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File size:
113 933 bytes (111.26K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:54
Download count:
all-time: 517


             _ _______   _ _______   /\   _ _______   _ ___.__
           ._\\\_    /_._\\\_     \ /  \ _\\\___  /_._\\\  |  \_.
           |   _/___/  |    /    _//    \   _____/  |    \__    |
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          |___________|_______/   / _ _________/        \_________|tGø
                           |______\           /__________\

 .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---.
  Uploaded to the LSD & FAITH  GHQ: Montag, 24-Sep-01 at 15:58:32 
 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -·

  ...         _ _                                          _ _     ...
 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
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 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - tY 2005 |_

                               ·· AFS EDIT /H ··

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     |__      |_|   /_|____|  |_|    |____|__|     |      __|   |__      |
       \______| |____/    \___| |_____/      |_____|______/ |____/\______|

     ________________ _ PARTNERS & CRIMINALS
 _ __\_            __//____________________
 \\\ )/            \ (/                   //
   /   ___________//              ...    /
|                                 :::      |
|   N a t u r a l   M y s t i c   :::      |
|       by Hiro Protagonist       ::: ©hP! |
|                                 :::      |
   ...  [  RELEASED: 08.25.2001  ]


       " Hiro uses too many pot leafs in his ascii.. " - Spinsane (R81)


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           The Rastafarian religion began in essence on November 2, 1930 with
       the coronation of Ras Tafari, or as he was known from that day onward,
       Haile Selassie I, as Emperor of Ethiopia.  In his coronation ceremony,
    Selassie was given many titles: "King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Conquering
     Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Elect of God, and Light of the World."  Some
       of these titles the Bible attributes to the Messiah.  Selassie himself
     was heir to an unbroken line of descent through 224 successive Ethiopian
      Kings to the time of Solomon and Sheba, and the family of King David of
         Israel.  Pictures of Selassie's coronation were a front-page item in
       newspapers around the world, including Jamaica.  Jamaicans, especially
      those of African descent, perceived the image of the Duke of Gloucester
       bowing before Selassie very symbolically. The effect was that in their
    hearts and minds the white King of England was replaced by the black King
        of Africa.  It was only a matter of time before a black God followed.

   The Rastafari ideology owes much to Jamaica's history of slavery,
   racism, and exploitive agricultural economy.  The origins of the key
   concepts of the Rastafarian faith can be traced through four hundred
   years of resistance against European slavery and the system of oppression
   on which modern Jamaica has been built.  People of African descent make
   up the bulk of Jamaica's population but continue to come last in the
   social rank, having little control over their own destiny.  It was not
   until 1944 that a black middle class could even claim to exist in
   Jamaica. Even then, the small minority of black Jamaicans who were able
   to rise above the poverty of the slums found they were still subject to
   the State's racist policies and discrimination against people of colour.

           The Rastafarians see themselves as keepers of an ancient faith and
       heirs to the messianic kingdom of Zion, or Ethiopia.  The idealisation
         of Ethiopia and Africa by the black people of Jamaica began with the
     teachings of Marcus Garvey, but it was the Rastafari who embraced Africa
         more than anyone else.  What I find particularly interesting is that
            while Garvey's doctrine of repatriation is widely accepted by the
       Rastafari, they generally look down upon anyone who attempts to return
     to Africa by their own means.  The Rastafari take a very patient outlook
          towards repatriation, believing only an act of Jah (God) can effect
           their return to Africa.  As such, in the modern Rastafari culture,
       repatriation has come to represent more than just a physical return to
      Africa, and envolves a return to their African culture and the adoption
      of positive images of "blackness" (in opposition to the negative images
                               of the colonial British culture of the State).

   The Rastafari interpret the Bible in terms of a black man's
   experience, ever conscious of the oppression of Babylon levied against
   the black man.  Babylon is seen to be the root cause of the black man's
   suffering and only once he is delivered unto Zion will he truly be free.
   The forces of Babylon include both the church and state of Western
   society, and the police, but the larger view of Babylon encapsulates a
   whole complex of institutions that conspire to enslave the black man and
   subjugate coloured peoples throughout the world.  It is interesting to
   note that the Rastafari believe the King James version of the Bible to
   be one of the tools of oppression against them, proclaiming it a white
   European blasphemy of their black history and faith.

                Marijuana is a sacred herb to the Rastafari, enabling them to
     reason and experience an open heart. The Rastafarians refer to the plant
     as ganja, or more simply as "the herb."  The Rastafari consume marijuana
        in a variety of ways and for different purposes.  It is often used in
      folk medicine, as the Rastafari report ganja to have thirteen different
     medicinal properties.  The Rastafarians who use ganja usually do so many
          times a day, individually smoking large rolled joints or "spliffs,"
       and communally smoking it in a large "Chillum" pipe in preperation for
      group discussions of faith.  While this frequent use of ganja is viewed
         by the Rastafari to allow them to free their mind from the poison of
              Babylon ideology, the result is that the Rastafarians are often
      misperceived as drug abusers and criminals; and subject to persecution.

      \                                          /
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|    |     /_ _   |   \            |                                          |
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|  \____/   \         |      |\     \    \|         \   |    |       ._|__. /_|
|___| _ _____\_______________________\________________  |____________|    |__ _
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         \\\\ \\  \ \              / - cRB/e^D                    |  |    |   |
   _  _ __\\\\_\\__\ \            /                               |__|____|   |
                      \          /                                /  __/______|
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   H  i  R  O     P  R  \      /  O  T  A  G  O  N  i  S  T      .___.|/      |
 ____  ____  ____  ____  \    / ____ ___ __ _ __ _  _   _ _______|   |________|
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 \\//__\\//__\\//__\\//__\ \/ /___//__//_////__ _  _   _ ____|   |   \
                                                                 |   |\
                                                                 |___________ _
                                                                  |           |
     The above were excerpts from a paper I wrote several years   |           |
                                                                  | katharsis |
     ago for a religious studies class while I was at UBC.  The   |           |
                                                                  | remorse   |
     title for this collection came from one of my favorite 12"   |           |
                                                                  | royale    |
     jungle dubplates, a Congo Natty white label I've had in my   |           |
                                                                  | aske      |
     collection for several years (and continue to rinse out to   |           |
                                                                  | we can dr |
     this day).  It's not the best d'n'b track I own, but it is   |           |
                                                                  | cybergod  |
     an easy mix and the bassline really shakes some ass.  I've   |           |
                                                                  | antik     |
     been spinning jungle since '97, playing out a couple times   |           |
                                                                  | crusader  |
     a year when I feel like it.  This collection is an attempt   |           |
                                                                  | pogue     |
     to bring a little of that part of my life into my ascii.     |           |
                                                                  | cain      |
                                                                  |           |
                                                                  | splonk    |
     My thanks to Chrombacher and Poskgubbe for their guest art   |           |
                                                                  | acid      |
     contributions to this collection.  There was also supposed   |           |
                                                                  | hanibal   |
     to be something from Talo, but I didn't want to harass him   |           |
                                                                  | mimic     |
     about it as I know he's been as busy with school as I have   |           |
                                                                  | main menu |
     with life's more monotonous tasks (work, etc).               |           |
                                                                  | conferenc |
                                                                  |           |
                                                                  | file area |
     This marks my 21st ascii collection, and my 1st as part of   |           |
                                                                  | doors     |
     Partners & Criminals.  I left Remorse in the spring of '01   |           |
                                                                  | modemland |
     mostly out of boredom with the group, but also because the   |           |
                                                                  | newuser   |
     feeling of a tight-knit community was no longer present in   |           |
                                                                  | goodbye   |
     the group: it just wasn't my Remorse of old any more.  The   |           |
                                                                  | ibm-pc    |
     scene is pretty pointless for me in my life right now, but   |           |
                                                                  | consoles  |
     I love spending some time every once in a while hanging on   |           |
                                                                  | music     |
     IRC and drawing ascii, so when Cain asked me to form a new   |           |
                                                                  | art       |
     group with him I figured "Why the fuck not?"  A few others   |           |
                                                                  | elite     |
     have joined us, mostly old schoolers, and we've managed to   |           |
                                                                  | divine st |
     put together our first group release (PC-001.ZIP).  We owe   |           |
                                                                  | epsilon d |
     Cain alot for all his efforts in getting this together, as   |           |
                                                                  | deadlock  |
     I was just too damn busy this summer to do much in the way   |           |
                                                                  | thuglife  |
     of organization or promotion.                                |           |
                                                                  | mukumdi   |
                                                                  |           |
                                                                  | chrombach |
     I really don't know what the point of P&C is.  It's not as   |           |
                                                                  | polyester |
     if ascii art can pay the bills or feed the kids, but ascii   |           |
                                                                  | arrogance |
     still draws me back to it a couple of times a year all the   |           |
                                                                  | tac       |
     same.  And in those times I get sucked back in, it is nice   |           |
                                                                  | lord nitr |
     to know my friends are still here, and that we can share a   |           |
                                                                  | talo      |
     joke, tell some stories, and swap a little art too.  If it   |           |
                                                                  |   |
     has to have any more meaning than that, well, you probably   |           |
                                                                  | echelon   |
     should be in therapy.                                        |           |
                                                                  | whodini   |
                                                                  |           |
                                                                  | posk draw |
     Oh yeah, all this art is old.  I haven't drawn all summer.   |           |
                                                                  | i am .ca  |
     Enjoy it anyways, and shout me out if you feel like it. =]   |           |
                                                                  | gravedanc |
                                                                  |           |
                                                                  | vira      |
                         - Devin Davidson, aka Hiro Protagonist   |           |
                                                                  | eat a dic |
                               |           |
                                                                  |           |
                                                                  :           |
                                                                  .           :

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 0 1
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: kts crew   __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: katharsis  |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                _                        )) _
      ___. _____/       __               ¯  ))
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      |  |      |    | | |    | |    |    | | |    |__|   |   |__|      |
      |  |      |    | | |    | |    |    | | |    |  |   |   |  |      |
      |  |      |    | | |    | |    |    | | |____|  |   |   |  |      |
      |  |      |    | | |    | |    |    | | | |     |   |   |  |      |
 ___ _|  |      |    | | |    | |    |    | | | |     |   |   |  |      |
 \___\___|      |   ___l___   |_|    |   ___| | |     |   |   |  |      |
         |      |___/   _ \___| |____|___/ \__| |     |   |   |  |      |
        _|_______/ _____\\_   _    __           |     |   |   |  |      |
         :        (     _ / _//__ /_/___ __ __  |     |   |   |  |      |
             ©hP! |     | | \_   ) |    )) )) ) |     |   |   |  |      |
                  |     | |__|   | |    |  |  | |     |   |   |  |      |
                  |     | |  |   | |    |  |  | |     |   |   |  |      |
                  |     | |  |   | |    |  |  | (______   |   (___      |_ ___
                  |     | |  |   | |    |  |  |       \___l____/ \_______/___/
                  |     | |  |   | |    |  |  |
             ___ _|    ___|  |   | |    |  |  |_ ___
             \___\_____/ (____   |___   |  |___/___/
                             \___|  \___l___/

           [     °         1°        2°        3°        4°        ]

                  __. ___ __        _    [ Katharsis!Ascii ]
                  \ |/  /_)/___   _//__ _____________________
                  | | _/__ ___/_._\_   ))                   /
                  | _    / |    |  |   |   Collection Name  |
                  | |    | |    |  |   |                    |
                  (_|    |___   |___   |     Artist Name    |
                    |____|  \___|  \___|                    |
                    .                  _     _    __    __ __
                    |              ____\\_ _//__ /_/____)/_)/_
                    | XX·XX·2001  (    _ /_\_   ) |    /· |· |
                    |             |    | |  |   | |    |  |  |
                    |             |    | |  |   | |    |  |  |
                    |_:_     ©hP! |   ___|___   |___   |__|__)
                      |__________ |___/ ___ \___| _\___| ___ _

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 0 2
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: remo crew  __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: remorse    |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                                           .  .....   .....    .
                                         .:: ::   :: ::   :: .::
                                          :: ·:...:: ·:...:·  ::
                                          ::      :: ::   ::  ::
          _       _                       ::   _  :: ::  _·:  : _
         //______//__      _ ______  ________ //_______ //____ //__ ©hP!
        ( _       __/______\_\_    )_\_      ) _      /(_     ) __/____
     ·· | |       |         | |       |        |        |       |      ) ··
        | |                 | |                |                       |
        |_|    ____         |_|     ___      __|    _____     ___      |
          |____/  \_________| |_____/ \______| |____/ . \_____| \______|
                                                     ::        .
              r   e   M   o   r   s   e   ::      :: ::   ::  ::
                                          ::      :: ·:...:·  ::

           [     °         1°        2°        3°        4°        ]

                     _         _      ___.  _
                   _//________//_     \  | //______ ________
                   \ ._      /__/_____|_ \/       // _.     )_
                  _| |/    _/ \|       / ||      /   \|      /
                  \__|     \___\      /__||     /|__  \     /

                   r e m o r s e ! a s c i i   p a c k  # x x


   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 0 3
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: no one     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: royale     |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

               _________                             ____.
            ___\_      /_______________        ____ _\   | _________
            \   /    _/_   _   \_     /________\_  )_    |_\_      /
            |   _      /   /    /    /|  /     |/   /    | |/     /
            |   /      \       /     ¯   \         /     |_     _/_
           _|   \       \_____/(_______   \_____.__\______/_______/ ©hP!
          \\____|\_______\            |____/

                   royale with cheese's a quarter pounder

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 0 4
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: myself     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: aske       |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                   _         _     _     __.       _
                   \_________\\. _//____.\ |____ .//__  ©hP! _
                   \\     _____|_\_     |_ |  _/_|_ _/_______/
                    /     \|\    |/      /__      / |/      //
                  _/       | \   /      / \|      \ |      /
                  \_       __)\___     /(__|       \_    __\
                   (_______|     (_____\   |________/____)

                         [ ASKE - It's about the Art ]

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 0 5
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: we can dra |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

        __________     ______           _____          ____    _________
        \        /_____\_  _/______     \  _/__________\_  )___\_      /
         \      /\      / _)      /     /  |      /     |   /  |/     /
      __ _\            /  |_     /    _/   |    _/      | _/   /     /
     (_((_______/\-----\---/_____\   -\----|____\_______|-\---/     /_ __
                      ._·_             ·                   · /________))_)
               _______|  /  .____       ____       __________
               \      |  |__|_   )______\_  )______\        /
          ©hP! /      |   /  /    /_     |   /     /\      /   [·W·C·D·]
      ______ _/       | _/  /       \    | _/             /_ ____________
                         ·                  ·

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 0 6
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: cybergod   __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: cybergod   |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

     . ........                                ........ .
             ::          .__                   ::                     __.
         ___ :: ______   | /____   _______ _______ ______ ____________\ |
       _/ _/____\    /___| _    \__\_    /_\ _   _/   _ /_   _   \    _ |
       \  |     /   /|   / |     /  |  _/_   |___\    |  |   |   /    | |
       /_______/\_____  /|______/|_______/___| .. \____  |\_____/\______|
             ..      |_/                       ::     \__|
             :: ©hP!      · C Y B E R G O D ·  ::

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 0 7
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: antik      __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: antik      |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                                    _____________       ______
                        /\  .____   \           / ___. /     /
                       /  \ |    \  |\___   ___/_(   |/     /
                      //   \|     \ |   |   (____/   /    //
                     /      \      \|   |   |    |  /     /
                    /        \  \   \   |   |    |  \     \
                   /          \ |\      |   |    |   \     \ ©hP!
                 ./            \| \     |   |    |   |\     \
            : :::|______/\______\  \____|___|____|___| \     \.
                                                        \_____|::: :

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 0 8
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: crusader   __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: crusader   |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

     +    C    R    u    S    a    D    e    R    +       : :::::: :
             ____                 _                   ._      ::     ____
._____    .__\_  )_    _____    _//_____    _____    _: )_ _  ::  .__\_  )_
:_  _/____:_ \|  _/___(    /____\__    /____\_  /____\_  ///__ · _:_ \|  _/__
 /  \|     /  |     /     /   .___|    \    |/  \    \|  \  _/---\ /  |     /
/_   |     \. |     \.   /|   :   |     \.  |    \.   |   \.\|     \. |     \.
 (___|     _:-|     _:____.   _\__|     _:__|    _:   |____:_|     _:-|     _:
 ____|_____)__|_____)_____:___)___|_____)___|____)____|_    _|_____)__|_____)_

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 0 9
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: pogue      __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: pogue      |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

               __________ ______  ____      _________    _______
            ___\_       /_\__   )_\ _/______\       /____\  ___/
            \  |/      /   |/    /  \__     )      /    /  __)______
            |  |      /    |    /    |/     |     /|  _/   \|      / ©hP!
     _ ___ _|   _____/__________\____|      |_________)_____|      |_ ___ _
     \_\__\\____)                    |_______/              |_______//__/_/

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 1 0
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: cain       __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: cain       |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                  _                  _       _
              ___//__________________\\_____//___      ___________
              \  /|         /        |\     /   /______\_        /
           /            /                            /       /
             /_____       /          __________________/       /
                  (_______\__________)                /________\ ©hP!

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 1 1
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: splonk     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: splonk     |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

           __                     _______                       ____
         _/_/_________ ___________\     /___________ ___________\  /_____  ©hP!
    _____\_          /_\_        /     /_\_        /_\_        / _/    _/__
. ..\    |/         /  |/       /     /  |/       /  |/       /  \        /.. .
· ··/   _/         /  _/       /     /  _/       /   /       /    \       \·· ·
   /____\__________\  \_______/______|__\_______/___/       /_____|\       \
                 /______\                          /________\      /________\

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 1 2
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: radman     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: acid       |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                                           ___          .__
                           ___.___________(__/__________|  )_
                ___________\  |_ ___     /._\     _______  _/
              . \     ______  _/ ) /____/ |  \    \     7  |
              |\ \    \    7  |  |  ______|  |\    \    |  |
              | \ \    \   |  |  |  \     /  | \    \   |  | ::: :
              |  \ \    \  |  |  |  /    /|  |  \    \  |  |
              |   \ \    \ |  |  | /    / |  |   \    \ |  |
              |    \ \    \|  |_ |/    /  | _|    \    \|  |_ __
              |_____\ \____|___/_|____/   |_\ ©hP! \____|___/__///

                          ··  ACiD Productions  ··

           [     °         1°        2°        3°        4°        ]

                       ......   ......     :. ..........
                    ........:: :: .......  .. .. :     ::
                   ::     : :: :: :     :: :: :: ::::::::
                   :::::::: :: :: :::::::: :: :: ::::::::
                   :::::::: :: :: :::::::: :: :: ::::::::
                   :::::::: :: :: :::::::: :: :: ::::::::
                  :                                     :
                  :                                     :
                  : [ ACiD Productions XX/XX Artpack! ] :
                  :                                     :
                  :                                     :

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 1 3
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: no one     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: hannibal   |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                              ·/ \-//¯\\-/ \·
                               \  \/   \/  /
              As soon as I get  \    .    /  out of this mask I'm
                              _  \  ...  /  _
                going to eat  \\--\     /--//  your liver, bitch!
              __.             | \\       // |   __.            .__
            ._\ |___          | |\\_____//| ___(  |     ©hP!   | /_.
            |   |   )    ___  ______  ______\__) _|____     ___|   |
           _|  _|   |____\_ )_\_    )_\_    )  | \_    )____\_ )   |_
         \\\_  \_   (     | (  |    (  |    |  |  |    (     | |   _///
            |   |   |     | |  |    |  |    |  |  |    |     | |   |
            |   |   |     | |  |    |  |    |  |  |    |     | |   |
            |___|   |_____,-|__|    |__|    |__|_______|_____,-|___)
                |___|          |____|  |____|
                                               The Cannibal

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 1 4
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: blackjack  __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: mimic      |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                             __                  __
            _______  _______ \/ _______  _______ \/ _______
       ·····\      \/      /____\      \/      /____\    _/_________ ©hP!
       ::   |      \/      |    |      \/      |    |    \|        /
       ·····|      ||      |    |      ||      |    |     |        |·····
            |      ||______|____|______||      |____|______        |   ::
            |______|                    |___ __|          \________|·····
                     M       i      M       i      C

           [     °         1°        2°        3°        4°        ]

                       /\  _  _\___   _  /\  _\___ ____ mIMIC!
                  _\__/  \/ \ __\ /_ / \/  \ __\ /_\ _/_______
                    \    \/  \\  \ (/  \/   \\  / (/ |/      /
                    /     \   \_  _/   /     \   _/  /      /
                  _/       \___/  \___/       \_ \__       ///
                  \_________\ ______ /_________/__ /__©hP!_\ _
                  )                                          /
                  | Another Crack-Smokin Inspired Ascii Pack |

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 1 5
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: main menu  |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                       __  .__
   ______  _____ ______\_\_|_/______ ._____
   \     \/     )      |/ /   \     \|     )  ModemLand: Back From The Grave!
.--|_____\/     |      ___|___|____\ \     |
|        /______|______)            \______|--[  Partners & Criminals WHQ  ]--.
|                                                                             |
| [ A ] Alter Flagged Files [ I ] System/X Info     [ S ] User Statistics     |
| [ B ] Bulletins           [ J ] Join a Conference [ T ] Local System Time   |
| [ C ] Comment To SysOp    [ L ] List Users        [ U ] Upload Files        |
| [ D ] Download Files      [ M ] Color [On/Off]    [ V ] View a Textfile     |
| [ E ] Enter a Message     [ N ] New Files         [ W ] Write User Settings |
| [ F ] File Listings       [ O ] Page SysOp        [ X ] Expert [On/Off]     |
| [ G ] Goodbye [Logoff]    [ R ] Read Messages     [ Z ] Zippy File Search   |
|                                                                             |
+---------[  Modemland is running System/X v1.5f by Coroner <FLT!>  ]---------+
|                                                                             |
| [ FR ] Reverse File List  [ OLM ] Online Message  [ CHAT ] Multinode Chat   |
| [ NF ] New File Scan      [ WHO ] Who is Online   [ OPEN ] External Doors   |
| [ NM ] New Message Scan                 _                                   |
| [ RL ] Re-Logon to BBS   ______  _____ //_      ______ ._____ _______ ©hP!  |
|                          \     \/     ) _/______\     \|     )      /_____  |
`------------///-----------|_____\/     |__       |____\ \     |__   /|    /  |
                                 /______| (_______|     \______| (_________|--'
( Hiro is Unavailable for Chat )
[ 240 min left - Main Conference - Command? ]:

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 1 6
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: conference |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

          __             _____  _________
       __/_/____ ______ _\_   \_\  ___/_/___   M o d e m L a n d !
       \  |    /_\_    )  |    /  __)__    /
      _/  |    |  |    |  |    |  |   |    | :::::::::::::::::::::::::
      \____    |_______|__|    |__|____    |_                     ::::
          |_____/         |_____/     |_____/ Select a Conference ....
     ©hP!                                                         ::::
           ::::   [ 1 ]  Main     [ 3 ]  Console  [ 5 ]  Art      ::::
           ....   [ 2 ]  IBM-PC   [ 4 ]  Music    [ 6 ]  Elite    ::::
           ::::                                                   ::::

[ Join Which Conference? ]:

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 1 7
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: file areas |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

   ____)   /       _____   ____               M o d e m L a n d !
 _/  _____/_____  _)   /   )  /
_\   \____ __  /_( ___/   ( _/______      Select a File Area to View:
\__   ___/_)/_ \   _)_____ \      _//________________________________________ _
  (    \   / /  \  \     /__\     \
   \    \    \   \  \    \   \     \        1 - New Uploads (7 Days)
    \    \    \   \__\__  \   \_    \       2 - PC Games
     \    \    \   \   /   \   /     \      3 - PC Utilities
 ©hP! \    \_   \_  \  \    \_      _/      4 - Public Domain
_ ___ /_____/____/______)____/______)       5 - System/X Support
    /________________________________________________________________________ _

[ IBM-PC Conference - View Which File Area? ]:

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 1 8
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: doors      |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                     .___         M o d e m L a n d !
             ________|_ /     _____    _____    _____     ___
             \       _/ \ .___\_   )___\_   )___\_   )_ _( _/____
             /       |   \|   |/    /  |/    /  |/____/_\__     / ©hP!
           _/        |    \_  |    /   |    /   |   |     |    /
      ____\\_________|-----/__|----\___|----\___|   |_____|----\-- -
      |      [ LFC ] Last Few Callers      [ UED ] User Editor
      |      [ LORD ] Lord Of The Realms   [ NUKE ] File Nuker
      |      [ ULBY ] UL-BY Tag Editor     [ LOCAL ] Local Upload
      |_     [ WALL ] Graffiti Wall        [ SHELL ] Remote Shell
       /______________________________________________________________ _

( Hiro is Unavailable for Chat )
[ 240 min left - Main Conference - Command? ]:

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 1 9
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: myself     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: modemland  |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\


                 ___\                      ____          /___
                 \                         \  /             /
               ___\__  _____   _____ ______/ / ______ ____ /____
           \ \\\     \/    /___\_   \\   _/ _|_\_    \\   \/   /// /
               /           \    /    \   \  \   /    /         \
             _/      \/     \        /       \_    _/_    \/    \ ©hP!
..  ......  .\_______/       \______/_________/______/____/      \_  ......  ..
 :  :    :  :    :  /__  _____/                       / _/ _______/  :    :  :
....:.  ....:.  ......\  /                           /  \  /...  .:....  .:....
::  :...::  :...::   :/ /\          ___    ______ __/___/ /  ::...:  ::...:  ::
:    :  :    :  :    / /__\_________\_ \___\_    \\   _/  |   :  :    :  :    :
:....:  :....:  :.../ /|        /    /  \   /    /    \   |...:  :....:  :....:
                  _/           /        /  /    /         |_
              \ \\\____       /______.__\_/    /___________/// /
                      /_______\          /_____\
                               \    _ :: _    /
                           - --/----\\:://----\-- -

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 2 0
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: newuser    |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                      M   o   d   e   m   L   a   n   d   !
          _____ _______ _____         .___   ____ _ _______   _______
        __\_   \_  ___/_\   / .____ __|   \_ \ _/____  ___/___\ _   /
        \  |    /  _)____   |-|   /_\ |    /__\_    /  _)____   _ _/__ ©hP!
        |  |    |  |    /   | |   |   |    |   |    |  |    /   |    /
   _:__ |__|    |___    |_____    |____    |____    |___    |___|    |_  _:_
    | (___ |_____/ |_____/__ |_____/_ |_____/_ |_____/ |_____/_ |_____/__)|
    |                                                                     |
    | ModemLand maintains its user records with total respect to privacy! |
    |                                                                     |
    |              1. Logon ID ......                                     |
    |              2. Location ......                                     |
    |              3. Affilations ...                                     |
    |              4. Phone Number ..                                     |
    |              5. E-Mail ........                                     |
    |              6. Password ......                                     |
    |              7. Emulation .....                                     |
    |              8. Screen Mode ...                                     |
    |              9. Protocol ......                                     |
    |                                                                     |
    `------[ Select Option, <CR> to Continue ]: ( )-----------------------'

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 2 1
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: goodbye    |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

         __                          .__.__
       _/_/____   _____   _____ _____| /| /____      ._   ________
       \ \_    \ _\_   \ _\_   \     _ \|  _   \ ____| \ _\_     /  ©hP!
       |_ |     \_ |    \_ |    \_   |  \_ |    \_   |  \_ |   _/_
   : :::|________/_______/_______/_______/_______/____   /_______/:::::::::
 .__________________________________________________ |__/ _____________ ::: __.
 |                                                                      :::   |
 |          Thanks for calling ModemLand: Back From The Grave!          :::   |
 |                                                                      :::   |
 `--------------------------------------------------------------------- ::: --'

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 2 2
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: ibm-pc     |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

              __ ___| /_______ _______ _____    __________ ©hP!
             \\((__/_ __     /_\_ _   ))__ /__ _\_     /_/_____ __
                |   | |/    /   / /   |  /___(( |/    / |/     ))//
                |_  | /    /   / /    |       | /    /  /      |
           _____ /__|______\___\-\____| _____ | _____\_________| ____
           \_________________________________ |_\ __________________/

                          ··   IBM-PC Conference!   ··

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 2 3
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: consoles   |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

         ___       ____    ____  ____      ____ ____   ___   ____
        ( _/_______\_  \___\_  \_\ _/______\_  \_   )_( _/___\ _/____
   .... | \|    /  |/   /  |/   /-\_    /  |/   /   |  _)   /-\_    / .......
   :    |_      |_      |  |    |  |    |_      |   |_ |    |  |    |_      :
   :      \______/______|--|____|________/______|____/______|________/      :
   :                                                                   ©hP! :
   :........... Playstation 2 / Nintendo 64 / Atari Conference! ............:

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 2 4
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: music      |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                     ____  ____    .___  __    __  __
                     \   \/   /____|  /_/_/____\/_/_/_____
                     |   \/   |    /  |\__    /  / |     / ©hP!
               _____ |___/    |   /|  |  /    |  |       |_ _____
             \\\_______ /_____|_______|_______|__|________/_____///

                       ··   Music / MP3 Conference!   ··

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 2 5
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: art        |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                 ________ ___ _ ___\____ ____/ _________________
                .)    ____\_ \__\_     / \                     (.
          : ::: |_  _/     _  \  |____/   \   Art Conference!  _| ©hP!
                 /__\______|___\_| __ |____\ __________________\

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 2 6
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: anyone     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: elite      |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                            ___\_ ___  __    __ ___ _/
                         __( _/___\  )_\/_   |_( _/___
                         \  _)   /   |   /   \  _)   / ©hP!
                _______ _|  |    |   |_  |   |  |    |_ _______

                          ··   Elite Conference!   ··

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 2 7
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: ds crew    __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: divine sty |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                ___ _  ._____          ____         . ::: .
            ____) /_ _ |    /_ ______ _) _/         . ::: .
          _/    _/ / /_|   / /_\_    )_ _)____      : ::: :
          \     \|_| | |  /| |__|     /__    /      : ::: :
         ((______| |_|\  / |_|  |____/  /____|
                   ____\/___            .         D I V I N E
           ________)       / ©hP!   ___/|____ _ ____  _______ ____
         _/   _ __________/_________\____   / /_) _/__\ _   /_\ _/_____
         \___________________________  /|  /  |  _)____ _  /__ \____  /
                              _|   |/ / | /|  | __    /_|    /____|/ /
              S T Y L E R S   \_______) |/ |___) /____| |____)    /__))

           [     °         1°        2°        3°        4°        ]

                   d  I  V  I  N _E_____s  T  Y__L  E  R  S !
                         ________\__    \_  _/ _/________
                         \        |/     /__\__         /
                  .------|        /    //    |/         |-- -
                  | ©hP! |        _____//    /   _______|
                        Collection Title - Artist's Name     |
                  |       [  Released: XX · XX · 2001  ]
                  `---------------------------------------- -

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 2 8
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: ed crew    __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: epsilon de |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                         /  \                                  /
         .___      .____/___ \___      ._/_____  ________.____/_____
      ___| _/______|_      /_| _/______|/_    /__\_    __|__       / ____  ____
      \   _)     \ |/     /_\____    / / /    |  |/    \  |/      //\\  //\\  /
       \  \|     | /     /     \|    |   |    |  /     |  /      //__\\//__\\//
 _______\  \   __|    __/____   \    |   |    |_     __|_/      /
\\_____ /______/_|____|_____\________|___|_____/_____/__________\
                  /                \                    /
____  ____  ____ /         __.  .___\      .___      ._/___ ©hP!   .__________
\  //\\  //\\  //  ________\ |__| _/_\___ _| _/______|/_ _/________|__       /
\\//__\\//__\\//   \     ____|_  _)     /_\____    / / / \__     /  |/      /
              /     \    \|   /  \|     |    \|    |   |  |/     |  /      /
 ____________/_______\    \   |   \   __|__   \    |   |  /    __|_/      /
\\__________________ /________|_______/___\________|___|_______/__________\
           /                              \      / ____  ____  ____  ____  ____
          /   E P S i L O N ¡ D E S i G N  \    //\\  //\\  //\\  //\\  //\\  /
         /__________________________________\  //__\\//__\\//__\\//__\\//__\\//

           [     °         1°        2°        3°        4°        ]

                      ____  Epsilon!Design Presents:  ____
                   __( __/_____._ _          _ _._____\__ )__
                   \   _)      ·                ·      |/   /
                    \  \| c o l l e c t i o n  n a m e /   /
                  __\\  \                             /   //__
                  \_ /__      a r t i s t  n a m e      __\ _/
                   /___(_______.__ _        _ __._______)___\
                               :                :
                   Released:   .   XX.XX.2001   .   Diz: ©hP!

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 2 9
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: blackjack  __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: deadlock   |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

         .___                         .___ _.       :           ___.
         |  /                         |  /  | . .... .... .     \  | ___
 ________|_ |                 ________|_ |  |       .           |  |/  /  ©hP!
 \     ___/ | _________    ___\___  ___/ |  |   ____:______     | _| _/_____
  \    \ |  |_\__     /____\__   /  \ |  |  |___\__ :  / _/_____|_\___     /
  _\\   \|  |  |/   _/_     |/  /    \|  |  |_   |/ . /  \|      / | /   //_
\\__ .___________________________________________________________________. __//
   (_:                                                                   :_)
     ·       t a r g e t   i s   l o c k e d   a n d   r e a d y .       ·

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 3 0
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: whoever    __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: thuglife   |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

 \           |_/___ <  t h u g l i f e . o r g  > _/_____     _/_________
  \_____      /   /                               /     /__ _ /         /
       /     /   /_______      ______/_________: /     /_____/    _____/____
 ©hP! /     /   ._      /___. /     /   ._     |/     /    \     __|_\_     \
     /     /    |/     /    |/     /    |/     /     /     /     /   |/     /
   ./     /     /     /     /     /     /     /     /     /     /    /    _/_
__ |_____/_____/     /____________|_____     /_____/|____/_____/|___________/__
\__  ________ /______\ _____________ ._/    /_____________________________  __/
  (__)                               |_____/                             (__)

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 3 1
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: mukumdi    __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: mukumdi    |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

  .......................                     .................. .
  :::                 ::: ___                 :::                    ___   __
_______  __________ ______\  |_____/_______ _________  ______________\  |______
\      \/         /|         |    /       /|         \/             _   |     /
|                            _     .                         .      \         |
                 ©hP! :::.....................:::   m u k u m d i

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 3 2
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: chrombache __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: chrombache |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                                         . ........
       _:__                        _:__          ::      _:__
  ___   | /___ _____ _____ ________ | /___     __ : ___   | /___ _____ ______
_( _/___| _   )_ _  )_ _  )_  _ _  )| _   )____\_)_( _/___| _   )_ _  )_  _  )_
\  \    / |    / \___/ /   /  | |   / /    /    / /  \    / |    / /___/_ \___/
/______/|_|   /|__\ \_____/|__|-|___\_____/\____._\______/|_|   /|______/__\
   _ ___  |___\  ___ _ ..                            _ ___  |___\  ___ _
       /_________\     ::   C H R o M B a C H e R        /_________\       ©hP!
                       ::...... .

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 3 3
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: mj0lnir    __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: polyester  |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                  ____ _
                 \\_      ______                     ____
                   /      \    /                     \  /_
          ______  /_____  / __/___   _____   ___  ___/  _/___   _____ __
        __\_    \__\_   \/  \    /___\_   \ / _/__\__  _\_   \__\_   \\/// /
        \  /    /   /   /   /   /   / /   /_\_    \/   / /   /   /___/
        / /    /   /   /   /   /   /    _/_  /    /   /    _/_  /
       / _____/\______/\___\____  /\______/______/\__/\______/__\
      /  /    /               /  /   ______      ____
     /___\   /               /___\   \    / ©hP! \  /
            /                        /   / ___   /_/___   ___
           / · PolyesterLabs.Com ·  /   /__\_ \_/ \_   \ / _/__ __
          /                        /   /    /  /   /   /_\_    \\/// /
          \______________________ /   /    /  /   /   /   /    /_____ _

             Engineering tommorrow's fashion mistakes, today!

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 3 4
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: arrogance  __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: arrogance  |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

 .    .  . ......................................................... .  .    .
 :    :  : :::                                                   ::: :  :    :
 :    ___ ________ _______  ____ _______      ___    ___________ ::: : ________
______\_ \   _   /_  _   /__\_  \     _/______\_ \___\_     / _/_______\_     /
\      /  \_ \____/  \____/  /   \    \   /    /  \_  /    /  \     /   /   _/_
 \_________/__\  \____\ \________/_____  /_________/_/    /_________\_________/
 .    .  . ...                       /___\          /_____\      ... .  .    .
 :    :  : :::                                              ©hP! ::: :  :    :
 :    :  : :::........<    A  R  R  O  G  A  N  C  E    >........::: :  :    :

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 3 5
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: whoever    __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: tac        |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                Opinions are like assholes.  Everybody has them.    _     _
   _____     ____                       __      __       __        _     _
  _\    |___|    |____   _____     _____\_\_  _/_/____ _/_/_____ _//__ _//__
  |     |   |    |   /__|    /_   (      |  |_\__     |  |      | /   ) /   )
  |     |   |    |    | |     |   |      |  |   |     |  |      |     |     |
  (_____|   |    /    | |     |   |      |  |   |     |  |      |     |     |
  .     |   |    |    | |     |_  |      |  |   |     |  |      |     |     |
  | ::: |   |    |    | |_____| ) |      |__|   |     |__|      |     |     |
  | ::: |___|____|.   |_________| |______|  |___|     |  |______|_____|_____|
  | :::          |.   |                         |_____|                     .
  | :::::::::::: |:   | :::::::::::::::::::::::         ::::::::::::::::::: |
  | ::::  __ ::: |.   |____ :::: __  :  _______ _____  :::   __  :::::::::: |
  | ::  _/_/_____|    |   /______\_\_ __\_    /_\    |___  _/_/____  :::::: |
  | :: (  |      |    |    |      |  |   |   /_|     |   |_\__     ) :::::: |
  | :: |  |      |    |    |      |  |   /     |     |   |   |     | :::::: |
  | :: |  |      |    /    |      |  |   |     |     |   |   |     | :::::: |
  (___ |  |      |    |    |      |  |   |     |_____|   |   |     | _______)
       |__|      |    |    |      |__|___|     |     |   |   |     |
          |______|____|    |______|      |_____| TAC |___|___|     | ©hP!
                      |____|                                 |_____|

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 3 6
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: lord nitro __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: lord nitro |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                                      (      |                          .__
                                      |      | ________ _________ ______|  )
                                      |      |_\ _     )\ _      )      _  |
_:__(  l o r d   n i t r o g e n  )__ |      |   |     |  |      |      |  |
 |                                    |      |         |  |______|         |
 | ________                           |      |_        |  |     _|         |
 ._\ _     )    __.              ©hP! |_______/________|__|   \\\__________|
 |   |     |___(  |__    __________  ________ ________  _________  ________
 |   |     \___)  __/____\  _      )_\ _     )     _ /_.\ _      )_\ _     )
 |   |     |   |  |      )  |      |   |     |     |   |  |      |   |     |
 |   |     |   |         |  |______|         |         |         |   |     |
 |   |     |  _|         |  |     _|        _|         |        _|_  |     |
 |___|     |__\__________|__|   \\\_________\_______   |__________/__|     |_
     |______/                                      \___|             |______///

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 3 7
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: talo       __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: talo       |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

                          .                    :
                         /|           .   ____/|  .
                      __/ |__.        |\__\    |  |\____
            T A L O ! \_ ____|___.____|__ \_   |__|__   \_  ____  ____ _
       _ ____  ____    / \|      |     |/  /   |   |/    //\\  //\\
            //\\  //\ /   |      |     |  /    |_  |    //__\\//__\\__ _
       _ __//__\\//__\\__________|    .___\_____/_______\
                                \_____|                    ©hP!

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 3 8
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: talo       __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a:    |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

           /\                    /\                    /\
          /  \______ ___        /  \                  /  \
         / : (    __/   )      / :: \                / :: \
        / :: |    \_    |  ___/__ ·: \   ______   __/___ __\___
       /_____|     |    |__\_    ) :: \__\_    )__\_    )    _/__  ©hP!
             |     |    |   |    | :· (   |    |   |    |    |   )______
             |     |_   |   |    |_ _.|   |    |   |____|    |   |     /
             |______/___|___|_____//_||________|___|    |____    | :: /
                    \ .. /                                  \____| : /
                     \  /       l   1   n   .   o   r   g        \  /
                      \/                                          \/

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 3 9
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: radman     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: echelon    |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

              .......  e  c  h  e  l  o  n  .......  __ ..........
              ::                                  ___\/_        ::
      _\_____ ::  ___      ___.     _____    ___. \  /\/ _____  :: _______/_
  _ ____\ __/____/ _/_____(   |_____\ __/___(   | \\/ ___\_   )____\_    /___ _
        __)        \|         |     __)         |____(   |/        |/
        \|          |         _     \|          |        |         |
         |          |         |      |          |        |         |
         |          |         |      |          |        |         |       ©hP!
 _ ___   |      ____|     ____|      |       ___|        |     ____|
     \___|______/  \______/   |______|_______/ \_________|_____/ . |________ _
              ..                                                ::
              ::                                                ::
              ::    this would be a good place for some info    ::
              ::              ( expand as needed )              ::
              ::                                                ::

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 4 0
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: whodini    __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: whodini    |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

   _\______      ______
     \     \    /     /_     w     h     o    _d____ i  _  n     i    _
      \     \/\/     /  |______  __ ______  __\     \  __ __ ______  __
      _\    /  \    /|  |\     \|  |\     \|  |\     \|  |  |\     \|  |
    __\\\____/\____/ |__| \     \__|_\     \__|_\     \__|__| \     \__| ©hP!
   \\____________________ /_____/ __ /_____/ __ /_____/ _____ /_____/ ____ _

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 4 1
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: poskgubbe  __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: posk draws |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

          . ......
                ::      ___.        \\\///       . .........................
       ._______ ::  ____\_ |___     \ __ /                                ::
     __| _    /____/   __/ | _/___  (__._)                                ::
   \\\   /   /  _ \     \  _     /  _/  \    p O S K G U B B E       . ...::
     |   ___/   /  \_    \ |    /// \_   \_
     |___|  \______/_____/-|____\    /. \_//  d R A W S :  wookin puh nub!
                ..                  /_|__\
           ©hP! ::....... .

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 4 2
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: hosers     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: i am .ca   |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

      [        i       a   m       c   a   n   a   d   i   a   n        ]
                   ___________ ________/________ ___________
                  (           |      _/ \_      |          /_
                  | ... .     |    __\   /__    |            |
                  | ::        |    \       /    |            |
                  | ..        |  __\\     //__  |            |
                  | :         | _\        .  /_ |            |
           :  ::: | .         | /_           _\ |            | ::: :
                  |           |  (__       __\  |            |
                  |__         |    /__.  __)    |            |
                    /_________|_______| |_______|____________)
             ___                        :
            _____        ___     ________       ____   ©hP!     ___
            \    \  _____\_ \____\_ _    \_     \ _/____________\_ \_
            /    / /     |/  /   |/ /     /     / \|      /     |/  /
           /    / /      |  /    / /     / __. /   |     /      |  /
           \____| \______.__\____\-\_____\ \_| \_________\______.__\

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 4 3
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   if you    : f: gravedance __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 | l i s t e n :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: gravedance |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

              . ......                 ___________________
                    ::                 \                 /
            .___    ::     ._________   \.__            /.________
          __| _/______ ____|_       /____|_ \_         /_|_      /
         \\_  \__     \    |/      /     |/  /        /  |/     //
           /   |/      \_  _     _/_        /_       /        _/__
          /___          /__/       /      ___/      /___         /
             \_________/  /________\______/  \     /   \________/ ©hP!
                    ..                        \   //
           ._______ :: .__    .______   __.    \_///  .________  ._________
     ______|___   /____|_ \___|_     \_/ _|___________|_      /__|_       /
    \\_      |/  /     |/  /  |/      /  \|        /  |/     /   |/      /
      /      /  /         /_  /      /            /        _/__  _     _/_
    _/         /        ___/_/      /___         /___         /__/       //
    \__________\________/   /_______\  \________/   \________/  /________\
                    ::.... .    g  r  a  v  e  d  a  n  c  e  r  !

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 4 4
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |   now you   : f: radman     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  will hear  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: vira       |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
               ·                           :______\

        _\     |_____ _  ______   ___ _
    .___\\\    |    ///__\_   /___\_ )))_________________________________.
    |      \   |   /   / _/ _/_   _/ |                                   |
: ::| ©hP!  \     /   /  \    /   \  |           [  V I R A  ]           |:: :
    |_____ _ \___/\__/___/   /____/--'  _ _______________________________|

   __\ _______ : ________  _____   _______ : ________  /   l o g o   # 4 5
_:_\ __\_    /___\_ /   /_/_   /___\_    /___\_ /   / /________________________
 |   \  /   /  _   /   ____/  /| /  /___/  _   /   /__                        /
 |   |_/____\____._\___\ \_______\__\   \____._\_____/  ·· natural mystic ··  |
 |             .                 _ _______ .  _____  ___   ____  ___  ___     |
 |  yellow is  : f: daeron     __\_\_    /____\   /_/ _/__/   /______/ _/____ |
 |  the color  :               \  / /   /     /  /-\_    /   ____/  /  \    / |
 (_____________: a: eat a dick |_/-/____\_____  /________\___\ \____\_______\ |
               :___________________________. /__| ____________________________)
    of sunset  ·                           :______\

                                    (|  |)
                                    |    |
                                    |    |
                                    |    |
                                    |    |
                                    |    |
                                /   |    |   \
                               (    |    |    )
                              _|    |    |    |_
                             / |    |    |    | \
                            (  |    |    |    |  \
                            |  |    |    |    |   )
                            |  |              (   |
                            |                     |
                            |                     )
                            (                    /
                             \                  /
                              \_               /
              Hey Daeron,      |             _/
                           __  |             |  __ _    ©hP!  ___
            _____     _____\ )_     __       | ( /_\) ___    (  /__
           _\_   \___(_ \__   / ___(_ \_  _____/  /__( _/____/ / _/___
          /  /   /    /  /   / /    /  / /    /  /  /  \    /  \     /
         /  (___/_   /  /   / /    /  / /    /  /  /   /   /   /    /
         \_______/___\--\___) \____\--\ \____)--\__)--/____)--/_____)

                          ___   ____      \ |___        ___   ___
           ____  __     _|  /__|   |_    __||   \  __ _   /__|   |
      __. |    \ \/ __  /| /|  |  __/_  |  ||  \ \/  |/  /|  |   |
      \ | |  |  \  /  |/  / |  |_  |  \ |  || |   /  |  / |  |_  |/| \\
       \| |  |\  \/  /|  /__|   /  |\  \|  || |\_/  /| /__|   /    | |\
       \\ |__| \____/ |_/~~~|__/___| \_____|__| /____|/~~~|__/_____| |_\
                     __          __
                __. |  \  __ __ |  |__ __|_____      ___  _
                \ | |   \/  | \ |_ |_// \|   |/__ _ /   \//
                 \| |    /| |  \|\ |\/   |   |(__)|/  /\_/
                 \\ | |\/ | |\_   \|_/|  |   |    |  / ___ //
                    | |   | |_/    |__|__|   |    | /_/  / /|
                   _|_|   | |\____/|\_|  |__/|____|_____/ /_|
                    :     |_|

             _/_        A  S  C  I  I   _/_   C  O  L  L  E  C  T  I  O  N
             / (_______ __ ____   ______/ (___.        ________
            /._       /____\ _/___\__._     __|________\_     /_______
           / |/      /    /_\_       |/     / ._    \ _|/   _/_      /____
          /  /      /    /  |/       /     /  |/    / \       /     /    /
        _/  /      /    /   /       /     /       ./  /      /     /|   /
        \___\     /|____\__________/|_____\_______|__/      /|______   / ©hP!
  ________ |______\ ________________________________ |______\ ___ ./  /_______
 \\_____                                                      ___ |___\ _____//
       (_______ 21 Ascii Collections · 1,947,260 bytes _______)   :

      01. Logo Collection #1 ....... HP-LOGO1.TXT   65984 09/95 Trank

      02. Diz Collection #1 ........ HP-DIZ1 .TXT   13607 09/95 Trank

      03. Reservoir Dogs ........... HP-RSDGS.TXT   19477 10/95 Trank

      04. Respect .................. HP-RSPCT.TXT   28107 11/95 Trank

      05. Diz Collection #2 ........ HP-FID  .TXT   25106 12/95 Trank

      06. Katharsis Rules Supreme .. HP-KRS1 .TXT  124000 03/96 Katharsis

      07. From Dusk 'Til Dawn ...... WU-FDTD .TXT  144904 05/96 Trank

      08. Tiger Style .............. WU-TIGER.TXT   76590 06/96 Trank

      09. Men In Black ............. TK-MIB  .TXT   57013 07/96 Trank

      10. Evolve ................... TK-EVOL .TXT   47918 08/96 Trank

      11. Deus Ex Machina .......... KTS-HDEM.TXT   56241 12/96 Katharsis

      12. In The Mouth Of Madness .. R-ITMOM .TXT  350037 01/97 Remorse

      13. Madness Bbs Design ....... HP-BBSD .TXT   44450 02/97 Quad-P

      14. To Serve Man ............. R-TSM   .TXT  193316 02/97 Remorse

      15. The Future ............... R-FUTURE.TXT  128256 04/97 Remorse

      16. Firestarter .............. HP-FIRE .TXT   44450 05/97 Quad-P

      17. Money .................... R-MONEY .TXT  134000 05/97 Remorse

      18. Millennium ............... R-MLNNM .TXT   95794 06/97 Remorse

      19. The Message .............. R-TM    .TXT  125200 05/99 Remorse

      20. New Forms ................ R-NF    .TXT   60010 03/01 Remorse

      21. Natural Mystic ........... PC-NM   .TXT  112800 08/01 P&C

(    i   '   m       t   h   e       t   e   c   h   n   i   c   i   a   n    )

                    XX\\X' _\
                    XX(_)    >_
                    XXXXXx  . /
                    `XXXXX,_ //_            __               Renegade Hardware
 31                  `XXX' (_) /____       /  \
                     _/  _ ____    /---.. /.._.\ _/_             Moving Shadow
 Test                \   / \   ) _//___ \\.__  o)/
                     \\_/( /  / <     )/\\'  \/ /\                Good Looking
 Formation              \_Y _/_  \\   ¯/(¯ ·_/)/· \/_
                        (  ____)  \_ <<\ \  '//···/>_              Mix 'N Blen
 Metalheadz           ((_  _____)  /  |\\ ¯¯¯// ·//  \
                        (_  __)   /<  | \\\·// ///_...\ _/_         Full Cycle
 True Playaz             `---'   /¯¯\ |  \\/  ///___  o)/
                 .    . ..:l____/    \|   X \ ///   \/ />            Prototype
 Ram Trilogy                >/   X    \_  \ '//(  ·_/)//|
                            ¯\    \    //  \//\ \  '/// |                Virus
 Creative Source             /     \_ . \   ¯¯\\ ¯¯¯//  |
                           _/   -   (    \     \\\·//   |                 FFrr
 Vinyl Syndicate         .\\_        \    \_    \\//    :
                            /  _..._  \____7:._  \/     .                    V
                           /___>...<___>______/   |
                           _(___:::___)_¯¯¯¯¯¯    |  //
                           >___________<          |  /
                     _\___.  ¨¯¯~~~¯¯¨   ( ©hP! ) |              _\___.
  __________        ___\  |__        ._______ ____|______       ___\  |
 .\_        )_______\_ )  __/_____ __|       )  _ :     /_______\_ )  |________
 | |        |        | |  |       )  |       |  | .     |        | |  |       /
 | |        |        | |  |       |  |       |  |       |        | |  |       |
 | |        |        | |  |       |  |       |  |       |        | |  |       |
 | |        |        | |  |       |  |       |  |_______)        | |  |       |
 | |        |        | |  |       |  |       |  |       |        | |  |       |
 | |        |        | |  |       |  |       |  |       |        | |  |       |
 |_|        |        __l__        |___       |__|       |        __l__        |
   |________(________/   \________)  \_______l          (________/   \________)

                  there's a natural mystic blowing in the ear,

                   if you listen carefully now you will hear.

             .______                       .__          ____
      ______.|     / _______.  _____    ___|  )___     \\___) ____
      \     ||     | \      |__\  _ )__ \  _  ___/_____ _____(  _/_________
      |     ||     | |      |  )  |___/__\_|_ |        )     )  |        _//
      |     \/    _|_(_______ _|___        _/ |        |     |  |        |
      |     ||    \_        | \_  (        |  |        |     |  |        |
      |     ||     |        |  |  |        |  |        |     |  |        |
      |     ||     |        |  |  |        |  |        |     |  |        |
      |     ||     |        |  |  |        |  |        |     |  |        |
      |     ||     |        |  |  |        |  |        |     |  |        |
      |     ||     |        |  |  |        |  |        |     |  |        |
      |     ||     |        |  |  |       _|  |       _|     |  |        |
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    \\______|     \__________)   \_________) (__________/      \_________)

                                ·    /
                               / .. /
                              / :: /
                             / :: /       (  PARTNERS & CRIMINALS!  )
                            / :: /  .__:
                           / :: / __|  |__             _
               ______     /__._/__\__  __/____ ._______/______  __
              /      \___/_\ |      /  |      \|      /      /_/ /____
             /       /       |  ___/|  |  _    \_   _/_  ___/_\      /
           _/  _____/\_______|__\   |__|--|_____/_____/__\ |    ____//
          \\___|      / .. /                               |____\
                     / :: / ©hP!         _       __.
                    / :: /       __._____\_______\ |
                   / :: / _______\ |      \        |
                  / :: /  \        |  _    \_      |
                 / :: /   \\_______|--|_____/______|      :__.
                / :: /     _                              |  |
             __/ ::./______/_.________ .__:______       __|  |   __
            / /____|      /  |        \|  |      \______\ |  | _/ /____
          _/       |  ___/|  |  _ _    \_ |  _    \_      |  |_\      /
         \\________|__\   |__|__|-|_____/_|--|_____/______|___/  ____//
           / .. /                                           |____\
          / :: /
         / :: /
        / ·· /
       /    .

                               ·· AFS EDIT /H ··

                                              ¡    fOR pLEASURE sINCE 1996
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- -
  .|  w  o  r  l  d    h e a d q u a t e r s  ||
  ||      aEROHOLICS/mO' pLAYAZ/dTR/aSL       !| _
  |!     bAD kARMA/aGEEMA bLUES/uP rOUGH       | ;
  |      dIVINE sTYLERS/pHANTASY/tEQUILA       |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7   g e r m a n  &  e u r o p e a n  h q's   |
  :    lIGHTfORCE/lOW pROFILE/sICK oF iT aLL   |
  ¡         rOYAL/dRUNKEN/pUNGAS/100%          |
_ |                                            | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!"
  |   gAMEBOY aDVANCE/wSC/nGPOCKET/sNES/cGB+    ___.     ______.    drn\lp!
  |   pSX/pS2/dC/e-bEATS & hIPhOP/cHIP tUNES   \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |   =c64/aTARI8/mODULES/dANCEhALL/dAYDREAM   \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |                                            _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |   rUNNING oN a pRIVATE sYSTEM w\ 8 nODES   /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   aVAILABLE oN 24/7 sTATIC tELNET @ ADSL       `----'     `----'  `----'
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                            ¡
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   y A R d _______,|
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\ ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\ !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'

                                               Stripped from cRAZY dEMOLITION sQUAD                                        ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯