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File size:
80 000 bytes (78.12K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:24:00
Download count:
all-time: 418



                              __ ___\../___ __
                              >_)__/ \/ \__(_<

           ...with special dedication to very dead sundance/kore.


                                    _____               ::               ::
                                   /. . .\              :: cyberkart00n. ::
                                   \_____/              ::               ::
                                   [_____]              :::::::::::::::::::
                        ::  :::::: ) ___ ( ::::::::::::::: ::
                            ::    _\_____/_    ::          ::
                        ::::::  _|         L_  ::::: :: :::::
                        ::     | _)       (_ | ::
                        ::     | T   .k0   T | ::
                        ::     |-|         |-| :::::
                        ::    _|_|__     __|_|_   ::
                        ::   | ___ T-----T ___ |  ::
:::::::::::::::::       ::   |_[ ]_|     |_[ ]_|  ::
::             ::       ::        |_______|       ::
:: the  k0re.  :::::::::::        ___)_(___       ::
:: produktion  ::       ::       |_________|      ::
::             :::::::::::   _____U___U___U____ _  _
:::::::::::::::::       ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::             .          ::
                        ::     . a  (  |  d .     ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::

                    _______    ______   ________  ____|  \___________________
                    _____  \__/  ___|___\       |/___ |                      |
_ _________________/___     |         |  \_____/¯ |                          |
 |                  |       |         |       \__                            |
 |                          |         |         |                            |
 |                         .||        |.        |                            |
_|_________________    _|   |_       .|_       ||.       ____________________|
                  |___/ |___| \_______| \_______|_______/           az0!/sea

                   are you receiving t h i s transmission?

                                 .    :    .
                                   .  :  .
                                    ·   ·
                               . .... o .... .
                                   T     T
                                  \__) (__/
                                   \  _  /
                         _|_      __)___(__
                       _/ _ \_  _/ )     ( \_
                        \_ _/   |  |.....|  |
                          |  _  |__|: _ :|__|
                         \___X_____|_____|  |
                                  a|     |__L
                                  (|  _  |  \)
                                   |  |  |
                                   |  |  |
                                   |  |  |
                               _ __|__|__|__ _
                        - --- \//_____X_____\\/ --- -

                          t u n e in your machine.

___________________/  | _____  ________ _________  ________
                      |/    |_/   ___ |/    ___ |_/   ___ |____________________
                      /    _|       | |       | |       |                      |
                        __/__         |        .|            _____             |
                            |         |     ____|        .  |     |            |
                           ||        |||       \_|  ______| |     |            |
___________________   |_    |.       _|   |_    |_       \__|     |____________|
                   \__| \___|_______/  ___| \___| \_______| |_____|   az0!/sea


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::     . k  O  r  e .     :: ::::
                        ::                        :: ::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        :: ::::
                        ::                        :: ::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                              proudly presents

                         " c y b e r k a r t o o n "
                    ____    _ __   __      ____     ____
               ____( __/_ _( Y /_ _\ |___ _\ __)_ _(__ /____
              \\     '   Y__   __Y    _  Y  --'  Y   _/    / a(id/k0re.
               /_________| |___| |_______|_______+---|_____\------------------
            __ __    ____    ____    ____    ____    ____   __
        ____) Y /_ _(   /_ _(__ /_ _(   /_ _(   /_ _(   /_ _\ \______
        \     _/  Y   -   Y   _/  Y__   __Y   7   Y   7   Y  _ \_   //
--------/-----|___+---7___+---|___| |___| |_______|_______+---\_____\

                           c y b e r k a r t o o n
                           c y b e r k a r t o o n
                           c y b e r k a r t o o n
                           c y b e r k a r t o o n
                           c y b e r k a r t o o n
                           c y b e r k a r t o o n
                           c y b e r k a r t o o n
                           c y b e r k a r t o o n
                           c y b e r k a r t o o n

                     i've been kiddin' since few months.
                        this time you have no chance!

                         " c y b e r k a r t o o n "

                     this one will blow up your a12x0.

                               c y b e r . . .

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                   :::: ::                        ::
                   :::: ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                   :::: ::                        ::
                   :::: ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
    pi, pi, piii...    (  ( ((  o    o )) )  )    ::
                                 \  /             ::
                        ::       _\/______ .      ::
                        ::      |         \|      ::
                  ::::::::      | o O      |      :::::::::
                  ::   ___    __|__________|__     __    ::
                  :: _   T___|                |___| (  _ ::
                  :: (___|___|                |___|____| ::
                  ::         |                |          ::
                  ::::::::  _|_________a(id/k0|   :::::::::
                        :: |__________________|   ::
                        :: (·) (·) (·) (·) (·)    ::
                        ::  ¯   ¯   ¯   ¯   ¯     ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                           robotized on: 15.06.999


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
  :   ::  :: :::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::: ::  ::   :

                 the internal web of » kore. manufaktories «
                             system ver. 39.106
                        terminal: heleny street 12/4

waiting for your commands....

> login

wait, conneting to the internal web...

>> please type your name...

> acid

>> please type your password...

> nienawidzepasswordow!

>> correct password.

good morning, mister acid! today's nice day, isn't it?

> fuck you, stupid machine! it's raining at the moment!

>> unknown command "fuck"

> stupid! it would be difficult to teach you how to do it!

>> unknown command "stupid!"

> show preface.txt

closing ten chujowy screen.
booting workbench 2010...

      _/\_         __ __   ____    __       ____    ____    _ __   ____
a(id _\../___ __ __\ X /_ _\ __)_ _\ |    _( __/_ _(   /_ _( X /_ _\ __)__
k0. // \/ \__(_< \  / \  Y  --'  Y   |---Y   '   Y   7   Y  _  _ Y  --'  /---
"back  to  the  roots"  - this ::
words  should  be  the name of ::
this  collection  rather  than ::
"cyberkartoon".   it  think  i ::
should  not explain why - just ::
look  at  the  design  of this ::
latest  collection.  i've been ::
making  this  one while beeing ::
very   busy.   during  june  i ::
had/am  having/will  have many ::
examinations.   i'm  going  to ::
finish   the   first  year  of ::
studies    at    the   "cracow ::
university  of economics" also ::              ::::::::::::::::::::
simply  called:   "academy  of ::              ::                ::
economics".   i  do  like this ::              :: well, actually ::
university, although sometimes ::              :: i   wanted  to ::
i  have  not  enough  time  to ::              :: write    about ::
exist     in    normal    way. ::              :: the            ::
problems,            problems, ::              :: collection...  ::
problems...    whilst  getting :: ::::         :: =)  as you can ::
adult,  here  in  cracow, i've :: ::::         :: see   this  is ::
got  used  to  cope with them. ::              :: not  the  next ::
it's  very  difficult art, but :: ::::         :: "experimental" ::
i've  learnt how to do it.  my :: ::::         :: project.   i'm ::
friends  help  me  and now i'd ::              :: fed   up  with ::
like  to thank them, big thanx :::::::::::::::::: such  kind  of ::
and  lots  of  kisses  for  my ::              :: ascii,     for ::
beloved MAGDA too.             :::::::::::::::::: some   time  i ::
                               ::   __   _     :: want  to  come ::
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::(_(::(_7:::::: back  to  more ::
                                  / /_/\_\ \   :: traditional    ::
                                  \ \\..// /   :: ascii-art.     ::
                                   \/ \/ \/    :: "cyberkartoon" ::
                                    \____/     :: has   got   an ::
                                    (_()_)     :: usual  menu, a ::
                                               :: standard       ::
                                          :::: :: preface,     a ::
                                          :::: :: normal setting ::
                                               :: of  pieces  of ::
                                          :::: :: ascii  and  so ::
                                          :::: :: on.       why? ::
                                               :: perhaps,       ::
   :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: because        ::
   ::                                   ::     :: nowadays       ::
   :: huh,  it  is year 1999.  my first ::::::::: ascii-makers   ::
   :: collection  was  released  over 3 ::     :: try to explore ::
   :: years  ago  on  1st january.  its ::::::::: another        ::
   :: name  is  simply  "ascii"  and it ::     :: dimensions  of ::
   :: contains   35   logos,  that  are ::     :: ascii-art,     ::
   :: pretty  shitty.   but  it  was in ::     :: create         ::
   :: 1996.   today  i  proudly present ::     :: different  new ::
   :: the 29th colly by me.  after such ::     :: and   original ::
   :: long  time  i'm a bit tired.  not ::     :: designs   etc. ::
   :: due  to  lack  of  inspiration or ::     :: it's ok, but i ::
   :: feeling  bored  and  fed  up with ::     :: want  them not ::
   :: ascii.   it  is like that because ::     :: to  forget the ::
   :: of  lack of time and having to be ::     :: old-skool      ::
   :: more  adult, more responsible and ::     :: design,  so  i ::
   :: having  to  learn  a lot.  when i ::     :: try  to remind ::
   :: remind old times, when i was able ::     :: how  to  do it ::
   :: to  launch  my  computer for many ::     :: in traditional ::
/\_:: hours  a  day, and try to compare ::     :: way.   i  hope ::
../__ that  situation  with  a  present ::     :: you   like  my ::
\/ \_ one,  i get sick.  nowadays i use ::     :: work  as  much ::
___/  my  amiga  only for  few  hours a ::     :: as i do.  ;)   ::
()_): week.   i  often  wake  up in the ::     ::                ::
   :: early  morning  (5:30) and try to ::     ::::::::::::::::::::
   :: do  something  or  sit  down on a ::
   :: chair  behind monitor in the late ::
   :: night.   all  the  day i'm usally ::
   :: outdoor   or  simply  learn.   so ::
   :: guys,  do  not  expect  me  to be ::
   :: productive  as  much  as  in  the ::
   :: past.   just  look at the history ::
   :: of  mine:   during '96 i released ::
   :: 10  collections; in the next year ::
   :: i  did it 11 times; the year 1998 ::   _/\_
   :: is  a  total  disaster, because i ::  _\../_
   :: made   only  4  collections;  the ::_// \/ \\_
   :: present year is quite good for my ::)_\____/_(
   :: ascii-career,  i  released  3 own ::::(_()_):::::::::::::::::::::::::::
   :: collections  and 1 in cooperation ::
   :: with  kempy/kore.,  azzaro/sative :: i  got  used to be examinated many
   :: mea  and  zabora/sative  mea.  as :: times, i got used to learn more, i
   :: you   can  see,  my  productivity :: got used to have problems with me.
   :: decreased in '97 - the year i had :: it   is   not   neutral   for   my
   :: to  pass  my  matriculation exams :: ascii-life,  it's  obvious,  but i
   :: in.  it was in may.  after them i :: try to cope with every hitch i had
   :: had  to  take  the  next  ones at :: to   meet   with.   many  times  i
   :: universities  at which i wated to :: thought  about dropping THE SCENE,
   :: study and after that whole hell i :: but i cannot do it.  i know it for
   :: wanted   to   relax   during  the :: sure.   thus  expect me to release
   :: longest  holidays in my life.  it :: the  next production, expect me to
   :: lasted until october.             :: be the same acid but do not expect
   ::                                   :: me  to  sacrafice  for  THE SCENE.
   ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: the  real  life is more important,
                                        :: unfortunately  it  is...   anyway,
                                        :: i'm  optimistic and don't grumble.
                                     ::::: i'll  get  through  every  fucking
                                     :: :: trouble.  i must get it through!
       ::                            :: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
       :: well,  that's all. you can :::::
       :: go.  watch  my work, enjoy ::    ::::
       :: the ascii-art and remember :: :::::::
       :: that acid won't leave you! :: ::::
       :: sincerely yours,           ::
       ::                            :::::::::
       ::::::::::::::::::: acid/kore.       ::         _/\_
                        ::      beret squad ::   __ ___\../___ __
                        ::      twilight    :::: >_)__/ \/ \__(_< :::: ::  ::
                        ::                  ::        \____/
                        ::::::::::::::::::::::        (_()_)

                                 right here


                                 right now.

                                _       _
                                |  \\\\|_|\>

                                 right here,

                                    /_ _\

                                 right now.

                             .  .  .
                         . .. /_ _\ .. .
                            :  `---------.
                            :            X
                            `---------X   \
                                   |+       -|
                                   | ------- |
                                   | barrety |
                                   | ------- |

                                 right here,

                               Tcitizen     T
                               ||  07081979||

                                 right now.

                           .--| ___¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ...|-.
                         .-|-.|_______________| |
                         | `-'           .------'
                         `---.     .-----+--------.
                            _|_    |oooooooo o ooo|
                           |UUU|   |oooooooo   ooo|
                           |___|   `--------------'

                                 right here,

                              |o|_ _ _ _| _ |
                              | |_______|(_)|
                              | |       |   |
                             _|_|_      |   |
                            |. _ .|     |   |
                            (_| |_)    _|___|_
                              |_|     |. . . .|
                               _      | . . . |
                           ___| |__   |. . . .|

                                 right now.

                               (  - ( o ) -  )
                                   _/   \_
                                  /___ ___\
                               __ (_ ___ _) __
                            _/   |         |   \_
                            |    | ....... |    |
                            |    | :     : |    |
                            |_   | :     : |   _|
                            |    | :     : |    |
                            |    | :.....: |    |
                            |____|         |____|
                            / _ _| ....... |_ _ \
                            \ \ \|         |/ / /
                             \_\_)         (_/_/a(id
                                 |_________|   k0re.
                               (_( (_( )_) )_)

                                right here...

                                  / (._.) \
                                /  `|¦|--'  \
                               /    `-'      \
                              /   _       _   \
                             /    / kore. \    \
                             \    \       /    /
                              \    \ ___ /    /
                                \___/| |\___/
                                |    l_|    |
                                |           |
                                |     __    | .aC!d.
                                |     |    _| dGs'97
                            __  | _   |   _ )  __
                           /_ \_(_____|_____)_/ _\

                        " it's evolution, baby..." =)

  numerek-cukierek : :::::::::   name : :::::::::::::   weight : ::::::::::
                            ::                     ::                    ::
               :::::::::::::::             ::::::::::             :::::::::
               ::                          ::                     ::
 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::
 ::                           :: ::                  :: ::                 ::
 ><1>< ------------------------- kompjucia ------------ 69 dkg --------------
   _     _
 ><2>< ><_>< ------------------- elektrik balb -------- 52 dkg --------------
   _     _     _
 ><3>< ><_>< ><_>< ------------- kendl ---------------- 70 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _
 ><4>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ------- bidri ---------------- 54 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _     _
 ><5>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< - skrudrajwa ----------- 32 dkg --------------
 ><6>< ------------------------- kulmen --------------- 1.4 kg --------------
   _     _
 ><7>< ><_>< ------------------- smouk ---------------- 36 dkg --------------
   _     _     _
 ><8>< ><_>< ><_>< ------------- kard ----------------- 87 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _
 ><9>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ------- forest goust --------- 43 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _     _
 ><0>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< - komjuniti ------------ 53 dkg --------------
 ><1>< ------------------------- eljen ---------------- 58 dkg --------------
   _     _
 ><2>< ><_>< ------------------- fatboj slim ---------- 72 tons -------------
   _     _     _
 ><3>< ><_>< ><_>< ------------- fatboj slim tu ------- 66 tons (schudî... =)
   _     _     _     _
 ><4>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ------- snoumen -------------- 28 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _     _
 ><5>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< - sajklop -------------- 1 kg ----------------
 ><6>< ------------------------- mister tu-her -------- 52 dkg --------------
   _     _
 ><7>< ><_>< ------------------- mister tu-her tu ----- 52 dkg --------------
   _     _     _
 ><8>< ><_>< ><_>< ------------- sejw da wajnyl ------- 40 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _
 ><9>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ------- ribyn ---------------- 30 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _     _
 ><0>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< - dogi ----------------- 41 dkg --------------
 ><1>< ------------------------- keti ----------------- 32 dkg --------------
   _     _
 ><2>< ><_>< ------------------- uajn ----------------- 31 dkg --------------
   _     _     _
 ><3>< ><_>< ><_>< ------------- birdi 2 -------------- 63 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _
 ><4>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ------- elektrik dog --------- 81 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _     _        _
 ><5>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< - medziszyn ------------ 86 dkg --------------
 ><6>< ------------------------- end his rabit -------- 34 dkg --------------
   _     _                               _
 ><7>< ><_>< ------------------- lipa/iluzyn ---------- 1.1 kg --------------
   _     _     _
 ><8>< ><_>< ><_>< ------------- robot ---------------- 62 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _
 ><9>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ------- robot 2 -------------- 81 dkg --------------
   _     _     _     _     _
 ><0>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< ><_>< - krejzi --------------- 1.0 kg --------------

 ::                           :: ::                  :: ::                 ::
 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::
               ::                          ::                     ::
               ::                          ::                     ::
                             ::                        ::
                             ::                        ::
                                    _\/_                ::::::::
                                   _/_ \_                     ::
                                   ) oO (  .                  ::
                                   ~) .(~    o
                                    ~\/~  ____                ::
                          _______________(    )___
                       __(                        )__         :::::: ::   ::
                      (_   let's start, shall we?  __)
                       (_____    _________________)
                                     \\        __(     )__
                                   _/__\_     (__  yep.. _)
                                   ) oo (     . (________)
                                   ~) -(~ . o

::    ::    ::   ::::



                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                       bum, bum, bum, psyl0cyb on line

                                            /·______/ a(id/k0re.
                       __________________  /____   /
            /   ______ \  ____________  / /`----' /  ______    \
           /  / \ ____\ \ \          · / / ///// /  /____ / \   \
          /  / / \\   \\ \ \________/ / / ///// /  //   // \ \   \
          \  \ \  \\___\· \__________· / a128o /  //___//  / /   /
           \  \    \_____\   )____(   /_______/  /_____·    /   /
            \            ________________                      /
                        /oooooooo oo ooo/
                       /ooooooooo o ooo/

                     try "syndrom piaseczna" and "void".

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                           new ideas always rule.

                                  /      \
                                 /        \
                                /          \
                               (  (--||--)  )
                                \  \ || /  /
                                 \  \||/  /
                                    `--' d

                             why not to develop?


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                            or should we stop it?


                                  ·   :    ·
                                   \   _  /
                             -  ---  / (  --- -
                                   |     `.
                                   | ccr |'
                                   | alu |
                                  .' nil `.
                                  || dme |'
                                  || las |
                                  `| ex! |
                                 .-'     |

                      and wait for social development?

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                        well, actually i do not know!

                                    _  _
                            ___    /|  |\    ___
                            \  \  / |..| \  /  /
                           //.. \/  |__|  \/ ..\\
                            ///.            .\\\
                              //            \\
                               \ a(id/k0re. /
                                  /|\  /|\

                                  and you?


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                  have you got an user-frienldy ascii tool?

                                         __   _______
       __     __      ___               | |\_/ _____ \,     __     __
      / /\   / /\    |   `--------------| |  ________ |    / /\   / /\
      \/_/   \/_/    |___.--------------| | _  _____  |    \/_/   \/_/
                               a(id/k0. |_|/ \_______/'

                           is not ced good enough?

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                    skwaszony patryque caleenovsky mode.

                         _                 |. |
                        \/    _            ||_|
                     _       \/  |||||||||||
                    \/    _      |         |
                          \/  _  |  __ __  |
                            _\/  |_________|_
                           \/ _  |___p|p_| ,7
                              \/ |    | _  |
                                 |    |_)  |
                                 |_____    |
                                 |'     ___|
                              ./             \.
                              |           _   |
                              |   _       |   |
                              |   |  _ _  |   |
                              |   |_( Y )_|   |
                              |     | 3 |    .|
                                  |_ _ ___|
                                  | [_]···|
                                  |¯ _ ¯¯¯|
                                  |  |    |a(id
                                  |  |    |k0re.
                               __ |  |    | __
                              /  \|__|____|/  \



                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                           "nie palcie marihuany!"

                               a(id/k0.    :::
                               `-------.  |:'

                             ...emiter has said.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::



                           /                        |
                         ./ telekomuna polska sa tp |
                         |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
                         |                          |
                         |  <--  karta telefoniczna | a(id
                         |__________________________| k0re.
                     ___ |ØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØØ| ___
                   _/    |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|    \_
                   |     | 25         .  .  .  .  . |     |
                  _|     `--------------------------'     |_
         (  ( (( (_                                        _) )) )  )
                   |     connection:  +48 0xx xxxxxxx     |
                   |__                                  __|

                           towarzystwo przyjaciol
                              ssania abonentow


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                               lesny doosheck

                                  _ __ _ |. |
                                  \)/\(/ ||_|
                                   \../  |
                                 | |  |
                              .-.| |  |
                              `--' |  |
                                   |  |a(id
                               _ __|  |__ _

                              mocno zmruzony =)

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                                our community

                               _\/_        __        _____
                  \\\\\       \\/\//      /  \       \   //
                 __\../__ _ ___\../__ _ __\../___ _ __\../__
                | _ \/ __(Z)____\/___(Z)___\/____(Z)__ \/ _ |
                | |    |       |  |       |  |       |    | |
                |_|    |     __|  |_     _|  |__     |    |_| a(id
                (7|    |   _|                   |_   |    |\) k0re.
              _ __|    |                                  |__ _

                      has stronge sense of common mind


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                          fuck, they're everywhere!

                                  /      \
                                 /        \
                     .a(id / /  /____  ____\  \ \
                           \ \  \\   \/   //  / / k0re.
                                  \  ..  /
                                 __\ __ /__
                            ___ /   \__/   \ _
                            \ //     __     \/
                             \/      __

     last time they attacked the minds of the astrosyn party's visitors

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                              s l i m boy f a t

                                     _  _
                                   _|_ _|_
                               ____/ `-' \___
                              /    \`---'/   \
                             /\__   \___/  __/\
                            /  /            \  \
                         (\/¯ /  i'm #last   \ ¯\/)
                         /   /   so why try   \   \
                        (//// \    easier    / \\\\)
                         ¯¯¯   \____________/   ¯¯¯
                               (---'  _  `--)
                     .a(id .---(______|_____)---. k0re.

                              eee, slim fa(s)t!


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                             let's do something!

                              /    \_____/   \
                             /\__          __/\
                            /  /            \  \
                           /  /   soon i'll  \  \
                          /  /     be back    )_/
                          \ ,)\              /
                           \\) \____________/_
                            ~  ( `--'  `--' ) ) a(id
                           .---(______Y-----'/ k0re.

                           let's loose kilograms!

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


          minimalistik snowman in the middle of summer mode aktive!

                                     ___   o
                                   _|___|_ . °
                        a(id (_________________) k0.

                          actually, he has melted.


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                        have you ever seen a cyclope?

                                   _    _
                     _            _| __ |_            _
                    (`\           \,(_o),/           /')
                 ____\ \__________/  `'  \__________/ (____
                (___   \          \__o __/          /   ___)
               (____   /____,____   `¼¼'  ____,_____\   ____)
                 (_____/       |   .    .  |        \_____)
                               |           | a(id
                               |_    .    _| k0re.
                               |           |
                               |:.   _     |
                                |    |    |
                                |_   |   _|
                                (    X    )
                           _    |    |    |    _
                          (`\___|    |    |___/')

                  what would he do if he lost his one eye?

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                               ...and mr.2hair?

                                        _  _
                                | ___       |
                                |____  ____ |
                                ||   Y____  |__
                                ||__c|_c_]¸ (7/
                                )  /   \    ,/
                               /  (_____)    \
                               \ ,¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼,   )
                                \~~      ~~  /a(id

                     if he lost his one and only beret?


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                               yeah, that's ok

                           _.---'          `--._
                           `-.               .-'
                               |__________ |__
                               ||__o|_o__| (7/
                               )  /   \    ,/
                              / ,(_____) ,\ \
                              \ `¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼' ) )
                               \          / /a(id

               now we can't see he has only 2 pieces of hair.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                               save da vinyl!

                               / _ \
                              ( (_) )
                                   \ \/  /
                              a(id  \  //_
                              k0re. (\/)-'

                              destroy cd's! =)


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                           lesne dooshcki attakk!

                                    _  _
                                 / / __ \ \
                            .a(id   _||_   k0.

           they're similar to ufo's, they're also everywhere... =)

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                                 woof, woof

                                  __    __
                                 (__\__/ _)
                                   7'_ `Y
                                   | oO |
                                  _| __ |_  (\
                               / \________/ X
                              /___ `U---' ___\ a(id

                       hau, hau, haujobb produkktion.


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                                miau, miau...

                                  /-' _`-\
                                  \__Oo__/  /\
                                  (.:():.) //\\
                                  _\__o_/_// //
                                 /_      _X  ~
                          .a(id (,,)----(,,) k0re.

                            miaujobb produkktion!

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::

                             antonowka megapower!

                                o       __
                                 . °    ||
                                ___._ .-'`-.
                                \___/ |100%| a(id
                                 _U_  |____| k0.

                           4.68 zl for one liter!


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                 i suggested you shouldn't feed your birdie!

                                    _        |
                                    \_ ?     |
                                 __(Oo)__    |
                                /   \/   \   | |
                               / _      _ \  |.:.
                        a(id   \ )      ( /  || :
                        k0re.   \\      //   ||
                        _ ________\____/_____|  |
                          _ _____uUU__UUu__- -'
                                          `--.  :.
                                             | | :
                                             | | |

                     now he's not atractive for females!

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                        w00f, w00f, 010101, 010101...

                                __ ___|__ __
                                \`\) _  (/'/
                                 _\_____ /_
                                /  .T__T.  \
                               / . .    . . \
                             T    )______(    T a(id
                             | .            . | k0re.
                           __|    _ .... _    |__
                          /  | .  | oooo |  . |  \
                         /   |    | .... |    |   \
                      _ /__  |_ _ |_    _| _ _|  __\ _

                           how 'bout elektro doggy?


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                              ascii is magic...

                               _   ______
                              \/   T  ..T
                                 _ |   .|
                                \/ |    |
                                 __|____|__ ..
                                  _| _  |_  ||
                                  \)_cC_(/ (oo)
                                  / `--' \ /\/\
                              ___( ______ )_,, \
                              \  (________) ./ /
                               \  _      _ ./ X
                                \ \  a!  /.//X\\
                                 \_\    /_/
                              __ [_/----\_]__  a(id
                            _/  \__\_T__/_/  \_ k0.

                          not illusion. magic!

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                      this one is of course a magic one.

                                   /\  /\
                                   \ \/ /
                                   |.   |
                                   |..  |
                             .a(id |____| k0re.

                                ascii is not.


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

                            he'z da funky buddha,

                                     _  __
                                   _/  __ \
                                   \, '.._(
                                   /    _/ \
                                ___\ \__   /_
                               /'   \,, ,,/ `\
                              /   _  ~¼¼¼~_   \
                             /    /       \    \
                            /    /    o    \    \
                           (    / (( -O- )) \    )
                            \  /      H      \  /
                             \ \_____________/ /
                              (\)---'   `---(/)
                               \)    _ _    (/
                                |_    Y    _|
                               |--|   |   |--|
                               |__|   )   |__|
                           .a(id|     |    _|
                                ) ><  X  >< (
                               / ><  /X\  >< \
                              (\____// \\____/)
                               \____/   \____/

                            he'z gonna move ya...

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                        010010101 01011010 01001010 ?

                               ( (( . )) )
                                  (_ .. _)
                                 ___\  /___
                               _/ .  \/  . \_
                               T  __    __  T
                               |. TT .. TT .|
                               |__|| .. ||__|
                                || |    | ||
                               /__\| .. |/__\
                               \()/|    |\()/
                                  (_)  (_)a(id/k0.

                yes, of course, 111010101 01011010 01001010 !


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

             well, in my opinion, 01000101100110  110001001 10!

                              ((  ( . )  ))
                                  |  _ _  |
                              [ [[[[ o o ]]]] ]
                          ______T____   ____T_____
                         [[[:.     /_____\    .:]]]
                         [[[    __        __    ]]]
                          [[    T . .  . . T    ]]
                         \ X _ _( `------' )_ _ X /
                          \_/_/_(   ____   )_\_\_/
                                (_  _)(_  _)
                           a(id (_  _)(_  _)

                      so, 010010101 01011010 11111110!

::::::::::::::::::::::::::                        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::                        ::
                        ::::::::::::    ::::::::::::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                               getting crazy?

                                  _T__. T
                                 |'   |_|_
                                 __) )( (__
                                 \' (__) `/
                            _____ \      / _____
                       \ \\\\     /\____/\     //// /
                             \   /________\   /
                              \   _      _   /
                               \_ \  ??  / _/ a(id
                               /  /  ??  \  \ k0re.
                              /  /   ??   \  \
                             \\\)\_\ __ /_/(///
                              \\) \_ TT _/ (//
                               _  /  ||  \  _

                            welcome to the club!

                                   _/_ \_
                                   ) oO (  .
                                   ~)--(~    o
                                    ~\/~  ____
                          _______________(    )____
                       __(                         )_
                      (_   is this really the end?  _)
                       (_____    __________________)
                                     \\        __(                 )__
                                   _/  \_     (__  no! there's       _)
                                   ) OO (     . (___ the 2nd part! __)
                                   ~) .(~ . o      (_______________)

                       you can find some logos for...

                     ____   __       ____    ____    ____
                  __(   /_ _\ |___ _(   /_ _(__ /_ _(__ /__
    .a(id (X) (X) \__   __Y       Y   7   Y   _/  Y   _/  / (X) (X) k0re.
                    |___| |---7___|_______+---|___+---|___\

                     >   > >>  thorr of whelpz  << <   <

                            __ __    ____   ____
                          __\ X /_ _( _ /_ _\__ )__
                     =====\  / \  Y   ____Y  _____/a(id/
                     =====/_______|____|  |_______\k0re.

            this part of "cyberkart00n"!

    :::::::::::::::::               _/\_
    ::             ::         __ ___\../___ __
:::::: whelpz info :::::::::: >_)__/ \/ \__(_< ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::             ::              \____/
    :::::::::::::::::              (_()_)

                __ __   __      ____    __       ____   ____
              __\ X /_ _\ |___ _\ __)_ _\ |    _( _ /_ _\__ )__
           ___\  / \  Y       Y  --'  Y   |---Y   ____Y  _____/___
       \ \\\  /_______+---7___|_______|_______|____|  |_______\  /
          ._\             _    __       ____    ____            /_.
          |            __| |_ _\ \___ _( __/_ _(   /__ .,,        |
          |___         \ |_| Y  _ \  Y  _____Y   7   / |))UE   ___|
            /  a(id/k0./_____+---\___|_____| |_______\  #xx     \
           /_____________________________________________________\\\ \

    :::::::::::::::::               _/\_
    ::             ::         __ ___\../___ __
:::::: frozen pack :::::::::: >_)__/ \/ \__(_< ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::             ::              \____/
    :::::::::::::::::              (_()_)

                 ____    ____    ____   ____    ____    __            .
              __( __/_ _(__ /_ _(   /_ _\__ )_ _\ __)_ _\ \____     + .
          ___ \  _____Y   _/  Y   7   Y  _____Y  --'  Y  _ \  / ___     .
          \   /_____| |---|___|_______|_______|_______+---\_ _\   /  +
         ._\             ____    ____    ____   __ __       V    /_.   .
         |    +    .  __( _ /_ _(   /_ _( __/_ _) Y /__     :      |
         |___   . +   \   ____Y   -   Y   '   Y   _/  /         ___|
           / .        /__ _|  |---7___|_______+---|___\ a(id/k0. \
          /____ _________V___________________ ________ ___________\
               V         .                   V        V
               :                             :        .

    :::::::::::::::::               _/\_
    ::             ::         __ ___\../___ __
:::::: news        :::::::::: >_)__/ \/ \__(_< ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::             ::              \____/
    :::::::::::::::::              (_()_)

                        __      ____    __ __    ____
                      __\ \___ _\ __)_ _\ X /_ _( __/__
          .a(id ]-----\  _ \  Y  --'  Y  / \  Y_____  /------------
          ------------/---\___|_______|_______|_______\-----[ k0re.

    :::::::::::::::::               _/\_
    ::             ::         __ ___\../___ __
:::::: addys       :::::::::: >_)__/ \/ \__(_< ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::             ::              \____/
    :::::::::::::::::              (_()_)

                     ____    ____    ____   __ __    ____
                  __(   /_ _(__ /_ _(__ /___\ Y /___( __/__
          .a(id ]-\   -   Y   /   Y   /   ___ | ________  /--------
          --------/---7___|_______|_______| |___| |_______\-[ k0re.

    :::::::::::::::::               _/\_
    ::             ::         __ ___\../___ __
:::::: prods       :::::::::: >_)__/ \/ \__(_< ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::             ::              \____/
    :::::::::::::::::              (_()_)

                     ____    ____    ____    ____    ____
                  __( _ /_ _(__ /_ _(   /_ _(__ /_ _( __/__
          .a(id ]-\   ____Y   _/  Y   7   Y   /   Y_____  /--------
          --------/____|  |---|___|_______|_______|_______\-[ k0re.

    :::::::::::::::::               _/\_
    ::             ::         __ ___\../___ __
:::::: members     :::::::::: >_)__/ \/ \__(_< ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::             ::              \____/
    :::::::::::::::::              (_()_)

             _ __   ____     _ __   __      ____     ____    ____
          __( X /_ _\ __)_ _( X /_ _\ |___ _\ __)_ _(__ /_ _( __/__
     .a(id\  _  _ Y  --'  Y  _  _ Y    _  Y  --'  Y   _/  Y_____  /

    :::::::::::::::::               _/\_
    ::             ::         __ ___\../___ __
:::::: future      :::::::::: >_)__/ \/ \__(_< ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
    ::             ::              \____/
    :::::::::::::::::              (_()_)

                 ____    _ __    ____    _ __    ____   ____
              __( __/_ _( Y /_ _(   /_ _( Y /_ _(__ /_ _\ __)__
         .a(id\  _____Y   |   Y__   __Y   |   Y   _/  Y  --'  /----
          ----/_____| |_______| |___| |_______+---|___|_______\k0re.


                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::
                        ::        ::    ::        ::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::        ::    ::        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::::::::::::::::        ::    ::        ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
                        ::        ::    ::        ::
                                  ::    ::
                                  ::    ::


                                   _/_ \_
                                   ) cO (  .
                                   ~)--(~    o
                                    ~\/~  ____
                          _______________(    )___
                       __(                        )_
                      (_   well, is this the end?  _)
                       (_____    __________________)
                                     \\        __(            )__
                                   _/  \_     (__  i'm aftraid   )_
                                   ) .. (     . (___   it is... ___)
                                   ~)--(~ . o      (____________)

      ___                                                           ___
   _ |.  | ___                                              . ____ |  .| _
  |_||___||.  \|         __                      __         |/   .||___||_|
          |    |___. ___|. |. ______ __ . ______| .|______ .|     |
          |____||  |/ .T|__||/    .T|__||/    .T|__|T.    \||_____|
              __|  /   |____|      |____| ___  |____|   __ |___
a(id      .__ T      __| .T.   ____   T    [/__|  T   _____| .T __
k0re.     | _||   __      |      \]   |   __      |   |       ||_ |
--------[ |___|----]______|___________|----]______|___________|___| ]-------


@  acid has stopped kidding about ascii...

@  after  many years of beeing an owner of a500, sundance bought a1200!  wow.
well,  he  bought  also  drums!  since then their parents have been suffering

@  unfortunately  that situation changed fastly...  sundance went to the army
some weeks ago!!!  :S is he a normal guy?  i'm not sure...  he gave the drums
to  tengu/deep,  and  his amiga to his brother.  thus he has been kicked from
our group, because we are pacifits!  ;)

@  we are looking for new, gifted and original artists!

@  wyzej kropki nam nie podskoczycie!  ;)

MEMBERS  .................. acid, cnr, kempy

CONTACT ................... a: arkadiusz kajzerek   c: konrad szeromski
                   :           patriotow 32b/1         rechniweskiego 10/48
                   :           pl-44253 rybnik         pl-03980 warszawa
                   :           032 4215195             n/a
                   :        k: przemek kowalczyk
                   :           kopernika 13/14
                   :           pl-34100 wadowice
                   :           033 8235834
                   :....... e-mail:    acid

                                  (  (><)  )

PR0DS ....... 01. "maximalistik98"             k0-max98.txt, acid
         :                                     024 apr 1998, 040kb
         :... 02. "kwiaty"                     k0-kwiat.txt, acid+fitzroy
         :                                     030 sep 1998, 060kb
         :... 03. "experiment 25"              k0-exp25.txt, acid
         :                                     001 oct 1998, 026kb
         :... 04. "forgotten in space"         k0-forgt.txt, kempy
         :                                     018 feb 1999, 090kb
         :... 05. "strajk pajaców"             k0-pajac.txt, kempy
         :                                     022 feb 1999, 87kb
         :... 06. "the poetry of two colours"  k0-2kolo.txt, acid
         :                                     028 feb 1999, 050kb
         :... 07. "rhythm of life"             k0-rofli.txt, cnr+twister
         :                                     ??? mar 1999, 070kb
         :... 08. "na cztery linie"            k0-na4li.txt, acid
         :                                     010 apr 1999, 070kb
         :... 09. "klubbhead loop 89"          sea+kore.txt, acid+azzaro+
         :                                     (cooperation) kempy+zabora
         :                                     017 apr 1999, 400kb
         :... 10. "invitation"                 k0-invte.txt, kempy
         :                                     001 may 1999, 054kb
         :... 11. "nuclear radiator"           k0-nucle.txt, kempy
         :                                     029 may 1999, 105kb
         :... 12. "cyberkartoon"               k0-cyber.txt, acid
                                               015 jun 1999, 080kb

                                  (  (><)  )

                   productions released under k0re. label:

                                 acid - 5.75 (two cooperations)
                                  cnr - 0.5  (one cooperation)
                                kempy - 4.25 (two cooperations)

                          ----[ past members ]----

                              fitzroy - 0.5  (one cooperation)

                          ---[ guest artisits ]---

                    twister/deez nuts - 0.5  (one cooperation)
                              "rhythm of life"

             azzaro+zabora/sative mea - 0.5  (one cooperation)
                             "klubbhead loop 89"

                      [ [ k0re. manufaktories in 1999 ] ]

                                  (  (><)  )

                              " cyberkartoon "


                                 80'000 bytes


                                   ced v4.2

      (still :-|) a1230t/50mhz fpu/10mb/hdd 1.7gb/cd changer 4x4/m1438s

                 music: "right here, right now"/fatboy slim
                        "do the evolution"/pearl jam

                        motivation: my ascii-brothaz

                                  THANKS TO

                                 RELEASE DATE
                                15 june 1999

                                 (  (><)  )

                           collections made so far:

     .1  Ac!D-asc.txt - ascii                      - 001.001.996 - 057k
     .2  Ac!D-azn.txt - azki network               - 001.003.996 - 092k
     .3  Ac!D-fcs.txt - faces                      - 007.004.996 - 150k
     .4  Ac!D-aqu.txt - aquarium                   - 010.006.996 - 190k
     .5  dGs-deep.txt - deep forest                - 030.008.996 - 290k
     .6  dGs-!us!.txt - i love us!                 - 016.009.996 - 065k
     .7  dGs-indd.txt - independence day           - 009.011.996 - 160k
     .8  dGs-brwi.txt - broken wiatrak             - 015.012.996 - 120k
     .9  dGs-strk.txt - striking mismatch          - 020.012.996 - 080k
     .0  dGs-retr.txt - retrospection              - 031.012.996 - 160k

     .1  dGs-take.txt - take a deep breathe        - 001.002.997 - 170k
     .2  dGs-krwi.txt - krash'd wiatrak            - 022.002.997 - 110k
     .3  dGs-kulf.txt - plecaki kulfoniaki         - 022.002.997 - 110k
     .4  dGs-14xl.txt - 14 x love                  - 022.002.997 - 050k
     .5  dGs-gfti.txt - graffiti!                  - 030.005.997 - 110k
     .6  dGs-live.txt - still alive                - 012.007.997 - 120k
     .7  dGs-sun!.txt - sundance! where are you?   - 030.008.997 - 060k
     .8  dGs-jour.txt - journey                    - 015.009.997 - 100k
     .9  dGs-mm97.txt - minimalistik97             - 001.010.997 - 030k
     .0  dGs-mawi.txt - magyari wiatrak            - 012.012.997 - 090k
     .1  dGs-all!.txt - *all logos in one archive* - 031.012.997 -manyk

     .2  L124-m98.txt - minimalistik98             - 002.002.998 - 140k
     .3  k0-max98.txt - maximalistik98             - 024.004.998 - 040k
     .4  k0-kwiat.txt - kwiaty                     - 030.009.998   060k
     .5  k0-exp25.txt - experiment 25              - 001.010.998 - 026k

     .6  k0-2kolo.txt - the poetry of two colours  - 028.002.999 - 050k
     .7  k0-na4li.txt - na cztery linie            - 010.004.999 - 070k
     .8  sea+kore.txt - klubbhead loop 89          - 017.004.999 - 400k
     .9  k0-cyber.txt - cyberkartoon               - 015.006.999 - 080k

  [ 3'180 ] kbytes in [ 29 ] files during [ 3 years 6 months and 15 days ]

                              __ ___\../___ __
                              >_)__/ \/ \__(_<


                        all, who keep the scene alive!
                all, who know what ascii means is their life!
                                 my friends
                                my scene m8s
                                 i love you.

                              __ ___\../___ __
                              >_)__/ \/ \__(_<

  | the sect - 2nd in the world - tsp'01 | . _____    ___. __    . ______
 -|--------------------------------------| |/    T    T  |/ T    |/     T
  |                                   -\ __|     |__ _|  |  |__ _|   __ |___
  | node0: +48-91-4879493             --\T          Y   __     Y   _____|  T
  | node1: telnet                      --\     _____|    |     _   |       |
  | node2: telnet      ___________a(id/k0.\______|--]----|____/]__________/|
  |                    \     . ______    . ______    ______ .    ______ .
  | master:            -\    |/     T    |/     T    T.    \|    T     \|
  | madbart/appendix    -\ __| _____|__ _|   __ |__ _|      |__ _|      |___
  |                      -\T_______    Y   _____|  Y   _____|  Y           |
  | hardware:             -\      |    _   |       _   |       _      _____|
  | a1240t/603e/240mhz/5g  -\_________/]__________/]__________/]________|
  | appendix - anadune - teklords - floppy - dinx project - venus art
  | jormas - mawi - pic saint loup - old bulls - kore. - linear - sative mea
                                            | supporters: jacobs + ziutek |

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                              >_)__/ \/ \__(_<
