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File size:
36 639 bytes (35.78K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
Download count:
all-time: 331


                                     \\             |             //
                                      |             | ########### |
              _ ___               ___ _ ___       _ ___ ######### |
              __)  |_____   _____|  (___)  |_____ __)  |_____ ### |
             …|    _____/___\    |    |    |    /__   _|    /__ # |
             //___|      !|   !  |____\\__ |  !   |___\|!     |…  |
   |                        _ ___     |    _ ___    .   ___ _ ____: ·…
   |                        __)  |_____pOimp_)_/_______|  (___) _/____
   |   ·… THUGLIFE.ORG …·  …|   _|    /_____\    |        __|  _|    /__
   |                       //___|   !   |   !\___\\     !|__\\_|   !   |…
   |  serving the underground         .             .      ####   .        |
   |  ascii scene - ascii search -    |             | ########### |        |
   |  news - reviews - interviews -   |  impure hq  | ########### |        |
   |  ascii forums - 169 +/- groups - |  woezine hq | ########### |        |
   |  tutorials -  |  retro hq   | ########### |        |
   +----------------------------------|             | ########### |--------+
    w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g  //_____________|_____________\\3O/O3/O4

                            _  \\  ______________
                   _   _ __//  //               /\____
        .                   \_//               / /   /\____
       //\  ____  ____________/ ________  ____/ /___/ /___/\__    ________
   ____/  \/   /\/           /\/   _   /\/   /\/   /\/   _   /\  /   ____/\
  _\      /   / /   /   /   / /   /   / /   / /   / /   /   / / /   ____/\/__
 // \    /   / /   /   /   / /   /___/ /   /_/   / /   /_  /_/ /   /   /\/___\ ../  /   /___/ /___/___/___/ /___/\___\/_________/ /___/\/___/\/_______/ /    //
 \_/    \___\/\___\___\___\/\___\/    \_________\/\___\/\___\/\_______\/____//
    ________   .________/  ____________ /_/_____/  _/_/____    ________  _______   /   _   /\ //    ____/\/           /\/   _   /\/   _   /\  /   _   /\/   ____  /   /   / / /    ____/\/   /   /   / /   /   / /   /   / / /   /___/ /   ____/ /   /_  /_/ /    /   /\/   /   /   / /   /   / /   /_  /_/ _\___   /\/   /   /
/___/\/___/\/________/ /___/___/___/ /_______/ /___/\/___/\/_______/ /_______/ /\___\/\___\/\________\/\___\___\___\/\_______\/\___\/\___\/\_______\/\_______\/
         |       ./               / /   / /   / / \_____\             |
         :      //_______________/ /   / /   / /  /     /.            .
         .      \\_______________\/___/ /   / /.\/_____//             :
         :            \_______________\/___/ // impure &              :
         :                 \_______________\//    remorse             :
         .                             .:                             :
         :                             :.                             .
         .        .___________________________________________.       :
         :       //___________________________________________\\      :
         .       \\               P R E S E N T               //      :
         ._ _ __ _ \_________________________________________/ __ _ __.
      . /                   /\.        :.        ./\                   \ .
      //                   /  \\       .:       //  \                   \\
     //___________________/    \\      :.      //    \___________________\\
     \\                   \    /________________\    /                   //
       \                   \  /                  \  /                   /
      __\___________________\/                    \/___________________/_
       __ /___/  \      /_____________________________\      /  \___\ _ _
     __ _ \   \  /      \                             /      \  /   /____
       ___ \___\/        \___________________________/        \/___/__ _
    ____  ________  ____      ________ :________    ________  ____   __________
   /   /\/       /\/   /\__  /   _   /\/   _   /\  /   _   /\/   /\_/__    ___/\  /   / /   ____/ /   _   /\/   /   / /   /   / / /   _   / /   _   /\/   /\__\/ /   / /   /_  /\/   /   / /   /   / /   /_  /_/ /   /   / /   /   / /   / /
/___/ /_______/ /___/___/ /_______/ /___/\/___/\/___/___/ /___/___/ /___/ /
        _          _____/                           \_____          _
       //  _   ___/____/_____________________________\____\___   _  \\
  _ __//  / \_/   \____\                             /____/   \_/ \  \\__ _
       \_/              \    C O L L E C T I O N    /              \_/
                        _/                         \_
      .__________ ______\ __ _ __ I N D E X  __ _ __/_____ ___.
      |       __//       \_________________________/   __//   |
      |                         .   |                         |
      | 1. Blood Island         .    ...that's why i am proud |
      | 2. Faces of Death       |      to be ignorant...    . |
      | 3. Dead Brain           |   |                       : |
      | 4. Rave Zoo             |___|____________/\___________|
      | 5. Testament                |   /\  ____/  \____    :
      | 6. Evil Santa              _|__/  \_\          /    .
      | 7. Total Immortal          \|        \        /     .
      | 8. Urban Legend             |        /        \     .      _
      | 9. Impure (Blocky)          |       /___    ___\    :______\\___
      | A. Impure ___ _ __ __ ____ _|__    ___\_\  /____ ___:       \\  \
      | B. Noiware                  |  \  /      \/  __//   |________\\_/
      |    |   __                   |   \/                  |        /
      |_________//__________________|                       |_______/
           |        ________  ____      ________    ____    |
           | by    /    _  /\/   /\    /   _   /\  /   /\__ |
           |      /     / / /   /_/_  /   /   / / /   _   /\|
           |     /     / / /   /_  /\/   /_  /_/ /   /   / /|
           |    /_______/ /_______/ /___/\/___/\/___/___/ / |
           |    \_______\/\_______\/\___\/\___\/\___\___\/  |
         ______                        .:
        /     /\                       :.
:::::::/     / /__________________________________________
:::::'/     / /                                          /\
::::'/     / /   Blood Island                           / /
:::'/     / /___          requested by: N/A            / /
'' /_____/ //__/\_____________________________________/ /
   \_____\/ \__\/_____________________________________\/

                           _   _.    ._   _
                           |              |
                           | BLooD iSlAND |
                           |              |
              _.       _.  |     _.   ._  _.   ._   _.
             /(_______/(___i\  //(___._)\/(___._)\./(___
            \\    __  \   (i \ \\   (|   \   (|   \    /\\
             /   /_/ __.  /.___./   /|   /   /|   / . /  \
         ___/   /_   /   / |   / . / |  __. / |  __/ /\   \__
        \\_    /_/  /   /__|  __/ /__| /   /__| /   /_/   __//
      /\   \  ______\  ____.  \  ______\  _____ \______  //  /\
 ____/  \__\\(.     \\(.   :  |\(      .)/    .)//    .)/___/  \____
 \          /_.          _.    .   _.     i  ._      _. \          /
 \\        //(_________ /(___     /(___  .____)\  ._/(___\        //
 //        \\  \    ___\\   ((   \\   (.__)\   (.__)\    /\       \\
 /___    ___/  / . /____/   /.___./   /|   /   /|   /   /  \    ___\
     \  /__/   _/___   /   / |   /   /_|  /    \|  /   /\   \__/
      //___   //   /  __. /__|  __. ___. /   /\_. /   /_/   __//
          \  / \  ____\  ____.  \  /   |\\  /   :\\______  //
          \\(.  \(.   \\(. : :  .)/    :  \(.   .   .   .)/
         . __   dbrn       : .   .     .  :    impure    __ .
             \             .              .             /
              \___  ____ . .              . . ____  ___/
                  \(.   \  ________________  /   .)/
                         \(.              .)/

         ______  ______
        /     /\/     /\
::::::'/     / /     / /__________________________________
:::::'/     / /     / /                                  /\
::::'/     / /     / /   Faces of Death                 / /
:::'/     / /     / /___  requested by: N/A            / /
'' /_____/ /_____/ //__/\_____________________________/ /

                                    . .
                                    . .
            _              _.  |    :::    |  ._              _
           (.)  _.        /(________:::________)\        ._  (.)
      _ __ _|__/(________/  dbrn!   .·. impure.  \________)\__|_ __ _
     _______|__ _ _. _     _.      _.   ._       ._   _ ._ __ |_______
    /_______. _  /(_______/(_ ._  /(_____)\_______)\_____)\  _._______\
      /_____._ _\\    ____. (._)\.\      \    ____.   ____//_ .______\
            i  __/   /_ /   /|   |/ . /__/   /   / . /______  i
      //\   i//_    __//   /_|   __/ /  _.  _/.__\/____   ._\\i  /\\
  ____/  \____ /   /  /   ___.  /   /  /   /__|  /    /   / ____/  \____
  \ faces of /\\  /  \\  /   : \\  ____\  ____.  \  ___  // \          /
  \\  death //  \(.    \(.   .   \(.   .)/    :   \(. .)/.___\        //
  //        \.       _.    ._    _. ···  _.   .   _.    .|   |_____   \\
  /___    _/(__ .___/(______)\  /(____  /(_______/(___  ||   _____/ ___\
      \  / \   (|   \    ____/  \    /\ \    ____\   (.__| . |\   (/
      \\/__/   /|   / . /_    __/   /  \/ . /    /   /|  | | |/   /_____
       //__   / |  __/ __// //_    /\  / / _/.__/   /_|  __| /   __    _\\
         /   /__| /   /       /   /_/ __/ /__| __. ___.  |  __. / /   /.
        \\  ______\  /       \\  _____\  ____. \  /   :  :  \  /  \  //
      ____\(.__ _  \(.         \(.  ...\(.   : .)/    .  .   \(.___\(.
    __\_____.___ _ __      _.                . _ .      _ __ _.______/_
    \_______._  _. ___ _  /(________···________)\  __ _ _._ _ ._______/
     _ __  _|__/(______  /    _|____:::____|_    \  ______)\__|_ __ _
            ·         .)/      ·    :::    ·      \(.         ·
        /             /\
::::::'/________     / /__________________________________
:::::' \/           / /                                  /\
::::'__/______     / /   Faces of Death                 / /
:::'/             / /___  requested by: N/A            / /
'' /_____________/ //__/\_____________________________/ /

          _   _.               xx               ._   _
         (.) /(____  ____   _. xx ._   ____  ____)\ (.)
       __ |_/      \(.   \_/(______)\_/   .)/      \_| __
          |     _.      _.    ._  _.   dbrn   ._     |
          |3d!//(____  /(______)\/(___ ._  ____)\\   |
          |   \\    /\ \    ____/\   (._)\.\    /\   |
          |  __/   /  \/ . /     /   /|   |/   /  \__|
          i//_    /\  / / _/.___/   /_|   / . /\    _\\
        /\i  /   /_/ __/ /__|  __. ___.  __/ /_/   / i/\\
   ____/  \__\  _____\  ____. \\  /   : \\  ______/__/  \____
   \         \\(.     \(.   :   \(.   .   \(.    \  remorse /
xxx\\ ACiD^  _.       _.     .  _.        _. _.  \\ super  //xxx
xxx//      //(_______/(_______ /(___ ._ //(_/(___//  stars \\xxx
   /___    \\    __  \    _   \\   (._)\.\  \   (/._     ___\
       \  __/   /_/  / . /_\   /   /|   |/  _.  /._)\._ /
        \/_    /_   / / _.   ./   /_|   /  /    \|   __\\
          /   /_/  __/ / |   __. ___.  _. /   /\_.   |
          \  ______\  /  :   \  /   : \\  \  /   :   :
          \\(.     \\(.  .   .)//   .   \(.\(    .   .
          :                                          :
        __:_  dead  _.    _  ______  _    ._  brain _:__
          . \  ____/(____/ \(. xx .)/ \____)\____  / .
          .  \(.               xx               .)/  .
          .                    xx                    .

        /     /\
::::::'/     / /__________________________________________
:::::'/     /_//    /\                                   /\
::::'/________     / /   Rave Zoo                       / /
:::'/\_______/    / /___  requested by: N/A            / /
'' /________/____/ //__/\_____________________________/ /

                 _               _
                (.) _         _ (.)
            .__ _|_/(_  ___  _)\_|_ __.
            /    |    \(   )/    |    \
         _./     | _.        _.  |   _.\   ._
        /(_______|/(___ ._  /(___|._/(______)\
       \\    _   \\   (._)\.\   (__)\  . ____//
        /   /_\   / . /|   |/   /\  / / / \
    ___/   _.   .__/ /_|   /   / / __/ _/.______
   \\__   / |   /   ___.  __. /_/ /   /__|   __//
      \  /  :  \\  /   : \\  _____\  ____.   |
     /\\(.  .   .\(.   .   \(.   |\\(    :   :/\
____/  \____ _.  |     _.       _.   ._  ____/  \____
\          //(______  /(___.___/(___._)\.\          /
\\        //  ___   \\\   (|   \   (|   ||\        //
//        _\_/   ___/_/   /|   / . /|   |_/        \\
/___    _\\__   /    _.  /||  __/ /||   __//_    ___\
    \  / \ /   /_\  /   /__| /   /__|   |/   \  /
     \/   \\  _____ \_______ \  ______  //    \/
           \\(.  | \(. _   _)/\(.|   .)//
            \__ _|____/(___)\____|_ __/
                 :               :
                 . RAVE Z00 dbrn .                      /\
                      impure                       ____/  \____
      _____________________________________________\____ _ _  /________
     /____  ____  ___________  ________  ________  \_  ______ _________\
    //   /\/   /\/___    ___/\/   ____/\/   _   /\  / /               /\\
   //   / /   _   /\/   /\__\/   ____/\/   /   / / /_/_______________/ //
  //   / /   /   / /   / /  /       /\/   /_  /_/ /_______________/ / //
 //___/ /___/___/ /___/ /  /_______/ /___/\/___/\ \___   ____   __\/ //
 \\___\/\___\___\/\___\/   \_______\/\___\_\___\/ /  /         /  / / \__
  \_____   ____________  ____  ________  ________/  /____  ___/__/_/ ____\__
        \ /           /\/   /\/       /\/        /\//   /\/   _   /\/   /\__\
        //   /   /   / /   / /  /____/ /   /____/ //   / /   /   / /   _   /\\
       //   /   /   / /   / _\___    /\\___     /\/   / /   /   / /   /   / //
      //___/___/___/ /___/ /________/ /________/ /___/ /_______/ /___/___/ //
       \________________________________   /  /         /  / /____________/
            iNTERMiSSiON!               \ /  /         /  / //iGNORANT!
                                        //__/         /__/ //
                                     |                     :
               :                 .   |            .        |
 .impure       .                 |   :            :        |
    impure         IMPURE:           .                                   :
   impure   .          [adj] used of persons or behaviors; not morally   .
  i'm pure  |  .             pure; "impure thoughts"
   just pure.  |    .                              |   .   |      |
       |    :  |    |  B A S T A R D I S E D ! ! ! |   |   |      |      |
    .  .  . .  |    |                   |       .  :   |   :  .   :  .   |
    |     |    :          |      |      |       |  .   |      |   .  :
    |          .     |    |       |       |  .  |      :      |      |
 :  .  :   :         |    :       :   .   |     .      .             |
 .     .   .         :    .       .   :   .                   :      |
 |     |                              |                          |   .  :
 |     .   .practice                  |                          |      |
     |        makes remorse.          .                                 |
     |               |                               :    .      :      |
  :  .  :          REMORSE:
  .     .              [nou] the anguish, like gnawing pain, excited
  |     |                    by a sense of guilt; compunction of conscience
  |     .                    for a crime committed, or for the sins of one's
        :                    past life.
            .  |    |                   |       .  :   |   :  .   :  .   |
    |     |    :          |      |      |       |  .   |      |   .  :
    |          .     |    |      :      :   .   |      :      |      |
 :  .  :   :         |    :      :      .   :   .      .             |
 .     .   .         :    .                 |                 :      |
               .  |    |       |  .  |      :       :   .   |
       |     |    |    :   .   |     .      .       .   :   .
       |          :    .   :   .                        |
    :  .  :   :            |                     |      :
    .     .   .            |                     .      .

        /   _     /\
::::::'/   /_____/_/______________________________________
:::::'_\_______     /\                                   /\
::::'/      /\/    / /   Testament                      / /
:::'/      /_/    / /___  requested by: wikman         / /
'' /_____________/ //__/\_____________________________/ /

                            .___________ __________.
          _.          ._    |    _.    // _.       | _.       _.
   .___. /(____________)\ .___. /(___    /(___     |/(______ /(___ . .___.
___|   |_\ .  _  _  . _  \|   |_\   (.___\   (( ____\    _  \\    \._|   |___
\___   ___/  /_\ / / /___/_   .__.  /|   /   / /    __. /_\  _.  _ |_    ___/
   |   |/   /____\/____   |   |/   /_|  / .  \/ .  /   /____/   /| | |   |
   |   __  ___.  /   _/   _   /   ___. __/ /\  /| /   ___. /   / |   | . ||
   |   \  /   |  \  _____/|   \  /   : \  /  \(.: \  /   | \  ___\_____| ||
   :   :\(.   :   \(.     :   .)/    .  \(.     . .)/    :  \(.|  .  |   |:
   .   .      .   /\      . |                      |     .     |  |__|   |.
           __    /  \_______|                      |_____      |__  _____|
        _  \ \          /   |__________//__________|    /\ -----  \/
       //  /  \        /_______________________________/  \ -- ---- -
  _  _ \\_/   /        \                               \   \-- --
      \ \    /___    ___\   T E S T A M E N T ! ! !     \  / ----- ---
       \/        \  /    \_______________________________\/ -- -- ----

        /     /\
::::::'/     /_/__________________________________________
:::::'/     __      /\                                   /\
::::'/     /\/     / /   Evil Santa                     / /
:::'/     /_/     / /___  requested by: N/A            / /
'' /_____________/ //__/\_____________________________/ /
   /                                                  /\
  /__________________________________________________/  \
  \                                                  \  /
    |                                                 |
    | Notes: this piece ranked second at thuglife's   |
    |        IRC compo on 21st December 2003 on       |
    |        EFNET's channel #asciicompo, i would     |
    |        like to thank everybody that voted       |
    |        my art work: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!        |
   /                                                  /\
  /__________________________________________________/  \
  \                                                  \  /

               _           _.     .:.     ._           _
              (.)   _.    /(______:::______)\    ._   (.)
         ____._|___/(____/   evil ··· santa  \____)\___|_. __ _
          3d : |      _.       _.      _.   ._         | :
        _______|__ _ /(_______/(___ ._/(_____)\ ___ ___|_______
       /_______._ _  \    ____\   (__)\  \    /__ _ __ ._______\
          /____.  ___/   /    /   /\  /  / . /.___.__  .____\
             : | \\__   _/.__/ . / / /  __/ / |   __// |dbrn!
             . |   /   /__| __/ /_/ _. /   /__|   |.   | :
         /\  .( ) \\  ____.\\______\\  \______.   :|  ( ).   /\
    ____/  \___i    \(.   :   :      \(.      :   :·   i____/  \____
    \          _.       _ .   .     ._   .___..   .    i\          /
    \\        /(_______/(___ ._  ____)\ ||   |_______  i \        //
    //        \    ___/\   (._)\.\    / ·|   ___/   (___./        \\
    /___    __/   /____/   /|   |/   /.__|   | /   /|   |___    ___\
        \  / _\_____  / . /_|   /    \|  | . |/ . /_|   |__ \  /
         \/ \\__   / __/ ___.  __. /\_.  ! | __/ ___.   __// \/
              \\  ___\__//  : \\  /   :  __| \  //  :   :.
          imp. :\(.         .   \(.   .  :   :)/    .   .
               :      _.         _   _   .   . ._      :
        __ ___ . ____/(_________/(...)\_________)\____ : _ __ _
                                  :::                  .
               ·                  ·:·                  .
               .                                       ·
                    -MERRY^MOTHERFUCKiNG^CHRiSTMAS-    .

        /             /\
::::::'/______       / /__________________________________
:::::'/\_____/      / /                                  /\
::::'/   /__       / /   Total Immortal                 / /
:::'/    \_/      / /___  requested by: N/A            / /
'' /______/______/ //__/\_____________________________/ /

                 __________ __________
              ___\        //         /___
             \\_                       _//
               |        .              |
            _. | ._ .___.  _.        _.| ›››
    _..___./(___._)\|   | /(___     /(___ .
   /(_|   |\__  |___|   |_\ . (.___.\   ((     /\      _
  \\___   ___. /|.___ . ___/  /|   |/ . / ____/  \___ //__ _
      |   /   / |   | | |/   /_|   / / / .___.       ///
     .|  __. /__|   __| _   ___.  __/ /__|   |__    ///  TOTAL
     ||  \  ______  |   \  /   :  \  ____.   __//   \¯  «« IMMORTAL
      :   \(.    .)/:   :\(.   .   \(.   :   :    ___\\
      .___ ._.      .  _          _.   ._. _..\  /_..___.   _.     ._.
      (__( /(___ .   //(___ .   //(___._)\/(___\//(_|   |__/(__   //(___
      .___.\   (( .___\   (( .___\    |   \    _ \___   ___.  (.___\  .( .
      |   |/ . / /    /   / /    / . /|   /   /_\   | . | /   /|   / / //
     .|   / /  \/ .  __.  \/ .  / / / |  __. _.   .___| |/   /_|  __/ / .___.
  «« ||  __/ /\__/| /   /\__/| __/ /__| /   / |   |.|   _.  ___. /   /__|   |_
     ||  \  // |  : \  //    : \  ______\  /  :   :||   \  /.  : \  ____.   _/
      :   \(.  |  . .)/      . \\(.    | \(.  .   . :   :)//   .  \(.   :   :
      .   .    |                       |            .   .               .   .
             //___                   ___\\
                 /_______\\__________\      dbrn/rmrs/impure!

        /   ______    /\
::::::'/   /\____/   / /__________________________________
:::::'/   ______    / /                                  /\
::::'/   /\____/   / /   Urban Legend                   / /
:::'/   /_/___/   / /___  requested by: N/A            / /
'' /_____________/ //__/\_____________________________/ /

                       _             _
                      (.) _.     ._ (.)
                   _  _:_/(_  _  _)\_:_ _
                     __|    \(.)/    |__
                    \\__      :      __//
            _.       _.|  ._  ._.    | _.        _.   .    .
 _ _   _   /(___ ._ /(_____)\ /(______/(___ ._  /(__  :    :
   /  //  \\   (._)\\    _   \\    __ \   (._)\.\   \_|    |
  /  // ___/   /|   / . /_\   _.  /_/ / . /|   |/   _ |    |___           _
  \_// \\__   / |  / / _.   ./   /_  / / /_|   / . /| |    ___// /\      //
____/  \_/   /__| __/ / |   /   /_/ __/ ___.  __/ / |      |____/  \___ //
\        \  ______\  /  :   \  _____\  /   :  \  /. \  ____/\    X x   // __ _
 \        \(.      \(.  .   .\(.     \(.   .  .)//   \(.     \    .   // /
 /    _.  \     _.   ._   _.  : ._   _.   ._   _.   .    .   /_   |   \\/
/___ /( ___\   /(_____)\ /(______)\ /(_____)\ /(__  :    :____)\    ___\
    \\   (     \    _   \\  . ____/ \    _   \\   \_|    |\    /\. /
     /   /    // . /_\   __/ /._____/ . /_\   / . _ |    |/   /  \\
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   \\(.   :  .)//  :   .\(.   .   .\(.  :   .\(.  \\(.   \(.
          .   .    .  _|      :      |_ .
     URBAN          //__      .      __\\   dbrn/rmrs/impure!
      LEGEND.       _ _|______:______|_  _
                       :      .      :
                       .      .

        /   ______    /\
::::::'/   /\____/   / /__________________________________
:::::'/_______      / /                                  /\
::::'/\_____ /     / /   Impure (Blocky)                / /
:::'/       /     / /___  requested by: N/A            / /
'' /_______/_____/ //__/\_____________________________/ /

          ____                 //           /\\
        //___/\ dbrn^imp!     //           / //
       __\___\/__________  ___/____  ____ /_/__  ________    ________
      /   /\/     /     /\/   _   /\/   /\/   /\/   _   /\  /   ____/\\
    ./   / /   / / /   / /   /   / /   / /   / /   /   /_/ /   ____/\//
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  \\___\/\___\/  \___\/\___\/    \_________\/\___\/\___\/\_______\//
                        /           / /
                      //           / /. bl0cky bl0cky      
                     //___________/ //   impure...

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      _____________________________________________\____ _ _  /________
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    //   /\/   /\/___    ___/\/   ____/\/   _   /\  / /               /\\
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  //   / /   /   / /   / /  /       /\/   /_  /_/ /_______________/ / //
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        //   /   /   / /   / /  /____/ /   /____/ //   / /   /   / /   _   /\\
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      //___/___/___/ /___/ /________/ /________/ /___/ /_______/ /___/___/ //
       \________________________________   /  /         /  / /____________/
            iNTERMiSSiON!               \ /  /         /  / //iGNORANT!
                                        //__/         /__/ //
                                     |                     :
               :                 .   |            .        |
 .You say      .                 |   :            :        |
    your name        DEAD:           .                                   :
   is       .          [adj] no longer having or seeming to have or      .
    Death ?.|  .             expecting to have life.
            .  |    .  .                           |   .   |      |
       |    :  |    |  |      |                    |   |   |      |      |
    .  .  . .  |    |         :         |    |  .  :   |   :  .   :  .   |
    |     |    :          |   .  |      |    |  |  .   |      |   .  :
    |          .     |    |       |       |  .  |      :      |      |
 :  .  :   :         |    :       :   .   |     .      .             |
 .     .   .         :    .       .   :   .                   :      |
 |     |                              |                          |   .  :
 |     .   .The Brain's orchestra     |        :                 |      |
     |        all known instruments   .   |    .                        |
     |    Harmony with no Discord         |    |     :    .      :      |
  :  .  :    Hear all or any.             :    |
  .     .                                 .
  |     |           BRAIN:
  |     .              [nou] that part of the nervous system that includes
        :                    all the higher nervous centers; enclosed within
            .  |    |        within the skull.  .  :   |   :  .   :  .   |
    |     |    :          |      |      |       |  .   |      |   .  :
    |          .     |    |      :      :   .   |      :      |      |
 :  .  :   :         |    :      :      .   :   .      .             |
 .     .   .         :    .                 |                 :      |
               .  |    |       |  .  |      :       :   .   |
       |     |    |    :   .   |     .      .       .   :   .
       |          :    .   :   .                        |
    :  .  :   :            |                     |      :
    .     .   .            |                     .      .

        /   ______    /\
::::::'/   /\____/   / /__________________________________
:::::'/     __      / /                                  /\
::::'/     /\/     / /   Impure                         / /
:::'/     / /     / /___  requested by: N/A            / /
'' /_____/ /_____/ //__/\_____________________________/ /

                               .              .
                               :              .
                               ._____ ________:
              ___              |    //        |
        .   ((__( _.      ____.|  ._  _.      |_.       _.    ._.
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       \  / .  .)//     .  \(. |____\(._____.)/   .   \(.   .   :   \  /.
        \/ imp!    _     _____/                \_____     _     .    \//
        _ ___ _   / \   /____/__________________\____\   / \___ ___ _
               \_/  /  /\____\                  /____/\  \
                    \_/       \________________/       \_/
                               /_    ::::    _\.iMPURe.
                                 \   dbrn   /     .CLan.
                                 /_  ____  _\

        /   ____    /\
::::::'/   /\__/   / /____________________________________
:::::'/     __    /_/                                    /\
::::'/    _/\/     /\    Noiware                        / /
:::'/    /__/     / /___  requested by: N/A            / /
'' /_____________/ //__/\_____________________________/ /

                               _ _   __   _ _
           dbrn/imp/rmrs!     . ____/  \____ . .........
    ..........        __ ._____\\       ._ //__:__. __ :
    :     _. :  .   ._.  |    ___\ _.    // ._    |.   :_.   ._  _.   ._
    : _  /(___  .   /(___|   (___(/(___  .\__)\  /(____/(_____)\/(_____)\.
    :.\\ \    \_|   \    \__.___. \   ((  \\   \/    . \    _   \    _   \\
 ._   // /   _  |   / . _.  |   | / . /___ /  __\___/  / . /_\  / . /_\   \\
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     .\'   / |    __/ /__|  __| __/ /  /  / __/ /_/  __/ / |  __/ ____.   __//
      \\____ \____\  _______|   \___  /\  __\  ______\  /  :  \  /.:  |   | :
            \(.    \(.___|  :   .  .)/  \(.  \(.  |___\(.  .  .)// :..:   :.:
                      \___  .                     ___/      _         .   .
                    __ _ |_  _______//_________  _| _ nOIWARe!
                         ' \(.       :.       .)/ '
i     /________  ____  ____      _________  ____  \
g    //       /\/   /\/   /\__  /   _    /\/   /\  \
n   //   ____/ /   / /   _   /\/   _    / /   / /  / FINAL
o  //   ____/\/   / /   /   / /   //   / /   /_/_ /   WORDS
r //___/\___\/___/ /___/___/ /___//___/ /_______/\\_____________
a \\___\/    \___\/\___\___\/\___\\___\/\_______\/___  ________ \
n  \_____   /   /   /\/   _   /\/   _   /\  /    _  /\/       /\ \
t        \ /  __   / /   /   / /   /   / / /     / / /  /____/ / /
.        //  ///  / /   /   / /   __  /_/ /     / / _\___    /\ /
.       //___/___/ /_______/ /___/\/___/\/_______/ /________/ //
.       \\___\___\/\_______\/\___\/\___\/\_______\/\________\//

        [adj] lacking general education or knowledge

                  U N L E T T E R E D !

 Well, this is my first colly, it's a bit short but i hope you liked
     it, it's composed of 2 months of work. i tried to put here all the
     pieces i've done during this period.
 I would like to thank many people so if your name isn't under here
     it's because i wasn't able to remember all the people who helped
     me so you can blackmail me.

     thank you very much i am proud to be a small little part of you, i learnt
     much from you all and hope to learn everyday more and more.
     Friends: Limo, digitalsign, freakazoid, Slashzero, Skizo, red-, Shirosaki,
     blackpanther, Majestic, oscar, Chiara (Guercia), Marilù, Manu, Nonnaccio,
     Spaghetto and all the others i forgot.
     thank you for sharing with me all your spare time, for all your suggestions     cigarettes and beers !
     Brands: Camel, Heiniken, Beck's, Cameo, Kellogg's, Kleenex, HP, Trust,
     Lacie, Toshiba, Mirabilis.
     Thank you for making me survive.
     AND A VERY SPECIAL THANKS GOES TO CHIARA: thank you very much i cannot
     imagine my life without you ! ;)

PS: i heard pogue is niggah... is it true?

for requests, blackmail, donations, free sex, porn links, porn movies, and
everything else please mail to: DBRAIN(AT)DBCDEMO(DOT)COM

   ___                               ___
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>_______|)__-____,  /______'     | -      '-/
,--------- )________/ dc /______|---------',
|                                           |
|      Dead Brain presents: iGNORANT        |
|                                           |
`-/ /----------------/ 30-03-04 /-'