File Archive

File download


File size:
101 007 bytes (98.64K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:11
Download count:
all-time: 431


      :               t  h  e     s  e  c  t     b  b  s               :
   _________ ______    _________    _________ _________ _________ _________
  _\__   __/_\    /____\  ___  /__ _\   ____/_\  ___  /_\  _____/_\__    _/_
 _)__   ____/   __        \___/  /_)______       \___/     \_)   \__      _/_
 \______________|/   ___________/ \_____|/__________________________________(
      .         /___/-bBå/aZb!                                         .
      :                                                                :
      :    powered by amiga1200/030/50mhz/882  cd-rom  1,3gb space     :
      :                                                                :
      :   node0: +48 (0)91 87-94-93  time: 22-10 week 22-13 weekend    :
      :                node 1: telnet   node 2: telnet                 :
      :                                                                :
      :                    sysop: madbart/appendix                     :
      :     stuff: jacobs/royal, action/anadune. ziutek/appendix       :
      :                                                                :
      :  anadune whq - appendix whq - floppy phq - dinx project phq    :
      :  venus art phq - ozone free phq - mawi phq - doggystyle phq    :
      :               pic saint loup phq - link124 phq                 :
      :                                                                :
      :          0-3 days warez - ascii - polish demo stuff            :
      :                                                                :

    __________  /\  __________    ____    __________         ________
   _\  _____ /_/  \_\  _ ___ /____\  /____\   __   /_        \      /
  _)   \___   /    \   \\\                    |/    /         \    /
 ·\______/   /      \______________________________/           \__/
  ·\    /___/________\  +48 (0)58 21-61-07              _______(__)_________
   ·\                                                   \      /  \        /
    ·\  appendix phq · squeezers whq · link124 whq       \    /    \      /
     ·\                                                   \  /      \    /
      ·\  sysop: cerber/appendix^squeezers                 \/        \  /
       ·\  staf: klaf/appendix^freezers^squeezers^kk^hd!              \/
         ·\  dial for: Taboo mag, Bigoz mag, Fa! packmag, ascii,
          ·\           demo stuff, games, porno pics, tools and...
           ·\_________ __________ _________    ____   __________ __________
            _\  __   /_\  ______/_\__   __/____\  /___\        /_\  ____  /__ _
           _)   \_        \_)    \_      __/           \      /     \____/  ///
           \_____/   ___________________________________\    /_____________///
                /___/                                    \  /-bBå/aZb!

                |   p      o      i      s      o      n    |
      __________·__________  _________ ________   __________·__________
     _\  ___ _ /_ _____   /__\________ )  ____/__  _____   /_)  __    /_
     | \ \  \/  | \      / |\        /_________ /_ \      / ___  /   / |
     |:.  \   __        /.:|:.      .:|      \/.:|:.     /.:|/__/   /.:|
     |__   \___\)__      ___        ___/       _____      __|  /     __|
      /_____\   ·/________\/_________\/_________\ /________\  /_______\
                |                                           | ctp!/L124
                |   supervisors are: digger and hexachord   |
                |gates open:22`00-06`00 weekend:22`00-07`00 |
                |                                           |
                |       node one: +48 [023] 62-34-74        |
                |        powered by: 2400-28800 bps         |
                |                                           |
                | dsbl ratio `n high access for all friends |
                |                                           |
                |             d i a l   n o w !             |
                |    link124 distro site & requests zone    |
                |                                           |
                |_  P      O      I      S      O      N   _|


   budgie of link 124

 released new collection



                  lll     lll
                  lll lllllll   i welcome you before my ascii colly.
                          lll           you want blood?
                            l      ____________ __
                |                                 -budgie-
           _____.       _____      _____.  _______  _____   ______
           \_  _|___   _\    \   __\__  |  \  ___/  \   /  /   __/
            |  \    \ /  \    \ /    /  |_/   \_  \ /\_/\ /    __)_
           _|   \    \    \    \    /          /   \     \     \   \
           \____/     \________/    \____\_________/_____/_________/
               /______/       \______\                        .
                       $Ð!  l                      ___________| dGs
                           ll      __ _____________\
                          lll   become the home...
                          lll   __________
                          lll  _\ _      /-|
                          lllll| \/        | a(id/L124. llllll
                              _|_______ ___|               lll
                             |       . Y .  |              lll
                             |_________|____|              lll
                            ___|_       __ |___             ll
                           |    /__________|  .|             l
                llllllllll |                   |lll -link124-
                lll      _ |      | _
                lll     |__|                 |__|
                lll                                          ___
      _       ____.     .__ _    ______.     ___ __      ___|_  |__
     |_|_____| .  |_____|  \/__ _|    . |___._|   | /_____|__  .|_|  |
       | ___      |     | +    Y      | | . | .   _/        .|__|   .|
       |_\ /____________|______|------|_____|-----|__________| |_____|_
          \/                __     __ __   ____                      |_|
                lll       _|_/ ____ //__| |___//__|__
                lll      /_|  |___//____      //__|
                lllllllllll l i n k e d   u p . . . llllll
                                my family..            lll
                      lll                                       -absurd-
  -p^a!         ________                                   __________
     __________/     _    ______       ___________    ____   ___     \
 _____________/_____/__  /   __________\      _________  /______\_____\____
 \    _____________    \/______    /    \     \   ____  /___      _______
  \   \     /     /     \     /   /      \     \  \___      \     \     \
.- \_______/____________/________/______________\     \      \___________\ -.
`----------------------------------------------------- \      \_------------'
                      lll                               \__________
                      lll     and my second family home..
                       ____________                           lll
                    ___|          ·|                          lll
                    |·             |__                        lll
                    |               ·|
           Bd!/L¹24 |                |   [ - i n s t i n c t - ]
    ____    _______ | ______   ____  |    ____    _______    ____    ____
 ._/   _)_._\  _  /_._\  __/__.\   |___._/   _)_._\  _  /_._/ ___)__.\   |___.
 |       _|_   |    |  \____  |    |   |       _|_   |    |   \    _|    |   |
                    |    ____         .|
                    |   |   ·|       __|                      lll
                    |___| |__|       |     and it was be all  lll
                        |____________|                        lll
                                        lll   llllllll
                                        lll        lll

      -)- --» obojetnie gdzie jestes i tak zawsze cie znajde «-- -(-

              indifferent you're and so i always find you..

  _ _____.    =presents=                                ____.
  \\\__  | ________  ______ _ _____ _   ______ __ _____ \ __|__ _   _____ _
.(  | /  |( ___   /.(  ___///(  __///_.(  ___/ \_\\___ )| \___///  (  __///_.
|   |/  _|   |/  /_|   _/___.-\____   |   _/___|   | /  |   | ____.-\____   |
|_  .---'|_  |\    |_  |/   |__  |/   |_  |/   |__ |/   |_  |/    |__  |/   |
 `--'     `--' \___|`--/____|`---.____|`--/____|`--/____|`--/__shp!`---.____|

                i show you better dimension..
                                      l¹  ¹l
                                     ¤¹    ¹¤.
                                    ¤¹ø     ¹¤.
                        ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤æ. ¤¤ Øø.    ¤¤ .礤¤
                        ¤¤¤        ¤¤ç.°ø  .椤    ¤¤
                        ¤¤¤         °¤¤, `.¤¤°     ¤¤
                        ¤¤¤           °¤¤¤¤°       ¤¤
                        ¤¤¤                        ¤¤

                  «--- - -----.
                              |   [- or maybe and worse? who knows -]

                           |         )_._
          -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                           ./          |   Bd!/l¹24
             ____.         |         .______.
       .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|
       |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|
       |/__/\_   |   /   |_  |    _|  _____     wow! - it's classic or what?
            \____|_______|/_______\| (_____\
                          _|_          |

                              `----- - ---»

                           .-`   '-.
                         ^^|  ~_~  |^^
                          _| (^|^) |_      I needed a some of your help!!!
                         (_| (·_·) |_)
                           | /XXX\ |
                Bd!/L¹24 __| .---. |__
                        /  |       |  `-.
                       /   `-.___.-'     \
                      /    _         _    \
                     /    /          /    /
                     \    \         /    /           ______
                 ...__\    \ ______/    /___________|
                ::::___\    \______\    \ __________|-----
                 ···    \_____\     \______\        |______
                          |     |     |
                            | |   | |
                            |_|   |_|
                          .-' `-.  |  <--- oldman and his pirate leg :)
                          |_____|  Ø

         dziadek ciezko w polu oze, i tak kurwa nikt mu niepomoze.

                     i want find the tomb..

                                      l¹  ¹l
                         experience  ¤¹    ¹¤.
                                    ¤¹ø     ¹¤.
                        ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤æ. ¤¤ Øø.    ¤¤ .礤¤
                        ¤¤¤        ¤¤ç.°ø  .椤    ¤¤
                        ¤¤¤         °¤¤, `.¤¤°     ¤¤ better
                        ¤¤¤           °¤¤¤¤°       ¤¤
                        ¤¤¤                        ¤¤


                         ] only with us.. [

                         - remember, link 124 is everywhere
                         - where you are..
                         - we can do anything
                         - and we don't care
                         - and don't hesitate make
                         - what is adult!

                         - enjoy our world
                         - ascii world, when we
                         - hard working because
                         - we want to do something
                         - interesting for you..
                         - did you like watching ascii?
                         - we want to do easy to read
                         - letters and nice crazy objects
                         - near... it's not so
                         - simple as you can mean!
                         - you must try it.
                         - but don't steal style
                         - made by other ascii
                         - makers before... then
                         - all be right.

                                  |         .
                        .         |         |
                        |         |         |
                        |         |         |
                        |                   |
                        |      _))))))))))  |
                        |     /           \ |     dziadek w polu sie poci
                        |    _\____       / |
                        |    | o   |__   /  |      ze zaraz zgubi oczy..
                        |    |     |·_| /   |
            Bd!/L¹24   ____ /|_____|    \  ____
                      /    /      _  \_  \     \
            //////   /    /       (___|   \     \      \\\\\\
           /    /   /     \      _ /XXXX\  \     \      \    \
          /   _/___/   /   \___  `-----.    \     \______\_   \
          \           / _____ /_____________/__\              /
           \_________/                          \___________/


              \|     )_  and  once again i'm pleasure to show you my new
               |      |  ascii  collection, todays name "wow!", from who
               |      |  it's came, i really don't know, hardly to say..
               _.ææææææææææ._   i always had so stupid names for my asc²
            .æ½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½½æ.  collection, you  remember (pipa, happy
          .¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾Øø   time and like)  collection should be
         .Øå°¯                 °¢\    released at the rush hour' s party
         ز        _ ______       \   held  in  czestochowa, but i'm not
         Ø                 \  ___  \    100 percent man and sure my coly
          \   __________    \/     /     show lightday at last one month
           \  |         |         /        ._____.  after the party...!?
       Bd!  \ |     ___ |____    / L¹24 ___|     |   always so  was  and
            / |    | o| |  .|   /       |        |   probably so already
          _/  |    |__| |___|  /       _|__     _|   would be  to finish
          |   |_________|      \        · (_____\      days of my life..
   _______|                 \   \
 _/       |            ___   \_  \ _______         so, it was be all, waiting
 |        |            | _    |   \       \____    for my new asc² and spread
 |        |            |______|    \           \ this ones, who have released
 |        |             ________    \           \ for today.. thx!
 |        |            /        \   /            \
 |        |           /         /  /              \
 |        |          /         /  /                \
 |        |          \_________)  \                 \____
          ¯\                 __    \                    |
            \                 (    /                    |
             \____________________/                     ·
               |     _|             showtime or what? no, it's menu only.
               |     \.
               |      |                              ____
               |      |     ___               ______|  ·|
     Bd!/L¹24  |      |    (___)              |     |___|  __
       __.__   |    ____  ._____. _______     |      ·|   |_|
    ._/  |  \__.____\_  \_|     |_\  _  /_.   |       |
    |   \_/   _|    _/    |     |_   |    |   |_______|  [ main - menu ]
               .      |            __.__     _______   _______       ____.
               |      |         ._/  |  \__._\  _  /_._\  _  /_.___./    |
              _|______|_        |   \_/   _|  ____/  |_   |    |   |    _|
               ·      ·         |____|____\|_________|/___|____|________\|

               |       \________.     ___________________________________
               |                |   .(                                   )_.
               | logos o1...    |   |  abc             -           ace     |
               | logos o2...    |   |  abs             -            bta    |
               | logos o3...    |   |  ace             -            ace    |
               | logos o4...    |   |  ace             -            ace   _|
               | logos o5...    |   |  ascii           -            krs   \.
               | logos o6...    |   |  azzaro          -         azzaro    |
               | logos o7...    |   |  beret           -         norman    |
               | logos o8...    |   |  blaze           -          blaze    |
               | logos o9...    |   |  and blaze       -          blaze    |
               | logos 1o...    |   |  budgie          -     guess who?    |
               | logos 11...    |   |  byte breaker    -   byte breaker    |
               | logos 12...    |   |  coma            -           coma    |
               | logos 13...    |   |  credits         -            krs    |
               | logos 14...    |   |  depth           -       curtcool    |
               | logos 15...    |   |  deus docet      -     deus docet    |
               | logos 16...   _|   |  enter           -          enter    |
               | logos 17...   \.   |  evan            -           evan    |
               | logos 18...    |   |  haze            -           haze    |
               | logos 19...    |   |  hris            -          idaho    |
               | logos 2o...    |   |  idaho           -          idaho    |
               | logos 21...    |   |  info            -           all!    |
               | logos 22...    |   |  insomnia        -   byte breaker    |
               | logos 23...    |   |  instinct        -    firestarter    |
               | logos 24...    |   |  instinct        -       punisher   _|
               | logos 25...    |   |  itc             -    firestarter   \.
               | logos 26...    |   |  jim             -            jim    |
               | logos 27...    |   |  kk              -             kk    |
               | logos 28...    |   |  krs             -            krs    |
               | logos 29...    |   |  krs             -            krs    |
               | logos 3o...    |   |  locash          -         locash    |
               | logos 31...    |   |  looker house    -   byte breaker    |
               | logos 32...    |   |  main menu       -            krs    |
               | logos 33...    |   |  mawi            -          enter    |
               | logos 34...    |   |  mawi            -         azzaro    |
               | logos 35...    |   |  mcr             -            mcr   _|
               | logos 36...    |   |  mcr             -            mcr   \.
               | logos 37...    |   |  nah             -          blaze    |
               | logos 38...    |   |  network         -         leunam    |
               | logos 39...    |   |  nork            - leunam brother :) |
               | logos 4o...    |   |  presents        -            krs    |
               | logos 4|...    |   |  psl             -       adamsoft    |
               | logos 42...    |   |  punisher        -       punisher    |
               | logos 43...    |   |  reality         -           evan    |
               | logos 44...    |   |  reaper records  -   the hooligan    |
               | logos 45...    |   |  sante           -          sante    |
               | logos 46...    |   |  scoopex         -        thunder    |
               | logos 47...    |   |  scx             -        thunder    |
               | logos 48...    |   |  soda            -    firestarter    |
               | logos 49...    |   |  theend          -            krs    |
               | logos 5o...    |   |  thunder         -        thunder    |
               | logos 51...    |   |  wanted stuff    -      everyones    |

                         [ .link 124. ]

                         - be with our law
                         - if you don't like reading
                         - so for what do you looking here =]

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : o1 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "abs"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                      |                                    \_._
                      |                                      |
                 Bd!  |                                      |
                      |____.                                 |
               _____  |  __|____    ____                     |
        ___.___\___ \_|  \___   \._/ __/___.                 |
        \ _|    __(   |    |/    |   \     |__               |
      «---/|____\|____| ___/_____|_________| /--»            |
                      |                                      |
                L¹24  |                                      |
                      |   aBC pACK iSSUe : xX                |
                      |                                     _|_
                     _|____________________________________/ ·

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : o2 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "abs"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

            - A - B - S - U - R - D -
   Bd!     ____  \_    /________ ______   L¹24
      .____\_  \_|      _      /_\  __/__.
 .___ |    _/    |      /     /   \___   | ___.
 |    |____\|____|           /___________|    |
 |               |__________/                 |
 |                                            |
 |      -[ Absurd - we do what we can ]-      |
 |                                            |
 |             p r e s e n t s :              |
 |                                            |
 |                                            |
 |                                           _|

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : o3 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "ace"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                   _._/           |
                    |             |
                Bd! |             |
                    |   _____     _____    _______
                    .___\___ \_._/ ___(__._\  _  / .
                    |    __(   |   \     |  ____/  |
                    |             |
               L¹24 |            _|_
                   _|___________/ ·

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : o4 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "ace"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

           |         |
      Bd!  |         |  ace of phase truce!
           |         |
           | _____   | ____     _______
         .___\___ \_._/ __/___._\  _  / .
       __|    __(   |   )     |  ____/  |__
           |         |
      L¹24 |        _|_
          _|_______/ ·

                          [ wow! what can to be? ]
                          - hard question, what!
                          - but be patient

                                 |           |
                                 |           |  - but where looking
                                ______       |  - these puzzling eyes?
                               ( .____\      |  - nobody know.
                                 |.   \    ____
                                 |     \______ )
                                 |_____ \ ·  |
                                 .       \___|.
                                 |            |
           - whether our life    |            ___
           - is ones only large  |     .  .  /.
           - puzzle..            |  /\      / |
                                 |    \    /  |
                                 |     \  /   | Bd!/L¹24
                                 |      \/    |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : o5 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "ascii"            |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                       |  ___  |
                       | |  _| |   -] ascii [-
                       | |_____|
                       |                   _______
                _____  | ______     ____.  \  __ /   ____
             .__\___ \_|_\  __/__._/ ___|__.\  //_._(_  (_
             |   __(   |  \____  |   \     | \/   |       |
                 Bd!   |   L¹24
                  ___  |
                 |  _| |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : o6 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "azzaro"           |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

              Bd!  |  L¹24
             ____  | _______   _______      ____      _______ ______
     ___.____\_  \_|_\___  /_._\___  /_.____\_  \_.__(___   /.\  _  \____
     \ _|    _/    |  ____/  |  ____/  |    _/    |    _/  / |   \   |_ /
    |                                                                    |
    |            --» azzaro of mawi + anadune + link 124 «--             |

               use it for advert, will be nice look out, really.

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : o7 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "beret"            |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                                               _ .________________. _
                                                 |                |
          ________    -[ beret issue : oO ]-     |                |
       .__\___   /  _______    ________  _______ |_____      _.___|__._
       |    ./  /_._\  _  / .__\___   /._\  _  / |\    |_     |      |
       |____l\    |  ____/  |    _/  / |  ____/  |     _/     |      |
           /______|_________|____\_____|_________|_____|     _|______|_
                                                 |            ·   |
                                             Bd! |                | L¹24
                                               _ |________________| _
                                                 ·                ·

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : o8 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "blaze"            |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

           \_    /_______     --» blaze of nah-kolor «---
         ___/     _     /____.        ____    _______   _______
         \ |      /    /     |___.____\_  \_._\___  /_._\  _  / .___
   .  Bd! _|          /|     '   |    _/    |  ____/  |  ____/  |_ / L¹24 .
  -|------/|_________/ |_________|____\|____|_________|_________|\--------|-
   |                                                                      |
   |                                                                      |
   |                                                                      |

                  / ____ ____ \               - i don't know where i am...
                o/  |_.|-|_.|  \o             - may did you know?
       .--- -   /        |     ·\   - -----.  - no!
       .       /.      |_|.     \\         .
       :   ____\     .----'      /____     .
       .  /     \__           __/     \    .
       ·  \       (___________|       /    .
       .   \                         /     .
            \   \               /   /      `--------------------------»
       .     \   \             /   /
              \   \           /   /
        ____ / \___\         /___/  Bd!/L¹24
       /    /    \\\        ////

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : o9 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "blaze"            |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

     ____  __________     [ ---» blaze of nah+apx+flp «--- ]
    |    ||  .____. |_________      ______  _____________________
    |__ .||_ |  __|_____.____ \_____\ ____\_\ _______   _______ /__
      |__|./ |  \___    |    \___.____\_  \_._\___  /_._\  _  / .  |  L¹24
   Bd!   _|  |    |/    |_   /   |    _/    |  ____/  |  ____/  |  |_
      -|-\|  |____|____/|/_______|____\|____|_________|_________|  |/-|-

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 1o ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "budgie"           |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

        \_    /_______
        |      _     /____.      .____     ____      ____   _______
        |      /    /     |___.__l    \_._/  _/____._)  _)._\  _  / .
    Bd! |          /_     '   |  |___   |    \_    |      |  ____/  |  L¹24
        |_________/ /_________|_____/___|____l/____|______|_________|

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 11 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "byte breaker"     |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                       _______ -» butebreaker of looker house «-
                       \_    /_______       ______.
                       |      _     /__.____\     |_ _______
                       |      /    /   |    |     _/_\  _  / .
                       |          /___   ___|     |_  ____/  |
                 Bd!   |_________/   /___\  |     |/_________|   L¹24
                                            |     |
    ________    _______  _______     _____  |     |____   _______     _______
 .__\___   /.__(___   /._\  _  / .___\__  \_|     /   /_._\  _  / .__(___   /.
 |     / _/_|    _/  / |  ____/  |    _/    |     \     |  ____/  |    _/  / |
 |_____\    _____\_____|_________|____\_____|_____|\____|_________|____\_____|
     /_____/                                |     |
                                            ·     ·

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 12 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "coma"             |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

      .-\\     |
  Bd! |        |
      |        |     c o m a   o f   3 l e
      |        |
      ______   ______   ______.        .____
    .( ____(__.\  _  \_.\  _  |____.___|___ \_.
    |___\     |   \    |    \ |    |    _.(   |
      |  \____|________|_____\/____|____\|____|
 L¹24 |        |

                          o °_   ___
                            (_)  |.| o     - who introduce me in the trance?
                           ___   |_|       - maybe only i'am fool
                             |___|_____    - or idiot..
                                |  |  |__
                                /  \
                                \   \

              - but i jumping without contribute..
              - is nice, probably i smoked
              - two bages of grass :]
              - or maybe i only drunk
              - 1 litre of strong drink.
              - i don't remember.
              - what's going with me..

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 13 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "credits"          |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

          \ ___
       _._\\\ /____._
        |   \/     |
   Bd!  |          |
        |          |                            _______
       ______      _______   ._______   .____   \ ___ /._____. ______
     .( ____(__.__(___   /.__l__    /.__l    \_.\\\ /  |     l_\  __/__.
     |___\     |    _/  / |    /___/ |  |___   |  \/   |     _/ \____  |
        | \____|____\_____|__________|_____/___|_______|_____|_________|
        |          |
   L¹24 |          |        c r e d i t s    a r e    h e r e :
        ·          ·

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 14 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "depth"            |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                                      ....         _____
            Bd! .____    _______   .:::::::. _____ \   .|______
          ___.__|    \_._\  _  /_.::::·   .::\    |_   l__    /___ L¹24
          \ _|  |___   |  ____/  |::::..:::·      _/    l/   /._ /
        |                         ::::                             |
        |                                                          |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 15 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "deus docet"       |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

               -- » deus docet of rno^boyzOut^¡ntense « --
                    .____    _______      ___   ______
                 .__|    \_._\  _  /_.___/   \._\  __/__.
          __\--- |  |___   |  ____/  |   \    |  \____  | ---/__

                .____   ______     _____    _______  _____
             .__|    \_.\  _  \_._/ ___/__._\  _  /_.\    |_
            _|  |___   |   /    |   \     |  ____/  |     _/_
       -|---/|_____/___|________|_________|_________|_____| \---|-
        |                                                       |
        | 1oo% reply, fast and friendship, for join to boyzOut! |
        |          you should drop a your letter here:          |
        |                                                       |
        |               «-- Santoro Tiziano --»                 |
        |                Via Pinerolo-Susa  46                  |
        |                1oo9o Briuno (Torino)                  |
       _|_                       Italy                         _|_

                           /  ___        \
                          /  / @/____.   /
                         /   \__\@   |  /  - and you have these yourself
                        /      ..\___| /   - stupid questions "who introduce
                       /   _________  /    - me into trance" heh...
                      /   / |    \ / /     - if you still will so much
             Bd!/L¹24 \  /   __   / /      - drinking, from day to day
                       \ \__/ /_L/ /       - you'll more stupid and more
             ___________ __/ /__  / ______
            /        ___/__    /          \
           /        /     )   /            \
          /        /  ___)   /              \
         /        /  /______/                \
        /         \_____/                     \
        \      \/      /                 \     \
         \     /      /                   \     \       øøøøø
          \          /                    /\     \       | |
           \        /                    /  \_____\     _|_|
            \______/                    /      \  \    / _/|__
                 /                     /        \  \_ / /___  \.
                /                     /          \  \   ___,)  |
               /                     /            \_______,'   |
                                    /                 |        |
                                   /                  |   cheap|
                                  /                   |   wine!|
                                 /                    |________|
                               /  - by drinking you slowly
                              /   - killing yourself brain!?
                             /    - and you don't care about that..

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 16 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "enter"            |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                .-\\      |
                |         |
            Bd! |         |                .::::::.
                |         |               :::·   :::
              _______     ._______ _____. :::...::::    _______
            ._\  _  /_.___l__    /.\    |_::::::::::___(___   /
            |  ____/  |    |/   / |     _/:::  .....|    _/  /__
            |_________|____|______|_____| :::.   :::|____\_____/
                |         |               ·::::::::'
           L¹24 |_________|

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 17 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "evan"             |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                Bd!     __        __
                    ____\__        / _____      ._______
                  ._\  _  / .     /__\__  \_.___l__    /
                  |  ____/  |    /    _/    |    l/   /
                  |_________|   /_____\l____|____|_____\ ___
                            \  /                        \\ /
               L¹24          \/                          \/

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 18 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "haze"             |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

          ______. _
       .-\\     |
   Bd! |        |
       |        |  h a z e   o f   a p a t h y
     .______    |
     |   ._/_____   .____    _______    ._______
     |   l__    /___|___ \_._\___  / .__l__    /_
     |    l/   /.    _./   |  ____/  |    /___/ /
       |        |
  L¹24 |       _| _

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 19 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "hris"             |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                     _._/       |
                      |         |
                 Bd!  |         |
                      |         |
                   .______      |          _______
                   |   ._/____  | _______  \  __ / ______
                   |   l__   /.__(___   / .\\  //. \  __/__.
                   |    l/    |    _/  /  |  \/  |  \____  |
                      |         |
                 L¹24 |        _|_
                     _|_______/ ·

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 2o ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "idaho"            |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                .-\\      |
           Bd!  |         |   i d a h o   o f   r e d   b u l l z
                |         |
                |         |
              _______     |              .______
              \  __ /  .____      _____  |   ._/____ ______
             .\\  //.__l    \_.___\___ \_|   l__   /.\  _  \_.
             |  \/  |  |___   |    __(   |    l/    |   \    |
                |         |
           L¹24 |        _|_
                |_______/ ·

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 21 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "info"             |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

   Bd!    \  __ /    ._______  ____.  ______      L¹24
      ____.\  //_.___l__    /_/  __l_.\  _  \_.____
      \  _| \/   |    l/   /     ____l   \    |_
  -|-----/|______|____|____________| _________|(----------------------|-
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                                  |
   |                                                        _         |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 22 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "insomnia"         |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                                      Bd!   .   L¹24
    ___      ____    ______   ______   _____|____    ____    ___      _____
__._) _)_.___\_  \_._\  __/__.\  _  \_.\    |   /.___\_  \_._) _)_.___\__  \_.
\ |      |    |    |  \____  |   \    |    \/    |    |    |      |    _/    |
  |                                                                          |
  |          -] i n s o m n i a   - b y -   l o o k e r   h o u s e [-       |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                                                          |
  |                                                                          |
 _|_                                                                         |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 23 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "instinct"         |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

      |                                                     |
  Bd! |            ---»   i n s t i n c t   «---            | L¹124
      |                                                     |
      |                                                     |
    _____    ._______  ______   _____.  ____      ._______  |____    _____.
   .\   /.___l__    /. \  __/__.\    |_.\  _)_.___l__    /._/ __/___.\    |_
   |     l    l/   / |  \____  |     _/|      |    l/   / |   \     |     _/
   |_____|____|______|_________|_____| |______|____|______|_________|_____|
      |                                                     |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 24 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "instinct"         |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                  |    .|___________________________________
                  | |___|                                  /.___
                  |                                         |_  |
              Bd! |       ---» .i.n.s.t.i.n.c.t. «---      _____| L¹24
                  |                                        \
       ___      ____    ______   _____  ____.     ____     _____   _____
   __._)  )_.___\_  \_._\  __/__.\    |_\  _|_.___\_  \_._( ___(__.\    |_
   \ |      |    /    |  \____  |     _/      |    /    |   \     |     _/
  |                                                                        |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 25 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "itc"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

           ___              _____
   Bd!  ._( __)_.______.___/  ___)__.  L¹24
 ._____ |      _|      |_     \     | ______.
 |      |______\_      _/___________|       |
 |              |      |                    |
 |              |______|                    |
 |                                          |
 |    - I - N - S - T - I - N - C - T -     |
 |                                          |
 |             -[ presents ]-               |
 |                                          |
 |                                          |
 |_                                  _     _|

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 26 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "jim"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

         .-\\      |
         |         |
         |         |
     Bd! |       ________
         |       \
         |  ____.\\    _______
       .___/    |  \  / .   _ \____
       |       _|   \/  |    \     \
       |_______\|       |_____\/____\
         |      |_______|
    L¹24 |         |

                             Bd!  |||||||  L¹24
                                  |  _  |     ____
                                 ^|(o)o)|^   |   |
                                  |  |  |   _|o  |
                                  |  §  |  /  O  |
                                  |_____| / __o  |
                                    | |  / / |___|
                                  __| |_/ /
                                 /       /
                                /       /   make up! pij poki czas...
                               / /______\
                              / /\       \
                             ooo  \   \   \
                                   \   \   \
                                   _\___\___\ _

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 27 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "kk"               |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

         ._____.     ._____.
    Bd!  |     |____ |     |____   L¹24
      ___|     /   /_|_    /   /_._
 -|--))  |     \     |/    \     |\\-----|-
  |      |_____|\____|_____|\____|       |
  |                                      |
  |                                      |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 28 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "krs"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

  Bd!     _____      ________  ______     L¹24
        ./    /___ __\___   /. \  __/__.
   ____ |    /  _/|    _/  / |  \____  | ____
  .\    |____\____|____\_____|_________|    /.
  | \                                      / |
  |        text here!                        |
  |                                          |
  |                                          |
  |_                     and here!           |
  ` \________________________________________|

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 29 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "krs"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                     _(_)_        _|____|_
                    (_(_)_)        |    |
                      (_)          |    |
                      _|_      Bd! |    | L¹24
                       |_____.     |    |
                       |     |____ |   _______  ______
                       |     /   /_.__(___   /. \  __/__.
                       |     \     |    _/  / |  \____  |
                                   |    |
                                   |    |
                                   |    |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 3o ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "locash"           |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

        .____     ______     _____      _____    ______  |   ._/_____
   Bd!  |    \___.\  _  \_._( ___(__.___\__  \_._\  __/__|   l__    /   L¹24
        |_       |   \    |   \     |    _/    |  \____  |    l/   /._
   |                                                                      |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 31 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "looker house"     |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

          .-\\       |
          |          |
      Bd! |          |  looker house
          |          |
       ._____     ______   ______    _____    ________     _______
       |     |___.\  _  \_.\  _  \_./    /___ \   _  / .__(___   /
      _|_    '   |   \    |   \    |    /  _/   ____/  |    _/  /__
          | _____    |
          |/  ._/____|______        _____. ______    _______
          |   l__   /.\  _  \_.____/     |_\  __/__._\  _  / .
          |    |/    |   \    |    \    _|  \____  |  ____/  |
     L¹24 |____|_____|________|_________\|_________|_________|
          |          |
          |          |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 32 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "main menu"        |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

          ._/       |
          |         |
      Bd! |         |
          |         |         _______
       _____.       | _____   \  __ /   ._______
      .\    |_____.___\___ \_.\\  //.___l__    /
      |     l     |    __(   |  \/  l    l/   /.
      |____\/_____|____\|____|      |____|_____l
          |         |        |      |____  _______     .______     ____.
     L¹24 |        _|        |      |_  /._\  _  /_.___l__   /.___/    |
          |_______/ ·        |_____\/    |  ____/  l    l/    |  /    _|
             .                     /_____|_________|____|_____l_______\|
             ¦ :. .
             `------------ m a i n - m e n u ---------------------»

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 33 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "mawi"             |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                    --»  .m.a.w.i.  «--
     Bd!  _____|____    _____       ._____  ___     L¹24
      ___.\    |   /.___\___ \_.___ |  __/._) _)_.___
      \  |    \/    |    _./   |   ||     |      |  /
    -|---|____||____|____\|____|___/\_    |______|---|-
     |                              \_____|          |
     |                                               |

                                \               \
                                 \__________     \
                                  |        /      \   - how i am monster?
                                 _l_      /        \
                                 \._)    /___/      \
                                 /           \______/
                               _/   _        /o
                               \____/   _    \o
                                 |_____/_\    \o
                                       `--\    \o
                                  ________/     \o
                                 /               \o
                                 \                \o
                                  \__________      \o
                                           \        \o
                                            \        \Ø
                                     _____   \        \     _____
                              _     /     \___\        \___/     \
                       .-----/ \   /                              \
                      .| |  /   \  \__      __         __       __/
                      || | /   / \  /       \/    /\   \/         \
                      || |/   /   \/      \______/  \______/       \
                      || |\  /    /       /       /\       \        \
                      `'-' \/            /                  \        \
                            \           /       __/\__       \        \
                             \         /                     /        /
                              \       /\__     ___/\___     /        /
                               \_____/   |                 /        /
                                         |        ()      /        /
                                         |______________ /        /
                                        /  .--.         /        /        .--.
                                       /   |  |________/______  /____ ____|  |
                                      /    |  |________/ / / /      /_____|  |
                                     /     |  |       / / / /  //__/      |  |
                                    /      `--'   /\  \_______/           `--'
                                   /             /  \          \
                                  /             /    \          \

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 34 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "mawi"             |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                                                  \       /
             Bd!  _____.         .____      _____  \ ___ /.  L¹24
                 .\    |_____.___|___ \_.___\    \.\\\ /  |
                 |     l     |    __(   |   /\    |  \/   |
             ____|____\/_____|____\|____|_________|       |____

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 35 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "mcr"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                         |         //-.   m c r   o f   m a w i !
                     Bd! |            |
                         |            |         _______
             o         _____.       ______  .__(___   /
             .°       .\    |______( ____(__|_   _/  /__
                      |     l     ____\_    |/___\_____/
                      |____\/_____\   |/____|
                         |            |
                   L¹24  |            |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 36 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "mcr"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                     Bd!        ____   ____.      _______  L¹24
                         _____ /   /._/ .__l__.__(___   /
                         \    /     |   |     |    _/  /__
                    ______\ \/ _____|_________|____\_____/ _____
                     .   /___\                                .
                     |                                        |
                     |         adresses write here !?         |
                     |_                                       |
                     ./                                       |
                     |                                        |
                     |                                        |
                     |                                       _|_

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 37 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "nah"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                   Bd!      .______
          _______     ____  |   ._/_____ L¹24
     _.__(___   /.____\_  \_|   |___   /
     \|    l/  / |    _/    |     l/  /._
 -|-- |____/_____|____\|____|_____|____|\ --|-
  |                                         |
  |          --» nah - kolor «--            |
  |                                         |
  |          texts here and here            |
  |                                         |
 _|                                         |_

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 38 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "network"          |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

   Bd! |        |
       |        |                                                      µær
       | ._______  _______  _____.    _____  ______      _______  qm  _#
     .___l__    /._\  _  / .\    |____\    \.\  _  \_.__(___   /   0_µØ´
     |    |/   / |  ____/  |     _/   /\    |   \    |    _/  /__ µÆØM_ #_
     |____|______|_________|_____|__________|________|____\_____/ ¯ãP°¶Ñ®#
       |        |                                                  #    ¬¶¹
  L¹24 |        |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 39 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "nork"             |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                                 Bd!   ._____.  L¹24
           _______ ______      _______ |     |____
       .__(___   /.\  _  \_.__(___   /_|     /   /_.__
      _|     /  / |   \    |    _/  /  |     \     | /
  -|--/|____/_____|________|____\______|_____|\____| --|-
   |                                                   |
   |         --» nork of network ^ darkage «--         |
   |                                                   |
  _|_      rest texts here and here as adresses       _|_

   ! use it for advert, will be really nice look out...

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 4o ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "presents"         |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

     ________ Bd!                                             L¹24  ______
  .__\___   /           ----»  p r e s e n t s  «----        _____._\  __/__.
  |    ./__/________  _______   ______    _______     _______\    |_ \____  |
  |____l____\___   /._\  _  /_._\  __/__._\  _  /_.__(___   /.    _/________|
      _|_.    _/ _/ |  ____/  |  \____  |  ____/  |    l/  / |____|
      \  |____\_____|_________|_________|_________|____/_____|

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 41 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "psl"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

    Bd!                    L¹24
     ._______ ______   ____
   ._l_     / \  __/__.\   |___.
   |  /____/_  \____  |    '   |
   |______| /_________|________|

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 42 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "punisher"         |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

       ,-\\     |
       |        |
  Bd!  |        |
       |        |             _______          .______
   _______   .___     .______ \ ___ /  ______  |   ._/____  _______     _______
 _(___   /___l   \.___l__   /.\\\ //_._\  __/__|   l__   /._\  _  / .__(___   /
|   _/__/    `    |    l/    |  \/   |  \____  |    l/    |  ____/  |    _/  /__
|_____\ |_________|____|_____|_______|_________|____|_____|_________|____\_____/
       |        |
  L¹24 |________|

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 43 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "reality"          |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

             \ ___
           .-\\\ /---.
           |   \/    |
       Bd! |         |                         _________
           |         |                         \       /          .______
         _______   ._______    _____   _____    \ ___ /._____.____|     /
     .__(___   /.__l__    /.___\___ \_.\    |___\\\ /  |     l_   |    /
     |    _/  / |    /___/ |    __(   |     |     \/   |     _/__   __/
     |____\_____|__________|____\|____|________________|_____|  /___\
           |         |
      L¹24 |_________|

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 44 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "reaper records"   |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                     -» r e a p e r - r e c o r d s -»
          _______  _______     .____    ________  _______     _______
  Bd!  __(___   /._\  _  / .___l___ \_._\_     /._\  _  / .__(___   /  L¹24
      |    _/  / |  ____/  |    __/   |  /____/ |  ____/  |    _/  /__

    .   _______  _______    _____   ______      _______   .____    ______
  __|__(___   /._\  _  / ._/  __/__.\  _  \_.__(___   /.__l    \_._\  __/__.
  \ |    _/  / |  ____/  |    \    |   \    |    _/  / l  |___   |  \____  |

                             /  \
                            /    \
                         øØ| _ ._ |Øø    he.. he.. jumbo as he wants.
                          °|  ,|  |°
                         __|   -  |__
                        /  `.____.'  \
                  Bd!  /              \  L¹24
                  ___ /  /          \  \ ___
                  \-'/  /|          |\  \`-/
                   \___/ |__________| \___/
                        /            \
                       /              \
                         ||        ||
                        °°°°      °°°°

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 45 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "sante"            |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                ______   -- » sante of fabiness « --   _______
          Bd! ._\  __/__.   _____      _______ _____. _\  _  / . L¹24
           ___|  \____  |___\___ \_.__(___   /.\    |_  ____/  |___
      -|---\  |_________|    _./   |     /  / |     _/_________|  /---|-
       |                |____\|____|____/_____|_____|                 |
       |                                                              |
       |_                                                            _|_

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 46 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "scoopex"          |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

         .-\\      |
         |         |
     Bd! |         |           --»  s c o o p e x  «--
         |         |
       ______     _____   ______   ______     _______ _______   .____
     . \  __/__._/ .__/__.\  _  \_.\  _  \_.__\_    /_\  _  /___|   /
     |  \____  |   |     |   \    |   \    |   /___/    ___/ \_ | _/
     |_________|_________|________|________|______|__________/  .  \
         |         |                                        /___|___\
    L¹24 |        _|

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 47 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "scx"              |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

   Bd!     ______     _____   ____.____   L¹24
      ___._\  __/__._/ ___/__.\_  |  _/ ____
      \ _|  \____  |   \     |/   _   \  _ /
 -|-----/|_________|_________|____|____\ \-----|-
  |                                            |
  |      --»   s  c  o  o  p  e  x   «--       |
  |                                            |
  |     g e n e r a t i o n s   a h e a d      |
  |                                            |
  |         presents : "xxxxx" at ???          |
  | _                                        _ |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 48 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "soda"             |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                 _______. _
              .-\\      |
              |         |
          Bd! |         |
            _______   .øØØø.   .____      .____
            \  ___/__ØØ¢  °Ø.__l    \_.___|___ \_.
           . \_____ øس    ¹Ø  |___   |    _.(   |
           |________ز  Ø  .Ø_____/___|____\l____|
              |     Øø.   ,Ø
         L¹24 |      °Æøøز
              |         |
              ·         ·

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 49 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "the end"          |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

                 ._____.         |                     |
                _|     |_    Bd! |                     | L¹24
                \_     _/___.    | _______             |
                 |     |  __|____|_\  _  / .           |
                 |     |  \___   |  ____/  |           |
                 |     |____|/___|_________|           |
                 | ____|__     __|____   .____         |
                 | \  _  /_.__(___   /.__l    \_.______|_
                 |  ____/  |     /  / |  |___   |      |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 5o ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "thunder"          |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

    _|    |_
    \_    _/___.          ---» thunder of scoopex «---
     |    |  __|_______    ___     _______   .____    _______     _______
 Bd! |    |  \___     /___/   \.__(___   /.__l    \_._\  _  /_.__(___   / L¹24
     |    |____|/____/    \    |    l/  / |  |___   |  ____/  |    _/  /__
 -|--|____|         \__________|____/_____|_____/___|_________|____\_____/--|-
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |

                         |         )_._
        -[ w . o . w ]-  |_          |
                         ./          |________________________
           ____.         |         .______.                   )_._
     .___./    |_____    |   ____. |     _|  [ logos : 51 ]     |
     |_  |     |\  _ \_.___./    | |_____\|                     |
     |/__/\   _|   /   |_  |    _|  _____    "wanted stuff"     |
          \___\|_______|/_______\| (_____\                    __|_
                        _|_          _________________________\ ·
              Bd!/L¹24   ·(__________|

      Bd!        ___    .___                     _______          L¹24
            ___.|   |___l_  \_    _______ _____._\  _  /_.  .____
    -|--/__|   ||   |   _/    |__(___   /_\    |_  ___/  |__|    \ __\--|-
     |     |___/\   |___\|____|     /  /_|     _/________|  |___  \.    |
     |_         \___|         |____/____\|_____|         |_____/___|  __|
     ./                                                              (____
     |                     ---» wanted stuff «---                      _./
     |                                                                 _|_

            /             \_
           /    _________   \
          /    /         \_  \
         /    /     .______\_/
        /    /      |    .| \        [ grr.. grr.. grr.. !? ]
        \   /  .____|_____|  \
         \__\  |___.| _       \      - popcorn, what is this
             \         \       \     - you're alcoholic..
              \      _  \ ___   \    - no, you don't.
               \     \__//   \   \
                \     __/    /    \
                 \    \     /     /
                  \    \___/     /
                   \            / Bd!/L¹24

                                          ._____      _____.
  _______ _   _________   _______ _   ____|__ _/  ____\_ __|__ _    _____ __
.(   ___/// .(  ___   / .(_  ___/// .(  ____/  |.(  _/|  \___///   (  __//_/_.
|    | ____.|    |/  /_.|    _/____.|   \ |    ||    ||    | ____..-\____    |
|__  |/    ____  |\    ____  |/    __    \|  ______  ____  |/    ____  |/    |
 `---/_____| `---' \___| `---/__shp!|_____\---'  `---' `---/_____| `---._____|

                  mega thanks for all these guys for them logos.

                             Bd!    -   budgie
                            shp!    -    sharp
                             ÔÐ!    - sundance
                            a(id    -     acid
                            -p^a    -    point

                                  ._____      ._____     ______
                 _ _______    ____|__ _/  ____|__ _/.____\     |
                _\\\____  )..(  ____/  |.(  ____/  ||    |\_  _|
                \   ___    ||   \ |    ||   \ |    _________  |
                |\_  |/    __    \|  ____    \|  __|   |  U   |
                `----/_____||_____\---' |shp!_\---'    `------'

                         for everything write here:

              --» you're looking for a new group to join! «--
                      you need some friendly swapping
                          no problems, write here

                 -)- --»  budgie^absurd!+instinct  «-- -(-
                              kamil kaczmarek
                            boh. warszawy 1o5/3
                              72-2oo nowogard

                      don't hesitate write, answer is
                         guaranted as our death!

                  if you're lazy or haven't so much time,
                   you always can send your e-mail here:



      :               t  h  e     s  e  c  t     b  b  s               :
   _________ ______    _________    _________ _________ _________ _________
  _\__   __/_\    /____\  ___  /__ _\   ____/_\  ___  /_\  _____/_\__    _/_
 _)__   ____/   __        \___/  /_)______       \___/     \_)   \__      _/_
 \______________|/   ___________/ \_____|/__________________________________(
      .         /___/-bBå/aZb!                                         .
      :                                                                :
      :    powered by amiga1200/030/50mhz/882  cd-rom  1,3gb space     :
      :                                                                :
      :   node0: +48 (0)91 87-94-93  time: 22-10 week 22-13 weekend    :
      :                node 1: telnet   node 2: telnet                 :
      :                                                                :
      :                    sysop: madbart/appendix                     :
      :     stuff: jacobs/royal, action/anadune. ziutek/appendix       :
      :                                                                :
      :  anadune whq - appendix whq - floppy phq - dinx project phq    :
      :  venus art phq - ozone free phq - mawi phq - doggystyle phq    :
      :               pic saint loup phq - link124 phq                 :
      :                                                                :
      :          0-3 days warez - ascii - polish demo stuff            :
      :                                                                :

    __________  /\  __________    ____    __________         ________
   _\  _____ /_/  \_\  _ ___ /____\  /____\   __   /_        \      /
  _)   \___   /    \   \\\                    |/    /         \    /
 ·\______/   /      \______________________________/           \__/
  ·\    /___/________\  +48 (0)58 21-61-07              _______(__)_________
   ·\                                                   \      /  \        /
    ·\  appendix phq · squeezers whq · link124 whq       \    /    \      /
     ·\                                                   \  /      \    /
      ·\  sysop: cerber/appendix^squeezers                 \/        \  /
       ·\  staf: klaf/appendix^freezers^squeezers^kk^hd!              \/
         ·\  dial for: Taboo mag, Bigoz mag, Fa! packmag, ascii,
          ·\           demo stuff, games, porno pics, tools and...
           ·\_________ __________ _________    ____   __________ __________
            _\  __   /_\  ______/_\__   __/____\  /___\        /_\  ____  /__ _
           _)   \_        \_)    \_      __/           \      /     \____/  ///
           \_____/   ___________________________________\    /_____________///
                /___/                                    \  /-bBå/aZb!

                |   p      o      i      s      o      n    |
      __________·__________  _________ ________   __________·__________
     _\  ___ _ /_ _____   /__\________ )  ____/__  _____   /_)  __    /_
     | \ \  \/  | \      / |\        /_________ /_ \      / ___  /   / |
     |:.  \   __        /.:|:.      .:|      \/.:|:.     /.:|/__/   /.:|
     |__   \___\)__      ___        ___/       _____      __|  /     __|
      /_____\   ·/________\/_________\/_________\ /________\  /_______\
                |                                           | ctp!/L124
                |   supervisors are: digger and hexachord   |
                |gates open:22`00-06`00 weekend:22`00-07`00 |
                |                                           |
                |       node one: +48 [023] 62-34-74        |
                |        powered by: 2400-28800 bps         |
                |                                           |
                | dsbl ratio `n high access for all friends |
                |                                           |
                |             d i a l   n o w !             |
                |    link124 distro site & requests zone    |
                |                                           |
                |_  P      O      I      S      O      N   _|