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25 567 bytes (24.97K)
File date:
2017-05-19 23:23:56
Download count:
all-time: 722


                  \_/ %!

                  it's night and one ascii pimp is having
                  a break from programming. he's starting
                  his screeneditor to write some unreadable
                  things ...

                  after twenty minutes he's ready and the
                  customer is happy. this collection is a result
                  of all those tiny breaks. enjoy!

            welcome to the first collection from the group called ...

           |     |                                               |
           |     |                                               |
           |     |                                               |
           |     |__/\___  __/\___  __/\______/\__  __/\_____    |
           |     |\_  __ \ \_  __ \ \_  _. \___.  \ \_  ____/    |
           |     |/    /  \/    /  \/   \|  \  |   \/  __/_____  |
           |     /    /    \   /        _'   \ |       \)    _/  |
           |     \___/      \_/         /     \|      __`     \_ |
           |     |  /        \         /\______:______/\__ ____/ |
           |     | /          \       /                   \(_____:_
           |     |/            \     /                     \ \/\/\/
           |    _/              \   / i   n   n   a   t   e \/\/\/
           |    \.               \_/                         \/\/:
           |     |                                            \/ |
           |     |                                               |
           |     `-----------------------------------[-vC!\sE.]--'

               the artist responsible for the main content is ...

                    _ a n n i e.dcs.innate   |                      |
                                             |                      |_____|
                                    _ /_______  _ /_____          ______
   krs! ___________     _ /_________\/       /__\/     /______ _        |
   _____\____     /_____\/                                 ______\ ___  ||
  _\     ___      \                 |____________         /    ___\  /______
  /____    /             |----------|      .    /--------\\        \/      /
      /------------------|                 |_ _            \______        /
                         |                                       /--------\
                         .         _ ___________________________________|

                 collection surely needs a nice name with three
                words, one being a number. hmmm. how about this?

               _________\\          :_
              |                     |// /
             ______        _        |                           ... ..   .
             \    /_______(_)_____  |        _____________      :
            //__\      //   //    \__________\     //  __/________
  :: ::::::   .  \/__________\___\      //   /   ___\_______     /  .. ..
      _____   |  ________________ \______________\       /_______\\     :
    __\   /______\     //   ,   /   .                                   .
    \   ___//    /\   __________\\  | m i n u s  t w o  d e g r e e s _
   //_________________\             |
           ____        _____        |      ____        ____
   > ______\ _/________\ __/_______________\ _/________\ _/___________
_____\  //   __/    //   )     //  _    //   __/    //   __/    //  _/________
\  ,   __\______________________  |/_____\______________________________     /
//_____\      .                /__| .                         pOs!inn/______\\
              |________             |_
                      //__________ _|// /  ..  .    .

               __\|_   ___ ___ __     __ _        ___
               \\ |\  _|__))  (__))__(__))__\(__)(__/_
                  |   hello there! i wasn't planning to release a
                  |   collie this time, but all of sudden, i got
                  |   some motivation and did all of these logos
                 _|   inside a short time...
                  |   quite busy times in my life. i've got a job
                  |   now and i am going to move to tampere soon.
                  |   it's strange that usually when there's many
                  |   things happening in my life, i am more active
                  |   on scene too... lets see what i get done
                  |   soon. there's three finnish demoparties
                  |   coming, so being productive wouldn't be a bad
                 _|   idea currently. (:
                  |   anyway, send requests to
                  |   and wait for some releases on gba and c64 soon.
                  |   index coming up!


           __                            ______                         .
        __(__)______  i n d e x  ________\  __/_____________  ______    :
        \     //    \____________\    //    ___/      //    \/     / . .:
       //__________\     //   ,    _________________________/      \
                .   \_____\________\pOs!inn              . /________\\
        :: :::: |                                        |    .
                |   14 intro        for spinsane         |    :
                |   13 postnuclear  for stakka           |    :....
                |   12 altparty     for alt-orgs         |        :
                |   11 daytona      for daytona          |        .
        .... .. |   1O index        for daytona          | . ... .:
        :       |   O9 remorse      for spinsane         |
        :       |   O8 language lab for rjv              |
        .       |   O7 uprough      for uprough (gift)   |
                |   O6 podsi        for podsi (gift)     |
                |   O5 anc. entity  for euronymous       |
                |   O4 cloud nine   for noone            |
                |   O3 stakka       for stakka           |
                |   O2 buro digital for biogenesis       |
                |   O1 fag.diz      for fag (gift)       |
                |                                        |
             _ _:________ _ ___                      _ _/|// /
                :             //_________________________:.

                     ok, that's enough for the guest logos.
                     thanks to krs, vietcong and poise!

                     now it's my turn ...

              ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
     _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
     \_____\    _/    \|     \ intro for spinsane          /  /______/
            \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                            __/          |_____
                            |    i n tro |     \__
                   _____    |______ ____ |       | _____
                 __\_  /____\_    //   /_|_____ _|_\_  /___ _______
               _/     /     |/   /      /     //    /     /    _   \_
             / /      //    /    //   //    //     //     //   /   /
                            |          __|       |
                            |_________/  |_______| _an

              ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
     _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
     \_____\    _/    \|     \ postnuclear for stakka      /  /______/
            \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                                            __  _                    .   .
                                            \\  | POSTNUCLEAR FILMS      :
                                                |           .        .   |
                  _                             :           .        :   |
      ____________\\________  _________ ____ ___. ____ _____: ___ ___|__ |
      \\           \\___ _____\__     //  _/    //  _//     |   /_   | / |
       \\                \     _/ ___/_________//______    /|____/   |/  |
______  \\        ______  \_______\                  /____/ |  /_____| __|_____
\     \______ ____\    /_____ _____ ____ __ ___ ____ _____ _| ____ __|_\_     /
 \___\ \    /    //   //   _/     //  _/   \    \ _/     /  | \_  \  |  /    /
      \____//________/_____\     /_____     \     \_____//__|__/   \\|__\___/
                            \___/     /______\\____/        | /_____\|   |
            \\___________________________________________\\ |_       |_  |_ _an
                                                             /        /   /

              ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
     _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
     \_____\    _/    \|     \ altparty for alt-orgs       /  /______/
            \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                  _______\     \______
                  \       \     \     \_
                   \  ____ \    _\__   \\
                ____\_) _/__\__ \  |__ ___ ___________
       ____ ____\_ (__  \|    (__  __/   (__         /
       \   _)   __   (__ \    _ /  \ _     /        /                 __
        \  \    \      /_____/_//   \\____/_ _____//  && ALT && PARTY  /
     _ __\ _\ ___\____/  \  /   \    \     \\
      \\  \ \\\     __    \______\    \_____\     _    __           __
           \__\     \\       ____     ____   ____ \\   \\      _____ /
            _ _____ ____ ____\_ (_ ___\_ (__ \  |__ ___ \____ /    _/
            \\  ____\_  \)   __   \   _/   (_   __/   (__   \/    //
        _____\ _)   _/   \_  \     _  \_    /_  \ _     /_   ____/
       _\     \\    \_____/___\ ___/____\__///   \\____//____\\
        \\_____\\_____|        \\       \\ / _     \   /    \   _an
                                 \       \    \     \        \
                                          \____\     \________\

              ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
     _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
     \_____\    _/    \|     \ daytona for daytona         /  /______/
            \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                         \       \
                     ____ \      _\_             ___
              _______\__ \_\ ____\_ \____ _______\  \_ ____
              \      __/    \     ___    \      \/    \\___\
               \_    \\______\\___\     __\\__   \_____\
                 \____\-------\    \____\-----\___\
                 ____          \       \     ______  _an   ___
          ____ __\ _|__ ___ ____\       \ ___\___  \_ _____\_ \___
          \___\\      /    \     \       \     \|    \     ___    \
                \____/    __\\____\       \\____\     \\___\     __\

              ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
     _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
     \_____\    _/    \|     \ index for daytona           /  /______/
            \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                        ___ _
                        |   \_____
         ____       ind | ex     |___      ____              ___
      ___\  /______ ____|_ ______|_ /__ ___\ _/_ ____ _______\  \__
      \     \\     \\__   \__   __/    \_     _//    \_     //    /__  _an
      _\     \\      |/     /   \|      /     \       /     /       /
   _   \\_____\\_____/     /\____\     /|__ ___\     /|__ __\      /_______
   \\___\______\\__ /_____/|__ __|____/   /___|_____/   /___|\____/|__  _//
            __      |    |   /   |   |   /    |    |   /    |    |   /     __
             \\ %%%%|_   |  /%%%%|_  |  /%%%%%|__  |  /%%%%%|_   |  /%%%% //
                      \__|_/     | \_|_/         \_|_/        \__|_/
                         |   _ __|

              ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
     _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
     \_____\    _/    \|     \ remorse for spinsane        /  /______/
            \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                                               :_  .
                                               \\  :
                             _______________   |   | _______ _
              _       ______//             \\__|   _/        \\___ __
              \\ __ _/          REMORSE %%     |   |          \      \_____
      ______   ____ |     ___                  | __|___  _____ \    ____ //_
 _____\__  / /_\ _/_|__ __\  \  _ __ _______ __|_\__  /__\  _/__\___\ _/_ __\
 \_   _|/ /_//    _/   \\     \//  /_    _  \\_  _|/ /__  \___  \\     _/   \\_
  /   \     /_    \     \     \/    /   //    /  \     /    \|  _\_    \      /
 /__   \ __/  \____\  ___\ ___/____//___\\ __/_   \ __//____\\__\\ \____\  __/
    \__|\\        |__\\      //           \    \__|\\        \    \    |__\\
          \__       |       /__            \__ |   | \__      \__  \_       _an
              _     |                ________  |  _|                \\
              \\ __ |_ %% 1 9 8 1 __//       \_:_ //
                      \___________\\           .   :

              ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
     _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
     \_____\    _/    \|     \ language lab for rjv        /  /______/
            \___\       __________________________________/ _/

            .                               _  _
            :  .   _ __        _____________\\ \\____
           _|__:__// \\______  \\  _   _            \\___ __    ___
           \\  |           //___ __\\ //___ __                  \\
  ____      | _|__     ____   ____         ___     ____    ____     ____
__\ _/___ __|_\_ /_ ___\_ /_ _\ _/__ ______\ /_ ___\_ /_ __\ _/__ __\ _/_ _____
\   \|   \  | _/   /   |/   /   \_   \    |/   \   _/   \    \_   \    _/     /
 \____    \_|_|   /____|   /_____/    \___|     \__|     \____/    \___\     /
    -|_____/|-|_____\-/______\---|_____/-/__ __ _\-|_ ____\---|__ __/--|____/-
            |  |                           _/  \  ____\_  \  _/  \_____
         ___|  |                    ____  /\    \/\     _  \/\     _   \  _an
         \\ |__:___   language:lab  \\   /  \    \_\    \   \_\    \\   \
            |\\:  \\_____       _ _   __ \   \_____\\____\____\\____\____\
            :  .       //______// \\__\\  \  /     //    /    //    /    /
            .          ___                 \/_____//____/____//____/____/

              ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
     _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
     \_____\    _/    \|     \ uprough for uprough (gift)  /  /______/
            \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                                   _/   \__
              ___________________ /|       \_ __________________
          ___ \\   _____     ____/ |        |   ___      ___  //    ___
     _____\  \__ __\_   \_ __\_  \_|_ _ _   |___\  \__ _/ _/____ __/  |____
   _/    |/    /   _/    /    /    |////   /|  |/    /    \|    \     \_   \_
   \     /____/__  \____/_____\    | _ _ _/ |  /____/______\    _\____|/    /
    \____|------/____|---------\__/|  \\\\__|__|-----------|___/------/____/ an
                                |  |_       |
               _           _    | / /\______|   _           _
             _// UPROUGH _//    |/_/ /     /    \\_ UPROUGH \\_

                     TRUE? \\_  _______\\_______  _

                <oz-> sitäpaitsi saako asciipiirroksilla pillua?
                <oz-> ei
                <oz-> saako bändissä soittamisella pillua
                <oz-> saa

                           _  _______\\_______  _\\ NAH.
                                         (i am on scene because of pussy)

             ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
    _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
    \_____\    _/    \|     \ podsi for podsi (gift)      /  /______/
           \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                                             _ \  / _
                         .                 __\\ \/ //__
                      .  : %% p o d s i _ _| __     __|
                    _ :__|_______________ \_\\      \\| \_
                     \|\\|              \\            |
            ________ _|__|____     ______    _____    |   ___
        ____\__    /_\   :   /_____|_   /_ __\  _/______ _\_/____
       /\    _/   /   \  .  /     __/    /    \____    /   \     \_
       \ \   \___/ \   \_:_/ \    \|    / \      \|   / \   \_____/
        \ \_____\ \ \____|\ \ \____\___/ \ \______\__/ \ \______\
         \/_____/  \/____|/  \/____/      \/______/  _|_\/______/
                      | _|_                  __ _____\\\
                      : \\\ \\_______________\\ \\       _an
                      .  :

             ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
    _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
    \_____\    _/    \|     \ anc. entity for euronymous  /  /______/
           \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                __//             \\__
    _____ ____ _|________ _________ |__ __ _
    \     \_ /_     __  /__       //   /  /
     \     /   \    |/    /___ __/__|____ ____ _____ ________    ____
      \____\____\ __|____/  _/      _\__/ \ _/_     _\  __  /__ _\  /_ __
      __ ___    |\     \    \|     /   \    __/    /    |/    /      /   \
            \   | \__ _ \____\____/_____\___\_____/_____|____/______/_____\
      ____ __\ _|_______          __|            /          / _an
   ___\ _/_   \_   __  /__        \\|\_   __ ___/    __ ___/
   \    __/    /   |/    /____      | ____ ____
    \___\_____/____|____/ \  /_ __ _|_\__/_\  /_ __ _____  _____
                |      /      /    \    \      /   \     \/    /___ __
               _|_ ___/______/______\____\____/_____\__  /____//  // (_
                |                   |     \           /____\  /__//___/
                | ancient __ entity |      \___ __
                |___             ___|

             ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
    _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
    \_____\    _/    \|     \ cloud nine for noone        /  /______/
           \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                ________________  ___________
              _/               |_/          |
              |          cloud |       nine |
              |                |            |    _______   _________
          ________ _____ _____ __ _______ _______\     /___\__     /
        __\     _/     /    _/   \\      \\     |/    /     |/    /
     __/  \\____\     /______     \\______\\____|____/______/____/ _an
     \\____\     \___/_____ /______\ __  _____           ____ _____
              |_      \    \_______ _\|__\    \_______ __\ _/     /__
                \_____ \____\     /       \____\     /     \_____//  \__
                            |____/_______/     |____/_______/    /____//

             ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
    _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
    \_____\    _/    \|     \ stakka for stakka           /  /______/
           \___\       __________________________________/ _/

            ______     ______                     ______     ______
            \\   \\    \\   \\______  ___    ____//   //    //   //
                  \\____\\         \\_ //___//       //____//
           _____ ___ _____    ____   |    _____      _____    ____
__ ____ ___\  _/__  \\   /_ __\_ /___|____\   /______\   /____\_ /____ ____ __
  \\   \|   \__   \_     _/   __     |   |/ _/_     |/ _/_    __     |/   //
   \\___\    |/    |     |    \      |   /     \_   /     \_  \      /___//
        |____|    _|_____|_____\   \_|___\      |___\      |___\   \_|
            /_____\             \___\|    \_____|    \_____|    \___\  _an
                         _______     |_
                _     _  \\    \\__  //____  %stakka   _  ______
                \\____\\          \\_    //___________// //   //

             ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
    _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
    \_____\    _/    \|     \ buro digital for biogenesis /  /______/
           \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                      .          .
                     _:____    __:____
                __  / |   \\_  \ |  //__
              __\\    |          |     /__ %% BURO __
              |    ___|_        _|___    |  _____ _____________ __
              |____\   /___ ____\   /____|__\_  /____           //
              \     __/    \_    \      /   _/      /           /
              |\____\       /____/     /____\      /         _ /
              |     /______/    \_____/  |   \____/__________//  _an
              |____   |     ____ |       | ____       ____      ___
          ____|   /_ _|__ _/ __/_|_ ____ |_\  /_ __ __\__ \_ __/ _/__
         _\  _/    /_\__/_\  \_    _\__/_\   __/   /   _/   /   /   /_
       _/    \\  _/    _/    //  _/   _/    /    _/   /   _/   /     /
              |       |          |       |
              |__  ___|__  ____ _|__   __| __ DIGITAL %%
                \\    |    \   \ |//  /
                      :          :
                      .          .

             ____ ___\_  _//____________________________ ______
    _____ __/    /   ___/   _                           \__   / _____
    \_____\    _/    \|     \ fag.diz for fag (gift)      /  /______/
           \___\       __________________________________/ _/

                      _  __                     __  _
                    __\\ \\ finnish\amiga\group // //__
                    | _____         _____     ______an|
                   _|_\  _/_ _______\_  /_____\  __/__|__
                  /\       /    _   __\      _   \|     /\
                  \ \     /____/    \________/    \____/ /
                   \ \___/____/______\______/______\___\/
                    |                                 |
                    |                                 |
                    |       fag approves... %!        |
                    |                                 |
                    |_                               _|

                                          %! \_/

            yes, send me a request if you want a cool ascii logo too!
           and no, that doesn't mean i'll draw everything people ask.

            greetings to friends in scene (and to non-scene friends
          too if you read this for some odd reason)! you're important!

                              thanks. diz and eof:

_ ____ __ _______ __ _______ _
|_\ _/_ __\ __  /_ __\ __  /_|
/\     /    |/    /    |/    /
\ \___/|____/    /|____/    /|
|\/__//___/\____///__/\____/ |
|                            |
|   " minus two degrees! "   |
|_                          _|
|\__    annie / innate    __/|