File Archive

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File size:
61 935 bytes (60.48K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 358


|            __          ___   ___     _     _,    _,      ___   __            |
|         ¡ |  \| |-    |   | |__/  |\/ | ¡ `---. `---. ¡ |   | |  \|          |
|         | |   | l___| l---' |   | |   | | l___| l___| | l___| |   |          |
|                        ¯¯                                                    |
|                                                                              |
|    - --> we'll be right back with more adds after this short break! <-- -    |
|                                                                              |
`----------------------[this is line number 0009 in ced]-----------------------'

                         CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WORLD'S
                          FASTEST AND MOST EASY TO USE
                                ASCII COLLECTION

                  When you have downloaded this AsciiColly it
                  is tempting to load it into CED and view it
                  directly.  Don't do that.  READ THROUGH THE
                  COMPLETE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS to the index
                   part.   Then you are sure to get it right.

                                   Switch on.

  :::.                ..                                   ::
  ::::              .:::                                   ::     .
   :::               :::.                                  ::     :.
   :::                :::       ::::.                      ::     ::
   :::   ..     ..... ·::.::.  ::: ·:.                     ::  .  ::
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            vC!/dS!  ··:::·


    ____   ______             ____                      ____
   |    |__\__   \  _________|    |_    _______________|_   |
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   |    |    |    \/    /    |    \    \    /____/.    \    |
   |____|____|\___/    /|    |__________\_____    |\________|
                 /____/ ¦    |               !    |
          _ ___.--------:    !-----------------------------.___ _
               `-----------------------------:    ¡--------'
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     _ _\    /____/.    \    |    |    \    \|    \    \     /    /    /
      \\\\_____    |\________|____|__________\    |\________/|___/    /
              |____|                         |____|             /____/>vNZ!

                             a presentation called
                        __        ___   :             ___
                      o|  \||-   |   |  :  |-   |---.|   |
                      ||   ||   ||   |  :  |   ||   ||   |
                      ||   ||   ||   |  :  |   ||   ||   |
                      ||   |l___|l___|  :  l___||   |l---'
                                        :             ¯¯
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          ::::::::   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::::::::
          ::::::::   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::::::::
          ::::::::   ::   ::   :::....   ::   ::   ::   ::   ::::::::

                        (including a free special gift)

               A magical cave! The empire of the ghost of shadow.
  A young man plays with all his strength and soul upon of his R-soundmachine.
     The darkness dissolves, giving way to a gigantic illuminated snowball!
        Inside, the light continue to dance, taking life from the music.


                  See in black and white, feel in slow motion.
                Drown myself in sorrow until I wake up tomorrow.


 OFFICIAL NEWS: I have left Save Our Souls due to my inactivity
                and the general hatred that exists towards the group.

   This is the LAST collection from me for now, since I'm leaving the
 asciiscene. The reason for this is that it's not fun to make ascii anymore
 since my "style" stinks and I have actually got more fun things to do
 (really!). I have started making music again and I have also picked up coding
 in a minor scale. There are other things aswell beyond the computer that have
 influenced me in this choice, but let's not bore you with any details.
 I might come back, but it won't be tomorrow, like some other "sceneleaving"
 asciiartists. This also means that all old ascii projects mentioned by me have
 been dropped. I still have some kool ideas though, so you might see them some
 other day.

 This collection is just a quickie released to get some of my VERY old
 requests out, hope you still care about them!

 And that's why this collection is NOT:
 1) Great                          ¯¯¯
 2) Good
 3) Fun at all
 4) Jeeez, I can't believe I'm releasing this shit!


[grimlock                                                              grimlock]
[       ugly logo that i tried to compensate with a even uglier legodewd       ]

                          ...         :.:         ...
                          :.:                     :.:
                              ...     ...      _______
                              :.:     :.:    _/   _   \_
       _______  _______  ___ __   __  ___    |    |    |_______  ___ ___
     _/ _____/_/   _   \l__//  \_/  \/   |   |    |    /   _   \/   |   \_
     |  \__      __| ___      _   _      |___|    |        |____  __| ___|
     |    l      \___          \_/       l        |        l      \___   |
     ¯\_______/\___l___/\__/\___l___/\_______/    |    \_______/\___l___/¯
                              ...     ...    |    l    |bHm      .--'  `--.
                              :.:     :.:    ¯\_______/¯         | (o\/o) |
                          ...                     ...  it's ---> | __`'__ |
                          :.:         ...         :.:   him!     |  \__/  |
                                      :.:                        `--------'

[grimlock                                                              grimlock]
[ a attempt to give the logo a better look by adding a nice "designed" letter  ]

                          ...         :.:         ...
                          :.:                     :.:
                              ...     ...     ...
                              :.:     :.:     :.:
       _µØØØØmw¸ _______  ___ __   __  ___      _______  _______  ___ ___
     _ØØ°°°¶ÑØØ#/   _   \l__//  \_/  \/   |   _/   _   \/   _   \/   |   \_
    JØØF    ØØØÞ  __| ___      _   _      |___|    |        |____  __| ___|
    ØØØE__ _#ØØQ  \___          \_/       l        l        l      \___   |
       ¬""¯  3ØØØK            ...     ...     ...
              3ØØØ,           :.:     :.:     :.:
         _     ¶ØØ#       ...                     ...
       aÆ@~    ¬ØØØ       :.:         ...         :.:
     _ÆØK  bHm JØØ´                   :.:

[grimlock                                                              grimlock]
[  horrible legodewd in a attempt to add something to a boring standard logo   ]

        __µØ®ææØææ_    ___  ___     _       ___  ___
        ÆM"¯     0Q   |   ||   |o|\/ ||    |   ||   ||__/
        ãF  ø  g ]Ø   |   ||   |||   ||   ||   ||   '|   |
        ]#  _  __ Ø   |   ||   '||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |
        J# `¶ÑÑ@´ ¶K  `---||    ||   |l___|l___|l___||   |
         ¶ØÆØÑÑ@¶ØM´    ¯¯
     د  æ#        ¶Q_  ¬#            __________________
    J#  ØM#         0MÑ_ ¶K          |                  |
    áLµ_ØM#         ¶Q¬#__ØW         |     grimlock     |
    ØMQÑEJ#          #rØØ°°#         |                  |
   ÆØ@°Ø#J#          ¶QJQæÑØF        | authorized lego® |
   ØØÞ Ø#7P           ØÆØF ¶#        | designer '95-'96 |
   ¬°  °°ÆѵµµæÑÑ@@ÑÑÑÑѶ   #        |                  |
         ]Q           J#             |                  |
          #      _     ØÞ            |                  |
          #      #     ]Q            |  _               |
         J#   ___Ø   __J# bHm        | (_) president    |
         J#æØ@@¶¶ØWæØ@¶¶Ø            | / \  lego® corp. |
          #      ØE     ÆL           l `-'              |
          0æØØØØØØÑæØØØØØP            ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯

[shelter                                                                shelter]
[                    standard logo just a bit oddly resized                    ]

                             everybody needs some..
                                 _/    |
                        _________|     | bHm  ____
                      _/  _____  \_    |_____/  __l__
  _________  ____ ____|   \_______/    |  _ __  \___/_____________  _________
_/   _____/_/    |    |     |    |     |     |    |     |  _____  \/    _    \_
|______          |    |     |    |     |     |    |     |  \_______     |     |
|     |          |    |     |    |     |     |    |     |    |          |     |
|     |          l    |     |    |     |     |    |     |    |        __|  ___|
|     |          _    |     |    |     |     |    |     |    |        \___    |
|     l          |    |     |    |     |     |    |     |    l          |     |
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                      |     l    |     |     |    l     |
                      ¯\_________|     |     |_________/¯
                                 |     l     |

[nasa                                                                   shelter]
[                     unkewl design to another boring logo                     ]

                           _ÆØØP"            ¬¶#Ø#w
                          æØ@"                  ¬¶ØÑ_
              _ __ _________  _________  _________  _________
         _ __/_/ _/    _    \_\_____   \/   _____/__\_____   \_
                 |     |          _     ______          _     |
                 |     |          l          l          l     | bHm

                         ¬##__                   _æØF
                           MØ#µ_              _aÆØ@~

[cax                                                                    shelter]
[          the same thing in this one, this design is even recycled!           ]

                                    ___      _aæØÞ
                    _µ_           _ÆØØØØØØæææØØØØÞ
                  æØØØØØ#ææµµµæÆØØ#°°@@#ÑÑ#P"ØØØØ#µ_  ____µµm
                  ØØØØ@ÑØØØØØ@¶°¯            ¬ÑØØØØØØØØØØØØØ
                 _ØØØP                          "°°°"""]ØØØØL
             __aæØ#P"                                   ¶ØØØØb__     ___
        __æØØØÑP"       _________  _________  ____ ____  ¬¶ØØØØØØØØØØØØ°
       ¶ØØØØØK        _/    _    \_\_____   \/    |    \_   "°¶ØØØØ°"
         ¶ØØØØ#       |     |_____     _     __ __|   __|     7ØØØØ_
          ¬ØØØØQ      |     |          |        \___    |      #ØØØ#_
           ãØØØØ      |     l          l          |     |      ¬ØØØØØw_
           JØØØØL     ¯\_________/\_________/\____l____/¯        ¶ØØØØØÞ
            ØØØ#                                               _æØØ@¶"
           ÆØØØWµµµµµ__                                      æØØØ´
         _ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØæw_                             ____ÆØØØ#
         ¬"        ¬°ÑØØØØØÑm_ _µµæØØØØØææµ___    _µæØØØØØØØØØØØØQ bHm
                          ¬¶@P°          ¬°¶ÑØØØØ@P

[cax file id                                                            shelter]
[                        horrid file id, skip this one                         ]

                     ___   __
                    |   |.---|l___|   [pr]
                    |   '|   ||   |   [es]
                    |   ||   ||   |   [en]
                    l___|l___||   |   [ts]


[crystal of darkness                                                      opium]
[                          another logo - nothing new                          ]

  _________  _________  ____ ____  _________  ____       _________  ____
_/    _    \/    _    \/    l__  \/   _____/_/  __l_bHm_/    _    \/    |
|     |_____   __|  __________/   ______        \___/__|   __|          |______
|     l        \___         l          l          l        \___         l     |
                                   ___   ___
                                  (___) |-  '
  __________  _______  _______  ___ ___  _______  _______  _______  _______
  \______   \/   _   \/   _   \/   |   \/   _   \/ _____ \/  ____/_/  ____/__
   |    |      __|      __| ___  __| ___    |      \___________    _____    |
   |    '      \___     \___     \___       |        l        l        l    |

[sunshine productions                                                     opium]
[     new bent design to this one, a reapperance from my latest collection     ]

                      ____ ____ _________ ____      ____
            ____ ____|    \    |____-----¦   /_____(____)____ ____
  _________|    l    |---`-----^---------^---' `---^----|    \    |________
 (____-----¦---------'           ..  ...  ....          `---`-----|  -____/_
 `---------'                   .  :... :..  ...                   `---------'
                            .. :.....  ..:  : ...
                            :.....  :  '  ..: : :..
               _________ ________    .:::.       _____ _________
              |  -_____/|  -___ /_  ::::::: .----\_   |____-----¦
              `---'     `---' `---' `:::::' `---------^---------'
                            ... : ... ``' .  ......
                              :.: :  ..:  :..... .:
                                ..:  :.. ....  :
                                 ....  :..  :.


[amiga                                                                    opium]
[          recycling old iff2ascii letters from the latest collection          ]

                    ,æØØØØص  ___   ___  ____ _________  _________
                  _æØØK¶ØØØØL/   \_/   \l___//  ______/_/    _    \_
                 µØØ#"  ¶ØØØ#                   \__        __|     |
            _aæµÆØØ°    ¬ØØØØK   \_/              l        \___    |
           ¢ØØØØØØØØæw__ ¶ØØØØ____l____/\___/\_________/\____l____/¯
             ¬"    ¬°ÑØØØØØØØØØQ bHm

[request                                                                  opium]
[                              same shit as above                              ]

   æØØ@@#ÑÑØØØØØØØØÑw_ _______  _______  ___ ___  _______  _______  ___
  0ØØØ         ¬°ÑØØØØK _____ \/   _   \/   |   \/ _____ \/  ____/_/ __l__
  0ØØØ  _  bHm     ØØØK \______    |        |      \___________      \___/___
  ¬¶" µÆØÞ        _ØØK    l        l____    l        l        l        l    |
     JØØØL     _aÆØP  \_______/\____\__/\_______/\_______/\_______/\_______/¯
  dØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØÑææwµ____        "Dear Santa-claus, I would like.."
      ¬ØÑ°             ¯"°¶ÑØØ#°

[nostalgia                                                                     ]
[                      standard design for the ministyle                       ]

                                     _µÆØ@P"¯     ¬°¶#w_
                                  _µØ@°¯              ¶#,
                                撥"                   #&
                              µØP¯                     ]Ø
                            _ØP                        JØ
                    __   ___  _,         __       ___    __
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                   |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |||   |
                   |   |l___|l___|l___|l___|l___|`---||l___|
                      Ø#                        _Æ@
                      Ø#                      _d@"
                      0#                   _aØ@"
                      ¬#Q_              _aÆØP
                       ¬¶Ñw__      __µæØÑP"

[nostalgia                                                                     ]
[            if i added something to this logo it could become kewl            ]

 #Ø    _Æb_                                       µµµ_  _,
 0ØÞ  æØ#Ø&    aæøØ#r                    æ       ÆØØØØK Ø1
 ÆØL Æ# ¬Øظ _ÆØØÑÑK _µ_   _æØØØ#w      ÆF_    æmµ__¶Ø#JØ1
 7ØLJ#   ¶ØQ Ø#     æØØ#_  ØØØÑÑØ@ ,ææøØØØØÞ  ÆØØØØØNØQJØF          _Æ#  _µ__
 7ØÑØ´   ¬Ø#JØ#_    ¬"#Ø# ¬ØØØ#µ__ ØØØØØ@#P  7ØL¬°ÑØØØØjØF bHm      ÆÑ~ ÆØØØØK
 ]ØØ"     #ØÞ¶ØØ#w_____ØØ  ¬¶#ØØØØÑm_ ØK    _¶Ø#w_µµØØPÆØ   ___     "_ ¬°"°¶ØØK
 7ØF      ¶ØL ¶ØØØØØØØØ#´æ___ "¶ÑØØØ1dØ   _Æ#w#ØØØØØ#° Ø#  æØØØ#w   æ@ ____ ¶Ø#
 ¬´       JØ#   ¬¶¶@@P" ÆØØØØMæmµæØ# Ø#   `#ØØN"°"¯   JØF,Ø@@@ÑØØQ JØ æØØØ#x ØØ
           #'           ¬°¶#ØØØØØØP  ØØ#æµµµØØØ       JØÞÆØ    °ØØ ØFdØ°°#ØØ ØØ
              ____a**@#æw     ¯¯     ¶ÑØØØØØØ@        ÆØ #Ø#øøøøØØáØ Ø#   ¶" ØØ
           ,ø""°¶Ø#_   ]Ø                             0ØL`ÑØØØØKØ#ØØ ØØW__  _ØF
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          ¶#w___     _d°                               ## ÆØ#mµÆ@ ¶ØF ¬¶#ÑÑ@"
             ¬°¶¶*æw段w                                  ¶ÑØØØF  ¬"

[nostalgia                                                                     ]
[                             embarrassing design                              ]

                                             µ     J#   _µ
                                             ¬Ñ¸   JF  ,@
                                        ¸     ¬&_  áÞ _#
                                        °*mmµ___#wæØÞmØ_        _
                                             ¬ã#" ac _ °bµææ**Ñ@P
                                              #L  .µ_´  0L
      __   ___  _,         __       ___    __  ¬°¶*m/"__æP            _,
     |  \||   |`---.|-   .---||    |   |o.---|   4*0Ñ@P°   |---.|---.`---.
     |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |||   | ____ØÞ      |   ||   ||   |
     |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |||   | ¬°°¶ØÑ***** |   ||   ||   |
     |   |l___|l___|l___|l___|l___|`---||l___|     Ø       l___|l___|l___|
                                     ¯¯           _Ø bHm
                                            *P"     "¶*mw

[nostalgia                                                                     ]
[                        nice file id, but nothing new                         ]

                    __   ___  _,         __       ___    __
                   |  \||   |`---.|-   .---||    |   |o.---|
                   |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |||   |
                   |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |||   |
                   |   |l___|l___|l___|l___|l___|`---||l___|
                     text         text       text      text
                         text          text       text
                       text          text            text

[paszczak                                                              paszczak]
[  a few iff2ascii logos for paszczak since i spelled his name incorrectly..   ]

                  _  __µµµµµ  ææØ##ØÆMÑ  ØÆMÑ#ØÑæL jµµµµµ__  _
            __aæÑØÑLJM¶°°°"2  0¯¯¯¯¯  JLJ´   ¯¯¯¯¶¸JE"°°°¶¶çáÑØØæç__
           æÑ®K"   Q#      #  ¶Þ       #Ø         K #      0Ø   ¬¶WMm
           ¹ Ø     ØÞ  ___JÞ__¬K____   ¶F    _    0_¶____  ]Ø     # #
          æ, ¹ qÞ  ¬  °¶¶¶°¬°° °°°°°        ¬Ø    ¬° ¶¶¶¶¹  "  qÞ ¶ ¶
           Þ   J                             Ø                  F   J`
           L   7                             Ø                  F   ¬
          µ   µÆ   æµµµµ,        .µµµµµµ     ®µµµµµ    aµµµµ, µµ¹   WG
          [ 7 L     ¯¯¯]Þ         #¯¯¯¯¯     د¯¯¯¯    JF¯¯¯  #¯    F
          4 á #        JL         #          Ø         JF     0     F
          ¶ØØ_¶wµ      JL         #          0         JL     ]wµ , #
           & # JF  Æ        jç    °    ,,    ¬    a,        Q  ¶F Æ &
           Æ J¸ L  #E       Æ#         Ø&         @K       áØ  á  Ñ_Þ
              #æ#µw#¶____   #¶¸        #0        JF#   ____@0µæÆæ*`"
          bHm    ¯" ¬¶¶@@##ѹ ÑѵmæææmØ´¬ææææææææ@ ¶Ñ##@@P¶ ¬"¯    LED

[paszczak                                                              paszczak]
[ my latest collection. i was to lazy to draw new ones that looked kewl.. ]

              mÆ_  j#¸  m    µ#_  m#_  ç_   mb  jµb  _ &  jw#  aç,
            µJ@F#µ ØF#wjÑJ&µj#¨# ¬Ø¨&µj#7&µjM"L ]Ñ"NµáW@#çÆÑ7,_ض@Nç
           JM#F  ¶µF ¬°#F#¬°#  jÞ # ¬^##ج^#  # Ø  ¬°ØØL¬¶Ø  ®@جL¬¶L
           F     ¶NF æ_  ¶L    ®  Ø &  ¶F     ¶ #  #  ÆF     0F  #  #
          ÆF   # ¬F  ]Þ  ¬´ mµÑKæm¶ÑF& ¬¹  a¸  ÑMJ#¬  °  qr  ¬   Ø  00
          JÞ   #     ¬L      V  ¬          #F  ¬¬F        Q      Æ  ¬Q
          ]Þ  Ø°     _Q                    # _ _         _@      jÞ  #
      bHm  Þ LØ     á#¹  dÑØ_b      æ#µbp  0NØ¾Þ  `Ñ#µÞ JØF    jWP aJÆ LED
          qF¬Ø¹   æ #    "  ¶#      Ø ¶"´  0¬´¬    # ¶  # ~    #"  ¬##
          JÞ ¶   JF 0_       Ø      #      ¶      JÞ    ¶      ¶     #
          JL ¬LmÆ#K JW#m _   F   , JF   ,  ¬L ,,  JÞ    JWm  µ ¬Nw¹ _#
          °Ø  ¶E" ¶_ ¶@´ 0_     áF     7F   " Ø#      JL ¶@  ØL °#  ¶L
           #_  #  JF JL  ÆQ_    P#   _ j& _   ¶#    _ ØQ æÞ JFQ  Ø _Ø"
           J#&øQ  JN_#@KµØ0@æµJMÞØKJN@µ@"NMwKJM¬WxJWÑw##WÑNçdÞ¶wç¶WÑF
            ~¬"¶   ¬#" ¬"@¬ ¬"#¬ ¬"#~ ¬  ¬ ¬"د °"ج   ¬¬ ¬°#  °¶Q"

[paszczak                                                              paszczak]
[ i just made this ones in dpaint and converted them. lazy? who, me? =)  ]

            ØØÑæµ__                                             µæØØL
           J@¶¶@ØØØØæw_                                  ,µæÆØ#w#@¶¶#
           JF     ¬"¶@Øm Ææµµ__ ___           ___ _aµæÆr,Ø#@¶"Ø     Ø
          _ÆÞ          ]®Ø¶¶@@ØMØØØ&dØ##JØØصØØØ#J#@@¶M&Ø    JF     ¶L
          0@     JØm    0#  _ ¬Ø   #¶ "3Ø"" @F  Æ#     ع    Ø      ¬Ø
          0F      ¶#    ¬´  0  V ØØ#Øææ # ø ##ØÞJF ¶Þ  P    JØ       #
          0F      J#        7             1        7        J#       #
          ¶F  ææææW#     , æØ  aææc   æær #æ, æææ æØ     æææøF    ææm#
          0F  ØE¯¯      JF K    ¯]L   E¯  E¯  د¯ Q      0F¯      ¯¯¯#
          0F  ¶#      ¸_#  صµ _ JÞ , F ç # ¿ ¶  ¸¶wµ    ¬#          #
          ÆF   ØWµØÑØØØÑ«Þ °Ø" Ø   JQ   #   Ø   JQ ¶P  #_ ¶Ø#ØØµç    #
          #Ø   °¶°Ø¯¯    # _Ø_æÑwµµÆ0ØØÆÑØØÑMWµµÆѵJL  @&   ¯¶@°°   J#
          ¬¶L    J# bHm  ØØضPP °°"  ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯°°"¬¶#¶ØØF¶W__ ¬#     د
           JL  __Ø       ¯                               ¶##ØMM#__  Ø
            ØØØØ~"                                          ¯° °#ØØØF

[esquires                                                               dalamar]
[           a logo i really like, but they want a additional s in it           ]

     ..:::.      ..::.      ....            ..::::'`::::              ...
   .::'`:::   .:::::::  .:::::::::         .::::....:::'          ..::::::
 .::'  .::  .:::'.:''  .:::''```:::         ``:::::::'..:::::.. .::'' `::'
.::'.::''  .:::        :::    :. :::  ....     .::  .::''``:::'.::   .:'
:::.       `:::::::....`:::. ::::.:'.:::'   ...::::.`..::  .:: ::::....     ...
`::::::::::.  `````:::::`:::::::::..:::.   `::::`:::'::::::..   `:::::::::::::'
  ``::::::'   ...::::::'   `````:::`:::::::::::'  `  `:::::::::....````''''
          `:::::::::''           `'   ```''''         ::: ```:::::' bHm
             ``'''                                    `

[azkiness                                                                soxius]
[                              boring? yes, sir!                               ]

                                    i      n
                             k    ___  _______    e
        -      a      z         _l___//   _   \_         s      s      -
  _ __ _______  _______  ___ ___|         |    |_______  _______  _______
_/_/ _/   _   \_\____  \/   |   \         |    / _____ \/  ____/_/  ____/__
     |  __|        _____  __| ___         |      \___________    _____    |
     |  \___       l      \___            |        l        l        l    | bHm
     ¯\___l___/\_______/\___l___/         |    \_______/\_______/\_______/¯
                                |         |    |
        -      a      z         ¯\___/\___l___/¯         s      s      -
                             k                    e
                                    i      n

[dream engine                                                        shellshøck]
[          i actually stole this funky car from the macintosh! jeeez!          ]

                                 ___  ___   __    _
                           .---||   ||   |.---||\/ |
                           |   ||   ||   ||   ||   |
                           |   ||   '|   ||   ||   |
                           l___||    l---'l___||   |
                                  .::''       `::::::::.
                                .:::            :::::::::
                        ...::::::'`::.           :::::::::
                    .::::::::::::bHm`::.         ::::::::::
                 ::::: ::'    `:: :::::::::::::: ::'    `:: :::
                 `:::  ::  ::  ::  ::::::::::::  ::  ::  ::  ::
                       ::.    .::  `::::::::::'  ::.    .::
                        `::::::'                  `::::::'
                            ___  __   ___   __   ___
                           |   ||  \||   |o|  \||   |
                           |   ||   ||   |||   ||   |
                           |   ||   ||   |||   ||   |
                           l---'|   |`---|||   |l---'
                            ¯¯         ¯¯        ¯¯

[whq                                                                 shellshøck]
[                               bah! wattahell?                                ]

                           _ __
             _ __ ______ ______\/______ ______  _____________
   _  __ ___/_/ _/      |      \/      |      \/      _      \_
                |     _/ \_            l              |       |
                |       _              _              l_______| bHm
                ¯\_____/ \_____/\______l______/\_______\_____/¯
                                          _ __/\

[deja vu                                                             shellshøck]
[                       yuck! to an embarriasing degree                        ]

                                       _  __ ___
  ____________  _________     ______  _________ \_    ____ ____  ____ ____
  \_______    \/  _____  \_   \_    \/    _    \_   _/    Y    \/    |    \_
   |     |        \_______|____|        __|     |   |     |          |     |
   |     |          |          |        \__     |   |     |          |     |
   |     |          |          |          |     |   |     |          |     |
   |     |          |          |          |     |bHm|     |          |     |
   |     |          |          |          |     |   |     |          |     |
   |     |          |          |          |     |   |     |          |     |
   |     '          l          l          |     |   |     l          l     |
   ¯\_________/\_________/\_________/\____l____/¯_  ¯\_________/\_________/¯
                                            _ __/

[virii                                                                   wigwam]
[         woah! is this a new definition of worthless design or what?          ]

          _ __ ______ ______  ______ _____________  ______ ______
  _  _ __/_/ _/      Y      \l_____//      _      \l_____/l_____/_
             |       |                     |                     |
             |       |                     |                     |
             |       |                     |                     | bHm
             |       |                   __|    ___              |
             |       l                   \___                    |

[porr                                                                    wigwam]
[                              standard as hell!                               ]

      _ __ _____________  _____________  _____________  _____________
 _ __/_/ _/      _      \/      _      \/      _      \/      _      \_
         |     __|              |            __|    ___     __|    ___|
         |     \________/       l            \___           \___      | bHm
         ¯\______|       \_____________/\______l______/\______l______/¯

[porr                                                                    wigwam]
[                   standard as hell for these porn logos..                    ]
    _/    \_
   / __  __ \
   \ |_\|_| /
  / /|o  o|\ \
  \\ \ `' / //
   \\|\¬¯/|//          ___________  ___________  ___________  ___________
 .---\_¯¯_/---.      _/     _     \/     _     \/     _     \/     _     \_
(  /         \ )     |    __|            |          __|   ___    __|   ___|
 \( ()     () )  bHm |    \_______/      l          \___         \___     |
  )\___/ \___/(      ¯\_____|      \___________/\_____l_____/\_____l_____/¯
  | |       |  \
  | |       |\__\
 _)/\\_ ° _//\/ \)
/ (  \ \_/ / (/ /
\)|   \   /   |'
 `|   |`-'|   |turbo

[teen pics                                                               wigwam]
[                                 same shit..                                  ]

      _ __ ______         _____________  _____________  _____________
 _ __/_/ _/   ___l___   _/    _____    \/    _____    \/      _      \_
         |    \_____/___|     \_________     \_________       |       |
         |       l              l              l              |       |
         _ __ _____________  ______  _____________  _____________
    _ __/_/ _/      _      \l_____/_/      _      \/     _______/__
            |     __|                      |_______________       |
            |     \________/               l              l       | bHm
            ¯\______|       \______/\_____________/\_____________/¯

[p^d file id                                                            strauss]
[      soon beeing my new standard for file ids. or maybe it already is?       ]

                          ___   ___  __   ___  ___  ___
                         |   |o|   ||  \||   ||   ||   |
                  .------|   |||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |-----.
                  |      |   |||   ||   ||   ||   ||   '     |
                  |      |---'|l___||   |l---'l---'l bHm     |
                  |              ___  _,  ¯¯___¯¯__          |
                  |        .---||   |`---.o|   ||  \|        |
                  |        |   ||   ||   |||   ||   |        |
                  `--------|   ||   ||   |||   ||   |--------'
                           l___|l---'l___||`---||   |
                                 ¯¯          ¯¯

[strauss                                                                strauss]
[                                standard shit                                 ]

                                                   _ __   bHm
  _________  ____       _________  _________  ____ ____\/_________  _________
_/   _____/_/  __|__  _/    _    \/    _    \/    |    \/   _____/_/   _____/__
|______        \___/__|   __|  ___   __|          |     ______     ______     |
|     l          l        \___       \__          l          |          |     |
       _ __/\

[wicked garden logga                                                      fatal]
[        "va fan skall självinsikt vara bra för om det bara skadar en?"        ]

                                     ( _ )
                          -  -- --- (_(_)_) --- --  -

   _ _____ _____  _____ ___________  _____ _____  ___________        _____
 _/_/     |     \l____//     _     \/     |     \/   _____   \ _____l__   \_
   |    _/¯\_                |______    __|   ___    \________/     __/    |
   |      _                  l          \___           l            l      |
   ¯\____/ \____/\____/\___________/\_____l_____/\___________/\___________/¯
   _ __ _________  _________  _________       ____  _________  _________
__/_/ _/  ______/_/    _    \/    _    \ ____l__  \/  _____  \/    _    \_
      |   \__        __|        __|  ___/    __/      \_______     |     |
      |     l        \__        \___         l          l          |     | bHm

                                     ( _ )
                          -  -- --- (_(_)_) --- --  -


                  all asciis were made under the influence of
                              : ................ :
                              : :::::::::::::::: :
                              : :::portishead::: :
                              : :::::::::::::::: :
                              : :::        `:::: :
                              : :::   ...    ::: :
                              : :::   :::'   ::: :
                              : :::         .::: :
                              : :::   .....::::: :
                              : :::   :::::::::: :
                              : :::   :::::::::: :
                              : :::::::::::::::: :


                 the collection was made under the influence of
                     ...... .....  ..  ....  ..  .. ..  ..
                     :'::`: ::  :: :: ::  :: ::  :: ::  ::
                       ::   ::..:' :: ::     ::..:' `::::'
                       ::   ::  :: :: ::  :: ::  ::   ::
                       ::   ::  :: :: `:..:' ::  ::   ::


                       Gradually, the lights take shape.
             Playing in a fantasyworld that is ready to be entered.
     Boy approaches the snowball. Lights who are tractic of all of lights.

                             And adventure begins!


001  ASC²-bHm.txt   44377       Shittiest Of Them All Volume 1

002  bHm^skZ.txt   175439       ..._____        _____        _____.  . ....
                                :_/     |:::::_/     \____ _/     \____   :
                                ·\__    |_____\__   ___   \\_______    \  ·
                                · /     |     \/   (______/_/     |     \ ·
                                _/      l      \_    l      \_    '      \_
                                \________       /_____       /_____       /
                                · ::::::\______/:::::\______/[bHm]\______/·
                                : ::bEhEMOth ^ SK¡ZE / L¡M¡tEd Ed¡t¡ON::: :
                                : `:::::::PRESENtS StOCkhOLM ¹958:::::::' :
                                :... .  .   dA ASC¡¡ COLLECt¡ON   .  . ...:

003  led-lgm3.txt  175621       ..._____        _____        _____.  . ....
                                :_/     |:::::_/     \____ _/     \____   :
                                ·\__    |_____\__   ___   \\_______    \: ·
                                · /     |     \/   (______/_/     |     \ ·
                                _/      l      \_    l      \_    '      \_
                                \________       /_____       /_____       /
                                · ::::::\______/:::::\______/[bHm]\______/·
                                : :behemoth of limited edition gives you: :
                                :... .  .    little green men!    .  . ...:

004  bHm-raw!.txt   25000        ____________ _______ ____ _______ ____
                                 \__   ___   \\__    l    \\__    Y    \
                                  /   (___  _/_/           \/           \
                                _/      l      \_    |      \_    Y      \_
                                \________       /____|       /____|       /
                                · ::::::\______/:::::l______/[bHm]l______/·
                                : :behemoth of limited edition gives you: :
                                :... .  . requested ambient works .  . ...:

005  bHm-tarm.txt   40000       File_ID.Diz NOT found!

006  bHm-morg.txt   20000       .------------------------------------------.
                                |   b·E·H·E·M·O·T·h             __         |
                                |_____________ _________ _ ..._/  l_ ___ _ |
                                \__ _\__ _\__ l\__ _\__ Y \:::\__ _/_\_ l \|
                                |/ (_ /_(__/_    \(__/_    \:O::: l   \    \
                                |\_____/____/_|  /____/_Y  /::::·_____/_|  /
                                |             l_/       l_/          bHml_/|
                                |     oF lIMITED eDITON pRESENT tO yOU     |
                                | mORGENSTEMNING - tHE fILE iD cOLLECTION! |

007  led-sju!.txt   30000       .--------[·b·E·H·E·M·O·T·h·  ·o·F·]--------.
                                |     _/\____               ________       |
                                |   _ __    /    ________  _\____   \      |
                                |     /    /____/  ___   \/    /    /      |
                                |   _/    /   _/   \_____/    /    /__ _   |
                                |   \_____    \_____    \_____    ____     |
                                `lIMITED/_____/---/_____/bHm/_____/eDITION |
                                .---[·presents·]---------- --- -- -  -     |
                                |sIETE - mISC lOGOS tO tHE dRAWING sOCIETY!|

008  led-raw2.txt   30000       .--------[·b·E·H·E·M·O·T·h·  ·o·F·]--------.
                                |     _/\____               ________       |
                                |   _ __    /    ________  _\____   \      |
                                |     /    /____/  ___   \/    /    /      |
                                |   _/    /   _/   \_____/    /    /__ _   |
                                |   \_____    \_____    \_____    ____     |
                                `lIMITED/_____/---/_____/bHm/_____/eDITION |
                                .---[·presents·]---------- --- -- -  -     |
                                | bJÖRK! - rEQUESTED aMBIENT wORKS pART II |

009  [d]-frnd.txt   55555        ___/\___  __/\_______/\___  __/\__/\___   ·
                                .\____.  \ \____   ___  .  \ \_ ___     \  ·
                                : /   |   \/  ____/\/   |   \/   |   ¦   \ :
                                :/    ¦    \        \   .    \   |   |    \:
                                :\____     /___     /___l    /   |___l    /:
                                :    \____/vC!\____/   \____/\___l  \____/ :
                                :behemoth of dzain^limited edition presents:
                                ::.  a new collection called friends -   .::
                                :::::.... the friendy collection! .....:::::

010  sos-raw3.txt  100000        ..........................................
                                ::::::'   _______   ______ _____     `::::::
                                ::::::    \   __/___  _   |  __/___   ::::::
                                ::::::    .\_____  /  \   |_____  /   ::::::
                                :::::: uMn|_______/_______|______/aC! ::::::
                                ::::::  requested ambient works part  ::::::
                                ::::::   three - undoubted fantasy!   ::::::
                                ::::::                                ::::::
                                ::::::  by behemoth/sos/led/bbb/blå!  ::::::

011  sos-btme.txt   87878           ...::::::::::::::::::::::::...  .
                                 .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'  ::::::.
                                .:::::'''___ ___ ___             _(___`::::
                                ::::'   |_--|   |_--| presents _(o/ o \ ::'
                                ::::    `---^---^---'         (__¬\   /   \_
                                :::: collection 11 by behemoth _/  ¯¯¬  (__/
                                ::::.  beyond - the mind's eye \______  /...
                                `:::::...                     (__ \||/ /.::'
                                 `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. \  \/ /.::'
                                    ```:::::::::::::::::::::::::.\___/ ` bHm

012  sOS-rMDY.tXt  214000         _ ._   .____.   _.__   .____.  _ .___ __
                                :_) `---.|_  /|   /|- '  | o./|  \ |  /_ (_:
                                |   (___|`  / ¯\_/ ¯\__) ¯\_/ ¯\__\`   (   |
                                :sYz __   ._   .____.  _ .    ._     __ cN!:
                                |_  _\/_  `---.| o./|  \ |    `---. _\/_  _|
                                : )_\/\/_ (___|¯\_/ ¯\__\¯\__)(___|_\/\/_( :
                                `. bHm & xCz / sOS aSC2 pRESENTS: rEMEdY! .'
                                 `---{ tHE uLTiM8 pARTY^cOOP^rELEASE! }---'

013  sos-awh.txt   100000       <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>(__     ____|>
                                      s a v e   o u r    _____(B|     |___=;
                                    ___ ___ _ _ __  ___ (_____________(___|
                                bHm(_--¦   | | | /_(_--¦sOS   |:|  ||  |:|
                                   `---^---^---^---^---'      l;l()|l()|;|
                                behemoth presents his 13:th   \/o `\/'  \/
                                 collection:  are we here?  __(\_ (__) _/)_
                                <><><><><><><><><><><><><></   \_\____/_/Trb

014  sOS-LOVE.TXt  135500          ......................................
                                ...: .. .  .                            :...
                                : ...:        ¸     _    ¸                 :
                                : ·           )ave (_)ur )ouls             :
                                : .                                        :
                                :        Love - Another masterpice!        :
                                :                                          :
                                :                    14                    :
                                :...                                    ...:

015  sOS-HAPY.TXt  254400          ... _,  ___     ___   ___    ____ ...
                                ...:  `---(___(___)__/_ (___)___)---:  :...
                                :bHm  ¯¯¯¯  _,  ___         __,        sOS:
                                :  .::.::. `---(___(___)___`---. .::.::.  :
                                :¸ ¸``:''  ¯¯¯¯            ¯¯¯¯   ``:''¸ ¸:
                                :'°'    bEHEMOTH eNTERPRISES gIVES:    '°':
                                : cOLLECTION 15  "tAKE aWAY mY hAPPINESS" :
                                :...                                   ...:
                                   :.. . the worst collection yet? . ..:

016  LED-nITE.txt   61935       ......
                                :   _:__________
                                :   \:____     /____________
                                :  | : __/    /_______     /---------------.
                                :  | : ______/  /   l/    /limited edition |
                                :  |_:_________/   _/    /   presents      |
                                :    :|-mNt l___________/aC!------------- -|
                                :....:|          "into the night"          |
                                 SIZE:|  asciicollection 16 from behemoth  |
                                 61935| with which i leave the asciiscene! |


                            . thanks to these guys .

     vietcong for the behemoth logo and vinzi for the limited edition logo

                      ___  ___  ___  ___   ___   ___
                     |   ||   ||   ||   | |   |o|   ||-
                     |   '|   ||   ||   | |   |||   ||   |
                 bHm |    |   '|   ||   | |   |||   '|   | LED
                     |-   |    l---'l---' `---|||--  l___|
                                ¯¯   ¯¯     ¯¯
And here is the free gift. Since I don't think that I'll need this one anymore,
here's a nice font for anyone to use. It's my special gift from me. Take care of
it! (That means don't go and make this one any uglier) ;)
     __         ___         ___   ___   ___            __                 _
   .---| |---. |   | .---| |   | |   | |   | |---. o     | |__/  |     |\/ |
   |   | |   | |   ' |   | |   | |   ' |   | |   | | |   | |   | |   | |   |
   |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |     |   | |   | | |   | |   | |   | |   |
   l___| l___| l___| l___| l---' |-    `---| |   | | l___| |   | l___| |   |
                            ¯¯           ¯¯
  __    ___   ___   ___   ___   _,                                        ___
 |  \| |   | |   | |   | |   | `---. |-    |   | |   | |   | l___| |   | .---'
 |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |
 |   | |   | |   | |   | |   ' |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   | |   |
 |   | l___| |---' `---| |     l___| l___| l___| ¯\__| l/\_| |   | `---| l___|

                                . greetings to .

    alcarinquë  ÷  dalamar  ÷  fatal  ÷  fuzz  ÷  grimlock  ÷  lord epithal
   radix  ÷  skize  ÷  squixx  ÷  strauss  ÷  tnt  ÷  ü  ÷  xcluziwe  ÷  zähn

                         . you for watching this crap .


                     this file was of course first seen on

                            ::    ::::
                            ::.    `::. .:::.
                                     :::::::.  .::.
                                    :::'  `:::::'`::
                                   :::      `:'
                   a n o t h e r  ::
                                 .::  s t e p

                       the world's number one ascii board


                                 . respect to .

          all the asciiartist who I have got inspiration from, such as

               shapechanger  ÷  karma  ÷  tbm  ÷  mortimer twang

        and all the kool and friendly artist i have had any contact with

                               . stay in there .


                                   . quotes .

           Edited from MatMäster, Bruksanvisning och recept / Philips
           Ponderosa / Tricky
           Dr. Van Steiner / Yello
           Arne Anka / Charlie Christensen

                   . guess only "have-a-najs-life" remains .


      She does not recognize him, as the young man she fell in love with.
                   In the mystical kingdom of the mountains.

                             Hundreds of years ago.

:   _:__________
:   \:____     /____________
:  | : __/    /_______     /---------------.
:  | : ______/  /   l/    /limited edition |
:  |_:_________/   _/    /   presents      |
:    :|-mNt l___________/aC!------------- -|
:....:|          "into the night"          |
 SIZE:|  asciicollection 16 from behemoth  |
 61935| with which i leave the asciiscene! |

                ___              _  ___       _,        ___  ___  ___
          |    |   ||-        |\/ ||   |     `---.|    |   ||   ||   |
          |   ||   ||   |     |   ||   |     |   ||   ||   ||   ||   |
          |   ||   ||   |     |   ||   |     |   ||   ||   ||   ||   |
          l___|l---'l___|     |   |l---'     l___|l___|l---'l---'|---'
                ¯¯                  ¯¯                  ¯¯   ¯¯
                       ___  ___  ___  ___       ___  ___
                      |   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |
                      |   '|   ||   ||   ||   ||   ||   |
                      |    |   ||   '|   ||   ||   ||   '
                      |-   l___||    l---'¯\__|l---'|
                                      ¯¯        ¯¯

                               - into the night -

                                  Switch off.

.----------------------[this is line number 1223 in ced]-----------------------.
|                                                                              |
|                                    end of                                    |
|                                                                              |
|            __          ___   ___     _     _,    _,      ___   __            |
|         ¡ |  \| |-    |   | |__/  |\/ | ¡ `---. `---. ¡ |   | |  \|          |
|         | |   | l___| l---' |   | |   | | l___| l___| | l___| |   |          |
|                        ¯¯                                                    |