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166 834 bytes (162.92K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 177


   O /
--- X ---- CUT --- CUT -------------------------------------------------------
   O \                  everything above this cut is added after the original
                        release. please do everyone a favour and remove it...

//	Ascii Startup for ASCII and CygnusED 3.5, written by Gravedancer/p!

		char *VerStr={"$VER:P!FIST2.TXT v1.0ß "__AMIGADATE__};

		#include <ASCII/ASCIIPublic.h>

		#include <PROTEST/exocet_diz.h>
		#include <GRAVEDANCER/u-man2.h>
		#include <PROTEST/dhm.h>
		#include <NEUTRON/exocet.h>
		#include <TYPEONEGATIVE/Adon.h>
		#include <KFG/mogue.h>

		#include <COLLECTION/hausfrau_title.h>
    #include <COLLECTION/axy_contents.h>
		#include <COLLECTION/mainpart.h>

		#include <COLLECTION_DESIGN/intro_tre.h>
		#include <COLLECTION_DESIGN/mo!_pfisttwo.h>
		#include <COLLECTION/product.h>
		#include <COLLECTION/credits.h>

		#include <COLLECTION_DESIGN/lastwords.h>
		#include <COLLECTION/greetings.h>

		#include <COLLECTION/mogue_title.h>
		#include <PROTEST/adon.h>
		#include <COLLECTION_DESIGN/godmotfotw.h>

		#include <COLLECTION/history.h>
		#include <COLLECTION/theend.h>

		void ExitThisMessyThingy(int code);
		void Collection(int argc, char *argv[])

		if(argc<2) {
		printf("\nSorry, %s is a ascii collection and has to be called from cygnused.\n\n",argv[0]);

		if(!LoadDIZ()) ExitThisMessyThingy(0);

Released...24/o2/97    __.               __.
   _____ _______ ___  /  |_ ___    _____/  |_
._ \_   \\__   /_   \/   _/   _|___\   /   _/
|   ____/ _/  / /   \\   |  _|  |  |\  \   |
|____| |__\_____\____/___|______|______/___|
 What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two

            ____________   _________    _______ ___|__      / _________
           /    _      /___\_      /____\_     \     /     /__\_      /
          /     \     /    _/     /_    _/      \_  /     /    /_____/_
          \______    /_____\_______(____\________/_______/____________(
       _____  )_____/
  ____|_    |    ______-uMn/aL _____________       _________    _________
 /    _/    |____\_    \______|       /   _/_______\_      /____\_      /
/     \     |    _/     \_    \      /    \     /   /_____/_    _/     /_

                             ...Gravedancer of

       ________  ________ ___________ __________ __________________________
    ___\___    \_\__     \    _      \    _____/ ______/\     ___     ____/
   |      _____/ __/   __/    /      /    |      ___/___ \     \/     |
   |______|______\      \___________/_____|____________/_______/______|
     .  . ..:..::d\______/.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::.:..:.. .


                              ...protest, of

:          __________.            .______      ________              ______:
:      ____\___     _|____ ____ __|__    |_ ___\      /________ _____\     :
: _____\      /   _|     /    /     /     /    /     /\        \     /     :
:/     /    //___________\  _/|   //_   _|_____\_______\       \\   /______\
:     /______\        /____________\\|   |÷e÷        \__________/___\      :
:_____\                           |______|                                 :
:                                                                          :

                                 ...and of

                  _______      ______ __________ ________
                 .\     /_ . __\    /.\    _   /.    ___/__.
          ._____ |     ___/|\   \    |     _____|   ___|   | _____.
          |      |_________|_________|_____|    |__________|      |
          |                 ___   _______  ___               AdN! |
          |                 \__| .\     /. \__|                   |
          |                      |   |   |                        |
          ! · tYPE'o'nEGATIVe ·  |_______|     · fINEST dOORS ·   !
         ______ _______  _____   _______ ____   _____   _____ _______
       ._\__  /.   ___/_.  __/__.\  _  /.\  /_ .\___/.__\   /.   ___/_.
       |   /   |  ___|  |  \_   |   _   |   __/|     |   \   |  ___|  |

      ...type o' negative and attending bonn's nicest private school

 __ _______ _________  ________ ____\    \. __ __________________ _______
 \ /      /    _    /__\_      \    _     |_\/_\_           _     \     /____
  /      /.    _    \   /      /.   \     |     /     /     _    /     /     |
  \_______|____|_____\__\_______|_________|__  /____________|____\___________|
     ________________    __       ___________\/_____ ___________             .
  ._/      ____      \ __\/__.____\_           _     \        _/             |
  |       _/  /      /.      |     /     /     \_    .\       \              .
  |_______|___\_______|______|__  /_____________/    |_________\             |
 _ _____ _____                  \/             |______|-Mo!/aL               |
    _  _/    /______  ___  _______________ _______ _ __  ___ _____ ____  ____.
    \_ \    /  .    \/   \_\_         _    \      _._\/_|    \    \    \/    |
_____/   __    |   \  _     /    /    _    .\     \|    |    |\    \  _  /   |
.   |____\/_________\/___  /__________|____|_______\____|______________\/    |
|                        \/                                             |____|
· · Kardinal Frings Gymnasium - Bonn Beuel - muisanmyG sgnirF lanidraK ·     ·
.__   __   · ·· We Are Not The Problem - We Are The Solution ·· ·     __   __.
:     \/                                                              \/     :

                    comes up with the second part of...

::::.......  ::::.......  :::: ........  ..........  ::::.......   ....:::::::
:::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
:::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
:::: ::::::: ::::..       :::: :::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
:::: ::::::: :::: ....... :::: :::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
:::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
:::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
  ____  ______ _____       ________  _____             ________________  :   :
 |    /\     /.   _/______.\   _   \.    _|_     ______\_    .   _    /. :...:
 |____/\      |   \      /|    _    |      /.   .\      /    |   |     |   :..
 _  _   \_____|____\______|____\____|____ /_|   |______/_____|_________|
 ( \/                                   _/
 ______.______ _______    _____         \ _____  ______    ______  hF!/o!
 \     |     /   _   /.___\    \      ___\   _/__   __/____   __/____      ._
  \_       _/    |    |    \    \    .\   \     /.  /     /.  /     /.     |/_
   /_______\ _________|_________/    |___________|___________________|     /
______.______ _______    _____ ________   ________ __      ______  _____
\     |     /   _   /.___\    \      _/. .\    __/   |__ __\   _/__    _|__
 \_       _/    |    |    \    \ \     | |    _/.      /.   \     /.      /_.
  /_______\ _________|_________/__\____| |______|_______|__________|________|
.... ....... .... ....... .... ........ .... ....... .... ....... .... .......
:::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
:::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: ::::::::::::' :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
:::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::::         :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
:::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::::         :::: ::::::: :::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
:::: ::::::: :::: ::[what do you see beyond your fist]::: ::::::: :::: :::::::
::::.::::::' ::::.::::::' :::::         `:::.::::::' :::: ::::::' `:::.::::::'

                           "Welcome to slavery!"

                    "No, thanks! I already had a wife."

                           (From Dusk Till Dawn)

     ___  ___ ¦_ ° ____ ___  _
.-· |   )(___)l_ ¦|___`(__/_ \/----------------------------------------------.

   __ __________________________ _
   \   ·pROTEST - iNACTiVE bUT sTiLL LiViNG·
    \  ___________ __________ ____________ ____:________   _____\__ _____
 .__ _/   _     _/_\_       /     _      /     |_     _/_ /      \/      |_
 |_//     /    /    /      /.     \    _/      _/   _/    \       \      _/
   /      ____/     \_______|__________\_______|__________________/______|
  /_______| -/_______|-Mo!\aL- ------------------------------------------- ->

Yes, we are *still* around, and not like those fucking newbies who come across
and release one or two collections of shitty stuff - or even  ripped  styles -
and never return to the places of their crime!

This  collection was intended to be on release for the 14th of  December  1996
as birthday  release of  Protest.  Data and I founded Protest in the summer of
1995 in the "Bonner Rheinauen" as Slime/Homeless held  a  meeting there and we
met ourselves for the very first time. But it took quite  a  lot  of  time  to
prepeare a new group, you know, things like getting logos, other artworks, bbs
headquarters, and stuff like that. And finally on the 14th december in 1995 we
released our first release under the label of Protest, which was a cooperation
work of the both of us.

So here I am, back with another collection and yet with additional experiences
of one more year in this thing called scene. I made new friends,  most through
the  modern  ways of communication which are offered by the internet, like irc
and telnet'ting.

Furthermore I started coding around in SAS/C for Fame,  became  betatester  of
famous tools like Term and MagicMenu by Olaf Barthel, and due this  activities
I was and still I am not able to spend as much time as I'd like to do on ascii
affairs. (I am even developing on/for/with the new amiga/os: p\OS  by  ProDAD)

Finally, after one year active with protest i decided to  KICK  out  EvilLife,
a dude i never chatted with and now nothing about. I took him in, because Data
said so, and i did so. I'm even not sure whether he is  an  ascii  artist,  or
just a sysop?
Our Homepage is online:

So folks, I dearly wish you a nice time in 1997 - /Sebastian

     ___  ___ ¦_ ° ____ ___  _
.-· |   )(___)l_ ¦|___`(__/_ \/----------------------------------------------.

            _       _       _       _       _       _       _       _
          _/(___  _/(___  _/(___  _/(___  _/(___  _/(___  _/(___  _/(___
         /  _  ¬\/  _  ¬\/  _  ¬\/___  ¬\/  _  ¬\/  _  ¬\/___  ¬\/  _  ¬\
        /   /___/   /   /   /   /   /   /   /___/   /   /   /   /   /___/
       /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   __/_/   /   /   /   /\__    /
      /·  /   /·  /   /·  /   /   /·  /·  /   /·  /   /   /·  /·  /   /
     //  /   //  /   //  /   /   //  //  /   //  /   /   //  //  /   /
 |   \___   /\___   /___/   /   /   /\___   /___/   /   /   /\___   /.aXY   |
 |                                                                          |
 |  A Gravedancer Production - A Protest Productions Release - P!FIST2.TXT  |
 |                                                                          |
 |  o1. Tributes   I (            Groups)       ygnihT ysseM sihT tixE .6o  |
 |  o2. Tributes  II (Artists and Sysops)             sgnihT tnereffiD .5o  |
 |  o3. Tributes III ( Boards and Others)              ffutS detseuqeR .4o  |
 |                                                                          |
 |  A Gravedancer Production - A Protest Productions Release - P!FIST2.TXT  |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

        Let's Go Straight On With The First Chapter Of P!-FIST2.TXT

                        (__)                               _____
     _________   ________    ____\_______     ___ _______ |     |__________
   _/  _     / _/     __/__ /     \/     |_ _|    \      ||     |    _    //
  /    /    / /      _/    .\      \     _/ \_     \     /\     |    \    /
 /     ____/ /_______|_____|_______/_____|   |_____/_____/\ ____|_________\
/______|-Mo!\aL- ------------------------------------------\---------------\->

 P!-FIST2.TXT - What Do You See Beyond Your Fist (Volume II) - Chapter o1/o6
                  - Tributes To Ascii And Other Groups -
______|_    |______  ______   _________/___ _______ _______     .......
\      /    :     //_\_    \_/  _          |_    _/_\_     \      ::::::
 \     \_.  |     /    _    \_  /    /     _/  _/    /     /.     ::::::
  \______|__|     \____\_____/  ____/______|_________\______|     ::::::
            `------------/______|---------------------------------------- -

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# oo1 Group: Arclite            Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                                            ______  ·gD/p!   ______
          _____ ___ ________ ____ ___ _____/_____/ _________\\_    \
       __\\_   \\__\\_     //  _//__//   _/_______\\_    /    /____/_
     //    /    \_   /    /_   \    /   /      /    /___/___________/
                                       /_____/       [^ -ArcLitE- ^]

                · Exocet · Karma · Mogue · H2o! · Danzig ·
          · HiJack · U-Man · ShapeChanger · Green Eyed Monster ·

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# oo2 Group: Art (file_id)      Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

         _____ ____ ______ ____ _______
      __\\_   \\___\\_    \\___\\_    /
    //    /    \_    /    /_/    /___/·gD/p!
 |                                        |
 |                                        |

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# oo3 Group: Atre (file_id)     Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

 .................... .  ________ . ......
:     _____     ________\\_     /  ______ :
:  __\\_   \___\\_    /   /    /__\\_    \.
://    /    \_   /___/____\_____/   /____/_
/_____/\_____/__/ aTRe pREsENts _ ________/
.                                         ·
:                                         :

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# oo4 Group: Contra             Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

              _____   ____     _______   _________\\_     /   _____
           __\\    \ \\_  \ __\\_    /__\\_    /    /   _/ __\\_   \
    |    //  /_____/_  /   \_   /   /     /___/____/\     \    /    \_    |
 - -+---/___________/_______/__/_____\___/-----------\_____\__/\_____/----+- -
    |                                                        ·gD/p!       |
    |     StyleZ · Rapid · Treach · Stratos · Mess                        |
    |                                                                     |
-  -+---------------------------------------------------------------------+-  -
    |                                                                     |

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# oo5 Group: Decision /F Design Occupation: Fame Coding

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

        _____     _____     _____ ___    ________ ___       ____     _______
     ___\_   \_ _\\_   \ __\\    \\__\\__\     _/_\__\\__ _\\_  \ __\\_    /
   //   _/    /    /___/_  /_____/_     /_\_      /     /_   /   \_   /   /
|                                                                            |
| Scandic · Derrow · Cthulhu · Trancetip · H2o · Roadrunna · Rtm · Earl of L |
|                                                                            |
| .d. .e. .c. .i. .s. .i. .o. .n. . .f. .a. .m. .e. . .d. .e. .s. .i. g. .n. |
|                                                                            |

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter Three - The Requested Ones           /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# oo6 Title: Delight            Requested by: Red Demon

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

        _____    ______ ______     ______ _______         _____     _______
     ___\_   \__\\_    \\   _/_____\     \\    _/_____/___\_   \___\\_    /
   //    /    /   /____/_   \     / \     \_   \     /     /    /    /___/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# oo7 Group: Epsilon^Design     Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

       ______     _______  _______ ______ _______        ______     ________
    __\\_    \ __\\_    /_\\     / \     \\    _/_____ _\\     \ __\\_     /
  //    /____/_   _____/    \_    \_\     \_   \     /    \     \_   /    /
 /____________/___/   \____________/_______/__________\__________/__/______\

 · gd\p! ·                                             · EpsiloN DesigN '97 ·
       ______      _______    ________ ________ ________           _________
   ____\_    \____\\_     \ _\\      / \       \\     _/______ ___\\_      /
 //     /     /     /_____/_   \_     \_\       \_    \      /      /     /

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# oo8 Group: Hellfire           Occupation: Amiga

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

     _________ gd\p!         _________ _________        _________
   _/       _/________ _____\\_       \\      _/________\      _/________
   \        \        /        /_______/_      \        /       \        /

             ___________   _______         ____________       __________
      ______\\_        /___\      \ ______\\_         /______\\_        \
    //       _/_______/     \      \_       /        /_        /________/_
   /_________/       /______________/_______\_________/__________________/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# oo9 Title: Jedi Arts          Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

         _____     ______    _____  ___
      __\\    \ __\\_    \ __\_   \_\__\\__
      \   \    \_   /____/_  _/    /      /_
      /_________/_________/__\    //_______/   ·gD\p!     _______
                            / _____    ________   _______\\     /
                           /_\\_   \ _\\_     /__\\_    /  \_    \_
  -/---------------------///   /    \_  /    /_    /___/__________//--------/-

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o1o Group: Low Profile        Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

            _________ LoW ProfilE In '97 [·] gd\p!  _________
          _/       _/_______ ______________ _______\\        \
          \        \       /              /         /\        \_

       ________   ________  _____     _______ ______ _______         ______
   ___\\_     /__\\_     /_\\    \ __\\_    / \     \\    _/_____ __\\_    \
 //    ______/     /    /_   \\   \_  _/___/   \     \_   \     /     /____/_
/______/    /______\_____/_________/__/   \___________/__________\__________/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o11 Group: Mo'Soul            Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

 |      ___  ____ ___ _____  __     ________   ____     _____  ______       |
 |    //   \/    \\__\\_   \\\(     \     _/__\\_  \ __\\    \/    _/____   |
 |   /_____\/    /_    /   /_        \_     /   /   \_   \    \_  /     /   |

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o12 Group: Protest            Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

 p R O T E S T · ________   ______      ____________      ________     _______
       _________\\_     /__\\     \ ___\\_    /   _/_____\\      / ___\\_    /
   ___\\_    /    /    /_    \\    \_    /___/   _\     /  \_     \_    /___/
 //    _____/_____\_____/___________/___/   /____________\_________/___/
/______/         gD\p!

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o13 Group: Style              Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                                    ______    s T y L E  ' 9 7
        _________      _______ ____/     /______       _    ________
       \\       / ____\\_    //   /     /     _/_______/___\\_      \
     //  \_      \_     /_________       \    \       /      /______/_

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o14 Group: Trsi (big-one)      Occupation: Everything

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

               __________     ___________     __________ _________
         _____\\_       /____\\_        /____\\        /         /
     _ //       /______/       /       /       \_       \_        \_ _
 +- -//________/-gD\p!/_______/\________\\_______________/_________//- -+
   t· R· I· S· T· A· R·  a· N· D·  r· E· D·  s· E· C· T· O· R  i· N· C·

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o15 Group: Trsi (file_id)      Occupation: Everything

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                ________  ________ _______
      _________\\_     /_\\      /       /
   __\\_    /    /    /_   \_     \_      \_
 //    /___/_____\_____/___________/_______/
.             t R S I  p R E S E N T S  U  |
|                                          |

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o16 Group: Twisted            Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                  ______ _____    ________           ________          _____
       __________\\     \\    \ _\\      /     ______\_    _/______ ___\_   \_
    __\\_    /    /\     \_    \_  \_     \___\\_     /   _\      /     /    /
  //    /___/_____/\______/_____/__________/    /____/_____________\___/____/
 /_____/          gD\p!                   /____/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

            Chapter o1/o6 (Tributes to Ascii And Other Groups)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
             Chapter One - Group Tributes              /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o17 Group: Upperclass         Occupation: Ascii

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

        _______       _________     _________     ________       __________
    ___\\      \ ____\\_      /____\\_      /____\\_      \ ____\\_       /
  //     \      \_    _______/      _______/       /______/_      /      /_
 /_______________/____/     /_______/     /________________/______\_______/

  ________ gD\p! _________              _______      _________     _________
_/      _/_______\      _/_______ _____\\_     \ ___\\       / ___\\       /
\       \       /       \       /        /      \_    \_      \_    \_      \_

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

       - End Of Chapter One - We Will Be Back After A Short Break -

                             ____    ____    ____|_
                            |    |__|    |__|    |
                            |__                __|
                              |                |
                              | tOWER oF sOULS |
                              |                |
             __________ _______ _____.:______ ________ ________
             \_      _//   _   \\    ||     //_      //_      /
              |      |     /         ||       /_____/ _/     /
                   _____ _______ _____  _____ _____  _____
               ____\   //   _   \\    \/    //    /__\   /____
               \   _\       /                    /   _\      /
              /______________________    _____________________\
                           cDr.     \____/     .m's
                              |                |
                              |                |
                             _|                |_
 ____ _______________________\                  /_________________ ______

 ____ ____________________________________________________________ ______

                        (__)                               _____
     _________   ________    ____\_______     ___ _______ |     |__________
   _/  _     / _/     __/__ /     \/     |_ _|    \      ||     |    _    //
  /    /    / /      _/    .\      \     _/ \_     \     /\     |    \    /
 /     ____/ /_______|_____|_______/_____|   |_____/_____/\ ____|_________\
/______|-Mo!\aL- ------------------------------------------\---------------\->

 P!-FIST2.TXT - What Do You See Beyond Your Fist (Volume II) - Chapter o2/o6
              - Tributes To Artists,Sysops and Other Sceners -
       _____                                                      ......
______|_    |______  ______   _________/___ _______ _______     .....:::
\      /    :     //_\_    \_/  _          |_    _/_\_     \    ::::
 \     \_.  |     /    _    \_  /    /     _/  _/    /     /.   :::: :::
  \______|__|     \____\_____/  ____/______|_________\______|   :::: :::
            `------------/______|---------------------------------------- -

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o18 Artist/Sysop: 2 Fast      Group/Bbs: Jedi^Arts

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                       gD/p!   ·     _________        ___________
                    __________/_____\\        \ _____\\         /
              _____\\_       /       /\        \_      \\      /
 +- -- -----//       /______/________/\_________/_______________\----- -- -+

               _________     _______      _________       _________
          ____\\_      /____\\_     \ ___\\       / _____\\_      /
 +- -- -//     _/_____/       /      \_    \_      \_      /_____/---- -- -+
       /_______/     \_______/\_______/_____________/_____/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o19 Artist/Sysop: Adon!       Group/Bbs: OmA!

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

 |gD/p!  _____     _____    ______ ________ |
 |    __\\_   \ ___\_   \_ \\     \\_     / |
 |  //    /    \_   /    /   \\     /    /  |

-+-[ Another One By ... Adon / Oma in '97 ]-+-

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o2o Artist/Sysop: Axeblade    Group/Bbs: Lo' Profs.

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                _______               _____________ _______
         ______\\_     \ ____________/            /      _/_________
       //        /      \_          /  a X E -   /      _\         /
      /_________/\_______/__________\  b L A D E  \\________________\
     ·                              /______________\

  _______       ________      _      _______       _______  ________
_/     _/_______\     _/______/_____\\_     \ _____\_     \_\     _/_______
\      \       /      \      /        /      \_     /      /     _\       /

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o21 Artist/Sysop: Boheme      Group/Bbs: Style

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

    ______  gD/p! · ______      ______      ______ _____  ____     ______
  _/    _/______ __\\     \ ____\_    \_ __\\_    \\    \/    \ __\\_    \
  \     \      /     \\    \_    /     //    /____/_____\/    /_    /____/_

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o22 Artist/Sysop: Chrombacher Group/Bbs: Epsilon^Design

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

        ______       _______        __________      ________ _______  ______
   ____\\     \ _____\_     \______\\_       /_____\\       \\      \/      \
 //    /______/_      /      /       /      /_       \       \______\/      /_
  _______           ______       _______      ______      _______     ________
_/     _/______ ___\\_    \ ____\\      \ ____\_    \____\\_     \ __\\_     /
\      \      /      /     \_   /_______/_     /     /     /_____/_    /    /_

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o23 Artist/Sysop: Crusader    Group/Bbs: Mo'Soul

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

  gD/p!  ____    _______  ____    ______    ____     ____    _____    _______
      __\\   \ _\\_    /_\\   \ _\\    / __\\_  \ ___\_  \__\\_   \ _\\_    /
  _ //  /____/_   /   /_   \   \_  \_   \_   /   \_   /   /   /___/_   /   /_ _

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o24 Artist/Sysop: Cybergod    Group/Bbs: Epsilon^Design

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

        ________        _______ _______             ________       __________
   ____\\       \ _____/      //     _/_______ ____\\_      \ ____\\_       /
 //    /________/_    /      /       \       /       /______/_      /      /_
/________________/____        \ ______\_______\______________/______\_______/
          __________  \________\    __________          ________
        _/        _/_________ _____\\         \ ________\_      \_ gd\p!
        \         \         /        \         \_        /       /

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o25 Artist/Sysop: Data        Group/Bbs: Protest

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

              _______        ________        _________      ________
        ______\_     \_ ____\\_      \ _____\\_      /_____\\_      \
      //       /      /       /       \_      /_____/        /       \_
     /________/______/_______/\________/_____/     /________/\________/
    ·                        gD\p!

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o26 Artist/Sysop: Danzig      Group/Bbs: Arclite

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

       ______      ______      _________    ________    _______  _______
   ____\_    \____\\_    \ ___\\_      /___\\      / ___\      \ \    _/_____
 //     /     /     /     \_    /     /      \_     \_   \      \_    \     /

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o27 Artist/Sysop: Desoto      Group/Bbs: Mo'Soul

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

          _____    _______     _______    ________   _______  ________
       ___\_   \__\\_     \ __\\    _/ __\\      /__\\_    /__\      /  gD/p!
   _ //    /    /   /_____/_    \_    \_   \\    /    /   /    \\   / _
 +-//_____/____/___________/___________/________/    /___/___________\\--- -+
   ·                                           /____/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o28 Artist/Sysop: Exocet      Group/Bbs: Arclite

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

         _______         ______   ______      ______     _______     ________
     ___\\_     \ ______/     /__\\     \ ___\\     \ __\\_     \ __\\_     /
   //     /_____/_     /     /     \\    \_  /______/_    /_____/_    /____/
  /______________/____/       \___________/__________/___________/___/
 ·                   /_________\    gD\p!

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o29 Artist/Sysop: Folar       Group/Bbs: Style

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

           _________   ______ _________ gd\p!     _______       __________
      ____\\_      /__\\     \\      _/_____ ____\\_     \ ____\\_       /
    //     _/_____/     \     \_     \     /       /      \_     /      /_
   /_______/     \_____________/____________\_____/\_______/_____\_______/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o3o Artist/Sysop: Hausfrau    Group/Bbs: OmA!

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

     __________ hAusfRau '97  _______         ________         _________
   _/        _/_______ ______\\_     \ ______\\       \ ______\\       /
   \         \       /         /      \_       \       \_       \_      \_

            __________      ___________       ________  gd\p! _________
      _____\\_       /_____\\_        /______\\_      \ _____\\        \
    //      _/______/        /       /_        /       \_      \        \_
   /________/      \_________\________/_______/\________/________________/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o31 Artist/Sysop: HiJack      Group/Bbs: Arclite

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                     ___________ gd\p!    ___________
                   _/         _/__________\          \
                   \          \          / \          \_

                      h I j A C K  o F  a R C L I T E
              ________        _______       ________         _______
        _____\\       \ _____\\_     \ ____\\_      \ ______/      /
       \\      \       \_      /      \_     /______/_     /      /
        \_______________/_____/\_______/_____________/_____\       \

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o32 Artist/Sysop: Karma       Group/Bbs: Arclite

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

          _______     _______       __________ _____  _______       _______
   ______/      /____\\_     \ ____\\_       //     \/       \ ____\\_     \
 //     /      /       /      \_     /      /_ _____\/       /_      /      \_
/_______\       \_____/\_______/_____\_______//     /_________/_____/\_______/
         \_______\                  gD\p!

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o33 Artist/Sysop: Manta       Group/Bbs: Mo'Soul

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

        ____  ______      ______      ________    ________   ______
      //    \/      \ ___\\_    \ ___\\_     /___\\_     /__\\_    \
     /______\/      /_     /     \_    /    /      /____/     /     \_
    ·gD/p!  /________/____/\______/___/______\____/    /_____/\______/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o34 Artist/Sysop: Mark Ryder  Group/Bbs: Mo'Soul

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

       _______  _______       ________        __________ ______/       /
     //       \/       \ ____\\_      \ _____\\_       //     /       /
    /_________\/       /_      /       \_      /      /_______\        \
   ·          /_________/_____/\________/______\_______/       \________\

                          _______                        gD/p!
        __________ ______/      /      _______  ________            __________
   ____\\_       //     /      / ______\_     \_\     _/___________\\_       /
 //      /      /_______        \       /      /     _\       /      /      /_
/________\_______/      \________\_____/______/________________\_____\_______/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o35 Artist/Sysop: Mogue       Group/Bbs: Arclite

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

    ______  _______     ______ _________ gD/p!      ______ ________
  //      \/       \ __\\     \\      _/_______ ___\\     \\     _/______
 /________\/       /_    \\    \_     \       /      \     \_   _\      /
·     +- -/_________/___________/______\_______\____________/____________\- -+

     M o G u E  /  a R C L i T e  ( d i E  m I t  d E R  b O G e N l A M p E )

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o36 Artist/Sysop: Ramon!      Group/Bbs: Lo' Profs.

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

       gD/p!    ________   _____ _____  ____    ______  ________
             __\\_     /__\\_   \\    \/    \ _\\    /_\\_     /
         _ //    /    /_    /    \____\/    /_   \\      /    / _
    +- --//______\_____/___/\_____/   /______/__________/______\\-- -+

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o37 Artist/Sysop: Ranx        Group/Bbs: Jedi^Arts

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

               __________     _______       __________       _______
          ____\\_       /____\\_     \ ____\\_       /______/      /
        //      /      /_      /      \_     /      /      /      /
       /________\_______/_____/\_______/____/________\\____\       \
      ·                                             gD/p!  /________\

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o38 Artist/Sysop: RastA!      Group/Bbs: Epsilon^Design

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

              ________    _____      _______     _______    _____
          ___\\_     /___\\_   \ ___\\    _/ ___\\_    /___\\_   \  gD/p!
      _ //     /    /_     /    \_    \_    \_    /___/      /    \_ _
  +- -//_______\_____/____/\_____/___________/___/   /______/\_____//- -+

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter Three - The Requested Ones           /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o39 Title: Red Demon          Requested by: Red Demon

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                gD/p!   __________     _______      _______
                _  ____\\_       /____\\_     \ ____\_     \_ _
    +- -- ---- -///      /      /_      /_____/_     /      //- --- ---- -+
            ______       _______ _______  ______     _________     ________
        ____\_    \_ ___\\_     \\      \/      \ __\\       /____\\_     /
    _ //     /     /      /_____/_______\/      /_    \\    /       /    / _
+- -//______/_____/______________/      /________/___________\_____/______\\- -+

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o4o Artist/Sysop: Relief      Group/Bbs: Twisted

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

         _________    _______ _______ gd\p _______      _______      _______
     ___\\_      /___\\_     \\    _/______\      \ ___\\_     \ ___\\_    /
   //     /     /_     /_____/_    \      / \      \_    /_____/_    _/___/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o41 Artist/Sysop: Scarface    Group/Bbs: Twisted

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

          ___________ gd\p!  __________         _________         ____________
   ______\\         / ______\\         \ ______\\_       \ ______\\_         /
 //        \_        \_     /__________/_        /        \_       /        /_

            __________      ________        _________        _________
      _____\\_       /_____\\_      \ _____\\        \ _____\\_       \
    //      _/______/        /       \_    /_________/_       /_______/_
   /________/      \________/\________/_______________/________________/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o42 Artist/Sysop: Shapechanger Group/Bbs: Arclite

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

        _________ ________ gd\p!       _______        _________     ________
   ____\\       / \     _/_______ ____\\_     \ _____\\_      /____\\_      \
 //      \_      \_     \       /       /      \_     _______/       /______/_
/_________________/______\_______\_____/\_______/_____/     \________________/

      _____ ______         _____     _______ _____         ______     _______
   __\\    \\   _/_____ __\\_   \ __\\_    /    _/_____ __\\_    \ __\\_    /
 //  /_____/_   \     /     /    \_   /   /     \     /     /____/_    /   /_

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o43 Artist/Sysop: Shock-G     Group/Bbs: Jedi^Arts

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

         _________ ________ gd\p!      ______       ________         _______
    ____\\       / \     _/_______ ___\\     \ ____\\       \ ______/      /
  //      \_      \_     \       /      \     \_   /________/_     /      /
 /_________________/______\_______\____________/_____________/_____\       \
                            ___________                             \_______\
                          _/         _/__________
                          \          \          /

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o44 Artist/Sysop: S' Devil    Group/Bbs: Style

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

         _________      _________     ________       ________      _______
    ____\\       / ____\\_      /____\\_      \ ____\\_      \ ____\_     \_
  //      \_      \_    _______/       /______/_      /______/_     /      /
 /_________________/____/     \________________/______________/____/______/

        _______       ________       __________    ________ ________ gd\p!
   _____\_     \_____\\_      \ ____\\_       /____\       \\     _/_______
 //      /      /      /______/_      /      /      \       \_    \       /

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o45 Artist/Sysop: Stylez      Group/Bbs: C!ontra

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                          ::::::::: ______ ::::::
        _________      _______ ____/     /______       _    ________
       \\       / ____\\_    //   /     /     _/_______/___\\_      \
     //  \_      \_     /_________       \    \       /      /______/_
    /_____________/____/  ..... /_________\____________\_____________/
   ·           gD/p!      ::::::         ........

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o46 Artist/Sysop: Tango       Group/Bbs: Twisted

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

             gD/p! _    _______       _________ _______      _     __________
         __________/___\\_     \ ____\\_      //     _/______/____\\        /
    ____\\_       /      /      \_     /     /       \      /       \\     / _
  //      /______/______/\_______/____/_______\\_____/_______\\_____________\\-+

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o47 Artist/Sysop: Treach      Group/Bbs: C!ontra

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                     ________   ______     _____     ______  gD/p!
            ________\\_     /__\\_    \ __\\_   \ __\\     \     _______
      _  __\\_    /   /    /_    /____/_    /    \_ /______/_____\     /_
 +- --///    /___/____\_____/__________/___/\_____/_________/    /____//-- -+
      /_____/                                              /____/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o48 Artist/Sysop: U-Man       Group/Bbs: Arclite

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                             _____\\      \
                             \      \      \_
             _______  _________        ________        ___________
           //       \/         \ _____\\_      \ _____\\_        /
          /_________\/         /_       /       \_      /       /
         ·gD/p!     /___________/______/\________/_____/_________\

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
          Chapter TwO - Artists ... Sysops             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o49 Artist/Sysop: WisE-k      Group/Bbs: Jedi^Arts

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                  ________               ________      ________
            ·____\\       \________ ____\\      / ____\\_      \
           //     /\       \_      \      \_     \_     /______/_
         ·                             _________
                             ·________/        /
                            //       /        /
                           /_________\         \
                          ·gD/p!      \_________\

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o2/o6 (Tributes to Artists And Sysops)

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

       - End Of Chapter Two - We Will Be Back After A Short Break -

                       product information

         release date: February, 24th 1997
     development time: since part one - don't know;)
   original file size: 170279
           disclaimer: i'm not to be held responsible for any unpleasant
                       actions this collection may cause to your brain..

                       author information

            real name: sebastian
              country: germany
        date of birth: 22.o4.1978
        also known as: gravedancer
                  tag: ·gD/p! (formerly -gD)
     groups belonging: protest, "art bomb staff", type o' negative, neutron
active on amiga since: 1990
active in scene since: 1993
      electronic mail:
         www homepage:
  internet relay chat: as g_dancer on #amigascne, #trsi-fame, #ascii
bulletin board system: tower of souls, straight hate, noize corruption,
                       homeless, fast file system, devils point and several
                       telnet'able system

                       group information

                 name: protest
              members: gravedancer, data (germany)
        date of birth: 14th of december 1995
              founder: gravedancer

                        (__)                               _____
     _________   ________    ____\_______     ___ _______ |     |__________
   _/  _     / _/     __/__ /     \/     |_ _|    \      ||     |    _    //
  /    /    / /      _/    .\      \     _/ \_     \     /\     |    \    /
 /     ____/ /_______|_____|_______/_____|   |_____/_____/\ ____|_________\
/______|-Mo!\aL- ------------------------------------------\---------------\->

 P!-FIST2.TXT - What Do You See Beyond Your Fist (Volume II) - Chapter o3/o6
                  - Tributes To Bulletin Board Systems -
       _____                                                     ......
______|_    |______  ______   _________/___ _______ _______         :::
\      /    :     //_\_    \_/  _          |_    _/_\_     \       ·:::
 \     \_.  |     /    _    \_  /    /     _/  _/    /     /.  .... :::
  \______|__|     \____\_____/  ____/______|_________\______|  :::: :::
            `------------/______|---------------------------------------- -

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
        Chapter Three - Boards ... Others!             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o5o Title: Acid Slam

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                  _______ ________ gd\p! ________        _______
             ____\\_     \\     _/_______\       \ ______\_     \_
           //      /      \_    \       / \       \_      /      /

 Put Your Text Here, Digiman! Put Your Text Here, Digiman! Put Your Text Her
 Your Text Here, Digiman! Put Your Text Here, Digiman! Put Your Text Here, D
 Text Here, Digiman! Put Your Text Here, Digiman! Put Your Text Here, Digima
 Here, Digiman! Put Your Text Here, Digiman! Put Your Text Here, Digiman! Pu
              _________ _______             _______ ______  _______
         ____\\       /      _/_______ ____\\_     \\     \/       \
       //      \_      \_    \       /       /      \_____\/       /_
      /_________________/_____________\_____/\_______/    /_________/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o3/o6 (Tributes to Boards And Others!)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
        Chapter Three - Boards ... Others!             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o51 Title: Art Bomb

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

                      ________         ___________       __________
              ·______\\_      \ ______\\_        /______\\_       /
             //        /       \_       /       /_        /______/
     ________                                                 gD/p!
   _/      _/_________ ____________ ________  _______ ________
   \       \         /            /         \/       \\     _/_________
    \_______\_________\\___________\\_______\/       /_     \         /

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o3/o6 (Tributes to Boards And Others!)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
        Chapter Three - Boards ... Others!             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o52 Title: Fairy Land

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

          _________     _______      ______       __________       _______
     ____\\_      /____\\_     \ ____\     \ ____\\_       /______/      /
   //     _/_____/       /      \_    \     \_     /      /_     /      /
  /_______/     \_______/\_______/___________/_____\_______/_____        \
      ________             _______       __________    _______   \________\
    _/      _/_______ ____\\_     \ ____\\_       /____\_     \_
    \       \       /       /      \_     /      /      /      /
     \_______________\_____/\_______/____/________\____/______/ gd\p!

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o3/o6 (Tributes to Boards And Others!)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
        Chapter Three - Boards ... Others!             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o53 Title: Fast File System

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

              __________      ________ gd\p!  __________        __________
        _____\\_       /_____\\_      \ _____\\        /  _____\\_       /
      //      _/______/        /       \_      \_       \_       /______/
     /________/      \________/\________/________________/______/

           __________     __________     ______               _________
     _____\\_       /_____\         \ ___\   _/________ _____\\_       \
   //      _/______/       \         \_      \        /        /_______/_
  /________/      \___________________/________________\________________/

       ________        ______    ________     ________    _______ ____  ____
   ___\\      /  _____/     /___\\      / ___\\_     /___\\_     \\   \/    \
 //     \_     \_    /     /      \_     \_    /____/      /_____/____\/    /_
/_______________/____       \ ____________/___/    \______________/   /______/

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o3/o6 (Tributes to Boards And Others!)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
        Chapter Three - Boards ... Others!             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o54 Title: Homeless

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

      _________ gD/p!         ________ ________  _______       ________
    _/       _/________ _____\\       \\       \/       \ ____\\_      \
    \        \        /        \\      \_______\/       /_      /______/_
 +- -\________\________\________________/------/_________/______________/- -+
 |                                                                          |
 |     s L I M E  ·  m O G U E  ·  v O Y A G E  ·  w H I R L W I N D        |
 |                                                                          |
 |   e I G H T  n O D E S  ( i S D N + u S R  v . 3 4 + t E L N E T )       |
 | s U P P O R T I N G  :  a M I G A + p S X + u 6 4 + a S C I I + c 6 4    |
 |                                                                          |
 | r O Y A L  ·  c ! O N T R A  ·  b I R D H O U S E  ·  r E N E G A D E    |
 |    _________              _________       __________      __________     |
 |  _/       _/________ ____\\_       \ ____\\        / ____\\        /     |
 |  \        \        /       /_______/_      \_       \_     \_       \_   |
 +- -\_________________\_______________/________________/_______________/- -+

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o3/o6 (Tributes to Boards And Others!)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
        Chapter Three - Boards ... Others!             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o55 Title: NoisE CorruptioN

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

           _________    _______  ________      ________ ________
      ____\\_      /___\\      \ \       \ ___\\      / \     _/______
    //      /     /             \_\       \_    \_     \_    _\      /

          NoisE CorruptioN · TypE ø NegativE Ehq.        ____
     ____    ___    ______  ______  ___    ______  ______\   \   ___    ______
   _\\_  \ _\\  \ _\\_   /_\\_   /_\\  \ _\\_   /_\\_   / \   \_\\  \ _\\_   /
 //   /__/_      \_  /  /_   /  /_   \  \_ ____/    /__/_______/     \_  /  /
/_________/_______/__\___/___\___/_______/_/  /____/ gd\p!   /________/_/____\

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o3/o6 (Tributes to Boards And Others!)

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
        Chapter Three - Boards ... Others!             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o56 Title: Straight Hate

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

          ______   ______  _______  ____ _____ ____  ______       ______
         \\    / _\\_   /_\\_    /_\\_  \    /   _/__\_  _/____ _\\_   /
       //  \_   \_  /__/    /   /    /   \_   \_ \_   /  \    /    /__/
      /__________/_/  /____/\____\__/\____/____/_______\__\____\__/


    Running FAME On Amiga (68o4o-40/34Mb) - 8 Nodes (33k6/Isdn/Telnet)

 tYPE o' nEGATIVE (wHQ) - dESASTER '64 (wHQ) - aRCLITE (eHQ) - sUNFLEX (gHQ)

  __________ gD\p!            _________         ____________________
_/        _/_________________\\_       \ ______\\_        /       _/_________
\         \          /         /        \_       /_______/       _\         /
 \_________\__________\_______/\_________/______/       /____________________\

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|

              Chapter o3/o6 (Tributes to Boards And Others!)

          ____    ____            ____    ____        ____
         /\  ¬\  /\  ¬\          /\  ¬\  /\ _¬\      /\  ¬\
        _\_\_  \_\_\_  \_________\_\_  \_\_\\  \_____\_\_  \___ __
 ::::::/\ _ _   \ _ _   \ _ __ ¬\ _ _   \ _ \   _  ¬\   _______\\_\::::::::::
 ::    \ \\  \___\\  \   \\   ___\\  \   \\  \   \   \____   \_//_/        ::
 ::     \ \   \   \   \___\   \   \   \   \   \_ _\   \ _ \   \            ::
 ::      \ \   \   \   \__/\   \_  \   \_  \   \__/\   \\  \_  \           ::
 ::       \ \_ ___  \   \ \ \_ ___  \_ ___  \   \ \ \   \_ ___  \          ::
 ::::::::::\/___/\   \   \:\/___/\   \__/\   \   \:\ \   \__/\   \tbM::::::::
                \ \___\___\     \ \___\ \ \___\___\ \ \___\ \ \___\
                 \/___/___/      \/___/  \/___/___/  \/___/  \/___/

         Designed and Directed by ... Gravedancer/Protest

              Protest file_id.diz ... done by Exocet/Arclite
                      Gravedancer ... done by U-Man/Arclite
                          Protest ... done by Dhm/Style
                          Neutron ... done by Exocet/Arclite
                 Type o' Negative ... done by Adon/Oma
        Kardinal Frings Gymnasium ... done by Mogue/Arclite
What do you see beyond your fist? ... done by Hausfrau/Oma!

                   Intro / Notice ... done by Treach/Contra

What do you see beyond your fist? ... done by Exocet/Arclite
             Contents Information ... done by Axy
      Additional separator layout ... done by Treach/Contra
       Additional divider artwork ... done by Stylez/Contra
                  Chapter heading ... done by Mogue/Arclite

        Product information sheet ... done by Danzig/Arclite
                          Credits ... done by Tbm/Pro^Arts
                       Last Words ... done by Skin/Dezign
                          Support ... done by 2Fast/Jedi Arts
What do you see beyond your fist? ... done by Mogue/Arclite
                          Protest ... done by Adon/Oma!

                    Cosmic Circus ... done by 2Fast/Jedi Arts
                        "The End" ... done by Crusader/Mo'Soul

        several lyrics taken from ... rödelheim hartreim projekt
                                  ... from dusk till dawn
                                  ... babylon 5
                                  ... independence day

      all compiled using sas/c at ... tower of souls / germany

                        (__)                               _____
     _________   ________    ____\_______     ___ _______ |     |__________
   _/  _     / _/     __/__ /     \/     |_ _|    \      ||     |    _    //
  /    /    / /      _/    .\      \     _/ \_     \     /\     |    \    /
 /     ____/ /_______|_____|_______/_____|   |_____/_____/\ ____|_________\
/______|-Mo!\aL- ------------------------------------------\---------------\->

 P!-FIST2.TXT - What Do You See Beyond Your Fist (Volume II) - Chapter o4/o6
                          - The Requested Stuff -
______|_    |______  ______   _________/___ _______ _______
\      /    :     //_\_    \_/  _          |_    _/_\_     \    ::: :::
 \     \_.  |     /    _    \_  /    /     _/  _/    /     /.  :::: :::
  \______|__|     \____\_____/  ____/______|_________\______|  :::: :::
            `------------/______|---------------------------------------- -

A Big Sorry To All Requestors At This Point! Due To Bad Hd-Crash I Was Not
   Able To Recover Your Stuff! It Will All Be Included In The Next One!

  ________________ _________ |\___. ______________________ _______________ _
T  ____           Y ______   ||   |                       Y
H /_  /\_______   :/   ___:__|:   |__.     ___  ___       :
E//  /_/\____  \  _\_  _\_|       .  |    /. /\/  /_____  .     ______
/   /  /\\   \  \/     //\|__      __|   // / /  /____  \ ______\_____\/\`S
\_____/ / \\    /____  / /:  ||  :|     /  /\/  //\   \ \\_____  \.   \  \
 \____\/ \ \  _\\____\/ / .  |.  ||    /_  /\__/ \ \   \ .\   / _/\\   \  \
_ __ ____ \ \/_/__/_ _\/_____|____|____\_\/ /\_\/_\ \_____/    ./\ \______/_
    Y      \/                :            \/       \/____/__/ // /\/_____/
    :                                                   \__/__/ /[Sk!n]
    .                                                      \__\/

                           Message To Exocet...
   Is it fate? Is it mystique? In the original version I quoted the same
      dialogue from "From Dusk Till Dawn" as you did in "AL-RIF.TXT".

                     Message To Everyone In The Uk...
  Is anyone of you guys on the isle able to record (pal/vhs) me Babylon 5
  and X-Files from Sky-One? It would be great if you could tape 4 or five
 episodes, send me the tape, i make me a copy and send back the tape, ...
               Of course i'll cover your postage expenses!!!

           Let Me Just Say "Hello!" To These Friends Of Mine...

  ·Fury·Guzzman·H2o!·Hausfrau·Hunkpapa·Jazy·Magz·Mario·Mark Ryder·Mogue·

  ·All In Type o' Negative·All In Protest·All In Neutron·All of Art Bomb·
            ·The Artists(!) On #Ascii·The Coders On #TRSI-FAME·

_|_______________ .___  .__ __ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____. ______________|_
 |                |  _)_|  |  Y     Y     Y     Y     Y     |               |
_|__          2F  |__   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  l__l__|  |             __|_
 |  \____________ l__'  l_____|  .__|  .__l_____l__| ___ l__| ___________/  |
_|___|_              `--'     `--'  `--'                               _|___|_
 |   |                                                                  |   |
     |  Hardware: A12oo/14Mhz, o.12 Gigabyte HD, M1438s Screen          |
     |                                                                  |
     |  Software: CygnusEd Pro v3.5 by CygnusSoft Software 1987-1993    |
     |                                                                  |
     |     Music: 'Alanis Morissete: Jagged Little Pill'                |
     |            'Faithless: Reverence'                                |
     |            'Fugees: The Score'                                   |
     |            'Love Parade 1996: The Compilation'                   |
     |            'Snap: Attack - The Remixes'                          |
     |            'Songs in the key of X'                               |
     |                                                                  |
     |    Cinema: 'Independence Day'            (watched in Hollywood)  |
     |            'A Time To Kill'              (watched in    London)  |
     |            'Ghost In The Shell'     (even better than on video)  |
     |            'Last Man Standing'       (fell asleep during movie)  |
     |            'Ransom'                      (thrilling! gripping!)  |
     |                                                                  |
     |     Video: 'Twister'                                             |
     |            'Apollo 13'                                           |
     |            '12 Monkeys'                                          |
     |            'Braveheart'                                          |
     |            'Independence Day'                                    |
     |                                                                  |
     |     Books: 'The Runaway Jury' by John Grisham                    |
     |            'The Rainmaker' by John Grisham                       |
     |            'Red Storm Rising' by Tom Clancy                      |
     |            'Hamlet' by William Shakespeare                       |
     |                                                                  |
     |    Serial: 'The X-Files'                                         |
     |            'Babylon 5'                                           |
     |                                                                  |
     |     Moral: Dan - for my video/manga/music support, and the nice  |
     |                  events at his place like psx'ing 'n sa'turning. |
     |                                                                  |
     |     Generation - for all the time\work he invested in the repair |
     |                  of my cute amiga 1200. thanks a lot, bernd!     |
     |                                                                  |

                        (__)                               _____
     _________   ________    ____\_______     ___ _______ |     |__________
   _/  _     / _/     __/__ /     \/     |_ _|    \      ||     |    _    //
  /    /    / /      _/    .\      \     _/ \_     \     /\     |    \    /
 /     ____/ /_______|_____|_______/_____|   |_____/_____/\ ____|_________\
/______|-Mo!\aL- ------------------------------------------\---------------\->

 P!-FIST2.TXT - What Do You See Beyond Your Fist (Volume II) - Chapter o5/o6
                           - Different Things -
______|_    |______  ______   _________/___ _______ _______      .....
\      /    :     //_\_    \_/  _          |_    _/_\_     \    ::::...
 \     \_.  |     /    _    \_  /    /     _/  _/    /     /.   .... :::
  \______|__|     \____\_____/  ____/______|_________\______|   :::: :::
            `------------/______|---------------------------------------- -

       .w.h.a.t. .d.o. .y.o.u. .s.e.e.
| _|_      _ ___/\_ __         ___    ___/\_   _ ___ __.
| \  \___.     /  /   \  ____ _\  \_ /  /  /__     /   | ____
| /  /  _|__ _/  /    \\_\  /  /   // _/  /   \   /|   |_\  /
|___/ _|   /___ /\_____/ / /______/ \__  /    \\ ____._| / /\
    \______\/___\    /  /__\÷e÷      /___\_____/     |___\___\
                    /___\                               ________      _____ _.
                                                        \   ___/_   __\   /  |_
What Do You See Beyond Your Fist - Part Two (Tributes)  /  __/(__)_|  |\  \   /
            Chapter Six - Different Things             /___|       |____._/  |
                                                           |________|- -|____|
Logo# o57 EnTitled: This Chat Was Sponsored By... ·T···
          Sense(?): German sysops may kidd' their chatters with this ;)

    5   1o   15   2o   25   3o   35   4o   45   5o   55   6o   65   7o   75   8o

This chat was sponsored by...                         
Deutsche Telekom AG                                 _____     _____     _____
Bonner Talweg 100                                                            
53119 Bonn                                                                   
                                         ____  ____

                have been watching

             ____   ____                                  ____
      _____ |    \./    |________________  _____   ______|   /. _______
     .\    ||     |     |     .     _    \|     |_ \     _    |/   _   \.
     |     /\     |     _     |     _     |     _/  \    \    |    /    |
     |_____/\  ___|     |     |     |_____|_____|    \________|_________|
        .    \/   |     |___________|-Mo!/aL
        |     .__/\     |______  ___ ______  _________ ______    _______
        |     |    \  ./   _   \|    \    /. \      _/    __/_ _/    __/__
        .     |     __|    /    |    |\    | .\     \    _/    \    _/    |
        |     |     | |_________|__________| |_______\__________\_________|
        |     |     |                    _____                      ____
        .     |     |___ _______   _____|    /.    ·    ____ ______|   /.
        |     |    _   _/    __/__|     |     |_  /_____\_   \     _    |
        |     |    /   \    _/    |     _     | \/  \    /    \    \    |
        .     |________/\_________|     |_____|_____|\  /______\________|
        |                         |     |             \/
        |                     .__/\     |______  ______ ___  _________
        .                     |    \  ./   _   \.\    /    |_\_      /
        |                     |     __|    \    |    /|    |  /     /.
        |   ·What Do You      |_____| |_________|__________|  \______|
        .                            ______ _   ·________|     |
        |   See Beyond Your Fist·   .\     __  /_\      _/     |_
        |                           |     _/ \/  .\     \|     _/
       _.__     __                  |_____|______|_______\_____|
        |_/___/\\/_________ __ _
        :       \/

                       a protest release in 1997...

                                 \                                    |
    _______   ______    _______   _____    _______    _______    _____
  ._\_    //._\__  //_._\     //._\   //_._\  ___//_._\   __//_._\   //_.
  |  /______|   /_    |    |    |       /|   ___|   |______    |       /|
  |_____|   |___ /    |_________|________|__________|/_________|________|
                                       \            Protest!          |

                       Gravedancer will return in...

      :__ _____/\  ________________________________________________
      |_/        \/                                               (_____ __.
      |            ____________ _                       _____         __ \_|_
      |            \       _  ///_. ___________________|_   (_.       \/   |
      |             \      \_     |_)           .      _/     |            |
      |              \______/     |      /      |      |      |            |
      |                    |__________________________________|            |
      | ______  _____                             __        ____________ _ |
      ._)     \/    (_. _________ _ ______________)/________\       _  ///_.
      |       \/      |_)         \\\          .  /   ._     \      \_     |
     _._______||      |      \     \           |      |/      \______/     |
      |        |____________________\_______________._/       /     |______.
   _______________________ _ _______ _   ___________|________/             |
 ._)           .         ///     __///___\_        /                       |
 |      /      |          /     _\       _/      _/                        |
 |_______________________/\______________\       \_.         ·Mo!/aL·      |
      .                                   \________|                       |
      |                                  ______ ______                     |
      |   ·· God Moving Over The       _|     (_)     |_____  ________ _   |
      |                                \_      .      |    (_/     __///___.
      |      Face Of The Waters ··      |      |      _     /     _\       |
      |                                 |_____________|     \______________.
      | ____________________  ________ ________ _     |______|             |
      ._)       __     _    _/      _//     __///___                       |
      |        _/      _    \       \/     _\       |            __        |
     _.________\_______/     \       \_.____________|          __\/__      |
      |               /_______\________|                       \/__\/      |
      |                        _____ _      _____                \/        |
  ___________   ____________ _|       _____|    (_ ________ _              |
._)         (_._)        __/ \_      _)    |      /     __///___           |
|      \      |         _/    |     |      _     /     _\       |          |
|_____________|_________|     |_____.      |_____\______________|          |
      .                             |      |                               |
      |         _____  _ ___________|      |             ___________ ______|_
      | ______ |    (_.\\\   _      .      |_ _______ _  \_        /      _.
      ._)     ||      |      _      |      _/     __///_ _/      _/\      \|
      |       /\      .______/      |      /     _\      \       \__\      \
      ._____  /\______|     /______________\______________\_________________\
     _|__   \/                                                             |
      |_/________                                                        __|
                (_______________________________________________/\  _____\_|
                                                                  \/       :

                                         ...the second move over the waters!

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     O   F       A   L   L       P   !       R   E   L   E   A   S   E   S
[ Author   ] [ Filename     ] [ Size  ] [ Collection Name                     ]
[ Data     ] [ P!-PC.TXT    ] [  66203] [ PUSSY CAT                           ]
[ G'Dancer ] [ P!-GMFW.TXT  ] [  35374] [ GOD MOVING OVER THE FACE OF WATERS  ]
[ Data     ] [ P!-ENIS.TXT  ] [ 179476] [ hARDERtHANtHEhARDCOREcOSToFtHE...   ]
[ Data     ] [ P!-EP.TXT    ] [  79124] [ aN aSCII! a kINGDOM fOR aN aSCII!   ]
[ Data     ] [ P!-IZZA.TXT  ] [  67102] [ not available                       ]
[ G'Dancer ] [ P!-FIST.TXT  ] [  49071] [ WHAT DO YOU SEE BEYOND YOUR FIST  I ]
[ G'Dancer ] [ P!-FIST2.TXT ] [ 170279] [ WHAT DO YOU SEE BEYOND YOUR FIST II ]
No. Of Collections [ 008 ] - Grandtotal [   764302] - Active Since [ 14.12.95 ]


		void ExitThisMessyThingy(int error)


Neuer Shell-Prozeß 11
11.SYS:> sc ascii:gravedancer!/new/p!-fist2.txt
Using options file "scoptions"
Compiler Phase 1 for "p!fist2.txt"
No errors; No warnings; No user suppressed warnings
Style Optimizer for "p!fist2.txt"
Compiler Phase 2 for "p!fist2.txt"
Module size P=000008A6 D=0000000C U=00000122

Pass1 for Object 'LIB:gravedancer.o'
Pass1 for Object 'LIB:p!fist2.o'
Pass1 for Library 'ascii-c:startup/protest.o'
Pass1 for Library 'LIB:ascii.lib'
Pass1 for Library 'LIB:protest.lib'
Pass1 for Object 'T:HT1MB.0000'

Undefined symbols        First Referenced
__PROTEST                File 'ascii-c:startup/protest.o'
Enter a DEFINE value for __PROTEST (default __cool): __cool

Pass2 for Object 'T:HT1MB.0000'
Pass2 for Library 'ascii-c:startup/protest.o'
Pass2 for Library 'LIB:ascii.lib'
Pass2 for Library 'LIB:protest.lib'

Parsing            0:00.06 ---   19562
Pass1              0:05.50 ---  910914
Coalescing         0:00.02 ---  648306
Pass2              0:00.58 ---  653674
Map Processing     0:00.00 ---  104634
Total              0:06.16 ---  910914

                        (__)                               _____
     _________   ________    ____\_______     ___ _______ |     |__________
   _/  _     / _/     __/__ /     \/     |_ _|    \      ||     |    _    //
  /    /    / /      _/    .\      \     _/ \_     \     /\     |    \    /
 /     ____/ /_______|_____|_______/_____|   |_____/_____/\ ____|_________\
/______|-Mo!\aL- ------------------------------------------\---------------\->

 P!-FIST2.TXT - What Do You See Beyond Your Fist (Volume II) - Chapter o6/o6
               - Exit This Messy Thing · See You All Soon -
______|_    |______  ______   _________/___ _______ _______      .....
\      /    :     //_\_    \_/  _          |_    _/_\_     \    ::::....
 \     \_.  |     /    _    \_  /    /     _/  _/    /     /.   :::: :::
  \______|__|     \____\_____/  ____/______|_________\______|   :::: :::
            `------------/______|---------------------------------------- -


                      wie geht der starke in den tod?
   der krieger antwortet: die haltung, die der mensch dem tode gegenüber
                    einnimmt, zeigt seinen wahren wert.

   der schwache zittert vor dem tod, wie er auch vor dem leben zittert.


.i.n. .m.e.m.o.r.i.a.m. .c.o.s.m.i.c. .c.i.r.c.u.s. ./. .g.e.n.e.r.a.t.i.o.n.

                   ______ _____ _____ ________ __ _____
                  _)    _Y    _Y    _Y        Y__Y     |
                  \_  |_\_  | \_  `-\_  |  |  |   / |__|
                 ._|  l  |  |  |--,  |  |  |  |  /  l  |2F!
            .----' l__   l_____l__   l__|__|  l_/l__   |  `----.
            |         `--'        `--'     `--'     `--'       |
            | .::::::: ... .::::::: .::::::: :::  ::: :::      |
            | :::  ::: ... :::  ::: :::  ::: :::  ::: `::::::: |
            l_..       ::: ..       ..       ..   ::: ..   :::_|
              :::  ::: ::: :::      :::  ::: :::  ::: :::  :::
              `::::::: ::: :::      `::::::: `::::::: ::::::::

                                   one year ago, in cold january 1996, my best
scene friend was busted with his bulletin board system 'cosmic circus' by  the
cops. he was beeing charged to have used calling cards and doing free calling,
all things he never did, neither intended. thanks god that i lost him only  in
the scene, and not in the real life. thanks go to 'bernd' for his friendship!!

                     _____                                 ________
 _|______ __ _______|_    |_____ _______     :     ________\_     / cDr/m's
  |         \\__    _/   _|    //_     /___ _|_ ___\_     / /    / ____
  | tHE END  _/     |____\       /____/   /_ T _\   /____/ /________   \_ :
  |_________ \______|     \________________\ | /_______________/   /    //|
                                             |                /________//_|

           Support /\RTBOMB with articles/votes/news/whatever..

                    b / mo'soul ...
             crusader / mo'soul ...
               desoto / mo'soul ...
         fatal / epsilon design ...
                manta / mo'soul ...
                u-man / arclite ...
                vinzi / mo'soul ...
           mark ryder / mo'soul ...
          gravedancer / protest ...

       join the "art bomb" conference and upload your support for us
                ( please, name your file something unique )

        snail-mail: AASHEIM, NORDBYVEIEN 209, 2013 SKJETTEN, NORWAY
           (don't write anything else or it won't come through!)

                   Or catch the Artbomb staff on #ascii

 "God be between you and harm, in all the empty places where you must walk!"
      (Old Egyptian Blessing, Revealed in Babylon-5 "A Distant Star"

                        everything below this cut is added after the original
   O /                  release. please do everyone a favour and remove it...
--- X ---- CUT --- CUT -------------------------------------------------------
   O \