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               T H I R D  place in the world! (JurassicPack#5)

           ._____.[staff]jacobs/appendix - prefix/appendix - ziutek/appendix
 _________ |¯    :      ________[demon/cyber freaks]
|¯    __ /_|   __|____._\   ___/[master] madbart/anadune^appendix^teklords
|______(       \__   ¬:    __>___:___________________ ___ _
     /¯          /         \    ¯|
    /      .    /       _      _  [a1200T/030/882/50mhz/quantum 1.3gb/cdrom]
   /_______:---/______.-)______(------------------------------------- -- -
                          _______   ________   ________   _________.______
 [node 0] +48-91-879493  /¯  ___/_._\   ___/ ._\  ____/_._\  _    ¬·      |
       _ ___ __________._\____   ¬:    ___>  :    \    ¬:   /______.      |
[open]                 |     /         \                      ¯\nd!:______:
   22-13/week 22-10 cet  _          _          _          _     \  |¯     |
- ------- -------------:-)________.-)________.-)________:-)______\ |______|
 [node 1] telnet
 [node 2] telnet  [anadune whq] [appendix whq] [teklords phq] [floppy phq]

 [dinx project phq]  [jormas phq]  [mawi phq]  [doggystyle phq]  [psl phq]
 [link 124 phq]  [venus art phq]  [ozone free phq]

                            ... ::          ____
    radioactive _________.  :::            |___| _______________ __
    bbs <--  ____        |      ·   ____      ___|         __  // /
    ________ |   .__     ·    .____ \___)     |            \     /
    |   __  \|  _|_/      ____|    |______.--------.        \   /
    :   |/ _/|  \_       .  __.    |      |    _   |  _ _____\_/______
    .   /    \   |       |  \_|    |      |   (/   |  \  _   (_)   __
    ____\     \--|       :_________|------|________|   \//   / \    /
         \_____\ |_______|      ________ ____/           \ AchtunG /
                             ____       _____     ____    \/     \/
        [$Ð!/dGs]      ______|__   ____ |__  |    \__/  .____
                    .__ .__    |   |    |    |__ ___ _  |   /
            ::::    |  _|_/    |   |    |      /_|  \\\ |  /----.
        ... ::::    |  \_      |   |    |   __/       \ · /| ---'
        :::      .  |___|      :   |____|        .____ \_/  ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯
             ::         |______|        |____ ___|
                             |____          .          - appendix phq -
        +48-58-216-071      ____ |__________|           - link124 whq -
        powered by a1240/40       sysop: cerber/appendix
                                              _______________________ _
        ascii - demos games - porn - util _ __|

                    [be sure you choose the right number]

          k       o       m       e       r       c       j       a

 _________    ____________________________ _
|         |__ \  az0!/l124               ///
|  __/\__    |     ____   _______   _ ____
|  \    /    |____|    |_| __    |_| |  __|
|  /_  _\   |     |____|   ||              |
|    \/     |_____     ____||    ____|     |
|____________|    |____|    |____|   |_____|
     p       a       r       t       1

 brand new - brand cubismatic - brand fresh - you`ll hate it - you`ll love it

[  mostly inspired by new madonna`s single called "frozen". it kicks my ass. ]

            ___/    _/
      _ ___/   \     \___
           \    \____/   \  ·
            \___/    \    \/                                                !
         ·  /   \     \___/
          \/     \____/   \_ one million years ago some lifeforms starts live
          /\     /    \___/
         ·  \___/     /   \            due some troubles 999.999 of them died
                \____/     \___ _
                /    \     /                             but only one survive
               /      \___/
              ·      _/   \_ _                                    god`s hand?
        _____      _ _    /
        \ _ /-------\\-\ /                 no, scientist clone the human race
         \\/ __  ___   / \
         _\  ___|   | /_  ·          me, you and everybody gots his own clone
     ____  )  `--'__ \ _____               ideal, beautiful, smart and lovely
    |    \\\_________//   ..|
    |                      .|                 your parent`s dreams comes true
    |      _         _      |
    |.     |  L124!  |      |                       they love the ideal clone
    |o.    |         |      |
  __|______|__ ___ __|______|_                                and you must go
        |               |                                          to nowhere
        |    _____      | .aC!d.
        |    \ _ /      | dGs'97                       everything is monotone
        |     \\/      .|
        |      \        |                                 as primal liferorms
    ___ |       \    . o| ___
   /. /-|-------/_______|-\  \      ideal race, ideal scientists, ideal world
                    ·    \__/     /    ·                  and old dead cities
                     \___/  \____/    /
                     /   \__/    \___/                 with you in the center
                _ __/    /  \    /   \
                    \___/    \__/     \__ _                    we`re dead now
                    /   \    /  \     /
                    \    \__/    \___/                                no help
                    ·\___/  \    /   \__
                        /    \__/    /\                              no no no
                       ·     /  \      ·
                      /     /    \                  pure monotone nothingness
                           /      ·
                    ·     ·        ·                                     lust
                   .  .._·        · ·.........
                ...........·     ·    .......:                           kube
                :            ·  ·     ........................
                :    .         ·     .. ... . .        ..... :              ?
                :                     : ..: :.:     .  :   : :....
              ..:.....   ..........   : :..   :        :...:     :......
              :      :   :........:           .........                :
        ......:..    :   :.................   :       :   .........    :
        :     :.:    :              :.....:   :       :...:    ...:    :....
   _____:______      :________          ______:__       ____ __:       ____:__
__|   __    ___|_____|        |____ ___| __    __|_____|    |  |______|   __  |
|     || ________    |____|   |    |     ||            |____| __           |  |
|_  |___||_   |_| ____    __           _______      ____    __|     ___ ______|
 |__|      |______|  |____| |__________|     |______|  |____| |_____| |____|

---------]  p  s  i  l  o  c  i  b  e    k  k  u  b  e  n  s  i  s  [----------
  _ ____   _ ____   __      __       _______________  ____       ____  ____
_| |  __| | |  __| |  |____   |_____|   __    __    || ___|_____|    || ___|___
|        |            ||  |_ __          |    ||     _______    |____________ |
|__|     ___|         ¯¯   __|    ___ ________||    __   |_| ____    __   |_| |
   |_____|  |______________| |____| |____|    .|____| |______|  |____| |______|
         :           :                        :                       az0!/l124
         :.........  :                ...     :....
                  :  :                :...........:
                  :  :.....................:            another three-part trip
 |.                                          ...    : .........
                                             :.:....: :.      :
                                             ..:....   :      :
                        · · · · · · ·        : :...:...:   ...:
 |-                   ·           ·  ·       :     :       :
                    ·           ·     ·      :.....:   ....:...
                  ·           ·        ·               :   :  :
 |              ·           ·           ·              :   :  :
 |-           ·           ·              ·             :   :  :
            ·           ·                 ·            :...:  :
          · · · · · · ·    ·               · .................: it`s
 |         ·           ·  ·+·            ·.....................
 |-- 10     ·           ·  ·           ·                      : an two
 |           ·          :·           ·                        :
 |-- 0F       ·         : ·        ·           .............  : months
 |             ·        :  ·     ·           ..:..         :  :
 |-- 0E         ·       :   ·  ·             :   :         :  : delayed
 |               · · · ·:  · ·               :...:         :  :
 |-- 0D                 :                      :       ::  :  : production
 |                      :                      :...........:  :
 |-- 0C                 :.....................................: eh...
 |                      .......................................
 |-- 0B                 :                                     :
 |                    ..:     _____                           :
 |-- 0A               :..     \ _ /___                        :
 |             _____    :      \\/    \___                    :
 |-- 09        \ _ /___ :     __\____    /   _____    _____   :_____
 |              \\/    \:__  /          /____\___ \_ _\___ \_ :\    \_
 |-  _____     __\____    / /   _______/      ___   Y   `/   Y  ___   \
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   /  ___   Y/   _______/ /      \ .azZAro. ________|---)____\________\
   \  \\         \\      /             _     \          :
   /_________     \     /______________\------\     ....:....
          /             _     \                     :...:   :
         /______________\------\ aC!d/dGs                   :
                        :                                   :
                        :..."i`m.the.pornking..i.can do anything"
       ........... ... ........ ........ ........ ....... . :
       :.        : : : :      : :      : :......:           :
       :         : : : :      : :......:                    :  m
       :         : : : :......:                             :  e
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  :...: :.............|      ¯°*F   J*P¯              |    :   h
            :         |                               |    :   e
            :     luk!|_           .mawi.            _|pht!:
            :          //\_ _____________________ _/\\     :
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            :................                       .......:
                        ....: m a d   w i z a r d s :...
             ......... ...      .........                ..................
             : ..... : : :      :   ... :   .... ...  .  : .... ......... :
             : :     : :        :.....: :   :  :.: :..:  : :  : : ..... : :
             : :.....: :................:   :. ... .. .  : :  : : :.....: :
             :......_______ ___       __ ____.    .______: :..: :.........:
            _____  | ___  //__/    ___\_\\___|_ _ | .__  /__   _____ _
   _ ______ \    \ | \___/_ _____ |    _______/// | |___/   \ |  _ ///_____
  _\\\__  /-|     \|    |_\\\__ /-|    \ |   |    |    |     \|  \/  _____/
 |   ____   |    \ \    |   ____  |     \|   |    |    |    \ \   |  ___/_
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 |    \_____|______\____|    \____|_______\  !shp______|------\___|_______|
 |_____\        :       |_____\          `---'           :
         |      :                                        : a n a d u n e [-
         |-- o8 :........................................:   .................
         |      ........................................     :  .....        :
         |-- o7 :......................................:     :  :............:
         |      ......................................       :
         |-- o6 :....................................:       :  ..............
         |      ....................................  .......:  :            :
         |-- o5 :..................................:  :         :     .....  :
         |      ..................................  ..:  ...    :     :   :  :
         |-- o4 :................................:  :    : :    :     :   :  :
         |      ................................  ..:    : :    :         :  :
         |-- o3 :..............................:  :      : :    :.........:  :
         |      ..............................  ..: .... : :.................:
         |-- o2 :............................:  :   :  : :
         |      ............................   .:   :..: :
         |-- o1 :..........................:   :.........:  and of c o u r s e
     .   |      ............................
 _ __¦_______ M :                          :    ..... ....... .. ....
     |      /   :/\_   ____       ______   :    ::  : :..: :: :: :  :
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     |   _/               \ \_        \__    \\  :  : :......... :  :    |
     `----------:----------\____//------'\____\--:..: :........: :..: ---'
     [®ev¿/l124]:              ·/          : .........
                :                          : :       : ..........
        ... ... :..........................: :.......: :........: :... ... .. .
    ....: :.: :..
    :   ..  . . : l i n k 1 2 4 ][ XM 16ch / 44.4kHz
    :   :    u  : ----------------------------------
    :   :.......:
    :....................................      ...    .............
    .__________                         :  ... : :...··:::.       :
    | ____,   /                         :..: :.:   ...:·· :       :
    | \______/                                 ....: ..:· :.      :
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        //                                                 l__   \       \__ l
       //                                                    /____________| __
      //                                                         l__________\
     ·  "psilocibe kkubensis` first part called ..................]
     `······                  .............
                         :           : is there any chance to back the time?
                              :       ... : we nedd an remedy for ideal clones...
       ·······:··.    : : : it should be ourselves -
                               :  :    :.: : phorever people?
                               :  :........:
                               `············ ······    
      _ _                                              _ _    |_|___  
      \|\|  _____          _            _       ____  |/|/      |. _|____  
           |/_____  |      \| |__/____  \|   ______\|           |_|     .| 
                  | |       | |      \|  |  |       |        ______|__    | 
          |\______| |\______| |\      |  |\ |\______|       |   ___  .|___|_
                                                            |  |  .|  |   |_
     ______.        ______.        ______         ______    |______|  |     
  __|      |____.__|      |____ __|    . |____ __|      |____         |     
 |     |___|   .|.      ___    Y       | |   .|.      ___    |        |     
                    ______.        ______.        ______.        _____|_|   
                 __|.     |____ __|      |____ __|    . |____.__|  ___ |____
                |        ______|.      ___    Y       | |   .|.  ______|  . 
                |__________|   |______________|-------|______|______________
...                                                                 .      
 .: s u k i a   m o n o t o n e  ][ 41st ascii collection    a(|d     
 :                                  by azzaro/link124 `98         L124     
 :  ......... ..............................................            
 :  : ..... : :                                           :     
 :  : : ..: : :                                           :
 :  : : : ..: :....... ........             ..............:
 :  : : : : .........: :      : ........... :               .............  ....
 :  : : : : :  ........:      : :         : :               :  .......  :  :  :
 :  : :...: :  :    ..........: :         : :         ....  :  :  .. :  :  :  :
 :  :.......:  :    :    keep generating joy making      :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :
 :.............:    : keep dreaming on phorever people   :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :
 ...................:    keep generating joy making      :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :
 :                    keep dreaming on phorever people   :  :  :  :..:  :  :  :
 :                         .still doing it right         :  :  :........:  :  :
 :                      ...:   ::    ...  : :      :.....:  :..............:  :
 :                   ...:  :...::         : :.................................:
 :                ...:  :...:   :         : ...................................
 :             ...:  :...:      :.........: :............                     :
 :          ...:  :...:                                 :                     :
 :       ...:  :...:                                    :                     :
 :    ...:  :...:               _ ______/\______ _      :                     :
 : ...:  :...:             _ _:_)_)   iNTRO    (_(_:_ _.:                     :
 :.:  :...:                   |  _ _:_________     |                          :
 : :...:_ ____        _ _____ |     |        |_    : _ ________      _ _______:
_:__:_)_)_)__/______)_)_)   /_______|        _/____)_)_) _    /____)_)_)__   /_
|                       \           |        |          _/   /           |    |
|________________________\__________|        |__________\    \ _______________|
                              .     |        |     .     \____\-ntr!
 hello everyone!! nice to     |     |________|_ _  |     kggiuugwb qatrevs hy
 say something to you who  _ _|____          : ____|_ _  pbdbo, meohn's gitnb
 gots this silly piece of     : )_ )____  ____( _( :     o hjkyibmyk gk thdjk
 ascii now. what to say??               \/               hrrf tfjyt kk k tdjj
 i  can`t  write  that i don`t like to say something in introductions because
 i`m  an  little  editor,  too.   writins  is  my second life, so i can write
 something  in this introduction.....  but!  i think the atmosphere which was
 with  me while spanking another ascii collection will be knows just for some
 pals.   i  feel  the minimal influences - it`s hottest music style in poland
 now.   also  -  so  much  of good amiga musicians makes minimal and monotone
 modules.   i`m  in  need of those atmosphere.  i`m also fascinated by acid`s
 new  style  and  atmosphere in his collections.  we think the same.  we love
 cubism  -  minimal ascii, which contains just horizontal and vertical lines.
 no  more  than  lines  and dots.  its hot, it`s cool and there are so little
 guys which enjoy this style.  for all of you who say "it sucks!" - thank you
 and back again.  for those small group of fraks who likes this new style and
 cubism  -  our  life and environment thrown into typical geometrical forms -
 hope  you  enjoy.  good luck and try to be original.  don`t copy other - try
 to create your own school, which will be so good, so fresh and so...  stolen
 by  beginners.   best  wishes  in  this  sunny springtime, pals.  i love the
 underground atmosphere....

                  horizontal and vertical underground - azzaro/link124 posse
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |
 |                                                                          |

 now something for poles:

 mam  nadzieje, ze jednak choc kilku z was przekona sie do nowego stylu, jaki
 tym  razem  postaralem  sie  stworzyc.   powstal on na fali naszych (moich i
 acida) fascynacji kubizmem i jego kanciastymi, scisle  geometrycznymi polami
 i plaszczyznami. te  trzy  ascii  kolekcje  pierwotnie mialy byc jedna duza,
 jednak  liczba  pomyslow  na  design, samych  zamowionych  przez was logosow
 oraz sposoby polaczenia poszczegolnych  elementow,  by  ze  soba  wspolgraly
 spowodowalo, iz jednak w ostatecznosci  zrobila  sie  z tego trzecia juz, po
 "dreamland" i "industrial" trylogia ascii...

 dlatego  tez taka  spora, jak na mnie, przerwa w wydawaniu kolejnych collys.
 zmienilem  tez  nieco  nastawienie  do  samego  procesu  tworzenia.  od tego
 momentu  zaczyanm  robic  kolekcje  mniejsze,  przeznaczone  dla  wytrawnych
 odbiorcow.  style beda raczej dziwne, wysublimowane, zas logosy beda robione
 w  limitowanych  seriach tak, by kazdy mogl dostac po kilka innych, zupelnie
 odmiennych  pickow,  choc  mowiacych  to  samo....  ostatnio na ascii scenie
 panuje  stagnacja  -  nie pojawia sie nic nowego i powoli sztuka ascii zzera
 wlasny ogon. w polsce objawilo sie kilku ludzi, ktorzy maja szanse w szybkim
 czasie  stac  sie  bardzo  popularni  i na zachodzie - budgie i revi.  w tej
 chwili  obaj  pozostaja  poza moim  zasiegiem, jesli  chodzi o pomysly.  mam
 nadzieje,  ze  jeszcze  kiedys  uda mi sie nawiazac walke z wami o prymat =]
 zaraz za nimi preznie rozpychaja sie luk, krs i yaneq - troje gniewnych, acz
 produktywnych makerow. trzeba tylko,  by zalozyli jakas  grupe, bo  ludzie w
 link124 traca motywacje, nie mogac z nikim konkurowac...

 jednak  po  zlozeniu  43  kolekcji  stworzenie czegos oryginalnego i, wazne,
 kopiacego jest to coraz trudniejsze, heheh =)   ale nie przesadzajmy  sprawy
 do  konca  -  miejmy  nadzieje,  ze  to, co szykuje na nadchodzace  miesiace
 okaze sie tak fajne i dobrze przyjete, jak chcialbym, by bylo...

                         z ascii pozdrowieniami - azzaro/mawi+anadune+link124
................................................ .......... ....... ..... ...
:  .  . .. ... .... ..... .......... ..... ... : :        : :     : :   : :.:
:                 : :   : :        : :   : : : : :        : :     : :...: ...
:                 ·     · :        : :...: :.: : :        : :.....: ........:
:                                    ..... ... : :........: ...... ..........
:              _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|__  :...: :.: : ......... ....... :        :
:            _|                  |__ ..... ... : :.. ..... :     : :        :
:           |   ___  ___         |__ :   : : : : ... :   : :     : :        :
:...........|  |_  ||_  |        |__ :...: :.: : :.: :...: :.....: :........:
            |  |_|_||_|_|        |__           :
            |                    |__           :
            |  _                 |__      .____:_______________
            | |___|              |__      |                   _|
            |                    |__      | [psilocibe]   ___|
            |        _           |        | [kkubensis] _|
            | _______|          _|       _|____________|
            |__________________|          |    :
                 |       |                |    :
          __ ____|       |____ __         |    :
         |__|    |_______|    |__|-.   ___|____:______ _________ _
            |____         ____|    |  |               |         | |
                 | [l124] |        `--|  ___          |    .    | |
                _|________|_          |_| . |_________|         |_|
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
 . .                                       . . : can`t we leave
 .   .                                   .   . : the world outside
 .     .                               .     . : just for a while
 .       .                           .       . : just for a while
 .         .                       .         . : and spend some time
 .           .                   .           . : you and i under this bright
 .             .               .             . : glorious sky               inch
 .               .           .               . :                              o
 .                 .       .                 . : step inside              1 --|
 .                   .   .                   . : let yourself down          /\/\
 .              [ f o t o - 1 ]              . : just for a while           /\/\
 .                   .   .                   . : just for a while       556 --|
 .                 .       .                 . : i can hear                   |
 .               .           .               . : a thundering sound     555 --|
 .             .               .             . : beating inside               |
 .           .                   .           . : when you smoke with me 554 --|
 .         .                       .         . :                              |
 .       .                           .       . : ?                      553 --|
 .     .                               .     . : !                            |
 .   .                                   .   . : ...       ..           552 --|
 . .                                ...    ....:         .::·                 |
 . . . ·:.. . . . . . .:. . . . ...::::  :::··::.       :::·       ·:.  551 --|
        ·:··..       .:·:.  ..:::::··:: ::·     ·:..   :::.         ·:.       |
         ·:. ···..   :· ·: ···        · ·:.       ·::.  ·::.         ·: 550 --|
          ·:.    ···.·   ·.     ..       ·:.        ·::.  ·::..       :       |
     xCz  .·::.     ·    ·:. ..::··    .. ·:.          ::.. ··:::....:· 549 --|
        .·  ·::..         ·:.      ..:::·· ·::.         ·:::.  ······         |
      .·     ·:::.         ·:.  ..::··                    ·:·           548 --|
    .·        ·::::         ::.·:··                                           |
   ·.           ··           ·:                                         547 --|
    ·.                                                                        |
     ·:.  [001] acid  -made for-  the one who request it                546 --|
      ·:.  [002] anadune  -made for-  the one who request it                  |
       ·:.  [003] antydresiarz  -made for-  the one who request it      545 --|
        ·:  [004] azzaro  -made for-  the one who request it                  |
         :.  [005] belos  -made for-  the one who request it            543 --|
         ::. [006] black & white  -made for-  the one who request it          |
          ::  [007] blackfire  -made for-  the one who request it       542 --|
          ·::  [008] blackwine  -made for-  the one who request it            |
           ·:.  [009] blaze  -made for-  the one who request it         541 --|
            ·::.  [010] bojler  -made for-  the one who request it            |
             ·::.  [011] boro  -made for-  the one who request it       540 --|
              ·:::.  [012] budgie  -made for-  the one who request it         |
               ·::·   [013] chosen  -made for-  the one who request it  539 --|
                   ..  [014] clever  -made for-  the one who request it       |
                  ::::  [015] coma  -made for-  the one who request it   38 --|
                   ··  [016] comment  -made for-  the one who request it      |
....... [017] cool ascii pictures  -made for-  the one who request it    37 --|
......: [018] deixas  -made for-  the one who request it                      |
: [019] digital corruption  -made for-  the one who request it          536 --|
: [020] dontsend  -made for-  the one who request it                          |
: [021] dybbuk  -made for-  the one who request it                      535 --|
: [022] DZIECIOazy  -made for-  the one who request it                        |
: [023] el chupacabara  -made for-  the one who request it              534 --|
: [024] embora  -made for-  the one who request it                            |
: [025] excess  -made for-  the one who request it                      533 --|
: [026] exodus  -made for-  the one who request it                            |
: [027] feedback  -made for-  the one who request it                    532 --|
: [028] floppy  -made for-  the one who request it                            |
:...... [029] freestyle  -made for-  the one who request it             531 --|
      : [030] freezers  -made for-  the one who request it                    |
      : [031] friends  -made for-  the one who request it               530 --|
      : [032] gedan  -made for-  the one who request it                       |
      : [033] gods  -made for-  the one who request it                  529 --|
      : [034] goodbye  -made for-  the one who request it                     |
      : [035] greetings  -made for-  the one who request it             528 --|
      : [036] greets  -made for-  the one who request it                      |
      : [037] grogon  -made for-  the one who request it                527 --|
......: [038] guffaw  -made for-  the one who request it                      |
:............ [039] gulp  -made for-  the one who request it            526 --|
            : [040] hello  -made for-  the one who request it                 |
            : [041] history  -made for-  the one who request it         525 --|
            : [042] jim  -made for-  the one who request it                   |
            : [043] krs  -made for-  the one who request it             524 --|
            : [044] letter  -made for-  the one who request it                |
            : [045] luk  -made for-  the one who request it             523 --|
            : [046] messages  -made for-  the one who request it              |
            : [047] nah-kolor  -made for-  the one who request it       522 --|
............: [048] norman  -made for-  the one who request it                |
:.................. [049] norsktoppen  -made for-  the one who request it 1 --|
                  : [050] onespiritualjornuey  -made for-  the one who request it
                  : [051] paplo  -made for-  the one who request it     520 --|
                  : [052] pepson  -made for-  the one who request it          |
                  : [053] phuture  -made for-  the one who request it   519 --|
                  : [054] picsaintloup  -made for-  the one who request it    |
                  : [055] protas  -made for-  the one who request it    518 --|
                  : [056] przyjacielestefanab  -made for-  the one who request it
                  : [057] qix  -made for-  the one who request it       517 --|
..................: [058] reality  -made for-  the one who request it         |
:........................ [059] redbulz  -made for-  the one who request it --|
                        : [060] request  -made for-  the one who request it   |
                        : [061] respect  -made for-  the one who request it --|
                        : [062] spiral  -made for-  the one who request it    |
                        : [063] strife  -made for-  the one who request it  --|
                        : [064] subspace  -made for-  the one who request it  |
                        : [065] superfml  -made for-  the one who request it -|
                        : [066] support  -made for-  the one who request it   |
                        : [067] taski  -made for-  the one who request it   --|
........................: [068] timer  -made for-  the one who request it     |
:.............................. [069] welcome  -made for-  the one who request it
..............................: [070] yaneq  -made for-  the one who request it
:                          ....                                               |
:..........................:..: seventy ascii logos for all of you who need`em
                           :                                                  |
                           :.................... .....  .......  ...... ..... .
                                               : :   :    :   : ......: :...:.:
                                               : :...:..: :...: :...:..       :
                                                                   :        /\/\/\
      .     _      _______ _____   ______    ____     ___          :______  /\/\/\
    __¦____/ \____/  ____//    /__/     /___/  _ \___/ _ \   _____/ _____/  --|
      |  _/ _ \    ----'     _/      __/   /   /  \     \ \_/ _    ----' |    |
      |____/ \___//-------------\\___\`----\______/------\___/-----------'repra
                /·               ·\       [®ev¿/l124]                      zent
           -[  w   ·   e   ·   l   ·   c   ·   o   ·   m   ·   e  ]-
                    ___            |
         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  |                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 01 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ acid                     |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ acid/link124          |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                           ....                    ....
                          ..: :        ............:  :
                     _____:_  :____    :   _____      :_
                    |  ___  |_| ___|___:__|     _____|  |
                    | |___|               |____|     __ |
                    |___|   ___       _____    __     |_|
                        |___| |_______|   |____||_____|
                     az0!/l124 :      ...             :
                               :......: :         ....:
                                     ...: a c i d :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 02 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ anadune                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ norman/anadune        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                        ............                   .....
                        :          :                   :   :......
       _______   _______:_______   :    __      __   __:_________:___
      |  ___  |_| __       ___  |__:___|  |___ |  |_| __         __  |
      | |___|     ||      |___|        __     ||      ||          |  |
      |___|   ____||    ____|   ___     |__   ¯¯   ___||       ______|
          |___|    |____|   |___| |_____| |________|   |__________|
            :       :.. az0!/l124  :                      .......:
            :......   :            :.......               :
                  :...:                   : a n a d u n e :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 03 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ antydresiarz             |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ paplo/taski           |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                             t  a  s  k  i  `  s
              ........................ .........      .........
              :  ......              : :       :      :       :
              :  :    :              : :       :      :       :
              :  :   _:_____   ______:_:__     :    __:       :
              :  :..|  ___  |_| __       _|_ __: __|   |_     :
              :     | |___|     ||         _| |_|  |    |     :
              :     |___|   ____||    ___      ____    _|     :
              :         |___|    |____|: |_____|   |___|      :az0!/l124
         _____:____   _______ _____  : :   ____:______:  _____:_     ____
   _____|      __  |_|   __  |  ___|_:_:__|       ___  |_   __  |___|___ |_
  |     __     ||____     |  |_______     |____| |___|      ||____ _______|
  |_     |____ |    |_ ________   |_| _____    ____|   ____ |    | |_|   _|
   |_____|   |_|     |____|    |______|:  |____|...|___|  |_|    |______|
              :                      : :...............       ....:
              :                      :                :       :
              :......................:                :.......:

                  a  n  t  y  d  r  e  s  i  a  r  z  0  4

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 04 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ azzaro                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ azzaro/link124        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                           ....       :   ...:
                           :  :.......:   :      ........
           _______     ____:    ____   ___:__   _:____  :   ____
          |  ___  |___|___ |___|___ |_| ___  |_|  __  |_:__| __ |
          | |___|    _______| _______  |___|      ||____     || |
          |___|   __ |_|   __ |_|   _____|   ____ |    |   _____|
              |___||______| |______|     |___|  |_|    |___|
                   :..........                           :az0!/l124
                             :             ..............:
                             : a z z a r o :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 05 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ belos                    |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ belos/mawi            |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                  .....                 .........
                  :   :                 :       :..
                  :   :...        ......:         :.......
                __:      :________:__          ____ _____:
               |  |______|   __      |___  ___| __ |  ___|___
               | __           |      |   |_     || |_______ |
               |_|     ___ ________           _______   |_| |
                 |_____| |____|    |__________|      |______|
                   az0!/l124  :  ...               ......:
                              :..: :               :
                                   :...: b e l o s :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 06 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ black&white              |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ deixas/embora         |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                 .........      :   :.....
               e m b o r a ` s   :       :......:        :..
                __        __     :_______   ____     _ ____:
               |  |______|  |___ |  ___  |_| ___|_  | |  __|
               | __         |   |_ |___|          |_|       |
               |_|     ___       ____|   ___       ___|     |
                 |_____|  |______|   |___| |_______|  |_____|
                   __ _____:          ________       _______:
                __|  |      |___  ___|       _|_ __ |   __  |
               _| | __  __ __   ||   |____|    _| |_|    |  |
               |  | ||__||_||    _____    ___      __ ______|
               |____|      :|____|   |____|  |_____||____|  :
            az0!/l124 .....:                             ...:
                      :    .......                       :
                      :....:     : b l a c k & w h i t e :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 07 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ blackfire                |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ blackfire/ind         |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

            ......                         .........
            :  ..:...       ........       :       :
            :  :....:       :      :.......:       :             ....
 __       __:    :__________:_     _ ____   _______:    _________:__:  ______
|  |_____|  |____|  ___    ___|_  | |  __|_|       |___|        __  |_|  __  |
| __        |      |___|        |_|            _____   |____|   ||____    |  |
|_|    ___       ____|   __      ___|     __ ____| |____    ___ |    |_ _____|
  |____|  |______|   |___||______|  |_____||____|      |____| |_|     |___|
            :    :          :                               .....     :az0!/l124
            :....:          :............                   :   :.....:
                                        : b l a c k f i r e :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 08 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ blackwine                |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ blackwine/anadune     |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

             ....                                               ...
         ....:  :                                      .....    : :
     ....:      :                                      :   :....: :  ...
 __  :    __    :_______   ____     _ ____    __ __    :__________:__:_:_____
|  |_:___|  |___|  ___  |_| ___|_  | |  __|__|  |  |___|       __        __  |
| __        |     |___|          |_|         | __      |____|  ||         |  |
|_|    ___       ___|   ___       ___|       | ||_______    ___||   __ ______|
  |____|  |_____|   |___| |_______|  |_________|       |____|   |___||____|
                           :                                  ..:   az0!/l124
                           :.......                   ..   ...:
                               ...: b l a c k w i n e :....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 09 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ blaze                    |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ blaze/appendix+++     |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                            .......                    ...
                            :     :...            .....: :.
                __        __:     ___:___     ____:  _____:_
               |  |______|  |____|  ___  |___|___ |_|   __  |
               | __         |      |___|    _______      |  |
               |_|     ___        ___|   __ |_|   ___ ______|
                 |_____|  |______|   |___||______|  |____|
                 :....:  az0!/l124   :                   :
                             ........:              .....:
                             :..........: b l a z e :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 10 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ bojler                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ bojler/prl            |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                             ......:    :..
                             :            :
            __           ____:     __   __:      _______________
           |  |_________| __ |____|  |_|  |___  |   __      __  |_
           | __           ||      |       |   |_|    |      ||___|
           |_|     __   _____        ___       __ _________ |
             |_____||___|    |______|   |______||____|    |_|
                    ....:    :                 :     .....:az0!/l124
                    :        :                 :.....:
                    :........: b o j l e r

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 11 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ boro                     |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ boro/friends          |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                        :         :
                            ............:    .....:
                            :....            :
                    __          :____________:     _____
                   |  |_________| __     __  |____| __ |
                   | __           ||     ||____     || |
                   |_|     __   ________ |    |   _____|
                     |_____||___|      |_| ...|___|az0!/l124
                               :           :........
                               :..........         :
                                         : b o r o :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 12 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ budgie                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ budgie/link124        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                             .......               ...:.:
                        .....:     :        .......:..:
            __        __:          :________:      :_____________
           |  |______|  |__________|     ___|__ ___|         __  |
           | __         ||         __    |    ||   |____|     |  |
           |_|     __   ¯¯   __     |____|     _____    __ ______|
             |_____||________||_____|    |_____|   |____||____|
                        :                               : az0!/l124
                        :....   ..             .........:
                            :....: b u d g i e :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 13 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ chosen                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ chosen/link124        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                           ..........                         ....
                           :        :....                  ...:..:
                        ...:            :....         .....:  :
             ____    ___:         __________:    _____:_______:__
           _| ___|__|   |___  ___| __    ___|___|   __     __    |
           |           __   ||     ||  _______       |     ||    |
           |_       ___||        _______   |_| __ _________||    |
            |_______|  :|________|      |______||____|      |____|
                :   ...:  :                          :......
                :...:     :.....        ..            .....:
                               :........: c h o s e n :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 14 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ clever                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ clever/redbullz       |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                      ........  ......
                 ........             :..... :..:....:..... ...
                 :      :..                :          :...:.:.:
             ____:    __  :    _______     :__  ____________:___
           _| ___|_  |  |_:_  |   __  |___ |  |_|   __      __  |_
           |       |_|  |   |_|    |      ||         |      ||___|
           |_       __       __ _______   ¯¯   __ _________ |
            |_______| |______||____|  |________||____|    |_|
                          :                     .....:  az0!/l124
                          :........             :
                                  : c l e v e r :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 15 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ coma 05                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ lisaros/high voltage  |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                      ................:              :
                      :              ::              :
                      : h i g h    v o l t a g e ` s :
                      :              ::              :
                      :___        ___::    __________:_
                    _| ___|_  ___| __ |__ |       ___  |_
                    |       ||     ||    || | __ |___|  |
                    |_           ______     |_||___|   _|
                     |___________|   :|__|__|      |___|
                      :              ::              :
                      :              ::              :
                      :     c   o   m   a   0   5    :
                      :              ::..............:
                      :..............: az0!/l124

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 16 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ comment                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ azzaro/link124        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                  ...                ...........
               ...:.:                :    .....:.......
            ...:   :                 :    :....:      :..
        ____:      :____     ____    :__________________:_______
      _| ___|______| __ |__ |    |__ |         __     __       _|_ __
      |              ||    || | __  || | __     |     ||         _| |_
      |_           ______     |_||     |_||_ _________||     __      |
       |___________|    |__|__|  |__|__|   |____|      |____|  |_____|
                :              ..:   :                 :...... az0!/l124
                :.....   ......:     :........               :
                     :...:..:                : c o m m e n t :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 17 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ cool ascii pictures      |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ pinguin/cruel         |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                              :   :........
                      ____    :   ____    :________
                    _| ___|___:__| __ |___| __     |___
                    |              ||       ||     |   |_
                    |_           ______   _______       |
                     |___________|    |___|      |______|
                _______   ____     ____        ____     ____
               |  ___  |_| ___|___| ___|______|    |___|    |
               | |___|   _______              |____|   |____|
               |___|   ___   |_| __       _____    _____    _
                   |___|  |______||_______|   |____|   |____| az0!/l124
     ______     __________     __       __      _______   _____________
  __|   __ |___|       ___|_  | _|_ __ |  |___ |   __  |_|   __     ___|___
  |     ||     |____|       ||    _| |_|  ||  |_   ||____     |   _______ |
  |_  |_________    __       ___          ¯¯   ___ |    |_ ________   |_| |
   |__|        |____||_______|  |______________| |_|     |____|    |______|
                                          :              ........  :....:
    c o o l  a s c i i  p i c t u r e s   :......        :   :..:..:
                                                :........:      :..:

                       ........ ....................
                       :      : :                  :
                 ..... :......: :                  :....
                 :   : .........:                      :......
                 :...: :                                     :.........
     greets..        __:_______                               _______ :
     ________________\____    /_______________________________\     /_:__
  ___\   _____   /      /____/__    ___    /_________     /___ \   _____/____
  \   \_______\  |_______       |   \_____/  |    \______/    |    |/       |
   \       ______|      |       |            |                |       !BIO  |
                       :                                              :
acid.mawi+nah-kolor+link124 aln!.appendix+mawi andy.anadune antibyte.scoopex
azazel.the black lotus barbi.pkc bay-tek.taski belos.mawi benton.chaos split
 bj_sebo.venus art black_dragon.honoo+limited edition blackfire.independent
 blackwine.anadune blaze.appendix+floppy+nah-kolor boobba.sector5+azkberries
    budgie.absurd+instinct+link124 bump.pride caro.phase truce+nah-kolor
   carp.instinct caustic.interceptors cerber.appendix chosen.rave network
  overscan+link124 clever.redbullz c0manche.amnesty+agony covenant.link124
      cure.spawn dave.haujobb def.floppy+mawi deixas.embora digger.iris
  dr_szach.dinx project drf.luzik dizajn dt214.void enter.mawi evan.reality
  firestarter.instinct flapjack.appendix garion.sector5 ghandy.gods+darkage
 grogon.crazy drivers+picco guffaw/t13n!  hiv.scum+nah-kolor iceman.sector5
   icetray.independent iglo.crazy drivers informer.appendix inikep.suspend
  insert.amnesty itb.independent jacko.mawi jacool.independent jesus.monar
   jim.mawi kaosmaster.darkage kazik.anadune kempy.twilight kismat.apathy
      kk.taski ko$mi.dinx project krs.independent lisaros.high voltage
    locash.redbullz lotor.high voltage madbart.appendix+anadune+teklords
     madel.rave network overscan magic.nah-kolor majkel.venture mcr.mawi
melon.freezers mixer.dzieci oazy morino.thefect mr_acryl.anadune muffin.taski
 muffler.haujobb+dual crew-snihing nasty.independent nemes!
norman.anadune+dzieci oazy noster.venture otton.high voltage+case paplo.taski
         peer.phase truce pepson.taski pestilence.stage diving club
    pickpoke.floppy+scum pinguin.cruel pnx.void+grave rave dancers union
    protas.freezers+the grid+nah-kolor+mawi proton.sadist psylocyb.monar
        punisher.instinct+apathy pzyhall.mawi qba.nah-kolor qix.gods
    raptor.sector5+digital corruption rebel.independent revi.whelpz+phase
    truce+link124 revisq.floppy+anadune+nah-kolor+fuse+mosaic sci.strobe
  scraby.independent sharp.u'race+neon shepherd.interceptors skizo.scum-pc
     speedo.haujobb starlight.mawi strife.apathy substance.subspace+mono
   superfml.appendix tft.rave network overscan timer.independent timi.dinx
project toxik.nemesis+dzieci oazy trasher.artwork uhu.freezers+voodka people
         van_ghorne.mawi wierza.venture yaneq.rave network overscan
  yoyo.mawi+twilight+clan zack.spaceballs zany.phuture 303 zig.floppy+mawi
                             zoltan.amnesty+mawi    :...............
                 ..... :                                           :
                 :   : :...........                        ........:
             ....:...: .......... :                  ......:
             :   :     :        : :             .....:
             :...:     :........: :.............:
                     . ..........................
             . .. ...: :........................:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 18 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ deixas                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ deixas/embora         |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                               :             :
                           ....:             :.....
                           :                      :  .....
                  _________:_     ____  _____   __:__:_  :____
            _____|       __  |___|    ||__  |__|  ___  |_| ___|___
           |     __       |      |____|     |    |___|   _______ |
           |_     |___ ___________    ___|  _______|   ___   |_| |
            |_____|  |____|      |____|  |____|    |___|  |______|
                                 :                      .. :az0!/l124
                                 :.........             ::.:
                                      ....: d e i x a s :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 19 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ digital corruption       |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ raptor/sector5        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                           ...........                   ........
                           :         :       ...         :      :
                   ........:         :    ...: :         : 1998 :
                   :                 :....:    :.....    :......:
             __    :__________        ________      :____:_   __
       _____|  |___|       ___|__ ___|       _|_ __|  ___  |_|  |___
      |     __     |____|  |    ||   |____|    _| |  |___|      |   |_
      |_     |______    ___|     _____    ___      ____|   ___       |
       |_____|     |____|  |_____|   |____|  |_____|   |___|  |______|
  ___      __________  ______   __      _________          ___    ___________
_| __|____| __    __ |_   __ |_|  |____|   __   _|_ __ ___|   |__| __   __   |
|           ||    ||___   ||___   ||       ||     _| |_   |___     ||   ||   |
|_        _______ |   |__ |   |   ¯¯ __  |______      _____      _______||   |
 |________|     |_|     |_|   |______||__|      |_____|   |______|       |___|
          :.........                                             :...az0!/l124
                   :                                     ......     :
               :...: d i g i t a l   c o r r u p t i o n :    :.....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 20 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ don`t send               |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ azzaro/link124        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

        __     _________________          ____     ________________       __
  _____|  |___| __    __       _|_ __   _| ___|___|   __     __    |_____|  |
 |     __       ||    ||         _| |_  |_______       |     ||          __ |
 |_     |__   ________||     __      |  |_   |_| __ _________||    __     |_|
  |_____| |___|        |____|  |_____|    |______||____|      |____||_____|
    _________                                                   __________
  _|        [ d o   n o t   s e n d   m e   t h i s   w a r e z ]         |_
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 |                                                                     _____|
 |                                                                   _|  ___
 |_                                                                _|  _|  _|
   |_az0!/l124____________________________________________________|   |___|

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 21 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ dybbuk                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ guffaw/t13n!          |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                             :              :...
                             :                 :
                             :   d y b b u k   :
                  __     ___ :__       __      : __       _ ____
            _____|  |___|   ||  |_____|  |_____:|  |_____| |  __|
           |     __     |      __       __         ||            |
           |_     |_____    ___|     ___|     __   ¯¯   ___|     |
            |_____|     |___|  |_____|  |_____||________|  |_____|
                             :                :
       [  t h e  m o d u l e  c o l l e c t i o n  b y  g u f f a w  ]
                             :                :
                             :...             :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 22 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ dzieci oazy              |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ pzyhall/mawi          |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                            :           :.........
                            :                    :
                      m u s i c   i s   o u r   f u e l
                  __    ____:     _______________:___        ____
            _____|  |__|___ |____|         __     ___|_  ___|    |
           |     __   _______    |____|     |          ||   |____|
           |_     |__ |_|   ______    __ ________       _____    _
            |_____| |______|     |____||____|   |_______|   |____|
               ...:      ____________     ____   :  ___
               :    ____| __    ___  |___|___ |__:_|   |_
               :    |     ||   |___|    _______    |    |
               :    |   _________|      |_|   _____    _|
               :    |___|        |___________|     |___|
               :        :                          :  az0!/l124
               :.....   :.. d z i e c i   o a z y .:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 23 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ el chupcabara            |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ timer/ind             |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                  ........           .....
                                  :      :           :   :
                            ......:      :...     ...:...:.
                 ____    ___:      __       :_____:_______:
               _| ___|__|   |_____|  |____ _|   __    ___  |_
               |           __        ||  |_     ||   |___|  |
               |_       ___||        ¯¯   __  |________|   _|
                |_______|   |_____________||__|        |___|
             ____    _______  __       _______  _______  _______
           _| ___|__|  ___  ||  |_____|  ___  ||   __  ||  ___  |_
           |          |___|    __       |___|      ||____ |___|  |
           |_       ____|   ___|     _____|   ____ |    |___|   _|
            |_______|   |___|  |_____|    |___|  |_|        |___|
               :....                                     ....:
                   :....                             ....:az0!/l124
                       : e l   c h u p a c a b a r a :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 24 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ embora                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ deixas/embora         |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                    .....:   :        ....
                            ........:        :....  ..:..:
             _______     ___:___           ______:__:__  _______
           _|   __  |__ |       |_________| __     __  ||  ___  |_
           |     |     || |    __           ||     ||____ |___|  |
           |_ _______     |____|     __   ________ |    |___|   _|
            |____|  |__|__|    |_____||___|      |_|     :  |___|
                                :...                    .:az0!/l124
                              .....:                 ...:
                              :........: e m b o r a :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 25 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ excess 03                |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ belos/mawi            |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

             ................          .......
             :            ..:          :     :
             :....  :.....:    ........:     :           ...
             ____:___ :____    :___     _____:_ _____    :_:__
           _|   __   |__  |___| ___|___|   __  |  ___|___| ___|___
           |     |        |                 |  |_______  _______ |
           |_ _________|  _____       __ ________   |_| __   |_| |
            |____|     |____| |_______||____|    |______| |______|
                       :                              :    az0!/l124
                   e x c e s s   t h r e e   b y   m a w i
                       :.....                   ......:
                            : j u s t   r e a d :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 26 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ exodus                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ fred/exodus           |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                     ......    ...            .....:    :
                     :    :....: :            :      ...:
             ________:___ ___    :_____      _:____  :    ____
           _|   __       ||  |___| __ |_____|      |_:__ | ___|___
           |     |     __          ||       __     ||  |________ |
           |_ _______  ||___     _______     |__   ¯¯   ___  |_| |
            |____|  |__|    |____|     |_____| |________| |______|
                       .....:                        :    az0!/l124
                       :.......: e x o d u s :...    :..

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 27 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ feedback                 |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ strife/apathy         |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                    .................  ...
                    :               :..: :..
    a p a t h y ` s :......                :....
    ______________________:__       _____      :_______   ____     _ ____
  _|            __       __  |_____|     |_____|  ___  |_| ___|_  | |  __|
  |    _____     |        |        __   __       |___|          |_|       |
  |_ ____| |_ ________ ________     |___|     _____|   ___       ___|     |
   |____|   |____|   |____|   |_____|   |_____|    |___| |_______|  |_____|
                          :.......................                 az0!/l124
                                        ....     :
                                        :........:  f e e d b a c k 0 0

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 28 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ floppy                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ def/floppy            |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                     ...           ......         ..........
                 ....: :..         :    :         :...     :.
             ____:______ :....    _:__  :______   ___:__    :___
           _|           |____:___| __ |_|   __ |_|   __ | __|   |_
           |    _____   |          ||       ||       || ||  |    |
           |_ ____| |_           _______  |______  |________    _|
            |____|    |__________|.    |__|     |__|       .|___|
                        :.......: :                        :az0!/l124
                        ..........:     ...                :...
                        :.................: f l o p p y :.....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 29 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ freestyle                |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ raptor/sector5+dc     |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                .................                   : ..  :
                                :               :                   : :   :
                    ............:               :          .........: :...:
                    :                           :......    :
  _____________   __:__________________     __        :.___:  __      _______
_|         __  |_|   __      __     ___|___| _|_ __  __|   |_|  |__  |   __  |
|   _____  ||____     |       |   _______      _| |_|  |        |  |_|    |  |
|_ ___| |_ |    |_ _______ ______| _  |_| ___       ___    ___      __ ______|
 |___|   |_|     |____|  |____|    |______|  |_____|   |___|  |_____||____|
           :.......                                               .....:
                  :  .... .                      .  ....          : az0!/l124
             .....: .:                                 :.       ..:
             :......: f   r   e   e   s   t   y   l   e :.......:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 30 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ freezers                 |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ uhu/freezers          |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                        .......    .......
            ......                 .....:     :....:     :
            :    :.......   .......:                     :.........
    ________:______   __:___:_________    ____   _______________  :____
  _|           __  |_|   __       __  |__|___ |_|   __      __  |_| ___|___
  |    _____   ||____     |        |    _______      |      ||___________ |
  |_ ____| |__ |    |_ ________ _______ |_|   ___ _________ |    |_   |_| |
   |____|    |_|     |____|   |____|  |______|  |____|    |_|   ...|______|
                        :                                       : az0!/l124
                        :..........                          ...:
                                  :...                 ......:
                                     : f r e e z e r s :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 31 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ friends                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ boro/friends          |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

            ..............: ..:                          ......
            :..       ......: ....                       :..  :
              :       :       :  :                    .....:  :..
        ______:_______:      _:__: ________________   :   ______:_
      _|           __  |____|    ||   __     __    |__:__|     ___|___
      |    _____   ||____   |____|     |     ||          __  _______ |
      |_ ____| |__ |    |____    __ _________||    __     |___   |_| |
       |____|    |_|...     |____||____|      |____||_____|   |______|
                      :                     ..........:       az0!/l124
                      :.....  f r i e n d s :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 32 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ gedan                    |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ melon/freezers        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                            .......:     :.......
                            :                   : az0!/l124
                 ____     __:____       ________:_   _______
               _| ___|__ |   __  |_____|     ___  |_| __    |
               |  |    |_|    |        __   |___|     ||    |
               |__|     __ ________     |_____|   ____||    |
                  |_____||____|   |_____|     |___|    |____|
                            :                   :
                    -[  g   e   d   a   n   #   0   5  ]-
                            :.......     .......:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 33 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ gods                     |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ qix/gods              |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                              ....:    :....
                              :....    ....:    ...
                      ____        :___ :.....___:_:__
                    _| ___|__ ___| __ |_____|   | ___|___
                    |  |    ||     ||       __  |______ |
                    |__|         _______     |___   |_| |
                       |_________|     |_____|  .|______|
                          .....:                :...az0!/l124
                       ...:      ...         ......:
                       :...........: g o d s :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 34 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ goodbye                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ covenant/link124      |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

              ......                                      ....
              :    :..                                    :  :
            ..:      :.....                         ......:  :...
        ____:       ____  :  ____       _____       :   ___   __:____
      _| ___|_  ___| __ |_:_| __ |_____|     |_____ :__|   |_|   __  |
      |  |    ||     ||       ||       __   __     ||  |          |  |
      |__|         ______   _______     |___|     _____    ___ ______|
         |_________| ...|___|     |_____|   |_____|    |___| |____|
            :        :    :......                           ..:az0!/l124
            :.....   :          :.....               .......:
                 :...:               : g o o d b y e :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 35 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ greetings                |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ covenant/link124      |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                             .......                           ......
                             :     :..........                 :    :..
   ..........        ........:               :......     ......:      :
  _:__    __:____   _:________________          ___:_____:________    :____
_| ___|__|   __  |_|   __      __    _|_ ______|       __      ___|_ _| ___|___
|  |    ||   ||____     |       |      _|      |____|  ||      |    |________ |
|__|      __ |    |_ _______ ________      _____    ___||   ___|     __   |_| |
   |_____| |_|     |____|  |____|    |_____|   |____|   |___|  |_____| |______|
             :   ...:                                      ....:         :
             :   :                                         :        .....:
             :...:-[  g   r   e   e   t   i   n   g   s  ]-:........:az0!/l124

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 36 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ greets                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ budgie/link124        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

            ...........:                      :...     .......
            :____    _______   __________________:_    :  ___:
           _| ___|__|   __  |_|   __       __     _|_ _:_| ___|___
           |  |    ||   ||____     |        |       _| |________ |
           |__|     ___ |    |_ ________ _________      __   |_| |
           :  |_____| |_|     |____|   |____|     |_____| |______|
           :..... g ..... r ..... e ..... e ..... t ..... s ......
           .... ......                                           :
           :..: :                                                :
           .....: i want to send greetings to those scene people :
           :                                                     :
           :                                                     :
           :                                                     :
           :                                                     :
           :                                                     :
           :                                                     :
           :                                                .....:
           :                                                : ....
           :.az0!/l124......................................: :..:


         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 37 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ grogon                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ grogon/crazy drivers  |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                              ............       ....
                       .......:          :       :..: ....
                       :                 :.......... .:.: .
             ____    __:____      __________       :_____________
           _| ___|__|   __  |____| __    ___|__ ___| __    __    |
           |  |         ||____     ||    |    ||     ||    ||    |
           |__|     ___ |    |   ________|         ________||    |
              |_____| |_|    |___|       |_________|...     |____|
                       :        ....                  :....az0!/l124
                       :........:..:              ....    :
                                :...: g r o g o n :  :....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 38 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ guffaw                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ guffaw/t13n!          |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                      :       :.....         ........
                      :            :..     ..:      :      ....
             ____     :_       ______:_____:________:__    :__:__
           _| ___|__ |  |____ |                   ___  |___|  |  |
           |  |    |_|  ||  |_|   _____    _____ |___|     | __  |
           |__|         ¯¯   __ ____| |_ ____| |___|   __  | ||__|
              |______________||____|   |____|      |___||____|
           az0!/l124                   :   :........:     :.....
                   :      .......    ..:                       :
                   :......:     :....: g u f f a w / t 1 3 n ! :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 39 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ gulp                     |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ gulp/azkberries       |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                             .....     ......
                             :   :..   :....:......
                          ...:   ..:   ......:    :..
                      ____:    __:     :__        __:___
                    _| ___|__ |  |____ |  |______|   __ |
                    |  |    |_|  ||  |_|  |          || |
                    |__|         ¯¯    _       __  |___|
                       |______________| |______||__|.:
                          :     ....:              :az0!/l124
                          :.....:.....         ....:
                                :....: g u l p :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 40 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ hello                    |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ budgie/link124        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                      ......             ....:...:
                   ...:    :        .....:   :........
                ___:      _:________:       __       :.._____
               |   |___  |   __      |___  |  |___  ___| __ |
               |_ __   |_|    |      |   |_|  |   ||     || |
                |_||    __ ________        _           _____|
                   |____||____|    |______| |__________|az0!/l124
                           :      ...               ...:
                           :......: :           ....:
                                    : h e l l o :

                                  ... .. .. ..
                                .:   ........:
                                : :  : ..: ..:
                                : :  :.:.:.:.:...
                                :.:            ::
                                 :          :...:                ...
                                 :..    ........:                : :
                              .....:    :....................... : :....
                              :    `····'                      :.:   ..:
                              :          ........              :..   ..:
                              :..........:......:..............: :.....:
                               :             :             :..   ..:
                               :             ::............: :.....:
             _/\_    _____     :    ________ :    _____
       ______\  /___/   _ \____:____\   ___/_:___/  _  \_________
      |                  \ \_         ---'      /   /   \        |
      `-------------------\                  ..\\_______//-------'
      [®ev¿/l124]          \                 :          ·
                            ·...             :
                               :             :
                           we are phorever people
                     and we don`t have too look too far
                 to find ourselves phorever people can it be
                           we are phorever people
                           and we can see tomorrow
                            in each other`s eyes
                          phorever people can it be
                               :             :
                    phorever people behold you stand tall
                               you won`t fall
                        because you give it your all
                   with a magical aura of wisdom and will
                        we`ll progress in the future
                            and never stand still
                             knowing and seeing
                      that we are going through change
                   discovery of light starting to arrange
                          in the mind with the help
                              of visualization
                      plan for the future civilization
                   making an decission knowing it`s right
                  discovery of truth in the vision of light
                       phorever people we`ll always be
                   and step forward in life for positivity
                     so keep on believing keep on going
                      keep on trying and keep so sowing
                       the seed that is good you know
                         that we know yo here we go
                               :             :
                        we are here and now among you
                   add knowing insight and mystical might
                               phorever people
                            still doing it right
                               :             :
                               :             :
                         "phorever people" by shamen
                               :             :
 ..............................:             :...............................
 :         : :  :    :  :      ...............        :  : : :  :           :
 :.....                        :             :                         .....:
 :    :                        :             :                         :    :
 :....:........................:             :.........................:....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 41 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ history                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ revi/link124          |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                    ..................               ..:......:  .....
               .....:                :.........     ...:         :...:
       ___   ..:    ____ _____     __         :_____:______      ___
      |   |__:_____|    |  ___|___| _|_ __ ___| __     __  |____|   |_
      |_ __        |____________      _| ||     ||     ||____   |    |
       |_||    _____    __   |_| ___          ________ |    |___    _|
          |____|   |____| |______|  |_________|      |_|       .|___|
               :                                            ...:az0!/l124
               :.....                                  .....:
                    :  h    i    s    t    o    r    y :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 42 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ jim                      |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ jim/mawi              |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                              ....:   :....
                              :           :.....
                              :_      ____     :___
                          ___|  |____|    |__ |    |
                        _|   |       |____|  || | _|
                        |       ______          |_|
                        |______|     |_______|__|
                          :..                :az0!/l124
                            :.       ........:
                             : j i m :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 43 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ krs                      |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ krs/?                 |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                              .......:     :..
                              :..        ....:
                          _ ____: _______:  ____
                        _| |  __|    __  |_| ___|___
                        |            ||___________ |
                        |__|     ___ |    |_   |_| |
                           |_____| |_|      |______|
                       az0!/l124....        :.....
                                ...:           ..:
                                :......: k r s :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 44 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ letter                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ covenant/link124      |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                             .......           .....
                     ........:     :           :   :..   ....
                     :             :....    ...:     :...: .:
            ___      :___________      :__  :    __________:____
           _|  |___  |   __     _|_ __ | _|_:__ |   __      __  |_
           |   |   |_|    |       _| |_    _| |_|    |      ||___|
           |_       __ _________      ___      __ _________ |....
             |______||____|     |_____|  |_____||____|    |_|   :
               :..                :    .......:           az0!/l124
               ..:                :....:                   .....:
               :.-[ f r o m :           t o :            ]-:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 45 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ luk                      |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ luk/phase truce       |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                     ....  :    :
                         ......   ...:  :..:....:
                         :__..:   :__       _:____
                        _|  |___  |  |____ | |  __|
                        |   |   |_|  ||  |_|       |
                        |_           ¯¯   ___|     |
                          |_______________|  |_____|
                               :...: :       :..az0!/l124
                               ......:   ......:
                               :.. l u k :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 46 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ mesages (without one s)  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ covenant/link124      |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                       .......:      :..                 .....
                       :               :                 :...:
           ____________:______    _____:_   ____     ____:________
       __ |         __     ___|__|  ___  |_| ___|__ |   __     ___|___
      |  || | __     |   _______   |___|     |    |_|    |   _______ |
      |     |_||_ ______|_   |_|  ___|   ____|     __ ______|_   |_| |
      |__|__|   |____|    |______|   |___|   |_____||____|    |______|
         :...      ..:                 :        .........:   az0!/l124
            :      :                   :        :
            :......:  m e s s a g e s  :........:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 47 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ nah-kolor                |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ acid/mawi+nah-kolor   |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                           ....:  .:....
                           :  .:..:..  :..
                         ..:..:     :..: :
                         :    :.....:    :
                         :.....:   :.....:
                             . ..::........
                         :.......::.. .
                          _______::______  ___
                        _| __       ___  ||   |___
                        |  ||      |___|     __   |_
                        |__||    ____|   ____||    |
                            |____|:  |___|    |____|
                 _ ____      ____::__          ____________
               _| |  __|____| __     |________| __     __  |_
               |              ||     |          ||     ||___|
               |__|         _______           ________ |
                  |_________|    ::|__________|      |_|
                   :                                     :
                   :  n   a   h   -   k   o   l   o   r  :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 48 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ norman                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ norman/anadune        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                     .... ......
                     :..: :    :                     .....
                     .....:    :          ...........:   :
             _______ :   ______:_____     :____________  :_______
           _| __    |:__| __     __  |___ |       ___  |_| __    |
           |  ||          ||     ||____  || | __ |___|     ||    |
           |__||        ________ |    |     |_||___|   ____||    |
               |________|      |_|    |__|__|      |___|    |____|
                     :        .:                    ........:az0!/l124
                     :........: ....                :....
                               :...: n o r m a n :......:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 49 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ norsktoppen              |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ firestarter/instinct  |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                      ....           ........   ...
                 ..   : .:.          :      :...: :.
                 :....:...:    ......:             :.
                 __:__:_     __:_________   ____    :_ ____
               _| __    |___| __     __  |_| ___|___| |  __|
               |  ||          ||     ||___________          |
               |__||        ________ |    |_   |_| ___|     |
                   |________|      |_|      |______|  |_____|az0!/l124
             __         :____   ______   ________________________
           _| _|_ __ ___| __ |_|   __ |_|   __      __     __    |
           |    _| ||     ||       ||       ||       |     ||    |
           |__          _______  |______  |______ _________||    |
              |_________|     |__|     |__|     |____|      |____|
                        :.......                     :..........
                     ..........:                               :
                     :...........: n o r s k t o p p e n # 0 2 :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 50 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ one spiritual journey    |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ pickpoke/floppy+scum  |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                     .....           .......          ........
                     :   :..         : ....:          :  ... :
                     :.. ..: ________:_____________   :....: :
            ........    _:__| __    __         __  |.........:
            : ...  :    |     ||    ||          |  |az0!/l124
 .........  : :....:    |   ________||    __ ______|.....    .......    .......
 :.. ....:  :...     ...|___|        |____||____|       :    :  ...:    ......:
  _:__      ___:__   :____________     ________       __:    :______  __:
_| ___|____|   __ |__|        __  |___|       _|_ __ |  |___|  ___  |_|  |___
|_______       ||    |____|   ||____  |____|    _| |_|  ||    |___|      |   |_
|_   |_| __  |________    ___ |    |___    ___          ¯¯   ___|   ___       |
  |______||__|       |____| |_|       |____|  |_____________|   |___|  |______|
 ...       ____     ________      _______   ________________     ___      :
 : :    ___|  |____| __     |____|   __  |_| __         __  |___|   |_    :....
 : : ._|   |         ||     ||  ||   ||____  ||          |      |    |  ..... :
 :  .:|       __   ______   ¯¯   ___ |    |__||    __ __________    _|  : ..: :
 :..: |______| |___|    |________| |_|        |____||____|      |___|   :.....:

     -[  o  n  e    s  p  i  r  i  t  u  a  l    j  o  u  r  n  e  y  ]-  ...
 .                                                                        :.:
     a n   p i c k  p o k e ` s   s l i d e s h o w   b y   f l o p p y
        ...:         ....... :   .....   :  ..........      :.....   .....   .
  ::    : ........   :.......:   :   :   :...........:    ...... :   :   :
        : :....  :       ....    :...:                    :   .: :   :...:
    .   :........:       :..:                    ::       :......:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 51 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ paplo                    |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ paplo/taski           |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                     :  :          ........
                  ...:  :          :      :.......
                  :_____:_______   :__________   :..    ____
               __|   __    ___  |__|   __     |___ :___| __ |
               |     ||   |___|        ||     |   ||     || |
               |_  |________|   ___  |______           _____|
                |__|    :   |___| |__|      |__________|
                        :...                :......:az0!/l124
                           :..           .....:
                             : p a p l o :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 52 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ pepson                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ pepson/taski          |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                      ..... ...........
                      :...: :         :.......      .........
                      ......:                :...   :       :
                      :                         :   :..   ..:
              ________:______   ____________    :...__:___:______
           __|   __      __  |_|   __    ___|______| __    __    |
           |     ||       |        ||  _______       ||    ||    |
           |_  |______ ________  |____|_   |_|     ________||    |
            |__|     |____|   |__|      |__________|        |____|
                       :.....                      :..   az0!/l124
                            :......             .....:
                                  : p e p s o n :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 53 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ phuture303               |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ chosen/rno            |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

       ..................   ....................   ..................
      :.....:            :  : .....            :  :.....:            :
             .···········:  : :   :            :         .···········:
         ____:_____      :__: :...:__       __ :    _____:_   _______:
       _|   __     |_____|  |_____| _|_ ___|  |:__ |   __  |_|   __  |
      |     ||    __     |  ||        _|      ||  ||   ||___      |  |
      |_  |_______||        ¯¯   ___          ¯¯    __ | :  |_ ______|
       |__|  :     |_____________|  |______________| |_| :   |____|  :
             :           :  :                  :         :    az0!/l124
             ·......p...h:  u   t   u   r   e  :3   0   3·...........:
      .......            :  :                  :  .......            :
      :.....:............·  :..................:  ·.....:............·

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 54 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ pic saint loup           |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ adamsoft/psl+appendix |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

       .....               ......... ....          ........... ..........
       : ..:       ........:       : :..:             :      : :... ....:
         :         :       ....    :.....     ....... :......:... :.....
    _____:     ____:_____  :..:  ____   :_____:_    :._________________:
 __|   __ |___|       ___|_    _| ___|__|  ___  |____|       __       _|_ __
 |     ||     |____|       |_  |_______   |___|      |____|  ||         _| |_
 |_  |_________    __       |  |_   |_| ____|   ______    ___||    ___      |
  |__|        |____||_______|    |______|   |___|    |____|   |____|. |_____|
                          :                                         :
       -[ p i c   s a i n t   l o u p  - m u s i c   f a k t o r y ]-
                      __  :...    ________        ______        ....:
                    _|  |____:___| __     |______|   __ |.......:
                    |   |          ||     ||         || |
                    |_           _____    ¯¯   __  |___|
                      |__________|    |________||__|az0!/l124
                             :...              :
                             ...:              :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 55 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ protas                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ protas/mawi+frs+nah   |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                  ......                 .....
                ..:    :           ......:   :    ......
                :..    :..     ....:    .....:    :    :..
              ____:______:__   :  ______:_      __:____  :____
           __|   __     __  |__:_| __    _|_ __|  ___  |_| ___|___
           |     ||     ||____     ||      _|    |___|   _______ |
           |_  |_______ |    |   ________      ____|   ___   |_| |
            |__|      |_|    |___|       |_____|   |___|  |______|
                         ......:                       :...az0!/l124
                         :     ....             .......   :
                         :........: p r o t a s :     :...:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 56 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ przyjaciele stefan b.    |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ zorek/psb             |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

   __________     ___      __     ___  __________      _____________     _____
__|  __   __ |___|__ |_ __|  |___|  |_| ___    __|____|       __    |___|  __ |
|    ||   ||___ _______|  |      |     |___|          |___|    |    |       | |
|_ |_____ |   | |_|  _____          _____|  __      ___   __ _____     __ ____|
 |_|    |_|   |_____|     |________|     |__||______| |___||___|  |____||___|
   ____     __       _______  _______ _______   _______ _______      __az0!/l124
 _| ___|___| _|_ __ |   __  ||       |  ___  |_| __    |  ___  |_   |  |______
 |_______ |    _| |_     |  |    ____| |___|  |  ||    | |___|  |   | __     |
 |_   |_| |__      |_ ______|_ ____|  ___|   _|__||    |___|   _|   |_|     _|
   |______|  |_____||____|   |____|      |___|    |____|   |___|      |_____|

                      -[ przyjaciele stefana b. 1998 ]-

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 57 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ qix                      |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ qix/gods              |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                               .....:   :...
                             __:_     ____ :_____
                         ___| __ |___|    ||__  |___
                        |     ||     |____|     |  |
                        |    __ ______    ___|  ___|
                        |___| |_|    |____|  |____|
                            ...:            :..az0!/l124
                            :....: q i x :....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 58 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ reality                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ evan/reality          |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                              .............         ......
                 .....        :           :         :... :
              ...:   :        :           :......   .....:
       _______:  ____:________:_   __          _:___:__          ___
      |   __  |_|   __     ___  |_|  |________|       _|_ __  __|   |_
      |   ||____     |    |___|      |        |____|    _| |_|  |    |
      |__ |    |_ __________|   ___       _____    ___      ____    _|
        |_|     |____|      |___|  |______|   |____|  |_____|   |___|
                     :                          :..    : .....az0!/l124
                     :.......               ......:    : :.  :
                            : r e a l i t y :          :.....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 59 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ redbullz                 |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ idaho/redbullz        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                ............. .....   .....
                :           : :...:   :   :..  .................
                :           :......   :.....:  :.....          :
  _______   ____:__       _____   :    __       __  :    __  ..:    ____
 |   __  |_|   __  |_____|     |__:___|  |_____|  |_:_ _|  |_______|___ |_
 |   ||____     |        __   __         ||       |        |      _______|
 |__ |    |_ ________     |___|     __   ¯¯   __       __         |_|   _|
   |_|..   |____|   |_____|   |_____||________| |______| |_____________|
       :      :       :                                .......    :az0!/l124
       :......:       :..........                      :     :....:
                                :....: r e d b u l l z :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 60 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ request                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ acid/mawi+nah-kolor   |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                        ....:     :                ......
                        :         :...       ......:    :.....
       _______   _______:    ________:      _:___________    :__
      |   __  |_|   __  |___| __     |_____|   __     ___|___| _|_ __
      |   ||____     |        ||     ||         |   _______      _| |_
      |__ |    |_ _______    __ __   ¯¯    _ ______|_   |_| ___      |
        |_|     |____|  |___| |_||________||____|    |______|  |_____|
                   :    .......                          :   az0!/l124
                   :....:     :                      ....:
                          .   :               .......:
                          :...: r e q u e s t :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 61 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ respect                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ chosen/rno            |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                   .......... ....        ......
                              .....: .....  : :..:    ....:    :
                    ..........:    ..: ..:  :....     :     ...:
                    :              :...:        :.    :.....:
       _______   ___:___ _____      _____________:_______     __
      |   __  |_|   __  |  ___|____|   __      __     ___|___| _|_ __
      |   ||____     |  |_______       ||       |                _| |_
      |__ |    |_ ________   |_| __  |______ ________        __      |
        |_|     |____|    |______||__|     |____|   |_______|  |_____|
                    :                               .......:   az0!/l124
                    :..........                     :....  .....
                       ...... :               :         :  :...:
                       :......: r e s p e c t :.........:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 62 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ spiral                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ el chupacabara/spiral |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                ..........       .......
                             ...:        :       :  ...:
                        .....:           :..  ...:  :.
             ____      _:____     ___  ____:__:______:_   __
           _| ___|____|   __ |___|    |   __      ___  |_|  |___
           |_______       ||     |____|   ||____ |___|      |   |_
           |_   |_| __  |_________    ___ |    |___|   ___       |
             |______||__|        |____| |_|        |___|  |______|
              ...................:        :..............az0!/l124
              :.                                             .:
          :....:  s       p       i       r       a       l  :....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 63 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ strife                   |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ strife/apathy         |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                        ........                .....
                        :      :           .....: ..:
                        : :....: ..........:      :......
             ____     __:     ___:___      _____________:________
           _| ___|___| _|_ __|   __  |____|                  __  |
           |_______      _|      ||____   |____|    _____     |  |
           |_   |_| ___      ___ |    |____    __ ____| |_ ______|
             |______|  |_____| |_|        |____||____|   |____|
                          :                            .....:az0!/l124
                          :..........             ..   :
                                  ..: s t r i f e :....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 64 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ subspace                 |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ substance/subspace    |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                       .....    :        :             ........
                       :   :....:        :....     ....:      :......
    ____     __      __:       ____      ____:_____:___   ____     _:_____
  _| ___|___|  |____|  |______| ___|____|   __    ___  |_| ___|___|   __  |
  |_______     ||     __      |______       ||   |___|                 |  |
  |_   |_|     ¯¯    _|     ___   |_| __  |________|   ___       __ ______|
    |_______________| |_____|  |______||__|        |___| |_______||____|
              :...........                                    :.. az0!/l124
                         :..       ...                 ......   :
                           :.........: s u b s p a c e :    :...:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 65 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ superfml                 |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ superfml/appendix+psl |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                               ........                 .......
                         ......:      :      ........   :     :
                         :         ...:      :      :...:   ..:
    ____     __        __:_________:_________:   _______    :________
  _| ___|___|  |______|   __      __      __  |_|       |__ |        |___
  |_______     ||         ||       |      ||____    _____  || |      |   |_
  |_   |_|     ¯¯   __  |______ _________ |    |_ ____| |     |____       |
    |_______________||__|     |____|    |_|     |____|  |__|__|    |______|
              :                                               :...  az0!/l124
              :..............                 .            ......:
                            : s u p e r f m l :............:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 66 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ support                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ my own request        |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                .......                               .......
                :     :                               :     :
                :.... :  ...                     ...  : ....:
              ........:  :.........................:  :........
        ____  :  __        ______   ______     ____________   :_
      _| ___|_:_|  |______|   __ |_|   __ |___| __     __  |_| _|_ __
      |_______     ||         ||       ||       ||     ||_________| |_
      |_   |_|     ¯¯   __  |______  |_____   ________ |    |__      |
        |_______________||__|     |__|    |___|      |_|      :|_____|
              :........                               ........:az0!/l124
                ..... :                               : .....
          -[  s :     u       p       p       o       r     : t  ]-
                :.....:                               :.....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 67 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ taski                    |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ paplo/taski           |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                                    ........ .......  .....
                     ......         :      : :.....:  :    :
                     :    :..       :      :.......   ·....:
                 __  :   ___:___   _:__     _ ____:     ____
               _| _|_:__|  ___  |_| ___|___| |  __| ___|    |
               |    _|    |___|   _______              |___ |
               |__       ___|   ___   |_| ___|     _____    |
                  |_____|   |___|  |______|  |_____|   |____|
                     :......                       :... az0!/l124
                           :......                ....:
                              ...: t  a  s   k  i :

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 68 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ timer                    |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ timer/mawi            |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                      .......                  ........
                      : ... :                  :      :
                      :...: :           .......:      :
                 __         :____     __:_____________:____
               _| _|_ ______|     __ |         __      __  |_
               |    _|      |____|  || |        |      ||___|
               |__      _____          |____ _________ |
                  |_____|   |_______|__|   |____|    |_|...
                            :                        az0!/l124
                            :.........           .     ...:
                                 ....: t i m e r :.....:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 69 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ welcome                  |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ revi/whelpz           |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                            .........      .............
                      ......:       :      :..         :
                      :             :......  :......   :.....
          __ _________:_____       ____   :.   ____:    ____:________
       __|  |       __      |_____| ___|___:__| __ |__ |         __  |
      _| | __        |      |                   ||    || |        |  |
      |  | ||____ ________       __           ______     |____ ______|
      |____|    |____|    |______||___________|    |__|__|   |____|
             .......:                         :................az0!/l124
          ...:                                                :...
          :...: =]  w a r m   k i s s e s   f r o m   m e  [= ...:

         _  __ _____\ _)____ _  _  ·                                      ·
            __/      ·     /___    |______________________________________|
 ___________\_ __________    / ____|                                      |__
|            (__\ .  .  )____)     | psilocibe kkubensis "sukia monotone" |  |
|  ¡________   _\________/__       |                                      |  |
 __|hos   ÷÷| /             \      | relelase no 70 out of 204 possibles! |  |
 `-l________|___\________/_  \     |                                      |  |
|    \  '___/              \_ \    | entitled ][ yaneq                    |  |
|     \__j _\_________________/©Mt |                                      |  |
|___ _  /__/ _\             /___ __| remixed for ][ yaneq/rno             |__|
                                   |                                      |
                                   ·                                      ·

                      ......         .......     ........
                      :   .:      ...:     :     : ..   :
                      :....:  ....:        :.... :......:
                    __________:_   ____________:___     ____
                 __|       ___  |_| __         __  |___| __ |
               _|  |      |___|     ||          |        || |
               |___    _____|   ____||    __ _______    __ _|
                   |___|    |___|    |____||____|  |___| |_|
                            :......                 :...az0!/l124
                        ........  :           .....    :
                        :.........: y a n e q :   :....:

     -[      f               r               e               e        ]-
..  .........................................  ....  ..........................
 :  :.......................................:  :  :  :                        :
 :...........................................  :  :  :                        :
                   .........................:  :  :  :..................      :
          ....     :  .......................  :  :  ................  :      :
          :..:     :  :  ......             :  :  :  :  ..........  :  :      :
  ......           :  :  :    :             :  :  :  :  :  ....  :  :  :      :
  :    :           :  :  :    :             :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :      :
  :    :      ...  :  :  :    :  .....      :  :  :  :  :  :. :  :  :  :      :
  :....:      :.:  :  :  :    :  :   :      :  :  :  :  :.....:  :  :  :      :
                   :  :  :....:  :...:      :  :  :  :...........:  :  :      :
        ::         :  :.....................:  :  :.................:  :      :
            _______:_____ _____________·_______:____:________  _        ......:
      .____)\       )___//             |            ·        )/____ _ __:
      |          ____________ .______ _|____        .        _______/_  |
 drn! |    :----(_     X     \l     /_)____X----------------(_     /    | /\t
      :    |     __            /            \      _         __    .    :
      ·    |     \l____      \/______  ·   __\_____/         \l____|    |
      .   -:------\    )-----(       )-:--(    /-------^------\         |
      |    ·                           |                                ·  _
   ___|_______________  .______________|_ _____. _____________    ._____|_ /
   \           ___   /--l _    X  ___   /-\    l/   X  ___   /----l _     /
   .   \____/   l/        /        \l__/       /        \l__/       /   ./
   |__.  _) _________     \----)____       ___/      ____           \---:
      l--\           )-----\        )--:--(  /------(    )-----^-----\  |
      |                                |                                |
      :               a  m  i  g  a    :    f  o  r  e  v  e  r         :
      |________/\        ______        |           __ _ ______          ·
      :          \  _____)____//_______|________  /    \\____( _________|
                  \(     :..........   ·        )/             .....:   ·
                   ¯               :..          ¯          ....:
                                .....:                     :
                     ...........:                          :........
                     :                                             :
                     :                                .............:
                     :.........................       :
              ........ ....... ..... ... .. . :.......:
              :      : :     : :   : :.:      .........
        ......:..    : :     : :...:          :       :   .........
        :     :.:    : :.....:                :       :...:    ...:
   _____:______      :________          ______:__       ____ __:       _______
__|   __    ___|_____|        |____ ___| __    __|_____|    |  |______|   __  |
|     || ________    |____|   |    |     ||            |____| __           |  |
|_  |___||_   |_| ____    __           _______      ____    __|     ___ ______|
 |__|      |______|  |____| |__________|     |______|  |____| |_____| |____|

---------]  p  s  i  l  o  c  i  b  e    k  k  u  b  e  n  s  i  s  [----------
  _ ____   _ ____   __      __       _______________  ____       ____  ____
_| |  __| | |  __| |  |____   |_____|   __    __    || ___|_____|    || ___|___
|        |            ||  |_ __          |    ||     _______    |____________ |
|__|     ___|         ¯¯   __|    ___ ________||    __   |_| ____    __   |_| |
   |_____|  |______________| |____| |____|    .|____| |______|  |____| |______|
                     :                        :                       az0!/l124
                     :                ...     :....
                     :                :...........:
see you in part two| :.....................:
 brand new - brand cubismatic - brand fresh - you`ll hate it - you`ll love it

 _________    ____________________________ _
|         |__ \  az0!/l124               ///
|  __/\__    |     ____   _______   _ ____
|  \    /    |____|    |_| __    |_| |  __|
|  /_  _\   |     |____|   ||              |
|    \/     |_____     ____||    ____|     |
|____________|    |____|    |____|   |_____|
     p       a       r       t       1
@END_FILE_ID.DIZ            :.......           :
                                   : ..........:
                                   :.: .........
                                   ....:       :
                                   :           :
                                   :.......... :
                                   ......... :.:
                                   :       :....
                                   :           :
                      remember - we are phorever people
                   keep smiling and keep scening on amiga
                           it`s the strongest drug
                            and there`s no remedy
                                   i`m out     : ..............................
                                   : ..........: :                            :
                                   : : ..........:                            :
          k       o       m       e       r       c       j       a

               T H I R D  place in the world! (JurassicPack#5)

           ._____.[staff]jacobs/appendix - prefix/appendix - ziutek/appendix
 _________ |¯    :      ________[demon/cyber freaks]
|¯    __ /_|   __|____._\   ___/[master] madbart/anadune^appendix^teklords
|______(       \__   ¬:    __>___:___________________ ___ _
     /¯          /         \    ¯|
    /      .    /       _      _  [a1200T/030/882/50mhz/quantum 1.3gb/cdrom]
   /_______:---/______.-)______(------------------------------------- -- -
                          _______   ________   ________   _________.______
 [node 0] +48-91-879493  /¯  ___/_._\   ___/ ._\  ____/_._\  _    ¬·      |
       _ ___ __________._\____   ¬:    ___>  :    \    ¬:   /______.      |
[open]                 |     /         \                      ¯\nd!:______:
   22-13/week 22-10 cet  _          _          _          _     \  |¯     |
- ------- -------------:-)________.-)________.-)________:-)______\ |______|
 [node 1] telnet
 [node 2] telnet  [anadune whq] [appendix whq] [teklords phq] [floppy phq]

 [dinx project phq]  [jormas phq]  [mawi phq]  [doggystyle phq]  [psl phq]
 [link 124 phq]  [venus art phq]  [ozone free phq]

                            ... ::          ____
    radioactive _________.  :::            |___| _______________ __
    bbs <--  ____        |      ·   ____      ___|         __  // /
    ________ |   .__     ·    .____ \___)     |            \     /
    |   __  \|  _|_/      ____|    |______.--------.        \   /
    :   |/ _/|  \_       .  __.    |      |    _   |  _ _____\_/______
    .   /    \   |       |  \_|    |      |   (/   |  \  _   (_)   __
    ____\     \--|       :_________|------|________|   \//   / \    /
         \_____\ |_______|      ________ ____/           \ AchtunG /
                             ____       _____     ____    \/     \/
        [$Ð!/dGs]      ______|__   ____ |__  |    \__/  .____
                    .__ .__    |   |    |    |__ ___ _  |   /
            ::::    |  _|_/    |   |    |      /_|  \\\ |  /----.
        ... ::::    |  \_      |   |    |   __/       \ · /| ---'
        :::      .  |___|      :   |____|        .____ \_/  ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯
             ::         |______|        |____ ___|
                             |____          .          - appendix phq -
        +48-58-216-071      ____ |__________|           - link124 whq -
        powered by a1240/40       sysop: cerber/appendix
                                              _______________________ _
        ascii - demos games - porn - util _ __|

                    [be sure you choose the right number]