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150 416 bytes (146.89K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:55
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all-time: 399


         _______ ___   ____
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  _______|_  _ ¬|  _   | __/ _|_______
._\      |/  \)___(/   |     \|      /_.
|_______//____\   /___________\\_______|
|                                      |
|    phase truce  brought you today    |
|    5th  colly called  keint flint    |
|    by luk.phase truce!               |
|_________         __         _________I
         /_____    \/    _____\ctp!/L124
              /___/  \___\

                             yo mothapukkin....

                              ::                          ::..............
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                ::                                                      ::
                ::                                                      ::
                ::                                                      ::
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        ::             |  ::                    .........      ::
        ::             |  ::                    ::  |  ::      ::  .......
   .....::................:: luk of phase truce ::  |  ::......::  ::   ::
   ::                  |  :: present new  colly ::  |              ::   ::
   ::  ..............  |  :: called keith flint ::  |              ::   ::
   ::  ::          ::  |  ::                    ::  |              ::   ::
   ::  ::          ::  |  ::....................::  |              ::   ::
   ::  ::..........::..|          ::                |..............::...::
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                       |                            |               ::
                       |       introduction         |               ::
                       |                            |               ::
                       |                            |                ::......
          yo!  sorry, ale   nie  bëdë   tîumaczyî  tego   wstëpu  na
        angielski,  bo   w   koïcu   polak teû ma swój jëzyk i w tej
        jednej  colly  zrobië  ten  wyjâtek..   hmm..   ofkoz  witam
        wszystkich   ludzi,   którzy  oglâdajâ  teraz  tâ  kolekcje,
        pozdrawiam nawet tych, którzy uwaûajâ ûe azkee to wielka qpa
        ômieci..   ostatnio  peien  scenowiec  stwierdziî,  ûe scena
        istniaîa  by  bez swapperów i azki makerów.  tak, istnieê to
        by  istniaîa,  tyle  ûe wtedy kto bëdzie spread'owaî moduîy,
        grafiki,   dema  intra?   niektórzy  ludzie  po  prostu  nie
        doceniajâ  swapperów  oraz azki makerów...  powiem po prostu
        ûe   szkoda   mi   takich   ludzi,   którzy  wysuwajâ  takie
        prechistoryczne teorie.
          co  do tej kolekcji, to chyba kaûdy wie z czym kojarzy sië
        keith   flint..    kolekcjë  postaram  sië  wydaê  na  party
        astrosyn'97.   jeûeli  ktoô  potrzebuje jakieô azki to niech
        mnie  szuka  na  partyplace  lub  po prostu napisze do mnie.
        jeûeli jakaô azki grupa poszukuje jeszcze jednego membera to
        spoxx mógîbym sië jojnâê.
          to  chyba  by byîo na tyle, dodam jeszcze ûe colly zostaîa
        zrobiona moim nowym stylem, zobaczymy moûe sië wam spodoba
          no to na fazie! tekkno and rave rules..

                              luk.phase truce!

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              |    \/   `---|____|------`---\___|------'   \/    |
              |                                                  |
              |                                                  |
              |      part 1.logos for phase truce group..        |
              |                                                  |
              |         o1.phase truce..............pht          |
              |         o2.phase truce..............pht          |          _4
              |         o3.pht.diz..................pht          |         ,f]
              |         o4.glaz.....................pht          |        j1Þ!
              |         o5.glaz.....................pht          |       /H|F
              |         o6.phase....................pht          |      Æ[H'
              |         o7.binar..............binar.pht          |    _Á]f   j
              |         o8.caro............caro.pht+nah          |   ,[H|   jß
              |          |  ,][H   ø@N
              |         1o.kaiser............kaiser.pht          | yH]    JÚ0
              |_        11.luk..................luk.pht          |/[H`  _©QÆ00
             _./        12.mecenas..........mecenas.pht          Á][¨  ,ø®0000
              |         13.mobby..........mobby.pht+nsn        _[H]   y#NØ000F
              |         14.peer................peer.pht       ,D[P   jQØ0000
              |         15.revi.......revi.pht+wpz+l124      yf]¹   y©Q000F
              |         16.smooth............smooth.pht     æ]Þ`   ¤©000"
              |         17.spark..............spark.pht    /N]   ,NNØ00P
              |         18.traitor......traitor.pht+tng  _d|H   jSØN00F
              |         19.the opium den........tod.pht  !H¹   yQÞØ0@
              |         2o.wild................wild.pht '|F  _¤ÞQ00F
              |         21.voicer............voicer.pht/ /"3¸®NØ00´
              |                                       /_'  JØú00P|
              |                                      / '   "jÆ#" |
              |                                     ,," _¢QÆP¯   |
              |                                    ,y  _©ÆP"     |
              |                                   _L  pÆP        |
              |            part 2.logos for all...gF_*°          |
              |                               ___Á0#"            |__
              |   ___________âââµµµµggÏÏÏØ0000000@"             _._/
 ,_âââµµµgggÏÏØ0000@@@@PP°°°°°""""¯¯¯¯                           |
  """¯¯¯¯     |
              |         22.amiga....................all          |
              |         23.credits..................all          |
             _|_         _|_
              |/        25.present..................all         \|
              /         26.greets...................all          \
             /|         27.ascii....................all          |\
            / |         28.delays...................all          | \
            \ |         29.stamps back..............all          | /
             \|          |/
              \                                                  /
              |\                                                /|
              | \           part 3.logos for you...            / |
              | /                                              \ |
              |/                                                \|
              /         31.amifan................amifan          \
             /|         32.azzaro......azzaro.mawi+l124          |\
            / |         33.azzaro......azzaro.mawi+l124          | \
            \ |         34.mawi........azzaro.mawi+l124          | /
             \|         35.mawi........azzaro.mawi+l124          |/
              \         36.l124.diz....azzaro.mawi+l124          /
              |\        37.blackfire.....blackfire.scum         /|
              | \       38.scum..........blackfire.scum        / |
              | /       39.budgie...budgie.absurd+venal        \ |
              |/        4o.budgie...budgie.absurd+venal         \|
              /         41.absurd...budgie.absurd+venal          \
             /|         42.venal....budgie.absurd+venal          |\
            / |         43.entrix.......entrix.hv+opium          | \
            \ |         44.high voltage.entrix.hv+opium          | /
             \|         45.hv.diz.......entrix.hv+opium          |/
              \         46.opium........entrix.hv+opium          /
              |\        47.farmer.........farmer.sadist         /|
              | \       48.sadist.........farmer.sadist        / |
              | / bullz        \ |
              |/ bullz         \|
              / bullz          \
             /| bullz          |\
            / | bullz          | \
            \ | bullz          | /
             \| bullz          |/
              \ bullz          /
              |\ bullz         /|
              | \ bullz        / |
              | /       59.kessel......ksl.sweet poison        \ |
              |/        6o.ksl.........ksl.sweet poison         \|
              /         61.klod..........klod.nah kolor          \
             /|         62.nah kolor.....klod.nah kolor          |\
            / |         63.nah.diz.......klod.nah kolor          | \
            \ |         64.krs..........krs.independent          | /
             \|         65.lisaros...........lisaros.hv          |/
              \         66.mario..............mario.ind          /
              |\        67.czytaj to..........mario.ind         /|
              | \ coma.......mario.ind        / |
              | / sports.....mario.ind        \ |
              |/        7o.mario..........mario.reality         \|
              /         71.reality........mario.reality          \
             /|         72.paplo............paplo.taski          |\  
            / |         73.taski............paplo.taski          | \
            \ |         74.rebel......rebel.independent          | /
             \__   _                                        _   __/
           luk!/__( )______________________________________( )__\pht!

                                  let's go!

                    part 1.logos for phase truce group...

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................o1  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name............................phase truce!  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............phase truce members  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                          |:·                   ·:|
                          |                       |
                   ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_
              _/\_.\____ /.\_ | _/.\____ /.\ ____/.\____ /._/\_
              _ __|   \/__|   _   | ____  |_  __, |   \// |__ _
                  `-----' `---'---'-\/----'-\/----'-------'
                   ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_
              _/\_.\__   /.\____ /.\  |  /.\ ____/.\____ /._/\_
              _ __|   )_/ |  _\/  |   |   |  \/   |   \// |__ _
                          |                       |
                          |     .phase.truce!.    |

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................o2  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name............................phase truce!  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............phase truce members  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                      :                               :
                      :             _â_               :
                  ____:_ _____     jÃNNL     _____   _:____
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                      :   / ___|__ !   t  _æ*°        :
                      :         ¯°*F   J*P¯           :
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              luk!__|      |   |     |   |       |  '   |__pht!
                      :     p h a s e  t r u c e!     :

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................o3  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.................................pht.diz  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............phase truce members  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                      ___  ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_  ___
                 _ __ __/_.\____ /.\_ | _/.\__   /._\__ __ _
                 ._)// .__|   \/__|   _   |   )_/ |__. \\(_.
                 |        `-----' `---'---'-------'        |
                 |          phase truce present...         |
                 |                                         |
                 |                                         |
                 |                                         |
                 |                                         |
                 |                                         |
                 |                                         |
                 |_  _                                 _  _|
              luk!/_(/______________ _ _ ______________\)_\pht!

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................o4  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name....................................glaz  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.....................phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                                                   ::    ::
                       .........................   ::    ::
                       ::                     ::   ::    ::
                       :: glaz          _â_   ::...::....::
                      _::__  ___       jÃNNL     __::_
                __/\_| ___/_|   |    _¤~j_άh_  _\___ |_/\__
                     | \___ |   |___jF  ! !  °,| _____|.
               luk!__|   _/ |   |  æ~   F_l   ¬\ \/    |__pht!
                     `------'----j°    j   k    ×L-----'
                       ::        "*m__ !   t  _æ*° ::
                       ::           ¯°*F   J*P¯    ::

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................o5  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name....................................glaz  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.....................phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                          :: ·                 · ::
                          :.                     .:
                        __:__  ___      _____  ___:_
                   .___| ___/_|   |    _\___ |_\___ |____.
                   |   | \___ |   |___| ____ | _____|.   |
                 luk!__|   _/ |   |   | \/   | \/    |__pht
                          :        g l a z        :

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................o6  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................phase  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.....................phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                                     _ _
                            __ _  ___\V/___  _ __
                         _._\(_\\/         \//_)/_._
                          |                       |
               __  ____/\_·                       ·____/\_  __
            +._\(_.\____ /.____/\_         ____/\_.\___  /._)/_.+
               )__|   \/__.\_ | _/.____/\_.\  ___/.  \/_/ |__(
                  `-----' |   _   .\____ /. \____ |-------'
                          `---'---| ___   |----\/-'
                          |       `-\/----'       |
                          |                       |
                          |        .phase.        |
                          | our intro 64k relased |
                          |at astrosyn'97.koszalin|
                          |_ _  _           _  _ _|
                           ¯                     ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................o7  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................binar  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...............binar.phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                     _  _ _________________________ _  _
                   ._\\/                             \//_.
                   |                         _â_         |
                   |                        jÃNNL        |
                   |                      _¤~j άh_      |
                ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_  jF  ! !  °,  ____/\_
           _/\_.\ ____/.\___  /.\  __ /.æ~   F l   ¬\.\____ /._/\_
             __|  \___ |  \  / |   |   |    j   k    |  _\/  |__
               `----\/-'---\/--'---|---'m__ !   t  _æ`--/____|
                   |                     ¯°*F   J*P¯     |
                   |                                     |
               luk!|_         binar.phase truce!        _|pht!
                    //\_ ___________________________ _/\\
                    ¯                                   ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................o8  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name....................................caro  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to......caro.phase truce+nah kolor  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                         _  _ _________________ _  _
                       ._\\/                     \//_.
                       |         _â_                 |
                       |        jÃNNL                |
                       |      _¤~j άh_              |
                    ____/\_  jF  ! !  °,  ____/\_ ____/\_
               _/\_.\ ____/.æ~   F l   ¬\.\____ /.\_____/._/\_
                 __|  \/   |    j   k    |  _\/  |  \/   |__
                   `-------'m__ !   t  _æ`--/____|-------'
                       |     ¯°*F   J*P¯             |
                       |                             |
                   luk!|_     caro.phase truce!     _|pht!
                        //\_ ___________________ _/\\
                        ¯                           ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................o9  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated truce+whelpz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                            _  _ ___________ _  _
                          ._\\/               \//_.
                          |                       |
                       ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ __  /\_
                  _/\_.\ ____/.\___  /.\__   /.\ \/  /._/\_
                    __|  \/   |  \  / |   )_/ | \  _/ |__
                          |                       |
                      luk!|_  city.phase truce!  _|pht!
                           //\_ _____________ _/\\
                           ¯                     ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................1o  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................kaiser  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to..............kaiser.phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                                     _ _
                              _ _____\V/_____ _
                        __ ___//             \\___ __
                     _._)/        jL               \(_._
                      |           F#                  |
                      |          Æ ]                  |
             _ ____/\_·____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ _
           _/ .\ _/ _/.\____ /.,F   t .\  ___/.\___  /.\____ /. \_
           )\_| __  \ | ___   |£_   ] | \____ |  \/_/ |  _\/  |_/(
                      |             ¬"                |
                      |_  _ .kaiser.phase truce!. _  _|
                   luk!/_//_________ _ _ _________\\_\pht!
                            _ ______\\V//______ _

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................11  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.....................................luk  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated (luk.phase truce!)  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                               _  _ _____ _  _
                             ._\\/         \//_.
                             |                 |
                           ____/\_ ___ /\_ ____/\_
                      _/\_.\ ____/.\  |  /.\ _/ _/._/\_
                        __| _\    |   |   | __  \ |__
                             |                 |
                         luk!|_    luk.pht!   _|pht!
                              //\_ _______ _/\\
                              ¯               ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................12  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.................................mecenas  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............mecenas.phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                 _  _ _________________________________ _  _
               ._\\/                                 _â_ \//_.
               |                                    jÃNNL    |
               |                                  _¤~j άh_  |
        ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_  jF  ! !  °, ·____/\_
   _/\_.\_    /.\___  /.\ ____/.\___  /.\  __ /.æ~   F l   ¬\.\  ___/._/\_
     __| /___/ |  \/_/ |  \/   |  \/_/ |   |   |    j   k    | \____ |__
       `---|---'-------'-------'-------'---|---'m__ !   t  _æ`----\/-'
               |  mecenas.phase truce!           ¯°*F   J*P¯ |
               |_                                           _|
            luk!//\_ ___________________________________ _/\\pht!
                ¯                                           ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................13  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................mobby  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to........mobby.phase truce+nipson  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                  +._  _    _ _ _____________ _ _    _  _.+
                     )_\\_._\V//             \\V/_._//_(
                          |                       |
              _ _  ____/\_|                       |__  /\_  _ _
            +._\/_.\_    /.____/\_         ____/\_.\ \/  /._\/_.+
               )__| /___/ .\_____/.____/\_.\ ____/. \  _/ |__(
                  `---|---|  \/   .\ ____/.  \___ |-/-----'
                          `-------|  \___ |----\/-'
                          |       `----\/-'       |
                          |                       |
                          |_    mobby.pht+nsn    _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................14  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name....................................peer  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to................peer.phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                           _  _ ____________ _  _
                         ._\\/                \//_.
                         |                        |
                       ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_
                  _/\_.\____ /.\___  /.\___  /.\____ /._/\_
                    __|   \/__|  \/_/ |  \/_/ |  _\/  |__
                      `-----' `-------'-------'--/____|
                         |                        |
                     luk!|_  peer.phase truce!   _|pht!
                          //\_ _____________ _/\\
                          ¯                     ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................15  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name....................................revi  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to....revi.phase truce+whelpz+l124  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                  _ _ __    _ _ _____________ _ _    __ _ _
               +._\V/_\(_._///                 \\\_._)/_\V/_.+
                         |                         |
               _____   ____/\_ ____/\_ ___ /\_ ____/\_   _____
               \_ __\_.\____ /.\___  /.\  /  /.\___  /._/__ _/
               +._)/__|  _\/  |  \/_/ |  /  / |  \  / |__\(_.+
                         |                         |
                         |   revi.pht+wpz+link124  |
                         |_                       _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................16  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................smooth  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to..............smooth.phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                   _    _ _ _ _________________ _ _ _    _
                  _)\_._\\\V//                 \\V///_._/(_
                      |                               |
          +._  ____/\_|                               |____/\_  _.+
         _ __\.\  ___/.____/\_                 ____/\_.\_ | _/./__ _
         \_)(_| \____ .\_    /.____/\_ ____/\_.\__   /.   _   |_)(_/
              `----\/-| /___/ .\_____/.\_____/.   )_/ |---'---'
                      `---|---|  \/   |  \/   |-------'
                      |       `-------'-------'       |
                      |      smooth.phase truce!      |
                      |_ __ __ _             _ __ __ _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................17  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................spark  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...............spark.phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                         _  _ _________________ _  _
                       ._\\/                     \//_.
                       |             _â_             |
                       |            jÃNNL            |
                       |          _¤~j άh_          |
                ____/\_·____/\_  jF  ! !  °,  ____/\_·____/\_
           _/\_.\  ___/.\____ /.æ~   F l   ¬\.\____ /.\ _/ _/._/\_
             __| \____ |   \/__|    j   k    |  _\/  | __  \ |__
               `----\/-'-----'  m__ !   t  _æ`--/____|---\--\'
                       |         ¯°*F   J*P¯         |
                       |                             |
                   luk!|_     spark.phase truce!    _|pht!
                        //\_ ___________________ _/\\
                        ¯                           ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................18  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.................................traitor  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.................traitor.pht+tng  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

               __ _ __ _ __________________________ _ __ _ __
              _\(_._)//                              \\(_._)/_
                  |                                      |
      +._  ____/\_|                   jL                 |____/\_  _.+
       _ \.\__   /.____/\_            F#          ____/\_.\____ /./ _
        )_|   )_/ .\____ /.____/\_   Æ ]  ____/\_.\_____/.  _\/  |_(
          `-------|  _\/  .\____ /. j   Î.\__   /.  \/   |--/____|
                  `--/____| ___   |,F   t|   )_/ |-------'
                  |       `-\/----'£_   ]`-------'       |
                  |                ¬°@mw_Î               |
                  |                     ¬"               |
                  |        traitor.phase truce+tng       |
                  |_ __  _                        _  __ _|
               luk!/(__)( \______________________/ )(__)\pht!

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................19  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...........................the opium den  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.......the opium den.phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                             ___ _ _______ _ ___
                            __)//           \\(__
                            \                   /
                             \                 /
                       __  ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_  __
                      _)/_.\__   /.\_____/.\____ /._\(_
                      \_._|   )_/ |  \/   | ___/  |_._/
                        | `-------`-------`-\/----' |
                        |                           |
                        | the opium den.phase truce |
                        |_ _                     _ _|
                     luk!/_(\___  _       _  ___/)_\pht!

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................20  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name....................................wild  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to................wild.phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__
        dziëki stary za doprowadzenie mnie do partyplace, very thanx!

                           _  _ _______________  _
                         ._\\/                 \//_.
                         |        jL               |
                         |        F#               |
                         |       Æ ]               |
                        __ _/\_ j   Î ____/\_ ____/\_
                   _/\_.\ \|  /.F   t.\ ____/.\____ /._/\_
                     __| \_| / |_   ]| _\    | ___/  |__
                         |           ¬"            |
                     luk!|_   wild.phase truce!   _|pht!
                          //\_ _______________ _/\\
                          ¯                       ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................21  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................voicer  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to..............voicer.phase truce  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                    _   _ _ _ ________________ _ _ _   _
                  _/(_._\V//                    \\V/_._)\_
                      |           jL                 |
                      |           F#                 |
                      |          Æ ]                 |
            _  ___ /\_·____/\_  j   Î ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_  _
           _ \.\  /  /.\_____/.,F   t.\ ____/.\___  /.\____ /./ _
         _( )_|  /  / |  \/   |£_   ]|  \/   |  \/_/ |  _\/  |_( )_
                      |             ¬"               |
                      |_  _  voicer.phase truce  _  _|
                       /_( )____________________( )_\

                           part 2.logos for all...

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................22  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................amiga  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to....all people, which love amiga  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                              _  ___________  _
                       _  _ __\\/           \//__ _  _
                     ._\\/            jL           \//_.
                     |                F#               |
                     |               Æ ]               |
                   ____/\_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_ ____/\_
                  .\____ /.\_    /.,F   t .\ ____/.\____ /.
                  | ___   | /___/ |£_   ] |  \____| ___   |
                     |                   ¬"            |
                     |_         .amiga rules.         _|
                      //\_ ___                 ___ _/\\
                      ¯  luk!//\_____________/\\pht!  ¯
                             ¯                 ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................23  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.................................credits  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............................all  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                            _ __ _ _______ _ __ _
                    __ _ ___\\\////       \\\\///___ _ __
                  ._\//                       jL      \\/_.
                  |                           F#          |
                  |                          Æ ]          |
        _  ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_·____/\_  _
      \//_.\ ____/.\____ /.\___  /.\____ /.,F   t .\__   /.\  ___/._\\/
         _|  \/   |  _\/  |  \/_/ | ___/  |£_   ] |   )_/ | \____ |_
                  |                             ¬"        |
                  |              .credits.                |
                  |                                       |
                  |    t           t            t         |
                  |     e           e            e        |
                  |      x           x            x       |
                  |       t           t            t      |
                  |                                       |
                  |__                                   __|
                   _//\____ _     _ __ __ _     _ ____/\\_

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................24  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............................all  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                           _  _ _____________ _  _
                         ._\\/                 \//_.
                         |                         |
                       ____/\_ ____/\_ __ _/\_ ____/\_
                  _/\_.\  __ /.\___  /.\ \|  /.\  ___/._/\_
                    __|   |   |  \/_/ | \_| / | \____ |__
                         |                         |
                     luk!|_        .news.         _|pht!
                          //\_ _______________ _/\\
                          ¯                       ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................25  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name................................presents  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............................all  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                              _ __ _______ __ _
                    _ __ _ ___\\\//       \\///___ _ __ _
                  ._\\\//                           \\///_.
                  |                                       |
       __  ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_  __
      _\/_.\____ /.\____ /.\___  /.\  ___/.\___  /.\  __ /.\__   /._\/_
      _  _|   \/__|  _\/  |  \/_/ | \____ |  \/_/ |   |   |   )_/ |_  _
       /\ `-----' `--/____|-------`----\/-`-------`---|---`-------' /\
       ¯¯         |_              .present.              _|         ¯¯
                   ///\\_ ____                 ____ _//\\\
                   ¯ ¯¯  luk!///\\_________//\\\pht!  ¯¯ ¯
                             ¯ ¯¯           ¯¯ ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................26  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................greets  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............................all  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                         __ _ _________________ _ __
                     _.__\//                     \\/__._
                      |                               |
               ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_
          __  .\ ____/.\____ /.\___  /.\___  /.\__   /.\  ___/.  __
          \ )_|  \____|  _\/  |  \/_/ |  \/_/ |   )_/ | \____ |_( /
                      |                               |
                      |_ __        .greets.       __ _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................27  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................ascii  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............................all  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                            _  _ ___________ _  _
                         _._\\/               \//_._
                          |                       |
             _ __  ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_  __ _
              \\/_.\____ /.\  ___/.\ ____/.\___  /.\___  /._\//
              +.__| ___   | \____ |  \/   |  \  / |  \  / |__.+
                          |                       |
                          |_   _   .ascii.   _   _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................28  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................delays  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............................all  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                    __ _ _ _______________________ _ _ __
                 _._\////                           \\\\/_._
                  |                      _â_              |
                  |                     jÃNNL             |
                  |                   _¤~j άh_           |
           ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_   jF  ! !  °,   __  /\_·____/\_
          .\____ /.\___  /.\ ____/._æ~   F l   ¬\_.\ \/  /.\  ___/.
          | ___/  |  \/_/ | _\    |°    j   k    ×| \  _/ | \____ |
          `-\/----`-------`-------'*m__ !   t  _æ*`-/-----`----\/-'
                  |                  ¯°*F   J*P¯          |
                  |_  _  .delays.                     _  _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................29  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.............................stamps back  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............................all  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                    _  _ ___________________________ _  _
                  ._\\/                               \//_._
                  |              _â_                      |
                  |             jÃNNL                     |
                  |           _¤~j άh_                   |
      +._  ____/\_·____/\_   jF  ! !  °,   ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_  _.+
       _ \.\  ___/.\__   /._æ~   F l   ¬\_.\_    /.\____ /.\  ___/./ _
      _\)_| \____ |   )_/ |°    j   k    ×| /___/ |   \/__| \____ |_(/_
          `----\/-`-------'*m__ !   t  _æ*`---|---`-----' `----\/-'
                  |          ¯°*F   J*P¯                  |
                  |    ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_    |
                  |_  .\ ____/.\____ /.\ ____/.\ _/ _/.  _|
                  |\)_|  \___ | ___   |  \/   | __  \ |_(/|
                  |   `----\/-`-\/----`-------`---\--\'   |
                  |                                       |
                  |_    _       .stamps back.       _    _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................30  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............................all  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                                     _ _
                                _  __\V/__  _
                             _._\\/       \//_._
                              |               |
                  +._  ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_·___ /\_  _.+
                   _ \.\_    /.\___  /.\  __ /.\  |  /./ _
                   \)_| /___/ |  \/_/ |   |   |   |   |_(/
                              |    .menu.     |
                              |_    _   _    _|

                          part .3 logos for you...

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................31  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................amifan  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to..............amifan.independent  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                             ________   ________
                        _ __ _ ______\ /______ _ __ _
                      ._\\\//                   \\///_.
                      |                               |
               ____/\_|            .amifan.           |____/\_
           _ _.\____ /.____/\_                 ____/\_.\  __ /._ _
           \\_| ___   .\_    /.____/\_ ____/\_.\____ /.   |   |_//
              `-\/----| /___/ .\___  /.\  _  /. ___   |---|---'
                      `---|---|  \  / | \  \/ |-\/----'
                      |_      `---\/--'-------'      _|
                   luk!//_____________ _____________\\pht!
                             ________/ \________

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................32  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................azzaro  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............azzaro.mawi+link124  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                     _  _ __________________________   _
                   ._\\/                             \//_.
                   |                     _â_             |
                   |                    jÃNNL            |
                   |                  _¤~j άh_          |
            ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_  jF  ! !  °,  ____/\_·____/\_
       _/\_.\____ /.\____ /.\____ /.æ~   F l   ¬\.\____ /.\_____/._/\_
         __| ___   |  ____ |  ____ |    j   k    |  _\/  |  \/   |__
           `-\/----'----\/-'----\/-'m__ !   t  _æ`--/____|-------'
                   |                 ¯°*F   J*P¯         |
                   |                                     |
               luk!|_        azzaro.mawi+link124        _|pht!
                    //\_ ___________________________ _/\\
                    ¯                                   ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................33  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................azzaro  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............azzaro.mawi+link124  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

        ................ ::                       |
        ::  ......... ::.::      a.z.z.a.r.o      |
        ::  ::     ::                             |  ,¤0p
        ::  ::    _::__  _____   _____   _____ __ |_j0__åb_
       _ __/\___ _\___ |_\___ |__\___ |__\___ V  V  ÆF   0L|___/\__ _
                | ____ | _____|. _____|. ____ |  ___0    ãÎ|
         luk!___| \/   | \/    | \/    | \/   |   | 0L   ÆF|___pht!
        ::  ::  `------'-------'-------'------'---'-ÆÎ--_0-'
        ::  ::.... ::   :                         |  ¶ÎjØ´
        ::.........::   ¦                         |   ¬°

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................34  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name....................................mawi  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............azzaro.mawi+link124  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                        _  _ ___________________ _  _
                      ._\\/                       \//_.
                      |          _â_                  |
                      |         jÃNNL                 |
                      |       _¤~j άh_               |
                    ____/\_  jF  ! !  °,  __ _/\_ ____/\_
               _/\_.\_    /.æ~   F l   ¬\.\ \|  /.\___  /._/\_
                 __| /___/ |    j   k    | \_| / |  \  / |__
                   `---|---'m__ !   t  _æ`---|---'---\/--'
                      |      ¯°*F   J*P¯              |
                      |                               |
                  luk!|_           .mawi.            _|pht!
                       //\_ _____________________ _/\\
                       ¯                             ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................35  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name....................................mawi  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............azzaro.mawi+link124  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                 ..................                   ::::
                 ::::       ...::::  °ø,         ,ø'° ::::
                 ::::   __   ___  _____Ø,__ ___,ø'/\_ ::::
               _ __/\__|  \\/__ |_\___ ¬Ø,,Ø, ,ø'_  _)__/\__ _
                       |   \/   : ____  `Øø'Ø,Ø'| \/ |
                luk!___|   |    : \/    | ' `Ø' |    |___pht!
                 ::::  `---|____|-------'-------'----'::::
                 ::::                                 ::::

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................36  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.............................link124.diz  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.............azzaro.mawi+link124  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                         ___     ...  .....  ...
                _ __/\__|   |__.::::_:::_:::_:::_:::__/\__ _
                        |   |__  :::    .::: :::.:::
                 luk!___|   |  |_:::__.:::'______:::___pht!
                        `------' ::: :::::::     :::

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................37  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...............................blackfire  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to....blackfire.scum+sound killers  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                             _______ ___ _______
                   _  _ _ __________\\_//__________ _ _  _
           __ _____\\///                             \\\//_____ __
        ._\\/        _â_                                        \//_.
        |           jÃNNL                                           |
        |         _¤~j άh_                                         |
 ____/\_·____/\_ jF  ! !  °, ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_
.\ ____/.\ ____/.~   F l   ¬.\ ____/.\ _/ _/.\  _  /.\___  /.\____ /.\___  /.
|  \___ | _\    |   j   k   |  \/   | __  \ | \  \/ |  \  / |  _\/  |  \/_/ |
`----\/-`-------'__ !   t  _`-------'---\--\`-------`---\/--`--/____|-------'
        |        ¯°*F   J*P¯                                        |
        |_ ___                  blackfire.scum+sound killers   ___ _|
     luk!//  /_______________________ _ _______________________\  \\pht!
         ¯                    ______//_\\______

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................38  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name....................................scum  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to..................blackfire.scum  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                               _ ____   ____ _
                                __ __\ /__ __
                             _._\//       \\/_._
                              |               |
                       ____/\_·____/\_ ___ /\_·____/\_
                 _ __ .\  ___/.\ ____/.\  |  /.\_    /. __ _
                    /_| \____ |  \/   |   |   | /___/ |_\
                              |     .scum.    |
                              |_             _|
                           luk!/__(\__ __/)__\pht!
                               __ ___/ \___ __

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................39  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................budgie  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.....budgie.absurd+venal+link124  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                         _ _______   __   _______ _
                        __ _ _____\  \/  /_____ _ __
                     _._\(_\                    /_)/_._
                      |                              |
                      |                           jL |
                      |                           F# |
                      |                          Æ ] |
               ____/\_·___ /\_ ____/\_ ____/\_  j   η____/\_
          __+._\ ____/_\  |  /_\____ /_\ ____/_,F   t_\___  /_.+__
            \__  \___     |     ___/     \____ £_   ]   \/_/ __/
                      |                             ¬"
                      |_   _     .budgie.       _   _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................40  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................budgie  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.....budgie.absurd+venal+link124  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                               _ ___ __ ___ _
                   _ __ ____________\\//____________ __ _
                 ._\\\//                            \\///_.
                 |                                jL      |
                 |                .budgie.        F#      |
           __  ____/\_                           Æ ]  ____/\_  __
           \/_.\ ____/.___ /\_         ____/\_  j   Î.\___  /._\/
            __|  \___ .\  |  /.____/\_.\ ____/.,F   t|  \/_/ |__
              `----\/-|   |   .\____ /.  \____|£_   ]`-------'
                 |    `-------| ___/  |----\/-'¬°@mw_Î    |
                 |            `-\/----'             ¬"    |
                 |_                                      _|
              luk!///\\______________  ______________//\\\pht!
                  ¯ ¯¯         _ ___//\\___ _         ¯¯ ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................41  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................absurd  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.....budgie.absurd+venal+link124  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                             _ ______   ______ _
                        _ __ _ ______\ /______ _ __ _
                     _._\\\(/                   \)///_._
                      |                               |
            _  ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ___ /\_ ____/\_·____/\_  _
           __\_\____ /_\ ____/_\  ___/_\  |  /_\____ /_\____ /_/__
          _)/__ ___      \___   \____     |      _\/  _ ___/  __\(_
                      |                               |
                      |_ __ __    .absurd.     __ __ _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................42  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................venal  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.....budgie.absurd+venal+link124  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                        _  _ _____\        /_____ _ _
                     _._\\/                  _â_  ///_._
                      |                     jÃNNL     |
                      |                   _¤~j άh_   |
               ___ /\_·____/\_ ____/\_   jF  ! !  °,  ·____/\_
            +._\  /  /_\___  /_\  __ /__æ~   F l   ¬\__\ ____/_.+
            )__  /  /    \/_/     |   j°    j   k    ×L _\    __(
              `-------------------|---"*m__ !   t  _æ*°-------'
                      |                  ¯°*F   J*P¯  |
                      |_  .venal.                    _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................43  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................entrix  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.......entrix.high voltage+opium  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                      :                              :
                      :                            ,ø  !m_
                      :                          _æ"¬L f °w_
               ______ :__     _____  __ _____/\_­¯   !j    ¬9p
      _ __/\__|  ___/|   \---|    /_|  V   (_  _)mw__¬É_,w*°"__/\__ _
              |   _)_|    \  |  ___/|  ___/| \/ |__jz@0zâ__
       luk!___|  '   |  \    |      |   |  |    |°¯  jt  ¯°­gµ___pht!
              `------'---\___|------'---'  `----'w_  !¬,  _e°¯
                      |                           °wjL [_*¯
                      |   ...entrix...              °: ¬

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................44  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name............................high voltage  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.......entrix.high voltage+opium  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

       .__________________________________________ __  _
       |                  _____  _/\_ _____  _____
       |           __/\__|    /_(_  _) ___/_|    /_ __/\__
       |           \     |  __  | \/ | \___ |  __  |     /
       |            \____|  \/  |    |   _/ |  \/  |____/            .
       |                 `--/   |----'------'--/   |
            _æ     b_      / ___|             / ___|                 |
       · _,øPã     F°m,_                                             |
        ëP"  ]     F  ¬°g,____ ___    _____   _____ _____  ______    |
 _ __/\_°#_   L___jL  _¤'     |   |  |    /_ _\___ | ___/_/  ___/__/\__ _
          °m  t   Æ  øF| ____ |   |__|  ___/| ____ | \___ |   _)_
     luk!___*_¬L_jF¸Æ__| \/   |   |  |      | \/   |   _/ |  '   |___pht!
             °Îþ ÆæF   `------'------'------'------'------'------'
              ¬¶µP                                                   |
                "                                                    |
                     _  __ __________________________________________|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................45  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................hv.diz  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.......entrix.high voltage+opium  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                                    _æ     b_
                            _____ ,øPã     F°m,_
                      _/\__|    /_"  ]_____F  ¬°g,__/\_
                           |  __  |   L   jL  _¤'
                     luk!__|  \/  |m  t___Æ  øF_____pht!
                           `--/   |`*_¬L jF¸Æ'
                             / ___|  °Îþ ÆæF

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................46  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................opium  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.......entrix.high voltage+opium  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                              ___           ___
                             _\ /_ _______ _\ /_
                          _._\\//           \\//_._
                           |          jL         |
                           |          F#         |
                           |         Æ ]         |
               ____ ____/\_·____/\_ j   Î ___ /\_·____/\_ ____
               \ _/_\_____/_\____ /,F   t_\  |  /_\_    /_\_ /
                \___  \/       \/__£_   ]    |     /___/ ___/
                   `-------------' ¬°@mw_Î-----------|---'
                           |            ¬"       |
                           |_      .opium.      _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................47  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................farmer  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...................farmer.sadist  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                    _  _ _______\           /_______ _  _
                  ._\\/  _â_                          \//_.
                  |     jÃNNL     farmer.sadist           |
                  |   _¤~j άh_                           |
        __ ____/\_·  jF  ! !  °,   ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_ __
        _/.\  _  /._æ~   F l   ¬\_.\____ /.\_    /.\___  /.\____ /.\_
        \_| \  \/ |°    j   k    ×|  _\/  | /___/ |  \/_/ |  _\/  |_/
          `-------'*m__ !   t  _æ*`--/____|---|---'-------'--/____|
                  |  ¯°*F   J*P¯                          |
                  |_ ______                       ______ _|
               luk!//____ /_______________________\ ____\\pht!

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................48  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................sadist  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...................farmer.sadist  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                    _ _ _____________________________ _ _
                  ._\\\  _â_                          ///_.
                  |     jÃNNL                             |
                  |   _¤~j άh_                           |
      ___  ____/\_·  jF  ! !  °,   ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_  ___
      \_ \.\  ___/._æ~   F l   ¬\_.\____ /.\___  /.\  ___/.\__   /./ _/
        )_| \____ |°    j   k    ×| ___/  |  \  / | \____ |   )_/ |_(
          `----\/-'*m__ !   t  _æ*`-\/----`---\/--`----\/-`-------'
                  |  ¯°*F   J*P¯                          |
                  |_               .sadist.              _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................49  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................idaho  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated bullz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                    _  _ ___________________________ _  _
                  ._\\/                               \//_.
                  |                  _â_                  |
                  |                 jÃNNL                 |
                  |               _¤~j άh_               |
                ____/\_ ____/\_  jF  ! !  °,  ____/\_ ____/\_
           _/\_.\___  /.\____ /.æ~   F l   ¬\.\_ | _/.\_____/._/\_
             __|  \  / | ___/  |    j   k    |   _   |  \/   |__
               `---\/--'-\/----'m__ !   t  _æ`---'---'-------'
                  |              ¯°*F   J*P¯              |
                  |                                       |
              luk!|_  bullz           _|pht!
                   //\_ ______________________________ /\\
                   ¯                                     ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................50  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................idaho  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated bullz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                             _ __                 ,¤0p
                      _/\_  \\/  | _____ _____  _j0__åb_
                 .___(_  _)__\__ |_\___ |    /_| ÆF   0L|___.
                 |   | \/ | ___/ | ____ |  __  | 0    ãÎ|   |
               luk!__|    | \/   | \/   |  \/  | 0L   ÆF|__pht
                     `----'------'------'--/   |-ÆÎ--_0-'
                                          / ___|  ¶ÎjØ´

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................51  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ | bullz  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated bullz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                       _  _ _ _________________ _ _  _
                     ._\\///                     \\\//_.
                     |     ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_     |
                     |   _.\____ /.\___  /.\____ /._   |
                     |  __|  _\/  |  \/_/ | ___/  |__  |
                     |    `--/____|-------'-\/----'    |
                     |                                 |
                _  ____/\_ ___ /\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_  _
              \//_.\ ____/.\  |  /.\ ____/.\ ____/.\____ /._\\/
                __|  \___ |   |   | _\    | _\    |  ____ |__
                     |           .red bullz.           |
                     |_                               _|
                  luk!//\\\_ ___________________ _///\\pht!
                      ¯  ¯                         ¯  ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................52  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ | bullz  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated bullz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                  ..................................     _______.   ._______
                  ::·                            ·::    |   _____________   |
                  :·                              ·:    |__|:·         ·:|__|
                  :                                :       ¦· ,_        ·¦
    ___   _ _______  ____    ____       ___ ___     ___    |  °0øæ,._    |
 __|j00µø0PV   ___/__)__ |__| __(__ ___|   |   |   |   |   |     °ØØ°"   |__
|  |J0F""¯ |   _)_| ___/ |  | \___ |   |   |   |___|   |___|   ,øØ°    __|  |
|__|¬0Î    |  '   | \/   |__|   \/ |   |   |   |   |   |   |,øØØØøøµµøØ°¯|__|
   `-#F----'------'------'  `------'-------'-------'-------|°¯     ¯°Ø°  |
              luk!:                                :pht! __¦             ¦__
                  : bullz...         :    |  |_____________|  |
                  :................................:    |_______.   ._______|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................53  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................rb.diz  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated bullz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                               ____/\_ ____/\_
                              .\____ /.\ ____/.
                      _  _ ___|  _\/  |  \___ |___ _  _
                    ._\\/     `--/____|----\/-'     \//_.
                    |                                   |
                    |       red bullz back with         |
                    |                                   |
                    |   t           t            t      |
                    |    e           e            e     |
                    |     x           x            x    |
                    |_     t           t            t  _|
                     //\_ ___                   ___ _/\\
                     ¯  luk!//\_ ___________ _/\\pht!  ¯
                            ¯                   ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................54  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ | duck  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated bullz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                                _____\ /_____
                             _._\           /_._
                              |               |
                       ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_
                 ______\____ /_\___  /_\  __ /_\ _/ _/______
                 \___ _   \/___  \  /     |     __  \ _ ___/
                   )_/`-----' `---\/------|-------\--\'\_(
                       ____/\_|___ /\_ ____/\_|____/\_
                 ______\____ /_\  |  /_\ ____/_\ _/ _/______
                 \___ _ ___/      |      \/     __  \ _ ___/
                              |  |
                              |_             _|
                           luk!/______ ______\pht!

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................55  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................scoor  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated bullz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                       _  _ _____________________ _  _
                     ._\\/                         \//_.
                     |                                 |
                _  ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_  _
              \//_.\  ___/.\ ____/.\_____/.\_____/.\____ /._\\/
                 _| \____ |  \/   |  \/   |  \/   |  _\/  |_
              /\\ `----\/-`-------`-------`-------`--/____| //\
                ¯    |_            .scoor.            _|    ¯
                  luk!//\_ _______________________ _/\\pht!
                      ¯                               ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................56  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................scoor  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated bullz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                       :                             :
                       :                             :
                       :              ,¤0p   ,¤0p    :
                     __:__   ____    j0  åb_j0  åb_ _: ____
               .___ | ___/_ /___/__ _ÆF___0LÆF___0L|  V   /_.
               |   .|_____ V \/    | 0    ãÎ0    ãÎ|  ___/  |
             luk!__|    \/ |       | 0L   ÆF0L   ÆF|   |___pht
                       :              ¶ÎjØ´  ¶ÎjØ´   :
                       : s c o o r     ¬°     ¬°     :

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................57  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................s.p.y.  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated bullz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                               _  _ _____ _  _
                         _  _ _\\/         \//_ _  _
                       ._\\/                     \//_.
                       |   ____/\_ ____/\_ __  /\_   |
                       |__.\  ___/.\____ /.\ \/  /.__|
                       |__| \____ |   \/__| \  _/ |__|
                       |  `----\/-'-----' `-/-----'  |
                       |                             |
                       |_         .s.p.y.           _|
                        //\_ _                 _ _/\\
                        ¯luk!//\_ _________ _/\\pht!¯
                             ¯                 ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................58  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................s.p.y.  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated bullz  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                             ::· ·        · ·::
                           __:__   __________ :
                    _____ | ___/_ /___   _   \: ___ _____
                    \    .|_____ V  \/ _/ \   \/  /.    /
                  luk!___|    \/       |   \_   _/ |___pht
                             : s.p.y          :

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................59  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name..................................kessel  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to................ksl.sweet poison  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                        _  _   __ _ _____ _ __   _  _
                      ._\\//___\//         \\/___\\//_.
                      |                               |
               ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_
          _ __.\ _/ _/.\___  /.\  ___/.\  ___/.\___  /.\ ____/.__ _
          \\\_| __  \ |  \/_/ | \____ | \____ |  \/_/ | _\    |_///
                      |                               |
                      |_  _____    .kessel.   _____  _|
                   luk!//\\   /\\_ _______ _//\   //\\pht!
                       ¯  ¯   ¯¯             ¯¯   ¯  ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................60  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.....................................ksl  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to................ksl.sweet poison  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                            _._\             /_._
                             |                 |
                           ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_
                      _ ___\ _/ _/_\  ___/_\ ____/___ _
                      ___ _ __  \   \____   _\    _ ___
                             |                 |
                             |_   .ksl.sp!.   _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................61  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name....................................klod  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to..................klod.nah kolor  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                           _  _ ______________ _  _
                         ._\\///              \\\//_.
                         |                          |
                 _  _  ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_  _  _
                  \//_.\ _/ _/.\ ____/.\_____/.\____ /._\\/
                    __| __  \ | _\    |  \/   | ___/  |__
                         |                          |
                         |_     klod.nah kolor     _|
                          ¯  ¯                  ¯  ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................62  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...............................nah kolor  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to..................klod.nah kolor  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                        _  _ ___________________ _  _
                      ._\\/                       \//_.
                      |              _â_              |
                      |             jÃNNL             |
                      |           _¤~j άh_           |
                     ____/\_     jF  ! !  °,     ____/\_
                   _.\  __ /.  _æ~   F l   ¬\_  .\_ | _/._
                   _|   |   | j°    j   k    ×L |   _   |_
                    `---|---' "*m__ !   t  _æ*° `---'---'
                      |          ¯°*F   J*P¯          |
                   ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_
                 _.\ _/ _/.\_____/.\ ____/.\_____/.\____ /._
                 _| __  \ |  \/   | _\    |  \/   |  _\/  |_
                      |                               |
                      |_        .nah kolor.          _|
                   luk!//\_ _____________________ _/\\pht!
                       ¯                             ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................63  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.................................nah.diz  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to..................klod.nah kolor  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                          _  _ _ _______ _ _  _
                    _  ___\\///           \\\//___  _
                  ._\\/            _â_            \//_.
                  |               jÃNNL               |
                  |             _¤~j άh_             |
                  |  ____/\_   jF  ! !  °,   ____/\_  |
                  |_.\  __ /._æ~   F l   ¬\_.\_ | _/._|
                  |_|   |   |°    j   k    ×|   _   |_|
                  | `---|---'*m__ !   t  _æ*`---'---' |
                  |            ¯°*F   J*P¯            |
                  |                                   |
                  |        nah kolor present          |
                  |                                   |
                  |    t          t          t        |
                  |     x          x          x       |
                  |_     t          t          t     _|
                   //\___                       ___/\\
                   ¯    //\\\_ ___________ _///\\    ¯
                        ¯  ¯                 ¯  ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................64  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.....................................krs  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.................krs.independent  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                         _  _ _________________ _  _
                       ._\\/                     \//_.
                     _ |   ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_   |  _
                     \\/\_.\ _/ _/.\____ /.\  ___/._/\//
                       .__| __  \ |  _\/  | \____ |__.
                       |  `---\--\'--/____|----\/-'  |
                       |                             |
                       |      .krs.independent.      |
                       |_                           _|
                    luk!//\_ ___________________ _/\\pht!
                        ¯                           ¯

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................65  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.................................lisaros  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to............lisaros.high voltage  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

               __ _ _ _________________________________ _ _ __
             ._)////                 _â_                 \\\\(_.
             |                      jÃNNL                      |
             |                    _¤~j άh_                    |
 _._  ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_    jF  ! !  °,    ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_  _._
  )_ .\ ____/.\___  /.\  ___/. _æ~   F l   ¬\_ .\____ /.\_____/.\  ___/. _(
   /_| _\    |  \  / | \____ |j°    j   k    ×L|  _\/  |  \/   | \____ |_\
     `-------`---\/--`----\/-'"*m__ !   t  _æ*°`--/____|-------`----\/-'
             |                   ¯°*F   J*P¯                   |
             |                                                 |
             |_            .lisaros.high voltage.             _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................66  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................mario  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...............mario.independent  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                                             _____.  ._____
                                            |   ________   |
                                            |__|:·    ·:|__|
                                               ¦· ,¤0p ·¦
                  .__   ___  ______       ,_/\_|_j0__åb |
              .___|  \\/__ |_\___  |J00µø0P_  _) ÆF   0L|___.
              |   |   \/   | ____  |i0F""¯| \/ | 0    ãÎ|   |
            luk!__|   |    | \/    |¬0Î   |    | 0L   ÆF|___???
                                             __¦  ¶ÎjØ´ ¦__
                                            |  |___°°___|  |

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................67  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...............................czytaj to  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...............mario.independent  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                 _______.   ._______
                |   _____________   |
                |__|:·         ·:|__|
                   ¦· ,_        ·¦
             _____ |  °0øæ,._    |____ _____ _____  ______ _/\_
        .___| ___/_|     °ØØ°"   |\   \  ___V    /_ \___  (_  _)___.
        |   | \/   |   ,øØ°    __| \   \/  /|  ___/_ ____ | \/ |   |
      luk!__|      |,øØØØøøµµøØ°¯|  \    _/ |      | \/   |_   |___???
            `------|°¯     ¯°Ø°  |---)___|--'------'------'/___|
                 __¦             ¦__
                |  |_____________|  |                ,¤0p
                |_______.   ._______|        ____ _ j0__åb _
                                       .___./   /_  ÆF   0L |___.
        c z y t a j    t o !           |   |  ___/_ 0    ãÎ |   |
                                       |___|      | 0L   ÆF |___|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................68  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ | coma  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...............mario.independent  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                                               _____.   ._____
                                              |   _________   |
                                          ,¤0p __|:·     ·:|__|
           _____      ___ ______________ j0__åb _¦· __  _ ·|_____
     .____| ___/_ ___|   V ___   ) ___  )ÆF   0L | JØصøØP |    /_ ___.
     |   .|_____ V   |   |  \/ _/|  \/_/ 0    ãÎ | jØF""¯  |  ___/_   |
   luk!__|    \/ |       |     | |    |  0L   ÆF | °ØÎ     |      |___???
         `-------`-------'-----'-`----'--ÆÎ--_0--|  ØF     |------'
                ______.  .______          ¶ÎjØ´__¦         ¦__
               |   __________   |          ¬° |  |_________|  |
               |__|:·      ·:|__|             |_____.   ._____|
                  ¦·  ,¤0p  ·¦
            _____ |_ j0__åb _|__   ____ _____
       .___| ___/_|  ÆF   0L |  \\/__ |_\___ |___.
       |   | \/   |  0    ãÎ |   \/   | ____ |   |
       |___|      |  0L   ÆF |   |    | \/   |___|
           `------|- ÆÎ--_0 -|---|____|------'
                __¦   ¶ÎjØ´  ¦__
               |  |____¬°____|  |  s u p p o r t   c o m a

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................69  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...............mario.independent  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                 |                                        |
                 |                             _____.   ._____
                 |                            |   _________   |
                 |                        ,¤0p __|:·     ·:|__|
           _____ |    ___ ______________ j0__åb _¦· __  _ ·|_____
     .____| ___/_ ___|   V ___   ) ___  )ÆF   0L | JØصøØP |    /_ ___.
     |   .|_____ V   |   |  \/ _/|  \/_/ 0    ãÎ | jØF""¯  |  ___/_   |
   luk!__|    \/ |       |     | |    |  0L   ÆF | °ØÎ     |      |___???
         `-------`-------'-----'-`----'--ÆÎ--_0--|  ØF     |------'
                 |                        ¶ÎjØ´__¦         ¦__
         s u p p o r t        _____.   .___¬° |  |_________|  |
                 |           |   _________   ||_____.   ._____|
                 |       ,¤0p|__|:·     ·:|__|            |
         _____   |______j0__åb _¦· __  _ ·|_   µ  _  _____|
   .____| ___/_ /___   )ÆF   0L | JØصøØP | øØØ00Ï°|| ___/_ ___.
   |   .|_____ V  \/ _/ 0    ãÎ | jØF""¯  |  ,ØF   ||_____ V   |
   |___|    \/ |     |  0L   ÆF | °ØÎ     |  ø0,   |    \/ |___|
       `-------`-----'--ÆÎ--_0--|  ØF     |--Æ0µgr-'-------'
                 |       ¶ÎjØ´__¦         ¦__ ¬°"         |
                 |        ¬° |  |_________|  |            |
                 |           |   _________   |     s p o r t s  -
                 |           |__|:·     ·:|__|            |
                 | ______  _____¦· __  _ ·¦_____          |
             .___ /___   )_\___ | JØصøØP |    /_ ___.    |
             |   V  \/ _/  ____ | jØF""¯  |  ___/_   |    |
             |___|     |   \/   | °ØÎ     |      |___|    |
                 `-----'--------|  ØF     |------'        |
                 |            __¦         ¦__             |
                 |           |  |_________|  |            |
           p a r t   o f     |   _________   |            |
                 |           |__|:·     ·:|__|            |
                 |              ¦· ,¤0p  ·¦               |
                 |        _____ |_j0__åb _|__   ____ _____|
                 |   .___| ___/_| ÆF   0L |  \\/__ |_\___ |___.
                 |   |   | \/   | 0    ãÎ |   \/   | ____ |   |
                 |   |___|      | 0L   ÆF |   |    | \/   |___|
                 |       `------|-ÆÎ--_0 -|---|____|------'
                 |            __¦  ¶ÎjØ´  ¦__             |
                 |           |  |___¬°____|  |            |
                 |           |_____.¯¯ ._____|      c o m a
                 |                                       _|_
                 |___________________________________luk!\ /???

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................70  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................mario  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...................mario.reality  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                     _._\                           /_._
                      |      _â_                      |
                      |     jÃNNL                     |
                      |   _¤~j άh_                   |
               ____/\_·  jF  ! !  °,   ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_
           _ \_\_    /__æ~   F l   ¬\__\____ /_\___  /_\_____/_/ _
          _)\__ /___/ j°    j   k    ×L  _\/     \  /    \/   __/(_
              `---|---"*m__ !   t  _æ*°--/____|---\/----------'
                      |  ¯°*F   J*P¯                  |
                      |_        mario.reality        _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................71  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name.................................reality  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...................mario.reality  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                        |                           |
                        |                           |
            __ ____ ____|_  _____ ___    _/\_ _   µ | _____
  _ __/\___|  V   /V  ___/ _\___ |   |  (_  _) ÏÏÆ00Ïk \   \  ___ ___/\__ _
           |  ___/ |   _)_| ____ |   |__| \/ |   0F    |\   \/  /|
    luk!___|   |___|  '   | \/   |   |  |    |  á0     |  _   _/ |___pht!
           `---'   `------'------'------'----'--Æ0µgr--'--)___|--'
                        |                        ¬""|
                        |      reality crew...     _|_

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................72  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................paplo  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.....................paplo.taski  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                                ____ ___ ____
                     __ _ _ _ _______\_/_______ _ _ _ __
                     ._)////  _â_                \\\\(_.
                     |      jÃNNL                      |
                     |    _¤~j άh_                    |
         _.+  ____/\_·   jF  ! !  °,    ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_  +._
         )_  .\____ /. _æ~   F l   ¬\_ .\____ /.\ ____/.\_____/.  _(
           >_|   \/__|j°    j   k    ×L|   \/__| _\    |  \/   |_<
             `-----'  "*m__ !   t  _æ*°`-----' `-------`-------'
                     |   ¯°*F   J*P¯                   |
                     |_ ____    .paplo.taski.      ____|
                  luk!/____(\___  _________  ___/)____\pht!

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................73  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................taski  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to.....................paplo.taski  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                                 ___ _ _ ___
                     ._ _ _ _________\V/_________ _ _ _.
                     ._\(/   _â_                   \)/_.
                     |      jÃNNL                      |
                     |    _¤~j άh_                    |
          _   ____/\_·   jF  ! !  °,    ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_   _
         _\>_.\__   /. _æ~   F l   ¬\_ .\  ___/.\ _/ _/.\___  /._</_
         \_V_|   )_/ |j°    j   k    ×L| \____ | __  \ |  \  / |_V_/
             `-------'"*m__ !   t  _æ*°`----\/-'---\--\`---\/--'
                     |   ¯°*F   J*P¯                   |
                     |_      _    .taski.     _       _|

     __ _ ___jL__ _ __     __ _ _____________________________________ _ __
   ._\//(/   F#  \)\\/_. ._\//(/ luk+pht!                            \)\\/.
   |        Æ ]        | |                                                |
_ ____/\_  j   Î  ____/\_|  logos numba...............................74  |
(.\ _/ _/.,F   t .\  _  /.                                                |
_| __  \ |£_   ] | \  \/ |  name...................................rebel  |
 `---\--\'¬°@mw_Î`-------'                                                |
   |           ¬"      | |  dedicated to...............rebel.independent  |
   |   .keith flint.   | |                                                |
   |__  ___ _ _ ___  __| |__  __________________ _ _ _________________  __|
   __/(____\\V//____)\__ __/(___________________\\V//__________________)\__

                       __ _ _____________________ _ __
                    _._\//                         \\/_._
                     |                                 |
              _    ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_    _
               )_ .\____ /.\___  /.\ ____/.\___  /.\ ____/. _(
                /_|  _\/  |  \/_/ |  \___ |  \/_/ | _\    |_\
                     |                                 |
                     |        rebel.independent        |
                     |_  __ ___ _           _ ___ __  _|

                okee... sorry, but it's end of this colly...

                            time for cdeditz...

         _      _\/__                                         _      __
       · )\__   \/\ /      ____              ___            · )\__ __\/_
      ,-\\ __}-,  ____  ,-\\ __}-,  ____  ,-\\__}-,  ____  ,-\\ __}-,/\/
      |    )  _|-\\___}-,  ___/ _|-\\___}-,   oo  |-\\   }-,(_____  |
  ,-- |    __//|°  `-' _)  ) __//|   |-' _|   --  |    _ __)     (  | --.
  ¦.  l____)---'.°  _   \____)---'    __//|___,---'o  -\\\  ____,---'   ¦
  ¦¦.          l____|----\       l____)---'      .°___,---\       -Ac!D-¦

                     phase truce...............sCåb.wDc!
                     keith flint.....................K®s


                     all design................luk!.pht!
                     rest logos................luk!.pht!

                          ¦ some facts...       ¦ -Ac!D-
                       ___·    ____     ____    ·____
                    ,-\\__}-,-\\_  }-,-\\ __}-,-\\___}-,
                    |o      |   __   |  ______)o  `-'  |
                    |.°     |   )|   |  )  ¬\ o        |
                          ¦                     .
                          ¦  ...about make coly ¦


                               luk^phase truce
          amiga 12ooT, 4mb fast+fpu, cd*4, hd 1gb, monitor anitech


                               luk^phase truce
                    cygnus ed 3.5, iff2ascii, dpaint 5.2

                                released date
                               25.11.97 16:51

               _  _ __ _______________________________ /\     K®s/
                                                      / ¯     ????
                            ____                   _ /_______
         _    ___        · ¦    ¦       .-----.    \/
       _(_)_ `-  ¦      -¦ ¦  --' __¦__ ¦     ¦  ____             _
      (_(_)_)    ¦       ¦-¦______  ¦   ¦     ¦ ¦    ¦-¦   ¦    _)_(_
        (_)      ¦----.  ¦        ¦ ¦   ¦     ¦ ¦  --' ¦   ¦   )_(_)_(
       (\|       ¦    ¦--¦  ¦_____¦-¦   ¦     ¦-¦      `---¦     )_(
        \|/)     ¦    ¦             ¦   `-----' ¦          ¦      |/)
         |/    ____________ /\      `-----              ___¦    (\|/
                           / ¯                                   \|
                        _ /__________________________ __ _  _

        o1.[lUK!-SSNK.txt  `Sram Se Na Kiblu'    6o.5oo     o2.1o.96
        o2.[lUK!-WSB.txt   `walnij se baranka'   81.873     25.12.96
        o3.sP!-bte.txt     `breathe'            112.395     o1.o5.97
        o4.sP!-foa.txt     `flowa'               86.846     15.1o.97
        o5.luk!-kif.txt    `keith flint'        15o.416     25.11.97

                         ______.    .______
                        |   ____________   |
                        |__|:·   __   ·:|__|           ·             O
         ______   _______  ¦· ,øؤ¤Øø, ·¦  _______   __:      _______ ·
      ._/ ____/_.-\   __ \ | .ج.   ¬Ø,_|_/  ____/ _/  |__  _/  ____/
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       /____/   |/____/    | Ø,      ,Ø |/___/    |/____/  |/___/    |----
    O ·    .____|    ._____|_`Ø,    ,Ø' |    .____|   .____|    .____|$Ð!
     o                   __¦  ¬¤Øøøؤ   ¦__                         `----.
                        |  |____________|  |  from luk^phase truce!
                        |______.    .______|


               :: .......    \____      _______   ____      |
               :: ::   ::   __\   |  ___\      |__\   |___  ¦
               :: ::.. ::  |     _|__\   \     ¦     _| _/  ·
               ::......::  l__       _ _ l\   ___    \_  \
                       ::    /_______|-(______\ |_____l___\
               . ......::..... bD!/dGs ..................... .

                                luk.phase truce!

                              îukasz reszczyïski
                                 ul.kominka 1/3
                                 59-220 legnica

                 for coll swapping and supporting glaz mag...

         _______ ___   ____
         \    __|  /___\  /_ _
  _______|_  _ ¬|  _   | __/ _|_______
._\      |/  \)___(/   |     \|      /_.
|_______//____\   /___________\\_______|
|                                      |
|    phase truce  brought you today    |
|    5th  colly called  keint flint    |
|    by luk.phase truce!               |
|_________         __         _________I
         /_____    \/    _____\ctp!/L124
              /___/  \___\