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73 500 bytes (71.78K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 427


@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______        ______ ________ __________ __
|      |______/     /_\_     //             
|      |_   _/     /  _/    /  LOOKER HOUSE 
|_______/___\______\__\          PRESENTS   
   friends - when the sex is not enough 7   
             by gdm/looker house            

                        [ in memory of my grandpa ]

                              ______ _____
                            ._\ _  //    /_.
                            |  \/     _____|__ -sg/jA!
                    ________|__ ______\      /______ ______
                   _\      _   \_     _     /_      /     /_ _
                   )\\_____\    /     \)     /     \/      //(
                            |__          __|


                                      o f

·_______                                 \\_______
|      /     ____/\\____·____/\\____·_____\      /__________   ·___________
|    _//____·\      _   ¦\      _   ¦     /     /     _    //  ¦    _     /
|           ¦/      /   ¦/      /   ¦        __/_     /  __/___¦    /  __/_
|           ¦           ¦           ¦            \             ¦           \
|___________¦___________¦___________¦_____\       \___ _       ¦____\       \
·           ·           ·           ¦     \\_______\  \\_______¦ dMG\\_______\
     ·______·                       ·   ·______ ____¦_________________
     |      ¦           ____/\\____·____¦      \\   ¦      /   _     //
     |     _¦__________·\      _   ¦    ¦     _/\\__¦  _  /    /   __/___·
     |         _       ¦/      /   ¦    ¦     ¦    /¦   \/               |
     |         /       ¦           ¦         /¦     ¦    \__ _           |
     |        /________¦___________¦________//¦_____¦_____\ \\___________|
     |_______//        ·           ¦                ¦                    ·
     ·                             ·                ·

                               p r e s e n t s 

                          brand new ascii collection 

                             c a l l e d  l i k e

     w h e n  t h e  s e x  i s  n o t  e n o u g h t  p a r t  s e v e n

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

     w h e n  t h e  s e x  i s  n o t  e n o u g h t  p a r t  s e v e n

        so, here in russia nothing new, no any new revolutions, so just

                 __                                        __
               __\/-       __   _    ___  ____  _ _  ___  -\/__
              -\/-  )_|_( )_/_, )__, )___ )__( ) | ( )_/_,  -\/-
                  -                                       -

                             _____________________________________ _
                             \                                   //
                             \\   dmD!^lkr
 __________ _________ ________\_____     ________ ______    _______ ___________
_\__      //_       //    _   \\  _/____|    _   \\   _|____\      \\         /
\  /_____/  /      /      /       \          /        \      \      \ /______/|
 \_________\\________|         .________|        .____________\______\________|
  \                  `---------'        `--------'
     \_____________  ·  P   R   O   L   O   G   U   E  ·

              ::                                               ::
              ::  yep, the damn stuides... what? hm... oh, it  ::
              :: was the last time, my exams finished  already ::
              :: i'm free, free as bird - that's really fit me ::
              ::   ok, so let's go for my colly - friends...   ::
              ::  thanx to all my friends aroud the globe for  ::
              :· just you all are present! p.s.  i added bonus ·:
              : with diffrent style, i made 'em in december and :
              :        decided to show up some for you ...      :
              ÷---- -  -    -                     -    -  - ----÷

                     - the short contents with no order -

                             - the several dizes -

                           - slt - shelter - saints -

                             - the several logos -

           - chrombacher - syntax - trooper - ocult crime - exile -
        - grand royal - nuts - shelter - funkiest - zabler - painless -
                       - crossfire - defiance - onyx - 

                              the booooooooooonus

                             - the several bonus -

                      - polka bros - kefrens- drifters - 

                          - the several bonus logos -

     - polka bros - kefrens - illusion - style - trivial - dmg - dmg (2) -
                          - the beyond - wastelands -

                                  [29 logos]

            for : slapshot, chrombacher, syntax, trooper, exile
                  hash, zabler, painless, hmmmm, trance^nf,
                  zinko, cyclone, folar, dmg, trivial, zanok 

                              okey, let's go.... 


                   follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         dizo: shelter
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: snapshot
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

                 :   ______         _____       ________    :
                 _ __\   _/_______ _)   /_____ _\__  __/_____
                 //   \_____     /     /      \_             
                 /________ /    /________      /_____        
                 |        /____/present/______/    /_________
                 |                                          |
                 :                                          :
                 _                                          _
                 /_____                                _____\

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         dizo: shelter
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: snapshot
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

                   _____  ____  ____  ____ _____ ____  ____            
                 __\  _/_ \  /_ \ _/_ )  /_\_ _/_\ _/_ \_ /__ 
                    \__  \_ _  \ _)  \  /  \_     _)  \ _/    
                 ____ /   /_/__/_\___/___   /_____\___/_\____
                 |   /___/             /___/ presents
                 |                                          |
                 :                                          :
                 _                                          _
                 /_____                                _____\

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         dizo: saints 
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: trance^nf
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

                   _____  _____  __  _____  _____  _____                
                 __\  _/_ \ _ /_ \/_ \ _ /_ \_ _/_ \  _/_ ___  
                    \__  \_ (_  \_  \  /   \_     \ \__  \_    
                 ____ /   /__/___/__/_/_____/_____/__ /   /__
                 |   /___/    p  r  e  s  e  n  t    /___/
                 |                                          |
                 :                                          :
                 _                                          _
                 /_____                                _____\

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: chrombacher
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: chrombacher
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

  _____    _____   _____      _____     ______  
__) __/__ _\   /_ _\_  /___ __\ _ /__ __\    /____ ____________________________
    \__  \_  _   \_  _/    \_   /    \_   \/      \\
__________/__/____/__\______/_________/___/        \\   c h r o m b a c h e r
                   _____      _____     _____    _____    _____    _____    
________________ __\__ /___ __\ _ /__ __) __/__ _\   /_ __\ __/__ _\_  /___ ___
                \\   (__   \_   (_   \_   \__  \_  _   \_ __)    \_  _/    \\
_________________\\___ /    /____/____/_________/__/____/_\_______/__\______\\_
                      /____/ -gdm^lkr

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: syntax
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: syntax
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

    _____    ____        _____    _____    _____    __.__   
____\  _/_ __\   \  __ __\ _ /_ __\_ _/_ __\ _ /_ __\ | /____ - ---------------
     \_   \_  \__ \/  \_   /   \_       \_   (_  \_   .     / s  y  n  t  a  x
______/    /___/      _/__/_____/________/____/___/___|____/- -----------------
     /____/   /_______\ -gdm^lkr

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: trooper
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: trooper
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

        _____    _____    _____   _____   _______     _____    _____    
_____ __\_ _/_ __\_  /__ _) _ /_ _) _ /_ _\__   /__ __\ __/__ _\_  /___ _______
    //             _/   \_  (   \_  (   \_  /__/   \_ __)    \_  _/    \\
___//______________\_____/_______/_______/__________/_\_______/__\      \\     
                                                         -gdm^lkr \______\\____

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: ocult crime
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: trooper
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

   _____   _____    __.__  _____     _____    
___) _ /_ _) __/__ _\ | /__\   /__ __\_ _/_  ----------------------------------
     (   \_  \__  \_  |       /   \_       \_       o c u l t  c r i m e
__________/________/___________    /________/ ---------------------------------
                  _____    _____     __   ______     _____    
__________________) __/__ _\_  /__ __\/_ _\    /__ __\ __/__   ________________
                    \__  \_  _/   \_    \_  \/    \_ __)    \_\\
__________________________/__\_____/_____/__/      /_\_______/
                                           /______/ -gdm^lkr//_________________

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: exile
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: exile
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

          _____     __.__      __    _____     _____    
__________\ __/__ __\ | /__ ___\/_ __\   /__ __\ __/__   ______________________
          __)    \_   .    \_     \_    /   \_ __)    \_\\
__________\_______/___|     /______/_____    /_\_______/     e  x  i  l  e
                      l____/ -gdm^lkr  /____/         //_______________________ 

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: grand royal
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: exile
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

              \ /
     _____    / \        _____    _____    _____                      ____   
_____\ __/_____________ _\_  /__ _\ _ /__ _\ _ /__ ___________________\_ /_
       \_              \_  _/   \_  (_   \_  /    \_                   /   \_
________/               /__\_____/___/____/_/______/________________________/
                                       g r a n d  r o y a l            \ /
                      \ /  _____     _____    ____       _____     _____ø   
                       ø___\_  /__ __) _ /_ __\   \  __ _\ _ /__ __\   /__ 
                      / \    _/   \_   (   \_  \__ \/  \_  (_   \_    /   \_
                         \___\_____/________/___/      _/___/____/_____    /
                                               /_______\ -gdm^lkr    /____/ 

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: nuts
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: exile
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

                     _____    __.__    _____    _____   
               _ ____\ _ /__ _\ | /____\_ _/_ __\  _/__ _ 
                 \     /    \_  |            \_  \__   \_
                _ \___/______/________________/___ /    /_
                                         -gdm^lkr /____/ 

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: shelter
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: snapshot
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

    ______         _____    _____    _____       ________   _____    _____            
  __\   _/_______ _\   /_ __\ __/__ _)   /_____ _\__  __/___\ __/__ _\_  /___ _
 /   \_____     /    _   \_ __)    \_   /      \_           __)    \_  _/    \_
/________ /    /_____/____/_\_______/_____      /_____      \_______/__\______/
         /____/                         /______/    /________\ -gdm^lkr

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: funkiest
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: hash
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

         _____   __.__   _____    ___ ___     __    _____     _____    _____    
_________\ __/_ _\ | /___\ _ /__ _\  /  /_ ___\/_ __\ __/__ __\  _/_ __\_ _/_  
          _(   \_  |       /    \_  /_    \_     \_ __)    \_  \_   \_       \_ 
__________\_____/_________/______/___(_____/______/_\_______/___/    /________/
                                                               /____/ -gdm^lkr

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: zabler
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: zabler
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

    _____     _____    _____      _____     _____    _____    
____\_  /__ __\ _ /_ __\__ /___ __\   /__ __\ __/__ _\_  /__ __________________
      _/   \_   (_  \_   (__   \_    /   \_ __)    \_  _/   \_ 
______\     /____/___/____ /    /_____    /_\_______/__\_____/_________________
       \___/              /____/    /____/-gdm^lkr

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: painless
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: painless
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

   _______     _____     __    _____    _____     _____    _____    _____   
  _\__   /__ __\ _ /__ __\/_ __\ _ /_ __\   /__ __\ __/__ _\  _/__ _\  _/__ 
     /__/   \_   (_   \_    \_   /   \_    /   \_ __)    \_ \__   \_ \__   \_
 ____________/____/____/_____/__/_____/_____    /_\_______/__ /    /__ /    /
                                          /____/ -gdm^lkr    /____/   /____/ 

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: crossfire
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: forgot
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

  _____   _____    _____    _____    _____    _____    __   _____     _____    
__) __/_ _\_  /__ _\ _ /_ __\  _/_ __\  _/_ __\ __/_ __\/_ _\_  /__ __\ __/__
    \__ \_  _/   \_  /   \_  \_   \_  \_   \_  _(   \_    \_  _/   \_ __)    \_
_________/__\_____/_______/___/    /___/    /__\_____/_____/__\_____/_\_______/
         :                   /____/   /____/ -gdm^lkr               :
         :                                                          :
      ___:_                                                        _:__
     _\                                                               /_

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: defiance
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: trance^nf
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

      .                                                            .
      .                     d  e  f  i  a  n  c  e                 .
    _____    _____    _____    __   _____    ______    _____     _____    
____\_  /_ __\ __/__ _\ __/_ __\/_ _\ _ /__ _\  _ /_ __) __/__ __\ __/__ 
     /    \_ __)    \_ _(   \_    \_  (_   \_   /   \    \__  \_ __)    \_
    _______/_\       /_\_____/_____/___/____/__/     \_________/_\       /
___/  .       \_____/                         /_______\ -gdm^lkr  \_____/
      .                                                            .

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: onyx
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: trance^nf
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

                     .           o  n  y  x           .
                   _____      ______    ____        __.__   
               ____) _ /___ __\  _ /_ __\   \  __ __\ | /____  
        -------\     (     \_    /   \_  \__ \/  \_   .     /-------- 
          ------\___________/___/_____/___/      _/___|    /----- 
                     .           -gdm^lkr/_______\    |___/
                     .                                .
      .       .    . .................................. .   .       .

                                    and now

                      da       bonuuuuuuuuuuus :) so....

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         dizo: polka bros
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: zinko
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

                 . ______   _____   _____    __ ___   _____ .
                 __\__  /_ _\ _ /_ _\   /__ _\ /  /_ _\ _ /__
                 \   /_/  Y   /   Y    /   Y   _    Y   (_   
                 |      p o l k a  b r o s -                |
                 ÷- -  -   ------------------------    -  - ÷
                 :                                          :
                 _                                          _
                 /_____                                _____\

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         dizo: kefrens
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: zinko
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

                 . ___ ___    ______    _____                
                 __\  /  /__ _\  __/__ _\ __/__- ------------
                 \    _     Y  __)    Y __(   / k e f r e n s
                 .\---/ ----^--\ -----^-\ ---/---------------
                 |                                 present  |
                 |                                          |
                 :                                          :
                 _                                          _
                 /_____                                _____\

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         dizo: drifters
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: zinko
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

                 .   _____   _____    _____                
                 ____\_  /_ _\ __/__ _\_ _/__- --------------
                 \    /    Y __(    Y       / d r i f t e r s
                 .\--------^-\ -----^------/-----------------
                 |                                 present  |
                 |                                          |
                 :                                          :
                 _                                          _
                 /_____                                _____\

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: kefrens
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: zinko
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

   ! ___ ___    ______    _____    _____    _____    ______    ______  !
   __\  /  /__ _\  __/__ _\ __/__ _\_  /__ _\ __/__ _\  _ /__ _\  __/___
   \   /_     Y  __)    Y __(    Y  __/   Y __(    Y    /    Y  \_     /
   .\---/ ----^--\ -----^-\ -----^--\ ----^-\ -----^---/ ----^--------/.
   |                                                          .gdm^lkr.|
   `---------------------  - - p r e s e n t s - -  -------------------'

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: polka bros
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: zinko
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7


.                                                                             .
|                           - p o l k a  b r o s -                            |
. ______   _____   _____    __ ___   _____     _____    _____   _____   _____ .
__\__  /_ _\ _ /_ _\   /__ _\ /  /_ _\ _ /_____\__ /__ _\_  /_ _\ _ /_ _\  _/__
\   /_/  Y   /   Y    /   Y   _    Y   (_        (__  Y  __/  Y   /   Y  \_   /
.\-------^-------^--------^---/____|----/__________/--^--\ ---^-------^------/.
|                                                                    .gdm^lkr.|
`-------------------------  - - p r e s e n t s - -  -------------------------'

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: illusion
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: cyclone
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

  __   _____    _____    ___|  /  ______    __   ______   ______  
__\/_ _\   /__ _\   /__ _\  | /_ _\  __/__ _\/_ _\  _ /_ _\  _ /___       
\    Y    /   Y    /   Y    !   Y  \_      \  /     \   Y    /    /---------- -

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: style
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: style!
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

              ______    ______   ____       _____    ______   
            __\  __/__ _\_  _/_ _\   \  __ _\   /__ _\  __/___
            \  \_     Y        Y  \__ \/  Y    /   Y  __)    /
            .\--------^--------^---/ -----^--------^--\ ----/.gdm^lkr

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: trivial
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: trivial
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

          ______   _____    __   ___.___   __   ______    _____     
        __\_  _/_ _\_  /__ _\/_ _\  !  /_ _\/_ _\  _ /__ _\   /___  
        \        Y  __/    \  /           \  /     (_   Y    /   /
        .\-------^--\ ----- \/ -----^----- \/ ------/ --^-------/.gdm^lkr

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: dmg
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: dmg
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

           _____    ___  ___   _____     
       ____\_  /__ _\ _\/_ /_ _\ __/_____---------------------------- -   -
       \    /     Y   \  /   Y   \__    /          d    m    g  
gdm^lkr.\---------^----\/----^-----/___/.------------------------------- -   -

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: dmg (2)
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: dmg
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

            _        _    _     _
           _)\__    _)\  /(_   _)\__     
       ____\_  /__ _\ _\/_ /_ _\ __/_____---------------------------- -   -
       \    /     Y   \  /   Y   \__    /          d    m    g  
gdm^lkr.\---------^----\/----^-----/___/.------------------------------- -   -

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: the beyond
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: dmg
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

  ______   _____    ______   
__\_  _/_ _\   /__ _\  __/___- - gdm^lkr ----------------------------------.
\        Y   _    Y  __)    /___ _                                         |
.\-------^---/ ---^--\ ----//___ ___ _                                     |
|              ______    ______    ____       ______   ______      _____   |
|           ___\__  /__ _\  __/__ _\   \  __ _\  _ /_ _\  _ /__ ___\_  /___|
|      _ ___\    (__   Y  __)    Y  \__ \/  Y    \   Y    /    Y    /     /|
|  _ ___ ___\\-----/---^--\ -----^---/ -----^--------^---/ ----^---------/.|
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|_                                                                        _|

                     follow me, the next step beyond with

                           :________ __ _ __ _
                     ______¡       /(_////
                     \     |      /
   ________________   \    |_____/______.   ._____    _______________
   \_     ________ )---\___¦     .  __  |---|    .\---\_______ \_ __/_____.
    |     ___/          |  :     |  \___|   |    | \   |     '  l__       |
    |       |    T      |  .     |          |    |     |        |         |
    |       |    |      |        |          |    |     |        |         |
    |      _l____|      |       _l_         |    |_____|       _|        _j
    l_____/\ \   l______l______/\ \\________l____j    /l______//l_______//
     \    \ \_\___\      \     \ \ \\       /   /____/ /     // /      //
      \____\/      \______\_____\/¯¯¯\_____/___/bHe  \/_____/¯\/______/¯

   ____________ |      | _______ ______________· 
 rX\ _        / |      |/      / \    _       /:         logo: wastelands
  _/\/       / _      _/      /      _/     _/ : requested by: zanok
  \____________\______\       \______\______\__:______________________________
 :                     \_______\               :
 : l o o k e r h o u s e p r e s e n t s y o u : when the sex in not enough 7

.                                                                          .
.                  w   a   s   t   e   l   a   n   d   s                   .
: ___  ___   ______    ______    ______   ______                           :
__\  /\  /_ _\  _ /__ _\  __/__ _\_  _/_ _\  __/___  -- - date: xx-xx-xx --.
\          Y    (_   Y  \_     Y        Y  __)    / __    time: xx-xx-xx   |
.--- /\ ---^-----/ --^---------^--------^--\ ----///___ _                  |
|                           _____    ______    ______      _____   ______  !
| myth - lsd - lightforce __\   /__ _\  _ /__ _\  _ /__ ___\_  /_ _\  __/___
|    looker house shq! __ \    /   Y    (_   Y    /    Y    /    Y  \_     /
.                   _ ___\\\-------^-----/ --^---/ ----^---------^--------/.
÷----------------------------------------------------------------- gdm^lkr-÷
.                                                                          .
|            O-1 amiga & console wares only! + no ratios of course         |
|      online ascii ordering from some of the best in ascii + telnet (24h) |
!                                                                          !
zanok^sliver/cls/ryl/lkr - wraith/cls/lsd/m! - triangle/mth - recall/qtx/mst
.        u-man/mth/crx - orlando^orion/lsd/crx - the shining ones/hf       .
|          vietcong/mth/dvs! - phenox - madmax&juan/crx/m!/ryl/lsd         |
|                                                                          |
|       some have dreams - we have speed, so welcome online today...       |
|                                                                          |
|   - ----- nd #1:  +46-invite-only     nd #2:  +46-invite-only ----- -    |
|_    - --- nd #3:  telnet.24.hours  \  nd #4:  telnet.24.hours --- -     _|

                          ___  ____.
       · ______   ____/\  \__).\_ ¬| ______   _______. _/\ __   ______ ·
       :/  __ ¬\ _\___  \ ____|    |/  __ ¬\ /  __  ¬|/   Y ¬\ /  __ ¬\:
       ¦.   ____Y    l   Y.  ¬|.   |.   l   Y    '   |.   l   Y.   ____¦
    t0!|:.  `  ¬|.       |:.  |:.  |:.      |-----   |:.      |:.  `  ¬|e^D
       `--------|:.  .---^----^----^--------|:.  .---^--------^--------'
                `----'                      `----'
                 :       hell, i so tired with organizing, i really  
                 :   will take rest and go on my vacation somewhere 
                 :      outside, i hope you'll miss me a little...
                 :           just feel free to request more  at
                 :   and
                -÷------------------------------------------ -  -   -

                              - guested artists -

                               ranx / jedi arts
                              dmd! / looker house
                   tommy / looker house / hellfire / digital
                               ranx / jedi arts
                                 dmg / deja-vu
                              crusader / mo'soul
                               2fast / jedi arts
                                boheme / style
                              shock-g / jedi arts

                              - guested artists -

   ____    _____   _____   ____/   /_____   _____
_ _)  /____)    \__)    \__)  /   /_)  _/  _)    \_ _______________ ___ _ ____
 /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /_.  _/__/   /___/
/___    /_______/_______/____\_____|_`   /___/
   `---/                            `---/____ 2F_____   _____   _____   _____
                                       _)  / \__)    \__)  / \__)  _/___)  _/
                                      /       /   /   /   /   /__     /   _/__
____ _ ___ _________________________ /___/   /_______/_______/___'   /___`   /
                                        `----\                  `---/   `---/

                                main/demo staff

      - dee'mon - dmd! - dyer - g.d.m. - inco - joker - juggler - kimba -
           - lunasoul - notorious - shin - speed devil - tangerine -
                           - tommy - xpeh - zinko -

                          -    -  - - \/ - -  -    -

                                  ascii staff

              - dmd! - g.d.m. - speed devil - splatter - tommy -

                          -    -  - - \/ - -  -    -

                                  board staff

            - g.d.m. - mic^flair - mogue - xpeh - zanok - zinko - 

                  - previous ascii releases by looker house -

 [ file  name ] [ date ] [ size ] [ short  comment ] [auth] [  ascii title  ]
   ----------     ----     ----     --------------    ----     -----------
 [lkr-cosm.txt] 08-30-95 [ 15220] [hm... no comment] [dmd!] [cosmetic design]
 [lkr-wrd1.txt] 09-30-95 [ 40507] [argh... boring!!] [-gdm] [wrong dimension]
 [lkr-key .txt] 12-06-95 [ 71570] [got the point...] [dmd!] [keyboard fuckup]
 [lkr-bed .txt] 01-09-96 [ 34576] [coop. gdm & dmd!] [coop] [       bed room]
 [lkr-bs  .txt] 03-09-96 [ 49625] [coop. dmd! & gdm] [coop] [    back stream]
 [lkr-par1.txt] 06-09-96 [ 68696] [1st class styled] [-gdm] [ascii paranoia1]
 [lkr-par2.txt] 06-16-96 [ 37110] [1st class styled] [dmd!] [ascii paranoia2]
 [lkr-par3.txt] 06-30-96 [ 79443] [paranoia request] [-gdm] [ascii paranoia3]
 [lkr-sex .txt] 07-22-96 [115321] [ sure the nice 1] [-gdm] [when ze sex'snt]
 [lkr-gud .txt] 07-23-96 [ 53292] [paranoia request] [dmd!] [        gudzane]
 [lkr-sex2.txt] 07-28-96 [ 44415] [ w.s.i.n.e. reqs] [-gdm] [   sun and rain]
 [lkr-sex3.txt] 07-31-96 [ 62449] [ w.s.i.n.e. reqs] [-gdm] [        sadness]
 [lkr-vodk.txt] 08-04-96 [ 40511] [ h . t . f . c .] [dmd!] [  vodka swimmer]
 [lkr-sex4.txt] 10-20-96 [ 61155] [ i missing some1] [-gdm] [           yana]
 [lkr-sex5.txt] 11-03-96 [ 51340] [dancedancedance!] [-gdm] [      galaktika]
 [lkr-sex6.txt] 12-13-96 [ 48595] [friday13damnstud] [-gdm] [   damn studies]
 [lkr-vslz.txt] 01-13-97 [ 77229] [by new lkr memba] [spl@] [    vinyl soulz] 
 [lkr-sex7.txt] 01-30-97 [ 75649] [friends of mine!] [-gdm] [        friends]
   ----------     ----     ----     --------------    ----     -----------
 [ file  name ] [ date ] [ size ] [ short  comment ] [auth] [  ascii title  ]

                                  - resume -

 [    1 8 !   ] 01-30-97 [991474] [we gained style!] [!!!!] [paranoias rulez]  

 -.----------------------------------- - sweets fly to the - ---------------.-
  :                                                                         :
  : _gmmms    _mmmmmm_  dmd! - dyer - xpeh - tangerine - zinko - tommy - ztx:
  g@@@@@@@W_gW@@@@@@@@[ rippa - juggler -  shin - hollywood - misfit - macno:
 {@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!  speed devil - dee'mon - asno! - neurodancer - folar:
  M@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f ant - stz - majkel - lord - xcz - fatal - tango - dmg:
  :V@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f zanok - webster - mic^flair - mop - macno - shane - not: 
  : 'M@@@@@@@@@@@*`trash - nemes!s - cyclone - boheme - boogeyman - slapshot:
  :   ~*M@@@@@*~     orion - nicko - cg - threaz - splatter - hei-di - grace:
--.- gdm-'@@@----- /    mogue - crusader - folar - candyman - uman - javis  :
           @      /-.-------------------------------------------------------.--
                                                [ special mars for mogue    ]  
                                                [ and snickers for dmg      ]

                      and to all original ascii creators
                              all over the world

                                group respects

     - arclite - epsilon design - head - honey - jedi arts - low profile -
      - mindless - mo'soul - save our souls - style - twisted - venture -

                               - = - = - = - = -

          message to original ascii artists : please make some logos
                                    lkr  -  diz
                                 looker  -  diz
                           looker house  -  big
                           purple dream  -  big
                                 g.d.m.  -  big
                                   dmd!  -  big
                            russian box  -  big

                                thanx a lot 8)

                               - = - = - = - = -

                 to contact me/us for join/support/friendship
                         call our current headquarters

                  Purple dream        - LKR WORLD          HQ 
                  Neon dream          - LKR RUSSIAN        HQ
                  The northern palace - LKR EUROPEAN       HQ
                  Permanent vacation  - LKR UNITED KINGDOM HQ
                  Straight Hate       - LKR GERMAN         HQ
                  Wastelands          - LKR SWEDISH        HQ

                     also check our official Webpage 

           - -

              or contact us via internet '/msg gdm' or e-mail at




                     if you want to post your adverts, you
                   can send it to us, we shall include it in
              our 'russian b.o.x ', ofcoz everything is for free 

          [ it supports any kind of adds, even board adverstiments ]
                [ the only rule - your advert must be styled ]
                             [ no lame postings ]

              also you can send to us any of your news & messages
         [ it does'nt matter you're elite or not - friendship rules ]

                        don't be out dated and lazy 
                                support now
                      __/______             ______\__
                 .___\\//                          \//___.
              ___)     \                           /     (___
              :                                             :
  .________    _______   _____        _____         __      _______     .______
__| _     /____\      \ _\  _|_____ __\  _|_____ __(_/_ ___(____  /____ |     |
\   /    /      \      Y  \____    Y   \_____   Y      Y       / /     \|     |
 \_ \_______|__________.___________.____________.      .___________.__\ \_____|
              :         r u s s i a n   b . o . x           :
              |        _________         _______            |
              |   _____\__     |_______ _\__   |_______     |
              |   |     _/     |    _  Y            __/     |
              |   |_____\______.    /  ._______|      \     |
              |                `-------'       |_______\    |
             _|                                             |_
             \                                               /
              \ __               dmD!/lkr               \__ /
               \\//___\\_______                     ____\\//
                /                                         /



                            blah... end of text

                   (c) looker house production already 1997

      l o o k e r   h o u s e  -  z e  a r t  o f  i n s p i r a t i o n

                        [ in memory of my grandpa ]

         _______    _______    _______   _______   _______   _______    
      ___\  ___/____\     /____\  _  /___\   __/___\   __/___\____ /___ 
      \     \            /        \       \_         __\         /gdm / 