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File size:
45 726 bytes (44.65K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:36
Download count:
all-time: 557


 ____    / _ _____  _____
 \_ _\  /____ ._  \. ___ \_ .-------------.
|   \ \/_ _/  |/   | \._ _/_| mORBID 1996 ¦
|____\  /__|_ l    |_ l_    |_____________:
| .cRb\/e^D. \_____| \______|             .
¦                                         .
:           rOOStER presents              :
.               - cHILL -                 ¦
:        some requests and gifts....      .

    . .. .:....                        .
 ____________ :..........
 \________  /_________  :..........    ·              ·
  .   _l/  /          \  ________ :....:.....         ·
  ¦   \    ¯\        _ \/        \  _______ :.........:...
  l____\     \      (o) \ ,-,     \/ _____/_____________ :.....
    .   \_____\_________/ \O)      \________ \__ ______/____  :...... ..  .
          ¦   .       \____________/___   l   \    | ____  /_____________
    ·     :    ·:...          ..:     l________\   | \____/  \________  /
    :     .      ·:::::...:::::·       ¦     l_____|  l       \   _l/  /
    ¦              :· :  :  .:·        :         \_____________\  \    ¯\
    ¦               :.:··:··:·         .              ¦      l_____\     \
    ¦                 ··.:.·                          :             \_____\
    ¦ xCz                                             .
    l____________________________________ ____ _ __  _     _




          __  / /    _______    /\__       ____.               .____
          \ \/ /\   _\  _  /___/  \_\_.  ._\ _ |_   ______:_  _| _ /_:_
        __/\  /  \_    _/         _/ _|  |   \_  \__\_____|__/  _/   |
  .----.\   \/    /    \_         \_  \__|   _/                 \_   |-----.
  ¦    |   _/           /         _/     |   \                   /   |     ¦
  :    l___\   _   ____/     _____\   _  l____\ _             _ /____|e^D  :
  .      ©nb\__/   |  `------'     \__/  |     \/-------------\/
             `-----'                `----'

                             M · O ·R · B· I · D 










                       ..'':..    ....        .!!'  .!%' .!#'
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              |    `!#       `!% !#:      !#%: !#:. !#:. !#:     |
              |     !#%      !#%,!#%:     !#:  !#%: !#%: !#%:    |
              `----- ':. -- .!%' jA!' -- !%'-- !#%' !#%' !#%' ---'
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               - I guess you talked me into it..
                                                the answer is no.

                            .  __   __|  ___ \_/
                            | /  \ /__| |__/ / \
 | part..
 | 1.preface                              
 | 2.contents                           (-)   (-)
 | 3.asciis                              _______
 | 4.information
 | 5.messages
 | 6.greets

            |                   |
 `----------'                   |
    ___________      _________      _________  _/  /___ 
 ._/   ____    \_  _/   ____  \_  _/         ||    ____|__
 |     \         ||     \       ||     \_____||    \      |
 |      \________||      \      ||      \     |     \.::: |
 |_______\        |_______\_____||_______\    |_____···::_|


 __/ ____    \_         ........................
|    \        /        :                        :
|     \______/_______  :                        :
|______\  __/        | :                        :
         |    \______|_:______                  :
         |     \   __/  ______|                 :
         |______\ |    ____|___   ________      :
                  |    \      /__/        |     :
                  |__________/|    \______|_____:_
                       :      |    ____|__/ ____  \_
                       :      |______\ |    \       |   _______
                       :               |     \      |__/      /
                       :               |______\_____|   _____/__    ________
                       :                        :   |   \       |__/   _____|
                       :                        :   |___________|    ____|____
                .......:......                  :            rst|    \       /
                :      :     :                  :               |___________/
                :      :     :                  :
                :      ······:···················

 Uhmm..I've been busy the last hour, installing WB because I lost some stuff
  by a lame trasher. I even had to reconfig my CED!..ARGH!...How low can a
  trasher go!!? :)..well, I must say that I'm almost grateful for what this
   trasher did. I have a such a lovely colour now in CED..mmm...light blue or
                   something. My mind is in harmony now.
                            Signed / rOOStER

            |                   |
 `----------'                   |
    ___________      _________      _________  _/  /___ 
 ._/   ____    \_  _/   ____  \_  _/         ||    ____|__
 |     \         ||     \       ||     \_____||    \      |
 |      \________||      \      ||      \     |     \   .::::::.
 |_______\        |_______\_____||_______\    |________:: |   ::

                      ______                   _____
                 ____/      |               __/     |__
      _______   |     _     |      _____   |    _______|___
 ____/      /   |     |     | ____/     \_ |    \         /................
|    ______/____|___________||    _       ||_____        /    _________   :
|    \         /             |     \      |  :   l______/____/   ______|  :
|_____        /              |______\_____|  :          |     _____|_____ :
      l______/    ...........................:..        |     \         / :
                  :                          :.:........|_____         /..:
 name:            :      coment:               :              l_______/
                  :                            :               ______
1.randy           :       a gift! :)           :          ____/      \_
2.profile         :       req by coke          :         |     _       |
3.subject         :.......req by randy.........:         |      \      |
4.honey                   a gift to all hny members :)   |_______\_____|
5.serpent hill            req by someone :)                   _____ 
6.ufoklubben              to the club :)                   __/     |__
7.coke                    a gift!                         |    _______|___
8.massive                 a gift to pay :)                |    \         /
9.vietcong                a gift to vietcong              |_____        /
a.czar                    gift to czar                          l______/
b.leroy                   req by leroy                          __________
c.greets                  i just felt like doing one!       ___/  ________|
d.requested asciis        req by misery   ___ __ ___ _ ____|______    \____  
                                                                  |       /
                           ______________________________________        /


            |                   |
 `----------'                   |
    ___________      _________      _________  _/  /___ 
 ._/   ____    \_  _/   ____  \_  _/         ||    ____|__
 |     \         ||     \       ||     \_____||    \      |
 |      \________||      \      ||      \     |     \  .:::::::.
 |_______\        |_______\_____||_______\    |________::_|   ::
                                                       ::     ::
         let the asciis come!

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ 1 ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: randy           |

                       :                         :
                       :                         :
     ________     _____:__       ________ _ _ ___:______  ___________ 
  __/        | __/  ____  \_  __/ _      \_             \|          /_______
 |     \_____||     \       ||     \       | ______      \_       _/       /
 |      \     |      \      ||      \      ||      |      /_______        /
 l_______\    l_______\_____|l_______\_____|l______      /        |      /
 ----------------------:-----------------------rst:l____/---------!     /---
                    ...:...                       :               .  
                    :  :  :                       : 
                    :  ···:························
                    :.....:               .....
                                          :   :

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ 2 ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: profile         |

                    :                                   :
                  ________                        _ __
    __________  _/ ________    _______    _________ _ )   ___       _________
 __/  ____    \___/        |__/       |__/         |___  |   \   __/   ______|
|     \        /     \_____|     |    |     \______|   \ |    \ |     ____|___
|      \______/|      \    |     |    |     ____||      \|     \|    |       /
l_______\      l_______\   l__________|_______\  l_______\______\____       /
                    :                                   :
        ......      :                                   :     ......
        :    : ...  :                                   :     :    :
        :    : :.:  :                                   :     :    :
        ······      :                   ................:.... ······
            ......  :                   :               :   :
            :    :   ···················:···············    :
            :    :                      :                   :
            ······                      :                   :

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ 3 ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: subject         |

                          :                           :
|                                          ____       :  ________            |
|     __________           ___           _/    |______:_|        |___        |
|   _/          |___      |   \_   _____|__   _/ _______|   _____|_  |___    |
|  |   _________|   |_____|   __|_|___    |  |     __|__|  |       |  ___|___|
|__|_____   \_|_    |    _|   |       |   |  |    |   |    |       | |       |
         |     |    |   |     |       |   ___|    |   |______      | |       |
 _______       |____    |_______      |__|   |______      |  l_____|___      |
|       l______|    l_____|     l_____|             l_____|         rstl_____|
|                                                     :                      |
                          :                           :
                          : S · U · B · J · E · C · T :
                          :                           :

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ 4 ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: honey           |

                         :                         :
      ......__...........:                         :....................
     :  _._/  |__________:_________________________:___________|______  :
     : | |    |____.   .______._________         ______. ______|__  . | :
     : | |    |    | _/       |\______  \_____._/  ____| \       /  ¡ | :
     : |_|   ___   ||    |    |  |    |      /|     __|___\    _/   | | :
     : |\     |    ||    |    |  |    |     / |    |     / \___     | | :
     : | \____|    |l_________| |l____|    / |l____     /      |    | | :
     : |      l____|     :      `---- l___/  `---- l___/       l____| | :
     : `-----------------:-------------------------:------------------' :
     ·...................:                         :....................·
                         :                         :
                         :                         :

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ 5 ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: serpent hill    |

     ____________   _______   _____   _____    _______ _______     ___
  __/  __________|_/  _____|_/     |_/____ \__/  _____|____  /_   |   |__
_|________   \__ |   ___|__|  _____|  \_____/   ___|__ |   |   \  |    __|__
  _ __ ___     / |        /|   |   |   |    |        / |   |    \ |        /
          l___/  `---l___/ l___|   l___|    `---l___/  `---l_____\`---l___/
:                      __        _    _         _                         :
:                    _/  |____._/ | _/ |      _/ |                        :
:                   |   _    /|   ||   |_____|   |_____                   :
:                   |   /   / |   ||  /     /|  /     /                   :
:                   `--/   /  l___|`---l___/ `---l___/rst                 :
:                     /___/                                               :

- errr...this one suxx..i'll make a new one in my next colly :)

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ 6 ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: ufo klubben     |

 ____          ____.::::::._____
|    |____  __/    :: | _::     |
|    |    ||   _______|| :: |   |
|_   |    ||    __|.::::::· |   |
  \_______||_____| ::  |________|
    :              ·:::::::  |
    : UFO-KLUBBEN     ...    |
    | PRÄSENTERAR     :::    |
    |                        |
    |                        |

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ 7 ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: coke            |

:                                               _______                     :
:      __________          __________    ______|      /          _________  :
 _____/         /    _____/         /   |      |     /     _____/  _______| :
|   ___________/__  |        |     /__  |          _/__   |   ________|_____
|   \             | |        |        | |      |       \  |   \             |
|_________________| |_________________| |______|        \ |_________________|
: gOT a lITTLE sTORY tO tELL yOU..            ............                  :
                                          ....:..     ...:.................
                                          :   : :     :  :                :
                                          :   :.:.....:..:                :
                                          :.....:     :                   :


                            woke up - still in a dream
                            nothing's the same
                            can't pronounce my name
                            I open my mouth
                            words come out
                            that make no sense
                            for a stranger's ear
                            in a foreign land
                            now I'm an alien
                            on a different planet
                            it makes it clear - I understand
                            we are all strangers - in a foreign land

                            / from die krupps II, to the hilt.


                                    ( )   (-)



                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ 8 ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: massive         |

                                           __ _  _ _
    _______      _____        ________    _____________ _____         ______
 __/       \_ __/  _  \__   _/ ______/  _/  ______/    |     |     __/  ____|
|    \___/   |     _  _ _|_|_____  \___|____   \_:     |     |____|    __|___
|      |     |     |            |           |    |     |_    |    |   |      |
|______|     |_____|_______________ _ ___ _______|_____| \___     |__________|
       l_____|                                            rstl____|

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ 9 ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: vietcong        |

._______.       .____.      _________     ____          _______
|       |       |    | .___/  ______/ ___/   /_     ___/      /
|_      |_____. |    | |      __|__. |      ___|_  |     ____/__ 
  \     |     | |    | |     /     | |     /     | |    /       |
   \____      | |____| |_____      | |_____      | |______      |
        l_____|              l_____|       l_____|        l_____|  ______.
                                                             .____/      |
  .........................................................  |     _     |
 :                                                         : |     |     |
 :                                                         : |_____      |
 :                                                         :       l_____|
 :                                                         :      _______.
 :                                                         : .___/       |
 :                                                         : |    _      |
 :                                                         : |     \     |
 :                                                         : |______\____|
 :                                                         :      _________.
 :                                                         : .___/         |
 :                                                         : |      _______|
 :                                                         : |     |     |
 ·.........................................................· |_____      |

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ a ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: czar            |

       |         ______  ____________        _________      __________  |
       |  ______/      | \_________  \_    _/  _____  \_  _/          | |
       | |      _______|_  _/  ________|_ |    \        ||    ________| |
       | |_     \        ||    \         ||     \       ||       \      |
       |   \_____________||______________||______\______||________\rst  |

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ b ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: leroy           |

           ___           ______       ________    _______    ___
         _/   |        _/   ___|    _/        | _/   _   | _/   |____
        |     |______ |    __|____ |    \_____||     |   ||     |    \
    ....|_   /       ||_          ||_     |    |_    |   ||_____      \
    :     \__________|  \_________|  \____|      \_______|   rst|______\
    :               :
    :          .....:.........
    :..........:....:        : HEY! IT'S PHUNKY LEROY YOU'RE STARING AT!


                            did I choose something I could regret
                            did I do something
                            I should regret

                            / from die krupps II, fatherland.



                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ c ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: greets          |

    ________     ______.    ________    _______     ___          _________
.__/       / .__/      |.__/  _____/.__/  ____/ .__/  /__.   .__/        /
|    _____/_.|   ______||    ___|__.|    ___|__.|    ____|__ |   _______/__.
|    \      ||    \     |    \     ||    \     ||    \      ||______       |
|___  \_    ||     \    |___  \    ||___  \    ||___  \     | _____        |
:   l_______||______\       l______|    l______|    l_______|   rstl_______|
:                                                                           :
:                                                                           :
:                                                                           :
:                                                                           :
:                                                                           :

                     |  _________________|_ ____________  |
                     |  \  '\__/\__/\__ \__/\__/\  '\__   |
                     `-----------------'     `---------'  |
                        _____|__.||       |____________   |
                        \__'\  /|||\__/   |\__/\__/\__/   |
                 .-------------------'  `--------'        |
                 |       ____    ______|__________        |
                 |       \  /\__/\ ' /\__/\__/\  '  [ d ] |
                 |                         `--------------'
                                        | logo name: ascii request   |

                                    _ __ __   _ __
   _______      ________    _______    ____)  ____)
._/  ___  \_.._/  _____/_._/  ____/__.______.______.
|    \      ||______     |    \      |      |      |
|     \     |       |    |     \     |      |      |

   ________.________   _______._____.        ________    _______    ___
._/        |  _____/._/       |     |_____._/  _____/ ._/  ____/_._/  /___.
|    ______|  ___|__|   _/\___|__   |     |    ___|__.|_____     |     ___|__
|      \ |    \     |           /   |     |    \     |      |    |     \     |
|_______\|__________|_____\    /____      |__________|___________|___________|
                           \  /  rstl_____|

                            NU FÅR DET VARA NOG!!!

            |                   |
 `----------'                   |
    ___________      _________      _________  _/  /___ 
 ._/   ____    \_  _/   ____  \_  _/         ||    ____|__
 |     \         ||     \       ||     \_____||    \      |    ::
 |      \________||      \      ||      \     |     \     .:   ::
 |_______\        |_______\_____||_______\    |_________.::·   ::

                . : .              .        .            .  .        
            __|________           . .                  . :
           :\_|_______/:________    : .    _|__________ ____|_
       ... |         ·:|       /__|____  :_\| ________/ ___ | \_: ...
           |           |       .  |    \_|     _____)    |    ·:|    
         . |           |       :       ·:|     ·:|       :      | .  
       . : |__|________|_______|         |       |__________|___| : .
         . :  |        :   . . |__|______|       | . .  czar|   : .  
              .              : :  |      :       : :        .        
         .                        .                               .  
 : main slave............rOOStER
 : guests................xCLUZIWE
 : ......................cENOBITE
 : ......................jAVA
 : ......................cZAR
 : how to contact me.....i have an account on these boards..delusion,skyline,
 : ......................discustin', acid attack, future entrance, trespass,
 : ......................interchange, the slammer, total eclipse, virtual trap
 : released..............1996-01-02
 : world release at......delusion
 :                                                   ._______________                                                                                                                                  BEASTIE BOYS ARE COOL! :)

      and..... if you're looking after a group to me!
  Morbid is looking for some talanted CODERS!!! (other peeps can also try)
              Don't contact us if you don't think you'll fit in.

            |                   |
 `----------'                   |
    ___________      _________      _________  _/  /___ 
 ._/   ____    \_  _/   ____  \_  _/         ||    ____|__
 |     \         ||     \       ||     \_____||    \      |
 |      \________||      \      ||      \     |     \  .::::::::
 |_______\        |_______\_____||_______\    |________:: |
                                                       ..     ::

    : messages to..
    : cenobite/sardonyx^e^ rules! tack för asciisarna btw :)
    : wraith/morbid^lsd...........byt kalsonger innan det är för sent!
    : payday/ram jam..............två veckors uppehåll...jeje..sure :)
    : swoop/rebels................sluta hacka den stackars data gurun! ;)
    : java/morbid^crionics........höhö..hoppas att du får körkort så att
    : kan fara te nåt trevligt partajj! :)
    : react/ some new asciis for me, will you? :)
    : noodle/desire^haujobb.......nice to have contact with you again!
    : exon/riot...................hope you're reading this! how about
    : ............................morbid getting a ghq? ;)
    : anti/infect.................hope you're having a good time with
    : ............................your girlfriend!!! :)
    : recall/hf^lsd^morbid^fld^etca three node system with only one open
    : ............................with 2k4 ruuules!.....not ;)
    : mark ryder/mo`soul..........hey, where's the asciis I requested??? :)
    : randy/profile^neo...........hejhopp..
    : sinister/maniacs............hur går det med basen då? ge mig nummret
    : ............................så lovar jag att ula..not :)
    : misery/quartex^iris^insane..hi pal!..This is the colly I talked about :)
    : ............................hope you like the ascii you req!
    : adonis/passion^flood........hi dude! why didn't you wrote that you
    : ............................were in flood too??? :)..hubba, trading
    : ............................suxx, doesn't it? :)
    : crusader/giants^e^d.........thanx for the logos! eventhough vision
    : a little out of date now :)
    : jamsam/ an A1200...geeeez :) keep up the
    : ............................chipmodules!
    : amon/mystic^tension.........thanx for the virus killer and help!
    : all ascii makers............make me a morbid logo and one rooster
    : ............................logo and I will become very happy! :)

            |                   |
 `----------'                   |
    ___________      _________      _________  _/  /___ 
 ._/   ____    \_  _/   ____  \_  _/         ||    ____|__
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 |      \________||      \      ||      \     |     \   .::::::::
 |_______\        |_______\_____||_______\    |________::·|
                                                       ::·     ::

    ________     ______.    ________    _______     ___          _________
.__/       / .__/      |.__/  _____/.__/  ____/ .__/  /__.   .__/        /
|    _____/_.|   ______||    ___|__.|    ___|__.|    ____|__ |   _______/__.
|    \      ||    \     |    \     ||    \     ||    \      ||______       |
|___  \_    ||     \    |___  \    ||___  \    ||___  \     | _____        |
    l_______||______\       l______|    l______|    l_______|   rstl_______|
:                                                                           :
:                     and all dudes I forgot...sorry..                      :

                                 ( )   ( )