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  Megga Hertz the Godfather.                            Thugs and Kisses.
                           |                  |
                           |       ___________|
                           /      /           |/
                          /'   /\/           /|__
                        _/   _/'/\          /    \
                       /    /  /  \,       /     `\
                ______/    /__/    \      /________\_____
               /     /    /        |                    /|
              /     /'   /'        |                   / |
             /_____/    /___       `\     ____________/  |
             |     \___/  /          \___/--/         |  :
             |           /           /(_____)         |  :
             |          /           /                 |
             :         /           /                  :  .
             :        /___________/                   :
                      |           |
             .        |           |                   .
                      |           |
                      :           :
                      :           :

                      .           .

               I've been told you love my larger collections.
               I've been told to release shorter collections.
               I've been told my ascii is the best.
               I've been told my ascii is the worst.
               I've been told how to draw.
               I've been told how not to draw.

                            I didn't listen.

                                                      - mHz

            // megga hertz of acid productions/remorse ascii \\
      )\______ _  ___)\   )\____  _ ____)\____         )\_,,__  )\_____
_,,.__:.  ___/__,-' __/___\   _/____\   \_    `---,,_ \\_    |__\__    `--,,_
\_   .:   \_    _  \\_   _____\__  _______/____    _/   :.   |   _|______   :.
.:         :.   _____|_  |_    _/  |_  \\_    _    |_  .:       \\_    _____|_
 :. |   | .:_   |   __//  |    :.   |   .:    |    _//  |    |   .:    |    _/
_|  |   |  _/   |  \\_    |   .:_   |   _:.   |    :.  _:.   |   _:.   |    |
\___|___|  :.     ___:.   __,,__//    __\_____     _/ \\_____|  \\______   .:
   ` `\__,-'---,_/' \__,--''  `--,___/      `\_,--'' mHz     |_,---'' `--.,,|
                   i am megga hertz the godfather.

        Long ago, a child was born.  By God's grace, he was given eyes
        that, when viewed by the correct person,  would notify them of
        his  underlying  power,  and mark him as an ally or  an enemy.
        When the child came of age,  he was to inherit a pinky ring of
        extreme power, and be told of his special abilities.   When he
        became 17 years of age, the child witnessed the untimely death
        of two of his closest allies.   A self-inflicted bullet to the
        head of the ally Ex-o-Teeq caused his eyes to transform into a
        deep red.  It was not until Plee-zure was found in a transport
        ation module accident that the childs eyes had fully completed
        their planned mutation.   Now a man,  the child was doomed  to
        view the world through mutated eyes.   Many people have  since
        viewed the child's optical receptors, but noone, with the exce
        ption of a select few are able to feel the childs pain, to see
        the world the way the child does, and to share his power.

        The at 14 years of age, the child was given the name Ace,  and
        told by the  traveler Spear that his  skill for ascii had come
        to a level great enough to make ammends with a group that carr
        ies a common name to an earthling intelligence agency.  It was
        not  until almost three lunar months  later that the child was
        told by the prophet necromancer the fierce, and  kill-uh-hertz
        that it was time to ascend to  a plant with an acidic surface,
        and an insane leader.  The child remained a member of a tight-
        knit group of highly skilled ascii artists, which was destined
        to die when the acidic planet's moon showed for the 50th time.
        It was at this time that the child felt no remorse,  and moved
        on.  Where?  That you must dechiper for yourself.

                                _____                       _____
       ______   _____  ________\\   |        ____        ___\   /_
   ____\    \___|  //__\\   |   _  _|_______(____)_______|  _____/_______
   \_  _____/_      \_  _   \   ___\___    __// \_      \_  |_   _/  ___/_
    |  |_   _/  |   //  ____/   |   \ /    \|    |_  |   |   |  _|____   |
   _|   |   |_  |___/   |   \_______//      \______) |   |______\    |   |
   \\    ____/__|  \________//      \________/  \____|   |_    \\    ____/
    \____|                                           |____/     \____|mZ

           G  R  E  E  T  I  N  G  S    E  A  R  T  H  L  I  N  G  S
Name: Ace De Cena <mHz>
+---------------------+     Code Name:       Birth Place:
|      _,-',_         |     AceDeuce         Omerta Hospital
|      ( >< ))        |     Birth Date:      Los Angeles
|   <<_(,--,)_        |     08/08/08         Marital Status:
|     -(____)->>      |     Religion:        Single
|      |__|__> mHz    |     Judaism          Sign: Libra
Powers    : Ability to summon a holographic mobster for backup.
Weapons   : Pinky ring, Green shoes.
Transport : Mercedes Benz SL 500, Black on Black.
Allies    : The Madstyle Remorse ASCII Mob.
Offspring : Ace De Cena Jr, Jade De Cena.

    ________        _____
    \_     |________|  _/
     |  |___/ __\_ ____|
 = ==|  |  |  ___| |_  |== =
 mHz_|  |  |  |  |  |  |_  Ibm/Amiga Viewers should use HIMEM.SEEOS 
   (_______|__|  |_______) for best viewing.

I put down more hits then mafiosos make, and Lucky Luciano bouta sing Soprano.

                  It's the imperial serial killer.

            yeahYeahYEAH, make some muthaphucking noise.. .

                 [] You're in.

        What set you claimin?  Better be the same set I'm claimin --
 .                              mADsTYLE!         .
              _ __ _________ .    ______          :_____    ______ __ _
 :   _ __ ______ __\\__   // :___/  __//_    _____|    /  __\    /__
 |        \\    | \\ __    \ |  /____ __/____\_   |___//_ \    _  //         .
 |         \_     /  \|  __/_|  \\ \/ \___ ___/____\__  |__\_  ____/_        |
 |         _|  | |\______/  __   \______/    \\   |  /  |  //  \/   //       :
          \\___|_|  //  \\  \|   //    //     \_____//  |  /_______/
 |              /___/    \_______/     \______//   \\_______\                |
 |                               :                                           |
 |                            .  :                                           |
 |      rEMORSE!              .  . tlgmHztmfkptldtgf                         |
      _ __ _________          :_____ __    _______ __ _     _______ __ _
         __\      //_ __ _____|    / ______\    //_       __\\    /_
         \_   |   |______\\   |   \\_\\  \_      _//_____\\   _   //
 |        |   |    // _   /       _/      //  |  \_   ___/_   ____/_ __ _    |
 |       _|   |____/  ____\_ | |  |_  |  _/   |___/____   /   \/  _/         |
        \\____|   \   \/  _/_|_|___/  | \\____|  \\  \/   \_______/
 |                \\______/      \\_______/   :   \_______/ mHz/rMRS         |
 :                 .              .           :    .                         |
 ;                 .                               ;  mOB!                   |
 |         ________:     ______  aSCII!       .    :_____ __    _____ __ _   |
       ____\\   ___/_   \\____/_____ __ _     _____|    / ______\   |
_ __ __\____\____  _/____/    \____//         \\   |   \\_\\  \__   |___     :
     \_  __\   \/   _\   \    //   \           /       _/      //  __  \_
     _/  \/ \______/   |_/____/    \\    _ __ _\  | |  |_  |  _/   \/  //    :
 |   \\_______/   \\   |  //:\______/         \___|_|___/  | \\________/
                   \______/ :                         \\_______/             :
 |   Megga Hertz is currently throwin up and puttin down with Remorse!       |
        r       e       m       o       r       s       e       !       a    .
   .... remorse is -- ,         .....     ....          .............
   :  :..........       ........:...:.....:..:..........:           :.....
 ..:            :.......:           :.....:  :..:                      ..:
 : :    necromancer the fierce.  whodini.  hirito protagonist, omito,  :.....
 :.:..  acid jag,  ack!, c4deuce, enigmatic,  j-style hale,  meeasma,    :..:
 ..:.:  the lord god megga hertz the kingpin/lastdon/godfather(deuce)    :
 :.:    lord nitrogen, prevert, schpear, vegas style termdeuce, dyone    :..
            :........   :      :.....:          :....:     :  ......:
                    :...:                                  :....:

        _____     ________                        _______
       ||    |   ||       |                      ||      |
       |    _|___|_    |  |      _________       ||   |  |_______
     __|   |______|    |  |     ||       _|______|_   | ||      || === == ====
   _|       |     |    |  |_____|_   |__||        ||  |  |  |    |____ ____
  |   ||    |     |    | |__   _ ||  |  |___    ___|  |  |  |   ||    |   ||
  |    |   ||    ||    |____|   __|  |    |      |    |  |  |   ||    |   _|_
  |_________|     |____|  |    |   | |    |     ||_______|  |   _|_____     ||
== === ==== ||     | = == |    |  _| |    |      |     ||   |__||     |      |
            |______||    _|    |  |_______||     |     |____|  |__    |     _|
                        ||     |  |       |______|        mzrmrs ||   |    |
                        |_________| the godfather.               |_________|
   Disk One - The Godfather

   [#]   Description of Font          -  Stats?       Font For?
  [01] - !abraxas/diabolic            -  DeucemHz     Megga Hertz/ACiD!
  [02] - ACiDiC Informational         -               ACiDiC Applicants
  [03] - The Blade Nation             -               Mindcrime/Blade!
  [04] - Apocalypse                   -               Napalm/CiA!
  [05] - CiA                          -               All of CiA
  [06] - The Crypt                    -  mHzDeuce     Nail/Fire!
  [07] - Entropy                      -               Elastic/iCE!
  [08] - Entropyý                     -               Elastic/iCE!
  [09] - Extortion                    -               Anyone
  [10] - Fuel Ascii                   -               The Knight/Fuel!
  [11] - Galactic Enterprises         -               Killa Hertz/ACiD!
  [12] - Hiro                         -               Hiro/Remorse!
  [13] - Hit em Up!                   -               r-mHzheu.txt
  [14] - Infestation                  -               Comatose/Fuel!
  [15] - iCE                          -  mHzDeuce     BV&Massd&CU/iCE!
  [16] - Malice                       -               Vile/Malice!
  [17] - Mci                          -               Mindcrime/Blade!
  [18] - Reebok                       -               Shadow/iCE!
  [19] - Upload                       -               Me/Felix/Sexy
  [20] - Scotland Yard                -               Sherlock Ohms/UC!
  [21] - Peyote Sands                 -               Stone the Crow/Twi!
  [22] - Plastic Heroes               -               FUCK VINTAGE!
  [23] - Visioný                      -               [xFx]/PDS
  [24] - Tutorial                     -               Anyone
  [25] - Mjay's Pager                 -               FUCK MJAY!

   Disk Two - Joints with your Godfather/Inserts

   [#]   Description of Font          -  With?        Font For?
  [01] - In the mouth of Madness      - Hiro/Rmrs     r-itmom.txt
  [02] - Never Believe                - Jp/CiA        Never Believe Laston
  [03] - Prevail                      - Massm/iCE     Prevail BBS
  [04] - Remorse                      - t2/ACiD       The Remorse Mob.
  [05] - Rmrs                         - sQ/Basic      The Remorse Mob.

   Disk Three - Miscellaneous Inserts

         Description of Area          -  Where?
  [01] - The Godfather Hand           -  Before
  [02] - Introduction                 -  Before
  [03] - Greetings Earthlings         -  Before
  [04] - Viewer Configuration         -  Before
  [05] - Remorse Memberlist           -  Before
  [06] - Collection Directory         -  Before
  [07] - [mHz]'s Greetings            -  After.
  [08] - Pour Out a Little Liqour     -  After.
  [09] - About Megga Hertz            -  After.
  [10] - Release Overview             -  After.
  [11] - Also Available               -  After.
  [12] - !abraxas advertisment        -  After.
  [13] - BBS Descriptions             -  After.

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: !abraxas                 _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Megga Hertz/ACiD!        |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/
                         .            .
               ,'             `,                   ,'
              /(_________:______)\   _:__________/(  /(___________
              \\         |       /   \_          //  \\         _/
            ___\______   :      /_____/    \\____/____\______   \
           /_   ____     |     ____   \            |   ____    :::
           :::  \\ |     .     | //   .     |      :   \\ |     :
   +--------:    \ |    :::    | /   :::    |      .    \ |     .--------+
   | :mHz! _\     \|     |     |/     :     |     :::    \|     |:::: :: |
   | :: :: \___         _|__         _|_____|      |___        _|::::::: |
   | :::: ::: /_________\  /_________\      |_______\ /________\ :::: :: |
   | :: :: ::[!a]braxas/diabolic - !abraxas/diabolic - !axs/dia :::: ::: |
   | ::::::::Operators: [mHz] and [xFx] : acidbladermrsfueldark :::::::: |
   | ::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: :::::::  :::::: ::::::: |

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: ACiDiC Informational     _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. ACiDiC Applicants.       |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

     -- ---- -------------- -- ---- - : - ---- -- -------------- ---- --
         _ __ ______     __,,-----,,  :,,----,_   ______    __,,----,,
             //    /_  __\       //_,,-\      //__\;   \\___\\      /
             \__     \//         /_____/\\        /_____//         /'
              /  :|   \;   :|____\\    \/   :|    \    \\;   :|____\[mHz]/ACiD
   ====== == //       \\   :|     \    `\;  :|    \\     \   :|    \\ == =====
           _/;   :|     \_ :|    //'     \_ :|     /;     \_ :|     /
 ACiDic,\ \\______|      /_______/;     __/_______/     ___/       /
 1 9 97.        /___,---'''     /__,,---''       //_____\ //__,,---'' '
     -- ---- -------------- -- ---- - : - ---- -- -------------- ---- --
 ::.. On October 30th, 1994, a man named Beastie set out to form a BBS ..
 ...: modification group like no other.: this was to be more than your ::
 :..: standard ansi screen releasing group. While conducting a routine ::  :
 .... experiment in his underground crime lab, a standard chemical war ::..:
 :    ning label caught his eye.  It read "Contents highly acidic, han  ..
 :... dle with care."  It was then that ACiDic was born,  and inducted  ::
  ..  as the offical BBS modification division of RaD Man's ACiD Produ  ::
  ::  ctions.  ACiDic set the standard for Oblivion/2, PCBoard, and RG ::  :
  ::  BBS softwares.  After awhile,  Beastie decided the time had come ::  :
   .. for him to hang up his claws, and pass leadership of ACiDic down ::..:
 ..:: to a faithful prophet, known to the common man as Mindcrime.  Mc .....
 :..: ran the division as only he could, until early 1997.  When he be ::..:
  ..  -came involved in a legal battle for custody of a young ansi art ::
  ::  ist named Alex, ACiDic was passed to it's current President, mHz .....
  ::  known to the public as The Lord God Megga Hertz the Kingpin.  It :....
 ..:: is at this time that Megga Hertz wishes it to become public know .  ::
 :    ledge that ACiDic is alive and well, and currently accepting app :..::
 :.:: lications  from  the most talented  BBS  modifiers known to man.

::.. To obtain more information on ACiDic, or to turn in an application ::..
...: either send internet e-mail to Megga Hertz, ...:
:..: or call Alderaan, 908-224-8780, or contact [mHz] on !abraxas [818] :..:
     -- ---- -------------- -- ---- - : - ---- -- -------------- ---- --

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: The Blade Nation         _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Mindcrime/Blade!         |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

                         .         .              .
                 .                                       .
        . . .    :       :         :              :      : . ...
        :   :.../|____  /|____    /|______   ,,-,,|\____/|.:   :..
        :      \\    :  \\   |___\\___   `\  :    // _   //      :. .
      ..:        \   |___\_  |    //    __/__|   _/  |   /_         :
      :   = === =/'       // :    /  |  //       |   _____/      . .:
      :..   __ _/    |   _/  :   /   . /     |   .   |   \       :
        :      \\    :   :   .  /    : \     :   :   :    \= === :
        :.== ===\    |  _|   | `\\   |  \\   |   |   '   //' '' ':
      ... .:     \\ ___<_______  \__   __\ _______>_____ /=== == :. ..
      :            \|          |/'  `-'   \| mHz(acid) |/            :
      :.. ... . .... .    ... . ... ... ... . .         . . .. ... . :
                     :. ..:                   :.. . ... :

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Apocalypse BBS System    _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Napalm/CiA!              |
 \\_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

    _ __ __________ _ __ _________ _ __ ______    ____ _____  ______ __ _
_  ______|_   _  _>____<_        |______|_   |___<_   |   _|__|   _|_______ _ _
  _<___   |   ___|      |_   |____|___   |   |  __|____  _|       |_  ____|
  |       __  | __   |   |   |  <_       __  |  __    | <__   |   _____ |_
 _|   |   _|  |  |   |  __   |  __   |   _>  |  _|    |   |   _____>  |  |
 |_   |  _|___| <_   |  |___    |_   |  _|__   <_____    __   | __    |  |_
  |_______>      |_______| |______>_____|  |_____|  |____|____|  |________>
     . ..Napalm's Apocalypse [ 216 ] CiA World Headquarters.. . [mHz]/cia

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: CiA Ascii                _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Jack Phlash/CiA!         |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

                          :    .
               _ __ ______:    :     :____ ______ __ _
                    __        :|________ __    _
                     |    |_____     |         __
                     :    | /  __    :    :    :
                     .    |/  :::    |    |    .
                     |__ ______ _ ___ ______   | [mHz]/cia
                               :     :    :    :
                               .     .    .    .
                                     .         .

        -EverLast-(CiA)96, Megga Hertz[ACiD]97, [mHz]/ACiD/CiA 97.

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: The Crypt                _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Nail/FiRE!               |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

[mHz]/ACiD                               . .. .
. .:.: .. . .. :.: .. :: . .. . ..:. . . :..  . .. .: :: ::. .. . .::: : ; ; ..
     . .: ___,,--'--,,:, __ _ __,,--,__ ___:__:_ ___,,-'-,,  :.. . : : :. ::..
... .:  __\        /_ :.__,,_)\\      /_   :..:_\\       /_ _ ____,,--'''-,, :
 _ __ __\_          /__\\     `\;      |_,,____\_        //___\;        //_  :
   ```\      :.   ``\           \      |     /_     ___   \;             ;/'':'
   :  /'     |______/'' ' |     \\______     ;/''   |/'   ;\___       ___///://
. .:_/;      |     /      :.     /'    |     /      __,,__// /         \    :..
 \ \\_       |    `\      |     //     |    `\;     |       /;         ;\ . ..:
.. : /;     .:     ;\     |__,__\      |      \     |     _/'            \__ ..
     \       |     /''    |     /;     :.     /    .: ` ``\_         __..__/' :
    ``\___         \__,,--''  ``\           ;\\____,|    ,,/___,,----'' '' . .:
. . .    /__,,--,---'' ' :   ..\\_   __,,-'-,--'' '..... .. .... . .. . . .:
    :                    . ..:    `--'             :. ..
    :  The Crypt, SysOp: Nail[FiRE] FiRE Member System :; ; ;:: : . ..
   `:. .. .. . ...                         . . .. . ...:      . . .. .' '''
                `:. . .. ..:: : ::. . . . .; ;;;; ;: : :. . . :

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Entropy(1)               _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Elastic/iCE!             |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

      _________________|____   ____|______        ____________
      |     _   |     |__|      |        |________|_   _   __|___
 = ===|__   ____|___     |      |    | ____|       |   ____|    |____
  m2acid|   |      |  |  |______|    |_|     |    _|   |   |    |   |
        |__________|  |   |_    |____| |__   |    |____| __|_____   | === ==
               |______|    |             |________|      |      |   |
                      |____|  Elastic[iCE]'s Entrop.     |__________|

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Entropy(2)               _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Elastic/iCE!             |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/
_ __ __,,---,      ,,-----,,_     _______   _______   ______,,---,__ __ _
 ____\      `\,____\;      //_____\;     \__\     \\__\     \;     /_______
 \\     __    \     \\           \\      \\        `\,    __ \_    \    __// /
  \_    \|    /'  \  \_____    ____\  \   `\,   \    \__  \|  `\,   \    \
   _\    _____\__  \     \       \     \   \\    \\   _/'   ___//______  \\
` `\     `\    _/'  \;   `\,     \\     \    \;   \    \    \ `\\     \    \
   `\,     \    \   \\     \__     \;    \    \__  \   \\    \  \__    \   `\,
  \ \\      \   `\,   \      `\,    \__   \_____//  \   _\   \\    \;   \    \
      \___        \____\      \\__,,___\___\   \\       \______\    \\      _//
         \___,--~~~'    \__,--~'            ` ``\___,--~~'           \______\

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Extortion.               _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. [mHz]/ACiD!              |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

   I steal a copy of Mario Teaches Typing for RaD Man, without giving the T3
   shell+25 megs of web space+200 liner ansi I offered.

<somniac> mhz; didnt you rip the ppl off in oldwarez?
<somniac> cuz i was in there yesterday and soem guy was all pissed saying some
          guy named mhz ripped him off
<somniac> and i remeber you chatting with us
<meggahz> I got a little something for rad man, and I couldn't come thru on
          the shell trade. =]
<somniac> and iu chaged to mzzzzz
<somniac> and you gave some excuse
<meggahz> Tell him my Linux Box went down, and I'll do my best to get him his
          shell, ok?
<meggahz> I forget his nick or else I would have.
<somniac> mhz; he was overit
<meggahz> Ehe
<somniac> mhz; i would be if i was u
<somniac> i know a few ppl in there so dont worry
<meggahz> somniac: Would be what?
<meggahz> Worried? I don't care. =]
<somniac> hehe
<somniac> just a bunch of ppl who have warez and shit from 1 yr ago=]
<somniac> mhz; no shit and all so close

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Fuel Ascii               _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. The Knight/Fuel!         |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

                              __,,----,,         ___,,---,
           _____,,---''--,,___|     //___,,-----,\\      : [ mHz ]
       ` ``\___     _____//   |    _/       _____/       |_______ __ _
             /'    ____/      :   `\;     _____/_        |      // /_____ __ _
  _,,---,,__//       \/       :     \            \;      :     `\___\   /_
 :::       /;        `\,      |     \\          ``\,     |     //       _/
 _|       \\__        /\____  '      /___         /__    '     /        |
`\__         /___,,---''  ``---------'' \___,,---'' /___,,-----'' '     :_
  _/// /               [  fUEL/aSCII  ]                                 _/'
 _|                                                                     |__
 \_______                 ______________,,----------------------,,________//

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Galactic Enterprises     _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Killa Hertz/ACiD!        |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

. ..`/. ..:. .. .:  .-. . . ..::: . .-. _ __ ___ ___.-._,,,_____    .-.  . ..:
_ _ /_.-._,,-------//--`.------------,,`., , ____\.'   `\   //  `------`\__ .:
___\\    `.   \ /'       `\ /   .'  /____`.__\\ /'       `./    /        `.___
\,         `._.\           `._.'       \\  `._.'          /`._.'            //
`\\             \         /             /''             _____              _/
  \_           ____,,------------------'                :  ,/''            |
   |           |                    ``\_                |  /               ::.
.:.:          ::;                      |_               : /;               |..
  _|          .:_____                  _/'' '           |/                /'':.
:\\_                |                  :                ___,,._______,.__/___ :
:..|                |                 _|                |        /'        _/'.
 __:                :             ` ``\__               |      //          | .:
`\,'                |                  _/''  '' '       :      /           :.:
,`\_          .-.   |                   .-.             |     /   .-.  /   |..
   |    `\  /'   `. :                 .'   `.           .     //;'   `/   .:.:
  ::      \'       `|               /'\\____ \.         |     .'     / `\  |__
  _|    /'\\        :`.           .'      //   `.       |   /'           `. ./'
  \_  .'    \       |  `\  /    /'        /      \\\    : .'/              `.:
`._|.'       `      .    `/   .'      ___/'' '     `.   .' //              | \
,/'                 :    / `-'       `\_             `-'|  /               ;/'
 \\                 |                  |                | /               /|__
  \                 '                  |__ __           |/                  //'
` `\__.____                         _____//______       '                ___/:
. ..:... //__,.___,,------///-------'' '. ..: ..`-----------,,_____,.____\. .:

          . ...Galactic Enterprises  -  ACiD Member Board... .
          . ...Running Oblivion/2 with Five Telnet Nodes.... .
          . ...SysOps: AmericA, Killa Hertz, Megga Hertz.... .

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Hiro Protagonist         _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Hiro/Remorse!            |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

                      __\    _/----,___,-------,___________
         _ __ _______(_     _)_____)          _)          _)
              \__     |     |     |     |     |     |     |
                |     |     |     |     |     |     |     |      . ... . ..
           . .. |           |     |     |     |_    |     |. .. .:
 ..... .. .:    |     |    _|    _|     |_______)   |     |
                |     |___(_____(_______|      |    |     |
               _|      |                      _|    |     |_
              (_________)  hIRO/rEMORSEaSCII (______,-------'

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Hit em Up!               _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. r-mHzheu.txt             |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

               .        .        :                .
               :                 .     .               :
               ;        :              :          :    :
              /|_____  /|____    ______|\      ___|\   |\____
          ` ``\__   |__\_   |____:     _/ _,--'    /___|   _/'
               _|   |  _/____/        :|_ \_   _   \   |   |_
               |_   |  \_  \\___    ____/ _|:  ____/_  |   _|
   ============ |:     :|    _:     :|   \\_   |   _/ \_/  : ===============
               _|   |  _:    \_      |_    :   |   :   |  :|_
              \\____|  \___   |_   ___|   _|:   ___|:  |____/'' '
                    | __| :___ /___|     \\ _,--' \___ |
                    |/       |/            \|         \|
                    :        :              :          :
                    .  /|_____      _____|\ ,,--,_     :
                       \__   |----,,\    _/ |_   |
                         :   |   _/  _   :_  |   :     .
                        _|   :  _|   _____/' |  :|
                        \_   :  \_   |       :   | mHz!
                        _:   |   :   |       |   |
                       \\___    _|   :       |___|_
                           /____\ ___|       |___ /
                                 \|             |/
                                   CALL THE PIGS WHEN YA SEE MHZ!   

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Infestation Menu         _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Comatose/Fuel!           |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

         ___,,-------,,          .. .. . .:::. .::: . .:: . ....
 _ __ ___\'         //__     . .::   Infestation - Main Menu   ::.. .. . ..
      \\               /_                                               .::
       \;              _/'' '    : [ a ] utomessage   [ a ] utomessage    :
        \_____       _/       . .: [ b ] bs lister.   [ b ] bs lister.
    . .. /;  ``------\  .. . .:    [ c ] onfigurate   [ c ] onfigurate    ::.
. ..:   /'           \\            [ d ] aily logs.   [ d ] aily logs.    :
      //               \,          [ e ] -mail menu   [ e ] -mail menu
      /                `\          [ f ] iles menu.   [ f ] iles menu.   :::
     //                 \\         [ g ] oodbye/off   [ g ] oodbye/off
   ,/                     \\       [ h ] ourly use.   [ h ] ourly use.    :..
   /'                      \       [ i ] nformation   [ i ] nformation      :
 _/;                      ,/'' '   [ j ] oin a conf   [ j ] oin a conf
\\_                      ;/'       [ k ] onfigurate   [ k ] onfigurate    ..:
   \                     /_        [ l ] ast caller   [ l ] ast caller    :
    \\             ___,,--'' '     [ m ] mesgs menu   [ m ] mesgs menu    :
     \  _        __\  :            [ n ] ewscan all   [ n ] ewscan all    :.. .
      \,--------''    :. ... . ..              . .. ... . .         . . .. .. :
       `.                       :. .. . .. . ..: mHz/ACiD ;. . .. ..:' '

<comatose> it looks like a neck tie.
<[mHz]> How about I tie your neck? =]  Columbian style muthaphucka.

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: iCE                      _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. BV&CU&MASSD/iCE!         |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

 _ __  ____,,--------,,    ______,,,..._______ __ __ ____.___,,_________ __ _
   ____\            //____\\_                /_______\                 /_____
  //                /                           /                            \
  \_____,,.________/            .               \,           ___            //'
 __\            \\              |               `\          :| /'' '        /
/__         ` ```\_             :               //''         |/           ;/
  |              :::            |               /            _____,,._____/___
..:               |_            |____,,..______/'' '         | \\           _/'
|                 __)           |          ``\__             :   \         ;/
`-,,               \            :              :             |    \        /''
  |               _/            |             _|             |    //      \\_
 _|              \\             |         ` ``\_            :::   /         |
 \_               |             |              |             |   /          :
  |              :::            :             :::            :  /           |
 :::              |             |              |             | //          :::
  |            _,-'             :          __,-'             : /            |
  :        ` ``\;               |          \\_               |/             |__
 _|             \\              .            `\;             .               //
(____           _\__,,__                     __\_______                   ___/
    /___,,..____\\      `------------,,,_____\       //_____,,------------''
                                                      The Lord God Megga Hertz

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Malice Info Layout       _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Vile/Malice!             |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

 - MALiCE Couriering 1997  --  Group Informational File Layout by Megga Hertz -

    , , ,,_,,.._ _ _,,--,_  _,,----,,  ,,--,,__   __,,--,,   _,,---,,_ _
     \ \\__    |___\\    |__\___   |   \______|___\    _//___|    _//
    ... . |    |    \_____    _//  |____|_  \\         \_    _    | mHz<ACiD>
. ..:     |    |   __/        |    |    _/   \_    |____|_   _____|_
         _|       \\_    |    |_   |    |     |_   |    _/   |    _/    . .
        \\_  |  |   |    |    _/'' |    |     _/'' |   _|    |    |_. ..: :
          |  |  |  :::   |    |    |    |_    |    |   \_    |    _/      :. ..
         _|  |  |  _|    |   _|    |    _/   _|    |    |_   |    |_
     ` ``\___|__| \\_____  ``\_____     | ` `\__     ___//      ___// /
               \_,,---'' \__,,_/  /__,,-'--,,__/__,--' \__,,---''

                        MALiCE Couriering -- 1997
    ___,,------,,___ __ _
 ___\  MALiCE '97  //_____,,____,,---------''---------,,,______           ____
`\_                                                            `--------'' __/'
  |   Leaders:  Master Hacker. Vile. TMOD.                                 |_
 _|   Council:  Aslan. Chinese Eyes. Jake the Snake.                       _/
\\_   Seniors:  Endeavour. HyPe. Deathnite. Jess. Nightcrawler.            |_
  |   Members:  Jabbers. Nelapsi. ShadowKeeper. Thesaint. Hurt. Demon.     _/''
 _|             Raistlin. Watch Dog. Cold and Ugly. MegaMan. Megga Hertz.  |
\\_             Geezer.                                                   :::
  |                                                                        |
  |_ Couriers:  Koden. MzBxtch. Zaishen. Hoziris. SuperChic.              _|
___/            Overlord. Reaper. Black Panther. Warhammer. prImAlz.      \_
\,              Messenger of Death. Sector1. Insomnia. Djedi. Pre6.        |:
`\_             One Step Ahead. White Knight. Lord Necromancer. Kreator.  __>
  |             KRS-One. Kali. Treznor. Bloodshot. Kerisma.              `\_
 :::  Trials:   Autopsy. Kaneda. Krupt.                                    |
  | ___,,------,,___ __ _                                                  |__
__|_\   Boards.. . //___,,-----,,_______,,______,,---------------,,___/\_____//
\\_                                                                        |__
 :::  BBSName                (A/C)  Ops            Node  Position           //
 _|                                                                        _/
\\__  Demon's Domain         (XXX)  DD Staff        07   World      HQ     |__
  _/  Snake's Place          (714)  Jake The Snake  06   US         HQ       |
  |   Remote Control         (+46)  Geezer          07   Swedish    HQ    __//
 :::  The Software Pit       (+XX)  Watch Dog       03   Australian HQ    \_
  |   !abraxas               (818)  Megga Hertz     02   UndergroundHQ    :::
,-'  __,,------,,___ __ _                                     _________    |__
\\___\  Sites.. .  //________/\\________,,-----------,,_______\      //______//
  |   SITEName        Speed         Ops                   Position         |
  |_                                                                      _|
___/  Could be you?   (T3+)         You maybe?            World     HQ    \_
\'    Vortex          (T3+)         Vortex Staff          US        HQ     |:
`\_   The Hole        (T3+)         Nelapsi               Courier   HQ    __>
  |   The Duplex      (T1+)         Duplex Staff          Member          \_
,-'  __,,------,,___ __ _                                                  |_
\____\  Extras.. . //___________<-,__________          ____             ____\\
 |                                          /__,,-----''   `----------''   |__
 |  GREETS & HI-HO'S                                                        //'
_|                                                                         _/
\_                                                                         |
 |                                                                         |
 |  Quackers - Winterhawk - The Pep - WhiteRose - Dorian Hawkmoon - Ninja  |
_|                                                                       __|
\;                                                                   ` ``\__
 \_ HOW TO CONTACT US / NOTES ABOUT MALiCE                                 |
 _/ MALICE IS BACK!  If you wanna be part of the friendliest group in the  |
 |  scene contact any coordinators and above and tell them why you should  |
::: be part of MALiCE!                                                     |
_|                                                                        :::
\_  ( Please Note )                                                        |_
 |_ Malice are currently only accepting a small number of  applications.  __//
__/ Please contact us only if you have really something to offer to us.  `\_
\\                                                                         `-,
 |  If you aren't in the nfo and you feel you should be, please contact    ,-'
 |  One of the Seniors/Council/Leaders listed hereabove.                   |___
_|                                               (Updated by vile 4/15/97)   //
\\__          __,,-------------------,,_________              _____,,..______/
   /___,-----''                                 `------------'''

 - MALiCE Couriering 1997  --  Group Informational File Layout by Megga Hertz -

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Mci Bill Board Design    _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Mindcrime/Blade!         |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

      The Man, The Myth, The Goth, The Angst, The ehe, The Mindcrime.
        /\_________                   __________,,______/\
    ____\         /__  mindcrime    __\\                 /_  __,,______/\
` ``\\              |___,,______,--''                   __/__\          /
     \              :         //             .          \\            //
angst!\\            :         `\             :           \______,,____/
       \_           |           \_           |___,,_______//         \_
        |        `\  //          |           |         `\             | goth!
        |          \_/           .           .           \;           :
ehe     |           |            :           :           \\           :__
        :           |            :           :             \           //'' '
        :           :            .           :             //         _/
        .           .           _|           .            /           |
_ __ ___|           :          \\            |           /            : gno!
     \              .            \\          |         //             |__
     \\  ___,,._____|             \               _____/               //
       \//         `~----,________//____,-----~~~'     ~~--,,________  /
       ;    :: Michael Mooly aka Mindcrime of the Blade Nation ::    \/mHz!
       '                                                              `,
Mindcrime smells bad, but he's really a cool guy.   He runs a bad ass Obv/2
board called alderAAn, you should call it, 908/224-8780.    Mindcrime  runs
the Blade Nation.  Mindcrime has popular iCE artist Chromatik in his closet.
Mindcrime - My best friend in the whole wide world.  Throw up the Dub 4 Mci.

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Reebok                   _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Shadow/iCE!              |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

                    .               .              ,        .
                    :               :              :
     _ __ ,,----,,_/| _ __ ,----,__/|       _______|\ __ _  :
       \ \\__      _|__,--\\__  _  :|---,  :|      _/----,__|\
            |;  | `\_   _   _/  ____/:  ;   :   | `\_    :  //========= ====
    :: :: : :   :  ||_  ____:|  |: \_   |___;   |  ||    |  /_
            ;   |____// | \\_   |  ||_     \_   |   :_       `\m2zacid
==== =======|   |   :_  |   |_    ___/  |  :|_   _ __/'  :    ;\ :: :: ::
           `\ __:    `\_____ /_ __ \\_  |   |_\____\_____|     \\
             \|        __ __/    :   `\______//      _ __;_______\
             :                   .

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Upload                   _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. [xFx] & Sexecutioner     |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

                 _ _     _______ ___ __ __
        _ __ _____      _\    //_      _______ __ _
           __\  //_  __\\     __//  __\\     /______       _____
       . ..\___   |_\\__     _|____ \__      \\    |____  _\   /_ __ _
       :      |   |   _/  | \\_   |   |   |   \____   _// |   __/ :. ..
 ... ..:  ..._|   |   |   ____//  |___|_  |  //       |_  |   |       : ......
 :. .. ...: \\_   |  _|   |   |   |   _// |  /    | ___/__|   |_ ... .:      :
 :        .. .|   |  \_   |  _|   |   |   | /     | \\_       _/   :. . ..   :
 : .... ..:   |   |   |   | \\_   |  _|   | \     |  _|   |   |.. ..     :. ..
       _ _ ___|   |  _|   | ..|   |  \____   \\   |  \_   |   |    :. ... . .:
         \ \\____   \\____| :_|   |   |  |____\__    _|   |   |__ __ __   .. :
  .. . ..:      //_____/    :\___     |_.. ..   /____\___    ___//  ... ..:
  :... .. ... . . .:.. ... .:   /_______\   :.. .... : //____\  . ..:
                        System Upload Guidelines
   For use on !abraxas/diabolic, [.Virtue.oF.Sacrifice.], or Outland only.

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Scotland Yard            _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Sherlock Ohms/UC!        |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

                 . ..   . .. .           . . .. .
        . .. .. .:. :.  :    :. ... . .. :. .   :     .. . ...
 ... . .:  :.:      : ..:     :    :     :  .. .: . ..: .. . :.. . ..
 :.. :       :  >> > _________|\   :. .. :  :   :. .. :      :. .:  :. . .. ..
    /|_______|\      \\        \\     _____/|  sYARD _ _ ___________|\       :
 < \\   ______/______/     |   _/_____\\    |______ ____\\_         // >> >  :
  __\_____ `\       \\     |  \\___  __\_   |    _/_\ _   /_  |    _/  ______|\
 `\__    |   \_  |____\_   |   //      \    |     \   |   _/  :    \   ||     /
   _\    :   //  |    //_______/       `\   |    //   _  _/   :    `\__|    _/
 ==\ ________/   |    /      _//         \_______/    |  \____|    //   _   |
    \|     \\ _______/... \ \\__________ /     \\     |   \_  | ___/    |   |_
     :       \|    .'   :       . .. . |/       \_____|___ /  |/   \ ________/
     :. . .. .:. .. . . :. ... .: mHzý :. .. .. .. . ....|/   :. .. \|   :
     :      :..  s c o t l a n d  y a r d / s: Sherlock  :. .. . .. .:   :
     :. . .   :          .. . .      . . .. .  Ohms.. . .:     ...   :. ..
          :. .:.... .. ..:. ..:.. . .:   :..:..... : . ... ....: :...:.. :
                       .. . :. .. . .:      :. .. .:             :. :

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Peyote Sands             _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Stone The Crow/Twilight! |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

_  _.-----._    ______                  _.------._________ __ _    __.------.
  _\       /_ __\;    `--,----.__     __\       /;      //__      _\\       /_
__\         /_\        _//      |_____\;        \\         /______\;       ;//
\_     __   \;     __  \_       |:   _//     _   \;             /     __   _/
 |:    |/   \\     |/   \\;     |:   \;      |   \\_____    ___/;     |/    \
 |:    ______/     ______/_______    \\      |     \  /      \/       ______/
_|:    |  /;       |    ;\_     |:     \     |      \/;       \       |     \_
\_     |  \\       |      /     |:    ;/     |     ;/         \\;     |     ;/
 |:    |_  \_      |    //\\    |:.   /\;    |     //           \     |    //
 |:.   //    \;        _/  \;       //  \        //\_           /\        _/
 |______\     `~~---.__\    ~~~--.__/    ~~--.___/   ~~~----.___\ \___.--~~
    \_                                                              //
     /         Peyote Sands [702] S: Stone the Crow [Twilight]      \_

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Plastic Heroes           _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. FUCK VINTAGE!            |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

  __ _  __,,_____ __ _
     ___\      //_                    _,,---,,_ __ _     __,,---,, , ,
     \\_         \          ,,---,,_//    ____/_ _       \______/,----,,___ __
__,,---|    |  __/_,,__  _ _\____  __\_____  __/__,,-----/__   //        //__
\_    _|    __\\__    |_,,_\_      \__    |  \\____    ____/  `\_    |___/  /_
 |` ``\_    |    |    |   __/'  |    |_   |     ,/     \        .    |   \_ _|
:::    :    :    :    |  `\_    |    _/'  |    //      \\       :    |    | \__
 |    _|    .    |    |    |    |   _:    |    /'        \      |_   |    :  _/
 | \ \\_____|    .    |   /     |  `\_________/;         \\_,____/   |    .  |
 |_             _|    | ``\, ___,,___/'' '   _\          //   ``__       _|  |
__// /      ` ``\_____     \//            \ \\____,,-----'' '    /__,,____\  |_
\_                  /__,,---''                                              __/
x |             p   h   l   e   a   r   s   o   t   e   i   s   c        ` ``\_
::. _ __ _______  ___,,-------,,. . .  ___,,-----,    .  _ _ ____,,__ __ _   |
 |     ``\_    |__\\__   _   __/__,,---\_        `\  __,,____\      /_ _  ,  |
(_        |    :    _/   ___\\_         |_   |   _/__\     //    ____/_      |
 |        :    |    |_   |    |    |   __/'  .  `\_    _  __\_____   _/     :::
 |       _|         _//  :    |_   |  \\_    :    |    __\\___   |   \__     |
_|   ` ``\_    |    :    |    _//  :    |    |   _|    |   __/   :    _/''   |_
\___,,----:    |   _|    |    |    |    |_   |  \\__   |  `\_    |    |_,,--,_/
        __|    :   \___      _|    |_,,__/_________/   :    |    |    |_
        |__,,__|    |_/__,,__\_____|         `` \\     |    |_____,,___// /
               |_____/    . .Plastic Heroes. .   \___,,-----'' 'tldmHz
You Vintage idiots have NO taste whatsoever.

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: ViSiON/2 AGAIN           _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. [xFx]/V2 Head Coder      |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/
,,----,,_ mHz(ACiD)                                ,,-----,,__                /
\\      |_____,,----,,____,,-----,,__,,----,,_____\\        :|______,,-----,,_
 \_     |    \\_      _/   _____//_       //        \           ___\\_____   \\
  |     |     _/______\______     \_______/     |   \\_     |   \\      ______/
  |     |    .|     ___\    |     _//     |     |    .|     |    \_     |    /_
  |     |     |     \\      |    .|      .|     |    .|     |    .|     |    .|
  |     |    .|      \_     |    .|       |     |    :|     |    .|     |     |
  |     |    :|      .|     |    :|      .|     |    :|     |    :|     |    .|
  |     |    :|      .|     |    :|      :|     |    :|     |    :|     |    :|
  |     |    :|      :|     |    :|      :|     |    :|     |    :|     |    :|
  |     |    :|     .:|     |    :|      :|     |   .:|     |   .:|     |    :|
  |     |    :|     __|     |   .:|      :|     |  ___|     |  ___|     |    :|
__|     |   .:|___  \       |   __|      :|     |  \        |  \        |    :|
\       |        //  \\     |   \       .:|_    |   \\      |  \\       |   .:|
 \\__          //_____\       ___\___,,____/        _\______|    \__        __|
     \__,,-----''      `------'' '         `-------'' '     |_______\------''

                  Vision/2 BBS Software - The ReBirth
                  Continued from PiPELiNE BBS Source.
                  Crimson Blade --> NetDist --> [xFx]

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Oldschool ASCII Tutor    _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Anyone.                  |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

        Oldschool ASCII Tutorial Number One by Megga Hertz (Remorse)
        Our topic will be axs, an abbreviation for my board, abraxas

Step 1  -  Start with the basic shape, for now, keep all letters around the
           same size.

                         /\     \  /    /\
                        /__\     \/    / /
                       /    \    /\    \_
                      /      \  /  \  \_/

Step 2  -  Add flavor to your letters, give them a personal style.
           Use \\ and // to fatten up the letters.
                         /\;   \\  /    /\;
                        /__\\    \/'   / //
                       /   `\    /\    \_
                      //     \  /  \ \\_/

Step 3  - Now, it's time for mHzshade, add : and ` and ' everywhere.

                         /\;   \\  /    /\;
                        /__\\    \/'   /://
                       /:: `\    /\    \_
                      //     \  /: \ \\_/

Step 4  -  Add a simple background, with underscores ____.
           (note) You may want to stop here if you're a beginner.

                         /\;   \\  /    /\;
                ________/__\\    \/'   /://_______
                |      /:: `\    /\    \_        |
                |     //     \  /: \ \\_/        |

Step 4  -  "Warp" the background, make it twist and turn with alot of \_.

                         /\;   \\  /    /\;
                _\______/__\\    \/'   /://___/\\/\
                |      /:: `\    /\    \_        |
               :::::  //     \  /: \ \\_/        |
                |__//___  ____________       __ -|

Step 4  -  You're done.  Now add your sig, some stats if you'd like.

                         /\;   \\  /    /\;
                _\______/__\\    \/'   /://___/\\/\
                |      /:: `\    /\    \_        |
               :::::  //     \  /: \ \\_/MhZ.ASiD|
                |__//____  ___________       __ -|

  I hope that has helped some of you who have asked me to teach them how to
  draw, or asked for help with their own logos.    Enjoy, - Megga Hertz '97

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\       //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Jet Ticket - Europe.     _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Whodini/Remorse!         |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

                ____________,,-----------------,,___ ___ ___ _
      __,,______\   mEGGA hERTZ' pRIVATE/jETdEUCE  /______,-----,,___
   \ \\__                                                          _/'' '
        |  Destination : Europe.                                   \__
        :  Ticket For  : Whodini                                    _/
        |  Seat Class  : Amiga/X                                    |..
      __|  Flight Movie: No.                                        ..|
  ` ``\___,,.___   _____________,,-------------,,___             ___|
                `-''                               /_____________\\

                I thought I'd give Whodini a ticket to go
                check out Europe, he'd feel @ home there.
                                                - mHzý =]
_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\ bITCH!//_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Mjay's Pager             _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. FUCK MJAY!               |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

<nECROM`81> <mJAY> pm; i ripped alot of shit when i was running a renegade
           board <1981.irc>
<jAYm> mhz; shut up, ur the lamest oldskool ascii artist there ever was.

                        I don't agree, kid, -mHz

           |       |  __________  |  | | |  |      |      |      |
           |_______|______________|_________|     \|/     |______|
           |     ____  ____     ____  ____  ____  ____  ____     |
           |    |    ||    |   |____||____||____||____||____     |
           |    |    ||____|   |     |    | ____||____  ____|    |

                        Mjay's pager, Top view.
   Who been there?  Who done that?  You got snaps, 'cause you steal raps.
      Die slow mutherfucker! My 44 makes sure all your kids won't grow!

---<  quoting mjay (start)  >------------------------------------------------
  hopefully i will be able to draw for the fun of it, w/out being dissed by
---<  quoting mjay (.end.)  >------------------------------------------------

  You expect not to be dissed when you dis yourself?  Watch yourself bitch.

   Yeah that's right, you get all up on my nuts to join up with "Grape",
   and now you turn around and talk shit?   Who the FUCK are you,  KID?
   kiss my ass all you want, MUTHAPHUCKA IT'S ON!       [mHz]DeuceACiD!

=== [ joints - mHz+ ]========================================================

                     _____       _____          _____
                     |  _/_______\_  |__________|   /
                  ___|  |     (___)    |     /  ___/
                 (_  |  |  |  |   |  | |__  _\___ \
              = ==|  |  |  |  |   |  |  |    |  |  \== =
                  |______)____|___|__|  |____|_____/
                     aSCII jOINTS.   |__|mHzý

JOINTS!  If you haven't noticed, I tend to release my collies alone, without
         other people's headers, dividers, very few joints, etc.   But  ever
         since album number ten, I just wanna put shit down with the homeys.

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\ jOINT //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: In the Mouth of Madness  _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Hiro/Remorse!            |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

Mc's don't know how we puts it down, hIRO and [mHz] from East to North town:

            mHz & hP! ___,-----,,____      ___,,-----,  ,,____
           _,,---,____\        //   //__,,-\        /___\    //______
        \ \\_____/____    ____/          __//    _    /            _// /
      . .../     \  //      \ _    \_/   \       |   \\     \_/   \\... .
  .. .:   //      \/        \\\     |    \\      |     \\    |      \   :. ..
         /        \\         \\     |      \     |      \    |      \\
         \___      /___       /_____|     //____        /____|_      /
           //______\  `---,,__\     `--,,_/    /__,,----''    //__,--'' '

            ``   i n   t h e   m o u t h   o f   m a d n e s s   ''

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\ jOINT //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Never EVER Believe       _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Jack Phlash/CiA!         |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/

Mc's don't know how we puts it down, Jp and [mHz] from East to North town:

  ___,    `---,____,     `---,____|     _/____,--'     ,___,--'    ,_
 \\_          ____  ___________   |     ____  ___________         __/
   /    |    :: /   ____/___ /    :    :::/   ____/___ /    |
 _/     :      /    |/'    //     |     |/    |/'   _//     :     |____,   -,__
 \\_____|     ______       _______      _____       \__     |______//''       /
____,-, `~~--,_\___/_______/ ---- \_____/   /__,,----~~-,-~~'            ,,--'
\_  never believe,, last callers.                                  _____/
  \______                                               __________/
         `--------,,_____,--                   ,________\\

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\ (nEW) //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Prevail                  _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. Mass Murderer/iCE!       |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/
Mc's don't know how we puts it down, massm and [mHz] from East to North town:

                                                   ... ....
        . .. ....    . ..       ...  ...... .... ..:  . .:...   .. . . . ...
  . .. .:       : . :  : . . ..: :  :.:  : ù      :..:   . .....:    :. .. :
  :. . ... .. .:.. ..: :   . - :.:    :.: :.... .ù      :..: . . ... :  :..
  :.. _     ú     _ ù   :.ú'  _     ú          ú   :   _  :           .     :
 ,,s#SSLis,   ,s#SSL:.,   ,s#S$S#s, ù;il    ú úùù  ,s#S¥S#s,  ~~ ~. ø   ø .
:$¥¥ gg  1lS:Sý'P"`"i;ùú:i1SP"`"7liùúù;1   ùùiŒ:lSP"`"7Sý' . ø ,aS¥ý''   ø .
l1S ¥¥  Sý' . ø  ã ,i;ù'` ú:¤¤ã $ý" "ýS 88 ùi‹ »»» S:É$ : ø ,aSlý"",Éi :il|
ii1l ÈÈ  . ø ,aS  Sli:    ;¥¥ã ;  :: ; ¥¥ ;l1 ÈÈÈ : ¥8i',ailSS$; |iŒ1l, `i1,
;:iŒmmm_ ,aSý"" ÉÉ `Sli,;$¥¥'mmm¥a, ,a² ¥¼ :Sý' . : È:Sg ~"ýi::::;,.`¼8l: ;Œl
ùù;: ~~~'   :  ÈÈÈÈÈ  `"ÊÊ"'mmmggg  SS¥¥mmm_. ø ,aS¥mmmmd È :    `lmmm .,i;'
   . . . ...: . :        . ...         ÉÉÉ     ¹¹  :      :  ù ... ... .. . :
                :.. .. ..:   :. .. ..::888     11  :......:.. . .. ..:
              [ massm(iCE) mHz(ACiD) ]::::     ::  ( PREVAIL )

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\ jOINT //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Remorse Ascii            _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. All/Remorse!             |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/
Mc's don't know how we puts it down, t2 and [mHz] from East to North town:

       ....               .....           .     ........
    ...:..:......     ....: ..:     ....+.......:......:+..:......
    :     :...  :.....:.....:.:.....:     :      :.....: ___ ___ :..........
   _ ___,,-----,------,,___ _  ___ _ ._,--'\____,,---,,__\    //,--------, :
      \___     \\   ___  //  |---¿   :      \\___     \\  _ __/_   ___  // /
   ..   :`\__'  |_ __> )/.   :   ù---´_  |   | : \__`  |_,-¿  _:  __> )/
. .:  : |   ù ___/' |  ' :       .   _|  ³   : |   ù ___/  |  \    |  '
        |:  |   :   À----Ù   |___:   |   :   . |   |  _:   :   ;   À----¿
     _ /___ :   | _______: __|   |   |\___,--'/___ |  \\____,__/ _______:._
- --Ä- -Ä¿ \|   : Ú----Ä ù ÄÄ---+À---: Ú--- - --Ä \|   |ÄÄ[t2/mHz.rms]Ä ù Ä----
    :    ÀÄ : ___>Ù ... .:   ....--- . Ù. .. ... _ : __|   ..............
    :. . .. .. .. ..:    ....:  :....:  .. ....:...........:

_ _  __,-,___________ __ _                         __________ __ _
  __\\ mEGGA hERTZ  /  \\___,,-------''--.-----,,__\ jOINT //_,,-----''--,____
``\_      ___        \_                         :                           //
  .;.     \_/        _// .: GRAFFED ASCII FONT .: Remorse Ascii            _/
  _|    __(_>___    _|   :. ASCII FONT FOR     :. All/Remorse!             |
  \_    :  /   :    \_    :.                                       . .. . .|_
   :    . :    :     |      Megga Hertz.  The Kingpin.  The Last Don . .:  _/'
 __|      .    .     |__              .:  T  H  E  G O D F A T H E R.:..  _|
 \    The Godfather   //'' ' .. . .. .:   _____  ____  ____,,______  :.: `\__
 \\_____,,-----.,-----'---,,____:,-------' '   ``    \/'          \\________/
Mc's don't know how we puts it down, sQ and [mHz] from East to North town:

        _ __ ________      ______    /\           _______      _______ __ _
            _\;     /_    _\;   /_ // `\        __\;    /_    _\;    /___
      _ ___\\__      ;\  /;     _/-/    \ _____\\__      \\___\\      __//
              /;      \\/       \_/     \\;      //       ;\  _\______    \
             /__________\       //        \;     /__________\ \__    \    \\
  _ ____        `\    /________ /          \        `\           \;  \\    ;\
       /__       ;\            /'          ;\___     \\----------_\       __/
        //_________\         //             \\ /_______\        /_________\
                               rEMORSE!aSCII                         sQmHz

-----<    INSERTS    >-----------------------------------------------------

       Greets and respect to anyone who's ever greeted me, drawn for me,
       used my ascii, or complimented my ascii.  Respect to rEMORSE!aSC,
       and most everybody listed closer to the top of this ascollection.

                    ______ ______
      _________     \     |   __/_________            _____ ____
     \\    __  \_____\\   |  \\          /           /    /    //
      \_    ___/      \   |   \_    |  //   ________//   /  ___/_______
       /    / \    |   \_______|    |__/   \\       \   /   \___   ___//
      /____/   \\  |   //  _  \_____|       \_  |    \________/     \
                \______/   _|                |  |      /     /       \
                          |_|                |_______//      \\______/
                                       _______          m|-|z
           ________     ____________   \\    |____________
          \\      |_____\___    ___/____\___ |    /   _  \\
           \      | (____//     \___    ___/ |   //   ___/__
            \_    |  |   //     _//      \_______|    |    /
             |_______|   \______ //       \    \\________//
                     |____|      \_______//
      ________  (____)       _________     ____________   _______
      \\     |__|__  |_______|     __/__ __\          //  \     |
       \_    |   _/  // _   //  |  \\   |   \\    |   \    \\   |
        |    |   /___\___   \   |   \   |    \    |____\    \___|
        |_______/      //    \_______\  |    |____|        /    |
                       \______/      |_______|             \\___|

              Victor.  Chris.  Patricia.  Where are you now?
              G  o  o  d   L   o   o   k   i   n   O   u  t!

                             [xFx] / [Felix]
           ____________        ___________          ___________
           |     _____|        :    _____/'' '      |____     |
           :     |  ______ ____|    ____/______ ____|   |     |
           |     | `\\    |    /    |    \     |    /'  |     :
           :     |   \    |   /     |     \\   |   /    |     .
           |     |   /        \\    :     /'       \\   |     |
           .     |__//    |    `\   |    /     |     \__|     :
           |_______/______|______\__|   /______|______\_______|
                          The Right Hand Man.
          ________          ____________   _________  _______
          \__    |__________|     :    |__\\_    __|__|     |
            |    |   \____/       |         :    \__       .|
            |   .|   /    \;   |__|__    ___|  |   |   |   :|
            |   :|  /     `\   |   |      |    :   |   |   ;|
          __|   ;| /;      \\  |   :      |    |   :   |  ,;|__
          \\   ,;| \\       /  |   |      :    |  _|   |______//
                     Victor, wherever you may be at.
           Yeah, pour out a little liqour for your homeys maing.
           This one here goes out to my right hand maing [xFx],
           and to my BOY Victor, wherever you may be now maing..

          _,--,,, , _____,---,,,
__ ___,---\    _/___|  `\_    /______ __ ________,,----''-------,,_______
  \\__    |    \    |   _\_____    _/    \_ Megga Hertz (tkptldtgfaxs) _/'
    _\    '   _|    _  `\_    _____|_`,   | I shall tell you of myself :
  ,'\_  |   | \__   |   _|    |    _/_ `._|                            |_
.' __|  |___|___/   |___\_____`    \ \ -'\_,____                 _______/'
`- \\__,-'' ' `---,_| mHz`   \_,--''           ``--------,,___:__\\ .

I am 17 years old, my name is Ace.  I go by the handle Megga Hertz, or [mHz].
I used to be known as -EverLast-.  Years back, I wrote Raid on walls around
the 213/818 area codes, Los Angeles, where I reside.  I began BBSing in the
year of 1993.  I listen to rap music, 92.3 the beat, power 106.  I draw
Oldschool, aka Amiga/X, aka /X, aka the _/\_| kind of ascii, and am a member
of ACiD Productions, Remorse Ascii, ACiDic BBS Modifications, Illness BBS
Modifications, Tric BBS Modifications, AWE Lettering, Malice Couriering,
Generation-X, etc.  But first and formost, I'm a gangster.  

                                        r e l e a s e  o v e r v i e w 
ARTIST  : Megga Hertz / [mHz]
BEGAN   : 1993
RELEASE : The ASCII Collection
          The Broken Pipe
          The ASCII Colly
          The Anagolous Collection
          Asciid #50
          The Day After
          The Kingpin
          Album #10, [mHz] The Last Don
SALES   : Jagoff!       -       double platinum
          The Day After -       double platinum
          The Kingpin   -       triple platinum
          The Last Don  -       double platinum

Also available from ACiD Productions / Remorse Ascii:

                        --- JAGOFF!

 ________|   ____/_____  \__          \___       \__    ________/   ________/'
`\__     |   \__     _     |:   |________/'  |     |:        `\__         |_
   |:    |    _|:    |:    |_  _ ______|:    |     |.   ________/'  _______/'
   |.    |    \_     |.    _/   |      |.    |   
  _|.    |   __|.    |.   _|.         _|.    |     (d u b l  p l a t i n u m)
 `\_____    `\____       _\_____      \       ___\     __      __    |
       `-------'ev`------'     `------'-------'   `----'        `----'

                        --- THE DAY AFTER!

    _______          _______   __,,____ _ __    ___,,_______   __,,___
  ///     /__________||  __/___|    __// /      |_   \_    |__(__    |______ _
   \____    ____/    |   \_    __    \           |   ||_____    \    |    _//
      //     \ ||    |   _|    |/   //  _ _ _____|    //   _   _/_____    \
     /;       \|         |_    _____/_    //    __   /    /|   |_   \|    /_
    //         \     |     \   |/   _|     \_   \|   \    \|   _||   `    _|
    \      _____\   ||_____/   _____|:.     |     ____\___     \______    |__
     `--,__|   |__,--'  (_,----'    .mHz.  (_,----'      `---,__|    |_,---''
    __ _ _,----,___        __,----,___        __,----,   __,--'____ _ _
          \__     /_______\\    _/   |________\\    /____\\   __//
            |_____   \\    _____|_      \__    __   __|       _|
          //'    _    /    ______//  |   \\    |/   \    |    \\
     __ _ _\    /|    \    | `\__    |   _//   _____/_   |     /
          |__   \|    /   ||   _|    |   |_    |
            ||       \\    | .:|_    |____//     (d u b l  p l a t i n u m)
        (( (___       \\   |_   |   ||   _||   ____ _     
               \_,-----'--,_|   `--,_|   `---,_|    |_,--'

                        --- THE KINGPIN!

        _________           _______   _______   ________              ______
________|:     _//  ____.--'     _//__\    //___\     //__      _,---''     \
\__     |.    /---,_\_         _/    ________/    __    _/_,---\\          //
  |;    |.   //______/     |  \\_    |__   \\_    |/    _\______//    |    /_
  \\    |   /_       \     |     \_    |      \_        \\     \_     |    _/
  _/          \      /_    |     _//   |      _/ 
==|     |    //_      /    |   _/      |    _/      (t r i  p l a t i n u m)
 .'     |      _\    //    |  \\_      |   \\_   
 `-,____|__    \_____/    _|_____\       ____/    ___/   \_  / /    /______\\
mHz.aCiD  ``-----'  `-----'' '    `-----''  ``----''       `--'
                   my name is megga hertz the kingpin.
                   what's yours?   i dont really care.

                        --- THE LAST DON!

 [mHz] The Last Don.
  _________                                    ____________     _____________
__\      //__          ______///_______________\          /_____\           /__
\\          |__________\_______        //                 //                 //
 \_         |       //                 \         _________/_____      _______/
  |         |       /         |         \\________        /   //        \
  |        :|.     /          |         //       |        \  /           \
  |        .|:     \          |         /        |         \/             \
 _|         |      \\         |        /         |         /               \
\\_         |        \        |       \\         |        //                \
  |         |        /        |         \        |       /                   \
  |         |      //         |          \       |       \                   /
__|         |      /          |          /       |       \\                 /
\\          |     /           |         //       |         \              //
 \_______         \\   _________________\__________         \_____________/
        //_________\  /                          //_________/
                    \/  Remorse ASCII / ACiD Productions
                     __________    __________  _______________
                   __\\       /____\\       /__\\            /_____
                   |           //          \\                   __//
       ____________|        __/      |       \_        |        |
       \\                   |        |        |        |        |
        \          |        |        |       _|       :|.       |
         \_        |        |__      |       \_       .|:       |
         _|        |        __//     |        |        |        |__
         \_        |        |        |        |        |        __//
          |        |        |        |        |_     
        __|        |        |_       |     ____//   (d u b l  p l a t i n u m)
     \ \\          |       __//      |     \\                    _
         \________         \_______         \__________|          \
                //___________\    /__________\         |___________\\
                           THE     LAST     DON

               .        .        :                .
               :                 .     .               :
               ;        :              :          :    :
              /|_____  /|____    ______|\      ___|\   |\____
          ` ``\__   |__\_   |____:     _/ _,--'    /___|   _/'
               _|   |  _/____/        :|_ \_   _   \   |   |_
               |_   |  \_  \\___    ____/ _|:  ____/_  |   _|
   ============ |:     :|    _:     :|   \\_   |   _/ \_/  : ===============
               _|   |  _:    \_      |_    :   |   :   |  :|_
              \\____|  \___   |_   ___|   _|:   ___|:  |____/'' '
                    | __| :___ /___|     \\ _,--' \___ |
                    |/       |/            \|         \|
                    :        :              :          :
                    .  /|_____      _____|\ ,,--,_     :
                       \__   |----,,\    _/ |_   |
                         :   |   _/  _   :_  |   :     .
                        _|   :  _|   _____/' |  :| I'M GONNA HIT YOU ALL UP!
                        \_   :  \_   |       :   | mHz!
                        _:   |   :   |       |   |
                       \\___    _|   :       |___|_
                           /____\ ___|       |___ /
                                 \|             |/

also available from acid/remorse ascii: jagoff!,  the day after,
megga hertz the kingpin, megga hertz the last don, and megga hertz
hits em up  ascii collections.

      Who been there?  Who done that? You got snaps, cuz you steal raps.

----< !abraxas/diabolic - bbs system advertisment, BELOW >-------------------

  !abraxas/diabolic - !abraxas/diabolic - !6309 - !abraxas/diabolic - !6309.
 -- ----- --- -- ------- --- ---- -------- -------- ------------- ------- ---
        __,,____     ,,------,___
     | ||     _|____\\        __//  [ !abraxas/diabolic  /  hotel/casino ]
        |    \\_________      | - -------- -------------------------- -----
  --- - |      _\             |_    [!a]/sysops : [mHz]/ACiD // [xFx]/PDS.
   mHz. |     _|      /|      _// / [!a]/affils : acid, acidic, awe, blade
        |_____\_     / |      |     [!a]/affils : dark, fuel, fire, rms!a,
        |      |_   //_|      |_    [!a]/affils : cia, illness, tric, twi.
  - --- |___,,__/       ____,,__\ ----- ----------- ------------- ------- --
           \ \\___,,,____\\ \
                                    [!a]/system : pentium 60/16/336/2.4gb.
  [!a]/bbsoft : suicide/2, v1.02b2  [!a]/remote : sexy, bleach, ohms, kpt.
  [!a]/status : art related system  [!a]/number : underground, since 1993.

 -- ----- --- -- ------- --- ---- -------- -------- ------------- ------- ---

----< !abraxas/diabolic - bbs system advertisment, ABOVE >-------------------

[                 end of colly, bbs description codes below                ]

       _____            _____
       |  _/____________\   | ReleaseDate : 05-12-1997.
    ___|  |  _  )  ___|     |mdeuce
    |     :  ___|___  :  |__:
= ==:  |  |_ |  :  | _|  |  |== ( AMIGA/X - OBV/2 AUTO-DESCRIPTION )
. ..Description to be used on Amiga/X Bulletin Board Systems.. .

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ== The Godfather ascii collection by [mHz]  ==
( an acid productions/remorse ascii release )
\_       `-.    ||   _/       \_    _______//
 |    |   ||    |   _|    |   _|_____   ||
_|    |    |_      \\_    |  _|_    |   _/
\\    |____//'|   | ||__  |__\__    |    |_
 `----'  \____|___||   /  | mHz|_____    //
 rEMORSE!aSCII .:||___//__|  tgf..||_____/

. ..SAUCE description to be used on Oblivion/2 Bulletin Board Systems.. .
COMNTSee also R-MHZHEU.TXT, a supplement to this colly, entitled     "HIT EM UP!"                                                    SAUCE00Colly - The GodFather              Megga Hertz         REMORSE/ACiD Prod.  19970603t