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58 418 bytes (57.05K)
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2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 401


      ... where graff began +++
        _______       ______      ___
     ___\     /____   \\   /______\ /_____     tHE yARD
     \\___  ______/___/\  ___  \\   _____/____
      //    |/       / /\   /  /\  ___|/     /
   ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >

                   /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
               /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
           [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ]

                           ____|---/-  ___        ___        ___
   ------------.        ___\   |  /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
       .--------'       \\  \  | ___\\_____    \\_____    \\_____    \
       -----------\------\__ \ | \  /     /__  /\    /____/\/_____\'cls
                    \      \|  \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
   +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\       gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998

                     /\ tELNET tO * /\
     * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
                           /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb  /\

                  -[ the begginin is the end is the begginin ]-

 _____ /_______   _________\_        /_
 \_  \/ _      \_\\___       \        |gv
 _|     |            |                _//
  odelay - back in the biz - /presents
     wELCOME iN oCCiDENT - by groove

                                  /__//__/\ .
                                 \\______\//hewe go
                                          \  again

   /]!  __          ._______     \_ _____ _________  __\_ ___:_ /________
      _(_|___ _/_  _l_      \_ _/ \/ __  j  __     \_   \/  //_/  _      \_
   _ / \\    \/  \_  /       /       \|     |/      /_      \|   _/_______/_ _
   //  |/       _ /  \___/\______________ ______/\_//________\-.   \|      //
    `--/________//----+    \            `-'       \          : `----------/
                          Ö  g  Ö  r  Ö  o  Ö  o  Ö  v  Ö  e :
                           of odelay/triloxy/pungas/circe    .

                     .               /\         \
          -  t h e   m\o s t   c o n/f u s e d   m e.m b e r   o f -
                       \/          .              \/

                _ ___|______/\\_____________________________
                     |        \                            |
                     |                  .                  | .
      _,------,__    |     ___,-------,__\              ___|--\------,____
______\___       \ __|-----\___  __       \__,-----/____\__    \         /____
\        |      _/_\___        \  /_______/__     //_     _     \__     /    \\
\\       |     _/     /       //            /     / |     |       /   _/      /
  \___      ___|__   /        /____       _/        |     |       \____      /
     `------'   /___         /   /________|         |____       __/ /        \
                   `-,----- /            \_________||   `--.----'  /_________\\
                     |     .                       |   .   |               gv \
                     |__     o d e l a y ! a s c i i    \__|
                       /________________________   ______\
                      /                         \\/
                     .                           \

                        /\               .
               - is in your 80x25 screen/again to give you... -
                      /               \/

Ö       __,--/\-,_    _ _ _ _,----,_                                ·
__,----\\       _/  _,----,_       /_   __,,---,,____,,-----,,_____    Ö
__       \      \ -\\     _/_      _|--\\____    /_     ___   /_   \  _____
 \\      /\      /  ____    /__   \\_       /_____/_    /      \\   \/     \
 _/      /\_____//   /_____/  \\    l      /        \  /        /   \/     \\
 `---,__// .   - __         ___/  __|___        ___//___       /    /       /_
                  ``-------'' `-''     ``------''  /   ''----\/ ---/__     __
 ··     w   E   l   C   0   M  E    i  n    ÖÖ   of the   .--\\     _/_--\/gv
                                             .  groove's /    ____    /__  ··
  ··      0   C   C   i   d   E   N   t    Ö     groove  \     /_____/  \\
      ·                                                  \\__         ___/ Ö
          .                Ö                                ``---\/--''.`- .
            \                         ///////////  \/                 /
            _)                                                       (_
            \_            C'mon you little eastern bird              _//
             |           Welcome into the occident word              |
             |          Welcome into this world of dreams        ¦   ;
             |            No more beans! Burger Kings!               ;   b
             |             No more no more securitat!                |   y
             |   ;;             Maximum libertad!         É·     ____|
             |                Libertad con murallas!            \\
             ¦            So HERE WE ARE! HERE WE ARE!           \\ ÖÖ   l
             ¦                                                    \\__   a
             ¦            C'mon you little eastern bird              |
             ¦            Welcome to the occident world              |   m
             l         Welcome into this word of kappiness     Ö     |   a
             l         Where you can talk and you can dress          |   n
             |       and you can sleep cause you can't guess.        |   o
             |__          What they've done to Afrika                |
             __//             and TO SOUTH AMERICA!                  |   n
             | /__          (you're the next Honduras                Ö   e
             |          they'll gonna take your ass) So...      ;;   Ö   g
             |                                                       Ö   r
             |            C'mon you little eastern bird              |   a
             |           Welcome into the occident world             |
             |   Ö           So go for it, go for it                 |___ __
             ·               Suck the occident dick          ¦        ¦ // /
          _  ·               Wham Bam Thank you mom                  __//_/
       ___\__·            Suck the sticky world dick                 |
       \  \\                   Occident is comin'                    |
       \\  \\_      ;          Occident is comin'                    |
         \ / ·             Deep inside your dully nest.              |
             ·             Givin' to you all the best!:              l
             ·        ¦                    Ö                         l
             :                   Mac Dollars, MTV                    l
             :                Mister Bush and Mr T              ;    |
             :                     DONT ASK ME                       |
             |          ¦      WHERE'S THE PARTY ?              ·    ¦
             |         Cause there's no party for you and me         ¦
             |              In such a wonderful country,             ¦
             | ;;;      They gonna tell you:"Man you're free   ;;;;; ¦
             | ;;;;;;      ...But you gotta work early"      ;;¦;;;; ¦
             | ;;;;;;;;                                    ;;;;;;;; _¦_
             |___/\__________    /\_________________________________\ /
                   \         \  /                                    //
                              \/                                    /

                                  /__//__/\ .

                  .                   .    \/
       .   .__.,-/---,_____        .,,-\---\/--,_   .
   _,-/-,__l__  / .     _// /      |    \ .    _/--/-,,.____
. .|     ___//    :    _|___.,,----;__    :    \_        __// /..     ...  ....
   ;  __/  |_     :    \_____   ____ //   |_____// |    _l
.._l       _/     |     (_/  \\   \`      l l      :    \__.. ... ..  ..  . ...
 \\_       (__\/__l  .   /        \\_--\--' `--,_________ //_
   `----,__ / \/  `-/---//        __//  .   gv      /\  \/
          \/      _/    \_,----,_//

* This colly was supposed to be in SERIAL 6 but sargon qc'd it from the pack
  because of the political contains of the lyrics upwards, i think. He zapped
  my newschool subs too.
  I felt censured and i got the fuck out of serial to join odelay again.
* Credits: arlequin for groove and speedfreak for index. Thanks to them.
* Special greets to the elitolarvas: Helmut Dupont and Peyo Santana.

                                  /__//__/\ .

         .....................:                    //..........
         \\                          _________              __:_____,-------,
 ________: ______,------,____________\__    _/____,-------,_\_    _(|      /
 \______/__\_______     __\     ________   ___    ___     _____    ___  __/___
 \        \\      |      \\     \(         //    _)/      /  //    |)       //
 _\        \      |       \\     \________/ \    \_______/__/      /        /
 \\_________\-----|________\______\          \______________/_____/--------'
         :....................................................:    :5f
              :       w e l c o m e   i n   o c c i d e n t        :
              :                                                    :
             _; \    ..acido.....................unabomber..       :_   _
             |   \   ..arlequin...................arlequin..        (__/__
             |   /   ..attitude.....................madbit..         _//_/
             |       ..basic.........................basic..         |  /
             |       ..cielo boogie..............tim drake..         |
             |   .   ..distro.......................cromos..         |
             |       ..endor.........................dopie..       ..|.:.
             |       ..feed...........................feed..         | :
          _ _|       ..files........................cromos.. .       | ¦
          \\\_       ..index.......................shiveem..         |
           \ ·       ..pager........................cromos..         ¦
             ·       ..pesho..........................peyo..         ¦
             ·       ..prana..........................peyo..         ¦
             ·       ..pungas.....................arlequin..         |
             |    .    |
             |       ..releases....................markgoh..         |
             |       ..reverse.....................vintage..         |
             |       ..rules........................cromos..     _ __|
             | .     ..seiken.......................seiken...    \\\__
             |       ..smokeland k0k0................g0rk0..         |
             l         |
             l_ __   ..the new pollution..........rollmate..         :
             _//_/   ..tinct......................tincture..         :
             | thorne..         |
             |       ..users.......................markgoh..         |
             |     .   ¦
             | vanguardia1.................peyo..         ¦
             | vanguardia2.................peyo..         ¦
             |     .  _______                                 /      |
                   /                                          /

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " acido argentino "  4  unabomber         _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

           ________\\     __,----,_ Ö a  c  i  d  o ·     //______
         _/    ____.______\     _//  ____ .__,,-------,_          \_
           ____\__ l_____        /__(___)_l________    /__,--------,,_
  _ ___  _/ -           /_______// \_     \_      /     \\______     \\_
  \\\__\ \             /                        _//            /       /___ _
         \\_______       _________  ___     _____       _____        _//__///
         _       ``------'' '    \/  ``---\//  ``-------'   ``-------'gv
          \_________     Ö a  r  g  e  n  t  i  n  o ·     _______/~
                   //____ ...   . ... . .    .. . .. _____\\

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " arlequin "  4  arlequin                 _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /_________//   /\    /______ _;
                                                     /                 \/

                                  .                      \        .
            _  _  ___,,-------,__/_ _      _    _ ___,,--\\---,__/_ _
                                //                              /
               ___________     /_____,,,----------,,___        \\_
             //                    (                 //          |
     __ _    /      |             _/                 /__         |     ___
 _ __\___  _/       |            //                    /         |_ ___/__ _
 \\\_\\__\ \_                   //       /         .: /_         _//__//_////
   \      \ \                .: /      //____________//          |/      /
    \       \\______           /|              \               .:|      .
     .             ``---\\---\/ |               \_________,,-----|gv
                         \    __|____            //            / :
                                |   ``---------\/                .
                                .     a  r  l  e  q  u  ¡  n     ¦

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " attitude " 4 madbit                     _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

             ________     /                     ________
          -//       `---//----------------------'      //                /
           /                . these freaks are here    /-----------,___//___
  _ __   _.,,--------,,.___/__ _          .   to party!   ______ __ _  /   /
      \  \               //       __,----/__ _         ///     //         //
     ___/_\______      __/---.   /      //          ____/     /______    /
   -/         _              /__/      /______     /                /   /_____
   //         |             /                /    /_____     ______/-----'   /
 _/           l      .:..  /____      ______/----'    /       |             /
 \            l       : : /            l             /        |      ..:   /-
  \                 ..:  /             l       :.   /______         .:.   /
  /\_____ /_            / \_________         ..:   /      \              / __ _
 /  \   \/ ``-------\  /   \       \              /     ` ``--------\\  / /
 \   .           \ \\\/     . ``  ```---\\----\  /               /  gv\/
  \          ® a Ö t Ö t Ö i Ö t Ö u Ö d Ö e ¯ \/// /           /
   \                      ___________________/________        //
    \______              /                  //        \\      /
          /______//_____//                  /           \    /
                 /                                       \  ///-

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " basic " 4 basic                         _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

     _  _.,-------,.___,---/\____  ._ _.,----,_ _   /\_____.,-------,.___ _
   _  _____________  \_________  )/_      _________/ .. /_________       _  _
 _ __  //     _//    _//   _/       \________   \\_\___/ \\_     /______/  __ _
///_/  /      \_      \_   `        //      '     //       |    //     \\_/_///
      ;        '       //       ___./        ___./__       l___          /
       \_,--\/----,_.//---/\----' \/---/\----' \/   `--/\--'  `--//----\/gv
                    \/      \                                    /     \/

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " cielo boogie " 4 tim drake              _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

 .    .   .  ................                                   .
          __,---------,_                   _ __,,-----,_        :
     _   _\______       )_    _  _,-------,,___         )_      :.......  .   .
                /       //______________       )_        |__,,------,_
               /________/\_____)__     /________/        |_           )_  _
              /           /       \    ___/     \_       _//    |
                         //        \_           //       |      |
       _     _ _____    /           /_        __/___     |           ____   _
                   `---\\__________/ ``-------'    ``----!------//--''gv
                        \                     ................  /  .       .
 .    . ............. ®  b  o  o  g  i  e  ¯  :

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " distro " 4 cromos                       _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
       _,----,_            /\----,___/ _           ___,,,-\\---,__/__  _
  ___)\\____  /_     /\___/  _______/_____,,------',__           (_ black
  |_       /    \___| _ |\_________     |____    ____/    _|      |_  sect
  _//    _/    > /  |___| |_      |   > _/  //     \_      l_______/-/-,____
  |__           //        _/___   l     |       >   \_   > |_ __    ,      (_
  ` ``----//--\/___     > l  ``-----\\--'\_         _/_,---'_/      |    >  /
----------------- `---//--'' 'd i s t r o \__,--,__ / --- gv\____   `      //--
                                                  \/         ` ``--------\/

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " endor " 4 dopie                         _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

     ___//     d o p i e ' s                 /                         ___
                  .                         //________________________\\
    _,,-------,__/__ _           _\___,,----,__
  _/    _       /    ____\ ________\___       (_   _      __,----//--,,__/_
        _______/_____\___ \/ /_       /        /---\\---//__________    (_
  ___   |         //    /  \   \    _/        /    ___      (_   __/     /
   /    |        /     /       \\_           /      |        /  /       //
  /___          /_____/          /____,,---\/       |       /   \       \_
     `----//--\/ /____        __//     _  _ ____           /-----\       /
    __    /          ``------''                ``-------\\/       \____ /gv
     /                            ____________________   \            \//
    //__________________________//                    \  e N D 0 r

                                  /__//__/\ .

    .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " feed " 4 feed                           _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
  _   _   _____________________________
   where's  _   _ _,,----\---,__      /_____________//__________ _  _   _
   FEED?! __                   (_
        _/ /        /___________/ - -------,,____   ¯¯¯¯
          //           _____/----,,____   _     (_  .
              _/          \_    _     (_  /______/-/------,_____ _
         )  ) ) _          /    /______/-,        /________   (_   __
    ®®®®                 _/             /        /        /     \  \\\_
_  _ ____________________ \            /                _/       \_ \
                        /                   _   _ ______          / gv
                       /____________________________ _  '-------\/) )  )

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " files " 4 cromos                        _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

   _ _,-----\----,__         _  _ __,,-------,_
   ________        (___.,,------,__      _____/__.,,------,_ _   _
          /_________/_           _/    ______l_     __________
..,_   __ ________(   )_         l     |       \________     |.... . ..   ...
  _/         \_  \___/  \_       |_    |       //      |     |_   blacksect
  !           /         _|       _//      _____/       l    gv/ files section
..|_       __/         \\_       |---/----'  _ ___        ___/..... ...  ... ..
  .`--/----'| _      ____;___,---'''  '         ``--------''' '
        `  ` ``------'

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " index " 4 shiveem                       _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
                          /           _
        ____\/_ _ _.,---//---,_      \/_  __ _.,------,_  _,---,__
      __\   ///_ _________   //___.,-\/----,_  _____   /_/       /_//__
  _ __\_ \__ /  `-_      /      \________   /_    /_____/_      /  /  \\  __ _
 ///_/ )   \/     ;     /       \\_     /     \_ ___/    \\__  \\_    _/ /_///
       ;      .   l____//        _/   _/      //          ///    /    \\ gv-
       `----,_/\___/ /___      __/__        __/_      ___ /_____/       \_
   ¯ ¯° ¯ ¯ ¯¯/\  ¯°¯   `---/\-' ¯ ¯`-------'¯-`--//--' \/¯¯¯  /__,---,__/¯°¯ ¯
                            /\    i  n  d  e  x   /

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " pager " 4 cromos                        _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
                 /                     //____________________________
      _,,------\/---,_ ® black sect ¯     __            .           /
  _  /________       /_ _ __________,,----//-,___,,----/--,___,,--\/---,____ _
_//   //     /        /_\\\__  /__     _      /________    /_              _  _
//_  _/     /________/          \\_   \\__     _/    /      /_    |       /  _
 :  _          \_      |          /______//    \_   /______/  \_  |_____ / _//
 .  \\__________/          _____ / /_     ______|__            /  |     /gv//_
 ¦    \   /    -  ----/\---'    /   `-----'       ``--------- / --'         :
       .  \____________________._______    ® p a g e r ¯     /              .
                                      //____________________/               ¦

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " pesho " 4 peyo                          _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
    -  - -/--,,.__           /\-,___ _ __/\_             .        .
    _ ______     (_   _/\___/  ____/__/\    `-,    _ _,,--\----,_/_ _
      /   /      //__/     (______     \\_   _l---,,_           (_
... _/   /_______/ ____     //   l       //  \_     (_    |     _|.....  . ...
 · _          \_    /______/--,  '     _/     //     /    :     \_      ÖÖÖ
.. .\_    _____/        ____ /      ___/-----/     _//---,___/___;gv ....  .. .
      `-/-'  `--,,____,-'` \/---\---'`      ``-----'        /
       .                         . mi querido amigo pesho! .

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " prana " 4 prana                         _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
      _   _,,--\------,__            .              .
         _ ___________  (__ _ _,,---/----,___/_ ___,-\-,__      .      .
  _ _ _     /    /       /---,___________   (_______     (_,---/--,___/_ _
      //  _/   //_______/_____   (_  _/      /     //     /_______   (_gv
                   l_      __/ ___/___      /_____/      /    _//     /  _ _ _
         _ _;__   _ /     /       \_``----\/ /_,-----,,_/__;___      / //
            |``-/-\/___,--\___   __/  p   r   a   n   a    | ``-/--\/
            :  .            ``-\-'                             .

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " pungas " 4 arlequin                     _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

            _    _ _______________________
                                         /             _________________ _    _
_ _,,-\----,__                          //          \ \\_   _ _,--,__
      ___     \_     _,---,_   __,-----/_____,-----,_  ,------,_  __/_,---/\
       /_______/----/      /___\__      \\_  ___     \_______  /_____      \\
         \         /             /        /___\       |  _//        /       /
  _________       ________      /              \                           ///
           `--\---''    ``---/--\___________,------/--,__          _______/gv
    .they're the real pvngas.     /                     `----.-----'
                              \  \\_________//________________\

                                  /__//__/\ .

   .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " rest in peace " 4 sludge                _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

  -          -    -   -----------------,_
             r   e   s   t  .   i   n    \\__________________ _      _
       ____,-----,___     _/__               .
  _  __\_______     (_    /  (_/\-----,____,,-\/----,__         ________   _
     \        /      /---/    \_______   /_           (_-------/
 /__         /______/  ____    \  __/      \     |_____/-,   ____     __
 /_/            \_      /______/                 |            /______/  \ /__
  /        _____        _____________    \       '            ________  / /_/
 .   /- --''   \/---\---'          ``-----\/------,______/----''    gv\/   /
    _    ______      .    awp: sludge      .       _________________  _   .   _

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " release " 4 markgoh                     _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
               //                       //--------------,______
  ___,-----,___/_ __,,---,__                _,----,__         /_ _,,-----,___
 _)           |--,__       (__,,-----,______\____   (__,-----/        _    (_
 l      |     |_   (_       |     _    (_           _|   ___/____     ______l__
_|      |_____ /____l__    _|     ______l__ |       \_____       |_   |       /
\_      |  \/  |      /    \_     |       / |        |_  |       _/   |      /
 |______|      |     //     |     |      //           /  |       |_      ___/
        |___     ___/____,--'__        _/-------,___ /       ____ /`-----''gv
        /  ``----''             ``----''            / -.-----'   /
      //              -- r e l e a s e   l i s t --     \
      /           _____________________________________ //
     /___________\\                                    /

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " reverse " 4 sum vintage                 _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

  _    _    ____________,---------\\-                             //--  -
                      .                                 .        /
 ___,,------,____,--//--,_       _______,------,___,,--//--,____/____,------,_
\\_______     \     _    /______/     \_   _    /_______     /  __//__  _    \\
 _/    _/    _/     ______/    //          ______/    _/   _/_____      ______/
       \            |        _/            |          \          /      |
  - ----\____            ______,----\/           - ----\___
             \//---,___/`          - - ---,_____//         \//---\/----,___ /__
              /   r  e  v  e  r  s  e           /         / gv   \/       \/
             .   ________                                //-- -     -¯    ¯
                \\      `------------//___         ____ /
   _   ___________\                      ``--------'  \/

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " rules " 4 cromos                        _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

 .....        .          ....... . .          .          ..... .        .
                         .    ___ _ .     _ _ __,--/\--,_.  black sect rules.
   ¦.   __,---/\----,_ ,--\--l        _ _,---,_  ____    :------,__          .
  ¦//   |              .     |      .        _/   \______|_   ____//__     //¦
   //   |_      |      ;     :      :_       |            |______   gv.    //
   /¦   _//     l      l     .      _//      |_      ___  :     |    _:   /¦
  .     :       ³----.-'       _____|        _//--\--'   _.__   '    \_  .  ¦
-   - --:__    _|    `----\----'' |__      __|     .       ``----/----'--- -   -         ``--/-'           .        `------''                   /
            .                       `-----''

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " seiken " 4 no one                       _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

  .     ____            .               .    _____/_   _   _ _,-\---,__ .
_ _\  _\\ _//___\__,,--/--,__/_   _____,-\--/    (_      _ ________  //_ \__ _
\\\_\ \_____     \_   __    (____(__))_   _/   ___/_,-----,,_     /     \ \_\\\
  /   /          _/    ______/ (_     (_          \_   __    \___/       \_gv
    .            /     \        /      /-          /    ______/ (_        /
                              \/      .          \/     \        /      \/

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " smokeland coco " 4 gorko                _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
                                 .                ________ _
           __/___ _ _       __\/__\_ _            \      _
  __  ____/ //___________  /  \/   \_     ____,---/     /     -/\___
-\\_\ \___        /_     \/         /----,_     //     /----,_/    /gv__
       /  `-       /     \/-\------/___    \_   / ____/_      _    \_ \_\\-
                  /______ _           /     /   /       \_  ,_______/-,
                 /                _ ______ /- --\        /
                     ; smokeland ;       \/     -\__    /___,---\/--,
      ®®®-- -----    -- - --; c0c0 ;- -    --  ---     /  ---   \/ -----¯¯¯¯
                                                       awp: gork0

                                  /__//__/\ .


  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " soulfreak " 4 me                        _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

      _          _    _ _______________________________
                                                     //________________ _  _
           __    /\____             s  o  u  l               ____/\
            // // ____/________,---//--/\_       _,,--\-,_  /_     \_   _
             _,-\____      \\_____        \_____/         \//      _/ //
   _  _ _ __/       /            /             /          /        /___  _    _
   _  _   _ ____            ____             _//                  _  _    _
              ``--//_______/   `---//--\/     __________        _/gv
                  /                /- --------''      ``-------\/
_     _     ________________      f  r  e  a  k
                           //________________________________________ _     _

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " the new pollution " 4 rollmate          _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

                                  t    H    E
                    _,-----,__      _,-----,_         __,-----,_
   _   _  __________\___    _/__,--\\      _/___,-----\       _/____  _    _
             \         /       \_   ____     /__       \      \
          ,---/_______//        //   /______/  \\      /\      /----,
          |      /___        __/___          ___/      /\_____//   _l
        ½ ½_      ` ``-------'    ``--------'' `---,__// .        \\_
          _//   /\      ®®  p  0  l  l  U  t  i  0  n  ¯¯ \         Ö Ö
          `------ \----------------------------------------\ ----gv-'
                   .                                        \/

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " tinct " 4 tincture            r         _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

                 ________________ /
         _/_   _/               //_____________________________________
      __// /___/_____ _   _                                   ___    _/
     /__    ______________     __,,----,__  - ----------/\___/  /____/ _ _
 _ __ /     \        \____)____\____     /_________       \__    __________ _
///_///              /       \_    /      _\      /_______/-,    \        \
/    \______       _//       _/   /        \\_   /          /            _/__ _
          /_______ /        //___/          _/______     _//_____       ///_///
        _/        /----,___ /    \_________ //    /______ /    /_______ /   /
        /___________       /               /             //   _/     gv/
                   / ® t i n c t u r e ¯ _____________________/

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " ucf " 4 black thorne                    _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
                      \         (_         _   _  ___,,-\/----,_      .
     __ ___   ___,,----\         /        _ ___ ________       (_  __/__  _
 ) ) )_\\    //        /    :  //-/--,,,_____          /________/   /
        -\   \       _//  ..;;              (_      __________(    /-,__
        `\    \__         ___        |_______/          \\_ gv      //_( (  (
          \     `----/\---''l_       |              ..;;  /        /
           \___ /_________  _/.      |               ____/  _/\___/
              \/_           |____       .;.;; ,---/--'''     /\_
                              ```---\\-,____ /
                                     \     \/
        ,--  u  c  f     a  r  g  e  n  t  i  n  i  a  n     h  q  --,

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " users " 4 markgoh                       _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
   _ __      _______             \__________
     /______/      \\\   _  _ ____\\       (__      _   _ ______        _ _
    /      /        /____            ___    /______________  __/________\
   /     _/        / __/_________    /_____/   \_____     (______       \\
  \\\             /______       \\             /   _/     _/__  /        /
   _\ _____,-----/      /        /__\ _     __//  /          /_        ///
     \/         /______         //   \/-----'     \        // /__     _/_
      \_              /_______//_     -   - -------\______ / gv  `----/
                           _ _/                           /         _/
                       -- u  s  e  r  .  l  i  s  t  --

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " la vanguardia " 4 peyo                  _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;
      _/\__ _ _ _,--/--,_  .               _____           .  _ _____
 ____/    /___________   \_-\--,,_  __,--,_\__  \_----,_gv/______   _\_ _____
/   /    /_\__  \_   /    /___  //__\     /_/    /   .   /____   \_/  l_\__  \_
\_     _/  _/    /__/   _/   /    /  \_  /    __/    l____;  /    /   | _/    /
 `-----''     __/ /____ /____    (______/-----'---,__|_ ____    _/----'    __/
    - - --/---'' 'l a \// )______ /   v a n g v a r d i a  `----'   - --\--'' '
         .                      \//                                      .

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " la vanguardia " 4 peyo                  _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

                  .               .         .                 .
                   \    _,----,__/     ____/___ _ __,,-------/_  _
            _____,,-\/-/        (_____\\_     /________     (_
           \\_        //         /      /       \    _/_____//_
             |       /         _/      /        \\_  \_       \\_
-   - ----ÄÄÄ`----,____      __/______/           /   ;        _/ÄÄÄÄ----   -
                      `--/\--'   gv/____        _/-\----,,____ /la vanguardia
                           \        ` ``---/\--\/   .        \/

                                  /__//__/\ .

  .                                         _ÖÖ_____________\ ________\\______
 /---)) )  welcome in occident  ( ((------//________         \/        \    //_
/       " vilo " 4 me                             _/        _/              ///
\____            /\  ___________··____                                    _/
    //··____/\  /  \/                //________         ___/\__ÖÖ_        |
              \/                            /__________/   /\    /______ _;

                     _,-\/----,__  _  _ ____,---/\-,_
                   //           /_                  \\_
        ___,-------/             /--/\-,,___          l---\/--,,______ _   _
        \         /                       _//
                _/                  _____/                   ,
               \\                   \                        l
                       ______ _             l_               |
   -    - --/\---------'                     /__,--/\-'          _____//
                      _      _  ___       __//    - - ------\/---'gv

                                 -  v  i  L  0  -

                                  /__//__/\ .

                               -[ Thank you ]-

      ... where graff began +++
        _______       ______      ___
     ___\     /____   \\   /______\ /_____     tHE yARD
     \\___  ______/___/\  ___  \\   _____/____
      //    |/       / /\   /  /\  ___|/     /
   ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >

                   /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
               /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
           [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ]

                           ____|---/-  ___        ___        ___
   ------------.        ___\   |  /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
       .--------'       \\  \  | ___\\_____    \\_____    \\_____    \
       -----------\------\__ \ | \  /     /__  /\    /____/\/_____\'cls
                    \      \|  \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
   +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\       gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998

                     /\ tELNET tO * /\
     * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
                           /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb  /\