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182 000 bytes (177.73K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:09
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all-time: 437


[sof`98]---- -- -

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             nice to see you, but first a word from our sponsor!

               T H I R D  place in the world! (JurassicPack#5)

           ._____.[staff]jacobs/appendix - prefix/appendix - ziutek/appendix
 _________ |¯    :      ________[demon/cyber freaks]
|¯    __ /_|   __|____._\   ___/[master] madbart/anadune^appendix^teklords
|______(       \__   ¬:    __>___:___________________ ___ _
     /¯          /         \    ¯|
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   22-13/week 22-10 cet  _          _          _          _     \  |¯     |
- ------- -------------:-)________.-)________.-)________:-)______\ |______|
 [node 1] telnet
 [node 2] telnet  [anadune whq] [appendix whq] [teklords phq] [floppy phq]

 [dinx project phq]  [jormas phq]  [mawi phq]  [doggystyle phq]  [psl phq]
 [link 124 phq]  [venus art phq]  [ozone free phq]

                            ... ::          ____
    radioactive _________.  :::            |___| _______________ __
    bbs <--  ____        |      ·   ____      ___|         __  // /
    ________ |   .__     ·    .____ \___)     |            \     /
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             ::         |______|        |____ ___|
                             |____          .          - appendix phq -
        +48-58-216-071      ____ |__________|           - link124 whq -
        powered by a1240/40       sysop: cerber/appendix
                                              _______________________ _
        ascii - demos games - porn - util _ __|

                    [be sure you choose the right number]

  n       i       c       t       u       n       i       e       m       a

 _________    ____________________________ _
|         |__ \  az0!/l124               ///
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|  /_  _\   |     |____|   ||              |
|    \/     |_____     ____||    ____|     |
|____________|    |____|    |____|   |_____|
     P       A       R       T       2

                        phorever people goes to space

             :      :                        .........              
       ......:..    :                        :       :   .........  
       :     :.:    :                        :       :...:    ...:  
   ____:______      :________          ______:__       ____ __:      _______
__|   __    ___|_____|        |____ ___| __    __|_____|    |  |_____|   __  |
|     || ________    |____|   |    |     ||            |____| __           |  |
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|        |            ||  |_ __          |    ||     _______    |____________ |
|__|     ___|         ¯¯   __|    ___ ________||    __   |_| ____    __   |_| |
   |_____|  |______________| |____| |____|    .|____| |______|  |____| |______|
                    :                        :                      az0!/l124
                    :                ...     :....                  
                    :                :...........:                  
         i      d       e       l       o       g       i       a   
             starting new story abut the future of our nation.      
                 we fight with clones. we beat them up...           
                         the humans goes to space.                  
        race for the living space, for green forests and fresh air. 
          it`s sad, but industrializing destroy the environment.    
                            and human`s soul...                     
      to find a place in stars is only one way to continue this story.
                        and the flight continues...                 
      riding throght the planets, stars and systems to find an home.
                      an satelite to live and sleep.                
                         the sleeping satelite...                   
                                               ÍW"        ¯"9#      
                                               ã#  ¯¨"°°""µXQw__    
        cheers for the good trip of course!   ,ÆØ       æÑѨ¯"ÆQ    
                                              ØM&L     µÆ#®~  JØ    
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    Æ®        âØF  ¬ØW,                                              
      \_          /                                                 
       /         /  xCz                                             
      /     ____/______ ___________                                 
     _/      \_        // _        /___ _______                      
     \        /       /   /       /   //      /   .________          
      \__    /       /   /_______/   / ______/____l_______/__ ______________
       /___________/\_    \        /  \            /       //   _          /
                     /____________/\___\__        /       /     /         /
                                        /        /       /     /         /
                                   sOs /________/\______/\____/         /
        plum                                                 /         /
          plum                                              /_________/
               .... .. .           hey!           _______________   
                                                 |_      ______  |  
                                i blame you             |      | |  
                           for the moonlight sky        |      · |  
                          and the dream had died        |________|  
                            with the eagles fly                     
                                i blame you                         
                         for the moonlight nights                   
         ______              when i wonder why                      
        | .    |          are the seas still dry                    
        | |____|      _         don`t blame                         
        |______________| this sleeping satelite...                  
                       \|\                                     /_.  
           Bd!/L¹24     |                                        |  
                 .______l__                                      |  
           ____  l____    /.______      ____     ________  ______l  
      .____\_  \_.   /   / l__   / .____\_  \_.__\__    /._\  _  /_.
      |    _/    |  /   /    /  /__l    _/    |   _/   / l    \    |
      |____\|____| /   /__. /___________\|____|___\________________|
                  /_______l                                      |  
                        .             ...                     ___|_ 
                        |             : : ........   ::       \  ·  
                        |             :...:: .. :: ..... ______\    
                       _|________________ :: :..::.::.::            
                        ·                 ::....::                  
                      did we fly to the moon to soon                
                        did we squander the chance                  
                          in the rush of the race                   
                  the reason we chase is lost in romance            
                             and still we try                       
                           to justify the waste                     
                                for a taste                         
                      of man`s greatest adventure...                
              |    /|   [  .  l  i  n  k    1  2  4   .  ]          
              |     |                      ____.  ______    ___.___ 
       _____  |     | _______  _____      /    | /   _  \ _/  /l   |
      _\    |_l_    |_\  _  /_/    /___  /__/  | \__//  /.\_____   |
      )_    '   \   |    \        /   /_   /   |    /  / |    |    |
       /_________\  |_____\______l\____\  /____| . /_____| .  |____|.
              |     |                                               
             _|_    |    Bd!/L124                                   
              |/____|                 -industrial terror squad-     
                   have we got what it takes to advance             
                           did we peak too soon                     
                         if the world is so green                   
                          then why does it scream                   
                             under a blue moon                      
                               we wonder why                        
                         if the earth`s sacrified                   
                           for the price of it`s                    
                           greatest treasure...                     
                       )        _ /________________                 
                       |        \/                (                 
      ________ ________¦________      ________    ·________  _______
      |  ___  (_) __   (_  ___  (______)      /_____) __   (__)  __  |
      |  \_/   ___\/       \_/         __    /\    ___\/          /  |
      )__|   _|  /     ____|   ___     /__  ¯¯    |  /        _____(
         |__(   /______|   |__(   )___/  |________| /____________\  
                       ·                         _¦        az0!/l124
                       |_   a  n  a  d  u  n  e  \·                 
                      and when we shoot for the stars               
                             what a giant step                      
                         have we got what it takes                  
                    to carry the weight of this concept             
                               or pass it by                        
                          like a shot in the dark                   
                               miss the mark                        
                       with a sense of adventure...                 
                ..................                   ::::           
                ::::       ...::::  °ø,         ,ø'° ::::           
                ::::   __   ___  _____Ø,__ ___,ø'/\_ ::::           
              _ __/\__|  \\/__ |_\___ ¬Ø,,Ø, ,ø'_  _)__/\__ _       
                      |   \/   : ____  `Øø'Ø,Ø'| \/ |               
               luk!___|   |    : \/    | ' `Ø' |    |___pht!        
                ::::  `---|____|-------'-------'----'::::           
                ::::                                 ::::           
                ::::....we like to score.............::::           
                                don`t blame                         
                          this sleeping satelite                    
                             _ __ _______ __ _                      
                   _ __ _ ___\\\//       \\///___ _ __ _            
                 ._\\\//                           \\///_.          
                 |                                       |          
      __  ____/\_·____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_ ____/\_·____/\_  _
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       /\ `-----' `--/____|-------`----\/-`-------`---|---`-------' /\
      ¯¯         |_              .present.              _|         ¯
                  ///\\_ ____                 ____ _//\\\           
                  ¯ ¯¯  luk!///\\_________//\\\pht!  ¯¯ ¯           
                            ¯ ¯¯           ¯¯ ¯                     
          an new ascii collection, second part of my new trilogy,   
         one more time under cubism influences and of course made   
           in rush with a lot of adrenaline while listening some    
                  music and going to make myself extatic.           
                            it`os oh, so quiet                      
             simply called for all of you who`re looking at it      
                                  :   :......                       
                                  :....     :...                    
                       ............   :        :                    
                       :          :...:        :....                
                       :                           :..              
                _______:____       __________________:_            ....
              _|   __      |_____|   __     __       _|_ __     ...: ..:
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      ___:         ____________      ____    ____      _________:___
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      |_ __          ||     ||____   |____| ______|      ||    ||    |
      |_||        ________ |    |____      |_|   __   ________||    |
         |________|      |_|      ::|___________| |___|      ..|____|
              :                   ::              ......     :az0!/l124
              :........           ::              :..  :.....:      
                      :           ::           .....:               
                      :.......    ::...........:                    
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    __\/________    //// /   /    ________   readTHIS.               
   /     \\     \ _________\/____\\      /___ _____________________\___
  /        \___  \      /      \      ______//_____                 \
//______    \  | \\    //      \\__   |/          /  INIT/PREFACE    \
  bio! |_____\ |______/____      \ |_____________//___________________\/_
________          _______  |______\ ____________            /        /\
      /__________\                             \__________/         
           i`m writing some words fourty second time.... .. .   ... 
         so many people around the world and so less time to know   
       them and their ideas at all... it`s so hard to make decission
        who can fly to find those event horizon nad who can stay at 
           earth and die so slowly and so hardly. eh, bad time.     
         why "event horizon"? it`s a title of the mystical movie i  
         saw in december 1997 and still i`m under influence of it.  
        it was an horror in dark deep space which was really better 
        than "aliens" - one of my favourite movies overall. also -  
         i`m still looking for new ways in ascii bussiness to show  
        you my imaginations, ideas and of course - new styles. i`m  
       trying to be more awangarde - to find event horizons of this 
        kind of art... maybe it`s not worth of it but i like those  
         moments before dawn when typing last words and doin` some  
         retouches to the ready-for-watch collection. i like this   
         because it`s now and i`m looking for this new day in hope  
        that you will like this real-dreams, too. hope to get some  
         new requests soon. and i hope you`ll use those logos but   
          don`t remove my handle and credit me somewhere. thanks    
          again and don`t forget - it`s avant garde - people will   
         know it and enjoy it only in future time... i`m outside.   
            azzaro/mawi+anadune+link124 - event horizon finder      

 \_________    _  \____________    /______\       \ __________                |
     /   __   /    \_____   \|    /        \ ___   \    ______\ event horizon |
    /      \_/______\bio!|_______/__________\   |   \    /  logos no. o71-o8o |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |    Amiga forever  [1090 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Paplo/Taski       |
 |     Amnesty  [ 728 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Insert/Amensty         |
 |        Andy  [ 555 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Andy/Anadune           |
 |    Azkberries  [1014 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Boobba/Sector5       |
 |      Boobba  [ 673 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Boobba/Sector5         |
 |         Cure  [ 560 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Cure/Spawn            |
 |      Darkage  [ 699 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Modem/Darkage         |
 |       Digger  [ 663 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Digger/Iris           |
 |     Digital  [ 765 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Nemesis/Digital        |
 | Doggystyle  [1001 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Sundance/Doggystyle     |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                        ____|
 |_____ main mnu ________________________________________________________\\ \

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane:  amiga forever         | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: paplo/taski                 | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 071 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                             :     :
                     .......                 :  ...:
                     :...  :        .........:  :......
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               |  ___  |_:_ |    |___|    || ___|__|  ___  |_    : :
               | |___|     || | __   |____|  |    |_ |___|  |....: :
               |___|   __     |_||____    ___|     ____|   _|......:
                   |___||__|__|      |____|  |_____|   |___| :
        _______     ____________   _______      __   _______________
      _|       |___| __     __  |_|   __  |___ |  |_|   __      __  |_
      |    _____     ||     ||____     |  ||  ||         |      ||___|
      |_ ____| |   ________ |    |_ _______   ¯¯   __ _________ |
       |____|  |___|      |_|     |____|  |________||____|    |_|
                          :..                           ......:az0!/l124
                            : a m i g a   f o r e v e r :
                            :...                    ....:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: amnesty                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: insert/amnesty              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 072 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                     .....                                 ......
                     :   :...                              :    :
                     :..    :          ....................:    :..
       _______      ___:____:__________:__  ____     __          _:_
      |  ___  |___ |       __         __  || ___|___| _|_ __  __|   |_
      | |___|     || | __  ||          |  |_______      _| |_|  |    |
      |___|   __     |_||__||    __ ________   |_| ___      ____    _|
          |___||__|__|      |____||____|    |______|  |_____|   |___|
                         ...:          :                     az0!/l124
                         :....         :
                             :.........: a  m  n  e  s  t  y

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: andy                   | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: andy/anadune                | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 073 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                      :        :....
                     _______   _______:      __    :___
                    |  ___  |_| __    |_____|  | __|   |_
                    | |___|     ||          __ ||  |    |
                    |___|   ____||    __     |_____    _|
                        |___|    |____||_____|     |___|
                           :       ...             :az0!/l124
                           :.......: :         ....:
                                     : a n d y :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: azkberries             | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: boobba/azkberries           | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 074 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                        :       :
                                .....   :    ...:
                                :   :...:    :
                         _______:    ____   _:____
                        |  ___  |___|___ |_| |  __|
                        | |___|  | _______|        |
                        |___|   _| |_|   _|__|     |
                            |___| ______|    |_____|
       __        _______________: _______    : ____  _______  ____
      |  |______|   __      __  |_   __  |____|    ||   __  || ___|___
      | __           |      ||____   ||____   |____|     |  |_______ |
      |_|     ___ _________ |    |__ |    |____    __ ________   |_| |
        |_____| |____|    |_|      |_|        |____||____|    |______|
                            :             ....:                 ....:
                            :.......      :                     :
                                   :......: a z k b e r r i e s :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: boobba                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: boobba/azkberries           | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 075 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                 ......:    .....:
                                 :          :    :.......
            __           _____   :_______       __      :_______
           |  |_________| __ |___| __    |_____|  |_____|  ___  |_
           | __           ||       ||   __       __       |___|  |
           |_|     __   ______   _______|     ___|     _____|   _|
             |_____||___|    |___|      |_____|  |_____|    |___|
                             :     .....          :..... az0!/l124
                             :........:             ...:
                                      : b o o b b a :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: cure                   | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: cure/spawn                  | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 076 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                         ......                   .....
                         :    :       ............:   :
                      ___:    :__     :_______   _____:_
                    _| ___|_  |  | __ |   __  |_|   __  |
                    |       |_|  ||  |_   ||____     |  |
                    |_           ¯¯   ___ |    |_ ______|
                     |________________| |_|     |____|
                         :                      .:az0!/l124
                         :............:         :
                                      : c u r e :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: darkage                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: modem/darkage               | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 077 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                   .......  ..
                   :     :..::                ...............
                   :         :                :           ..:.....
             ______:___   ___:__   _ ____  ___:___   ____     ___:___
       _____|     ___  |_|  __  |_| |  __|   ___  |_| ___|__ |   __  |
      |     __   |___|      ||____          |___|     |    |_|    |  |
      |_     |_____|   _ __ |    |__|     ____|   ____|     __ ______|
       |_____|     |___|  |_|       |_____|   |___|   |_____||____|
                az0!/l124   :        ....                 ......:
                            :........:  :..               :
                                     :    : d a r k a g e :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: digger                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: digger/iris                 | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 078 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                           ...:    :        ..............
                           :       :        :        ....:
                 __     ___:   ____:    ____:    ____:__________
          ______|  |___|    |_| ___|__ | ___|__ |   __      __  |_
          |     __     |____|   |    |_  |    |_     |      ||___|
          |_     |______    ____|     ___|     __ _________ |
           |_____|     |____|   |_____|  |_____||____|    |_|
                         :.......                    :.....az0!/l124
                             ...:                  .......:
                             :.......: d i g g e r :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: digital                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: nemesis/dgital              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 079 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                      :   :        :
                         .....  ......:...:        :........
                         :   :..:     :....                :
             __     ____ :____        ____: __      _______:  __
       _____|  |___|    || ___|__ ___|    || _|_ __|  ___  |_|  |___
      |     __     |____|  |    |_   |____|    _|    |___|      |   |_
      |_     |______    ___|     _____    ___      ____|   ___       |
       |_____|     |____|  |_____|   |____|  |_____|  .|___|  |______|
                   :    :... :                        :      az0!/l124
                   :.......:.:                        :...
                           :.....: d i g i t a l :.......:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: doggystyle             | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: sundance/doggystyle         | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 080 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                          ..:...:                ........
                          :.:......    ......    :      :
                            :   ..:    :    :....:      :
                      __    :___:______:    ____        :__
                _____|  |___| __    ___|__ | ___|__  __|   |_
               |     __       ||    |    |_  |    |_|  |    |
               |_     |__   ________|     ___|     ____    _|
                |_____| |___|       |_____|  |_____|   |___|
                 ____     __ az0!/l124___   __       ___:___
               _| ___|___| _|_ __  __|   |_|  |___  |   __  |
               |_______      _| |_|  |        |   |_     |  |
               |_   |_| ___      ____    ___       __ ______|
                 |______|  |_____|   |___|  |______||____|  :
                     ..........:                       .....:
                     :............                     :
                                 : d o g g y s t y l e :

 \_________    _  \____________    /______\       \ __________                |
     /   __   /    \_____   \|    /        \ ___   \    ______\ event horizon |
    /      \_/______\bio!|_______/__________\   |   \    /  logos no. o81-o9o |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 | Dr.Szach  [ 755 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Dr.Szach/Dinx Project     |
 |   Flapjack  [ 779 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Flapjack/Appendix       |
 |      Garion  [ 344 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Garion/Sector5         |
 |  Glaz #03  [ 297 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Caro/Phase Truce+Nah     |
 |        Grdu  [ 289 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Revi/Whelpz            |
 | High voltage  [ 636 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Lotor/High Voltage    |
 |     Hiv  [ 269 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Hiv/Nah-Kolor+Scum         |
 | Honoo  [ 311 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Black Dragon/Honoo+LED+AP    |
 |      Iceman  [ 340 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Iceman/Sector5         |
 |   Icetray  [ 363 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Icetray/Independent      |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                        ____|
 |_____ main mnu ________________________________________________________\\ \

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: dr.szach               | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: dr.szach/dinx project       | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 081 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                              ...                            ...
                 .........    : :                       .....: :
                 :       :....: :                 ......:      :
           ______:___        ___:       ____  ____:__   ____   :___
     _____|      __  |_    _| ___|_____|___  |  ___  |_| ___|__|   |___
    |     __     ||___| __ |_______   _______| |___|           __ __   |_
    |_     |____ |     |  ||_   |_|   |_|   _____|   ___       ||_||    |
     |_____|   |_|     |__|  |_____________|     |___| |_______|   |____|
                 :                                 .......     : az0!/l124
                 :................                 :     :.....:
                                 : d r . s z a c h :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: flapjack               | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: flapjack/appendix           | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 082 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                           .....                       .......:   :
                    .......:   :                       :      ....:
    ___________     :_______   :______     ___  _______:  ____:    _ ____
  _|           |___ |  ___  |__|   __ |____|  ||  ___  |_| ___|_  | |  __|
  |    _____   |   |_ |___|        ||      |     |___|          |_|       |
  |_ ____| |_       ____|   ___  |___|        _____|   ___       ___|     |
   |____|    |______|   |___| |__|    |______|     |___| |_______|  |_____|
               :                                ...     .......:   az0!/l124
               :...............                 : :     :..
                              : f l a p j a c k : :.......:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: garion                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: garion/sector5              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 083 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                  ......                 .....
                ..:    :           ......:   :    ......
                :..    :..     ....:    .....:    :    :...
             ____.:  ____:__  _:_____   :.._____  :.______:______
           _| ___|__|  ___  ||   __  |____|     ___| __    __    |
           |  |       |___|      ||____   |____|     ||    ||    |
           |__|     ____|   ____ |    |____        ________||    |
              |_____|   |___|  |_|        |________|        |____|
                         ......:                       :...az0!/l124
                         :     ....             .......   :
                         :........: g a r i o n :     :...:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: glaz 03                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: caro/phase truce            | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 084 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                        ........                .....
                        :      :           .....: ..:
                     ...: :....: ..........:      :.......
                     :..                              ...:
                       :...p h a s e t r u c e ` s.....:
                      ____:    __:....:_______    :____
                    _| ___|___|  |____|  ___  |___|___ |_
                    |  |         |      |___|    _______|
                    |__|     __       ____|   __ |_|   _|
                       |_____| |______|   |___||______|
                          :                       az0!/l124
                          :..........             ..   :
                                  ..: g l a z 0 3 :....:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: grdu                   | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: revi/whelpz                 | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 085 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                           ....                    ....
                         ...: :        ............:  :
                      ___:    :______..:     ______   :
                    _| ___|__|   __  |______|      |__:_
                    |  |         ||____     __     ||  |_
                    |__|     ___ |    |_     |__   ¯¯   |
                       |_____| |_|     |_____| |________|
                     az0!/l124 :      ...             :
                               :......: :         ....:
                                     ...: g r d u :

                                                    _ ___________ _
            _.                                     _\\\_       _///_
         __/_|___ _______ _/_____ ____:   .______ _____|_      |______
         \____   \\  ___/_/  _   \\   /   /  ___//     _/     /     _/
         /   /   /_ _/   /   /   /   /|  /  _/  _\     \     _\     \
        /    \____/______\__    /\_______\______\______/     \______/
       /_____|             /____\t!                    |       |
                                                       :       ·

                          Wed Mar 11 23:53:56 1998
if you`re an ascii artist - please to do for me those logos (always wanted):

  azzaro, mawi, andune, link124, l124, save da vinyl, excess, sdv, mawi.diz
                 budgie, revi, covenant, chosen nad history.

              send ready logos to:
      or to my personal address (check out the news part in third part)

          thanks for your help and piece of time you tribute to me.
                          ciao - azzaro/link124`98

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: high voltage           | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: lotor/high voltage          | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 086 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                              :...   ...:        ......
                                 :   :...........:    :
                           ......:               :....:
                     ___   :      __________    ___:
                    |   |__:_____|       ___|__|   |___
                    |_ __        |____|  |        __   |_
                     |_||    _____    ___|     ___||    |
                        |____|   |____|  |_____|   |____|
            __      ________       __      _______   ____     _______
       ___ |  |____| __     |_____| _|_ __|  ___  |_| ___|___|   __  |
      _|  ||         ||     |         _|    |___|     |           |  |
      |   ¯¯       _______       ___      ____|   ____|     __ ______|
      |____________|      |______|  |_____|   |___|   |_____||____|
              :     .......                         ..:....  az0!/l124
              :.....:   ..:                         : :...:
                        :. h i g h   v o l t a g e  :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: hiv                    | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: hiv/nah-kolor+scum          | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 087 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                             :           :      .....
                             :.....      :......:...:
                         ___      :   ____      :_
                        |   |_____:__|     ___ |  |_
                        |_ __        |____|   ||   |
                         |_||    _____        ¯¯   |
                            |____|   |_____________|
                              :               :..az0!/l124
                              :.......       ...:
                                     : h i v :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: honoo                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: black dragon/honoo+led+ap   | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 088 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                            .......:     :.......
                            :                   : az0!/l124
                ___         :_____________     _:___    _____
               |   |________| __    __    |___| __ |___| __ |
               |_ __          ||    ||          ||       || |
                |_||        ________||        ______   _____|
                   |________|        |________|    |___|
                            :                   :
                          -[  h   o   n   o   o  ]-
                            :.......     .......:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: iceman                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: iceman/sector5              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 089 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                    .....:   :        ....
                           .........:        :....  ..:..:
               ____   ____.:   _______     ______:__:__   _______
          ____|     _| ___|___|   __  |__ |       ___  |_| __    |
          |   |____|               |     || |    |___|     ||    |
          |____    ___       __ _______     |______|   ____||    |
              |____| |_______||____|  |__|__|      |___|    |____|
                                :...                    .:az0!/l124
                              .....:                 ...:
                              :........: i c e m a n :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: icetray                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: icetray/independent         | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 090 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                  ...                ...........
               ...:.:                :    .....:.......
            ...:   :                 :    :....:      :...
           _:__   _:__     __________:      _______  ____:__      ___
      ____|    |_| ___|___|   __     _|_ __|   __  ||  ___  |____|   |_
      |   |____|               |       _|      ||____ |___|      |    |
      |____    ___       __ _________      ___ |    |___|   _____    _|
          |____| |_______||____|     |_____| |_|        |___|    |___|
                :              ..:   :                 :...... az0!/l124
                :.....   ......:     :........               :
                     :...:..:                : i c e t r a y :

 \_________    _  \____________    /______\       \ __________                |                         
     /   __   /    \_____   \|    /        \ ___   \    ______\ event horizon |                                                                                    
    /      \_/______\bio!|_______/__________\   |   \    /  logos no. o91-1oo |                                                                                 
 |                                                                            |                                                         
 |                                                                            |                                                         
 |   Intel outside  [ 662 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Azzaro/Link124     |                                                         
 |Interceptors  [ 653 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Shepherd/Interceptors  |                                                 
 |      Intro  [ 309 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Covenant/Link124        |                                                                 
 |     Jacool  [ 334 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Jacool/Independent      |                                                         
 |   Lisaros  [ 360 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Lisaros/High Voltage     |                                                 
 | Madel  [ 307 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Madel/Rave Network Overscan  |                                                 
 |       Majkel  [ 334 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Majkel/Venture        |                                                         
 |       Melon  [ 316 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Melon/Freezers         |                                   
 |        Menu  [ 289 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Chosen/Link124         | 
 |       Morino  [ 337 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Morino/Thefect        |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                        ____|
 |_____ main mnu ________________________________________________________\\ \

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: intel outside          | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: my own pleasure =)          | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 091 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                    ____   ___________       ___________
               ____|    |_| __       _|_ ___|   __      |___
               |   |____|   ||         _|        |      |   |_
               |____    ____||    ___      __ ________       |
                   |____|    |____|  |_____||____|    |______|

                 -[ i  n  t  e  l    o  u  t  s  i  d  e  ]-
           ________       __       ____        ____       ___________
      ____| __     |_____| _|_ ___| ___|______|     _____|       __  |
      |     ||     ||        _|   |______     |____|     __       |  |
      |   ______   ¯¯   ___      __   |_| _____    __     |___ ______|
      |___|    |________|  |_____| |______|   |____||_____|  |____|

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: interceptors           | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: shepherd/interceptors       | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 092 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                  ........           .....
                          ...     :      :           : ..:
                          : :.....:      :...     ...: :....
                    ______:__________       :_____:________:
               ____|       __       _|_ ___|   __      __  |_
               |   |____|  ||         _|        |      ||___|
               |____    ___||    ___      __ _________ |
                   |____|   |____|  |_____||____|    |_|
        ____     _______  _______ ___          ____________   ____
      _| ___|_  |   __  |_|   __ || _|_ __ ___| __ |   __  |_| ___|___
      |       |_     |  |     || |    _| |_     || |   ||___|_______ |
      |_       |_ ______|_  |___| __      |   _____|__ |     _   |_| |
       |_______||____|   |__|       |_____|___|      |_|      |______|
               :....                              .      ....:
                   :....                         ... ....:az0!/l124
                       : i n t e r c e p t o e s : :.:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: intro                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: covenant/link124            | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 093 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                .......            ..:.:....
                           .....:     :        ... .:    :..
                     ......:          :........: : .:....:..
                    _:_______________      ______:    : _____
               ____|       __       _|_ __|   __  |____| __ |
               |   |____|  ||         _|      ||____     || |
               |____    ___||    ___      ___ |    |   _____|
                   |____|   |____|  |_____| |_|    |___|az0!/l124
                        :                     :..........  ..
                        :.......                        :..::
                               : i n t r o d u c t i o n ...:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: jacool                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: jacool/independent          | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 094 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                        ........                .....
                  ....  :      :           .....: ..:  ....
                  :  :..: :....: ..........:      :....:..:
                __:_________   __:_        _____    ___:____
             ___|      ___  |_| ___|______| __ |___| __     |___
           _|   |     |___|                 ||       ||     |   |_
           |       _____|   ___           _____    _______       |
           |______|     |___| |___________|    |___|      |______|
                          :                            .....:az0!/l124
                          :..........             ..   :
                                  ..: j a c o o l :....:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: lisaros                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: lisaros/high voltage        | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 095 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                      ...      ........                 .......
                   ...: :......:      :   ...........   :     :
                   :......            :   :...      :   :     :
                     ....:        ....:      :      :...:  ...:
       ___          _:__  ____    :______  __:____      ___:_ ____
      _|  |________|    |  ___|__|  ___  ||   __  |____| __  | ___|___
      |   |        |____________   |___|      ||____     ||  |______ |
      |_       _____    __   |_| ____|   ____ |    |   _______   |_| |
        |______|   |____| |______|   |___|  |_|    |___|      |______|
              :                             .........        :.az0!/l124
              :..............               : ......:      ......:
                            : l i s a r o s : :............:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: madel                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: madel/rno                   | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 096 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                      ......         .......     ........
                      :   .:      ...:     :     : ..   :
                      :....:  ....:        :.... :......:
                    __________:_        _______:_______
               ___ |       ___  |______|       __      |___
               |  || |    |___|        __       |      |   |_
               |     |______|   ___     |___ ________       |
               |__|__|      |___| |_____|  |____|    |______|
                            :......                 :...az0!/l124
                        ........  :           .....    :
                        :.........: m a d e l :   :....:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: majkel                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: majkel/venture              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 097 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                ..........       .......
                             ...:        :       :  ...:
                     ........:   ......  :..  ...:  :.
                     :           :....:    :. :      :......
                _____:______      ____  _ __:_:  __________:
           ___ |       ___  |_____|  |_| |  __|_|   __      |___
           |  || |    |___|                          |      |   |_
           |     |______|            ____|     __ ________       |
           |__|__|      |___________|    |_____||____|    |______|
              ...................:        :..............az0!/l124
              :.                                             .:
          :....:  m       a       j       k       e       l  :....:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: melon                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: melon/freezers              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 098 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                    ........ .......  .....
                     ......         :      : :.....:  :    :
                     :    :..    ...:      :.......   ·....:
                    _:______:____:___          ___:_________
               ___ |         __      |________| __    __    |
               |  || |        |      |          ||    ||    |
               |     |____ ________           ________||    |
               |__|__|   |____|    |__________|        |____|
                     :......                       :... az0!/l124
                           :......                ....:
                              ...: m  e  l   o  n :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: menu                   | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: chosen/rno                  | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 099 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                        :      :.....
                           .............: ::   :    :
                           :            :......:    :..
                         __:_______________________   :
                    ___ |         __     __        |__:_
                    |  || |        |     ||        ||  |_  ......
                    |     |____ _________||        ¯¯   |..:    :...
         az0!/l124  |__|__|   |____|      |_____________|  :....:  :
      :   ......
      :...:    : m a i n   m e n u   i s   h e r e  =

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: morino                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: morino/thefect              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 100 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                     .... ......                            :   :
                     :..: :    :                     .....  :...:
                     .....:    :...       ...........:   :.....
                _____:   _________:__  ...:_____________     _:___
           ___ |    |___| __     __  |_:__|       __    |___| __ |
           |  || |        ||     ||____   |____|  ||          || |
           |     |__    ________ |    |____    ___||        _____|
           |__|__| |____|      |_|        |____|   |________|
                     :        .:                    ........:az0!/l124
                     :........: ....                :....
                               :...: m o r i n o :......:

 \_________    _  \____________    /______\       \ __________                |
     /   __   /    \_____   \|    /        \ ___   \    ______\ event horizon |
    /      \_/______\bio!|_______/__________\   |   \    /  logos no. 1o1-11o |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |      Nemesis  [ 358 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Nemesis/Digtal        |
 |         News  [ 291 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Revi/Whelpz           |
 |       Outro  [ 311 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Azzaro/Link124         |
 |     Pestilence  [ 463 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Pestilence/SDC      |
 |        Picco  [ 311 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Grogon/Picco          |
 |         Pride  [ 313 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Bump/Pride           |
 |       Proton  [ 340 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Proton/Sadist         |
 | Punisher  [ 377 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Punisher/Instinct+Apathy  |
 |      Rebel  [ 308 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Rebel/Independent       |
 | Retro #03  [ 311 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Punisher/Instinct+Apathy |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                        ____|
 |_____ main mnu ________________________________________________________\\ \

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: nemes!s                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: nemes!s/digital             | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 101 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                              ........       ....:...:
                       .......:      :..     :     :  .  .....
                       :               :     :.....:     :...:
        _______________:     __________:________      . _:__ _____
      _| __         __  |__ |         __     ___|______|    |  ___|___
      |  ||          |     || | __     |   _______     |____________ |
      |__||    __ _______     |_||_ ______|_   |_| _____    __   |_| |
          |____||____|  |__|__|   |____|    |______|   |____| |______|
         :...      ..:               ..:        .........:   az0!/l124
            :      :                 :          :
            :......:  n e m e s ! s  :..........:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: news                   | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: revi/whelpz                 | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 102 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                               ......           ........
                               :    :.....      :      :
                        .......:         :...   : :....:
                      __:_____________    __:___:____   ...
                    _| __         __  |__|  |     ___|__:.:
                    |  ||          |     | __   _______ |
                    |__||    __ _______  | ||__|_   |_| |
                        |____||____|  |____|     |______|
                         :                     ......:
                         :    ....             : az0!/l124
                         :.......: n e w s :...:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: outro                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: my own pleasure             | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 103 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                      ......             ....:...:
                   ...:    :        .....:   :........
                   :_______:       _:      _______   :  _____
               ____| __     |_____| _|_ __|   __  |__:_| __ |
               |     ||     ||        _|      ||____     || |
               |   ______   ¯¯   ___       __ |    |   _____|
               |___|    |________|  |_____| |_|    |___|
                           :      ...               ...:
                           :......: :           ....: az0!/l124
                                    : o u t r o :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: pestilence             | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: pestilence/sdc              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 104 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                    ..................               ..:......:  .....
               .....:                :.........    ....:         :...:
   ____________:____     __        _______    : ___:_______________    ______
__|  __    __     __|___| _|_ ____|       |____|   __   __      ___|__|  __  |
|    ||     |   ______      _|    |___|   |         |   ||                |  |
|_ |_____ _____|_  |_| ___     ____   __      __ _______||   __      __ _____|
 |_|    |___|    |_____|  |____|  |___| |_____||____|    |___||______||___|
               :                                            ...:az0!/l124
               :.....                       ....  ...  .....:
                    :  p e s t i l e n c e  :  :..: :..:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: picco                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: grogon/picco                | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 105 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                     :  :          ........
                  ...:  :          :      :........
                 _:_____:    ______:___     ____  :..   _____
               __|   __ |___|       ___|___| ___|___:__| __ |
               |     ||     |____|                       || |
               |_  |_________    __       __           _____|
                |__|    :   |____||_______||___________|
                        :...                :......:az0!/l124
                           :..           .....:
                             : p i c c o :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: pride                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: bump/pride                  | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 106 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                ....         .....     ....
                      ......    :..:     ....:...:     :  :
                   ...:    :...    ......:   :........ :..:
                 __:__________:_...:  ____       ____:______
               __|   __     __  |____|    ______|       __  |
               |     ||     ||____   |____|     __       |  |
               |_  |_______ |    |____    __     |___ ______|
                |__|    : |_|        |____||_____|  |____|
                  :  ...:  :      ...             az0!/l124
                  :..:     :......: :           ....:
                                    : p r i d e :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: proton                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: proton/sadist               | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 107 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                             .......           .....
                     ........:     :           :   :..   ....
                 ....:             :....    ...:     :...: .:
              ___:__________      _____:__..:       _______:_____
           __|   __     __  |____| __    _|_ ______| __    __    |
           |     ||     ||____     ||      _|        ||    ||    |
           |_  |_______ |    |   ________          ________||    |
            |__|      |_|    |___|       |_________|        |____|
               :..                :    .......:           az0!/l124
               ..:                :....:              ..........:
               :............: p r o t o n :...........:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: punisher               | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: punisher/instinct+apathy    | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 108 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                       .......:      :..                 .....
              .........:               :......        ...:...:
              :....                          :        : :.......
     __________   :   _______     ____ _____.:  ___...:   _____:_________
  __|   __     |__:__| __    |___|    |  ___|__|   |_____|   __      __  |_
  |     ||     ||      ||        |____________    __          |      ||___|
  |_  |_____   ¯¯   ___||    _____    __   |_| ___||    __ _________ |
   |__|    |________|   |____|   |____| |______|   |____||____|    |_|
         :...      ..:                 :        .........:       az0!/l124
            :      :                   :        :
            :......:  p u n i s h e r  :........:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: rebel                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: rebel/independent           | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 109 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                      ..... ...........
                      :...: :         :.......      .........
                      ......:                :...   :       :
                      :                      ...:   :..   ..:
                ______:   __________        _:________:   :
               |   __  |_|   __     |______|   __      |__:_
               |   ||____     |    __           |      |   |_
               |__ |    |_ ________|     ___ ________       |
                 |_|     |____|    |_____| |____|    |______|
                      :.....                      :..  az0!/l124
                           :......           .......:
                                 : r e b e l :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: retro o3               | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: punisher/instinct+apathy    | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 110 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                i n s t i n c t ` s :           :  :: ......
                         ...........:           :.... :    :
                         :                          : :....:
                _______  :___________      _______  :..._____
               |   __  |_|   __     _|_ __|   __  |____| __ |
               |   ||____     |       _|      ||____     || |
               |__ |    |_ _________      ___ |    |   _____|
                 |_|     |____|     |_____| |_|    |___| ....
               az0!/l124 :        .....               :..:..:
                         :........:   :                 .:
                                  ....: r e t r o # 0 0 :

 \_________    _  \____________    /______\       \ __________                |
     /   __   /    \_____   \|    /        \ ___   \    ______\ event horizon |
    /      \_/______\bio!|_______/__________\   |   \    /  logos no. 111-12o |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |       Sadist  [ 334 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Proton/Sadist         |
 |          Sci  [ 271 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Sci/Strobe            |
 |      Scum  [ 293 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Hiv/Nah-kolor+Scum       |
 |      Sector5  [ 343 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Raptor/Sector5        |
 |         Sharp  [ 312 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Sharp/Neon           |
 |         Spawn  [ 316 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Cure/Spawn           |
 |         Strobe  [ 338 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Sci/Strobe          |
 | Teklords  [ 384 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Madbart/AND+APX+Teklords  |
 |   Tft  [ 265 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for TFT/Rave Network Overscan    |
 |     The end  [ 346 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Covenant/Link124       |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                        ____|
 |_____ main mnu ________________________________________________________\\ \

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: sadist                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: proton/sadist               | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 111 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                  ......                 .....
                ..:    :           ......:   :    ......
                :..    :..     ....:    .....:    :    :..
             ____.:  ____:__ ..:    __  :..____ __:__    :__
           _| ___|__|  ___  |______|  |___|    |  ___|___| _|_ __
           |_______   |___|        __     |____________      _| |_
           |_   |_| ____|   ___     |______    __   |_| ___      |
             |______|   |___| |_____|     |____| |______|  |_____|
                         ......:                       :...az0!/l124
                         :     ....             .......   :
                         :........: s a d i s t :     :...:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: sci                    | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: sci/strobe                  | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 112 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                     ....  :    :
                         ......   ...:  :..:....:
                         :____:   :____    :...____
                        _| ___|___| ___|______|    |
                        |_______              |___ |
                        |_   |_| __       _____    |
                          |______||_______|   |____|
                               :...: :       :..az0!/l124
                               ......:   ......:
                               :.. s c i :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: scum                   | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: hiv/nah-kolor+scum          | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 113 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                            ....     :      :....
                          ..:  :.....: 1998 :   :..
                          : :  :     :......:     :..
                          : :..:               .....:
                      ____:    ____     __     :    _____
                    _| ___|___| ___|___|  |____:__ |    |
                    |_______              ||      || | _|
                    |_   |_| __           ¯¯         |_|
                          :.....               :..az0!/l124
                               :               ..:
                               :.....: s c u m :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: sector5                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: raptor/sector5              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 114 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

    .............................  ..... ... .
    :                 :..........: :...: :..... ... ..  .  .
             ____     _____________     __:         ____:_______
           _| ___|___|   __     ___|___| _|_ ______| __     __  |_
           |_______       |                _|        ||     ||___|
    .      |_   |_| __ ________       ___          ________ |
    :..... . |______||____|   |_______|  |_________|    : |_|
    .............                         :             :az0!/l124
    :           :   -[ s e c t o r 5 ]-   :             :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: sharp                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: sharp/neon                  | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 115 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                      ......         .......     ........
                      : .  :      ...:     :     :  . . :
                      :....:  ....:        :.... :......:
                 ____    ___..:   _______  ____:__    ______
               _| ___|__|   |____|  ___  ||   __  |__|   __ |
               |_______    __      |___|      ||____     || |
               |_   |_| ___||    ____|   ____ |    |_  |___|
                 |______|   |____|   |___|  |_|     |__|
                            :......                 :...az0!/l124
                        ........  :           .....    :
                        :.........: s h a r p :   :....:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: spawn                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: cure/spawn                  | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 116 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                  .....                 .........
                  :   :                 :       :..
                  :   :.....      ......:         :.......
                 _:__      :______:______     __ ________:__
               _| ___|____|   __    ___  |___|  |     __    |
               |_______       ||   |___|     | __     ||    |
               |_   |_| __  |________|       | ||_____||    |
                 |______||__|        |_________|       |____|
                   az0!/l124  :  ...               ......:
                              :..: :               :
                                   :...: s p a w n :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: strobe                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: sci/strobe                  | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 117 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                           ....       :   ...:          ....
                        ...:  :.......:   :      .......:  :
             ____     __:     _______     :______:        _:_____
           _| ___|___| _|_ __|   __  |____| __    |______|   __  |
           |_______      _|      ||____     ||   __           |  |
           |_   |_| ___      ___ |    |   _______|     ___ ______|
             |______|  |_____| |_|    |___|      |_____| |____|
                   :..........                           :az0!/l124
                             :             ..............:
                             : s t r o b e :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: teklords               | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: madbart/and+apx+teklords    | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 118 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                 .........      :   :.....  ....
               ...........   ....:       :... ..:        :..:  :..
               :         :...:              : :.....             :
    __       __:_______ ____   __          _:______:___        __:_____
  _| _|_ ___|   __     |  __|_|  |________| __     __  |______|  |  ___|___
  |    _|        |               |          ||     ||____     __ |_______ |
  |__      __ _________|     __           ________ |    |_     |___   |_| |
     |_____||____|     |_____| |__________|      |_|     |_____|   |______|
                      .....:                             ...:     az0!/l124
                      :    .......                       :.
                      :....:     : t  e  k  l  o  r  d  s :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: tft                    | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: tft/rno                     | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 119 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                              ....:   :....
                            ..:           :.....
                          __:      ___________ :.
                        _| _|_ ___|          _|_:__
                        |    _|       _____    _| |_
                        |__      __ ____| |__      |
                          .|_____||____|     |_____|
                          :..                :az0!/l124
                            :.       ........:
                             : t f t :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: the end                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: covenant/link124            | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 120 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                    ................... ...... ....
                              ......:                 : :    : :..:
                      ........:                       : :....:
           __      ___:      _______     _____________:__       __
         _| _|_ __|   |_____|   __  |  _|   __     __    |_____|  |
         |    _|     __          |  |  |     |     ||          __ |
         |__      ___||    __ ______|  |_ _________||    __     |_|
            |_____|   |____||____|      |____|      |____||_____|
                      :                              :    az0!/l124
                      : t h e   e n d           .....:
                      :                    .....:

 \_________    _  \____________    /______\       \ __________                |
     /   __   /    \_____   \|    /        \ ___   \    ______\ event horizon |
    /      \_/______\bio!|_______/__________\   |   \    /  logos no. 121-13o |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |     Thefect  [ 353 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Morino/Thefect         |
 |       Thung  [ 309 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Thung/Reality          |
 |     Timi  [ 295 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Timi/Dinx Project         |
 |       Tresor  [ 331 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Revi/Whelpz           |
 |       Twilight  [ 390 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Yoyo/Mawi           |
 |        Uhu  [ 266 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Uhu/Freezers            |
 |     Venture  [ 356 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Majkel/Venture         |
 |     Venus  [ 388 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Bj.Sebo/Venus Art        |
 |          Void  [ 293 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Pnx/Void             |
 |       Whelpz  [ 338 bytes in RAW Ascii]  spanked for Revi/Whelpz           |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |                                                                        ____|
 |_____ main mnu ________________________________________________________\\ \

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: thefect                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: morino/thefect              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 121 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                      ....           ........   ...
                 ..   : .:.          :      :...: :.
                 :....:...:    ......:             :........
              ....: : : :....  :..                         :.....
        __....: ___       __:____:_______________________     __:
      _| _|_ __|   |_____|   __                __    ____|___| _|_ __
      |    _|     __          |       ____|     |                _| |_
      |__      ___||    __ ________ ____| |_ ________       ___      |
         |_____|   |____||____|   |____|   |____|   |_______|  |_____|
                        :.......                     :..........az0!/l124
                     ..........:                       ........:
                     :...........: t  h  e  f  e  c  t :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: thung                  | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: thung/reality               | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 122 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                  ......                 .....
                ..:    :           ......:   :    ......
                :..    :..     ....:    .....:    :    :..
                __:      :__   :   __   :...______:______:
               _| _|_ __|   |__:__|  |_____| __       ___|__
               |    _|     __        ||      ||       |    |_
               |__      ___||        ¯¯   ___||    ___|     |
                  |_____|   |_____________|   |____|  |_____|
                       ......:                       :...az0!/l124
                       :     ....           .........   :
                       :........: t h u n g :       :...:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: timi                   | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: timi/dinx project           | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 123 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                            ...                    ....
                        ....: :.       ............:  :.
                      __:      :  _____:   ____     ___:
                    _| _|_ ____:_|     __ |    |___|    |
                    |    _|      |____|  || |      |___ |
                    |__      _____          |_______    |
                       |_____|   |_______|__|      |____|
                     az0!/l124 :      ...             :
                               :......: :         ....:
                                     ...: t i m i :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: tresor                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: revi/whelpz                 | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 124 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                      ..........      .......          ......
                      :        :      :..   : ....     :..  :
                      : :......:  ......:   : :..:  ........:
             __      _:_____   ___:___ _____:       :___________
           _| _|_ __|   __  |_|   __  |  ___|______| __     __  |_
           |    _|      ||____     |  |_______       ||     ||___|
           |__      ___ |    |_ ________   |_|     ________ |
              |_____| |_|     |____|    |__________|....  |_|az0!/l124
                       :                               :.....
                       :.......                  ......     :
                           ...: t  r  e  s  o  r :    :.....:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: twilight               | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: yoyo/mawi                   | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 125 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

            ......                         .........
            :  ..:...       ........       :       :
         ...:  :....:     ..:      :.......:       :...          .....
    __   :     __ :_     _:______          ____   ____:   ___    :  _:
  _| _|_ :____|  |  |___|        |________|     _| ___|__|   |___:_| _|_ __
  |    _|     | __      |____|   |        |____|   |        __         _| |_
  |__         | ||_______    __       _____    ____|     ___||    ___      |
     |__________|       |____| |______|   |____|   |_____|   |____|  |_____|
            :    :          :                               .....     :az0!/l124
            :....:          :............                 ..:   :.....:
                                        : t w i l i g h t :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: uhu                    | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: uhu/freezers                | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 126 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                              .......:     :..
                              :..        ....:
                          __    : ___    :..__
                        _|  |___:|   |_____|  |____
                        |   ||      __        ||  |_
                        |   ¯¯   ___||        ¯¯   |
                        |________|   |_____________|
                       az0!/l124....        :.....
                                ...:           ..:
                                :......: u h u :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: venture                | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: majkel/venture              | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 127 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                              .............         ......
                 .....        :           :         :... :
             ....:   :      ..:           :......   .....:
            _:   ____:______:________       __  :   :______   _______
       ___ |  |_|   __     __       _|_ ___|  |_:__|   __  |_|   __  |
      _|  ||         |     ||         _|      ||       ||____     |  |
      |   ¯¯      _________||    ___          ¯¯   ___ |    |_ ______|
      |______________|      |____|  |______________| |_|     |____|
                     :                          :..    : .....az0!/l124
                     :.......               ......:    : :.  :
                            : v e n t u r e :          :.....:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: venus art              | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: bj.sebo/venus art           | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 128 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                ............. .....   .....
                :           : :...:   :   :..  .................
                :           :......   :.....:  :.....          :..
       __   ____:_______________  :    ____       __:____  ______:   __
  ___ |  |_|   __     __        |_:_ _| ___|___  |  ___  ||   __  |_| _|_ __
 _|  ||         |     ||        ||  |________ |  | |___|      ||____    _| |_
 |   ¯¯   __ _________||        ¯¯   __   |_| |  |___|   ____ |    |__      |
 |________||____|      |_____________| |______|      |___|  |_|       |_____|
       :      :       :                                .......    :az0!/l124
       :......:       :..........  ...                 :.    :....:
                                :....: v e n u s  a r t :

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: void                   | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: pnx/void                    | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 129 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                               ......:   :...
                            ...:            :.
                          __:     _____    __:_       __
                     ___ |  |____| __ |___|    |_____|  |
                    _|  ||         ||     |____|     __ |
                    |   ¯¯       __________    __     |_|
                    |____________|        |____||_____|
                          :                       :...az0!/l124
                          :.......  ....         ... :
                                 :.....: v o i d :...:

                                         .                                   .
                     __ _ __         _ __|___________________________________|.
                  _._).----/_.           |                                   |
                    _/___   \___         | summer is the time i feel so good |_
                   _\ \ `-_.  /`-+·      |                                   | |
                   )__(\ /°)___(         | aeroplane: whelpz                 | |
                 __ __|¯_¯_ j___ __      |                                   | |
            ____/ (_\ `---'-' __(__\__ _ | deck: revi/whelpz                 | |
           _\__`- - //     ©Mt\__ _  ((/ |                                   |_|
           \___   _(/________ _\______\  | 130 "event horizon" by azzarol124 |
             `----')           (`----'   |                                   |
                  \______¡______/        | infinite space -- infinite terror |
    _ __ _______./        )______\, ____ |___________________________________|.
               _(________/--------'      |                                   |
               `---------'               ·                                   ·

                                   .......... ....        ......
                              .....: .....  : :..:    ....:    :
                    ..........:    ..: ..:  :....     :     ...:
                 ...:              :...:        :.    :.....:
               __:______       ___________       :______    ____
            __|  |      |_____|   __      |______|   __ |__|___ |_
           _| | __     __          |      |          ||   _______|
           |  | ||_____||    __ ________       __  |_____ |_|   _|
           |____|....   |____||____|    |______||__|    |______|
                    :                               .......:   az0!/l124
                    :..........             ...     :....  .....
                       ...... :             : :         :  :...:
                       :......: w h e l p z : :.........:

      end of logos part, but it`s not the end of colly...     
                             "oto przyszîa noc                 
                            juû stoi w drzwiach                     
                           rozkîada skrzydîa swe                    
                              pochîania mnie                        
                        próbuje znów otruê moje sny                 
                         ja stojë i spoglâdam jej                   
                           prosto w ciemnâ twarz                    
                                pokonam jâ                          
                             jestem wielki...                       
                          przez noc przejdë îatwo                   
                               jak po szkle                         
               zabijë strach, rozproszë wszystkie myôli zîe         
                               oszukam czas                         
                           jutro nowy zbudzë sië                    
                               przez noc...                         
                            oto przyszedî dzieï                     
                                juû stoi i                          
                           ostrzy na mnie miecz                     
                               oôlepia mnie                         
                               próbuje znów                         
                         wmówiê mi tysiâc kîamstw                   
                                ja stojë i                          
                     spoglâdam mu prosto w bladâ twarz              
                                pokonam go                          
                             jestem wielki...                       
                          przez noc przejdë îatwo                   
                               jak po szkle                         
               zabijë strach, rozproszë wszystkie myôli zîe         
                               oszukam czas                         
                          zegary cofnë o sto lat                    
                              przez dzieï..."                       
        musi c  a  l   s    u     p      p          o          r t  
                              \ o_ .___._, _o /                     
   -[ this piece of ascii was powered by those following songs/modules: ]-
                               [[ singles ]]                        
                            madonna - "frozen"                      
                   astral projection - "dancing galaxy"             
                             kayashi - "furyo"                      
                               bbe - "exit"                         
                        jon the dentist - "shindo"                  
                 orbital - "the girl with sun in her head"          
                       total eclipse - "time drops"                 
                       mesmerisa - "roza luxemburg"                 
                      varius manx - "zamigotal swiat"               
                    tasmin archer - "sleeping satelite"             
                    sheryl crow - "tomorrow never dies"             
                                [[ lp`s ]]                          
                     "event horizon" - the soundtrack               
                   "the fifth element" - the soundtrack             
                     "mortal kombat" - the soundtrack               
                  "dead cities" - future sound of london            
                           [[ module artists ]]                     
                all from mono, jormas and phase_distortion          
           dave, revisq, timer, pzyhall, supernao and substance     
                   psylocyb, mixer, tzx and dj.wojtarek             
                              sometimes radix                       
                            [[ occasionally  ]]                     

                                  \      .      /                   
    _______     Bd!/L124           \     |     /                    
  ._\__    /________   ________   ___\___.·    /_______     ____  .___.
  |   /___/_\_     /___\___   /__ \    __l    /_\  _  /_____\_  \_|    |___
  |     .__  /____/      _/ _/  /  \   \ ____/.    \        _/         '  /.
  |     | /______________\_____/    \   \     |_____\_______\|_____________|
  |_____|            _____        .__\   \                           
                    \   /        l_______\                          
                ._____/____. it`s a chance to all of you to know me 
                |\         | _______ .______  much personally as an 
                |          |_\  _  /_|  ___/_ _______ normal scener 
                |          |    \    |  ____/_\  _  /_.             
                |          |_____\___|     ._    \    |             
                |         _|        _|_____|/_________|             
               _|_________\·         ·                              
     handle..........................................Azzaro (prev. Ctp)
     real name.........................................Tommy Wisniewski
     demo group[s].....................................Mawi and Anadune
     other groups.......Link124 [ascii maker], Hlor Dezing! [alcoholic]
     ............Dzieci Oazy [techno fanatic], Obora [party hooligans!]
     previous demo group[s].......................................Venal
     previous other group[s]......Get, Seven Up, Squeezers, Underground
     on scene since.....................................july 12th, 1995
     functions.......swapper, organizer, ascii maker, editor, packmaker
     age..................................20,3 (born at Dec 23rd, 1977)
     hardware..A1200, HDD 850, 030/50, 8fast, Cd-rom x4, M1438s, 2x FDD
     school................2nd year of Technical University of Koszalin
     positive vibes..............scene friends, alcohol, extreme sports
     negative & disco-polo music, dresiarze, obroncy, pope, solidarnosc, aws, quake and duke young players
     you should send me............all staff, but please send something
     ...................interesting to watch (graphics, trance modules)
     don`t send me..................stuff which is uninterested for you
     ..............any materials about manga and X-FILES - I hate them!
     demo....Breathtaker/VD, Television/BZR, Desperado/PSB, Shaft7/BOMB
     .......Goa/TBL, Cyberia/SCX, Remix/LED, Traffic/MST, Kinematic/INT
     musician....Revisq, Dave, Substance, Supernao, Yolk^Legend, Protas
     ...................................Dune, Azazel, Melomaniac, Timer
     graphician..........Made, Rodney, Kazik, Acid, Pickpoke, MRK, Caro
     coder....PG, Offa+EQ, Zig+Thorus, Jamie, Aivo, Noe+Bj.Sebo, Speedo
     group.........TBL, LED, Venture, Floppy, PSB, LED, Mystic, Haujobb
     parties outside 2 (1995) 01
                       :..............polish summer party`96 (1996) 02
                       :..............summer libation camp 2 (1996) 03
              outside 3 (1996) 04
                       :..........................gravity`96 (1996) 05
                       :.......................rush hours`97 (1997) 06
                       :................buz`97 elite party 1 (1997) 07
              outside 4 (1997) 08
                       :................bud`97 elite party 2 (1997) 09
                       :..............summer libation camp 3 (1997) 10
                       :..........................gravity`97 (1997) 11
                       :.........................astrosyn`97 (1997) 12
     this collection should be treat as a part of trilogy (3 ascii colls
  published at one time). all ascii`s signed by [az0!/l124] are copyrighted
     by my. rest of logos was done by other several ascii painters who i
      know or don`t know, but still respect them. also - words between
     credits logos at the beginnging was taken from tasmin archer`s song
      called "sleeping satelite". polish words at the end of logos part
    was taken from varius manx`s song "oszukam czas". of course all those
   rexts are still copyrighted by their own authors. also please trat this
   piece of work as a spreadware - of you like it - spread it, use it and
       love it. of course take a look into the first and third part of
      "psilocibe kkubensis" called - "sukia monotone (l124-smo.txt) and
      "the dream machine (l124-tdm.txt). thanks for your attitude and
                please request more logos if you only want.         
       [c] and [p] by link124 ascii studios in nineteen ninetyeight.

             :      :                        .........              
       ......:..    :                        :       :   .........  
       :     :.:    :                        :       :...:    ...:  
   ____:______      :________          ______:__       ____ __:      _______
__|   __    ___|_____|        |____ ___| __    __|_____|    |  |_____|   __  |
|     || ________    |____|   |    |     ||            |____| __           |  |
|_  |___||_   |_| ____    __           _______      ____    __|     ___ ______|
 |__|      |______|  |____| |__________|     |______|  |____| |_____| |____|

---------]  p  s  i  l  o  c  i  b  e    k  k  u  b  e  n  s  i  s  [----------
  _ ____   _ ____   __      __       _______________  ____       ____  ____
_| |  __| | |  __| |  |____   |_____|   __    __    || ___|_____|    || ___|___
|        |            ||  |_ __          |    ||     _______    |____________ |
|__|     ___|         ¯¯   __|    ___ ________||    __   |_| ____    __   |_| |
   |_____|  |______________| |____| |____|    .|____| |______|  |____| |______|
                    :                        :                      az0!/l124
                    :                ...     :....                  
                    :                :...........:                  
i`ll be back in part three.................:                         
 _________    ____________________________ _                         
|         |__ \  az0!/l124               ///                         
|  __/\__    |     ____   _______   _ ____                           
|  \    /    |____|    |_| __    |_| |  __|                          
|  /_  _\   |     |____|   ||              |                         
|    \/     |_____     ____||    ____|     |                         
|____________|    |____|    |____|   |_____|                         
 PSILOCIBE KUBENSIS - my new ASCII TRILOGY                           
     P       A       R       T       2                               
"EVENT HORIZON" - AZZARO`S NEWSCHOOL DREAM                           
                     ah - don`t forget your lipstick!               
          T H I R D  place in the world! (JurassicPack#5)   

           ._____.[st ff]jacobs/appendix - prefix/appendix - ziutek/appendix
 _________ |¯    :      ________[demon/cyber freaks]
|¯    __ /_|   __|____._\   ___/[master] madbart/anadune^appendix^teklords
|______(       \__   ¬:    __>___:___________________ ___ _
     /¯          /         \    ¯|
    /      .    /       _      _  [a1200T/030/882/50mhz/quantum 1.3gb/cdrom]
   /_______:---/______.-)______(------------------------------------- -- -
                          _______   ________   ________   _________.______
 [node 0] +48-91-879493  /¯  ___/_._\   ___/ ._\  ____/_._\  _    ¬·      |
       _ ___ __________._\____   ¬:    ___>  :    \    ¬:   /______.      |
[open]                 |     /         \                      ¯\nd!:______:
   22-13/week 22-10 cet  _          _          _          _     \  |¯     |
- ------- -------------:-)________.-)________.-)________:-)______\ |______|
 [node 1] telnet
 [node 2] telnet  [anadune whq] [appendix whq] [teklords phq] [floppy phq]

 [dinx project phq]  [jormas phq]  [mawi phq]  [doggystyle phq]  [psl phq]
 [link 124 phq]  [venus art phq]  [ozone free phq]

                            ... ::          ____
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        +48-58-216-071      ____ |__________|           - link124 whq -
        powered by a1240/40       sysop: cerber/appendix
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        ascii - demos games - porn - util _ __|

                    [be sure you choose the right number]