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{start_of_the_grand_royal. (c) shock g/ja!.}

                "We know a little of the life of early mankind  //
             \·   but we are reasonably sure that some lived   ·/
              \\    to be 500 and up to 900 years of age."

                                                          ______ __ _
                   __________________ _   _______________________ _
         _________/_      _         ///___\                     ///
         \        __\     /             ___\___                  /
          \       \___   /____________________/                 /
           \          \ _______________/b!d  \_________________/
            \          \________ _ ____________________ _
        _____\______    _____  ///_\  _            ___///__________
       /          _/    \__         \_/           ______________  /
      /          /_______|/                      /dG!  /         /
     /__________/        /______________________/     /_________/
    ______ __ _
                           ·  J e d i ^ A r t s  ·

                     /           /          /            /
           ·  Ranx  ø  Shock G  ø  Reflex  ø  Hooligan  ø  Maxim  ·
                   /           /          /            /

                           ·  J e d i ^ A r t s  ·

               /·                                             \\
              //         The wise old man of old said          ·\
              ¯    "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he"
       If you permit no thought of disease and death to enter your mind
             you will have accomplished nine tenths of the battle
      _                    to stave off these foes
      \\    Tight clothing must of course be absolutely discarded    ·/
       \·                                                           //

                        ·__ ______________________ __·
                    _ _._)                          (_._ _
                       ¦                         ...  ¦
                       ·                        .:.:  ·
               ________¦                       .··    ¦     _____
             _/      _/! ___.______ ________ _____    !____/    /
             \___      ¯Y  _l__    Y  _._   Y  __/___ /  _/    /
             |  )       |  \__     |   l/   |   \    Y   \     ¯\
             l__________|   |      |   /    |    \   l____\      \
                      l_____|      l______._|      ____|   \______\
                       T¯   l______|   ..·  l_______\¯T
                       |             .:·              |
                       |           .:·                |
                       |         .::· ............    |
                       |       .::·       ·::::::::   |
                       |     .::·      ...:::::::::   |
               _ __ ___!    .::::::::::::::::::::::   !___ __ _
           .oO(((_(·)__)    ·::::::::::::::::::::::   (__(·)_)))Oo.
          '            ¡        ·········::::::::::   ¡            `
                       |                   ::::::::   |
                       |                   ::::::::   |
                       |                   ·::::::·   |
                       |         .                    |
                       |     ..::            _,-.-,_  |
                       | ....:.:             \_¸_¸_/  |
                       | :   :              _.(°Y°)._ |
                       | :...: xCz          \¦_¯Y¯_¦/ |

                      _ __/_____
                         /     /
    ______  _____________\     \  ______
_ __\     \/   ___    /   \     \/     /
//   \     \   \_____/\    \     \    /
/__________/_____\_____\____\_____\__/     ·           _ __/_____     ______ _
                                    /     /_______________/     /_   /     //
                                   /    _/   \      _    /    ___/__/     /
_  _ __ _________________________ /     \     \    /____/     \     \     \
                                 /_______\_____\_____\  \______\____/      \
                                                                kRm/       /
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_\ __)__               ____  ____________               ____________
  ·     \ __  _________\_  \/           / _________.---/         __/_________
©Mt______\  \/          /--/___________/--)         \-/__________\   _
        `---/__________/             `---------------\            \__________

                    ·Shock G/Jedi^Arts·Immune - That's me·
                     ·Back again, with my 6th collection·

          ___________    ___________ __________ __________ __________
          \     .___/__./   ._     /_\___     /   ._     /   ._     / -sg
   _____ _ \    |\     |    |/    /.    _    /    |/    /    |/    / _ ___ _.
 ._\        \__________|    /______|________/|____/    /._________/       (_|
 |  \                \_______|  ______           /______|                   |
 :  \\ _    ____________ _______\     \  ______ __________ ______      __ · :
 ·   ·\/   /    ._     /     _   \     \/     /_\___     /      /____  \//  ·
          /     |/    /.     /    \_   /    _/     _    /     _/    /   /
 .      _/      /______|___________/________\|_________/|___________\  ·    .
 :      \________|                                                          :
 |_                  ·      ·Grand Royal - A Tribute To The Best·          _|
 |_)_______________ /_____________________________________________________(_|

         \·   "Seems like everybody's got something I have not,   //
          \\                A reason not to die."                ·/

         ______________ ___________ ________     ·
         \     _      /   ._      /     ___/___ /
         ·\    /   __/    |/     /.    _/     // ______. __, ___
       _ _\\_______\      /_______|___________\\ \_ (__|(___(__/_,
                   \_______|                      \
                   ._\ _ _ _                         \   (_.
                   |  \//       ·The Preface·         ·   |
                   |                                      |
                 Give and get respect, that's what it's all about.  ......
       ....  At the time it's me giving full  respect in the form ..:..  :
       :     of asciis to  the artists whose work I love most.  A   :.:..:
       :     few of them are  missing due to several  reasons but     :
       :     I hope this one  at least somehow  shows my  respect     :
       :     to you guys. ( IF you happen to care anyway... ) I'm     :
       :     really not expecting that many of you will use these     :
       :     logos at all,  but if you do I'd be very  impressed.     :
       :        After this collection I'll be taking  a few weeks     :
       :     out of the ascii business. So, feel free to  request     :
       :     as much as you want from me but be  prepared to wait     :
       :     some time.  That's also the  reason why this one got     :
       :     out so soon. End of the info shit.                       :
       :        Now, there's something I'd like to comment ... As     :
       :     I look the  collections from  several artists  I see     :
       :     these logos  saying 'Nazis suck',  etc.  A nice idea     :
       :     and  I'm totally  with you guys,  BUT  do you really     :
       :     think that those fucking  naziscums  have the brains     :
       :     to even use a computer? And even if they do, do they     :
       :     care about some silly banners...? What I'm saying is     :
       :     that words are NOT enough - you gotta ACT to make an     :
       :     end to the filthy nazi propaganda! Go out and spread     :
       :     the word  in the streets - that's where the  problem     :
       :     lies, not here in the scene although there are a few     :
       :     of them among us. I guess I would've added some nice     :
       :     banner like  the ones I mentioned above to this coll     :
       :     unless they hadn't lost their  effect after some ppl     :
       :     started to take them as some kind of a fashion thing     :
       :     and added them into  their collections  just because     :
       :     'they look cool'.. :(                        |           :
    ...:..      Well,'nuff of that whining. Go check out the coll     :
    :  :.:.. and watch out  for Ranx's next  collection too. Over ....:
    :....:   and out.                                 ·   .
                   |                              __ /    |
                -Shock G/Jedi^Arts·Immune.        \//     |
                   |_                              /     _|
                     )________  /\______________________(

      ______________ _________ __________  __________     ________
      \ _    _     /_\__     / \   _     \/        _/     \_      \    rX/jA!
      .\/    /____/    _    /      /     /.        |       |       \
      |_______|  |_________/|      \______|________|       |________\ _
 __________________________ |______| ________________________________\/__ _ _
  \   p a r t  o n e  -  t h e  a r t i s t s  !
                        · ·························\·
        Chrombacher ÷ Crusader ÷ Danzig ÷ Desoto ÷ Devistator ÷ Exocet
     Gozz ÷ H2o ÷ Hijack ÷ Karma ÷ Lord Chaos ÷ Mark Ryder ÷ Maz ÷ Misfit
    Mogue ÷ Mortimer Twang ÷ Nike ÷ Ramon ÷ Ranx ÷ Scarface ÷ Shapechanger
            Treach ÷ U-Man ÷ Vinzi ÷ Wishbringer ÷ Xcluziwe ÷ Zeus
                        ·/························· ·

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·Chrombacher/E^d·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                                           ._\                         /_.
                   ____.                   |                        _ /  |
    __________    /    |______ __________ __________ __  _______    \/   |
    \     _._/___/     _     /   ._     /    _     /   \/      /         |
     \    \|    /      /    /.   |/    /.    /    /    \/     /          |
  -sg \_________\_____/______|   /______|________/______\    /.          |
                          \_______|        .          /_______| ·        |
           |____ ___, ___\____ ___ ____    |                   /         |
           |___/(___|(___,\  /(__/,\   '   |__   ·Chrombacher / E^d·   __|
                            /                /______________ / ________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /        ·Crusader/E^d!·        .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

 __________    __________\ _    /_______________ __________
 \     _._/___/   ._     /\/   /     \        _/_\___     / _ _________
  \    \|    /    |/    /.    /|     |\       \     _    /          _ /_.
   \_________\    /______|___________|_________\________/           \/  | -sg
           \_______|             ·        ____________ ________   ___________
               .                /        .\   ._     /     ___/__/   ._     /
               |__   ·Crusader / E^d·    |    |/    /     _/    /    |/    /.
                 /__________  / ______ _ |_________/|___________\    /______|
                             /                                \_______|

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·Danzig/Arclite!·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                                           __________ /
           ____________ __________ ________\_       //_____.________
          .\   ._     /_\___     /   ._     /      //      |    .__/___
  _____ _ |    |/    /     _    /    |/    /      //       |    |\    / -sg
._\ _     |_________/|_________/|____/    /________|_______|__________\
|  \/               ·               /______|     /
|                  /                   .        ·
|__       ·Danzig / Arclite·         __|
  /_____________ / __________________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·Desoto/Mo'Soul!·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

           ____________ _______ __________ __________ ________ __________
          .\   ._     /    ___/_\       _/    _     /       _/    _     /
  _____ _ |    |/    /    _/    |\      \     /    /        \     /    /
._\ _     |_________/|__________|________\________/|_________\________/-sg
|  \/               ·                  .
|                  /                   |
|__       ·Desoto / Mo'Soul·         __|
  /_____________ / __________________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /     ·Devistator/Twisted!·     .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                       ________      ·
  ____________ _______ \ _    /___. /____ __________
 .\   ._     /    ___/_.\/   /    |/      \       _/                   ·
 |    |/    /    _/    |    /_    |       .\      \  ________________ / ____
 |_________/|__________|__________|_______|________\                 /     /_.
    .                           /                        ·Devistator/        |
    |     ._________ __________·_______ __________ __________      /Twisted· |
-sg |__   |       _/_\___     /      _/    _     /   ._     /     /        __|
      /__ |       \     _    /       \     /    /    |/    /. __ / ________\
          |________\________/|________\________/     /______|   /
                                              \_______|        ·

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·Exocet/Arclite!·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                           ._\ _ _ _                  /_.
               _________   |  \//                       |
    ___________\       /_____ __________ _______ ___________   _________
    \      ___/__     /     /    _     /    _._/_\      ___/__/       _/
     \    _/    /    /     /.    /    /     \|    \    _/    /        \
                           .               ·            .
                           |              /             |
                           |__   ·Exocet / Arclite·   __|
                             /_________ / ____________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /          ·Gozz/Atre·          .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                      ___________ __________\_    ___/______
                      \     .___/__.   _     /    \_       /
                ______ \    |\     |   /    /      /.     /
              ._\ _     \__________|_______/________|    /.
              |  \/                 ·            /________| -sg
              |                    /                  .
              |__           ·Gozz / Atre·            _|
                /_______________ / __________________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /         ·H2o/Contra!·         .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                          ._\              _ _ _ /_.
                          |                   \\/  |
                         ____.   __________        |
                        /    |___\_        \ __________
                       /    _     /        /    _     /
                     _/     /    /.       /.    /    /
                     \_____/______|________|________/ -sg
                          .            ·           .
                          |           /            |
                          |__   ·H2o / Contra·   __|
                            /______ / ___________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·Hijack/Arclite!·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                                ____________________ / ___
                              ._\                   /    /_.
       ____.       ·          |                    /       | -sg
      /    |_____ /______.    '________ __________/_______ |  ____. ______
     /    _     //       |_____\      /_\___     /    _._/___/    |/     /
   _/     /    //        |     /     /     _    /     \|    /     /     /.
              /               .               /            .
             ·                |              /             |
                              |__   ·Hijack / Arclite·   __|
                                /_________ / ____________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /        ·Karma/Arclite·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

       ______. ______ __________ __________ ___  _______ __________
       \ _   |/     /_\___     /   ._     /    \/      /_\___     /
      _/\/   /     /.    _    /    |/    /.    \/     /     _    / _________
  -sg \______\______|________/     /______|_____\    /._________/      _ _ /_.
                            \_______|         /_______|         ·       \\/  |
                                                 .             /             |
                                                 |__   ·Karma / Arclite·   __|
                                                   /________ / ____________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /      ·Lord Chaos/Whale!·      .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

 _________  _____________ __________ __________                 ·
 \ _     /__\.    _     /   ._     /   ._     / _ _____________/_________
 .\/   _/    |    /    /    |/    /.   |/    /                /         /_.
 |___________|________/     /______|________/    ·Lord Chaos / Whale·     |
     .               \_______|        ____.                 /             |
 -sg |                 __________    /    |_____ __________/______ __________
     |__               \     _._/__./    _     /_\___     /   _    \       _/
       /_____________ _ \    \|    |     /    /.    _    /    /    /\      \

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /     ·Mark Ryder/Mo'Soul!·     .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                        ·  _______  _______ __________ __________ ____. ______
       _______________ /__ \      \/      /_\___     /   ._     /     |/     /
     ._\              /     \     \/     /     _    /    |/    /.     /     /.
     |   ·Mark Ryder /       \_____\    /._________/     /______|_____\______|
     |              / Mo'Soul·   /_______|        \_______|              .
     |      ______ ·                                                     |
    ________\__   \  ______ __________ ________   ___________       ·    |
   /   ._     /    \/     /   ._     /     ___/__/   ._     / -sg    \ __|
  /    |/    /\_   /    _/    |/    /     _/    /    |/    /. _ ______\\
_/     /______|/________\__________/|___________\    /______|          \
\_______|                                     \_______|                 ·

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /           ·Maz/Art·           .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                   _______________  / ____________
                 ._\ _             /           _ /_.
                 |  \/       ·Maz / Art·       \/  |
                 |               /               __|________
                 |      _______ ·_______ ________\_        /
                 |__    \      \/      /_\___     /       /
                   /____ \     \/     /     _    /       /.
                          \_____\    /._________/_________| -sg

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /        ·Misfit/Whale!·        .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                          ·                            ·
        _______  _______ /_____ ___________ __________/______.__________
        \      \/      //       \        _/        __/       |        _/
   _____ \     \/     //        |\       \        _//        |        \
 ._\ _    \_____\    //_________|_________\_______\/_________|_________\ -sg
 |  \/        /_______|           .               /
 |                  /             |              ·
 |                 /              |
 |__      ·Misfit / Whale·      __|
   /____________ / _____________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /        ·Mogue/Arclite·        .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

    _______________  / ______________
  ._\               /             _ /_.
  |         ·Mogue / Arclite·     \/  |
  |               /                   |        ________
  |      _______ ·_______ __________ ________  \ _    /____._________
  |__    \      \/      /    _     /    .___/__.\/   /     |     ___/___
    /____ \     \/     /     /    /     |\     |    /|     |    _/     /
           \_____\    /._________/_____________|___________|___________\ -sg

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /     ·Mortimer Twang/Hos!·     .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                                       __.__ __ ___ |_  ,__.__ __ ___
                  ______               \ | /(__)\  '|__)|\ | /(_/,\  '
     ___________ /   __/___   __________\__________ _______
     \        _//    \     \__\___     / \ ._     /    .__/___
      \       \/     /\     \    _    /   ·|/    /     |\    / ________
   -sg \_______\_____/\______\_______/|____/    /.___________\      _ /_.
                           .              /______|       ·          \/  |
                           |                            /               |
                           |__         ·Mortimer Twang / Hos·         __|
                             /_______________________ / ______________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /          ·Nike/Hos!·          .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

          .____________ /_____._____. ______ ________
          |    ._     //      |     |/     /     ___/__
          |    |/    //       |     /     /.    _/    / _______
      -sg |____/    //________|_____\______|__________\     _ /_.
              /______|           .                 ·        \/  |
                   /             |                /             |
                  ·              |__       ·Nike / Hos·       __|
                                   /___________ / ____________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /          ·Ramon/Hos·          .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                    ._\ _               /_.
                    |  \/                 |
           ____________ __________ __  _______ __________ __________
          /    ._     /_\___     /   \/      /    _     /   ._     /
         /     |/    /.    _    /    \/     /     /    /    |/    /
       _/      /______|________/______\    /._________/_____/    /.
       \________|   .             · /_______|              /______|-sg
                    |            /        .
                    |__  ·Ramon / Hos·  __|
                      /_______ / _______\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·Ranx/Jedi^Arts!·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

      _____________ ___________ _________\__      /_____        ·
 -sg /    ._      /_\____     /    ._      /     /     / _____ / __________
    /     |/     /.     _    /     |/     /     /     /.      /         _ /_.
  _/      /_______|_________/|_____/     /.____/_______|     /          \/  |
  \________|                      /_______|    .            / Jedi^Arts·    |
                                               |__   ·Ranx /              __|
                                                 /_______ / ______________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /      ·Scarface/Twisted!·      .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                      ___________ _______     __________ __________
                      \        _/    _._/__.__\___     /   ._     /
          ___________ .\       \     \|    |     _    /    |/    /.
        ._\ _         |_________\__________|_________/     /______|-sg
        |  \/            ·         ______. __  __   \_______|
        |               /          \_ (__|(__,(_/,     .
        |__  ·Scarface / Twisted·   \                __|
          /__________ / ____________ \ ______________\
                     /                \
                    ·                  ·

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /    ·Shapechanger/Arclite!·    .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

___________ /    |_____ __________ __________ _______
\        _//    _     /_\___     /    _     /    ___/__ -sg
.\       \/     /    /.    _    /     /   _/    _/    / __________________
|_________\____/______|________/|_________\___________\            _ _ _ /_.
               ____.                      .                           \\/  |
__________    /    |_____ __________ _____|____ ______ __________   ___________
\     _._/___/    _     /_\___     /   ._     /   .__/__.    ___/__/   ._     /
 \    \|    /     /    /.    _    /    |/    /    |\    |   _/    /    |/    /.
  \_________\____/______|________/_____/    /.__________|_________\    /______|
                                      /______|                 ·\_______|  .
                                          .                   /            |
                                          |__  ·Shapechanger / Arclite·  __|
                                            /______________ / ___________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /        ·Treach/Contra·        .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

     ____________ ____________ ________     __________ _______    /    |______
     \         _//    ._     /     ___/__.__\___     /    _._/___/     _     /
  ___ \        \/     |/    /.    _/     |     _    /     \|    /      /    /.
._\    \________\     /______|___________|_________/|___________\_____/______|
|  \ _        \________| ·                    .
|   \/                  /                     | -sg
|__            ·Treach / Contra·            __|
  /__________________ / ____________________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /        ·U-Man/Arclite·        .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                                      ._\                   /_.
            ________                  |                       |
            \ _    /____.  _______  _______ __________ ____________
            /\/   /     | _\      \/      /_\___     /    ._      /
          _/     /|     |(_)\     \/     /     _    /     |/     / -sg
          \_____________|    \_____\    /._________/|_____/     /.
                                 /_______|         ·     /_______|
                                      .           /           .
                                      |__ ·U-Man / Arclite· __|
                                        /______ / __________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /        ·Vinzi/Mo'Soul·        .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

             ________      ·               __________ /
             \ _    /___. /_____.__________\_       //_____.
             /\/   /    |/      |    ._     /      //      | -sg
           _/     /_    |       |    |/    /      //       | ___
           \____________|_______|____/    /._______|_______|   /_.
                      /        .    /______|     /               |
                     ·         |                /                |
                               |__      ·Vinzi / Mo'Soul·      __|
                                 /__________  / _______________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·Wishbringer/Hos·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

              ._\ _                   /_.
     ________ |  \/     ·              _|__.
     \ _  __/___  _______\___________ /    |______
 -sg /\/  \     \/        \        _//     _     / |__ ___ , ___ ___ ___ ___
    /     /\     \        |\       \/      /    /. |__)\  '|(  /(__/(__/,\  '
   /______/\______\_______|_________\_____/______|            /   /
              .                  ·      .
              |                 /       |
              |__ ·Wishbringer / Hos· __|
                /____________ / ______\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /        ·Xcluziwe/Sos!·        .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

__________                         ________
\        /_____ _______ ________   \ _    /____.
 \ _    /     /    _._/_\.     /___.\/   /     | _ _________________
_/\/   /     /.    \|    |   _/    |    /|     |                 _ /_.
\_____/_______|__________|_________|___________| ·       ______  \/  | -sg
         .                          ___________ /_____. /   __/___ ._________
         |__    ·Xcluziwe / Sos·    \_        //      |/    \     \|     ___/__
           /_____________________ _  /       //       |     /\     \    _/    /

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /         ·Zeus/Style!·         .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_       ·The Painters!·       _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                  ____________ ________ \        /___ ____________
                  \_         /     ___/__\ _    /     \         _/
        ________ _ /        /.    _/     /\/   /|     |\        \
      ._\ _       /__________|___________\____________|__________\ -sg
      |  \/            ·             .
      |               /              |
      |__      ·Zeus / Style·      __|
        /__________ / _____________\

      ______________ _________ __________  __________     ________\
      \ _    _     /_\__     / \   _     \/        _/     \__      \   rX/jA!
      .\/    /____/    _    /      /     /.        |       /       /.
      |_______|  |_________/|      \______|________|    _ /_________|
 __________________________ |______| ___________________ /_______________ __ _
  \   p a r t  t w o  -  t h e  a s c i i  c r e w s  !
                        · ·························\·
           Arclite ÷ Caustic Style ÷ Divine Stylers ÷ Epsilon Design
      House Of Style ÷ Mo'Soul ÷ Save Our Souls ÷ Style ÷ Twisted ÷ Whale
                        ·/························· ·

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /           ·Arclite·           .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_      ·The Ascii Crews·      _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

     ._\ _ _ _                    /_.
     |  \//                         |            ·
   __________ __________ _______  ________  -sg /______.__________ _________
___\___     /   ._     /    _._/__\      /____ /       |        _//     ___/__
\     _    /    |/    /.    \|    |    _/    //        |        \/     _/    /
/_________/     /______|__________|__________\_________|_________\___________\
     .   \_______|                  .       /
     |                         ·    |      ·
     |__        ·Arclite!·      \ __|

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /        ·Caustic Style·        .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_      ·The Ascii Crews·      _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                          _________                          ·
    __________     _______\       /___ ___________ ________ /______.________
-sg \     _._/__.__\___    \ _   /     \        _/       _//       |    _._/__.
  __ \    \|    |     _    /\/  /|     |\       \        \/        |    \|    |
._\   \_________|_________/____________|_________\________\________|__________|
|                 ______                                /                     .
___________ ______\__   \  ______ _____   __________   ·                      |
\        _//       _/    \/     /     /___\ _   ___/_.    ·Caustic Style·   __|
.\       \/        \\_   /    _/    _/    |\/  _/    | _____________________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·Divine Stylers!·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_      ·The Ascii Crews·      _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

           ._\                        _ /_.
           |         ·    ________    \/  | -sg
       ____________ /_____\ _    /___. ______.____________ ________
      .\   ._     //      .\/   /    |/      |    ._     /     ___/__
      |    |/    //       |    /_    |       |    |/    /     _/    /
      |_________//________|__________|_______|____/    /.___________\
           .    /                         .      /______|
           |__ /   ·Divine Stylers·     __|   __,                  __,
             //_________________________\     \ |_     | /  __ ___ \
             /                               (_\|__)(__|/_,(_/_\  (_\
            ·                                          |

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·Epsilon Design!·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_      ·The Ascii Crews·      _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

 __________ .____________________ /_____._______ _____________ __________
 \ _   ___/_|    _     /       _//      |      /_\__   _     /   ._     /
 .\/  _/    |    /   _/\       \/       |    _/    /   /    /    |/    / -sg
 |__________|________\|_________\_______|__________\_______/|____/    /.
                              /                   ·             /______|
                 ____________/_______ __________ /_____.________ .____________
                .\   ._     /    ___/_\       _//      |    .__/_|_   ._     /
  _____________ |    |/    /    _/    |\      \/       |    |\    /   |/    /
._\ _           |_________/|__________|________\_______|__________\___/    /.
|  \/                    /      .            /                       /______|
|__     ·Epsilon Design!·     __|           ·

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·House Of Style!·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_      ·The Ascii Crews·      _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

        ._\                            _ /_.
      __|_.               ________     \/  | -sg
     /    |_____ _________\ _    /___ ___________ _________
    /    _     /    _     /\/   /     \        _//     ___/__
  _/     /    /.    /    /     /|     |\       \/     _/    /
        .    ·                             .             __,
        |__ /     ·House of Style·       __|     __ ___  \ |_     | /  ___
          //_____________________________\      (__)\_  (_\|__)(__|/_,(__/,
          /                                          \            |

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /           ·Mo'Soul·           .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_      ·The Ascii Crews·      _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                      ._\                _ _ _ /_.
                      |       _             \\/  |  ________
 _______  _______ __________ //___________ _________\ _    /____._______
 \      \/      /    _     //· \        _/    _     /\/   /     |      /____
  \     \/     /     /    /    .\       \     /    /     /|     |    _/    /
   \_____\    /._________/     |_________\________/_____________|__________\-sg
       /_______|      .    ·                     .
                      |__ /     ·Mo'Soul·      __|

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /       ·Save Our Souls!·       .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_      ·The Ascii Crews·      _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

__________ _________\ _   /___._________           ___     .____
\       _/_\___     /\/  /    |     ___/__        (___)(___|\   '
.\      \     _    /    /_    |    _/    / _ ________________________
|________\________/___________|__________\                    _ _ _ /_.
  .                                           _______            \\/  | -sg
  |    ·                  __________ _________\ _   /___._______   __________
  |__ / ·Save Our Souls·  \       _/    _     /\/  /    |      /___\       _/
    //_________________ _ .\      \     /    /    /|    |    _/    |\      \
    /                     |________\________/___________|__________|________\

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /            ·Style·            .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_      ·The Ascii Crews·      _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                  ___________ ______\__   \  ______ _____     ________
                  \        _//       _/    \/     /     /____/    ___/__
      ___________ .\       \/        \\_   /    _/    _/    /    _/    /
    ._\ _         |_________\_________\/________\___________\__________\ -sg
    |  \/                       ·    .
    |__       ·Style/Mystic·     \ __|

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /           ·Twisted·           .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_      ·The Ascii Crews·      _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                                   ._\             _ _ _ /_.
             ________          ·   |                  \\/  |
  ___________\ _  __/___  ______\___________ ________ _________ ____________
  \        _//\/  \     \/       \        _/       _//     ___/__   ._     /
   \       \/     /\     \       |\       \        \/     _/    /   |/    /
-sg \_______\_____/\______\______|_________\________\___________\________/
                                   .    ·                  .
                                   |__ /   ·Twisted·     __|

    ______:_ _________     ________ ._ __ _.
.___\_    |__\____   /__.__\____   \: _\/_ |    ______  /\___________________
|    /    |    _/___/   |      /    /_\/\/_|  ._)     \/              _ _ _ /_.
:_____.---:--.________ _:--._______/|______|  |/        ·Grand Royal·    \\/  |
cDr___  ______  ____/___|__ _______   .----.  /            ·Whale·            .
ed/   \_\___  \_\ ________/_\  ___/__.|jEDi| ·|_      ·The Ascii Crews·      _|
 /     \  _/  _/ \/     |    \---.   ||aRTs|    )__________________  /\_____(
/_______\-/____\-.______|--._________|`----'                       \/

                                         ._\            _ _ _ /_.
        __________      ____.            |                 \\/  |
        \      __/___  /    |______ __________ ______     _________
         \ _   \     \/     _     /_\___     /      /____/     ___/__
     -sg /\/   /\     \     /    /.    _    /     _/    /     _/    /
                                         .    ·                 .
                                         |__ /    ·Whale·     __|

        //  The spark of life is to be accepted as a sacred trust  ·/
       /·     to be transmitted undimmed to future generations    //

                                                          ::·    .:.
                          ......                         ::·   .:::::..:
                       .:::::::::                  ...:::::  .:::··:::::·
  |   ..:::..   ::.::·       :::::::··  ·:::. .:::·    :::.::·      :·      |
  |  ::::··:::. ::::        :::::::      ::::.::·      :::::·       ...     |
  | ::::·    ·:::: .:     .::·::::  . ..::::.::·      .:::::    ..::··:::   |
  | ::::       ·· ::: ..::·· :::::.·······..:::     .::.:::  ..::·     :::  |
    ·:::       ::··::::.....::··            ·::::··     ·::·  ·:::....:::   :
     ·:::     ::·  ::: ·····                                    ··:::::·dto!
      ·:::...:::   :::
        ··::::·    :·       'Grand Royal' - The Credits.

                  . .....
        Main Artwork ::::..................... Shock G/Jedi^Arts·Immune
                                       . .::::
                       . .....
        Additional Asciis ::::................ Bastard/Digital Graffiti
                                          :::: Xcluziwe/Save Our Souls
                                          :::: Karma/Arclite
                                          :::: Mortimer Twang/Hos
                                          :::: Ranx/Jedi^Arts
                                          :::: Crusader/Epsilon^Design
                                          :::: Desoto/Mo'Soul
                                          :::: Nup!/Atre
                                       . .::::
                         . .....
        Musical Inspiration ::::.............. Genius/GZA
                                          :::: Tha Alkaholiks
                                          :::: Branford Marsalis
                                          :::: Guru/Jazzmatazz
                                          :::: Rage Against The Machine
                                          :::: Fugazi
                                          :::: Nofx
                                       . .::::
                  . .....
        Release Date ::::..................... 21/Feb/1996
                                       . .::::
                   . .....
        Original Size ::::.................... 71595 bytes / 2379 lines
                                       . .::::

                                                            .    .
                                                   ..      :::  .::..:.   .
                       ...:::::.                 ·::::.  .:::   .:::::  .:::
                   ..::::::·:::::   ....       ...::::::.:::  .::::::::.:::
  |   ..::::.  .::::...   .::·.:::·  ::::.::::··  ·:::.::::::::·     ....   |
  | .:::··::··. · :::: .:::·.::::·    :::::::      :::::::·::::· ..::::::::.|
  |:::·   ·  ::: ::::.::·  .:::::.    ::::::      .:::::: .::: .:::·· ··::::.
  ::::     .:::· :::::· ...::::::::..:::::::::::::::::::· ::::::·        ::::
  ::::. ..::::· :::::::::·::::  ··::::· ::::        ::::  ·:::·          ::::
  |·:::::·:::·.:::::______:::.____..____::::. .:.___·::::___.:._________::::|
         :::::· ::::       ::::::::··    ··::::·     ·::::.·:::::.....:::::
       .::::·   ::::        ·····                     ·::::·  ··:::::::··
      .:::·     :·                                      ·:·
    :::·              . ....
  .:::dto/m's           ::::...G.r.e.e.t.i.n.g.s.................
  ·::·                                                       ::::
   ·                                                      . .::::

    .Elusive.Gimi.Gravity.Hawkeye.Krusher.Lord Puke.Madman.Micky Zombie.
     .Morbid Angel.Nevermind.Nup!.Peak.Rigor Mortis.Satan's Fire.Scion.
              .Sliver.Snake Man.Sparr.Tinyz.Traitor.Vindigator.
                                                          . .....
                        .. Sorry If I Forgot Someone         ::::
                ::::. .

         .2fast.Acid Kid.Chrombacher.Crusader.Danzig.Desert.Desoto.
     .Lord Chaos.Mark Ryder.Misfit.Mogue.Mortimer Twang.Nike.Nup.Ramon.

    .Arclite.Art.Atre.Caustic Style.Contra.Divine Stylers.Epsilon^Design.
      .Honey.House Of Style.Mo'Soul.Save Our Souls.Style.Twisted.Whale.
                ..... .
                ::::                      ..... .

      _\______  ____________     __________ _________/_
   .____\    ·|_\_____    ·/__.__\___    ·/_\______·/__. ______________  __
   |cDr  \_   |    _/_____/   |     /    /        \/e^d||              ||  |
   |______.---+---.___________|--.______/--.___________||____________ _||__|
                                                        _ _._
                            _________  ___________ ____/__·|__ _________
    __  _ _____________ .___\____  ·/__\____    ·/_\ ________/_\  _____/___.
   |  ||               ||        '   \    _/   _/   \/     |    \----.    ·|

                       The official JEDI^ARTS releases:

33humppa.txt (Mar'95) - pistepirkko feat. humppaa tai kuole - (c) ranx & maxim
      ench_rnx.5th (Aug'95) - enchanted star shines innovative - (c) ranx
             aos!_rnx.6th (Sep'95) - the art of sketch - (c) ranx
                noon_rnx.txt (Oct'95) - bitter noon - (c) ranx
       pass-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - the passion of ranx/jedi^arts! - (c) ranx
            ja!-ihts.txt (Oct'95) - i heard they suck - (c) shock g
                 tdf-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - to die for - (c) ranx
             fwwm-rnx.txt (Nov'95) - fire walk with me - (c) ranx
                 wt-rnx.txt (Dec'95) - winter tears - (c) ranx
                maria.txt (Dec'95) - marian ilmestys - (c) ranx
               hoo!face.txt (Jan'96) - phuckface - (c) hooligan
          ja!-twt .txt (Jan'96) - time will tell - (c) ranx & shock g
            r_o_jedi.txt (Jan'96) - return of the jedi - (c) reflex
 ja!-tale.txt (Feb'96) - fairy tales of million dollar happiness - (c) shock g
   ja!-royl.txt (Feb'96) - grand royal / a tribute to the best - (c) shock g

           These productions have been released under the label of
     JEDI^ARTS and may not be altered in any other form than adding bbs
      ads.  Removing tags or using logos without crediting is strictly
         forbidden under the etiquette of the worldwide ascii scene.

      _\______  ____________     __________ _________/_
   .____\    ·|_\_____    ·/__.__\___    ·/_\______·/__. ______________  __
   |cDr  \_   |    _/_____/   |     /    /        \/e^d||              ||  |
   |______.---+---.___________|--.______/--.___________||____________ _||__|
                                                        _ _._
                            _________  ___________ ____/__·|__ _________
    __  _ _____________ .___\____  ·/__\____    ·/_\ ________/_\  _____/___.
   |  ||               ||        '   \    _/   _/   \/     |    \----.    ·|

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ           ______©nUP! ._____
__ _ ____  \     \  ___l_    \--------------
        /---\     \/    /     \ ·jEDI^aRTS·
_ _ _ _/     \     \_  /_      \_ _ _ _
   \\\\_____________/    \______////
        _ __ _ _/          |
._)                        |             (_
|  ·The 6th Shock G/Jedi^Arts Collection·  |
|_ ·Grand Royal - A Tribute To The Best!· _|

{end_of_the_grand_royal. (c) shock g/ja!.}