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File size:
132 874 bytes (129.76K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:08
Download count:
all-time: 390


      :               t  h  e     s  e  c  t     b  b  s               :
   _________ ______    _________    _________ _________ _________ _________
  _\__   __/_\    /____\  ___  /__ _\   ____/_\  ___  /_\  _____/_\__    _/_
 _)__   ____/   __        \___/  /_)______       \___/     \_)   \__      _/_
 \______________|/   ___________/ \_____|/__________________________________(
      .         /___/-bBå/aZb!                                         .
      :                                                                :
      :    powered by amiga1200/030/50mhz/882  cd-rom  1,3gb space     :
      :                                                                :
      :   node0: +48 (0)91 87-94-93  time: 22-10 week 22-13 weekend    :
      :                node 1: telnet   node 2: telnet                 :
      :                                                                :
      :                    sysop: madbart/appendix                     :
      :     stuff: jacobs/royal, action/anadune. ziutek/appendix       :
      :                                                                :
      :  anadune whq - appendix whq - floppy phq - dinx project phq    :
      :  venus art phq - ozone free phq - mawi phq - doggystyle phq    :
      :               pic saint loup phq - link124 phq                 :
      :                                                                :
      :          0-3 days warez - ascii - polish demo stuff            :
      :                                                                :

    __________  /\  __________    ____    __________         ________
   _\  _____ /_/  \_\  _ ___ /____\  /____\   __   /_        \      /
  _)   \___   /    \   \\\                    |/    /         \    /
 ·\______/   /      \______________________________/           \__/
  ·\    /___/________\  +48 (0)58 21-61-07              _______(__)_________
   ·\                                                   \      /  \        /
    ·\  appendix phq · squeezers whq · link124 whq       \    /    \      /
     ·\                                                   \  /      \    /
      ·\  sysop: cerber/appendix^squeezers                 \/        \  /
       ·\  staf: klaf/appendix^freezers^squeezers^kk^hd!              \/
         ·\  dial for: Taboo mag, Bigoz mag, Fa! packmag, ascii,
          ·\           demo stuff, games, porno pics, tools and...
           ·\_________ __________ _________    ____   __________ __________
            _\  __   /_\  ______/_\__   __/____\  /___\        /_\  ____  /__ _
           _)   \_        \_)    \_      __/           \      /     \____/  ///
           \_____/   ___________________________________\    /_____________///
                /___/                                    \  /-bBå/aZb!

                |   p      o      i      s      o      n    |
      __________·__________  _________ ________   __________·__________
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     | \ \  \/  | \      / |\        /_________ /_ \      / ___  /   / |
     |:.  \   __        /.:|:.      .:|      \/.:|:.     /.:|/__/   /.:|
     |__   \___\)__      ___        ___/       _____      __|  /     __|
      /_____\   ·/________\/_________\/_________\ /________\  /_______\
                |                                           | ctp!/L124
                |   supervisors are: digger and hexachord   |
                |gates open:22`00-06`00 weekend:22`00-07`00 |
                |                                           |
                |       node one: +48 [023] 62-34-74        |
                |        powered by: 2400-28800 bps         |
                |                                           |
                | dsbl ratio `n high access for all friends |
                |                                           |
                |             d i a l   n o w !             |
                |    link124 distro site & requests zone    |
                |                                           |
                |_  P      O      I      S      O      N   _|



 LINK 124 presents a NEW ascii by BUDGIE!   ¦

 coli name - course!.? why and for what so?




             ¦             b u d g i e
          _____.                      ._____
          \_ __|____   ___.       ____|__ _/ ______ _   ____ _______ _
          |  \____  ).(_  |.----.(  ____/  |(_ ___///_.(  _/(_  ___///
          |    | /   |    ||    |   \ |    |   \__    |    |    _/____.
          |__  |/    ____ `'    _    \|  _____  |/    ___  ___  |/    |
           `---/_____|`---._____|_____\---' `---/_____|`---'`---/__shp!
             ¦ :. .  .
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        .-------------------------------------------------------- >
        .     mf!______  ______ _______  ___|   /   .-------.
        | :.     \_   /__\____/_\___ _/__\_ |  /    | 1.2.4 |
        `----_ _/    /   \_     \_ |    \_  l_/ \_ _`-------'
            \\\\__________/______/ |_____/___|   ////
                       .:link:.\___!         l__/
                                     . .: ¦
                             .                               __
                  .--------- ¦ -----------.                 _\/___
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                  ¦          ¦ :. .       ¦                    \/
                  ·          `------------'
                  ¦           a n d
  -p^a!         ________                                   __________
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 \    _____________    \/______    /    \     \   ____  /___      _______
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.- \_______/____________/________/______________\     \      \___________\ -.
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 |       \____/_\___ _/_\_ ___/_\_ ___/_\____/_\___ _/_\_ ___/_\_ ___/
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    mf!\________/  |____/_______/_______/______/  |____/_______/_______/p^d
               \___!                          \___!
            ·                                                   .
            ¦                                                   ¦
            ¦    i n s t i n c t                                ·
            ¦                                                   .
            ·                                       __/\__ . .: ¦
            . .-------.                             \ @@ /------'
            ¦ ¦ ----. ¦                             /_°,_\
            ¦ `-----' ¦                               \/

                                               p r e s e n t s

                                       . ¦
  _ _____.                   ¦                          ____.
  \\\__  | ________  ______ _·_____ _   ______ __ _____ \ __|__ _   _____ _
.(  | /  |( ___   /.(  ___///(  __///_.(  ___/ \_\\___ )| \___///  (  __///_.
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 `--'     `--' \___|`--/____|`---.____|`--/____|`--/____|`--/__shp!`---.____|
                             ¦ :. .   .

       Bd! ¦                                                  ¦ L¹24
          ______   ______       ____.   _______  ______    _______
        _( ____(__.\  _  \_.___/    |__(___   /. \  __/__._\  _  / .
        )___\     |   \    |  /    _|    _/  / |  \____  |  ____/  |
           . \____|________|_______\|____\_____|_________|_________|
           ¦                                                  .
           .                                                  ¦
           .                                                  ·
           ¦ :.                                               .
         cOURSe - it's tha new [ budgie ] ascii conquest babys!?

         _                                                       _
         \\ short introduction for everybody, but not only for? //

  hello  mates!   hello  there folks, why you look at this collection?  why
you  reading  it?   why  I  tell this stupid a questions?  why and why once
again?   you're  curious  what  I will write here?  no?  yes, yes man.  So!
let's  go  with cokes.  Well!  from today I'll be write some other my short
handle  at  my  logos.   I always wrote small b and big D, and else !.  So,
it's  time  for  a  small change.  Now I always, for over my days I will be
write Big B and small d, and of coze there will be !  too.  Why I decide to
change,  heh...   because I think that my old short handel some stupid look
out.  Now allright is.

 Well!   I should else to say that it's already my 5 collection from my new
crew  "link  124" and of coze no last.  Soon I will do collection only with
logos  for all members of instinct group, because i think that everyones in
group are friendly and live with them in the same group it's only pleasure.
Who don't think so.

 The  collection will be release at my finish days in my stupid school with
stupid  practice  in the bakery (you know, I do bread for hungry people who
says  only  more  and more :) but 15 july I trip for course and I'll be has
only  good  time  there.  It's true that I'll be must stoped my activity as
swapper  at  1,5  months, but of course I will come back to the roots after
the  course.   It's  will  be april, and I hope that scene will be the same
what  before  my unactivity.  So!  now come time for over write this words,
any we'll go farther, so let's go.

                                           excuse me this my lame english?

                                           F                 ¯"°¶Ñm_
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           what's happened watcher? you don't like my evil mine?
               we everyones are bad, bad and once again bad.

             totality is cewl over your days after watch coly.

             .------------------- main menu -------------------------»
         .______   ______ _     _______  .______  _______  _______   ._____
     ____|  _  /__\\_   /_\ _ _\\_    /__|  _  /_\\_    /_\\_    /___|    /
    \\__ | /  /.  __   /.  \/.   /   /._ | /  /.   /___/.   /   /.  /|   /.
      |_\_/____|__\(____|  __|__/     |_\_/____|  ______|__/     |________|
                        \\/    /______|        \\/        /______| -hzn-
             logos o1    -               214  ·                  ·
             logos o2    -            absurd  .                  ¦
             logos o3    -            absurd  ¦          .-----. ¦
             logos o4    -              acid  ·          ¦   .:¦ ¦
             logos o5    -          appendix  .          ¦ `---' ¦
             logos o6    -               apx  ¦          `-------'
             logos o7    -            azzaro  ¦
             logos o8    -         blackfire  ¦ :. .
             logos o9    -             blaze  `------------ --- -------»
             logos 1o    -             blaze
             logos 11    -           boyzout     what do you do baby?
             logos 12    -             bucko
             logos 13    -             carp
             logos 14    -           changes
             logos 15    -           changes
             logos 16    -            chosen
             logos 17    -              coma   «--------------.
             logos 18    -          covenaut               ·: ¦
             logos 19    -             decoy                  ¦
             logos 2o    -        deus docet                  ¦
             logos 21    -            digger          __      ·   _
             logos 22    -       duck hunter         _\/___-------//-.
             logos 23    -   european charts       .-\/\. /          |
             logos 24    -       firestarter       |    \/           |
             logos 25    -            floppy       |                 |
             logos 26    -           freedom       |  what's going?  |
             logos 27    -              gods       |                _|_
             logos 28    -           haujobb       `----------------\·
             logos 29    -             index                  .
             logos 3o    -          instinct                  .
             logos 31    -          instinct                  ¦
             logos 32    -               jcs                  ¦
             logos 33    -            leunam                  ¦ :.
             logos 34    -            leunam                  `-------»
             logos 35    -          link 124
             logos 36    -            locash
             logos 37    -              marc
             logos 38    -              marc
             logos 39    -             mario
             logos 4o    -             modem
             logos 41    -         nah-kolor
             logos 42    -            noname
             logos 43    -     personal info
             logos 44    -   personal letter
             logos 45    -    pic saint loup
             logos 46    -    power of manga
             logos 47    -               psl
             logos 48    -           psychol
             logos 49    -          punisher
             logos 5o    -              punk
             logos 51    -              rebb
             logos 52    -          receiver
             logos 53    -          receiver
             logos 54    -          receiver
             logos 55    -               rno
             logos 56    -              scum
             logos 57    -          sector 7
             logos 58    -            strife
             logos 59    -     svensk toppen
             logos 6o    -    swedish charts
             logos 61    -             thung
             logos 62    -              void
             logos 63    -           warlord
             logos 64    -           werbung
             logos 65    -             yaneq

             total is here : 65 wonder logos

           f u c k e r l a n d   w e l c o m e

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo o1: 214                       |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

   _________   _____    __. .__
   \  .    /  / .  /.  /  l_l  |
    \_l/  /  /__|   | /_____   |
      /  /_.    |   |      /   |
     /_____|    |___|     /____|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo o2: absurd                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                       Bd!/L¹24 ________.
            ____   ._____       \    ___|    ___.   ________  _____
       .____\_  \__l   _/________\   \_____./   |___\__    /._\    \
       |    _/         \_         \   \    l         _/  _/ l  \__  \.
       |____\|__________/   __.____\   \ ____________\      _____/___|
                      \____/  |_________\             \_____\

    a  b  s  u  r  d    -    p  r  o  d  u  c  t  i  o  n    i n    1 9 9 7

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo o3: absurd                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                  [  .  a  b  s  u  r  d  .  ]
                                              ______    Bd!/L124
     .-----.    _____.                        \   _//_____
     :    _¦__  \   _|_____   ______ ._____  ._\______   /    ______
     .____\_  \_l   \_    /___\   _/_|    /__1      _/ _/_____\     \_.
     |    _/     ____/   __    \_        /l      ___\          \__    |
     |____\|____j  \____/ l_____/________________\   \___________/____|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo o4: acid                      |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                       ______     ____   __ /__   ______
                      _\__   \ __/  _/___\ // /___\__   \
                    _/  _/    \     \               /    \_
                    \___\_    /___________________________/

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo o5: appendix                  |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                   /  \ ___
                  /    \\ /
       Bd!/L¹24  /      \/    a  p  p  e  n  d  i  x
        ____    /.______                             _._______
   .____\_  \_.__l_    /.______ .______ _______    ___l_    _/.___.____
   |    _/    |   /___/_l_    /_l_    /_\  _  /_.__\    \     |  _|   /
   |____\|____|_______   /___/   /___/     \    |   \__  \.   |  \_   \
         \           /______________________\___|_____/___|   |___|____\
          \/                                          |_______|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo o6: apx                       |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                /  \ ___
       Bd!     /    \\ /   L¹24
              /      \/
        ____ /   .__________.____
   .____\_  \_.__l_    |\  _|   /
   |    _/    |   /_____/  \_   \
   |____\|____|______| /____|____\
         /                \
        /                  \
     _ /____________________\

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo o7: azzaro                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                        \|\                                     /_.
            Bd!/L¹24     |                                        |
                  .______l__                                      |
            ____  l____    /.______      ____     ________  ______l
       .____\_  \_.   /   / l__   / .____\_  \_.__\__    /._\  _  /_.
       |    _/    |  /   /    /  /__l    _/    |   _/   / l    \    |
       |____\|____| /   /__. /___________\|____|___\________________|
                   /_______l                                      |
                         .             ...                     ___|_
                         |             : : ........   ::       \  ·
                         |             :...:: .. :: ..... ______\
                        _|________________ :: :..::.::.::
                         ·                 ::....::

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo o8: blackfire                 |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                               \                /_
    [  .  b  l  a  c  k     f  i  r  e  .   ]   \              / /
                                                 \            / /
              .____.      _____.         ____    _\__.    _____/   Bd!/L124
              |   _|____._\    |_________\_  \__/  __l___/    /___
             _l   \_   _|      '         _/        \         /  _/
             /_____/   \l________________\|_________\ _______\____\
                 /______\                            \\
                            ._______                   \  / /\       _
               __           |      / ______             \/\/  \    (.)o)
            ___\/_       ___|_   _/._\   _/_____  ________     \  _         _
            \  /\/      .\ __/_    |  \_____   /__\__    /__    \  \`°°'    /
             \/         |  ____)   |__     /  / __  /___/  /_    \  \  /\  /
                        |     |    | /_____\____\ \_________\     \  \/   /
                       _|_____|    |                               \_____/
                        |   |_     |
                        ·   |/_____|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo o9: blaze                     |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                       .-\\          |
                                       |             |
                                       |             |
                                       |   .         |
                             Bd!/L124  |   #Øwµøæ,.  |
          .____.      _____.        ____   ¶ ¯¯.ØP"  |________
          |   _|____._\    |________\_  \__P_.°___JÞ_\__    /___
         _l   \_   _|      '        _/      ø#"_____Q   /___/   /
         /_____/   \l_______________\|____.Ø@°°""¬"° __________/
             /______\                  | ¬F          |
                                       |             |

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 1o: blaze                     |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                             \           .____/___
                         Bd!  \          |___    /  L124
             _____   ______    \_____    _  /   /_   _______
           _/  __/__/_    /_____\_   \___\ /   / \___\_    /_\
           \   \_    /  _/      _/     .  /   /       /___/   \__
            \___/   /___________\|\____l /   /___._____________\
              \____/               \    /________|
                                    \  /

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 11: boyzout                   |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

      _________                    .______        Bd!/L¹24
    __\__     /_______ .____._____ l__   /    _______     _____._____
  ./  __/    /_\  _  /_l    l    /   /  /   ._\  _  /_.___\    |     l_
  |   \_   _/_    \    .__  ' __/   /  /    |    \    l    \   |     _/
  |____/   \ /_________l /____\    /  /___. |_________|________|_____|
     /_____/                      /_______l

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 12: bucko                     |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                     /  \\
                                   //    \ ___
                                   /      \\ /        _______
              ._____.  Bd!/L¹24    _____   \/_____  ._\  _  /_.
              l   __|____    _____/   _/___./    /__|    \    |
              |   \_    /__./         \    |    /    _________|
              |____/   /   l\    __________|____\____\
                 \____/__________\             \
                             /                  \\
                           //                    \

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 13: carp                      |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

           _____       ____     ________  Bd!/L¹24
        ._/   _/_______\_  \____\__    / ________
        |     \        _/        _/  _/__\__    /
        |______________\|________\         /___/

  [ . carp of instinct^phuture 3ø3 .]

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 14: changes                   |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                            /  \ ___
                           /    \\ /       c h a n g e s
             Bd!/L¹24     /      \/                            ________.
     _____   _____.____. /  ____   _______   ____     .______  \    ___|
  ._/   _/ __\   _l    |____\_  \__\  _  /__/  _/_____l_    /___\   \
  |     \        \_    |    _/        \        \_      /___/   / \   \
  |_______________|____|____\|_________\_______l/_________________\   \
                     /                                        _________\
                    /                   ______________________\
                 _ /____________________\

                              ¬#_                ___               #
                               ¬#_     ____µµæ#*@M°¶K              #
                                ¬#µµæ#Ñ@¶°"¯¯       0ç             0Þ           
                                J#¯                 ¬#             ¶L
                                ÆF  _µµ__            ¶&            JQ           
                               ,Ø _Æ®"¯°#_            0L           ¬#
                               Ø" ØØØÞ  ÆF            ¬#            Ø
                               Ø  ¶ØØ__æP              ¶&           ØÞ          
                               #__ ¬¶¶P"                0L          ¶L
                               Jع                      ¬#          ]Q
                          __  µ@                         ¶&         J#
                          ض#w@                           0L         Ø
                          #  °Ñ¸  ___µæØ#                 ¬#         Ø
                         J#   ¬  `¶°ÇZ  Ø       _          ¶&        ãL
                         J#       æØP" æP       0_          0L       ¶Þ
                         ÆF____µµææ***ÆF        ¬#          ¬#       J#
                        æØM@¶°"~#w             _ÑØK          ¶&_      #
                                 ¶K      ___µæÑ@°¯#_          ¶ØmµµææÑ@         
                                 _Øwaµæ##@°"¯     ¬#          ¬#_
                                 `¶°"¯             ¶K          ¬Q
                                                    0ç          ¶L
                                                    ¬#¸         ¬#_
                               æÑ**æææmµµµ_____      `#          ¬Q
                               3#       ¯¬"°°¶¶@ÑææwµµÆ&JQ        ¶L
                            _µµµØ¸                  ¯"°°Ø#         #_
                           ÍK¯¯¬"                             _____J&
                            #m_             _______µµµµæææ**#@@¶¶°°°"

                who I am? you know it? no? yes? you'll help me?

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 15: changes                   |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

   Bd!/L¹24       _____
    __     ___ ___\  7( __   _
    )_ |-l )-( \ ( \  _ )-  _)
                    \_) ¯¯

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 16: chosen                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

      Bd!                   _._________._
          ______.    _____   |         |   ______
         /   ___|_ ._\  __|__|    .    | __\   _/__ .______  _______
         \   \   \ |    \_        |    |    \_    /_[_    /__\  _  /_.
          \   \__. |_____/___.    ·    |_____/___/   /___/      \    |
      L¹24 \_____|           |         |      ___________________\___|
                            _l_________l_     \
                             ·         ·

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 17: coma                      |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                 BD!/L¹24       ___.
         _____   _______  ____ /   |    ____
      ._/  __/__.\   _  \.\   /    |____\_  \_.
  .__ |    \    |    /   |   \/____|    _/    | ___._
  |_  |_________|________|____\    |____\|____|    |/
  |/                                               |
  |                                                |
  |           c o m a   o f   3 l e                |
  |                                                |
  |_                                               |
  |/    a d r e s s e s   h e r e   w r i t e      |
  |                                               _|
  |                                               \|
  |                                                |
  |                                                |
  |_                                              _|

      m o r e   t e x t s   h e r e   w r i t e !

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 18: covenaut                  |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

   Bd!/L124                                                   .__________.
         _______________                                      l___    ___l
  ___    \      .      /        c  o  v  e  n  a  u  t            |  |
  \ /____ \     |  __ /_____ _______ _______     ____     _____   |  |
 ._/   _/__\    | \\       /_\_    /_\  _  /_____\_  \____\    \  |  |
 |     \    \______\      /   /___/     \        _/        \    \ |__|
 |___________l      \    /_______________\_______\|______________\
                     \  /

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 19: decoy                     |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                 ___ /  \
                                 \ //    \
                                  \/      \
                                           \    Bd!/L¹24
                _____    .______   _____    _______ ____._____
              __\    \___l_    /__/  ._/____\  _  /_\   l    /
              \  \__      /___/      l         \    ___ ' __/
             ______/________________________________| /___\
                                                 \  /

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 2o: deus docet                |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                \ ___ /
                                 \\ //
                                   /   Bd!/L124
                      _____  ________   _____   _____
                    __\    \_\__    /___\    \__\  _/___
                    \  \__     /___/    l\       \_    /
                   ______/____________________    /___/
              .  d  e  u  s    d  o  c  e  t  .
               _____    _______   ____     ________  ____
             __\    \___\  _  /__/  _/_____\__    /__\  _l_ ___
             \  \__        \        \        /___/      ___)  /
            ______/_____________________________________\l   /_
                       /                          /\
                      /                             \

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 21: digger                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                \\ /
    Bd!/L¹24     \/
             _.______._    .  d i g g e r   o f   i r i s  .
          ____|     /|  ____       ____       .______    ._______
        ._\    \     |_/  _/____._/  _/____.__l_    /_.__l__    /
        |  \__  \.   |    \_    |    \_    |   /___/  |   _/   /
        |____/___|   |____l/____|____l/____|__________|___\_____\
              |_     |

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 22: duck hunter               |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

         [   .   d   u   c   k      h   u   n   t   e   r   .   ]
                      _____     ____   ____    _____
                   ___\    \___/    \_/  _/___/    /___
                   \   \__     \         \        /  _/
          Bd!                                              L124
          _____.        ___  _______  ___       .______    ________
         _\   _|_______/   \_\  _  /_/  _l_ ____l_    /____\__    /
        \\    \_       \        \       ___)     /___/      _/  _/_
         (_____(_________________\______\|    ______________\______\

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 23: european charts           |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                               .-\\       |
                                               |         _|
                                               |         \.
                                               ·          |
                     !    e u r o p e a n    c h a r t s  |
                                               .          |
                             _._________._     |          |
    Bd!    ..... .....        |    .    |      |          |
   _______ :   : :   :   _____|_   |    | _____|__ _______|   ____   _______
  _\_    /_:   : :   :___\_    /   |    |_\__    /_\_    /____\_  \__\  _  /_.
 /  /___/  :   : :   :   _/  _/    ·    |   /___/   /___/     _/        \    |
 \_________:   :.:   :___\____|         |______|______________\|_________\___|
           :       .::       _|_________|_     |          |
    L¹24   `.........'        ·         ·      |       .__________.
                                               |       l___    ___l
                  ______.    _____       ____  |  _______  |  |    ______
                 /   ___|  ._\  __|______\_  \____\__   /_ |  |  __\   _/__
                 \   \     |    \_       _/        _/ _/ \ |  |__\  \_    /
                  \   \__. |_____/_______\|________\______\|__| /____/___/
                   \_____|                     .          .
                                               |          |
                                               ·          ·

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 24: firestarter               |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                       ____|     /|  ._______   .______
                     ./  __/      |__l__    /.__l_    /_.
          Bd!/L¹24   |  ____)     |   _/   / |   /___/  |
                     |     |      |___\______|__________|
                    _|_____|      |
                     ·     |_     |  f i r e s t a r t e r   o f   i t c !
       ______ ._____     ____     ._______ ._____   ._______  ._______
   .___\   _/_|     |____\_  \_.__l__    /_l     |__l__    /__l__    /
   l\   \_   \_     _/   _/    |   _/   / \_     _/   /___/    _/   /

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 25: floppy                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

       Bd!/l124             |         |
             ______ _____   |    .    |  _______  _______    ._____
            .\  __/_\    |__|_.  |    |__\_    /__\_    /____|    /
            |   ___/     '    |  |    |   /___/    /___/     '   /
            |     |___________|  ·    |_____________________   _/
            |_____|         |         |                    /___\
                            `         '

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 26: freedom                   |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                _________________________________________________  _
                )_______________________________________________( ((
         _____                            ________________
       ./ ___/  _______    Bd!/L124       \      .       /     ___
       |  ____)_\__   /_______ _______  ___\     |      /_____/_ /.
       |     |   _/ _/_\_    /_\_    /__\        |     /   _  /   |
       |_____|___\      /___/   /___/    \__     |    /_    \/____|
                  \________________________/__   ·   / \_____\
                                               \    /
                                                \  /

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 27: gods                      |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                              /  \\
                   Bd!       /    \
                           //      \                ________.
                     ____  /   _______    _____     \    ___|
                  ._/  _/____._\  _  /_.__\    \     \   \
                  |    \_    |    \    |   \__  \.    \   \
                  |____l/____|_________|_____/___|.____\   \
                       /                \         |_________\
               L¹24  //                  \

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 28: haujobb                   |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                  .-\\                |
                  |                   |
             Bd!  |                   |
                  |                   |

                [  .  h   a   u   j   o   b   b   .   ]

     _____       ____       ___     _____  _______ .____      .____
    _\  _j_______\_  \_.___/   \___/    /__\  _  /_|   _|_____|   _|______
    \   \_       _/    |   \       \     _.   \        \_         \_     /
    /____/    .__\|____|_________________\l_____________/    /_____/    /
        /_____l   .                   |               |_____/    |_____/
                  |                   |
           L¹24  _|)_________________(|_
                  ·                   ·

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 29: index                     |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

        Bd!  ______.      [  .  i  n  d  e  x  .  ]
             \  ___|   _______   _____   _______   _______
           ./       \._\  _  /___\    \__\_    /__ \     /___
      L¹24 |         |    \       \__     /___/     \   /   /

                              ø       .      secretly here? what's you think?
                             Ø#_      Øæ
                            dض#_   ,Æ#ØL
                        ___µØ´ °#m__ØF ¶#  __µææÑÑÑÑmç.
                  ,µææÆØØÑ@ÑK    °ÑÑ"   0ÑØÑP5ÆØ@P°"""
                  ¬°°¶¶#m_               ¯  æØ°  _.µÆ#
                °Øæw__ ¬¶#_                 ØF æÆØ@³_.µæ
               __ ¬°Ñ##  0#æÑØÑÑw_    _µµµµ_ØK ¬¯.æØØ@°¯
               °ØØÑæww_ µØP¯   ¬Ø# ,æÑØ@°°¶¶¶Ñ# °°"_.µææØØÞ
              ______°°° Ø#  ___ ¶#_Ø#  __     ØL ØÑ@¶°"¯
              ¶ÑÑÑÑÑÑ#  ¶# JØØØm ØMØÞ æØØÑ  _ÆØW_ ææm.___
                _.µæ    ÆØ&JØØØØÆ#¨ØW_#ØØØ_µØ@¬¶#w ¯"°¶Ñ³°
              ÆØ¢³°"_æ, Ø#°ÑØØØ@°Ø.¬¶#ØØØØ#°¯   ¬ÑÑw
                  _ÆØ° .ØF   "__æÑ°               ¬#Ñ_
                ,Æ#°   JØÞ   ÆØ@°"   __             °#m_
                ¬"     áØ   JØF     æØÑѵµµ_          °#m_
                       Ø#   °#Q    @°  """¶#.           ¶Øm_
                       ØF    ØF      æÆØ#  3ØÞ    .ÆØØÞ  ¬¶#w_
                       ØF   JØ´    __ææ.___øØ    æØ"        ¬¶ø
                      JØ    ¬°#µµÑØÑ@¶°°°°""  _ÆØK_          ¬#K
                      ÆØ       °°  _______µµæÆØ°¬¶Øæ.         ]Ø
                      ØQ   øØØØÑÑÑØØÑ@@##M°°MØw   _ØK         JØ
                      ¶#               Ø#    ¬#KaÆ#°        _æØ"
                      ¬ØK              Ø#wµµµæÆØ@"        .@P°
                       °Øw            ¬¶¶¶°"""¯        _øØ´
                        °Øx                         _.æØP
                         ¬#b_                   _.ææØ@"
                           °#æw_      ______.µækØ@°"

       we'll be have a dreams about space traveling and strange girls?
                 you'll be playing on the flute? why do not?

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 3o: instinct                  |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                  [   .   i   n   s   t   i   n   c   t   .   ]

    ______                             .______.
    \    /                      Bd!    |     /|  L124
   ._\  /,                      ___    |      |                    ___
   |   / | _______     ______ ./  _l_ _l_     | _______   _____  ./  _l_ ____
   |     |_\  _  /_____\   _/_|   ___)  /     |_\  _  /__/ .__/__l   ___)   /
   |     |    \         \_    ____\l   /_     |    \       l       ___\l   /_
   1_____|_____\_________/___/     \____\    _|_____\______________\   \____\
                                       |     \|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 31: instinct                  |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                .-\\      |
                |         |
                |         |
                |_        |
                ./        |
        __      |         |
        \/      |         |         _.______._
      .____.    |         |          |\     |   Bd!/L¹24
      |   /| _______     ______  .___|_.    | _______    ____    ._____.
      |    |_\  _  /_.___\   _/__l     |_   |_\  _  /_._/  _/____l     l_
      |    |    \    |    \_    \_     _/   |    \    l    \    \_     _/
      |_   |_____\___|_____/_____|_____|    |_____\___|__________|_____|
      |/___|    |         |          |     _|
      ·    ·    |         |         _|_____\|
                |         |          ·      ·

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 32: jcs                       |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

        .-\\      |
        |         |
    Bd! |         |
        |         |
        | ____.  ____    _______
     .___/    |_/ ._/____\    _/__
     |       _|   l       \_     /
     |_______\|____________/    /
        |         |       /____/
   L¹24 |         |
        |         |

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 33: leunam                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                                      Bd!/L¹24  ____
         _____.   ._______    ._____ _______     _____   _____ /   /
       ./     l___l__    /____l    /_\  _  /_____\_   \__\    /     .
       l      '     /___/     |         \        _/     ._  \/ _____|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 34: leunam                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                              /\\   /
                             /  \\//
                           //    \/  [  .  l  e  u  n  a  m  .  ]
      ._____.      .______ /     ____. _______      ____          ____
      |\    |___.__l_    /_.___./    |_\  _  /_.____\_  \_.____  /   /.
      |     '   |   /___/  |   l     |    \    |    _/    |\   \/     |
      |_________|__________|_________|_____\___|____\|____|_\  \/_____|
                       /              \                    /____\
                     //                \     Bd!/L¹24

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 35: link 124                  |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

               |    /|   [  .  l  i  n  k    1  2  4   .  ]
               |     |                      ____.  ______    ___.___
        _____  |     | _______  _____      /    | /   _  \ _/  /l   |
       _\    |_l_    |_\  _  /_/    /___  /__/  | \__//  /.\_____   |
       )_    '   \   |    \        /   /_   /   |    /  / |    |    |
        /_________\  |_____\______l\____\  /____| . /_____| .  |____| .
               |     |
              _|_    |    Bd!/L124

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 36: locash                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

              /  \\
            //    \             Bd!/L¹24           ________.
     _____. /    _______    _____        ____      \    ___|  _____
    .\    |____._\  _  /_._/   _/___.____\_  \_.    \   \   ._\  __l___.
    l     '    |    \    |     \    |    _/    |     \   \  |    \_    |
    |__________|_________|__________|____\|____| .____\   \ |_____/____|
        /              \                         |_________\
      //                \

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 37: marc                      |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

 Bd!/l124 ____    ____    ________   ______.
   _____ /   /____\_  \___\__    /  /   ___|    _
   \    /         _/        /  _/  _\   \ ______\
   _\ \/ _________\|________\______\ \   \__.
   /___\                              \_____|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 38: marc                      |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

      ___________     Bd!/L¹24
      \\   |   // ____  _____ ____
 _.___ \\     //  |7__| 7] _/ )7  ' ____
  |     \\   //   ||  | || \  )|__,    /_.
  |      \\ //                           |
  |                                      |
  |_    m a r c   o f   h a u j o b b    |
  ./                                     |
  |                                      |
  |           adresses here!             |
  |                                      |
  |                                      |
  |                                      |
  |                                      |
  ·                                      ·

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 39: mario                     |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                             \                    /
                                  Bd!/L124   .\__.      .        /
                     ____    ____    _______ | \ |      |       /
              _____ /   /____\_  \___\__   /_|  \|      |      /
              \    /         _/       _/  /__.   |            /
              _\ \/ _________\|_______\    \ |___|\          /
              /___\                    \____\·   · \        /

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 4o: modem                     |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                   \                 /
                    \       .       /    Bd!/L124            ____
                    _\__    |      / _____   _______  _____ /   /
             _____ /   /    |     / _\    \__\_    /__\    /     .
             \    /     .   ·    /    \__     /___/  ._\ \/ _____|
             _\ \/ _____|       /_______/____________l/___\
             /___\       \_____/

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 41: nah-kolor                 |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                              .( ).             ______
     [  n  a  h  -  k  o  l  o  r  ]          (_o_)  Bd!/L124   \    /_______
                                              ·(_)·              \_______   /
                                  _____        _|_                .    _/  /_.
                               _./    /___  ____|__    ____    ___|___ \  /  |
  _______      ____    _____  __|    /   /__\  _| /_.__\   |___\  _  /_.\____|
._\  _  /______\_  \_._\  __l_\      \         \|   |      '      \    |
|    \         _/    |    \_   \.____l\_____________|__________________|
|_____\________\|____|_____/    |

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 42: noname                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                  \|_  [ . n o n a m e   ø f   h a u j o b b . ]
   Bd!/L124       _|/
  _______  _______\| _______     ____         ____. ._______
._\  _  /__\  _  /_|_\  _  /_____\_  \_______/ _  |_l__    /__
|    \        \    |    \        _/        _  /       /___/  /
|_____\____________|_____\_______\|_____    \/______________/

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 43: personal info             |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                   \      .      /
    ________     Bd!/L124           \     |     /
  ._\__    /________   ________   ___\___.·    /_______     ____  .____.
  |   /___/_\_     /___\___   /__ \    __l    /_\  _  /_____\_  \_|    |___
  |     .__  /____/      _/ _/  /  \   \ ____/.    \        _/         '  /.
  |     | /______________\_____/    \   \     |_____\_______\|_____________|
  |_____|            _____        .__\   \
                     \   /        l_______\
                 |\         | _______ .______
                 |          |_\  _  /_|  ___/_ _______
                 |          |    \    |  ____/_\  _  /_.
                 |          |_____\___|     ._    \    |
                 |         _|        _|_____|/_________|
                _|_________\·         ·

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 44: personal letter           |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                   |__                                     /.
                   ._/                                      |
                   |                                       _|
                   |     p e r s o n a l   l e t t e r     \|
   .______         |                                        |
.__l_    /.______  ________   ______   _______  _______     ____   _____
|   /___/_l_    /__\__    /.__\   _/_._\  _  /__\  _  /_____\_  \_.\    |___.
|______|   /___/    _/  _/ l   \_    l    \        \        _/    |     '   |
       |____________\______|___l/    |______________\_______\|____|_________|
                   .           /_____|         ._____
                   |             __ _._ _._ __ |._  /     Bd!/L¹24
                   |_         )_ )-  |   |  )- ||/ /        .
                   |/            ¯¯         ¯¯'--\_\        |
                   ·                                        ·

          lETTEr fOR: Here Handle              lETTEr fROM: Your Handle


            _µÆØ#P°"¯              ¬°¶Ñ#æµ__
         _æØÑ°¯                         ¬¶ÑØæw__      o
        ,Ø@"          __                    ¬°ÑØæµ_        _
        ØF           JØØMm                      ¬¶ÑÑm_    ÆÑÑw_
       7Ø      ____µØØØ°¯"                         ¬¶#Ñw_Æ@ ¬¶#w_
       JØ_     ¶@@@0Ø#                                ¬¶Ø#    ¬¶Øm__
        0&         ¬#Þ    ææÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑÑææw               `¶        °¶Øæµæm
         0&_              ¯¯  ØP    ¯¯""                            "¶Ø#
          ¶#x                Æ#                    __                JØÞ
           ¬#Ñ_             ÆØ           ____µµææÆØØØ_               ÆØ
    o        °#Ñw_         dØ    ___µµæÑØØÑ@M°""¯  ¬¶Ñ#m__           ØF
               ¬¶#m_      æØ&ææÆØÑ@P°°"¯         o    ¯°¶Øæµ_       JØ
                 ¬°#Ñm_  æض°"¯                  .°       ¬¶ÑÑm__   Ø#
                    ¬°Ñ#WØ´                                  ¬°Ñ#m__ØÞ
                       ¬¶                                        °*ØØ

        everyones very much likes a captured dreams? why don't like
                            big other fishes?

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 45: pic saint loup            |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

       |     /|              ________.    Bd!/L¹24
   .___|___   |  ____        \    ___|   ____    ____    _______   ___
 ._l__    /   |_/  _/___.     \   \ _____\_  \_._\_ _)_._\  _  /_./  _l__
 |   /___/    |    \    l      \   \     _/    |       |    \    |   ___/__
 |_____|      |_________|  .____\   \ ___\|____|_______|_____\___|___\l   /_
       |_     |            |_________\                                \____\
       ·             ._____     _______     _____   ._______
                     |     |____\  _  /_____\    \__l__    /
                     |     '       \        l\        /___/

                [  .  p  i  c    s  a  i  n  t    l  o  u  p  .  ]

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 46: power of manga            |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

             |           |
             |     .     |                    Bd!/L¹24    _____  _____.
          .__|___  |     |  __.___  _______   ________    ||   | |  __|
       .__l_    /  |     |_/  |  /__\_    /___\__    /    ||   | | _/
       |   /___/   |     |  _/\      /___/     _/  _/.    ||   | | |
       |_____|     ·     |_____\  _____________\     |    ``---' `-'
             |           |      \/              \____|
             ·           ·
                    ____     ____    _______    ____         ____
             _____ /   /.____\_  \_._\  _  /_._/  _/____.____\_  \_.
             \    /     |    _/    |    \    |    \_    |    _/    |
             _\ \/ _____|____\|____|_____\___|____l/____|____\|____|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 47: psl                       |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

    [ . p i c   s a i n t   l o u p . ]
       ._______  \    ___|     ____.
    .__l__    /   \   \      ./    l____
    |    /___/     \   \     |     '   /_
    |______|   .____\   \    |__________\

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 48: psychol                   |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

 ·  __
 : _\/_ Bd!    _______.       psychol issue : #oO  by appendix
 : \/\/ .______\   ___l _____._____  ____      ___.     _______   ___.
 :   .__l_    / \  \ ...\    |    /_/  _/___._/ __l___._\  _  /_./   l___.
 :...|   /___/..:\  \  : \__ ' ___     \    |   \_    l    \    |    '   |
     |_____\  .___\  \ :.. /___\  \_________|____/____|_________|________|
 L¹24         l_______\

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 49: punisher                  |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

    ____                   Bd!/L¹24
  . 7|_/    ___     __ |__  __  __  .
  | ||  )_) ) / (_ _)  ) / (--' )   |
  |                         ¯¯      |
  |                                 |
  |                                 |
  |____                             |
    ._/   adresses here?            |
  ._|                               |
  |                                 |
  |                                 |
  |                                 |
  |                                 |
  ·                                 ·

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 5o: punk                      |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                /  \ ___
     [  .  p  u  n  k  .  ]   //    \\ /    [  .  h  e  a  d  .  ]
                              /      \/
                          ________       Bd!/L¹24
                       ___\_     /   ___  _______  _____
                      _\   /    /__./   \_\  _  /_/    /___
                      \_  /____/   l\        \        /  _/
                        /                   ________________________
                     _ / ___________________\

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 51: rebb                      |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                          /  \ ___
                        //    \\ /    [ . r e b b . ]
            Bd!/L¹24    /      \/
                .___\_    /  .______  .____.
                |   _/  _/.__l_    /__|   _l____.____.
                |___\     |   /___/   |   \_    |   _l_____
                   / \____|___________|____/    |   \_    /
                 //                  \   \______|____/   /
                 /                    \\           \____/

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 52: receiver                  |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

              [   .   r   e   c   e    \  /   i   v   e   r   .   ]
 ______                              ._\\/__
 \   _//_____                        |     /                   ______/
  \______   / ________  ____    _____|__ _/|_________ ________ \  __//____
       _/ _/__\__    /_/  _/____\__    /   \\       /_\__    /__\_____   /
  //___\        /___/     \       /___/    |\\     /    /___/       _/  / .
  /     \_______________________________   | \\   /_________________\    \|
                                     | /   |  \  /                   \____|
                                    _l/____|   \/      Bd!/L124

      where I am?

                         __aa__  æmw
                       _*"    ¬¶Ø  ¬L
                      g"    ¸µ_ ¬K  L
                      0     #ØØK 0æ*N_
                      `w    ¬°° _MwæµF
                       ¬*__  __ø° ¬Ø¯     who is this?
                         Ø"°°"¯    F
                     ___Æ          F
          ___µw*=^^°°""@          JMmw__
      _µæ¤°"     µ__ ,P           á    "9m__
    æP¯         JØM#ÑƵ__         #       ¬°*_
    °*__        JØÞ ¯"¶ÑØÑmw__    F          ¬¶w_
       °*w__     0Q      ¬°¶ÑØæw__F             ¶w
         د"9*mw_æ##_ ______  ¬°¶ÑÑmµ       __aw*°
        JÞ  #  Ø 0¬¶#Ø"¯  ¬°*_   _µØØL_µæp*°¶¯
        Ø  JÞ JÞ #  ¬¶#ÑæµµµµÆwæØØP""JÞ  Q   ð
       J´  Ø  á  Q     ¯"°°°°°"¯Æ     L  ¶_  `L
       ¬   ¹  F  0            µF      L   Q   ¶
             J   ¶          _Æ´       F   ¬¸   Q
             #    b       _æ"         1    #   ¬
            J´     *w___w4¯           #
            Ø        ¯¯               #
            "                         0

      I am not like to you? I'm other? Whether I am monster? I'm dress wear?
            why you never liked me? why I'll send you only questions?

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 53: receiver                  |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

        ________ _______  ____   _______\\         /_______  _______
    _.__\__    /_\_    /_/  _//__\_    /_\__     ·/_\_    /__\__   /
    /|   _/  _/   /___/     \_    /___/_  _/.   //   /___/    _/ _/
     |__\\     _______________________|\    |   /____________\\    ¬\\
          \____\\                    _|     |  /               \_____\\
                               Bd!   /|     |\/   L124

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 54: receiver                  |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                        \\ /
 ______                              _.______.
 \   _/______                  Bd!    |     /|    L¹24
  \______   /  ________  ____   ______|_     |____._____  ________  _________
   .   _/ _/_._\__    /_/  _/___\__    /     |    l    /__\__    /__\___    /
   |___\     |   /___/     \      /___/      |              /___/      /  _/
        \____|___________________________    |\________________________\____\
                                      |_     |
                                      ·      ·

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 55: rno                       |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                                                  .-\\     |
                                                  |        |
                       ______                     |       _|
                       \   _//_____               |       \.
              Bd!/L124  \______   /  _______  _______      |
                         _   _/ _/___\  _  /__\  _. /_     |
                         /___\          \        \|   |    |
                              \__________\____________|    |
                                                  |        |

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 56: scum                      |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                               /  \ ___
                              /    \\ /
                 Bd!/L¹24   //      \/     [  .  s  c  u  m  .  ]
                            /  ______.
                     ______   /   ___|    ______.       ____
                   __\   _/__ \   \ ______\     l_____ /   /
                  .\  \_    /  \   \__._   \          /     .
                  1____/___/    \_____|/_________   \/ _____|
                                      ·         /____\
                      /                     _______________________
                   _ /  ____________________\

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 57: sector 7                  |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

    ____   ______  ___   __  ________ ______  ______.
 ___\ _/___\_   /_/._/__/ _|_\   _  /_\_   /  \__   |
 \   \      /__/   l      __(    \     / _/_    \_  |
 /___/________________________       __\____\    |__|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 58: strife                    |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                            /  \ ___
                           /    \\ /
                          /      \/
            ________.    /             ._____.   Bd!/L¹24
            \    ___|  ._____     _____l_   /| _____   .______
             \   \    _l     l_ __\__   /    |/  __/___l_    /__
              \   \   \_     _/    _/ _/_.   |    __/   /___/  /
          .____\   \   l_____|_____\     |   |_____|____________\
          |_________\               \____|   |
                  /                       _____________________

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 59: svensk toppen             |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

               _________     Bd!/L124         ________.
           ____\_      //_______  _______     \    ___l    _____
         __\   _/__    /_\_    /__\  _  /_____ \   \ _____/    /___
         \  \_    /   /   /___/      \          \   \         /  _/
        _____/___/\  /________________\_____.____\   \ _______\____\
                   \/                       l_________\

         .    s   v   e   n   s   k       t   o   p   p   e   n    .

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 6o: swedish charts            |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                          s w e d i s h   c h a r t s
    ________.                       _._______._
    \    ___|   __.___  _______   ___|_      |  ______ ____.____
     \   \   ._/  |  /__\_    /___\    \     |__\   _/_\  _|    |
      \   \  |  _/\      /___/     \__  \.   |   \_       \_    |
  .____\   \ |_____\  _______________/___|   |____/________|____|
  |_________\       \/               |       |         .__________.
                         bD!/L124   _|_______|_        l___    ___l
                  ______.    _____   ·   ____·    _______  |  |    ______
                 /   ___|  ._\  __|______\_  \____\__   /  |  |  __\   _/__
                 \   \     |    \_       _/        _/ _/ __|  |__\  \_    /
                  \   \__. |_____/_______\|________\_____\ |__| /____/___/

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 61: thung                     |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

        Bd!   ___
            ./  _l_ ___ .____.          _____ _______    ____
            |   ___)  /_|   _l________./    /_\  _  /___/  _/____.
            |___\l          \_        l          \         \_    |
        L¹24     \___________/____________________\________l/____|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 62: void                      |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                             Bd!/l124  _\ /
                                        \/  _
                     _________ /\     ._____/
                     \       //______ |    /|  _____
                      \      /   _  /_|     |__\    \
                       \    /    \    |     |   \__  \.
                        \  /__________|     |_____/___|
                         \/           |_____|

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 63: warlord                   |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                           Bd!/L124     \      .      /
       __.___     ____    _______ _____  \     |     / _______ _____
    ._/  |  /_____\_  \___\__   /_\    l__\    |    /__\__   /_\    \
    |   /\        _/       _/ _/       '   \   ·   /    _/ _/   \__  \.
    |_____\ ______\|_______\________________\     /_____\_________/___|
           \_                                \___/

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 64: werbung                   |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

         Bd!/L124    ______
   ____.____         \   _/______ .____.         ___  _______    ____
   \   |   / ________ \______   / |   _|_______./   \_\  _  /_._/  _/____.
   _\  /\ /__\__    /___   _/ _/__|   \_       |\        \    |    \_    |
   /_____\     /___/   ____\     ______/    ______________\___|____l/____|
          \____________\    \____\   \_____/                  ·

                 |                                              |
                 |__  budgie of link 124 + absurd + instinct!   |
                _._/                                           _|
               (_|_               p r e s e n t s              \.
                 |                                              |
                 |                 ' a b y s s '                |
                _|__._                                      _.__|
                 ·  |/                                      \|
                    |     logo 65: yaneq                     |
                    |                                        |
                    |                                        |
                    ·                                        ·

                      /  \\
                     /    \
                   //.-- - \  [  .  y  a  n  e  q  .  ]
                   / ¦     ¦\
                .____.    ____   _______  ________   _______
           _____|    |____\_  \__\  _  /__\__    /___\  _, /_.
           \    '    |    _/        \       /___/       \|   |
            \__   ___|____\|_________\____________________  \|
              /___\  `-----'     \                       /___\
            //                    \   Bd!/L124

                        man, it's must to be finish.

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        why I cannot read it? what's your wrote here? it's picture?
                 why I didn't die? what I am retraction?

                         credits here are !.?
                  .                       ._____      _____.
  _______ _   _________   _______ _   ____|__ _/  ____\_ __|__ _    _____ __
.(   ___/// .(  ___   / .(_  ___/// .(  ____/  |.(  _/|  \___///   (  __//_/_.
|    | ____.|    |/  /_.|    _/____.|   \ |    ||    ||    | ____..-\____    |
|__  |/    ____  |\    ____  |/    __    \|  ______  ____  |/    ____  |/    |
 `---/_____| `---' \___| `---/__shp!|_____\---'  `---' `---/_____| `---._____|
             . .: ¦       shp!   -            sharp/u'race
         .--------'        mf!   -   melfis/pionner design
         ¦               -p^a!   -   point/apathy^instinct
         ·  rest logos made by   -          budgie/link124
         `-----------------------------------------  -----------------»

                                  ._____      ._____     ______
                 _ _______    ____|__ _/  ____|__ _/.____\     |
                _\\\____  )..(  ____/  |.(  ____/  ||    |\_  _|
   .------ ---  \   ___    ||   \ |    ||   \ |    _________  | - --------.
   .            |\_  |/    __    \|  ____    \|  __|   |  U   |           ¦
   ¦            `----/_____||_____\---' |shp!_\---'    `------'           ·
   ¦                                                                      .
   ·         for ascii ^ traditional swapping you can write here!         ¦
   ¦                                                                      ¦
   ·                    budgie/link124^absurd^instinct                   _¦
                               kamil kaczmarek                           \.
   .                         boh. warszawy 1o5/3                          |
   ¦                           72-2oo nowogard                            |
   ·                               poland!                                ¦
   ¦                                                                      ·
   ¦ :. .   .                                                             .
      letter + disk - it's alwaya 1oo% answer, but dear polish beginners
                           don't write to me, thanks!

               and favourite question at today, why it's over?

                      FOR STAYING TUNED ONE MORE TIME:
       Acid - Arek Kajzerek · Patyzantow 32b/1 · 44253 Rybnik · POLAND
Azzaro [hq] - Tomek Wisniewski · Szeroka 35/8 · 75814 Koszalin · POLAND
     Budgie - Kamil Kaczmarek · Boh. Warszawy 105/3 · 72200 Nowogard · POLAND
     Chosen - Sebastian Wojaczek · Vogelpothsweg 24 · 44149 Dortmund · GERMANY
   Covenant - Darek Kawalec · Szeroka 25/1 · 75814 Koszalin · POLAND
       Revi - Slawek Ostruszka · Sosnowa 3 · 43400 Cieszyn · POLAND



      :               t  h  e     s  e  c  t     b  b  s               :
   _________ ______    _________    _________ _________ _________ _________
  _\__   __/_\    /____\  ___  /__ _\   ____/_\  ___  /_\  _____/_\__    _/_
 _)__   ____/   __        \___/  /_)______       \___/     \_)   \__      _/_
 \______________|/   ___________/ \_____|/__________________________________(
      .         /___/-bBå/aZb!                                         .
      :                                                                :
      :    powered by amiga1200/030/50mhz/882  cd-rom  1,3gb space     :
      :                                                                :
      :   node0: +48 (0)91 87-94-93  time: 22-10 week 22-13 weekend    :
      :                node 1: telnet   node 2: telnet                 :
      :                                                                :
      :                    sysop: madbart/appendix                     :
      :     stuff: jacobs/royal, action/anadune. ziutek/appendix       :
      :                                                                :
      :  anadune whq - appendix whq - floppy phq - dinx project phq    :
      :  venus art phq - ozone free phq - mawi phq - doggystyle phq    :
      :               pic saint loup phq - link124 phq                 :
      :                                                                :
      :          0-3 days warez - ascii - polish demo stuff            :
      :                                                                :

    __________  /\  __________    ____    __________         ________
   _\  _____ /_/  \_\  _ ___ /____\  /____\   __   /_        \      /
  _)   \___   /    \   \\\                    |/    /         \    /
 ·\______/   /      \______________________________/           \__/
  ·\    /___/________\  +48 (0)58 21-61-07              _______(__)_________
   ·\                                                   \      /  \        /
    ·\  appendix phq · squeezers whq · link124 whq       \    /    \      /
     ·\                                                   \  /      \    /
      ·\  sysop: cerber/appendix^squeezers                 \/        \  /
       ·\  staf: klaf/appendix^freezers^squeezers^kk^hd!              \/
         ·\  dial for: Taboo mag, Bigoz mag, Fa! packmag, ascii,
          ·\           demo stuff, games, porno pics, tools and...
           ·\_________ __________ _________    ____   __________ __________
            _\  __   /_\  ______/_\__   __/____\  /___\        /_\  ____  /__ _
           _)   \_        \_)    \_      __/           \      /     \____/  ///
           \_____/   ___________________________________\    /_____________///
                /___/                                    \  /-bBå/aZb!

                |   p      o      i      s      o      n    |
      __________·__________  _________ ________   __________·__________
     _\  ___ _ /_ _____   /__\________ )  ____/__  _____   /_)  __    /_
     | \ \  \/  | \      / |\        /_________ /_ \      / ___  /   / |
     |:.  \   __        /.:|:.      .:|      \/.:|:.     /.:|/__/   /.:|
     |__   \___\)__      ___        ___/       _____      __|  /     __|
      /_____\   ·/________\/_________\/_________\ /________\  /_______\
                |                                           | ctp!/L124
                |   supervisors are: digger and hexachord   |
                |gates open:22`00-06`00 weekend:22`00-07`00 |
                |                                           |
                |       node one: +48 [023] 62-34-74        |
                |        powered by: 2400-28800 bps         |
                |                                           |
                | dsbl ratio `n high access for all friends |
                |                                           |
                |             d i a l   n o w !             |
                |    link124 distro site & requests zone    |
                |                                           |
                |_  P      O      I      S      O      N   _|

                         free place for you all.