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File size:
99 226 bytes (96.90K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 373


                 |                                                       |
                 |                                                       |
                 | t.h.e  ... m.i.d.n.i.g.h.t  ..... m.a.r.a.u.d.e.r.s   |
                 |                                                       |
 _______________ |                   |                                   |
         |     / |   _______________ |                                   |
         /    /__|_________         )|_____________                      |
        /    /___|        /        / |            /   rED dEMoN! rAMON!  |
       /    /      /     /  ______/_ |           /   stRAtOS!  aXEBLADe!-|->
      /    /      /_________\       /\          /     tRiViAL! mISFit!   |
     /___________/           \      /\    st!  /         zEUS! zORRO!    |
                 |            \____/  \       /                          |
                 |                     \_____/ _______                   |
                _|__________    ____________  /       |                  |
            _ __\           \___\          / /  |     |                  |
               /     /______/   /         /_/___|_____|__________________|__
              /      |    /     \_______________|______\_________________ /
             /       |   |_________|       \    |     /                  |
   _________/________|                      \________/                   |
                 |                                                       |
                 |                                                       |
                 |                                                       |
                 |  Giving You Strong Flavour In Nineteeeenninetyseven!  |
                 |                                                       |
                 |                                                       |
                 |                                                       |



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                                      ¦                         |lO'prO!'97|
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                                 :    :                         :::::::::::|
                                 :    ::::                      :::::::::::|
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______ -uMn/aL!                                                 :::::::::::|
\    _|_____ _____________________  ________   _______      _______________|
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  \   /  _   /    / |       | /   /    /   \     _  /    /   /    _\     \:|
  /______\   \____\___________\   \____\_________\___   /____\___/________\|
       /_____|              /_____|               /_____\       :::::::::::|
    ___________  _________     _________   ___________________________:::::|
    \          |_\_______(_____\_      /___\_      /        _/        |_:::|
     \         _/         /     /     _     /______\        \         _/:::|
                                 .                              :::::::::::|
                                 :                              :::::::::::|
                           .... .:..............................:::::::::::|
                                 :    :
                                 :    :
                              ::::    :

                         ______            _ ___________________________ __
   ______       ________|__    | _______                                 \//
 _/     /____._/   _      /    ||      /                                  ø
 \     /     |     \     /     /\     /__.        ·Low Profile·          /
  \__________|__________/_____ /\_____\\_|        _
                              /                  (_)                   /
       ___________ __________ __________ ________    ______     ________
     _/   _     _/_\_       /    _     /      __/_ _/     /__ _/      _/___
    /     /    /    /      /.    \    /      _/    \     /    \     _/     |
   /      ____/     \_______|_________\______|______\__________\___________|
 -/_______|--/_______|-Mo!\aL- -------------------------------------------- ->

 rED dEMON!  aXEBL/\DE!  rAMON!  tRIVI/\L!  mISFIT!  zORRO!  zEUS!  sTR/\TOS!

         | Damn! the ruffneck is back! not much on my mind though!..     |
         | tomorrow im going to a crappy party called "hyperstate"       |
         | so the place are gonna be growded by girls on the age of 14.. |
         | who accidentialy got permitted to visit the party by theyr    |
         | parents.. so it's probably gonna suck dick... and crappy peeps|
         | like apollo 44O and fuckup groups are playing.. why am i going|
         | ?!?!.. nothing better to do!.. meet a girly last thursday.... |
         | so i hope this time it will work out proparly!.. are getting  |
         | tired of meeting crapy girlys out on the nightlife....        |
         | damn lotsa' negativity.. anyways changed crew as you probably |
         | see.. contra was/where kinda loosing life.. so if it's dead or|
         | not, dont ask me!. i dont know.. 2fast says h2o! said it where|
         | put out of life.. and treach said he had been talking with h2o|
         | some time ago and he where taking over the leadership.. but it|
         | wherent final... so..... yeah! see you somewhere else!..      |
                                                        -tOM!            |
                        _________________________________________________|__ _
                ½¾¾½½¾¾¾½                                                |
               ½½½¾| |¾½½½                                               |
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              ½½½½½\ /¾½½½½                                              |
              ½½½½¾|^|¾½½½½                                              |
              ½½½½¾|o|¾½½½½                                              |
       /\_____¾¾¾¾¾| |¾½½½½_____/\                                       |
      /            | |            \                                      |
     /    _        : ¦        _    \                                     |
    /     /          ¦        \     \                                    |
 __/    _/   o             o   \_    \__ _ _______     _____             |
 \      \_____.           ._____/      /     /   /______    \            |
  \_  ____/  /|   _ __ _  |\  \____  _/     /   /_|    /    / ___________|
   /    \_ _/ |     O     | \_ _/    \     /   /    / / ___/__ |         /
   \_    / \_               _/ \    _/    /   /    /____\     /\        /|
  __/_. /   /   ___ _ ____  \   \ _.\__  /________/      \    /\       / |
  \  \| \   |       |    /  |   / |/  /                   \__/  \     /  |
   \  (\/   |    _  |  _    |   \/)  /     ________              \___/   |
    \  \    ¯\    \ | /    /     /__/ __ __\       \ ______              |
     \/       \    \_/    /               /   /____/_\     \             |
               \    |    /   st!         /    |   \/ /     / ________    |
              __\   |   /__             /     |  |   \__________     \   |
              |_ )  |  ( _|            /______|  \_____| |     /     /---|--
             / _  __¦__  _ \                             \    /     /::::|
            /  /   \¦/   \  \                            |\________/:::::|
          _/  /    / \    \  \_                          |:::::::::::::::|
          \_______/   \_______/      iMPORtED bY bLUNtED pEOPLE::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  contra!            |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             | Everyone that ever where in it! You all   |:::::::::::::::|
             |where apart of making it at fucking great  |:::::::::::::::|
             |crew! My best crew ever! Never gonna forget|:::::::::::::::|
             |you guys!! Luv!                            |:::::::::::::::|
                    ____.  _____________                 |:::::::::::::::|
  _____.      /\ ___| _ |__\    _/  _   \_               |:::::::::::::::|
  / .__|__/\ /  \|    / _/ /    \   _    |               |:::::::::::::::|
_/  |\   // /  \     /  |__\     \__| st!|               |:::::::::::::::|
\_______/, /___|\   /   |---\_____/-|____|->             |:::::::::::::::|
       /______\  \_/|___|                                |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  mo'soul            |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             | This one is for the whole posse!          |:::::::::::::::|
             |A REAL high quality group! Always nice     |:::::::::::::::|
             |releases from these guys!                  |:::::::::::::::|
 |\_ ______/\         /\       ___\                      |:::::::::::::::|
 |  \|    // \_______// \   |__\   \                     |:::::::::::::::|
_|  \/   /,   \   __/,   \__|   \  /____                 |:::::::::::::::|
\___\|  /______\  \/______\ |   / /    |                 |:::::::::::::::|
     |_____|   /\  \_ _/   /|  /_______\                 |:::::::::::::::|
<-st!------/___¯____/-\_______/---------->               |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  arclite!           |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             | For the whole crew also! Thanx for always |:::::::::::::::|
             |beeing in the game! Best crew alive!       |:::::::::::::::|
             |Thats a fact! Best of luck h2o!            |:::::::::::::::|
 ____   ____ _____ ____  __\____                         |:::::::::::::::|
 \ _ \__\   \/ ._|__\  \(___\  |_ __ PRESENTS            |:::::::::::::::|
   _  / /   /  |\   /  /___\_  ___\ \                    |:::::::::::::::|
   |__| \___\______/  /  /  /  |  / /st!                 |:::::::::::::::|
 __|--|___|-------/______|__|  \ /_/-------->            |:::::::::::::::|
                            |___\___|                    |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  upperclass         |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  For the whole crew!. A damn fine group!  |:::::::::::::::|
             |Only wish you guys where only a bit more   |:::::::::::::::|
             |active! :)                                 |:::::::::::::::|
      |                                                  |:::::::::::::::|
  _ __|_____________                                     |:::::::::::::::|
  ____|     \       \                                    |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /|    /   /____/   UpperClass!                      |:::::::::::::::|
(_________/    |                                         |:::::::::::::::|
------|--/_____|-st!----------------------->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  upperclass         |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  Not as nice! but still..                 |:::::::::::::::|
   |-\ _____  ________                                   |:::::::::::::::|
 __| |\  \  \/___\  _/_.__        _________              |:::::::::::::::|
/ /| //_/ /_/_// / / ._|\ \   /\_( ___( ___)             |:::::::::::::::|
\___/ |/ |/__\|__\_/ |--/ /--// \ \ \_/\ \_              |:::::::::::::::|
   /__|__|  \_|   /____/\___/,   \___/____/              |:::::::::::::::|
<-----------------------st!/______\-------->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  art!               |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  All in the posse! Come back! :)          |:::::::::::::::|
 ______   ____________|___                               |:::::::::::::::|
_\ _   \|__\     _|   |_                                 |:::::::::::::::|
   _    /  /     \_   _/    presents.                    |:::::::::::::::|
   |____|__\      |_  |st!                               |:::::::::::::::|
___|--------\______/  |-------------------->             |:::::::::::::::|
                  |___|                                  |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  style              |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  This one is for speed devil, behemoth    |:::::::::::::::|
             |Stezotehic and folar                       |:::::::::::::::|
   ____.___    |     __/__                |              |:::::::::::::::|
  /  __|  |__ _|______/  /    ___         |              |:::::::::::::::|
 -\  \\_  __/__|     /  /_____\  \   presents            |:::::::::::::::|
  /\  \|  /   /|    /  /   /  /  /        |              |:::::::::::::::|
 __¯___\  \__  ____/______/\ /__/_st!     |              |:::::::::::::::|
 <-----|__|-/__|---------/_`\____|--------|->            |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  jediarts           |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  To the happy people ranx,shockg,2fast    |:::::::::::::::|
             |and wise-k                                 |:::::::::::::::|
                ____          ____                       |:::::::::::::::|
   |--/  _______(___)     ___|_  |_                      |:::::::::::::::|
___|  | / ____  \___ /\ __\   /  _|_____                 |:::::::::::::::|
   |  \/__// /  |  //  \  /  /\  |\  __)                 |:::::::::::::::|
\____/__ \|_____\  //   \_\______|/\  \_                 |:::::::::::::::|
<-------\__|--st!\/______\------/__¯___/--->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  epsilon design     |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  To the hardhittin people like fatal      |:::::::::::::::|
             |chrombacher,java and legofrode grimlock!   |:::::::::::::::|
             |Hey grimmy! wassup man!?.. fucking looong  |:::::::::::::::|
             |time since last!!. NICE! collections man!! |:::::::::::::::|
   _______________ ___ ____                              |:::::::::::::::|
___\  \     /  __)(___/  /  ______  ________             |:::::::::::::::|
/  /  / /___\  \ ____/  /______   \__\     /             |:::::::::::::::|
| /__/  |   /\  \|  /  /   /  /   /  /    /              |:::::::::::::::|
\____|__|____¯___/__|\____/\_____/__/    /               |:::::::::::::::|
<-----------> dES|G N <--------(st!/------->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  dezign             |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  This is the fucking best crew ever!!!    |:::::::::::::::|
             |with skin,amblin & desert!!. Skin is the   |:::::::::::::::|
             |best painter that excisted!.. crazy and    |:::::::::::::::|
             |orignial ideas!.. pitty he sold his ami!.  |:::::::::::::::|
             |but hey desert! release something! ;)      |:::::::::::::::|
             |also those lost treasures of skin!!        |:::::::::::::::|
 _____   __ ______ __  __                                |:::::::::::::::|
 _|_  \ _\ \)_   /(__)/ _)___ /\ ______ |                |:::::::::::::::|
 / /   \ / / /  /____|  \_   )  \|    / ¦                |:::::::::::::::|
|_____/ /_/ /  /\ /  /   /  /  \     /  :st!             |:::::::::::::::|
`----\____|/___¯__|__|_________|\   /---+-->             |:::::::::::::::|
                                 \_/    o                |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  crux               |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  Yes i know this one is old!, but im to   |:::::::::::::::|
             |lazy to make a new one! anyways this one   |:::::::::::::::|
             |goes out to uman! and thanx for logo!      |:::::::::::::::|
  _____.     ________    |_______  _______               |:::::::::::::::|
  / .__|__  _\      / ___|    \  \ /     /               |:::::::::::::::|
_/  |\    \/ /     /_/   |    /   \_ ___/                |:::::::::::::::|
\_________|  \______/   /|   /_____/  \                  |:::::::::::::::|
<---------|____|---\________/-st!|     \_                |:::::::::::::::|
                                 |______/                |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  trsi               |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  To one of the older crews! and this one  |:::::::::::::::|
             |for shade and zod!                         |:::::::::::::::|
_____|___ _              ______|__                       |:::::::::::::::|
_|   |_  _____   _______(______|                         |:::::::::::::::|
\_   _/ _\    \ /   ___/____                             |:::::::::::::::|
 |   |\/ /    /-\   \ |    /    Cracked                  |:::::::::::::::|
 |st!|   \_____/|\   \|   /       Today!                 |:::::::::::::::|
-|___\_____||____¯____\___|---------------|>             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  hoodlum            |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  Thanks for all the great releases!       |:::::::::::::::|
__|__    ________               |                        |:::::::::::::::|
  |_____  \  _   \st!_____ _ ___|_|\_ ______             |:::::::::::::::|
  |    /__|  /  _/___ /  /   ___| |  \|    |             |:::::::::::::::|
  _  ___   \___|_   \/  /___/  /|   /\/    |             |:::::::::::::::|
__| _/ /   /  / /    \ /   (_______/_\|    |             |:::::::::::::::|
<-|_\_____/--|______/_____/-----------|____|             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  prodigy            |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  Sleeping!? Dunno! But this one for       |:::::::::::::::|
             |Jack^Danielz! Looks like the bust killed u!|:::::::::::::::|
   ____  ___   ___       ___  __      :                  |:::::::::::::::|
   \   \_\  \_/   |_____(___)/__)_____|-\                |:::::::::::::::|
  / / _/ /  /_ |  |__   \___\ \_   /  |  \               |:::::::::::::::|
 / |_/___\___/ |  / /   |  //  /  /  /|  /               |:::::::::::::::|
|__|         \___(______\__|______\__ __/                |:::::::::::::::|
<-----(st!/-------------------------/_|--->              |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  fairlight          |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  For always beeing one of the top cracker |:::::::::::::::|
             |crews alive!                               |:::::::::::::::|
  ________   __   ____  __   _   __ _ ___                |:::::::::::::::|
  \    |_ \_(__)___ \ \(__) /_)___  /_|  |               |:::::::::::::::|
  / /__/_  /____\  \/ /____\ \_  / / _\  |_              |:::::::::::::::|
 / |_/  |__\  / /  / /-|  //  / / _  \_  _/              |:::::::::::::::|
|__| ___|  |__| \__\___|__|_____\_|   |  |               |:::::::::::::::|
<-------------|__|-(st!/----------|___/__|               |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  data division      |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  Going out to madsen&arcane! Hope to see  |:::::::::::::::|
             |some nasty releases soon! =)               |:::::::::::::::|
 ____ __      ____ _     _     _                         |:::::::::::::::|
___  \| |_    |_ \(_)_|_(_)___(_) ___  _____             |:::::::::::::::|
 / / /\ _//\ / /  \_/ | |_\  _)_|/   |\|   /             |:::::::::::::::|
|___/ \\|/ \\____/ / /| | /\ \| / |  | \  /              |:::::::::::::::|
   /____\ ___\  /__|___/|__¯__\ \____| \_/               |:::::::::::::::|
<---------------------(st!/----------|__|-->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  crystal            |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  One of the good old! This one went to    |:::::::::::::::|
             |baffle!                                    |:::::::::::::::|
                 ¦       ___       ____                  |:::::::::::::::|
  ____.  ____  __:_______|  |_____  \  \                 |:::::::::::::::|
  / ._|__\   \/  |  /  ___  _/ _  \_/  /___              |:::::::::::::::|
_/  |\  //   /  /|  \  \ |  |  _   /  /   /              |:::::::::::::::|
\______/ \___\_  ___)\  \|  |  |___\_____(               |:::::::::::::::|
<-----|___|---/__|___¯___|__/__|-(st!/----->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  sunflex            |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  Damn! always enjoyd theyr trainers!      |:::::::::::::::|
             |this one are for the whole posse!          |:::::::::::::::|
             |      thrill me kill me!   [on]·off        |:::::::::::::::|
  ______  ¦___     _________   ____.  ______             |:::::::::::::::|
  \   ____|   \ ___\_    \ \  _\ _/|\ /    /             |:::::::::::::::|
___\  \/  |  \ \|   / /__/ /_/ _/-_| \_ __/              |:::::::::::::::|
|  /\  \ /|  /\    / |_/  /  \ \  \___/ \                |:::::::::::::::|
/__¯___|____/ |\  /__| \_____|______\| . \_              |:::::::::::::::|
<----------\__|-\/---------(st!/-----|-|NC/              |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  delirium           |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  Once again, baffle! is in my main boy/man|:::::::::::::::|
 ____  ___ ___  _ ___  _  |__ |\_ ______                 |:::::::::::::::|
__|_ \__\ \  / (_)\  \(_)_|  \|  \|    /                 |:::::::::::::::|
 / /  \ / / /____ /  /\_/ |   \  \/   /                  |:::::::::::::::|
|____/ /_/ /  / / \__/ / /|   /__\| presents             |:::::::::::::::|
     \___|\__/__|__|/__|_____/    |____\                 |:::::::::::::::|
<-----------------------------(st!/-------->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  prestige           |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  The ones that rocked the place back in   |:::::::::::::::|
             |95/96..  this one is for fury!             |:::::::::::::::|
  _____ ___  _________.__   __ ___   _____               |:::::::::::::::|
   \   \\  \_\ __/  ___  |_(__)__)___\ __/               |:::::::::::::::|
  / /__//  _ _/--\  \ \  _/__\ \_  | _/--                |:::::::::::::::|
 /  | | \__\ \  \|\  \|  |  /   /  / \  \|               |:::::::::::::::|
/___| |__| |______¯___|__\__|_____/|_____|               |:::::::::::::::|
<-------------------------------(st!/------>             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  skid row           |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  done for the one and only macho!         |:::::::::::::::|
   ______  ____ _________       ____                     |:::::::::::::::|
  (   ___ /   /(__)__   \____  /    | ______             |:::::::::::::::|
___\  \/_/   /____/ /   (\   \/ | __|_|    /             |:::::::::::::::|
|  /\  \\   (|   /_____/ /   /\___\  /\   /              |:::::::::::::::|
/__¯___|_\   \___|     | \____/   |__/\__/               |:::::::::::::::|
<--\/-----\___\---(st!/|___|--------------->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  alpha flight       |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  sorry for this rather bad id acid!       |:::::::::::::::|
             |but you guys never releases nothing anyway!|:::::::::::::::|
             |=)) but to meet you last saturday! at que! |:::::::::::::::|
     ___ ________/\         _ ___     __                 |:::::::::::::::|
  /\/  / \  / / // \___ ___(_)__)___/\| |_               |:::::::::::::::|
 // \ /-//_/ _ /___\   |/ /__\\_ | | \_ _/               |:::::::::::::::|
/____\_/_| \_|__\  / /_\ /-/ / / | _  | |                |:::::::::::::::|
------------(st!/-|_|-' \_/__|__/\_|__|_\-->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  royal              |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  royal with cheese! this one goes to my   |:::::::::::::::|
             |handy people arcane & slime                |:::::::::::::::|
  ____                    ____                           |:::::::::::::::|
 _\   \ _____  __¦____/\   \  \                          |:::::::::::::::|
/ /   /___   \/  |   / \\  /  /___ presents              |:::::::::::::::|
| \___/  /   /  /|   \  \\/  /   /                       |:::::::::::::::|
|___|\______/\_  ____/   .\_____/                        |:::::::::::::::|
<-------------/__|/________\---/---(st!/--->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  megastyle          |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  the tooltime group! given to magz,lizard |:::::::::::::::|
             |splash & uman                              |:::::::::::::::|
\_ ___________  _____________ ¦____ _                    |:::::::::::::::|
  \|  _\ __ _)____ /  __|  |__+ _____  _____             |:::::::::::::::|
  \/ / _/-/ \_  )_ \  \\_  _/ | \   / _\ __/             |:::::::::::::::|
__\| \ \ \|  / / | |\  \|  | /|  \ /_/ _/--|             |:::::::::::::::|
   |__|___|____  |__¯___\  |  ___)/  \ \  \|             |:::::::::::::::|
<-(st!/-------|__|------|__/__|-\_____|____|             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  freezers           |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  this one to magz,immortal and all the    |:::::::::::::::|
             |other freezers people from my swapping days|:::::::::::::::|
             |just wished i remembered your names! =)    |:::::::::::::::|
  _____ ___  ___________    ____ _________               |:::::::::::::::|
  \   |_\  \_\ __\ ___  \  _\ _/_\  \  __/               |:::::::::::::::|
  / /_/ /  / _// _/--/  /-/ _/-/ /  /\  \                |:::::::::::::::|
 / |_/| \__/ \ \ \ \/  /\ \ \ \| \___/\  \_              |:::::::::::::::|
|__|  |__| |___|___|\__¯__|____|__|/__¯___/              |:::::::::::::::|
<----------------(st!/--------------------->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  mystic             |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  for arcane again! aka looooverboy!       |:::::::::::::::|
             |and muad'mib for wanting your girlys! =)   |:::::::::::::::|
             |& ufok for trading like crazy!             |:::::::::::::::|
 |\_ _________|_\      ____  ___                         |:::::::::::::::|
 |  \|    /   |  \_____|   |(___)_____.                  |:::::::::::::::|
_|  \/   /   /|   /  ___   _/___/  .__|___               |:::::::::::::::|
\___\|   \__  ___/\   \|   |   /   |\    /               |:::::::::::::::|
     |____|/  |   /\   \_  |___|______  /                |:::::::::::::::|
<---------/___/____¯____/__|-(st!/----\/--->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  lsd                |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  for my german friend zod! who resently   |:::::::::::::::|
             |got busted! hope those bitches dont fuck   |:::::::::::::::|
             |to much with you!!                         |:::::::::::::::|
  ___       __________________                           |:::::::::::::::|
  \  \     (    _______       \  presents                |:::::::::::::::|
  /  /---¦__\   \  /  /       /   to you!                |:::::::::::::::|
 /  /    |  /\   \/__________/                           |:::::::::::::::|
/________/__¯_____)-----------(st!/-------->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  jormas             |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  for my norwegian jormas friend magz!     |:::::::::::::::|
   ____  ___      |\_ _____/\                            |:::::::::::::::|
   |  |_/   | ____|  \|   // \________                   |:::::::::::::::|
___|  |\ |  |_\   \  \/  /,   (    ___)                  |:::::::::::::::|
   |  |  |  / /   /__\| /______\   \presents             |:::::::::::::::|
\____/ \___/  \____/  |____|   /\   \                    |:::::::::::::::|
<---/-----|____|--(st!/----/____¯____)----->             |:::::::::::::::|
            ____              _________                  |:::::::::::::::|
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __             |:::::::::::::::|
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _               |:::::::::::::::|
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /      id!:  saints             |
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/                |:::::::::::::::|
___\       _/+---/   /----------\  \_  __ __/------------------------------>
    \______\ |  /___/ lO`prO-97  \_____\rN!  Dedicated 2!|:::::::::::::::|
             |                                           |:::::::::::::::|
             |  magz is also a member of this one to!    |:::::::::::::::|
             |so this goes also to him! magz is cute!    |:::::::::::::::|
  _______   __        _____   _____                      |:::::::::::::::|
 /  __/\/  (__)/\ ____|_  |_ /  __/                      |:::::::::::::::|
_\  \/ \\ ____/  \|    /  _/-\  \                        |:::::::::::::::|
 /\  \  \\|  /  \     /   |  /\  \ presents              |:::::::::::::::|
__¯___\  /___|__|\   /|   |___¯___\                      |:::::::::::::::|
<-/________\------\_/-|___|----------(st!/->             |:::::::::::::::|
      ___________________________  ____   _______ _________ ____
     _\                               ____\     //   _    //    |._______
    |    · L O W  p R O F I L E ·     \       _/     /          ||      /
    |                                /__________________________/\      |
    ·   _______ ________ _______ ________ _____ ______ _______   \______|
    ____\_     ))_     //   _   \\     _//_____))    //_     /____
    \    /____/ _/    /     /         _\            /  /____/    / cDr/m's
   /_______|____\ ____________________|___________________________\_ ____
  .. THE BATTLE OF THE DJ'S                              |:::::::::::::::|

   Cred¡ts:      catch¡ng wreck on the 1 & 2  .............. stRAtOS!/lP!|

                           brooklyn's f¡nest  ..............    uMAN!/aL!|
                               low'prof¡le#1  ..............   mOGUE!/aL!|
                               low'profile#2  .............. cRUSADER/m'S|
                                 low'pro id!  ..............    rAMON/lP!|


   Greets:       ac¡d,madsen,baffle!,arcane,h2o!,ramona,treach!,axeblade
                 uman,zeus!,red demon,trivial,zorro,misfit,mogue,rapid
                 lizard,splash,chris meland,flashback!,fatal,yebo,logic!
                            and the all others i forgot!


   Respects:     arcl¡te  dez¡gn  upperclass  art   mo'soul   contra

                  2fast    rotox!  sal-one  exocet  karma    mogue
                    u-man  sy-klone  gr¡mlock  desert!  redskin!
                  sk¡n  v¡nz¡  nup!  n¡ke  fckw  ambl¡n  gem  manta
                 r¡p  desoto  mark ryder enforcer  danz¡g  crusader
                 shapeshanger  metalbasher  kamensk¡  red dev¡l seven m
                   maz!  dhm  boomer  godhead!  rat!  stylez  h2o!
                              treach!  rap¡d!

                                                               o +O

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ_____ ______   _____\_____
 /  /____   \ _______\    \____
/  /_|  / __/_|     / /___/\   \ ______
  /   /___\  /\    /  |\/  /   /____   \
_____/----|__/\   /___||   \____/  /   /--->
    /          \_/     \____|  \______/st!
|-brOOklyn's f¡nest!  the outline project
|---------------------------(c) stRAtOS!'97!

[the end!] l¡ne: 1408!