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File size:
29 302 bytes (28.62K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:15
Download count:
all-time: 564


                Proudly produced by the Crooked Markham Click

                      _____________     ______________
                   __ \ __________ \  _/_ ________   /  __
                   \ _ \ ________ \ \//  /      //  /  _ /
                   \\\_ ______     \  ______  ______ _///
                       / _   /_   _ \/ _   /_/ _   /_
                     _/  /____)_ __\  ______)  /____)_
                    _\   \(    /_   \/    _\   \(    /_
                    /___________|  C M C  |___________\

   It seems i've been letting these "so called" oldschool artists live for to

              " You are about to witness a dynasty like no other... "

    Brought to you by: The infamous kayozz (aka kayone) of mimic productions

              and remember.. always view my shit with 80x25+AFS.COM
              (check it in too for a different feel of it)

  T I M E   T O   B R I N G   I T   B A  C K   T O   T H E   O L D S C H O O L

              .___       ______                      __________ ____    __
      .____  _|   \ ___  |    /  _____ _______      /   ______//___/   /_//_
      |   / ___ _  \\   ||   /_ /  _  \\      \  _____  ___\_________    /_)
    _/   //   / /    \_____    \  \/    \      \|    /  \|           \
   ((___/    /_    _     |/     \        _____\ \     \               \_
       /_______\   /_____________\ ______|_    \_______\        _______/
              _|_________\      __       :        |____________/
            _\ :                \/
            / \
   _______ /   \
 //______//     \               back with...                   _______
 /(_     /       \           _             _______   _      __|__     |
        /         \  ____  _( )__   ____  /      /_ ( )__  / _ _/____  _:_
       /           \/    \       \ /    \/ _      |      \   \(     (_ )|
      /          \____/   \_      \_      /       |       \_         |  |
    _/             |_______| ______/  __\/       _|________/ ________|  |
    \_________________/                 /_________|            | |____|_|
                                  4 life!

              " I should have never left in the first place.. "
 :                     So i have titled my new piece..
 :     ._         ..__     .___
 :    _| \_ _   __|| /_   _| _/_
 :  ./   _// \./  ||   \./  _\  \.........:. t·H·E  r·E·T·U·R·N > k·A·Y·W·O·N
 :  |____|____|   ||____|________|        :
 :  bne^8|1   |___|  _____    .____     ._:        .___     _____    ______
 :       :          _\_   \  _|  _/_   _| \_ _   __|  /_   _\_   \  _\ _   \
 :       :        ./ _/   /./   _\  \./   _// \./  |    \./ _/   /./   /   /.
 :       :        |__\_____|_________|____|____|_________|__\_____|___/_____|
 :       :                                |
 :   .  .:................................:... .
 :   :   :                                :                             :
.:...:...:......... .                     .                       ......:..
 :   :   :                                                              :
 :   :  I left mimic a few months ago to pursue some dreams, but thats  :
 :  ..  all they were, dreams. now im back with mimic and im not going  :
 :   :  anywhere so i am re-claiming my spot on top in this art-scene!  :
 :   :   .                                        ......................:...
 :   :   :                                                              :
 ....:...:............. .                                               :
     :   : so yeah, this is a call to all "oldschool artists" in this   :
     :   : scene to come correct, because i've been looking at packs    :
     :   : and the oldschool is looking pretty wack.. so come test me   :
     :...:................................ .                   . .......:.....
         :                                                             .:.   :
.........:... . You know my name (kayozz/kaywon) and you know where to  :    :
:        : find me (#ascii/EfNet) lets get some competition back bitch  :
:........:............................................... .              . ..:
         :             _:_ _
         :        ______|_
         .     _|_\     |  Kayozz(kaywon) - The Return - 04/16/00 - (c)MMC
               _|__     |
         .   _\\___\\   |
                |       |                                         _______:_
                |       ¦                   _:_________   _______|___.   |
                ¦       :       .. ...   .   |  _________(      _|___|___|
                :       |                    __\\                :   |
                |       |                    |                       |
                |       |                    |                       |
                |       |                    |                       |
                -       -                    -                       -
                |       |                    |                       |
                |       |                    |                       |
             dz\a!      |      K    A    Y   |   O    Z    Z         |
                |       |                    |                       |
                |   _ /___                   |                       |
                ____ /    \ __ __.  _____.   _____   _____           |
           __ //   // _|_  \\ |  |_\\ __ |___\_  //__\_  //__  .............
         _\\ /__  //   |/   _____     |(      ___/    ___/  //_            :
         /____|(   _   |\  /_  )|  ____    ___|(   ___|(   ___\ .... | ....:
              `----'    _   `------'  `----'  `----'  `----'       __|
                /______/|______\ _       .___|___|_      _________\\
                                \        |   |___|_______)  _________|_
           :    |       |               _|_______|                   :
           :    |       |                :
           :    |       |
           :    |       |
           :    |       |
           :    |       |
           :    |       |
      . ...:....|.......|............................. . . . .       .
 _________ : __ |       | ____________________________________________________
|          :    | ( I ) |                                                     |
>          :    >       > Ascii-list index for ""The Return"" By Kayozz/mimic >
|          :    |       |                                                     |
|          :    | ( N ) | (#01): c o r e d u m p (#06): m i m i c . d i z     |
|          :    |       |                                                     |
|          :    |       | (#02): d e g - 6 5     (#07): n e w o r l d         |
|          :    | ( D ) |                                                     |
|          :    |       | (#03): d h n           (#08): s a m u r a i w i n d |
|          :    |       |                                                     |
|          :    | ( E ) | (#04): e r i c k       (#09): t w i t c h           |
|          :    |       |                                                     |
|          :    |       | (#05): m a r t z       (#10): e l j a y             |
|_________ : __ | ( X ) | ____________________________________________________|
           :    |       |
           :   _|_______| s e n d r e q s   t o   k a y o z z @ h o m e . c o m
           :    :


      "" T H E   R E T U R N ""
   ___     _/___    ____   ___  kay!?
  /  /____ / ._ )  / __/__|   | ____ .:
_/    _   /_ |(  \_\ \(   /   |/   /..:...
|    )/      |             \_ /   /_  : .
|________|        |_________|/ _____\   :
      /______|\______\    |____|    .:..:..
 Ascii collection by kayozz of mimic.:..:

                      _|___ _ _
  __        ______     |             "" T h e   R e t u r n ""
_.\)______ [______] ___|___________________________ _ . ............ . ...
||_\     (__________)  |                                           :     :
|                        Ascii - Coredump                          :     :
|         ###>00001!     For   - Beats me..                        :     :
|_________          ___|____________________________ _ . ..........: .. .:
     _   (__________)  |
    (_)               _|___ _ _ B y :   K a y o z z   /   M i m i c
...                             :       ...::::                            kay!?:  .... ______     ________  ________ __:  ::::_____ ____ ____   ____  _________:  ::::/  _   \  _/  _    / /  _____//_/:  ::::\   //   /_\   \_/   /_/        /:..::::   \|   \_\  |/   /__   __\_____ :..::::   //   //    \___/   \  _     /_     |    _\    (___/       \  \(      )_   _/        /_       /______\ /______\.... |___________| /_________\      ____\   |__________\ ________\  |_____\ ....:                           `-------'                                          ::                               :                                              ::...............................:............. .. .    .                       :          .    .  ..  ..........:..............................................:                                :

                      _|___ _ _
  __        ______     |             "" T h e   R e t u r n ""
_.\)______ [______] ___|___________________________ _ . ............ . ...
||_\     (__________)  |                                           :     :
|                        Ascii - "deg" (Degeneration-65)           :     :
|         ###>00002!     For   - My ascii-dogg martz.              :     :
|_________          ___|____________________________ _ . ..........: .. .:
     _   (__________)  |
    (_)               _|___ _ _ B y :   K a y o z z   /   M i m i c
                         ........|     )_ ........
            ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,   |      |    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
            ;            :  .. Degeneration! ..  :            ;
            ;            :  :    |      |     :  :            ;
            ;            :  ___   _______   ______            ;
            ;           ____\  \ /       / _\  _  /           ;
        ____;________ _/  _     \  _      \_ ____  \_ ________;____
       |    ; sixty  _\   \(    /_ /_______/   )/   /_  five! ;    |
       |____;_______ |____  _____| \|    |___________) _______;____| kay!?
            ;            .\/  |_____________|    .            ;
            ;            :  :    |      |     :  :            ;
            ;            :  :.................:  :            ;
            ;            :       |      |        :            ;
            ;            :.......................:            ;
            ;                    |      |                     ;

                      _|___ _ _
  __        ______     |             "" T h e   R e t u r n ""
_.\)______ [______] ___|___________________________ _ . ............ . ...
||_\     (__________)  |                                           :     :
|                        Ascii - "dhn"                             :     :
|         ###>00003!     For   - this guy dhn?..                   :     :
|_________          ___|____________________________ _ . ..........: .. .:
     _   (__________)  |
    (_)               _|___ _ _ B y :   K a y o z z   /   M i m i c

                             ___\     |_________/\        _:__
                   __:_   ___\  \     |    __     \ _____  | /_
                  _\ |   / _     \    |    |   _   \\   /_ |  /_
                 _\  | _/  \/     \_       | ___\   \_   \ |___))
                ((___| \___________|  i    |_    \________\ kay!?
                               _|     |_____\

                      _|___ _ _
  __        ______     |             "" T h e   R e t u r n ""
_.\)______ [______] ___|___________________________ _ . ............ . ...
||_\     (__________)  |                                           :     :
|                        Ascii - "erick" (Erick Onasis)            :     :
|         ###>00004!     For   - the illest emcee.                 :     :
|_________          ___|____________________________ _ . ..........: .. .:
     _   (__________)  |
    (_)               _|___ _ _ B y :   K a y o z z   /   M i m i c
                                             . .;...........:.
                                              ..,.          :
                                                :           :..:...
                                                :              :
         _   ___            _        _   __  ___ _________.    :
         \\ \\____  ___      _______  __     ______  __   | ____
                   / _/__   / ._   / _\ )_  / _   /_  |   |/   /
                  _\  ___\ _  \(  /_      /   /____\_ |   /   /
                 _/   |(    )_ \___\       \_ |(     )___/   /_
                 \___________/  \ __________| ________/ /______\ kay!?
                 ------- |_______\ -----------------------------
                                               Erick Onasis;
                                           " Topp dogg, money folder,
                                           im now don kings promoter. "
                                                :       :   :  :
                                                :    .. . . :..:. . . .
                                                :       : ..:..:. . .   .
                                                :.......:. .:..:
                                                        :   :
                                                        :   :

                      _|___ _ _
  __        ______     |             "" T h e   R e t u r n ""
_.\)______ [______] ___|___________________________ _ . ............ . ...
||_\     (__________)  |                                           :     :
|                        Ascii - "martz" (Martyr)                  :     :
|         ###>00005!     For   - my  illest emcee.                 :     :
|_________          ___|____________________________ _ . ..........: .. .:
     _   (__________)  |
    (_)               _|___ _ _ B y :   K a y o z z   /   M i m i c
                       __      _____  _ ______|     |_____ _  _____
                      /______  \____\ \\\_____    .  ____/// /____/
               _____\//     /   ___   ______  |::...|    ___
   _          _\    \/  /  /_ __\_ \ /   _  \ |.:...|  __\_ \
   (_ dEG65!? (___\____/    |/ _    /  _ /_ /_ ...::| /  ___/__
                   _/          \/    \_|  \___\  .. |/   \(   /_          _
                   \__________________||___\  .:::. /__________)  mARTZ! _)
             _   _ ___________________|| .  .....:::|
                              _  _____|       i:::::|
                                        ````  :::::::  ''''
                                         `  `:::::::::'  '
                                          `  `:::::::'  '
                                           `  `:::::'  '
                                            `  `:::'  '
                                             `  `:'  '
                                              `     '
                                               `   '

                      _|___ _ _
  __        ______     |             "" T h e   R e t u r n ""
_.\)______ [______] ___|___________________________ _ . ............ . ...
||_\     (__________)  |                                           :     :
|                        Ascii - "mimic"                           :     :
|         ###>00006!     For   - my group FOR LIFE. no doubt.      :     :
|_________          ___|____________________________ _ . ..........: .. .:
     _   (__________)  |
    (_)               _|___ _ _ B y :   K a y o z z   /   M i m i c

                                ______   _    ______
                     .:...____ /  _  /__( _)__\  _  \ ____ ....
                      :  _\   \   / /_\      /_\ \   /   /_
                     .:- (__\____/___/________\___\____/__) kay!?
                      : Mimic Productions Release #22, 2000! |
                      :                   ___                |
                      :            _     / _/______ Bring It |
                      :      _____( _)_ _\ \(      \_ -------'
                      :     _\        /_(  _\       /_
                     MMC22- (___________    _________\ Apr162k
                      :                `----'

                      _|___ _ _
  __        ______     |             "" T h e   R e t u r n ""
_.\)______ [______] ___|___________________________ _ . ............ . ...
||_\     (__________)  |                                           :     :
|                        Ascii - "neworld" (new world)             :     :
|         ###>00007!     For   - someone im sure..                 :     :
|_________          ___|____________________________ _ . ..........: .. .:
     _   (__________)  |
    (_)               _|___ _ _ B y :   K a y o z z   /   M i m i c

                     .                              _____________
                         _________________________ _\            |____________
                     :  |       _______    ________|_   __       |           /_
                     |  | ____ /       )_ /  _______// /_/      _|_           |
                     _   _\  _/          \_  __\______         /   \          |
     (      (    ( ((_) ((___\(___________/  \(      /_                       |
                     |  ``             |______________\          _            |
                        |                          |____________/_\___________|
                     |  |                                    _\  _  \
                     :  |                                    /  |/   \      |
                     .  |                             .    _/   /_   _\_    |
                        |                        _ ___|___ |________  /|_   |
                  [ New World ]                       :     /   _    / :    |
                        |                             :    /   |/   /_      |
                        |                             .  _/    /______\     |
                        |         /\_________ _          \______ /          |
                        |   _/\  /                    .    /    /______     |
                     _ _|______\/__                      _/    //     /_    |
..................... . .....      |.. . .   . . . ... . \_____________\ .. |
:                       :          |                         ____\   \_     |
:................... .  :....... . |_  /\   /\_____________ /  _      /_ ___|
                                     \//\\//              _/  \/       |_
                                         \/               \____________)) kay!?

                      _|___ _ _
  __        ______     |             "" T h e   R e t u r n ""
_.\)______ [______] ___|___________________________ _ . ............ . ...
||_\     (__________)  |                                           :     :
|                        Ascii - "samurai winds"                   :     :
|         ###>00008!     For   - someone in #ascii.                :     :
|_________          ___|____________________________ _ . ..........: .. .:
     _   (__________)  |
    (_)               _|___ _ _ B y :   K a y o z z   /   M i m i c

                      ..:..................................:...            :
Samurai Winds??         :     ____________                 :               :
........................:.. _\\__         |____________  ..:...............:  ..:                   _ _____     |         |         __//_ .:.. .          .:.. ::.. ________  _ /___ _____ \    |         |         |      :      kay!?    :   :  _|  __   /_  /    )\      \   _______   |       ______  _ /___      ___    ..:  \_  \(____)_   __  _\      \_/      /_  |   ____\     \  / __ )_ __(_ _)__
  _|_______   \  |/                    |  |  _\   _\     \   |/  \ \       /_
 _(       )\   \ |\    \    \___/      |  |  |    |/     /_  |\   \         \_
 |            __\       \_ ___\        |  |  |    /_______|        \_        |
 |___________|___|\______/  /__________|     |_______\ /_____|\_____/ _______|
  _________________________                              _____________________
 \\____________________   /___  |                   |_ __\   ________________//
                      /_______ _|         _:_________/ ______\ ___
             _____ __ ______   \___________|        ____      / _/___
            _\   _/  \     / _(_ )________ ____  ___\   \   __\___   \
            /_______  \_    \       _     \\   )/ _      \ /    )/    \_
                   |_________\      \ __|  \    \_\/      /____________|
                            |________\  |________/_________|

                      _|___ _ _
  __        ______     |             "" T h e   R e t u r n ""
_.\)______ [______] ___|___________________________ _ . ............ . ...
||_\     (__________)  |                                           :     :
|                        Ascii - "twitch"                          :     :
|         ###>00009!     For   - my boy exc1d.                     :     :
|_________          ___|____________________________ _ . ..........: .. .:
     _   (__________)  |
    (_)               _|___ _ _ B y :   K a y o z z   /   M i m i c

  ..:.....,...,;,,,,., .. ........ . . .   .       .         .      .
    :          ;                           __________
. :.:. . ...   ;  .. .        . . .....   /         /
 .:.:.         ;                        _/  /______/____          t.WITCH!?
  : :      .____     kay!?        .__   |   \          /_ _____.  +op exc1d
  :  .__  _|   //\ _____  __ _   _|  )_ |   _\          \ \    |______
  : _|  )_/   _/  \\   (_ ) )/_  /  __\____              \     |     /
  : /  __\____     \_   \_  /_ \/   \(    /                         |
  _/   \(    /__/\_______/      \_________\             _/     |    |
  |__________\         /_________|                     \\___  _|    |_ _  _
  _ ___________    /\________________   |___________________/  |_____\ \\ \\
               \  /                  |_____________________________________\


                      _|___ _ _
  __        ______     |             "" T h e   R e t u r n ""
_.\)______ [______] ___|___________________________ _ . ............ . ...
||_\     (__________)  |                                           :     :
|                        Ascii - "eljay"                           :     :
|         ###>00010!     For   - mark my ill 145 jigga. cmc4life!  :     :
|_________          ___|____________________________ _ . ..........: .. .:
     _   (__________)  |
    (_)               _|___ _ _ B y :   K a y o z z   /   M i m i c
                                  |     |
                         <  el... |  J  | ...ay  >
                                  |     |
                        ____;     |     |   __;___         _____ _
   ........... _______ (   /;     |   _____(  _  /   ____ (    // .........
  _:_________ / _    //   /_;__  _____\_   _  \|  \  \   ||   /_ _________: __
 | :        _/ /____/_   //   /__\    \|     __\   \ _\_____   /          ||  |
 |_________ |________\  /_   /_    _________/      _\     |/  /_ _________||__|
                   /_______________)      /_ ________  /\______\          _|
                            ;           |     ;      \/
                            ;     |     |     ;                            kay!
                                  |     |
                                  |     |
                                  |     |

                                _|_ _/)_
                                 ||    |
                                 ||    |
_________________________________|__________________________________ _   _
))_______________________________|_________________________________((_) (_)
                                 |     |
                                 |     |
                                 |     |
                  -------------------------->>>   > Peace out until next colly.
                                 |     |
                                 |     | < <<<---------------------

                                  _ | _
                                  \   /
                                   \ /

                          M I M I C 4 L I F E !

Mad respects to my ill toronto boys; jeff, sean, dave, robin, you guys made
the scene an ill place to be for me. Wordup!

Also many thanks to martz for giving me the gift of oldschool ascii, to nino
for always being there and being the ill artist, same with nosanity, warhawk
mhz the don, erupt, dartagnan, afrocreep (Although he is gone), and whodini.

T h e  C r e w  I  R i d e  W i t h  4  L i f e ! ! !

. . ...  ..  .. ....  . . .. ............:.. . .                        ._____
         ______   _______ _____    _____ : _____ ____ ___          ___  |    /_
        / _   /_ /  _   //  _  \  /  _  \ _\   _(   // _/_     ____\  \ | :   |
      _/  (____)_  |/_ /_   /   \    /   \|   //   // ___/___./    _   \_ :   |
      |   |      \_  \___\  _    \_  _     _  /   /_  \(     |    )/    | :   |
      |___________/___\/__________| _______| /______\        |_       . ..:.. |
       "":                               . |____| |___________/ ________| :   |
   :  ------------------------------------                            ""  :   |
...:.....:                               : ------------------------------ :   |
: .:..  :.. ___  ___  ____    _____.__. __  .__     ____  ___  ___      | :   |
.. :    :: _\  \/  /_/    \  / _  /|  |/ /_ |  |___/    \_\  \/  /_  . ...:.. |
:  :    :: (___\/___)__||__\/__/__\|__/____\|__|___\_||__(___\/___)     | :   |
.       ::                               .                              | :   |
:     --:---------------------------------                              | :   |
:       ::                              .: ------------------------------ :   |
.     ...:     ______   _____     ____   :. ______   _____ ____         | :   |
        :...  / _   /_ _(   /____ (__)_  : / _   /_ _\   _(   /         | :   |
:       ::  _/  (____)_    //   /_     \ _/  (____)_|   //   /          | :   |
        ::  |   |      \_ /_     /_     \__  |       _  /   /_ . .........:.. |
.   ..:.::  |___________/_________\ _____||__________| /______\         | :   |
:.....:.::..                             .           |____|             |_:___|
      : .:...............................:..                              :
      :  :                               :                    k a y ! ?   :

  k a y o z z  ­  d u n d a d a  ­  b e e g a y  ­  k u m b y  ­  b l i z z y

    d u s t f a c e  k i l l a  ­  b i g  t a y  ­  e l j a y  ­  h o s e r

    Markham, ON Representing 24/7..

  416/905 areacode runs the world, its just time the rest of the world accepted
                             the harsh reality :)