R E S P E C T ....
____ ______ _____
\ )____ ____|_ _ )____\_ /
_) _ /(__ / (/ /_\ _ /_
______ _
C__ ___/___
/ | . )
___ ___ ____________ ___ ____
/ /_ _// ____) _ ). _( /
_(_ /__)_/ (/ ! (/ /_: \ /__
__:_/_____)___:___)__\___)___\_ _:__
..but everyone is trying to get some..
___ ___
__ __\_/ _____ __ __ _____ ________\_/ ___ __ ______ ________ ______
/ /\ \ \ __/_ | \ /__ / \ \| \ ___/_ / /
_/ / \ \_ \___ \_ \_ /__ \_ /__/__ \_ \ \_\ \_ /__ /__/__
\ / \ / / / /| / / / _ / / \ \ / \ //__/ / _ /
As i said last time: TO DESERVE OR NOT TO DESERVE, or even better:
Yeah, everyone in the ascii scene is looking for a bit of respect these
days. Some deserve it, some don't! This time i decided to respect some
guys, and disrespect some others. (hey sTYLEz, i guess it's something in
my nature to confront people with their, in my eyes, lame behaviour.)
(Note: i'm solely refering to the ascii scene and everything related to
So, NO hardcore dissing this time. Maybe some feel offended by the
NO RESPECT chapter, but don't forget, it's just an opinion, and i guess
you're all extremely friendly in real life! ..hidihoo.. hah hah hah..
signed, CHUCKY
\___) okey, okey, let's take it from here..
(_/ . )
\ : /
._/___\_ wB!
! !
| ___ ,gm_ gmmmm_. ,__. gms. :,___
i@mW@@@m_ d@@@@@W g@@@@W. @@@@@@@s ,@@@@@@i d@@@@smW@@@@@@@[
d@@@@@@@@b @@@A**~ i@@AY@@W @@@~~Y@@b ]@@@**f` d@@AM@@Z@@@@@A**`
@@@~ Y@@i @@@ d@@`!@@@ @@@ @@@ ]@@[ ,@@@`]@@[ @@@
@@@ ,@@@[]@@@ @@@. *@A @@@ i@@A @@@[ d@@[ '@@! @@@
@@@ g@@@A ]@@@mmms !@@W. @@@ _W@A` @@@Wmmm. @@@` '~ @@@
@@@m@@@@f ]@@@@@@@ V@@@s @@@@@@A` @@@@@@@[i@@A @@@
@@@@@@A` ]@@P~~` 'M@@b @@@A*~ @@@~~~ ]@@[ ,_ @@@
@@@V@@@i ]@@[ _. M@@b @@@ @@@ ]@@[ @@[ @@@
@@@ V@@@. ]@@[ @@s ]@@@ @@@ @@@ ]@@[ ]@@! @@@
@@@ !@@@. ]@@Wmmmi !@@@m@@@P @@@ @@@mmmm @@W ,@@A @@@
@@@ 'M@@ !@@@@@@@ 'M@@@@f M@@ M@@@@@@[ !@@m@@A` @@@
:` ~` '~~~~ '~~` '~ ~~~~` 'V**f ~**
! |
: Chapter One. Ascii painters !
÷ 2fast ÷
_____ _________ ___ ________
_|_, / (_ ____/_______ _/ /___ (__ ___/wB!
/ ___/_ / ___) (__ / \____ ) / |
| |
! good to have you back! !
____ _____
______ | /wB! ___ _______ _____ \ |
_/ ___/___ ! /____ / /_ | _ ) : _ )_____ ___\ !
\ (__\ |__:_ _ )_(_ /__)_! (/ /__ _|__/ / . )( _ |
..\_____\__! _/(/__/ _:_/___ _)___\____(_____/______/..\__\__:..
/___\ ! !
| thanks for all the intimate :
÷ cybergod ÷ : nights! ;) !
_____ _______ _____
: _ )___| _ /__, /wB!
_|__/ / . !__/ / ___/
(_____/_____: __/\______ _______________
\_______: !
! loved the humor in :
÷ gozz ÷ · your first collies!
. Keep it up! |
!_______ _ __________:
÷ moKue ÷
_______ _ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ________
____\ /___! _ \\ (/ /_( /: / \ __ (__ _ _ _____
\ \_ / (_ ./ /_) ___/ \ /_! /__ \ \_) /_ !
_\____/_/_____/______/ \____\ \ \____|_(__/ \__\__//_)wB! |
| \___\_ |
! a.k.a. mOGUE! !
. :
. well chris, looks like i'm dissing you, .
: but i only want to help you with your english! |
| so tell me who is this guy called wHishbringer ? ;) :
______ _______ ________ . ______ ___ _______
___\ /__ ____| _ )(__ ___/ o. ___\ /__ / /_ | _ )wB!
\ \_ / (_ . ) (/ /_ / | _(_) \ \_ / (__( /__)_! (/ /_
..\___//____/____/___\___)(___:.!___\..\___//____ _:_/_____)___\___)..
_______! !
(__ ___/ maximum respect for your fab |
÷ Mortimer T. ÷ / | : muzak work! trip-hop rules! .
. ..(___:.(_). also keep up the ascii work! !
! love to get that tape someday!:
| !
÷ nup ÷
_____ ____ _____ ___ ____
\ _( / ____! / | _ /
_\ \ /__\ (_ (_ : ./ __/wB!
_ __\_____(____/____!!___(________________
: !
! much respect for your work, :
| no respect for tape stealing.. !
!_____ WHAT'S UP ? _______________|
___ ______ _______ ____________ ________ ___
_/ /___( __/______| _ )(__ ______/_____( ____// /_
\____ ) ( ) (/ /_ / ___)( ) (__ _( /__)_
(__.__/| \___.___/! \___)/___| \___.___/___ _:_ /_____)_
:_____ _:____.____\ : /__/ !
\wB! | getting better all the |
÷ scarface ÷ ! time.. better, better, better! !
÷ u-man ÷
_______ _______ ________ ___ ____
______\ _/___\ /___ | _ // _( /
(_ /_) \_) \_ / (_: (/ _// \ /_
/___\\_____:_____/_/_____/___:___\ ____\___/wB!
! |
: i'm not gonna beg for it.. :
_________ _ __________________________
! !
| heY man! you deserve MUCHo respect :
! from everyone! Fab work!! !
______ _______ ________ _ _______________ _____|
_(__ /___|_ _ )| _ )______
\ ___/ . / (/ /_! (/ /_ . )
÷ zorro ÷
____ ÷ boheme ÷
| /wB! ____ ___ ______ ___
! /__________ \ )____ / /_ ___\ /__ / /_
: _ ) . )_) _ /_(_ /__)_\ \_ / (_ _(_ /__)_
! |
| nice ascii's with those dots.. :
:____(maybe you know what i mean)__!
______ ÷ dino ÷
\ | ._o ____ ____
___\ !_(_)o _ _( /_______
( _ | ) \ \ /_ . )
..\__\.__:___\../___\___/______/wB! .. . ...
! !
| amazing first collie! .
______ ___ _________ ________
___\ /__ ._ _/ /___ (_ ____/ _.(__ ___/
\ \_ / (_ (_) \____ ) / ___) _(_) / |
! !
÷ misfit ÷ |_THANKS!_____:
÷ punk ÷
_________ _____ _____ ____ ____ ____
| _ /___! / \ _( / \ (/ /
: ./ __/\ (_ (_ __\ \ /_ _) ___/
!___( (____/____:______\____:_____\ \
: \___\wB!
! nice unreadable style! ;) :
|__ _ _______________ __________|
___ ________ .____ ___ ______
_/ /___(__ ___/____ | / / /_ _(__ /wB!
\____ ) / | ( |__!_ /__ (_ /__)_\ ___/_
..(__.__/.(___:...\__! _/____:__/_____)\__.___)..
/___\ !
÷ stylez ÷ | thanks for the wise :
! words.. ;) |
______ ___ _____ ___
_(__ / / /_ ____! / _/ /___
\ ___/_ (_ /__)__\ (_ (_ \____ )
...\__.___:__/____ _(____/____!.(__.__/wB! .. . .
! !
÷ zeus ÷ | what to say ? :
: |
! !
: N O :
| _mmi
! g@P ,__W@@f
gm. WW. ,W@A ,W@@@@@@@f
]@@b__mmi ,gW@@W. ,W@@@. ,g@@P_m@@W ,gW@@W. ,gmms ~~Y@@A~~`
Y@@@@@@! g@@f~@@! g@f'@@[ g@@@@@**M@@ g@@f~@@! _W@@@@A g@@f |
g@f i@@f d@A`_W@f ,WA` @@[ ,W@M@@f ,W@P d@A`_W@f d@@AfV*` d@@f !
W@f ,@@P g@@@@*f` g@P i@A` g@A\@@` ,g@Af g@@@@*f` d@@f ,W@@P :
@! W@@,gW@@@~ _gW@@@m_g@f_m@@f,@@@WWA*` _W@@@~ _gW@@[ ,m@@@@. ,_m[
` @@@@@AY@@Wmm@@@*V@@@@@@@@A*`g@@*@@@@mm@@AY@@Wmm@@@*M@W__mW@*~M@@@@@@A!
V**~ V@@@Af` ~***~` d@@! ~V***~ V@@@Af` 'M@@@Af '***f~ :
! W@@f ~~ !
: d@@f |
! Chapter Two. Requested stuff, Use or Die! :
___ __ __ __ _____ __ __ ___.o______ __ _____ _____ _____ _____
_\ | | _Y__Y _Y | _Y (__) _Y__Y_ _Y _Y __Y |
.____________\_ | | \_ / `-\_ \_ \_ l_\_ / | \_ | \_ _/\_ l__|
| | | | | /--, | | | | | | | / | |--, | l | | .
l_____ ______ l__ l_/l__ l__| l_____l__|2Fl_/l__| l__ l__ l__| _|
`--l__| `--' `--' `--' `--' `--'
In this chapter i decided to disrespect some people, as i am kinda
fed up with all those peeps requesting ascii's here and there and
everywhere, and never use 'em anyway.. NO RESPECT for those concerned!
(There are some exceptions ofcourse..)
? why the hell did i even bother to paint those requests ?
total waste of time... sigh.. 'ere we go:
01. Brain Scan, requested by JMF.
_______ ____ _ __
\ _/___ _ (___// \ _(_)_ _____ ____
\_ (____// \ __ _) ) _________ (_) (_) \ _( /
_) (_ _) ) / \\ (__ \ _ / _/ (_ _ \ /_
\_____\\__/ /____\\___/___\__) /_ \__ _/ /____\___/
\ __ _/ _____ ____
______ _\ (_/ | \__ _( /
______ _) _//__\__/___| / \\ (_ _
_\__ (_ \_ (__ __ /____\\___//_) __________
\__ \__/_ )___//__) __\scanning/__
_ __) / bzZz..___ _... \ \brain./ /
(_\\_____/wB! ..(@__|O__ '. \ \_.__/ /
o \_______ / . \___O_ __/
. (_e)e _) . . ;
umBa . _)(_. (_ o '.. .:
gumBa \____ _/
. ((_/_) o
02. Crux, requested by JMF.
____ _
______ _ (___// \ _____ ___ _____ _____
_) _//_) __ _) ) _) / _/ \_ \/ _/
\_ (__ __ / \\ (__\_ /_ \_ __) / (__
)___//__))___\\___/ )__/___/ \____\_____/wB!
03. Deep Thought, requested by JMF.
_ ________ _ __ _ __ _ ____ _
(_\\______// \ ___(_// \ ___(_// \ (___// \
/ ( _) ) \ (__) )_ \ (__) )_ __ _) )
/____\\__/ \___\__//_) \___\__//_) / \\__/
_ _ _____ ______ ______ _ _____
___ _ _) ) \ ) ____ _ ______ ___ _______ \ ) ___ _ _) )
(__// (____/ _\ _/___ _(___// \ _) / _/ _) __/__ _\ _/___(__// (____/
/ \ \ (__ (_ / (_ _) )\ /_ \_ \_ (__ (_\ (__ (_ / \
/______\wB! \__/(___/ \____\\__/ \___/___/ )___/___/ ___/(___/ /___ __\
04. Element, requested by JMF.
________ wB! _____ ________ _______ ________ ____ ____ __( /_
\ __ (__ _( _/ \ __ (__ ____\ /___\ __ (__ \ _( /(___ ___)
\ \_) /__\ (_ _ \ \_) /_ \ \_ / (_\ \_) /_ __ \ /_ / (__ _
\__\__//_) \___//_) \__\__//_)_\____/_/_____/ \__\__//__\___\___/ \____//_)
05. Movies, requested by JMF.
_______ ____ _ ________ __ __ _ _\__ (_
____\ /___ _(___// \ \_ /_____ _\_) ___(_// \ \__ \__/_
\ \_ / (_ / (_ _) ) _) _/ _// (_\ (__) )___ __) /
_\____/_/_____/ \____\\__/ \___\____( )__,_/ \___\__//_ _\\_____/wB!
06. Chronicle, requested by Axeblade.
_ __ _
_______ /wB! ______
_______ \ / ______ _____ _ ____ ____ ___ _______ \ / _______
_) ____) _\ __/___ _\___ /_ _ _ \ \ _( /_(__) _) ____)_\ / _) ___ \
\_ \__ __ \ \__ (_\ \___) \__) \ _ \ /_\ / \_ \__ _\ (_ _\ \_) /_
_/____//__) \__/)___/ \___\ _ _____//___\___/ \_/ _/____//_)\__/__\\___\_//_)
07. Dope on Plastic, requested by Relief.
_ ______ ____
____ _ . _ o :
_ _______ _ ____ __ (___// \ ________ (_)_ __!____ ____ ____
_\\_____// \ _) _ _ \ __ _) )\ __ (__ o(_) _) _ _ \ \ _( /
/ ( _) ) \ \__) \ / \\__/ \ \_) /__ . o \ \__) \ _ \ /_
/____\\__/ \_ _____//____\ \__\__//_) \_______/ /___\___/
____ _ ____ /\ | ____ ___ ___ wB!
(___// \ / / / \ ! _( _ \_ __( /_ _(_/_ __.____
__ _) )_( _/ / \ : \__ \__/_(__ ___) (_) (_) _) ____)
/ \\__/ \ (_ _ __/ /\ \_| _ _) / / (_ __ _/ (_ \_ \__ __
/____\ \__//_))___/ \__/_ _\\____/ \___//__) \__ _/ /____//__) .
| :
`-- ----- ------ - -------- ---- - -------'
08. Offspring, requested by Relief.
_ _____ _____
___ __) )___ __) ) ____ ____ _ ______ __
_______ (__/_\____/(__/_\____/__\_ \_ (___// \ (___// \ _(_/_
_) _ _ \ \_ \___) \_ \___) \__ \__/_ __ _) ) __ _) ) (_) (_)
\ \__) \ / \ / \ _ _ __) // \\__/ / \\ (__ _/ (_
\_ _____//______\ __/______\ __\\_____//____\ / \\___/ \_ __/__ _____
/______\ \ _( /
wB! _ \ /_
_ _________
_) __/__
\_ (__ (_
09. Relief, requested by Relief.
____ _ ___ _ _____
(___// \ ________ _____ _\_)_ ________ ___ __) )wB!
__ _) ) \ __ (__ _( _/ \ (_) \ __ (__ (__/_\____/
__ / \\ (___\ \_) /_ \ (_ _ _/ (_ __\ \_) /_ _\_ \___) ___
_ / \\___/__\__\__//_)_\___//_)_\__ _/____\__\__//_)_ / \ _ _
_/______\ _/______\
10. Puzzle, requested by Relief.
. haha.. and YOU thought i would paint a puzzle
...... : ascii ? Now YOU tell me WHAT FOR ?
\·C· / It's a waste of time, nuffin more, nuffin less!
__( -- )__
/ _ \¾¾/ _ \_
) / ' _) /
\ \ fUK \__/
\ __ /
_) | (_
: !
! ,gm
'~@@zf~T@m.,gm*~~~*ms. im@f~~V4['~@@D/~~*ms. _mZf~~VNm_ ,gm*~~~~V=W[~Y@@~~`
@@[ ~~i@@b_____d@@i'*@@mm_/` @@[ ]@@iW@@______@@Wi@@[ !! ]@@
@@[ 'M@b _ m ~V@@W @@[ d@A`V@@. ,.'M@b ,. ]@@
-=**+=- '~*====Y~` *~===Y*f` @@P\==*~` ~V+====f~ '~*=====f~ ~*+=/`
| ,_@@b_ :
! Chapter Three. Dedications. .
01. Intersection, dedicated to Zen.
.. . ... ........ . ........... .. .... ...... . ..
!__ ___ !
_\_(_ ____ ____ __( /_ _______ ______ :
_) _( \ _( /(__ ___)_) ___ \ _\___ /_ .
\_ \_ _ \ /_ / (_ __\ \_) /_\ \___)__ ·
/___/ /___\___/ \___//__)\___\_//_)\___\ __/wB! .
: ____ ___ :
· _(__ \_ _______ _______ __( /_ ___ _______ ____ ____
. \__ \__/_ _) ___ \ _) ____) (__ ___) _(__) _) _ _ \ \ _( /
. _ __) / \ \_) /_ \_ \__ __ / (_ __ \ / \ \__) \ _ \ /_
:..(_\\_____/...\___\_//_)./____//__)\___//__).\_/. \_ _____/ /___\___/
02. Undercover, dedicated to Demax.
___ _____ __ ___________ ____ __________ _ ___________
| ____ _ !
__!__ ___ _____ _____ _____ _ __ _ (___// \ |
_) / _/ \__ _( _/_____// \ ___(_// \ __ _) ) (_)
\ /_ \_ / \\ (_ / ( _) )\ (__) )_ / \\ (__ :
\___/___//____\\___//____\\__/ \___\__//_)/____\\___/ !
. __ _ _____ _:__ _
: ______ _ ____ _ \ _____/_ __ _ (___// \
| _) _//_) _(___// \ \ \___ /___(_// \ __ _) )
! \_ (__ __ / (_ _) )__\ / / \ (__) )_ / \\ (__
. )___//__) \____\\__//___\ /_/ \___\__//_)/____\\___/wB!
: \/ |
!__ _ _______________ _ _____ _________ _________ __ ___!
03. Royal, dedicated to Muad'dib & Whirlwind!
____ ____ _ _____________ ___ _ ___ _ __ /\ _____ ____ __
' (___// \ _______ ( (_ / / / \ / / |
: __ _) ) _) _ _ \ \__// _/ / \ _( _/ :
! / \\ (__\ \__) \ __ _/ \ ____/ /\ \_\ (_ __ !
|wB!/____\\___/ \____ __//__\\____\\_____/ \____\__//__)|
04. Mystic, dedicated to Muad'dib!
_________ _____ _ ___________ _ _________ ____ _ ____
! _______ _____ _ _ _____ _ !
_______| ____\ /_ __/___ _____ __) ) _(_)_ __:____
____\ /__ \ \__ / (____ / \___//__ __/ (_) (_) _) ____)
\ \_ / (_ __\_____// / _/ / / \ _/ (_ \_ \__ __
\____/_/_____//________/ /______/wB! /______\ _ \__ _/ _/____//__)
| !
:_ _ ______ ________ __________ __ _ ________ ______|
05. Kryptonite, dedicated to Kryptonite! (I doubted whether to put you
in the ascii part or not, as you have quitted the bizz.. give
respect and get respect is all i can say here!)
____ ____ __ ___ __ _____ _ _ __ __
___ __) ) (___// \ ( (_ / ) (___// \ ___ ___) )
(__/_\____/_ __ _) ) \__// _/ __ _) )(__// \____/
\_ \__ / / \\ (__ _ _/ \ / \\__/ / \ _____ _
/ (___(_ /____\\___/(_\\ \ /____\ /______\ _(____// \
_/______\ \___/ / (_ _) )
wB! /______\\__/
_ ___ ____
\__ _( /
. / \\ /_
KryptOnite! /____\\___/
. _
. _(_)_
(_) (_)
_/ (_
\__ _/ _ _____
_____ __) )
\___//__ __/ ___ _
/ \ ___(__// \
/______\ _ \ (_ _) )__
06. Rea Kwon, dedicated to everyone who likes the Wutang Posse!
__ _
____ _ __\wB!/__
(___// \ o___ _\__\_/__/_ ___ ___ _____ ___________ ____ ____
_ _) ) __:_ / | _ // (/ / \_ (_ _|_ / _ \\ _( /
/ \\ (__\ \) \ : (/ _/_) __/_ __) / _/ (_ \) /_ \ /_
/___\\_____\__\__//_)_:___\\___:\ \\____:__| /_.___//____\___/
\ \_ _ _ _| /
it's been a long tiMe...
07. Angel, dedicated to someone in another life.
\ _ / ____ ____ ______ ________ ______
___\__) /_ \ _( / ____/__\ __ (__ ) /wB!
\ __ _/ _ \ /_ \___ (_\ \_) /__\ (_ _
\ (_/ | /___\___/_____/___/ \__\__//_) \___//_)
. \__/___|
"I've got blood on my neck from success."
- John Frusciante, 1994
[ ] ]~[ P~Y P~\ ~P~ P~M @~~ ]~[ P~Y]\.]
@~Y P~8 @~5 @ ] @ [ ] P~` P~8 @~5]['4
~ ' ` ~ ~ ' ~~` ~ ~~~ ~~~ ` ~ ~ ''` '
_______________________________________ _____ __________________________
| \_:_/ |
_|__ _ ____ ____ _ & C & _ __ ____!
(___// \ _____ _ _C__ \_ C___// \ __|(·)|__ ______ _______ _ _) )
_! _) ) _\__ / \__ \__/_ __ _) ) / ___,__, \ _) _//______// (____/
/ \\ (__\ \) \ _ __) // \\__/ C____(_)____)\_ (__ __ / \ :
\ \\_____\__\__//_)_______/ \__ ___( ) )___//__) _/ \_|
\:_/_ _ _____ _________ _ _______:__ _ / \ ____ _ __:________:__
| /__,___,__\wB! |
. :
! Credits: Wishbringer, Misfit, 2fast, Scarface !
| :
: Respect to the following artists: 2fast, Chrombacher, Crusader, !
. Cybergod, Desoto, Fatal, Gozz, Mogue, Mortimer Twang, Nup, Scarface ·
. Stz, Stylez, U-man, Zeus, Desert, DHM, GEN, Karma, Maz, Redskin, ·
Shapechanger, Boheme, Dino, Mess, Misfit, Vinzi, Phase, Punk,
Treach & ALL in HOUSE OF STYLE! .
: Greetings to my scene palski's: Array, Muad'dib, Jay-One, Jake, :
. Pyxis, Eurobyte, Midnight Caller, Motive Power, Funz, Veteran, .
Whirlwind, Orlingo, Radavi, Agressor, Demax, Mortician, Axeblade,
U-man, Pearl, Scarface, Stephen King, Centurion, Cybergod, .
Fury, Nightprowler, Slime, =Zen=, Schwabenpower, Hotwire, Diablo
and maybe some others..
Music Support this time: The Notwist!, Dinosaur Jr., Funkdoobiest, :
! Rea Kwon, Tribe Called Quest, The Undeclinable Ambuscade, .
| John Frusciante, Stereolab, Suede, Earthling, Massive, Sebadoh,
: Extince, Osdorp Posse, Beastie Boys, The Amps, Dub War, Salad, ·
. and more... .
_____ \ /_____ ______
.\ /____ \ /\ _ / __/____ ______
: | \ ___________ _ _ \___//\\____\ /|______ \\ /______
|_____ \\_______ __ / _ ___/ \__ | \/ |_______ \ _______
<----/______\_____/ \\ /|_________ : :-----/______\_____/ \
<-----------/______\\/ | ___ \_________ <-----------/______\
<-----: :_____/ \ ___/________________sCf
<----/______\___\__ \ ______/\ ___________
<------------/______\______ _/ \\______ _/
<-----------/_______\____/ \
__ __ __ |_ __ __ |_ _ _ __ _____
2Fl__,l__)l )l__,(__|l__,l__,-l | |l_/,_____ _______\\ /__ _ _____________
: \\// !
! If you want to swap some music tapes with me then contact me on the |
| Undiscovered (+31-find-out). Be quick though, as i'm selling my modem at :
. the beginning of november! I'll leave the modem scene behind, but i will :
: occasionally paint some ascii's... maybe. Take care folks! -Jasper .
`-------- - ------------ ------ ------------------ -- ------------- ---------'
___ __ _____ __ __ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ ___-.___ __ ___.-______
_) | _Y _Y | _Y _Y __|_) _Y __|_) _Y (__) | _Y (__) __|
\_ \_ | \_ | \_ `-\_ _/_ \_ | \_ _/ \_ `-\_ _/\_ | \_ | \_ _/_
| | | | | | |--, | l | | | | | |--, | l |--, | l | l |
l__| l_____l_____l__ l__ | l_____l__| 2F l__ l__ l__ l__ l__ |
`--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' `--'
are :
- nIke · aXEBLADe · wHIRLWINd · wISHBRINGEr · rAMOn · sAl-oNe -
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ...... . ..
: :
! ( N O ) !
_wB!_ ___ _|_ ______|_ ________.____ _
| _ ) /_ _/ /__| _ /___ ) ____ __/
: (/ /__/__)\____ : ./ _/ __)| (__ / |
!__\___/____:___.__!___(!_____:___ _(___:
| .
: wiShbRinGeR/hOS strikes back with !
. his new ascii-piece: (no) respect |
`------- - --------- --------- - -----'
FILE_ID edited with DIZ-Ed V2.0 by nocTurne deSign/OGN - USER: WiSHBRiNGER