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File size:
36 727 bytes (35.87K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 175


  _/                      /_
  | welcome to budgie's   \|
  | new ascii collection   |
  |                        | t h e last o n e in 2 0 0 0.
  |   " b r e a t h "  ____|
  |                    \        The y e a r which h a d to change our life
  |\____________________\               d e finately. But n o t h i n g happened.

released under LayOut label · ···:  This was just bluff.
                                 :             To e a r n more mone Y.
                          :······:············· · a p a t h y
                          :          ____________________
                          :          \                  /
               ______     :           \          .____.
            __(____  \    :     _____  \ ______  |)   |____
            |/   _/  / _________\    \___) ___/__|    |  __)_
            /    \_  \_   )   /  \_        \.   (|    |  ___|__
            \_____(   /_______\___(_________|____|   _|_______(
               (_____/                   Bd!/lot |___)|
                       b  u  d  g  i  e          /
                                             \  /
                          :                   \/
                          :                   /\
                          :                  /  \
      c a s h · ··········:                 /    \
                          :                /      \
                          :               /        \
                          :············  /          \ ·· · f r i e n d s
                                        /            \
                          :            /              \
                          :          _____             \  _____
                 ____      ____  ____|   /_____ ____ .____)   |_
                (    \____(___ \_)_  | _/  _   \|   )|   /    _(
                /_______)____(___|/    \___)____|________\____|
                          .      /______\ Bd!/lot         \
                          :                                \
                          :···· /    l  a  y  -  o  u  t    \
                          :    /_____________________________\
                          :········ Does we have real friends n o w days?

              and hallucinations video laboratories+appendix
          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
 :·· undefined s u b s t a n c e ·································:
                                 ___________________              :
                                 \                 |              :
                                _/   ____________  |              :
     NoT m a n y                |   /            \ | p e a c e · ·:
                                |  / ____ ____ \_ \               :
             TIM e              |  \  __` '__   |  \              :
                                |  / (._\ (._)  |__ \             :
         t o                    | /   ¯¯/ _¯¯   | /  \            :
                                | \  _/(__)\    __)  /            :
          c h a n gE.           |  \ | ____ \_  \ __/             :
                                |   \  \   \ |   / .              :
                              /\     \  \__/    /  |              :
                             /  \     \________/   |              :
                            /    \                 |              :
                           /     /     Bd!/lot     |              :
                           \                       |              :
                            \______________________|              :
     :····· m a n i p u l a t i o n · ··:
     :                                  :·············· faster breath····:
     :                        b   r   e   a   t   h                      :
 e f f e c t    _______    ._______ ______  _____   __________.          :
                \  ___|____|_____  \|  __/_/  _  \__\   |_ ___|_____     :
     :          |  \___   \_   _/ _/   ___|  _|    _    _/ \____   /     :
     :          |_____/____/___\___________  \_   _|____|_____|/___\
     :                                    /___|___\|Bd!/lot
     :            a  s  c  i  i  -  c  o  l  l  e  c  t  i  o  n
     :             ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
     :                                             :
     :·········· f a i l u r e                     :
                                |||||||                           :
                               / __ __ \  .   ... . ... ..        :
                             _/ (_-)-_) \_ ______________:
                             |\   / \   /|              |  breath like me.
                     ..  .   ||\ (._.) /||              |         .
                  ________  _|||\     /|||__            |:        :
                 :|        / |||/ ___ \|||  \           |         :
              ..  |       /     \     /      \          |·   ..   :
              :___|       \      \___/       /          |_____:   :
              .|           \  \          /  /                |  ··:
               |         Bd!\  \___/\___/  /lot              |.
               |             \  \  __  /  /                  |
              :|              \  \____/  /     ______________|:
              ·|               \   |    /      |   ··       ···
               |__________     |\__|___/       |:
                   ·· · .|     |   _   |       |
                        :|     |   |   |       |________
                         |     |   |   |               |.
                        ·|     |   |   |               |:
                        ·· ·· |(___)___)|  ·· ·   ··
                              ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
     The people are blind.          :
                      When they see -  v i o l e n c e...
                                    :······ m o n e y . . .

                     D o they l i v e for o w n satisfaction o n l y?

  The money are more i m p o r t a n t than the people.
                             :··············· the friendship.
                                                       :·· r e a l
The whole e a r t h goes to be d e a d globe · ········:

              :······ r e c e p t i o n (.find destination.)
                                                  :·· t h e r e is ···:
                                      n o one · ······················:


                    ___. _____ | |_ _______    ______
                    | _|_|   |-| _|__  _  | ___| _  |
                    |   ||   | | |  |  |  |__    |  |
                    |___|--|___|    ||   __  |______|


                      -  i n t r o d u c t i o n  -

   Welcome mates into my next ascii collections.  Might some of you know that
  with  HD  crash  I  lost  all my ascii collections (current I have only one
  namely  "Shiza").  So, if someone of you have any ascii collections made by
  me,  please  send me them at:, mega thanks for all who do
  it!   where  is the time when I was release one collection every month?  It
  does not give me so much fun like before. That's all for today.

                        b u d g i e / l a y o u t.

    Hey  Polacy!   od 1 stycznia 2001 roku startuje nowa, polska strona WWW o
  scenie.   Na  stronie   znajdziecie  artykuîy,  newsy,  wywiady,  raporty z
  parties  itp.   Strona jest dostëpna pod adresem:
  Jeûeli  ktoô  z  was  chciaîby  wspóîredagowaê z nami stronë niech pisze na
  adresy: oraz

              | main - menu  |      m a i n - m e n u
              | _____________|________________________________
              |                                              |
              | 01 - apx        08 - layout     15 - reason  |___
              | 02 - aztec      09 - mawi       16 - reason     |
              | 03 - aztec      10 - mcr        17 - ubik       |
              | 04 - darkhawk   11 - nah        18 - ubik    |__|
              | 05 - hvl        12 - nah-kolor  19 - welcome |
              | 06 - iris       13 - news       20 - zito    |
              | 07 - lahve   _  14 - psl      _______________|
              |______________|________________|              _
                                              _ b r e a t h  |

                     l a y o u t + ??? = m o n o p o l y

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (01) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : apx             |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                             _
                       _ j a b o l n a o c h l o d e |

                               _______ Bd!/lot
                        ______ |  _   \ ___.____
                       _\  _  \_  \    \_  |  _/ _____
                       \___\   |  _____/   _   \_    |
                        _   \__|__\   |____|____|    |
                        |                            |
                        |                            |

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (02) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : aztec           |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                           _
                       _ w l a d n a i c i e p l a |

                     |\                              \_
                     |                                |
                  ______                              |
                 _\  _  \_ ______   _____    _______  |______
                 |   |   |_|_   /___\   |_  _|   __|_ || ___|__
                 |       |  ___/   /_   _/__|___ ___|_|  |    _|
                 |   |___|__|______\|   |\    |_______|_______|
                 /___|              |___|_____| Bd!/lot
                                        |             |
                     | a z t e c   o f   l a y o u t  |
                     |_                              _|

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (03) |                           | comment: what do you     |
  | _________________| n a m e : aztec           |          think about this|
  |                    __________________________|          Logo aztec?     |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|               _
                       _ p o g o d e . |

                 a z t e c · of · l a y o u t + s e c t o r 7
                  ______  ______  _____  _________ _______
                 _\  _  \_\_   /_ |   |_ \   _   /_\  ___/_
                 \___\   | ___/  \_   _/-/|  ___/  \_ |    \_
                      \__|________|__ |   |_________|\______|
                                     \____| Bd!/lot

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (04) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : darkhawk        |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                   _
                       _ t a n i e w i n o |

                       d a r k h a w k · o f · i r i s
 __                    ______ _____ __| __|___    _____           _____ ___
  |______    _____  ___\___  \|   |/  \ \___  \___\___ \_ ___|____|   |/  /
  |\____ \___\___ \_|    _/ _/|_  /   /   |/   |    _/   |   |    |   /  /_
  |____/__/____|/___|____|_____|__\___|___|____|_________|___/\   |___\___|
                                                      Bd!/lot|___/        |

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (05) |                           | comment: najlebsza krupa |
  | _________________| n a m e : hvl             |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                     _
                       _ n i e j e s t z l e |

                        |/                          |
                        |       vhs demo group      |
                      ______                        |
                     _\ ___|____   _____.____   ____
                     |  \___   |_  \   /|   /   \   \___
                     |_____|____|  |________\   |______|
                     |                   Bd!/lot|

                      hallucinations video laboratories
                        .                           .
                        |                           |

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (06) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : iris            |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                                     _
                       _ b o t a n i e i s i a r c z y s t e |

                              |                             |
                          ____|         i r i s             |
                          |             ___.                |
                       _____            |__|                |
                       |   |_ _______   _____  _____        |
                       |    |_\____  \ ||   |__\  _|____    |
                       |    |    _/ _/_|    |   \___   |    |
                       |    |____|     |    |_    |/___|    |
                       |_   |    |_____|_   |/____|Bd!/lot  |
                       ||___|          ||___|               |
                          |                    _____________|
                          |_                   |

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (07) |                           | comment: Lahve, why don't|
  | _________________| n a m e : lahve           |          you write back  |
  |                    __________________________|          on e-mails?     |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                           _
                       _ z a w s z e d a j e n a m |

                    l a h v e · o f · r e a s o n
                                _____             _______
                _____    ______ |   |   ____ ___ /  _   /_
                |   |___ \  _  \_ __|___\   \|  \_  ___/  \_
                |   |   \___\   | \___  \___ |   |_________|
                |___     |   \__|   |/___|  \____| Bd!/lot
                    \____|      |___|

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (08) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : layout          |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                                             _
                       _ w i e l k i e s a m o z a d o w o l e n i e |

                     _\                                \_
                     |/                                 |
                     ______     _____                   |
                    _\  _  \_   |   /                _____
              ____  |   |   |___|  /______ ____ .____\   |_
             _\   \__   _   |__ | /   _   )|   \|   |_   _/____
             |______|   |___| /   \___|____|________||   ||   |_
             |     /____|    /_____|Bd!/lot          |____     |
                     |                                  |
                     |_       l  a  y  o  u  t         _|

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (09) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : mawi            |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|

                      |/                          |
                      |          _____           _____
                      |  _____ _/  _  \_   ____ |____|
                      __|  _  \|   |   |___|   \______
                    _|  ' /    |   _   |   |    |    |_
                    |   \/     |___|   |___/\   |     |
                    |____|_____\Bd!|___|lot|____|    _|
                      |                           .
                      |     [ m . a . w . i ]     |

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (10) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : mcr             |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                     _
                       _ l o s t   i d e a s |

                           |                      |
                          _|                |_______
                          |_____  ______  __|____   \
                       ___|  _ |__| ___|__|    _|  _/__
                     _|   \ /    |  |     \____|     |
                     |    \/     |_________|   |_____|
                     |_____|______\Bd!/lot        |
                           |_                     |
                           |/                     |
                           |                      |

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (11) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : nah             |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|

                                ______ |   \_
                       ____ ___ \  _  \_ ___|___
                      _\  _\   \___\   | \___   \_
                      |___|\____|   \__|    |____|

                            n a h - k o l o r

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (12) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : nah-kolor       |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|

                        |/                        |
                        |         n  a  h         |
                        |               ______    |____
                       ____ ___|  _____ \  __|____    |_
                      .\  _\   |_(____ \_\ \___  /_    |
                      |___|\___|____|/_______|/___|    |
                                          Bd!/lot      |
                ____  ____                       _______
                \   |/   /__________   ________ _\____  \
                |   /   /   _   \   \__\   _   \    _/ _/__
                |___\___\___/___/______/___(___/____|     |
                |                                   |_____|
                        |      k  o  l  o  r      _____|
                        |                         |

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (13) |                           | comment: Does some of you|
  | _________________| n a m e : news            |          can read the    |
  |                    __________________________|          logo?           |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                           _
                       _ b r e a t h  l i k e  m e |

                      ____|                           |
                      |      _____              _____ |
                    _____ ___| __/_  ___________\  _|_____
                   _\  __\_  \  __|__|   ||   \  \____   |
                   |___||____/_______\___/\_  /______|___|
                      |_____                          |
                      |    |__________________________|

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (14) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : psl             |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                           _
                       _ c r a s h e d   m i n d s |

                           |/                     |
                           |                      |

                         p i c - s a i n t - l o u p
                      ________      _____        ___
                      |  __   \  ___\  _|___    /   \Bd!/lot
                      |  |/___/  \   \___   \   \    \___
                      |____\     /______|___/   /________)
                         the musicians group only |
                           .                      |

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (15) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : reason          |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|

                _________|                                  |
                |                                           |
            ______   _____               _____              |
           _\___  \ _| __/_     _____  __\  _|__ ________ __ ____
          /   _| _/_|  ___|____(____ \_|  \____ \|  _   /  _\    \
          \___\      ________\____|/___|______/__|__|___\__|\____/
              /_____/ Bd!/lot                               |
                |                                 __________|

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (16) |                           | comment: shit! I ate one |
  | _________________| n a m e : reason          |          letter :)       |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|

                        : |_______    ______  ._____     :··:
                  ________|  _   /_ __\  __/__|  _  \|___ ___
                 _\___   /   ___/  \_  \__    |  |   |  _\   \_
               _/  __/ _/___________|    | ___|_____/|__|\____|
               |___|      |         |_____/Bd!/lot          .
                   |______| r e a s o n            :········:
                       :                           :

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (17) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : ubik            |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                            _
                       _ s m i e c i u    j e d e n |

                        |/                          |
                        |                           |
                             swappers do not write.
                       swapping with ray-tracers! only
                        |     _____                 |
                        |     \ __|___  _____ ____ ___
                     ____ ____| |___  \_|   |/   |/  /
                     \   \|   |  __/   |    |    /  /_
                     /____    |  \    _|    |____\___|
                          \___|___\___\|_   |Bd!/lot
                        |              ||___|       |
                        |                           |
                        |   |
                        |                           |
                        |    ubik/hvl+whz+nah+apx   |
                        |                           |
                        |       przemyslaw kuca     |
                        |        szkolna 42c/8      |
                        |       72-100 goleniow     |
                        |_        p o l a n d       |

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (18) |                           |  comment: Ubik, jak idzie|
  | _________________| n a m e : ubik            |           pisanie raportu|
  |                    __________________________|           z satellite?   |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|

                          _ ________________
                         |/                 \_
                         |             _____ |  u b i k
                         |    _____    |    \|____ __
                    ____ .____\ __|___ |     |   |/  \
                    |   \|   /  \___  \|     |   /   /
                    |________\_____/___|     |___\___\
                         .             |    _|Bd!/lot
                         |             |____\|
                         |_                  |  h v l + w p z

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (19) |                           |                          |
  | _________________| n a m e : welcome         |                          |
  |                    __________________________|                          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                                   _
                       _ w w w . s c e n a . x c o m . p l |

                       :                                  /\____
                       :                                 /|  __/_
                    ______ ___.  ______   ___________   / |  ___|__
          ____.____ \  _  \|  |__| ___/__.|  _  ||  _\ /  |       |
          \   |   //  ____/   |  \ |     |   |   |   \/   |_______|
         /___/\_  \_______\______/_______|______||____|---| Bd!/La!
            |_____/    :
                       :·········· w e l c o m e ···· · ·

  ____________________                       ________________________________
  |                  |_______________________|____                          |
  | l o g o s : (20) |                           | comment: As for me this  |
  | _________________| n a m e : zito            |          logo is fucking |
  |                    __________________________|          great.          |
  |                    |                                                    |
  |                    |____________________________________________________|
  |____________________|                             _
                       _ t h e   n e w   l a y o u t |

                          z i t o · o f · l a y o u t
                         ______       _____    _____
                       __\_   /  ____ |   |_  /  _  \_
                       \   __/__|\__ \_   _/--\_ /   |
                       /___|    |_____|__ |    |____/|
                           |\___|        \_____|Bd!/lot

           Yeah! finally this is the end of the boring collection.

                   a l l LOGOS were done by: budgie/layout!
                  if you have any comments then e-mail me at:

                    The new millenium starts for 10 days..
                    Does someone afraid the new millenium?
                      l i k e o n e y e a r b e f o r e

                       l a y o u t p r o d u c t i o n

                           f o r 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1

             the demo-scene shrink, so my collections shrink too.