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File size:
163 871 bytes (160.03K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:09
Download count:
all-time: 424


                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
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    · _____________ _    c!|______|mSS|____| |______ _  _ _____________ ·
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    |           /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /            |
    |           \___       \_____/    \____\     \__   \   \            |
    |             \  _______\   /______\    \  ___\ \_______\           |
    |              \/                        \/                         |
    |                                                                   |
    |             ÷  THE YARD BULLETiN BOARD SYSTEM 2k! ÷               |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |                       WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |         AEROHOLiCS (GRAFFiTi) ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA (MUSiC)       |
    |      ARCADE (ASCii) ÷ AEROSOL (ASCii) ÷ DREAM THEATRE (ASCii)     |
    |          SOUL SURViVORZ (MP3) ÷ THE ASCii CHARTS (ASCii)          |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      GERMAN HEADQUARTERS OF                       |
    |                                                                   |
    |   LOW PROFiLE (ASCii) ÷ SOiA (GRAFFiTi/DRUGS) ÷ SODiUM (AMiGA)    |
    |       OMEN (GRAFFiTi) ÷ TEQUiLA (MUSiC) ÷ PUNGAS (DAYDREAM)       |
    |                                                                   |
    |                     - -------------------- -                      |
    |                                                                   |
    |          AMiGA/N64/HANDHELD/PSX/SNES/ASCii/LiNUX/DAYDREAM         |
    |             GRAFFiTi/DRUGS/CLASSiCS/MP3/MOD/CHiPTUNES             |
    |                                                                   |
    |                 2 NODES DiAL-UP 33k6 AND 64k iSDN                 |
    |                  4 NODES TELNET 24/7 AT 64k iSDN                  |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      [ THEYARD.DARKTECH.ORG ]                     |
    |                                                                   |
    |                      [ +49-SCENESTYLiSHiOUS ]                     |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
    |                                                                   |
 _ _|__   " THE iDEA OF STYLE iS THE KEY TO ALL FORMS OF ROCKiNG "    __|_ _
    · /_______________________________________________________________\ ·

  ._____    (node0: +48-91-4879493) (node1: telnet)  (node2: telnet)
 _l    /___     ___.          ______                            ___ ___ __ _
Y    _____/_   _\  l______ __l  ___/______  ___                /
l____ \     (_)          (_)    _/ /     (__)  \\            //
    \__________  __       ______\                \__________/      tG!.k0
              (__(/_ ______)     \_
                   ______         (amiga124oT/6o3e/24omhz/5gb warez space)
m a s t e r :    __\ ___/_____     ______              ____        ._____
(madbart)       Y  \\___      )_ _l  ___/__________ __l   //____ __l    /___
(appendix)      l_____ /        Y    _/ (         (_)   __//   (_)   ______/_
                      /              \             _______      _____ \      Y
s u p p o r t e r s  /  the sect bbs  \____________)      \______)  (________l
(prefix.apx)      (appendix) (pic saint loup) (jormas)  (harvester) (floppy)
                  (venus art)  (k0re.)  (linear)  (old bulls)  (sativa mea)
                  (mawi) (dinx project) (nah-kolor)


                                       .                    ....
                                       :              ....::::::..
                                       :.           ..:::  ::.. :::
                                  :.   ::         .::::     :::.  :
                                  ::   ::       .::::         ::.
            ........               :   ::     .::::    ...     ::.
          .::: :::::::::..       : :.  ::    :::::     :::      ::.
          ::  .::      ::::::..  :: :. ::. ::::::      :::     .:::
               :::::::.:::   ::::.:.:: ::: ::::::...         ..::
                       ::::::.:::::: :. ::     :::::::......:::
           ...               :::  ..              ::::::::::
       ..:::::                 .:::            :.
     .:::::                   :::           ...::
     :::::                   ::::::::::::::::::                      .::.
       ::::                                               ........:::::::::.
         ::.                                .........::::::::::::::: ::::::
          ::.                          ..:::::::::::.             :::.
           ::.........::::::::::::::::::           :::             :::.
             :::::::::                              ::::.           :::
                                                      ::::. tG!.k0!.:::
                                                        ::::.     .:::
                          I can't say what I want to,
                           even if I'm not serious.
                                Things like....
                                "Fuck yourself,
                                kill yourself,
                              you piece of shit."

                          People tell me what to say,
                                what to think,
                               and what to play.

                                   I say...
                              "GO fuck yourself,
                              you piece of shit.
                       Why don't you go kill yourself?"

                                 Just kidding.

            ________  _________    ______
 _____       |     / /     |   \||/     | |
_\   /_______|    /|  _____|____||      | |
| \        / |     ||/   \       |      | |
|_____    /__|     ||     \    _ |______|_|_
|M I N I M A L  S E R\/I C E  C O M P A N Y|

[] [] [] []                i love my cellular phone!                [] [] [] []
 | 0000 0000 |                                              .... ....
 | 0000 0000 |  ...loading atmosphere in progress...        .... ....   \/\/\/
 | 0000 0000 |  ------------------------------------        .... ....
 |___________|________________________________________________________  /\/\/\
                                                          |           |
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  In the beginning,                         | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  the Earth was without form,               | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  and void.                                 | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  But the Sun shone upon the sleeping Earth | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  and deep inside the brittle crust         | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  massive forces waited to be unleashed.    | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  The seas parted                           | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  and great continents were formed.         | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  The continents shifted, mountains arose.  | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  Earthquakes spawned massive tidal waves.  | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  Volcanoes erupted                         | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  and spewed forth fiery lava               | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  and charged the atmosphere                | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  with strange gases.                       | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  Into this swirling maelstrom              | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  of Fire and Air and Water                 | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  the first stirrings of Life appeared:     | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  tiny organisms, cells, and amoeba,        | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  clinging to tiny sheltered habitats.      | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  But the seeds of Life grew,               | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  and strengthened, and spread,             | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  and diversified,                          | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  and prospered,                            | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  and soon every continent and climate      | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  teemed with Life.                         | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  And with Life came instinct,              | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  and specialization, natural selection,    | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  Reptiles, Dinosaurs, and Mammals          | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  and finally there evolved a species       | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  known as Man                              | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  and there appeared                        | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  the first faint glimmers of               | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  Intelligence.                             | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  The fruits of intelligence were many:     | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  fire, tools, and weapons,                 | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  the hunt, farming, and the sharing of food| 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  the family, the village, and the tribe.   | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  Now it required but one more ingredient:  | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  a great Leader                            | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  to unite the quarreling tribes            | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  to harness the power of the land          | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  to build a legacy                         | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  that would stand the test of time:        | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  a CIVILIZATION!                           | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  Man creates Machine                       | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  did it carefully                          | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  but some day machines                     | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |  raise against man                         | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  so, little boy it`s 19100 now             | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |  and no more shiny blades are respected.   | 0000 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 |
   .... .... |                                            | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .... |  fighting for some A +R- T in ascii collys | 0000 0000 |
   .... ...  |                                            |   00 0000 | \/\/\/
   .... .. /\·__ _                                        |        00 |    _
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   ... be impressive...     !GµØ#******âµ__             |    _ | 0000 | /\/\/\
   .... .. ._______________æØF¯         ¬¬°*æ4__________|   |_|| 0000 |
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   .... .... |      `--H a n g  o n--t h e  m a c h i n e | 0000 0000 |
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             ·      ·                                     | 0000 0000 |
Epoch   Train   Verify                                    | 0000 0000 | /\/\/\
000000 1.34470 1.39460           ___       .___________.   __________ _____ \/
000001 0.55234 0.37927 __ _ ___ _\_/_ _____|     _/    |___\__      //  _  \ ___
000002 0.45358 0.30784))//_\\ _/  /  \    _\     \|     _/  _/     /·   /   \_ /
000003 0.36282 0.43995        \____________\      \_____|___\______\_________/h7
000004 0.41944 0.35201                      \______/      ¦ .... .... ¦
000005 0.42216 0.33882 _                                  ·         . ¦ \/\/\/
000006 0.39831 0.28995 | "on solstice day, a sunray blinds my sight . ¦
000007 0.39717 0.34318 |  cutting through the air         · .... .... ¦ /\/\/\
000008 0.41131 0.30753 |  refracting on the ocean         ·    . .... ¦
000009 0.40966 0.96674 ¦  coloring the sky after the waterfall . .... ¦ \/\/\/
000010 0.36266 0.67624 ¦  blazing through clouds          · .... .... ¦
000011 0.38418 0.28222 ¦  feeding the tree leafs          ¦ .... .... ¦ /\/\/\
000012 0.37505 0.24019 ¦  lightning the darkest shadows   ¦ .... .... ¦
000013 0.43963 0.62054 :  spreading across dark valleys   · .... .... ¦ \/\/\/
000014 0.37008 0.24359 :  climbing high on steep mountains  .... .... ¦
000015 0.37979 0.26683 :  melting the thick snow          ·         . ¦ /\/\/\
000016 0.33543 0.24641 ·  on solstice day, a sunray blinds my sight . ¦
000017 0.34754 0.45678 .                                  · .... .... ¦ \/\/\/
000018 0.35930 0.27973    hi there pals.                  ¦ .... .... ¦
000019 0.30416 0.35466 .----------------------------------¦-----------¦--\/\/\--
000020 0.35846 0.25316 ¦  today i`m under inluence of new brothom states
000021 0.25508 0.23035 ¦  tune named "we killa da enemy" taken from latest  \/
000022 0.29511 1.00320 ¦  demo by once again awesome design
000023 0.43791 0.26822 ¦  by destop, visuals by visualize and those tune    /\
000024 0.30584 0.25022 ¦  created by dune and friend. eh, it`s totally ok.
000025 0.26811 0.75083 ¦                                                    \/
000026 0.38387 0.31568 ¦  what is this file? another boring typical ascii
000027 0.29554 0.37023 ¦  collection spanked by azzaro and published by     /\
000028 0.26439 0.29323 ¦  link124 [minimal service company]? yep, you`re
000029 0.30131 0.25533 ¦  right. nothing new - the same style, same ideas   \/
000030 0.33646 0.26538 ¦  and nothing improved. i`m still waiting for a
000031 0.30366 0.28645 ¦  sunray which blind my sight and show me something /\
000032 0.32946 0.28195 ¦  ... art is waiting for me. not so long i hope...
000033 0.30599 0.27796 ¦                                                    \/
000034 0.29600 0.34706 ¦  on my left you can see some data sets for kohonen
000035 0.23891 0.21734 ¦  type neural network simulating program i wrote     .
000036 0.27440 0.23494 ¦  yesterday. it works fine and i got a nice note at
000037 0.28108 0.21149 ¦  my technical university for this one. nothing
000038 0.25000 0.23958 ¦  special for rest of you i think but those numbers
000039 0.32599 0.27956 ¦  looks nice in columns in my humble opinion.
000040 0.28815 0.23551 ¦
000041 0.24260 0.28262 ¦  special credits: introduction taken from sid
000042 0.30695 0.25271 ¦  meier`s civilization [c]92 microprose software.
000043 0.24806 0.19985 ¦  poems taken from tool albums. inspiration came
000044 0.26594 0.22531 ¦  from brothom states as i said. also from aphex
000045 0.27667 0.23199 ¦  twin, hooverphonic, anita lipnicka, artists from
000046 0.22704 0.19034 ¦  tresor records [berlin] and various artists.
000047 0.23243 0.22387 ¦  sunray poem taken from "sunray" commercial
000048 0.24298 0.35190 ¦  campaign. hope this style is used at last...
000049 0.28398 0.22191 ¦
000050 0.26743 0.37976 ¦  typed live at koszalin, poland from december 1999
000051 0.29243 0.24957 ¦  to second half of february two thousand. no more.
000052 0.22225 0.21302 ¦
000053 0.27542 0.25444 ¦  special greetings goes to darkus who plane to
000054 0.26130 0.19426 ¦  become father in august. best wishes. hey, lee,
000055 0.21146 0.25865 ¦  maybe we meet ourselves in england this very
000056 0.24145 0.21388 ¦  summer because i had a chance to get some nice
000057 0.21907 0.21190 ¦  job in great britain from july to september. no
000058 0.23271 0.22094 ¦  details but when i know something more i contact
000059 0.21925 0.20876 ¦  you for sure.
000060 0.26479 0.23462 ¦
000061 0.22637 0.19175 ¦  signed by tomasz aka azzaro. link124 headmaster.
000062 0.24534 0.22504 ¦
000063 0.21297 0.22780 `---------------.
000064 0.27162 0.24550                 |        |
000065 0.24007 0.20036 _________       |        |                   __________
000066 0.23776 0.19889          |      |   _____|     ______        |·
000067 0.22617 0.17457       _  |______|   ___|___ ___\   _ |_______|__
000068 0.22313 0.19520        | |      |          Y       T |_       _|
000069 0.21733 0.18954 =======| | |====|          |=======|
000070 0.21242 0.21123 ®e/sea |___|    |          |       |
000071 0.20838 0.34817                 |          |       |___________________
000072 0.23717 0.20382                            ·
000073 0.23677 0.19082                            `---------------------------
000074 0.24288 0.19825 01] ACID......................................849 bytes
000075 0.23281 0.19889     created specially for.....................ACID/KORE
000076 0.23264 0.18521 02] ADAMSOFT.................................1162 bytes
000077 0.19461 0.19708     created specially for.......ADAMSOFT/PIC SAINT LOUP
000078 0.19407 0.20539 03] ADVERTS...................................974 bytes
000079 0.21360 0.20386     created specially for..................HAKON/WHELPZ
000080 0.20608 0.17774 04] APPENDIX.................................1182 bytes
000081 0.22261 0.19222     created specially for..............MADBART/APPENDIX
000082 0.19155 0.17659 05] APPENDIX_DIZ..............................729 bytes
000083 0.19215 0.18421     created specially for..............MADBART/APPENDIX
000084 0.20384 0.19138 06] ASTROSYN`2K..............................1251 bytes
000085 0.18492 0.19454     created specially for................MY OWN REQUEST
000086 0.20042 0.18328 07] AZZARO....................................975 bytes
000087 0.20854 0.17354     created specially for................MY OWN REQUEST
000088 0.19013 0.17942 08] BBS.......................................345 bytes
000089 0.22369 0.19393     created specially for...................PAPLO/TASKI
000090 0.19031 0.17970 09] BOHEMA_DIZ................................716 bytes
000091 0.19651 0.19345     created specially for...............EVAN/MADWIZARDS
000092 0.19882 0.18950 10] BUDGIE....................................887 bytes
000093 0.19085 0.20657     created specially for.................BUDGIE/ABSURD
000094 0.21051 0.19269 11] CNR.......................................358 bytes
000095 0.19562 0.17612     created specially for............KEMPY/VEEZYA+MOONS
000096 0.17679 0.17675 12] COVENANT..................................857 bytes
000097 0.17602 0.17401     created specially for..............COVENANT/LINK124
000098 0.17762 0.17629 13] CREW......................................885 bytes
000099 0.17796 0.17613     created specially for.................SHEPHERD/CREW
000100 0.17839 0.17700 14] DIONE.....................................829 bytes
000101 0.16119 0.15339     created specially for...................BORYS/DIONE
000102 0.13678 0.15032 15] DIONE_DIZ.................................723 bytes
000103 0.12814 0.15018     created specially for...................BORYS/DIONE
000104 0.12180 0.15031 16] DONT SEND................................1089 bytes
000105 0.11834 0.15098     created specially for..................HAKON/WHELPZ
000106 0.11609 0.15231 17] DYNAMITE1.................................937 bytes
000107 0.11471 0.15335     created specially for...................PAPLO/TASKI
000108 0.11392 0.15421 18] DYNAMITE2................................1177 bytes
000109 0.11332 0.15513     created specially for...................PAPLO/TASKI
000110 0.11292 0.15564 19] FFF.......................................727 bytes
000111 0.11261 0.15617     created specially for.......FIGHTER FOR FUTURE/CREW
000112 0.11195 0.15693 20] FITZROY..................................1088 bytes
000113 0.11167 0.15765     created specially for............KEMPY/MOONS+VEEZYA
000114 0.11150 0.15820 21] FTP.......................................349 bytes
000115 0.11124 0.15863     created specially for...................PAPLO/TASKI
000116 0.11096 0.15910 22] HAKON.....................................819 bytes
000117 0.11042 0.15960     created specially for..................HAKON/WHELPZ
000118 0.11007 0.15967 23] HAZH......................................767 bytes
000119 0.10999 0.15979     created specially for....................HAZH/DIONE
000120 0.10986 0.15994 24] JONSON....................................937 bytes
000121 0.10990 0.15989     created specially for....................JONSON/SOC
000122 0.10976 0.15983 25] JUEN......................................730 bytes
000123 0.10985 0.15991     created specially for...................JUEN/LAYOUT
000124 0.10995 0.16005 26] KACPER...................................1135 bytes
000125 0.10992 0.16000     created specially for..............KACPER/PROXIMALL
000126 0.10986 0.16028 27] KEMPY.....................................870 bytes
000127 0.10990 0.16017     created specially for............KEMPY/MOONS+VEEZYA
000128 0.10995 0.16032 28] KORE......................................992 bytes
000129 0.10986 0.16026     created specially for.....................ACID/K0RE
000130 0.10988 0.16013 29] KORE_DIZ..................................717 bytes
000131 0.10985 0.16003     created specially for.....................ACID/K0RE
000132 0.10984 0.16015 30] LAYOUT....................................902 bytes
000133 0.10982 0.16017     created specially for...................JUEN/LAYOUT
000134 0.10989 0.16015 31] LAYOUT_DIZ................................729 bytes
000135 0.10985 0.16041     created specially for...................JUEN/LAYOUT
000136 0.10985 0.16042 32] LETTER....................................460 bytes
000137 0.10987 0.16025     created specially for..................HAKON/WHELPZ
000138 0.10989 0.16050 33] LINK124..................................1081 bytes
000139 0.10988 0.16049     created specially for...................KRS/LINK124
000140 0.10987 0.16036 34] LINK124_DIZ...............................481 bytes
000141 0.10976 0.16040     created specially for...................KRS/LINK124
000142 0.10982 0.16040 35] LOTHAR....................................918 bytes
000143 0.10991 0.16030     created specially for.........LOTHAR/MOONS+APPENDIX
000144 0.10989 0.16013 36] LUK.......................................810 bytes
000145 0.10985 0.16034     created specially for.......LUK/LINK124+PHASE TRUCE
000146 0.10989 0.16017 37] MAWI......................................782 bytes
000147 0.10988 0.16008     created specially for................MCR/MADWIZARDS
000148 0.10982 0.16030 38] MAWI_DIZ..................................724 bytes
000149 0.10988 0.16032     created specially for................MCR/MADWIZARDS
000150 0.10990 0.16043 39] MESSAGES..................................453 bytes
000151 0.10986 0.16039     created specially for..................HAKON/WHELPZ
000152 0.10991 0.16029 40] MOONS.....................................881 bytes
000153 0.10984 0.16005     created specially for.........LOTHAR/MOONS+APPENDIX
000154 0.10967 0.16010 41] MOONS_DIZ.................................725 bytes
000155 0.10990 0.16012     created specially for.........LOTHAR/MOONS+APPENDIX
000156 0.10990 0.16012 42] OVERTIME.................................1182 bytes
000157 0.10986 0.16020     created specially for.........LOTHAR/MOONS+APPENDIX
000158 0.10988 0.16049 43] PAPLO.....................................817 bytes
000159 0.10991 0.16049     created specially for...................PAPLO/TASKI
000160 0.10981 0.16034 44] PASSENGER................................1241 bytes
000161 0.10978 0.16056     created specially for................PASSENGER/K0RE
000162 0.10986 0.16035 45] PIC SAINT LOUP...........................1476 bytes
000163 0.10981 0.16057     created specially for.......ADAMSOFT/PIC SAINT LOUP
000164 0.10990 0.16036 46] PIC SAINT LOUP_DIZ........................723 bytes
000165 0.10988 0.16044     created specially for.......ADAMSOFT/PIC SAINT LOUP
000166 0.10992 0.16040 47] RENTON....................................464 bytes
000167 0.10991 0.16033     created specially for.............RENTON/SATIVE MEA
000168 0.10979 0.16021 48] RESULTS...................................478 bytes
000169 0.10987 0.16054     created specially for..................HAKON/WHELPZ
000170 0.10984 0.16022 49] REVI......................................786 bytes
000171 0.10983 0.16035     created specially for........REVI/WHELPZ+SATIVE MEA
000172 0.10971 0.16032 50] SHEPHERD.................................1203 bytes
000173 0.10981 0.16032     created specially for.................SHEPHERD/CREW
000174 0.10991 0.16002 51] SQLIM.....................................827 bytes
000175 0.10982 0.16002     created specially for....................HAZH/DIONE
000176 0.10980 0.16023 52] STAMPS BACK...............................710 bytes
000177 0.10989 0.16024     created specially for..................HAKON/WHELPZ
000178 0.10993 0.16017 53] SYMPTOMS.................................1200 bytes
000179 0.10978 0.16003     created specially for....................JONSON/SOC
000180 0.10983 0.16013 54] TABOO.....................................848 bytes
000181 0.10989 0.16039     created specially for..............MADBART/APPENDIX
000182 0.10987 0.16018 55] TASKI.....................................848 bytes
000183 0.10964 0.16000     created specially for...................PAPLO/TASKI
000184 0.10987 0.15995 56] TASKI_DIZ.................................723 bytes
000185 0.10990 0.16005     created specially for...................PAPLO/TASKI
000186 0.10994 0.16019 57] THE END...................................462 bytes
000187 0.10986 0.16020     created specially for..................HAKON/WHELPZ
000188 0.10994 0.16015 58] THEY SELLING JESUS.......................1076 bytes
000189 0.10988 0.16040     created specially for................MY OWN REQUEST
000190 0.10990 0.16045 59] THUNG.....................................810 bytes
000191 0.10976 0.16063     created specially for...........THUNG/WHELPZ+HYBRID
000192 0.10992 0.16071 60] TWISTER...................................941 bytes
000193 0.10984 0.16047     created specially for...............TWISTER/GARBAGE
000194 0.10978 0.16021 61] UPO RECORDZ..............................1019 bytes
000195 0.10985 0.16043     created specially for..............THE HOOLIGAN/DCS
000196 0.10987 0.16015 62] UPO RECORDZ_DIZ...........................729 bytes
000197 0.10992 0.16013     created specially for..............THE HOOLIGAN/DCS
000198 0.10972 0.16006 63] VOICER....................................932 bytes
000199 0.10973 0.15992     created specially for.......VOICER/OLD BULLS+APATHY
000200 0.10991 0.16002 64] WANTED STUFF..............................737 bytes
000201 0.11042 0.15960     created specially for..................HAKON/WHELPZ
000202 0.11007 0.15967 65] XBALL.....................................890 bytes
000203 0.10999 0.15979     created specially for..............XBALL/SATIVE MEA
000204 0.10986 0.15994 66] ZABORA....................................870 bytes
000205 0.10990 0.15989     created specially for.............ZABORA/SATIVE MEA
000206 0.10976 0.15983 67] ZOSIA.....................................836 bytes
000207 0.10985 0.15991     created specially for................MCR/MADWIZARDS
          o  v  e  r  s  t  e  p  p  i  n  g     r  e  a  l  i  t  y         ·
 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                                         __  ____   /·
                                         \ __\  / /·/       _.
                 . .. ... .... ...........\\/ \/ ·//________\|
                   _________  _________   _____        _____
                 ________  /__\  ________ \   /________\   /_
                 \ ___    /    \        /--\_/  /\ ___  \   |
                 |\\/  ____________    /___    /--\\/  _____|
                                           ///       az0!/l124
                                          //·  /\\...... ... :
                 a      c      i      d  /·/ /\¯¯ \    :.: : :
                                        ·/  /  \ ¯¯        :.:
                                       /    ¯¯¯¯

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                        ·\   ____  __         ...
                         \·\ \  /__ /     ... : : ...
              . .. .......\\· \/ \//......: :.: :.: :...
  _________       _____   _________ _____  . . . . . . :
________  / ______\   /_________  /_\    \  ___  . . . :
\ ___    /--\ ___  \    \ ___    /   \    \/_  | . . . :
|\\/  _______\\/  _______\\/  __________   /  _| . . . :........
|_____\-----|_____\-----|_____\---------\_/___\- . . . . . . . :..
             :... . . .  _______ .  ___________  . . ______ _____:______
                : . . . _\  ________\ ___     /______\     |\          /
                :.. . . | \____    /-\\/          _  ________\_  ______|
                  : . . |_____/   /       ________/ /____\  | /   \
                  :.... -----/____________\------/____\-----|______\----
                      :. . ...  .     \\\  . . . . . . . . . . . . .az0!/l124
                       : . : :....//\  ·\\.......... .... ... .. .
                       :.. :     / ¯¯/\ \·\
                         :.:     ¯¯ /  \  \·    [ ADAMSOFT/PIC SAINT LOUP ]
                                    ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __                      __               ...
  _  __  ___  ____  \·\ \  /__ /          __       __ \/          ...  : :  ...
 _\\_\ \_\  \_\   \_\\\· \/ \//...........\/.......\/.............: :..: :..: :
  _________      ___________      ______     ______________________ _______
________  /______\   /\     |_____\  __/___ _\     ___ /\         /_\  ________
\ ___    /-\ ___  \    \    |   _/-\ \____/__ \_    \//  \_  _______ \____    /
|\\/  ______\\/  ___________    \______     /_ / _  _/ \  /   \    |_____/   /|
 _ __ ___ ____ ________    \\\                                        az0!/l124
 . . . . . . . . . . .///\  ·\\ . . . . . . . . . . . . .    .    . . .    .  .
                    ·// ¯¯/\ \·\
                   ·/ ¯¯ /  \  \·
                  ·//    ¯¯¯¯    \
                 ·/ ¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                        ·\   ____  __         ...
                         \·\ \  /__ /     ... : : ...
              . .. .......\\· \/ \//......: :.: :.: :...
    _________  ___________ ___________ ______  . . . . :
  ________  /__\     ___ /_\     ___ /_\  __/___ . . . :.
  \ ___    /          \//         \//   \ \____/__ . .  :
  |\\/  ________  \_________  \_____________     / . .  :........
  |_____\------/___\-------/___\-----------/_____| . . . . . .  :..
               :. . . . . . . . . _________  . . _____  _____  ___:_ ______
                : . . . . . .  ___\       /______\   /__\   /__\    \\    /
                :.....  . . .  |     _   /-\ ___  \      \_/  /-\__  \_  /|
                     :  . . .  |_____/      \\/  ________    /___/    /___|
                     :. . . .  -----/____________\------/_____| /____/-----
                      :.   .... .     \\\  . . . . . . . . . . . . az0!/l124
                       :   :  :...//\  ·\\.......... .... ... .. .
                       :.. :     / ¯¯/\ \·\
                         :.:     ¯¯ /  \  \·  [ a  p  p  e  n  d  i  x ]
                                    ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                       _________  ________________ ______
                     ________  /__\     ___ /\    \\    /
                  ___\ ___    /          \//  \__  \_  /|____
                  \ _|\\/  ________  \_________/    /___|_ %/
                  ·\\|_____\------/___\------ /____/-----/·/
                  _\·\                                   %/_
                   __\·  appendix presents                 |
                   | __\                                   |
                   ¦ |                                     |
                   : ¦                                     ¦
                   `-:                                     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                               _  _
        _ __ ___ ____\\· \/ \//____________________________ __//_//_ _
           _________  _______    ____________ ___________ ___________
         ________  /__\  ________\          /_\     ___ /_\ ___     /_
         \ ___    /    \____    /-\_  ________ \_    \//   \\/       |
         |\\/  ____________/   /   /   \     |  / _  _/ \       _____|
        _______    ______  \\·    _________ ____     ________  _____ _____
       _\  ________\     \__·\\ __\       / \ _// ________  /__\   //    /
       | \____    /-\____ \   /      _   /|  \\  /      ___/    \ _/  __/
       |_____/   /______/    /_______/    |   ¯  \      \_________\    \
       -÷---/_____|----/_____\--\---/_____|-    -|\______\---------\____\-
     ...:  ...... .....         \\\                         ...  az0!/l124
    ..:..... :  :.: : ......//\  ·\\........................: :    ......
         :...:. :   :.:    / ¯¯/\ \·\                         :.. .:  ..:
         :            :    ¯¯ /  \  \·                          :.:
                              ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __                                    ...
   _  __  ___  ____ \·\ \  /__ /                                  ..: :....
   \\-\_\-\__\-\___\-\\· \/ \//...................................: ..... :
     _________     _______     _______   _________  ___________ ___________
   ________  / ________  / ________  / ________  /__\     ___ / \ ___     /_
   \ ___    /--\    ____/--\    ____/--\ ___    /    \_    \//---\\/       |
   |\\/  _______\   \_______\   \_______\\/  _______  / _  _/ \       _____|
   ·                      \\\                                    az0!/l124--./
   :  .... ...........//\  ·\\ -------------------------------------------./·
   :..:  :.:         / ¯¯/\ \·\                                          /·/
                     ¯¯ /  \  \·  a z z a r o .                         ·
                        ¯¯¯¯  ¯ \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                      _____       _____       _______
                     _\   /_______\   /______ \  ________
                     |   /  ___ /    /  ___ /--\____    /
                     |_____  \//_______  \//_______/   /|

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                            _____      ___________
                           _\   /______\ ___     /_
                  ____ __  |   /  ___ /-\\/       |  __ _____
                  \ __\\_\\|_____  \//       _____|//_//__ %/
                  ·\\- -- ------/____________\------ -- -/·/
                  _\·\                                   %/_
                   __\·  BOHEMA RECORDS RELEASE NO [000]   |
                   | __\ "hole in my head after drifting   |
                   ¦ |    this shadow" by monster magnet   |
                   : ¦  ¦
                   `-:                                     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                                   _  _
     _ __ ___ ____ __\\· \/ \//________________________________ __//_//_
      _____            ______      _____  _________   _____   ______
     _\   /___________|     /______\   /__\  ________ \   /__ \  __/___
     |   /  ___ /\_   |    /-\ ___  \      \ \/     /--\_/  /--\ \____/__
     |_____  \//--/    _______\\/  ___________     /___    /_______     /
      .....: ...           \\\                            ...   az0!/l124
      :....  : :.......//\  ·\\...........................: :    ........
          :..:        / ¯¯/\ \·\                            :.. .:    ..:
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·  b   u   d   g   i   e      :.:
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                       _________     _________ ___________
                      _\  ________ __\       /_\     ___ /
                      | \        /|     _   /   \_    \//
                      |_____    /_______/     _  / _  _/ \
 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                 .                                           .
     _________  _:_________ ______       ______            ..:..
    _\  ________\ ___     /_\     |_____ \  __/___           :
    | \        /-\\/         \    |   _/--\ \____/__.........:......
    |_____    /       ____________    \_______     /               :
    -----/____________\----------/_____|-----/_____|..........     :
            :    :............._________  _________    ______:_____:________
            :               ___\       /________  /____\       /\          /
            :...............|     _   /-\ ___    /        _   /--\_  ______|
                 :          |_____/      \\/  ____________/       /   \
               ..:..        -----/____________\----------/_____________\----
                 :                                           :      az0!/l124

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                                         __  ____   /·        ___
                 ... ...                 \ __\  / /·/         \·/
               ..: :.: :..................\\/ \/ ·//___________\
               :_________   ___________  ______      ____ _
               _\  ________ \     ___ /__\  __/___ __\   / \___
               | \        /--\_    \//    \ \____/__   _/     _|
               |_____    /__  / _  _/ \_______     /____/\    \|
                                           ///         az0!/l124
                                .the crew //·  /\\........ ... :
                                         /·/ /\¯¯ \      :.: : :
                                        ·/  /  \ ¯¯          :.:
                                       /    ¯¯¯¯

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                              _  _
           _ __ ___ _\\· \/ \//___________________________ __//_//_
                 _____  _____  ___________    _________ ______
           ______\   /__\   /__\ ___     /____\       /_\  __/___
           \ ___  \   |  \_/  /-\\/       |      _   /|  \ \____/__
           |\\/  ________    /       ____________/    _______     /
          .: ...           \\\                         ... az0!/l124
          :. : :.......//\  ·\\........................: :    ......
           :.:        / ¯¯/\ \·\                         :.. .:  ..:
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·    D   I   O   N   E     :.:
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                             _____  _____  ___________
                       ______\   /__\   /__\ ___     /_
                  _____\ ___  \      \_/  /-\\/       |______
                  \ ___|\\/  ________    /       _____|___ %/
                  ·\\  |_____\------/____________\-------/·/
                  _\·\                                   %/_
                   __\·                                    |
                   | __\ dione backs with new production   |
                   ¦ |   ... .. .                          |
                   : ¦                                     ¦
                   `-:                                     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
              \____ \·\ \  /__ /                             ...
               \/____\\· \/ \//..[...........................: :
               /     _____ ___________    _____________________
               ______\   /_\ ___     /____\       /\          /
               \ ___  \     \\/              _   /--\_  ______|
               |\\/  _______     ____________/       /   \
                _______     ______        _________      _____
               _\  ________ \  __/___ ____\       /______\   /_
               | \____    /--\ \____/__      _   /-\ ___  \   |
               |_____/   /_______     /______/      \\/  _____|
               : ...           \\\                 az0!/l124 ___
               : : :.......//\  ·\\ _________________________)_/
               :.:        / ¯¯/\ \·\
                          ¯¯ /  \  \·  d o n ` t   s e n d   m e
                             ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

    .                     ::::......... ::::
 :::: ....................::::          :
 :::: __________       ________  ____________      _____ _________________
_::::_\  /\     \______\      /_______  /\   \  ___\   /_\         /\  __/___
\ ___  \   \____ \   /   _   /-\ ___   /  \   \/_   \_/ /-\_  ______ \ \____/__
|\\/  _________/    /____/      \\/  _______   /  __   /   /   \   |_____     /
 :::: .............................                 .
 ::::..........................::::.................:...  w e l c o m e    t o
    :                          ...................  :::: d  y  n  a  m  i  t  e
                                  :                 :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                        ·\   ____  __         ...
                         \·\ \  /__ /     ... : : ...
         . .. . .. .......\\· \/ \//......: :.: :.: :...
      _____ ______         _________  _________  . . . :
______\   /_\     \_____ __\       /________  /_ . . . :
\ ___  \     \____ \   /      _   /-\ ___    / | . . . :
|\\/  ___________/    /_______/      \\/  _____| . . . :........
|_____\---------/_____\------/____________\------. . . . . . . :..
            :.... . . . . . . . _____        _____  ____________ :_____
                : . . . . . . . \    \  _____\   /__\          /_\  __/___
                :.....  . . . . |\    \/_     \_/  /-\_  ________ \ \____/__
                     :  . . . . |___   /  ____    /   /   \     |_____     /
                     :. . . . . ----\_/___\--/_____________\---------/_____|
                      :.   ...  .     \\\  . . . . . . . . . . . . az0!/l124
                       :   : :....//\  ·\\.......... .... ... .. .
                       :.. :     / ¯¯/\ \·\
                         :.:     ¯¯ /  \  \·   [ d  y  n  a  m  i  t  e ]
                                    ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                    ·\   ____  __
                     \·\ \  /__ /                    _  _
                      \\·_\/ \//_________________ __//_//
                         \______      ______      ______
                      ____\     |_____\     |_____\     |
                     | _  ________ _  ________ _  ______|
                     |_/ /____\  |_/ /____\  |_/ /____\
                    :.     \\\                     az0!/l124
                     :.//\  ·\\............. ..... ... ..:
                      / ¯¯/\ \·\           :.:   :.: :.:
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·
                         ¯¯¯¯    \ FIGHTER FOR FUTURE

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                 : :
              .. : : ..                               /
          .. : : : : : : ..              __  ____   /·
      .. : : : : : : : : : : ..          \ __\  / /·/ ______ _____ ____ ___ __ _
. ...: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :..........\\/ \/ ·////_____//____//___//__//_///
     ______  _____  ____________    _______ ______________________ ______
 ____\     |_\   /__\          /________  /_\     ___ /\ ___     /_\     \_____
| _  ________ \_/  /-\_  _______\    ____/   \_    \//--\\/         \____ \   /
|_/ /____\  |_    /   /   \     |\   \______  / _  _/ \      ___________/    /|
                                           ///   _. ... . . . . . . . az0!/l124
    F    I    T    Z    R    O    Y       //·  /\\..: :.. ... ... ... ... ... .
                                         /·/ /\¯¯ \     :.: : : : : : : :.:
                                        ·/  /  \ ¯¯         :.: : : :.:
                                       /    ¯¯¯¯                :.:

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                          ______ ____________ ___________
                      ____\     |\          /_\     ___ /
                     | _  ________\_  ________       \//|
                     |_/ /____\  | /   \     |_  \______|

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                 ·\   ____  __
                  \·\ \  /__ /                              _  _
         _ __ ___ _\\· \/ \//___________________________ __//_//_
        _____        _________  _____ ________________    _________
       _\   /______________  /__\   //    /\ ___     /____\       /
       | \  _     /\ ___    / |  \ _/  __/--\\/       |      _   /|
       |____/    /--\\/  __________\    \        ____________/    |
       ----/_____________\----------\    \-|_____\----------/_____|
     ..:.: ...           \\\         \____\          ...  az0!/l124
     :.  ..: :  .....//\  ·\\........................: :    ......
      :..:   :..:   / ¯¯/\ \·\                         :.. .:  ..:
                    ¯¯ /  \  \·   -H- -A- -K- -O- -N-    :.:
                       ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                 ___\·\ \  /__ /                            ...
                _\  \\\· \/ \//..[..........................: :
                _____ \\\    _________     _______  _____ . ..:
               _\   /______________  / ________  /__\   /______
               | \  _     /\ ___    /--\    ____/    \  _     /
               |____/    /--\\/  _______\   \___________/    /|
               :           \\\                         az0!/l124
               : ......//\  ·\\ ..... .. .. ..  .... .         .
               :.:    / ¯¯/\ \·\           
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __                                   ...
      _   _  __  ___\·\ \  /__ /                              ...  : :  ...
   _ _\\__\\_\ \_\  \\\· \/ \//...............................: :..: :..: :
    __________ ___________    _________ _______    ___________    _________
   ________  /_\ ___     /____\       /_\  ________\ ___     /____\       /
   \        /   \\/              _   /   \____    /-\\/              _   /|
   |\    _______     ____________/    _______/   /       ____________/    |
   · ... . . . . . . . .   \\\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .az0!/l124
   : : :...............//\  ·\\  __ _______________ ____ ___ __ _   _    _
   :.:                / ¯¯/\ \·\ \  \   ___  ___   _ ___  ___
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·  __\  \__\ \  \ _\ \__\ \  \
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                            ___
               _ ____\\· \/ \//..[..........................\ |
                __________       ______ ______        _________
               ________  / _____|     /_\  __/___ ____\       /
               \        /--\_   |    /   \ \____/__      _   /|
               |\    _______/    ____________     /______/    |
              :            \\\                          az0!/l124
              : .......//\  ·\\
              :.:     / ¯¯/\ \·\    j                u   en
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

             ... ... ...
         ... ... : : ... ...                          /
     ... ... : : : : : : ... ...         __  ____   /·
     ... : : : : : : : : : : ...         \ __\  / /·/__ _____ ____ ___ __ _
   ..: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :.: :..........\\/ \/ ·//__//____//___//__//_///
     _____ _____ _________  _________   ___________ ______      ___________
    _\   //    /_______  /__\  _________\     ___ /_\  __/___ __\     ___ /
    | \ _/  __/\ ___    /    \        /        \//   \ \____/__  \_    \//
    |___\    \  \\/  ____________    /___  \_____________     /_  / _  _/ \
                                           ///   _. ... . . . . . .az0!/l124
                                          //·  /\\..: :.. ... ... ... ... .
    K      A      C      P      E      R /·/ /\¯¯ \     :.: : : : : : : :.:
                                        ·/  /  \ ¯¯     ... :.: : : :.: ...
                                       /    ¯¯¯¯            ... :.: ...

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                  \                                             .
                   ·\   ____  __                            . ..: .
                    \·\ \  /__ /                         ...: : : :....
         . .. .......\\· \/ \//...........................: :.: :.: :
          _____ _____ ______     _____        _________________     ·
         _\   //    /_\  __/___ _\    \  _____\     ___ /\     \_____
         | \ _/  __/   \ \____/__ \    \/_           \//--\____ \   /
         |___\    \ _______     /____   /  ____  \____________/    /|
         ·   ...           \\\                              az0!/l124
         :   : :.......//\  ·\\
         :.. :        / ¯¯/\ \·\  K E M P Y . M O O N S + V E E Z Y A
           :.:        ¯¯ /  \  \·
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                                         __  ____   /·      ___
                  ... ...                \ __\  / /·/       \·/
                  : :.: :.................\\/ \/ ·//_________\
                             _______            ///
              _____ _____\  /       | ___________/ ______
             _\   //    /|\/        |_\     ___ /__\  __/___
             | \ _/  __/¯| z e r o  |  \_    \//    \ \____/__ __
             |___\    \ _|          |   / _  _/ \_______     /|  \/
             -----\____\-|        /\||-----\_____\-----/_____|/\__|
                         |_______/  \     /// ______ ___ __ _ az0!/l124
                                         ///  \ ..... .... ... .. .
             k0re. machines inside.     //·  /\\...... ... :
                                       /·/ /\¯¯ \    :.: : :
             acid-kempy-thung-fitzroy ·/  /  \ ¯¯        :.:
                                     /    ¯¯¯¯

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                            _____ ________________
                           _\   //    /\ ___     /_
                  ____ __  | \ _/  __/¯¯\\/       |  __ _____
                  \ __\\_\\|___\    \___     _____|//_//__ %/
                  ·\\- -- ------\____\-|_____\------ -- -/·/
                  _\·\                                   %/_
                   __\·  K0RE [MACHINES INSIDE] RELEASE    |
                   | __\                                   |
                   ¦ |   PROJEKKT: ....................... |
                   : ¦   .................... :RESURREKTOR |
                   `-:                                     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

     ____          ·\   ____  __
   __\  /___ __ _   \·\ \  /__ /                                  ...
   \/ \/_____________\\· \/ \//..[................................: :
    _____        _________ ______      ___________       __________________
   _\   /______________  /_\     \_____\ ___     /______|     /\          /
   | \        /\ ___    /   \____ \   /-\\/        \_   |    /--\_  ______|
   |_____    /--\\/  ___________/    /       _______/    _______ /   \
   :...... .              \\\                                     az0!/l124
         : :..........//\  ·\\ _________________________________________/_/
         :.:..       / ¯¯/\ \·\                                        / \
         :           ¯¯ /  \  \·    l   a   y   o   u   t   .   2   k
                        ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                      _____      ___________ ____________
                     _\   /______\ ___     /_\          /
                  ___| \        /-\\/         \_  ______|____
                  \ _|_____    /       _______ /   \     _ %/
                  _\·\                                   %/_
                   __\·                                    |
                   | __\  LAYOUT ASCII RELEASE IN 2000     |
                   ¦ |                                     |
                   : ¦                                     ¦
                   `-:                                     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

    _____       ______     ________________________ ______      ___________
   _\   /______ \  __/___  \          /\          /_\  __/___ __\     ___ /
   | \        /--\ \____/__|\_  ________\_  ________ \ \____/__  \_    \//
   |_____    /_______     /  /   \     | /   \     |_____     /_  / _  _/ \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                                         __  ____   /·
 ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  ...  \ __\  / /·/ ______ _____ ____ ___ __ _
 : :..: :..: :..: :..: :..: :..: :..: :..:\\/ \/ ·////_____//____//___//__//_///
 . .. ... .... ..... ......................\ ___///___ ___________  ______
  _____       _____     _________ _____ _____ |      / \    |    /|/     | |
 _\   /_______\   /_____\       /_\   //    /_|     /| _____|___/ |      | |
 | \        /  \_/  /      _   /   \ _/  __/  |      ||     |     |      | |
 |_____    /___    /_______/    _____\    \___|      ||     |   _ |______|_|_
_ __ ___ ____ _____ ______ _______ ______  ///   _. ...  ...  ...  az0!/l124 ...
//_//__//___//____//_____//______//_____////·  /\\..: :..: :..: :..: :..: :..: :
                                         /·/ /\¯¯ \ ........ ..... .... ... .. .
   - azzaro - covenant - krs - luk -    ·/  /  \ ¯¯
                                       /    ¯¯¯¯

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                             ________  _________    ______
                  _____       |     / /     |   \||/     | |
                 _\   /_______|    /|  _____|____||      | |
                 | \        / |     ||/   \       |      | |
                 |_____    /__|     ||     \    _ |______|_|_
                 |M I N I M A L  S E R\/I C E  C O M P A N Y|
                 |                                          |

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                                      _  _
   //\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\\\\·_\/ \//___________________________________ __//_//
    _____      ___________ ____________ _____        _________  ___________
   _\   /______\ ___     /_\          /_\   /______________  /__\     ___ /
   | \        /-\\/         \_  ________ \  _     /\ ___    /    \_    \//
   |_____    /       _______ /   \     |____/    /--\\/  _______  / _  _/ \
         ..: ...           \\\       ......       ...         ...  az0!/l124
         :.. : :.......//\  ·\\......:    :.......: :.........: :    ......
           :.:        / ¯¯/\ \·\                                :.. .:  ..:
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·  L O T H A R / M N S + A P X    :.:
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                    _  _
                     \\·_\/ \//_________________ __//_//
                       _____            ______ _____ _____
                    / _\   /___________|     /_\   //    /
               ___/·  | \        /\_   |    /   \ _/  __/   ____
             __\ ·/__ |_____    /--/    __________\    \  __\  /__
           .-\/-\/-\/------/____________\----------\____\-\/-\/-\/-- -
           : ...           \\\                           ... az0!/l124
           : : :.. ....//\  ·\\....................... ..: :    ......
           :.:   :.:  / ¯¯/\ \·\                     :.:   :.. .:  ..:
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·  [ l  u  k ]               :.:   :..
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ____ __          \             : : ...
                 __\  / \/           ·\       ... : : : : ...
                 \/_\/________________\·\ ....: :.: :.: :.: :
                 _____         _________\·____ _      _____ .
                 \    \  ___ ________  /__\   / \_____\   /__
                 |\    \/_ /-\ ___    /     _/     _   \_/  /
                 |___   /  ___\\/  __________/\    \___    /|
                                              ·\\     ____ __
                 m  A  d  w  I  z  A  r  d  s  \·\----\  /-\/
                 --------------------------------\·    \/

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                       _____        ____ _      _____
                       \    \  _____\   / \_____\   /__
                  _____|\    \/_      _/     _   \_/  /______
                  \ ___|___   /  ______/\    \___    /|___ %/
                  _\·\                                   %/_
                   __\· [ M  A  D  W  I  Z  A  R  D  S ] / |
                   | __\- ---------------------------- -   |
                   ¦ |                                     |
                   : ¦                                     ¦
                   `-:                                     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

   _____        ______      _______     _______     ______      _______
   \    \  _____\  __/___ __\  ________ \  ________ \     \_____\  ________
   |\    \/_     \ \____/__  \____    /--\____    /--\____ \   /-\____    /
   |___   /  ________     /______/   /_______/   /_______/    /______/   /|

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
         _ __       \·\ \  /__ /                                 ...
         \\\/________\\· \/ \//..\\.....//.........\\....//......: :.
         _____       ___________ ___________    _________ _______   :.
         \    \  ____\ ___     /_\ ___     /____\       /_\  ________
         |\    \/_    \\/         \\/              _   /   \____    /
         |___   /  ___     _______     ____________/    _______/   /|
           ·               \\\                    .         az0!/l124
           : ..........//\  ·\\ . .. .............:      .     .   ·
           :.:        / ¯¯/\ \·\                  :......:     :...:
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·  m------oo--n-s :      :.....:
                         ¯¯¯¯    \                       :     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                     _____          _________ _______
                     \    \  _______\       /_\  ________
                  ___|\    \/_         _   /   \____    /____
                  \ _|___   /  ________/    _______/   /|_ %/
                  _\·\                                   %/_
                   __\·   moons in 2000 proudly presents   |
                   | __\                                   |
                   ¦ |                                     |
                   : ¦                                     ¦
                   `-:                                     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                       ·\   ____  __          ...
 [ a MOONS production ] \·\ \  /__ /      ... : : ...
              . .. ......\\· \/ \//.......: :.: :.: :...
  ___________ ______  . . \______ . . .___________ . . :
  \ ___     /_\     |______\  __/___ __\     ___ / . . :
  |\\/         \    |   _/  \ \____/_   \_    \//  . . :
  |     ____________    \_______     \_  / _  _/ \ . . :........
  |_____\----------/_____|-----/______|-----\_____\. . . . . . :..
              :.... . . . . . . ____________ _____  _____  . . . :_____
                  : . . . . . . \          /_\   /__\    \  _____\  __/___
                  :.... . . . . |\_  ________ \_/  /-\    \/_  |  \ \____/__
                      : . . . . | /   \     |_    /_____   /  ________     /
                      : . . . . |______\-----/_____|----\_/___\------/_____|
                      :.   ...  .     \\\  . . . . . . . . . . . . .az0!/l124
                       :   : :....//\  ·\\.......... .... ... .. .
                       :.. :     / ¯¯/\ \·\
                         :.:     ¯¯ /  \  \· [ O  V  E  R  T  I  M  E  0  0 ]
                                    ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __                               ......
                    \·\ \  /__ / ...                           :... :
           _ ________\\· \/ \//..: :................................:
          ___________  _________  ___________ _____      ___________
         _\     ___ /________  /__\     ___ /_\   /______\ ___     /_
         |       \//-\ ___    /          \//   \        /-\\/       |
         |_  \________\\/  ________  \_____________    /       _____|
          : ...            \\\                               az0!/l124
          : : :........//\  ·\\ .......
          :.:         / ¯¯/\ \·\      :.P  A  P  L  O .
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                        ·\   ____  __         ...
                         \·\ \  /__ /     ... : : ...
              . .. .......\\· \/ \//......: :.: :.: :........
  ___________  _________  _______ . . _______ . . ______  . :
 _\     ___ /________  /__\  ________ \  ________ \  __/___ :..
 |       \//-\ ___    /    \____    /--\____    /--\ \____/__ :........
 |_  \________\\/  ____________/   /_______/   /_______     / . . . . :
 -/___\--÷---|_____\----------/_____|-----/_____|-----/_____| . . . . :..
         : . . . . . . . . . . ._________ _________   ______  . . ______:____
         :.... . . . . . . . ___\       /_\  ________ \  __/___ __\     ___ /
             : . . . . . . . |     _   /   \ \/     /--\ \____/__  \_    \//
             :.  . . . . . . |_____/    ______     /_______     /_  / _  _/ \
              :........  . . -----/_____|-----\_____|-----/______|-----\_____\
                      :. . ...  .     \\\  . . . . . . . . . . . . .az0!/l124
                       : . : :....//\  ·\\.......... .... ... .. .
                       :.. :     / ¯¯/\ \·\
                         :.:     ¯¯ /  \  \·  [ P A S S E N G E R / K 0 R E ]
                                    ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                    _  _
                     \\·_\/ \//_________________ __//_//
                       \___________ _____   _________ /__ _
                       _\     ___ /_\   /__ \  ________
                 ____  |       \//   \_/  /--\        /  ____
               __\  /__|_  \_________    /_______    /|__\  /__
           - --\/-\/-\/-/___\-------/_____|-----/_____|\/-\/-\/-- -
            _______      _________  _____     _____________________
           _\  ________________  /__\   /__ __\       /\          /
           | \____    /\ ___    /    \_/  /      _   /--\_  ______|
           |_____/   /--\\/  ________    /_______/       /   \
              : _____      ___________       ______ ___________
           ...:_\   /______\ ___     /______|     /_\     ___ /
           : . | \        /-\\/        \_   |    /         \//|......
           : . |_____    /       _______/    ________  \______|     :...
           : . -----/____________\-----|_____\------/___\------        :
         ..: ... . . . _   \\\       ......    ...       ... az0!/l124 :
         :.. : :.......//\  ·\\......:    :....: :.......: :    ..... .:
           :.:        / ¯¯/\ \·\                           :.. .:   :.:
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·  PIC SAINT LOUP RECORDS    :.:
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                      ___________ _______     _____
                     _\     ___ /_\  ________ \   /______
                  ___|       \//   \____    /--\        /____
                  \ _|_  \_____________/   /_______    /|_ %/
                  _\·\                                   %/_
                   __\·  PIC SAINT LOUP RECORDS RELEASE    |
                   | __\                                   |
                   ¦ |                                     |
                   : ¦ "FAKJU W SZUWARACH" BY DJ.WIESNIAKK ¦
                   `-:                                     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

    ___________  ______        ________________________________    _________
   _\     ___ /__\  __/___ ____\       /\          /\ ___     /____\       /
   | \_    \//    \ \____/__      _   /--\_  ________\\/              _   /|
   |  / _  _/ \_______     /______/       /   \     |     ____________/    |

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

___________ ______     _______          __________      ___________ _______
\     ___ /_\  __/___ _\  _____________|    /\   /______\         /_\  ________
|\_    \//   \ \____/__ \____    /\_   |   /--\        /-\_  _______ \____    /
| / _  _/ \______     /_____/   /  /    __________    /   /   \    |_____/   /|

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ____ __          \             : : ...
                 __\  / \/           ·\       ... : : : : ...
                 \/_\/________________\·\ ....: :.: :.: :.: :
                  ___________  ______   \·______       _____
                 _\     ___ /__\  __/___ _\     |_____ \   /__
                 | \_    \//    \ \____/__ \    |   _/--\_/  /
                 |  / _  _/ \_______     /______    \___    /|
                                              ·\\     ____ __
                         R   E   V   I         \·\----\  /-\/
                 --------------------------------\·    \/
                 az0!/l124                         \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                        ·\   ____  __         ...
              ·          \·\ \  /__ /     ... : : ...
            . . .. .......\\· \/ \//......: :.: :.: :......
    _______   : _____ . . .\______  . . ___________ . . . :
   _\  ________ \   /______ \  __/___ __\     ___ / . . . :
   | \____    /--\  _     /--\ \____/__        \//| . . . :
   |_____/   /______/    /_______     /__  \______| . . . :............
   -----/_____|----/______|-----/_____|-/___\------ . . . . . . . . . :
             : . . . . .  _____ . . . ______ . . .___________ . . . __:__
             : . . . . . _\   /______ \  __/___ __\     ___ / ______\   /_
             :.... . . . | \  _     /--\ \____/__  \_    \//--\ ___  \   |
                 : . . . |____/    /_______     /_  / _  _/ \  \\/  _____|
                 :.....  ----/______|-----/______|-----\_____\______\-----
                      :. . ...  .     \\\  . . . . . . . . . . . . .az0!/l124
                       : . : :....//\  ·\\.......... .... ... .. .
                       :.. :     / ¯¯/\ \·\
                         :.:     ¯¯ /  \  \·  [ s h e p h e r d / c r e \\/ ]
                                    ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                              _  _
           _ __ ___ _\\· \/ \//___________________________ __//_//_
            _______    ___________  _____       _____  _____
           _\  ________\ ___     /__\   /______ \   /__\    \  ___
           | \____    /-\\/ _____    \        /--\_/  /-\    \/_  |
           |_____/   /______\_  /_ ______    /___    /_____   /  _|
          .: ...           \\\                         ... az0!/l124
          :. : :.......//\  ·\\........................: :    ......
           :.:        / ¯¯/\ \·\                         :.. .:  ..:
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·    S   Q   L   I   M     :.:
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

    _______    ____________  _________ _____        ___________ _______
   _\  ________\          /________  /_\    \  _____\     ___ /_\  ________
   | \____    /-\_  _______\ ___    /   \    \/_           \//   \____    /
   |_____/   /   /   \     |\\/  __________   /  ____  \_____________/   /|
                 _____        _________  _________   _____ _____   az0!/l124
                _\   /______________  /__\  ________ \   //    /
                |   /  ___ /\ ___    /    \        /--\ _/  __/
                |_____  \//--\\/  ____________    /_____\    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                        ·\   ____  __         ...
                         \·\ \  /__ /     ... : : ...
              . .. .......\\· \/ \//......: :.: :.: :..
  _______    ______      _____        ___________ . . :.
 _\  ________\     \_____\    \  _____\     ___ / . .  :
 | \____    /-\____ \   /-\    \/_           \//| . .  :
 |_____/   /______/    /_____   /  ____  \______| . .  :.......
 -----/_____|----/_____\-----\_/___\--/___\------ . . . . . . :
      :. . . . . . . . . . . . _______________________ _____  :....._______
       :........ . . . . . . . \          /\ ___     /_\    \  _____\  ________
               : . . . . . . . |\_  ________\\/         \    \/_     \____    /
               :.......  . . . | /   \     |     __________   /  ________/   /|
                      :  . . . |______\----|_____\---------\_/___\------/_____|
                      :. . ...  .     \\\  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .az0!/l124
                       : . : :....//\  ·\\.......... .... ... .. .
                       :.. :     / ¯¯/\ \·\
                         :.:     ¯¯ /  \  \· [SYMPTOMS OF CZARNOBYL ASCII CREW]
                                    ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                              _  _
           _ __ ___ _\\· \/ \//___________________________ __//_//_
         ____________  _________  _____      ___________ ___________
         \          /________  /__\_  /______\ ___     /_\ ___     /_
         |\_  _______\ ___   \/     \/  ___ /-\\/         \\/       |
         | /   \     |\\/  ____________  \//       _______     _____|
          .: ...           \\\                         ... az0!/l124
          :. : :.......//\  ·\\........................: :.    ......
           :.:        / ¯¯/\ \·\                          :.. .:  ..:
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·  T  A  B  O  O  #  0  2   :.:
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                  \                                           .
                   ·\   ____  __                          . ..: .
                    \·\ \  /__ /                       ...: : : :....
           . .. .....\\· \/ \//.........................: :.: :.: :
           ____________  _________  _______     _____ _____ _____ *
           \          /________  /__\  ________ \   //    /_\   /__
           |\_  _______\ ___    /    \____    /--\ _/  __/   \_/  /
           | /   \     |\\/  ____________/   /_____\    \ ___    /|
           : ...           \\\                            az0!/l124
           :.: : ......//\  ·\\
               :.:    / ¯¯/\ \·\----------t---a---s---k-----------i
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                       ____________ _______     _____
                       \          /_\  _________\   /__
                  _____|\_  ________ \____    /  \_/  /______
                  \ ___| /   \     |_____/   /___    /|___ %/
                  ·\\ -|______\---------/_____|-/_____|  /·/
                  _\·\                                   %/_
                   __\·  TASKI PROUDLY PRESENTS            |
                   | __\                                   |
                   ¦ |                                     |
                   : ¦                                     ¦
                   `-:                                     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

   ____________ _____       ______       ______        _________      _____
   \          /_\   /_______\  __/___   _\  __/___ ____\       /______\   /_
   |\_  ________ \  _     /  \ \____/__ | \ \____/__      _   /-\ ___  \   |
   | /   \     |____/    /_______     / |_____     /______/      \\/  _____|
   |______\--------/______|-----/_____| -----/_____|-----/____________\-----

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

               ____________ _____       ______     ______
               \          /_\   /______ \  __/___ _\     \_____
               |\_  ________ \  _     /--\ \____/__ \____ \   /
               | /   \     |____/    /_______     /_____/    /|
 _______     ______      _____       _____       _____     _________ _________
_\  ________ \  __/___ __\   /______ \   /______ \   /__ __\       /_\  ________
| \____    /--\ \____/__  \        /--\        /--\_/  /      _   /   \ \/     /
|_____/   /_______     /______    /_______    /___    /_______/    ______     /|
          __________  ______      _______          ______ _______    az0!/l124
         ________  /__\  __/___ __\  _____________|     /_\  ________
         \        /    \ \____/__  \____    /\_   |    /   \____    /
         |\    ____________     /______/   /--/    ____________/   /|

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                                  ___
               _ ____\\· \/ \//.../\\/\\/................\//\//\..\ |
         ____________ _____            ______   _________ _________ ·
         \          /_\   /___________|     /___\       /_\  ________
         |\_  ________ \  _     /\_   |    /       _   /   \ \/     /
         | /   \     |____/    /--/    ____________/    ______     /|
        :..     ...        \\\                              az0!/l124
          :.... : :....//\  ·\\     t u g.k0re
              :.:     / ¯¯/\ \·\     t un .k0re
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·      h ng.k0re
                         ¯¯¯¯    \     t  ng.k0re

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __                              .. ...  ... .....
      _   _  __  ___\·\ \  /__ /                               ..: :  : :.. :.:
 _ ___\\__\\_\ \_\  \\\· \/ \//................................:   :..: : :....
____________ ____ _    \_____   _______    ____________ ______     ___________
\          /_\   / \____\   /__ \  ________\          /_\  __/___ _\     ___ /
|\_  ________  _/     __ \_/  /--\____    /-\_  ________ \ \____/__ \_    \//
| /   \     |___/\    \|_    /_______/   /   /   \     |_____     /_ / _  _/ \
      :..... . . . . .     \\\                                        az0!/l124
           : ..........//\  ·\\--------------- ----- ---- --- -- -  -
           :.:        / ¯¯/\ \·\
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·   T W I S T E R . G A R B A G E
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                    ·\   ____  __
                     \·\ \  /__ /                    _  _
                 __  _\\·_\/ \//_az0!/l124_______ __//_//__
                 \/__   .\ ______ ______________________ \/__
                  _\/_____|     /_\     ___ /\ ___     /_ _\/
                  /  \_   |    /         \//--\\/       | \
                     |/    ________  \________     _____|
                 - --|_____\------/___\------|_____\------- -
            ____            \\\                       __    ___
          __\  _____  _____  _·__   _____, _____   ___l' ___-, \____
        //___\ l(   ' )l__/, )l___, )l___l l(   ' l___(  l( ¯ , \__//
              \___ . ..... . .  ·                         ¯¯¯¯.__\
                         :.     \\\ [ U P O   R E C O R D Z ] :
                          :.//\  ·\\............. ..... ... ..:
                           / ¯¯/\ \·\           :.:   :.: :.:
                           ¯¯ /  \  \·
                              ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                           ______ ______________________
                     _____|     /_\     ___ /\ ___     /_
                  ___\_   |    /         \//--\\/       |____
                  \ _|/    ________  \________     _____|_ %/
                  _\·\                                   %/_
                   __\·                                    |
                   | __\ UPO RECORDZ SOUND RELEASE IN Y2K  |
                   ¦ |                                     |
                   : ¦                                     ¦
                   `-:                                     :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                 ...     ...             __  ____   /·
               ..: : ... : : ...         \ __\  / /·/
      .........: . :.: :.: :.: :.:::......\\/ \/ ·//_________ ____ ___ __ _
      ______      ___________  _____   _________   ______      ___________
      \     |_____\ ___     /__\   /__ \  ________ \  __/___ __\     ___ /
      |\    |   _/-\\/          \_/  /--\        /--\ \____/__  \_    \//
      |_____    \       ________    /_______    /_______     /_  / _  _/ \
      |___________________________________ ///   _. . . . . . .....az0!/l124
       voicer.old bulls+apathy+void 2000  //·  /\\..... ... ..:
                                         /·/ /\¯¯ \   :.: : :
                                        ·/  /  \ ¯¯       :.:
                                       /    ¯¯¯¯

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

    ____ _       _________    _____________________ ______           _____
   _\   / \___ ________  /____\       /\          /_\  __/___  ______\   /_
   |  _/     __\ ___    /        _   /--\_  ________ \ \____/__\ ___  \   |
   |___/\    \  \\/  ____________/       /   \     |_____     /-\\/  _____|
          _______    ____________      ______     ______      ______az0!/l124
         _\  ________\          /_____|     /_____\     |_____\     |
         | \____    /-\_  _______\_   |    /   _  ________ _  ______|
         |_____/   /   /   \     |/    ________/ /____\  |_/ /____\

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                                 _  _
         _ __ ___ ___\\· \/ \//______________________________ __//_//_
         _____ ______ _____        _________  _____       _____
         \    \\    /_\   /______________  /__\   /______ \   /______
          \__  \_  /     /  ___ /\ ___    /    \        /--\        /
           /    /__________  \//--\\/  ____________    /_______    /|
         ..: ...           \\\                         ..... az0!/l124
         :.. : :.......//\  ·\\......................... : :   .  ....
           :.:        / ¯¯/\ \·\                       : : :.. :.....:..
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·   x   b   a   l   l  :.:.  :.:     :
                         ¯¯¯¯    \                       :   :

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __   [      ]                        ...
      _   _  __  ___\·\ \  /__ /  [[      ]]                  ...  : :  ...
   _ _\\__\\_\ \_\  \\\· \/ \//..[[[......]]].................: :..: :..: :
       _______   _________  _____      ___________  ___________   _________
   ________  / ________  /__\   /______\ ___     /__\     ___ / ________  /_
   \    ____/--\ ___    /      /  ___ /-\\/          \_    \//--\ ___    / |
   |\   \_______\\/  ____________  \//       _______  / _  _/ \  \\/  _____|
   · ... . . . . . . . .   \\\                                     az0!/l124
   : : :...............//\  ·\\
   :.:                / ¯¯/\ \·\   z    a    b    o    r    a
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

 |"hang on the machine"                 |                                     |
 |produced and directed                 |                                     |
 |azzaro/link124 c2000.               /\|   __________________________________|
 |___________________________________/--\--/                                  |
 |                                      |\/                                   |
 |                                      |                           here comes|
_|______________________________________|___________________another ascii logo|_
 |                                      |                   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|

                   ·\   ____  __
                    \·\ \  /__ /                              _  _
           _ __ ___ _\\· \/ \//___________________________ __//_//_
               _______ ___________  _______     _____    _________
           ________  /_\ ___     /__\  _________\   /__________  /_
           \    ____/   \\/          \____    /  \_/  /\ ___    / |
           |\   \_______     ____________/   /___    /--\\/  _____|
          .: ...           \\\                         ... az0!/l124
          :. : :.......//\  ·\\........................: :.   ......
           :.:        / ¯¯/\ \·\                          :. .:  ..:
                      ¯¯ /  \  \·  Z  O  S  I  A  #  0  3  :.:
                         ¯¯¯¯    \

             T  E  C  H  N  I  C  A  L     P  R  O  B  L  E  M  S
         _________                                  ______
   _  __/    ____/________ .________ _              \     \
   \       ____/          \l         _ ______________\___  \
           \l            \ \       ////              ___/     ·  e n d  ·
     _             _ ____ \        \                 \7
  __///____________\       \__________                      _
           _____                     /_____________________\\ \___
   ________\__  \   ·  z o n e ·
   \     _______/_____________                        -xßL.s3a~
    \       \\\_     _       /.______ ,_______  _ __________
   __\___    \       \        |      \l       \\//     ____/________ ___ _  _
              \                     \ \        l     ____/         //__//_///
               ·   _____________ __  \         ·     \l
                                      \       _| ___
  after watching this couple of logos  \______\|    /_________________
  i fell a little confused. i don`t
  think it`s well done but i`m proud of this little lines and dots. i see no
  changes in my style - every time it looks like a remix of previous one. is
  it good? am i good? no, i don`t think so. i always try to increase my ascii
  skills during those five years and finally you are able to see essence of
  those skills. sad but true - after five years it looks like piece of crap.
  the funny thing is that i`m sattisfied. i still had a lot of fun during
  typing this words on my outdated amiga 1230/50/882 without so-many-multi
  media-add ons, still have power for releasing those request people ask me
  about and finally still like it. it`s power of ascii scene and please don`t
  write about less and less requests, smaller and smaller collections without
  any spirit inside and lazyness of requesters. i don`t see this. i fuck myself
  off out from dipswitch and believe he`ll still release "the ascii charts"
  serie back in year 2000. if you don`t belive in ascii just please go fuck
  yourself now. this little shit is dedecated to kempy/k0re - most productive
  polish artist now ad one of them who still fell those good-ascii-spirit in
  the air. spring comes, everything groves up so please release your new ideas
  and put them into new collections. again and again. against lamers and bad
  feelings. just for your own fun and keeping this beauty micro scene alive.

  end. signedd off by tomasz aka azzaro/link124
  minimal service company.
  february 2000.

 ___ .___    . __   . ______    . ______    . ______    . ______    ___ .___
 T  \|  T    |/ T   |/     T    |/     T    |/     T    |/     T    T  \|  T
_|   \  |__ _|  |_ _| _____|__ _|      |__ _|      |__ _| ___  |__ _|   \  |__
    __     Y |_/| Y_______    Y           Y    ____   Y    [/__|  Y      \
     |     _      _      |    _      ______      \]   _   __      _      _____

NO |     DATE |  0 1 9 9 5                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
01 [08/28/95] OZONE FRIENDLY                         [25O.936B] [AMF-OZFR.TXT]
02 [12/3O/95] WATERWORLD                             [O81.OOOB]  [AMF-WTW.TXT]
03 [12/12/95] E=ASC²                      (with drf) [153.944B] [AMF-ASC².TXT]
04 [12/16/95] 93° FAHRENHEIT                         [O69.55OB] [AMF-93°F.TXT]
05 [12/2O/95] VIBROBETON                             [222.OOOB] [DRF_VBET.TXT]
                                            TOTAL: [0.770.430/0.770.430 BYTES]

NO |     DATE |  0 1 9 9 6                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
06 [01/1O/96] BRING ME NOISE                         [O81.O2OB]  [AMF-BMN.TXT]
07 [02/O7/96] BACK ON PLASTIC            (with seti) [O55.OOOB] [AMF-BACK.TXT]
08 [02/12/96] SAYONARA FUCKHEAD                      [191.2OOB] [AMF-SAYO.TXT]
09 [06/O7/96] RAME                                   [O41.5OOB] [AMF-RAME.TXT]
10 [06/1O/96] FIRESTARTER                            [O8O.OOOB] [AMF-FIRE.TXT]
11 [06/22/96] TURBO                  (with covenant) [2OO.OOOB] [AMF-TURB.TXT]
12 [06/22/96] PHUN FAKTORY                           [193.1OOB]   [AMF-PF.TXT]
13 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 1: HEXAGONAL HERETIC         [247.OOOB] [AMF-DRE1.TXT]
14 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 2: JERICHO                   [178.227B] [AMF-DRE2.TXT]
15 [08/3O/96] DREAMLAND 3: FANTASIA                  [229.16OB] [AMF-DRE3.TXT]
16 [08/3O/96] RADIATION IN ZOO                       [121.OOOB] [AMF-RZOO.TXT]
17 [10/O5/96] DREAMLAND 4: EXIT FANTASY              [115.OO7B] [AMF-EXIT.TXT]
18 [10/1O/96] 3ER4 MILLENIO                          [253.5OOB] [AMF-3ER4.TXT]
19 [11/O1/96] STYLEZ RETROSPECTION                   [173.16OB] [L124-STZ.TXT]
20 [11/1O/96] PAIN AND HEARTBEAT PUMPING             [365.O3OB] [L124-PAI.TXT]
21 [11/11/96] AMPHETAMINE DUST                       [189.5O6B] [L124-DST.TXT]
22 [12/12/96] HAND ON MY PUSSY                       [141.O1OB] [L124-HOP.TXT]
                                            TOTAL: [2.854.420/3.624.850 BYTES]

NO |     DATE |  0 1 9 9 7                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
23 [01/2O/97] AURORA BOREALIS                        [21O.15OB] [L124-ABS.TXT]
24 [02/O1/97] PAPARAZZI                              [161.OOOB] [L124-PZI.TXT]
25 [02/17/97] POETRY OF LOVE                         [463.OOOB] [L124-POL.TXT]
26 [02/22/97] TURBO 2                 (with zorka19) [173.OOOB] [L124-TB2.TXT]
27 [03/O5/97] MORSEDOME                              [O36.OOOB] [L124-MSD.TXT]
28 [03/2O/97] PLUNGE INTO GOA: POETRY OF LOVE 2      [186.OOOB] [L124-GOA.TXT]
29 [04/16/97] ECLIPSE TRAVEL TO INDIA                [14O.OOOB] [L124-E2I.TXT]
30 [05/2O/97] AMBIENT WASTER                         [197.OOOB] [L124-AWA.TXT]
31 [06/15/97] TO THE SEA                             [178.352B] [L124-SEA.TXT]
32 [07/11/97] INDUSTRIAL 1: ODYSSEY TO ANYOONA       [O96.762B] [L124-ANY.TXT]
33 [07/12/97] INDUSTRIAL 2: KALEIDOSCOPE SKIES       [194.O29B] [L124-KSK.TXT]
34 [07/13/97] INDUSTRIAL 3: DETROIT EXPERIMENT       [132.OO4B] [L124-DET.TXT]
35 [08/3O/97] DELPHINUS I-DENTITY                    [18O.185B]  [L124-ID.TXT]
36 [10/15/97] GARDEN OF EDEN                         [12O.OOOB] [L124-GDE.TXT]
37 [10/29/97] TWO SPYS IN THE HOUSE OF LOVE          [182.284B] [L124-SPY.TXT]
38 [12/15/97] PHOEBUS APOLLO                         [125.734B] [L124-PHO.TXT]
                                            TOTAL: [2.775.860/6.400.710 BYTES]

NO |     DATE |  0 1 9 9 8                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
39 [01/2O/98] SEN WEZYRA                             [O66.312B] [L124-SEN.TXT]
40 [03/15/98] PSILOCIBE 1: SUKIA MONOTONE            [181.OOOB] [L124-SMO.TXT]
41 [03/17/98] PSILOCIBE 2: EVENT HORIZON             [182.OOOB] [L124-EHN.TXT]
42 [03/20/98] PSILOCIBE 3: THE DREAM MACHINE         [2OO.OOOB] [L124-TDM.TXT]
43 [04/24/98] HOMEWORK                               [11O.OOOB] [L124-HOM.TXT]
44 [04/24/98] REBIRTH OF STYLISM                     [219.338B] [L124-338.TXT]
45 [07/O2/98] IN SEARCH OF SPARKS                    [21O.OOOB] [L124-ISO.TXT]
46 [08/25/98] 94,7% SMOKED OUT                       [O87.298B] [L124-9SO.TXT]
47 [10/02/98] EXPERIMENT ENCORE                      [373.648B] [L124-EXE.TXT]
48 [10/24/98] KLUB VOLTAIRE                          [136.OOOB] [L124-KLV.TXT]
49 [12/10/98] NEON FLOW                              [O74.OOOB] [SEA-NEON.TXT]
50 [12/20/98] ORIGAMI                                [116.314B] [SEA-ORIG.TXT]
51 [12/20/98] 456 ALIEN 3                            [124.145B]  [SEA-4A3.TXT]
52 [12/20/98] PORTAIT OUT OF THE BLUE                [106.009B] [SEA-BLUE.TXT]
53 [12/20/98] PULVERTURM                             [108.000B] [SEA-PULV.TXT]
                                            TOTAL: [2.294.064/8.694.774 BYTES]

NO |     DATE |  0 1 9 9 9                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
54 [02/27/99] ZERO REMIX                             [183.000B] [SEA-ZERO.TXT]
55 [03/06/99] CONSTRUCTION KIT 01                    [047.733B] [SEA-CK01.TXT]
56 [04/06/99] DOBERMANN                              [100.000B] [SEA-DOBM.TXT]
57 [04/17/99] KLUBBHEAD LOOP 89 (+zabora,acid,kempy) [400.000B] [SEA-KORE.TXT]
58 [05/19/99] MORNING LEMON            (with renton) [102.558B] [SEA-MLEM.TXT]
59 [06/06/99] DISKOCITIZEN ROCKS YOU BITCH           [192.593B] [SEA-DCRY.TXT]
60 [06/20/99] AQUA DI AZOR                           [250.000B] [SEA-ADIA.TXT]
61 [06/27/99] EX-FAKTOR LITE `99                     [117.541B] [SEA-XFL9.TXT]
62 [07/15/99] ALICE ON DA 2ND SIDE OF..(with renton) [139.710B] [SEA-ALIS.TXT]
63 [08/18/99] LIVE AT LODZ              (with thung) [062.321B] [LA!-LODZ.TXT]
64 [09/01/99] 8MM MIKROPLASTIKK ASCIIFORM            [140.000B] [SEA-8MPF.TXT]
65 [09/27/99] NEGATIVE SKIN COLOR       (with thung) [182.000B] [SEA-SKIN.TXT]
67 [10/14/99] GLOBE SESSIONS 2: UV CATASTROPHE       [080.380B]   [SEA-UV.TXT]
68 [10/18/99] BELGIAN HAPPENINGS                     [080.275B] [SEA-BEHP.TXT]
69 [11/22/99] ERASE & REWIND                         [320.000B] [SEA-ERRE.TXT]
70 [12/15/99] X-TANK                                 [158.289B] [SEA-XTNK.TXT]
                                           TOTAL: [2.652.400/11.347.174 BYTES]

NO |     DATE |  0 2 0 0 0                     TITLE |     SIZE |    ARCONYM |
71 [01/20/00] WE ARE BACK FOR SURE!                  [027.800B] [L124-WRB.TXT]
72 [01/26/00] DUETS ONE: SNUFF CULTURE    (with krs) [126.416B] [L124-D1S.TXT]
73 [02/23/00] HANG ON THE MACHINE                    [159.000B] [L124-HNG.TXT]
                                                      TOTAL: [0.313.216 BYTES]

[TOTAL 11.660.390 BYTES]                               [073 ASCII COLLECTIONS]

          __________                                       _____________
     _ ___\  ____  /__ _                     _ _____       \  _______  /
    _________\_ /       ______              _____  /________\ \     / /__ _
   / __    _____\ ________   /___      ____ \  _/______ ______ \  _/_______
  /        \ _____\ __\__/__/  _____ _\\  /___ ______  \     /__\________  \
 /_________ /      \  \    /___\____\  \\/    \   /_____\ __/  _____  /_____\
   _ ____  /___________\  ____ _ /_____________\  _______  /___\____\
        /_________________\           _ __________\     /_________ _   km!k0

  guest artists in randon order:  thung/k0re from poland, passenger/kore from
  poland, zabora/sative mea from poland, h7/aerosol from finland, revi/sative
  mea from poland, kempy/kore from poland and finally  acid/k0re from poland.


  rest of logos and layout/design typed by azzaro/link124 during about 18days

                r  e  c  o  r  d  e  d     l  i  v  e     a  t
               ___________/    /_
     - --------\         /____/  \  ____________
     \¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯        _____  __ææØØØØ#@@@@P¶¶"
      \_æµææægggØØØØMggæµ_  _ægØØØØØØØØggggæµ, ,µµµæææææaz0!/l124æµµµ4__
    _ægØØØP°°"""""""°°¢#ØØk  ¬°#ØØØØØ@F°°°""¯  JØØØØØØØ@@#ØØØØØØP@@M#ØØØ
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           \     _____                  \
            \   _____          __________\ le  creations  for  the  masses
             \_/    /__________\-------- - s  t  u  d  i  o  s  2  0  0  0

                 k  o  s  z  a  l  i  n   ,   p  o  l  a  n  d

                                       .                    ....
                                       :              ....::::::..
                                       :.           ..:::  ::.. :::
                                  :.   ::         .::::     :::.  :
                                  ::   ::       .::::         ::.
            ........               :   ::     .::::    ...     ::.
          .::: :::::::::..       : :.  ::    :::::     :::      ::.
          ::  .::      ::::::..  :: :. ::. ::::::      :::     .:::
               :::::::.:::   ::::.:.:: ::: ::::::...         ..::
                       ::::::.:::::: :. ::     :::::::......:::
           ...               :::  ..              ::::::::::
       ..:::::                 .:::            :.
     .:::::                   :::           ...::
     :::::                   ::::::::::::::::::                      .::.
       ::::                                               ........:::::::::.
         ::.                                .........::::::::::::::: ::::::
          ::.                          ..:::::::::::.             :::.
           ::.........::::::::::::::::::           :::             :::.
             :::::::::                              ::::.           :::
                                                      ::::. tG!.k0!.:::
                                                        ::::.     .:::

        r e m e m b e r  -  i ` v e   b e e n   w a t c h i n g   y o u

·                                                                              ·
·           j  e  s  u  s     a  t  e     m  y    s  t  e  r  e  o             ·
·                                                                              ·
            ________  _________    ______
 _____       |     / /     |   \||/     | |
_\   /_______|    /|  _____|____||      | |
| \        / |     ||/   \       |      | |
|_____    /__|     ||     \    _ |______|_|_
|M I N I M A L  S E R\/I C E  C O M P A N Y|


¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾
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:::                               ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾
:::   !!! 2nd in the world [in the press #1 charts] 2nd in the world !!!
                                  ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾
    ______                        ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾
  _|_   __|____   _______   -t-    -h-    -e-        -s-    -e-    -c-    -t-
 |____  ______|--|_      |_______ ¾¾¾_____¾¾¾__
   |·   _        ·|·             |_____       _|     node00: +48-91-487-94-93
   |----|_________|      _      ·|||    ______|----| node01: t  e  l  n  e  t
                  |------|_______|____________    ·| node02: t  e  l  n  e  t
                                  ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾ |----|
                                  ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾
          powered by: amiga 1240t + blizzard 603e/240mhz. 5 gig space
     master sysop: madbart/appendix - suppoerters: ufok/appendix - madbart
                                  ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾
 home of: appendix, floppy, dinx project, madwizards, old bulls, nah-kolor
    venus art, jormas, pic saint loup, sative mea, linear, kore, harvester.
                                  ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾
             _______              ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾
           _|  _____|_______ _____¾¾¾_____¾¾¾ ________         ______
           |·               |_____       _|¾¾|_    ___|_______|_   __|____
           |____________   ·|||    ______|----|             |____  ______|---|
                  |_  ||   _|____________    ·|· _          _|·   _         ·|
                   |_______|      ¾¾¾    |----|--|__________||----|__________|
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    ÷ 2 nODES dIAL-UP 33k6 aND 64k iSDN ÷ 4 nODES tELNET 24h/7 64k iSDN ÷