File Archive

File download


File size:
110 815 bytes (108.22K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 251


                          /\_____________________/\ .
                        ._)                       (_:_ _
                        |                           |
                        |   t  h  e    y  a  r  d   |_ _
                        | - --------------------- - \///_ _
                        |                           |
                        | Amiga/Ascii/Graffiti/N64  |
                        | Gameboy/NeoGeoPocket/Snes |
                        | Psx/Ps2/Dc/Smd/Oldies/Mp3 |
                        | Unix/Drugs/Chiptunes/Mods |
                        |                           |
     __________    _____|      ________             |
 _ __\_ ____   \_ _\_   |__ _ _\_____  \_           |
        /  \    /      ___/       _/    /_ __ _     |
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               _ ___________\__________/____\  /_________ __ _
                        .                    \/     .
                        : AHS/DTR/AGEEMA!/ROYAL/PHT :
                     _ _| AEROSOL/LiGHTFORCE/MANGOO |
                     \\\/ LOW PROFiLE/BAD KARMA/UP! |
                        | SOiA/MOPLAYAZ/TQL/PVM/100 |
                        | H E A D   Q U A R T E R S |
                        |                           |
                        | the  idea  of  s t y l e  |
                        |                           |
                        |     is  the   k  e  y     |
                        |                           |
                        |   to  all  f o r m s  of  |
                        |                           |
                        | r   o   c   k   i   n   g |
                        |_          __             _|H2o!
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                          \/       \/_//_/\      \/

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                                             ``````````` ``  `
w    w    w    .    t    h    u    g    l    i    f    e    .    o    r    g
             This file passed The Ascii Archive at THUGLIFE.ORG.
         Home to over 139 +/- ascii groups, and even more releases.
      Interviews & Reviews. Always the latest in Ascii News/Releases.
[S0F] - (viewing instructions: 5o x 8o or some amiga emulation font)

                          "I don't want to be the sugar, I want to enjoy it"

     _/\\_____    ______      _/\_    ____  ___/\\____ ___/\\___   ___
 .__)____    (----)    (----//   /----)   )_)____    (_)       (---)_((_____.
 | )_)___)__________  ______/____\\________)_)___)__________________  ___(  |
 `--- m u k u m d i \//--------------------------------------------\\/------'

                         .   . ..::] OF [::.. .   .

         ____/\______           ________      ____________________
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         /  _______/__       \/         _     /  __________________
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.............)________\..)_____\..r.e.m.o.r.s.e...)________\----/___  ____(tr5.

                      .   . ..::] PRESENTS [::.. .   .

                                     :                          ________
        ___________                  :                         _|     _/
       \\         /__________     ...:...  __________ _________||     |
       |         /___       /_ _________   \     _   \\       _       |
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       |________|     |_________/    \|      \_ __\        _// ab/circe
                             /________\      _//  |________|
         ________                     |______\                    __\__
         |     _/ ______      _____         ___        _____     \\   |____
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  |            \___________|_______|...|_________|bOARd    |_____|dESiGn

              .   . ..::] this collie was made with [::.. .    .

               __________                 _____
_____ ________/  __    _/         ____    |   |_________
|   |/       _   |/    \ ______ _/   /____|   ___      /____ ______
|   _       /|___|\     \|    | |____     _   | /     _   _ \|    |      ___
|___|\    _/       \______    |____ /    /|___|/    _/|___|\      |______\_ \_
      \   \__            |_____   |/   _/      \____\       \_____     ___   |
       \    /sw.^tl           |________\ c o n s c i o u n e s s  \    \ |   |
        \  /                                                   _ _ \_   \|   |
.--------\/------------------------------------------------- - ///  /________|
| KRSNA CONSCIOUSNESS // this mean that this collie was done being aware of  |
|  ···           the creator; Lord Narayana. The Supreme Personality of God. |

           __  ___/\\____      _|   |_
  ___/\\__\\_)_\        //___ _\_  __//   _____________ _______  _____
 \\_   __      /        \  _//      |___  \    /      /_\     /__\   /____ __
.--/   \_|           /  /  \/       |\  \/\   /   _           \ _     / _//  \_
|_/   __/|______    /  /_\___/\     | \  /\       /        /  / \       \/   _/
|\    /      __/   /____/  ___/   __|  \/ /          _    /  /_        __/|  |
|/___/=======\____/========\_____/=======/___________/   /____/_______/ __|__|
|      [[ f I R S T  w O R D S ]]                   \___/      mkd^R81  \_|  |
            |                                                              |
       _____|  Finally I've  decided  to  stop doing collies, this is the  |
      |øøøøø|  last  one. From  now I'll release  just  pieces, to  share  |
      |øøøøø|  my skills  and to help my homies with the  concept  of the  |
      |øøøøø|  release (if there is one, because the art is  simply that,  |
      |øøøøø|  the art itself) as  a  group  feat. This is a board design  |
      |øøøøø|  colly, a thing I had never done before; the final farewell  |
      |øøøøø|  to the collie format from myself is this  collie, a  prod.  |
      |øøøøø|  that gave me a lot of pleasure on the making. It's done on  |
      |øøøøø|  Krsna consciousness so hope you like it and I really don't  |
      |øøøøø|  care if you are going to use the logos or not;I've done it  |
      |øøøøø|  because there was no other thing to do in those days, that  |
      |øøøøø|  I were waiting to leave my country to have a  better life.  |
      |øøøøø|  the weeks passed, and  here  I'm writing this  for you, it  |
      |øøøøø|  was  funny  while it lasted, but it's over. See you on the  |
      |øøøøø|  grupal releases of my beloved  breed:  Remorse  1981. -mkd  |
   .--|øøøøø|__                                                            |
   :           \___________________________________________________________|
   | m k d @ r e m o r s e . o r g                       |_

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 ouch! :..  t$$$$7 d$d$$$$$:i       ::::::. ...:              :........
`+.  .+`      ~ü`  '$$$$i55i        hari krishna! hari, hari krishna! :::::
                    :iS;.                                              ::::::
                                                ....            .. ..,:::::`

                    "I'm going but I need a little time"

              _ ____/\___ _            ___/\\____
             _\\\_______///_       ____\        //  /
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| I--n---d---E---x _____________________________________________//____________.
|_iNDEX___________/                                                           |
|                                                                             |
| upload/download/oneliners/users/last transfers/top pumpers/confs/doors/info |
|  bulletins/journal/stats/protocols/files/goodbye/private/messages/user data |
|  welcome/feedback/last calls/zippy/week top/page/new user/cookie/gamez/art  |
|   demos/warez/mp3/pics/console/utils/intros/zines/ansi/apply/ascii/closed   |
|  freeleech/index/java/login/mail scan/syspass/request/text/poetry/new mail  |
|    sony playstation/sega saturn/linux/fileareas/filescan/logoff/monthtop    |
|_________                                                                    |
|         \___________________________________________________________________|

                  ......   ___             ___     ___    ___  _
                  :    :  /  /___ ______ __\_ \_ __\  \ __\  \\/
. ..  ............:    : /   _   /   _  \   _   \  /  /   _   \
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      __\  \ /  /___ _/ _/___  (__)  ___       ___  ·· bOard
     /  _   \  _\  / \____   \.    //  /___ __/  /
     \__\___/______\ ___ /__//|    \\  \  /___\  \    design ··
                       .\/    |____| _____\   /__/
                       ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::  : :::: :::  ::   ::   :

                       THIS COLLIE IS DEDICATED TO MY

                   ___                 _____                        ___
   ___/\_____    _/   \_________/\____/     \\_____________________/   \____ _
__/ __/\_    \__/ _/\\__________/\_______/\\______  _________________/\____
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__    \____\/______________________\/______________________\/__________________
  \ __

                   YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE, AND I LVE YOU.

               lETTING mYSELF *bE* aND eXPRESS mY tHOUGHTS @:

 _ __________ _______  _  _____________ ___________________ ____  :......
  \\ _________     _ _  e     ______   ____________ ____ __\\ _/________:____
   eR!__\_  _/r   /___/__    __/___\\  \/ _____________ \ __/_________     _ /
  :  \\___\\____ ___    /_        / \\___/     /__\ _      /_      s /    /
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   ___/   /__ /____________//____________\ _____\___\  \       \_     ________\
 //__________________________________________//__________________\ _____\\_\
  :.....[  the remOs squad - more unorthidox then michael johnson  ].....

                   nEXT: 57 sTRONG lOGOS oF pHRESH sTYLE 

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               UPLOAD             |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

            ____//\_________ ___/\\___   _____  ____//\
     _/\__//        _      /_\       /__\\_  /__\      \\
.--//     /         /     /        _   _       _       /--[ uPLOAD rULES ]-.
|  /     /        ____  _/         /   \       \      /                    |
|  \    /           //  \                            //   thanks for your  |
|   \   \          //\_       _       _       _      \                     |
|    \__      /\_  \_  \__  _/ \__   / \___  / \__   //    s u p p o r t!  |
| [[]==/_____/=//___/===//___\==//  _\==//_  \==//___\===[]]               |
|________________________         \/       \/mkdR81                        |

              1.  check duplicate files before you upload.
              2.  this is not a pd-board, check can you find same kind of
                  files from filebase, if not, do not upload.
              3.  all files must include file_id.diz.

      if you broke the rules you lose your download access immediatly

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               DOWNLOAD           |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

|           ___/\\_______//\___//\____                         ___________|__
|  ___    _/       \_       \        //_______________________/             |
| /\__\   \    ____/ \______//     _/                                       |
|\\/__/    \  \\_                  \       leech       baby,      leech!    |
|          /    /                   \_                                      |
|________//__       __       _       /-----------------------------------,--'
|       - ---\__   //-\__   /-\__   //--- -                              |
| [=] ========//___\===//___\==//___\=============================== [=] |
`------------------------[ mkdR81 ]--------------------------------------'

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               ONELINERS          |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

 _\\  /___  __/\\______//\_________    _//\_    __/\\______//\_____/\\___/\__
         /__\___   \_       /     /____\___/___\\___  \_       /           _/__
       _       /     \_____//   //           /     /    \_____//      /  ____
       /      /                 /                 /                  /__/   /
             /                 /                //                  // /   /
 _        __/     __        _ \\    __        __/     __       __   \_ \      /
  \__    / /__    / \__    / \__    / \__    / /___   \ \__    \ \_  /  \_   /
= ==/_  _\===/_ __\===/  __\===/_  _\===/_  _\====/_  _\==/_  __\=/__\===/  _\=
- ----\/-------\//---- \/--------\/------\\/--------\/------\/--mkdRMRS---\/- -

[ THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF ONE-LINER ]                              [ ANONYMOUS ]
[ iGNORANCE iS bLiSS ]                                           [ ANONYMOUS ]
[ THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF ONE-LINER ]                              [ ANONYMOUS ]
[ lIFE iS sHORT, eNJOY iT! ]                                     [ ANONYMOUS ]
[ pEACE ]                                                        [ ANONYMOUS ]
[ THIS IS AN EXAMPLE OF ONE-LINER ]                              [ ANONYMOUS ]
[ MY NAME IS MHZ, WHAT'S YOURS? I DON'T REALLY CARE ]            [ MHZ       ]
|                              \_____________________________________________.

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               USERS              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

 ___________/                                                                 |
|                                                                             |
|       _/\\__//\_  ___/\\_____/\\____//\__              ________             |
|   ___\\      __//_\__     \           __//__        / /_______/\            |
| _/    /    _____    \_____//     / ______   \_        \_______\/ /          |
| \    /    /    //              //__\    //   //                             |
| \\  \\    \                    /   /        /-------------------------------|
|   \_       _       _       _   \_  \_       \\  [ u .. s .. e .. r .. s ]   |
|[/]==\__   /=\__   /=\__   /=\_  /====\__   _/============================[/]|
`------//_  \--//_  \--//_  \-//  \-----//  _\-[ mkdR81 ]---------------------'
         \\/     \\/     \\/   \\/       \\/

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               LAST TRANSFERS     |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

    __/\\_    /\_  ___  ___/\\___
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|   \_        |    \_ / ___   _/                                              |
|    //_______|_____/___\//   \___  _//\_  __/\\_____   ____//\______         |
|              _/                /_\\__ //_\__    __//_\\    ___/ __//____    |
[             \\                  _          /   _____       _/  _____   /_   |
|   mkdR81      \_            /   \         /  _/    /        /_/    /    /   |
|               _/           /__          //  \\    //       / \    //   /    |
`----.---------\\_       _  /   \_       _/     \__     ___  \_ \__     //----|
     | [.]========\_  __/=\/======\__  _/=\__  _/=/_  __\=/ __/===/__  _\==[.]|
     |       - -----\//-------------\\/-----\\/-----\//---\//-------\\/--     |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               TOP PUMPERS        |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

                     - --aLL--tIME--tOP--uPLOADERS-- -

   ___/\\______/\\_____/\\_   ____/\\___     _/\\_  ___/\\______/\\______/\\_
__\\             _        //__\        /____\\_  /_\\        \_       /      \\
\   \            /       /          _    _         _           \_____/     \  \
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===/______\= /_  _\====/_  __\===/__  \===/_  __\===/_  __\===/_  __\===/ _\===
               \/        \/         \/      \/        \/        \/mkdR81\/
    o1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    o4. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    o8. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                              o5. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    o9. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    o2. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    o6. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    1o. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    o3. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    o7. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx    11. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

|                              \_____________________________________________.

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               CONFERENCES        |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

      _____//\____    ___/\\____         _/\__   ____/\\____ _/\_
   __(            )__(          )_     _(     )_\\         /(    )_
  \\         _      /            //___\\__               ___    __//__/\\_
    \        /     //         _          /               __/__________   //
    /       /_____/           /         /                \ //        /   \
    \     //       \                   /                  \ \       /     \
    \\__  /        /__            ____/         __       _/  \     //      //
 = =====\_         \==\_         /==//_       _/==\_     \===\\_         /=== =
.--------/____  ____\--/____  ___\\---/__  ____\---/__  __\\---/_________\----.
|             \//           \//          \//          \/           mkdR81     |
|                                                                             |
| [ 00 ] .....conference name  //  conference description...................  |
| [ 00 ] .....conference name  //  conference description...................  |
| [ 00 ] .....conference name  //  conference description...................  |
|               (expand as needed)                         ___________________|

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               DOORS              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

       __//\___ _  _ ___//\____    ____/\____     _____//\_______/\\___
    _ _\      ///__\\\        /___\\        //___\\                   //_ _
  __\\\                                                            _____///__
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\   \                        /              /             /__\         /    \_
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| =\\__         //=\__         //=\__         /=\\__   _//======\__         /_.
| ----/___  ____\----/___  ____\----/___  ____\----/_  \-mkdRMRS--/___  ____\ |
|___      \//            \//            \//          \/               \//     |
|   \_________________________________________________________________________|
|                                                                             |
|  [ 00 ] a cool door comand here             [ 00 ] a cool door comand here  |
|  [ 00 ] a cool door comand here             [ 00 ] a cool door comand here  |
|  [ 00 ] a cool door comand here             [ 00 ] a cool door comand here  |
|                                                                             |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               INFO               |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

                 __/\\__        ___/\\_____//\__________/\\_____
               _(_______))____((__            _____         _   \\
             //                  /            __/_/         /   /
  .-----------\                 /             \_ \             //----------.
  |          __\               /               // \            \ mkdRMRS   |
.-|     \   \\_\\          ___/        __      \ //__          /__  _      |_
| |              \_       /  /____    /  \_     \    \_       //_/ //      | |
| |  [==]=========/__  ___\======/_  _\===/__  __\\===/___  __\=======[==] | |
|_`------------------\//----------\\/--------\//--------.-\//--------------' |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               BULLETINS          |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

    _/          \\
   \\        /  /__     _/\\__  _//\_  __//\_____/\\__ _/\_    _/\\__/\
_  __\            //__//     //_\   //_\_     __    _/_\__//__\\__ / _//__
\\ \_\\       /       /     /      /     \___/_/    \            / _____  \_
.------\_        /\_ /    _ \    _ \    _      _      _      ___/  \_  /   //-.
| : ::::/_       \::\_   /:\_  _/:\_  _/:\_  _/:\_  _/:\_  _/::/   /:\_  _/ : |
| - -----/___  ___\--/_  \--/__\---/ _\---/ _\---/__\---/__\---\___\---\/-- - |
|               (expand as needed)                                            |
|   [ 00 ] a cool bulletin description    [ 00 ] a cool bulletin description  |
|   [ 00 ] a cool bulletin description    [ 00 ] a cool bulletin description  |
|__ [ 00 ] a cool bulletin description    [ 00 ] a cool bulletin description  |
|  \__________________________________________________________________________|
|_                                                                            |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               JOURNAL            |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

           _//\_____/\\__      _______/\\__   _/\\__    __/\\____/\\_
       (  (_            /____//    /      /__\\_   //__\\_          //
     ______/                 /                 /                   /___
    \\_   /           /     /         /       /       \           /    \\
     _/  /                 /          \___   /                   /     /
    \\_         _        _        _    \  \_/       _        _   \    /mkdRMRS
: ::%%%\__     /%\__    /%\__    /%\_   \%%/_      /%\__    /%\__    /%%%:: :
- -------/_  __\---/_  _\---/_  _\--/  _/---/__  __\---/_  _\---/_  _\----- -
           \//       \//      \//   \//        \//       \//     \\/

    o1. interesting propagandis             o4. interesting propagandis
    o2. you can expand this if u need it    o5. interesting propagandis
    o3. but I don't care about it           o6. interesting propagandis

|                              \_____________________________________________.

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               STATS              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

     _/\\_   _____/\\____    _______/\\____/\\_
    /   __)_\\          //__\\_              __)____
+---\______   \__    __/ _      \__     ________   //------------------------+
   __/    /   _/      \  \       /      _\/    /   \
   \    //                              \    //     \   U S E R   S T A T S
    \_         _        _        _       \_         /
= ====\__     /=\__    /=\__    /=\__    /=\__     /======================== =
- ------/__  _\---/_  _\---/_  _\---/_  _\---/_  __\--mkdRMRS--------------- -
          \\/       \//      \//      \//      \//

                    expand as needed for the user statix

|                              \_____________________________________________.

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               PROTOCOLS          |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

   ____//\_____________//\______________________/\\________________  _/\\
  \\                        /       \                /            /_/  _/___
   /     /      \         / \_     _/     /     /___//    /      /  \_____  \\
   \     ___     \___              \           /                /        /   \
   \\_    \ \_    \ /_       _       _       _       _       _       _  /    /
.-----\___//--\   /---\_____/-\_  __/-\_  __/-\_____/-\_  __/-\_  __/-\_____/-.
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%\//%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\//%%%%%\//%%%%%%%%%%%%%\//%%%%%\//%%%%%%%%%% |
|                                                                             |
|__   - P ----- R ----- 0 ----- T ----- 0 ----- C ----- 0 ----- L ----- S -   |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               FILES              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

     ____/\\____ _  _\ /_  _ ___/\\___ _ _____/\\________ _
   //      ____///_(_____)///        /_\\\            __///____
    \      ______          /        /     ___        ______    \\___
 ---/        / _/                 //       \(_______/     //       /-----------
  //         \ \                  /                /     /        //
   \          \ \\               /                 \     \       /
   \\_        /  \           _  \\       _          \          _/ pHRESh pHiLEs
 -----\__    //---\__       /-\__       /-\__       /____      \---------------
 =======/_  _\======/__  ___\===/__  ___\===/__  ___\===/__  ___\==============
          \/           \//         \//         \//         \// mkdRMRS

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               GOODBYE            |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

     \\        /   __/\\__           __/\\__
     _/    ___/__//       \__/\\____\\     /__//\__             ___/\\_
    \\    \\_         _   /       \  _            //___  __/\\_/ ___   \
      \     /         /         _    \             _  /__\        \(___//
       \_               __      /                  /     /     /       \_
 -------/___  ___       //         _                   _     _/         //----
 THANX     \\/  /___  __\\_       / \__  _______  _____/     \ ___  ___/mkdR81
 4 CALLiNG         \\/    /___  __\    \//      \//  \___  ___/   \//

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               PRIVATE            |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

           ___/\\______//\_____  _/\\_       __/\\__\\              /
          \\      _           //_\___//_____\\     /__\     /      //___
   priv8   /      /       \                  /                         //
         _/      ___      /___              /    /\                    \
 .------\\_      / /_    /    \_        __       \ \_       /          /-----.
 | =[======\_  _/====\  /=======\__  __/==\__  __/===\______  ________/===]= |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               MESSAGES           |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

  _\    \\ _//\_
 \\      \/    //__/\\_____ _    ___ _       _ ___/\\______ __/\\_______ _
   \     \/   /_       / _///___/ _///_______\\\_         //_       / _///___
    \    /      \______\_____   \_____     _          ___/_\ \_____/\_____   \_
   _/   /                  )/       )/     \(        \\_                )/    /
  \\___//                  /        /                  /                /    //
       \__  ___\__     __       __       __       __       __       __      /
 ..::#####\//#####\_  _/#\__  _/##\__  _/##\__  _/##\__  _/##\__  _/##\__  _\..
 [ mESSAGE bASE ]   \/      \//     \\/      )\//     \\/       \//mkdR81\/

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               USER DATA          |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

          _/\\___     ___/\\_____/\\___     __/\__     _____/\\__      ___
       __\\     _)___\\_      /       //  __\    //___(_ /       \\___(_ /
     _/   /    _____    \____/        \ _/ _       _     \_     _/ _     \\
.===\\   /    /    /               /__/-\  \       \      /     \  \      \==.
|     \_ \\   \_       _       _   \    \\_       _       _       _       // |
| user  \__   | \__   / \__   / \  / dattus\__   / \__   / \__   / \__   /   |
infoz                                                                   mkdR81
          i  n f       oz            in f     ozzz          & infozzz.....

|                              \_____________________________________________.

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               WELCOME            |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

 __//\____     _____//\___
 \       /_____\  __      \\______             ____//\____
  \      /\       )/______/      //_____/\\___\\         /_____  ___   _____
  \\                            /              /      /        \/  //__\   /_
  _/          __               //         /___/                \/    \_      \
 \\___  _/\__/  \___  ____    /          /                     /      /______/_
.----\\/            \//  /___  _______         _________      /       __     _/
|  w   e   l   c   o   m   e \//     /___  ____\mkdRMRS/_____/_______/ /_____\

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               FEEDBACK           |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

                   _\\                        //_  ___  _
            ___ __/                             / /__/ //
         \  \__\\              \                \
      .----------\             /________________/----------------------.
      |         //___         /                /    (c)omment; thanks  |
      |             \\__                      /_    for your feedback! |
.-----|    ]  ]] ]]]]]]/_______  _____________\\\]\                    |------.
|     `------------------------\//------mkdRMRS------------------------'      |
|___    wich person of the staff will receive it?                             |
|   \______________________________________________________________________.  |
|                                                                          |  |
|       (1) sysop name  (3) sysop name    (5) sysop name   (7) sysop name  |  |
|       (2) sysop name  (4) sysop name    (6) sysop name   (8) sysop name  |  |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               LAST CALLS         |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

  __/\\__      __/\\__    ____/\\___ ___/\\__     _____//\__  _//\__  ___
_/      //____\\_   _//__\\        / \       \\__\\_       /_/     /_( _//___
\      /    _      ____   \\_    _//_/   /___/  _         /       /   ____   \_
\\    /     \     /   /   /_/    \  \   /       \        /       /   /   //   /
  \_ \\    _      \_       _      \  \_ \     _       _ \\    _ \\   \_      /
    \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    //   \_    / \_    / \_    / \_    / \_   /
% %%%/_  _\%%/_  _\%%/_  _\%%/_  _\%%%%%/_  _\%%/_  _\%%/_  _\%%/_  _\%%/_  \%:
| you can expand this, but I don't really care! =]                   mkdRMRS  |
|_________________                                                            |
|                 \___________________________________________________________|
|                                               |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               ZIPPY              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

               ____    __    ____//\_________/\\____      _//\__
        ______\\_ /___(__)___\       _          _  /____//     //
 ------/    ______                   /          /       /    _/---------------
      \    \\     \                  ___        _______ \    \_     zearch
.------\__        /__         __     /  \__      /---//       //-------------.
|   % %%%/___  __/%%/___  ___/%/_  _//%%%%/_  __/%%%%/__  ____\%% %          |
|_____      \\/         \/       \/         \//      mkd\//R81               |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               WEEK TOP           |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

       __/\\__    ___//\_____/\\___    ______ ___/\\______//\_____/\\___
       \     /\___\  _    /  _    /___/     / \_    __/     _        _  \\
        \    /\      /___/   /___/   /     /   /    \       /        /  /
        \\                          //    /   //     \_            ____/ mkdR81
         _\                              /    \                      \
_ _____//____/\    _       _       /     \\____\_      _      __     /_________
   % %%%%%%%%%/___/%\__  _/%\_  /-/___  __\%%%%%%\_  _/%\__  _/%\  _/%%%%%%% %
- --------------------\\/-----\//-----\//----------\/-----\\/----\//-----------

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               PAGE               |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

                 _____/\\_____     ________/\\______/\\_____
                \\_      _   //___\\_          /\   ____   //  page the +o 4
                  /      /    __          ____/_/   \(____/       a chat
                _/      ___/  \          \\_              \__
               \\        \ \               /                /mkdRMRS
  -- ------------\__     /--\_         _         _         /-------------- --
  ]] ]](%)]%#%%#####\   //####\_     _/#\_     _/#\_     _//#####%#%](%)]] ]]
  -- ---------------/___\------/_  __\---/_  __\---/_  __\---------------- --
                                 \//       \//       \//

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               NEW USER           |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

      ___/\\______/\\_______            __//\_____     ____/\\________/\\____
   __\\_        __     //  /\___________\       _/_____\   __    \           \_
 _/    /        )/____/    /\           /     _______      )/____/       \    /
 \    /                          /\    /     /      /                    /___/
 \\__/      __       ______/\    \ \_  \     \_         _         _     /
= ==/      _/=\_    _/======/_  __\==\_     _/=\_     _/=\_     _/=\   /==== =
  -\\_____/----/____\---mkdR81\/   - -/_____\---/_____\---/_____\--/__ \-- -

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               COOKIE             |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

      ____//\_________//\________//\____      _/\_    ___   _____//\_____
     \\           /      _          _  //___//    \__[___]__\_   __     //
     _/     /____/       /          /       /    _/              \)____/_
     \     /                                      \                      \_
.----\\__        ___        ___        ____/       \__        _           //--.
| --====/__    __\=/__    __\=/__    __\==/__     __\=\__  __/=\__     __/=-- |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               GAMEZ              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

      _____//\___            __/\\     ___/\\_________/\\____       ___
     \\          \\ ___/\\__\\_  /____\\______  \           //_____\\_ \
     _/          /  \   _                 /  /   \__       /       ____/___
    \\        __/___/   \                /  /       \_____/        \      //
      \      \\_                        /  /                             /
       \__     /     ___          __   /  /     ___          ___        /
  - --­­­­\_        /­­­\        /­­\_ \  \    /­­­\        /­­/_      /­­­- -
           /___  ___\   /___  ___\   /_/__/____\   /___  ___\   /___  /
               \/           \/                 mkdRMRS \/           \/

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               ART                |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

                  tEXT   __/\\_______/\\__________/\\______
            __/\\_______\\_                \__          __//
            \  _                       \    //          \----.4ns1.-----------.
           _/  \                       /   //            \\                   |
.---------\\                          /                   \_ .4sc11 /x & ns.  |
|           \                        /_____                /                  |
| ___ _______\_              _     //______\_             //_______________ _ |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%\_____  _____/%\_  _/%%%%%%%%/____  _______\%%%%%%%%%%%%% %    |
| -------------------\/---------\/---------------\/-------------------------- |
|____                                               mkdRMRS                   |

            __/\\_______\\_                \__          __//
            \  _                       \    //          \---------------------.
           _/  \                       /   //            \\                   |
.---------\\                          /                   \_     aRTZ         |
|           \                        /_____                /                  |
| ___ _______\_              _     //______\_             //_______________ _ |
| %%%%%%%%%%%%%\_____  _____/%\_  _/%%%%%%%%/____  _______\%%%%%%%%%%%%% %    |
| -------------------\/---------\/---------------\/-------------------------- |
|____                                               mkdRMRS                   |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               DEMOS              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

           __//\_________/\\____    ________________//\__________
     _____\\      \___          \__\\_____               _  / __//________
   _/   _           \/__________/      \  \              /  \______      //mkd
   \    \                              /  /                       /      \_r81
   \\__            __            _    /  /     __            __           //
 -=====\_____  ___/==\___  _____/=\__/--/ ____/==\__________/==\____  ___/==-
[ d E m O s ]\/          \//            \//                         \//

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               WAREZ              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

    __//\____      //  \ ____/\\______/\\___     /\_
----\       /______/    \            __    //____\_ \\------------------------
     \      /\          \\       /   \(___//    ____/_
     \\                   \     /__            \\     \     w  a  r  e  z !
     _/          _         \_  /   \_     ____        /
:%%%\\___  _/\__/%\__  ____/%\/%%%%%%\___/%%%/___  __/%%:---------------------
        \\/          \//                        \\/mkdRMRS

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               MP3                |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

         _____          __/\\__  ______/\\___
        _\    \\ _//\_ /     _ \_\          /
       \\      \/    //      /   ______\   //
         \     \/               /    /    /
- --------\    /             __/ ____\__  \--------------------------------- -
         _/   /       ___     \  \     /   \
        \\___//      /  /__    \_/     \    \             - M -- P -- 3 -
  ]:[========\__  ___\\===/_  ________  ____/===]:[
- --------------\//---------\//-mkdR81\//----------------------------------- -

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               PICS               |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

   _____/\\_______ _ _______ _ _ _____/\\__________ _
  \\          _  ///_\_____///_\\\           / ___///________
--_/          /                       /______\_________     //----------------
  \         ______                   /                /     \ p --- i -- c - s
  \\___      /   /___          ____           ___    /      /
::%%%%%\____/%%%%%%%%\___  ___/%%%%\_________/%%%\____  ___//%%mkdR81%%%%%%%::

  _____/\____     __//\__  _____/\\___________/\\_____     ___
 \\         //  _\\_____//_\                         /____\\_ \ hiGH rESOLUTiON
  /        /   /                           __       /     ____/____gRAPHiCS
 /     ___/___/                      /     \_______/      \        /
/      \\                           /                      \      /
\       /                          /____                         / mkdR81
\\____ /       _            __    /     \_            __        /
||||||/_      /|\_        _/\    /||||||||\_        _/|/_       \|||| || |  |
|||||||/__  __\||/___  ___\||\  /||||||||||/__  ____\|||/___  ___\||| || |  |
         \\/        \\/       \/              \//           \//

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               CONSOLE            |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

       _______  _______   _______          _______             _________
 ______\     /__\     /___\     /__________\     /________  ___\       /____
_\   ___/\\_______/\\___  __/\\_____     ____/\\_________ \/  ____/\\__    /
   //         \_       //_\__   / _//____\              /____\\__      \_  \___
    \     \    /     _      /   \_____          _      /         \      //
    \\    /___/      /     /     /   //         /      \_         \____/_  MKD
    _/   /    \_          /     /                       /         /      \_R81
   \\_         /_       _/      \__       __       __          __         /
® ®®®®®®      /®®®®    /®®®     ®®®®®    ®®®®\    /®®\_       ®®®®\      /®® ®®
- -----/______\---/____\--/_____\---/____\---/____\---/_______\-- /______\-- -'
______          _       __       ___      ___      ___         ___          __
     /_________/ \_____/  \_____/   \____/   \____/   \_______/   \________/

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               UTILS              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

                 __/\\_______/\\_____  _/\__    ___/\\__            ___
           _____\\                  /__\___//__/       //___/\\____\\_ \
         _/      /     \_         _/                  /       _________/_
        \\      /       /         \                  //       \          \\
 --------]\    /                                    /         \\         /-----
 xxxxxxxx \\_           _           _           _          __           /mkdR81
 bbs utilz   \__     __/ \___     _/ \__     __/ \__     __/ \__     __/
 = ====]]]]]]]]/_  __\]]]]]]/__  _\]]]]/__  _\]]]]]/_  __\]]]]]/_  __\]]]==== =

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               INTROS             |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

           _//\_      __/\\_____/\\________/\\_______/\\___\\    \
       ____\___//____\\__   \         /          /        / _____//_
      \\                /   \\_     _/     /           _  \_______  \_
       /               /     _/     \      \           /         /   //
  .----\             //                     \____               /   /   iNTROS
 _|    \\_         __/       _         _     \_  \        __    \   \_
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  |_          \//       \//      \\/       \/        \//        \//      |_

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|  |               ZINES              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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                _/\__    ____         ___/\\_________/\\________
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     _/      _______                    /          ___    / ________    //
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      \       \    \                  /                    \      /      \
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 | % %%%%%\___    __/%%\__     __/%%/__     __/%%\___     __/%%\__     _/%% % |

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|  |               ANSI               |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

              _ ______   _ _____/\\________ _            _______ _
      ________\\\__  /___\\\__        / __///____________\_____///__
    _/               \_      /        \________      \              \__
   \\       _       _/      /        _/       /      /                //mkdR81
  .--\__    \       \      /         \___             _              /---.
  | ····\__          \____/           /··\__          \\__          /··· |
  `-------/___  ______/--/___________/-----/__________/  /___  _____\----'
              \//                                            \//

  _|                                  |
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|  |               APPLY              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

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     ________\\\_            __           __          ///_____///      //
    \\  _                   ____          ___       _/     _   /     _/ mkdR81
      \___        _____    _/   \___    _/   \___   \    _//___      \
 ::%%%%%%/__  ____\%%%/____\%%%%%%%/____\%%%%%%%/___  ___\%%%%/_______\%%%%%::
            \//                                     \/

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|  |               ASCII              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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              _ __________ _                _ __//\___   ________ _
      ________\\\__  / __///_______________///       //__\______///__
    _/               \________      \       /       /                \__
   \\       _       _/       /      /               \                  //mkdR81
  .--\__    \       \___             _____/          \__              /---.
  | ····\__          \_·\__          \···/__          \·\__          /··· |
  `-------/____  _____/---/__________/-----/__________/---/___  _____\----'
               \//                                            \//

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               CLOSED SYSTEM      |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

                     [    s o r r y,  t h i s  i s  a    ]

           ____/\\__________   ____________    ___/\\___   __/\\_
          \\         /     /  /     _ / __/___\\  ___   \__\     \\
          _/    /___/     /___\     / \_____       \____/  _      \ mkdRMRS
   .-----\\    /         /    /       /    /               \      /-------.
   | ======\__       __       __      \__       ___      __      //=======|
   `----------\_   _/  \_   _/  \_   _/||\_    /||\_    /||\_    \--------'
         ___ _//___\    /_  \____/___\ _ _/    \___/    \---/   _ \__/\\__
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         /___  ___\   /___\    /___  ___\  /______\  /_______\  /___/___/
             \//                   \//

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|  |               FREELEECH          |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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      ___________    ________     _________   __________
    __\         //___\      //____\       //__\        //_ [ FREE DOWNLOAD! ]
   \\                         \\__          /__          /
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   __/       ____//         /                           \_\\\         ///___
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.-|    \\___/mkdR81 \\__/        \\________/ \\_________/ \\_____/\\______/  |
| `----------------------------------------------------------------------.---'
|______________                                                          |

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|  |               INDEX              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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            \\             \\      ____\        //  /
             /             / _ ____\  _        /_____/\\____
 - ---------/             /__\\\_     \        \_          /---------------- -
          _/                    /        __  __  \________/     ______
         \\__                  //        / \/ /           |____|     // MKDr81
             \______  ________/         /    /__               |    /
  - --********®®®®®®\/®®®®®®//_       _//®®®®®®®\_________/         \®®****- -
                              /_______\                  /_____|     \
 [ i      N            D                E           X  ]       |_     \
 - -------------------------------------------------------------/______\---- -

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|  |               JAVA               |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

                     ___//\____      ____    ____/\\____      ____
                    \\_       //____\\_ /___\\         //____\\_  \_
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           _/        /          \             /          \        /
  --------\\       _/                        /                   //------------
  ::::::::::\     \\                        \\                   \_:::jAVA:::::
  :::::::::::\      \        _           _    \      _            /:::dEMOs::::
  ----------//__    /       /-\__       /-\__       /-\__        //------------
               /_____  _____\   /__  ___\   /__  ___\   /___  ___\mkdRMRS
                     \//           \//         \//          \//

  _|                                  |
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.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               LOGIN              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

    ___/\___  ____//\_________    __/\__   _ __/\\__
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    \    \                                   //    \
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----------/___\----/___\----/___\----/___\   /________\\--------------------

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|  |               MAIL SCAN          |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

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                \\      \/       //   ___\            /____/\\___
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  |ØØØØØ|   try to b original inser_  /   /     /___/        //    /MKDr81 |
  |ØØØØØ|   ting infoz..              \        /             /    /        |
  |ØØØØØ|                             \\__           _ \   _/    //        |
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  |ØØØØØ|                                                                  |
  |ØØØØØ| [  M        A I      L        S        C      A    N  ]          |
  |ØØØØØ|                                                                  |_
  |ØØØØØ|____                                                              _//

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|  |               SYSPASS            |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

              ______//\_____ _
            _\\            ///_________                  ___/\____________
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     __ _/               /     \\                    \               / mkdR81
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  ||       \__        _//       \_______        /    \            _// /     |
  `----------/__  ____\----------------\_______/-----/_______  ___\---------'

  _|                                  |
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.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               REQUEST            |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

          [ whatever (ie: ascs, juarz.) can be requested name here ]

             __/\\_______/\\_______  _ __/\\___________ _  _________
            \\        \_     /   _ \_\\\     \_     /_///_\\__   __/
             /      /   \___/    /     /       \___/___    //     \
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     `ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ\_/ÑÑÑÑÑ\____/Ñ/____\Ñ\__  _/Ñ\_____/Ñ\_____/Ñ\_  __/ÑÑÑÑÑÑÑ'
                                       \\/                     \//mkdR81

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|  |               TEXT FILES         |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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\\_       __/       /___|    /_       __//    mkdRMRS
  /          \_____/    |   / /       \___/\\____
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\                       |    \            ____ /(_)_\\     /__/_       / _//___
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|     \//       \//                _/     / \                                \
T   E   X   T    F   i   L   E   S \_    /   \_       _       _        _     _\
|      __                            \__/      \__  _/ \_  __/ \__  __//__  _\

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               POETRY             |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

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     \         __//     /                               /    /    / _
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 | ::%%%%/_______\%/__  __\\%/_______\\%/__  ___\\___/%%\//__  ___\%%%%%%%:: |
 |____               \\/                   \//               \//             |
 |    \______________________________________________________________________|

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|  |               NEW MAIL           |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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 |                 \    /                 /            /       /       \\-[ ]
 | [ N  E  W ]    _/   /       _  \                   /       /        /  [ ]
 |               \\___//      /                              /        /   [ ]
 |                  _/     ___\\ _        ___          _             //   [ ]
 |__               \\_____/      \\______/ //_________/ \___________/mkdR81 ]
  _ \_____________________________________________________________________[ ]
 | \______________________________________________________________________ _
 |                                                                        [ ]

  _|                                  |
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|  |               MUZAK              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

    _/\\_                              ____
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  \\      \/       /    _ __/\\______\\___  \      _ _\  /_       _\   //_
    \     \/      //____\\\        \   _____//_____\\\__  //____//       //
     \    /               /       _/   \          _                     /
    _/   /              _/       \\    /          \                     \
   \\___//         ___ \\        __\___      ___           ___/          \
 <<====\\__  ______\==\__  _____//=====\____/===\___  ____/==/__  _______/==>>
           \//           \//                        \//        \\/ MKDR81

  _|                                  |
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|  |               PLAYSTATION        |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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               ___ _    _ ______/\\____   _ _________ _   _ _/\\___
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            __\______                        /            /     _/
   ._______\\       /                /      //                  \_ _
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   |   ...::###\\___  ____//#\_________/#//_________/##\________/##::... |__.
   `---.-----------\\//-[ s o n y  p l a y s t a t i o n ]  .____________|  |
       |____________________________________________________;               |

  _|                                  |
 \\_                                  |_ __
.--|                                  _//_//-/-----------------------------.
|  |               SATURN             |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

         ___ _       _ ________/\\____________ _                _ __/\\_
       // _///_______\\\__             //   _///______._________\\\__  //
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              \// [ S E G A   S A T U R N ]   \//                 mkdR81

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|  |               LINUX              |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
 //__. ::%%%%|________________________|%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%: :: : _//

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         _/       /                      /          /            |    //
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         \\     /                      /          /                    \
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   - --======\\________//=\__  ___//=/_________//=\__  __________|========-- -
                             \//                     \//mkdR81

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|  |               FILEAREAS          |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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|    \\_   /\_     _       _     /    \      _   /  \_      _     \_      /---.
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  | `------,   \//            \//                       \//           \//     |
  |        |__________________________________________________________________|
  |____              |mkdR81

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|  |               FILESCAN           |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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    |                  |
    |   ___/\\______ _//\__ _______     ___   ___/\____  ____ __/\\_
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    |  _/   _//\         /    \____/_ _\____      /__/  _      /    /      |
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 `--.-.::%\_/%%%\  _/%\_____/%\_  _\\------\/-----------\//----------------|
    | `------,   \//            \//   [  f   i   l   e    s   c   a   n  ] |
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    |____              |mkdR81

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|  |               LOGOFF             |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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              _/\\___  ___________/\\__  ____________/\\_____________
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     . ..::#####\______/##\_  __/##\_____/##\_  __/#\_/#####\  /###::.. .
                            \//               \//            \//mkdR81

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|  |               MONTHTOP           |                                    |
|  |                                  | [ ··· b O A R D  d E S i G N ··· ] |
|__`---------,                        |                                    |_
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      ____/\\____________  _/\\___________/\\_  ___/\\______________/\\_
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| ..::#####/____/#\_  __/#/_____/#\_  _/##/_____/#\_____/#\_  __/#\__/###::.. |


                     mAiN dESiGN · mUKUMDi/rEMORSE 1981

                   bOARD dESiGN lOGO #1 · aCiDbRAiN/cIRCE

                       kRiSHNA · sPERM^WHALE/tWiLiGHT

                     hARi kRSNA · sPINSANE/rEMORSE 1981

                     fIRST wORDS · pOSKGUBBE/kATHARSiS

                  bOARD dESiGN lOGO #2 · tALO/rEMORSE 1981

                     rEMORSE lOGO · eRUPT/rEMORSE 1981

                          gREETS · aCIDbRAiN/cIRCE

                      lAST wORDS · pOSKGUBBE/kATHARSiS

                           cOLLiES · gROOVE/cIRCE

       ____      ____     ____      ____  __ _____ _\ ___        /
    __(  _/_ ___( _ / ___(  _//____(  _//_\_\\   /____\_ )/________
 _ _|    \  \\\   // \\\_  _)_   |_  _)_   |_~   \\_  ___// _____ / _
(_\\_____ \  ~ \___\    |____|   _/___ |   _/______/__|     \  /// /_).   .  .
--\\    //______\   \___|  /_____| _ /______\        //______\ Ab!.
   \_______          ______________\

Rantes, Posc, Tupac, Pariah, Threaz, Velikani, Wendigo, Rosee, Rave-n, Madbit,
Fear, Qix, Isha, Abrain, Mhz, Tzeench, Arrogance, Dr. Shizuma, TresX, Erupt.
And everybody that I love, u know who you are. Very special greetz, and *big*
love and the best wishes to Krsna devotees and MY BELOVED MOTHER.


    _/\\_                              ____
   _\    \\ _//\____                  _\  /_          ____         _____
  \\      \/       /    _ __/\\______\\___  \      _ _\  /_       _\   //_
    \     \/      //____\\\        \   _____//_____\\\__  //____//       //
     \    /               /       _/   \          _                     /
    _/   /              _/       \\    /          \                     \
   \\___//         ___ \\        __\___      ___           ___/          \
 <<====\\__  ______\==\__  _____//=====\____/===\___  ____/==/__  _______/==>>
           \//           \//   ··aUDIO sUPPORT··    \//        \\/ MKDR81


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    |    /__/    | _// \_   _//___ \\   /      /_\     /__\   //___ __
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|  _|  /  /  /_| |__/|      | | \  /\      /        /  / \       \/   _//
| \\____    /  | | __|__    | |  \/ /         _    /  /_       |__/|  |-------.
|<<=====|__/===| |_\_|==|_____|====/__________/   /____/_______| __|__|mkd^R81|
|              |__//                          ___/-------       \\_|  +posc^KTS
|      [[ L A S T  w O R D S ]]                                               |

 It all started back in 1995, Gavilan appeared  in my board and  destroyed my
 concept of life as it was till that day. Showing  his artistical worries and
 his sacred devotion to Irene Jacob, introduced me to this beautiful a   r  t
 then, five years in the seek of beauty had passed. I can't  explain in these
 few lines the GREAT, EMOTIVE, SWEET and LOVELY times I lived  in those years
 But every thing in this life has an end. And this is the end of my career as
 a collie compiler, not  as  an  ascii artist/designer, so  try to get my old
 collies, see the evolution of my style, and compare it to the real thing the
 oldscholl  amiga - elite,  and  of  course, the  american  to-the-bone^elite
 To those boys and girls I send my respects. Thanks for being so friendly.
 I love you all, ecstasy.
|                \__________________________________________________________ _

                (___)       ....o....................................
            ø               :                                   ø   :
                            :                    o        ___       :
                            :                            (___)      :
              ø             :_________      ø                       :
   __ __________  O         :|       /_______                       :
  /_//         /            :|      /       / ___O               _  _____  O
    / |_______/______________|      |      /__  /_____________  //   ___/____ _
      |           _    _     |      |      |  \/    _________//________      //
  _ ____          |    /     |      :      |       /    _/       / /         /
       /__________|___/      |_______      _______/____         /____       /
                     /_______|      |______;          |________/  gv|______/
                       o    :        O        ø                ø    :
 mUKUMDI pREViOUS rELEASES ___                  ___                 :
               ø          (___)                (___)                :
   ___/\__________________             |########|
  \\_     \___          _//__          |########|
    |   |   | |     |  ___  //         |#######Coly name: vegetus
    /   |_  | |     |_|  /  \_ mkd     |#######File name: r-vegetus.txt
    |_  | |_| |  _  | |_     /         |#######Rel. date: 1O/O9/2OOO
·-----\_|---|_|_|-\_|---\  _/-----·    |#######File size: 62398kb
  REMORSE 1981 PRESENTS: \/            |########|
      v   e   g   e   t   u   s        |########|
 "Complete, Fresh and Full of Life"    |########|
-----------------------------------    |########|
     .------------.                    |########|
   an|ascii colly from                 |########|
     |   pesho    |                    |#######Coly name: obsceni
     | of crc/pp  |                    |#######File name: unknown
     |   called   |                    |#######Rel. date: unkwnow
     |            |                    |#######File size: 48469kb
 O - b - s - c - E|- n - I             |########|
     |            |                    |########|
     `------------'                    |########|
  _____  _____ _____          .        |########|
 %\_  /__\_  |_|_  | .  ____           |########|
   |__|_  |__|\____\___|  _/%%:        |########|
 %%%%%%|__|%|_  |%%|_     |_  .        |#######Coly name: hermana
 %%%1%9%8%1%%|__|%%%|__|--'/% :        |#######File name: r-herman.txt
.p E s h O  o f  R m r z _/   |        |#######Rel. date: around jan 2OOO
|                             |        |#######File size: 110494kb
|  p   r  e  s  e   n  t    s |        |########|
|                             |        |########|
| "h e  r    m   a     n   a" |        |########|
`-----------------------------'        |########|
     __________   _______ ______       |########|
     \_        |__\_____/_\_    |.     |########|
      |      |__    ___    |    |:     |########|
      |_     | |_          __   |:     |#######Coly name: gimme the mingus
       _\____|---\_________|-\__|_     |#######File name: r-gtm100.txt
     __\  Remorse 1981 presents  /__   |#######Rel. date: O8/O4/2OOO
o oo)_G I M M E  T H E  M I N G U S_(oo|#######File size: 867O2kb
      /__ a collie by Pesho/r81  __\   |########|
        /________________________\     |########|
   __/\\_____  ___________             |########|
  \\         \/         _//_           |########|
    \    /   \/      / __  /muk        |########|
    /   /_   /      /_  /  \           |#######Coly name: quivering in the h.
::::\_  \:\_/    _  \:\_    \::        |#######File name: r-horiz.txt
::::::\_/:::\___/:\_/:::\___/::        |#######Rel. date: O7/25/2OOO
                                       |#######File size: 123928kb
Remorse presents  a  new collie        |########|
by      M u k u m d i  entitled        |########|
Quivering   In    The   Horizon        |########|

.-<<==] mUKUMDi oF rEMORSE pRESENTS: [==>>-.
|                                          |
||___ __  /\     ___|                      |
||  / \/ /  \  R \  |D   E   Z   i   G   N |
|                                          |
|                                          |

                                              ¡ "bEYONd thE EdGE Of REAlitY..."
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |.
  .|                                          ||
  ||  AEROhOliCS / MO'PlAYAZ / dREAM thEAtRE  !| _
  |!  MANGOO / AEROSOl / diSCiPlES OF AGEEMA   | ;
  |                   bAd kARMA / ARCAdE WHQ   |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7    liGHtfORCE / ROYAl lOW PROfilE / SOiA   |
  :          UP ROUGh / PUNGAS / 1OO PERCENt   |
  ¡       tEQUilA / PhUNk GHQ / PhANtASY EHQ   |
_ |                                            | "...dON't PlAY US ChEAP!"
; |   AMiGA/ASCii/GRAffiti/dRUGS/N64/GAMEbOY   !
  |   GAMEbOY COlOR/NEOGEOPOCkEt/SNES/OldiES    ___.     ______.      drn\lp!
  |   PSX/PS2/dC/SEGA/MP-ThREE/ChiPtUNES/MOd   \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |   =C64/SPECCtRUM/AtARi-8/cPc/liNUX/*NiX!   \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |                                            _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |   PRiVAtE SYStEM With thREE diAlUP NOdES   /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   fiVE BlAStiNG 24h tElNEt NOdES ON ADSL      `----'     `----'  `----' 
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                              ¡
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   Y A R d   _______,| 
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\   ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\   !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'