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File size:
36 000 bytes (35.16K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:10
Download count:
all-time: 421


                 r  a  d  i  o       ____.  _ _______ _____ __\:.
             ________   ______ ______)_  |   ___      \   /    |.
         . ._\___    \ /   _   \     _/  | _(___)_ ____\_/____ |.
         . |   _(    /.    _    \    `   |/       \\   (_)   / |.
         | |___\______|____/    |\_______|__________\  / \  /  |.
        _|______ _       ./_____|                    \/   \/   |.
         :              ./        · aPPENDIx PHQ ·             |.
         +48-058-216107./                                .     |.
       _\ ______ _    ./   . sQUEEZERs WHQ · lINk124 WHQ ¦     |.
         \  _____    ./    `-----------------------------'     |.
          . \   /   ./  sysop: Cerber/Appendix^Squeezers       |.
         ____\_/____/_                                         |.
         \   (_)     / staf: Klaf/Appendix^Freezers^Sqz^kK^HD! |.
          \  / \    /                                          |. ___
           \/   \  / new issues of BIGOZ (internal polish mag) |._\ /_
               ./\/                                            |.\_O_/
              ./    Taboo mag,Fa! packmag,azkii,demoz,gamez,   |.  |_
             ./     porno picz, ._____. toolz-more!more!more!  . __|/_
            ./______   _____   _|     |_  ___  ________   ._______
           ./   _   \./  __(___\_     _/_(___)_\      /___|      /____
          ./    _    |   \      |     |/        \    /    |  7__/    /
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        ./     /_____|                                      tF!/u'R!
      _./_________ _      a  c  t  i  v  e    b  b  s

              .                                               .
             _|___ __ _               t h e   s e c t   b b s |
             \.                    a1200/882/030/50mhz cd-rom |
    .         |                                  1,3 gb space |
    |---/.    |                         +48-91-879493 :0 node |         .
   _|_  _|__  |          ·      22-13, week 22-10 cet :time   |    .\---|
  /___  ___/-/·         / _______              telnet :1 node |   _|_  _|__
    |    |    |        /-\ ___  /              telnet :2 node |  /___  ___/
    |_   |    |_______/      (_/---/                         ·|    |    |
     /---|   _       /____________/     ·                   /_|___ |   _|
         |   /      / ctp!/L124________/        _______    /  ___/_|---\
         |_ /------/           \   ___/____  /-\ ___  /   /_____    \
         ./---|   ·             \_________ \/      (_/---/    |/_____\
 s t u f f    |                     /   l/  \___________/     |
 ----------jacobs/royal            /_________\`97      /      |
           action/anadune         /                    ·      |
           ziutek/appendix       ·         0-3 days warez :0) |
              |                                               |
   anadune whq · appendix whq · floppy phq · dinx project phq |
   venus art phq · ozone free phq · mawi phq · doggystyle phq |
              |      pic saint loup phq · link124 distro site |
              |                                               |
          100 percent adrenaline while downloading! call now! |
              |_                                             _|

      scream against standard and boring collections of foreign makers
___                                                 _ ___ .____ ____________
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   yes, you see so good.             ­¶¶¶"   MQØØP¶###~  ¬°¶""
   this asciicol is a pure scanadal.
   it`s an provocation - contrast to the other ascii scene productions.
   respect it and don`t take it so seriously ;0)

   have a nice fun, young man!

   signed by - ctp! the provocator on the march 5th, 1997
      scream against standard and boring collections of foreign makers

       _ ___    ____ _____ ___/   /
       /   /__/_   /_    /   /   /
 -spk¹/  _/    (  / /   /____   /
     "scandal one: the morsedome"
  [c]1997 ctp/link124. download now!
            march 5th, 1997

go! (better sof!)

  after fuckin` text adding stuff and gloroius file identification welcome
  to another ascii collection published under by tag of ascii family called

                                            ..::.             ::::::
    ..                          .:.       .:::::::.           ::::::
   ::::.                      .:::::   .:::::::::::          .:::::·
   :::::.                    .:::::· .::::::·:::::·          ::::::    .
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    .::::::             .:::::::::   ·    .:::::           .:::::.  .:::::
|   :::::::      ...   ·::· ::::::      .:::::           .:::::::::::::::::    |
|   ::::::·     ·::::.     .::::::     .::::· ctp!/L124 .::::::::::::::::::    |
|___:::::·_______·::::.____:::::::___ .::::. _________ ::::::···___··:::::: ___|
   .:::::. ...:::::::::    ::::::·  .::::::::::..    .::::·           :::::.
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  .:::::::::::::::::::::   ·:::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::           .::::::.
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  ·:·               ·:·         ·:·                 :::::·
          -    L    I    N    K    1    2    4    `    9    7    -

      this little piece of art was designed and conducted by one of us -

                                ·       _\/___
                             _ __\_____\\/\  /___________
                   _ _____________\        \          _ /
                    \\             \        \         \/
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                          /   __/   /   |__  \_   .  \ dGs
                         /    /___ /   ___/_ /   _|   \
                        /         \    \    \    \____/
                    $Ð! \_________/_____\___/_____|       /
                                         \               //
                     /\                   \_____________///__
                    /______________________\__ _       /
                        \                   \

                        a member of some gropus like

                                  ___________________ _
                        _ ________\
                      __ __     ____\ _______    ___  ·
                 $Ð! /  /  \   _\__  \      /____\   /
                    /     _ \ /  _/   ·    /     /\_/\
                   /   \_/   \   \_    \  /¯\   /     \  ·
                   \____|____/____|____/___\___/\_____/  :
                                         \               :
                                      ____\ _ dGs .:::::::

                            in dust we trust `97

                  ___             __
                 _\./--\ l ink /--\/---/---- --- -- -
               -/__X  _____      ___  ·  ____         ____
               /-\/_ /·___/_____/___\___/·__ \_______/·   \____ _
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            -.-|-  /__  /         _ ________.\__/ _ ·   \  _____\_ _
            /\_·_ __ /_________/\___/ 1 2 4 |_____)\______/qki/L124
            ¯¯ |---.__  __._     · _ __.__ _
                   `---/--|-\---/---- --- -- -
                       ¯    ¯- - ------'

                           and it`s called simply

                                .                             .
                                | s c a n d a l   p a r t   1 |
                                |                             |
 ._____  ______.        ________|___       ·       _______    |
 |     \/     _|________\   __     /______/     /-\ ___  /    |
 |   _        \ ____   __\    \---\   ___/____ /      (_/---/ |
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  /----\/                   /---\      /   l/  \              |
                                ·   . /_________\             |
                                |---|/                        |
                                |   ·   m o r s e d o m e     |
                  ______________|   |           ._____  ______·   _______
                  \ _____           |___________|     \/      |/-\ ___  /
                   \_____________\ _\ ____   ___|   _         /      (_/---/
                     ctp!/L124  |--\ \_______\--|_   \  /---//____________/
                                ·                /----\/      ·
                                |                             |
                                |  an ascii przekret by ctp!  |
                                |_                           _|

        first and probably last part in the mini - serie of "scandal"

       .: ........:.
        ..:       :
        :_______  :    ____
      __:\     (  : __/   /____________
     _\   \    /__:/_\_____,       ___/__
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        :       ..:..
       .:.......::: :      _______            ____     ______
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                       _\   \    /   ____\_   _/  _/   _/   /_____
                   _ _/    _/\_   \__\_   / __\____    \         /_____
                   \\\______/\___     /     \_ _  /_______________,    \_ _
                           . .::/____________///           /____________///

hey,  you saw it hundreds times.  standard collection with introduction, real
b-o-r-i-n-g  words,  no  design,  no  visual art.  only pure logos.  bad, all
times  much shitty and much, much bored ascii logos.  nothing new!  you say -
allright  but  when you try to create something new?  one, two times.  huh...
real  bad.  but there are one man in poland which could creare something real
new  and mad.  after collecting technical dreams, converting childish graphic
and  painting radioactive animals he is proud to present especially for you -
new  idea.  BANG - you never saw collection like this before, because all the
logos are coded in MORSE`S ALPHABET...

hahaha  is  it mad?  yes, it is.  here you have only twenty logos, all of the
are  dedicated  to  my  ascii  friends, ascii makers and ascii groups which i
know.   i hope that you guys use morse-logod anywhere :) nothing more to add,
so  watch  it  and  really  don`t treat it as a normal work - it`s a big joke
which is called PRZEKRËT here in poland. ahook`e pals...

                    mini ascii collections forever, huh?

today`s  features  are:   acid  azkberries boobba budgie dave doggystyle draw
gulp  insert  link124  luk  mroova  nemesis  qki  revi seti spok sundance the
founder  u'race.   only  twenty  but i think that this is enough for show you
what does it must to mean :)

                         down side in gentelmans...

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                        a c i d                      | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                              ·-  -·-·  ··  -··

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                  a z k b e r r i e s                | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                ·-  --··  -·-  -···  ·  ·-·  ·-·  ··  ·  ···

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                      b o o b b a                    | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                       -···  ---  ---  -···  -···  ·-

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                      b u d g i e                    | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                         -···  ··-  -··  --·  ··  ·

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                        d a v e                      | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                              -··  ·-  ···-  ·

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                  d o g g y s t y l e                | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

               -··  ---  --·  --·  -·--  ···  -  -·--  ·-··  ·

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                        d r a w                      | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                              -··  ·-·  ·-  ·--

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                        g u l p                      | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                            --·  ··-  ·-··  ·--·

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                      i n s e r t                    | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                           ··  -·  ···  ·  ·-·  -

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                     l i n k 1 2 4                   | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                   ·-··  ··  -·  -·-  ·----  ··---  ····-

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                         l u k                       | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                               ·-··  ··-  -·-

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                      m r o o v a                    | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                         --  ·-·  ---  ---  ···-  ·-

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                     n e m e s i s                   | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                         -·  ·  --  ·  ···  ··  ···

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                         q k i                       | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                                ----  -·- ··

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                        r e v i                      | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                              ·-·  ·  ···-  ··

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                        s e t i                      | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                                ···  ·  -  ··

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                        s p o k                      | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                             ···  ·--·  ---  -·-

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                    s u n d a n c e                  | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                     ···  ···-  -·  -··  ·-  -·  -·-·  ·

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                 t h e   f o u n d e r               | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

               -  ····  ·      ··-·  ---  ··-  -·  -··  ·  ·-·

                                      _  _ __ ___ ____.___________
              __                                      |________  /.
      __|_.   \____  ___        _  ______          ___        / . |
        | |        ||      ______||     /______|______||      ¯¯| |
        | |  /_____||_____\\_____||    /_\_____|\_____||_____\  | |
        | |                                                     | |
        | |                      u ' r a c e                    | |
        | |_                                                    |_|__
        |_ /_______.  m i n i s e r i e s   o f   l i n k 1 2 4   |
         /_________|____ ___ __ _ _  _

                          ··-  '  ·-·  ·-  -·-·  ·

                                 last words:
wasn`t  it  great?  yes or not - you`ll never see the PRZEKRET like this from
Link124.   only  real,  pure  art.  request your logos if you want and at the
COLLECTIONS.   for  contacting  link124  -  fin us on the bbs sites which are
presented  at  the top and bottom of collection.  sysops tells you how to get
our  latest works (cd ascii/verynice/link124...).  now go to hell and preapre
for  the  real  accident  of  the decade:  POETRY OF LOVE 2:  PLUNGE INTO GOA
which will be presented to you by ctp/link124 on Symposium/mekka`97.

morsecode  published  and copyrighted by James Morse.  main ascii art in this
collection  created  by  ctp/link124.   additional  logos  created  by:   the
founder/u'race,      spok/link124,      sundance/doggystyle,     qki/link124,
nemesis/digital and folar/style.  all of you guys - thanks!

                         _            ._______ ____|_
                         \|____ ______|      //    |_
                          |    \\     |           :|
                          |           :           :|
            ._____        :                        :.______
 ._______ __|    /___________.______ .______._______|     /________________
 |   ___/_\/|   /   __      _/     / |     /    __      ___/  ____/   _  _/_.
 |___`    | `--  ___\(    __\     /  |___ /    .\(    _ /   ._--'   ._\     |
     \____|_____/    \___/   \___/       \_____| \___/ \____| \_____|  \____|
                          |:                  [fL] :
                          |                        |/
      scream against standard and boring collections of foreign makers
       _ ___    ____ _____ ___/   /
       /   /__/_   /_    /   /   /
 -spk¹/  _/    (  / /   /____   /
     "scandal one: the morsedome"
  [c]1997 ctp/link124. download now!
           march 5th, 1997

      scream against standard and boring collections of foreign makers
                 r  a  d  i  o       ____.  _ _______ _____ __\:.
             ________   ______ ______)_  |   ___      \   /    |.
         . ._\___    \ /   _   \     _/  | _(___)_ ____\_/____ |.
         . |   _(    /.    _    \    `   |/       \\   (_)   / |.
         | |___\______|____/    |\_______|__________\  / \  /  |.
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         :              ./        · aPPENDIx PHQ ·             |.
         +48-058-216107./                                .     |.
       _\ ______ _    ./   . sQUEEZERs WHQ · lINk124 WHQ ¦     |.
         \  _____    ./    `-----------------------------'     |.
          . \   /   ./  sysop: Cerber/Appendix^Squeezers       |.
         ____\_/____/_                                         |.
         \   (_)     / staf: Klaf/Appendix^Freezers^Sqz^kK^HD! |.
          \  / \    /                                          |. ___
           \/   \  / new issues of BIGOZ (internal polish mag) |._\ /_
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              ./    Taboo mag,Fa! packmag,azkii,demoz,gamez,   |.  |_
             ./     porno picz, ._____. toolz-more!more!more!  . __|/_
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          ./    _    |   \      |     |/        \    /    |  7__/    /
         ./|____/    |__________|_____|__________\________|_________/
        ./     /_____|                                      tF!/u'R!
      _./_________ _      a  c  t  i  v  e    b  b  s

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         |   /      / ctp!/L124________/        _______    /  ___/_|---\
         |_ /------/           \   ___/____  /-\ ___  /   /_____    \
         ./---|   ·             \_________ \/      (_/---/    |/_____\
 s t u f f    |                     /   l/  \___________/     |
 ----------jacobs/royal            /_________\`97      /      |
           action/anadune         /                    ·      |
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              |                                               |
   anadune whq · appendix whq · floppy phq · dinx project phq |
   venus art phq · ozone free phq · mawi phq · doggystyle phq |
              |      pic saint loup phq · link124 distro site |
              |                                               |
          100 percent adrenaline while downloading! call now! |
              |_                                             _|