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26 924 bytes (26.29K)
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2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 378



                                                          .      .
                                                          .   .  .
                                                              .  . .
                                                          · · ·  ·
                                                          ::: :  : ·
                                           .              ::::::::::
                                 _  ________\ _           ::::::::::
                             <---\/\\        \            ::::::::::
    ._____                     _.   /        /    _.      ::::::: ._____
    |     |_       _\______    \|  /    ______    \|    ______    |     |
    |    _ /___ .____\     \ ___________\     \ _____. /     /____|     |
    |    \     \|     \     \           |\     \     |/     .           |
    |     \     \     /     /     .     |/     /     /     /|     .     |
    |____ /     /___ /     /|_____|___________/|_____\     \|_____|_____|
         /_____/     \_____\  .        .             _\_____\ rDm
                             /        /                \  ..........
                            /        /_  t R I V I A L    ::::::::::
                           _\________\\/\-------------->  ::::::::::
                             \                            ::::::::::
.______ ___________     .________________ _____ ._____   _  ._______ _______
|     /  _  \.    /___  |  _    /  _    /   _  \|    /__\/__|      / _     /_.
|_   /.  /   |   /\   \ |  /___/   /   /.   /   |     /     |_    /. /____/  |
:/____|______|___/\    \l___\ l____\____|_______|_____\_____:/_____|_________|
.------------- ----\____\------------.-----------------------------------  --.
| Here are the party evols Stoned    | We at kindergarden occupying computer.
| fuck. smokin' 7:30 morning. time   | as 'been since this Current 03:27
| am. Met arcane ten evol!           | We've baffle numen speedevil and
| the who across big gigantic        | panzerknackers ran the blue massive
| space located oslo Hhuhaah         | hole in norge. <pufffffff>
| Damn!, smoked 10 today.            | must've atleast gramma's heeahehh..
| Ok. confusing write this. Stoned   | kinda to like is way the evol off
| the of walk. went to and told that | sleep i him this should ready he back.
| collection be when got This hash   | nu' we've fuckin evol sleep much all.
| got rawkz. Apperently didnt that   | sold lsd to profile and who's jogeir
| after Travolta some trips low      | dhhhhhhhu gramz.. about third alle
| enterprises. look commin..         | alle im interested selling for Ss-
| wassup? 5o and that riech gegen    : Ok, said went to cave. very day giant
| führer not in extazy your organi-  | showed at bank Oh shall get to earth
| sation i and home my the next a    | here?, knows we'll make outta' or
| ice-cream shop up evols account.   | dreams. raveolution inside my brother
| how we back planet from who maybe  | and give back my dope money.....
|_ never it oslo my a growing release:                / Trivial / Lo'Pro 97
                                         .___.            ::::::::::
         _______     ___ .___. ____ ____ |_ _|___________   _______
       ./ _    /_____\_ \|   |/   /  _  \|\\\__    /  _  \./  _   /
       |  /___/_        _|   /   /.  /   |   |/   /  _/   |   /  /.
       t^:                                                      |lp!
         |  E  z  k  o  b  a  r   I  n  d  u  s  t  r  i  e  s  :
         |_                                                    _|
         :/___________    C  o  l  o  m  b  i  a   ____________\:
                    ./                             \.     ::::::::::
                    :                               |     ::::::::::
       _ _ ______ __|_______________________________|__ __::::::::::
       //        \\                                   //       \::::
     _ /        Trivialina ünd Dmg Scandinavian Tour '97        \:::
     //_________ ___:_______________________________!__ _________\::
                    |                               |     ::::::::::
                    :             Day One           :     ::::::::::
                  \\. The day before Kindergarden97 .     ::::::::::
                    | Dmg got home from work. Guess |     ::::::::::
                    |What?, I'm fired! he said while:     ::::::::::
                    :   he was counting his money.  :_ _  ::::::::::
                    . 18.000:-. In some way we had  .//   ::::::::::
                    : to spend all the money so we  |     ::::::::::
                    . took the train to Eskilstuna  :     ::::::::::
                    . the next morning. Dmg & Xantha.     ::::::::::
                    | Dmg & Xantha Waited at the    |     ::::::::::
                    :          Trainstation         |     ::::::::::
                    | while Trivialina went off to  :     ::::::::::
                    ! buy some dope. After trying   :_ _  ( Dope=4oGrammaz )
                    : the dopequality i got back to .//   ::::::::::
                    | the trainstation. According 2 |     ::::::::::
                    | Dmg & Xantha, pretty stoned.  |     ::::::::::
                    | We walked towards a gigantic  :     ::::::::::
                    | playground to get even more   .     ::::::::::
                    : stoned. After smoking that    !     ::::::::::
                 _ _. bucket, we decided to get back:     ::::::::::
                  \\. down to the trainstation while.     ::::::::::
                    | we still knew where it was.   |     ::::::::::
                    | - Ohh, look, thats our train  |     ::::::::::
                    :I said and we got on. The train: _   ::::::::::
                    .departed IN THE WRONG DIRECTION|//   ::::::::::
                    :haha, who cares, we got off at :     ::::::::::
                    .  the next station. Smoked a   |     ::::::::::
                    .   bucket and waited for the   .     ::::::::::
                    |train to take us back to Etuna.:     ::::::::::
                    |                               .     ::::::::::
                    !When we got back we had to wait: _   ::::::::::
                    : another 2 hours for a train to._//  ::::::::::
                    |take us to Sodertalje Syd. Where     ::::::::::
                    |    we had to wait another     :     ::::::::::
                    |  additional 6 hours for the   : ( 6Hrs+2hrs=2oBuckets )
                    | train that would take us to   .     ::::::::::
                    :   Oslo!. Well on the train    !     ::::::::::
                 _ _.  it came to our acknowledge   :     ::::::::::
                  \\.        - NO SMOKING! -              ::::::::::
                    |     for the next 8 hours.     |     ::::::::::
                    | buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh |     ::::::::::
                    :Nothing To Do, we went to sleep:     ::::::::::
                    :                               |     ::::::::::
                      [Day One Results: 1o Grammas.]|     ::::::::::
                    ._______________________________|     ::::::::::
                    :                               |     ::::::::::
                    .            Day Two            :     ::::::::::
                    ._______________________________.     ::::::::::
                    |                               :     ::::::::::
                    | Woke up at 06:15, the train   .     ::::::::::
                    ! had just passed the norwegian :_ _  ::::::::::
                    : border. 2 hours later we were .//   ::::::::::
                    | at Oslo Central Station. We   :     ::::::::::
                    | got off the train to locate   |     ::::::::::
                    | a park where we could smoke a |     ::::::::::
                    : bucket. We found a harbour    :     ::::::::::
                 _ _. instead. While smokin tha     :     ::::::::::
                  \\. morningbucket we got filmed   |     ::::::::::
                    | by tourists =). Next step was !     ::::::::::
                    | to locate the kindergarden97  .     ::::::::::
                    . party located SOMEWHERE.      :     ::::::::::
                    | We had Numens mobilephone     :     ::::::::::
                    | number. But no answer. Called .     ::::::::::
                    ! about 50 times, gave up and   :_ _  ::::::::::
                    : smoked another bucket. We     .//   ::::::::::
                    | knew it was located in a skool:     ::::::::::
                    | so we got to a travelcenter   |     ::::::::::
                    | asking for a skool with a     |     ::::::::::
                    : complicated name =). after    :     ::::::::::
                 _ _. some arguing we had 2 possible:     ::::::::::
                  \\. skools. We decided to choose  |     ::::::::::
                    | one of'em and got on the Sub. !     ::::::::::
                    | Well there, we smoked another .     ::::::::::
                    :bucket. Layed down in the grass:     ::::::::::
                    |and slept some. Woke up, huh   :     ::::::::::
                    |lots o ppl here. Went off to   .     ::::::::::
                    !smoke another bucket, and anotha_ _  ::::::::::
                    :then we got back, layed down in.//   ::::::::::
                    |the grass and slept even more. :     ::::::::::
                    | after lying there for about 6 |     ::::::::::
                    |hours we decided to go inside. |     ::::::::::
                    :                               :     ::::::::::
                 _ _.  After paying Baffle a huge   :     ::::::::::
                  \\. amount of money, they let us  |     ::::::::::
                    | in. Met Numen, Ten, Evol, Magz!     ::::::::::
                    | +sd+ blaaah, Smoked buckets   . ( Party Report! =) )
                    . with half of the norwegian    :     ::::::::::
                    | scene. Ended up at 4'th place :     ::::::::::
                    | with our wonderful 1o minute  .     ::::::::::
                    ! introproduction. Made some    :_ _  ::::::::::
                    : unexplainable ascii. Had a    .//   ::::::::::
                    |good time in general. It was da:     ::::::::::
                    | best party we've ever been on :     ::::::::::
                    :      kindergarden rawkz!      :     ::::::::::
                    :                               |     ::::::::::
                    | Day Two & 3 Results: 30 Gramz :     ::::::::::
                    |_______________________________:     ::::::::::
                    |                               |     ::::::::::
                    |             Day X             |     ::::::::::
                    :_______________________________:     ::::::::::
                    |                               |     ::::::::::
                    :            When we            |     ::::::::::
                    |   ran outta dope,Me and Dmg   |     ::::::::::
                    | decided to take the train to  |     ::::::::::
                    : copenhagen. -Blackout!-       :     ::::::::::
                 _ _. Suddenly we were in copenhagen:     ::::::::::
                  \\. Went straight to christiania  |     ::::::::::
                    | 10.00 we got our first bucket !     ::::::::::
                    | a bit later than usual but    .     ::::::::::
                    : acceptable. Damn!. good grass :     ::::::::::
                    | bought a couple o' grams with :     ::::::::::
                    | superskunk. Fell asleep. Got  .     ::::::::::
                    ! a nice tan, smoked even more  :_ _  ::::::::::
                    : cant remember what happened da.//   ::::::::::
                    | next 4 days.. all i know is   :     ::::::::::
                    | that we had fun, smoked alot  |     ::::::::::
                    | spended almost all money and  |     ::::::::::
                    : slept in lil' parks (fuck that:     ::::::::::
                 _ _. was really cooooold). Well    :     ::::::::::
                  \\. it was time for us to get back|     ::::::::::
                    | to good ol' sweden.           |     ::::::::::
                    |                               |     ::::::::::
                    |Day X & XX Results: #?*.* Gramz:     ::::::::::
                    |_______________________________|     ::::::::::
                    |                               |     ::::::::::
   .................|            Day #?             |.....::::::::::
   ::::::::::       |_______________________________|
   ::::::::::       :                               |
   ::::::::::       |We woke up in the park and went| _
   ::::::::::       |back to copenhagen TrainStation://
   ::::::::::       : took some really nice photo's :
   ::::::::::       | of ourselfes while waiting for:
   ::::::::::       | the train to take us to the   .
   ::::::::::       ! yearly Arvika Festival. When  :_ _
   ::::::::::       : The train got on the ferry    .//
   ::::::::::       |  (helsingør-helsingborg) 3    :
   ::::::::::.......| tollmen and a Drug-dog started|...............
                    | to search the fucking train   |     ::::::::::
                    : we got off the train since i  :     ::::::::::
                 _ _. was carrying lotsa b and some :     ::::::::::
                  \\. grass in my SHOE! =). After a |     ::::::::::
                    |while we went back to the train:     ::::::::::
                    |there stood the drug-dog lookin:     ::::::::::
                    : right at me. Fuck got paranoid:     ::::::::::
                    |but they didnt find anything   :     ::::::::::
                    | maybe coz i hadnt change socks.     ::::::::::
                    ! for 3 weeks =). Switched      :_ _  ::::::::::
                    : train in Helsingborg. Got     .//   ::::::::::
                    | ourselfes som Hash-coffee on  :     ::::::::::
                    | the train (Sj Coffee rules!). |     ::::::::::
                    | Waited for another train in   |     ::::::::::
                    : Gbg, Smoked another bucket in :     ::::::::::
                 _ _. a park. Got on the next train :     ::::::::::
                  \\. and met some ol' girlfriend of|     ::::::::::
                    | lacoste's friend. The train   !     ::::::::::
                    |broke down and we smoked anotha:     ::::::::::
                    . bucket while waiting for the  :     ::::::::::
                    | replacement lp! limo!' to take:     ::::::::::
                    |us to the festival. We arrived .     ::::::::::
                    ! to the camping around midnight:_ _  ::::::::::
                    :  2 days before the festival   .//   ::::::::::
                    | opening. Smoked another bucket:     ::::::::::
                    | with some friends we met on   |     ::::::::::
                    | the train. Smoked another.    |     ::::::::::
                    : Another, And another, Slept   :     ::::::::::
                 _ _. some, Woke up, 1 day till the :     ::::::::::
                  \\.   opening, smoked a bucket    |     ::::::::::
                    |   ot laid, smoked a bucket    !     ::::::::::
                    |   and then all our friends    .     ::::::::::
                    :   started to arrive, smoked   :     ::::::::::
                    |  a bucket with some girls in  :     ::::::::::
                    |   a twelveman military tent.  .     ::::::::::
                    !    smoked a bucket with our   :_ _  ::::::::::
                    : friends. smoked a bucket with .//   ::::::::::
                    |   our local drugdealaz wich   :     ::::::::::
                    |  arrived on the opening day?  |     ::::::::::
                    |  Ran outta dope, bought more  |     ::::::::::
                    :   dope,  smoked more dope.          ::::::::::
                 _ _. Met Nurgle, Chrombacher, Fatal:     ::::::::::
                  \\.   Cybergod, Doyle, Heinrich   :     ::::::::::
                    | & some others. Smoked several !     ::::::::::
                    |  buckets with the AsciiScene  .     ::::::::::
                    . got even more stoned. Drank   :     ::::::::::
                    | some homeMade Booze and fell  :     ::::::::::
                    |  asleep half naked. Woke up   .     ::::::::::
                    ! located dmg and smoked another:_ _  ::::::::::
                    : bucket. Went to see Type'o'n. .//   ::::::::::
                    | smoked a 2gram bucket. had    :     ::::::::::
                    | sex with Cg, Tagged GRILLA    |     ::::::::::
                    |  all over Cg's tent. Smoked   |     ::::::::::
                    : SEVERAL PHAT buckets with Crb :     ::::::::::
                 _ _. Crb throwed up (Corn & beer)  :     ::::::::::
                  \\. all over someones underweares |     ::::::::::
                    | and ran away backstage. Me    !     ::::::::::
                    | Dmg & Cg went to see DiLeva   .     ::::::::::
                    : and found Crb sleeping under  :     ::::::::::
                    |   a tree next to the stage.   :     ::::::::::
                    | Was to stoned to watch Dileva .     ::::::::::
                    !   Went back, smoked a bucket  :_ _  ::::::::::
                    : Slept some, smoked some, and  .//   ::::::::::
                    | all over sudden it was time 2 :     ::::::::::
                    | go home.                      |     ::::::::::
                    |                               |     ::::::::::
                    :-Day #? & *.* Results: XX Gramz:     ::::::::::
                 _ _.                               :     ::::::::::
                  \\. We went back home and slept 4 |     ::::::::::
                    |      a couple of weeks.       !     ::::::::::
                    |_______________________________.     ::::::::::
                    .                               :     ::::::::::
                    | End of Scandinavian Tour '97. :     ::::::::::
                    |_______________________________.     ::::::::::
                    !                               :_ _  ::::::::::
                    :_                              .//   ::::::::::
                    |/                              :     ::::::::::
                    |                               |     ::::::::::
                   /|                               |
                  /_:___ ___________________________:_______ _Trivial/lp!




                 _            _)   _          /           _
    ÷ SMACK MY BI|CH UP ÷     \   ·|R¡V¡A|·  /     ÷ PU HC|IB YM KCAMS ÷
 .______ _   _ _______   _ ___.\            /_ ___.   _ ________. _ _____
_|     ///_._\\\_     \ _\\\__|_\          /_\\\__|_._\\\__     |_\\\   /___.
\_         |    /    _/          \        /         |    _/     |      /    |
 |         |    \     \_          \      /          |    \_     |     /     |
 |_________|_____\_____/           \    /           |_____|_____|____/______|
                       |        · __\  /__ ·        |tGø
    INDEPENDENT:       |       _:_\  \/  /_:_       |       R O Y A L !:
                      _|__      |          |      __|_      RYL-NEGR.TXT
    KIMCOLL1.TXT       : /______·_        _·______\ :       RYL-BRTN.TXT
    KIMCOLL2.TXT       _ _      ·          ·      _ _       RYL-ABOM.TXT
    KIMCOLL3.TXT          \ __ _|__      __|_ __ /          RYL-ONES.TXT
    KIMCOLL4.TXT           \\(  : /_    _\ :  )//
    KIMCOLL5.TXT            \\  ·          ·  //          DIVINE STYLERZ!:

    DREAMPHASE!:                TOTAL OF 39 ?            .  DS!-FEST.TXT
    DP!-RTOO.TXT        [ Theeze are the one's i can ]      DS!-BUGG.TXT
    DP!-KNAS.TXT        [ remember and NOT remember! ]   ·  DS!-DESC.TXT
                        [ Thanx to Tangø for da help ]      DS!-HOPP.TXT
     CAFFEINE!:                                          ·  DS!-____.TXT
                        [ © Trivial / Lo'Pro 94 - 97 ]   :  DS!-ZZZZ.TXT
    CFE-KATT.TXT                                         ·  DS!-----.TXT
    CFE-KATT.LHA                               ·            DS!-DSBW.TXT
    CFE-REQS.TXT     DOPED NOLABEL INC:        :         ·
    CFE-ZEPH.TXT                               |         :  LOW PROFILE:
                       AB-CDEF.TXT             :         :
     JEDI ARTS:        CP-HOOG.TXT             :         |  LP!-2XWP.TXT
                       CP-HOO2.TXT             .         :  LP!-SPIN.TXT
    JA!-ODER.TXT                               :         :  LP!-FORU.TXT
                       IMMORTAL ART:           :         :  LP!-UZI.TXT
                                               .         ·  LP!-HO!.TXT
                       iA!-SEX.TXT             :         :  LP!-OOC!.TXT
                       iA!-ONES.TXT            :         :  LP!-BBS.TXT
          ___________________________________. |         |  LP!-SCT1.TXT
        ._\                                  | |         |
 .____  |    lOW pRO hISTORY .____           | | aRTISTs |
 |  _ | |     . _ _________ _|  _ |_         | ·_________·
 |  /_|___ .___\/_\.   _   \\.  /__/   .________\.   _   \ .____ ___
 |    _  /_|     /_|_  /___/_|    |____|    _  /_|   /___/_|   /   /_
 |_   /     _       _'---     _         _   /     _   _     _    _  /_
  /--(_____(/------(/____(---(/--)_____(/--------(/---(____(/____\   (
    rDm .                                    | |         .   /_______/
        | lP!-dEDi.tXT     'bRING dA pAIN'   | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-sPiN.tXT  'lET dA rECORD sPIN' | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-fORU.tXT  'a tASTE OF pROFiLE' | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-hAtE.tXT        'H A T E'      | | rAMoNe  |_ .
        | lP!-bOMb.tXT    'bOMb thE sYsTeM'  | | Misfit  |//
        | lP!-LpdS.tXT   'La Pusta deL SoL'  | | rAMoNe  /
        | lP!Plain.Lha         'Plain'       | |  ZorrO /|
        | lP!-uZI.txt         'DriveBy'      | |  ALL!   |
        | lP!-lET.tXt      'Low end theory'  | | rN!-aB! |
        | lP!-iNDI.tXT      'iNDIVIDUaRT'    | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-hO!.tXT      'Unnamed Fukkup'  | | tRIViAL |
        | lP!-rESP.tXT   'Blunts, Pieces ..' | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-fATS.tXT   'For all that Shit' | | Misfit  |
        | lP!-oOC!.tXT     ' Out of Cans'    | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-n4L!.tXT     'Niggaz 4 Life'   | | rAMONe  |
        | lP!-iNSU.tXT       'Inner Sun'     | |  zEUS   |
        | lP!-fS.tXT       'First Strike'    | | rED dEE |
        | lP!-2xWP.tXT     'Devil Made It'   | | tRiViAL |
        | lP!-bbS.tXT  'bUCKEt·bONg·sHAbANg' | ! tRiViAL |
        | lP!-sTR2.tXT      ' Strike Two '   | | rED dEE :
        | lP!-sCT1.TXT 'sCANDiNAViAN tOUR!'  | | tRiViAL :
       _|____________________________________| :_________|
                                             : .
                                             . ·

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                 ________     _____________.
               ./       /___./      _     _:
 l     o     W |_      /    |_     _/     \.
 p R o f i l e  /____________/  zZ \_______:
 : Scandinavian Tour - Doped Fuckup Story :
 : feat: t^ :
 :nurgle.baffle.numen.ten.local drugdealaz:
