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38 351 bytes (37.45K)
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2017-05-19 23:24:08
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all-time: 415


  _____  _ 
   ____  ___   ___   ____  ____  ___  |  ___   ___   ___  .---- 
  |____ |___| |   | |____ |___/ |___| | |___| |___| |   | |____  
                          |____ |                              | 
         .   ,      ,   . .      .          .    | 
  m y  f | r ) t  a ) c | |  t r | | o g y  `----' 
  2076 A.D. Everything that you belive to be true is a contradiction. 
  Imagine a world that is suffering a slow decay, and a culture on the edge 
  of extinction. A world in chaos brought to obedient order by the machines 
  that man created. The linear programming that the system machine  created 
  to bring order is failing steadily due to the one variable  the  machines 
  cannot compute... HUMANITY.                                               
  In this time, man has become a docile  creature  herded  into  submission 
  under the mechanical laws that apply,  programmed  and  desensitized  for 
  their convenience. However, there are certain persons drawn together  for 
  reasons that are grounds for punishment, or even death. These people long 
  and yearn for a change within the infrastructure, a better  way  of  life 
  and a logical existence. These people create factions that congregate  in 
  total secrecy in places random and unknown. These factions maintain chaos 
  in society in order to disrupt the  system,  locate  the  weak  spot  and 
  trigger a collapsing effect. Their anger is only superseded by their will 
  to exist and nothing could be stronger.                                   
  ______ ______ ______ ___  _ ______  _____         ______ 
  _____       _____  _  _____                 
  _____ _____ _____   _ _____     ____ ____ 
  b|z/l124  d-e-s-c-e-n-t-e                    
   ________ ________ _______  _______ ________ __ _____ ________  
   /   .   |/  _____// _______/      :|/  _____//  \    |/      :|  
  /    |   /   _____/_____   /   _____/   _____/    \   /  _____ |  
  \  \_|:  \        \    `  :\   `    \        \    .  :\____|   |  
   \____   |\____  :|\____   |\____   |\____  :|\___|   |    |   |  
      `---'    `---'    `---'   `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'  
  ,            ,                                              
  ) e c o n d  ) t o r y   
  Fade from black to the some monitor as before.  Already  flashing  across 
  the screen are multiple images of violence, depravity and despair.  These 
  are auditory illusions that will relate to mechanisms normally  enhancing 
  accuracy of perception.                                                   
  EDGECRUSHER is alone. He has grown tired and appears  worn  out.  He  has 
  been running for so long from the grasp of SMASHER/DEVOURER  and  evading 
  the scape of SECURITION. His situation is looking bleak  and  the  stress 
  and angst  wear  on  his  face  heavily.  He  ponders  his  own  outcome, 
  calculating every living moment of his life with the variables of his own 
  actions. He dwells upon his life and what it actually amounts to. He asks 
  himself if he is merely becoming a repetition in the overall machine. Has 
  his quest for freedom become oblivion?                                    
   ____       ______/\     _____     ______ 
  ___/   /_____ /     /  \____\__ / ___/ _   /___ 
  \     /_     /     /    \   ___/__\    /__/   / 
  \     /    /     /      \  \      \  _______/  
  /__________\_____\ -pnk! \_________\ \     \  
                 /__________\        /________\ 
  |_|  ______.    · 
   ______.    ____    _______.    |_____ O 
  |      |    \___)_____ |     __|    /    /  o   _____.    
  |     _|___ _____|    \|     |     /   _/ _ ___ |    | :: 
  |___  \    |     |   _ \     |    /_    \     | |__.::     
  _____ |_______|-----|   \       |_.__\\     \    |____   :::: 
  |   |               `----\        |    \_____\        |  :::: 
  |___| ____  [$Ð!/dGs]     \_______|                 __|_      
        |__|            .....  ........   ...  ....   \_.  
            ____.   :::: ::::  :::: ::::  ::::     | 
  LiNk mE       |   ::::  .....:::· ::::..::::     | 
      nOW...    |   :::: ::::  ....       ::::  _  | 
            |   :::: ::::..::::       :::: (/) | 
  |__\____________ _ ________________| 
     \              Y                  
  .  .  
                          |\                  |\  
                          | \_                | \_  
    _____   _____   _____ |   |_______  _____ |   |_____ 
  _/     \_/  _  \_/  ._/_|   _/   __/_/  ._/_|   _/  _/_ 
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   _|__|   |   |   |____  \_ 
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
  |   |___|   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
  |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   | 
  ¯\_____/¯\_____/|   |___|___|\_____/|   |___|___|\_____/¯ 
                 |___|÷e÷            |___|                
  ABIGAIL ----------------------- skinner one
  ABIGAIL.DIZ ------------------- skinner two
  ANADUNE ------------------------ azzaro three
  ANADUNE.DIZ -------------------- azzaro four
  AZZARO ------------------------- azzaro five
  DIGGER ------------------------- digger six
  EXCESS ------------------------- azzaro seven
  IRIS --------------------------- digger eight
  MAWI ---------------- azzaro+pestilence nine
  MAWI.DIZ ------------ azzaro+pestilence ten
 eleven NAH-KOLOR ------------------------ gift 
 twelf NAH-KOLOR.DIZ -------------------- gift 
 therteen PESTILENCE ----------------- pestilence 
 fourteen SAVE DA VINYL ------------------ azzaro 
 fivteen SAVE DA VINYL.DIZ -------------- azzaro 
 sixteen SCREAM PACK -------------------- digger 
 seventeen SKINNER ----------------------- skinner 
 eighteen THORR --------------------------- thorr 
 nineteen WHELPZ -------------------------- thorr 
 twenty WHELPZ.DIZ ---------------------- thorr 

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 abigail/skinner.01conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

                      b|z/l124   abigail998  
         ________ ________ _____   ________ _______ ______   ____
        / __   :|/   ___ | \____/  /       |/ __   :| \____/  /   |
       /  \___  /    ___:|________/   _/   /  \___  |________/    |___.
       \   |    \        \        \   \____\   |    \        \       :|
        \__|_   |\____   |\____  :|\____  :|\__|_   |\____  :|\____   |
            `---'    `---'    `--'    `---'   `---'    `---'    `---'
  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 abigail.diz/skinner.02conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

   _______ ________ _______
  / __   :|/   ___ |/       |
 /  \___  /    ___:/   _/   |
 \   |    \        \   \____|
  \__|_   |\____   |\____  :|
     `---'    `---'    `--'
    abigail998 presentee 

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 anadune/azzaro.03conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

        ________ __ ____ ________ ________ ___.____ _ _____ ________
       / __   :|/  \    |/ __   :|/   .   |/   |   |/  \    |/  _____/
      /  \___  /    \   /  \___  /    |   /    |   /    \   /   _____/
      \   |    \    .  :\   |    \  \_|:  \    |   \    .  :\        |
       \__|_   |\___|   |\__|_   |\____   |\____   |\___|   |\____  :|
           `---'    `--'    `---'    `---'    `---'   `---'    `---'

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 anadune.diz/azzaro.04conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 
    ________ __ _____ ________
   / __   :|/  \    |/   .   |
  /  \___  /    \   /    |   |
  \   |    \    .  :\  \_|:  |
 \__|_   |\___|   |\____   |
      `---'    `---'    `---' 

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 azzaro/azzaro.05conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

             ________ _______ ________ ________ _______ ________
            / __   :|______  |______  |/ __   :|/ __    |/   .   |
           /  \___  /    ____/    ____/  \___  /  \___ _/    |   |
           \   |    \    '  :\    '  :\   |    \   |   \\   :|   |
            \__|_   |\____   |\____   |\__|_   |\__|_  :|\____   |
                `---'    `--'    `---'    `---'   `---'    `---'

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 digger/digger.06conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

             ________ ______   ________ _______ ________ ________  
            /   .   | \____/  /       |/       |/  _____// __    |  
           /    |   |________/   _/   /   _/   /   _____/  \___ _|  
           \  \_|:  \        \   \____\   \____\        \   |   \_  
            \____   |\____  :|\____  :|\____  :|\____  :|\__|_  :|  
                `---'    `---'    `---'   `---'    `---'    `---'  

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 excess/azzaro.07conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

                      ¸â   _¸
               _______#Ø   ØÆ________ ________ _______  _______
              /  _____¶#_ _#P      :|/  _____// _______/ _______
          b|z/   _____/¶#_#p   _____/   _____/_____   /_____   |l124
       \        | Æ0 \   `    \        \    `  :\    `  :|
             \____  :| 0¯0_\____   |\____  :|\____   |\____   |     
                 `---'#å å#_   `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'     
                     ¶0   0å                                        
                     'Æ   ¶`                issuee numbere fourthe  

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 iris/digger.08conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

                      ______  ________ ______  _______
                      \____/ / __    | \____/ / _______
                    _________/  \___ _|________/_____   |
                    \        \   |   \\        \    `  :|
                     \____  :|\__|_  :|\____  :|\____   |
                         `---    `---'    `---    `---'

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 mawi/azzaro.09conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

                       b|z/l124   mawi998  
                      ________ _______ _______ ______  
                     /       |/ __   :|/ | |   | \____/
                    /  . .   /  \___  / :| |   |________.
                    \  | |   \   |    \  ` `-  \        |
                     \_|_|:  |\__|_   |\____   |\____  :|
                         `---'   `---'    `--'    `---'

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 mawi.diz/azzaro.10conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 
   ________ ________ ______  
  /       |/ | |   | \____/
 /  . .   / :| |   |________.b|z/
 \  | |   \  ` `-  \        |l124
  \_|_|:  |\____   |\____  :|
      `---'    `---'    `---'   
   mawi998 manofakturiese       

  EDGECRUSHER in an abandoned building to rest  himself.  As  he  falls  to 
  sleep on a cold, loat loor, he repeats the same words as  he  does  every 
    Falling victim from neglect   
  Designed thoughts amd intellect 
      Forgotten and displaced     
   The crux of my dismay  
  I feel nothing 
   I am nothing  
  I feel nothing 
   How deep I descent?  
  Until I reach my end? 
   How deep I descent?  
      Deeper into this abyss     
  Weighted down and sinking fast 
       Life did not offer me     
  More than false destiny 
  I feel nothing 
   I am nothing  
  I feel nothing 
   How deep I descent?  
  Until I reach my end? 
   How deep I descent?  
   I am nothing  
  I feel nothing 
   I am nothing  
  I feel nothing 
   How deep I descent?  
  Until I reach my end? 
   How deep I descent?  

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 nah-kolor/gift.11conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

    __ _____ ________ ___ ____  ________ ________ ____     ________ ________
   /  \    |/ __   :|/   |   | /   |:  |/   .   |/   |    /   .   |/ __    |
  /    \   /  \___  /   :|   |/     ___/    |   /    |___/    |   /  \___ _|
  \    .  :\   |    \    .   |\        \   :|   \       :\   :|   \   |   \_
   \___|   |\__|_   |\___|   | \___|   |\____   |\____   |\____   |\__|_  :|
       `---'    `---'    `---'     `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 nah-kolor.diz/gift.12conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

     __ _____ ________ ___ ____ 
    /  \    |/ __   :|/   |   | 
   /    \   /  \___  /   :|   | 
   \    .  :\   |    \    .   | 
    \___|   |\__|_   |\___|   | 
        `---'    `---'    `---' 

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 pestilence/pestilence.13conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

                    b|z/l124    pestilencee    
                  _________ _______ _______  _______ ______    
                 /   .__  |/  _____// _______/      :| \____/
                /    | |  /   _____/_____   /  _____ |________.
                \   :|____\        \    `  :\____|   \        |
                 \_  |     \____  :|\____   |   |   |\____  :|
                  `--'        `---'    `---'   `---'    `---'
                  ____     _______ __ _____ _______ ________
                 /   |    /  _____//  \    |/      :|/  _____/
                /    |___/   _____/    \   /   _____/   _____/
                \       :\        \    .  :\   `    \        |
                 \____   |\____  :|\___|   |\____   |\____  :|
                     `---'   `---'    `---'    ---'    `---'

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 save da vinyl/azzaro.14conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

                    SAVEE DAE VINYLE chipiezine by mawi998 
            _______ ________ ________ ________     ________________
           / _______/ __   :|/ \     |/  _____/    /   .   |/ __   :|
          /_____   /  \___  /   \  ; /   _____/   /    |   /  \___  |
          \    `  :\   |    \    \_  \        |   \  \_|:  \   |    |
           \____   |\__|_   |\____   |\____  :|b|z/\____   |\__|_   |
               `---    `---'    `---'    `---'l124    `---'   `---'
                   _______ ______   __ _____ ________ ____ 
                  / \     | \____/  /  \    |/       |/   | 
                 /   \  ; |________/    \   /  \___/ /    |__.
                 \    \_  \        \    .  :\    |   \       :|
                  \____   |\____  :|\___|   |\___|  :|\____   |
                     `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'    `--'
                           [AZZARO] tommy wisniewski       
                         szeroka 35/8 - 75814 koszalin     
                                 poland - earth            

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 save da vinyl.diz/azzaro.15conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 
   _______  ________ ________
  / _______/   .   |/ \     |
 /_____   /    |   /   \  ; |
 \    `  :\  \_|:  \    \_  |
  \____   |\____   |\____   |
      `---'    `---'    `---'   
   SAVEE DAE VINYLE xx          
  mawi998 manufactoriese       

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 scream/digger.16conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

             _______  ________ _____#Øѵ___    ________ ________
            / _______/      :|/ __   ¶#_ ¬°¶Ñæø/ __   :|/       |
           /_____   /   _____/  \___ _¶#____  /  \___  /  . .   |
           \    `  :\   `    \   |   \,Æ0F°¶Ñæ\   |    \  | |   |
            \____   |\____   |\__|_  :|`0___  ¯\__|_   |\_|_|:  |
                `---'    `---'    `--' ~¬°¶Ñæø    `---'    `---'
                    ___                      ¯
            ____ .___\| _____ |___/ 
           |____||____||_____ |   \ 

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 skinner/skinner.17conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 
        _______  ___ ___  ______   __ _____ __ _____ ________ ________
       / _______/   |:  | \____/  /  \    |/  \    |/  _____// __    |
      /_____   /     ___|________/    \   /    \   /   _____/  \___ _| b|z/
      \    `  :\        \        \    .  :\    .   \        |   |   \_ l124
  \____   |\___|   |\____  :|\___|   |\___|   |\____  :|\__|_  :|
          `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'    `---'    

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 thorr/thorr.18conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

                  ________ __ ____ ________ _______ ________
                 /      :|/   |   |/   .   |/ __    |/ __    |
                /  _____ /   :|   /    |   /  \___ _/  \___ _|
                \____|   \    .   \   :|   \   |   \\   |   \_
                     |   |\___|   |\____   |\__|_  :|\__|_  :|
                     `---'   `---'    `---'    `--'    `---'

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 whelpz/thorr.19conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 

             ________ ___ ____ _______ ____     _________ ________
            / | |   |/   |   |/  _____//   |    /   .__  |______  |
           / :| |   /   :|   /   _____/    |___/    | |  /    ____|
           \  ` `-  \    .   \        \       :\   :|____\    '  :|
            \____   |\___|   |\____  :|\____   |\_  |     \____   |
                `---'    `---'   `---'    `---' `--'         `---'

  D  E  S  S  E  N  T 
 whelpz.diz/thorr.20conception 5 ii
  B  L  A  Z  E  L  I  N  K  1  2  4 
      ________ _________ ________
     / | |   |/   .__  |______  |
    / :| |   /    | |  /    ____|
 b|z\  ` `-  \   :|____\    '  :|l124
 \____   |_  |\____   |
        `---' `--'         `---'   
  whelpz998 manufactoriese.        

  ________________  / 
  ________________  \              /  . .....ø 
  \            __/___  \  ·Mo!\aL·  _        /:.______ 
  ___________     _/    _/__ ____\        __(_)_ ______   :|     / 
  \         /     \   _/  _/_\_   \       \    _/    _/__ /\    /  overview 
   \   /   /       \______\   /   /_.     /____\   _/   /_/\  __\ 
 «--\_____/\      /-------/___\_____|    /------\_______\---\/---------------»
            \    /                /             
  \  /  \/ 
 konceptione"obsolete" by fear factory
 supportelsd influences/monaree crew tunes
 releasedatee20.09.998 321200 parczewpoland
  EDGECRUSHER lifts his head and looks to the night sky. He  realizes  that 
  his life is worth the effort, so he maintains to arise.                   