"     "-    |"     "-    ""     "-     "     "-    |"  -  " |"-|
  |-"| _____ _      |    _ _     |_    |_     |__   :|     |_    _      | |-"|
  |"-| |:   \`------`----' `-----`.    ||   --`.     |    -`.    |------`.|"-|
  "-"" |     ~~~~    /            /    ~~      /     |      /    |:      /"-""
  _"-_ "      ______/      ______/      ______/      |_____/      ______/ _"-_
  |-"| -------'     -------'     -------'     -------'     -------'       |-"|
  |  "    _        P       a       l       a       c       e         _    "  |
  "      ||-      ___________________________________________       -||   Mi!"
  `-------|--------'                                       `---------|-------'
         -"-                                                        -"-

                    _   _________________
           _ ___     \\ \_               \_
     _________ |         "--------._______//                _ _
   _/"       |__________.---------.______ _____.--------------/________
   \         |=         _               //                             \_
    \       .|       ___/            "\\_ V     i     s     i     o    n/   :
     \      :|       \__________________/                              /   -"
  :   \               /_                 [ Trance Induced         ]   //
  "-  \\_______      //     ____         For: [ Spinsane        ]____//
   _        .`-------      _\\_/   ______________________________\\_/Mi!    _
   |        `--------------//_\\----'                            /_\\       |

   //--                                           .:.:_______________     --\\
   `:      ____________                          :.:::\              \      :`
    :    /"__________//tRANCE   _______________  :.::: \              \     :
    .     _____________ ________\_            "\_:::::__\_            "\    .
    :  _//:       ""__//:       ""__            \_      ""\             \_  :
    .  \             _             \            _          \             /  .
   .:   \____________/\____________/:           /__________/:           /   :.
   \\--                  Mi!::::: /___________//iNDUCED   /___________//  --//
                            :::::  Eliteness is just a state of mind
                             .:.:                               ..mind
                               .:`.                               ..mind
                                `.'                                 ..mind

---:                                                                       :---
 :    V  i  s  i  o  n    :
 .  A Miasma Amiga Colly  .
  (Diz'z, we dont need no)
 .(    Stinkin' Diz'z    ).
 \\:   Remorse!Ascii    ://
SAUCE00Colly - Vision                     Miasma              ACiD Productions    199701 6Ŕ