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42 114 bytes (41.13K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:12
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all-time: 673

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



--------------------------(ben je gek op madeliefjes? ik ben)----------------

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                        (___\(__) /  _    ) (___/  /
                          `--!'  ! _ \ _ _\_  (_///
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                       \___|   \_)   _//   |/   \
                      ./   |    \\   \¡   _!     \ _  _  _
                      !____|____\_\___|___\ \____/(_)(_)(_)

           It is year 3402.  The speed human colonisation of the
           galaxy has increased by 30% during 34th century.  The
           trend seems to remain.  Those who during the 21st century
           thought that english would become the future official
           language coudn't possible have been more wrong.  Today
           there are two interstellar tongues, french 64% of the 30%
           portuguese.  The other 6% is mainly dutch and some
           strange tongue similar to english, spoken in the renegade
           systems where they practize the religion of zion.

        Two corporations And one Secret Network shares the
        political, economic and the ascii power.

                   Nouqia (original name NOKIA once a
                   rubbermanufacturer went into telecom during the 20th
                   century, changed name to appeal the french speakin
                   majority of the galaxy in 2786).  Son d'Erique (original
                   name ERICSSON, followed the trend started by Nouqia and
                   changed name only weeks after Nouqia switched name).  The
                   third power is Soul Survivors of Low Profile.  A small
                   renegade underground network, with an own system, own
                   starfleet, own plantations.  No one dares to utter the
                   name of this network in public.  Since Most of the
                   policing done by Nouqia and Son d'Erique is following
                   those who worship the secret network of ancient yet still
                   modern art-terrorism.  Noone really knows when or where
                   they started off.  "They have always been there" is the
                   normal responce if you meet someone who isn't afraid that
                   an Corporate agent would overlisten the conversation.

         "The soul survivors of low profile reign by the will of
        the goddess Ageema" Said by the preacher and second soul
        brother of Disciples of Ageema, Hannibal Peck, when he
        blessed the Low profile in the first chappel of ageema.
        Disciples of Ageema is also still active today 3402.
        Some historians claim that they evolved from the same
        group of people around the end of the 20th century.  Some
        historians dare to go even further in the theories and
        even claim that the first reverend and disciple of
        ageema, Mortimer Twang, also was a member of the group of
        people who was the inner core of Soul Survivors Of Low

              Infact the Historians stand unison to three factors though.
              one: They are dead certain that Low Profile was founded by
              the legendary tribe father Red Demon.

              two: That according to documents in the ancient .txt format
              the initial members of Low Profile is a mishmash of the
              initial members of Divine Stylers and The House Of Style.

              three: that a war between Divine Stylers and The House of
              style might have been the action that ignitiated the
              Low Profile Tribe.

                 Historians still strive to solve this major
                 question, not only to become subject to the Nobel Price.But
                 on the other hands the two big corporations Nouqia and
                 Son d'Erique are also spending galactic amounts of
                 fundings to eliminate this for them annoying question....

    Nothing is certain, only thing Certain is that
    the soul survivors still prove to be a threat to the two
    major corporations.  Totally Independant and totally

                If the answer to the question they don't know to phrase
                get's in the wrong hands the universe. It's bigger
                than the meaning of life question that we all today know
                is 42. No, this is bigger, and beware, evil forces are
                approaching not only the subject. The Soul survivors of
                Low Profile is also mobilising it's forces towards the
                sworn enemies....

                      The dice has been thrown...

 _______                  .
 \_     \                _|____/\ _____
  /     /_________________|      \    /
 /     //                /            \  S O U L S U R V I V O R S   O F
 \_____________       _    _____/\_____\
              /___________| ______           ._________
            .__ ______ .____\     \          |   _     \  _____.  ___
            |   \     \|     \     \         |   /_____/ |     | /   \_
            |    \           /     /_________|     ______|     |/    _/____
            |    /     ____ /               /      \                 \     \
            |   /_____/     \____        _    _____             ____________\
            |_____|              |___________|     |      _____| rDm
    W   I   L   L       S   O   R   T       Y   O   U       O   U   T   !

   Okay, We know that you all are EAGERLY waiting for the production that
     yours trully have been working on with Red Demon, Darkus, and maybe
    Trivial and Ramon... Eeehh. Rome wasn't buildt in one day you know...

    In the meantime. While you wait you take the oppurtunity to learn the
         history about the renowned Low Profile in this collection.
      ____     ______   _____   ______   __.    ____      _____     _____
 ___ _\   \ __    __ \ _\_  /___     /__ \_:__ _\   \ __ _\   /___ _\_  /___
 \   \     \  \    /  \  /     /      _/   |   \     \  \   __/   \  /     /
 /____\     \  \ ______\ \     \ ____|_____|____\     \  \ _\      \ \     \
      /_____/__/          \_____\               /_____/__/  /______/  \_____\
                 _______    _         ___     ______
                _\     /__ _\/___ ___|   \ ___\     \ ______ _  d!^dKB
                \       _/  /\   |   |    \__  \     \   ___/ \
                /______|__ /  \ _|___|      /___\     \ _\     \
                          /____\     |_____/    /_____/  /_____/

     The board "The Yard" run by zaner is now Lopro German HQ so if you
   want to ge in touch with me without bothering to use the internet call
     the yard! (wich also is disciples of ageema chappell:). All you who
            are netted up and all can email me at

   Trivial called and woke me up some hours ago, as usual i must say, and
 said he was moving to gothenburg. Good for him, Slurry and his Girlfriend!

     i might have a good excuse to go to gothenburg now. Thats welcome,
    I might even go and bug Spot/Up Rough if i manage to find the way to
                         gothenburg heheh.... Aight!

                   In the meantime, check this collie out!
                                   Me out!

                            Sweet Mortimer Twang

                   For any reason contact:

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  the end             |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

     ________.\      /    __________
     \       |_     /____/   __    /_.________
      \      _/    /     \________/__¡       /
       \     |____/      /    /______________\ ©Mt            _______
        \____!lP! \______\  __________         __________     \      \
                           /   __    / .______/    _.    \_____\     /
                           \________/__!      \    \!_____\     \____\
                                /______________\____\    \__________\

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  blb                 |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

             ________  /       /_______
            /       /  \      /       /
  ____ __©Mt\      /___/_    /\      /_____                          ____
__)  `-'/__ /_____/      \__/ /_____/      \               ________ _)  /___

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\ blb.diz              |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

                                 _.   _____________________________________._
                                  |©Mt      _____                          |
                                  ·_______ /    /______                    |
                                  .\     //    /\     /                    |
                                  ¡/    /·__   \/    /___                  |
                                  /____/    \__/____/    \                 |
                                 _!/________/   /________//________________!_
                                  ·                                        ·

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  winterland          |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

                    ______         ________.
     _.________  __(_____/         \       |_                  ______
   ___|       /__\       \ _________\      _/_________        /      \
  /   ! ____ /    \.______\   _      \     |   __    / ______!      __\
 /______\  `-------'     /____/      /\____!________/__\      \_____\   ©Mt
    ·                        /      / _________ /______________\   _______
    ¡    W  I  N  T  E  R   /      /_/    _    \ ___________       \      \
    |                      /      /  \____\    /     _      \_______\     /
    |    L  A  N  D       /      / ___________/______/      /        \____\
    |                     \___________/             /_______\____________\
   _|____________ ________
    !                     \_______________________________________ ___ _

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  fisherking          |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

   _ ______              ______.\      /  _ _________
  ///      \   ______   /      |      /       __    /_.________ ______
    \     __\__\_____)__\     _!   _ /_____________/__¡       //      \
     \   \____        ________\____\       /   /______________|      __\
      \_____\/_______/              \_____/                   !______\
                           ________   ______              ________
                           \      /  _\_____)__          /        \ ©Mt
                     ______/     /___!_       /__________\         \
                     \.   /    _/      \_____/     _    __\________/____
                      !_________________\    !_____/    \_______________\

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  citizen 72          |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

            ______        ______
           _\____/_      _\____/_______
  ________/       /_____/      |       \  _________     ____________
 /        \______/     /_______!_      /_/         \ __/_           \
 \____________\_         /      /________\__________\    \___/______/
               /________/                   /_____________\
                                                    ______________ ©Mt
                                       .____________\             \___
                                       |___          \_/          /   \

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  black arts          |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

               ________                            _________
    ________  /       /                            \       /
   /       /  \      / _________ _____________     /      / ©Mt
   \      /___/_    /_/    _    \    _       /____/      /    _______
   /_____/      \__/  \____\    /    /______/    /    __/_____\      \
.-----/_________/ /____________/\________________\____________________\---.
|        _________      ________.   _______                               |
|     __/    _    \_____\       |_ /       \ __                           |
`----/  \____\    /      \      _/_\      __\\`---------------------------'
    /____________|      __\     |_________\
                 !______\  \____!

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  error404            |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

                   ______                     ______
     _________    /      \ ______  _________ /      \
    /         \ _!__    __\      \/         !      __\
    \__________\    \___\|      __\          \_____\                 ·
       /_____________\   !______\  \_________/         ©Mt           ¡
                                           ___________               |
                              _________   /           \  ____________!_
       e R R O R             /        /___\___         \_________    ·
                   4 o 4    /________._      /_________/        /_______
                                     !______/         /________.       /

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  fourfour project    |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

   four/four  \     \  _________
  _________    \     ·/        /_______
 /        /_______   /________._      /
/________.       /     .      !______/
.--------!______/ \_____\-------------.
|                                     |
|  F O U R / F O U R - P R O J E C T  |
|                                     |

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  disciples of ageema |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

    D     I     S     C     I     P     L     E     S           O     F
   _________          __________                _______        _________
 _/    _    \________/      ___/__  __________  )   _ /_______/    _    \
 )\____\    /        \_____/      \_      ___/__\___/     _   \____\    /_
 \_________/\         \   /________/_____/        \/      /____________//(
           __\________/                 /_________/______/
|                      mORtiMER · cELtiC · rAdAVi · kUU · oRLiNGO · mALiK !

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  mo'playas info      |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

               ¼¼½¼½¼½¼½¼½¡           m  O   `    P  l  A  Y  A  Z
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\__/    _\_____\ ) \  | \    \___/    /________\_\_____\__/_______/    /  ¡
  /     /_\   __\\__\ !_(\____\ /    /     \       ______\       /________!
 /_____/          / _   /       \    /      \______\
                _/ _/   \ ©Mt    \__/
_.___________._(___)____( _._____ ____  dEdICAtEd tO d&B/bBEAtS/tRiPhOp __.
 |               (_______)           `----------------------------------' |
 |                                                                        |
 | I N f O        TITLE/ARTIST:                                           |
 |                       STYLE:                                           |
 |                 RELEASEDATE:                                           |
 |                    IN SHORT:                                           |
 |                                                                        |
 |                                  © & [p] MostValuablePlayaz (tm) 1999. |
 |                                                    All rights reserved |
 |                            (for detailed info see chapter "copyright") |

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\ elephant             |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

                           ______                   dedicated to stezotehic!
                         _/_    `--._
                     _  /     ______(___
                     / /      )        (
                    (__)    _/ /      //
                      \.   /  /    /// )
                       !  (__/(___   \-'
                       ___      _(   /
                      (/_\\____!_\\  \ ©Mt
                          // !\\   \__\

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\      gorezone        |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

                                             _ ___
                        _______           ______ /
                       /       \ _______./     /_____
                       \        \       \    _/      \ _______
   _____________________\_______/        \___\   _____\      /
   \           ________________\\________/    \______________\
    \          \           ______ ._____         _______       ©Mt
    /___________\    _____/      \!     \_______/       \    ___________
                    /     \       \______\      \    ____\___\         /
                   /_     /_______/       \______\_____________________\

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  luppakorva          |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

     dedicated to repe!
                                               __  ___
                                                )   \_
                                               /// _  \_  ©Mt
                                              /    /    \   __
                                             (____/     _\ /_ \
                                             /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\      centric         |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

    __________           ._____         _______._
   /         /_.________ ¡     \________\      .       _____  __________
  /__________           \·  ____\        \     |_    _(____/_/         /__
             \___________\  \    \_______     (__\___\        ____________\
                 /___________\          /_______.       ______\
                                                ¡     _|        ©Mt

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  owner of an apina   |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________datsun!_!
              / (_____
             (_______ )
               (    / )
               _)/! )/_
               )`¬.-' (      dedicated to the style posse
             _/j     /(
               `[ ](-'
                )_  \
                \/   \

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  the yard            |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

 _._                                \      .   ______  _______       ____._
  ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
  |                                  _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
  |                                 /__________________/  /________\  ©Mt|
  |                              _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
  |                              \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
  |                                 \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
  |                                  \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
 _!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
  ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\   meanwhile uptown   |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

              ______  _________  __________
              )  _ /__\        \_\        /_________
              \__/    _ ________\ \____\  \        / ._________________.
                /     /_\   /___   __________/    (                    |
               /_____/ .       /__/_._______/     /          ____.     !
                       ¡       _____|      /_    /    ____  /    |______
                       |       \    ! ___ /  \  /_____\   )_     |_  _  \ _
                       |        \_____\ /_____\      /     /_____|/______\ \
                       !       _______.  ______\____/_____/         /_______\
               _______  _______\      . /      \  _._______  __________
               \     /_/____    \     |_        \__|      /_/         /
              ./    /       \____\   (__\_______/  ! ___ /  \___/    / .
              /______________\ /_______/       /_____\ /_____\ /_____\ ¡
                       .                                               |
                       ¡                                               |
                       |                                               |
                       |                                               |
                       ·                                               ·

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\  the restricted area |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

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              |             /    \____\  \      _|___________\   \____\  \_
              |            /______________\_____\         _ _______________\

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\      kwik e mart     |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

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|                                                                        _!,
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  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\      inhale          |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

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  /_______!       \_______      /_____\ _ \____\   \______|\___________\  \
                         /_____/       \/___________\          /___________\
  ©Mt                          \_______/

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\      adon            |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

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   ____ _   \   \____\   \ ____\     /      \___/    /___________________
   \         \____________\     \_____       \ /_____________           /
   /____________ _      \___________\\_______/              /___________\ ©Mt

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\   afrochichique 2oo¹ |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

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  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\       hazard/2       |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

   ________                                   _________    __
  /_      /   _________               _.______\      _    _ /
   /     /  __\       /       _________!     / \     \    // ___________ ©Mt
  /     /___\ _\___/  \_______\       /   __/___\     \  /· /_          \
 /_____/     \/_______/     \  \___/  \___\      \____/      /          /_
       \_____/       /_     /__________/   \_________\ ·/   /____________/
                      /_________/                     //

  © mortimer twang 1999.       ___               _____
_._____________________ _     /   \_____________|    / _____________________.
 !                          __\   _\     \   /  |   /                       |
 ___          ___      _____\_____\______/______!___¡  L O W  P R O F I L E |
/   \________/   |_________/_______/     \./   |/   \                       |
\   _\  /   |   _|  /  \    |  /   \      |   _|\   _\     black maiden     |
____\_______|___\_______\___|_______\_____|___\_____\ ______________________!

                        _______._                         \      /
                 ______ \      ¡_________  _________      /     /
  --------------/     /__\     |\       / /        /_____/     /------ - ---
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    \___|    . `_/    _    \_____|    \____/       \.______\       /
        !     \_ \____\    /    \_________\\    ____\    \  \______\ ©Mt

                                                         _________ _______
   __________                   _____._________       ___\       //       \
  /         /__________________/     !         \ ____/    \_____/_\________\
 /______________________________    _!__________\     __________________\
                                \___\   /_____________\

                                Everything made up by mORTIMER tWANG except
                                these typographic scrolls....

                                "MORTIMER TWANG" logo made by DipSwitch
                                "LOPRO DIZ" by ramon
                                "THE END" by uMAN
                                "PHARMACEPTIC AD" by trivial
                                "LOW PRIFILE" by red demon

       /       \     _.________        _______._
       \        \_____.__     /________\      .    _______
________\_______/     ! /________     / \     |_  /       \
\       _________    _________  /____/___\   (__\_\________\
 \______\        \___\       /___________________________\ ______________ ©Mt
  ---------------------------------------------------------'            `----

 red demon / darkus / skunkmasta / ganja / guffawskoja / esko kimmonen / dtn
   ilke /  whiskas / leunam&nork / cybergod / holmes / repe / stezotehic /
   Radavi / buzz / celtic / malik / hannibal peck / dipswitch / lord chaos
   dezibel / acorn / nike / markryder / tango / ramone / tycoontje / gainx
  fire / hardfire / carnifex / threaz / teis / linus / whirlwind / mjolaren
              boheme / crazy / volatile / kuu / argus / gainx /

 maaaan, you know who you are... and you shouldn't care about these greets!
                      friends past present and future!

                                ALL in #ascii

                   ______________ ___:        /__________
                  |        _     |   :       /    __    /
                  |________/     |   :      /    /_____/_.
                     /___________|   :_____/_____________|
                   ___________       :_________ _ __________
                  /     _    / ______:        /_ ____      /
                _/     /____/_.      \       /      /     /

                 javisst for fan, stick! dra! pys! dunsta!

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ            ____              _________
   ____    /  _ \ __ _________\__     /__ __
  /   /   /   /  \\/_\__   _  __/    /   _
 /   /   /  _/    \/   /   /  \   __/    /
/  _/___/  __ ____    ____/____\  \    _/
___\       _/    /   /          \  \_  __ __
    \______\    /___/            \_____\rN!

    - Soul Survivors of Low Profile -
       - Based on a true story -
      -+ sweet mortimer twang! +-

--------------------------(ben je gek op madeliefjes? ik ben)----------------