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File size:
114 867 bytes (112.17K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 584



NeurAL neTworK v2.5 fiNaL vErsioN
cOpyright by sMokiN bRainZ aRt deziGn sTudio , Florida
Production mAnAgMent : 3rd rAiL mAtrix
MaiN Producer : rAMonA mUshRooM
cybErsPAce and Matrix 3D aNim : cybeR-siLLicOn La.

            virtual iNteLLigence Initiating / w8

877 SeSsionS rUnning , 3212 gRoups fOund , chEcking sTatus ...
sTatUs oK , uPdaTinG MatriX...0 % (in ProceSs)
100%...MatRiX sCaNneD , 8740 ObjEctS , fOuNd 12 New eNtries
AddiNg eNtries tO NeW-aDdS . dOne. cHecKin Msg^s . dOne
fOunD 16 NeW mEssAgeS...aDdiNG tO mSgaCt. dOne
cOnnEctiNg tO cyBerDecK , oNo sEndai 7.0 , initiating...reAdy



  We're troublesmokaz, that means, ive youve got complains, send them to
        tRiViALgANjAbASEmENt, vASSGATAN 7, 64435 tORSHALLA, sWEdEn
  If you think my style is too lookalike yours, please tell me and we'll
     do a driveby. If you agree with the following rulez, please enter
                     [ JUNKIE ] at the system prompt.

iCH bIn eIn:> ******


eNteR sEcurity cHecK 1 : LoW pROfiLe
eNteR sEcurity cHecK 2 : ***************

WeLcoMe tO thE Low ProfiLe maTriX unDergRounD , gRid 110,12x,nut.988
rEaL Location iN aMstErdaM cofFeesTraaT 12-28

gETTiNg lOW pROfiLe rEALtIMe uSERsTATiSTiCs... dONe
aUTo-RecoN mEMBER VIA sATELLiTe 291m04.Stc44!6.LP!....  dONe

WeLcoMe tRiviALiNko , bEk on TraCk aFtEr 12h and 13m...

cOmmaNd  mAtrix   sPLiT   sEcurity   dEPluG  lS tYPe


dECK1.MTXU.GR4.lP!-9.> tRiViALiNKo/

dECK1.MTXU.GR4.lP!-9.> tYPe lP!-hSOC.tXT

       .:........................................................:... . . .
        :                                                        :
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        :                                                        ·
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        :                                                        ·
        : l O W   p R O f i L e  · d A  s M O K A z  c H O I C e :
        ·                                                        :
     . .:....................................................... :... .
        ·                                                        :
     ...:.    tRiViALinKO · rAMONa mUShROOm · rEd dEMONsKIo      :    ·
     :  :     sTRATOlINA · lE'mISFITO · zORRiNKO sTRATIVSKi      :    !
     :  :                  gRANdPAh aXeBlAdINsKi                 :    :
     : .:................:.      .           .:..................:.. .:
     :  ·                :.......:............:
     :                           :            :
     .............................             ................ . . .
     .                           :             :
     :                           ..............:
     : "A HIGHER STATE OF        .     :
     :            CONCIOUSNESS"  :     !
     :                           .     |
     :...........................:     |
                                  _ _  :  _ _
                                  \\\\ : ////
                   o                 \\!//
             _____/_        _________ ø:   _____  _____   ______
             \   /__________\___    // :_/_\_   \_\_   \ /  __  \
            /   /   /  __  \   /    /  ·/  _/   / |/   //   /   /
     _ __  /   /   /   /   /  /\   /_ _/   \___/  /   /_   /   / __ _
         \\\______/   /   /___/\___\\\\____/ /    \____/______///
                t!\______/             :   _/_____|
               .____                   !   /
      _________|  _/__ ________:___ ___:__o_____  __ ___  __________
      \  ____  \ _|   |_ ______|_  \  _  /_\._  \(_/  _/_|  ____  _/_
      |  _/-|   \\_   ./ _/-|  |/  / _|  |  |/  /  .___  |  _/-(___  |
      |  |  | \   |   |  |  |  /  /. \___|  /  /.  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
      :\____|  \__|__/:\____|__\___|\__) |__\___|_/:\____|\____|____/:
            |__|                       :
                                       ·____________________ _________________
                                       :     LOW PRO ENTERPRISES
____________________________________ _ :
                                     _ : _
                       |                              |
                       |                              |          _________
                       |                           /\ |          \        |
                       |        /\      ______    /  \|  _________\       |
 ___________________   |       /  \ ____\     \  /   \\ _\______   \      |
 \___________      /___|_____ /   \\     \    _\_\____/_      _     \ ____|
    /      |/_____/_\__     /_\____/_ ________\         \___________/
   /_______|        __/   _/_        \         \_________\nK
           |________\        \________\               |
                     \________\                       |
                       |                              |
                       |                              |
                                       |_ _ ____________________________ _ ____

        _                              |                                     _
    ___\/. ___________ __________  ____:_______________ ______________ ___ _ /
t^./     |/     _    /.\        /_/    _    /     _   ·\\
  :      |      /     |          /     /   /:     /    \\\  I . N . T . R . O
 _|______:_____/_________________\__ _ \____|____________\\____________ _ ___
.\:                                 \\\|///                                 /.
:If you met an ascii artist, wouldn't you want to know what got him high or  |
| what sounds did he dance to, or what was his style and what was in his     :
| stash box?. .. We speak ascii!. With the ascii we were on the threshold    |
|of something but now the secret is out!. It has happened. The mothership    |
|has landed. We have entered the realm of scienced ascii's. Hyperdimensional |
!ised, computers with feelings, molecular holograms floating in realtime...  :
: Exploding kaleidoscopic aural asciiscapes. this ascii is from outaspace    .
|that you tune into through your innaspace. Wobbly, wriggly wiggly, chrunchy |
|rubbery and unreadeble ascii's that are probing psychotropical frontiers    |
|and tuning us into our shamanistic resonances once again. So let your self  |
|  be hypnotised and get hip to the asciitrip  coz [L]owpro is kickin it     !
: free[S]tyle and wil[D]. ............................. Outtahere - Trivi    :
:___                                 :.:..........                        ___:
 _ / __________________________________:_________:_______________________ \ _
///_(                                  :.........:                       )_\\\
                                       :_ ______________________ _
             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: aLtERN dIZ          |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAL           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                _______  ___________  ______  ___________
               .\  _  /./    /\    /_/ _   /:/ _   /   _ \.
               | _ /   |    /.      /  /__/ |  /  /.   /  |
               | \\\___|_____|______\_______|  \___|__/___|
               |                                          :
               |                                          |
               |                                          |
               |_ _                                    _ _|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: aLTERn dIz          |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAl           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

              -- -_________  ___________________-- -----(.
                 /   _    /./         /\       /_ Altern :
              t^/  _ /     |_        /.         /        :
               /   \\\_____:/_________|_________\Presents|
              /________\------------------------------ --·
              :                                          |
              |                                          !
              |                                          :
              |_ _                                    _ _|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: aLTERn              |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAl           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

            _ _ __                       __ _ _
           .)\\\\(----( A l T E R n )----)////(.           _________
           |                      ___________  :         ./     _   \. _ __ _
    _______|__         __________/  _       / .|_________|_     /    |/
   /    _    /. _______\_       /_  /______/  :/   _      /____/     |
  /   _ /     |/        /        /____________|    /     /.   /_________ __ _
./    \\\_____|        /.________\           /     \______|
l_________\| /__________|                   /________|
           :                                   |
         t^|                        :          |lp!
           |_                       !_ _      _:
           :/_______ _:             |///------\:
                    \\:             :
                      .             ·

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: tAXi                |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: wEEd             /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                  _ _                           _ _
                 |    __________       _________  _:
         ________|_  /    _    /. _____\__     /__\/___·
        _\        /_/   _ /     |/    _ _/    /       /:
        \          /    \\\_____|     \\\_    \        |
        /__________\________\  /_________|     \_______|
               t^|                    /_________\  |lp!
                 |                                 :
                 :_ _                           _ _|
                 ://(-( t A X i / a L T E R n )-)\\:

                     erheahre.... sux major.. hate X's

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: sHAdOWlANdS         |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: lSD              /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

     _ _                                                             _ _
    .)\\-------------------( s h a d o w l a n d s )----------- -----//(·
    :         :               ________             __________           :
  __|__       |\____. _______/  _    /. __________/         ·\  /|____  :
./    /_______|    _|/      /   /     |/    ._   /.          \\/     /__.____
|_           /.    \       /.   \_____|_    |/    |____________\    /\      /.
:/____________|    /________|_____\   :/__________|          /______/\_______|
    :         l______\                                                  |
    |                                                                   |
    |        ________          ________             _____               |
    |      ./       /_________/    _   \. _________/    /_______        |
    :      |       /.   _    /.    /    |/  ._    /._          /.       |_ _
   _.      : _______|   /     |___/_____|_  |/     :/__________ |t^     .//
  \\.      |/     /     \_____|         :/_________|           \|       |
    |      :     /________\                                     :       :
    |      .                                                            :
    :_ _                                                             _ _:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: tOP tEn             |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAL           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

 _ _________  __________   _____________ _________  ___________  _________ __
.)_\       /_/     _    \./    _       /_\       /_/   _      /./     _   \.(.
| \         /      /     |_    / _____/ \         /    /_____/ :      /    | |
: /_________\____________:/______\t^    /_________\____________:_____/_____| |

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: tOP 1o wEEk         |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASH             /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                        ________   _____
 _______      __________\__     \./  ._ \. _____   _________       .____. _____
_\     /_____/__   _     /|      |   |/  |/    /__/_. _    /.______|_   |/    /
\       /      ·\  / ___/ |     _|   /   |    /\    | /___/ :  _    /   /    /.
/_______\       \\___\  t^|_____\:_______|____/\____|_______:  /___/ :__\_____|
    /_____________\                                          \_________:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: oNElInEr            |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASh             /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

    _ _                          ________  _                      __________
   .)\\-- -_________- - -------./       /_\/. ________---- - ----/    _    /
   :______/     _   \. ________|_      /.   |/    _   \. _______/__   /   / :
  /      ·\     /    |/   _     /.______|   |     /    |/   _     /.  \_____|
 /        \\___/_____|    /____/ :/_________|____/_____|    /____/ |___|
/___________\       \____________:                  t^\____________:   :
   `-------------------------------[ OneLiner!]------------------------'

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: aCHLYs              |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: LsD              /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                   _ _                                              _ _
                  .)\\-------------( a  c  h  l  y  s )-------------//(.
                  |                                                    :
                  :                                                    |
                  :        .______. _______        ________            ·
     __________  _|___     |   _ _|/      /_______/       /_____. _____:
    /    _    /./   _/_____:_  \\\_      /       /       /|     |/    /______
   /    _/     |    \       /.    /     /.      /.______        |_           \.
  /     \______|____/________|   /_______|_______|     /________:/____________|
 /________\       :        l______|                                    :
                  |                     .                              |
                  |                     ·        .                     |
                  |_ _                  : _    _ :                  _ _|
                  ://(------------------:-\ t^ /-·------------- ----)\\:
                                        :        :
                                        .        :

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: aEROsOULs           |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: LsD              /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                                     _ _                               _ _
                                    .)\\-----( a e r o s o u l s )-----//(.
                                    .                                     :
    ______  _______  ____________   :__      _____   _____     __________ .
   /  _  /./ _    /./ _    /  _  \./  /___ ./  _  \./    /___./     /   /____
  /  _/   |_ /___/ :  /   /.  /   |_      \|   /   |    /|   |     /._       \.
 /   \____:/_______:  \____|______:/_______|_______|_________|______:/________|
/______\         /_____|          t^:                                     :
                                    |                                     .
                                    |                                     |
                                    |                                     |
                                    :                                     |
                                    ._ _                               _ _:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: fILE aREAs          |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: LsD              /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

 .________        _    .____________________
 |       /_______\/___ |         / ._       \...............:........ .
 |       \/           \|        /  |/        |_ _ ____ _ fiLE aREAs   :
_: _______\  t^/lP!    |_      /.  /_________|////_____(·····.........:
 :      /______________|(_______|_____\\                    :
          :                                                 :
       _ _:           [1] dEAD fAMILY mEMBERs               :
       \\\.           [2] sUiCiDEs                          :_ _
          ·           [3] mAFFiA mASSmURDERs                .///
          :    ___ .___________________          ___ ._____ :
       ___:____\  \|   _      /._      \. _______\  \|    /_:____
     ./      _     |   /     / |/       |/     _     |__         \.
     |       /     |  /     /. /________|      /     | /          |_ _
     |_____________|__\______|____\\    |___________ :/___________|///

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: bOONdOCKs           |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: gRAss            /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

     _ _                                                               _ _
    :                                   ___________t^/lp!                 |
    |_____       __________            /     ._   /. __ ___ _ _______ __ _:_
  ._\__  /______/         ·\  ________/_     |/    |/                    //
  |_  /        /.          \\/         ·\____/     |  b O O N d O C K S
  :/__\_________|____________\          \\  /___________ __ _ _ _______ _ :
    :                      /______________\                               |
    |                                                                     |
    |                                                                     |
    |                                                  _____              |
    :    __________            _____      ._____.    ./    /_______       |
    :  ./   ._    /. _________/   _/______|     | ___|___         /.      |
    .  |_   |/     |/        ·\   \      /.     |/     //__________|      |
    |  :/__________|          \\__/_______|     /     /.                 _|
    |             /_____________\         |     \______|                 \:
    :                                     l_____|                         :
    ._ _                                                               _ _!

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: bOONdOCKs           |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: pROPAvAN         /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                   __· b O O N d O C k S  b B s ·__
             ____ / /____________________________\ \ ____
            ·)  // //                            \\ \\   (.
    ·  _____:___  /                  __________    \      :
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    |     /             //    ._   ·     |/    \\/     _    \.
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            ·          /______________\t^/lp!  /______/      |_  _
            :.______.                                /_________\\\
    ________||_     | __________               ._____. ___:__
    \       __/     |/    ._   ·\  _____       |     |/     /_____
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      \__________________________     \       /|     \_______            /.
            |                   /_____/_______________|   !/______________|
            :                                             :
            |                                             |
            |                                             !
            :   _                                     _   :
            :_ //_                                   _\\ _|
            :/// /_ _______________________________ _\ \\\:
              /_/ //                               \\ \_\

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: ciTY oF jOy         |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: cANt REMEMbEr    /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

              -:---------[· c I T Y  O F  j O Y ·]-------:-
               :                                         :
           ____:             _       .__________         :
          .\ _/:_____   ____\/_______|         /_______ .:_____.
          |  \       \./            \_        /        \|      |
          |_          | t^/lP!       |       /.___________     |
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               :                                         :
               :                                         :
               :                                         :

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: dAT & pSt           |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASh             /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                                         ____________ _______ _\\_:
               __________             t^:        d A T A  d I V I s I O n
     _________/    _    /._________  ___:______
   ./   ._   /. _ _/     |\       /_/    _    /.           a N D
   |_   |/    | \\\______|         /  _ _/     |
   :/_________|_____\    /_________\  \\\______|     p R O s P E c T
                                        :            p R E S E N T s
             _                  _       .         _
            _\_                _/_      .        _\_
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|_   |/    |     \    /|     |      \_         \.     \    /    |_    /   |
:/_________|      \__________|       /__________|      \________:/___/____|
       /___________\      /___________\ :   /___________\

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: fLAMe sTRiKe        |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: LsD              /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                  _.___ ______ _ _:      :_ ______ _____._
                   ·            \\:      |//            :
     _ _ ___    ___:__  ______________  ___  ____  _____!___  _ _ _ _
       //   \../     /_/      /   _  /./  _\/   /./  _     /./  //
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 // //  \../  /_____\      /_/   _     /     |    |/    /  _    /./  //
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                   !                          ·         !
                   |___________:_ _        _ _|_________|
                              (|///        \\\:)
                               .              :

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: hOUSe OF pAin       |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASh             /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                          _ _                                     _ _
                         .)\\---( mOTHERfUCKIn hOUSE oF pAIn! )---//(.
_________. _______       :  _______        ______                    |
        _|/      /_______|_/      /______./     /_______  ___________:  _______
        \_      /.._      ·\     /|      |_            /./    _      /./
         /_______||/       \\____________:/_____________|_    /_______|
__________\   /______________\ t^/lp!                   :/______________ ______
                         |                               _           :
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   /        ·\/         /_   /  _        /    _    /./      |/    _      /
  /          \\          / ./   /    ___/   _ /     |       |_    /     /.
 /_____________\_________\ |_________\ /    \\\_____|_______:/___/_______|
                         :            /_________\                    |
                         |                                           :
                         |                                           |
                         :                                           |
                         |                                           |
                         :                                           |
                         |_                                         _|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: tOPuLERs            |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORmAL           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

 ________  ______  _______________      ________________  _____________
_\      /_/   _  \/  _      /    /____./      /  _     /./  _     /   /______
\        /    /   \  /  ___/    /|    |_     /.  /____/ |   /    /._         \.
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· ·------- - ---------------------------------------t^/______|-------- ------··

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: lSD DIZ             |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASH             /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

  ________           _________
./       /_____    ./   ._   /.------------.
|_      /.    /____|__  |/    | l E E d S  :
:/_______|_          /._______|  sOFTWARE  |
· t^/lp! :/___________|       :dISTRIBUTIOn:
:------------ --- -------------------------·
:        Smacks yar bitch up with:         :
|                                          |
|   AMFETAMINE PSYCHOSIS (Trainer +146)    |
|_ _ _                                _ _ _:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: lSD dIZ             |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: dAY aFTAh tRIp   /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

     ___________        _               _ _
.--./          /_______-)\-( LSD 1997 )-//(.
:t^|_         /.      /________            |
|  :/__________|_             /. __________:
|              :/______________|/    ._   /.
:                             |_     |/    |
|                             :/___________|
|                                          :
|_ _                                    _ _|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: lSD dIZ             |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: dAY aFTAh tRip   /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

       _________           _________
     ./        /______   ./   ._   /.t^
   _.|_       /.     /___|__  |/    |._
.--\|:/________|_          /._______||/----.
 |                                       |
 |     _       LSD BRINGS YOU:      _    |
 ·   _( )_                        _( )_  |
 |  (__O__)     Heroin Kings!    (__O__) |
 |_  ·-|-·      (Trainer +41)     ·-|-· _|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: lSD dIZ             |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAL           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

  _________  _                          _ _
./        /t^/--------------------------//(.
|_       /. Leeds Software Distribution 97 |
./    /_____                               :
|__        /.                              |
 /__________|                              |
./   ._    /.                              |
|_   |/     |                           _ _:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: nEPtUNe             |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASh             /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                 ______ ______ _:       :_______________
         ______ .)______________·____  _:___     ______(. _______
       ./   _  \:/ _    / _    /    /_/_   /___:/    _ \:/ _    /
       |_   /   |_ /___/. / __/      ///  /|   |_    /  |_ /___/.
              t^:               .                       :lp!
                |____ _       _ :       · _      _______!
                       )______\\:       ://______(
                                :       .

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: sTYLe sUPERwANKAz   |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASh             /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                                                   _     _
                                        _ _______\         /_______ _
                                      .)                             (.
                                      |                               |
                                      |                               |
                ____    ________  ____|_     ________________         :
              ./   /____\      /_/     /____/      /   _    /         .
          _ _.|_       \.       /     /    /      /.   /   /.._ _     |
          \\\|:/________|_______\_______  /\_______|________||///     |
                                   /_____/                            |
                                      |                               !
                                      !                               |
               ____    ______      ___:_____________ ________         .
             ./   /___/     /____./  _     / _     //  _    /         !
             |_       \.   /|    |   / ___/  /____/:   /   /:         |
           t^:/________|_________|_____\ l_________|___\____|         |
                                      !                               !
                                      :                               :
                                      ·                               :
     _  _____     ________  ______ .__:_. ______________       ___   _.
     ///    /____/   _   /./   _  \|    |/     /   _   /. _____\  \.\\|
      /    /\    \   /    |    /   |    /     /.   /    |/        _|  |
      \____/\_____\  \____|___/    |____\______|   \____|_________\:  |
                l_____|     /________\|       |_____|                 .
                                      |                               |
                                      |                               |
                                      :                               |

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: fOLAR               |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAl           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

____________    ______  /   · \  ________________  _________  ______________.
            \../     /_/     \ \/       /   _   /./   _    /./              |
 f o l a r   ||_      /       \ \.     /.   /    |    /   /:|   s t y l e   |
_____________|:/______\__________|______|   \____|____\____||_______________|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: kIRKONUMMi          |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: dEPRESSEd        /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                                                      _             _·
                                      _________________\\ Kyrkslätt \\:
                                     .)                               |
                            _        |                                :
              .____. ______\/_   ____:_______. ___________            .
              |    |/    /    \./  _    /    |/    /   _  \.          :
              |    /    /.    _|   /   /.    /    /.   /   |          :
              l____\_____|____\:___\____|____\_____|_______|          .
                                   t^:                                |
                                     |                                |
                                     |                                |
                                     !                    _           !
               ______   _____     ___: ____  ___  ____  _\/_          :
             ./   _  \./    /___./  _\/   /./  _\/   /./    \.        .
             |    /   |    /|   |   \ _    |   \ _    |     _|        |
             l___/____|_________|____\/____|____\/____|_____\: ·      |
                                     |                 ·       :_    _|
                                     :_               _.       :/____\
                                      /_______________\:       :

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: sK··L ·f HARdKn·cKs |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: hASH+gRASs       /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

    _ _                                _ _
   .)\\---( sKOOl oF hARdKNoCkS )------//(.
   |        .______.                      |     _________
   |        |      |        _______       |    /        /
   |____    |      | ______/      ·\  ____|___/        /.
 ./    /____|_     |/     /        \\/       ·\_________|
 |_          /.    /     /.__________\        \\   .    _    .
 :/___________|    \______|        /____________\   .  /¬\ o
   |        |      |      ________        |       O   / O \ · °
   |        |      |     /       ·\  _____:__      · / o. o\  ÷
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   !     \\\.      |   /____________\        ///     ¬°/.\°¬
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   · t^/lP! |      | ________            _:_________/  ._    /.
   .        |   _ _|/       /___________/   _      /   |/     |
   .        |   \\\_       /.    _     /.   /     /.__________|
            |      |________|  _ /      |   \______|____.
   .        |      |      /    \\\______|_____|   |     | _____ ____
   |        |      |     /_________\      ____    |     |/    //   /_____
   !        |      | ______      ________/  _/____|_    /    /._         \.
   |        |      |/     /_____/       ·\  \      /.   \_____:/__________|
   :        | _ _  /     /.  _  \.       \\_/_______|   |        _( )_
   .        | \    \______|  /   |_________\      l_____|       (__O__)
   |_    ·  l__\___|  /_____/____|     _ _|                      ¬-|-¬ _ _
   :/____:______\                       \\________ _ ______ ______\|/_ \ _
         |_ _                                                           \ _
          ///----------( a rAMoNa mUShRooM pROdUctIOn fOR lO'pRO 1997 )--\\\

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: mANiAcS             |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

       _ _                     _ _
      .)\\--( m A N i A C s )--//(.
      |                           : _
     _:_  ____  _______  ______   _\/_. _______  ____      ____
   ./  _\/   /./  _   /./   _  \./    |/  _   /./  _/_____/   /_____
   |   \   _  | _ /    |    /   |     | _ /    |   \     /._       /.
   l____\  /__| \\\____|___/____|     | \\\____|___/______:/________|
    t^|  \//________\         /_______|_____\lp!
      !                           |
      :                           :
      |_ _                     _ _|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: bUMbLE bEE lANd     |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sLOW tHINKINg    /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                    _______ ___ _ _:      :_ ____ ___ _ _
                   .)            \\:      .//           (.
         _____     :_____     ___  ___  _____     _______:_________
       ._\ _ /____/     /___./  _\/  /._\ _ /____/       /  _     /
       |  _)      \    /|   |_  \ _   |  _)      \      /.  /____/.
                 t^:                                     :_ _lp!
                   !   [ B U M B L E  B E E  L A N D ]   |//
                   !                                     |
      _____     ___:_____________     _____________  ____:_   ______
    ._\ _ /____/  _     / _     /   ./     /  _   /./   _  \./ ._  /.
    |  _)      \  /____/. /____/.   |_    /.  /    |_   /   |_ |/   |
    l__\________\_______|_______|   :/_____|__\____:/__/____:/______|
                   ·                                     !
                   : [ LIGHTFORCE · SHELTER · BLA BLAH ] :
                _ _|                                     |
                \\\|_             _·      .             _:
                   :/____________\\:      :_ ___________\·
                                   :      !//

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: wiZkId              |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

        _ _                .·.... .  .  ..  . ..      _
       .)\\-- - ---  _ _ _  :                  !  ___\/.
       |         ___\/.///····_____            | /     | ___________   _______
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  \\ .____/\______|  \|   _    _    |     \______|_____\ t^/lp!    \||________
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     : |               \   \  /                !///      ·
       |                ·   \/                 |
       |_ _ _                             _ _ _|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: zYMoSiS bOOZiNg sOc.|
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

          _ _                                                       _ _
         .)\\--------( Zymosis Boozing Society World Hq! )--- _-----//(.
         :___   ______      ___  ____  ______   _____       _\/_. _____:
   ______\   \./     /____./  _\/   /./   _  \./    /____ ./    |/    /____
 ./          _|_    /|   _|   \   _  |    /   |_         \|    _|_         \.
 |___________\:/_________\:____\  /__|________:/__________|____\:/__________|
       t^!                      \/                  _                  !lp!
      ___:__      _______   ______         ____   _\/_. ______   ____  |
    ._\__  /_____/   _   \./   _  \. ______\   \./    |/   _  \./  _/_____
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         :                             _                               :
        ____       ______   ____     _\/_. _________ _______  ______   .
      ./   /____ ./  _   \./  _/____/    |/  _     /.\     /_/     /____.
      |_        \|   /    |_  \    /.   _|   /____/ !       /_    /|   _|
         :                                                             |
         :_ _ _                                                   _ _ _|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: tRELLi IKOjENiA     |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

            _ _                                              _ _
           :)\\-------( T r e l l i  I k o j e n i a )-------//(.  _
        ___|______  _____________________   __________________ _:_\/.
       _\        /_/   _      /   _     / ./        /        //     |
       \          /    /     /.   /____/  :_       /._      /.      |
       /__________\    \______|___________:/________:/_______|     _|
           :    /_______|                                  /_______\:
      _  t^!                                                    :  _ lp!
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       |     |/      /   · \______|     |/  _     /./    _   \./    |/   _   /_
       :     /      /.    \ \    /|    _|   /____/ |     /    |     |    /
      _|_____\_______|     \ \_________\:__________:____/_____|    _|    \_____
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        \\\:                                                    |_ _
           :                                                    :///
           |_ _                                              _ _|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: sYsTEM pW           |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: lSD              /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

       _ _                                                             _ _
      .)\\-----( bla bla bla bla bla bbs! )----------------------------//(.
    __:_          _______                            ___________ t^/lp!   :
  ./   /______   /      /__. _____      __________  /  _       / ____  ___·__
  |_          \./      /   |/    /______\        /_/   /______/:/   _\/     /.
  :/___________:_________  |_          \.         /____________:    \   _    |
      :               -----:/___________|_________\          /_______\  /____:
     _:                                                               \/  |
     \.   This is a private system for the exclusive use of our members   |
      |   any attempt at illegal entry,  hacking, or access other than    :_ _
      |   by authorization is a violation of federal regulations  and a   _//
      :     violation of members rights such as free speech & privacy.    :
      :No person is to violate FCC or any other   ________  copyright laws|
      | If you agree Enter YES at the   _____    /       ·\  _________    |
      |             ____ system prompt /    /___/__.      \\/  _     /____:__
    __:_______     /   /_____   ____  /    /\      |________\  /    /.  ._   \.
   /  _      /____/_         \_/   /_/_____/\      :      /    \_____|  |/    |
 ./   / ____/ _   :/__________/_         \.  \_____·     /______| /___________|
 |______\/    /     :         :/__________|                          _ _ _|
      : /     \_____|----------------------( r e g u l a t i o n s )--))\\:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: sOUtH cENTrAL       |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: pENGUin          /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                                        __________ _·          ._ _________
                                       .)         \\:          ://        (.
                                       :                                   |
                                  _____:              ______. _______ _    |
            ____       ________  /     /_____._______/_    _|/      //     |
          ./   /______/      · \/     /|     |\       /_   \_      /.      :_
          :_          \.      \ \____________|         /    /_______|      .//
          :/___________|       \ \   t^:    /__________\_____\             |
                   /______________\    !                                   |
                                       |                                   |
                                       ·                                   :
             _ __________         _____:_____             _________  ______._
    ____     //   _     /. _______\__       /_ __________/   _    /./       /
  ./  _/_____/    /____/ :/   _     /        //   _     /    /     |       /.
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                      /________|       .  /________|                       |
                                       !                                   :
                                       |_                                 _.

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: lA sHAWn            |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: lSD              /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                           _ _                                        _ _
                          .)\\-------( gothenburg lsd meister )-------//(.
                          |                                              :
                          :                           __________         |
                          :        ._____. _______    \        /______   |
    _________           _____      |    _|/      /_____\___   /\      \  |
  ./        /_________ /    /_____ |    \_      /.  _     /.__/\       \_____
  |_       /.  _     /._          \|     /_______|  /      |  ./\_______\    \.
  :/________|  /      :/___________|______\  /      \______|  |       /       |
        /      \______| t^.                 /_________\       |______/        |
       /_________\        :                                         /_________|
                          |                                              :
                          |                                              .
                          :_ _                                        _ _|
                          ://(-------( pops up in front of you )------)\\:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: jUjU                |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: wEEd             /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                 _ _                                            _ _
                .)\\--------(    Da Jormas World Hq!    )-------//(.
                :                                                  :t^/lp!
                ._______. _______                ._______. _______ :
        ________|       |/      /______._________|       |/      /______.
       .\      /|      _|      /|      :\       /|      _|      /|      |
                ·                                                  :
             _ _:                                                  .
              \\.                                                  :_ _
                |                                                  .//
                |                                                  |
                :                                                  :
                :_ _                                            _ _:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: hOUSe oF pAIn       |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: scHtOWNEd        /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

        _                                                _ _
       .)\\---------( h O U s E  o F  p A I n )----------//(.
       :           _________                 ______ t^/lp!  :
_______:. ________/        ·\  _______     ./     /______  _!_________
       _|/       /          \\/      /_____|_           /./   _      /____ ___
       \_       /.____________\     /|     :/____________|    /_____/
        |________|          /______________:           \___________________ _ _
_________\                  __________                      |
       !                   /         ·\  _________          |
       :                  /           \\/        /_         :
       |                 /______________\         /         .
       |                        _     /___________\
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    _        //    _     /./     |/   ._     /
    / ______/      /      |     _|    |/    /.              .              _ _ _
________\  /       \______|_____\:____/      |              .              \
       |  /__________\               /_______:_ ____________:__ _______  _ _\\
       :                                     :              :
       |                                     ·              |
       :        Chill [·] Cja [.] Thaler [·] Wizdom!        |
       ._                                                  _|
       :/---------( Stoned Is The Way Of Da Walk! )--------\:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: dEviLs pOiNt        |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

      _ _                                                           _ _
     :)\\----------------( D e v i l s   P o i n t )----------------//(.
     |     ________           _______         _   ________             |
     ·   ./  ._   /. ________/_     /____. __\/_./       /_____        |
     !t^ |_  |/    |/  _      /    /|    |/     |       /.    /____ lp!|
     !   :/________|   /_____/:__________|      |________|_        \.  :
  _ _|            \___________:         /_______|        :/_________|  !
  \\\.                                _                                |
     |           __________       ___\/_.           __________         .
     !          /  _      /______/      | __________\_       /_        |_ _
     |        ./   / ____/      ·\      |/   ._      /        /        .///
     |        l______\/          \\_____|    |/     /_________\        |
     :               /_____________\   /_____/     / |                 |
     |                                      /________|                 |
     :                                                                 |
     |_ _                                                           _ _|
     :///----------( 2 4 h  F A M E  s u p p o r t  b b s )---------\\\:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: dA jORMAs           |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAL           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                   _ _                                              _ _
                  .)\\----( d a  j o r m a s )----------------------//(.
                  :                                                    :
           ._____. _______  ________________  ______  _________  _____ |
   ________|     |/      ·\/   _      /    _\/     /./   _    /./    /_:____
  .\      /|     /        \\   /     /.    \   _    |    /     |_           \.
  l_____________/___________\  \______|_____\  /____|    \_____:/____________|
                  .     /________|           \/   /________\           :
                t^:_ _                                              _ _.lp!
                  ://(--------------------( world headquarter! )----)\\:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: aQUArIUm            |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

             _ _                                               _ _
            .)\\-----( A q u a r i u m  B b s )------__.-------//(.
 _  ________| ________  _____     _______  _________/  | _____    | ___  ____
 ///  _    /!/   _   /./    /___./  _   /./  _     /   |/    /____:/  _\/   /.
  /  _/     |    \_   |    /|   |  _/    |   /    /.   |    /|    |   \   _  |
 /   \______|_____/   |_________|  \_____|   \_____|   |__________|____\  /__|
/______\    |  /______|       /______\ /______| /     _|          |     \/
          t^:                                  /______\|          |lp!
            |                                          ·          |
            !                                           ·         |
            |                                                     |
            |_ _ _                                           _ _ _!

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: aMiGA tRAdE         |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                     _ _                                    _ _
                    .)\\------( a m i g a  t r a d e )------//(.
                    :                  _                       :t^/lp!
            ________:  _____  _____  __\/_. _____        ______.___
           /   _    /./    _\/    /./     |/   _/_______/    _    /.
          /    /     |     \ _     |     _|    \_      /.    /     |
         /     \_____|______\/_____|_____\:_____/_______|    \_____|
        /________\  |                                /_________\
                    |                                          :
          __________: _____________________  __________  ______!___
         _\        /_/    _     /    _    /./   ._    /./  _      /.
         \          /     /    /.    /     :_   |/     |   /_____/ :
         /__________\     \_____|    \_____:/__________|___________:
                  /________| /_________\                       |
                    :_ _                                    _ _|
                    ://(---( fast amiga trading corner! )---)\\

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: dREAM pHASe         |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: aLCOhOL+hASh     /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

          _ _                                                _ _
         .)\\--------( d  R  E  A  M  P  H  A  S  E )--------//(.
         |          ____________             _________          |
         |_________/    _      /           ./    _   /. ____  __:__
       ./   ._    /.    /     /.___________|     /    |/   _\/    /.
       |_   |/     |    \______|  _       /.     \____|    \   _   |
       :/__________|______|  |_   /______/ :_______\  l_____\  /___:
         !        ._____.    :/____________|          _______\/_:_
        _:________|_    |________ ________  _____   ./    _      /.
      ./   _       /    |\      //   _   /./    /___|___  /_____/ :
      |_   / _____/    _:/     /.    /    |_           /._________:
      :/______\   |    \________|    \____:/____________|t^/lp! |
         |                                                      |
         :                                                      :
         ·                                                      |
         |_ _                                                _ _|

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: iM oNLy hAp. wHen.. |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: nORMAl           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/                                             \_: //

                                   _ _                           _ _
                                  .)\\--(Im Only Happy When It)--//(.
     _                   ________ |              ________           :
   _\/_. ____  _____    /       ·\| __________ ./       /______     !
 ./    |/   _\/    /.  /         \\/     _    \|_      /.     /___:_ _
 |    _|    \   _   | /____________\     /     :/_______|    /|   | :
 l____\:_____\  /___|             |_____/_____ |     /________    | |
              \/                t^:           \|            ------' |lp!
  ._____.         _________       |  __________:                    |
  |     | _______/   _    /. _____|_/____      /_____               |
  |    _|/      /    /     |/   _      //_____/     /___:_ _        :
  |    \__     /.    \_____|    /_____/___\/       /|   |        _ _|
  :     |/______|______\  /_______\       /_________    |        \\\.
 -·-----:                         :               ------'    _      |
    _ _ _________._____.     _____|_______                __\/._____:___
    _______      |     | ____\__  _      /· _________    /    |\       /_ _
   /      /      |    _|/      /  /_____/ :/     _   \. /     |         ///
  /      /\      |    \__     /.__________:      /    |/______:_________\
 /_______/\______:     |/______|  |       l_____/____ :       ·     |
                 ·-----:      _   |                  \|             |
                           __\/.  |                   :             |
      __________          /    | _:_______   _____    ·             |
     /   _     /_________/     |/     _   \./    /______            |
    /    /    /.   _    /.     |      /    |_          /.._         |
   /     \_____| _ /     |-----:_____/____ :/___________||/         |
  /_______| /    \\\_____|        |       \|                        |
           /_________\            |        :                        :
                                  :_ _                           _ _.
                                  :///----------( Rains )--------\\\:

             _ _____                                ______ _
    _______ ///__  /                                \   __\\\ _______
 ___\     (._ _ / / "a hIgHeR sTAtE oF cONcIOuSnEss" \  \ _ _.)     /___
 \  \\     ://// /:__________________________________:\  \\\\:     //  /
           ·    /_|                                  |_\     :
           :        d O P E tHAT spELLs: sPACed OUt          |
           |  _    © tRiViALiNa g-fUNk sOLUtIONs 97       _  !
           · //_                                         _\\ :
           :   _                                         _   !
       _ __·[·_\ tRiViALo bRAin StATuS: sTONEd           /_·]:__ _
        \\ :_/

                     ·                                 ·
       ____ _________:_ :                           : _:_______ ____
      .)   \\        ://| S P A C E D  O U T  B B S |\\:      //   (.
      |                                                             :
      |        ______________         ______                      __:_______
   ___:__    ./     _       /________/    _/______  ___________ ·/   ._    /.
 ./     /____|__    /______/  _     /.    \      /./   _      / !    |/     |
 |_            /._____\ /   _ /      |____/_______|_   /_____/  :___________|
 :/_____________|    t^/    \\\______|lp!         :/____________:   |
      :               /_________\                                   |
      :            ___________                ____________          !
      !           /          ·\  _______     _\          /_ _       :
      |          /            \\/      /_____\_.          ///       .
      |         /_______________\     /|       |__________\         |
      :                       /________________|                    |
      :   ·                                                     ·_ _:
      :_ _:_ __________________________________________________ :\\\:
      !///://                                                  \|_\

                     (% Document Display Successful %)

dECK1.MTXU.GR4.lP!-9.> tRip .tTrRo +96-00

aVaIlAbLe tRIps: nUyORkA  kAShMir  lOndOn  hOLLAnd  LeplAzA  bEAcHbUngAlOw

dECK1.MTXU.GR4.lP!-9.> gET kAShMir

gETTiNg tRIP 00382873.33.lP!

tRANsFERIng........... .50%. ............... dONE!

Displaying DocUmENt

     ________              _ ___________          /        ·\
   ./       /_________    _\\\_        /_________/_         \\
   |_      /.        ·\ ./    /    ___/  _        /          \\
. -:/_______|         \\|__________\     /       /.____________\-  ----.
|       /_______________\  t^   /        \________|                    !
:--------------- ------- --- --/___________|------------------------ --:
|                                                                      :
|        D E C E M B E R  3 1 ' S T  · K A S H M I R  / I N D I A      !
!                                                                      |
:                 D A   L P !  P L A Z A   0 7 . 0 0  A M              |

rAMON: make da jejo ready
rAMON:  coka
t^: ah fukkie i wanna go to sleep. had 42 Hofmann jubilieums last night
t^: but i guess i could always take some coka
rAMON:  hahahaa
rAMON: 42
rAMON: oh boye
t^: hey Rehd Diamon go get sum Coka for rAMON:a and me
t^ its to the left of the big boxes saying "KillerBud".. yes that 25kg bag will be fine
rAMON: and dont fuck on me
rAMON: thats what my man tony montana uses to say eh
t^: rAMON:ah eh really good coka heee?
rAMON: yeah chika chika chikas .. are u readdyyy

 <suddenly a alarm bell in the Plazas Security Room Starts ringing>
rAMON: sweet dick willy will take a phat lick
rAMON: oh damn
rAMON: what da fuck
t^: whattafukk? hey call aXeiE on the fastphone and check whats wrong
Phone: beeep
Phone: beeep
rAMON: what da fuck
rAMON: i guess he is still trippin in da club
t^: ah fuck no answer? ill go get miSFIt i think he's over in the casino

                             <trivial Leaves>
Phone: beep
Phone: Beeeep
rAMON: heh
rAMON: stoopid fuckin shit
rAMON: hELL oh
Phone: beeep
rAMON: who da fuck callin
 -M- : yoOOOOOo its mIsfIT.. u seen trivi?
rAMON: eh shit .. he search for u in da casino
rAMON: are u there ? if nut come here .. sumthin wrong and
       much koka left and stuff
 -M- : noNo im in da Jacuzi with sum chicks i invited
 -M- : And you better get sumone to check why the mf enterence alarm is ringin
       ill just finish up with da chicks and get over to there asap.
rAMON: with da chicks goddamn
 -M- : Word
Phone: Click.
rAMON: is lisa there?
rAMON: a shit.. hope she cums .. coz i wanna cum too

rAMON: damn now i cant reach trivi

            < Misfit enters da room with 5 phat naked chickz >

 -M- : yo rAMON:a heres some girls for ya .. take lisa she's yours

rAMON: eh what da fuck

 -M- : trivi not bekk yet?
rAMON: first enjoy da stuff we have here
rAMON: take what ya want
rAMON: champaign. el langustos longos delikatos
rAMON: and my dick
rAMON: hehe not
 -M- : oh goodie ill have 2 bottles of that 1924 champagne and sum 48% weed

phone: beeeep
phone: beeeep
phone: beeeep

rAMON: hey misfit answer it.. im buzy
       havent sniffed any shit yet....... only a bit

 -M- : loW pRO eNTERpRIsEs!. tHiS iS mISfIT sPEAKiNG
tRiVi: yO mISfiT iTS tRiVI · tELL rAMON:A iLL bE gONe for an our or two..
       i got an inportanto call and now im making and groooooße lsd deal here
 -M- : oki .. we keep the bitches hot for u
tRiVi: goodie and tell rAMON:a to give them as much coka as they want to from
        my storage

     < Red Demon comes out from the Snowboard Emulator in the Plaza >

 -M- : oh there you are dee
 rDm : yeee <pff<> hey look what i brought back with me from Nu'Yorka

rAMON: <sniffff> haeeehe nu pumpactions!!
rAMON: and a fuckin 45
 -M- : goodie lets get really schtowned tonite and have sum trigger action

         < trivi JUMPS into da room.. The look in he's eyes is.. >


rAMON: sure
rAMON: its new years day soon
rAMON: fire work eh
rAMON: with sum blood

lISA!: oh u are such a man
rAMON: haeuhauea
tRiVi: ejy · u know what year it is?
rAMON: yeah.. uh  sumthin like 9x or sumthin
tRiVi: hey rAMONicka turn off that 95 inch television set and come and
       sit here with me in the bed and smoke sum coka ^ hueah

tRiVi: hey boys u know. heahe <pff> i kidnapped sumone in town =)

rAMON: hope that bird comes over with sum shrooms
tRiVi: ye rAMONa did you invite anyone else to da plaza except for Bird?
rAMON: well dunno
rAMON: i meet hell of a lot friends at da club
rAMON: i guess i invited every one

tRiVi: Hey rAMona i See bird on the interactive.. he's outside the enterence

           < The door slams upppppppp and pird enters the room >

tRiVi: welcum to da plaza great to hear that rAMONa invited you here to our
        millenium party
rAMON: i think we got enuff coca

bIRDi: hi trvivi

tRiVi: listen up... i kidnapped this girlie for me at the airport while
       i was makin that lsd deal.. wanna see her?

birdi: Smoooooth!!
tRiVi: biRdi... u wanna see that girl i kidnapped at the airport?
       noones interested????
Birdi: Uhhh hu oke bring her in
Trivi:  ok hold ill go get her

                          <trivi leaves the room>
              >   <and leaves bird alone with 5 naked chickz>

                            bird starts looking
                             and evil grining

               bird is gettin on dat nice chick called Liza

rAMON:  goddamn  $%^&%$^%&*%^&((%^&(%^&*
rAMON:  what da fuck
rAMON:  get down u stoopid fuck

                     < rAMON breaks through the door >

                             rAMOn grabs da 45
                              points at bird
                            and starts laughin

>   <trivi re-enters da room with a big plastic bag that screams HELP!>

rAMOn: ehehe u really thought i kill u coz of a bith hauhau
tRiVi: stop diz war shit · he didnt know its was yer girlie rAMONa!
tRiVi: look what i found in at the airport instead
rAMON: i want a big mac
rAMON: goddamn
rAMON: goddamn we are in india .. no fuckin mcd here and shit
tRiVi: rAMONa & Birdie lookie lookie here
rAMON: i have to kill sumoine
birdi: i want sumthing too
rAMON:  hey whats it
rAMON:  a cop ?
birdi:  drobdidob
birdi:  killthecop

    <trivial opens the plastic bag and out comes A female narcopolice>

birdi: popop
rAMON: yeajjjj .......  fuckin kewl ./.

rAMON: hey gimme one of da pumpactions
rAMON: i stick it into her pussy
tRiVi: na lets have sum fun with her and then kill her on nuyears eve

      < Trivial sticks da vacuum cleaner up the female polices ass >
Birdi: break on through the other side
rAMON: deeper deeper
tRiVi: okeiee

            < trivi puts 12 rizlas together and starts rollin >

       its been bothering me for hours now i cant even roll a decent
       spliff when dat alarm is ringin

rAMON: yeah pussy ... cum here .. turn that fuckin noise out
rAMON: and bring me a remy martin
birdi: come on baby light ma fire
rAMON: 3
rAMON: 2
rAMON: 1
rAMON: 0
birdi: the right song now
TrIvI: puffffff
TrIvI:hey rAMONA whos idea was it to give axeblade the ONLY card
      to the securitysystem? now when he's out clubbin we cant turn
      the sheit off!

rAMON: well.. fuck that... lets try our nu guns
TrIvI: oke that glock is mine
birdi: the bongguns?
 -M- : No you stupid

      <rAMON passes a full automatic halfway shortcuted 45 to trivi >

                           aNd TrIvIaLo grabs it

rAMON: oh damn boy .. u look like a maniac

TrIvI: Where is red dee btw?
 -M- : Uh he went into that Snowbordie emu again...

tRiVi: Hey piiirdi get away from da window..goddamn dont shot any civilians
birdi: poppoppop another motherfukka dropped
rAMON: bird ..dont sniff that much koka
rAMON: u gettin weird
rAMON: we just wanna shoot a goddamn alarm mashine


       LlllllllllLLLllll LETS FIND SUMONE TO KILL!

birdi:  alwayz ultra - red is the colour of our eyez

rAMON:  i guess we got no pupils 8)

TrIvI:  ey LOW PRO & ALWAYS ULTRA havin a Nuyearseve partie
TrIvI:  Hey rAMONa what time is it?
rAMON:  its 7.10 am
rAMON:  goddamn
rAMON:  only 10 minutes past
TrIvI:  hAHah lets go for sum more coka then

                < trivi says nuttin.. Grabs some more guns>
                < and dissapears outta the main enterence >

rAMON:  hey u stoopid...  stay here i want that goddamn magnum
rAMON:  i need 2

  < 50 mins passed · nuttin much happened rAMON:a & pird smoked sum more coka >

rAMON:  uhh
rAMON:  what fuckin time is it.. Oh itS 8 o clock

                       < RamonA turns on da rAdiO >

Radio: tHe 8 o cloKk Nu's FrOm india freedom radio
Radio: good morrning
birdi: nahh put a cd in rAMON:nn
rAMON: i luv hrundi
birdi: i luv brandy
rAMON: willy brandy ?
birdi: heheh naaah pamela his sister
rAMON: oh she has a pussy sista
rAMON:lets get her here

           < bird gets out a full hoffman quarters it and puts>
                          <into each whiskyglass>

rAMON:   i wanna sniff sum coke frrom her pussy

Radio: Today the Belton & AutoK Aerosol Industry got robbed by a
       man that the policecheif of Kashmir describes as
       "A MAN OF THE MOB" . the man.. dressed in black baggy clothes
       forced some workers at the industry to fill the robbers black Van
       With ALL autok colorz available · the police have no trace of the
       robber yet..

rAMON: oh shit <turns da radio off>
rAMON: this sttoopid trivi analo eehehe

rAMON: goddamn .. i wanna party and dont bomb any wallz or trainz
rAMON: gmgmhmhm
rAMON: but when trivi bombz a train and a stoopid copz cumin
rAMON: i can shoot him..... haehaheaheae jajajajaja

              >   < trivial returns in black baggy clothes >
TrIvI: rE aLl
TrIvI: had some work to do

                      <bird throws sum cans to triv>
TrIvI: U heard it on da nu's?
rAMON: hell shit
rAMON: im not going out
rAMON: only when i can shoot sum cops

TrIvI: i sold all Cans to Delta and bought a new car for tonight
       ---- come outside and have a look

rAMON: uh oh kewl

                < TrIvIaLo rAMON: & bIRd leaves the Plaza >
                 < Misfit stays to watch over da chickz >

Bird-In-Da-Elevator: a fat caddy i hope

                          · Outside the Plaza ·>

TrIvI: sO whaddaya think rAMONAaa?

rAMON: uh eh
rAMON: a jeep?
rAMON: full armored
rAMON: uhhh what a sound system

TrIvI: its the Pioneer XV83900R with a 350 Disk Hiphop cdchanger 8*650W
        output and it shows holograms of da groups playin

birdi: hey the two mgs on the front rock trivi!!
birdi: lets take a testdrive you stoned fukks hheheh

rAMON: damn .. i thought u have 2 technics 12/10 turntables and a battle mixer

TrIvI: ah the battle mixer is in da back havent installed it yet

TrIvI: ok peeps · who'll drive?

birdi: i wont drive anymore so who will?

rAMON:  damn .........   lets call a driver
rAMON:  and order him for the whole day
rAMON:  shit

TrIvI: Bird Here take my phone and dial sum driver 4 us
birdi: àhhh and a little coctailbar in the back ,,, niiice
birdi:   nah rAMON should call heheh i will explore the bar a bjit
TrIvI: Ok rAMON make the fucking call
birdI: gin tonic rules
TrIvI: bird gimme a tequila
birdI: on the waay
rAMON: fuckin no

                       < RamoN goes inside da car >
                          < and shuts the door >

birdI: calll raamooon
birdI: caaallll
trIvI: calllll!!!!
birdi: hahah or drivee

rAMON: bam,mm
rAMON: zzzzzziiiiiiip
rAMON: < window pulluin down >
rAMON: gun pointed at bird
rAMON: heh
rAMON: how do i look so ?
birdi: gaeehn
rAMON: genius car for a drive by with stylee
TrIvI: no privacy there rAMON the jeep doesnt have a roof =)
rAMON: ehheha
trIvI: ok stoned fuckers i make the call

                      < TrIvIaLo  picks up da phone >
rAMON: kewllio

TrIvI: ATDT 948-22839-22

bird: your tequila triv ...

                        < rAMON turns on da radio >

Bitch-In-Phone: Mad-Out-Vandal Drivers. This is Monica speaking

rAMON: goddamn how do i find sumthin beetwen 350 disks
rAMON: hmhm
tRiVI: rAmon.. use the Hologram Index.. To the left of the Turnables

                       < trIvI grabs he's tequila >

TrIvI: Yo bitch gimme a driver to da lp! plaza
birdi:  hey bad newsss goddamn, the dope is out

TrIvI: oh bird we got more in the storage room in da plaza and
       theres a 35kg bag of coka in the back

rAMON: whatda fuck
rAMON: cant be

Bitch-in-phone: ok ull have a driver there in 5 mins

TrivI: Okee than whore ... <click>

bird: hey triv remember the last two hours?
bird: we sniffed it all hueheh
TrIv: ah shit

rAMON: hehehe

birdi: we need that driver fast !!!!
rAMON: U sniffed it all
rAMON: goddamn
TrIvI: i still have the 750 hofmann trips i got this mornin
birdi: yeeaaa
               <TrIvIaLo takes 10 400microg hofmann trips >
rAMON: bahh
rAMON: i take no lsd
TrIvI: gives 10 to rAMON and 10 to bird ENJOY
rAMON: nahh
rAMON: i take 20
rAMON: or no.. i dont want any
TrIvI: rAMON go get some shrooms in the storage then and we'll wait
       for the driver

            < bird takes two papers and puts one on each eye >
                    < ... yeeaa hhehe the true optics >

rAMON:  hhmmh

< TrIvI spots a flying cameraman right above birds head >

rAMON: i better drive to that temple down tha street .. brb

                    < rAMON turns da keys and drives away >

TrIvI: Hey raMOn.... Have yOu forgot that U cANt drIvE?

TrIvI: ah fuck bird .. now well have a driver here in sum mins and no car
TrIvI: i hope rAMONa gets bekk here soon

birdi: lets roll one for waiting
TrIvI: ill just sit here and speak to the flying cameraman for a while
Phone: beeeeep
Phone: beeeeeeep
TrIvI: roll one for me bird
birdi: hope he brings sum burgers
TrIvI: ah whats ringin.... My Beeper.. No...
       My Eriksson 688.. No
       My Nokia 8110.. No
       My Dope Beeper.... No
       My Special Deal Phone..... AH Yes

       who the fukk is callin
zorro: hey itS zOrRO
birdi: zoorro?? movee over here!
bird:  say him triv
TrIvI: zORRO man where the fuck are you?
       im outside da plaza rAMON just drove away with our nu driveby car
        and bird is here get over here you fukk
zORRo: iM  at that time 2 km away in the temple of gabla har vabla
TrIvI: ah rAMON is goin there right now

                      < iNsIdE tHE teMpLe oF gAbLA >

    rAMON is sitting with bugi har haschmi in the middle of the temple
      haschmi : here little young boy .. i did this bang cocktail ..
    it will open your mind 4 you to enter into da nu yearthoussnsnsand
           ramona:  thanx haschmi .. gluck gluck gluck .. blurp
 uh thats gr8 ah ehhh eheh haha huhuhuhuhu ooh daahhamn eheh hihihi heuheue
                        augaghah i cant stoooooop!!

TrIvI:  but ey Zorro · gonna disconnect now ure fukkin up my trip
        get over here with rAMONa when he's leavin
TrIvI:  hey bird wouldnt it be cool with a firetruck tonight?
        i could do a phat burner on it and we could fill the
         watertank with Coka instead?

birdi: heheh shit my nose is a mess ... puhh my eye eeh you talked
       sumhting about shrrooms
rAMON: whats the contrair of loud ?
birdi: antiloud
rAMON: heuhue
rAMON: fuckkk
rAMON: fuckin englaish
TrIvI: Lets speak Indochina
rAMON: grundu hu kalahaka
TrIvI: jakhabanipp nipp coka snifififif ?
birdi: sjen ak ta koejjfeue!
rAMON: koko kaka snif jahbka ehak kea
rAMON: hmhm wlel
TrIvI: choccco plaza geti habibi jakbar chalam red demoni?
TrIvI: gettit chocco mikar chalam plaza

 <TrIvI retournen now even more stoned and he forgot how to speak indochina>

rAMON: yehehe
TrIvI: I brought us some more Dope
TrIvI: and look there is our mad out vandal driver
trIvI: ahh its sLIME!
rAMON: ehue shuddup
rAMON: im good
rAMON: uh eh
rAMON: slime 8)
sLiMe: Ok im yAr dRivER fOR tONite..... Where Ya wAannA gOOO??
tRiVi: dA pLAzA...
bIrDi: EhEA... wERE tHERe.. rEMEMbER tRIvi....?
tRIvi: ahea... ok

   (% Document display Failed. Lost connection to host lP! %)
                          Returning to MasterMoDe

dECK1.MTXU.GR4.lP!-9.> diSplAy sHit

         :\           /.
         | gUEStsTARz! :
  ___    :         ____:_____    ______   ___   ______  _____   _______    ___
./ _/____:__ .___./ _   /   /____\    /_./  /___\    /_/  _  \./  _   /____\  \.
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         :             :                              l___|t^lp!
         :     lP!     |_
         . eNTERpRIsEs |/
         |    ©tAXi    /
         |   tRiViAl · |
         |  ©niKE/hOs  |
         |   hIStORy   :
         :   ©rEddEE   |
         |   nEtwORk   |
         :   ©rAMOn!   |
         .             |                        ·     ·
         |Ifeverybodyin|                         \ _ /
         |thewholeworld|                  _   ·-- (_) --·
        _|weretripping.|_           _ __ ( )     /   \
        \:lifeshouldbes|/           \\\((_o_)   ·     ·
       _ :omucheasier!.! _               _|_
       /_:_____________:_\              ·\|/·
______ __|\___________/:___________ _ _ _\|/ __________________ _ _ __ __ _
          \                                  \
           \·                                 ·
    ________: ________ ____     ._________ ____\___  ____    ________
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                 ·         ____-.. ____  ___ |      \     .)          (.
                  \       (/___\||/   \)(/__\|       \    : · rEsPECt· :
     ________  ____\____·            _________           _|__          !
   ./   _   /./  _     /· _________ /  _     /·_________/   /______    |
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   :_______  |   \______:   /____/ !__________:         ///________|   |
         ----'-----'    :__________:          /_________\ :            .
                                                          :      &     !
                                                          |            |
                                                          : · gREETz · :
                                                          :_ _      _ _|

 rAmOnA mUsHrOOm · oLdsKOOLa sAL uNO · wACKsKOe iNc. · jELLO`mISfIt`bIAfRA
    lO pRO pLAzA sTAfF · mY lOcAL dRUgdEALaz · uRbAN nAtIvE · aXeBlAdE
      rEd deMoN · zEuS · mEtAl aKA sTrAtOz · dA wHOLe mFG cREw pOSSe
      rEpE · bK'S & miC mAnIaCs · dEViL mADE iT wHOLecAR inStiTutIOn
   eX.giRLfRiENdS · wACk · dOSe · daNg · vAN · eLmE · sYt · hOK · dELtA
          mY rAToSbONg · uMAn · dARtAgNAn & hOMiE 243 + sEXkITTEn
        lUCKy sTriKE · cRuSAdER`bOOgEY ( & ) dOWn ÅRbY iNC`cANdYmAN
       wIZKId · wIZdOM · sUGA' bUzZ · zOLTRIxO · sTRATOlINa · tRANcE
          mIGHTyMUz · FFT · fUNGaLAMe · lORd cHAOs · tANGo · tAXi
        lOW pRO mATRiX sTAFf · gANJa · fOLAR · bOHEMe · dMG · dOjjL
       tOMMY · tEN! · bAFFLE · nuMEN · eVOl · mOGUE · sIEGEL · zOD
           sLAPsHOt · hOLLYwOOD cAREEr mAN cELTIc · vOUcK · 243
            mY uK cHILL pILL · aLL lSD&sHROOMtRIPPAz · lASHAWn
         bIO bRANDbIL · zINKOlINA · bB^kiNg · lUCAs n · oRLINgOnE
___________________________________________ _ _.
                                             \\:         !_ _____ _____________
                                               :         ://
          ___________________________________. |         |
        ._\                                  | |         |
 .____  |    lOW pRO hISTORY .____           | | aRTISTs |
 |  _ | |     . _ _________ _|  _ |_         | ·_________·
 |  /_|___ .___\/_\.   _   \\.  /__/   .________\.   _   \ .____ ___
 |    _  /_|     /_|_  /___/_|    |____|    _  /_|   /___/_|   /   /_
 |_   /     _       _'---     _         _   /     _   _     _    _  /_
  /--(_____(/------(/____(---(/--)_____(/--------(/---(____(/____\   (
    rDm .                                    | |         .   /_______/
        | lP!-dEDi.tXT     'bRING dA pAIN'   | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-sPiN.tXT  'lET dA rECORD sPIN' | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-fORU.tXT  'a tASTE OF pROFiLE' | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-hAtE.tXT        'H A T E'      | | rAMoNe  |_ .
        | lP!-bOMb.tXT    'bOMb thE sYsTeM'  | | Misfit  |//
        | lP!-LpdS.tXT   'La Pusta deL SoL'  | | rAMoNe  /
        | lP!Plain.Lha         'Plain'       | |  ZorrO /|
        | lP!-uZI.txt         'DriveBy'      | |  ALL!   |
        | lP!-lET.tXt      'Low end theory'  | | rN!-aB! |
        | lP!-iNDI.tXT      'iNDIVIDUaRT'    | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-hO!.tXT      'Unnamed Fukkup'  | | tRIViAL |
        | lP!-rESP.tXT   'Blunts, Pieces ..' | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-fATS.tXT   'For all that Shit' | | Misfit  |
        | lP!-oOC!.tXT     ' Out of Cans'    | | tRiViAl |
        | lP!-n4L!.tXT     'Niggaz 4 Life'   | | rAMONe  |
        | lP!-iNSU.tXT       'Inner Sun'     | |  zEUS   |
        | lP!-fS.tXT       'First Strike'    | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-2xWP.tXT     'Devil Made It'   | | tRiViAL |
        : lP!-bROK.tXT 'bROOKLYNs fINESt'    : | sTRATOs :
        | lP!-sCT1.tXt 'sCAndInAviAn tOUr'   ! : tRiViAL :
        ! lP!-sTR2.tXt 's T r I K e t W O '  : | rEd dEE :
        ! lP!-bBS.tXt  'bUcKEtBoNGsHAbANg!'  : | tRiViAl |
        ! lP!-+358.tXT 'lp! aSM pARtyREpoRt' | : tRiVIAL :
        | lP!-sOA1.lHA 'sTONed On aErOSoL#1' : | tRiViAl :
        | lP!-hSOc.tXT'ahIGERsTATeOfcONcIo..': | tRiViAl |
        |                                    ! |         |
       _|____________________________________| :_________|
                                             : .
                                             . ·
                      lP!-sOA2.lHA · lP!-sKOL.tXt
                  sOON aVAiLAbLE aT yOUr LOcAL dEALEr

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 p R o f i l e  /____________/  zZ \_______:
 :    A Higher State Of Conciousness      :
 : logos + kashmir party 1999 + free lsd! :
 :  totalfuckuprelease from trivialinko!  :
