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22 856 bytes (22.32K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:57
Download count:
all-time: 494


                            |            |
     .      .   b  l a c k g|o l d.      |
           ___ ________ ____|__ ___  ____|_ ____________________________
       ___|   |    ___/   _    \   |/      \    __     \     ___/    __/(r)
      /   |   |    __/_   /    /   |   \    \   _/   __/     |  \    \
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                            |      .s h o|c k g j e d i a r t  s   .      .

      '' The Better Part of One's Life Consists of Their Friendships. ''

                                                      - Abraham Lincoln

     - BLACK · GOLD -                 \   \  ______
    ________________   ________________\_ _\/  ___/______
  _| ________  _   /  _\________   _____/ \__________   /
  \  \_ ____/  /  /   \   ______   \     _   \      /  /
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              \__\   \____/    \____/______________\____/

                                   . .:. .

                                 05 / 20 / 97

                           Eight Crappy Logos For:

              Pixel, Heck, Zeus, Tommy, Javis, Crane, War-Child
                                  . ..... .

                                °¤½`¬-¬ )½½¤°
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                           \\\   \)   ____(_ \( __
                        ___ _ \___)---'    \__\\_)
                       (__///  (       _ ___(_       _
                              .-\------\______) ©Mt /_)

                      .. logo number o1 / Candy Store ..
                :__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:
              . | //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // | .
              . | \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  | .
       .  . ..: |_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__| :.. .  .
                           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's

                            _______ ______
                  -sg/jA! ._\     //     /_.   ________ ______
            ________ _____|___ ____________|___\_     /      /____
            \    __//    _    \\    _     /    _/    /_     /    /
        _ _/     \      _/     \_   /    /_    \      /_____\     \_ _
        )\\_____________\_______/__/______/___________\   /________//(
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           _ _\        /      |     /     \   _/    /_   _/    //(
                          |__            __|

                               __ _____\ _
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                        ___ _(___/    _       __¦ _
                       (__/// _\______\______(_//))) )
                           _ (________/        )¡_ _
                              `------(________/ !

                       .. logo number o2 / Pro^Arts ..
                :__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:
              . | //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // | .
              . | \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  | .
       .  . ..: |_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__| :.. .  .
                           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's

                              _______ ______
                    -sg/jA! ._\     //     /_.            ____________
    ___________ __________ _|______          |            \_        _/
    \   _     /    _     /    _    \ ________|_ ___________|_      _|_____
_ _/   (/  __/    _/    /_    /     \\    _    \\     _     /      \     /___ _
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                            |      \_____\_______/___\______/      \________\
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                                °¤½`¬-¬ )½½¤°
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                           \\\   \)   ____(_ \( __
                        ___ _ \___)---'    \__\\_)
                       (__///  (       _ ___(_       _
                              .-\------\______) ©Mt /_)

                      .. logo number o3 / Crane Prods ..
                :__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:
              . | //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // | .
              . | \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  | .
       .  . ..: |_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__| :.. .  .
                           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's

                                 _______ ______
                               ._\     //     /_. -sg/jA!
              ________ ________|__ ________ ____|_______ ______
              \    __//    _     /    _    \\    _     /    __/___ _
          _ _/     \      _/    /_   _/     \_   /    /_   _/    //(
             ___________ ______|___ ________ ___|__\_    _/_____
             \   _     /    _     /    _    \\     _/    \     /___ _
         _ _/   (/  __/    _/    /_    /     \     \     _\       //(
                               |__            __|

                               __ _____\ _
                               \_)) ____  )_,
                              · _( .'_ (__ ) ___ _ __
                           _ _¡_(  ((¤\ /)_ ))__\\) /
                              :  ///_____\\\
                              __/(·       ·)\_
                              )/  )_______(__/©Mt
                        ___ _(___/    _       __¦ _
                       (__/// _\______\______(_//))) )
                           _ (________/        )¡_ _
                              `------(________/ !

                        .. logo number o4 / Altern ..
                :__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:
              . | //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // | .
              . | \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  | .
       .  . ..: |_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__| :.. .  .
                           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's

                                     _______ ______
                   _____________   ._\     //     /_. -sg/jA!
          _________\          _/___|____ ______ ____|______ __________
          \    _    \         \       _/    __//    _     /    _     /
      _ _/    _/     \_     _/        |    _/      _/    /_    /    /_ _
                                   |__            __|

             '' The Time We Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time. ''

                 (but the time you waste on reading this IS)

                                °¤½`¬-¬ )½½¤°
                                _/// °'¯¯\\\
                           _ __/_(·¯¯¯¯¯¯¯·)\__
                           \\\   \)   ____(_ \( __
                        ___ _ \___)---'    \__\\_)
                       (__///  (       _ ___(_       _
                              .-\------\______) ©Mt /_)

                        .. logo number o5 / Altern ..
                :__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:
              . | //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // | .
              . | \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  | .
       .  . ..: |_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__| :.. .  .
                           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's

                             _____________ -sg/jA!
                    _________\  _       _/________ _
                 .__\    _    \ \       \       _//(_______.
                _|_/    _/     \_     _/        |    _     |
                 |                                   '     |
                 |  A n  A l t e r n  P r o d u c t i o n  |

                               __ _____\ _
                               \_)) ____  )_,
                              · _( .'_ (__ ) ___ _ __
                           _ _¡_(  ((¤\ /)_ ))__\\) /
                              :  ///_____\\\
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                              )/  )_______(__/©Mt
                        ___ _(___/    _       __¦ _
                       (__/// _\______\______(_//))) )
                           _ (________/        )¡_ _
                              `------(________/ !

                      .. logo number o6 / Fear Ascii ..
                :__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:
              . | //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // | .
              . | \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  | .
       .  . ..: |_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__| :.. .  .
                           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's

                                  _______ ______
                        -sg/jA! ._\     //     /_.
                   ___________ _|____ _________ _|___________
                   \       __/    __//    _    \\     _     /
               _ _/       _/     _/      _/     \_   _/    /_ _
                __________ _____|_ ________ _____|__ ________
                \    _    \      //__   __//       /.\      /
            _ _/    _/     \_       /   \           |        \_ _
                                |__            __|

                                °¤½`¬-¬ )½½¤°
                                _/// °'¯¯\\\
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                           \\\   \)   ____(_ \( __
                        ___ _ \___)---'    \__\\_)
                       (__///  (       _ ___(_       _
                              .-\------\______) ©Mt /_)

                  .. logo number o7 / Nocturnal Supremacy ..
                :__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:
              . | //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // | .
              . | \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  | .
       .  . ..: |_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__| :.. .  .
                           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's

                         _______ ______
               -sg/jA! ._\     //     /_.           ________
        ____________ __|_____ ________ _|________ __\_     /___________
        \    _     /    _    \\    __//__      _/    /    /_    _     /
    _ _/     /    /_    /     \    \    /      |     \     /   _/    /_ _
        ____________ __|_____\           / _______ ____\_     /___________
        \    _     /     _    \         /  \     //__   /    /_\   _     /_
    _ _/     /    /_    _/     \_      /|_ _\       /   \     /   (/  __//(
      ____________ ____|_ ______ _______|________ ________\       /____
      \    _     /    __//      /      /    _    \\    __//__    /    /
  _ _/    _/    /_   _/        \/    _/    _/     \_   \    /____\     \_ _
  )\\_____\______/___\_________/_____\_____\_______/________\  /________//(
                       |__            __|

                               __ _____\ _
                               \_)) ____  )_,
                              · _( .'_ (__ ) ___ _ __
                           _ _¡_(  ((¤\ /)_ ))__\\) /
                              :  ///_____\\\
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                              )/  )_______(__/©Mt
                        ___ _(___/    _       __¦ _
                       (__/// _\______\______(_//))) )
                           _ (________/        )¡_ _
                              `------(________/ !

                      .. logo number o8 / Soul Fusion ..
                :__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:
              . | //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // | .
              . | \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  | .
       .  . ..: |_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__| :.. .  .
                           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's

                          ______ _____
                -sg/jA! ._\    //    /_.   ________ _________
                   _____|_ __________ _|___\_     /         /
                   \     //__   _    \\     /    /_        /_
                 _ _\       /   /     \     \     /       //(
          ___________ __\_    _/_____ _|_______ _________ ____________
          \       __/    /    \     //__      /     _    \\    _     /
      _ _/       _/      \    _\       /       \_   /     \    /    /_ _
                        |__           _|

                 .        . .. e p i l o g u e .. .        .

                     The purpose of this short collection
               was to give you guys the few requests I decided
                   to accept during the past three months.

                 Since I don't have any inspiration whatsoever
               to design a collection, I based the design on the
                       works of the following persons:

                              D h m / S t y l e

                       G d m / L o o k e r  H o u s e

                      R a m o n / L o w  P r o f i l e

                          M o r t i m e r  T w a n g

                               C r u s a d e r

                  So, thank you for making this silly little
                collection at least a bit more decent looking.

          ______  _____                     ____                __
______ ___\    /__\ __/__ __________________\_ /_ _ ____________\/__ __________
      \\      /   __)    \_                  /   \_                 \\
_______\\___ /____\_______/_______________________/__________________\\________
                        j   e   d   i    a   r   t   s
                         _____     _____    _____    _____
_____________________ ___\ _ /__ __\_  /__ _\_ _/_  _\  _/__
                     \\    (_   \_   _/   \_      \_  \__   \_ ________________
______________________\\____/____/___\_____/_______/___ /    //
< --------------------------------------- -   -gdm^lkr /____//_________________

                       The JEDI/\RTS Artists & Boards.

                 Ranx·Shock G·Dino·2Fast·Reflex·Maxim·Wise-K
           Propaganda·Zillion Hours·Back Fire·Another Step·Euphoria

                   The Official JEDI/\RTS Releases So Far.

33humppa.txt (Mar'95) - pistepirkko feat. humppaa tai kuole - (c) ranx & maxim
               r!kemos.txt (Apr'95) - kemosynteesi - (c) reflex
     ench_rnx.5th (Aug'95) - enchanted star shines innovative - (c) ranx
             aos!_rnx.6th (Sep'95) - the art of sketch - (c) ranx
                noon_rnx.txt (Oct'95) - bitter noon - (c) ranx
      pass-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - the passion of ranx/jedi arts! - (c) ranx
           ja!-ihts.txt (Oct'95) - i heard they suck - (c) shock g
                 tdf-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - to die for - (c) ranx
             fwwm-rnx.txt (Nov'95) - fire walk with me - (c) ranx
                wt-rnx.txt (Dec'95) - winter tears - (c) ranx
               maria.txt (Dec'95) - marian ilmestys - (c) ranx
               hoo!face.txt (Jan'96) - phuckface - (c) hooligan
          ja!-twt.txt (Jan'96) - time will tell - (c) ranx & shock g
           r_o_jedi.txt (Jan'96) - return of the jedi - (c) reflex
ja!-tale.txt (Feb'96) - fairy tales of million dollar happiness - (c) shock g
  ja!-royl.txt (Feb'96) - grand royal - a tribute to the best - (c) shock g
      ja!-eyes.txt (Feb'96) - dead eyes - no light no beauty - (c) ranx
              ja!-slds.txt (Mar'96) - solid scheme - (c) shock g
         seja-aab.txt (Apr'96) - afros and boozes - (c) ranx & stz/se
               ja!-mref.txt (Apr'96) - my reflection - (c) ranx
     ja!-hadd.txt (Apr'96) - hadda be playin on the jukebox - (c) shock g
               ja!-look.txt (Jun'96) - looking south - (c) ranx
              underi.txt (Jun'96) - under influence - (c) reflex
              ja!-mood.txt (Jul'96) - mellow mood - (c) shock g
           ja!-ttos.txt (Jul'96) - them talented ones - (c) shock g
               ja!-di2.txt (Aug'96) - destiny in two - (c) ranx
        ja!-frds (Sep'96) - friends - a tribute collection - (c) ranx
                 ja!-popg.txt (Sep'96) - popgun - (c) shock g
             ja!-t^o1.txt (Sep'96) - order odonata - (c) trivial
               ja!-jy.txt (Sep'96) - judge yourself - (c) 2fast
       ja!-airw.txt (Oct'96) - with my new pair of airwalks - (c) ranx
         ja!-bral.txt (Oct'96) - beats, rhymes and life - (c) shock g
              ja!-sm.txt (Nov'96) - stolen moments - (c) shock g
             ja!-mind.txt (Dec'96) - kiss your mind - (c) shock g
            ja!-npth.txt (Dec'96) - no place to hide - (c) wise-k
                ja!-wf.txt (Jan'97) - wildflower - (c) shock g
       ja!-ump.txt (Jan'97) - this used to be my playground - (c) 2fast
             ja!d-one.txt (Jan'97) - why barbie is bad - (c) dino
                ja!-zent.txt (Jan'97) - zen tamasii - (c) ranx
            ja!-desi.txt (Mar'97) - design for life - (c) shock g
                 ja!-spk.txt (Mar'97) - special k - (c) 2fast
               ja!-gold.txt (May'97) - black gold - (c) shock g

                     A Total of 42 JEDI/\RTS Collections.

           These productions have been released under the label of
     JEDI/\RTS and may not be altered in any other form than adding bbs
      ads.  Removing tags or using logos without crediting is strictly
         forbidden under the etiquette of the worldwide ascii scene.

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