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54 937 bytes (53.65K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:43
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all-time: 600



         \|o                  ______                           ___|____
          \:      t! ______  _\_____\______|_         ______  /\___\___\_|_
          |.______  _\_____\/\_\__   \_____\______   /\_____\/ /   /   /_\
 _|______ |_\_____\/\_\__   \/   /___/  ____\_____\ / /  _   \/   /   /  /__
  /\_____\/\_\__   \/ __/   /   /   /  _)__\_\__   X /   /   /   /   /  __/_\
 _\/   __/_/  _/   /  \_   /_______/   /   /   /   X/   /   /\______/   /   /
/\_\___   /   \___/___/___/      \/_______/   /   / \______/      \/_______/
 /   /   /____/                         \/_______/                |
/_______/ |                                                      _| 
Y         | F A C T i O N                      World Headquarters  /
:         | L o W  P r O F i L E               World Headquarters |
.         | T R S i                    United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | F A i R L i G H T          United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | R O Y A L                  United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | R A M  J A M               United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | L i g h t f o r c e        United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | L o o k e r   H o u s e    United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | X!-T r e K                 United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | O u t l a w s              United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | DiGiTAL CoRRUPTiON         United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | F A i T H                  United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | Save Our Souls             United Kingdom Headquarter |/
          | Tristar & Red Sector Inc   United Kingdom Headquarter ø
 ._       |\                                                     /|
-|/------ +-\___________________________________________________/-'
 `-------> Upload time: 19:57:53           Upload Date: 01-16-1999
           |           UPLOADED BY ZOLTRiX                     |
           |        fROM SYSOP              iN dOCKiNG bAY 02  |
        |          IN SPACE NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM!           |


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ               WHiSPER

                  M A R K   R Y D E R   o F   M O ' S O U L

                        [ jANUARY 16TH, 1999. 19:31 ]

                                "" WHiSPER ""

  .  . ...................................................
    ... T H E   E V i L   S E R V A N T S ::::::::::::::::
                  |                                       -.|
                  |                                         |
             ___________   _ _  _______. _ __________. __ ________
           ._\     ____/ ._\\\\/     -.|_\\\_      -.| )//__     /_.
           |      _\     |    \/       |    |        |     /_      |
           |      |      |    /        :    |        |      |      |
           |      |_     |   /         .    |        |     _|      |
           |__     /___  |__/       _ ___   :        |  ___\     __|
             /_________\   /___________| \___________| /_________\
            __________     _ __________.    .________. ___.
            \   _    /   ._\\\_      -.|____|      -.|_)  | |
             \  /___/____|    |        |    |        |    | |
           .__\__      -.:    |        :    |        :    |________.
           |    |        .    |        .    |        .    |      -.|
           |    :     _ ___   :     _ ___   :     _ ___   :        |
           |_____________| \___________| \___________| \___________|

                  |                                         |

                                          :::::::::::::::: M O ' S O U L ...
          you'velostyourinterestandskills ::::::::::::::::
     it's in the back of your head. it's covering your eyes. it's eating
     away at your creative skills. it numbs your fingers.  encurages the
     decay and rot of your own self. it kills a part of you. and you let
     it do so by simply not doing sit there and do nothing.
     your solution for the problem is letting  everyone  else  entertain
     your sorry self. "the scene is dying" you whisper to yourself.  the
     voice you hear is coming from the back of your head. it's a lie,but
     you choose to accept it as fact because it is the easiest  way  out
     for a lazy bastard like yourself. the scene isn't dying.  the scene
     has never been alive. the scene has never been dying. the scene has
     never been a living breathing thing.   the scene is just there.  it
     just "is". everytime you sit down and see no activity.everytime you
     tell yourself "it's dying".  it's not the scene - it's you.  you've
     let it've stopped using your skills to create entertainment
     for others in the scene.   you're just sitting on your fat asshole,
     waiting for others to entertain you with their skills. some how you
     have moved from beeing the entertainer into beeing the problem. and
     the problem is the audience.  the audience of the scene is too big.
     and there you are. planted well in your seat. stuffing your big fat
     ugly face with popcorn.   waiting for the show to being.  and while
     you wait you make sure to repeat to yourself  "the scene is dying".
     you repeat it so some one else who might respect you for things you
     have done in the past hear you.   influence  them  with your filthy
     thoughts. your stupidity. your lazyness.  why can't people like you
     just go fuck yourselves?  why do you have to bother the rest of us?
     does it please you to make others think your  irrational  thoughts?

                   ::::::::::::::::::::: you'reofnovaluetoanyonehere
                     ::::::::       :::
           _            ::      :_   :                 :          _
    ___/\ _|   ___/\ ____ ___/\ | \_ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _|   ___/\ _|
    \__  \ |___\__  \___ \\__  \|__/_\__  \___ \\__  \ |___\__  \ |____
     /     |   \/     |   \/________ \/     |   \/     |   \/     |    \
   _/      |    \_   _|    \_      // \_   _|    \_    |    \_    |     \_
  /    \\_____//  \  \|      \   _/     \  \|      \   |      \   |       \
 /         |       \  \       \  \       \  \       \  |       \  |        \
 \         |       /          /   \      /          /          /  |        /
//_ mR!/m'S|______/__________/     \____/__________/__________/___|________\\
   \_______|             \__________\                             |
           :                                                      :
                  M A R K   R Y D E R   O F   M O ' S O U L

                                  dothisforme ::::::::::::: 

      echoing in my mind. their screams. their tears. their blood on my
      hands.  the tall one.  he was the only one who saw me coming.  he
      was the one who was least surprised, but most scared. he knew the
      axe was ment for him.  like a child he came into this world,  and
      like a child he left this world. screaming.  bloody.  the rest of
      them stood like statues.  mouths open.  eyes shining with fright.
      the second and third person almost seemed to  accept  me  cutting
      their throats.  after the knife left their flesh, they fell down.
      crawling towards eachother. choking on their own blood.  touching
      eachother one last time. crying. dying.

      the final victim. the hard one. a girl. young. pretty. begging to
      let her live. with promises to do whatever i wanted. i tested her
      will to obey my commands. on your knees. turn away from me.  good
      girl. close your eyes.  put your hands behind your back.  can you
      feel me? good.  dying alone is such a fright...then  she  started
      waving her hands about.  blood  flowing  out  of her.  some  stab
      wounds on her neck.  i can't remember how many.  the little angel
      gave me such energy and passion for  killing  her.  i  forgot  to
      count.  she seemed like one of those girls that only  dates  guys
      with loads of money. and here she was. dying beneath a bridge. on
      her knees. that night she was the dream girl. no demand. no word.
      no struggle. no fight. no pulse. no life...cold. dead.

          ::::::::::::::::::::: killmewheniamoldandweek                                 


                       ____________   |   ____________
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                     _ |              /               _     _ ____
              ___/\ _| | ___/\ ____ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _|__        /
            \\\__  \ |___\__  \__  \\__  \___ \\__  \ | /       /
               /     |   \/   __|_  \/     |/  \/     |/       /
             _/      |    \_ \\___   \_   _/    \    _/      _/
            /    \\_____//  \   |      \ \\_____//\ \\_      \
           /         |       \  |       \  |       \  |       \
           \         |       /  |       /  |       /  |_       \_
            \ mR!/m'S|______/   |______/   |_______\__|/________///
             \_______|  \_______|  \_______|          |
                     : |    _   :          :      :_  :
          ___/\ ____   |    |__ ___/\ ____ ___/\ _| \____/\ ____
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           /     |/  \/     |   \/     |/  \/   ____)__/     |/  \
         _/     _/    \     |    \_   _/    \_ \\      \_   _/    \
        /      \\_____//\   |      \ \\___ _  \  \_      \ \\_____//\
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      \\\        |_______\  |______/__________/_/________/   |_______\
         \_______|          |                        \_______|
                 :     |    :                                :
                       |                             |
                       |_    M A R K   R Y D E R    _|
                       |/             _             \|
                           [.. p r e S E n t s ..]
                        :       :
                        |       :
                        |       :
    _ ___               |       |                                   ___ _
        //  i AM ALONE, |       | BUT i CAN STiLL HEAR YOUR VOiCE  \\
                        |       |
          _             |       |  :_                    :_
   ___/\ _|   ___/\ _|__|   ___/\ _| \____/\ ____ ___/\ _| \____/\ ____
   \__  \ |___\__  \ |  \   \__  \_|__/\__  \___ \\__  \_|__/\__  \___ \
    /     |   \/     |   \ __/________ \/     |/  \/   ____)__/     |/  \
  _/      |    \_    |    \_        _// \_   _/    \  \\_     \_   _/    \
 /        |      \   _      \       \     \ \\_____/    /       \ \\_____//\
/         |       \  |       \       \     \  |        /         \  |       \
\ mR!/m'S _       /  |       /        \_   /  |      _/          /  |       /
 \        |______/   |______/__________//_/___|\____\\__________/___|_______\
  \_______|  \_______|  |       |             :                     :
          :          :  |       |
_ ___                   |       |                                       ___ _
    //  W         H     |   i   |     S         P         E         R  \\
                        |       |
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                        :       |
                        :       |
                ............... :
                :             : :
                :             :
                :             : C O M E   B A C K
                :             :
  ______________:____     :___:_____:        _____________
\\\       __        /     |         |      _/    _____    \
   \      \/_______/___   |     _   |   ___\__:   \\______/____
    \                 /   |     /_______\     |    \/         /
     \_               \   |         |         |_              \  ______ _
      /________________\  l_________|         |/_______________\\\
                :             :     |_________j
                :             :     :
             ___:___________  : _______ _________________ _______ _________
            \\______       /__:_\      \      __        /       //        /
                |__/      /      \      \     \/_______/___    _/        /
                |___     X        \      \                /   \\        X
        mR!/m'S |__/      \_     /_\      \               \     \        \
   _ ___________|__________/_____\\_______//_______________\ ___\\________\\\
                |             :                             
          . ... : ............: THE RESSURECTiON OF MARK RYDER/MO'SOUL.                            
                :::::: .       
                :::::::::     .
                :::::::::::.  .      
                : :::::::::::::               
                : :::::::::::|:
                : :::::::::::::
                : :::::::::::::
                : :::::::::::::
                : :::::::::::::
                : :::::::::::::     :    :
                : ::::::   ::::     |    :
                : :::  : :_ :::     |    :
       ___/\ _: : ___/\ _| \____  /\|__ ___/\ _:
       \__  \ |___\__  \_|__/\__\/  \\ \\__  \ |___
        /     |   \/  _____)__/     |\\ \/     |   \
 :__  _/   \_____/ \_\\       \_    | \  \_    |    \_
 | ///        |      \ \        \   |      \   |      \
 |  /         |       \ \_       \  |       \  |       \
 |  \ mR!/m'S |       /  /       /  |       /  |       /
:|:: \________|______/__/_______/___|______/__________/ M 3 N U :::::::::::::
 |            :                     |    .
 |                          select> | o1 :                     i  n  t  r  o
 |                                  |    :
 |                                  | o2 :                        m  e  n  u
 |                                  |    :
 |                                  | o3 :               p  r  e  f  a  c  e
 |                                  |    :
 |                                  | o4 :         a  r  t     w  o  r  k  s
 |                                  |    :
 |                                 _| o5 :               t  h  e     e  n  d
 |                                 \|    :
 "                                  |    :
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                                    |    :                        
                                    |   ::                        
                                    |  :::                        
                                    | ::::                        
                           >preface |:::::                        
 :                   __  ___ ___   ____  ___  ___   ___           
 :............ .   ____) )   )-___ )-   (___\ )____ )-____   . ............
                   )                                                      :
     another day, another collection.  actually, it's been a while since  :
     i last released a piece, hasn't it? some one asked me on irc to dcc  :
     my last collection.   couldn't help him, couldn't remember what the  :
     last piece i made was.    does it show a lack of interest?    maybe  :
     but here we are.  broke off my relationship with my girlfriend some  :
     hours ago. maybe that's why i'm still sitting up, not sleeping? why  :
     break off the relationship?  things didn't work out.   as simple as  :
     that. now you know. now you can stop wondering.  i wonder why i got  :
     myself a girlfriend in the first place.  i'd promised myself not to  :
     get involved with anyone, to stay single for some time.  guess it's  :
     just one of those things. one of those things that just happens. it  :
     is annoying,  but shit just happens some times.   whish it wouldn't  :
     guess i am in a  transitional  sort of phase  right now.   changing  :
     girlfriend.   i say "changing" 'cause i'll probably go out and find  :
     myself a new one, even though i really don't want one. changing car  :
     'cause i've grown tired of my trans-am. it's a nice car. it's given  :
     me many hours of pleasure. thinking about getting a mercedes or bmw  :
     as my next car. i spend way too much money on cars.  i know it, but  :
     its like an obsession to drive a really nice car. i love it. out on  :
     the road, feeling free.  people looking at your car.  you see their  :
     envious looks.  you enjoy it.  gives some perverse sort of pleasure  :
  :  is something going on in the ascii scene or is it all dead?   well,
  :  something is going on, but not a lot. why?  i can only talk for me,  
  :  but i have a feeling that ascii artists are missing people who they  
  :  want to make ascii for. when i started out making ascii, there were  
  :  a lot of people i actually wanted to make ascii for. why? i admired  
  :  them or their work to a degree that i wanted to give something back  
  :  i guess. but today? not many left. when bigdick of tightpussy wants  
  :  me to do a logo saying "anal intruder",   it doesn't really inspire  
  :  me all that much. when you had people asking for a TRSI, FAIRLIGHT,  
  :  to make it.  but now you're getting all these unknown people asking  
  :  for  all  kinds  of   strange   things.     inspiration   is   none  
  :  a big part of the problem is that amiga artists  are  stuck  in the  
  :  dying amiga scene.  a lot of us sold our amiga's because we saw how  
  :  everything was decaying. now we own pc's.  but do we make ascii for  
  :  pc / pc-groups?  no, we're still looking for people who wants ascii  
  :  in the amiga scene. doesn't really make sense, does it?  think i'll  
  :  have to get hold of some  pc warez cd's  and check out who's active  
  :  d  o  i  n  g      s  t  u  f  f       o  n       t  h  e      p  c  
     i am missing a place to get hold of the latest  ascii  collections.  :
     i can't be bothered with calling bulletin board systems anymore. it  :
     is just too much of a hassle. telnet?! please - that's just as much  :
     a pain. ftp's or channel bot's then? FUCK THEM! I HATE USING THEM!!  :
     a nice www site,  that's what  i'm  looking for.  that  would  rock  :
     heard xcluziwe / save our souls made an ascii cd  he wants to sell?  :
     yeah, that's right - sell a cd with all our ascii works on. all the  :
     stuff you've spent many nights making,he now wants to sell. nothing  :
     about maybe wanting to trade the cd with stuff you have or anything  :
     no no - our fave lamer wants to sell it.   its  always  fun when he  :
     comes with a new idea, 'cause so far  they've  all been pretty much  :
     fucking stupid and the source of many laughs. but this idea is just  :
     so fucked up, it's just sad.  then again - he's been a lamer for as  :
     long as i can remember so i'm really not surprised.   i  guess some  :
     people just can't change their ways.  once a lamer, always a lamer.  :
     (please god, make that idiot reply to this! it would make my day!!)  :
     enzo  closed down  sky tower and is therefore no longer a member of  :
     mo'soul.  his function was always as a sysop, and a sysop without a  :
     bbs is not the best sysop in the world :) we still keep in touch as  :
     i've known enzo for some time now. so if you were wondering why ive  :
     left enzo out of  the  memberlist  of  mo'soul:  concider  yourself  :
     i n f o r m e d       a b o u t       t h e       s i t u a t i o n  :
                                    | ::::
                                    |  :::
                                    |   ::
                               ____ |    : .....
                         _ ___ \    |    :    . .... .
                             /  \   :    :   .   .
                                 \_ :    : ..
                                  / :    :  .
         - -------->   T  H  E     A  R  T  W  O  R  X   <-------- -
  ________  ______________ _______  _ _________:........___________ __ ______
  \       \\\____        /       / //_\        | :::::::__        /  //
___\       \   |/       /       /  /   \       | :::::::|/       /   /
    \       \ _/      _/       /  /     \_     | ::::::_/      _/  _/      _/
     \       \\       \          /       /     | ::::::\       \   \    m'S\
    /_\       \\       \     ___/       _      | :::::::\       \   \       \
____\\________/_\_______\_____\ ________|____mR!.:::::::_\_______\__\\_______
     A          R          T          W          O          R          K
 _ _______________________________________________________________________ _
                                  /\ _ _ /\
                                 Y  \ V /  Y
                                 |  _\ /_  |
                                _| (^)V(^) |_
      _                 _  /\  ( "\___A___/" )  /\  _                 _
    __)\________________\//  \\ \__       __/ //  \\/________________/(__
   \\_                  \/        | i : i |        \/                  _//
     |                            | | | | |                            |
     | mark ryder of mo'soul      | | | | :      Em: |
     |                            ! ! | : .                            |
     |_                           : : |                               _|
     :/                             . !                 [ scenelink ] \:
     /_____________________________ _ : _ _____________________________\
             "" WHiSPER "" (C)OPYRiGHT MARK RYDER OF MO'SOUL '99
        _ _________________________________________________________ _

                          |       :
                          |.      |
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                          ||      |
                :_        |:      |    :_                    :_
          ___/\ | \_ ___/\|____ __|/\ _| \____  /\ __ ___/\ _| \_
        \\\__  \|__/_\__  \___ \\__  \_|__/\__\/  \\ \\__  \_|__///
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         _/        // \_    |    \_ \\      \_    ||\  \_ \\      \_
        /        _/     \   |      \  \_      \   ||     \  \_      \
       /         \       \  |       \  /       \  ||      \  /       \
       \          \      /          / /        /  ||      / /        /
       /_          \____/__________/_/________/   ||_____/_/_________\
         \__________\     |       |       \_______|:
                       _  |       |               : _    _ _____
                ___/\ _|  |       |__  /\ __ ___/\ _|__        /
                \__  \ |__|       \__\/  \\ \\__  \ | /       /
                 /     |   \      |/     |\\ \/     |/       /
               _/      |    \_   _/      ||\  \_   _/      _/
              /        |      \ /        ||     \ \\_      \
             /         |       \         ||      \  |       \
             \ mR!/m'S |       /         ||      /  |        \
            \\\________|______/ \        ||_____/___|/________\\\
                       :  |      \_______|:         |
                          |       |      :          :

              . ..... S   C   E   N   E   L   i   N   K ..... .
                          |       :
                          |_     _|
                          |/     \|
                         _/       \_
                          :       :

                                  /\ _ _ /\
                                 Y  \ V /  Y
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      _                 _  /\  ( "\___A___/" )  /\  _                 _
    __)\________________\//  \\ \__       __/ //  \\/________________/(__
   \\_                  \/        | i : i |        \/                  _//
     |                            | | | | |                            |
     | mark ryder of mo'soul      | | | | :      Em: |
     |                            ! ! | : .                            |
     |_                           : : |                               _|
     :/                             . !                   [ slavery ] \:
     /_____________________________ _ : _ _____________________________\
             "" WHiSPER "" (C)OPYRiGHT MARK RYDER OF MO'SOUL '99
        _ _________________________________________________________ _

    ____                                                             ____
  \\\_ (_  S        L        A        V        E        R        Y  _) _///
     |                                                                 |
     |_          _                     _          :_                   |
__/\ | \_ ___/\ _|   ___/\ ____ ___/\ _|   ___/\ _| \____/\ ____       |___
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/________ \/     |   \/   __|_  \/     |   \/   ____)__/     |/  \/    |    \
        // \_    |    \_  \___   \_    |    \_ \\      \_   _/    \    |
      _/     \   |      \   |      \   |      \  \_      \ \\_____//\  |     
      \       \  |       \  |       \  |       \  /       \  |       \_____
       \      /  |       /  |       /          / /        /  |       / |     
mR!/m'S \____/___|______/   |______/__________/_/________/___|_______\ |_____
_________\       :  \_______|                                :         |
     |                      :                                          |
     |                                                                 |

     |_                                                               _|
    //                                                                 \\
   /                                                                     \

                                  /\ _ _ /\
                                 Y  \ V /  Y
                                 |  _\ /_  |
                                _| (^)V(^) |_
      _                 _  /\  ( "\___A___/" )  /\  _                 _
    __)\________________\//  \\ \__       __/ //  \\/________________/(__
   \\_                  \/        | i : i |        \/                  _//
     |                            | | | | |                            |
     | mark ryder of mo'soul      | | | | :      Em: |
     |                            ! ! | : .                            |
     |_                           : : |                               _|
     :/                             . !                    [ stylez ] \:
     /_____________________________ _ : _ _____________________________\
             "" WHiSPER "" (C)OPYRiGHT MARK RYDER OF MO'SOUL '99
        _ _________________________________________________________ _

                 ..... | ....
            .....)    _|_   (.....
          - \\:       \|/      :// -
             \:        /       :/
              \_              _/
        :_    ://            \\:     _          _          :_        _:
 ___/\ _| \_  :/              \:     |__ ___/\ _|   ___/\ _| \_   __/ |__
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         _// \:  S T )/ L E Z /      |    \_    |    \_ \\      \_\\
         \     \    _/       /       |      \   |      \  \_      \ \_
          \     \   \        \__________     \  |       \  /       \ /
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____________\__/               :     |______/__________/_/________//_________
              :                :     |
              :                :     :
              :.               :
              :|               :
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              :.               :
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                                  /\ _ _ /\
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    __)\________________\//  \\ \__       __/ //  \\/________________/(__
   \\_                  \/        | i : i |        \/                  _//
     |                            | | | | |                            |
     | mark ryder of mo'soul      | | | | :      Em: |
     |                            ! ! | : .                            |
     |_                           : : |                               _|
     :/                             . !               [ audiophiles ] \:
     /_____________________________ _ : _ _____________________________\
             "" WHiSPER "" (C)OPYRiGHT MARK RYDER OF MO'SOUL '99
        _ _________________________________________________________ _

                                                 |       |
_ _______________           _______.    _________|___    |_________________ _
         ____   (_._________)      |___\\___        /    |     ____
         \        |       _/       | ______/       /     |     \|
          \       |       \        | \            /      |      \   mR!/m'S
           \______|________________|/____________/_______|_______\______ _
   _ _______\
                  :________|       |
   _______________|        |       |_______  _ ____________   _ ___________
__\\____        / |        |       |      /_______         \ ____   ______/__
      _/       /  _        |       |    _/       /   \\____/    /___________
     \\_______/   |        |       |    \        \    \/        \          /
_________|________|________|       |______________\ _____________\___________

                                  /\ _ _ /\
                                 Y  \ V /  Y
                                 |  _\ /_  |
                                _| (^)V(^) |_
      _                 _  /\  ( "\___A___/" )  /\  _                 _
    __)\________________\//  \\ \__       __/ //  \\/________________/(__
   \\_                  \/        | i : i |        \/                  _//
     |                            | | | | |                            |
     | mark ryder of mo'soul      | | | | :      Em: |
     |                            ! ! | : .                            |
     |_                           : : |                               _|
     :/                             . !                    [ b zeus ] \:
     /_____________________________ _ : _ _____________________________\
             "" WHiSPER "" (C)OPYRiGHT MARK RYDER OF MO'SOUL '99
        _ _________________________________________________________ _

           B :       : Z E U S
   __________:___    :____________:_________        _________:___________
 \\\____        /    \ _______    |         \mR!/m'S\        |   ______ ///
     |_/       /   __:\/__________|_  \\____/__|__   \      _|________\/____
     :__      X   \\ :            |    \/        /    \_     |             //
     |_/       \_  / :            |_             \    _/    _|             \
_____|__________///__:____________|/______________\_________\|______________\           :        :
             :       :            :                          :
             :       : p r e s e n t s   a   c o - o p e r a t i o n
             :       :
             :.......: "" iNSERT_NAME_HERE_USiNG_THiS_STYLE ""

                                  /\ _ _ /\
                                 Y  \ V /  Y
                                 |  _\ /_  |
                                _| (^)V(^) |_
      _                 _  /\  ( "\___A___/" )  /\  _                 _
    __)\________________\//  \\ \__       __/ //  \\/________________/(__
   \\_                  \/        | i : i |        \/                  _//
     |                            | | | | |                            |
     | mark ryder of mo'soul      | | | | :      Em: |
     |                            ! ! | : .                            |
     |_                           : : |                               _|
     :/                             . !                      [ murk ] \:
     /_____________________________ _ : _ _____________________________\
             "" WHiSPER "" (C)OPYRiGHT MARK RYDER OF MO'SOUL '99
        _ _________________________________________________________ _

_ ______
       /_ _______ _                                                
:________:                __________:   _________________ ________/         /
|        |  ______:_______\         | _\\_______        /       _/         /
|        |  \     |        \_       |        _//     __/       \\_      __/
|    /_______\    |         /       |        |         \_        |        \_
|        |        |                 |        |          / m'S    |         /
|________|      mR!_________________|________|__________\ _______|_________\
         |        |                          :                   :
         |________|                             _ ____________
         :                                                   //   M U R K
                                                             /____________ _

                                  /\ _ _ /\
                                 Y  \ V /  Y
                                 |  _\ /_  |
                                _| (^)V(^) |_
      _                 _  /\  ( "\___A___/" )  /\  _                 _
    __)\________________\//  \\ \__       __/ //  \\/________________/(__
   \\_                  \/        | i : i |        \/                  _//
     |                            | | | | |                            |
     | mark ryder of mo'soul      | | | | :      Em: |
     |                            ! ! | : .                            |
     |_                           : : |                               _|
     :/                             . !              [ sonik clique ] \:
     /_____________________________ _ : _ _____________________________\
             "" WHiSPER "" (C)OPYRiGHT MARK RYDER OF MO'SOUL '99
        _ _________________________________________________________ _

              _ __
               . // ...........
               : /            :
               :              :
               :              :
_____________  :______________:   ____________________:_________ ___________
    _______ /__:\     ___     |__\\_____         /    |        //          /
__________\/_  |       |/     |       |/        /     |       _/         _/
            /  |       /      |       /        /      |       \           \
            \  |      /|_    _|      /       _/       |        \           \
_____________\_|_____________\|_____/        \________|_________\___________\
               :              :    /________mR!       :
               :              :
_______________:____      ____:__________:      _________:_____________
 __        /       /______\     ___      |______\        |             \ m'S
 \/_______/__     /      |       |/      |       \       |     \\______/____
            /   _/       |       /       |        \_     |      \/         /
            \   \        |      /|_     _|         /     |_                \
               :         :    :          :               :
    _ _______  :              :
            // :              : S O N i K   C L i Q U E
               :              : 
               :              :
               :              :
               :              :
               :              :
               :              :  __________________________ _
               :..............: \\


                                  /\ _ _ /\
                                 Y  \ V /  Y
                                 |  _\ /_  |
                                _| (^)V(^) |_
      _                 _  /\  ( "\___A___/" )  /\  _                 _
    __)\________________\//  \\ \__       __/ //  \\/________________/(__
   \\_                  \/        | i : i |        \/                  _//
     |                            | | | | |                            |
     | mark ryder of mo'soul      | | | | :      Em: |
     |                            ! ! | : .                            |
     |_                           : : |                               _|
     :/                             . !                [ spaced out ] \:
     /_____________________________ _ : _ _____________________________\
             "" WHiSPER "" (C)OPYRiGHT MARK RYDER OF MO'SOUL '99
        _ _________________________________________________________ _

  _  _ _______________________________________________________________ _  _
___________: _ ____________ ______  ______________ __________    ________  __
 ___       |     ___      /       \     ___      /   ___     \  \\___    \\\ 
  \/_______|__   |/      /_\       \    \/______/__  \/______/__ __|/     \ 
__________   /   /      /   \       \    \/       /   \/       /  //       \ 
         //  \  _____  /     \       \            \            \  /         \
        /     \  |_  \/     /_\       \            \            \           /
_______________\_|/_________\\________//____________\\___________\ _________\
                             ______________ _    _________ _______________  _
                            \\    ___        ____\        \              / //
                             \     |/       /     \        \            /  /
                            / \    /       /       \        \ mR!/m'S  /  /
                           /      /|__    /         \        \           /
                          /              /         /_\        \      ___/ /
________________________\\\______________\_________\\_________/_______\ //___

  _  _ _______________________________________________________________ _  _

                                  /\ _ _ /\
                                 Y  \ V /  Y
                                 |  _\ /_  |
                                _| (^)V(^) |_
      _                 _  /\  ( "\___A___/" )  /\  _                 _
    __)\________________\//  \\ \__       __/ //  \\/________________/(__
   \\_                  \/        | i : i |        \/                  _//
     |                            | | | | |                            |
     | mark ryder of mo'soul      | | | | :      Em: |
     |                            ! ! | : .                            |
     |_                           : : |                               _|
     :/                             . !         [ coming to the end ] \:
     /_____________________________ _ : _ _____________________________\
             "" WHiSPER "" (C)OPYRiGHT MARK RYDER OF MO'SOUL '99
        _ _________________________________________________________ _
           ........... . m o ' s o u l  :###########
           :        .                              
           |        .
           |        .
   _ _____ |        | _____ _
______  _ _|  ______|________   ________________ _________________ ______
     / //  |  \       __     \  \        __     \  ___           /_      \
    /  /   |   \     \\______/___\      \\______/__ |/          /_|\      \
   /  /    _    \     \/        / \      \/       / /          / /|/       \
     /     |     \              \m'S              \/          /  \/         \
  __/      |     /               \ /               \      _  /              /
___\ ____mR!    /_________________\ ________________\    \\ /______________/
           |________|                           /__________\                
     T          H          E                     E          N          D
 _ _______________________________________________________________________ _

                          Art Work & Design Done By  
                  M A R K   R Y D E R   O F   M O ' S O U L

                        Mo'Soul Logo At Start Done By

                                 S T Y L E Z

                       Software Used To Create Whisper

                       E D i T   -   P C   E D i T O R

                   U A E   -   A M I G A   E M U L A T O R

            C Y G N U S E D I T O R   -   A M I G A   E D i T O R

                    W i N A M P   -   M P 3   P L A Y E R

                       Hardware Used To Create Whisper

                  P E N T i U M   I I   4 5 o M H Z   M M X

                    Y A M A H A   C R W 4 2 6 1 T   C D R

            3 D   R A G E / 9 6 M B   R A M / 1 1 . 8 G i G   H D

         C R E A T i V E   L A B S   i N F R A 1 8 o o   C D - R O M

                       i O M E G A   J A Z - D R i V E

     thanks to all who are still releasing stuff in  the ascii scene for
                the inspiration to make this ascii collection

            greetings flies out to those i can remember right now

    u-man, enzo, crusader, manta, tango, recall, zoltrix, red-demon, taxi
       danzig, gravedancer, karma, murk, boone, stylez, surfing, exile
                     necromancer, boheme, candyman, fury

                   [..sorry to those who feel forgotten..]

            ... MARK RYDER / MO'SOUL - 7HE EViL SERVAN7S 1999 ...


         .                                                         .
         :                                                         .
         |                                                         .
         |        l  o  o  s  e         c  o  n  t  r  o  l        :
         |                                                         |
         |        beer. vodka. red bull. weed. techno. rap.        |
         |        drunk driving. boozing. partying. chicks.        |
         |        closing time.  another day is on its way.        |
         |        take me home. bring me sleep. release me.        :
         |                                                         .
         |        i t s   b e e n   f r i d a y   n i g h t        
         |                                                         .
         :                                                         .


                         GET iN TOUCH FOR CD TRADiNG

                      - MO'SOUL ASCii PRODUCTiONS '99 -


        S P A C E D - O U T  B B S  L i V E  F R O M  T H E  U K !
         FACTiON WHQ · LP! WHQ · FLT uKHQ · TRSi uKHQ . LFC uKHQ
      X! uKHQ · DC uKHQ · SOS uKHQ · Rj uKHQ · FAiTH uKHQ . Lkr UKHQ 
                    « 19:57:53 » « 01-16-1999 » « 02 » 

  FUCK THE LAMERS!                  ((    
  kEEP AMiNET tO tHE AMiNET   _,,---.)\__     
  aND OFF tHE bOARDS!       ,'.          ""`. 
                           f.:               \     
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               f.  Y   `.`.       _`. ,'_     |f
               |:  |     ) )      "`    "`    |'
               l:. l    ( '          --.      j   AnOTHER bBS uSER.dATA
                Y:  Y_,--.Y:         __      (    eVEN wHEN iT dOES nOT
             ,-.|  ,'.::..):..    ,'"-'Y.     Y   EXiST! dOES nOT! mAKE
            f:.           \ ::.  '"'`--`      j   YOU oR yOUR bBS ELiTE
            j::            Y-.__        __,,-'___ 
           f;\::.          |    ``""""''__(""'_,.`--.   ,--.
           l:::::...       j--.       ,'.. `"'       Y-'.:::)
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                l;;;;;:::`-;;;::....                j;;::.|
                 `;;;;;;;;;:);;;;:::::...          /\;;;;:j
                   "`------'-.;;;;::::::::...._,-'"  `---'

         FACTiON WHQ · LP! WHQ · FLT uKHQ · TRSi uKHQ . LFC uKHQ
      X! uKHQ · DC uKHQ · SOS uKHQ · Rj uKHQ · FAiTH uKHQ . Lkr UKHQ 