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File size:
71 876 bytes (70.19K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:20
Download count:
all-time: 195


  __      |                                                        |
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                         dA uLTiMaTe dEMo BBS for:

        aMiGa · pC · cONSoLe · aScII  ( c64, aTaRi & aRCHiMEdEs sOOn )

      ReMeDy wHQ (Amiga)  ·  x-FiLEs nEWs sTaTiOn  ·  U.D.O. wHQ (Amiga)

      LiGhtStORm iNc. gHQ (Amiga)  ·  aNAdUNe dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Amiga)

  aRtWoRk gHQ (Amiga & PC)  ·  sUPeRiOr aRt cReATiONs dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (PC)

   aLieNDeSiGN gHQ (Amiga-Tools)  ·  tRSi rECoRDz dIStRiBuTiON SiTe (Audio)

      sEArCHiNg fOr mORe gRoUPs!   eSpEziAllY c64, aTaRi aNd aRChiMeDEs!

                                dA sYSOPs aRe:
             Node 1 & 2 :                            Node 3 & 4 :
         USR V.34+/x2 I-Modem       rAMSeS            Euro  ISDN 
          +49-(0)30-47411057          &&          +49-(0)30-47411058

                        -----  nOw X2 aVAiLaBle  -----

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 :   :  (- Art & Style No.  o3 -)   
     :        :  .                                                
     :        :  :                                      S E P T E M B E R '9 7 
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                                  /\a Rr |----------+
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                                         |          .  
                                         | ©by MINDJ|VE & PUNK! %
                                         |          |   
                                  - & -  |          |   issue III
                                         |          |
                                         |    september 1997  
                                         |          |       
                                         |          | 
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 Ok¡.the Art & Style charts are back..:
 After only 1½ months the 3rd issue is out.i tried to raise the quality of
 the design a bit;hope i made it.well,and then i've finally included a
 REVIEW PART,reviewing xx collies from the last 6/7 weeks - tell me if you
 like this idea.well,i need your support if this part should survive:

 expierienced (min. 3 years) ascii artistz should take the chance to join 
 the ART & STYLE staff by reviewin' the latest collies...

 thanx must go out to all artistz who did art&style & mindjive logos....
 thx dudes...

 hmm,i really don't know,but i think the respects in general (especially from 
 the newcomers) go down,i mean some artistz find it unnecessary to respect 
 other artistz/groups.i've checked the 83 collies very carefully and the 
 most respected artist/group had only gained 14/12 points,compared to the
 last issue (checked collies: 98 , top artist/group: 26/21) that isn't too
 much...but i didn't feel to wait any longer at all,so i released this issue.

 hmm,i didn't turn on my amiga that much as it was summertime,but finally i
 feel back enjoyin' my new 1omb-fast-ram...

 if you have any suggestions/questions concernin' art & style don't forget
 to mail me a message on the boards i'm on....
 a bad response is better than no response.


 p.s: i'm searchin' for a demo group to join...


                                   __ ._____________
                                  |  ||             |
                                  |__|| .art        |
                                  .___|     &       |
            /__               ____|          style. |
           /   \      ____ __/    l______           |
          /     \  __/_    \      _     /           |
         /       \/   /   _/      \____/       # o3 |
        /        /   /_    \_.     \_.              .
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             |   /      \_.     \_: \____    /     /    \_./____/¯\_
             |____________|_______|    /_____\______._____|________/
                                  |                 |

       RElEASED oN THE 16/o9/1997

  ______     ________    _____   /   /
 /     /    / _     /   /    /__/_ _/__:_____________________________________.
/     /____/  \    /____\   /    / \   :                                     |
\___  \   /    \           _\____\  \  :  TOP 1oo MOSt RESPECTED ARTISTS     |
   /      \________________/    \____\ :  · O V E R A L L ·   ____           |
___________\    _______   /____   ____\____ _____    _____   /   /   ISSUE   |
-pnk!       ____\_    /___\   /  /   /     /    /   /    /__/_ _/__:    no.3 |
           /   _     /   _/_ /__/_ _/____ /    /____\   /    / \   :         |
          /    /    /____\   \   / \     /.____\       _\____\  \  :   o9-97 |
          \_________\     \______\  \   /     /________\    \____\ :         |
                                \____\________\                   \__________|
   no. last          artist        group   | no. of respects
   o1. (o1) [        mogue! ] [  arclite ] | 257 (+13)
   o2. (o2) [           h2o ] [  arclite ] | 242 (+13)
   o3. (o3) [         u-man ] [  arclite ] | 232 (+o9)
   o4. (o5) [         karma ] [  arclite ] | 224 (+12)
   o5. (o4) [           nup ] [ pro arts ] | 223 (+o8) [ex.nup]   
   o6. (o6) [        desoto ] [  ------- ] | 216 (+o8) [ex. splat]
   o7. (o9) [        danzig ] [  arclite ] | 2o4 (+14)
   o8. (o7) [   chrombacher ] [  epsilon ] | 2o2 (+o7)  
   o9. (o8) [  shapechanger ] [  arclite ] | 199 (+o8)
   1o. (1o) [        exocet ] [  arclite ] | 195 (+12)
   11. (11) [        treach ] [   contra ] | 187 (+o5)  
   12. (13) [      crusader ] [  ------- ] | 18o (+o9)
   13. (12) [        stylez ] [   contra ] | 178 (+o3)     
   14. (15) [    stezotehic ] [    style ] | 173 (+11)
   15. (15) [         tango ] [    style ] | 172 (+1o)
   16. (14) [         fatal ] [  epsilon ] | 171 (+o7)        
   17. (15) [          gozz ] [  epsilon ] | 169 (+o7)
   18. (18) [         2fast ] [ jedi arts] | 166 (+1o)
   19. (19) [          sk!n ] [   dezign ] | 15o (+12)
   2o. (2o) [      grimlock ] [  epsilon ] | 14o (+o5)
   21. (29) [           maz ] [       uc ] | 138 (+27)/+(o6) [aka mazza]
   22. (23) [    mark ryder ] [  arclite ] | 137 (+o9) [ex. terminal silence]
     . (19) [    count zero ] [    whale ] | 137 (+o3)
     . (23) [         manta ] [ -------- ] | 137 (+o9)     
   25. (21) [        relief ] [  twisted ] | 135 (+o3)
   26. (25) [    mortimer t ] [      hos ] | 129 (+o5)
   27. (27) [          zeus ] [   lo'pro ] | 126 (+o8)
   28. (26) [      xcluziwe ] [      sos ] | 124 (+o4)
   29. (3o) [       redskin ] [      art ] | 119 (+o9)
     . (28) [         rapid ] [   contra ] | 119 (+o5) 
   31. (41) [         phase ] [ -------- ] | 112 (+24)/+(o1) [ex.axy]
   32. (29) [         elvis ] [ pro arts ] | 1o8 (+o2)
   33. (34) [         tommy ] [   altern ] | 1o6 (+o7)
     . (32) [      scarface ] [  twisted ] | 1o6 (+o3)
   35. (33) [         g.e.m ] [  arclite ] | 1o5 (+o5)
   36. (35) [        misfit ] [   lo'pro ] | 1o2 (+o4)
   37. (36) [        desert ] [   dezign ] |  99 (+o5)
   38. (42) [        amblin ] [   dezign ] |  98 (+11)  
   39. (37) [         vinzi ] [ -------- ] |  96 (+o3)
     . (38) [          juan ] [  epsilon ] |  96 (+o4)     
   41. (38) [        hijack ] [ -------- ] |  95 (+o4)
   42. (38) [       stratos ] [   lo'pro ] |  94 (+o3)     
   43. (43) [      vietcong ] [      oma ] |  87 (+o3)     
   44. (44) [      acid kid ] [ -------- ] |  83 (+oo)
     . (47) [          nike ] [      hos ] |  83 (+o6)
     . (47) [   metalbasher ] [       uc ] |  83 (+o6)     
   47. (49) [         ramon ] [   lo'pro ] |  82 (+o8)
   48. (45) [           dhm ] [ -------- ] |  81 (+o2)     
     . (45) [      sy-klone ] [  arclite ] |  81 (+o2)
   5o. (56) [     red devil ] [   dezign ] |  78 (+11)
     . (51) [          ranx ] [ jedi arts] |  78 (+o6)     
   52. (49) [    devistator ] [ jedi arts] |  75 (+o1)
     . (56) [       shock g ] [ jedi arts] |  75 (+o8) 
   54. (52) [        boomer ] [   dezign ] |  74 (+o3)
   55. (54) [       trivial ] [   lo'pro ] |  73 (+o4)   
   56. (56) [       sal-one ] [  twisted ] |  71 (+o4)
   57. (53) [      paszczak ] [ azkiness ] |  7o (+oo)        
     . (55) [      cybergod ] [  epsilon ] |  7o (+o2)          
   59. (59) [        boo-ya ] [    style ] |  69 (+o4)
   6o. (6o) [      behemoth ] [      led ] |  64 (+o2)
   61. (62) [        boheme ] [    style ] |  61 (+o6)
   62. (61) [         flite ] [  ------- ] |  59 (+oo)
   63. (62) [       harpoon ] [  epsilon ] |  57 (+o2) 
     . (62) [         zorro ] [   lo'pro ] |  57 (+o2)
   65. (68) [      enforcer ] [      art ] |  56 (+o6)
   66. (65) [        zaphod ] [  ------- ] |  54 (+oo)
     . (66) [          punk ] [     head ] |  54 (+o1)
     . (76) [      axeblade ] [   lo'pro ] |  54 (+o7)
   69. (67) [      cocopops ] [    style ] |  53 (+o1)     
     . (8o) [         rotox ] [      art ] |  53 (+o7) 
     . (8o) [   the founder ] [   u'race ] |  53 (+o7)  
   72. (73) [           911 ] [  g-style ] |  52 (+o4)     
     . (8o) [           rat ] [      art ] |  52 (+o6)         
   74. (68) [       seven m ] [       uc ] |  51 (+o1)
     . (7o) [       case 78 ] [     head ] |  51 (+o2) [ex. gangsta]
     . (73) [          dino ] [      ia! ] |  51 (+o3)
   77. (7o) [         pride ] [  twisted ] |  49 (+oo)
     . (7o) [          silk ] [  ------- ] |  49 (+o3) [ex. bastard]        
     . (84) [           rip ] [      art ] |  49 (+o7)
     . (86) [         folar ] [    style ] |  49 (+o7)
     . (76) [       godhead ] [ -------- ] |  49 (+o2)  
   82. (73) [         frame ] [  epsilon ] |  48 (+oo)         
     . (76) [       biscrok ] [    style ] |  48 (+o1)                   
   84. (8o) [     stylewars ] [ -------- ] |  47 (+o1)
   85. (79) [   wishbringer ] [      hos ] |  46 (+oo)
   86. (87) [          fckw ] [      art ] |  45 (+o5)
   87. (84) [          mess ] [   contra ] |  43 (+o1)   
   88. (87) [          jedi ] [ -------- ] |  4o (+oo)
     . (96) [    metallikat ] [ -------- ] |  4o (+o6) 
   9o. (89) [         skize ] [      led ] |  38 (+oo)     
     . (93) [         tsar1 ] [ wildstyle] |  38 (+o3) [ex. cola] 
   92. (9o) [           tbm ] [ -------- ] |  37 (+o1)
     . (96) [    speeddevil ] [      sos ] |  37 (+o3)
     . (99) [          dave ] [ azkiness ] |  37 (+o6) 
   95. (9o) [         stash ] [  epsilon ] |  36 (+o2)
     . (9o) [      homicide ] [ -------- ] |  36 (+o3)
     . (94) [           zod ] [      sos ] |  36 (+o1) [ex. mephisto]
     . (99) [ one eyed pir. ] [ -------- ] |  36 (+o5)
     . (new)[       nemes!s ] [  aerosol ] |  36 (+o7)
  1oo. (94) [          czar ] [      sos ] |  35 (+oo) 
no big changes ; karma from 5 to 4 - 4 arcliters at the top...
maz (aka mazza) & phase (ex.axy) got extra points becauz of their previous 
handels score which i had to add to their actual handle...
             _     _  _ _ __ ___   __   ___:__ _  _     _
                                  ( __\/__ )
                          _ ___ _  _\/__\/_: _ ___ _             ·Mo!/c!·
                        _(((_ ///_ )\_\/_/( _\\\ _)))_
           ____ ________    / \_ _/ _ __ _ \_ _/ \    ________ ____
           \\_((_____  /_ _/   /_)  \-)(-/  (_\   \_ _\  _____))_//
      ____ ____ `---'\/_)))___/ \/\__'¯¯`__/\/ \___(((_\/`---' ____ ____
      \\_((___/_   /\ __  _ _ ___/\ `/\/\' /\___ _ _  __ /\   _\___))_//
    ___.'  __ / \ /  \\_)))\\\\ _ .\//\/\\/. _ ////(((_//  \ / \ __  `.___
  _/  _|_ /  Y   Y ___\_ ___ ¯\\\·/\/    \/\·///¯ ___ _/___ Y   Y  \ _|_  \_
  \  |   Y   |   |_\____))_/ __ \/_ _/\/\_ _\/ __ \_((____/_|   |   Y   |  /
   \_|   |   |---'           )_\\__))_\/_((__//_(           `---|   |   |_/
     |   |---'                        \/   :                    `---|   |
     `---'                                 :                        `---'
___________________________________________:____ __________________________ __
   no. last          artist        group   : no. of respects   ranking
   o1. (--)             maz           uc   : + 27  (138)       (21)                                  
   o2. (--)           phase        -----   : + 24  (112)       (31)
   o3. (o8)          danzig      arclite   : + 14  (2o4)       (o7)
   o4. (o1)          mogue!      arclite   : + 13  (257)       (o1)
   o5. (o6)             h2o      arclite   : + 13  (242)       (o2)
   o6. (11)           karma      arclite   : + 12  (224)       (o4)
   o7. (o5)          exocet      arclite   : + 12  (195)       (1o)
   o8. (19)            sk!n       dezign   : + 12  (15o)       (19)
   o9. (o4)      stezotehic        style   : + 11  (173)       (14)
   1o. (--)          amblin       dezign   : + 11   (98)       (38)
   11. (--)       red devil       dezign   : + 11   (78)       (5o)
   12. (--)           tango        style   : + 1o  (172)       (15)
   13. (2o)           2fast    jedi arts   : + 1o  (166)       (18)
   14. (o3)           u-man      arclite   : + o9  (232)       (o3)
   15. (o2)        crusader      -------   : + o9  (18o)       (12)
   16. (1o)      mark ryder      arclite   : + o9  (137)       (22)
   17. (18)           manta     --------   : + o9  (137)       (22)
   18. (--)         redskin          art   : + o9  (119)       (29)
   19. (o7)             nup     pro arts   : + o8  (232)       (o5)
   2o. (12)          desoto      -------   : + o8  (216)       (o6)
maz (aka mazza) & phase (ex.axy) at the top 'cauz of their extra points.
mogue topped by danzig!
crusader only rank 15 ; 2fast on the way to the top
                                  A R T    :
                                           :   S T Y L E 
                               ____              :
    _____ __________ _____.   _\  /_____   ______:___ ___ ___.     ________
   /  _  \\   _    //     |_ /   /_\___-'--\     |_  |   \\  |____/  _    /
 _/   /      _/   /_       //   //    /          _/     _/   |   /   /___/___
 \___________\  ___/______//  _//________________|______|___________________/
              \/          /___\-tE/h!                   .
                               s E p |- E m b E r ' 9 7     
                                ____ :
  _____     _______    _____   /   / .
 /    /    / _    /   /    /__/_ _/__: ________ __
/    /____/  \   /____\   /    / \   :/       /  /____   ________
\___ \   /    \          _\____\  \  :  _    /___\   /  /  _    /___. 
   /     \_______________\    \____\ :  /   /  _/_  /__/   /_  /    |________
__________\                         \___   /___\    \ /________\    |\  _   /_
-pnk!            O V E R A L L       :/____\    \_____\      /_______   /  /_\
.....................................:_____________________________/    __/  _  
:                                    :                            /_____!    /
:  no. last   group          acronym :   no. of respects         /           |
   1.  (o1)   arclite!           al! :   175  (+1o)
   2.  (o2)   epsilon design     e^d :   159  (+12)
   3.  (o3)   contra!             c! :   136  (+o8)
   4.  (o4)   twisted             -t :   1o6  (+o6)
   5.  (o5)   dezign             dzn :   1o4  (+o5)
   6.  (o6)   mo'soul            m's :   1o2  (+o4)  r.i.p
   7.  (o7)   house of style     hos :    97  (+o3)
   8.  (o7)   whale              wl! :    94  (+oo)       
   9.  (1o)   style               se :    93  (+o9)
  1o.  (o9)   save our souls     sos :    91  (+o6)
  11.  (11)   art                art :    86  (+o4)              
  12.  (12)   divine stylers     ds! :    7o  (+oo)              
  13.  (13)   upperclass          uc :    69  (+oo)              
  14.  (14)   jedi arts           ja :    59  (+11)              
  15.  (15)   honey              hny :    46  (+oo)           
  16.  (16)   pro arts           p^a :    45  (+o5)              
  17.  (17)   oma                oma :    42  (+o3)              
    .  (18)   head!               h! :    42  (+o4)              
  19.  (19)   azkiness           azk :    38  (+oo)              
  2o.  (2o)   caustic style!     cs! :    37  (+oo)              
no big changes here; style still climbing
old groups like upperclass,honey or whale get nearly no respect lately...
jedi arts & the reborn pro arts could make it under the top 1o in near future
      ________    _________   __________.    \_ :_. ________.
      \      /__./   __   /_./    _    _:    ./   :/   _.   :..
       \_       |_    /     |_   _/ zZ \     :    :_    :     :
  ___ __/__ _   |/__________:/   \______\____:____:/      _ __:__ ___
__\  \\__ _                 /_______\                       _ __//  /________
             T O P    1 0                     G R O U P S
                           T H I S   ¡ S S U E  
   no. last   group          acronym |   no. of respects
   1.  (o3)   epsilon design     e^d |  + 12  (159)
   2.  (o6)   jedi arts           ja |  + 11   (59)
   3.  (o1)   arclite!           al! |  + 1o  (175)
    .  (1o)   low profile         lp |  + 1o   (2o)
   5.  (o4)   style               se |  + o9   (93)
   6.  (o6)   contra!             c! |  + o8  (136)
   7.  (o5)   twisted             -t |  + o6  (1o6)
    .  (o8)   save our souls     sos |  + o6   (91)
   9.  (o9)   dezign             dzn |  + o5  (1o4)
    .  (xx)   pro arts           p^a |  + o5   (45)
epsilon & jedi topped arclite,the alltime no.1 !
low profile kickz the p.a. with rank #3 together with arclite...
the reborn pro arts posse is back...

                                   _      _
                                  /(__  __)\
                                _/_  _)(_  _\_   sYz
                               (_ (__\  /__) _)
      _  _  _       ___ _ _____ \ :___\/___: / _____ _ ___       _  _  _
     /(_/(_/(__ _ __) _\\\\__ (__\)(__\/__)(/__) __////_ (__ _ __)\_)\_)\
    /__/__/___((_))__(       )__((___ `' ___))__(       )__((_))___\__\__\
  __________________________ _ __ _)|    |(_ __ _ __________________________
:_\ _______________________((((_((_ ¦^^^^¦ _))_))))_______________________ /_:
|___\                             /_ ____ _\                             /___|
       S t a t ¡ S t i c S                     A r t &  S t y l e  # o 3  
   # of checkEd collies: 883 (+83)    # of Artistz respected total : 428 (+27) of last issue: 27/jul/97    # of Groups  respected total :  69 (+o3)
   # of reviewd collies:  2o (+2o)    # of Reviewers               :  o1 (+o1) 
------------------------- ._  ------ ._ --------------------------------------
                          .-|·rt aNd `-..tyle # o3
                          |_|        |_|        

            /______    ____\__        /____        ________/_   _____
        ____\     /   / _    /       /    /______  \      /    /    /
        \  _/_   /__ /  \   /\      /    / _    /___\    /_____\   /
        /__\     \  /    \    \    /.____\ \   /    /\  /     /   /
            \_______\__________\  /     /   \      / ___\_________\-pnk!

       high & welcome to the review part!
       tell me if ya like this new part or what you dislike.i thought of 
       reviewin' only good collies,cauz it's bloody borin' to watch/review 
       every boring/lame colly,but i thought that reviewin' some/most of the 
       collies released the last weeks would be more representative.       
       expierienced artistz should join the art&style staff by reviewin'
       one/some collies (you can mail me the review on homeless/straight hate
       or other german boards).the sytem should be self-explaining...



       x                                                   .
       x                                                  /_
       x                       ________________            /
       ________________        \              /    . .....ø
       \            __/___      \  ·Mo!\aL·  _           /:.______
  ___________     _/    _/__ ____\        __(_)_ ______   :|     /
  \         /     \   _/  _/_\_   \       \    _/    _/__ /\    /  ·Overview·
   \   /   /       \______\   /   /_.     /____\   _/   /_/\  __\
 .--\_____/\      /-------/___\_____|    /------\_______\---\/---------------»
 |          \    /                      /
 |  r e v i e\  /w e d   c o l l i e s\/    (  A r t  ·  S t y l e  # 3  )
 |            \/
 |  g r o u p     n a m e   o f   c.    a r t i s t    r e l . d a t e   r a t.
-|------------ / --------------------- ------------- -------------------------                 
 |     arcade               paranoid         woober           14.o8.97   1 3 %
 |     arcade     sex,drugs & r'n r!        dezibel           19.o8.97   2 3 %
 |     arcade                 twelve        dezibel           12.o8.97   2 8 %
 |     arcade   we can plant a house            ice           25.o7.97   2 3 % 
 | afluence d.  a site for sore eyes   phreak klass           26.o7.97   2 8 %
 | afluence d.            i am worse...      squish           xx.o8.97   2 3 %
 |    aerosol           manos arriba         karlos           o2.o8.97   3 5 %
 |    arclite    toylike people make...       mogue           o3.o9.97   8 3 %
 | azkberries       wake up dead man         boobba           o4.o8.97   1 5 %
 |  epsilon d.        museum erotica       cybergod           11.o8.97   3 8 % 
 |    hang on                   sash     shai hulud           23.o7.97   1 o %
 |  jedi arts     anger,fear & ignor...     shock-g           xx.o8.97   4 5 %
 |       oma!         dangerous bass        shaolin           14.o8.97   1 8 %
 |       oma!        looking for the...     shaolin           o4.o9.97   2 o %
 |   pro arts                   ----           nup!           16.o8.97   8 o %
 |   pro arts               jeanette           nup!           o2.o9.97   7 o %
 |      style       deadtime stories          folar           o8.o8.97   4 3 %
 |      style       european tour'97       behemoth           o1.o8.97   6 o %
 |      style     same old shit(two)          stezo           24.o7.97   2 5 %
 |      style       spread your legs...       stezo           13.o8.97   5 3 % 
 |   tropic a.                 seven       venturus           23.o7.97   2 8 %

     |        |
     |     ___|__   ______ ___
     |  ___\    /___\    /  _/___  
   _ |  \  /   /_  /____/       /_______ ____ ____ |
   /_|__________\_____\__________\     //    \\____|
     |        |
   __|___    _|___       ______ ____      _____
   \   _/____\  _/___ ___\    /    /___ __\ __/___
  _ \___    /_      /_   \   /_   /   /_   __\   /_
     |        |
     |        | ( A R t  &  S T Y L e ) · ( R E v I E W S )
     |        |
     |________| 2 1   c O L L I E s   r E v I e W E d
     |        |
     |        |     
 Woober / Arcade                                                           *
 Paranoid (a!-para.txt)  14.o8.97                                     (2.5/2o)
 This 2nd collection by Woober,former member of SOS and UNIQUE ARTS,under 
 the ARCADE label is not a very interesting one;it looks like a bad designed 
 94's-colly mixed up with non-requested & requested logos...
 except for the greets & credits and a small text at the beginin' there is
 no real text present in this colly.this colly also lacks big time on design
 and the style of the logos isn't anything great either.
 all in all a not needed,boring production...
 Originality: o.5/5 · Text: o.5/5 · Design: o.5/5 · Style: 1/5      Total: 1/5 
 Dezibel / Arcade                                                         *·                 
 Sex,Drugs & Rock 'n Roll (a!-sdrnr.txt)  19.o8.97                    (4.5/2o)  
 Dezibel's 3rd contribution to the ARCADE release-machinery with the
 title "Sex,Drugs & Rock 'n Roll" is a tribute to Bon Scott,the ex.singer 
 from ac/dc :)!.beside the intro & some ac/dc :) lyrics there's not much text
 in this colly,consisting of req.logos and a little complement to his previous
 colly TWELVE.his style is not that bad,but got more unreadable since his
 1st ARCADE release and isn't therefore as nice to look on as before.
 the design isn't very great...
 not very exciting & nothin' special.
 Originality: 1/5 · Text: 1/5 · Design: 1/5 · Style: 1.5/5        Total: 1.5/5

 Dezibel / Arcade                                                         *·
 Twelve (a!-twlve.txt) 12.o8.97                                       (5.5/2o)
 Twelve is a colly includin' 3 parts: ascii-artist and -group respects 
 and's dezibel's 2nd colly under the ARCADE label and the style
 isn't as nice to look on as in his previous colly (A!-N-DZBL.TXT),but still
 nice,especially the diz-logos.text could only be recognized in the intro, 
 while you're searchin' UMSONST for the design;there's no real design in
 this collection.
 hmm,nothin' special but still okay.
 Originality: 1.5/5 · Text: 1.5/5 · Design: 1/5 · Style: 1.5/5    Total: 1.5/5
 ICE / Arcade                                                             *·
 We can plant a house (a!-wcpah.txt)  25.o7.97                        (4.5/2o)
 Okay,this is !CE's 9th colly and it includes 25 requested logos,which are
 drawn in !CE's special style looking okay,not more not less...but due the 
 lack of design this colly is as boring to view as many collies before.
 only some notes in the colly;no special texts and lack of originality make
 this colly uninteresting...
 Originality: 1/5 · Text: 1/5 · Design: 1/5 · Style: 1.5/5        Total: 1.5/5

 Phreak Klass/Afluence Design                                             *·
 A Sight For Sore Eyes... (ad!-sfse.txt)  26.o7.97                    (5.5/2o)
 A new colly by Afluence Design,one of these newcomer groups these days.
 Well,Phreak Klass,leader of this group does a okay job once again,his
 style is alright & so does the colly...lacks a little bit on text/design...
 Originality: 1/5 · Text: 1.5/5 · Design: 1/5 · Style: 2/5        Total: 1.5/5
 Squish/Afluence Design                                                   *·
 I Am Worse... (ad!-gift.txt)  xx.o8.97                               (4.5/2o)
 A colly of 15 okay lookin' logos by Squish...nothing special could be found
 in this colly,but in general it's quite okay to look at...
 Originality: 1/5 · Text: 1/5 · Design: 1/5 · Style: 1.5/5        Total: 1.5/5

 Karlos/Aerosol                                                           **
 Manos Arriba Madre Fuckerz (asl-mns.txt)  o2.o8.97                     (7/2o)
 Karlos is back with his 1oth colly entitled "Manos Arriba Madre Fuckerz" -
 Hands up Mother Fuckerz.Yes,he has improved his style & also the d-sign  
 of this production looks better than in his prev. collies.Hmm,i haven't
 heard of a war between EPSILON DESIGN and Karlos,but it just looks like
 that;karlos writtin' E^D sux or something several times in this colly -
 not very original...From the texts you can only get know that the copz took
 his equipment and that he's no computer anymore... 
 Originality: 1.5/5 · Text: 1/5 · Design: 2/5 · Style: 2.5/5        Total: 2/5
 Mogue/Arclite                                                          ****
 Toylike People Make Me Boylike (al-toy.txt)  o3.o9.97               (16.5/2o)
 The master is back: Mogue! in another ARCLITE quality production! 
 This one includes 44 artist- & 12 group-tributes logos,not forgettin' the
 requested & bbs-stuff doors.though its lenght you don't feel bored watching 
 the colly,i guess,it's becauz of the excellent design & texts/lyrics...
 i think everybody knows Mogue! perfect style,and i wonder how he manage still
 to improve it.this colly don't need to be hyper-original to get a high score 
 becauz the design and the texts are already original enough!...
 Originality: 3/5 · Text: 4/5 · Design: 4.5/5 · Style:  5/5         Total: 4/5

 Boobba/Azkberries                                                         *
 Wake Up Dead Man (azb-wudm.txt)  31.o7.97                              (3/2o)
 a 5o logos one by Boobba of AZKBERRIES,a not very known ascii group.
 but i've already seen lamer styles & designs,and at least it includes,
 although not very original, an info/intro-text.and please note dear
 boobba that i've never requested a logo from you...
 Originality: o.5/5 · Text: 1/5 · Design: 1/5 · Style o.5/5         Total: 1/5
 Cybergod / Epsilon Design                                                **
 Museum Erotica (e^d-muer.txt)  11.o8.97                              (7.5/2o)
 Well,Cybergod from Epsilon is back with another short 30k prod...
 It's rather ok includin' some nice,requested logos,and an average design.
 also the style is one of better one seen this issue...
 only a short text at the beginin' and a no real inonative ideas make thiz
 prod only a little better better than an average piece.
 Originality:  1.5/5 · Text:  1/5 · Design: 2/5 · Style: 3/5        Total: 2/5

 Shai Hulud/Hang^On                                                        ·
 Sash (h^o-sash.txt)  23.o7.97                                          (2/2o)
 never heard of shai hulud...well and this short colly could also be forgotten
 fast...1o logos in an extremly ugly style & no design.boring texts;no 
 originality ... buuuaah i'm bored...
 Originality: o/5 · Text: 1/5 · Design: o.5/5 · Style:  o.5/5     Total: o.5/5                                                                   
 Shock-G / Jedi Arts                                                     **·
 Anger,Fear & Ignorance (ja!-afi.txt)  xx.o8.97                         (9/2o)
 Yea,Shock-G is back with another colly after an absistence of 3 months.
 Jedi Arts becomes more respected these days & so does SHOCK-G,releasin'
 this nice 44 logos-colly; nothin' special but still nice to view as his
 style is readable but not boring and the design and text seem to be okay,
 too.but: this collection isn't very innonative or original at,it just a
 standard one with a nice personal intro...
 worth to take a look at...
 Originality:  1/5 · Text:  2.5/5 · Design: 2/5 · Style: 3.5/5    Total: 2.5/5

 Shaolin/Oma                                                               *
 Dangerous Bass (oma-db.txt)  14.o8.97                                (3.5/2o)
 shaolin's first prod under the OMA label is quite okay at all.the style isn't
 anything special and the quite new artist should look to include more design 
 & texts in his next productions.nothin' special has to be said about this 
 colly further... an o.k premiere production for OmA! 
 Originality: 1/5 · Text: o.5/5 · Design: 1/5 · Style 1/5           Total: 1/5
 Shaolin/Oma                                                               *
 Looking for the perfect beat (oma-lftp.txt)  o4.o9.97                  (4/2o)
 3 weeks after releasin' his first prod. under the OMA posse label,SHAOLIN is
 back to kick the p.a...and he improved his style a bit compared to his prev.
 colly.partly you can see really quality logos.but this piece still lacks on
 Originality: 1/5 · Text: o.5/5 · Design: 1/5 · Style 1.5/5         Total: 1/5

 Nup! / Pro Arts                                                        ****
 -------- (proarts.txt)  16.o8.97                                      (16/2o)
 Whooa,what a release! No doubt,one of the MAJORS this year!
 Nuori urbaani pösilö is back & so is PRO ARTS,after some years of silence.
 When watchin' this colly you will soon realise what quality means; a (almost)
 perfect style coming along with good design...
 the texts are okay,too and so does the lenght of the colly,you neva get bored 
 watchin' this colly...and choosin' no name for a collection & reborn an old 
 cult group shows enough originality,i think...
 hope that nup! stayes a while in the ascii-scene...
 don't miss this cult production!
 Originality: 3.5/5 · Text: 3.5/5 · Design: 4.5/5 · Style:  4.5/5   Total: 4/5
 Nup! / Pro Arts                                                        ***·
 Jeanette (p^a-jnte.txt)  o2.o9.97                                     (14/2o)
 another production by nup! & pro arts - this only could be cool - i thought.
 but wait i said myself and take first a look at it... 
 well this is only a 2okb collection,includin' 11 logos,but it's still cool
 and dedicated to nup's new girlie - jeanette...
 no respectz,no greets,no credits and a short preface make the colly shorter 
 & more original in my opinion.the style hasn't changed since the last colly
 but the design got a little worser.
 one of the better collies these days...
 Originality: 3.5/5 · Text: 2.5/5 · Design: 3.5/5 · Style: 4.5/5  Total: 3.5/5

 Folar/Style                                                              **
 Deadtime Stories (se-dtime.txt)   o8.o8.97                           (8.5/2o)
 yes,his latest prod. is well designed and includes an private life-intro text,
 typical for folar.his style looks okay,although it's quite unreadable and if
 you like readable styles you won't be satisfied by lookin' at the logos.
  the colly includes 73 logos & might be folar's last for a long time,so 
 you'll better leech this almost 15okb production...beside that i can't see 
 any particular things in this piece of ascii-work.
 Originality: 1.5/5 · Text: 2/5 · Design: 3/5 · Style: 2/5          Total: 2/5
 Boheme/Style                                                            ***
 European Tour'97 (se-resan.txt)  o1.o8.97                             (12/2o) 
 Boheme's 15th colly starts very promising - with the countries he visited
 during his euro tour '97 in his fresh and cool style,but due the colly the 
 style gets a bit uglier,but the d-sign is still okay..
 text & originality are all right,so is the colly in general - just take a 
 look at it,don't miss it...
 Originality: 3/5 · Text: 3.5/5 · Design: 2.5/5 · Style: 3/5        Total: 3/5

 Stezotehic/Style                                                         *·   
 Same old shit (two) (se-niles.txt)  24.o7.97                           (5/2o)
 This is a 16kb includin' old-style logos for stz's groupmates...
 well,nothin' special;a short info/intro text at the beginin' and no real
 design in this colly,but i can't remember anyone who has ever released
 a colly only with logos for his ascii-groupmates - original.
 if you aren't a style member then it's nothing for ya...
 Originality: 2.5/5 · Text: 1/5 · Design: o.5/5 · Style: 1/5      Total: 1.5/5
 Stezotehic/Style                                                        **·
 Spread your legs and let me in (se-smell.txt)  o1.o8.97             (1o.5/2o)
 wow,31okb - this must be a stezo one i thought and took a proper look.
 an interesting prod.!  a colly with 169 logos,ascii-pictures & full of text
 and infos. stz knows after 4 years of doin' asciis how to design a colly
 right.maybe the lenght of this release is a little bit too long,but
 you'll be compensate through the humorful ascii-pictures which come along
 after the req. logos as an extra part...still amusin' seeing stezotehics
 ascii-riddles...well and his logo style is quite okay,too...
 worth to take a look at...
 Originality: 2.5/5  Text: 2.5/5  Design: 2.5/5  Style: 3/5       Total: 2.5/5

 Venturus / Tropic Ascii                                                  *· 
 Seven (ta!-ikaa.txt)  23.o7.97                                       (5.5/2o)
 venturus,one of the better newcomers these days,himself a member of tropic
 ascii presents you another req.-colly.the design of this production is good
 and his style isn't that bad either.but there couln't be find any text in
 this colly,and it's nothing special at all...
 Originality:  1/5   Text: o.5/5   Design: 2.5/5   Style: 1.5/5   Total: 1.5/5

 < best ones thiz issue! >

 1. arclite    toylike people make...        mogue           8 3 %   ****

 2. pro arts                 -----            nup!           8 o %   ****
 3. pro arts               jeanette           nup!           7 o %   ***·
 4. style          european tour'97       behemoth           6 o %   ***
 5. style          spread your legs...       stezo           5 3 %   **·

                       |                                /.
       ___.        ____| .mi.ndj.ive.                 ___|___________
      /   |_______/    |   _____.    _____. _____    _\ _           /____
     /    |  ___ /     |__/_    | __/_    | \    \  /  \\        __/_    \
    /     ¯ /  \//     /   /    |/   /    l--\   \\/    \       /   /    /
   /     \ /    \_.   /   /     /   /   ._/   \    \     \     /   /____/¯\_
._/       Y_______|___\._/______\_______|__________/_____|\    \___________/
|_________|:..         |                                 | \___/
kida / punk! / vouck!   _________________________________                     
         ._____.       |_________________________________|
         |     |_ _________________________________________________________.
    ___ _|     \/                                                          |
  _/    \/     |       name of release : art & style # o3                  |
  |   ___|_ _ _|___       release name : mj!-a&s3.txt                      |
  | - \_____._____/      original size : bytes                      |
  |    __|  |  |__                                                         |
  |    \ | o|o | /               genre : textfile / ascii-charts           |
  |   _/\_\_|_/_/\_            chipset : all                               |
  |   \ _/ /¯\ \_ /           producer : punk!                             |
  |    \| |¯|¯| |/            language : english                           |
  |     | | | | |          releasedate : 16-september-97                   |
  |     |_|_|_|_|          release no. : #o3                               |
  ¯\___ | | | | |              comment : your fav. ascii charts are bekk  _|_
 _ _ ___| | | | |___ _ ________________: review part included! __________/ |
    \\_ | | | | | _//                  :_______________________\                                    
      /           \       
      \___________/ H2o!

           _____________ _ ____                  ____ _ _____________
           \            \\))___\                /___((//            /
            \  ______  _____   _____   _____   __  _____   _____   /
           __\_)    / _)    \__)  _/  _)__  \__)_\_)    \__)  _/__/ _
          \///   /_/_/   /___/   _/__/   /   /   /___/   /__     /_/
_|_________ /___`   /___/   /___`   /___    /___/  //___/___'   /// ________|_
 |             `---/         \ `---/   `---/      /        `---/            |
 |               \   2F       \ _ ____    ____ _ /            /             |
 |                \____________\\))___\  /___((//____________/              |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 | idea & concept & design....... punk! / mindjive                          |
 |           guest artistz....... 2fast                                     |
 |                                case 78                                   |
 |                                desoto                                    |
 |                                drakar                                    |
 |                                gozz                                      |
 |                                h2o                                       | 
 |                                mogue                                     |
 |                                nup!                                      |
 |                                stylez                                    |
 |                                treach                                    |
 |                                trooper                                   |
 |                                vouck                                     |

    ______                    ______                     ______
 __/_____/____________________\_____\  _________________/_____/_ _____________
/____________/ /\_____/    /\__\_____\_\____     /   __________/_\      _____/
 /____\_______/___________/______________/_/ ___/___/_/_____/_____\_____\_\
                                 \_____\  /           /

                                C O N T A C T . M E . F O R . A N Y T H I N G:

O N . T H E . F O L L O W I N ' . B O A R D S (still no e-mail) :

                    THE JUNCTION +49-telnet-multinode 
                      HOMELESS +49-telnet-multinode 
                    STRAIGHT HATE +49-telnet-multinode 
                        DREAMLAND +49-communistica 
                        UPHOLD THE LAW +49-siempre!
                                                 + o N . s O M E . O T H E R S

                 ____/  \____  __    _         ______   _______
          ______ \          / /  \   \______  _\____ \ _\_ ___/_____
      ____\____ \_         / /    \ __\____ \_    /   \_ _______
             /  _/_        \       \    _/  _/__ /     /       /
            /     /__    ___\       \   \    _ /      /  \    /
                  \  \  /    _______/____\   //_____ / ___\ ________
      _____________\  \/                  \  /     \/      \/


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                .______       
        _____   |     / m i n d j i v e
_____  /    /___|    /  
\    \/    /   /!   /   k i c k e d :  
 \   \/____\________\                   #oo3  
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 top 1oo artistz··top 2o groups··reviews`-'|
 883 (+o83) collies checked for respectz   |
 text format                   ascii-charts|



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 | \\       +49-(0)30-47411057               +49-(0)30-47411058          |
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                                             [mULTI-cHECK v1.5 by SieGeL/tRSi]

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