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Remorse Ascii Pack Sixteen Infofile

/\  ______________________ ___ __  _

Hey all,

        It's been an unusual month, to say the least. A time of personal
changes, non-scene related. Recently real life has simply been taking up
too much of my time. I got a new job working at Cirrus Logic, met a new
woman, and because of all of this, the scene has been the last thing on my

        But Remorse.. Remorse still haunted me, as I lay down to sleep, to
rest from my 12 hour/3 day work week. I think of all my friends within
Remorse, I think up logos to draw, and I think.. I think that a pack
should be coming out.

        So I am here to tell you that we are taking this month off. That's
all. We're not dead, just resting. A much-needed time of chilling. We all
need it.

        Just to keep things going here, I'll give you a bit of news on the
group. Discyple and Nahal have decided to dedicate their time to
Homo!Ascii.. good luck guys, you know you'll be missed. Cain and Mass
Murderer also decide that their time would be better spent trying to push
Kwest to it's limits, make it all that it can be. I have faith in you
guys, I know you can do it. Much love to you both.

        Discofunk 1974 also apparently decided to leave, for reasons
unknown to me.. I only heard about this through someone else. *shrug*

        And for lack of contact, I'm going to have to remove Black Knight
from the memberlist. I'm sorry we didn't get to see much of each other,
perhaps sometime in the future...

        As I sit here eating my spaghetti, I ask myself, "Where's mHz?
Where's the Killuminati? What about BOMBFIRST?" He's disappeared off the
face of the earth. For now.. maybe he'll return. Any info on the
much-missed mHz would be greatly appreciated.

        The same goes for Acid Jack! Adair, where are you?! I'm tossing
both you and mHz into Alumni. You're both more than deserving. Contact me
so I can put you both back in your proper places.

        The way it stands now, the group is as follows:


Senior Staff:
                     Omicron, Hiro Protagonist, Empty

                           WindRider, Bad Spirit

           Arrogance, Axel Barebones (aXB), Black Jack, Cannabis,
       The Messiah, Pariah, Seismic, Spinsane, Terrato, The Upright Man

Active/Inactive Alumni:

          Acid Jack, Enigmatic, Fahrenheit, Megga Hertz, Necronite,
                  (Lord) Nitrogen, Terminator 2, Whodini

/\  ______________________ ___ __  _

        And just so that's it's not just some wacky boring textfile..
here's some ascii and STUFF. ;)

        This one is by Spinsane ---------------------------------

 :::""":::     "Q$$ts,.. : :,,..      .46  ::    .......::?::  Qk.     `Qs,.
:::. :  :  .d½$%$$$$    :: .d$      .d4$k, ::.. pyyyq   //   .4d7~"*     'd$$$l
  :: lls,s4$ d7"~ 'DQ$ º  s: .      `4$7"       :$$$$b,.., ,4$$` "Q$@m,. Q$$::
.::`,$$j,.  "`.d, `"ü½S$$   j$T%s,,.  `.dk,. +msl$$$$$$S½üd$$7  .4$7"~
 .sS½üQ$$  ,s5T$$$t,       d5"$$$$$ksT$$Q$$$$Sb,:$$$$$`.j$$$$`4t,.`    py@S$
 :  .sD$: 4$$7"`Q$$$$b,.st$$$mm&$$$$   .,k$SP½ü"~°$$$<@$$$$$$md$$$$Sm,..$$$l
 ..l$$7` l$$$    '4$$$$$$$$$$:  l$$$SQ"~` .dmm4$$l$$$$      .,,,, .s½"~k$$$$:
    Qm.  `"ü½ès,d  '4`:$ü` `ll  :$$$$½ü"~ s,,..  :$$$$:   .4$$$$7       $$$$l
  $s,.s$½ü~.,$$$$k. .d7     :$b, $$$$$    .$$$$$$7`$$$l  <$$$$$7       :$$$$¶
  L   .,sS$$$7"`.,s4$P"ü½+md$$$$>$$$$$k .4$$$$$P` $$$$$   '4$$$$Ss,.   l$$$7
  : ~"üõ$$$$$k,.4l$7`    .4$$$7`:$$$$$$±$$$4$$Q4,.$$$$$$$$Ssd$S½½üü"".4S½ü`
  l:""ÔQ,`Q$$$$$$$4    .4$$$Q` j$$$$$$$$ :.>>     ÓÓü""~`      ::......
      .$$k D$$$$$$k,.  Q$$$$$l4$$$$Pü"~ ~                     ~~~  .::`
  .sd$$   ,$$S½ü"~~     `'ü:S$$S7`      earth 2                .,:::`
                                                            .:::::`   :..
                      ascii - spinsane 1981 bizzatch       ::::::.    ...
                   can you burn this?                       `"+::::::::::

        And.. these are by Seismic -----------------------------

  ...                                __   __                               ...
  :::                         _______\( * )/______                         :::
  :::                        \\       ~   ~      //                        :::
 ______________   _______ _______     _____     ________      ____ ________
 \    __      ////       _\__    \_  _\ __/_____\  __   \   _(_  /_   __  /_ __
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 _ |________//    reqz. |___\       ___        /---/  ____     \/  _|   __//_/_
 \--------- /___________ smc \-----/  /--------\  /____\ `----,____\ __/ -----/

ggggg  d$P~~$$$$$: .ggg. :$$$$$: **   ggggggggggg, g,                      gg g
$$P'~       Y$$$$I :$$$: I$$$$$I.,Âsd """"""$$$$$$b Yb  zut (425)339-5301  $$ $
$  d$P"^~ ~^""Y$$$ :$$$: $$$:$$$*Áü'  $$$  $$$l$$$b Yb                    $$ $
:: I$$: ggg :$$$$$: :$: :$$I I$$: ggg :$$I :$$$$l$$$b Y:                ,gg$$ :
:: :$$I,_ _,I$$$$$I,_ _,I$$: :$$I,_ _,I$$: üüüüüüüüüüü `'               `üüü' :

/\  ______________________ ___ __  _

        And.. here's the STUFF. heh.

nM^rMRS has changed the topic on channel #ASCII to: tONIGHT IS EURO-NICK
          NIGHT.  fORMAT: nN^gREWP.  NN = INITIALS.

(wH0^rMRs) saj con grupp
(wH0^rMRs) gahagagaga
(nM^rMRS) Uhoh
(hP^rMRZ) actually I'ld go for the old school mode of: fG^TRSi
(nM^rMRS) Whod's gone batsy.
(wH0^rMRs) necrom - whann saj con grupp!
(nM^rMRS) Nah. fG[TRSi]
(kn33co) hirO: got it, leave header alone :)
(nM^rMRS) feer nij con da ser grupp!
(wH0^rMRs) necrom - ja, rass iteri kis!
*** (msg[wh0^rmrs]) aaaaj eek yar de flor?
(wH0^rMRs) [nM^rMRS(] aaaaj eek yar de flor?
(kn33co) hp: yeh, its good, it goes on the board
(kn33co) hp: thnx
(fungus`rs) nonono
(fungus`rs) im the only one that knows swedish
(hP^rMRZ) wH0^rMRs:  baas, ji gumma habba habba sandwhich kis
(zerohour) uckfa ouya itchba
(fungus`rs) BARF
(nM^rMRS) h0h0h0
(fungus`rs) damn whos up on my nick
(wH0^rMRs) a guden!
(nM^rMRS) <-- flaaagh dee whee nyar flup!
(wH0^rMRs) hahahaha
(wH0^rMRs) <-- floppity dee flippy!
(hP^rMRZ) I just love when ones of those non translated words creep in.. like
          blah blah blah blah blah elite ansi blah blah blah
*** hP^rMRZ is now known as hIRO
nM^rMRS has changed the topic on channel #ASCII to: h0h0h0! nyeep eek dyah
          ren saj conn yup?!
(fungus`rs) hiroprofo did you happen to get my ascii orgy logo done?
(fungus`rs) neckrom you WU WANKER!
(nM^rMRS) fungus`rs:  NEE FOO SA NU PER FEE YAG NU!
(wH0^rMRs) he just called nECROM of "Wu-Trank" a wanker.
(fungus`rs) shit its ok
(fungus`rs) SUG MIN PITT
(nM^rMRS) wH0^rMRs:  Don't worry, I dissed him hardcore in swedish.
(nM^rMRS) arch-fagis fonn je pu nyark.

/\  ______________________ ___ __  _

        Alright, that's the end of my little infofile for this pack. I'm
sorry about not being able to get any real bunch of art out to you guys,
but hey.. real life intervened, unfortunately. I won't let it happen
again. ;)

        And hey, if you have any art for pack 17, be sure to FTP it to for the release date of November 1st. ALRIGHT?!

                                                Much Love,