File Archive

File download


File size:
80 271 bytes (78.39K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:06
Download count:
all-time: 459



        . [node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1: telnet]  [node2: telnet]
        ¦         _______ [amiga124oT/6o3e/24omhz/4gb warez space]
       _________  \     /__________
    ___\       /___\__         ___/________
    \                /    _    \   ___    /_____    m a s t e r :
     \_____         /\----/_____\    ____/     /               madbart
          /--------/             \_____       /    . appendix+teklords
                                      /------/  -»-·------------------|/·
                ________                           ¦         ________
                \    __/____              _____________  ____\      /______
                 \_______   \____________ \      _____/__\___             /
    _  . k®s!/la!  /    / _  \   ___    /__\__   \          /____        /
   |_|-·----------/_______\---\    ____/     /_____        /    /-------/
       ¦                       \_____       /     /-------/
       ¦ t h e  s e c t  b b s      /------/
       ¦ [appendix/whq]  [anadune/whq] [teklords/phq]  [floppy/phq]
       ¦ [linear/whq] [link124/phq] [dinx project/phq] [jormas/phq]
       ¦ [mawi/phq]  [doggystyle/phq]   [venus art/phq]   [psl/phq]
       ¦ [ozone free/phq]
    -«-·-------------[ supporter: jacobs.prefix + ziutek.appendix ]

                     ______                  ______|     |
                    |_     |________ __________  __|     |
                     |     |        |____         ||_   _|
                     |· _           |||      __  ·|_/___\_
                     |--|___________|---------|___||     |
                    ¦                                    ¦
                    ¦ l i n e a r  back in new colly.    ¦
                    ¦ artist. krs/linear                 ¦
                    ¦ title. extremal files              ¦
                    ¦ shortening. la!-efs.txt            ¦
                    ¦_______________________________  _  ¦
                    ¦                                | |-'


Date  : Ôroda 02-Wrz-92    12:25:15
Task  : 003FF008 "Background CLI"
Error : 8000000E (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Stack frame format error
Date  : Ôroda 02-Wrz-92    12:25:15
Task  : 0035EC60 "Background CLI"
Error : 8000000E (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Stack frame format error
Date  : Ôroda 02-Wrz-92    12:25:15
Task  : 0021C0D0 "Unknown"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)

          .: ............:.
           ..:           :
        ___:__     ____  :  ______  ______         _____     ______
       _\    /_____\__/__:__\_   /__\  __/_________\_  /_____\_   /_
       \   _/     _    _     /    _  __/     _    __/   _    _/  / /
     «-dKS!:             :-------------------------------------------»
           :           ..:..
          .:...........::: :       [ · ] l i n e a r  back!
           ·           :...:.. .

       _______        _
  ___ | ____________ |_|
      | Federacja zaczarowanego swiata znakow ascii
        "linear"  przedstawia wytwor bedacy dzielem
        jednego z jej czlonkow: krzysztof'a gawor'a

                                             _a k a

                            __ __    ____    ____
                          __) Y /_ _(__ /_ _( __/__
           [ krskrskrskrs \   _/  Y   _/  Y_____  / krskrskrskrs ]
     .a(id                /---|___+---|___|_______\                k0re.

                                 ___âµæM@P°"¯ 0#                                
                            _µgÏ0@P°"¯    a¶ j0þ  _
                         _  0Ë               j0F J0Þµ
                       _æ0k Ø#               j0Î  ¬900µ
                      jØ0"  ]0L  __âggÏÏÏgpµ ]0L     °0b_
                     ¼0P     0Ë j00@P°"""°90 j0L      ¬Ø0_
                    ¼0F      Æ0  "           ]0  ¸      Ø0¸
                    0#       j0Î             ]0  ßL     ¬00
                   Æ0L     jL 0#             á0  Æ0      ]0Î
                   00      Ø0 å0_ .--------. Æ0  ¬0k     ¬0Ë
                   0#  -------¬0Ë-¦ linear ¦-Æ0-------    0#
                   00      00  #0 `--------' 00  j0F      0#
                   Æ0L     ¬0Î j0Î   1999    0#  Æ0      j0F
                   ¬0þ      å0L 0#           0þ  0´      00
                    °0Î      ¬# Æ0     ___âµM0F ?       Æ0
                     °0b_       ¬0Îâµp#@P°"¯          _Æ0
                      ¬00µ       °""¯    __âµgë     _æ0#
                        90Þµ_     ___µgM0@P"¯Ø#   _æ00"
                         ¬900gµ_ ¬0P°¯       Æ0  Æ0#°
                            ¬9#0Î 0k  ___âµw Æ0  °¯
                                  ## ¬~°"_.k®s!

                         liczy sie jakosc a nie ilosc!

                                                krs + yaneq [linear'99]

00000000 System
00000002 Hardware bus fault/access error
00000003 Illegal address access (ie: odd)
00000004 Illegal instruction
00000005 Divide by zero
00000006 Check instruction error
00000007 TrapV instruction error
00000008 Privilege violation error (not supervisor mode)
00000009 Trace error
0000000A Line 1010 Emulator error
0000000B Line 1111 Emulator error
0000000C Reserved Vector
0000000D CoProcessor Protocoll-error
0000000E Stack frame format error
0000000F Execute an uninitialized interrupt
00000018 Spurious interrupt error
00000019 AutoVector Level 1 interrupt error
0000001A AutoVector Level 2 interrupt error
0000001B AutoVector Level 3 interrupt error
0000001C AutoVector Level 4 interrupt error
0000001D AutoVector Level 5 interrupt error
0000001E AutoVector Level 6 interrupt error
0000001F AutoVector Level 7 interrupt error
00000020 uninitialized TRAP #0 vector
00000021 uninitialized TRAP #1 vector
00000022 uninitialized TRAP #2 vector
00000023 uninitialized TRAP #3 vector
00000024 uninitialized TRAP #4 vector
00000025 uninitialized TRAP #5 vector
00000026 uninitialized TRAP #6 vector
00000027 uninitialized TRAP #7 vector
00000028 uninitialized TRAP #8 vector
00000029 uninitialized TRAP #9 vector
0000002A uninitialized TRAP #A vector
0000002B uninitialized TRAP #B vector
0000002C uninitialized TRAP #C vector
0000002D uninitialized TRAP #D vector
0000002E uninitialized TRAP #E vector
0000002F uninitialized TRAP #F vector
00000030 FPCP branch or set on unordered condition
00000031 FPCP inexact result
00000032 FPCP divide by zero
00000033 FPCP underflow
00000034 FPCP operand error
00000035 FPCP overflow
00000036 FPCP signalling NAN
00000038 MMU configuration error
00000039 68851 illegal operation
0000003A 68851 access level violation

00008001 ExecLibrary
00008002 GraphicsLibrary
00008003 LayersLibrary
00008004 IntuitionLibrary
00008005 MathLibrary
00008007 DosLibrary
00008008 RamlibLibrary
00008009 IconLibrary
0000800A ExpansionLibrary
0000800B DiskfontLibrary
0000800C UtilityLibrary
0000800D KeyMapLibrary

00008010 AudioDevice
00008011 ConsoleDevice
00008012 GamePortDevice
00008013 KeyboardDevice
00008014 TrackDiskDevice
00008015 TimerDevice

00008020 CIAResource
00008021 DiskResource
00008022 MiscResource

00008030 BootStrap
00008031 Workbench
00008032 DiskCopy
00008033 GadToolsLibrary
00008034 UtilityLibrary
00008035 Unknown

00010000 no Memory
00020000 MakeLibrary
00030000 OpenLibrary
00040000 OpenDevice
00050000 OpenResource
00060000 IOError
00070000 no Signal
00080000 BadParameters
00090000 CloseLibrary
000A0000 CloseDevice
000B0000 CreateProcess

01000000 ExecLibrary
01000001 68000 exception vector checksum (obs.)
01000002 Execbase checksum bad (obs.)
01000003 Library checksum failure
01000004 Not enough memory for a library
01000005 Corrupt memory list detected in FreeMem
01000006 No memory for interrupt servers
01000007 InitStruct() of an APTR source (obs.)
01000008 A semaphore is in an illegal state at ReleaseSemaphore()
01000009 Freeing memory that is already free
0100000A Illegal 680x0 exception taken (obs.)
0100000B Attempt to reuse an active IORequest
0100000C Sanity check on memory list failed during AvailMem(MEMF_LARGEST)
0100000D IO attempted on closed IORequest
0100000E Stack appears to extend out of range
0100000F Memory header not located.
01000010 An attempt was made to use the old message semaphores.
810000FF A quick interrupt has happened to an uninitialized vector.

02000000 GraphicsLibrary
02010000 Graphics out of memory
02010001 MonitorSpec alloc, no memory
02010002 Not enough memory for copperlist
02010003 Copperlist is or was full
02010004 Copperlist corrupt
02010005 Not enough memory for copperlist header
02010006 long frame, no memory
02010007 short frame, no memory
02010008 fill, no memory for TmpRas
02010009 text, no memory for TmpRas
0201000A BltBitMap, no memory
0201000B regions, memory not available
02010030 MakeVPort, no memory
0200000C GfxNewError
0200000D GfxFreeError Could not free graphics

02011234 Emergency memory not available

02000401 unsupported font description used

03000000 LayersLibrary
03000001 layers out of memory
03010000 no memory for LayersLibrary

04000000 IntuitionLibrary
04000001 unknown gadget type
04010002 create port, no memory
04010003 item plane alloc, no memory
04010004 sub alloc, no memory
04010005 plane alloc, no memory
04000006 item box top < RelZero
04010007 open screen, no memory
04010008 open screen, raster alloc, no memory
04000009 open system-screen, unknown type
0401000A add SW gadgets, no memory
0401000B open window, no memory
0400000C Bad State Return entering Intuition
0400000D Bad Message received by IDCMP
0400000E Weird echo causing incomprehension
0400000F couldn't open the Console Device
04000010 Intuition skipped obtaining a semaphore
04000011 Intuition obtained a sem in bad order

05000000 MathLibrary

06000000 CListLibrary

07000000 DosLibrary
07010001 no memory at startup
07000002 EndTask didn't end
07000003 Qpkt failure
07000004 Unexpected packet received
07000005 Freevec failed
07000006 Disk block sequence error
07000007 Bitmap corrupt
07000008 Key already free
07000009 Invalid checksum
0700000A Disk Error
0700000B Key out of range
0700000C Bad overlay
0700000D Invalid init packet for cli/shell
0700000E A filehandle was closed more than once

08000000 RamlibLibrary
08000001 overlays are illegal for library segments

09000000 IconLibrary

0A000000 ExpansionLibrary
0A000001 Freeed free region

0B000000 DiskfontLibrary

10000000 AudioDevice

11000000 ConsoleDevice
11000001 Console can't open initial window

12000000 GamePortDevice

13000000 KeyboardDevice

14000000 TrackDiskDevice
14000001 calibrate: seek error
14000002 delay: error on timer wait

15000000 TimerDevice
15000001 bad request
15000002 power supply -- no 50/60hz ticks

20000000 CIAResource

21000000 DiskResource
21000001 get unit: already has disk
21000002 interrupt: no active unit

22000000 MiscResource

30000000 BootStrap
30000001 boot code returned an error
30018002 no memory for Bootpicture during boot

31000000 Workbench
31000001 WBBadStartupMsg1 (3.0) ; no Font (2.0)
31000002 WBBadStartupMsg2
31000003 WBBadIOMsg

31010004 WBInitPotionAllocDrawer
31010005 WBCreateWBMenusCreateMenus1
31010006 WBCreateWBMenusCreateMenus2
31010007 WBLayoutWBMenusLayoutMenus
31010008 WBAddToolMenuItem
31010009 WBReLayoutToolMenu
3101000A WBInitTimer
3101000B WBInitLayerDemon
3101000C WBInitWbGels
3101000D WBInitScreenAndWindows1
3101000E WBInitScreenAndWindows2
3101000F WBInitScreenAndWindows3
31010010 WBMAlloc

31038009 LoadWB error

32000000 DiskCopy

33000000 GadToolsLibrary

34000000 UtilityLibrary

35000000 Foreign Hard/Software
35010100 no Retina hardware present
35010110 Retina does not have any memory at all
35010111 tried to free memory although no memory is in use
35010112 tried to free memory which has not been allocated
35010113 no Amiga memory for memory listnode
35010114 still some memory in use at library expunge
35010115 Retina internal
35010116 Retina internal
35010117 Retina internal
35010121 tried to remove a library internal monitor
35010122 LIB_Expunge and not all monitors removed
35010123 Retina internal

B6000001 HDMem: Side change from supervisor mode tried
B6000002 HDMem: Out of memory when creating message port
B6000003 HDMem: Out of memory when creating message
36000008 HDMem: AddTask() in virtual memory - refused
36000009 HDMem: RemTask() in virtual memory - refused
3600000A HDMem: AddIntServer() in virtual memory - refused
3600000B HDMem: RemIntServer() in virtual memory - refused
3600000C HDMem: SetIntVector() in virtual memory - refused
3600000D HDMem: Access beyond limits - task held

BADC0DE1 BAD CODE 1 (absichtlich in ALF-Software --> Checksum-Error)

18a18001 acid: acid - extremal files by linear
18a18002 aln!: aln! - extremal files by linear
18a18003 all: ascii - extremal files by linear

18b18001 twister: baderman - Extremal Files by linear
18b18002 budgie: budgie - Extremal Files by linear

18f18001 thorr: frozen - extremal Files by linear

18h18002 all: history - extremal files by Linear

18i18001 all: index - Extremal files BY linear
18i18002 all: intro - Extremal files BY linear

18k18001 acid: kore. - Extremal Files By Linear
18k18002 acid: kore.diz - Extremal Files By Linear

18l18001 all: letter - la!-efs.txt by Linear

18m18001 all: mail - Extremal Files By linear
18m18002 all: menu - Extremal Files By linear

18n18001 peer: narkobus - Extremal files By Linear
18n18002 norman: norman - Extremal files By Linear

18p18001 all: presents - extremal files bY Linear
18p18002 punisher: punisher - extremal files bY Linear

18r18001 renton: renton - extremal files by linear
18r18002 revi: revi - extremal files by linear

18s18001 renton: speed - EXTREMAL FILES BY LINEAR

18t18004 thorr: thorr - Extremal Files by linear
18t18003 thung: thung - Extremal Files by linear
18t18002 timer: timer - Extremal Files by linear
18t18001 twister: twister - Extremal Files by linear

18w18001 all: wandet stuff - extremal Files by linear
18w18002 all: welcome - extremal Files by linear

18x18001 x-ball: x-ball - extremal files By Linear

18y18001 yaneq: yaneq - Extremal files by la!

18z18001 zabora: zabora - Extremal files By linear

  ________________________[ number kolly by krs_
 |        _______________
 |       |               |_______[ number kolly by linear_
 |       ·
       ·   |_________________________[ logos numer_
       |_________________[ alfabet litere_

                          _    __       ____    ____
                       __| |_ _\ \___ _( __/_ _(   /__
      .a(id ]----------\ |_| Y  _ \  Y  _____Y   7   /-----------------
      -----------------/_____+---\___|_____| |_______\----------[ k0re.

      Witam!. Dlugi  czas mina  od mojej  ostatniej  kolekcji. Po wielu
      trudach  w  koncu na  swiatlo  dzienne  wyszlo  moje nowe  dzielo
      "extremal files".  Mysle  ze  teraz kolekcje  spod  linear zaczna
      wychodzic  czesciej, zwlaszcza spod mojej reki. Mam pare pomyslow
      za ktorych  realizacje juz sie zabralem.  Tylko  zeby  szkola nie
      pokrzyzowala  mi  planow... . Jedna linear  rzadzi.  Uswiadomilem
      sobie to w momencie kiedy thung powrocil w nasze szeregi. Mimo ze
      mogl zostac w kore. [respekt]  to  zdecydowal sie  na  linearnych
      braci. Tak  samo yaneq. Równieû  mimo  mozliwosci  wyboru  innych
      ascii formacji zdecydowal sie na nas. La! cos  w sobie musi miec!
      I tutaj  apel  do  swiezej  krwi.  Jezeli  chcecie  sie joinac do
      jakiejs ascii formacji to miejcie  na uwadze linear. Gwarantujemy
      super klimat  i  niezla zabawe. Tyle z reklam. Jeszce tylko jedna
      uwaga  do  chlopakow  z  sea [respekt]  "liczy sie jakosc  a  nie
      ilosc ;)". Szczerze mowiac nie  mam  ochoty  na  pisanie  zadnych
      wstepniakow.   Ogladnijcie  sobie  kolekcje  i  wytnijcie  jakies
      logoski jak sie wam podobaja. Ok... linear back!

                                                                \   /
                                                  _          _   )_(
                                       |_(_   _. )_   /     ·_|   _
                                       |   ) (   ._( (  )_. )_|  )_(

Date  : Ôroda 02-Wrz-92    12:25:17
Task  : 002A84A8 "Unknown"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 01-Maj-98    07:06:46
Task  : 00361070 "HippoPlayer"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.592
Name  : acid
For   : acid
Kolly : extremal files

          ___                             _             _________
         |   |                 acid.kore.|_| _________ | ___
         |___|   ___________                           |      _ /______
      ___________\____     /______\ _      _ /_____   ________\/      /
    .  _          ___           ___\/______\/     /___\              /
      |_||______  \             \                              _    /
               /-------|_______                        ________\----\
      k®s!/la!                /-----------------------|         \

Date  : Niedziela 03-Maj-98    11:04:04
Task  : 002C2304 "Unknown"
Error : 00400040 (Recoverable)
By    : System
Cause : Nieznany
Date  : Wtorek 13-Paú-98    18:50:56
Task  : 00372FA8 "Shell Process"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.694
Name  : aln!
For   : aln!
Kolly : extremal files

                                                            |      |
           ______                              ___ /__________     |
          |      |  ____________\ _  _aln!.mawi\  /          /     |
          |   ______\____        \/_____________\/          /      |
          |_ |       ___                                   /|      |
             |_____  \            _             \__________\|______|
                  /--------|______\--------------\ ________________
                                     ___  |                        |
                                  . |___| |________________k®s!/la!|

Date  : Wtorek 13-Paú-98    22:46:35
Task  : 00502958 "HiP-Sample"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Ôroda 14-Paú-98    11:48:26
Task  : 00202238 "Unknown"
Error : 8000000B (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Line 1111 Emulator error
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.639
Name  : ascii
For   : all
Kolly : extremal files

      _          ___________                       _   ___   __
     |_| .             ____ | ______              |_| |   | |__|
   ___   __________         |                         |___|   ___ /_____  _
  |   | _\____    /_______  |   _________\ _      _ /_____  . \  /     / |_|
  |___|   __           __/______\      ___\/______\/     /_____\/     /_____
  ______  \        _______             \                                   /
       /-----------\     /   _                  ____                      /
          k®s!/la! /         \-----------------|   /----------------------\
                  /___________\ _a s c i i

Date  : Czwartek 15-Paú-98    21:56:08
Task  : 002A81A8 "Unknown"
Error : 80000026 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : uninitialized TRAP #6 vector
Date  : Czwartek 15-Paú-98    22:02:52
Task  : 002A81A8 "Unknown"
Error : 80000005 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Divide by zero
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 01.084
Name  : baderman
For   : twister
Kolly : extremal files

              baderman |      _
           ___________ | ___ |_|      _ /______                  _ /_____
 ______\ _             |      ________\/      /_____\ ___      __\/     /----/
 \      \/________   _________\                   ___\  /______\     _      /
  \              /___\____             _              \/             \------\
   \    _             ___     _________\----|________        _________\  ___
   /----/______       \      /          \           /--------\          |   |
       /       |-------------\                                          |___|
   .                                /           ___________       _ /________
    _                            _ /____________\____     /_______\/        /
   |_|                   ________\/              ___                       /
    ___               [--\         _             \                \________\
   |   |  _        [------\        \-------------------------------\
   |___| |_| .       [----/_________\ k®s!/la!

Date  : Sobota 17-Paú-98    23:37:08
Task  : 0035ADF8 "CyberAnim"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Sobota 17-Paú-98    23:46:48
Task  : 0035ADF8 "Unknown"
Error : 0100000C (Recoverable)
By    : ExecLibrary
Cause : Sanity check on memory list failed during AvailMem(MEMF_LARGEST)
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.808
Name  : budgie
For   : budgie
Kolly : extremal files

                 ___   ___
     ________ . |   | |___|                                   ____________
    |        _  |___|                  _ /______             |
 ______\ _  |_| ______\ _      ________\/      /______\ _    |   _ /_____
 \      \/______\      \/------\                   ____\/________\/     /_____
  \                                     _          \____                     /
   \    _       ________________________\----|_____    /      _____ k®s!/la!/
   /----/_______\                        \        /----------|    /---------\
       /   ______\____        |   ___
   ___    /    ___\  /______  |_____ | ___________  _
  |   |  _\        \/      /     _   |             |_| budgie.absurd.linear
  |___|.|_|\______        /   . |_|  |______

Date  : Poniedziaîek 19-Paú-98    23:14:25
Task  : 00555A78 "HippoPlayer"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Poniedziaîek 19-Paú-98    23:15:02
Task  : 00334BA0 "HippoPlayer"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.901
Name  : frozen
For   : thorr
Kolly : extremal files

  _________    [  w   h   e   l   p   z       p   r   e   s   e   n   t   s  ]
    _  ___ | ______
   |_|     |        _ /_____    ________________     ______________\____
      _ /___________\/     /----\        ____  /_____\__         ___\  /______
  ____\/                _              _    /       ______           \/      /
  \         _           \--------------/_______   _ \    /---|______        /
   \  _     /----|_______\  ___       /       /---/______\         /--------\
   /__\-----\      ______  |   |  _   ___
                . |______| |___| |_| |___| .  _ /____________________________
  ____________________________________________\/                            /
  \                                                   stuff party by xxxxx /
   \ frozen pack by whelpz nr.xx              \____________________________\

Date  : Wtorek 20-Paú-98    13:53:43
Task  : 00378338 "HippoPlayer"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Wtorek 20-Paú-98    13:56:38
Task  : 00374930 "HippoPlayer"
Error : 8000000B (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Line 1111 Emulator error
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 01.181
Name  : history
For   : all
Kolly : extremal files

        ________              _
            ___ | __________ |_| history [·]                       k®s!/la!
  _____\ _      |                                                 __    _
  \     \/_________     _ /_____   ________            ______\ _ |__|  _
   \      _       /_____\/     /___\    __/____________\      \/_____ | |
   /______/                            ______                       / | |
         /________________         //--\    / _   __________       /  |_|
                         /---------\   /______\---\  ___    |------\ .  ___
                                               \    |   | _            |   |
                      ____________         _        |___|  _           |___|
                             ____ | _____ |_|   _ /_____  |_|     _ /________
                                  |           __\/     /----------\/        /
                               _______________\     _                 _    /
                     .    ___  \        ____        \------|_____     \----\
                      _  |   |  \     _    / ________\          /______\
                     |_| |___|  /-----/______\

Date  : Wtorek 20-Paú-98    14:16:26
Task  : 0023E448 "Unknown"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Wtorek 20-Paú-98    14:17:21
Task  : 003565D8 "FM Timer"
Error : 8000000B (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Line 1111 Emulator error
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.671
Name  : index
For   : all
Kolly : extremal files

       ____________               ____________ |_| index [·]
   _   _     _____ | ____________|
  | | |_|          |                    _ /______                    _ /____
  |_| _ ________   |     _ /____________\/      /_____\ ___    \-----\/    /
  ______\      /_________\/                         ___\  /_____\         /
  \                                      _              \/           _    \
  /_______               \_______\\______\-----|_______        ______\-----\
    _    /----------------\               \           /--------\    k®s!/la!
   |_|  __
     _ |__|

Date  : Wtorek 20-Paú-98    18:55:29
Task  : 00208362 "Unknown"
Error : 80000017 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Nieznany
Date  : Niedziela 25-Paú-98    23:04:54
Task  : 00202200 "Unknown"
Error : 8000000B (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Line 1111 Emulator error
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.711
Name  : intro
For   : all
Kolly : extremal files

   ______                         _
   _  _  |         _____________ |_| intro [·]                       k®s!/la!
  | ||_| |_______ |                                 _ /_____  _______________
  |_| _ ________  |     _ /________  _________    __\/     /--\       ____  /
  ______\      /________\/        /__\       /____\     _           _    / /
  \                                                     \-----------/______\
  /_______              \_________________       ________\      |  /
         /---------------\                |------\         ____ | _______
                                                    _           |
                                         [·] intro |_| _________|

Date  : Sobota 31-Paú-98    18:53:02
Task  : 0053F3E8 "FM Show Asc"
Error : 8000000E (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Stack frame format error
Date  : Czwartek 05-Sty-78    22:19:44
Task  : 00208362 "Unknown"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.562
Name  : kore.
For   : acid
Kolly : extremal files

                          _           _____________ kore.[·]
                         |_| _______ | __
    k®s!/la! _ /______               |   _ /_____
     ________\/      / __________________\/     /-----/____\ ___
     \          _   /__\        ____         _           ___\  /______
      \         \      _      _    /         \------|        \/      / ___
  -«--/---------/      \------/_______________\     |_______        / |   |
               /________\    /                             /--------\ |___|

Date  : Czwartek 05-Sty-78    22:34:51
Task  : 00389958 "ASM-One"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Sobota 07-Sty-78    00:31:37
Task  : 00356108 "FM Timer"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.408
Name  : kore.diz
For   : acid
Kolly : extremal files

                kore. presents new ascii produkt
           _ /______   ________________________
     ______\/      /  |                        |
     \        _   /___|                        |
      \       \      /|                        |
  -«--/-------/      \|                        |
     k®s!/la!/________\                        |

Date  : Sobota 07-Sty-78    00:36:04
Task  : 0038A3D0 "ASM-One"
Error : 8000000E (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Stack frame format error
Date  : Niedziela 08-Sty-78    00:06:10
Task  : 00366F70 "Shell Process"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 01.028
Name  : letter
For   : all
Kolly : extremal files

             ___  _    __
            |   |  _  |__| l e t t e r_                       _   ___  _
   ____\ _  |___| |_|                                        |_| |   | _
   \    \/______________\ ___         _ /______        _ /______ |___||_|
    \                 ___\  /_________\/      /________\/      /_____  .
     \   _                \/                                        /  _
     /___\-------|_______        __________       __________       /  | |
           |            /--------\         |------\         |------\  |_|
       ___ | ______|                      _____________
    _______|                        _                  |     _ /_____
                                   |_|     ______\ ___ |   __\/     /----/
                                     _  ___    ___\  /_____\     _      /
                                  __   |   |       \/      /     \------\
                                 |__|  | __|______        ________\k®s!/la!

Date  : Poniedziaîek 09-Sty-78    21:22:16
Task  : 003D5950 "HiP-Info"
Error : 8000000B (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Line 1111 Emulator error
Date  : Poniedziaîek 09-Sty-78    21:29:00
Task  : 003D5950 "HiP-Info"
Error : 0100000F (Recoverable)
By    : ExecLibrary
Cause : Memory header not located.
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.588
Name  : mail
For   : all
Kolly : extremal files

       ______________               _
                ____ | ___________ |_|
         ____        |
        |____| _ /_________    ___________   _ /_____   ____\ _ k®s!/la!
       ________\/         /____\____     /___\/     /___\    \/_________
       \         _              ___                                    /
        \        \------|_____  \                             _       /
        /         \          /--------------------------|_____\-------\
       /___________\[·] mail_

Date  : Ôroda 11-Sty-78    00:37:31
Task  : 00208362 "Unknown"
Error : 8000000B (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Line 1111 Emulator error
Date  : Ôroda 11-Sty-78    00:47:30
Task  : 00202238 "Unknown"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.715
Name  : menu
For   : all
Kolly : extremal files

                          _______________          _              ___  _
                                     ___ | ______ |_|            |___|  _
       k®s!/la! _ /________              |                ______\ _    |_|
       _________\/        /_____\ ___    |       _ /______\      \/-------/
       \                      ___\  /____________\/                      /
        \         _               \/                      //_____________\
        /         \-----|________                \________\
       /           \            /-----------------\
      /             \ ____________________
     /               \                    |
    /_________________\___________________| m e n u ]

Date  : Ôroda 11-Sty-78    14:35:38
Task  : 0023E448 "RAM"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Ôroda 11-Sty-78    20:34:02
Task  : 00359D28 "FM Execute"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 01.032
Name  : narkobus
For   : peer
Kolly : extremal files

     _  ___        [ n a r k o b u s '9 9 ]            grasslsdamfetamina
    _  |   | ___ /________                _ /_____          _ /_____  __
   |_| |___| \  /        /    ____________\/     /----/_____\/     / |__|
     _________\/        /_____\____           _               _   /___  _
     \                         ___            \------\\       \      / |_|
      \       \______________  \      _________\  __  /-------/______\ _
      /        \---]        /---------\          |__|  ___  _
     /          \-----]               ______\ _       |___|
    /____________\--]  _______________\      \/____\ _     ________ k®s!/la!
                       \        ___                 \/-----\    __/_________
   z nami zwiedzisz     \     _   /   _      _                 ______      /
   niezmierzony wszechswiat---/_______\------/_____________\---\    / _   /
   swojego umyslu            /              /                  /______\---\

Date  : Ôroda 11-Sty-78    21:04:35
Task  : 0023E448 "Unknown"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Ôroda 11-Sty-78    21:06:26
Task  : 0023E448 "RAM"
Error : 0100000C (Recoverable)
By    : ExecLibrary
Cause : Sanity check on memory list failed during AvailMem(MEMF_LARGEST)
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 01.028
Name  : norman
For   : norman
Kolly : extremal files

      ____________                                            _   ______
     |                                                       |_| |______|
     |          norman.anadune [·]    _ /_____           _ /_________  _
     |     _ /________              __\/     /---/_______\/         / | |
  _________\/        /______________\     _                _       /  |_|
  \                           ____        \-------\        \-------\   _
   \       \___________     _    / ________\      /_________\         |_|
   /--------\         /-----/______\                         \         _
      ____                 /                                    _ /________
     |____|                                   __________________\/        /
      ____   __                     __  ______\____                      /
     |    | |  | |                \ \ \ \      ___              \________\
     |____| |__| |                / /_/ /____  \      /----------\
                                            /---\-----\ k®s!/la!

Date  : Ôroda 11-Sty-78    21:07:11
Task  : 0023E448 "RAM"
Error : 0100000C (Recoverable)
By    : ExecLibrary
Cause : Sanity check on memory list failed during AvailMem(MEMF_LARGEST)
Date  : Czwartek 12-Sty-78    14:43:02
Task  : 0032F970 "Background CLI"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 01.254
Name  : presents
For   : all
Kolly : extremal files

    ___________                            | ______                  |___|
   |              _ /_____    ______\ ___  |                          ___
   |   _ /________\/     /---|    ___\  /___________ presents [·]    |   |
  _____\/___          _               \/         __/______________\ ___ _|
  \     _  /          \------|_______           ______          ___\  /______
   \    \------|_______\            /-----------\    / _            \/      /
   /_____\k®s!/la!                              /______\----|______        /
                                                        \         /--------\
                        _ /________   ______\ _                       ___
               _________\/        /___\      \/___________           |   |
     __   ___  \                                       __/__________ |___|
  | |  | |   |  \       \__________________            ______      /  ___
  | |__| |___|  /--------\                 |-----------\    / _   /  |   |
                                                       /______\---\  |___|
                                                               \      ___
                                                                     |   |

Date  : Piâtek 13-Sty-78    14:57:59
Task  : 003318A0 "Background CLI"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 13-Sty-78    17:14:47
Task  : 0032A0D0 "Background CLI"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 01.109
Name  : punisher
For   : punisher
Kolly : extremal files

                            ______________ |   | punisher [·]
                     _____ | ___           |___|                 ___
       _ /_______          |           _ /________    _ /_____  |___| _
  _____\/___    /____\ _      _________\/        /____\/     /_____  _
  \     _  /          \/------\                                   / |_|
   \    \------\                       \________________         /
   /_____\     /______________\---------\  |___|       /---------\------»-
                                            ___   _   ___
              ________                  _  |   | |_| |___| |
              \    __/_____________\ _ |_| |___| _              _ /_____
               \  ______            \/______________\ ___     __\/     /----/
        -«-----/--\    / _            _           ___\  /_____\     _      /
                  /______\----|_______/               \/            \------\
                          \          /_______________        ________\k®s!/la!

Date  : Poniedziaîek 16-Sty-78    00:26:54
Task  : 00208362 "Unknown"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Wtorek 17-Sty-78    04:16:32
Task  : 0060ECA0 "PC-Task_Interpretive"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.870
Name  : renton
For   : renton
Kolly : extremal files

               |   |  ___     _   _________ renton.sative mea [·]
             _ |___| |___|   |_| |
         _ /_____    ______\ ___ |           _ /________   ______\ _
       __\/     /----\   ___\  /_____________\/        /___\      \/_____
       \     _               \/                                         /
       /     \----|_________                 \__________________       /
      /_______\  ___       /------------------\                 |------\
        ____    |   |  _                            _ /________
       |____| _ |___| |_|    _______________________\/        /  ___   _
                             \        ____                   /  |   | |_|
                              \     _    /          \________\  |___| _

Date  : Ôroda 18-Sty-78    17:53:59
Task  : 00254710 "Unknown"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Sobota 09-Kwi-44    19:27:16
Task  : 00208362 "Unknown"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.550
Name  : revi
For   : revi
Kolly : extremal files

                              _         ________________
                             |_| _____ | _____
        _ /_____    ______\ ___        |                 _ /_____ k®s!/la!
      __\/     /---|    ___\  /____    |    _ /__________\/     /_______
      \     _               \/     |--------\/                         /
      /     \------\\______                        ________           /
     /_______\ |          /----------|_____________\      /-----------\
               | ______
      _________|        [·] revi.sative mea

Date  : Piâtek 06-Maj-44    12:39:17
Task  : 0035C698 "Unknown"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)

              |  _  |____________
              |___| |  _____     |  krzysztof gawor  ul.gombrowicza 33/28
                    | |__________|  59-22o legnica      tel.[o76] 8550843
              |     |                                    _________
  ______      |     |  _______    ____         _______  |         |    _______
 |      |_____|     |_|   ____|__|    |__    _|   _   |_|         |___|       |
 |   _        |_____|  ____           ___|__|     |        _          |       |
 |___|                |  |        __   |     _________    ||_________     ____|
     |______|         |  |_______|  |_______|         |   |         |____|
            | history |              ! |___|
_________|| |_________| ||______________________________________________________

  ------------- in 1997 year -------[ · ]
   o1.krs-non.txt   [ no name                    ]   o56.o64       21.o4.97
   o2.sP!-dth.txt   [ death                      ]       3o.o8.97
   o3.sP!-hpy.txt   [ happy                      ]   o86.96o       11.o9.97
   o4.krs-dtr.txt   [ day teacher                ]   o44.8oo       14.1o.97
   o5.sP!-foa.txt   [ flowa                      ]   o86.846       15.1o.97
   o6.krs-etu.txt   [ entrevue                   ]   o68.648       29.11.97
   o7.krs-fza.txt   [ faza                       ]   136.524       13.12.97
   o8.krs-chs.txt   [ chrismas                   ]   o88.381       24.12.97

  ------------- in 1998 year -------[ · ]
   o9.krs-bdg.txt   [ beer is drink god          ]   o57.732       24.o1.98
   1o.krs-ols.txt   [ olônienie                  ]   o71.666       28.o2.98
   11.krs-fdn.txt   [ fuck design                ]   o52.384       24 o3.98!-tdh.txt   [ time of death hours        ]   157.237       25.o4.98!-grd.txt   [ granday                    ]   115.6o3       3o.o5.98!-tbn.txt   [ taraban                    ]   o2o.753       12.o6.98!-gef.txt   [ growing of evering flowers ]   159.658       o7.11.98!-mia.txt   [ minimalny animal           ]   o97.o21       28.12.98

  ------------- in 1999 year -------[ · ]
  --------------------------------------------------------------------------!-csc.txt   [ conclusion at the same time]
                    [ commencement               ]    o51.571       2o.o3.99!-efs.txt   [ extremal files             ]       o4.o9.99

Date  : Niedziela 10-Kwi-44    05:28:24
Task  : 00202236 "Unknown"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Niedziela 10-Kwi-44    09:20:56
Task  : 0023E448 "Unknown"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.660
Name  : speed
For   : renton
Kolly : extremal files

                                              _____________        _
   [   s  p  e  e  d   ]                                   | ____ |_|
  ________            _ /____________\ ___                 |         _ /______
  \    __/____________\/___        ___\  /__________\ ___  |  _______\/      /
   \  ______           _  /            \/         ___\  /_____\             /
   /--\    / _         \------|_______                \/              _    /
  k®s!/______\----/_____\ |  ___     /-------\\______        _________\----\
              \           | |   | _  ___            /--------\         \la!
          ________________| |___||_||___| _

Date  : Ôroda 13-Kwi-44    10:07:17
Task  : 00368260 "Shell Process"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Niedziela 17-Kwi-44    15:42:23
Task  : 00357F60 "Work:Graficzne/DPaintV/DPaint5.2"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.599
Name  : thorr
For   : thorr
Kolly : extremal files

                  ___________                    _  _
                          __ | ________    ___  |_|              _ /_____
       ______\ _             |        __  |   |    _ /_____    __\/     /----/
   ____\      \/_______\ _   |     _ |__| |___|  __\/     /----\     _      /
   \                    \/_______________________\     _             \------\
   /________              _               ____         \------|_______\k®s!/la!
            |------/______/             _    /  ________\
                         /        \-----/_______\
       [·] thorr.whelpz /__________\

Date  : Wtorek 19-Kwi-44    17:59:41
Task  : 003E6128 "Shell Process"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Ôroda 20-Kwi-44    15:52:48
Task  : 00365948 "Background CLI"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.658
Name  : thung
For   : thung
Kolly : extremal files

                                              ____________ |_|
      ______\ _                     ________ | __
  ____\      \/_______\ _                    |     _ /_______________\ _
  \                    \/________\ _      _________\/             ____\/______
  /________              _        \/------\                       \____      /
           |-----|_______/                         \________\\____    /     /
  k®s!/la!              /        _________|---------\            /----------\
                       /        |
                      /_________| thung.linear [·]

Date  : Ôroda 20-Kwi-44    16:09:03
Task  : 00365948 "Unknown"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Ôroda 20-Kwi-44    16:10:13
Task  : 00365948 "Unknown"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.847
Name  : timer
For   : timer
Kolly : extremal files

                _____________               _                           __
                         ___ | ___________ |_|                         |  |
  k®s!/la!                   |                                  _ /_____
      ______\ _     _ /_____ |       _ /_____________\ ___    __\/     /----/
  ____\      \/_____\/     /_________\/            ___\  /____\     _      /
  \                                    _               \/           \------\
  /________                   _        \------||______        _______\ |  |
           |------------------/         \---]        /--------\        |__|
                  timer.mawi /           \-----]                        __
                            /_____________\--]                     __  |  |
                                                                  |__| |__|

Date  : Sobota 23-Kwi-44    18:01:57
Task  : 002021E4 "Unknown"
Error : 80000006 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Check instruction error
Date  : Sobota 23-Kwi-44    18:24:06
Task  : 002021E4 "Unknown"
Error : 01000009 (Recoverable)
By    : ExecLibrary
Cause : Freeing memory that is already free
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.923
Name  : twister
For   : twister
Kolly : extremal files

                    _   ___   _   _________________ twister [·]
                   |_| |___| |_| |
         ______\ _   ___________ |           _ /_____
     ____\      \/___\         /_____________\/     /___________ k®s!/la!
     \                         \                             __/_________
     /________       _________        _________             ______      /
              |------\  ___  /--------\       /-------------\    / _   /
      _  _           _ |   | _   _                    _  _  /______\---\
     |_|  ______\ _ |_||___|    |_|  _    _ /_____      |_|         \
      ____\      \/___________\ ___ |_| __\/     /----/  ___  ___   _  _
      \                     ___\  /_____\     _      /  |   ||___| |_|
      /________                 \/            \------\  |___|
               |-------|_______        ________\ |
                              /--------\         |_______________

Date  : Sobota 23-Kwi-44    19:35:59
Task  : 002021E4 "ªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªªª"
Error : 0100000C (Recoverable)
By    : ExecLibrary
Cause : Sanity check on memory list failed during AvailMem(MEMF_LARGEST)
Date  : Sobota 23-Kwi-44    19:37:28
Task  : 00237228 "ramlib"
Error : 0BADC0DE (Recoverable)
By    : DiskfontLibrary
Cause : Nieznany
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 01.720
Name  : wandet stuff
For   : all
Kolly : extremal files

   ___________            ___________      _ /________     _ /______ |___|
   \         /____________\____     /______\/        /_____\/      /  ___
    \        \             ___                                    /  |   |
    /_______               \               \_________       _    /   |   |
           /--------------------------------\       /_______\----\   |___|
     |               |                                       \        ___
     |      ________ | ______             ______\ ___                |   |
     |               |_________________  /    ___\  /______  ______\ _ __|
     |                                   \        \/      /__\      \/_____
     |     [ · ]  w a n d e t   s t u f f \______                         /
     |                                          /--------//_______       /
     |                                                            |------\
     |                                                                ___
     |                                                               |   |
  __ | _________                                                      |___|
     |          |___________ [·]                                _ /_________
  ________                                         _ /__________\/         /
  \    __/_________  ______\ _   ______\ _     ____\/                __   /
   \  ______      /__\      \/___\      \/-----\        __      _     /---\
   /--\    / _                                     _     /--|___\-----\
      /______\--|_________       //________________\-----\             ___
              \           |------\                           k®s!/la! |   |

Date  : Wtorek 26-Kwi-44    09:54:06
Task  : 0020B2AA "Unknown"
Error : 80000009 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Trace error
Date  : Ôroda 27-Kwi-44    07:42:15
Task  : 00202254 "Unknown"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.934
Name  : welcome
For   : all
Kolly : extremal files

                                            ___  |_| _____________   k®s!/la!
 ___________ welcome [·]                   |   | _           ____ | ____
 \         /_____________\ ___   ____\ _   |___|                  |     |
  \        \           ___\  /___\    \/________________\ _   ________________
  /_______                 \/                         ___\/___\        ____  /
      _  /--------\\______             _              \              _    / /
    ___   _              /---------/___\-------\\____           |----/______\
   |   | |_|                                        /-----------|   /
   |___|   _ /______________\ ___            _
   ________\/             ___\  /______     | |
   \         _                \/      / ___ |_| _
    \        \-------\\______        / |   |  ___
    /_________\             /--------\ |___| |___|

Date  : Ôroda 27-Kwi-44    11:21:26
Task  : 003623B0 "Shell Process"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Ôroda 27-Kwi-44    11:27:06
Task  : 0035F0B8 "Unknown"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.771
Name  : x-ball
For   : x-ball
Kolly : extremal files

       ___________        _____         _                              ___
       \         /             | _____ |_| x-ball            ____\ _  |   |
        \       /   ______\ _  |                ____\ _      \    \/_________
   \-----\/    /____\      \/________    _______\    \/_______\             /
    \         /|    |\              /____\____                     _       /
    /     _   \|____| \    _              ___         _       _____\-------\
   /      \----\      /----/____________  \      _____\-------\       |___|
  /        \              /            /---------\                     ___
 /__________\ decree.sative mea                              k®s!/la! |   |

Date  : Wtorek 03-Maj-44    11:21:47
Task  : 002E10A8 "Unknown"
Error : 8000000B (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Line 1111 Emulator error
Date  : Piâtek 06-Maj-44    10:41:33
Task  : 0032A6FC "Unknown"
Error : 80000004 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal instruction
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.827
Name  : yaneq
For   : yaneq
Kolly : extremal files

                   ___   _   ____  _
                  |   | |_| |____|   _
  k®s!/la!        |___| ___________ |_| _ /________
          _ /___________\____     /_____\/        /____\ ___ yaneq.linear [·]
   \------\/             ___                         ___\  /_________________
    \         _          \              \________        \/           ____  /
    /____     \--------------------------\       |______             _   / /
        /      \----]                        |         /-------------/    /
       /        \------]                     |                      /-----\
      /__________\---]                       |_____________         _______
                                                              ___  |       |
                                                             |___| |_______|

Date  : Piâtek 06-Maj-44    11:31:41
Task  : 0032A6FC "Unknown"
Error : 000C4E75 (Recoverable)
By    : System
Cause : Nieznany
Date  : Piâtek 06-Maj-44    12:38:26
Task  : 0037C8C0 "Unknown"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
Date  : Piâtek 03-Wrz-99
Size  : 00.665
Name  : zabora
For   : zabora
Kolly : extremal files

       _______________           | zabora.oldbulls                   k®s!/la!
      |           __________\ _  | sativemea      _ /_____        ___________
      |  _________\____      \/___________________\/     /----/___\____     /
 ________\__       ___                      ____      _            ___     /
 \      ______     \         _            _    /      \__________  \      /
  \   _ \    /---------------/_______|----/____________\        /---------\
  /---/      \    ___  _    /            /                |
     /        \  |   |  _                                 |___________
    /__________\ |___| |_|

Date  : Piâtek 06-Maj-44    12:39:17
Task  : 0035C698 "Unknown"
Error : 80000003 (DEADEND)
By    : System
Cause : Illegal address access (ie: odd)
  ___                                                                      ___
 |   |                                                                    |   |
 |___|                                                                    |___|
  _                                                                          _
 |_| _                                                                    _ |_|
   ___                                                                    ___
  |___|                                                                  |___|

                 ____    ____   ____    ____     ____    ____
              __( __/_ _(__ /_ _\ __)_ _\ __)_ _(   /_ _( __/__
      .a(id ]-\   `-- Y   _/  Y  --'  Y  --'  Y__   __Y_____  /--------
      --------/_______+---|___|_______|_______| |___| |_______\-[ k0re.

 acid ace aln! asl azzaro binar renton budgie caro  city cooper covenant deixas
 def  digger dosia drf droczkins  gluten grogon guma hangman idaho jakec kessel
 kro luk lulu  madbart madd maq  mdw melon  mobby mustafa  neuroup  peer protas
 proton  punisher revi rico  spark starlight  thorr  thung twister voicer  wild
 yaneq zoom

                jak to fajnie byc pozdrowionym - nie chlopaki?!

         ____   ____     ____    ____   ____     ____    ____    ____
      __(__ /_ _\ __)_ _( __/_ _( _ /_ _\ __)_ _( __/_ _(   /_ _( __/__
.a(id \   _/  Y  --'  Y_____  Y   ____Y  --'  Y   '   Y__   __Y_____  /------
------/---|___|_______|_______|____|  |_______|_______| |___| |_______\ k0re.

 acid azzaro renton budgie cnr kempy luk revi thung twister x-ball yaneq zabora

                              kore. + sative mea

               ale w ostatnim czasie narodziîo sie tych askerów!

                    _______________         _______________
                   |             ¯` credits '¯             |
                  _|___   _____ _______ _____ ________ t!__|____
               ___\_   \__\_   \\  ___/_\_   \\  _   /_ /   ___/
               \   /___/  |/   /  __/   l/   /   /  __/_\___  \
              /   /   /   /   /_  /     /   /   /   /     /   /
              \_______\   \____/___________/____\____________/

                   _           ____________         |   |  _
                  |_| la!.diz |____________| azzaro |___| |_|
                       _  |   |         _____________          _
                      |_| |___| linear |_____________| darkus |_|
           _       __________________       |   |  _
          |_| krs |__________________| acid |___| |_|
                           _  |   |       _________________        _
                          |_| |___| info |_________________| acid |_|
                   _           _____________        |   |  _
                  |_| history |_____________| yaneq |___| |_|
       _  |   |         _______________        _
      |_| |___| greets |_______________| acid |_|
                           _             ___________        |   |  _
                          |_| respects  |___________|  acid |___| |_|
            _  |   |          ______________        _
           |_| |___| credits |______________| taxi |_|

                              _           _______________      |   |  _
                             |_| obrazek |_______________| ko0 |___| |_|
             _  |   |          ______________        _
            |_| |___| tuupakk |______________| acid |_|

 | |
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 |  |
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |
 |   |
 |__________|  cale dzielo nosi nazwe:

             e  x  t  r  e  m  a  l   f  i  l  e  s   |_| _________________
                         _ /____                  _ /_____                 |
    ______\ ___    \-----\/    /   ______\ _    __\/     /----/_____\ ___  |
   /    ___\  /_____\         /____\      \/____\     _           ___\  /______
   \        \/           _                            \-----\\        \/      /
    \______        ______\-----|________       ________\      \______        /
   ___    /--------\                    |------\      ___           /--------\
  |   |                                              |___|
  |___| __                         ____\ _            ___
    _  |__| _ /_________    _______\    \/_________  |___|
    ________\/         /____\____                 /   ___
    \         _              ___         _       /---|---|-------[·]
     \        \------|_____    /    //___\-------\   |___|
     /         \    ___   /---------\                 ___
    /           \  |   |  _  _                       |___|
   /k®s!/la!_____\ |___| |_|                          ___
                                                     |   |                   _
                                                                            | |
                                                                          |   |
                                                                          |   |
                                                                          |   |
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                                                                            | |
                                                                           |  |
                                                                           |  |
                                     i zostalo stworzone za pomoca stylu:  |  |

                |                     _
          _____ | __________________ |_|
     ________   |   ______\ _              _ /_________      _ /_________
     \    __/_______\      \/------/_______\/         /______\/         /
      \  ______                              _                 _       /
      /--\    / _   _________________        \-------\\        \-------\
         /______\---\               /_________\       /_________\
                 \                             \                 \
   k®s!/la!               _ /_____
        ______\ ___     __\/     /----/   [  s   u   m   m   e   r  ]
       /    ___\  /_____\     _      /          _                _
       \        \/            \------\       __|   _         _  )_
  __    \______        ________\             )_|  ( · )__(  )_| ._(
 |  |         /--------\                                     _|
 |  |
 |  |
 | |
 |   |
 |   |
 | |
 | |
 | |  ________
 |_| |________|

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               ___                                          ___
           _  |   |  ___                              ___  |   |  _
          |_| |   | |___| dedicated to all LSD users |___| |   | |_|
              |___|                                        |___|

                                    _ __ _ |. |
                                    \)/\(/ ||_|
                                     \../  |
                                   | |  |
                                .-.| |  |
                                `--' |  |
                                     |  |a(id
                                 _ __|  |__ _

                       tuupakk zwiedzajacy las na kwachu

 ______                  ______|     |
|_     |________ __________  __|     |
 |     |        |____         ||_   _|
 |· _           |||      __  ·|_/___\_
 |--|___________|---------|___||     |
¦                                    ¦
¦ l i n e a r  back in new colly.    ¦
¦ artist. krs/linear                 ¦
¦ title. extremal files              ¦
¦ shortening. la!-efs.txt            ¦
¦_______________________________  _  ¦
¦                                | |-'

        . [node0: +48-91-4879493] [node1: telnet]  [node2: telnet]
        ¦         _______ [amiga124oT/6o3e/24omhz/4gb warez space]
       _________  \     /__________
    ___\       /___\__         ___/________
    \                /    _    \   ___    /_____    m a s t e r :
     \_____         /\----/_____\    ____/     /               madbart
          /--------/             \_____       /    . appendix+teklords
                                      /------/  -»-·------------------|/·
                ________                           ¦         ________
                \    __/____              _____________  ____\      /______
                 \_______   \____________ \      _____/__\___             /
    _  . k®s!/la!  /    / _  \   ___    /__\__   \          /____        /
   |_|-·----------/_______\---\    ____/     /_____        /    /-------/
       ¦                       \_____       /     /-------/
       ¦ t h e  s e c t  b b s      /------/
       ¦ [appendix/whq]  [anadune/whq] [teklords/phq]  [floppy/phq]
       ¦ [linear/whq] [link124/phq] [dinx project/phq] [jormas/phq]
       ¦ [mawi/phq]  [doggystyle/phq]   [venus art/phq]   [psl/phq]
       ¦ [ozone free/phq]
    -«-·-------------[ supporter: jacobs.prefix + ziutek.appendix ]
