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2020-09-16 05:45:02
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warning, 1000 lines of boredom. and use amiga font.

                              LITTLE #ANS(I) BOYS WHINING ABOUT OUR NAME!

                        .\                       /.
            ____        |                         |
           |   /.       |                         |
           |    |_____  |  ______   ____ ._____   |    _____     _____
 __________|_   .\  _//____\_    \.(___/_|    _|______.\  _/____.\    |
 \       ___/   |  _)    /.      /.      |   \\___     / _)    /.     |
  \      \/ ____|__       |_______|______|____  \/    /__       |_____|
   \_______/    wH0\______|                   \______/   \______|
     __              _ _|                         |_ _              __
    |__|  _________\ \\\_                         _/// /_________  |__|
       __|              |                         |              |__
      |                                                             |
      |            D  E  Z  I  B  E  L  /  A  R  C  A  D  E         |
      |                 .                         .                 |
      |                 |_________________________|                 |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |        d       e       z     i      b   e         l         |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |            _____    __________                              |
          _____   /\    \  /\    __  //                             |
    ____ /\    \__\_\    \_\_\  /___/___ ________________           |
   .\   \\ \         \        \         \               /.          |
   |      \ \     ____\        \_________\               |          |
   |      s\ \    \__\ \___\    \________/ ____          |    ____
   |       q\ \    \  \/____\    \        /\   \         |   /\   \  ______
   |        u\ \    \________\    \_______\_\   \____ ___|__ \ \   \/     //
   |         i\ \    \     __ \    \  __   \     __  \   __/__\_\   \    /
   |          s\ \    \   /____\    \___\   \    _/   \        \   _/   /
   |           h\ \____\_____________________\___\_____\________\_______\
   |             \/___ /_____________________/___/_____/________/_______/
   |                                                     _
   |_____ _        T H E  L E G A C Y ..                _|
        ///_____________________________________________\           |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |        t        h    e     l    e   g     a  c    y         |
      |                                                             |
     _  _ __                                                        |
             _ _ _      _ _ _                                       |
 _ _________ \|         \|      _ __                                |
     ______ \  _________  ________ /_ _  __________
   ._\    .\ \|_ _______\| _____ /_______\ ______ /__ _  _ .____ ________ _
   |  \    \\._\\\____  \ .\  _/___________\__  /__________|_  /.\  __  /// /
   |   \     \ _     /  /_|   \         /\  _/   \       ___//  |  \\__/.
   |____\____///_/___\____|___/________/|________|\      \/ ____|_______|
                                             wH0   \_______/

      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |        a   r    c      a    d       e      i n    c         |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |

     ..  ...  .......  ........  ....  ....  .......
   ::.: ::.:..  .:.:: .. ::. :: ::.:: :: :: .   ::.::    .   p r e f a c e
..::: ..::   :: ::.....: ::   ..:: :: ::....::: ::...::: :............... ....
this  is  a  good   example  of   a  bad ,  ugly   and  boring   collection
the  reason for  this  is  that i  just  could  not  find   any inspiration
this  time.   i suppose  that  is  because  i  have been  doing  *alot*  of
collys  lately.  i'm  sorry ,  but  this   colly  has  no   design  and  it
has  no  soul.  i  know  i  promised  y'all  new,  fresh  logos  this  time
but  i'm  afraid  i  have  to  let  you  down  on  that  too,  'cause  this
is  just  old  fucking   crap.  i  suck.   the  only  good  thing  is  that
now  i  do not  have  many  old  logos  left.  holy   shit,  this  *sucks*.
i'm  embarassed,  i  shouldnt  release  such  crap, you  dont  deserve  it.
or  maybe  you  do?
                               / Arvid aka Dezibel of Arcade and The Legacy
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |                  _________________________                  |
      |                 |                         |                 |
      |                 |                         |                 |
      |                 |                         |                 |
      |                 |                         |                 |
       ¯¯|              |                         |              |¯¯
    |¯¯|  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/ ///¯     . the . logos .     ¯\\\ \¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  |¯¯|
     ¯¯              ¯ ¯|                         |¯ ¯              ¯¯
                        |                         |
                        |                         |
                        |                         |

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   o1    \         |      |    "binary funk" for mc kaes
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                                               _\   |_ _
                                              |    __///_
                _|___ o ____  __  .__         |     |
                 |__/ | \  / /__\ |   \__/    |    _____    dz\a!
                     _____/__           /  _____ _(   _/_____
                   _(  ___   \_  ____ ____|     \\  _/      /
          - ------_\   /______/_|    \_   \_   /   /__     /_------- -
          / //// /     __/_\    /   / /  \_ \  \_____\ _____/ //// /
        - ------ \_____/ /     _\    /_____\____/ --- \/ --------- -
                         \___________\              .
                                           _ _|_    |
        Binary Funk. System Op: MC'Kaes   _\\\_   __|  " 1¹0o¹°01ø1¹ "

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   o2    \         |      |    "don rapello" for don rapello
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                __    ___ _____                                          _
    __  ___ ___\\ |_//._ \\_._ | ___________________________  _      ____\_
   |  ||   /_  ._\ /_ |//_  |/  \                          \|  |          \|
   |__||___ /__|/   /____/__|    \_ ___rapello_the_don______|_ |__         \
               `-----'      l_____/                         |       dz\a!  |\
  -|--:-       :        _____   _____ _____ _____   ___  ___:  ___         |
   |     ___  _|______ \\_   \_\\__  \\_   \\  _/__\\  |\\  |//._ \ ___  __
   |        |  |__    /_ /._  /  /_ /_ / __/ _.___/    |    |  |/  \   ||  |
   |___     |_ |_//___ /__|/   \__|_ /___|____|/    |__/____/______/___||__|
                          l_____/ :           `-----'

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   o3    \         |      |    "door" for revolution
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                    ____                            ____
 _                  \  (. ______  _____   _____   __)  /
 \ _____________ ___\\  |\\ __ (_\\ __ |_\\_   \_\\  _/__ ___________________|_
 _\\          _ \\   _\ /_  |_  /_  |_  /_ /__  /_ \__  //                _  |
 | _\  dz\a!  //____ /   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /__ /   /_   d o o r s   \ _|

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   o4    \         |      |    "e-mail" for revolution
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

_____ ____\________________ ____ ________________ ____ ________________ /___ __
    //   _\\__      __ ___//    \\____  __      //    \\              //    \\
   //  _\\  _)__  _\\ |  )_ _|_  \\__)_\\ |____//      \\            //      \\
 dz\a! /_ _.___/_ /_ \./  /_ |/ /_    /_  |/  /_    e   \\   m   a  //  i   l \
 //     /__|/   /_ /__|    \ |\  /___  /___    /_        \\        //
// -[---- \/-----\ -- `------>_---- `---- `-----\-------- \\ ---- // --------->
/______________\\ ___//______/|______\\____//______________\\ ___//____________
                 \                                           \/

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   o5    \         |      |    "ending" for merlin
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                                                ___________  _________|_
                                              _\\         )__________ |
                                              |                     /__
              _____   ______   ____   ____  ______  _____             |
  . ... .... \\  _)__\\_._ )_ \\_  \_\\ .)_\\_._ )_\\ __)__ ........... ... ..
  : :\: :   /_ _.___/   |/  /---¦\   \ \| /   |/  /  /._  /.         \: : : :
 .: :.: :... /__|/    __|     __|/    ___   __|     __|/   l_ .: dz :.: :.: :
               \/_____/ `-----' `-----' `---' `-----'\/_____/
                                              |                      _|

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   o6    \         |      |    "envi" for mr. eh
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                                   __:____________  ________|_
              ........ .   .      _\ |           )________  |
         . ...:::                    |                   //_
                   _____   ______  __|___  ____             |
           __. ___\\ __)__\\_._ )_\\ |  )_\\__)_ ___ .______|___ ____
          |  ||  /_ _.___/_  |   /_  |   /_    /_  \:|      :  \:|  \:
        _|:\_|:\__/__|    /__|    /___\   /___  /___||______:___||___||_
                     `-----' `-----' `-----' `---'          |
                                    _|____                  |  dz\a!
           [ . E . N . V . I . ]     ||__//_________________|

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   o7    \         |      |    "etno" for string
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                                                   __½:        ½:
                                                  :½           ½½
                      ..                          ½½   ..      ¯¯
                ______ :..  _____: _________   _________ :..   dz\a!
      __ :____.(  ___/____.(    _|(  __._   \.(   _.__  \_ __________  __
     |  ||    l_   _._____l_     __   \|     l_    l/    /_    __    ||  |
   _||__|l____ /____|      /_____|_____\      /_______________ ½½ ___|l__||_
                    `-------:-      .. l_______/  __           ½½    :
                                     :.. .        ½½        ___½:

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   o8    \         |      |    "ftn" for zoltrix
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                  _ /________________
                  \/                //
                   \     ____   __  /   _____   f a c t i o n
                   \\___\\_  |_\\ |_ __\\___ |_____________
                  _ \\    /___/   __\     |(              // _
                  /_____   _)_ /__|(   ___|    ______________\
                     <-\---'  /   `-----' `-----'
                       \\    //
                  dz\a! ·\   /  write shit here..

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   o9    \         |      |    "five years of ascii" for spermwhale
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

          _                                        _ /_              ____
    _____| \   __|__   _____       __ __   ____     /  \   _____   __)  /
. _\\__  \_ \ \\ \  )_\\  _)__ .. \\ |  )_\\  _)__ / _|_\ \\_   \_\\   /__ ....
: /_ l____/  /_  |\  /_ _.___/_  /____._ /_ _.___/_  \|  /_ /__  /_\___  /_   :
:._|   _)|    l__ /   l__|/   l_. l___|/  l__|/   l_ /|   l__|/   l__|/   l_..:
  \/---\-|->   \\/-----'\/-----'     \/----'\/-----' _     \\/-----'\/-----'
        _|______\                        _ /_  /_____|\_____\   _   _
         |          _____   _____         /  \   _____   _____ | \ | \
.................. \\ __ )_\\__  \_ .... /_|_ \ \\   /__\\_   |_  \|  \ .......
:                 /_  |\  /_ l____/     /  |/  /_ \___ /_ /____)_  \   \     \:
:..: dz\a! :...... l__`    l_  _) .... /   |\   l__|/   l__|/   l_ |\   \ ....:
                     \/-----\--'      /     _    \\/-----'\/-----\ | \   \
        _ /_                         /_____/|_____\   _        |___|__\ __\
         /  \   _____      __          ____    ___   | \   __:     __
....... /_|_ \ \\_._ )____\\ )_ ..... \\   )__\\  |___  \ \\ |____\\ |____ ....
:/     /  |/  /_  |\  /_  __\ /_     /_ \__  /_  ____/_  /_  |   /_  |   /_   :
:.... /   |\   l__|/   l__|/   l_.... l__|/   l__|/   l_  l__|/   l__|/   l_..:
     /     _    \\/-----'\/-----'       \/-----'\/-----'   \\/-----'\/-----'
    /_____/|_____\          _         _|_            |______\
        ____   ______      | \      __ | \   _____   ___       FIVE YEARS OF
..... _\\__ )_\\_._ )_ ... |  \ ___\\ )_  \ \\ __ )_\\  |___ . ASCII & STILL ..
:    /_  __\ /_  |\  /_    |   /_  __\ /_  /_  |(  /_  .___/_  AN  I D I O T  :
:.... l__|/   l__|/   l_.. |    l__|/   l_  l__`    l__|/   l_................:
        \/-----'\/-----'   |\    \\/-----'   \\/-----'\/-----'
                           |_\____\    |______\

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   1o    \         |      |    "infinite dreams" for don rapello
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                                               _(                |
                                              |                  |
    ___   _____   _____ ___   _____   _________   _____
   \\ _|_\\__  |_\\_   \\ _|_\\_   |_\\ ____   \_\\  _/__ _______________
  /_ \/ /_  \   \  /____ \/ /_  \   \  \/ //    \_ .____/        .       \_
   l_____/__|\   \_  _)l_____/__|\   \_____/_____/_|/    \_ _____|\_______/
           _|_____/__|          l_____/            l______/      :
            |                 ___   _____   _____   _____    _|__  ___
   ______________________ ___\\  |_\\_   \ \\  _/__\\__  \ ___|_ |/ _/___
  /_        __           /_   _\  /_ (._ //  _.___/  /_  ./  \ /  \__._  \_
   l_____ _\\/_ _________ |   \|___/__|/   \__|/   \__|  |____\____/ | ___/
         \\ /\//          `----'      l_____/ l_____/ `-----'    l____/
                                 _  ______    |                 
   .                                      |   |   Í N FÍNÍ T E   |
            .i.n.f.o.&.s.h.i.t...         .   |   D R E /\ M S   |
   |______  _                                 |                 _|

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   11    \         |      |    "murder death kill" for brane
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                                                          __|   _|__
                 __:__  attention all units, we have a  _\\___   __//_
          .___  _\ |  \_ _____     .__   _____   _____      |    |
     _ __ | _ \|   |    |\_   \ ___|_ \ _\ __/_ _\_   \_  __|  __|_____.
     //_ \| /  /_  |   /_ /. __/_  __\ /_ __\  /_ /. __/_   |    |     |
       /__\/    /_ |    /__|    /  | ___/___    /__|    /_  |_   |   dz\a!
           `-----' |    .  `----\----'     `-----' `-----'  ./   |     |
           .   |   :    |               .__   _____   _____ |    |__.  |
           |   :        :             __|_ \ _\ __/_ _\ __ \_    _\ |____
                                    _/  __\ /_ __\  /_  _\  /_  /_ /__  /_
      (  MuRdEr DeAth kILL, 187 )   \   | ___/___    /__|    /_  /__|    /
                                   -/-----'     `-----' `-----'     `---/->
           |  ________  ____   ____         ____            |    |     .
        ____ /       /__\ _/_ _\   |______ _\   |_______    |   _|     |
       /_   /_      //_  \\  /_    |_     /_    |_     /_   |   \.     |
        /____//_      /_______/_____//_    /_____//_    /  _|_   |_____|
            /_________\            `------/->   `------/->  |    |

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   12    \         |      |    "offline" for kayozz
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                                      |   _ /_
                      ________        |   \/ |
            _______ _(  ___   \_ _____|      |
          _(  __   \\   /______/ ___   \_ _  |
         _\    \  /     __/ _\   /______///_ |
      _ /     _/  \_____/  /     __/  |      |   ._____   ______
     _\\\___________/      \_____/__  |      |___|    / _( __   \_
                              _(  _/__|_    _\   \_    \\  /_____/__
            ( OFFLINE )      _\   \     \_ /    \_ \  /   ___/     /_
       _:______/\  ______ _ /     _\     / \______\___\____\ _____///___:_
        :        \/      _\\\____/______/    |              \/          :
                                      |_   dz\a!

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   13    \         |      |    "one hundred percent" for dipswitch
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                                               |/               /_:
                                               |                  |
   [  o  n  e   h  u  n  d  r  e  d   p  e  r  c  e  n  t  ]     _|
                                               |          _____  \.
    ____       _____      __     __ _           _   _____\\ __ \_ |   _
   \\ _ ) ____\\ __ )_   \\ |___\\ | ) ________| \_\\ _  /_ /___/____| \_
  /_  \  \\ _ )_ /___/_ /_  __ /_  |  \\ _ )_ ___ /_  \___/_ /   /_ ___ /_
   /___ /_  \  /_ /   /_ /_ /   /___ /_  \  /_ /   /___|    /-----/_ /   /_
     /---/__/   //-----'   /-----'/---/_ /   //-----'  :            /-----'
           /____\                       /____\ ____       dz\a!   |
   ________          _________  __________\\  __   \_  ________   ___
  \\  __   )_ ______\\  __   / \\  __    /_   /_____/_\\  ___  )_\\  |____
 /_   /_____/  __   )_  /_  /_/_   /____/_/___ /     /_    \    /_   ____/___
  /___ /  /_   /_____/___/     /___\      /_  /-------/___ /     /___ /     /_
     \/    /___ /     /_/-------'   \------'   |_         /-------'  /-------'
  [ ---------  /-------'  -------------------- ./                 | ------- ]
                                               |__       _.       |
                                               : /_______\|______/|

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   14    \         |      |    "palmore" for palmore
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

           _____   _____ _\  |  .___   _____   _____   _____
          _(._  \__( __ \|   |_ | _ \__( ._ \__( _  \__(  _/__
         /_ |    /_  _\  /. /_ \| /  /_  |   /_ /. __/_ _.___/_
          | ____/ l__|    l_ |__\/    l_______l__|    l__|    l_----/_
          l___|      `---:-' l_  :-----'         l_____/ `-----'     |
                     |   l____//_                                    |
           dz\a!     |_               .. ..     _|

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   15    \         |      |    "rock steady" for kayozz
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                                             ____\  //__
                                            |    \\/    |
                                            |_          |
                                            ./          |
                 _______    rock steady ..  |          _|_ ___
             _ _(   ___ \   ______          | ______ _(   /   \
           _( \\_____\   \_( __   \_  _____ |_( __  \\_______  \_
          _\______  \_    /  /_____/__(__  \\    \   \_   _/    /_
       _ /     _/   _/___/ ___/     /   _\  \_  _/    /__/_____///_
      _\\\____/_____/   \___\______/   /_   _/_/_____/  |
              _  _______________ \______/___/           | ____  _
                                            |           |
                                            |      (  dz\a!  )

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   16    \         |      |    "samurai wind" for deviant
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                                           _:_____________ ____ |    //_:_
                                            |             \\_. ||       |
                                                             | |l_____:_|
    / . s . a . m . u . r . a . i . / . w . i . n . d . /      `------|
       _____       ______    ___ .____      |____   |_
     _(    /___ ___(__   \ _( __\|__  \ ____|_   \     nfo.nfo.nfo    _//_
    _\____._   _\   :_\   _\   \ : \   _\   :/    \_  |
 _ /     _:/  /    /|_   /    _/  _/  /     _\  ___/____     ______    __
_\\\____/_____\______/___\___/___/____\______ _(  ___   \ ___(__   \ _:__\_
       __    ______ .__                      _\   /_______\   ._\   _\     \_
     _(  \ __\    /_:__\_   .____ - dz\a! - /      /    /    /:_   /        /_
    _\   |\   \   \\`   _\__|    \  _______ \______\    \______/___\__:____///_
 _ /    _:/ __/  /     _\   :_    \_( .__  \|                         |
_\\\___/____|____\____/    \_ \  _\   |\    \_  operated by Deviant   |
            :         \______\_ /    _:/     /_ ______________________|

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   17    \         |      |    "samurai wind" for deviant
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                         ½/        ½|
                        /½         ½½     __ _ __.__   __ _ o
                       __    ______  __  _\ /_\\ | //_\\ /_\|
                     _(  \ __\    /_:__\_    ____
                    _\    \   \   \\`   _\__|    \  _______
                   /    _./  _/  /     _\   :_    \_( .__  \
                   \___/_:__/____\____/    \_ \  _\   |\    \_
                                      \______\_ /    _:/     /
                 (.Samurai.Wind.)  ½½   dz\a!   \___/_______/
                        ½½   op:   ½½
                        ½½  Dev    ½½   .. info and shit ..
                        ½½   iant  ½/

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   18    \         |      |    "six" for kayozz
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                             ___     .:....:
                           __)  \    :     :  .s.i.x.
                         _(    _/____: ___ :  ____ ____
                        _\____.__    \_   \:_(    /    \_
               - ----- /     _:/     :/    \\_   ._   __/_------- -
               / //// /_____/________/    /:    _:/      / //// /
             - ------- dz\a! ------ \:____\:___/________/ ----- -
                                     :     :

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   19    \         |      |    "the late night show" for zaner
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

                      ____                   |
                    :_\   |                 :|:
              __ ___|  ___|___ __      . ...:|:... .
            _\\_\\_____\  ___//_//_        ·:|:·
     __.     _____  |     |_____            :|:
   __\ |____ \_._ \_|     |\ __/__          :|:           _
 _\\_  /   /_  |/  /:    /_ _.___/__ ______ :|: _________ /
    |  |    | _._   |     |  |/   _//       :|:         \//
    l___    l__|    l_    l___    l_        :|:          /_.
       :-----' `-----'    |  `-----'        :|:            |
       |            |     |_____   ___   _____   __.     __.
       |     .      |    _|\_._ \_ \__\_ \ __/__ \ |____ \ |____        .
  .:...|.... :.     |  _\\_  |/  /_    /_ /._  /_ _._  /_ _.___/__
   ::: |    .:      |_    |  |    |     |  |/   |  |/   |  |/   _//_
   ::: |_   .:      ./    l__|    l_____l__|    l__|    l__|    l_      .
   ::  ./   ::      |     |  `-----'       `-----' `-----' `-----'
   ::  |   .::      |     |                 :|:            |            :
   :.  |   :::    dz\a!   |           . ....:|:.... .     _|            :
  .: ..|.:::::.     |     |                ·:::·          \.            :
   :   |     ·  _____      __.        ________   __._____  |            :
       |     _  (  _/_____ ( |_______ ( .__   \_ ( |     \_             :
       |     //___.__    /___.__    /__ |/     /__ |      /__           :
       |       |  |/      |  |/      |  |       |  |       |            :
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       :\____  l___//_    l___//_    l___//_    l___//_    l_           :
                  l________/ l________/ l________/ l________//_
           :...     .
              :.... |   __| ................  ..   .     the late night show
                    |___\ :

                     /    |
        ___________./     |
        \          |      |
   2o    \         |      |    "tone" for seltorn
 _________\        |      |_ __________________________________________________
         _\\__     |_______//_

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     |   ______          |
     |  \\_._ )_ ________|_______ _______    .  7  .  o  .  n  .  e  .
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    //_____|____/__//____/__|/   /___-'  /____________//_______________\
     |                   | \/_____/ `-----'
     |_____   .  .. .... |.....
     ||___//_____________|  .:.......... ...  ..  .       .            dz\a!

                        .\                       /.
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     __              _ _|                         |_ _              __
    |__|  _________\ \\\_     . da . ending .     _/// /_________  |__|
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      |            __________           ______.       __.           |
      |  __________\____    //__________\     | /\ __/  |________ _  _
      | /    _    /____/    /        /   _    |/ ·\     _     /___
        \    /___/__ _/  __/ _______/    /    .   \\    \   _/   /_____
     _ __\_ /      /_\_   \_  __/ \\_   /     |    \\    \_//____     /
          \\______/   \\___/  \    \\\______/_|     \\____\_    /   _/__
      |     \           \ \________\\__ _  /__________\D! /________//
      |      ·           ·          \                             /
      |                              ·                           ·  .
      |                                                             |
      |       "dezibel" by whodini of remorse                       |
      |                   "the legacy" by squish of the legacy      |
      |   "arcade" by whodini of remorse                            |
      |                         "credits" by desert                 |
      |               "the legacy" by squish of the legacy          |
      |        "last words" by skin                                 |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |                      :                                      |
  ________________ _________ |\___. ______________________ _______________ _
T  ____           Y ______   ||   |                       Y
H /_  /\_______   :/   ___:__|:   |__.     ___  ___       :
E//  /_/\____  \  _\_  _\_|   RIP!.  |    /. /\/  /_____  .     ______
/   /  /\\   \  \/     //\|__      __|   // / /  /____  \ ______\_____\/\`S
\_____/ / \\    /____  / /:  ||  :|     /  /\/  //\   \ \\_____  \.   \  \
 \____\/ \ \  _\\____\/ / .  |.  ||    /_  /\__/ \ \   \ .\   / _/\\   \  \
_ __ ____ \ \/_/__/_ _\/_____|____|____\_\/ /\_\/_\ \_____/    ./\ \______/_
    Y      \/\               :            \/       \/____/__/ // /\/_____/
    : |                                                 \__/__/ /[Sk!n]
    . |                                                    \__\/
    o |  those #ansi and #ans boys started whining                  |
      |  about our name, cause it turned out there had existed an   |
      |  ansi group called legacy a couple of years ago.            |
      |  SO FUCKING WHAT!? they are not around anymore so why even  |
      |  care about it? do you guys know who GRAVEDANCER is? no,    |
      |  not "GDR", i mean the *real* gravedancer. the one who was  |
      |  active in the Amiga scene 93-94 or something like that.    |
      |  are you gonna make gdr change his nick now aswell? or what |
      |  about UNIQUE!ASCII, that are a subdivision of Purg. guess  |
      |  what, that name ain't that unique after all. as a matter   |
      |  of fact there was an amiga ascii group back in 94-95 that  |
      |  was called UNIQUE!ARTS. AVENGER is an amiga artist who got |
      |  a whole fucking pc-group named after himself, AVENGE. is   |
      |  that an honour or what!? then there's this group called    |
      |  FIRE. one of the top amiga ascii groups through times was  |
      |  called FIRE&ICE. i can hear you say "but fire and fire&ice |
      |  aint the same thing". guess what, LEGACY and THE LEGACY    |
      |  ain't the same thing either fucking cocksuckeRz!@ i could  |
      |  go on for days giving you examples of name-stealing among  |
      |  you guys aswell. DEAL WITH YOUR OWN SKELETONS IN YOUR OWN  |
      |                                                             |
      |  sorry for typos and shit, but i was mad angry when i wrote |
      |  this and i don't have any intentions to read it through    |
      |  myself. i know rippa is gonna change that name, but i will |
      |  still use legacy logos in my collys. i wont bow to any     |
      |  lameass #ans or #ansi morons that doesn't even know the    |
      |  difference between ansi and ascii. ascii is a TEXT format  |
      |  and TEXT ONLY. add colors to that text and it's NOT ASCII  |
      |  ANYMORE, but ANSI. damn, i think we need a mark ryder to   |
      |  set things straight in this scene. oh, he just joined the  |
      |  pc scene? great. sleep with one eye open motherfuckers!    |
      |                                                             |
      |                                   // Dezibel of THE LEGACY  |
      |                                                             |
      |                                                             |
      |      ___________ ____                                       |
      |     /   _____  //   / ______                                |
      |    /_  /    /   _  /___    /                             /\ |
      |       /    /___ /     / /_/___ ________________________ / _\
      |  ____/____/__  /_____/        \\                       /______.
        /   _____   /      _ __________\ _____          _____       5q|
       /__ /    / ______  _______   ____\__  /         /    /_____    |
          /    /   _   /  \   _  \ /   __    \ ______ /    /     /    |_
  .___ _ /    /   /___/____\___\  \    \|     \_     /___    ___/      /
  |     /    /____              ____    \______/    /    \ __\        /
  |    /__ _     /______________\    _ __\   /____________\          /
  |             /                \                                  /
  |____        .                  .                            _   /
      /__                                                    _ \  / .
        /_            T  H  E  -  L  E  G  A  C  Y            \ \/  |
      |  /_____________________________________________________\    |
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     _|                                                             |_
   _\\_   :D:E:Z:I:B:E:L: :K:A:Y:O:Z:Z: :R:I:P:P:A: :S:Q:U:I:S:H:   _//_
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    |¯¯|  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/ ///¯      . the . end .      ¯\\\ \¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯  |¯¯|
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                   this is the worst shit released. EVER
                                 shoot me.