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44 362 bytes (43.32K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 330



           by Sire2fAST/jEDIaRTS!
_|_ ___ _.___  _|_    ___ ___ _|_ ._ ___ _|_
_|_ )    |)_/,(__((   )__\)  ')__,`--. ( _|_
  (__ .--' ______________________ )__| __)2F

 «- Sire Two Fast Returns -»          .  . ............  :::::::::
        _ ______________.            ..........::::::::: :::::::::
       _))              |_           ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::.... .
      /                 _/           ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: .........
     /                  |            ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::
     \_ _ ______________|            ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: :::::::::
       _))     _/_______.   .........:.......: :.......:.:.......: :::::::::
      /        \        |  ::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::: `::::::::.::::::::'
     /         /\       |  ::::::::: `::::::::.`::::::::.........
     \_ _ _____/\_______.  :::::::::....       ......... :::::::::
       _))     __       |  :::::::::           ::::::::: :::::::::
      /        \/       |  :::::::::           ::::::::: :::::::::
     /         /        |  :::::::::           ::::::::: :::::::::
     \__________________|  :::::::::           ::::::::: :::::::::
                           :::::::::           `::::::::.::::::::'tGø

                                     o f

                                __(   :   )__
                          _____|             |_____
                         _\     · JEDI ARTS ·     /_
       _____ ________ _______ ____       ______ _______ ________ ____
       \    \\      //_     //____).    /      \\_    //_     _//   /____
       _\    \    _/  /    /       |   /        _/   /  |     | \_      /
       \______\___________/________|  /____/\___\_______|_____|________/
                         _                         _
                         /_____  1  9   9  7  _____\
                            cDr|___       ___|m's
                                  (__ , __)

                           p  r  e  s  e  n  t  s

                        bLURREd rEALITy - sEVEn  a/k/a
                   ____ _._   ___   __  ___      ____   ___
   _ ________ _ ._/  _// | \_/ _/__/  |/  /   ._/ _  \_/ _ \  _ __________
  |_)           |   __)  |  \_ \      / _/.   |   /  /   \  \_          (_|
  |             |____\_______/________\   |   |_____/____/___/            |
  |                  [sTZ!/sE ©'97]    \__|                               |
  :___    ___   _____   ___   ___    ___   ____    ___    __     __ __  __:
._/   \__/ _ \_/     \_/ _ \_/ _/___/ _ \_/    \__/ _/___/ _|___/  \\/_/  /_
|     _/   \  \_ \/  /   \  \_ \      \  \_    _/   \      \   \_  / .\__   \
|_____|____/___/_/  /____/___/__\   ._____/____|___________/____/_/  |  / __/
  :             /___\            \__|                                |___/:
  |                                                                       |
  |_               F.U.C.K   D.A   T.A.M.A.G.O.T.C.H.I ' S               _|
  |_)______________                                       ______________(_|
                  /                                       \

              ._____ __.--.__ _____ _____ _____ __ _____ __.
     ._____ _ |   __Y  _  |__Y  _  Y  _  Y  _  Y__Y  _  Y  |__. _ _____.
     |    _Y  |  _/ |  (  |  l__(  |  (  |  (__|  |  _  |  l  |  Y_    |
     |   (_   l__   l_____l__|  l__l_____l__|  l__l__(  l__   |   _)   |
     |__ __|____ `--' ______________________________ `--'  `--' _|__ __|
     | (_) |                                                     | (_) |
     |     | Yo folks,                                           |     |
     |__ __|                                                     |__ __|
     | (_) |   Superman has returned. The German Sire is on your | (_) |
     |     | screen again with some cookies for your pleasure.   |     |
     |__ __| Back in my early days I was active, nowadays I feel |__ __|
     | (_) | tired of nearly everthing, but nevertheless this is | (_) |
     |     | just another milestone in my 'some see that' never- |     |
     |__ __| ending 'career'.                                    |__ __|
     | (_) |                                                     | (_) |
     |     |   This is just the 7th part my never-ending Blurred |     |
     |__ __| reality series. So just enjoy this show and keep on |__ __|
     | (_) | requestin'... Some of the ascii's are nearly half a | (_) |
     |     | year old, so therefore I excuse myself for that     |     |
     |__ __| small delay. :)                                     |__ __|
     | (_) |                                                     | (_) |
     |     |   Yours 2fAST a/k/a Jens                            |     |
     |__ __|____ ___________________________________________ ____|__ __|
     | (_)_|   _Y                                           Y_   |_(_) |
     |   (_   (_                                             _)   _)   |


                 bad karma...........................infusion
                 choose artist..........................mogue
                 danish bbs list........................nicko
                 enter request..........................mogue
                 epsilon design .diz..............chrombacher
                 fear factory............................zeus
                 inner sun...............................zeus
                 more commands...........................zeus
                 murder death kill......dartagnan & speedevil
                 new user................................zeus
                 news from the front.................crusader
                 occult crime.........................trooper
                 output bulletin........................mogue
                 real solution......................radicator
                 rhythm nation.........................squale
                 so what.............................infusion
                 southern comfort...................lord&243!
                 the rebirth of agony...................u-man
                 trade central.......................bakerman
                 trooper .diz.........................trooper
                 trooper .huge........................trooper
                 twilight .diz..........................nicko
                 twilight .huge.........................nicko

                 special words..........................fatal

                 where to bitch me...........................
                 da fuckin' end..............................

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  bad karma                                                     infusion
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                            .--.__ _____ __.--.
                     _      |  _  Y  _  Y  _  |     _
                  _ /  ___  |  )  |  _  |  )  |  ___ \ _
                  //        l_____l__)  l_____|       \\
                  /                  `--'              \
                    .__ __ _____ _____ ________ _____.
                    | _/ /|  _  Y  _  Y        Y  _  |
               _    | \  \_  _  |  )__|  |  |  |  _  |    _
               _\ _ l__\__/__)  l__|  l__|  |  l__)  | _ /_
              _ \\\_         `--'   2F   `--l__|  `--'_/// _
                 _\                                    /_

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  choose artist                                                    mogue
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                  _____   _____        _____    _____   _____
                 _)   /  _)  / \______/     \  _)  _/___)  _/__
                /  /_/__/       /    /.     \\/__     /   _)  /
               /___`   /___/   //    \_______/___'   /___`   /
                  `---/(_ `----\_______/2F      `---/   `---/
                         |  ___ ___ _)_  ._  _)_   |
                        _|_ )__\)  ')__,\`--.)__, _|_
                          /_____________ )__| ____\

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  chrombacher                                                chrombacher
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                                 _  _____  _
                                _)_       _(_
                                 |         |
    ._____ __ __ _____ _____ ________.--.__·_____ _____ __ __ _____ _____.
    |  ___Y  |  Y  _  Y  _  Y        |  _  Y  _  Y  ___Y  |  Y   __Y  _  |
    |  )  |  _  |  )__|  )  |  |  |  |  )  |  _  |  )  |  _  |  _/_|  )__|
    l__   l__)  l__|  l_____l__|  |  l_____l__)  l__   l__)  l__   l__|
       `--'  `--'   2F         `--l__|        `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'
                          _____ _|      2F |_ _____
                                ( _________ )

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  danish bbs list                                                  nicko
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

   _____         _____   /\   _____   _____
  _)__  \______ _) _  \_/  \ _)  _/___)  / \_    _ _ _
 /   /   /_  _ \   /   /_ o \__     /       /    / . \
/___    //   //___/   / /. /___'   /___/   / _____\ /________________________
   `---/_________\----\  _)   \---/   `----\       Y
                    /__________\                   .

  _|_     ||___ _|_  ____   _|_ _______ ___  _|_   ._  _   ._  _|_ ___ __ __
  )__))__(||)_/,)__,|)  (   )__))__()__\)  '(__(   `--.)__|`--.)__,)_/,) | (
          ||                                       )__|.--')__|

                                                  ____    /\   _____   _____
                                     _ _ _       _)  /___/  \ _)  _/___)    \_
                                     / · \  2F  /   /   /  · \__     /___/   /
 _____________________________________\ /_____ /___    / // /___'   / _ /___/
                                       Y          `---/ ·  _   \---/

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  enter request                                                    mogue
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                      ______  _____   _____   ______  _____
                     _)  __/__) _  \__)    \__)  __/__)    \_
               _  _ /   _)  /   /   /___/   /   _)  /   /___/ _
              _) (_/___`   /___/   /   /___/___`   /___/ ___) (_
                    (_`---/   `----\2F        `---/     _)
                      |  ___ ___ ___ _  ____ ._  _)_   |
                     _|_ )  ')_/,)__|)__()_/,`--.)__, _|_
                       /___________ | ______ )__| ____\

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  epsilon design .diz                                        chrombacher
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                 _|_ ____ ____  ___ ._    |__________ ___ _|_
                 _|_ )    )__/,\___)`---.||)___()   (   ( _|_
                   (_           \   )___| |              _)
                    |                                    |
                    |                                    |
                    |                                    |
                    |       __|_____ ._    __________    |
                    |      (___()__/,`---.|)___()   (    |
                   _|_______________ )___| .---' _____2F_|_
                    |                                    |

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  fear factory                                                      zeus
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

       _____ ___         _____
 _    _)  _/  _/  _____ _)    \_
_\ _ /   _/  _/__/     \   /___//\
  \//   /___`   /     /___/    /__\ _ ________ ___ _____________________ ___ _
   /____\  `---/_________\         \/
                            _____      _____   _____   _____   _____   _____
                      _ 2F _)  _/____ _)   /  _)    \__) _  \__)    \__)  / \_
                     _\ _ /   _/ _   \  /_/__/___/   /   /   /   /___/   /   /
________________ ___ _ \//   /  _\· /___`   /   /___/_______/___/   /___    /
                        /____\_________\---/                           /____\

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  infusion                                                      infusion
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

               /\   _____   _____ ___   _____   /\   _____   _____
              /  \ _) _  \__)  _/  / \__)  _/__/  \ _) _  \__) _  \_
             /  _ \   /   /   _/  /   /__     /_   \   /   /   /   /
            /_  //___/   /   /_______/___'   //   /_______/___/   /
           //       \----\___\          `---/   _/   \       `----\
          /__________\                     /_____ 2F _\
                                                _ __ _

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  inner sun                                                         zeus
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                        /\   _____   _____   _____   _____
             _|_______ / _\ _) _  \__) _  \__)  _/_ _)    \_ ___|_
              |       /_ \ \   /   /   /   /   _/__/   /___/    |
              |      / /_ /___/   /___/   /___`   /___/         |
              |     / _)  _\ \----\  `----\  `---/              |
              |  _ /__________\                                 |
              |  /_          _____   _____   _____   _          |
              |             _)  _/___)  / \__) _  \_ \_         |
              |            /__     /   /   /   /   /            |
             _|__________ /___'   /_______/___/   / _______ 2F _|_
              |              `---/           `----\             |

                                _ __     _


                              copyright 1997

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  invasion                                                           mfm
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                        ___ __ _|___
               /\   ____\       |  /     _____   /\   _____   _____
              /  \ _) _  \_       /____ _)  _/__/  \ _) _  \__) _  \_
             /    \   /   /      /     \__     /    \   /   /   /   /
            /    /___/   / \    /     /___'   /    /_______/___/   /
           /        \----\  \  /_________\---/        \       `----\
          /__________\     2F\/             /__________\

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  more commands                                                     zeus
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

   _|_ _____ __ _________ ___    _   ______ ____ _____ ____ _|_._ _____ _|_
   _|_ )     ) | ()__()  ')_/,   )__,)__() | () | ()__\)  ((__(`--.   ( _|_
     (_                                                        )__|    _)
      |                                                                |
      |              Zeus, just write your stuff in here!              |
      |                                                                |

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  murder death kill                                dartagnan & speedevil
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

          _|______ .________ __ __ _____ __.--._____ _____. ______|_
           |       |        Y  |  Y  _  Y  _  |   __Y  _  |       |
_|_________|       |  |  |  |  |  |  )__|  )  |  _/_|  )__|       |_________|_
 |         |       l__|  |  l_____l__|  l_____l__   l__|          |         |
 |murder de|          `--l__|                    `--'             |h|
 |.murder d|                                                      |th kill.m|
 |l.murder |            .__.--._____ _____ _____ __ __.           |ath kill.|
 |ll.murder|            |  _  |   __Y  _  Y  _  Y  |  |           |eath kill|
 |ill.murde|            |  )  |  _/_|  _  l__)  |  _  |           |death kil|
 |kill.murd|            l_____l__   l__)  |  l__l__)  |           | death ki|
 | kill.mur|                     `--'  `--'        `--'           |r death k|
 |h|                                                      |er death |
 |th kill.m|                .__ __.__ ___  .___                   |der death|
_|_________|                | _/ /|__Y  (__|  (__.                |_________|_
 |         |                | \  \_  |  l  |  l  |                |         |
          _|_______________ l__\__/__l__   l__   | __________ 2F _|_
           |                            `--'  `--'                |

                                  __  |__
                               _     ____  |

                              production 1997

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  new user                                                          zeus
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

             _|_ _____ _______             ._  ___ ___ _____ _|_
             _|_ )     )  ()_/,)_|_(   )__(`--.)_/,)  '    ( _|_
               (_                          )__|             _)
                |                                           |
                |    Zeus, just write your stuff in here!   |
                |                                           |

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  news from the font                                            crusader
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

   ________  ________  _____/______   ______        _
_ _)  _    \_)   ___/__)   /    /  \__)    _)__ ___ (_\ _________________
 /    /    /    _)   /    /    /    /___      /
/____/    /____`    /______________/____'    /
    `-----\   `----/                   `----/

                        _|_ __ ___ __ _.  _|_ _|____
                        (  )  ')__)) ) |  (__,(  ()_),

                                  ______ _____   _______   _______   _______
                                 _)   _/      \__)  _   \__)  _   \__)      \_
                         _      /    _/   /____/    )    /    /    /____/    /
______________________ /_) ___ /    /____/ __ /_________/____/    / __ /____/
                              /_____\                       `-----\         2F

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  nicko                                                            nicko
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                      _____   /\   _____   ____/   / _____
                     _) _  \_/  \ _)   /  _)  /   / _)    \_
               _    /   /   /    \  /_/__/   /   /_.   /   /  _
            __( |_ /___/   /    /___`   /____\_____| _____/ _| )__
            \ _       `----\       \---/                       _ /
               \________ /__________\ __________________ 2F __/

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  occult crime                                                   trooper
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

             _____   _____   _____   _____   ____    _____
            _) _  \__)   /  _)   /  _)  / \__)  /____)    \_
           /   /   /  /_/__/  /_/__/   /   /   /   /___/   /
          /_______/___`   /___`   /_______/___    /   /___/
                     `---/   `---/           `---/
                             _____   _____   /\   _________   _____
                            _)   /  _)    \_/  \ _)        \__)  _/
                           /  /_/__/   /___/    \   /   /   /   _/__
                          /___`   /___/   /    /___/___/   /___`   /
                             `---/       /  2F    \   `----\  `---/

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  output bulletin                                                  mogue
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                        _____   _____   _____   _____   _____
                 _____ _)  / \__)    \__) _  \__)  / \__)    \_
                /     \   /   /___/   /   )   /   /   /___/   /
               /     /_______/ 2F/___/   ____/_______/___/___/
               \_______/            /----'           _)
                        |  _)_ _  _||___ _)_  ____  |
                       _|_ )__))__(||)_/,)__,\)  ( _|_
                         /________ || _____________\

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  real solution                                                radicator
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

   _____   _____         ____
  _)    \__)  _/  _____ _)  /___
 /   /___/   _/__/     \   /   /
/___/   /___`   /     /___    / _                                        _
           `---/_________\---/ _/_ ____________________________________ _\_
                               \_)                                      (_/
                   _____   _____   ____    _____   _____   /\  _____   _____
                  _)  _/___) _  \__)  /____)  / \__)    \_/  \_) _  \__) _  \_
                 /__     /   /   /   /   /   /   /___/   /    \  /   /   /   /
                /___'   /_______/___    /_______/   /___/   /_______/___/   /
                   `---/           `---/               /  2F    \      `----\

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  rhythm nation                                                   squale
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

   _____   _____   _____   _____   _____   _________
  _)    \__)  / \__)  / \__)    \__)  / \__)        \_
 /   /___/       /   /   /___/   /       /   /   /   /
/___/   /___/   /___    /   /___/___/   /___/___/   /
           `----\  /____\ \        `----\     `-----\ ____  ____
                            _  2F   _____         _____   /\   _____   _____
                         _ /       _) _  \______ _)    \_/  \ _) _  \__) _  \_
                        _\        /   /   /     /___/   /    \   /   /   /   /
                                 /___/   /       \ /___/    /_______/___/   /
                                    `----\________\   /        \       `----\

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  so what                                                       infusion
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

              _____   _____       _________   _____        _____
      _|_ __ _)  _/___) _  \_ _  _)  /   / \__)  / \_______)    \_ __ _|_
      \_    /__     /   /   /   /   /   /   /       /  .  \__/   /     _/
      _ /  /___'   /_______/   /___________/___/   /_\   /_\/___/     \ _
     _)       `---/                       2F  `----\________\           (_

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  southern comfort                                              lord&243
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

   _____   _____   _____   _____   _____   _____   _____   _____
  _)  _/___) _  \__)  / \__)    \__)  / \__)  _/  _)    \__) _  \_
 /__     /   /   /   /   /___/   /       /   _/__/   /___/   /   /
/___'   /_______/_______/   /___/___/   /___`   /___/   /___/   / ________ _|_
   `---/                           `----\  `---/           `----\           |
                       _____   _____   _________   _____ ___   _____   _____
               2F     _)   /  _) _  \__)  _   _ \__)  _/ _  \__)    \__)    \_
_|_ ________________ /  /_/__/   /   /  //  //   /   _/  /   /   /___/___/   /
 |                  /___`   /_______/___/___/   /   /_______/___/       /___/
                       `---/              `-----\___\

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  terebinth                                                        byron
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                                     .__ __ _    ____   _.-------------------'
      _____   _____   _____   _____ _|  \__   /\   _____   _____   _____
     _)    \__)  _/  _)    \__)  _/ _   _  \_/  \ _) _  \__)    \__)  / \_
    /___/   /   _/__/   /___/   _/__/   /   /_ . \   /   /___/   /       /
       /___/___`   /___/   /___`   /_______// _ /___/   /   /___/___/   /
              `---/           `---/       /_\ )_ · \----\ 2F       `----\
`------._______________________ _/      \ /__________\

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  the rebirth of agony                                             u-man
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                               _              _
                          _ ___( ____________ )___ _
                           \\                    //
                        /    \  tHe rEBIRTh of  /
                       /     _\___   _____   __/__   _____
            +------ --ø____ _) _  \__) _  \__) _  \__)  / \_ _----+
            |   _    /     \   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / /    |
            |  _\ _ /     /___   _/_______/___/   /___    / /_    |
            +--  \//_________\---/\        / `----\  /____\ ------+
                                   \      /
                                    \    /

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  threaz                                                          threaz
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                   _____   _____   _____   _____        _ ____
          _ /___  _)    \__)  / \__)    \__)  _/  _____ __\_  \_ ___\ _
        _ /_     /___/   /       /   /___/   _/__/_    \   ____/     _\ _
                    /___/___/   /___/   /___`   //    /___`   /
                           `----\        2F`---/_________\----\
                                                                       is back

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  trade central                                                 bakerman
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                        ._____ _____ _____ __.--._____.
                        |  _  Y  _  Y  _  Y  _  |   __|
                        l__)  |  )__|  _  |  )  |  _/_
                    _|_    l__l__| _l__)  l_____l__   | _|_
                     |___________ _\   `--'        `--'  |
                  ._____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___
                  |  ___Y   __Y     Y  _  Y  _  Y  _  Y  (__.
                  |  )  |  _/_|  |  l__)  |  )__|  _  |  l  |
                  l__   l__   l__|  |  l__l__|  l__)  l__   |
                     `--'  `--'  `--'         2F   `--'  `--'

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  trooper .diz                                                   trooper
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                  ._____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
                  |  _  Y  _  Y  _  Y  _  Y  _  Y   __Y  _  |
                  l__)  |  )__|  )  |  )  |  )  |  _/_|  )__|
                     l__l__|  l_____l_____|  .__l__   l__|  2F
                                          `--'     `--'
                             better known as tROOPA

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  trooper .huge                                                  trooper
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

             _____   _____   _____   _____   _____   _____   _____
            _)    \__)    \__) _  \__) _  \__) _  \__)  _/  _)    \_
           /___/   /   /___/ _ //  / _ //  / _ //  /   _/__/   /___/
              /___/___/   /_______/_______/   ____/___`   /___/
                       2F                /----'      `---/
                                    or NOT?

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  twilight .diz                                                    nicko
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                 _|_ _|_             | _____._|___ _|_ ____|_
                  |  )____,)___|___(|||)____|)    ))____,  |
                  |                  | .----'            2F|
                  |                                        |
                  | danish bulletin board system list #0xx |
                  |                                        |

 ______/ _ _________________________________________________________________ _
 2F  /  twilight .huge                                                   nicko
__  / ________________________________________________________________________
 ( / _)

                             twi or light ? no -

          _____   _________   /\   ____    /\   _____   _____   _____
         _)    \__)  /   / \_/  \ _)  /___/  \ _) _  \__)  / \__)    \_
        /___/   /   /   /   /_   \   /   / .· \   /   /       /___/   /
           /___/___________/ /  /___    /  _ /___   _/___/   /   /___/
                          /  _\    \---/ _ )\ _ \---/   `----\  2F
                         /__________\ /__________\

           .____.                                     \     _|____
           |  __|____  __________ .__________ _________\    \     \.
___________|  \___   \_\    _   /_|   _     /   _     /_\    \__ _ |___________
                |/         _          /    /    /    /   \_____//
____________    :__________/    ___  /_______  /_______________________________
           `----'        /______\ /____|    /____|

                      :                                 :
                     -:[·  2 4 t h   B I R T H D A Y  ·]:-
                      :                                 :
                      .____. / _     /              ________
                      |    |/  /____/  _________  _/ ______/____
               _______|    |   __/____.\   _   /__\____        /_
              _\     /|    :   \           /          /_     ___\
              /________    _______________/    ._______\_____\
                      `----'          ftl/_____|ed

  I hope you have a blast at your birthday, drink alot of beer and meet some
  fine women! I know i'll have a blast, im going to a festival with some good
               friends (Chrombacher, Cybergod and a few others)

                       H A V E   F U N   -   I   W I L L

           _____________ _ ____                  ____ _ _____________
           \            \\))___\                /___((//            /
            \  ______  _____   _____   _____   __  _____   _____   /
           __\_)    / _)    \__)  _/  _)__  \__)_\_)    \__)  _/__/ _
          \///   /_/_/   /___/   _/__/   /   /   /___/   /__     /_/
_|_________ /___`   /___/   /___`   /___    /___/  //___/___'   /// ________|_
 |             `---/         \ `---/   `---/      /        `---/            |
 |               \   2F       \ _ ____    ____ _ /            /             |
 |                \____________\\))___\  /___((//____________/              |
 |                                                                          |
 |                 b.LURRED r.EALITY - s.EVEN a/k/a f.UCK d.A t.AMAGOTCHI's |
 |                                                                          |
 | an ascii-collection original tacked'n designed by: 2fAST/JediArts        |
 |                                                                          |
 |                          with a helpin' hand from: Tango/Style           |
 |                                                    (2fAST #1 ascii)      |
 |                                                    Crusader/Ex-Mo'Soul   |
 |                                                    (Jedi Arts)           |
 |                                                    Stezotehic/Style      |
 |                                                    (Fuck da Tamagotchis) |
 |                                                    Sire Fatal/Epsilon D. |
 |                                                    (Happy... Jens ascii) |
 |                                                    B/Ex-Mo'Soul/Pro Arts |
 |                                                    (2fAST #2 ascii)      |
 |                                                                          |
 |           system's used to finish this collection: #1 A12oo/42omb Hd     |
 |                                                    #2 P2oo/13.5gb Hd     |
 |                                                    #3 Psx                |
 |                                                                          |
 |          recored'n mixed from April to July'97 in: Germany               |
 |                                                                          |

_|________________________________________________________ _ _____ _________|_
 |                                       ___________________))   //         |
 | _____   _____   _____   _____   _____/  ______  _____   _____//          |
 !_)    \__)  _/  _)  _/___)__  \__)  _/  _)    / _)    \__)  _/__          |
 /   /___/   _/__/__     /   /   /   _/__/   /_/_/___/   /__     /          |
/___/   /___`   /___'   /   ____/___`   /___`   /   /___/___'   /           |
 .         `---/   `---/----'      `---/   `---/           `---/            |
 |    2F                     _     /                       //               |
 |            /\                                                            |
 |           /  \                                                           |
 |          /__|_\ to the following groups in a-z order...                  |
 |             |                                                            |
 |             |                                                            |
 |             | Arclite                                                    |
 |             |                                                        Art |
 |             | Dezign                                                     |
 |             |                                             Epsilon Design |
 |             | Jedi Arts                                                  |
 |             |                                                Lo' Profile |
 |             | Pro Arts                                                   |
 |             |                                                      Style |
 |             | Twisted                                                    |
 |             |                                                            |

                                             _\  /_ __ _
                                        _ __ _    _
   _   _____   _____   _____   _____   _____ / /\ \ _____   _____   _____
 __\\ _)__  \__)    \__)  _/  _)  _/  _)    \_/  \ _)    \__)__  \__)  _/__ _
 \_ //   /   /   /___/   _/__/   _/__/___/   / .  \   /   /   /   /__     ///
   //___   _/___/   /___`   /___`   /   /___/ _ ·/___/   /___   _/___'   //
  /    `---/           `---/   `---/       /  \\_   \----\  `---/   `---//
 /·- 2F --------------------------------- /__________\ -----------------/- -·

Amblin · Amok · Antonio · Artic Cat · Autopsy · Ayathollah · B · Baffle · Bbc
     Byteandi · Ecs · Enzo · Fazwonga · Cascay · Cg · Chelsea · Chipsi
Chrombacher · Clyde Radcliffe · Colonel · Cougar · Creep · Crush · Dartagnan
 Deathknight · Desert · Desoto · Devistator · Digiman · Fatal! · Fckw · Frb
    Fury · Gem · Goldman · Gravedanver · H2o · Hash · Hausfrau · Hotwire
Hudson Hawk · Icarus · JackDanielz · Jake · James West · Lance · Manta · Mario
   Mark Ryder · Marky · Mess · Mfm · Night Assassin · Noisy Belch · Popcorn
    Punk · Pyro · Shane · Radiosity · Ramon · Ranx · Rapid · Relief · Repe
  -Slime! · Sagor · Sal One · Shapechanger · Shock G · Siegel · Sigma Seven
     Spellfire · Stezotehic · Stratos · Stylez · Tango · Tcb! · Turrican
 The Assassin · The White Knight · Tnm · Tom · Tommy · Trash · Treach · U-Man
Vampire · Voyage · Wild Thing · Wise-K · Whiz · X/\D · Xcluziwe · Zeus · Zigor
                       Zinko · Zod · Zoltrix! · Zou^Zou

 |       ____.      |                                                       |
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 |       _|__|      |                                                       |
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 |      |__\_|      |                                                       |
 |                  |                                                       |
 |         __.      |                                                       |
 |       _|_ |      |                                                       |
 |      |____|      | Straight Hate........................................ |
 |      | __ |      | .........................................The Junction |
 |      |____|      | Uphold the Law....................................... |
 |                  |                                                       |
 |       _____.     |                  JENSNAHRGANG@SWOL.DE                 |
 |      | __ _|     |                                                       |
 |      |____|      |                                                       |
 |      |____|      |                                                       |
 |       _|_ |      |                                                       |
 |      |____|      |                                                       |
 |      | __ |      |                                                       |
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 |      |_ __|      |                                                       |
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 |       ____.      |                                                       |
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 |      | __ |      |                                                       |
 |      |__\_|      |                                                       |
_|_ 2F _____________|_______________________________________________________|_
 |                                                                          |

                               ._____/            |
                _____         _|___   ______  ____|__  _________
               _\    \_   ___/_    \__\     \/      /__\   _   /
              /    _  /. /    V   _     _        _         V__/
              \    V   | \     __/ \    V    .   V         |
               \_______|  \ ___|    \_______/|____.__/\____|
                           \/  |              ____|

                  have to say 'Thanks alot' to these preebs

         H2o · Crush · Fatal · B · Chrombacher · Tango and Artic Cat

                         +SLAZTAZ+ Sire 2fAST aka Jens
