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61 801 bytes (60.35K)
File date:
2020-09-16 05:45:02
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all-time: 311


                               |º| Ý| º| Ý||º Þ|
                               |º| Ý| º| Ý||º Þ|
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                               780345  371164329

             h o u s e   o f   s t y l e (tm)   p r o d u c t i o n

       This file is copyrighted by House of Style TM. All patents are
      deponed and secured by the National Patents holdings Netherlands.
       Any form of duplication is not allowed if not agreed with HOS!
            ofcourse by written agreement or any form whatsoever.

                      b o n j o u r,   m e s   a m i e s

  c e c i   e s t   u n e   p r o d u c t i o n   e x t r a o r d i n a i r e

                   d e   l ' a r t i s t   r e d   d e m o n

                   d e   l a   m a i s o n   d e   s t y l e

              t h i s   i s   y o u r   b e d t i m e   s t o r y

      s o   p u t   a s i d e   a l l   y o u r   b a d   f e e l i n g s

        a n d   a l l o w   y o u r   m i n d   t o   p e n e t r a t e

        t h e   v e r y   i n n e r   p a r t   o f   t h i s   t a l e

                 i t ' s   t h e   s t o r y   o f   H o s e e

          t h e   c o l d e s t   o f   t h e   c o o l e r   o n e s

           b e f o r e   i   b e g i n   a s   s t o r y t e l l e r

                    a   q u i c k   i n t r o d u c t i o n

      _/                                \_
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        m e m b e r   o f   t h e   m o r e   t h a n   a l m i g h t y

                            ____________ __________
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                   n o w   l e t s   m e e t   o u r   h e r o

            t h e   h a r d e s t   o f   a l l   d i e   h a r d s

        m o r e   b r a v e   t h a n   A t l a n t a ' s   B r a v e s

      m o r e   f i e r c e   t h e n   f i e r c e n e s s   i t s e l f

            t h e   c o l d e s t   o f   a l l   c o o l   o n e s

                           i t ' s   H O S E E  ! !

                    tattoo ,‘:‘;ã;, <-- knotted, colored hair
                       |   ( o  O )
     this is Hosee,    |    \ _' / <-- easy expression on face
    coldest of the     | ____\__/____
    cooler ones.       ^/    `..'    \
    lets see why       //|   ' -°®|\ \ <-- Dump Tee-shirt original HOS-design
    Hosee is Mr.      /,/ |        ( \ \      and Hara-krishna chain.
    cool supremoso    \ \ )        |  \ \
                       \ )`----)---'( _\_\_ <-- (non-fisible) thumb-rings
                        ( ,    `  ` .)     \
    shorted baggies --> |     ||     |,  , |@ <-- Powells Fireballs (TM)
                        |_____||_____|.  . |
  scars from falling -->  |·|    |®||      |
       too many times    _|_|_  _|_|_      | <-- oldskool Perralta (TM) with SST
                        )_-_-_()_-_-_(.  . |       system, multiple coats of
Simple(tm) old-skool--> \     /\     /.  . |@     polymeric materials
          sneaks        /-----\/-----\ ___/

    b e c a u s e   t h i s   i s   t h e   s e c o n d   p a r t   o f   a

       t r i l o g y   f r o m   m y   E L E M E N T S (tm)   s e r i e

        t h i s   p a r t   h a s   t o   b e   c a l l e d   W A T E R

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   c o m b i n i n g   H o s e e   a n d   t h e   w a t e r   e l e m e n t

        w e   w i l l   g e t   s o m e t h i n g   w h i c h   w i l l

                          l o o k   l i k e   t h i s

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             t h i s   p a c k   w i l l   b e   s u b t i t l e d

                    " T h e   s t o r y   o f   H o s e e "

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                    | 002® ePSILON dESIGN   tOMMY / e^D     :
                    | 003® rASTA            rASTA / e^D     |
                °   | 004® tHE lOOKER hOUSE tOMMY / e^D     |
                    | 005® bACKSTAGE        eXILE           |    °
                    | 006® gETTING sERIOUS  sTZ / sTYLE  ___|___
                    | 007® sAINTS           fLOZZY      _\     \\
                    | 008® mAILSCAN         fLOZZY      //______//
                    : 009® mAILSCAN         fLOZZY          |
                    | 010® mACINTOSH        fLOZZY          |
                    | 011® bRAINDEAD        sTYLE           |
                    | 012® bAD kARMA        sTYLE           |
                    | 013® cYBER gARDEN     sTYLE           |
                    | 014® uLTIMA           sHAITAN         |
                    | 015® sHAITAN          sHAITAN         :
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                    : 024® tANGO                            |
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`----l    l----l    l---------'-----------------'---------'----l    l----l    l
     `----'    `----'                                          `----' rDm`----'

note: i made this one plain and simple,
      because it will probably go into
      some door.The next one is with
      decoration though.
                          ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ________________________)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_ ___
|  . req by: fLOZZY     \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ 009|
l___);)._.______________\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /____l
                        l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
                        `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                                       `----'                        `----'

                             . _________________ .
                          ____)                 (____
                       ___\                         /___
                   ____\        m a i l s c a n        /____
  _______   _______\  ___   _   ___     _______   _______  /_______   ___ ___
_) _   _ (_)  .    (_)   (_(_)_)   (_ _)  .    (_)  .    (_)  .    (_)   \   (_
\   )_(   /   _)    /     /___\   __/_\    )____/   _)____/   _)    /     \   /
\    |    /   \_    /         /   \_  /____     /   \     /   \_    /   \_    /
l    |    |    |    |         l    /      /     l         l    |    |    |    |
`----l    l----l    l---------'-----------------'---------'----l    l----l    l
     `----'    `----'    _                               _     `----' rDm`----'
                   /______\                             /______\

       ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ___ _)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_______________________
|010 \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ respect: fLOZZY      |
l____\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /_______________);)._._l
     l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
     `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                    `----'                        `----'

                          _______   _______   _______
                        _) _   _ (_)  .    (_)  .    (_
                _|__ _  \   )_(   /   _)    /   _)____/
                 |  ____\    |    /   \_    /   \     /___
     _           | |    l    |    |    |    |         l   |           .
_____/_____________|    `----l    l----l    l---------'   |_________//________
    //_    ___   _           `----'    `----'                ___    /_
         _)   (_(_)  ___ ___   ___  mac  _______   _______ _)   (_
         \     /____)   \   (_)   (__  _)       (_)  .    (_     /____
         \         \     \   /    __/__\    _    /    )____/         /
         l         \   \_    /         /    \_   /____     /    |    |
      _  `---------l    |    |         l    \/   l   /     l----l    l   _
______\\ __________`----l    l---------'---------'---------'____`----'___/____
        \          |    `----'                         rDm |            //
         .         |________        . ___ .        ________| |
                          //_________)   (_________\\ _   ___|_

                          ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ________________________)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_ ___
|  . req by: sTYLE      \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ 011|
l___);)._.______________\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /____l
                        l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
                        `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                                       `----'                        `----'

_______________   _______   _______   ___   _   ___ ___
           .   (_)  .    (_)  .    (_)   (_(_)_)   \   (_            _
           _)   /    )____/   _)    /     /___\     \   /_________  |_|
          \\_   /         /   \_    /         /   \_    /         |__
           \/   l    |    |    |    |         l    |    |            |
----------------'----l    l----l    l---------'----l    l            |
                |    `----'    `----'              `----'            |
                |____          _______   _______   _______   ________|________
               ____  |       _)       (_)  .    (_)  .    (_)
              |_   | |_______\    _    /   _)    /   _)    /    _
             _  |__|         \   \\_   /   \_____/   \_    /   \\_
            |_|              l    \/   l         l    |    |    \/
          #                  `---------'---------'----l    l------------------

       ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ___ _)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_______________________
|012 \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ respect: sTYLE       |
l____\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /_______________);)._._l
     l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
     `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                    `----'                        `----'

                                     _ __/__ . __ ___  _ _ __ .
     _______   _______   _______        /     )____ _\/_ ____(
   _)   .   (_)  .    (_)       (_            \\_.¯\ \/ /®._//    ___/_ _
   \    _)   /   _)    /    _    /_____________//___)®°(___\\______ /
   \   \\_   /   \_    /   \\_   /          _ /  _  ___      \ _  /_
   l    \/   l    |    |    \/   l  b a d    \\__   " "(   __//  //___________
   `---------'----l    l---------' k a r m a    ))________((                 ¯|
             |    `----'  ___       _______   _______   _______   _______    :|
           : |          _)   (_____)  .    (_)  .    (_) _   _ (_)  .    (_   |
           | l__________\     )   /   _)    /    )____/   )_(   /   _)    /___l
        _ _|___ _       \         /   \_    /         /    |    /   \_    / rDm
           |            l    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
                        `----l    l----l    l----l    l----l    l----l    l
                             `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'

                          ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ________________________)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_ ___
|  . req by: sTYLE      \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ 013|
l___);)._.______________\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /____l
                        l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
                        `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                                       `----'                        `----'

   _______   ___ ___   _______   _______   _______
 _)  .    (_)   (   (_)   .   (_)  .    (_)  .    (_  ____________________
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 l         l   /     l    \/   l         l    |    | | c y b e r        \\__\
 `---------'---------'---------'---------'----l    l |        g a r d e n |
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 _ \\  \\       _______   _______   _______   _______   _______ | ___ ___
    //__/     _)  .    (_)  .    (_)  .    (_)       (_)  .    (_)   \   (_
      l_______\   _)____/   _)    /    )____/    _    /   _)    /     \   /
              \   \_    /   \_    /         /   \\_   /   \_____/   \_    /
              l    /    l    |    |    |    |    \/   l         l    |    |
              `---------'----l    l----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                             `----'    `----'                        `----'

       ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ___ _)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_______________________
|014 \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ respect: sHAITAN     |
l____\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /_______________);)._._l
     l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
     `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                    `----'                        `----'

                     _____                     _____
                 ___\\    )___________________(    //___
                |     \_                         _/     |   °
      ° ___ ___ : ___       ___       ___   _   _______ : _______
      _)   (   (_)   (_   _)   (__  _)   (_(_)_) _   _ (_)  .    (_  °
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|®    \    \    /   \_    /         /         /    |    /   \_    /       __|_
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|:    `---------'---------'---------'---------'----l    l----|    |     // ___/
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          /_    |                                       |rDm `----'
                :______                           ______;  °
              °        )_________________________(

                          ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ________________________)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_ ___
|  . req by: sHAITAN    \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ 015|
l___);)._.______________\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /____l
                        l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
                        `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                                       `----'                        `----'

  _______   ___       _______   ___   _   ___       _______   ___ ___
_)  .    (_)   (_   _)  .    (_)   (_(_)_)   (__  _)  .    (_)   \   (_______
\    )____/     /___\   _)    /     /___\    __/__\   _)    /     \   /      |
\____     /         /   \_    /         /         /   \_    /   \_    /  _ · |
l   /     l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |    |    | _//__l
`---------'----l    l----l    l---------'---------'----l    l----l    l /
               `----'    `----'     s h a i t a n      `----'    `----'

       ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ___ _)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_______________________
|016 \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ respect: sPEED dEVIL |
l____\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /_______________);)._._l
     l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
     `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                    `----'                        `----'

     _______   _______   _______   _______   _______      .  _  _   _ _   .
   _)  .    (_)  .    (_)  .    (_)  .    (_)       (_     )_____\_/_____(
   \    )____/    )____/   _)    /   _)    /    _    /     \\  ¯.\ /.X  //
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   `---------'----'    `---------'---------'---------'      `/  ¯¯¯¯.  \'     |
     ___|__         s p e e d   d e v i l                    )_________(      |
    /    //_              _______   _______   ___ ___   ___   _   ___         |
    \\____\\            _)       (_)  .    (_)   (   (_)   (_(_)_)   (_      ®®
        |         _ .   \    _    /   _)    /    _)   /     /___\   __/____   |
        l_________//____\   \\_   /   \_____/    \    /         /   \_    /___l
                  /     l    \/   l         l         l         l    /    lrDm

                          ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ________________________)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_ ___
|  . req by: mE         \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ 017|
l___);)._.______________\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /____l
                        l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
                        `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                                       `----'                        `----'

                        3                                3
                       333                              333
                     33333333      333333             33333333
                 333333333333333333333333333      33333333333333
             33333333333333333 33333333333333 33333333333333333
              333333333333333 3333333333333333 333333333333333
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                    33333333 333333333333333333333   33333333
                    33333333 33333333    333333333   33333333
                    33333333 333333333   333333333   33333333
                    333333333 3333333333333333333    333333333
                     333333333 333333333333333333     333333333
                     333333333 33333333333333333      333333333
                      333333333 333333333333333        333333333
                       33    33     3333333             33    33
                       3       3                        3       3

            a n d   n o w   f o r   t h e   r e s p e c t   p a r t

      t h i s   t h e   f i r s t   t i m e   i   p a i d   r e s p e c t

                     t o   t h e   b i g - l e a g e r s.

     s t i l l   m o s t   r e s p e c t   t o   a l l   n e w c o m e r s

          d o n t   l i s t e n   t o   w h a t   o t h e r s   m a y

      t e l l   y o u   t o  d o,   d o   w h a t   y o u   d o   b e s t

      r e m e m b e r,   Y O U   a r e   t h e   a s k i   f u t u r e !

       ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ___ _)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_______________________
|018 \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ respect: pASZCZAK    |
l____\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /_______________);)._._l
     l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
     `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                    `----'                        `----'

           °    l_;      #                  #
             _____                            __     °        #    °    _
     _______|__   |  °     __                l__l  ________            l_l
    |       l__|__l       l__;                    |     ___|____________
    |      ____|_______________________     °     |    |   |            |  °
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          |                            |               |                |
   _______:_______   _______   _______ | _______   _______   _______   ___
 _)  .    (_ .    (_)  .    (_)  .    (_)  .    (_)  .    (_)  .    (_)   (_____
 \    )____/ _)    /    )____/____)    /   _)____/____)    /   _)    /     )   /
 \    /  \   \_    /____     /    _____/   \     /    _____/   \_    /         /
 l    l  l    |    |   /     l   /     l         l   /     l    |    |    |    |
 `----'  `----l    l---------'---------'---------'---------'----l    l----l    l
          |   `----'           ________|_______________|______  `----'  | `----'
          :        _______    :        |               l______|_________l
       °  l_______|_______|___|________l                      |rDm
            _     |       |   |          p a s z c z a k   ___|__      °
           :_;  __|___    |   l___________________________|___l  |   _
               |  l___|___l                               l______l  :_l
            °  l______l      °                      °

                          ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ________________________)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_ ___
|  . req by: mOQUE      \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ 019|
l___);)._.______________\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /____l
                        l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
                        `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                                       `----'                        `----'

             .                                             .

                 O                                           °
           ()                . _______________ .
              _   .     ______)               (______  °      .
             l_l       |®    (    m o q u e    )     |   __
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      ___\   _) _   _ (_)       (_)       (_)   (_____)  .    (_  /___
      \ _    \   )_(   /    _    /    _    /    _)   /   _)    /   _ /
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             `----l    l---------'-------\\'---------'---------'
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            l_l   |    l_____|__________________|____l  l_|_l
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       ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ___ _)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_______________________
|020 \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ respect: kARMA       |
l____\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /_______________);)._._l
     l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
     `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                    `----'                        `----'

               ___    \\                               //    ___
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        __\    ___       _______   _______   _______   _______      /__
 _______\    _)   (_____)  .    (_)  .    (_) _   _ (_)  .    (_      /_______
|®           \     )   /   _)    /    )____/   )_(   /   _)    /              |
|:   ______  \         /   \_    /         /    |    /   \_    /    ________  |
l___|______|_l    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |___|________|_l
    |      | `----l    l----l    l----l    l----l    l----l    l  _|___     |
    |   ___|_____ `----'    `----'    `----'    `----'  __`----' | l___|____l
    |  |   |     |    __   °                           l__|   ___|__   |
    l__|___l   __|_  l__l                                    |   |  |  |     #
       l______|__l |      _                           °      l___|__l  |
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              _     °                                             °

                          ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ________________________)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_ ___
|  . req by: rAPID      \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ 021|
l___);)._.______________\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /____l
                        l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
                        `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                                       `----'                        `----'

                       333            3333333333333
                    333333333       33333333333333333         33
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          33333  333333333333333 33333333333333333333333333333333333
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      333333333  ______   33333333   _______   333333  _______ 33333333
       3333333 _)  .    (_ _______ _)  .    (___ _ _ _)       (_ 33333
        333333 \    )____/)  .    (\    )____/  (_(_)\    _    / 3333
         33333 \         \   _)    /    /  \     /___\   \\_   / 3333
          3333 l    |    \   \_    /    l  \         /    \/   l 333
          3333 `----`----l    |    |----'--l         l---------' 333
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        33333333333333333           333333            3333333333333333
         333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333  333333333333
          33333333     3333333333333333   3333333333333333   rDm 333333333
            3333         3333333333333       333333333333          33333
                          33333333333         3333333333
                             33333               33333

       ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ___ _)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_______________________
|022 \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ respect: tREACH      |
l____\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /_______________);)._._l
     l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
     `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                    `----'                        `----'

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                          ___\\    )___________________(    //___
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                 ___     | _______   _______   _______   _______ | ___
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               \    __/__\    )____/   _)    /   _)    /   _)____/     /____
               \         /         /   \_____/   \_    /   \     /         /
      ,:;:;:   l         l    |    |         l    |    |         l    |    |
     ( o  O )  `---------'----l    l---------'----l    l---------'----l    l
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                          ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ________________________)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_ ___
|  . req by: sTZ        \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ 023|
l___);)._.______________\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /____l
                        l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
                        `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                                       `----'                        `----'

                                             333                   334
                                4             3333333        33333333
              33333333333333  33333            333333333333333333333
           3333333333333333 3333333333333      33333333333333333333
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      3333333333         3333333333333333333             33333333333333
       333333333337333   333333333333                   333333333333
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            3333333333333333 33333333     333333333   3333333333             4
        4       3333333333333 33333333     333333333 33333333333 rDm      333
       733        333333333333 3333333    3333333333 3333333333       333333
      733333     333333333333 333333333333333333333333333333337   333333333
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       333333333333333              33333333333    33333333333333333
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       ___ ___   _______   ___       _______   _______
 ___ _)   (   (_)  .    (_)   (__  _)  .    (_)  .    (_______________________
|024 \   _ _   /   _)    /    __/__\   _)    /    )____/ respect: tANGO       |
l____\   /_\   /   \_    /         /   \_____/         /_______________);)._._l
     l    |    |    |    |         l         l    |    |
     `----`----'----l    l---------'---------'----l    l
                    `----'                        `----'

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\    '  \         /   \_    /   \_    /   \_    /    \_   /   t  a  n  g  o   /
l______ l         l    |    |    |    |    /    l    \/   l __________________l
        `---------'----l    l----l    l---------'---------'
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                     ¯  _   \\_\   /_//   _  Ö
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                          . \_/  å  \_/    ®

           t h a t   w e r e   s o m e   r e s p e c t   l o g o ' s

  t h e r e   a r e   m a n y   m o r e   p e o p l e   w h o   d e s e r v e

  r e s p e c t,   b u t   t h e s e   a r e   t h e   o n e s   i   w i l l

   a l w a y s   r e m e m b e r,   a n d   t h e r e f o r   d e s e r v e

                      m y   u t m o s t   r e s p e c t.

                                                           _  ____|_
       _/___ _  _______   ___       ___       _______   _______   |
       /      _)       (_)   (_____)   (__  _)  .    (_)       (_ :
              \    _    /    _)   /    __/__\    )____/    _    /
              \    \_   /    \    /         /         /    \_   /
              l    \/   l         l         l    |    |    \/   l
           :  `---------'---------'---------'----l    l---------'
          _|___  _                               `----' rDm_  ____/_
           |                                                     /
           | well, this was another aski release from me, the 7th
           | one to be more exact.Once again this wasn't such a big
           Å kool-action, but i enjoy the design and story's around
           | the pack too much.I'm already thinking about my next
           | pack.I also have some other things in mind, which include
           | a coop-pack and the gathering of a new group especially
           | for new-comers.You will probably here more of all this
           | in the near future.
           | I would like to make a global request to all aski artist
           | to make some pieces for me.One saying red demon (how nice),
           | a house of style (tm) piece, and finally one saying 101.
           | Then there are some other things i'm still looking for,
           | which YOU could help me find, and thereby earn eternal
           | respect!I'm looking for skate video's, manga pics and kung-fu
           | movies (like "return to the 36th chamber") or other kung-fu
           | stuff.You can contact me on the following boards:
           |    boondocks: +31-548-540 653
           |    one eight seven: +31-534-337 569
           Å    the oase: +31-30-606 7278
           |    wild palms: +31-30-603 7939
           | You can also catch me on internet on #amielite.Please contact
           | me if you got something to say to me or whatever.
           | Okay, only thing now are some quick messages and the end logo.
           | Thanks for your time, and i will see you again in my next
           | aski adventure, entitled "hos-eart.txt"...
           |               .      rED dEMON^HOS^DELiGHT^SMOKEY   23:17 15-07-96
  _   __ __|______________//____________ ___  _                 _  __  ____/_ _
           |              /                                               /

               1. i'm looking for someone to do a coop-pack
           .   2. aski reqs to you: red demon, house of style and 101
               3. send me reqs, skate^manga^kung-fu videos.
               4. i need ears which look likes Spocks cos i wanna be an alien

  Here are your messages <beep>:

  msw/sos <beep>: wanneer gaat je board weer us online?
                  ik heb je een paar keer al geprobeerd,
                  en zelfs een keer je moeder gekregen,
                  dat was wel redelijk kool, omdat ik ook
                  voor deze gelegenheid maar even voice
                  pakte om wat te rotzooien.
                  Leuke vakantie trouwens gehad?

                                 stz/style <beep>:hope to catch you again on
                                                  irc.i got some ideas about
                                                  starting a group for new-
                                                  comers and some other things
  ramon/hos <beep>:i don't know if you feel       that might interest you.
                   anything for making some       I'm looking out for your next
                   cooperative stuff.No need      pack:)
                   for pure aski, but more
                   need for pure phun.

                                        wise-k/sos <beep>:well, i talked to you
                                                          on irc for just a few
                                                          minutes but you seem
                                                          like a nice guy and
 axeblade/hos:heb je me kaart nog gekregen                i like your aski work
              huh.. was een beetje vaag alle              so hope to hear from
              maal, maarja.. hoop dat je het              you in one way or some
              op prijs kon stellen...                     other way, or sumthin'
              wanneer ga je je volgende pack
              uitbrengen? of doe je daar niet
              meer aan...

 nup/mo' soul <beep>:i wrote you some letter but heard
                     nothing from you since.I got some
                     graff pics for you from dutch
                     bombers, so i hope you write me back
                     or mail me somewhere.

                                 speed devil/style <beep>:i just spoke to you
                                                          a few secs ago, but
                                                          my connect flunked.
                                                          well, i did make
                                                          your req so be glad
                                                          and all that:)
                                                          i will send you my
                                                          pack once i see you

  <beep> no more messages <tick>.

     _|___  _______   ___       _______   _______   ___  _  __\_
      |   _)  .    (_)   (_____)  .    (_)  .    (_)   (__     \
      :   \   _)____/    _)   /   _)    /    )____/    __/___
          \   \_    /    \    /   \_____/____     /         / rDm
          l    /    l         l         l   /     l         l   :
     _\___`---------'---------'---------'---------'---------'___|_ _
       \                                                        |
            copyright text from hos-comm.txt by nike/hos        |
       .    red demon logo from se-poju.txt by stz/style        |
            house of style logo from se-poju.txt by stz/style   |
    o       delight logo from a&w-twas.txt by karma/arclite     |
            file_id.diz from a&w-twas.txt by misfit/whale       |
       O                                                        |
   .                                          thank you all!    |
        ø                                                       |
    O  .                                      _______   _______ : ___
      _   O                                 _)  .    (_)  .    (_)   (__
     (_)      o   .         _   ___  _______\   _)    /    )____/    __/___
          ø                                 \   \_    /         /         /
                                            l    |    |    |    |         l
                                            `----l    l----l    l---------'
                                                 `----'    `----'

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   _______.
   \      |______ ____________ ________
   _\_    |    _/_   ._      /      __/__
   \             /   |/     /__         /
          "The story of Hosee"
            BY RED DEMON^HOS

             33333333                333333           333333333
            33333333333           333333333333     33333333333333
             33333333    33333  333333333333333  33333333333333333.
              3333333 3333333333 3333333333333333 33333333 53333333
              3333333333333333333 333333333333333 333;3333  555555
              33333333333333333333 333333333333333 3;4;33333333333
              33333333  3333333333 333333333333333 ;333;333333333333
             3333333333  333333333 3333 3333333333 333333  3333333333
             3333333333  33333333 3333   333333333 3333333   333333333
            3333333333  33333333 333333 333333333 3333333333333333333
           3333333333  33333333 3333333333333333 3333333333333333333
         33333333333     33333   333333333333    3333333333333333 rDm

            h o u s e   o f   s t y l e (tm)   p r o d u c t i o n

     n i k e,  r a m o n,  m o r t i m e r   t w a n g,  w h i r l w i n d

          a x e b l a d e,  w i s h b r i n g e r,  r e d   d e m o n