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59 669 bytes (58.27K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:57
Download count:
all-time: 457


 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -

   Validated On Dream Land Bbs At 17:21:o9 On o6/o5/98 With 4ooo/o6o Power
           _____   _________  ________     _ ______     _ ___  ___
  _ ______|__ _(___)___    /__)  __   \____\\\___ _\____))) _\/_ (__ ___ _ _
 \\\\    ___///    _ _/   /__    |/   /_     ___///      __ _\/
         \|        \\\      /    /___///     \|          \////
  ____________________\    /________________________________/          __ _
 |                     \  /                                /_____ __ _/ ////
 |_   Dream Land  _____.\/÷f!_ ______      _______        _____
  (_______________)_ __|_____\\\___ _\_____)____  \______|__ _(___ ___ __ _
                   \\\         ___///          /        ___///   //  // ////
          __ __                \|             /         \|
         .\\\\ \_____________________________/___________________ ___ __ _

   No Nup / SysPw - Ask Some Freaks For Number(s) - Slt /X & /F Coding Bbs

 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -

                                                      [ Slt!TextAdd v1.2 ]


                               |          |
          _______ _______ _____:_        _|____ __________________
         |   _   |  _   /_   .   |     __\_    |  _   /_    _/  _/__.
         ·   \   ·  \_   l   |   |     |       ·  \_   l    \____   |
      · _|   ___\____/___________|     l______\____/________|   /   |·
       \\____|                 |          :                l________ll
                              _|__________|   ·dual/p^a·

                    -÷ø nup! ø du/\l ø s/\l-1 ø nike ø÷-

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                                  .i  s.

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        /    )     /        \______/  ¬\ _/  ¬\/    ¬\  \     _     __//
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        `------------.\_____/______   .: /   .: /ZMb\______/.--------'
                           .i.s. .al.s.o.


  once again  i'm at my  computer writing a preface..  maybe  this time  i'll
  manage to finish the collection also..    i guess  this  will be  the first
  release of the reborn pro*fuckin*arts, uhh,  what a tasteless name i picked
  up for the group when i was fourteen or so, but whattaheck, now you l/\mers
  will  think  we're  so fucking  cool  as we do  have  this  old  label up..
  anyway, boondox has advertized to be a pro^arts hq since '94, so i guess we
  didnt  die  after  all;).. anyway,  the  l/\me  zeus;D  left  us  for  some
  suspicious group called  style..  (have fun otso)..  so now  it's left  for
  me and dual  and nike  and sal-1 to  do the  dominating of  the ascii-scene
  (anyway,    it's   gonna   'b/dcs  a   piece  of cake    as i  am    here;)
  i didnt bother to give this collection a name.. why in the hell  peeps keep
  giving  collections  tasteless  names which dont have  anything to  do with
  the  collection and so on,  i guess i dont  bother to write  those thoughts
  up;).. and hey, pc-lamers,  get a  life and  get your  own fucking style on
  asciis.  i know that *MY* style is the best one,  but if your gonna use it,
  you must first gimme  some $$$'s  or otherwise  the mean p^a-clan  will eat
  your ferkin pææ! i'm fed  up with this attitude i face in the modern ascii-
  scene..  everything in it is like shit.  so everybody,  sell your computers
  and quit the scene and make everybody happy..  i know i will do  that soon.
  whee..  and  one  more remark:  i havent released a colly in two years now,
  so  you  must vote  for me on your  l/\me  charts or  otherwise i  won't do
  this kinda shit   anymore;)..  buahaa.. and i won't apologize for the facts
  about  this collection  not having  a proper graphical layout and the logos
  being shit. i did this shitty colly in a few hours so this is what  you get
  and if  you  dont  like  this  thing,  it  is  not  my prob.
  buahahaaa,   eat     my    attitude    prob    l/\/\/\/\mers, and fuck off!
 _ ___  _______________________:____________________________[_nup!/pro/\rts_]_
 \\\__||                    _ _|__________.
                               |          |
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                               |          |
                               |          |
                     ._________| .in.dex. |_________
                  ___|         |__________|       __|_____.
                 /   |    ______.   _____    _____\       |_____
                /    | __/_     |__/_    |__/_    \\     /     /
               /     |/   /     /   /    /   /    /_\_  /    _/
              /     _/   /     /   /    /   /____/  /  /_     \_.
           ._/      \.__/______\________\________._/     \._____|
         .o|_________|                           |__._____|
                     |                              |
                     | [o1] .................. haka |
                     | [o2] ......... eastern front |
                     | [o3] ............ the cellar |
                     | [o4] ........... planet rock |
                     | [o5] ................. tommy |
                     | [o6] ................ altern |
                     | [o7] ................ arcite |
                     | [o8] ............ stezotehic |
                     | [o9] ..... dual crew-shining |
                     | [1o] ... digital underground |         ...
                     | [11] ................... xtc |       .:::::.
                     | [12] ............. nah-kolor |     .:::···:::
                     | [13] ................. tekno |   .:::·     :::.
                     | [14] ............ mark ryder |   ·:::.     .::·
                     | [15] ................. ramon |     ·:::...::·
                     | [16] .......... .ankkaryhmae |       ·::::·
                     | [17] ................. sal-1 |         ··
                     | [18] .................. nerd |
                     | [19] .................. nike |
                     | [2o] ................. tango |
                     | [21] ......... arctic circle |
                     | [22] ....... limited edition |
                     | [23] ................ rebels |
                     | [24] ........... trance form |
                     |                              |
                     |                              |
                     |          __________:         |
                     |         |__________|         |
                     |          __________          |
                     |_________|          |_________|
                               |          |
                               |          |
|                                                                          |
| [o1] title: h/\ka                                                        |

                                            \               |.______
                             ____            \  ____        ||     /
              _ __ /___     /    \    ____    \/    \       ||    /
                 //  __|_©b/      \  /  __|___/      \      ||   /
                 /  /    \/        \/  /    _/        \     ||__/
              ._/  /_     \_..      \ /_     \_..      \    |
              |      \_.____||___ /__\  \_.____||_______\   |
              |________|     _ _ /        |       .\        |
                               //_________|       |\\       .

|                                                                          |
| [o2] title: e/\stern front                                               |

                      _______ /_
        _____ ________\      /_ ________     _____    _____   _____
     __/_    \\_______\\___    \       /. __/_    \__/_    \_/_.   \ .
    / ._/    /   _____    /    /\__/    |/ ._/    /   /   _/   |    \|
   /  |_____/  ._/   /________/©b /     /  |_____/   /_    \_. |     \ _
   \___________|_____\      _ __ /      \_______ ______\_____|_|_____|\/
                              _//______ |____  /____     _____       .
                              \  _____//_    \/     \  _/_. __\______|
                             /   ___/   /   _/       \/   | \       /|
                          ._/    / /   /_    \__      \   |  \__/    |
                          |____ /  \_____\_____/______/___|____/     |
                               /                              /______|

|                                                                          |
| [o3] title: the cell/\r                                                  |

                                  .___________ ___
   _\ ________             _____  |           \\  |.____
     \       /. ____.   __/_    \ . .t.h.e.       ||    |
      \__/    |/   _|__/   /    /_|_              ||____|
      ._/     /   /    \  /____/  |/.c.e.l.l.a.r. |_____.
      |____ _/   /_     \_ ______ /_                    |
            \______\_____//      /|                   /_|_
                  ____    _____  ¯:____ /   _____    /  : \      _____
               __/_   \__/_    \  /    /   /    /   /   :  \  __/_    \
            ©b/   /___/   /    /_/    /---/    /---/    :   \/   /   _/
             /   /    \_ /____/ / .  /    \_  /    \_   :    \  /_    \_.
             \_________/________\_|________/________/   :     \ __\_____|
                                  |____         /_______:______\\ _
                                   ___ |              _ |        \\
                                  |   ||_____________ /_|         \
                                  |___|              /

|                                                                          |
| [o4] title: pl/\net rock                                                 |

                               /   \                   _____
                  _____       /     \      _______. __/_    \    _________
               __/_    \____ /       \  __/_.     |/   /    /_ _/__      /
              /   /    /    /         \/    |     /   /__._/  \_   \____/
          ._/\\  /____/    /____.    / \    |     \_____||_____/    \_.
          |___\\____|/    //____|____\__\ __|     |          |________|
                    :\_________|            |     |©b
                     _____            _____ |    _|____
                 .__/_    \ _____  __/_    \|   /    _/
              __.|   /   _//     \/   /____/.  /_     \
           _.|  ||  /_    \_.     \  /      |    \    //\_.
       ..o|_||__||____\_____|      \ _______|     \__//___|
                         \_________/        |_____|

|                                                                          |
| [o5] title: tommy                                                        |

                           |______||         .....|.....
                           .____ __| ·tommy ::::: | :::::_____
            _________ / ___|_  // ___ ____  ::::: | ::::\     \
            \        /_/   : \  __\  /    \ ::::: | ::::/     /_____
             \___/    /       \/   \  /    \::::: | :::/     /|_   /.
              ._/    /         \    \/      \:::: | :::\_______/  //|
              |______\_____.___/____||       \::: | :::::  /_____// |
                       ©nup|         |________/:: | :::::        /__|
                           |                ::::: | :::::
                           |____ _          ::::: | :::::
                                \\\\__ _ _________|

|                                                                          |
| [o6] title: altern                                                       |

                                    .__ ___________:_
                /__                 |  \\          |
               /   \    _____ ______|__    _____   | _____    _____.
              /     \  /    / \     : /___/_    \ _|/_    \__/_    |
             /       \/    /---\__/    /   /    //   /   _/   /    .
            /         \   /    ._/    /   /____/¯\_ /_    \_ /     |
           /         _\\_______|____._\___________/   \____//______|
          /_____________\           |         /____.__|
                                    |        /     |
                                    |______        |
                                    .____ /        |  _

|                                                                          |
| [o7] title: arclite                                                      |

                                             |             |
                                             |             |
                                             |     _____   |
           /___                              |    /     |  |
          /    \      ______    _____  /_____|   /   ___|__|__     _____
         /      \  __/_     \__/_    \/     /|  /    \       /. __/_    \
        /        \/   /    _/   /____/     /-:-/      \__/    |/   /    /
       /          \  /_     \_./     \_.  /    \_.    ._/     /   /____/¯\_
      /·           \___\______|________|_________|    |_.__.__\___________/
     //_            \ __ __ _             ._/           |  |nup/p^a
    /________________\\_\\                |__.__________|  |
                                             |             |

|                                                                          |
| [o8] title: stezotehic                                                   |

                                               .________________  __
                                               |                ||  |
          __________                           |  .stezotehic.  ||  |
          \        /.           .........      |                ||  |
           \___/    |   _____  .....::::'      |                ||  |
     ________ /     |__/_    \:::::        /___|_               ||  |
     \       /_     /   /    /:::::       /    : \              ||  |
      \___     \---/   /____/¯\:::: :::::/       ·\             ||  |
     .   /     /   \___________/::: ::::/         \\            ||  |
     |________/©nup/p^a       ::::: ::::\______.___/            ||  |
                              `::::.:::::      |                ||  |
                                               |                ||  |
                                               |                ||  |
                                               | "i like katja" ||  |

|                                                                          |
| [o9] title: du/\l crew-shining                                           |

                  .                                              \        .
                  |                                           - --ø-------|
     .__\ _   .___| _ /__                                         ¥ # # # .
 ____|___\\ __|   | //   \    _____         ____    _____    ___\ | # # # |
/   ________  \   | /     \  /    /      __/_   \__/_    \__/_   \| # # # |
\   \|   |/   /   ./       \/    /--/   /   /___/   /   _/   /   /| # # # |
 \   \   /   /|   |       _\\   /   \_ /   /    \_ /_    \_./___/¯\_# # # .
  \______\______ _|_ ________\ ______/ \_________/___\___ _|_ ____./# # # |
                  |                                        |      | # # # |
                  |  .____                                 :      | ##### |
    _______ / ____:  |    \©nup  _____.  ____.    _____.   ____   `-------÷
    \      /_|   _|__|     \  __/_    | /    | __/_    |__/_   \
    .\___    \  /    \      \/   /    |/     |/   /    / __/___/.
    |   /    / /_     \_.  _/   /     /     _/   /    /  \      |
    |_______/|___\___.__|  \___/_____/      \___/_____\__/      |
                     |         \_   \________|          /_______|

|                                                                          |
| [1o] title: digit/\l underground                                         |

             _____.                ____.         /   \    _____
          __/_    | ____.   ____  /    |        /     \  /    /
         /   /    |/    |__/_   \/    _|______ /       \/    /--/
        /   /     /     / ._/___/_.   \       /_.      /    /   \_
        \________/     /  |_      |    \___/    |      \_________/
              ._/      \___/      |____|._/     |_________\
              |_________| /_______|     |_______|
                 .____.   ______.   ______. _____     ______
             \---|    |__/_     |__/_    _|/_    \ __/_     \
             /   |    /   /     /   /   /   /    //   /    _/
            /    |   /   /     /   /   /   /____/¯\_ /_     \_.
            \________\__/______\__.....\.....______/   \_.____|
                   ______         ::::: :::::  /         |
          ____  __/_     \  /_____::::: ::::: /__________:   _____.
       __/_   \/   /    _/ /      \:::: :::::/_          |__/_    |
      / ._/___/_. /_     \/        \::: ::/¯¯ /          /   /    |
     /  |_      |___\     \_.       \:: :/   /          /   /     |
     \__ /      |    \______|_______/:: :\__/___________\_________|
        /_______|©nup/p^a         ::::: :::::
                                  ::::: ::::: "where da elite meet alpo"
                                  ::::: :::::

|                                                                          |
| [11] title: xtc (eks-tii-sii)                                            |

            ____   ____.      ______ /_
         __/_   \ /   _|____ /      /_
        /   /   //   /    _/-\__      \
       /   /___/¯\_ /_     \_. /      /
                    ____.            /___|o.
       _________   /    |__\ _
       \       /. /     |   \\
        \__/    |/      |    \
        ._/     /       :     \
      .o|______/        |      \_.
            ._/         |________|o.
         ______ / ___|  -ø\
        /      /_/   |    \\
       .\___     \   :      \
       |   /     /   :       \
       |____.___/    .        \
          .o|________|        //\_.

|                                                                          |
| [12] title: n/\h-kolor                                                   |

                                                        ._____________ _
     _____.                        ____.     _____      |             \\|
  __/_    | _____   _____.        /   _|____/     \  ___|_ .nah-kolor _\___
 /   /  __|_\  -ø\ /   __|_      /   /     /       \/    /  _____  __/_    \
/   /   \    .   \\   /    \    /   /_     \_.      \   /--/     \/   /   _/
\__/__._/    |     \ /_     \_. \_____\______|______/  /    _    \\  /_    \_.
      |____________/__/_______|                   \_________\      \ __\.____|
                                                    ©nup|\_________/    |p^a

|                                                                          |
| [13] title: tekno                                                        |

                               .___________ _ ____
                               |          ////    |
               ___.            |               ___|_
       _______/___|            |        ____  /   : \
       \     _\\  .       _____.     __/_   \/       \
        \___/     | _____/    _|___ /   /    \        \
         ._/     _|/_    \   /    _/   /      \___.__ /__ _
         |______/   / ©b /  /_     \_./________/  |  //
               /   /____/¯\_  \______|            |
               \___________/___|                  |
                               |   te k n  o      |
                               .              ____|
                               |             /____
                               |___________ //____|

|                                                                          |
| [14] title: m/\rk ryder (waiting for a comeback)                         |

                         /__            ._______________ .__
             ___ ____   /   \      _____| ____.         ||  |
           __\  /    \ /     \  __/_    \/   _|____     ||__|
          /   \  /    X       \/   /   _/   /    _/     `---.
       ._/     \/    / \_.    /\  /_    \_./_     \_.       |
       |_______||___/__ _|    \_\ __\___._|__\______|       |
                   /_____________\      |                   |
         ____\ ______       ______    __|__     _____       |
      __/_    \     /__  __/_     |__/_ :  \ __/_    \      |
     /   /   _/    /   |/   /     /   /    //.  /   _/      .
    /   /_    \_.__    /   /     /   /____/  | /_    \_.    |
    \_____\_____|/_____\_________\______.____|___\_____|    | __
                                        |                   ||  | _

|                                                                          |
| [15] title: r/\mon                                                       |

                     .                       ____________
         .___________|              ._______/        :   |
         |    _____  |   _\ ____  __|__.._____  _____ø-  |  _____.
         | __\     \ | ____\  -ø\ \ :  ||    / /     \ ._|_/_    |
         ./  /    _/ | \    .   \\/          \/      \\|    /    |
         |  /_     \_|_/    |     \   \  /             \   /   __|
         |___ \______.____________/_.__\/       _ _____/ .//___\ __
                     |              |   |______//        |©nup  _\/___
                       .r.a.m.o.n.  |   :          ______|      \/\  /
                                    |_____________/                \/

|                                                                          |
| [16] title: .ankk/\ryhmae                                                |

            \ ____      ______.  /____.    _____     |     __|__
         ____\  -ø\ ___/_    ø| /   __|__ /   __|___ ø ____\    \
         \    .   \\\   /    :|/   /    _/   /    _/ ¥ \     .   \
       ._/    |     \  /    ._/   /_     \  /_     \_:_/     |    \
     .o|____________/ /_____|_______\     \_. \______|____________/
         _____\ _______     _____:    ______ :_____   \ ____      _____
    ____/_     \      /__. /   __|___.\     ||     /___\  -ø\  __/_    \
    \    /    _/     /   |/   /      |/            \    .   \\/   /    /
  ._/   /_     \_.__   ._/   /_    ._/      \/     /    |     \  /____/-,
  |_______\______|/____|______/____|________||     \___.______/_________\
                            vi säger 'kvaak'

|                                                                          |
| [17] title: s/\l-1                                                       |

                              /    \
                     _______ /      \    ________    ________
                    /       /        \  /       /    \       \
                    \       \         \/       / _   /       /
                 ._/\\       \        /       / (_) /       /
                 |__ \\ _____/        \_______\    /_______/

|                                                                          |
| [18] title: nerd                                                         |

                                                      |                    |
                                                      |      |
                                      .               |                    |
                                ______|_  _____     __|__\ _  ______       |
                             __/_     |__/_    \ __/_ ·   \\_/_     |      |
                            /   /     /   /    //   /    _/   /     |      |
                         ._/   /     /   /____/¯\_ /_     \_ /      |      |
                         |___ /______\___________/   \.____/________|      |
                             /             _ /________|                    |
                                           //         :                    |
                                           /          |                    |
                                          ·           |                    |
                                                      |                    |

|                                                                          |
| [19] title: nike                                                         |

                                                        .____ /_______  __
                                                        |   //        ||__|
                                              /___.     |             |___
                                     _____.  /    | ____.       _____     |
                                  __/_    | /     |/   _|______/_    \    |
                                 /   /    |/      /   /    _/   /    /    |
                              ._/   /     /      /   /_     \_./____/¯\_  |
                              |____/____ /       \.____\._____|________/  |
                                      _ /_________| ©nup|                 :
                                      //                |    .n.ike.      |
                                                        |                 |

|                                                                          |
| [2o] title: t/\ngo                                                       |


|                                                                          |
| [21] title: arctic circle                                                |

          /__                                .____
         /   \      _____     ____\ _________|    \      _____
        /     \  __/_    \ __/_    \        /|     \  __/_    \
       /       \/   /   _//   /____/\___/    |      \/   /____/     .
      /        /   /_    \_. /     \_._/     |      /   /     \_.   |
     //_       \_____\_____|_________|_______|      \___________|o. |.___
    /_____________\                          |_________\ __         ||   |
                  ____. .ar.c.ti.c.          \\          ||   |
          _____  /    |   _____     _____  _____      _____         ||   |
       __/_    \/     |__/_    \ __/_    \/    /   __/_    \        ||   |
      /   /____/      /   /   _//   /____/    /---/   /    /        ||   |
     /   /     \_.   /   /_    \_. /     \_. /    \_./____/         ||   |
     \___________|   \.____\_____|_________|________|__________©nup_||___|
            /_________|                                              :
                              [.ankkaryhmae & pro^arts whq · dcs hq]

|                                                                          |
| [22] title: limited edition                                              |

                        ____            .____               |              |
              /____    /    |  ___ ____ |    \ ________     _____     _____|
             /    /   /     |__\  /    \|     \    _  /. __/_    \ __/_    |
            /    /---/      /   \  /    \      \__/    |/   /    //   /    |
           /    /    \_    /     \/      \      \/     /   /____/¯\_ /     |
           \__________/    \.____||       \_ ____\     \___________/_______|
               __ /_________|     |________/   /_______|    .
                //                            /  .____      |
                      _____     _____. ____._____|___ \    _____      _____.
                   __/_    \ __/_    |/    |\  _    /  \  /     \  __/_    |   /   /    //   /    /     |    \__/    \/       \/   /    |
    .e.di.tion.  /   /____/¯\_ /    /:     |     \_      \        \  /     |
                 \___________/_____/.:     |_____./       \_______/_/______|
                         _ __ _ __/        |     |_________/©nup/p^a

|                                                                          |
| [23] title: rebels                                                       |

                                                         |                 |
                                                         |   .r.eb.el.s.   |
                 ______    _____     ______    _____   __|__  ______ /_    |
              __/_     \__/_    \ __/_     \__/_    \ /  : / /      /_     |
             /   /    _/   /    //   /    _/   /    //    /--\___     \    |
            /   /_     \_ /____/¯\_ /_     \_ /____/¯\_  /      /      \   |
            \_____\_____/_________/_________/_________/__.______\       \_ |
                                                 ©nup/p^a| __ /__________/ |
                                                         |  //        _____|

|                                                                          |
| [24] title: tr/\nce form                                                 |

                                              __  ___________.
                                             |__||           |
                            /___             .___|           |
      _________    ______  /    \      ______|   _____    ___|_
      \       /___/_     \/      \  __/_     |__/_    \__/_  : \
       \__/    /   /    _/        \/   /     /   /____/   /  : /
       ._/    /   /_     \_.      /   /     /   /     \_./___:/¯\_.
     .o|______\_____\______|      \__/______\.__________|____:____|
                      /______________\       |               |
                                             |               |
                          ______ ___\      __|___    ___ ____|
                       __/_     \    \  __/_ :   \__/_  /    \
                      /   /_____/     \/   /    _/    \  /    \
                     /     __/         \  /_     \_.   \/      \
                     \______\\_________/____\._____|___||       \_.
                                             |          |____.____|o.
                                             |               |
                                             |               |

|                                                                          |
|              this well designed box will end the logo-part               |

                                          __ |               |
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                               |          | ______
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                               |          |
                                    .                  .
 __  ______ _________ ______________|__ _ ___________ _|_ ________  __
l__||      _\_.     /  _    /  .    |                  |          |l__|
 ___|     |   |    /   /  _/   |    |                  :          l___
|        s|  _l___/    \   \_  l    |s                                |
|        c|___|  /     |\___/_______|c  __________                    |
|               /     _|________________\__   .__/_______             |
:              /       :      _____ _     /   |    _____/__           :
.             /        l_     \/    /   _/    |____.      /           .
.            /         _/      \_   \    \____|    l     /            .
|          _/          l________/   |\____/   |_________/
`----- ----\___________|---- -------'

                      · nup · du/\l · s/\l-1 · nike ·

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                               |__________|            /___.
                    ____    _____    _____     _____  /  __|______  _____ /_
                 __/_   \__/_    \__/_    \ __/_    |/   \       /./     /_
                /   /___/   /   _/   /    //   /    /     \__/    |\___    \
               /   /    \_./_    \_./____/¯\_ /    /      _|/     |   /    /
           ©nup\__________|__\_____|________/____ /       \.______|_______/
  ______________________________________       _ /_________|
 |                                      |       /
 |  artists responsible for some crap   |
 |                                            |
 | [ascii]                                    |
 |                                            |
 | hijack ....... pro^arts-file_id.diz        |
 | dual ......... pro^arts-logo               |
 | zombie ....... nuori urbaani pösilö        |
 | shapechanger.. pro^arts-logo #3            |
 |                                            |________________________
 |___________________.________________________|                        |
                     |                                         [music] |
                     |                                                 |
                     |                                         various |
  _______________________________________________  ____  _  _
 |                                               ||    || ||/
 | [mor/\l]                                      ||    ||_|
 |                                               ||    |
 | 4t thieves                                    ||____|
 | optic                                         |
 | .ankkaryhmae-pojke och flicka                 |
 |                                               |
 | you are the greatest                          |
 |                                   [greetings] |
 |                                               |
 |                       will not fly this time, |
 | as i see no point of writing up 200+ handles, |
 |           and still he/\r someone complaining |
 |                                               |
                                  |              |
                                  |              |
                                           |     |

                                               \ |
     ______     _____   ______     ______    ___ ø--   ____________
  __/_     \ __/_    \ /     /_.._/_     \__/_  / \ __/_       _  /.
 /   /    _//   /    / \___    ||  /     /   /    //   /______/    |
/   /_     \_. /____/¯\_  /    || /_____/   /____/¯\_ /     \/.    |
\_____\______|_________/_______||_____\ \___________/_________|    |
  ___________________________________________________    ._/       |
 |                                                   | .o|_________|
 | [the winners of the ascii-scene]                  |_____________
 |                                                                 |
 | are also not here for you to read as i bother to do nothing     |
 |                                                                 |

                  .                                              but
 ________ _ ______|_ ______________________________ ·_______________
     ___////      |   ______   ________    _______ /_
    /    _/       |__/_     \ /       /__ /       /__.
   /       /      /   /     / \____       \____      | + ages
._/      \/      /   /_____/¯\_   /      .    /      |
|_______ /       \.___________/__________|___________|

 are here..

 astro...... remembered to bug 911 yet? anyway, it was nice to meet you.

 red devil.. rob-san, where in the f*ck are you hiding?
             get in touch!

 truxton.... have you moved? and what's happened to your phoneline?
             get in touch!

 zeus....... joo, no hyvää onnea stylessä oloosi, sillä sitä tarvittetkin;)
             no ei ny laisinkaan, pysy miehenä kuiteski.

 lemming.... juuh, kuitenkin kattelet 24h asciicollyjä, joten juu,
             pidä yllä HiRMU-lehden kovaa tasoa, se on näet elite.

 distance... no sä ainakin vaklaat näitä jees.. en ees ehtinyt sua kiusia
             liikoja assyillä.. musta tulee ihan vanha paska tätä menoa.
             kiusaaminen on kuul. enivei, tullaan jaakon kanssa joku
             päivä sitten kiusimaan senkin edestä. (ja toi oli lupaus;)

 toohi...... taas jotain jollekkin joka ei varmaan lue ascii-kollyjä.
             ei voi mitään. mä dominoin. luotan siihen että joku
             vesa, arto, aki tai tero tai joku muu trade-elite vaklaa
             tän ja alistaa sut lukemaan tän, vaikka tosin siinä meneekin
             semmonen tovi että oon jo todennukkin tän, eli mä en
             ehkä sittenkään rupea pitämään päiväkirjaa tai ainakaan
             ihan sellasta jota suunnittelin. käh.

 h/\ka...... oisko kuul jos sä niinku rupeisit tekeen sitä
             memberlisti info newssiä?;).. ainii, ois pitänyt ehkä
             kirjottaa toisella kielellä.. no kait sä snaijjaat siltikin;)

 optic...... hey dood, snail me something as i dont have the email thing

 dual....... vähän me niinku dominoidaan (p^a & ar powah)

 blunt...... ERM.. dood, it kinda would be nice if you would check out
             the stuff you write.. the article about DCS (or the news or
             whatever) was 150% bullshit, so.. i could imagine that
             i would be quite pissed about that.

 4t thieves. hey, nikdood, try to snail me or something, ok?

 lamerippaz. hey you jerkos, stay away from my style, or else i will
             really really actually really eat your fucking paeae with
             sugar on top.
 ________________________________________________                          .
  ____________                                _ /__________________________|
 |            |                               \/
 |            |
     |               |
     |               |
     |               |

|                                                                          |
| [contact me]                                                             |
|                                                                          |
| @ irc (b_dcs),                                                           |
| on boards (nup!*, 'b!, bee)                                        [for] |
| or                                                                       |
| snail bitch me:                                                     swap |
|                                                                          |
| ilm/\ri kuula                                 [graffiti, graffiti, demo] |
|                                                                          |
| säästöpankinranta 4 a2                        or for conversations about |                           |
| 00530                                                p^a or dcs or ascii |                            |
| helsinki                              or maybe just for plain penpalling |                                  |
|  _______________                                                         |
|_|               |________________________________________________________|
  |               |
           |         |



              __________ /_  |          ______    |
              \         /. _____.    __/_     \   |
               \___/     |/    _|___/   /     /   |
               .__/      /    /     \  /_____/¯\_ |
               |_______ /    /_      \_.________/ |
                       /       \.______|          |
                    _ /_________|     ______     _|____.   ______.
                    //       .     __/_     \ __/_     |__/_     |
                             |    /   /     //   /     /   /     |
                             |   /   /_____/¯\_ /     /   /      |
                             |   \____________//______\__________|
                             |                    |©nup/p^a
                             |                    |
                             |     .of.f. |


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ._____ _____ ____________ _____ _____ ______
|  _  Y  _  Y  ________  Y  _  Y  _  Y  ___/
|  |__|  l__|  |  ||  |  |  l__|__|  |___  ¦
|  | :|  _  \_ ¦  ||  _  |  _  \_:|  |  |  |
l__|.:l__|   /____|l__|  l__|   /:l__l_____|
pro^arts and nup are back with an  anonymous
release of ascii garbage          [16/o8/97]

 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -

   Validated On Dream Land Bbs At 17:21:o9 On o6/o5/98 With 4ooo/o6o Power
           _____   _________  ________     _ ______     _ ___  ___
  _ ______|__ _(___)___    /__)  __   \____\\\___ _\____))) _\/_ (__ ___ _ _
 \\\\    ___///    _ _/   /__    |/   /_     ___///      __ _\/
         \|        \\\      /    /___///     \|          \////
  ____________________\    /________________________________/          __ _
 |                     \  /                                /_____ __ _/ ////
 |_   Dream Land  _____.\/÷f!_ ______      _______        _____
  (_______________)_ __|_____\\\___ _\_____)____  \______|__ _(___ ___ __ _
                   \\\         ___///          /        ___///   //  // ////
          __ __                \|             /         \|
         .\\\\ \_____________________________/___________________ ___ __ _

   No Nup / SysPw - Ask Some Freaks For Number(s) - Slt /X & /F Coding Bbs

 - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -

                                                      [ Slt!TextAdd v1.2 ]