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27 450 bytes (26.81K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 570



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 __)  _ _    \ \           low profile 1998 |
¡     \ \\ .  \ · daddy twang plays it cool |

                           We have the science of
       the great Hari Seldon to prove that upon us depends the future
           empire of the Galaxy, and from the course that leads to
                         the Imperium we cannot turn

                       from "foundation" Isaac Asimov

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    . · .   . · .   . · .   . · .   . · .   . · .   . · .   . · .   . · .
   ·axe  · ·mis  · ·triv · ·ramon· ·strat· ·red  · ·dark · ·     · ·daddy·
   ·blade· ·  fit· ·  ial· ·   e · ·   os· ·demon· ·   us· ·zorro· ·twang·
    · . ·   · . ·   · . ·   · . ·   · . ·   · . ·   · . ·   · . ·   · . ·

                       starring in order of appearence:

        oO: raggare,  o1: esko kimster with hes tool,  o2: a ladies man
 o3: kelly rocks the disko like the diva she is,  o4: spectacles can be handy
          o5: malik busts a move,  o6: annika waiting for happiness,
             o7: tee's headphones 1975,  o8: kimster does a nixon,
  o9: dont stop the bodyrock (sideburner one), 1o: open the pad bay doors hal
    1¹: target locked,  1²: basker twang,  1³: mo'eesha enters the bassclub
      ¹4: buffalo stance,  ¹5: a clue,  ¹6: on the corner,  ¹7: schhhhh!
        18: garf artfunkel,  19: krazy kat's unknown cuzz,  2o: boring
             2¹: hanging,  2²: thinker (sideburner two) and number
                        2³: amanda solves your problem

                                  casting by:

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                                     and counting....

                                what do they all have in common?

                                a: they wait for trivial to get busy
                                   on his part in long player?

                                b: they curse mortimer tee for giving
                                   birth to them, ungrateful morons?
                                c: they wait for darkus to email daddy
                                e: waiting for the long player 33.3 rpm?

                                f: ?

                  ____ _ _
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          \ \\    \ ·  ©Mt              /___\____/\   /    \____\   ·  ?  ·
                                                   \_/              ·again·
                                                                     · . ·
                                     re-introducing myself here ;)

      ____ ______  _____ __|_    __    ____ ____|_   _____       ... .    .
  ___ |  (_\ __ (__l__  \\ |_ ___| \ _ |  (_\  _|____l__  \   __ :: __
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      |     \l_____\l_____\l______\   \l_____\l______\l__  __\   Dz/a!   |
     _|______\                  _|_____\               _ /_      ..
    . |                          |    ___     ___|___   /  \   _____ ____ /_
    :                          __ __ _\ |_ ___\  |  (_ /_|_ \__\_  (_\ __/__
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 ...::.                               /_|     __/¯\  __  l\   __|    __|     __
 ::  :    s.weet m.ortimer!     _|______\l_____\ ___    \l_____\l______\
.:::..... .   .      .               .  |          /_____\l_____\ _   .
 :                                                               \

                                        . .....            ...----...
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  .  |    _ .          .      _  .   ·   _ .::::_-_  .    ::::  .
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 )______)  )--(_______(---------(______)- )---------(---(______(----------(
·    |                                  |   :::: rDm      ::::
     |  twothousandandone -been there!  |   ::::          ::::
    _|_     _                    _     _|_  ::::    ::::  ::::
     ·(_____(--------------------)_____)·   ::::    ::::  ::::
                                             ···----···   ····

           [   straight talking   ]

           Hello there people, Yours trully, Sweet Daddy Twang is once again
           contributing to distrubute damage to the vivid asciiworld.

           First of all a big thank you to Red Demon and Trivial for letting
           me in this nice group. It feels like i am home again ;) I am glad
           to be working in a group that hosts nothing but superb artists.
           This is any asciiproducers dream...

             I have been away from the ascii scene for a long time, now im
           back and i have tried to get hold of as many ascii collections
           as possible to get updated on who is who these days, what happened
           and so on... hehe, havent got hold of that many collections, one
           thing that seems to be latent is the everlasting small wars and so
           on between artists and groups...
                Remember the violent days of House of Style
                                      vs. Divine Stylers??? Hmmmm... some of
                                                        us survived it =)

              Also needed to make sure that i don't end up doing a
         style that are too similar to yours... If your style is looking like
         mine i hope you rather take it as a confirmation that you have a 
         sophisticated taste of class than pretending that i ripped
         your style.  The chances that i have seen your collection(s) are
         so small that you would need to get into quantum physics to
         illustrate the chances. It's hard to get hold of every ascii 
         collection released since HOS-DANI.TXT  If you do however jump up 
         in despair when you browse through my 1998 works please get 
         in touch and solve it like a gentleman and not act the blunt and 
         moronic way an immature fool would try to do.

             Thank you.

         Hmmm I wonder if I ever have influenced other artists? Have other
         artists ever ripped me? If so where the artist in question aware
         of this? Just a thought....

         I am including a quote i once used when i was a member in house
         of style. This quote can be projected towards any kind of 
         expression, musical, ascii, poetry, performance, visual whatever.
            I am using it to illustrate my point of view. I hope that you
         do take you time to read and interpretate it. This quote is one
         of those that i never will forget, because it's focused and sharp.
            If you didn't read it the first time, heres your chance, if you
         did read it; read it again.

         the quotes goes.
>   The artist is the creator of beutiful things.
>   To reveal art and conceal the artist is art's aim.
>   The critic is he who can translate into another manner or a new material
>   his impression of beutiful things.
>       The highest, as the lowest, form of criticism is a mode of
>       autobiography.
>   Those who find ugly meanings in beutiful things are corrupt without
>   beeing charming. This is a fault.
>       Those who find beutiful meanings in beutiful things are cultivated.
>       For these there is hope...
>               ...All art is at once surface and symbol.
>          Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.
>               Those who read the symbol do so at their peril.
>   It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors.
>       Diversity in opinion about a work of art shows that the work is
>       new, complex, and vital.
>           When critics disagree the artist is in accord with himself.
>   We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does
>   not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one
>   admires it intensely.
>           All art is quite useless.
>                                           Oscar Wilde.

         Now that you have read the quote; think!

           This is not the "long-player 33.3" collection some of you are
         waiting for, this is a trailer, a promo, or what you want... The
         logos you are waiting for will all be included in the longplayer,
         wich is a coop between several low profile members...

                                                until then, keep it real!


             If you want to include any of my men in a collection or any
         kind of production, be my guest. If possible id like to
         get a copy the production you do it in....

         Im off for now, got to terrorize trivial... Wish me luck! hehe.


         dear thank you to dezibel for the mortimer twang logo, Thank you.
         low profile logo by red demon. a favorite and a rolemodel ;)
         LP! logo in the start and all men made by mortimer twang....

         Greetings to my friends past, present and future.

         This small collection is just a fraction of whats to come in
         long player 33.3 rmp...