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2020-09-16 05:45:02
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                        . ..{·AngerFearIgnorance·}.. .

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   Anger, Fear, Ignorance - A Collection
            by Shock G/Jediarts
_|_ ___ _.___  _|_    ___ ___ _|_ ._ ___ _|_
_|_ )    |)_/,(__((   )__\)  ')__,`--. ( _|_
  (__ .--' ______________________ )__| __)2F

                               __(   :   )__
                         _____|             |_____
                        _\     · JEDI ARTS ·     /_
      _____ ________ _______ ____       ______ _______ ________ ____
      \    \\      //_     //____).    /      \\_    //_     _//   /____
      _\    \    _/  /    /       |   /        _/   /  |     | \_      /
      \______\___________/________|  /____/\___\_______|_____|________/
                        _                         _
                        /_____  1  9   9  7  _____\
                           cDr|___       ___|m's
                                 (__ , __)

          _  _ _ __,    _ _,, _  __  , __   _     __   __,_,   _____
          \)( (_)\_|(_)(_,(_|(_)( /  |( /  (_|(_)(_/(_)_) (_, (_/\ /
       . ..\ . ............... . / ... / . ...... / ........ . /. /.. .

                   a n g e r , f e a r , i g n o r a n c e

   _ ____________ ______/____ _______ _____ _______ ______ ___ _______ ¦ _
   )\\ _              )//    \(_     \\  _//_     //_     \\         /_._\
   |¯ \/              //       /     /  /_  /____/ _/     / ·          T
   ¦                  /       /_____/______________\_______\           |
   :   ______ _______·          \ _______                             _|
   ·___\   _//_     /            \\_     \    ANGER                 ·/\_\
    \     _\  /____/              _/     /          FEAR             \/ //
   /______|________               \_______\   :.         IGNORANCE    ¯T
   .          cDr/________/\________\     .___                         |
   | _____ _____ ______ _____ ________ ___|   \ _____ ______ _______   :
   __\ ___))  _//_    //  _  \\_     //        \\    \\   _//_     /____
   \  \/     /_  /   /    /   _/    /    /|     /    /   /   /____/    /
  /_____________/_____________\_________/¯|    /____/___________________\
                                          |       \
    a new one from the JEDI ARTS studios! |________\ a SHOCK-G production
                                                                 in 1997!

                              .  . ..:::... .  .
                       __: ________________________ :__
                       \_||                        ||_/
                       .--'                        `--.
                       |     » s H O C K ^ G ! «      |
                       |      .                     . |
               ©zS!  ___: ____|____ ____ :__________| ____  p^A
             _ _   _/  _|_\_  |  _//    \|      /   |/   /   _ _
             ///   \___    /     \.      \  |___\   /   /    \\\
              /___________/___|   |______/_____\¦___\_________\
                             \____|  ____       :
                       |            / __/_            |
                       |           /  \_  \           |
                       `--.       /    |   \       .--'
                       ¯¯:                          :¯¯
                       . .{·WORDS FROM THE AUTHOR!·}. .

              Another two-three months have passed and I've got
                   another collection ready to be released.
         This here collection ain't nothing special though. Just a
     bunch of requests done now and then. Hopefully this one is, however,
      a bit more satisfying than the last one I managed to put out as it
    was done with no motivation whatsoever just to release something .. :)
      Actually I don't feel too motivated now either .. I've been really
    depressed and bored lately. Maybe it's because there's only so little
     left of the lovely summer we've been having here in Finland.. Maybe
        it's because my life's been nothing but wasting all my time on
     drinking beer, sleeping and eating (in that order) since I graduated
    this spring.. No chance of getting myself a place at the university...
      Well, at least I have a job. Although I'm not actually the kind of
       person who likes to work all day but I really gotta earn me some
                 money to do something creative .. some day.
          Or could it be that I'm just too lazy to do anything that
         would make me feel any better and quit this whining ... Now
          I've probably only bored you to death as well... oh dear.
       Well, anyway, hopefully I'll meet as many of you as possible at
    Assembly '97 the next weekend. Maybe you could cheer me up a bit, eh?
        You won't catch me with some stupid piece of paper on my back
          screaming out my name though. But if you somehow manage to
            recognize me, do not hesitate to come and share a word
                      with me. Until then, byebye folks.

                          . .{·SHOCKG/JEDIARTS·}. .
           ____    _____    ______   ___
        __|    \__/  _  \__/  _   \_/   \  _ ______________/\  __
     ._/  |    _/    /___/    /   /     /                    \/  |
     |     ____|_________________/_____/     Jedi Arts 1997      |
     |____/                             _____   ______   _____   ·____
        .   Ranx·Shock G·Dino·2Fast    /  _  \_/  _   \_/     \__/   /__
        |     Reflex·Maxim·Wise-K    _/   /   \_  /   /.      _/____    \
        |_/\  __________________ _   \____\____/  \____|______|.   / ___/
            \/                               |____|  sTZ!/sE   |____/


                              . .{·JED|ARTS·}. .
         '' L o v e ,  P u s s y c a t|s  A n d  C a r w r e c k s ''

                               ________________            /
       ________________        \              /    . .....ø
       \            __/___      \  ·Mo!\aL·  _           /:.______
  ___________     _/    _/__ ____\        __(_)_ ______   :|     /
  \         /     \   _/  _/_\_   \       \    _/    _/__ /\    /  ·Overview·
   \   /   /       \______\   /   /_.     /____\   _/   /_/\  __\
 .--\_____/\      /-------/___\_____|    /------\_______\---\/---------------»
 |          \    /                      /
 |           \  /                     \/
 |            \/
 |                          . ..The REQUESTERS.. .
 |               Jazzkid, Dartagnan, Defector, Wasted, Tango
 |             Manta, Stridh, Venturus, Jedi Knight, Devistator
 |             Presence, Olut, Stezotehic, H Seven, Folar, Ranx
 |               Trivial, Iceman, Krazee, Exile, Phreak Klass
 |                         Orthex, Dezibel, Wastrel
 |                        . ..The LOGOS included.. .
 |          Rainy Day, Diablo - The Final Awakening, Bad Influence
 |     Stratosphere, Question Of Lust, Funeral Fog, Hlidskjolf, Moskova
 |       Tropic, Sector Zero, Devistator, Abyss, Presence, The Cellar
 |       Sfs, Cypress, Alicia Silverstone, East Block, Scion, H Seven
 |              Jediarts, Propaganda, Digital Underground, Stz
 |         Alpo Loves Katja, Spread Your Legs And Let Me In, Abuse
 |      Folar, Brainmasturbation, Raging Fire, Black Hole, Main Drain
 |        Newforms, Burnside, Afluence Design, Index, Xedni, Arcade
 |         Dezibel, Twelve, Wastrel, Upload, Download, Conferences
 ¦             .. Making A Total of 44 Logos In 72163 Bytes ..

                                                             _____:_ _
                                      ____________________  |     |
                                    ._)                   | |     |
                                    |                     | |     |
         ______   _______   ____    : _____    ______     | |_____|
        /   _  \_/   _   \_/  _/_____/  _  \__/  _   \    |_____
      _/    \   \_   /   /    \         /___/    /   /.         |
      \_____/____/__/   /______.    :_______.    \____|         |
                   /____\      |    |       |____|              |
                               |    |                          ||
       ________ _____    _____ |   _|___                       ||
    ._/     __//  _  \__/  _  \|   \_   \      a N G E R ,     ·|
    |      __)    /___/    \   \_   /   /.                      |
    |_______\______________/____/   \____|      f E A R ,       |
                               |    |                           |
  _                            |    |      i G N O R A N C E .  :
 (_)   ____     _______   ____ :   _|___   _____   _______   ____     _____
 /  \_/  _/____/   _   \_/    \|   \_   \_/  _  \_/   _   \_/  _/____/  _  \_
/   /    \         /   /       \_   /   /.   \   \_   /   /    \        /___/.
\___\_____\    .__/   /_________/   \____|___/____/__/   /___________________|
           \___| /____\        |____|               /____\  [sTZ!/sE ©'97]

                       ___                                            . ..{o1}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Abuse / Folar.                 |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                             ______  ______
                           ._\     )/     /_.
                        ___|___    /     ___|____ -sg/jA!
            __________  \    _/_______ __\_    _/______ ________
            \    _    \/     \_      /    /    \      //__   __/___ _
        _ _/    _/     \_     /    _/     \    _\        /  _/    //(
                           |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{o2}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Abyss / Devistator.            |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                ______  ______
                              ._\     )/     /_.
                          ____|__  __________  | -sg/jA!
              __________  \    _/__\____    /__|_ ______ ______
              \    _    \/     \_      /   /    //     //__   /___ _
          _ _/    _/     \_     /     /____\     \_       /      //(
          )\\_____\_______/___________\  /________/_______\______\
                              |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{o3}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Afluence Design / Pk.          |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                              ______  ______
                     ____________  ________ ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
  __________ ________\___       /__\_     /_|_____ __________|______ _______
  \    _    \\        __/      /    /    /_    __//   _     /    __//    __/___
_/    _/     \_      _/      _/     \     /   _/      /    /_    \      _/    /
       _______\_     /_______ ________ _____|__ _________ ___|________
       \      _/    /_    __/_\_     //__     //     _   \_    _     /
      _ \     \      /   _/    /_       /      \_____\    /    /    /_ _
      )//____________\___\_____\/_______\_______/  /______\___/______//(
                                            |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{o4}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Alicia Silverstone / Olut.     |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                     ______  ______
                    _____________  ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
           _________\           /__|___ _______ ____|__ _________
           \    _    \         /      //    __//      //    _    \
       _ _/    _/     \_     _/        \_   \          \_  _/     \_ _
         ________ _______\        \      \ _______ _|____ ___________
         \      //__      \        \      \      /    __//    _     /
       _ _\        /       \_       \_    _\   _/    _/      _/    /_ _
             ________ __________ __|_____ __________|_ ______
             \      //__      _/    _    \\    _     /    __/___ _
           _ _\        /      |     /     \    /    /_   _/    //(
                                   |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{o5}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Alpo Loves Katja / Stz.        |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                        ______  ______
                      ._\     )/     /_.
                      |     ___________|_ -sg/jA!
                   ___|_____\          _/_________ ________
                   \    _    \         \   _     /    _    \
               _ _/    _/     \_     _/   (/  __/     /     \ _
          \           /_______\      \ _______ ______ ________
           \         /    _    \      \      /    __/_\_     /___ _
          _ \       /     /     \     _\    /    _/    /_       //(
           ______ /      /________ ___________   ______ _________
           \    _/     _/    _    \\        _/___\    //    _    \
       _ _/     \      \_   _/     \_       |    /     \_  _/     \_ _
                      |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{o6}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Arcade / Dezibel.              |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                            ______  ______
                          ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!  ________
      __________ _________|___ ______ _____|___ ______\_     /________
      \    _    \\     _     /    __//    _    \\     _/    /_\    __/___ _
  _ _/    _/     \_   _/    /_    \      _/     \_    \     _/    _/    //(
                          |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{o7}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Bad Influence / Wasted.        |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                    ______  ______ -sg/jA!
          ______  ._\     )/     /_.   ______
          \   _/__|____ ________ __|___\_   /      _______ ____________
         /    \_      /    _    \\     _/    \     \      \\    _     /
     _ _/      /    _/    _/     \_    \      \_ _/        \_   /    /_ _
     )\\____________\_____\_______/____________/ \__________/__/______//(
       _______\___      _/__\_     /________ ___________ ______ _______
       \       __/      \    /    /_\    __//    _     /    __//    __/___ _
   _ _/       _/      _/     \    _/    _/       /    /_    \      _/    //(
                  |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{o8}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Black Hole / Iceman.           |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                        ______  ______ -sg/jA!
              ______   _____________  ._\     )/     /_.     _______
              \   _/___\___        /__|_____ ________ _|___ /      /
             /    \_      /       /    _    \\    __//    _/     _/
         _ _/      /     /      _/    _/     \_   \       \      \_ _
                      \     /______ __|____\           /______
                     /     _      /    _    \         /    __/___ _
                 _ _/      /     /_    /     \      _/    _/    //(
                                      |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{o9}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Brainmasturbation / Folar.     |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                            ______  ______
             ______       ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
             \   _/_______|__________ _____|__ ________ ____________
            /    \_      /    _     /    _    \\       \\    _     /
        _ _/      /    _/    _/    /_   _/     \_       \_   /    /_ _
       _______ ______ ____|____ _______ ___|______ __\_     /___________
       \      /     /_    _    \      //__      _/    /    /_    _     /
   _ _/      \/      /   _/     \_       /      |     \     /   _/    /_ _
         \   _/_______ ___|____ ___________|______ _________ ____________
        /    \_      /    _    \\        _/      //    _    \\    _     /
    _ _/      /    _/    _/     \_       |        \_   /     \    /    /_ _
                          |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{1o}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Burnside / Exile.              |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                ______  ______
                              ._\     )/     /_.
                 ______       |  ________      | -sg/jA!
                 \   _/_______|__\_     /______|____ __________
                /    \_      /    /    /_    _     /    _     /
            _ _/      /    _/     \     /   _/    /_    /    /_ _
                  ________ ___|_____ _____\_     /_______
                  \      //__      //     _/    /_    __/___ _
                _ _\        /       \_    \      /   _/    //(
                              |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{11}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  (The) Cellar / Presence.       |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                              ______  ______
                            ._\     )/     /_.
                          __|_________ ______|_ -sg/jA!
          ________ _______\          /        /________ _____________
          \    __//    __/_\_       /        /    _    \\     _     /
      _ _/     \      _/    /      /       _/    _/     \_   _/    /_ _
                            |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{12}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Conferences / Stridh.          |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                ______  ______
                              ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
          ________ _________ _|__________ _____|___ ______ ___________
          \    __//    _    \\    _     /       __/    __//    _     /
      _ _/     \       /     \    /    /_      _/     _/      _/    /_ _
                ________ _____|_____ ______ ___|___ ________
                \    __//    _     /    __//    __/_\_     /___ _
            _ _/    _/       /    /_    \      _/    /_       //(
                              |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{13}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Cypress / Olut.                |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                 ______  ______
           __________          ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
     ______\_       /____ _____|_____ __________|______ ________ ________
     \    __/___   /    //    _     /    _     /    __/_\_     /_\_     /___ _
 _ _/     \    /___\     \_  (/  __/    _/    /_   _/    /_       /_       //(
 )\\___________\ /________/_______\_____\______/___\_____\/_______\/_______\
                               |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{14}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Dezibel / Dezibel.             |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                       ______  ______ -sg/jA!
         ________    ._\     )/     /_.       _______            _____________
_ _______\_     /____|___     ________|_______\    _/_______ ____\_          /
)\\      _/    /_\    __/_____\      /       //    \_      /    __/___      /
   \     \     _/    _/    .        /_        \_    /    _/    _/    /     / _
                     |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{15}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Diablo - TFA / Dartagnan.      |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                      ______  ______ -sg/jA!
           ________ ._\     )/     /_. _______    ____________
    _______\_     /_|______ _________| \    _/____\__        /________
    \      _/    /_       //    _    \/     \_      /       /    _    \
   _ \     \      /        \_  _/     \_     /     /       /     /     \ _
     __,__ __   ____|______ _____ ___|_______ _______\           /
     (_| /(_/_  \       __/     //    _     /    _    \         /
        /   _ _/       _/        \_   /    /_   _/     \_      / _
       ·    )\\________\__________/__/______/___\_______/______\\(
         __________ \       /_____ __|_______ ______ /      /______
         \    _    \/      /     /_\    _    \\    _/     _/    __/___ _
     _ _/    _/     \_    /\      /    _/     \_   \      \_   _/    //(
                 ___|________ _______|___________ ________
                 \    _     /       //    _     /     _   \_ _
             _ _/     /    /_        \_   /    /______\    //(
             )\\_____/______/_________/__/______/   /______\
                    |__            __|

                           .. a 'bit' late, eh? :)

                       ___                                            . ..{16}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Digital Underground / Stz.     |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                  ______  ______
         ________       -sg/jA! ._\     )/     /_.             _____________
  _______\_     /________ ______|__ ________ ____|_____ _______\           /
  \      _/    /_       //     _   \_      //        _/    _    \         /
 _ \     \      /        \_____\    /       \_       |    _/     \_      / _
 )//____________\_________/  /______\________/_______|____\_______/______\\(
             ____\_     /_______|___ ___\_     /_|_____ ___________
             \    /    /_    _     /    _/    /_    __//    _     /
         _ _/     \     /    /    /_    \      /   _/      _/    /_ _
    ___________ ____________ ___|____ _____\_     /___________ ___\_     /
   _\      _   \_    _     /    _    \\     /    /_    _     /    _/    /_ _
   )\\_____\    /   _/    /_    /     \     \     /    /    /_    \      //(
                                |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{17}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Devistator / Devistator.       |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                       ______  ______
           ________        _______   ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
  _ _______\_     /________\      \ _|_____ ______ ___|____
  )\\      _/    /_     __/_\_     \       /       \      /___ _
     \     \      /    _/    /     _\    _/        _\        //(
                    __________ ______|_ ___________ __|_____ ____________
                    \       _/    _    \\        _/    _    \\    _     /
                _ _/        |    _/     \_       |     /     \   _/    /_ _
                                     |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{18}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Download / Stridh.             |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                             ______  ______
                           ._\     )/     /_.
                      _____|__     /    ____|____ -sg/jA!
               _______\_     /_________ \     __/_____ ___________
               \      _/    /_    _    \/     \      /_    _     /
              _ \     \      /    /     \     /\      /    /    /_ _
         \           /_____|__ __________ __|___\_     /
          \         /    _    \\    _    \\     _/    /_ _
         _ \       /     /     \   _/     \_    \      //(
                           |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{19}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  East Block / Olut.             |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                ______  ______
                              ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
                         _____|__ _________ ___|___ __________ _
                         \    __//    _    \      //__      _//(
                     _ _/    _/      _/     \_       /      |
              ______ )\\_____\_______\_______/_______\______|_______
              \   _/____\__        /________ __|_____ _____ /      /
             /    \_      /       /    _    \\    __//    _/     _/
         _ _/      /     /       /     /     \    \       \      \_ _
                              |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{2o}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Folar / Folar.                 |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                           ______  ______
                         ._\     )/     /_.
                         |      __________|__ -sg/jA!
             ____________|______\           /________ _____________
             \        __/   _    \         /    _    \\     _     /
         _ _/        _/     /     \      _/    _/     \_   _/    /_ _
                         |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{21}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Funeral Fog / Stridh.          |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                   ______  ______
                   ________      ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!      _____________
     ___________ __\_     /______|____ ______ ____|______ _______\           /
     \       __/    /    /_    _     /    __//    _     /    _    \         /
 _ _/       _/      \     /    /    /_   _/      _/    /_   _/     \_      / _
                        _________|_ _______ ______|___
                        \       __/   _    \      _   \_ _
                    _ _/       _/     /     \_____\    //(
                    )\\________\____________/   /______\
                                 |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{22}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Hlidskjolf / Stridh.           |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                             ______  ______
                           ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
              _______   ___|________        |    ________
              \     /___\__        /______ _|____\_    _/______
             /     _      /       /       \\     _/    \      /___ _
         _ _/      /     /_     _/         \_    \     _\        //(
             ______ /      /   ______ ________\           /_________ _
             \    _/     _/____\    //    _    \         /       __//(
         _ _/     \      \_    /     \_   /     \      _/       _/
                           |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{23}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  H Seven / H7.                  |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                    ______  ______
       _______    ._\     )/     /_.  _______ -sg/jA!
       \     /____|_ ________ _____|__\      \ _______ ______ ___________
      /     _      / \      //__   __/_\      \      /    __//    _     /
  _ _/      /     /_ _\        /  _/    \_    _\   _/    _/       /    /_ _
  )\\______/_______/ \_________\__\______/_________\_____\_______/______//(
                  |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{24}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Index / Orthex.                |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                ______  ______ -sg/jA!
              ._\     )/     /_.   ________        ________
          ____|____ ___________|___\_     /________\       \ ________
          \       //    _     /    _/    /_\    __/_\       \       /
      _ _/         \_   /    /_    \     _/    _/    \_      \     /_ _
      )\\___________/__/______/__________\_____\______/      /______//(
              |__            __|                     \______/

                       ___                                            . ..{25}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Jediarts / Ranx.               |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                          ______  ______
                        ._\     )/     /_. ________ -sg/jA!
                       _|____ ________ __|_\_     /________
               _ ______\    //     __//    _/    /_       /
               )\\     /     \_   _/       \      /        \_ _
                 _______|__ _____________|________ _____
                 \    _    \\     _     /       _/     /___ _
             _ _/    _/     \_   _/    /_       |_        //(
                        |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{26}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Main Drain / Venturus.         |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                              ______  ______
                            ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
                _______ ____|_ _________ ____|____ ___________
                \      /     /_    _    \\       //    _     /
            _ _/      \/      /   _/     \_       \_   /    /_ _
          _______\_     /___|_______ ________|_________ ___________
          \      _/    /_    _     /    _    \\       //    _     /
         _ \     \      /   _/    /_   _/     \_       \_   /    /_ _
                            |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{27}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Moskova / Venturus.            |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                           ______  ______
                         ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
                     ____|__ ______ ______|__ _______
                     \      /     /_    _    \      /___ _
                 _ _/      \/      /    /     \        //(
               ______ /      /_______\      \ _______ ________
               \    _/     _/    _    \      \      /    _    \
           _ _/     \      \_    /     \     _\    /    _/     \_ _
                         |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{28}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Newforms / Krazee.             |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                ______  ______
                              ._\     )/     /_.
                              |       /  ______|___ -sg/jA!
                      ________|___ ______\        /______
                      \    _     /    __//__     /      /_ _
                  _ _/     /    /_   _/    /    /\       //(
            ____________ _____|_ ____________ _|___ ____ ________
            \        __/   _    \\    _     /      /     \      /___ _
        _ _/        _/     /     \   _/    /_     \/      \_       //(
                              |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{29}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Presence / Presence.           |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                              ______  ______
                            ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
  ___________ __________ ___|__ ________ ____|___ ___________ ______ _______
  \   _     /    _     /    __/_\_     //__   __//    _     /    __//    __/___
_/   (/  __/    _/    /_   _/    /_       /  _/       /    /_    \      _/    /
                            |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{3o}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Propaganda / Ranx.             |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                         ______  ______
                       ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
            ___________|__________ _____|__ ____________ ________
            \   _     /    _     /    _    \\    _     /    _    \
        _ _/   (/  __/    _/    /_    /     \   (/  __/    _/     \_ _
       _ ___________ __|_______ ________|___ ___\_     /_________
       )\\      _   \_    _    \\    _     /    _/    /_    _    \
          \_____\    /   _/     \_   /    /_    \      /   _/     \_ _
                       |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{31}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Question Of Lust / Manta.      |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                            ______  ______
                ________  ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
  _________ ____\_     /__|____ _______ ___|______ _____ _________ ____________
 /    _    \     /    /_    __/_\     //__      _/     //    _    \\    _     /
/     /_    \    \     /   _/   _\       /      |       \_   /     \    /    /_
         _________ ______|_____\          _/__\_    _/_____ __________ _
        /    _    \\        __/ \         \    /    \     //__      _//(
     _ /     /     \       _/    \      _/     \    _\       /      |
     )\\___________/_______\     /______\___________\________\______|
                          |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{32}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Raging Fire / Trivial.         |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                            ______  ______
                          ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
       ____________ ______|_ __________ ___|_____ ___________ ________
       \    _     /    _    \      _   \_       //    _     /     _   \_ _
   _ _/    _/    /_   _/     \_____\    /        \_   /    /______\    //(
   )\\_____\______/___\_______/  /______\_________/__/______/   /______\
                   _______|____ ______ ____|_______ ______
                   \        __/      //     _     /    __/___ _
               _ _/        _/         \_   _/    /_   _/    //(
                          |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{33}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Rainy Day / Jazzkid.           |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                               ______  ______
                     -sg/jA! ._\     )/     /_.     _________
            ____________ ____|___ _________ __|_____\__     /____
            \    _     /    _    \\       //    _     /    /    /
        _ _/    _/    /_   _/     \_       \_   /    /_____\     \_ _
        )\\_____\______/___\_______/________/__/______/  /________//(
                _ _______\_     /_________\        /____
                )\\      _/    /_\    _    \      /    /
                   \     \     _/    _/     \_____\     \_ _
                   /___________\_____\_______/| /________//(
                             |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{34}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Scion / <Don't Remember>.      |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                              ______  ______
                            ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
               ________ ____|___ _______ ____|____ ____________
               \      //__   __//      //    _    \\    _     /
             _ _\        /   \          \_   /     \    /    /_ _
                            |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{35}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Sector Zero / Jedi Knight.     |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                  ______  ______
                        -sg/jA! ._\     )/     /_.
         ________ _________ ____|__ __________ __|_____ _____________
         \      //__    __//    __//__      _/    _    \\     _     /
       _ _\        /   _/       \    /      |     /     \    _/    /_ _
                     ________ __|____ ___________|________
                _ ___\      /     __//    _     /    _    \
                )\\        /_    _/      _/    /_    /     \ _
                                |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{36}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Sfs / Olut.                    |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                              ______  ______
                            ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
                         ___|____ ___________|____
                         \      //__      __/    /___ _
                       _ _\        /     _/\        //(
                            |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{37}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Spread Your Legs... / Stz.     |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                           ______  ______
                         ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!           ______
      ________ __________|_ __________ ___|__ _________ ______\_   /
      \      //__   _     /    _     /    __//    _    \\     _/    \
    _ _\        /  (/  __/    _/    /_   _/      _/     \_    \      \_ _
         \        /____ _|_______ _____\_     /___________
         _\      /    //    _    \\     /    /_    _     /   .  . ..... . __,
         )\\_____\     \_   /     \     \     /   _/    /_ _ |  _ __ ___. \__
               /________/_________/___________\___\______//( |__\(_/_\__|(__/
     __________ _________|___ ___\_   /   |\           /______ _________|_
     \    _    \\     _     /    _/    \  | \         /    __//       _//(
 _ _/    _/     \_    /    /_    \      \_|_ \      _/    _/          |
 )\\_____\_______/___/______/____________//( /______\_____\___________|
               _______ __|___ _______     | _______ ___________
               \      /     /_    __/___  |/      //    _     /
           _ _/      \/      /   _/    / _/        \_   /    /_ _
           )\\_______/_______\___\_____\ \__________/__/______//(
                         |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{38}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Stratosphere / Tango.          |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                              ______  ______
                            ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
   ________ __________ _____|____ ________ __|________ ________ _______
   \      //__      _/    _     /    _    \\        _/    _    \      /___ _
 _ _\        /      |    _/    /_   _/     \_       |     /     \        //(
           ___________\     /______ _______ _|_________ ______
           \   _     /     _      /     __//    _     /    __/___ _
       _ _/   (/  __/      /     /_    _/      _/    /_   _/    //(
                            |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{39}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Stz / Stz.                     |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                               ______  ______
                             ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
                        _____|__ __________ __|_____
                        \      //__      _/_\      /
                      _ _\        /      |        /_ _
                             |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{4o}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Tropic / Venturus.             |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                             ______  ______
                           ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
         __________ _______|__ ________ ____|_______ ______ _______
         \       _/    _     /    _    \\    _     /      //    __/___ _
     _ _/        |    _/    /_    /     \   (/  __/        \_   \    //(
                           |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{41}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Twelve / Dezibel.              |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                             ______  ______
                           ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!
               __________  |        ________|_______
        _______\__      /__|__ _____\_       \      \ ________ ______
        \       _/     /     /_    __/___     \      \       /    __/___ _
    _ _/        |     /\      /   _/    /      \_    _\    _/    _/    //(
                           |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{42}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Upload / Stridh.               |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                                           ______  ______
           ________ -sg/jA! ___________  ._\     )/     /_.      ________
       ____\_     /_________\_        /__|_____ __________|______\_     /
       \    /    /_    _     /       /    _    \\    _    \\     _/    /_ _
   _ _/     \     /   (/  __/       /     /     \   _/     \_    \      //(
                                         |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{43}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Wastrel / Wastrel.             |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                           ______  ______
     ________            ._\     )/     /_. -sg/jA!            ______________
     \      /_____ ______|__ _______ _____|____ __________ ____\_           /
    /      /     /_    _    \      //__      _/    _     /    __/___       /
_ _/      /\      /   _/     \_       /      |    _/    /_   _/    /      / _
                         |__            __|

                       ___                                            . ..{44}
:__ ______     ______ /\  \ _______ ______ _:_________________________________.
| //     /____|     ///\\  \\   __//     // |                                 |
| \\     \    |     // __\__\  /  /     //  |  Xedni / Orthex.                |
|_//_____/____\     \\  //  /_____\_____\\__|_________________________________|
           cDr|_____\\\//  /m's                                               :

                      ______  ______
        ________    ._\     )/     /_. ________ -sg/jA!
        \       \ __|_____ ______ ___|_\_     /___________ _______
         \       \       /    __//__   _/    /_    _     /       /
          \_      \     /_   _/    /   \      /    /    /_        \_ _
        _ _/      /______/___\_____\__________\___/______/_________//(
        )\\______/  |__            __|

                               ______          ________       .____
    ÷ C·r·e·d·i·t·s ÷  ______ _\_    \  ______ \       \   _ _|    \ ___\__
                      /     /   /    /_.    _/__\   /   \_(_)\_     /    \/
                      \     \_._\______|  _/    /_______/     |___ _\     \
  Jediarts File Description ................................ 2Fast/Jediarts  |
       First Jediarts Ascii ........................... Crusader/Ex-Mo'Soul  |
            First AFI Ascii ........................... Crusader/Ex-Mo'Soul  |
        First Shock G Ascii ................................. Zeus/Pro^Arts  |
      Second Jediarts Ascii .............................. Stezotehic/Style  |
             Overview Ascii ................................. Mogue/Arclite  |
           Second AFI Ascii .............................. Stezotehic/Style  |
       Second Shock G Ascii ........................... Crusader/Ex-Mo'Soul  |
              Credits Ascii ................................. Mogue/Arclite  |
       Third Jediarts Ascii .............................. Manta/Ex-Mo'Soul  |
            Third AFI Ascii ................................... Folar/Style  |
                 'Anger, Fear, Ignorance' (c) Shock G/Jediarts.              :

                         ._\                      /_.
                         |                          |
                         |                          |
       _________        _|_________________         |
 ._____\__      \_ ________ ________      /____     |
 |      /        /___     /       |/     /____/_    |
 |     /        /  _/    /_       /     /      /    |
 |_____________/  ______/  \___________/      /     |
            |_______________\       |________/      |
                         |                          |
                  .______:____           _ _________|________
                 _|_________  \_______________       _   _ _/______.
                |       _    ._\ _______     /       \_____/  _____|___
                |       /       \    _l/   _/__       \  \_______     /
                l_______________/    \        /________\       _/    /
                         -mNt|________\      /     |________________/
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                         |               \/         |
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                     . .The JEDI/\RTS Artists & Boards. .

                Propaganda·Zillion Hours·Another Step·Euphoria

            .  . ...The Official JEDI/\RTS Releases So Far... .  .

33humppa.txt (Mar'95) - pistepirkko feat. humppaa tai kuole - (c) ranx & maxim
               r!kemos.txt (Apr'95) - kemosynteesi - (c) reflex
     ench_rnx.5th (Aug'95) - enchanted star shines innovative - (c) ranx
             aos!_rnx.6th (Sep'95) - the art of sketch - (c) ranx
                noon_rnx.txt (Oct'95) - bitter noon - (c) ranx
      pass-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - the passion of ranx/jedi arts! - (c) ranx
           ja!-ihts.txt (Oct'95) - i heard they suck - (c) shock g
                 tdf-rnx.txt (Oct'95) - to die for - (c) ranx
             fwwm-rnx.txt (Nov'95) - fire walk with me - (c) ranx
                wt-rnx.txt (Dec'95) - winter tears - (c) ranx
               maria.txt (Dec'95) - marian ilmestys - (c) ranx
               hoo!face.txt (Jan'96) - phuckface - (c) hooligan
          ja!-twt.txt (Jan'96) - time will tell - (c) ranx & shock g
           r_o_jedi.txt (Jan'96) - return of the jedi - (c) reflex
ja!-tale.txt (Feb'96) - fairy tales of million dollar happiness - (c) shock g
  ja!-royl.txt (Feb'96) - grand royal - a tribute to the best - (c) shock g
      ja!-eyes.txt (Feb'96) - dead eyes - no light no beauty - (c) ranx
              ja!-slds.txt (Mar'96) - solid scheme - (c) shock g
         seja-aab.txt (Apr'96) - afros and boozes - (c) ranx & stz/se
               ja!-mref.txt (Apr'96) - my reflection - (c) ranx
     ja!-hadd.txt (Apr'96) - hadda be playin on the jukebox - (c) shock g
               ja!-look.txt (Jun'96) - looking south - (c) ranx
              underi.txt (Jun'96) - under influence - (c) reflex
              ja!-mood.txt (Jul'96) - mellow mood - (c) shock g
           ja!-ttos.txt (Jul'96) - them talented ones - (c) shock g
               ja!-di2.txt (Aug'96) - destiny in two - (c) ranx
        ja!-frds (Sep'96) - friends - a tribute collection - (c) ranx
                 ja!-popg.txt (Sep'96) - popgun - (c) shock g
             ja!-t^o1.txt (Sep'96) - order odonata - (c) trivial
               ja!-jy.txt (Sep'96) - judge yourself - (c) 2fast
       ja!-airw.txt (Oct'96) - with my new pair of airwalks - (c) ranx
         ja!-bral.txt (Oct'96) - beats, rhymes and life - (c) shock g
              ja!-sm.txt (Nov'96) - stolen moments - (c) shock g
             ja!-mind.txt (Dec'96) - kiss your mind - (c) shock g
            ja!-npth.txt (Dec'96) - no place to hide - (c) wise-k
                ja!-wf.txt (Jan'97) - wildflower - (c) shock g
       ja!-ump.txt (Jan'97) - this used to be my playground - (c) 2fast
             ja!d-one.txt (Jan'97) - why barbie is bad - (c) dino
                ja!-zent.txt (Jan'97) - zen tamasii - (c) ranx
            ja!-desi.txt (Mar'97) - design for life - (c) shock g
                 ja!-spk.txt (Mar'97) - special k - (c) 2fast
               ja!-gold.txt (May'97) - black gold - (c) shock g
             ja!-br7.txt (Jul'97) - blurred reality 7 - (c) 2fast
         ja!-afi.txt (Aug'97) - anger, fear, ignorance - (c) shock g

                 . ..A Total of 44 JEDI/\RTS Collections.. .

           These productions have been released under the label of
     JEDI/\RTS and may not be altered in any other form than adding bbs
      ads.  Removing tags or using logos without crediting is strictly
         forbidden under the etiquette of the worldwide ascii scene.

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                        . ..{·AngerFearIgnorance·}.. .