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132 122 bytes (129.03K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 254


  ...         _ _                                          _ _     ...
 ::::          \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY ///      ::::
 :::_   .___.    \                                        /        _:::
 :://-- |   |-----\  24h Static Telnet on 768/128k ADSL  /--------// ::
 |. .___.  _:____ _  ___                                             _:
 _ _|   |_ \_   // //  /____   __ _  cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFF/=C64 \:
 \\\_   _/__/  /___  _     /__||///  mOD/mP3/hANDhELD aRCHIVE ____    |
    |_  \_\        \ /____/   _      _____ _      _____     ./  _/    .
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  tHE hOTTEST sCENE sPOT! _ /   / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \    \    :
 :     _                  //_____\\:     \      /___|   \_________\  _.
-.----\\-----------------------|   |----- .-----------||-------- ----/:
 | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9602 |_

  .____.         ._____                        .____. [fL]             ._____
 _|    |_________|    /________________________|    |__________________|    /_.
 \_   __/   __   |   /      ___  __       ____/    __/   __     _    _/|   /  |
 ||__ /    _\/   `--  __.    _/__\(     __`     ._ /    _\/    _\      `--  __|
 |                                                                            |
 |  Toyfactory is rolling with a deeply configured & hotlooking DayDream BBS  |
 |   on A12OO, O3O/5OMHz, 18MB RAM, 3.8GB Harddisk, 4x4 CD-Rom, 33.6k Modem   |
 |     Amiga,Tools,Games,Scene,C=64,PSX,Music,Graphics,Ascii,Doors,HPA,MP3    |
 |       Shitloads of Ascii (18OO+ collections), Music (20000+ modules),      |
 |         C64 (1OOO+ files), Games (3 CDs+) and much more available!         |
 |      Every user has access to a 4x4 CD-Changer, able to change discs!      |
 |                                                                            |
 | Uploaded by          e r i t t ä i n     a v o i n     m o n o n o d e     |
 | Smoke                      a n t i e l i t e     s y s t e e m i           |
 | on 14-Jul-97                                                               |
 `-----------------·«[   + 3 5 8 - 1 7 - 5 5 1 2 9 7 2   ]»-------------------'
                                     /  \                ____
          ___________ __________    /   \\  ____________/    |______ 
       ___\____      \_       __|__/__   \\/          _/     |_     |
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|                                                 _________               |
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|            ___\____       /            \        /      |                |
`--------- -|      _/     _/_      |      \     _/\      |- --------------'
            |______\        /_____________/______________|
                    \      /
                     \    /  sTAFF:         
                      \  /         
                       \/          SHADOWER,AUTOPSY,EXOCET,
                                   LINEBACKER,FURY,NIGHT ASSASSIN


        MAIN RINGDOWN:  +1-8o1-779-4069 · TELNET:  +

                               ·SINCE 1992·

                     as fast as muthafucking l.a. train

                     · 1 9 4 . 1 9 0 . s t a . t i c ·

                   ___________________ __/________________
                _._\                  \\/                /_._
                 |   p  u  r  p  l  e  \   d  r  e  a  m   |
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   __\_        /__\       Y   _     /_ _\_        /_\  _/______\        /_.
   \  /_______/   |\          /    /  Y  /_______/     \         /_____/  |
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|       _/     /    /  Y    /_____/        /  /      \  dmD!^lkr|
|_______\ _____________.____________|________________\/         |
fastest, biggest and simply the best board in russia
         lkr whq - mono & phd & fl rhq 

                                     uploader: G.d.M.          
                                        date : 13-Jul-97

·<------[SOF]                                                    [SOF]------>·

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                           l o w     p r o f i l e
                           in one nine nine seven!

   "  w  E    K  E  e  P     p  L  A  n  E  t  S    I  n    O  R  b  I  T  "

                         .                       ............
                       -/\\                      :..........:
                    ___/  \___ .
                 _:_\        /_|_                ............
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       |     |  |   ._____\     \.____/\ ______  :          :
       |     |______|     |\     \      \     /  :          :
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   rDm |____________/____ /_____/|_____/\______\ :..........:
.__ ______   .  |                | ._________  _ ._____
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|_____|   |___ /     /|____ /_____/|_____||______|____________/____________/
               \_____\__         .               :          :
            _ __ .    \          |  " only the good die young,
               /_|_    ·        _|               :          :
                 ·/___      ___\\              so:we're bad as fuck .. "
                     /_    _\   \                :..........:
                       \  /      ·               :..........:
                        ·                        ::::::::::::
" I'm the raw deal God,      ·                   ............
                            _:_                  ::::::::::::
      in undercover .. "    /|\                  ::::::::::::
                         _ .\ /. _               ::::::::::::
                    ·<--|/-|   |-\|              ::::::::::::
                        |         |     _|_____. ............
               ______   | ______  |      |     | ::::::::::::
         ._____\     \.___\     \ |  ____|_    | ::::::::::::
         |      \     \    \     \·_/     /    | ............
         |      /     /    /_____/ \     /     | :          :
         |____ /     /|____________/     \ ____|_:          :
      ._____   \_____\  .         | \_____\    | :          :
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/     /     .    /_____/ \     _    \|     |/     /     |/     /
\     \ ____|____________/_____\     \____ /_____/|____ /     /
 \_____\_               .      /_____/                  \_____\
        \               |_ ·   . _.              ............           .
         ·              |/-|_ _|-\|---->········ :          : ··········:·
                            / \                  :          :           :
                            \|/                  :..........:           :
                             :           ....... ............ ..........:
                                         :       :          :
                                         :       :..........:
     Two powers rule our universe. The           ............      :
     first one you may call God, he is      .... :..........: .....:
     the  creator of  all that  we see      :    ............
     around  us, the  land, the  seas,      :.................
     flowers, and the trees.His powers        .........   ...:
     were greater then no other.With a        :..     :   :
     blink of  an eye he  created,  as          :     :   ·
     did he create  mankind.He created          :     :   .
     standing  infront of the  oceans,          :     :
     still  pure and  untouched, clear          :     :.........
     as  day, sparkling  like a ray of          :     ::     ..:
     sunlight, mankind.Like  the image          :     ::     :
     on  the  surface  of the  sea  he          :     ::     :
     formed a  woman. From the dust of          : ....::.... :
     the deserts, from the water of an          :.:........:.:
     oase,  from  the  leaves  of  the            :   ..   :
     strongest  oak, with  a  touch of            :   ::   :
     the  softest  silk. It was  there            :   ::   :
     when  the  one you  know  as  God            :   ::   :
     created his  own destruction. For            :   ::   :
     behind  him,  glenzing  over  his            :   ::   :
     shoulder with a  sarcastic  grin,            :   ::   :
     stood  the one  you  know as  the            :   ::   :
     Devil. And as  our race  was  set        ... :   ::   :
     upon the earth, all that is  Evil        :.. :........:
     was  transferred into mankind.And          :     .
     now still, in  each and  everyone          :     :
     of  us,  being the  offspring  of          :     :
     what  was  created  long ago,  we          :     :.........
     still  hold, even  treasure, some          :     ::     ..:
     of this  Evil inside.Deep inside,          :    _::_    :
     for  no  man wants  to  show  his          :    /::\    :
     innerself, deep inside we embrace    ..    :     ::     :    ..
     our gifts of lust, envy, hate and    : ... :............: ... :
     jealousy.Be aware of your selves,      : :................: :
     of what  you are,  what you  have      :... :::::::::::: ...:
     become, and of what  i am, and of      . .: :::::::::::: :. .
     what i will become .                        ::::::::::::
   ::::::::::::                               .
   ::::::::::::                     . _________\__
   ::::::::::::                 ·<--|\\         \
   ::::::::::::  ._         ._____    /         /
   :::: .______  |/         |     |_ /       ______       ______
   :::: |      |____________|    _ /___ .____\     \._____\     \
   :::: |             _     \    \     \|     \     \     |\     \
   :::: |      .     |/     /     \     \     /     /     |/     /
   :::: |______|____ /     /|____ /     /___ /     /|____ /_____/
   ::::........      \_____\   _ /_____/  .  \_____\    rDm
   ::::::::::::                /         /
   ::::::::::::               /         /_
   ::::::::::::              _\_________\\|------->·
   ::::::::::::                \
   ::::::::::::                 ·
   ::::::::::::     I woke up this morning, hoping to find a  big package
   ::::::::::::     in  my mail. There should  have been  some new  play-
   ::::::::::::     station games inside that package, and there probably
   ::::::::::::     is, but it wasn't in my mailbox this morning.Therefor
   ::::::::::::     i turned to my  trusty pc (yes, i  know what all  you
................    pc-haters are thinking at this moment, spare me pls),
:..     ..     :    to  amuse me for this day. Although i had a  bit of a
  :     ::     :    headache, i started  working on a  new style. This is
  :     ::     :    really assual for me. I like creating new styles, but
  :     ::     :    last  few weeks, months actually, I just couldn't get
  :     ::     :    it together. Several different  styles came  together
  :     .......:    upon  my screen, but  none gave full  satisfaction (I
  :     :           guess  all artists  know  what i'm  talkin'  bout).So
  :     :           today I  started of, just for fun, trying some logos.
  :.... : ....      And as time went by, and  as I changed  several tapes
  ::....:    :      to  cd's, and  cd's to  tapes, it  came to me  that I
   :    ..   :      always  made a  full  new alphabet  in a pretty  nice
   :    ::   :      style. The result is in the collection  you are going
   :    ::   :      to watch, and hopefully enjoy. The last part, because
   :    ::...:      it is  probably my last ascii  collection for a  long
   :    :           time. Since, as you may already know, I'm leaving for
   :    :           Canada on the 25th of July, I won't be able to do any
   :    :           more ascii.Although I'm planning to meet with Hiro in
   :    :           Vancouver, i don't think my mind will be on the ascii
...:    : ......    biz, let  alone be on making  a full new  collection.
:..:....:      :
  :     ..     :    As I was telling you, I had a real creative day today
  :     ::     :    and I also  checked the internet (specially Hosee) to
  :     ::     :    see if there were some new packs.There were in fact a
  :     ::     :    whole bunch of 'em (probably the result of me lacking
  :     ::     :    to check for new packs the last weeks).The thing that
  :     ::     :    striked  me most, was  the range of  new groups being
  :     ::     :    formed in such  a short  period  of time. Groups like
  :     ::     :..  Arcade, Deity (?), Phunk, and Afluence Design to name
  :..............:  but a few. To be completely  honest with you  (like I
   ............     always am) I was rather disappointed with the quality
   ::::::::::::     of the collections.Most of them lacked a solid style,
   ::::::::::::     not to mention  design (please guys, but a logo above
   ::::::::::::     your  table of contents .. don't  give me the line-up
   ::::::::::::     for  the logos, just  like that ..).You may  probably
   ::::::::::::     think that  I'm going to tell you how lame I think it
   ::::::::::::     is,  that all those crappy  artists are beginning new
   ::::::::::::     groups, and that we (as the settled group of artitst)
   ::::::::::::     should kick their arses. But I'm  not, for the simple
   ::::::::::::     reason,  that I once  started out the same way. I too
   ::::::::::::     started with a pack, without even a label  to produce
   ::::::::::::     it under, I too started a group with only two members
   ::::::::::::     (I was  the only active member), and I  too was  very
   ::::::::::::     happy  when House of Style adopted me  (I still can't
   ::::::::::::     see why, cause I now think those  packs i made stink,
   ::::::::::::     atleast the styles  stank). So should some of you new
   ::::::::::::     comers  read this, please keep on  doing what you are
   ::::::::::::     doing  now, don't be  afraid  to  experiment with new
   ::::::::::::     chars and new forms, just as long as you're havin fun
   ::::::::::::     I would  like to add  that I was  pleasently suprised
   ::::::::::::     with a pack from arlequin, and also with a collection
   ::::::::::::     from Weapon-X (from whom I had seen a logo, very long
   ::::::::::::     time ago, and back then I was thinking " that guy can
   ::::::::::::     make  it to  the  major  leagues,  without  doubt ").
   ::::::::::::     Okay, so much for the introduction, I really hope you
   ::::::::::::     will enjoy  my final works, and I too hope  you  will
   ::::::::::::     remember me, once I'm out in  Canada doing what i luv
   ::::::::::::     to do so much .. SNOWBOARDING!  Red Demon a.k.a. Matt
   ::::::::::::                               .
   ::::::::::::                 ._ __________/_           ._____
   ::::::::::::                 |//         /             |     |_
 _________ ::::   .____________   \         \             |    _ /___
.\   _    \  _    |      _     \   \         \  ._________|__  \     \
|    \     \ \____|     |/     /__  \     ______|      _     \  \     \
|    /__.__/__\   |____ /     /   |_  .___\     \     |/     /__/     /______
|_______|     |\     \  \_____\  _ /__|    \     \ __ /     /  /_____/     _/
   .... |     |/     / rDm  |    \    |    /_____/ \  \_____\  .____\     \
   :::: |____ /_____/_      |     \   |____________/           |    \\     \
   ::::........    /        |____ /     /.         . t a b l e |___________/
   :          :                  /_____/  \         \
   : Part One :                            \         \ . o f
   : Requests :                          __/_________//|------->
   :          :                           /
   :          :                                   _       _ .
   : Part Two :                                  \\-------//
   : Respects :                                 _(___   ___)_
   :          :                                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
   ::::::::::::                                 ))___/ \___((
   :          :                              _  \     ^     /
   : End Part :     .........                \---\__  _  __/---/
   : OutroTxt :     :       :    ... ._  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
   :          :     :       :    :    )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
---::::::::::::---------------------- \ :|    logo: Altern Diz    |: / ---->
..................                    /_`|  requester: Tommy       |'_\ oo1
:--............--:-------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
:  ::::::::::::  :  :       :....:        /_______________________\|_
:  ::::::::::::  :..:                                              |/
:. :::::::::::: ....                                               ·
   ::::::::::::    :
   ::::::::::::    :
 ..................:                  ._____ _____
 : ............        _:_  ______ rDm|     |     |_    _:_
 :.::::::::::::...      |/ /     /____|     |    _ /___ \|
   ::::::::::::  :      · /     .           ·    \     \ ·
      ...........:       /     /|     .           \     \
      :...              .\     \|_____|_____.____ /     /
         :           <--|-\_____\a  l  t  e  r  n/_____/-|-->
         .              |                                |
                        |_                              _|

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: Tommy          |: / ----------------------------------\\
  oo2  /_,|  requester: Tommy       |,_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                                 _._  _/\_  _.
                                  |/--\  /--\|-->
       ._____    T  o  m  m  y    |          |                    .
       |     |_          ______   | _  ______|  _  ______  ______/_
       |    _ /___ ._____\     \.___\\/     /___\\/     / /     /_
       |    \     \|     |\     \          /|          /._\     \\\_
     _.|     \     \     |/     /     _    \|     _    \|  \_____\  |._
  ·--\||____ /     /____ /_____/|_____\     \_____\     \     ______||/--·
          __/_____/               .   /_____/.    /_____/_____\ rDm
           /                      |_        _|
          ·                  ·<---|/-/_  _\-\|
                                  ·    \/    ·

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    logo: Altern Big     |: / ---->
                                      /_,|  requester: Tommy       |,_\ oo3
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

                                             _\________ _.
                                               \       \\|-->
                 ._____._____                  /       /
       ______    |     |     |_        ______ /      ______
      /     /____|     |    _ /___ .___\     \ ._____\     \.____________
     /     .           ·    \     \|    \     \ _     \     \      _     \
    /     /|     .           \     \    /_____/ \     /     /     |/     /
    \     \|_____|_____.____ /     /____________/___ /     /|____ /     /
     \_____\                /_____/      .       .   \_____\ rDm  \_____\
                                        /       /
                                     . /       /

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: Trooper        |: / ----------------------------------\\
  oo4  /_,|  requester: Trooper     |,_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                         ___/  \___ .
  .                   _ _\        /_|_
--|-----.          <--\|            | ______
  |     |_             |        ._____\     \          ______
  |    _ /___          |  ______|     |\     \     .___\     \
  |    \     \      ._____\     |     |/  .__/_____|    \     \  rDm
  |     \     \ ____|_    |\    |____ /___|   \    |    /_____/ _  _____\_
  |____ /  .__/_\     \   |/     /  .     |    \   |__________._\__\     \
       /___|     \     \_ /_____/  _|_.   |    /     /        |     \     \
           |     /     /            |/    |   /_____/         |     /     /
           |___ /     /|            /     |_____|             |___ /     /
                \_____\|           /|                             _\_____\
                       |_          _|         t R O O P E R !       \
                        /___    ___\ _.
                       /    \  /     \|-->
                      ·     \\/

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    logo: Rebels         |: / ---->
                                      /_,|  requester: Swoop       |,_\ oo5
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

                                    __/_________ _
                                     /         ///-->·
            R e b e l s      ._____  \         \      ._____
         ______     ______   |     |  \      ______   |     |     _______
    .____\     \.___\     \  |    _|____ .___\     \  |     |    /     _/
    |     \     \    \     \ _    \     \|    \     \ _     |____\     \
    |     /     /    /_____/ \     \     \    /_____/ \     |    \\     \
    |___ /     /|____________/_____/     /____________/___ _|___________/
         \_____\                  /_____/  .         \     \| rDm
                                          _ \         \     ·

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: Phobia         |: / ----------------------------------\\
  oo6  /_,|  requester: Phobia      |,_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                                 . _/\_ /
                                __\\  //__
                              ._\        /_.
      .__ ______._____        |         .__|__          ._    .
      |   \     \     |       |  ______ |     |         |/ __/_____
      |    \     \    |.   ._____\     \|    _|____  _____. /     /____.
      |    /     /   _/____|     |\     \    \     \|     |/     .     |
    _.|   /_____/    /     /     |/     /     \     \     /     /|     |._
 <--\||_____|   |____\     \____ /_____/|_____/     /_____\     \|_____||/-->
                     /_____/_ .            . /_____/   rDm \_____\__
                          /   |_          _|                      \
                               /__ .    __\                        ·
                                 //_  _\\
                                 /  \/

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    logo: Museum Erotica |: / ---->
                                      /_,|  requester: CyberGod    |,_\ oo7
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

               _     __/\__
               /___ .\    /. _.
                 |/-|      |-\|-->
                 |            |
     _  ______   | ______     | _______   ______         ______     _  ______
 .___\\/     /_____\     \    |/     _/___\     \ .______\     \.___\\/     /
 |          /|     |\     \____\     \|    \     \|_     |\     \          /
 |     _    \|     |/     /    \\     \    /_____/ \     |/     /     _    \
 |_____\     \___________/|___________/____________/___________/|_____\     \
       /_____/   .            .    ._____                         rDm /_____/
                 |   ______   |    |     |_
     _ .        .____\     \  |    |    _ /___   .__         ______
·<---\/  ______ |     \     \ |    |    \     \  |_/        /     /____.
     .___\     \|     /     / |____|     \    _\____.      /     .     |
     |    \     |___ /     /___\   |____ /   |      |_____/     /|     |
     |    /_____/ \  \_____\   |\     \ /____|      |  _  \     \|_____|
     |____________/      |     |/     /      |      |  \   \_____\ . _
                 .       |____ /_____/       |______|  /_____/_     \/---->·
                 |            |                   |___________\
                 |_          _|
                  /___    ___\ _.
                 /    \  /     \|
                ·     -\//

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: Rasta          |: / ----------------------------------\\
  oo8  /_,|  requester: Rasta       |,_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                          ._ _________/_
                       <--|//        /
                            \        \     ._____
            ______   ______  \       ______|     |_       ______
       .____\     \ /     /____.    /     _/    _ /___   /     /____.
       |     \     \     .     |____\     \|    \     \ /     .     |
    __ |     /     /    /|          \\     \     \     \     /|     | __
  ·-\_||___ /     /     \|_____.___________/____ /     /     \|_____||_/-·
            \_____\\_____\        .         .   /_____/ \_____\ rDm
                                   \         \ .

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    logo: Burger Bar     |: / ---->
                                      /_,|  requester: Zoltrix     |,_\ oo9
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

                             _  _/  \_  _.
                         . _|/--\    /--\|-->
 ._____                   \\/            |                        _
 |     |           ______   |  ______    | ______    ______      _\______
 |    _|____ ._____\     \.____\     \.____\     \___\     \ ._____\     \
 |    \     \|     |\     \     \     \    /     /    \     \ _     \     \
 |     \     \     |/     /     /     /   /_____/.    /_____/ \     /     /
 |_____/     /___________/|___ /     /|_____     |____________/___ /     /
      /_____/      ._____   .  \_____\   . /_____|  rDm            \_____\__
                   |     |  |     ______ |       ______                   \
                   |    _|____   /     /_________\     \
                   |    \     \ /     .           \     \
                   |     \     \     /|     .     /     /
                 __|_____/     /_____\|_____|___ /     /
                   |    /_____/          .       \_____\
                   ·        ._  _    _  _|
                       ·<---|/--/_  _\--\|
                                 \  /.

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: Boheme         |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o1o  /_`|  requester: Boheme      |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                                _  _________\__
                             <--\/\\         \
 ._____                   ._____   /         /
 |     |           ______ |     | /      ______       _  ______/_ ______
 |    _|____ ._____\     \|     |.   .___\     \ .____\\/     /___\     \
 |    \     \|     |\     \     /____|    \     \ _          /     \     \ _
 |     \     \     |/     /    /     /    /_____/ \     _    \|    /_____/ \
 |_____/     /____ /_____/|____\     \____________/_____\     \____________/
      /_____/                / /_____/ /              __/_____/ rDm
                            /         /   B o h e m e  /
                           /         /_
       ·                    \
       :....                 ·
 : ............
   ::::::::::::     :
:  ::::::::::::
:  ::::::::::::
   ............       :
   ::::::::::::       :
   ::::::::::::       :
   :::::::::::: __________
   :::::::::::: \        /.
   :..........:  \__ /    |           ____.                     .......
   :        __:___  /     |   _____  /    | ____       ____   ::::· ·:::
   :       /     /_/      |__/_    \/     |/   _|_____/_   \ ::::·   ::::
   :      .\___    \      /   /   _/      /   /   _/   /   / ::::  : ::::
   :      |   /    /     /   /_    \_    /   /_    \_ /___/¯\_·::::·.:::
   :      |_______/      \.____\____/    \.____\____/________/     .::·
   :..........:/          |     /_________|©nup/p^a               .:·
   :........../           |                                      ::..:
   ::::::::::/____________| The second novel in the Gansta trilogy
   ::::::::::::                                   _       _ .
   ::::::::::::                                  \\-------//
   ::::::::::::                                 _(___   ___)_
   ::::::::::::                                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
   ::::::::::::                                 ))___/ \___((
   ::::::::::::                              _  \     ^     /
   ::::::::::::     .........                \---\__  _  __/---/
   ::::::::::::     :       :    ... ._  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
   ::::::::::::     :       :    :    )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
---::::::::::::---------------------- \ :|    logo: Folar         |: / ---->
..................                    /_`|  requester: Folar       |'_\ o11
:--............--:-------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
:  ::::::::::::  :  :       :....:        /_______________________\|_
:  ::::::::::::  :..:                                              |/
:. :::::::::::: ....                                               ·
   ::::::::::::    :
   ::::::::::::    :
 ..................:                                 .
 : ............                                    -/\\
 :.::::::::::::...                          _   ___/  \___
   ::::::::::::  :                      ·<--/_._\        /_._
      ...........:                            |            |/
      :...         ._________       ._____    |            /
         :         |   _     \      |     |  ______       ·| ______
         .         |   /_____//\    |     | /     /____._____\     \
                   |     ____/  \____     |/     .     |      \     \
                   |     \          /     /     /|     |      /     /
                   |_____|>        <|_____\_____\|_____|____ /     /
                         /____/\____\         .            . \_____\
                                              |_          _|_|
                                               /___    ___\  /--->·
                                                  .\  /

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: Volatile       |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o12  /_`|  requester: Volatile    |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                  ___/  \___
                _.\        /._
             <--\|          |/
                 |      ._____                       ._
         _       |      |     |        ._____        |/        ______
        _\______ |      |     |        |     |_  .______   .___\     \
    ._____\     \·  /\  |     |______  |    _ /__|      |__|    \     \ _
    |     |\   __\_/  \_|__   /     /__|    \    |      |  |    /_____/ \
    |     |/   \          /__/     .   |     \   |______|  |____________/
    |___________\        /  /     /|   |____ /     /  |     |______ rDm
                /        \  \ ____\|_____|  /_____/   |     |\     \
               /____/\____\ |                         |____________/_
                 .          |   V o l a t i l e !                 /
                 |          | _                                  ·
                 |_        _||/-------------------->·
                  /__    __\
                     \  /_

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    logo: Shelter        |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  requester: Zoltrix     |'_\ o13
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

                             _\____________ _.
                               \           \\|
                               /           /
           ._____             /   ._____._/___
     ______|     |        ______  |     |     |_        ______        ______
    /     _/     |.   .___\     \ |     |    _ /___ .___\     \ ._____\     \
.___\     \|     /____|    \     \|_         \     \|    \     \ _     \     \
|   \\     \    /     /    /_____/ \    .     \     \    /_____/ \     /     /
|__________/____\     \____________/____|____ /     /____________/___ /     /
                /_____/ .           .        /_____/                  \_____\
                       /           /               S  h  e  l  t  e  r
                    . /           /

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: Boondocks      |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o14  /_`|  requester: Zoltrix     |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                                  ___/  \___
                                _.\        /.
      ._____               ·<---\|          |
      |     |           ______   |   ______ |
      |    _|____ ._____\     \._____\     \|____________
      |    \     \|     |\     \     |\     \      _     \
      |     \     \     |/     /     |/     /     |/     /
      |_____/     /____ /_____/|____ /_____/|____ /     /
           /_____/  _____.       .          | rDm \_____\    .
                   |     |   /\  |  _________         ______/_   _______
               ____|_   _|__/  \____\   _    \ .____ /     /    /     _/
              /     /   \          /    \     \|    /     /.____\     \
          _  /     /     \        /|    /_____/_    \     \|    \\     \  _
          \/\\     \ ____/        \|___________\_____\     \___________//\/
              \_____\   /____/\____\        .      _ /_____/
                                 .          |_      /
                                 |_        _|/------------->
                                  /__    __\
                                    /_  _\  \

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    logo: Stezotehic     |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  requester: Stezotehic  |'_\ o15
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

             ._____                           <---/.    _
       ______|     |_        ______      __________|   _\______
  rDm /     _/    _ /___ .___\     \    /     _.  /|_____\     \
 .____\     \|    \     \|    \     \ __\     \| /_|     |\     \
 |    \\     \     \     \    /_____/ \  \_____\   |     |/     /
 |___________/____ /     /____________/____________|____ /_____/_
                  /_____/                          |          /
                    ._____                  .______|        _.
                    |     |_        ______  |      |        \|   _________
                    |    _ /___ .___\     \ |      |.   ._______.\   _    \
                    |    \     \|    \     \|_     /____|_      |    \     \
                    |     \     \    /_____/ \    /      /      |    /_____/_
                    |____ /     /____________/____\      \______|___________\
                         /_____/_                 /______/
                              /                    |_  s t E Z O T E H i C

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: NeoChrome      |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o16  /_`|  requester: Orthex      |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                                              _ ._\  /_. _
                                           _ .\\|      |//.
                                       <---\||            |
                                             |            |
                                        ______         ______
                       .____________.___\     \ .______\     \
                       |      _     \    \     \ _     |\     \
                       |     |/     /    /_____/ \     |/     /
                       |____ /     /|____________/____ /_____/
               ._____        \     \         .            |   rDm
    _________  |     |        \     \        |      _  ______   ______
   .\   _    \ |     |.   .____\     \    /\ |  .___\\/     /___\     \
   |    \     \|     /____|     \    _\__/  \___|          /|    \     \ _
   |    /_____/_    /     /     /    \          /     _    \|    /_____/ \
   |___________\____\     \___ /     /\        /|_____\     \____________/
                    /_____/    \_____\/        \      /_____/
                                     /____/\____\         .
                                             .            | _
                                             |_          _||/-->
                                              /___    ___\
                                                  \  /.

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    logo: Ironman        |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  requester: Stratos     |'_\ o17
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

                            __ __________\
                     ·(----|_//         //_
    _.         .              \         \
    \|     _____\__            \         \  _  ______ ______
._____ ____\     \    /\   .____________.___\\/     //     /_________________
|     |     \     \__/  \__|_     _     \          //     .            _     \
|     ·     /     /         /    |/     /     _    \     /|     .     |/     /
|_________ /     /         /____ /     /|_____\     \____\|_____|____ /     /
          _\_____\         \     \_____\      /_____/             rDm \_____\
            \    /____/\____\        \         \
             ·                       _\         \ _  i R O N M A N

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: The Junction   |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o18  /_`|  requester: SlapShot    |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                       _    _/  \_
                       / ___\    /___
                      · .\          /.
                 ______ |            |         ._          /\      _
           ._____\     \|       _________      |/.    ____/  \____ /__
    ._  ___|     |\     \      .\   _    \      _|____\          /·
    |/ /   |     |/  .__/______|    \     \___   |     \        /
  .____\   |_________|      _  |    /_____/_  |_ |     /      ._\__________
  |    \\     \  rDm |     |/  |___________\ _ /_|_   /____/\_|      _     \
  |___________/_     |____ /     /   .  |    \     \___|      |     |/     /
             /          .  \_____\   |  |     \     \         |____ /     /
            ·           |            |  |____ /     /  t H E        \_____\
                        |_          _|.      /_____/
                         /___    ___\ |               j U N C T i O N
                             \  /     ·

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    logo: Ramizez        |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  requester: Ramirez     |'_\ o19
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

                                      _.         |
     ______   ______       _  ______  \|      ______     ______    __________
.____\     \ /     /_______\\/     /_____.____\     \.___\     \  /     _.  /.
|     \     \     .               /|     |     \     \    \     \_\     \| /_|
|     /     /    /|     .    _    \|           /     /    /_____/\ \_____\   |
|___ /     /_____\|_____|____\     \ ________ /     /|___________/___________|
     \_____\             rDm /_____/          \_____\
                                                 |_  r A M I R E Z

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: Spaced Out     |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o2o  /_`|  requester: Zoltrix     |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                                   ___/  \___
                                  _\        /_
                                 .\          /.
              .__ ______         |            |                     _____.
        ______|   \     \ ______ |   _________|     ______         |     |
       /     _/    \     \     /____.\   _    \ .___\     \    ____|_    |
  .____\     \|    /     /    .     |    \     \|    \     \ _/     /    |
_.|    \\     \   /_____/    /|     |    /_____/_    /_____/ /     /     |._
\||___________/_____|  \_____\|_____|___________\____________\     \ ____||/
                                 .            | rDm  ._____   \_____\
                                 |/\          |_____ |     |_
        s  P  A  C  E  D     ____/  \____ ____\     \|    _ /___
                             \          /     |\     \    \     \
               o  U  T       _\        /|     |/     /     \     \ _
                        ·<--///        \|___________/|____ /     ///-->·
                             /____/\____\     |           /_____/
                                 |            |
                                 |_          _|
                                  /___    ___\
                                      \  /    \
                                      -\//     ·

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    logo: Abyss          |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  requester: Devistator  |'_\ o21
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

                                                 _ /________  _
               ._____      ._____                 /        //\/--->
     ______    |     |     |     |        ______  \      _______     _______
    /     /____|    _|____ |    _|____   /     /_  \    /     _/    /     _/
   /     .     |    \     \|    \     \._\     \\\_ ____\     \.____\     \
  /     /|     |     \     \     \     \  \_____\  |    \\     \    \\     \
  \_____\|_____|_____/     /_____/     /     ______|___________/___________/
                    /_____/     /_____/|_____\         .       .
                                                      ._\       \

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    logo: Devistator     |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o22  /_`|  requester: Devistator  |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                              __\      /__
                            _.\          /.
                        ·<--\|            |
       _____.        _       |            |
      |     |       _\______ | _. ._____  |  ______             .
  ____|_    |   ._____\     \· \| |     |_| /     /____.      -/\\
 /     /    |___|__   |\ .___\__  |    _ /_/     .     |   ___/  \___
/     /  .___\     \  |/ |      | |    \  /     /|     |_  \        / ______
\     \ _|    \     \ ___|      |_|____ \ \_____\|_____| |_ \      /__\     \
 \_____\ |    /_____/ \  |_____/     _/ /     / rDm|    _ /_/_     \   \     \
         |____________/   .____\     \ /_____/     |    \     \/\___\  /     /
                          |    \\     \   .        |     \     \ |___ /     /
      d E V I S T A T O R |___________/   |        |____ /     /      \_____\
                             .            |_          _ /_____/
                             |_          _|/---->·     /
                              /__      __\            ·
                                /__  __\
                                   \/                ·
                                               : ............
                                                 ::::::::::::     :
                                            :    ::::::::::::
                                            :    ::::::::::::
                                                 ............       :
                                                 ::::::::::::       :
                                                 ::::::::::::       :
                                        :        ::::::::::::
                                        :     _\_::::::::::::
            |/                               \/_/::::::::::::
            |    .......................      :  ::::::::::::
            |   .:::::::::::: ::::::::::..    |  ::::::::::::
            |    .............::::::::::::    |  ::::::::::::
            \    :::::::::::: .............   T  ::::::::::::
            |    :::::::::::: X:::::::::::    |  ::::::::::::
      ______:_______ _______ /·\ _____. ______:_______ ::::::
  ____\   _//     _//_     //___))    |/     //_     /____ ::
  \   /___        | _/    /          _/     /  /____/    / ::
            .    ............ ............    ,  ..........::
            |    :::::::::::: ::::::::::::    |  ::::::::::::
            |    :::::::::::: ::::::::::::   _|  ::::::::::::
            |    :::::::::::: ::::::::::::   \:_ ::::::::::::
            |    :::::::::::: ::::::::::::    \/ ::::::::::::
            |      ::::::::::.::::::::::::    |  ::::::::::::
           _|                                 |  ::::::::::::
          /_/\_______________________________/|  ::::::::::::
        _\\_\/                               ¯:  ::::::::::::
   ::::::::::::      reality ain't allways the truth
   ::::::::::::     Reality  is a liquid,  it can  be
   ::::::::::::     shaped into  anything,  depending
   ::::::::::::     on the  form it  is contained in.
   ::::::::::::     The  mind  is  the  container  of
   ::::::::::::     reality, therefor  my reality may
   ::::::::::::     differ  from  the  one  you  are
   ::::::::::::     experiencing. For  instance,  we
   ::::::::::::     could both be looking at the same
   ::::::::::::     object, still  you are looking at
   ::::::::::::     it from one  side, and  im seeing
   ::::::::::::     it from the next. Our impressions
   ::::::::::::     and  opinions on one and the same
   ::::::::::::     object  aren't  alike. Know  this
   ::::::::::::     when you experience  my art, that
   ::::::::::::     not only i am responsible for the
   ::::::::::::     quality of my styles, but you too
   ::::::::::::     make a difference.
   ::::::::::::                             red demon
   ::::::::::::                                   _       _ .
   ::::::::::::                                  \\-------//
   ::::::::::::                                 _(___   ___)_
   ::::::::::::                                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
   ::::::::::::                                 ))___/ \___((
   ::::::::::::                              _  \     ^     /
   ::::::::::::                              \---\__  _  __/---/
   ::::::::::::                       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
   ::::::::::::                       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
---::::::::::::---------------------- \ :|    Part two: Respect   |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  groupname: Contra      |'_\ o23
<--............----------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
   ::::::::::::                           /_______________________\|_
   ::::::::::::                                                    |/
   ::::::::::::                                                    ·
   :..........:                    .            _
   ............                 <-/------------///>
   :          :                   \    ._____   \
 __________ ..:    ______          \   |     |_  \      ______   ______
.\    _    \ ._____\     \.____________|    _ /___ .____\     \ /     /____.
|     \     \|     |\     \     ._     \    \     \|     \     \     .     |
|     /_____/_     |/     /     |/     /     \     \     /     /    /|     |
|____________\____ /_____/|____ /     /|____ /     /___ /     /_____\|_____|
                        rDm     \_____\ .   /_____/   . \_____\
   ............                          _\             \ c O n T R a
   :          :                         <///------------/------------->
   :          :                                        ·

                   _       _ .
   ............  _(___   ___)_
   :          :  /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
   :          :  ))___/ \___((
   :          ·  \     ^     /  _
   :          \---\__  _  __/---/
   :.. _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o24  /_`|  groupname: Jedi Arts   |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                    .  _/  \_  .
                   -|--\    /--|--->
                    |          |      _____.   ._
                    | ______   |     |     |   |/
        ._  ______.___\     \  | ____|_    |______.
        |/ /     /|    \     \  /     /           |
      .____\     \|    /_____/ /     /     .      |  j E D I
     _|    \\     \____________\     \ ____|______|
  <--\|___________/ .          |\_____\      ._____    a R T S
                    | ______ .        ______ |     |_          _______
                    |/     //_________\     \|    _ /___      /     _/
                    /     .            \     \    \     \.____\     \
                   /     /|            /     /     \     \    \\     \
                   \     \|_____|____ /     /|____ /     /___________//-->
                    \_____\    .      \_____\ rDm /_____/
                    |_        _|
                     /__    __\
                        \  /.

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  groupname: D. Stylers  |'_\ o25
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

         _____.  _.
        |     |  \|       ______                        ______
    ____|_    |_____._____\     \.__________________.___\     \
   /     /          |     |\     \            _     \    \     \ _
  /     /     .     ·     |/     /     .     |/     /    /_____/ \
  \     \ ____|_________________/|_____|____ /     /|____________/
   \_____\ ._____                  ._____    \_____\rDm
     ______|     |_       ______   |     |   ______       ______      _______
    /     _/    _ /___   /     /_  |     |___\     \ _____\     \    /     _/
____\     \|    \     \._\     \\\_|     |    \     \ _    \     \___\     \
    \\     \     \     \  \_____\  .     ·    /_____/ \    /     /   \\     \
___________/____ /     /     ______|__________________/__ /     /___________/
                /_____/|_____\ d E v I N E  S t Y l E r S \_____\

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o26  /_`|  groupname: Mo'Soul     |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                 _ _________\ _
             ·<--\\\         \
                   /         /                                     ._____
       _  ______  /  ______ / ._     _______                ______ |     |
   .___\\/     /_____\     \  |/    /     _/    /\    ._____\     \|     |
   |          /|     |\     \  .____\     \____/  \___|     |\     \     |
   |     _    \|     |/     /  |    \\     \          /     |/     /     |
   |_____\     \____ /_____/   |___________/>        <|___________/|_____|
         /_____/       .                   /____/\____\          rDm
           .          /  m O ' S O U l
          /          /_

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  groupname: Style       |'_\ o27
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

                            _ _______\ _
                         ·(-\\\       \
                  ._____      /       /   ._____
            ______|     |_   /   ______   |     |__________
           /     _/    _ /___   /     /_  |     |\    _    \
      .____\     \|    \     \._\     \\\_|     |     \     \
     _|    \\     \     \     \  \_____\  |     |     /_____/ sTYLE _.
  ·<-\|___________/____ /     /     ______|_____|___________________\|->·
                       /_____/|_____\ rDm
                       .       .
                      /       /_

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o28  /_`|  groupname: Pro Arts    |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

           .__ ______              .\
           |   \     \    ______   |   ______
           |    \     \___\     \._____\     \
           |    /     /    \     \     |\     \
           |   /_____/     /     /     |/     /   p R O
           |_____|   |___ /     /|____ /_____/
                          \_____\  |      ._____   a R T s .  .
                   ______ .        ______ |     |_          _______
                  /     //_________\     \|    _ /___      /     _/
                 /     .            \     \    \     \.____\     \
          _  ._ /     /|     .      /     /     \     \    \\     \ _.  _
        .o)--|_\\     \|_____|____ /     /|____ /     /___________//_|--(o.
                 \_____\           \_____\     /_____/  rDm

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  groupname: Twisted     |'_\ o29
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

._____                         _.         ._____                        _____.
|     |_                       \|   ______|     |_       ______        |     |
|    _ /___ .____/\ _____.______|  /     _/    _ /___ .__\     \   ____|_    |
|    \     \|      \    /|    __|__\     \|    \     \|   \     \ /     /    |
|     \     \           \|  <-\ |  \\     \     \     \   /_____/ \    /     |
|____ /     /_____/\_____\ _____|_________/____ /     /___________/    \ ____|
     /_____/                    |_             /_____/            \_____\ rDm
                                ·    " mAN ..  i TWiSTED that kid .. "

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o3o  /_`|  groupname: Honey       |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                                         _\_________ _.
                                           \        \\|-->
       ._____                            _ /        /
       |     |          ______           \/     ______      ______
       |     |.   ._____\     \.____________.___\     \    /     /_
       |     /____|     |\     \      _     \    \     \ __\     \\\_.
       |    /     /     |/     /     |/     /    /_____/ \  \_____\  |
       |____\     \____ /_____/|____ /     /|____________/     ______|
            /_____/                  \_____\  .      rDm |_____\
                        h O N E Y   /        /
                                 . /        /

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  groupname: Arclite     |'_\ o31
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

                      ._________ ._
                      |         ||/
                 _____|         |·
                .\              |
                | a r c l i t e |     ._____    _. ._____
 ._ ______      |  ______  _________  |     |   \| |     |_        ______ _.
 |//     /_________\     \.\   _    \ |     |______|    _ /___ .___\     \\|
  /     .           \     \    \     \|     |\     |    \     \|    \     \ _
 /     /|     .     /     /    /_____/_            ·     \     \    /_____/ \
 \     \|_____|___ /     /|___________\ ____.       ____ /     /____________/
  \_____\       .  \_____\       .    rDm   |______|    /_____/
                |               _|
                |         ._____\
                |         |

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o32  /_`|  groupname: Artcore     |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                                       .    |           _|
                                     --|----|___________\ _.
       a R T C O R E  ._____           |       |          \|
     ______           |     |_         |       | ______    ·      ______
    /     /____.      |    _ /___      |   ._____\     \      .___\     \
   /     .     |  ____|_   \     \_________|     |\     \ ____|_   \     \ _
  /     /|   .____\     \   \     \   _    |     |/  .__/_\     \  /_____/ \
  \     \|___|     \     \_ /     /   \    |____ /___|     \     \_________/
   \_____\   |     /     / /_____/    /_____/_ .     |     /     / rDm
             |___ /     /        |___________\ |     |___ /     /
                  \_____\   .___       .       |          \_____\
                            |___l      |       |
                                    _ _|_______|

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  groupname: HOS         |'_\ o33
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

              ____/  \____
             .\          /.
             |            |
    ._____   | h o u s e  |
    |     |  |       ______       ______       _______   ______
    |     |. |  _____\     \._____\     \     /     _/___\     \
    |     /_____     |\     \     |\     \____\     \|    \     \ _
    |    /     /     |/     /     |/     /    \\     \    /_____/ \
    |____\     \____ /_____/|___________/|___________/____________/
         /_____/          .                  ._________
             ._           |           ______ |   _     \
             |/     o f   |     ._____\     \|   /_____/
          <--/-·          |     |     |\     \     _
            /|            |     |     |/     /     \
             |            |     |____ /_____/|_____|
             | s t y l e  |   ._____                  ._____
             |          ______|     |_       ______   |     |__________
             |         /     _/    _ /___   /     /_  |     |\    _    \
             |    .____\     \|    \     \._\     \\\_|     |     \     \
             |    |    \\     \     \     \  \_____\  |     |     /_____/_
             |    |___________/____ /     /     ______|_____|____________\
             |            .        /_____/|_____\ rDm
             |_          _|
              /___    ___\
                 .\  /
       ·          \\/-
 : ............
   ::::::::::::     :
:  ::::::::::::
:  ::::::::::::
   ............       :
   ::::::::::::       :
   ::::::::::::       :
...::::::::::::.......:                                  ............
   ::::::::::::                                                 :::::
   ::::::::::::     Perhaps its just because of the fact that i ·····
   ::::::::::::     was totally fucked up last night, or that i :::::
   ::::::::::::     just came  out of bed, and  my parents were .....
   ::::::::::::     havin  another  fight,  but when i  checked
   ::::::::::::     [ta!-obey.txt]  my  stumach  turned  upside ·····
   ::::::::::::     down (not so nice, considering last night's
   ::::::::::::     menu). I don't  want to bully  anyone since
   ::::::::::::     this is my last pack before imma leave you,
   ::::::::::::     and  i  dont  want  to  start  a  fight  or
   ::::::::::::.....anything. But please, take a  look at  this......
                    file.We got no intro (which ain't a shame), :::::
                    then we get three  logo's  by our  "artist" :::::
                    Shank,  followed by a break  including some :::::
                    logo's from  guests, and  we end  with some :::::
                    iff  to ascii logos. Thats it .. im  sorry, :::::
                    but that  just has   s h i t   spelled  all :::::
                    over it .. im  not  even gonna  yell at you :::::
                    Shank, its just a  shame to  see this junk. :::::
                                                                ::::: ...
                                                   :::::::::::::::::: ::
                                                   : .................:: ...
                                                   : :·················· ::
                                                   : : ..................::
                   _       _ .                     : : :···················
                  \\-------//                      : : :
                 _(___   ___)_                     : : :
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\                     : : :
                 ))___/ \___((                     : : :
                 \     ^     /  _                  : : :
              \---\__  _  __/---/                  : : :    ...........
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _   ....    : : :    :   ...   :
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(   :  :    : : :    :   : :   :   . _
 <---- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o34  /_`|  groupname: Offspring   |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\ . ....:  :    : : :    :   : :.. / .. .
         \|                                   :....: : :    :   :     :
          ·                                          : :........:     :.... .
                                                     :      .
             \| .
                |         |
                |         |
             ._________ ________        .__ ______
      ______ |   _     \  _     \ ______|   \     \    ______
._____\     \|   /_____/  /_____//     _/    \     \___\     \
|     |\     \     _  |     _____\     \|    /     /    \     \  ._
|     |/     /     \  |     \    \\     \   /_____/     /     /  |/
|____ /_____/|_____|  |_____|___________/_____|   |___ /     /_____.
           rDm  .         .                            \_____\     |
                |         |          ___.                   |   .____________
                |         |         l___|                   |___|      _     \
                |    .____|_______.        ._                   |     |/     /
                |    |            |___     |/                   |____ /     /
             <--|----|                |                             __\_____\
                ·    |________________| .  o F F S P R i N G  ._____\     \
                                        |_                    |     /     /
                                         /-->                 |    /_____/.
                                                              |______     |

                                                  _       _ .
                                                _(___   ___)_
                                                /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                                                ))___/ \___((
                                             _  \     ^     /
                                             \---\__  _  __/---/
                                      _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
_ .                                   )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(
//----------------------------------- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ---->
                                      /_`|  groupname: Epsilon     |'_\ o35
    (\-------------------------------- (/|_                       _|\) ---
     \                                    /_______________________\|_

                             _/  \_
                          ___\    /___
                         .\          /.
                         |            |
                 .__ ______           |   _. ._____
        ______   |   \     \     _______  \| |     |     ______            .
    .___\     \  |    \     \   /     _/_____|     |_____\     \.___________\ _
    |    \     \ _    /     /___\     \|           |     |\     \      _     \
    |    /_____/ \   /_____/    \\     \     .     ·     |/     /     |/     /
    |____________/_____| . |___________/_____|__________ /_____/|____ /     /
       _____.            |            .  _.                   rDm    _\_____\
   .  |     |   ______   |     _______|  \|     ______                 \
_ /___|_    |___\     \  |    /     _/_____.____\     \____________     ·
 /     /    |    \     \ _____\     \|     |    /     /      _     \
/     /     |    /_____/ \    \\     \     |   /_____/.     |/     /
\     \ ____|____________/___________/_____|_____     |____ /     /
 \_____\ _               .            .         /_____|     \_____\
        \ e P S I L O N  |            |
         ·               |_          _|  d E S I G N
             <------------/          \

                   _       _ .
                 _(___   ___)_
                 /_\.(_ _)¸/_\
                 ))___/ \___((
                 \     ^     /  _
              \---\__  _  __/---/
       _  ._ _\\    //___\\    //_ _.  _
       )--|/_)         "         (_\|--(                                  . _
 <---- \ :|    Part two: Respect    |: / ----------------------------------\\
  o36  /_`|  groupname: SOS         |'_\
    --- (/|_                       _|\) -------------------------------/)
         _|/_______________________\                                  /

                 |           .
                 |        ·--|--->
                 |           |
                 |  _______  ______          ______     ______
                 | /     _/ /     /__________\     \.___\     \
              .____\     \ /     .           |\     \    \     \ _
              |    \\     \     /|     .     |/     /    /_____/ \
              |___________/     \|_____|___________/|____________/
                 .         \_____\
                 |           .         /\          ______      ______
              . _|  s a v e  |    ____/  \____ ____\     \.____\     \
               \\|           |    \          /     |\     \     \     \
                 \   o u r   |     \        /|     |/     /     /     /
                 |\          |     /        \|___________/|___ /     /
                 | s o u l s |    /____/\____\          rDm    \_____\
                 |           |             ._____
           _______     ______|      ______ |     |     _______
          /     _/_____\     \._____\     \|     |    /     _/
     .____\     \|     |\     \     |\     \     |____\     \
     |    \\     \     |/     /     |/     /     |    \\     \
     |___________/____ /_____/|___________/|_____|___________/
                 |           |
             <---|--·        |
                 ·           |

         S  H  O  W  S     O  V  E  R  ,   E  V  E  R  Y  B  O  D  Y

                       G  O     H  O  M  E  !  !  .  .

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                 ________     _____________.
               ./       /___./      _     _:
 l     o     W |_      /    |_     _/     \.
 p R o f i l e  /____________/  zZ \_______:
 : Strike Two - 2nd epic from red demon's :
 : Gangsta Trilogy - his final collection :

                                             _/\_         ::::::::::
                                        _ ___\  /___ _    ::::::::::
                                   <----\/          \/._  :········:
                                        |            ||/  ::::::::::
     ._____                             |            |    :        :
     |     |           ______           |        ______   :   _______
     |    _|____ ._____\     \.____________._____\     \  :  /     _/
     |    \     \|     |\     \      _     \     |\     \____\     \
   _ |     \     \     |/     /     |/     /     |/     /    \\     \  _
 ·-\||_____/     /____ /_____/|____ /     /|___________/|___________//\/-·
          /_____/                   \_____\          .rDm .        .
                                        .            |    :        :
           No sellouts here, imma give  |            |    ::::::::::
           you the full scoop.Here are  |            |    :........:
           some xtra logos for my soul  /\___    ___/\--->::::::::::
           brothers from the lower pro /|   /_  _\        ::::::::::
           side of life, plus somethin  |     \/          ::::::::::
           for some friends in the biz  |                 ::::::::::
              _                        _|                 ::::::::::
            ·<//-----------------------\|_                ::::::::::
                                        |/                ::::::::::
                                        ·                 ::::::::::
                                                      ... :::::::::: ...
                                                 . .. : :.::::::::::.: : .. .
                                                    :.: ____________._ :.:
                                                        )            ))
                                                        \.           /
                                                         \\ _    _  /
                                                         _\-/    \-/_
                                                         ( /--..--\ )
                                                          |   _    |
                                                         _|   /_,  |_
                                                         \|        |/
                                                          \  ,_-.  /
                                                     _.----\_    _/----._
                     ________________________________\|     /    \     |/__
                  <--\                                      \    / _
                                       tRIVMASTER  . ..      \  /  /--.
                                                    ..:       \/   |__| ...
                                                    :  ................ : :.
                                                    :..:  ::::::::::  : :
                                                          ::::::::::  :.:
                                           .              ::::::::::
                                 _  ________\ _           ::::::::::
                             <---\/\\        \            ::::::::::
    ._____                     _.   /        /    _.      ::::::: ._____
    |     |_       _\______    \|  /    ______    \|    ______    |     |
    |    _ /___ .____\     \ ___________\     \ _____. /     /____|     |
    |    \     \|     \     \           |\     \     |/     .           |
    |     \     \     /     /     .     |/     /     /     /|     .     |
    |____ /     /___ /     /|_____|___________/|_____\     \|_____|_____|
         /_____/     \_____\  .        .             _\_____\ rDm
                             /        /                \  ..........
                            /        /_  t R I V I A L    ::::::::::
                           _\________\\/\-------------->  ::::::::::
                             \                            ::::::::::
                                                      ... :::::::::: ...
                                                 . .. : :.::::::::::.: : .. .
                                                    :.: ____________._ :.:
                                                        )            ))
                                                        \.           /
                                                         \\ _    _  /
                                                         _\-/    \-/_
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    :          : :              ·:                        ..........
    |la'familia| | da releases! :|                        ::::::::::
    ·----------· ·--------------··                        ::::::::::
  t^:  rAMONa  | | lP!-sPiN.tXT ||lp!         ............::::::::::
    : aXEbLAdE | | lP!-fORU.tXT ||            ::::::
    | tRiViALO | | lP!-hAtE.tXT |: _          ::::::
    |  zORRO!  | | lP!-bOMb.tXT .///          ::::::...................
    |  mISFIT  |-: lP!-LpdS.tXT ::                                :::::
    | rED dEE! |   lP!PlAiN.lHA |:                      ..........:::::
 _ _| sTRATOS! |   lP!-uZI.tXT  |                       :::
  \\|----------:_  lP!-lET.tXt  |                       :::........
               :/: lP!-iNDI.tXT :                              ..::
                 : lP!-hO!.tXT  :                              :
                 : lP!-rESP.tXT |                              .
                 | lP!-fATS.tXT |_ _
                 | lP!-oOC!.tXT _((/
                 | lP!-n4L!.tXT |
                 | lP!-iNSU.tXT |
                 | lP!-fS.tXT   |
                 ! lP!-2xWP.tXT :
                 | lP!-dEDi.TXT |
                 | lP!-sTR2.tXT |

               W E L L ,   I   G U E S S   T H I S   I S   I T

G R E E T I N G S   T O   A L L   M Y   F R I E N D S   I N   T H E   S C E N E

  Y O U   A L L   K N O W   I F   Y O U   A R E   O N E   O F   T H E M . .

                I   E S P E C I A L L Y   W O U L D   L I K E

              T O   T H A N K   T O N I T E ' S   G U E S T S :

              -  N U P   ( A . K . A .   B)  ^   P R O   A R T S

              -  C R U S A D E R   ^   E X - M O ' S O U L

              -  G O Z Z  ^  E P S I L O N   D E S I G N

              -  D E V I S T A T O R   ^   J E D I   A R T S  (grin)

              -  T R I V I A L  ^  L O W   P R O F I L E

        A   L A S T   W O R D   T O   M Y   B L U N T E D   B R O ' S

                 F R O M   T H E   L O W   P R O   C R E W ,

    K E E P   I T   R E A L ,   L I K E   I   K N O W   Y O U   C A N   D O

      A N D   K E E P   L O W   P R O F I L E   A L I V E ,   ' T I L L

                              M Y   R E T U R N

          I   H O P E   T O   F I N I S H   T H I S   T R I L O G Y

                 S O M E   D A Y . .   U N T I L L   T H E N

                             G  O  O  D  B  Y  E

   .eOF<-------- r e d   d e m o n  ^  l o w   p r o f i l e --------->EOf.

   ÷---- p u r p l e  d r e a m  b b s  -  t h e  r e a l  r u s s i a ----÷

                      as fast as muthafucking l.a. train
 .________     ._______________________     .___. ____________  ____. __  __
 |  _    / .___|  _   / _    /  / _   /   __|_  |/ _   / _   /__\_  |/ _\/ _\.
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||   \_________|_\____|  \l_____|_____\ /  \|  _|_\____|_____\__\___|___\_/  ||

                    looker house whq - mono & phd & fl rhq
              biggest, fastest and simply the best russian board
                        - gdm - asno! - zinko - xpeh -
                 static telnet · 1 9 4 . 1 9 0 . x x x . x x ·

               upload date : 13-Jul-97      by: G.d.M.          

   ÷---- p u r p l e  d r e a m  b b s  -  t h e  r e a l  m o s c o w ----÷

          ________    __________  ________  ________    _____ __
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          Y          \_   _   ¬\ \_   _ ¬\   \_   ¡ ¡ \           Y
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                  \ \_  __!_____\_  ________\_  _________/ /
                  _)  \/          \/          \/·$·       (_
                  \       ___ _                _ ___       /
                  (_    _/                          \_    _)
                    \  _)      SYSOP: SHADOWER!      (_  /
                     \/                                \/


        MAIN RINGDOWN:  +1-8o1-779-4069 · TELNET:  +

                               ·SINCE 1992·

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]
  .____.         ._____                        .____. [fL]             ._____
 _|    |_________|    /________________________|    |__________________|    /_.
 \_   __/   __   |   /      ___  __       ____/    __/   __     _    _/|   /  |
 ||__ /    _\/   `--  __.    _/__\(     __`     ._ /    _\/    _\      `--  __|
 |                                                                            |
 |  Toyfactory is rolling with a deeply configured & hotlooking DayDream BBS  |
 |   on A12OO, O3O/5OMHz, 18MB RAM, 3.8GB Harddisk, 4x4 CD-Rom, 33.6k Modem   |
 |     Amiga,Tools,Games,Scene,C=64,PSX,Music,Graphics,Ascii,Doors,HPA,MP3    |
 |       Shitloads of Ascii (18OO+ collections), Music (20000+ modules),      |
 |         C64 (1OOO+ files), Games (3 CDs+) and much more available!         |
 |      Every user has access to a 4x4 CD-Changer, able to change discs!      |
 |                                                                            |
 | Uploaded by            one of the last true amiga boards in finland        |
 | Smoke                   searching for quality groups/staff to join         |
 | on 14-Jul-97                                                               |
 `-----------------·«[   + 3 5 8 - 1 7 - 5 5 1 2 9 7 2   ]»-------------------'

                                              ¡    fOR pLEASURE sINCE 1996
>> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- -
  .|  w  o  r  l  d    h e a d q u a t e r s  ||
  ||      aEROHOLICS/mO' pLAYAZ/dTR/aSL       !| _
  |!     bAD kARMA/aGEEMA bLUES/uP rOUGH       | ;
  |      dIVINE sTYLERS/pHANTASY/tEQUILA       |   _
  |                                            |   ;
  7   g e r m a n  &  e u r o p e a n  h q's   |
  :    lIGHTfORCE/lOW pROFILE/sICK oF iT aLL   |
  ¡     oLDSKOOL/rOYAL/dRUNKEN/pUNGAS/100%     |
_ |                                            | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!"
  |   gAMEBOY aDVANCE/wSC/nGPOCKET/sNES/cGB+    ___.     ______.    drn\lp!
  |   pSX/pS2/dC/e-bEATS & hIPhOP/cHIP tUNES   \\  !___  \     !__ _ _ ________
  |   =c64/aTARI8/mODULES/dANCEhALL/dAYDREAM   \\  .__/--\\   ._   \ / ._     /
  |                                            _\  ;/     \   !/    \  !/____/_
  |   rUNNING oN a pRIVATE sYSTEM w\ 8 nODES   /___/     _____/     __ /    __\
 _!   aVAILABLE oN 24/7 sTATIC tELNET @ ADSL       `----'     `----'  `----' 
\\;     . ______   ___ _ _ _________   _______                            ¡
 \      !/  __ /___\_  \ /   _  __ /___\_    //   t h E   y A R d _______,|
 _\    _/   \ /     _   /    /  \ /     /    /______________________\ ____|_
 /_____);  ______   )  __    \ ______  /_  ___,_________________________\ !
     ,_____\     `----'  `----\      `----'