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86 070 bytes (84.05K)
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2017-05-19 23:24:13
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         \|o                  ______                           ___|____
          \:      t! ______  _\_____\______|_         ______  /\___\___\_|_
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Y         | F A C T i O N                      World Headquarters  /
:         | L o W  P r O F i L E               World Headquarters |
.         | T R S i                    United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | F A i R L i G H T          United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | R O Y A L                  United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | R A M  J A M               United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | L i g h t f o r c e        United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | L o o k e r   H o u s e    United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | X!-T r e K                 United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | O u t l a w s              United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | DiGiTAL CoRRUPTiON         United Kingdom Headquarter |
          | Save Our Souls             United Kingdom Headquarter |/
          | Tristar & Red Sector Inc   United Kingdom Headquarter ø
 ._       |\                                                     /|
-|/------ +-\___________________________________________________/-'
 `-------> Upload time: 19:02:55           Upload Date: 04-25-1999
           |           UPLOADED BY ZOLTRiX                     |
           |        fROM SYSOP              iN dOCKiNG bAY 02  |
        |          IN SPACE NO ONE CAN HEAR YOU SCREAM!           |



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  /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS  |
 /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO    |
/ ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM |
\_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS |
__ /____\  _____/       )___________ ____|
 /_________\                       //__ _

                         LESS LOGOS equals MORE FUN

                                      :)            (. this show is sponsored
                                      |  % L O R K   :       _  by :
                                      |              | ______:
                                      |              | \_    | ______
                             .________:       . _____:__|    |/    _/
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                             |_____/    |/   \\   \__________|t^/lp!
                                   /___________\   | |       :
                                      ·       |____| :
                                      :              : lork manpower (tm)
                                      |_            _| lork media (tm)
                                      ./------------\. lork slavery (tm)
                                                       lork samba (tm)
                                                       lork business (tm)
                                                       lork sex (tm)
                                                       lork love (tm)
                                                       lork tender times (tm)
                                                       lork street blues (tm)

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  Youre listening to LPSOUL at 103.5 FM and your hosts tonite are fatha Red
 Demon and divine styler trivial. Working the one and two's are yours trully
 Sweet mortimer Tee. Ill Give the tables to the Resident Dj Ramon next hour
so... Uhm we have the shit going on already so If you just tuned in, You can
call us on +1-555-lpsoul for shout outs and uhm... we got a caller on line 3,
             treesha from brooklyn, what are you up to tonight?

        treesha: Just chillin' listening to LPSOUL and you guys are just so
                 great, i mean. uhm like, WE mean you are the best. My friend
                 jennipha is here with me
      fatha rad: Aight thank you, Treesha and jenny representin' brooklyn! So
                 you have a request?
        treesha: Yeah, uhm play some Biggie smalls for me and my girlfriends!
      Fatha red: No problem, baby, you want to dedicate it to someone
        treesha: AIHHHHH yeah id like to dedicate it to my mom and pa' and my
                 friend monica and to Axeblade, you are sooooo cute!
      Fatha Red: Aight, Treesha from brooklyn, this one goes out to Axeblade,
                 who will pop by in the studio later on tonite. Right now
                 he's in boogie down A-Town and signing some papers But hell
                 pop by later on. Me and Trividinial will now let Sweet Daddy
                 Tee work the 1 & 2 and have him to play your request.

           Triv: all in effect!

      < break >

Aight Aight Aight, Youre listening to Daddy dolbee, Always True,
"unbelieveble" Notorious B.I.G.  rest in peace, For Axeblade from treesha
Brooklyn... We have a show here tonight at LPSOUL 103.5 FM Live and Direct
from the Ascii Lounge here... If youre up to it, drop in at #ascii and say
hello, me and fatha red demon and daddy tee on the one and two will be
delivering the bombs all night long. Call us on +1-555-lpsoul. In a while
well have axeblade down here for a sjitsjat and uhm... like... ramon will
also pop by with some bong,... bombs for ya' and uhm..... we have theo on
line one, Theo, where you calling from?

           Theo: Im calling from Lyon, France....
      REd demon: representing Lyon, so what can we play for you?
           theo: I want to hear some slammin' house!
      red demon: twang can we get some housevibes in here?
          twang: im on the case...
           triv: thats better, keep digging.... okay cut back!
           theo: ?
                      (deep house beat starts pumping)
      Red Demon: Theo in Lyon, we got some deep shit coming here tight now.
                 You want to dedicate this tune to someone?
           Theo: Uh, my posse, to all you in low profile um my girlfiend and
           triv: Aight deep soulful house requested by Theo in Lyon... Take
                 it away Tee!

                   .___.   _                  ___  ______ _
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          |                                           | \/_: ______   ___
          | mAKE sURE tO tUNE IN TO DIVAS iNC, tHE    :/   |/   _  \./ _/____
          | LATEST IN HOUSEMUSIC. THE EVERGREENS THE  |    |    /   |  \    /.
          | RARE, THE BEST. BROUGHT TO YOU BY LOW  _ _|____|___/____:__/_____|
          | PROFILE. OF COURSE ON LP-SOUL 103.5 FM \\\:t^/lp!

...Okay, were back, Sweet tee Dropped some serious shit there, What did you
play there, I guess Theo in Lyon, France where overwhelmed by that row of
Classics, What wa it Maceo?

    daddy twang: Aight Theo, We played, DJ Duke "Blow your Whistle", Eddie
                 Amedor "HouseMusic" after that i played A Roger Sanchez
                 version of House Of Virginism's "ill be there for you" and
                 Now Playig j.smooth "promised Land"...
      red Demon: Aight that was one of our resident Dj's Sweet mortimer Twang
                 working the decks... In a few minutes Ramon will take over
                 the 1 and 2 and let mortimer take 5.
             mt: woord!
      Red demon: Axeblade And trivial went out te get some beverage, In the
                 meantime me and mortimer will take a few requests. We have a
                 caller on line two.... Prince Oh-Gosh, our man in Rotterdam,
                 whats happening in the harbour tonite?
        oh-gosh: Were in full effect here. The Bgirlarmy is here, and bwoy
                 these new ones are fresh, mortimer, You just have to get
                 here me and brother Mahleek have full hands here. Can you
                 Drop down here after the show! Bring redje with you...
         mt&red: yah man!
             mt: you have the shit going on there we can tell, you want to
                 send out some shouts?
        Oh-Gosh: naaah, just wanted to call you up mortimer because i have
                 found the kaasboer girl you wanted...
             Mt: Shhhh!, paul were on the air here... ehm So you have a
                 request? What about the dutchteacheress I also requested?
                 She arrived at the scene yet?
        oh gosh: Yeah, you bet your ass she's here.  The Requests are taken
                 care of...  Better get here now!
             Mt: for you paul, anything brother! Ik ben gek op madeliefjes ya
                 know... Aight! Redje and Me will take a few more calls and
                 special requests and well grab a cab and be there in a
                 flash. well let axeblade and ramon take over the show...

If you just tuned in this is LPSOUL 103.5 FM livandirect! Playing Blazing
Hip Hop, RnB, House, Soul, Your Requests, you name it, Your host for a few
more minutes are yours trully sweet daddy twang and red demon...

.... The number is +1-555-lpsoul.

Ah, shit we have some breaking news here, There are rumours around that
axeblade apparently have joined style. ...... Rewind rewind....

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\_//____\_\_______\__/ /  /_______\_\___!_______\\ \______//_____//_______.//
                                      . · .   . · .   . · .   . · .       ¡
             ____                    ·red  · ·dark · ·     · ·daddy·      |
     ____   _\__ \ __ ____        .--·demon· ·   us· ·zorro· ·twang·------'
    /   /  /   /  \\//   /___     |   · . ·   · . ·   · . ·   · . ·
   /   /  /  _/    \/   /  _/     |   . · .   . · .   . · .   . · .
  / __/__/ ________    /\   \     |  ·mis  · ·triv · ·ramon· ·strat· foll
 /__\      \      /   //\\   \    `--·  fit· ·  ial· ·   e · ·   os·---.o
     \      \    /   //  \\   \       · . ·   · . ·   · . ·   · . ·    |w
      \______\  /____/    \____\          _ ______                     !
   __  __________        ____            _ ______/           _________  _
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   /___/     /  \   _/____ ____    /   /_________   \      ____\    \  /
            /___/\  \   _/    /   /             /____\     \    \    \/
 -So how is this  \  \  \    /   / if you all didnt   \     \    \    \
 collection coming \_____\  /___/ know you do know now!\_____\    \____\
 so far? -good? best? better?  ramon is hot, he has the styles you all .t
                           ¡                   ______  have wet dreams |h
        ______       ______|___ _      ______ /     / about.           |e
   ____/      \______\     !          /     //     /                  _| _
  /    \       \    /_\    |         /     //_____/                   \_\\\
 _\    _\______/   /   \___|        /_____/                            !l
 \_____\      /_________\  |                word out to repe for givin ·i
                   ______  |        ______ me a   ______          ____._n
Big up to guffaw__ \    /__|_,___ __\    / ___  __\    / ______ ./    ¡_e_
for support  /    \/   /   |/    ¡   \   \ ___)/_  \   \/      \¡    _/   \
on the tech-_\    _\_______|    _| _______\     /_______\       !____\    _\
nical tip,  \_____\        |____\        /_____/         \______/   \_____\
this cat gave me a cable or|  e                  copy of               .
sumthing sumthing to hook  !                              that dope ep |t
                         up: the tv to the miggy when my monitor died. |o
                           |                                           ¡
  Security memo  [MMO2847512445#-12SE. mission save kirvesnieminen]    |figure
  It has come to our knowledge that one of our agents, axebianca has   |
  been taken as hostage by the style syndicate oy. Style has a history |w
  of abusing their members in a to ALA PROFIILE OY standard is not     |h
  accepteble. We have reason to believe that KirvesBiance is in great  |e
  danger.                                                              |r
  we base this conclusion on the pictures of repe being drugged      . · .
  abused and and sexually abused time after time on the style       ·axe  ·
  orgies. We dont want to let this happen to a Alaprofiiiile Oy-    ·blade·
  agent.                                                             · . ·
  There is however a slight chance that äksbläid joined style of own   |i
  free will, this undercover operation will look into that aswell...   |s
  We have decided to send Trival and mortimer on an undecover mission  |a
  to the finlands capital, helsinki, where we have reason to believe   |t
. axeblade is beeing kept. See map, for furter info on the demographic |.
  and geographic analyzis...                                           |.
·                                                        .--.          |.
:             ..  .    ..:::.                            |LP|          |   :
:           ·:::::::. ::::::::·  .--.       .--.         `.-'          |   :
:            ::: :::.::::::::·   |LP|       |SE|    .:.  / ..::.       `---:-
:     ..     ...:   `:::::::·    `--\   ... `.-'  .:·:../::::::::::... ::: :
:.....::: ·:.:··::.  ::::::' ..      \.:::::/.  .::::::/::::::::::::::::::::
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:·:::::::::::.::::::·         .--/`: :..::::::::::::/::::::::::::::::::·  ::
:  ·:::::::::::::::           |LP|\.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·    :
:  ·:::::::::::::\--.         `--':::· `·:.::.:::::::::::::::::::::::  .:  :
:   ·::::::::::: ¡LP|            .·: .......:::::::::::::::::::::: ·  ::   :
:    ·:::::· ·:  `--'          ,:::::::::::: :::.::·:::::·:::::::·    .^-. :
:       ·::..  :.              :::::::::::::: :::·   ·:::  ::::       |LP| :
:          ··:. ....           ·::::::::::::::.·      ·: \ ·::·       `--' :
:             ::::::::.             /·::::::::·         · \  .  ·:         :
:            ·::::::::::.          / ::::::::             /  ·: ·     :::. :
:          .--/::::::::::       .-/. ::::::::. :      .--/.        .::..:  :
:          |LP¡·::::::::·       |LP|  ·:::::· :::     |hOS|      .::::::::::
:          `--' ::::::·         `--'   ·:::·   ·      `---'     ·:::::::::::
:              ·::::·                    ·                        ·  / ·:: :
:              :::·                                              .--/   ·  :
:               ::                                               |LP|      :
:..........::::  ·.                                              `--'      :
           :::: .--.                                                       :
           :::: |LP| = Low Profile Camp, Resource City, Or whatever.       :
           :::: `--'                                                       :
           :::: .--.                                                       :
           :::: |SE| = The style Oy center, and location where we believe  :
           :::: `--'   Axeblade is being kept hostage!                     :

              Based on information from secure sources, The style members
              are skilled killerascii makers that does it live and have their
              headquarters in the finnish capital named Helsinki (HKI).
                 The style members reigns in HKI with terror,
              Their organisation is very difficult to infiltrate. Attempts has
              been done before by the likes of Trivial and others.
                However this mission is different. We will send two wich we
              believe are two very qualified agents...
                They both have backgrounds that makes them suitable for this
         ¼¼½¼½¼½¼½¼½¡    mORTiMER    KRyLON fACtOR: [%         ] poor
         ¼½½½¾'   ½¼½              ROllAbLUNtsPEEd: [%%        ] poor
      _  _¼½¼' ! /¾'   ___         tOURiST fiNNiSH: [%%%%%%%%%%] excellent
  ___/_((____`-.¬'\ __/   )      pRO-sAUNA-mANNERS: [%%%%%%%%  ] good
 (    // (       \(( /___/         fINLANDSsVENSKA: [%%%%%%%%%%] excellent
  \__/____\       )_\__/            fiNNiSH tEMPER: [%%%%%%%%  ] good
           \  _    /                   aSKii SpEED: [%%        ] poor
            \_/    \  FiND tHE bAR oN SiLJA SKiLLS: [%%%%%%    ] mediocre
       ©Mt  /______(
           (_______/  Present Location: Daddy tee was sent by force to a
           (((_!_)))                    a secret LP soul surivivor training
                                        camp north of kokkola.
          (/   \_        tRiVIAL     KRyLON fACtOR: [%%%%%%%%%%] best
         ./     (.                 ROllAbLUNtsPEEd: [%%%%%%%%% ] good
         /____   /                 tOURiST fiNNiSH: [%%%%%     ] ok
   __    (_//_) /_ ©Mt           pRO-sAUNA-mANNERS: [%%%%%%%   ] ok
   ¶/     \._/-/-/\                fINLANDSsVENSKA: [%         ] terrible
 _/__\__ _/.     !\·_               fiNNiSH tEMPER: [%%%%      ] mediocre
 \ ) /_ )__!_____· ·)                  aSKii SpEED: [%%%%%%%%%%] best
 \_)__\/  \      /  \ FiND tHE bAR oN SiLJA SKiLLS: [%%%%%%%%%%] Off ze Scale
  `-'     /     /
       __/_____/__    Present Location: Trivial is sent with Daddy Tee to
       \___/      \_                    a secret LP soul surivivor training
           \_______/                    camp north of kokkola.

                                              ___     _______
                                              \  \   /       \
                                               \  \_/        /
                             fig.2b             \          _/
                                                 \   suomi \
                                            kokkola_        \.
                                                \  /        _|
                                                 \/         \
            mt grew up there------------------>__/         _/
                                             : \      tampere
                                               /            \
                                  jamaica.    /             /
                                       \_|    \____________/

        The Istructions They have are these:

        1. Take the Lopro controlled silja-extravaganzia to helsinki. Try
        to have a low profile in the bar, and avoid the karaoke.

        2. When arriving in Helsinki, stay low. just check in on the hotel
        sheraton. Do not go to Hartmanns and make fools of yourselves again.

        3. Rent a Lada (obs no beamers or any other car this is a direct
           order!) Drive cruise the mannerheim drive a few times to see if
           you can spot any of the members of style representatives. Do not
           draw any unnescessary attention to you asses...

        4. When you have spotted a style agent, try to follow him/them to
           the style camp.

        5. At the spycamp try to get a positive identification of Axeblade.
           Leave report to Ramon who will in the harbour at 0900...

        6. try to make contact with axeblade and figure out if he actually
           koined style by free force. If he did choose to join style under
           free will the mission is accoplished. If not. Proceed to step 7.

        7. If axeblade did not join you will call Orlingo, tell him this.
           "You have a job..." he will respond "yaya...".

        8. Hang up and try to leave the country within 3 hours. Do NOT go
           doing stickups on ALKO, you have creditcards for that. This is
           an direct order... Head for Aadam direct. No excursions!

                               . · .   ___  __  __  _.
                        .---  ·:: :.· /  _||  \|  \| | --------------------.
                        |     ·: ::.·|  |__| ¡ ! ¡ ! |  bREAKbEAtIN nEWS!  |
                        `----- ·:. ·  \______|\__|\__| - ------------------'

                     bY OWN fREE WILL?

  Word on the streets of Helsinki is that
  Legendary Axeblade Ex Hos, has left the
  prestigeuos and worldleading Low Profile
  for STYLE OY.... We have Our expert on
  the askii skene with us direct from
  amsterdam, the netherlands,
  Kelly McIntosh. Kelly what is the situation?

                              ::::::: :: :  :   :
                              : I am outside the Low Profile Head
                .--!-.        : Quarters here in amsterdam, and LP's
              .(  __ !        : Chief Secretary For Public Relations
             __  / ( (     ...: ,Lisa Cole just said that they declined
             )`- (!!` \         to make a statement at this time when
            (  __)_.) _)        the manegement were discussing eventual
             `-)\\_)\-'         intervenions and economical actions.
             _//(____)___         Roumours saying that lopro will sell
             \ \)__.(-- /       their 80% of the shares in NOQIA OY to
  kelly ---> (\(   _! ¯¯        Motorola or Son du'Eric have been heard
             `--\  \ \          on wall street NYC today.
             ©Mt|   \ \_        The shareholders are getting very
                !____\(/                  nervous
               /______\                   .....
               `------'                         Over to the studio---
                |                                              |
                |   ._______                ____         ______|__ .
            ____!___.\   /  ¡_____. _____  /    \______  \     |_
            \   /   |_______|     |_     |_\    _\     \__\   (__\
            |_______|        \   (__\____|______\   ____\   ______/
                ·     ASKEE   \___|              \__________\
                |                        _._ ____,             ·
                |           ,)¾½¼½¼½.      (/    \,            ¡
                |   ritva-> ½½¾½¾¾½¾½      |   _, ¡ <--kaisa   |
                |           ½¼½¼' ¾¼(      ! __)\ l            |
                |           `¼½'!!½¾'      \_)!!(_/            |
                | hyvä        _\_.'_       __\_./_             \
                \    iltaa   /)/_/,(       )     (__ iltaa     |
                |           ·(_  _) ·     _|(__  ) /           |
                |_________©Mt_)._(__ >____\ )     /____________|

                Ritva: welcome to asciiuutiset, todays headlines
                       are: Axeblade joins Style oy, the scene is 
                       in terror once again. will there be more
                       drive-bys, more wars, more tragedy, more

                Kaisa: Roumours about lowpro sending agents are
                       on the streets of boogiedown hki. We will
                       have an interview with an askee expert on
                       askiiwars. And maybe he can tell if there
                       is a risk that low profile will hire the renown
                       orlingo, from the divine stylers again.

                Ritva: Eye withnesses states that they saw mortimer
                       twang and trivial ykkönen go on board the
                       silja-extravaganzia in Stockholm 2 hours ago.
.____.                ___
|    |_ _________ ____\_ \. ______  ___       MEANWHiLE AT
|    ://    /  _//   __// |/  _   \/ _/_______ _
|    |_    /   \/    \|  _|   /   /  \_      ///--------------------------- -.
:\____/___/\    \________\:__/___/\___/______\¬m . t w a n g  s t u d i o s .|
`-------/________\t^/lp!-----------/   _/------------------.--.-.·.-- -_____-´
                            _ _____\__ \ ______  ____ _____|_ |·.. ·_ /   _///
.------------------------ --\\\_     /  \\    /_/   / \   _:/ |/ |.·_ \.  \ ¬
| l . o . w . . p . r . o . s  /    /\   \     /   /|  \  \|  | .·  /  |   \
`-----------------------------/___________\____\________\_____|_·|_____|\   \
  For those of ya'll that dont know, twang studios are the studios. /_______//
  from where the lpsoul is managed... Twang studios also hosts re- ·.
  lease parties. and all that superstars does...

       ____._       .½½¾¼.
      /    |_     .¼½¼¾½¾½.         _______
     |   __`(     ½¼½¼¼½½¾½         \_     \      ___________
    _j  / ) /     ½' `¼½¼½'          /     /_____¡      _    \
    \  ( \\(_     `// `¼¼'   _|...../     //           ¡/____/
     `--\_.)'     `¬.-'__     :     \__________________|     _______
      __)  (     /)/__/,(     :   _____:_  /\    .____       \_     \
      ) _   \____(_   _) \ .__:_ /     _/_/  \___|    \  ____ /     /_______.
 ©Mt^lP \__ \__   )   ( \ >|    \\     \        /      \/   _/     //       |
      (   /__ (_//_____)__ |___________/>      </___________\\______________|
   _.-)///._-¡-   \ /  _ \\   :        /___/\___\                        rDm
  /(  (__--..¦:::..\\ (·)/\\  :        :
 /  \______/)|··_·__\`____/_  :  L P  S: O  U  L  -  1 0 3. 5  F M\
/____________!_____//______/  :........:_
_ \_________/ ____ ____________________!
_\           /___//____________________¡_

...And we are back on the air again... Well We have now understood that
axebladenius aint out bying beveregeege... Uhm, And mortimer just left for
Kokkola with Trivial, We will have a live report from the silja extravaginzia
when they get to the bar... That leaves us to this... We are out for tonight,
we will leave you out chief of staff sexetarian, monique, to handle the decks
and the shout outs...

       monique: Monique here representing the Low profile steele. The main
                host had some business to take care of, but yours trully,
                Monique and Dj Treesha will be taking requests your calls and
                shit for now... in the meantime Dj Treesha has some hotshit
                on the wheels of steel, the real deal,
                that will make you feel...

    Dj Treesha: Honestly honestly ... honestly, this new plate from planet
                lork records is hot. Honestly, these beats are fresh, make
                that with a capital F. sounds def, nevertheless... Check this
                net joint out now....
        monique: yeah, lets.. And for ya'll that dont know, youre Listening
                 to WLPS Low pro Soul at 103.5 FM and im monique,

     Dj Treesha: and me be Dj treesha!

                 We out!

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... o1. dezibel               ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                     ..:::::..  Dezibel for the very same!
                                      ·:::::·   klin och fin like you wanted
                                        ·:·     it....
     ________                              ________
     \      /             _____      ______\      /  _______         _____.
  ____\     \______      /     \   _/_____//     /  /       \_______/     |
 /     \___/       \____/_     /___\      |     /___\    ____\     /      |
 \_________\    ____\    /________________!____/     \_____________\______|
            \____________\                 /_________/                  ©Mt

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... o2. Drugstore             ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::   drugstore for.... ehm was it
                                     ..:::::.. speedevil maybe? i hope so.
                                      ·:::::·  here it is anyway...

     _______                                                       ____ _
     \     /       _____________        ________        ____.     /_
 _____\    \____.__\    /       \   ____\      / _____ /    ¡______ \__ ©Mt
/      \__./    ¡   \   \        \ /     \     |/     \    _|      \_____
\_________¡    _|________\_______/_\     _\____!       \__/\    ____\   /
          !___/  \       ______\_________\      \______/    \____________\

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... o3. AeroHolics            ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::    aeroholics for the cologne
                                     ..:::::..  lorkers, yard sneakers,
                                      ·:::::·   art-rebels, innovators,
                                        ·:·     motivators....

                              ________         \_ ___  _\
  ________         _.______   \      /  ______   )\\ \  ( ©Mt
__\      /_____     !     /____·    /  /      \  _\\__·  \  _________ _____
\  \__/  /     \.__/   __/     \   /___\ _     \/  \ ____ \/        //     \
/________\   ___\  \___\        \_/     \/_____/    \\   \ ·  /____/_\     _\
 lP!      \_________\   \_______/ \_____/     /_____!·!!  \________________\
.------------------------------------------------- - (_- __) ---------------.
|                                                     `-°'                  |
|                                                                           |
!                                                                           |
       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... o4. Aeroholics File id    ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
                                //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::   Aeroholics File Id....
                                     ..:::::.. These cats have hot packs
                                      ·:::::·  check em out. Mt&t^ recommends
                                        ·:·    them paques nothing they lacks

 A 3 r O h O L i C S       ___________
          ________         \_       ./
  ________\      /    ______ \ ___. ! ___.
__\       /     /    /      \ \\  ! ·    ¡
\  \___/ ·/    /_____\    ___\ )·___( ©Mt¡
/_________\___/      _____\      |!      |
.             \______\           ·       |
|                                        |
|                                        |
|                                        |
|                                        |

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... o5. Ahs special treat     ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::   One of them requests saying,
                                     ..:::::.. Ey tee make us a logo with one
                                      ·:::::·  of them afro pimpsters, Well
                                        ·:·    i usually go, no way conny ray
                                               but if it is zaner on the line
                                                    it's more like luke: okay
                                                          let me take my time
                                                 ill it will end up juzz fine

                     _    ____
                   ..)¼¼¼(.  `
                  ¼¼½¼½¼¼½¼¼½½¾½  ÷ a ÷ 3 ÷ R ÷ o ÷ H ÷ o ÷ L ÷ ¡ ÷ C ÷ S ÷
        ____ _    !¼¼__ .__¼½¼½'
     ___\ _____   `½\__)(__/¼¼'                         _.______
   · _____\  _ \  (`½¼  -  ¼' )      ________         _.______ /
    \\ _ _\) \\ \  \_ `--o'__/.    __\      /_____     !     /____
_____ \\\\ \     __//\/)  \>  (    \  \__/  /     \.__/   __/     \  ____
\ _ _\_\ _   ___ \. !_/   / /\ \__ /________\   ___\  \___\        \    /___
_\\\\ \ \\ __\_(__) /    / <  !  /           \_________\   \_______/   //
\ \ _  \ ·(___/ \_/ |  _/  _)(_ _______                ___            ·/
 \ \\ . \  (__/__) /---\____\   \     /  ______       (___\__            lP!
    \    ·  `-'  !-)    _ (    ·/    /  /      \  ___/.     /________ _____
     \   ©Mt     _/     /  \ _//    /___\__     \/    |____/        //     \
      ·        _/      (____)) ____/     \/_____/     |   /   /____/_\     _\
               \_ _ _ __\!_\\      \_____/     /______!   \________________\

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... o6. Arcade                ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::   eyeyey, more raggaraskee
                                     ..:::::..  make them volvo maruders flee
                                      ·:::::·  however sir dezibel le dezible
                                        ·:·        im afraid im bound to be
               _.______                   \     /
        ________!     /______  ____________\    \.______
    _ __\      /   __/      /__\      /     \__./!      \_____ ___
   / \\  \__/  \___\       /__  \__/  \________¡\    ____\   /   /
   )_//________/   /_________/________/          \____________\\(

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... o7. Theralite             ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::  argus gainx and mighty will be
                                     ..:::::..      one day you all will see
                                      ·:::::·       theralite aint as fly as
                                        ·:·                LPSOUL kryptonite
_______./_     /  . ____     _.______ ________ ____     _______.______
\     _| /    /  /!     \_____!     /_\      /     ¡____\     _|      \_____
 \   (__\    /___\   ____\   /   __/   \__/  \     |     \   (__\  ____\   /
  \____!____/     \__________\___\ __________/\____|_____/\____!___________\

    ____       .                           µØ°
    \   \  ____¡_.                         ÆF                    r
    _\___\_\ _  _!____   ·            _µµÑÑØÞ                 o      k   ltd
___/ _ _    \\\_\ __ |___¡_      _,*^°¯#Ø#ØØF               l
   \_\\\_____\ \ \\\ !   |   __æ°¯     ¬ØØØØÞ  ___     __              _____
 silja extravanzia       |_  Ø J        ¶ØØØ#  \  \___/  \            /_   /
_________________________ /__# J lork    ØØØØ  _\  \      \            /  /__
                             M#Wµ_  lork ØØØØÞ \_____    __\_________   ___
                             ^¬#/ØÑw__ loØØØØÞ      `\____\   \  _  /___\ /
                                  ¬P¶ØæmwØØØƵmµw___      \____\________\\
                                     ¬°~   ¬¬ÆØØØ®ÆØ#m__               \__\
                                                    ¬#ÑMØ´ ¬°¶Ñm®2¶*wZZMm__
                                                      ¯¯        "¶ÑÑæµZ2MØØæ_
 värtasatama.... tukholma, ruotsi....        värtahamnen stocktown, sweden...
 Sneaking from the shadows on the cargobay... Low profile agents trivister
and honoureble mortimer tee gets on the silja extravaganzia unseen, or...?

 Some lost soul saw the two heroes sneak on to the ferry... This is due to
 the sad fact that SystemetPlastic bags are somehow designed to make the
 liquor to make so much noice as possible. How they managed to do this
 design to work is one the the questions lowpro scientists are close to

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... o8. Tommy                 ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::   tommy dont even think about
                                     ..:::::..                    quittin
                                      ·:::::·  u will be reminissin days in
                                        ·:·    divine stylers, we be hittin
                                                pack after pack and pack
            _______._     ________                          you will be back
           _\     _¡ _____\   _  /_____________   ________ _
          .\\\   (__\      \__/       \     _ /___\      ///-----.
       ___!_  \____!       / /______/__\____/      \     \____ __|__
          `/-------\______/                /_____/__\     \   \\-'
                               \           __________________\  ©Mt

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... o9. Zaner                 ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::     aber doch die presidenten
                                     ..:::::..    von distrubitionen im der
                                      ·:::::·      zonen wor ascii ist im
                                        ·:·           diskussionen...  eh...

                 ________       president of
         ________\      / d i s t r u b u t i o n ______     _.______
        /     \   \__/  \._________             _/      \____ !     /
       /_     /_________/         /      _______)   _____\   /   __/
        /______/        \___/    /_______\          _________\___\
            --------- -    /________________________\ ------ -

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 1o. Lork Ltd              ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::  KIM FÖR FAAAAN, PALLRA DIG
                                     ..:::::..  TiLLL GOTET då FOR FAN SÅ
                                      ·:::::·    MAN FÅR TAG PÅ DIG HAHAHA
                                        ·:·       SALLEEM ALEIKUM BROTHER!

                                 ________                  ________
       _______.       _.______  /_      / _______.         \      _\
       \      |________!     /   /     /  \      |____. ____\     \
        \     /       \   __/___/     /    \     /    |/_    \__._/
         \___/        /___\    /    _/_     \___/    (__/________\ ©Mt
             \_______/    /____\______/        /______|

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 1¹. not james hardkeks    ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::   apu what did happen to this
                                     ..:::::..   project ??? hehehe

                       .::.   N  O  T                       .::.
     ....             :::::             .:::..        ·::::.`:::.
      ....   .:::.   ·:::::   ..    .::::::::::. :::::  ·::::.:::.
 .::  ·::: .::::::. ·::·.:: .::: .:::·::::: ·::::::::     ::::::::
 ·:::. `:::::: ·::: :::  :::::::::::  ·::::.  `::::::       ·::::::...
  `::::.:::::   :::·:::  :::: :::::    :::::.   `::::.        :::::::·  ..::.
     ·::::. .....:::::·  :::: ::::·    ::::::.    ·:::       :::'    .:::::::
 ......`·::::·· ::::::   :::· ::::    ·:::`·:::.            :::' .::::'  .:::
 ::::::  `:::   ::::::   :::  ::::::::::::   `··:::...    .:::'.:::·   .:::'
 .::'    ::::   ::::::   :::  ·:::      .::::    ``·:::. ·:::        .:::'
::::     .:::  .::::::   :::   ·::      :::::........::'.:::·      .:::'
`::::::::::::..::: ...   ::·    `::::   `·::::::::::·'  ::::    .·::'
           `::::         ::                             ::::. .::·'
     _______                  ________                   ·::::::'
    /_     /  _________.______\     _/ _ ________         _ ________
     /    / __\       /!     / \    \ ///_      /_____   ///_      /
    /    /__\ _\___/  /   __/___\    \   /     /      \_____/     /_____
   /____/    \/_______\___\      \___/__/     /   _____\   /     /      \
        \____/             \________\  /    _/_\___________\   _/__     /__
  _________          _____________ /___\______/       /____/_____\/_______/
 _\       / _______ _\       (____\__
 ) \___/  \/       \  \___/  /      /_________               ©mt
 \_________\        \________\_____/         /      __________
  __________\_______/         ·    \___/    /_______\         \
  \           _____\                  /________________________\

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 1². T13N                  ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::  a treat for the king

             \          \
         _____\_____\    \__________
_______./_     / ________/         /
\     _¡ /____/ /_____\  ____/    / __
.\   (__\                   /_____\  /_____
¡ \____!                                  /·
|                                        ./
|                                        ¡
|                                        |
| _ __                                   |

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 1³. Giants                ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::  this next one goes out to
                                     ..:::::.. the king of lowcats. cats of
                                      ·:::::·   all cats in zweden... guffaw

                             : :: ::::::::::::.
                                   _ ______   :
                  ______        _________ /   :               ____
                 /      \ ______\       /· ©Mt:   ______._   /    \
   _________     \       \\___\_ \___/  \____ ·   \    _!____\  ___\
  /        /______\______/     /_________    \_____\  (_________\
 /______________________\\____/         /_____\     \___!
                                              \_____ _
                    : :: ::: :::::::::::::::::·

       ____._       .½½¾¼.
      /    |_     .¼½¼¾½¾½.         _______
     |   __`(     ½¼½¼¼½½¾½         \_     \      ___________
    _j  / ) /     ½' `¼½¼½'          /     /_____¡      _    \
    \  ( \\(_     `// `¼¼'   _|...../     //           ¡/____/
     `--\_.)'     `¬.-'__     :     \__________________|     _______
      __)  (     /)/__/,(     :   _____:_  /\    .____       \_     \
      ) _   \____(_   _) \ .__:_ /     _/_/  \___|    \  ____ /     /_______.
 ©Mt^lP \__ \__   )   ( \ >|    \\     \        /      \/   _/     //       |
      (   /__ (_//_____)__ |___________/>      </___________\\______________|
   _.-)///._-¡-   \ /  _ \\   :        /___/\___\                        rDm
  /(  (__--..¦:::..\\ (·)/\\  :        :
 /  \______/)|··_·__\`____/_  :  L P  S: O  U  L  -  1 0 3. 5  F M\
/____________!_____//______/  :........:_
_ \_________/ ____ ____________________!
_\           /___//____________________¡_

And were back again... youre tuned into double-u ell pee ess one o five point
five effem for those of you who just tuned in... stand by for some some more.

        Monique: We gonna tell you all what you just saw fly by, just incase
                 you missed it or were to loaded to get it... so far dj tresha
     Dj Treesha: thats me
        monique: aye
     Dj Treesha: word up yeah
        monique: we played
     Dj Treesha: dezibel the arcade homie
        monique: word word and after that decisevly funky one you dropped
                 one named drugstore right?
     Dj Treesha: yeah, it was drugstore designed to suit speedevil's board
                 or whatever. that logo was hot.
        monique: yeah, amen to that sister.
     Dj Treesha: then we played three special treats for the aeroholics crew
        monique: aeroholics crew representing
     Dj Treesha: cologne
        monique: eu du aerosol
     Dj Treesha: word up sis, then after that suite we dropped a remix of
                 the arcade logo the brother tee did just before he left for
                 that mission, salleem aleikum tee.
        monique: Salleem aleikum, tee... and to trivinen too.
     Dj Treesha: yeah.
        monique: oh we lost the line again, giggle.. nevertheless after that
                 theralite and a brief report from the vaerteharbour boogiedee
     Dj Treesha: After that Tommy for the very same
        monique: representing dual crew
     Dj Treesha: shinin'
        monique: blazin brothers. still representin the c64..
     Dj Treesha: ayee
        monique: then the mighty mighty mighty zaner
     Dj Treesha: main minister
        monique: the disciple
     Dj Treesha: of communication
        monique: of ageema blues, brothers representing the true
                 hiphop flavour in their own unique way....
     Dj Treesha: yeah they represent..
        monique: Lork limited after that joint
     Dj Treesha: Yeah Lork up in the place, then this wiiiiierd request by
                 apu again... once again ... not james t hardkeks... i dont
                 know who that hardkeks cat is, but he seems to be hot..
        monique: ayee.
     Dj Treesha: then I dropped these mint-fresh-rare special handouts for
                 the hero of lowcats in the swedish jungle on the highlands
        monique: yeah, it was a rare one "t13n" followed by a Giants logo for
     Dj Treesha: diskmags and shit.
        monique: Aye, And we will stop rambling here, sister take us back into
                 the mix!
     Dj Treesha: word up.
        monique: As mentioned before, this is Lopro Soul 103.5 FM. im monique
     Dj Treesha: im treesha
        monique: back into the mix sister.

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 14. r.n.o.                ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::   last night guffaw saved my
                                     ..:::::.. life from the win95 blues.

.__!     / rave network overscan
| /   __/___      __________
| \___\_    \_____\__       \ ___
|      /_____\      /________\   |
|             \_____\            |
|                                |
|                                |
|                                |
!                                |
|__ _                            |
  (( )___________________________!

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 15. Dybbuk                ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::  wierd name for a logo, but when
                                     ..:::::.. guffaw calls the shots you have
                                      ·:::::·   no choice.
     ________       _ ________
     \     _/_____ _ \\_     / ________             _ _________
      \    \     ///   /    /  \_     / _______     \\\_      /
 ______\    \    \____/    /____/    /  \     /___     /     / ©Mt
 \      \___/\    \   \___/    /    /___/_   /   /____/     /  ____________ _
  \________\__\____\__//______/\___/     /_______\ __/_____/___\         _/ /
     \          _____\          /_______/       /__\_____________________\

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 16. Style Oy              ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
                                       :::::    Your retailer in sauna,
                                     ..:::::..   steambaths, letkäjenkka
                                      ·:::::·     and askee...
                _________ _
        _______.\      _/ /                                _________
    ____\      . \     \    ______  _______                \      _/
   /    \\     |__\     \___\     \/       \_____    _______\     \____
  _\    __\   (___\\     \   \     \    ____\    \   \    _  \     \   \
  \_____\_______/___\_____\__/______\_____________\  _\_______\_____\__/
           \          ______\                        \          ______\
            \_________\                               \_________\       ©Mt

      S   T   Y   L   E       O   S   A   K   E   Y   H   T   I   Ö

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 17. Theralite File Id     ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
/                                      .....
                                       :::::  a little tasty treat for argus
     _ ______/ _ _/____
     \\\    /  \\\    / theralite
      /    /    /    / -----------.
     /____/    /____/ ©Mt         |
      .   \_____\                 |
      ¡                           |
       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 18. Scentic               ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
/                                      .....
                                       :::::   Dont knnow who ordered
                                     ..:::::..   this one... here it is
        ____         _______              _ _______    ______
     .-/    \ ____  /       \_____        \\\     /____\_  __\___  ---.
    _!_\    _\  __\_\    ____\    \_______ /     /      /  \     \©Mt |
    \\\_____\   \    \_____________\      /_____/ \____/\_________\ __!_
     `-------\________\ ----------- \_____\ ------------------------\-'

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 19. Scentic File id       ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
/                                      .....

    _       __          _ ______ _____
 . / \ __  /  \____ ©Mt \\     /_\_ __\__-.
_!_\ _\ _\_\  _\   \____ /    /   / \    \|
\\\__\  \   \_______\   /____/ \_/\_______!
 )----\______\-----\____\ ----------------(
 |                          s c e n t i c |
 `-[   ]----------------------------------'

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 2o. Axeblade              ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
/                                      .....
                                       :::::   This one goes without saying!
                                     ..:::::.. axeblade, get back into Lopro
                                      ·:::::·  (8 Lowpro agents are on the
                                        ·:·    case to get you back....

                _______       _________                  ________
  _________     \   __/___    \_      /  _______         \     _/______
 _\       /_____/  /      \____/     /  ¡     _/_______   \    \/      \.____
 / \___/  _\   /   \   ____\  /     /___|_   _\       /____\    \    ___\   /
/________/  \_/____/\_________\____/    !/__/  \___/ \      \___/\__________\
        /____/____\            /________/  /_________/\________\©Mt^Lp!

       .....                                       ______._           | _ /
       ..... 2¹. mono211               ............._,-' `-......... _!///
_______:::::__________________________::::::___ _  /      ) \_     :(....)
.......::::·                          ::::::      ( ______\_ (     ::::::::
                                    _ ......_      \(     \`   lP! .:·:::·
                                       .    /______ )\\ !  )_(      · ·
                                      /    /   _   \ _`¬.-'__ SOULSURVIVORS
                                     /    /_  /    ///(__//_(_   PART TWO
_ ___ ___                           / ©Mt  / /    / (     )/ / LOWPROSOUL FM
___ //__/                           \_____/ _____/   )     \ ) BEATS & SKITS
  // ____________________________ ____ /____\  _____/       )___________ __
 //_(                           //   /_..... __\                       //
/                                      .....
                                       :::::  goes without saying...
                          _________                    ______
  _______   _________     \      _/                   /_     \
  \   _ /___\        \_____\     \  _________    ____  /    _/___
 _ \__/      \________\     \_____\         /___/    \/    /     \ __
|    /     /__\        \_____\   /_________/   /__   /_____/     /   !

       ____._       .½½¾¼.
      /    |_     .¼½¼¾½¾½.         _______
     |   __`(     ½¼½¼¼½½¾½         \_     \      ___________
    _j  / ) /     ½' `¼½¼½'          /     /_____¡      _    \
    \  ( \\(_     `// `¼¼'   _|...../     //           ¡/____/
     `--\_.)'     `¬.-'__     :     \__________________|     _______
      __)  (     /)/__/,(     :   _____:_  /\    .____       \_     \
      ) _   \____(_   _) \ .__:_ /     _/_/  \___|    \  ____ /     /_______.
 ©Mt^lP \__ \__   )   ( \ >|    \\     \        /      \/   _/     //       |
      (   /__ (_//_____)__ |___________/>      </___________\\______________|
   _.-)///._-¡-   \ /  _ \\   :        /___/\___\                        rDm
  /(  (__--..¦:::..\\ (·)/\\  :        :
 /  \______/)|··_·__\`____/_  :  L P  S: O  U  L  -  1 0 3. 5  F M\
/____________!_____//______/  :........:_
_ \_________/ ____ ____________________!
_\           /___//____________________¡_

and we are back again, once again: your tuned into Lowpro Soul 103.5 FM.

Okey we are about to wrap it up for now and let misfit and stratos play
their sets here... But first we have to tell you all what you just saw...

     Dj Treesha: Since we last left you we started to kick off two more
                 of those only for guffaw pieces... RNO and that hot
                 "Dybbuk" one... That was a hot one...
        monique: Definatly, daddy has some wild moves from time to time
     Dj Treesha: yeaa...  well after that he made a
        monique: Style Oy
     Dj Treesha: oh why?
        monique: yeah thats some finnish abbrevatation or something i
                 dont know the tourist finnish as good as our daddy does.
     Dj Treesha: nevertheless, honestly that style logo was hot!
        monique: hope they will use it grin.
     Dj Treesha: ayee. after that a theralite file id
                 for those theralite players again..
        monique: then two fast scentic logos after after that what
                 can we say?
     Dj Treesha: Were Speechless...
        monique: Axeblade logo raw deluxe... he better use it :D
     Dj Treesha: yeah, i havent really felt good since you told me the
                 word that axeblade left...
        monique: snif
     Dj Treesha: snif
        monique: snif
     Dj Treesha: snif
        monique: well... we chose...snif to wrap the mix up with
     Dj Treesha: mono211
        monique: mono211 bboys and sisters... props out to them... peace..
     Dj Treesha: yeah we have daddy and ramone in mono211 to represent where
                 the love is coming from...
     Dj Treesha: Aight thats just about all for now... we better move on to
                 them creds..
        monique: Aight sister.... Lets Go:
     Dj Treesha: Lork Piece by trivial
        monique: this lovely LP SOUL logo next to us was made by 
                 by our tribefather and spiritual leader Red Demon
     Dj Treesha: Divas Inc logotype delivered by the notorious trivial again.
        monique: crazy cat
     Dj Treesha: Ramone showed us yet again how the letters are supposed to
                 be twisted in the, honestly, fat low profile piece in the 
        monique: twang studios, the ones were chillin in now...
     Dj Treesha: ...yet AGAIN trivial doing it real...
        monique: well that sums it up doesn't it?
     Dj Treesha: yeah... no personal shout outs or props.
        monique: On behalf of the whole Low profile organisation; we say
     Dj Treesha: props to all we know. Friends past
        monique: present
     Dj Treesha: and future.
        monique: We are out of here.... Stay tuned for more....
Okay, will trivial and mortimer manage to survive on the silja line
extravagzia cocktail bar alive? especially with those credit cards?

And if they do, will they be sober enought to meet up with style?

Who will booze who under the table? 

time will tell....

Peace out....


        S P A C E D - O U T  B B S  L i V E  F R O M  T H E  U K !
         FACTiON WHQ · LP! WHQ · FLT uKHQ · TRSi uKHQ . LFC uKHQ
            X! uKHQ · DC uKHQ · SOS uKHQ · Rj uKHQ · Lkr UKHQ 
                    « 19:02:55 » « 04-25-1999 » « 02 » 

  FUCK THE LAMERS!                  ((    
  kEEP AMiNET tO tHE AMiNET   _,,---.)\__     
  aND OFF tHE bOARDS!       ,'.          ""`. 
                           f.:               \     
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             ,-.|  ,'.::..):..    ,'"-'Y.     Y   EXiST! dOES nOT! mAKE
            f:.           \ ::.  '"'`--`      j   YOU oR yOUR bBS ELiTE
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                 `;;;;;;;;;:);;;;:::::...          /\;;;;:j
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         FACTiON WHQ · LP! WHQ · FLT uKHQ · TRSi uKHQ . LFC uKHQ
      X! uKHQ · DC uKHQ · SOS uKHQ · Rj uKHQ · FAiTH uKHQ . Lkr UKHQ 